#operation: cloudbreak
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fjadwrites · 6 days ago
I already started this. I might as well do what I can to finish this and the other prequel stories.
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junkyardisles · 3 months ago
I would love to hear bout your Swap Force thing!!! I’m really curious about what you’ll do w/ the swappers and bosses :)
ok so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as an overview with both i can go more in detail abt specific aspects swappers are no longer ""all male because it's gender neutral" cause that's a load of crap but i also don't wanna deal with hmm how would a snake and a potoo swap halves SO instead they swap powers.
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fire kraken and freeze blade are the main two cause i like their designs the most but doom stone and trap shadow are also pretty relevant they're all from the cloudbreak isles and specifically protected the cloudbreak isles, meaning they were not under eon. smthn i'm toying around with is maybe the chieftess' predecessor being their portal master? or the chieftess herself?? yaugh anyway their ability to swap powers didn't come right when they got sent to earth, instead maybe they all came in contact w/ a stone or smthn idk i'm working it out. what determines what attributed will be swapped is a per individual thing, freeze blade gives others ice but if he swaps w/ rattle shake he won't necessarily lose his ice sorta thing. it means there's no toy aspect but uhhhhhhh i didn't ever use the swap mechanic LOL i felt it kinda screwed up play styles at times. swappers also have slight redone movesets but i haven't given it thought cause my FIFTY EIGHT FANLANDERS need them more, fire kraken def gets combos tho cause she should have them
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bosses get a big overhaul cause i do not like sf bosses. so here's each one evil glumshanks > evil glumshanks + the unnamed tech guardian (she/they). their whole shtick is that [pending] is lazy and oversees the dig site, but she claims she's doing sooo muuuch wooooork so kaos sends glumshanks in with them. except she orders him around and since he's evilised (rename tba) he's more aggressive with them. their boss fight has an on rails phase cause the grind rails got underused mesmeralda > design is now specifically more arachnid, she's also one of the only non evilised bosses. i like her fight so it stays the same, idk maybe kaos' mom hired her to decorate her castle, seems like she'd be good at that fire viper > the fire viper kaos yoinked up to ensure his operations in the barrens went well. it eats petrified darkness and is a weird hot gummy worm thing with skeletal armour to protect itself. also it's before motleyville now, in iron jaw gulch (which is towards the end of the game) evilised whiskers > stays the same baron von shellshock > um i haven't thought how to make his fight less of a pushover yet lawl EVILISED TERRASQUID LET'S GOOOO :D so the terrasquid is referred to as 'bossearth' as an internal name in the prototype so she gets evilised and u gotta fight her. i know the frosthound has the concept in the strata book but i like the terrasquid. also third last boss kaos' mom > kalamity. she's a life element sorceress cause that's funny, i like the gauntlet aspect from the game but idk i need to do more thinking super evil kaos > petrified darkness kaos who's essentially just purple kaos but for most of the fight he's got cool crystal armour and i'm still trying to figure stuff out I HATE SUPER EVIL KAOS D: bosses still have the solely 3 phase rule unique to sf but they're (hypothetically) a bit more varied and are less of a 'ok do the thing then do the other thing then attack during this window!!' cause i thought it made them rlly boring
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theashensilence · 1 year ago
Sky Over Saliana
Intrigue and subterfuge in the Ashen Silence
Robin V. Belle
Content Warning: Drug use (heavy), transphobia (mild), brief moment of violence, referenced harm and death (incl minors).
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Art by @sugarmountalns
Read on or get the full text and pdf here.
85 Summer 1011, St. Kathen’s Day Eve
The Cloudbreaker Ascension departed from a port in south-westside Saliana every day at 5pm. Heavy repulsor plates lifted it into the air, where several engines and rotating upper discs would keep it aloft. It would remain airborne until 3am the next morning. It had followed this pattern for all of its 10 years of operation, without variance. Today, it departed at 5:17pm. A slight difference noticed by almost no one but the most time conscious of passengers. Those few were shut up with complimentary drinks. The one who was still irate, Elise Peryz, was assured that the delay was merely to accommodate a VIP.
This did little to settle Elise’s rage. Wasn’t *she* a VIP? She’d spent hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions on her trips aboard the vessel. The Cloudbreaker Ascension never once delayed departure on her account. She looked out the window. They were still passing through the heavy layer of dark grey clouds that capped the city. Her drink shook in her hands.
Worse, her 5:15 appointment was late. She paced the private room that was costing her hundreds of demori a minute. She looked to her personal security, a Primas-ika named Orda. The bulky reptilian with off-white horns and greenish scales fixed one of their ornate braids of faux-hair. They looked out the door, looked back inside, and shrugged.
Elise’s face grew red. “Fucker better hope he shows up or we’re getting the money spent today back in teeth!” Orda stood there and listened to the tirade that followed. Several minutes, and an exhaustive list of expletives later, she finally calmed down. She collapsed into a plush rounded chair and took a sip of her drink, a Saint’s Moon. Too much creamer, not enough mint.
Some time later, there was a firm knock on the door. Orda peered out the view slit, and nodded to Elise. She stood up and she checked herself in a mirror. Her 30s had been kind to her, though she had some freckles added to the youthful appearance. Her age was betrayed by the look in her dark green eyes. The sort of look one gets when they’ve seen some things. She fixed her auburn hair, kept in a half bun. She gave Orda the go ahead.
