#opposite sally starlet
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putingsallyinplaces · 1 year ago
Sally in another Sally
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Sally in another Sally (ft. opposite Sally)
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op. Sally: no, that includes social interaction.
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askdrunksally · 2 years ago
I meant a portal in the floor for home to consume alcohol so yeah I think you drank too much
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" um...why are you screaming..? "
[also, home can't drink or eat anything]
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jacenotjason · 1 year ago
Welcome Home Opposite AU x Spooky Month!?
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jesus christ thats a mouthful
anyways! i finally got around to doing it! I borrowed @night-light-artz welcome home x spooky month au and squished my opposite au!
obviously go check out Night's au first!!!
yes some of the characters would fit better roles n shit, but this is supposed to be a parallel to Night's au, so all the characters take the same roles they do there. confusing maybe idk
ok! here they are!
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Eddie ofc! Eddie takes Bob's place
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Frank and Julie!
Frank is Lila, and Julie is Jaune!
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Howdy is Kevin!
the candy club is defiantly a cover up for a drug business lol
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how the FUCK did either of them become a police officer
anyways, Sally is Jack, and Barnaby is John!
my current story is that the department was REALLY desperate for officers and just grabbed a coke addict off the street like "you look like you can throw hands"
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and Poppy is ofc Patty, the punk forensics officer.
i did a quick screenshot redraw too
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anyways :D that was fun
Welcome Home is by Clown, Spooky Month is by Sir Pelo, and the spooky home au is by Night-Light! Opposite AU belongs to me!
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gay-ppl-real · 10 months ago
Outfit swap!
All the neighbours who usually wear trousers in skirts, and all the neighbours who usually wear skirts in trousers (or, well, dungarees and a jumpsuit...)
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I had fun drawing these. Experimented with how I was colouring and shading a little!
Here's the full page and also a bonus dark version cuz I liked how it looked lmao
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Eddie would still want to be professional in a skirt so he'd wear a pencil skirt even though they suck to run in because he's got to look the part!
Wally would think a flowy skirt was fun Frank would not.
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sleepymuch · 9 months ago
I got a ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ silly with @jacenotjason 's opposite au💀
(If you don't know their AU then please go check it out like it's really cool)
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And now created a swap AU
If it's okay with Jace I will probably continue it and if not then these characters will probably never see the light of day again🤭
I had some silly ideas for this like Sally putting Julie's hair up like Jace's original opp julie
It was so she wouldn't have to sit on her long ass hair💀
and Sally having a moon shaped buckle
Just basically silly stuff
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salshooter · 7 months ago
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(fanart for @jacenotjason )
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warda-inlov-redheadedguy · 4 months ago
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Reposting some art from my old account
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bent-penny · 7 months ago
I hc that it took Eddie weeks to learn everyone's names when he first moved in to the neighborhood. That's also why Sally never calls him by his name. I think she used to but stopped when he called her Sylvia, told him that wasn't right, said her real name and then he came back the next day and called her Scarlett.
Like he called Wally Will or William. He called Frank Fred and so on. I don't know who corrected him but I think it stopped when the day he called Howdy Howard.
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squibbledawg · 2 years ago
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ok but like what about all of them
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arcanainferno · 1 year ago
Uhhhh opposite AU art for @jacenotjason 's au! Both of these are either based on lore or one of the scripts :]
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teachyouhowtodothesponge · 1 year ago
Can you draw Sally and opposite Sally? (You don't have too if you don't want to!)
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I did not know if you wanted a specific AU of opposite Sally or my version of an opposite sally. I just decided to give it a go and make my own version!
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askdrunksally · 2 years ago
Sally ask Home to let you inside and pour it on the floor maybe a portal will open
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[ she was about to do that... until]
" now where did that come from???....I think I drank too much "
[[ I forgot the green "blush" again--]]
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shizandgiggles · 1 year ago
The boy
✨Petey Partial✨
OC for @jacenotjason’s Opposite AU!
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(Playlist isn’t done, so take a small teaser^)
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(Oooh cameo from Maria)
Fun Facts!
•Godfather of the mafia Howdy attempted to join •Uses rings (shown in the image) to signify a member of his family, he wears his on the right hand •Visited Home as a vacation at first, but stayed, sneaking and living somewhere in Sally’s house •Fluent in Italian, has an accent when speaking English •Only has one earring •Amazing ballroom [walts, tangos, anytype of two-person dancing] dancer (I’ve got lore there trust me) •Cuteness aggression •Home of Sexual
Not So Fun Facts!
