#opposite hatzgang
zleepysnails · 3 months
good morning. have some opp hatzgang ♥️
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digitulart · 24 days
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(opposite au by @/zleepysnails, this is an inspired interpretation)
i already have an entire google docs made for about half the cast so far, however they are All loose ideas. ultimate challenge to prove if i understand the characters fully
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jacenotjason · 6 months
more opposite father gregor stuff
so i think it would be cool if instead of being chased around town, Moloch was doing the chasing. Like OP. Gregor uses all his resources saving Patty, so once he realizes hes not done and Moloch appears (in all his opposite icy glory) he decides to grab the kids and make a run for the church to finish the job
au still belongs to @zleepysnails ive jsut taken it hostage
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opposite Molochs design was inspired by a yeti, and also this fuckin thing
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Poly Hatzgang fluff
This is everything. This drawing is everything. THEY ARE EVERYTHING-. This is gonna be part 1. Part 2 will be right after this stories events
"Train Ride" Part 1
"Cmon! We are gonna miss the train!"
"Hold on!"
Roy shoved Robert and tried pulling Ross onto the train cart, accidentally pushing Robert into a pole and Ross onto the ground.
"Shit, sorry!"
Roy looked around the train cart, judgy eyes on them. Roy scowled and help lifted Ross off the ground.
"You both okay?" Roy asked. Robert pulled away from the pole and rubbed his head. "Yea...Be more careful Roy..."
Roy looked down a little in shame. "Anyways, come on. I am not standing for 30 minutes" Ross said, sitting down in an empty spot. Roy sat right next to Ross, Robert joining next to Roy.
"Ugh thank god...I still can't believe the train station is a 15 minute walk from the school.." Ross said. "My feet are killing me...PE everyday isn't helping, haha"
Roy put his shoulder bag on the floor of the train, putting it close to him. "Well, at least we are going home now" Robert said, putting his bag beside him. "Unless you guys got anywhere else to be"
Ross and Roy shook their heads, nearly in unison. "Wanna head to my place?" Ross asked. Roy looked down, uncertainty written on his face. "I want to...its just...yknow how my mom and dad are" Roy mumbled.
Now Roy loved Robert and Ross with all of his heart. He would outright die for them. He wouldn't be as happy in life without them. His parents, on the other hand, feel the complete opposite.
His parents see Robert and Ross as "bottom of the barrel brats". They see them as far below them. That if they were injured, they would turn a blind eye while Roy goes for their assistance.
Robert and Ross didn't hate Roy for his parents views on them, but they couldn't help but hate his parents.
"Hey, whatever happens won't be the end. I promise" Robert said, rubbing Roy's back. Roy smiled a little. "I hope it won't. I am not gonna go back to the start"
Ross yawned, startling Roy a little at the noise. "Hah, sorry. Its just I've been so tired like...all day" Ross explained. Roy shook his hands. "Its fine, so have I. Didn't have much sleep thanks to mom"
Robert raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Roy sighed. "Mom had me go to this girls place to meet up. She really wanted me to like this girl but honestly she is a drag. Had me stay there til like 11 at night"
Robert rolled his eye. "When will your mom ever understand?" Roy shrugged. "Never" Ross laughed at Roy's instant response.
Ross leaned on Roy, not really noticing it. "Hm? You need something?"
Ross instantly backed off. "Sorry, didn't realize" Roy looked down and scooted closer to Ross. "Its fine.." Robert noticed the sleepy wearing onto Roy and Ross. Robert smiled and leaned on Roy.
"Guess we are gonna take a nap?" Roy asked. "Well, we still have 28 more minutes till we get dropped off at the station" Ross stated. "Might as well. We can always continue when we get home after homework" Robert said.
Within a few seconds, the three boys started to doze off on each other. Roy had both Ross and Robert leaning on him, providing a replacement for a weighted blanket.
Roy was just in love and bathing in the body heat. Robert's hand rested on his thigh and his mouth was open, drooling a little. Ross's mouth was also slightly open, but instead of drool there was soft breathing.
Onlookers couldn't help but look at the scene. Some looked in disgust. Some just thought it was cute to see a group of friends just resting after a long day of school.
In the end though, it was a peaceful ride. One they didnt have for a long while.
After 20 minutes passed, an older man stood up and walked over to the sleeping trio and tapped Roy softly on the head.
Roy, looking sleepy, looked up at the man. "I believe your stop is gonna come soon" The man croaked out. "Oh? Thanks...how'd you know?"