The bodyguard opened the door just as The Cloudbreaker Ascension, true to its name, cleared the cloudline. The private lounge was flooded orange with natural sunlight. It blinded everyone inside for just a moment. All their eyes had grown adjusted to the relative darkness at ground level. When Elise’s vision returned to normal, she was confused.
The electronic message had mentioned a man, hadn’t it? In fact she was certain of it, several uses of “he” pronouns. The person that stood before her was the pinnacle of beauty. Men could be beautiful, sure. Yet what of the long, raven black hair? The fair, perfectly kept skin? The thick lashes above piercing blue eyes? The slight curves accentuated by an onyx and light blue bodysuit? He stunned her. She found her face growing hot, but tried to regain her composure, “Are you D-”
“Dorian, yes. Ms. Peryz?” He had a faint but distinct Astaelian accent.
Elise nodded and turned around, processing the new information. She forced sternness into her voice, “You’re late.”
“Am I?” Dorian glanced at a clock on the far wall. “Oh, I guess I am. Well I guess I’m lucky. I almost didn’t make it.”
“And where were you?”
“Talking to the pilots! It was pretty funny, I met one of them outside and we got to talking. I ended up meeting the whole crew. They almost forgot to launch the ship.” He laughed and smiled, and made his way to a matching chair across the coffee table
“You-” Elise stood on the edge of a rant, but she caught herself. This was business. Further, she wasn’t sure she wanted to end up on such a beautiful stranger’s bad side. She took a breath, and sat down.
“May I offer you a drink Mr…?” She nodded to Orda, who headed toward a minibar on the side closest to Elise.
Dorian shook his head and sat up. “You don’t need to know that. And none for me. Not when there’s business to discuss.”
Elise’s lip twitched, “You have me at a disadvantage. You appear to know my family name, and, well-” She picked up the glass on the coffee table. “Surely we can get you something.”
“No thanks.”
“Besides a drink then! Wizard’s Select, Charge, Vibe, the bar is fully stocked.” Elise smiled reassuringly. “No regulations this high up, we’re out of Saliana’s airspace.”
Dorian pursed his lips and looked up at an ornate modern chandelier between them. “A cigarette, polyspice.”
Elise waved a hand toward her bodyguard, “You heard the man, polyspice. Orda rolls their own, you’ll love it.”
Dorian folded his arms. “We’ll see. I didn’t come here to smoke, Elise. Are we going to talk business or should I go see what’s happening with the holiday prep out there?”
The host’s smile was pained, and her brow furrowed. “Yes, of course. The message that preceded… you were looking for medicine, yes?” She leaned over towards a secured briefcase on the table and began to unfasten it.
Orda handed them both hand-rolled cigarettes, already lit.
Dorian kept his bored expression and took a drag, “I represent an interested party looking to acquire a bulk amount of emarizyne. I’m led to believe you are a person who can deliver on such an order.”
Elise sat back, “On the ground, absolutely not. Up here? Let’s talk business. How bulk of a deal are we talking?” She took a puff and let the mild stimulant rush through her. Excellent as always.
“100 liters.”
Elise whistled, “Of a graft drug? What are you going to do with all that?”
“That feels like an inappropriate question from a professional.”
“I’m just trying to figure out what the odds are I’m supplying an army of supersoldiers.” Elise stood up and looked out the wide 3 panel windows of their private lounge. It was built into the rotating discs that kept the massive vessel aloft. The sun had slipped to the right side of the room, and was quickly disappearing from view.
“Would that alter the deal?” Dorian stayed seated. From over Elise’s shoulder she saw him looking at her. She appreciated it.
Elise turned around and leaned against the prominent windowsill. “Not necessarily, but I’d want in.”
Dorian raised a hand, “Clinical use only.”
“Aren’t there official channels for that?”
A dead stare.
“You’re right, not my issue…” Elise looked toward her reptilian bodyguard. “Orda, what’s 1,735 + 997 x 12 x 100?
Dorian and Orda answered at the same time. “1,198,135”
Elise laughed and pointed to the Primas-ika, “Ha, that’s why I keep them around, good with numbers.” A slight blush painted her cheeks. “You too, I see.”
Dorian was unphased. “Break that math down for me.”
“1,735 is my current service fee. Operations, admin, acquisition, delivery.” It felt to Elise as if reading off a script.
“And the 997?”
Elise started counting each factor on her fingers. “Current market rate for a liter of emarizyne. Multiplied by 12 because of the backchannels, anonymization, and everything else we’ll need to deal with to get it to you. Then 100 units of that.”
Dorian shook his head. “1.2 million demori is steep. We’d probably just save money finding a backchannel ourselves.”
“You’d spend more than 1.2 million on that kind of operation. Still, considering the bulk order and…” She looked him up and down, “...other factors… I’d be glad to cut it down to 1.1.”
“1 million.”
Elise choked on an inhale of her cigarette. “You’re fucking with me.” the host’s voice cracked, then she started coughing.
“Certainly not, and I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that in a business setting, Ms. Peryz.”
Elise sat back down and picked up her drink. “I don’t fucking care, that’s an unacceptable cut!” A little bit of milky green liquid splashed out of the tumbler. Someone would clean that up.
“Your price is unreasonable. I’m certain I can find an alternative.”
The stranger’s charms had worn thin. Elise clenched her jaw and fought back a yell. “I came all the way up here!”