•doesn’t have any remorse over the ordeal •leaves pieces of the rope on Howdy’s doorstep
•Has met everyone (while living in Home) but Poppy and Howdy at their lowest points, ie Frank alone during a panic attack, Sally almost blacked out on drugs •came to Home to find Howdy again, unfinished business if you want to call it that
“Hey but isn’t this guy the boss of the Mafia Howdy tried to join? Why so little ‘Not So Fun Facts?”
I want to make sure anything I say for this guy doesn’t overstep any of Jacenotjason’s ideas, and I want to draw his actions more then write them.
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jacenotjason · 1 year ago
Eddie's Big Lift!
(Opposite AU edition!)
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VV Script VV
JULIE: [Said with laughter in her words] Well it’s.. a hilarious idea, Frank, I’ll give you that. But I just don’t believe it’s possible!
FRANK: No, it’s true! I swear, I swear!
BARNABY: [whispering with concern as he walks outside, limping without his caine.] What on Earth is going on out here?
FRANK: Oh, hi, Barnaby! I thought today was reshelf-ing day!!
BARNABY: [softly] It's, reshelving, Frank.. and reshelving day needs a quiet atmosphere.. How could anyone reshelf with you guys bickering so loudly?
JULIE: [still laughing] Our most idiotic Frank here insists that the local mailman is enough of a unit to lift every! Single! Neighbor! In the neighborhood!
BARNABY: [With the tone of someone who’s heard this before, and is concerned] Oh, Frank, not this again..
FRANK: It’s true, it’s true! Barnaby You’ve seen it too!
BARNABY: Now.. Eddie is very capable what with carrying all his packages and such around, but--
FRANK: [Loudly Interrupting] So you agree!!
BARNABY: I did not say-- Frank, our neighborhood includes the likes of Me, Poppy and Home, no one could--
FRANK: [Triumphantly shouting] EDDIE! CAN! LIFT! A! HOOOUUUSSSEEE!!
BARNABY: [Whimper of fear that becomes muffled as he covers his face]
JULIE: Well, I can’t accept such a boast without proof.
FRANK: Oh, I can prove it! Look, here comes Eddie now! Watch this!
BARNABY: [sound of realization] No, wait, Frank-
EDDIE: [as monotone as always] Mail’s here. I’ve got- oh no.
FRANK: [Overlapping him, running off in his direction] EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE, CATCH ME! QUICK! CATCH ME!
[Sound of packages hitting the ground and Eddie grunting slightly as he catches Frank.]
FRANK: TA-DAA!! See? See??
JULIE: [Dismissively, with a scoff] Oh come on, that’s barely an accomplishment! I could lift you Frank! Sally could lift you.
BARNABY: [still worried] Yes, I could probably lift you if sufficiently motivated, Frank.
FRANK: [Hmph’s] And yet you two never play “throw-Frank-up-in-the-air-as-hard-as-you-can-and-see-where-he-lands” with me!
BARNABY: [voice cracking with worry] We’ve talked about this, Frank! I didn’t want you to get hurt-
JULIE: [cutting off Barnaby] Well, I’m not convinced. Eddie, [snapping of her fingers], here!
EDDIE: I ain’t a dog, Julie.
JULIE: I just- [quick gasp as shes lifted suddenly] Ah-!
EDDIE: [still monotone as he lifts Julie above his head] voila.
JULIE: A warning would've been nice you ass. [a small, monotone, "ow" from Eddie as she playfully kicks him.] But, I’m still not convinced.
Eddie: [incredibly sarcastic] Oh no. I'm devastated. [drops Julie] Julie: Wait- ['OOF' as shes dropped onto the path] you ass!
FRANK: [overlapping Julie's unceremonious fall and cursing] BARNABY NEXT! BARNABY NEXT!!
EDDIE: Alrighty.
EDDIE: Why not?
FRANK: [said at the same time as Eddie, but much louder] WHY NOOOOT!!
BARNABY: I will not let you hurt yourself attempting to lift me into the air, Eddie! I’d feel terrible!
BARNABY: [gasp of delight] Oh- look! Wally and Poppy! Hello!
POPPY: What’s up? How did the ground taste, Julie?
WALLY: Hi, Barnaby. Hi, Julie. Hi, Frank. Hi, Eddie. What are you--
FRANK: [interrupting Wally mid-greetings; he keeps going underneath his dialogue] EDDIE! LIFT WALLY INSTEAD!
EDDIE: Alright, c’mere little guy- hup!
WALLY: Oh, I’m up here now.