The man smiled. "I've seen you boys here everyday on my way home from visiting my grandkids. I just wanted to let you boys know before you miss your stop"
Roy yawned and smiled. "Thank you sir" Ross stirred awake, Robert following suit. "Whats going on?" Robert asked.
"Our stop is gonna come soon. A man just woke me to let me know" Roy explained, digging in his bag for his phone. Ross sat up, making Roy whine a little from the loss of the warmth.
"Well, we have 8 more minutes til our stop" Roy said. Robert sat up as well, but pulled Roy close to him. Ross moved back to Roy, squeezing Roy in between the two teens.
Roy looked down, a little flustered. Ross noticed and smirked, reaching down to grab Roy's hand. Roy looked down at his now intertwined hand, debating whether to say something or not. He wasn't opposed, but he didn't expect it.
After a couple of minutes, the train cart stopped, causing the three boys to stand up and get their bags situated. The three boys headed for the now opened door.
Before they left though, Roy turned around to face the old man, still on the train. "Thank you again!"
The man smiled and watched as he made sure the three boys left safely.
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grimgummies · 3 months
14, 15 & 17 for the ask meme?? :3
14. Do you own any official merch? If not, what is one piece of existing merch that you wish you own? Is there anything that you wish it existed already?
Yeah!! I think my first pieces of merch were those Skid and Pump plushies, though they were the smaller/older ones. I also got a Bob plushie, the Tender Treats poster, some stickers and one of the shirts (it's the one with Bob, Streber, Skid and Pump!! I love the design sm!!)
I also ordered some of the merch from when Hollow Sorrows released! Still waiting for it to arrive but if I remember correctly I got the Moloch plushie (ofc), two shirts and the pins and stickers!!
And of the merch I don't have I'd honestly love to get my hands on this shirt with The Eyes on it (and the keychains,, they're so cute :3) plus the cassette and/or CD
15. From fanart or fanfiction, did someone's work made you think more positively of a character/ship? Free free to shout them out, whether if it's one person or multiple people!
YES!!! This applies to a few characters/ships actually so I worry I can't remember everyone but I'll try my best to list em here :3
Loki/Dexter (they aren't on Tumblr) made me really appreciate Dexter Erotoph!! I absolutely adore the way they analyse and talk about him and it made me start to think about not only Dexter on a deeper level but other characters too. Not to mention they also got me into Ratcandy and Sunnycide (the way they write them makes me giggle and kick my feet :3)
@shvggot made me care more about Ignacio!! I was never a fan of him or even cared about him for that matter but thanks to Shaggy I started thinkin about Ignacio more and even started drawing him and coming up with headcanons!!
@itsnotmourn Made me absolutely adore Carmen and Richard,, There's a lot but I'll keep it simple and say that I was never a fan of Carmen or Richard and even disliked them at some point, but the way Mourn depicts them and their relationship warms my heart,, Heck the way they draw the family in general makes me super happy (so ig Roy is included too??) Also I LOVE how they draw Jaune and Aaron!!!!
@yalibat OHHH he made me appreciate Rick more cuz he draws Rick soooo good,, The Rick artist ever,, ALSO JUST IN GENERAL THE WAY HE DRAWS THE SM CHARACTERS IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! I also feel like for some reason Kevin, Radford and The Hatzgang counts even if he doesn't draw them as much?? (Y'know he just drew them in such a way that changed my brain chemistry about em /pos)
@eatyourmaker THERE'S SO MUCH!! But mainly they really got me to appreciate Fieryfaith and even Ignacio and Father Gregor as separate characters!! And ofc Jadedego!! I was never much into it til they started drawing them!!
@jacenotjason MAYOR EVERMORE!! Do I have to say more? Like,, y'all got me carin about the character I used to hate?? Also does it count if it's an AU of a character?? Cuz I LOVE zir Opposite Gregor!! I'm counting it cuz it's technically Father Gregor pff
@wosieposiecozy I can't say a specific character but their art just manages to make every character great,, Just check it out and see for yourself PLEASE
THERE'S DEFINITELY MORE BUT I SUCK AT COMING UP WITH EVERYTHIN ON THE SPOT!! But if I'm followin you and you're a Spooky Month fanartist then there's a good chance you're the reason I started to appreciate a character/ship more :D So don't feel bummed if I didn't include you
I already answered 17 here!!