“Don’t blame me, you chose to do that. 1 million.”
There was a chill silence in the air. Orda looked to Elise, and Elise was staring out the window. The disc had rotated their window out of direct sunlight, and towards the purple hues of the horizon. “Okay, 1 mil.”
“I’m glad you could see reason.”
“Whatever, so is this wire transfer or cash?” Elise’s cigarette was spent, and she put it out on a tray on the coffee table.
“Cash, but I have some more questions first.” Dorian repeated Elise’s motion.
“What could you possibly want to know? It’s emarizyne. Use it on recent implants.”
“I want to be sure I’m getting the best quality supply. I have my reputation to think of, and I know yours well.”
“What do you know?”
“Well, what I’ve heard at least, is that your supply isn’t pure.”
“Are you doubting me? Why even come up here if you think it’s bad?
A shrug. “Your price, outrageous as it is, is still the best available to me. I thought I’d be an adult and ask you myself.”
“My supply is fucking fine!” Elise slammed her free hand on the table in front of her.
“Interesting, I’ve heard of a strange amount of implant rejections. People losing new limbs, going blind, even a couple deaths.”
“Are you a fucking cop?” Was he? Were they compromised?
“No, and even if I was, what could I do? Nothing up here is bound to the laws down there, right?” A smile of feigned innocence.
“What do you want, Dorian?”
“Tell me why I should trust you. If you can do that, we have a deal.”
Elise set her drink down and rubbed her temples. This was turning into a problem. “You’re lucky you have your looks. Fine, but may I offer you another cigarette first?”
Dorian hummed for a second, looked away, then returned his gaze, “Sure.”
“Orda! Another. One for me too. Like the ones from the Korvun trip, those were perfect.”
The lizard had been fidgeting with one of their horns. They looked away and got back to the minibar. “Aye, ma’am.”
“They’re great. Best help I could buy… Before we proceed, Dorian, I have some questions for you too.”
“That doesn’t seem like how this is supposed to work.”
“Is it not? You seem fine asking me about the ins and outs of my operation, I should know more about yours.”
Orda handed them the cigarettes, Elise lit hers and reached out with the copper plated lighter. Dorian extended a hand to catch the flame, and then both sat back. They took intermittent drags between exchanges.
Dorian conceded, “Fine, we can talk about me. I’m fond of the subject.”
“Do you come from money, Dorian?”
“What makes you think that?”
Elise smiled like a viper revealing her fangs. “Well, for starters you’re here. What’s a basic ticket, 10k? The confidence too, that’s someone who never has to worry about where his next meal is coming from.”
A look of surprise on the beautiful man’s face. “I-”
Elise kept going. “The assurance that you have the world all figured out. Does anyone ever challenge you? Have you ever had to admit you’re wrong?”
“A few times. Rarely to a person I’m going to speak to again. Your point?”
Elise waved her cigarette around. “The way you come into my space and try to order me around. It’s so telling. Unlike you, I had to work my way to where I am. I grew up third layer down. Never even knew the color of the sky, the sun, or the environmental shield until I was 15. Your arrogance!”
“Is this about you now? I thought we were talking about me.”
The woman blew air through her nose like an old world bull, “Right, when were you born?”
Another shake of Dorian’s head. “I’m not going to tell you that.”
“Season, don’t worry about day or year. Temprologically speaking, I’m a Spring. We rise above.”
Dorian hesitated, then sighed, “Autumn.”
“A Fall, huh? Explains why you’re so reserved. Gods, stuck up, even.” she chuckled.
Dorian made a motion to stand, “Is this just going to be talking shit about me? I can just go.”
“Ah ah! Professional language, my dear Dorian.”
“Is it professional to kill kids who need medicine because you want to cut your supply?”
Elise nearly dropped her cigarette. “What?”
Dorian took another puff and blew a smoke ring into Elise’s face. She held her breath. “You had to have known your tainted medicine isn’t just being used by adults looking for a cheap option. One of the rejections was a 10 year old girl who had just received a spinal implant so she could walk again. The drug didn’t work, she rejected it and went septic. She died a few weeks before her 11th birthday.”
“What’s wrong, speechless now?”
“It doesn’t matter. We don’t make the supply, we just connect it to buyers.”
“You connect people to a supply you know is unreliable. It’s not just the medicine either. How many people have OD’d on the drugs you move?” Dorian’s eyes had unfocused a bit, and were pointed in no particular direction.
“Are you telling me you’re singing the plight of junkies now?” For all the mystery and promise, some do-gooder. What, was he a journalist? She couldn’t figure out the angle.
“No, not particularly, I think they made their choice. Still, regardless of what you think of me and what I know about the world, I know a predator when I see one.”
“Yeah, what kind of monster am I, fucker?”
“A parasite. An overgrown leech with caked on makeup.”
“A parasite?” Elise roared. Orda stepped closer.
“You talk about being self made, but you’ve built your empire on the backs of graves. Adults who made a poorly informed choice? Whatever, such is life. Kids though… kids have died. Even *I* have a line.” Dorian’s breathing was growing ragged.
“So what? A few parents made a bad call. You want to know how many of my childhood friends are still breathing? The number is less than 1. Such is life! Minimising costs, maximising profits, that’s capitalism.”