JULIE: [Scoffs] Oh please! Wally weighs 3 apples soaking wet! Watch, put him down.
EDDIE: And down you go.
WALLY: I’m on the ground again.
JULIE: And hup!!
[Another “ta-da!!” to signify her lifting Wally.]
WALLY: Oh, and now I’m up again.
POPPY: Life’s sure got its ups and downs, huh? [chuckling at her own joke] Uhh, but seriously, Cloudie, what’s this new game of yours?
FRANK: [excitedly explaining the situation to Poppy] It’s not a game, Poppy! I’m proving to Julie that Eddie can lift everyone in the neighborhood!
POPPY: Ohhh, why didn’t you say so? Eddie, ya shoulda started with me. Seein’ as I’m such a tiny li’l birdy and all.
EDDIE: [long sigh] ..fuckin.. okay.
POPPY: I mean, it wouldn’t be much harder than liftin’ a couple envelopes, huh? Pickin’ up a li’l girl like me. It’s hardly even worth showin’ off at this point, when you’ve already managed guys so much bigger! But might as well just so you can say honestly you’ve managed the full collection, right?
EDDIE: [groaning, the sound of a flask being taken out of his jacket and quickly swigged from] Mng, okay, c’mere.. I figure I can... Yeah, yup, here we-- [grunt of effort] Hup-- all right-- little more– shit–
POPPY: [under Eddie’s struggle] watch the talons hun.
[Big, forceful, weightlifter-style exhale as he gets Poppy lifted; little “woah-ho-ho!” from Poppy.]
FRANK: [overlapping others] YEE-EES!!
JULIE: [overlapping others, little applause] Hell yeah!
BARNABY: [overlapping others, gasp of fear, his voice muffled behind his paw] oh Mary please..
WALLY: [overlapping others] Oh, now Poppy’s up there.
[One solid beat. Then, sound of Eddie collapsing and taking Poppy down with him, with a loud “OOF!” from both of them. A terrified yip from Barnaby]
POPPY: Ahah! Holy crap, I don’t even have a joke about that! That was awesome! You okay, Ed?
EDDIE: [Groan, sarcasm in his normal monotone as he speaks into the dirt] Oh yes, just fuckin peachy, augh..
JULIE: I still say it’s just passable. Ma, get over here! I bet I can lift you over my head and carry you to Sally’s window to show her!
POPPY: [snort-laugh] Yeah, all right.
BARNABY: [gasping in fear] NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. I’m ending this right now!
FRANK: Oooh, let’s go see if Eddie can lift Howdy next! We can save Home for the big finish!! Sally can watch from her window!
JULIE: Not if I can lift them first!! [her voice becomes distant as she continues to talk, fading until shes not heard anymore] I bet Howdy weighs less because his heart is so empty! Jackass won’t even see it coming. I bet I can carry Home all the way to…
POPPY: Well, I know what I’m doin’ with the rest of my day. C’mon, li’l buddy, let’s catch this party!
WALLY: Eddie’s going to lift up Home? That’s the most. We can go to Howdy’s together and Home can pick out his own hot dog.
EDDIE: Ain’t the first time I spent the day on the dirt path. [spoken in the dirt, his voice muffled]
[Long beat. Just Eddie and Barnaby are left.]
BARNABY: [soft, concerned voice of a father] Oh, Eddie..
EDDIE: What? [his voice louder as he lifted his head from the dirt]
BARNABY: [small chuckle of delight, then whispers] Thank you for entertaining Frank.
EDDIE: ..I don’t know what you’re talking about.
BARNABY: I just think its funny.. If anyone else had asked you to lift people up you wouldn’t have done it, hm? EDDIE: [laugh] Tch. [groan as he attempts to stand] Alright, yeah.. Figured Frank would get a good laugh out of that..
BARNABY: A good laugh? [the sound of struggle as he lifts Eddie to his feet] I think you made his day, Edward. You, quite literally, bent over backwards for him.
EDDIE: [an unusual sound of joy in his voice] Yeah.. well.. Frank makes mine. It’s the least I can do. [the sound of him brushing the dirt off his clothes]
BARNABY: I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that.
Eddie: [a sigh of defeat] mm..
BARNABY: Well, I’m going to go inside and get my caine so I can join everyone else without limping all day.. I’ll see you in a second.
EDDIE: seeya.. [silence as Barnaby walks away, a few sounds of dirt being kicked around by Eddie]
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sourcxre · 2 years ago
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more Welcome Home
so ive been gone for a bit but i return to you with funny puppets <3
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