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confessions-sm · 3 days
Opposite version of Hatzgang but they just call themselves Crew
They wear crew necks
I kinda have something similar where they're just The Gang lmao
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Made opposite versions of Sophie, Sally and Sam based on @mayisgoingnuts 's opposite hatzgang: Theo, Denny and Scar
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Bonus doodles
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mayisgoingnuts · 3 months
Since the Powerpunk Girls is basically their counterpart I think I'll make the same with the Hatzgang, kinda inspired on the Skirtz
It's not a direct opposite AU or anything but inspired
Roy's "evil counterpart" used to be a bad person (not necessarily bullying) and changed, has problems when it comes to not keep his anger to himself because he always wants to avoid problems and fights, physically unable to NOT apologize for things
Ross' "evil counterpart" is always agitated somehow, speaks very fast and always support their ideas no matter how stupid they may be, also has really shaky hands and isn't really touchy
Robert's "evil counterpart" is the smartest and most monotone one (NOT emotionless please), it's pretty difficult to impress him and it's basically the "father" there, even though he has some childish interests himself
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sunny6677 · 4 months
Got inspired by @dismissivedestroyer because of their whole SkirtzSquad idea where there's basically these three girls who are like genderbents of the Hatzgang, and also complete opposites—so I decided to do that concept, but with the Wage Gang instead
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Not sure what they're gonna be called as like a trio or anything, but I was thinking The Wage Trio, or something different since Lily is already very rich anyway.
Kelly is a genderbent of Kevin (obviously), Ronnie is a genderbent of Radford, and Lily is a genderbent of Rick.
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it is 4AM and. my brain hurts. but i offer you this
*the opposite au hatzgang tied up*
Robert: don't tell him NOTHING--
Robert: me neither.
Robert: but for you I'd mAKE AN EXCEPTION.
Ross: OOOOOOOOOH >:D!!!!!!!
HHAUHEAG theyre my favorite little guys
oKAY time to conk out BYE!!!
I love how funny this is. Jack got BURNED by a child I love them
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slythepuffle · 5 months
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(Drawn using @/dismissivedestroyer's very helpful tips. I just suck at bodies so it's only upper lol)
Meet Marnie! I've changed her a bit from when I first made her, so here are some lore and facts about her:
Voice Claim: Stephanie Beatriz (Mirabel, Encanto)
Due to her love of space, people tend to call her 'Mars', after the planet
She was 19, as of the first episode of the show
I originally had her as the Spookez babysitter, but changed her to only Roy's babysitter (and by default, the Hatzgang's babysitter)
Besides the babysitting gig, she also worked at the movie theater with Radford
She's a pin collector, as evidenced by the ones on her jacket and beanie. The pins show off her main interests, which is anything space or soccer related
She used to be a major soccer player in high school
She's dead, but is only declared as missing to her loved ones, meaning no one knows. She's classified as a ghost, specifically a Banshee
Ship Names: Sci-Fi Thriller (HerXRadXEthan) and PastelPageTurner (Opposite AU version; AU owned by @/zleepysnails, Op!Rad + Op!Ethan owned by @/jacenotjason)
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Updated Relationship Chart
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zleepysnails · 3 months
good morning spookysville
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j4mboree · 2 years
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOMANFIED HATZGANG‼️‼️
their names are Rory, Rozz (full name rozaline), and Roberta
ok ok so for inspo i decided to take inspiration from the chipettes because of that meme where the hatzgang are compared to the chipmunks and i was like "so if the hatzgang are the chipmunks then their opposite gender counterparts are the chipettes" so i altered their colors from orange to pink, blue to purple, and green to teal.
rory's bow is an accessory she added to her hat that she can take off whenever she wants so thats why her bow appears on the other side of her hat in the other pic.
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jacenotjason · 16 days
YEAAAAH WE GOT THE HATZGANG!! except not the hatzgang... bc... they dont have hats.........
my sons
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Underrated ship...Like bro- They would be a strange yet cute duo
Roy x Susie headcanons
I like to think for Roy it was a crush at first sight
Like he laid eyes on a pretty girl and instantly went "damn"
He tried to talk with her to become friends, stuttering on nearly every word
Susie didn't think much on it, just thinking he was shy
Roy did not realize that she was Pumps older sister
That was until Pump literally came up to Susie and began talking about their grandpa
Roy nearly short circuted
So he has a crush on the sister of the kid he was bullying..