Dorian groaned slowly, “Council’s mercy, spare me the soapbox. You’re not playing the system! You’re perverting it, and exploiting the needs of the poor. Desperate people who need their medication come to you, and you roll the dice… with… their… lives...” he started coughing intensely.
Elise grinned, the moment she had been waiting for. “So what’s one more? Yeah, I’ve got a body count. Who doesn’t, if they’ve lived a little? I knew the whole fucking time, I probably even heard about the girl you mentioned. Didn’t remember because honestly? I don’t fucking care. Morality is a weight around the neck of the foolish and decent. The doomed. And you? You wretched fucking genderfucked freak? Your cigarette was laced with mournroot.”
Dorian’s eyes went wide, he kept coughing, “That’s… murder… you… can’t…”
“So what? It’s a private room, good soundproofing, and a cremation capsule works quickly. My dear you’ll be a pile of ash on the floor in no time. Sent howling to the jaws of that great celestial hound.” She started laughing madly. “The best part is, it won’t even be a crime. Not one they can prosecute, at least.” she motioned to Orda who was holding an orange capsule for burning the dead.
Dorian coughed once more then stopped. Elise waited for him to drop with an open mouth smile. Orda shifted toward the door to check for bypassers.
Instead, Dorian collected his composure, and sat up with a smile. “Oh silly me, there must have been something caught in my throat.”
Elise’s jaw slacked open. “You… how?”
“Oh Elise, you talk so much when you think you’ve won. Saying so many damning things. Well I have a secret for you, too. I have some implants of my own. Mostly cosmetic, but I did get something else installed a few years ago. You don’t seem very bright, but tell me, have you heard of an N-Gland?”
Elise was speechless.
Dorian giggled. “Finally learned to shut up? Good. It’s a bit of a two edged sword, the augment. On one hand, drugs, alcohol, none of that works on me. Mostly for the best. That’s why I had them installed after all. Perhaps more relevant, it filters out most other toxins…”
Orda began to reach for a sidearm strapped to their hip.
Dorian held out a hand. “You’re going to want to let me speak. You see Elise Peryz, and Orda Clanless… in my home country, they call me a Courier. What is that in Lieni, mesajair?” He didn’t wait for an answer. They all knew what a Courier was. “In truth, I do a bit of information work. Even some hits when I need to. Unfortunately, my client said I couldn’t kill you. Believe me, it would be my absolute pleasure to put you down like a dog. Instead, I’m going to turn you in.”
Elise was gripping the armrests of her chair, “You have to know that any evidence collected this high up isn’t admissible in court. Did Astaelians hear about Saliana Vs. Karden?”
“Yes, that was going to be an issue certainly. That’s actually what I was talking to the pilots about.” his head turned, “Orda, this seems like something you’d know, how high up is unaffiliated airspace?”
“15 kilometers.”
“Exactly, and the cloudline breaks at about 5 kilometers.
Elise was piecing it together. “You didn’t… the crew wouldn’t let you.”
“Believe me, Ms. Peryz, I can be very persuasive.” A sly smirk. “We’re 13 kilometers up. Though you wouldn’t have noticed, right?”
“Orda, kill this bastard!” Elise screamed.
“Ah ah! You might want to stop talking. My friends can hear.” Dorian tugged at his jumpsuit and revealed a black metal square with a couple of buttons and receiver for audio input. Less bulky than any wire Elise had seen before. It fit under Dorian’s tight bodysuit perfectly. “New kind of comm unit. It’s interesting tech! I’ll probably ask to keep it.”
A banging came from the door. A loud metallic voice demanded to be let in, claiming to be Lieni Drug and Augmentation Enforcement.
Dorian’s smiling teeth were perfectly white despite the smoking, “Oh those are my friends! Well, work acquaintances, really.”
“After all that you’re a fucking cop?” The look in her eyes was wild and desperate. “Orda, kill him!”
Dorian looked to the bodyguard. “Orda, my only target is Elise. Harm me and you go down too, this is your chance to walk away.”
“I serve Elise.”
Dorian gestured them to the door. “And you can serve someone else. Do you think that loyalty goes both ways? She’s a mad dog. How long until she makes you smoke a poisoned cigarette?”
Orda’s face went blank and they considered their options.
“Orda, please. You know I’d never hurt you.” Elise begged.
The Primas-ika did a heel-turn and knocked on the door, “I’m coming out.”
“Let them pass!” Dorian added and stood up.
Elise stood up too and charged Dorian. They fell over the coffee table and onto the floor. The two struggled. She clawed at his face, drawing blood from his cheeks. Dorian’s training kicked in and he punched her where the heart would be if she had one. It knocked the wind out of her and he sprung to his feet. The cops rushed in and tackled her.
“For what it’s worth, I do come from money. But I’ve made my own fortune ending careers.” Another smile, “Like yours. This is the end of our meeting, Ms. Peryz. If you’re lucky, they won’t go for capital punishment.”
He looked to the officers cuffing the prone Elise, “Make sure she’s unlucky.”
They led her out, and one officer lingered, seeing the claw marks on Dorian’s face. “Do you need medical attention, sir?”
“Just tell one of the bots to bring me a dose of Formula Y. I’ll fix it myself.” the officer nodded and left. Soon enough a crablike droid brought a vial of red liquid. Dorian applied it carefully to the wounds, staring in the mirror so he made sure he got the skin smoothed properly.
The scratches healed nicely, tingling a little as the redness that remained disappeared. He admired himself a little longer. Then he turned toward the room, his room now. It was spacious and quiet. Perfect really. He poured himself a club soda and relaxed on a couch, legs up. The disc had rotated toward the sun again, and he saw it turn a deep orange as it set over the horizon. He admired the heavenly light as it was consumed by the cloudline it hovered above.
It was a while longer before the airship’s 3am landing. Outside he could hear the festivities of the imminent holiday. Maybe he’d go out, meet some interesting people. Live a little. Though he wasn’t feeling particularly social, and the religious festivals had never been his thing. Maybe he’d just stay there and enjoy the alone time. He eyed a music player on the far wall. He wondered what selection a vessel like this might have. Unlike the woman he had just brought to ruin, he had all the time in the world.
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godfreysworld52608 · 5 days ago
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tannerjayson718 · 12 days ago
Cypress Persian Rug Restorati
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, perky colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires adroit care. For homeowners in ocher County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian rug Pros present specialized rug cleaning, repair, and restoration services that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs amass dirt, dust, and stains that can tame their appearance. Professional rug cleaners use gentle yet operating techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities even if preserving the rugs rich textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian rug Pros in ocher County are well-known for their adroit repair and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these intelligent artisans can meticulously rearrange your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they help preserve the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is another crucial support offered by Persian rug Pros. exceeding time, exposure to air to sunlight or other elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use advanced techniques to bring help the perky hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a startling centerpiece in your home. For those in ocher County and surrounding areas, the adroit services of Persian rug Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are endearingly maintained, repaired, and restored. Their adherence to preserving the artistry and records of each fragment guarantees a long-lasting, classic investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
https://cypresspersianrugres854.blogspot.com/2025/03/cypress-persian-rug-restoration.html Persian Rug Repair Oriental Rug Cleaning Oriental Rug Restoration https://sites.google.com/view/carservicevistafc56w/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/autobodyrestorationakronkc86a/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugcleaningelcajobk79q/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/fountainvalleypersianruglr8m/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationglendalew5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationsanfernawo/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/buenaparkorientalrugrestz5p/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbaddentalclinicw8j3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetrainingprogramchr2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/termitecontrolpowayp7p5s/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/culvercitypersianrugcleax6g3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/backpainshreveportet/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/littlegymnasticsstudiocim6c7z/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/dentalimplantbridgecarlsy2r/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/walkinchiropractorcarlsbm7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/mobilewindowscreenrepairkq2c8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/mobilewindowscreenrepairg3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenspecialistclq3f2/home/ https://foursquare.com/v/giants-foot-surf-tours/67c2bbfd1bdf822960b32cb4/ https://www.storeboard.com/giantsfootsurftours/ https://www.brownbook.net/business/53603944/giants-foot-surf-tours/https://www.cybo.com/NI-biz/giants-foot-surf-tours_1Y/ https://www.callupcontact.com/b/businessprofile/Giant039s_Foot_Surf_Tours/9560659/ https://list.ly/list/Bh4p-giants-foot-surf-tours/ https://www.techdirectory.io/el-gigante-nicaragua/sports-technology/giant-s-foot-surf-tours/ https://www.topgoogle.com/listing/giants-foot-surf-tours/
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stevehaley060686 · 1 month ago
Accredited Massage School
Persian Rug Pros - OC 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ A2Z Health Massage Schools in Reseda, CA: Your Path to Success in Massage Therapy Located in Reseda, CA, A2Z Health massage Schools manage to pay for top-quality education for individuals pursuing a career in massage therapy. in imitation of a strong focus on hands-on learning, A2Z provides students in imitation of the skills and knowledge they obsession to proliferate in the health and wellness industry. The school's curriculum covers essential massage techniques such as Swedish massage, deep tissue, and sports massage, along in imitation of a hermetic commencement in anatomy and physiology. Why pick A2Z Health massage Schools? 1. Accredited Programs: A2Z Health massage Schools are sufficiently accredited, ensuring that students receive an education that meets high industry standards. 2. Experienced Instructors: The school's practiced instructors bring real-world experience to the classroom, giving students practical insights into both the mysterious and thing aspects of massage therapy. 3. Flexible Learning Options: in imitation of gymnastic schedules that intensify evening and weekend classes, A2Z makes it easier for students to report their studies in imitation of further commitments. Graduates from A2Z Health massage Schools are well-prepared for a variety of career opportunities, including operating in spas, wellness centers, and medical offices. begin your journey to a affluent career in massage therapy today in imitation of A2Z Health massage Schools in Reseda, CA. https://accreditedmassagesch658.blogspot.com/2025/02/accredited-massage-school.html a2z Health Massage Schools Reseda CA a2z Health Massage Schools Reseda CA a2z Health Massage Schools Reseda CA https://sites.google.com/view/businesswindowscreenrepaz7zp/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenrepairranchoo8j2t/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/vistadieselrepairac9/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/haildamagerepairakronohmq8d/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/orientalrugrepairlajollaz5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/newportbeachpersianrugrejg8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetherapyclassesveno7rf/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetherapyclasseschaze/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/fullertonorientalrugclealj9/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/oceansidefamilydentistryex/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingsheo4d7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/termitecontrolnearmeencis8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/westwoodpersianrugcleaniqe8r/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorreviewsshrevp2y5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/gymnasticshollywoodg4qdm/home/ http://informizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=48168 http://postingzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=68151 http://postizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=44488