After that meeting, he instantly began to be nicer to Pump...like alot nicer
Ross and Robert thought Roy was sick or something
They're right, but not in the way they think
Roy ended up ranting about Susie to them, how much he really thinks she's cute and how he wants to talk to her
And that cleared it up for the two boys
"I can't help it man, she just looks super pretty"
"And you sound like your crushing on her"
"I'm what?"
Ross and Robert are constantly in Roy's corner, but they do secretly tease him
Roy slowly gained confidence from the back up from Ross and Robert
So with that confidence, he began to actually hang out more with Susie
They even became friends
One day, Roy finally manned up and wanted to confess to her
And it goes a little something like this ( Yfm fans please get the reference lmao )
Roy gulped as he started to walk to the brown haired girl. He tried to not be nervous, but it was like telling a fish not to swim. Impossible. He tapped Susie on the shoulder, getting her attention. The taller girl turned around, a clearly nervous Roy greeting her.
"Oh, hey Roy! What's up?" Roy's head nearly went blank. "Uhm- Hey" Susie tilted her head. She never seen him this nervous before. But what made him this nervous?
Roy sighed and decided that he might as well confess now than never. "So, you know how we're...friends?" Susie nodded, wondering what he is trying to get at.
"Yea? Why? Do you not want to be friends anymore?" Susie asked, a little nervous if that was the case. "No no no! No, I love being friends. Its just..."
Roy looked down at his shoes. "I think I like you much more than a friend" Roy admitted. He had his eyes closed, expecting anything and everything negative.
Susie's cheeks turned pink. Well it was a lot better than being told what she previously thought.
"Roy. Its okay" She started. "If anything, your not alone on this" Roy looked back up, seeing a blushful Susie. Her cheeks were pink and her smile was warm and genuine. "A-Are you serious?"
Susie nodded, chuckling a little. "Heh, yeah. I thought it would of been a little obvious by now" It felt like a weight was lifted off Roy's chest.
Without thinking, Roy instantly hugged Susie. Susie was startled a little, but she laughed at his response. Her chin rested on Roy's head and she tried to hug him back to the best of her ability.
So now for the actual headcanons
Roy short. Susie tall. Height difference.
Roy is more boyish. Susie is alot more feminine. Also opposites attract.
Roy would definitely just play tf outta Susie's hair
Just constantly brushing and styling and just touching her hair
Susie doesn't mind. She finds it adorable if anything
Roy invites her to hang out with the hatzgang if she's okay with it
He kinda wants her to join but he feels as if he's going to be teased for it
Spoiler, he wouldn't get teased
Nonetheless, he did give her one of his caps which she wears all the time
Susie is super sweet to Roy
Tbh I think she's the only one who made Roy genuinely shy
And honestly Shy Roy is adorable
They would totally share milkshakes or slushies together
Roy likes to join her streams and is constantly supporting her
They would definitely vent about their homelife. Honestly why wouldn't they?
Roy has the uncle situation, a constantly working mom, and a dad who's barely there for life
Susie has parents that are somewhere other than home and lives with her brother that constantly puts himself at risk and a grandpa who could collapse at any moment
Yknow family trauma 🥰
But fr tho, they do end up feeling better after talking about their issues
Even though Susie has made Roy a nicer person, Roy is still a little shit
What I mean by that is he loves to tease and joke with her
Basically doing things like pulling harmless pranks and teasing her for stupid stuff
Nothing to make her mad mad, just enough to make her annoyed
He does it out of love...and being a little jerkface
Susie likes to make little drawings of whatever and just giving them to Roy
Just seeing Roy open up a little piece of paper with a cartoon devil she drew and smiling about it makes her heart skip a beat
Honestly they should just be canon
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maybestoryideas · 3 years
Babysitting Skid & Pump w/ Agoti and Tabi
How They Met
In a momentary lapse of your infinite wisdom and judgement, you accidentally scheduled to meet up with Agoti and Tabi on the same day you offered to watch over the Skid and Pump for Lila. Apparently she had to leave town for the day, and the kids had been getting in more trouble than usual.
You were getting ready to leave for Lila’s, only to be met with a screen demon and floating skull when you opened your front door.
After explaining the situation to them, you promised to hang out some other day, when you wouldn’t be busy. Somehow, Agoti interpreted this as an invitation to join you and help babysit, which is the exact opposite of what you were implying.
You were more than a little worried about Skid and Pump meeting your friends. The kids could be quite the handful sometimes, and your friends were prone to… outbursts.
“Hey, Tabi! I didn’t know you had a little brother.”
“Shut the fu-“
When Skid and Pump see Agoti and Tabi, they’re instantly attached.
“Skid, Pump, these are my friends, and they were just leaving.”
“I like your spooky masks!”
“Um, thanks… Why are you two wearing costumes?”
“It is the spooky month!”
“It’s 90 degrees outside.”
“Wanna see something really cool?”
Agoti then proceeds to get down on the sidewalk and start doing push-ups with his tongue. Skid and Pump are instantly impressed.
“Your spooky friend is so cool!”
“They think I’m cool. Whaddya say about that?”
“I say you just licked a public sidewalk and probably need to go to a hospital.”
“Can Agoti and Tabi hang out with us today? Please?”
“I don’t know. I’m sure they have very important adult things to do and need to get going.”
“Not really.”
Skid, Pump, AND Agoti are at your legs, staring up at you with big begging eyes. Tabi is standing behind them with secondhand embarrassment.
Agoti is constantly bragging and being a show-off for the kids; he’s playing it up more than normal. Meanwhile Tabi’s being a lot more chill, vaguely answering any questions the kids have about him.
“You’re so good a video games!”
“Yeah, I’m a bit of a celebrity. I actually got so famous that these jerks tried to get rid of me. Obviously it didn’t work, though, and blah blah bla-blah blah…”
“Are you a ghost?”
“My body’s invisible. It’s a long story.”
Skid and Pump try to teach them the Spooky Dance. Emphasis on ‘try’.
“How are you moving your arms that quickly?!”
“I feel like an idiot.”
Meanwhile, you’re recording all of it on your phone. Haha! Blackmail.
You spent the day playing video games, watching TV, and hanging around the house.
So, at the end of the day, it wasn’t a total disaster.
After Agoti and Tabi showed that they can act like decent people in front of kids, you agreed to let them join you whenever you’re babysitting.
You thought having three adults keeping track of two kids would make things easier, but they somehow manage to get into more trouble between the four of them.
“You’re supposed to the mature ones! How do you manage to cause this much trouble? On accident?!”
You always end up having to be the ‘Mom-friend’, but it rarely does any good.
“Let’s go to the spooky forest.”
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
“Let’s… not?”
“Let’s put it to a vote! Who wants to go into the cool spooky, haunted, abandoned forest?”
[Three hands immediately go up, followed by a fourth]
“And who wants to stay home and be boring?”
[One awkward hand goes up]
To be fair, Tabi at least tries to be a responsible adult, so it balances out Agoti’s chaotic enabling.
They once took everyone to Zardy’s maze. Never. Ever. Again.
“You’re going to get us lost, just like last time!”
“That was your fault! I knew exactly where we were going, but you kept taking us in the wrong direction!”
“Guys, we haven’t even gone into the maze yet. Look, the sign’s right behind yo-”
*angry SEGA Genesis and angry Russian noises intensify*
You decided to take Skid and Pump through the maze, and just left the two screaming outside the entrance. When you finally got to the end, they were still screaming. Not at each other, but at a scarecrow.
They’re a lot more well-behaved when you’re just hanging around town. Probably because otherwise they’d have to deal with police and witnesses.
If any shady creeps approach your group, Agoti and Tabi will stand right behind Skid and Pump, silently threatening until they back off.
They also do it whenever the Hatzgang starts picking on Skid and Pump, though they tone it down since Roy and his friends are still teenagers.
“Hey kid. You’re not causing trouble for my friends here, right?”
“N-No, sir! We’re just… kidding around. Oh God, please don’t kill me!”
For one Halloween, Skid and Pump dressed up as Tabi and Agoti.
“Aw! You two are look so cool and spooky!”
“How come you never call us cool and spooky?”
“Skid and Pump are cute kids. You two are public menaces.”
You frequently visit the candy store at the end of the day. On the off chance that there’s something the kids want but can’t get, Agoti will pay for it or bribe Kevin to look the other way. Sometimes it doesn’t work and then Tabi will threaten to demolish the store. That always works. You’ve started forcing them to wait outside the store while you buy everything yourself.
Even though Agoti and Tabi’s chaotic personalities feed into Skid and Pump’s mischievous behavior, you can tell that they genuinely like the kids, and you’re happy they get along well. Sometimes.
“Pump, where did you learn that word?”
“I heard Agoti shouting it when he was playing video games.”
“I thought so.”
“What’s up, dude?”
“I don’t why, but I think [Name’s] gonna kick my ass tomorrow.”
(Thanks for reading! Please give me things to write about?)
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