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carlaguilar30152 · 3 months ago
Buena Park Persian Rug Repair
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, perky colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires skilled care. For homeowners in orange County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian rug Pros provide specialized rug cleaning, repair, and restoration facilities that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs total dirt, dust, and stains that can colorless their appearance. Professional rug cleaners use gentle yet operating techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities while preserving the rugs rich textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian rug Pros in orange County are renowned for their skilled fix and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these competent artisans can meticulously revolutionize your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they encourage maintain the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is other crucial advance offered by Persian rug Pros. higher than time, a breath of fresh air to sunlight or further elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use open-minded techniques to bring encourage the perky hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a stunning centerpiece in your home. For those in orange County and surrounding areas, the skilled facilities of Persian rug Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are wonderfully maintained, repaired, and restored. Their loyalty to preserving the artistry and archives of each piece guarantees a long-lasting, everlasting investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
https://persianrugrestoratio351.blogspot.com/2024/12/buena-park-persian-rug-repair.html United States Olympic artist Susan Manders Sherman Oaks artist Susan Manders Olympic art by Susan Manders https://sites.google.com/view/gymnasticscenterbelairsa/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/bonegraftingcarlsbadrw65x/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/lowerbackpainsolanabeachcm8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/businesswindowscreenrepas2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenrepairlakesiqi/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/homewindowscreenrepairnat9w5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/vistaautorepairservicesq5fnm/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akronautorestorationtg3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/orientalrugcleaningsandijo6p7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/buenaparkpersianrugcleanp5l/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingcalpt/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingpand2s3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/placentiaorientalrugrepacp5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/oceansidedentalbridgezx93l/home/ http://adizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=69087 http://advertiserzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=91870 http://bizizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=60006 https://www.callupcontact.com/b/businessprofile/Mobile_Speed_Screens_Inc_San_Diego_Window_amp_Door_Screen_Repair_Service/9424023/ http://businessezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=104731 http://businessizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=57340 http://citiezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=56859 http://cityizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=36301
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tripnest · 3 months ago
Adventure Experiences in the South Pacific: From Kayaking to Climbing
The South Pacific is not only known for its stunning beaches and vibrant cultures but also for its thrilling adventure experiences. The islands offer a wide array of activities that cater to all adventure levels, whether you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills or more laid-back explorations. In this article, we will delve into the top adventure activities in the South Pacific, the best locations for each, personal stories from travelers, tips for preparation, and the importance of connecting with nature. Top Adventure Activities The South Pacific boasts a plethora of adventure activities that allow you to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes while experiencing heart-pounding excitement. - Snorkeling and Diving The underwater world of the South Pacific is teeming with vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. Snorkeling in the clear waters around the islands offers an opportunity to encounter colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and even majestic manta rays. For certified divers, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the coral gardens around Fiji provide some of the best dive sites in the world. - Hiking and Trekking With its lush rainforests, towering mountains, and breathtaking vistas, hiking in the South Pacific is an adventure not to be missed. Trails vary in difficulty, catering to both seasoned hikers and casual walkers. The Lava Tubes in Tongatapu and the Cross Island Trek in Samoa are popular choices for those seeking scenic views and a chance to connect with nature. - Kayaking and Paddleboarding Exploring the calm lagoons and hidden coves by kayak or paddleboard is a fantastic way to experience the natural beauty of the islands. Many beaches offer rentals, and guided tours are available to take you to off-the-beaten-path locations where you can spot wildlife and enjoy the tranquility of the water. - Surfing Fiji is known as a surfer’s paradise, with world-class waves attracting surfers from around the globe. Cloudbreak is a must-visit for experienced surfers, while beginner-friendly spots can be found on the main islands. Surf schools are available for those looking to learn the ropes. - Zip-lining and Adventure Parks For thrill-seekers, zip-lining through the lush treetops offers an exhilarating perspective of the islands’ natural beauty. Adventure parks, such as the Skyline Gondola in Queenstown, New Zealand, provide exciting activities, including bungee jumping and mountain biking. Adventure Tours and Guides Choosing the right tour guide can significantly enhance your adventure experience. Local guides offer insights into the islands’ ecosystems, cultural significance, and safety protocols. - Reputable Tour Companies Research and select reputable tour operators known for their commitment to safety and sustainability. Many companies emphasize small group sizes, ensuring personalized attention and a more intimate experience. - Local Knowledge Guides with local knowledge can provide a deeper understanding of the area, sharing stories about its history, culture, and wildlife. Engaging with local guides also supports the community, contributing to sustainable tourism practices. - Customized Adventures For those seeking unique experiences, many tour companies offer customizable itineraries. Whether you want to combine hiking and kayaking or focus on diving and snorkeling, you can tailor your adventure to match your interests. Personal Stories and Experiences One of the most enriching aspects of traveling in the South Pacific is the opportunity to hear personal stories from fellow adventurers. Each traveler brings a unique perspective, often inspiring others to embark on their own journeys. - Stories from Fellow Travelers During my trip to Fiji, I met a couple who had just completed a week-long sailing adventure through the Mamanuca Islands. They shared tales of exploring hidden beaches, snorkeling with vibrant marine life, and enjoying sunset dinners on remote islands. Their passion for adventure was contagious and inspired me to consider a sailing trip in the future. - Cultural Connections While hiking in Samoa, I encountered a local guide who shared stories of his ancestors and the significance of the trails we were traversing. His passion for preserving his culture and sharing it with visitors added depth to my experience, reminding me of the importance of connecting with local communities. Preparation Tips for Adventure Activities Proper preparation is key to enjoying your adventure in the South Pacific. Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and memorable experience: - Research Your Destination Before embarking on your adventure, research the best times to visit, local customs, and the required permits for certain activities. Each island may have its own regulations, so understanding these beforehand can help avoid any surprises. - Pack the Right Gear Ensure you have the necessary gear for your chosen activities. For snorkeling, bring a well-fitting mask and snorkel, while hiking may require sturdy footwear and a hydration pack. If you plan to engage in water sports, consider bringing reef-safe sunscreen to protect the marine environment. - Stay Hydrated and Nourished Adventure activities can be physically demanding, so it’s important to stay hydrated and fueled. Carry water and snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day, especially during hikes or extended outings. Connecting with Nature One of the greatest joys of exploring the South Pacific is the opportunity to connect with nature. Engaging with the natural environment enhances your travel experience and fosters a deeper appreciation for the beauty around you. - Mindful Exploration Take time to pause during your adventures to soak in the beauty of your surroundings. Whether it’s the sound of waves crashing against the shore or the rustle of leaves in the wind, these moments of mindfulness can enhance your connection to the environment. - Wildlife Observation Respect the wildlife you encounter and observe from a distance. Many islands have unique ecosystems and endangered species, so being mindful of your impact is crucial to preserving these natural treasures. - Sustainable Practices Participating in eco-friendly practices while enjoying your adventure contributes to the preservation of the South Pacific. Opt for sustainable tour operators, minimize waste, and leave no trace as you explore the islands. Conclusion The South Pacific is a haven for adventure enthusiasts, offering an array of thrilling activities against a backdrop of stunning natural beauty. From snorkeling in vibrant coral reefs to hiking through lush rainforests, the adventures you embark on will leave you with unforgettable memories. By choosing responsible tourism practices and connecting with nature, you’ll contribute to preserving this paradise for future generations. So, pack your bags and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime in the breathtaking South Pacific! Read the full article
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christopherbuchanan1103 · 3 months ago
Newport Beach Persian Rug Cle
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, breathing colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires clever care. For homeowners in ocher County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian carpet Pros have enough money specialized carpet cleaning, repair, and restoration facilities that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs amassed dirt, dust, and stains that can colorless their appearance. Professional carpet cleaners use gentle still operational techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities while preserving the rugs rich textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian carpet Pros in ocher County are renowned for their clever fix and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these talented artisans can meticulously upgrade your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they urge on maintain the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is unusual crucial support offered by Persian carpet Pros. over time, discussion to sunlight or extra elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use innovative techniques to bring urge on the breathing hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a astonishing centerpiece in your home. For those in ocher County and surrounding areas, the clever facilities of Persian carpet Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are gorgeously maintained, repaired, and restored. Their duty to preserving the artistry and records of each piece guarantees a long-lasting, everlasting investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
https://fullmouthreconstruct359.blogspot.com/2024/12/newport-beach-persian-rug-cleaning.html United States Olympic artist Susan Manders Sherman Oaks artist Susan Manders Olympic art by Susan Manders https://sites.google.com/view/santamonicapersianrugrepxn6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropracticofficeshrevegg6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/gymnasticgymnasiumbelairet6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/dentalimplantinfectionenht6m3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/backpaindoctornearmesolat6f/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/petscreenrepaircarmelvalem5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenreplacementsz6a/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/businesswindowscreenrepahc8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carmaintenancevistaq9z8a/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/haildamagerepairakronohq6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrestorationlamma/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/lagunabeachpersianrugreslf/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/learnmassagetherapythousto/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/learnmassagetherapylosanks4z6/home/ https://foursquare.com/v/mobile-speed-screens-inc--san-diego-window--door-screen-repair-service/674949b4de4c54003be6f36b/ https://www.merchantcircle.com/mobile-speed-screens2-san-diego-ca/ https://www.superpages.com/san-diego-ca/bpp/mobile-speed-screens-21917307/ https://www.storeboard.com/mobilespeedscreensinc-sandiegowindowanddoorscreenrepairservice/ https://www.brownbook.net/business/53309291/mobile-speed-screens-inc-san-diego-window-door-screen-repair-service/ https://www.hotfrog.com/company/05c9a9f20f5b4d5c57c6a5a58785e88b/mobile-speed-screens-inc-san-diego-window-door-screen-repair-service/san-diego/glass-windows/ https://www.cybo.com/US-biz/mobile-speed-screens-inc_3t/ https://foursquare.com/v/mobile-speed-screens-inc--north-county-window--door-screen-repair-service/67496163864e182f73a179d7/ https://www.merchantcircle.com/mobile-speed-screens2-encinitas-ca/ https://www.superpages.com/encinitas-ca/bpp/mobile-speed-screens-514734079/ https://www.brownbook.net/business/53309271/mobile-speed-screens-inc-north-county-window-door-screen-repair-service/ https://www.hotfrog.com/company/00450af6a39a451b384f12de2f5abaef/mobile-speed-screens-inc-north-county-window-door-screen-repair-service/encinitas/glass-windows/ https://www.cybo.com/US-biz/mobile-speed-screens-inc-north-county/
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ellishunt12670 · 4 months ago
San Juan Capistrano Persian R
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, full of life colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires skilled care. For homeowners in orange County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian rug Pros allow specialized rug cleaning, repair, and restoration facilities that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs total dirt, dust, and stains that can unexciting their appearance. Professional rug cleaners use gentle yet operating techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities even though preserving the rugs wealthy textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian rug Pros in orange County are renowned for their skilled repair and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these adept artisans can meticulously modernize your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they put up to maintain the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is marginal crucial help offered by Persian rug Pros. on top of time, freshening to sunlight or extra elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use avant-garde techniques to bring put up to the full of life hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a astonishing centerpiece in your home. For those in orange County and surrounding areas, the skilled facilities of Persian rug Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are gorgeously maintained, repaired, and restored. Their adherence to preserving the artistry and history of each fragment guarantees a long-lasting, everlasting investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
https://foreignautorepairvis392.blogspot.com/2024/11/san-juan-capistrano-persian-rug-cleaning.html United States Olympic artist Susan Manders Sherman Oaks artist Susan Manders Olympic art by Susan Manders https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorcostshrevepog8c/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/gymgymnasticsstudiocitya8c5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/denturedentalimplantsencc9/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/pediatricchiropractorsole8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/volvoautorepairvistaqp3x5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carrestorationakronohcy82b/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugcleaningcoronaz3c8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/huntingtonbeachpersianrulg49c/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageschoolnearmethousgq7x/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageschoolnearmelosane9nw/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/buenaparkorientalrugcleand78/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/vistadentistryforchildrer4ze/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetrainingprogrampak4e7p/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenrepaircarlsbpn85/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/screendoorrepairvistaei2t9/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/windowscreenspecialistrapk6i7/home/
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ramtracking · 1 year ago
Fortescue's first operational electric excavator reaches one million tonne milestone [ Fortescue ]
Fortescue’s first operational electric excavator reaches one million tonne milestone [News Summary] Fortescue’s recently deployed electric excavator has reached the milestone of one million tonnes moved since it became operational. Mining and energy major Fortescue says the performance of an electric excavator operating at its Cloudbreak mine site in Western Australia’s… Now at full speed,…
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systango-technologies · 2 years ago
Solana NFT Marketplace Development|Connect With Us To Build One Today
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The Solana NFT marketplace has gained tremendous traction since the launch of its blockchain network in March 2020. It has set a benchmark in the NFT industry by offering lightning-fast transaction speed, optimal fees, and hassle-free transaction processing. 
Interestingly, in April 2023, Solana had a whopping trading volume of $90 million! Can you believe it? It’s impressive, considering that Solana was just an idea pitched by Yakovenko back in 2017. 
Now creators and businesses from different industries like music, entertainment, and consumer products are getting into the NFT craze. Some find it convenient and affordable to work with existing platforms that handle NFT sales and already have a  base. But many prefer freedom and control with their own NFT marketplace. It gives them more flexibility to do things their way and create their own unique NFT experience. 
Considering this, there are ample blockchain networks on which you can build your NFT marketplace. But Solana stands out amongst them. 
Konstantin Anissimov, the chief operating officer at crypto exchange CEX.IO, explains that Solana takes a unique approach to tackle the limitations of earlier blockchain solutions. It combines proven cryptographic strategies with dynamic innovations, offering a powerful solution to overcome the challenges faced by the first generation of cryptocurrencies. 
In simple terms, the Solana blockchain brings together the best of both worlds to provide a more advanced and efficient blockchain platform. As an NFT marketplace development company, today we will discuss the nitty gritty of Solana NFT marketplace. We will cover the following aspects:
Why Build An NFT Marketplace On Solana?
List Of Best Solana NFT Marketplaces
How Do We Ace Up Your Solana NFT Marketplace Development?
Our Solana NFT Marketplace Development Services
Why Build An NFT Marketplace On Solana?
Building an NFT marketplace on Solana is a smart decision for several reasons. Solana has established itself as a fourth-generation blockchain platform, offering exceptional scalability and remarkable transaction speeds. Solana NFT marketplace stands out from other blockchain platforms due to its unique combination of Proof-of-History (PoH) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms. This combination ensures efficient rewards for miners or validators, making it more environmentally friendly than traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) systems. Solana contributes to its unparalleled performance and scalability with its core features, such as Proof-of-History, Tower BFT, Turbine, Gulf Stream, Sealevel, Pipeline, Cloudbreak, and Archivers. Additionally, the native cryptocurrency of Solana, SOL, has various uses within the Solana ecosystem, including paying for transactions and earning staking rewards. While Ethereum remains popular, Solana’s superior throughput, lower transaction fees, and energy efficiency make it a compelling option for investors and developers. With its strong foundation and rapid growth in the Web3 market, Solana has the potential to revolutionise the world of NFTs and overcome traditional blockchain limitations. Connect with our blockchain experts to curate a plan & build a robust Solana blockchain NFT marketplace today!
List Of Best Solana NFT Marketplaces
Are you looking for the best Solana NFT marketplaces? We’ve got you covered with our list of the top choices. Let’s dive into the highlights of these featured Solana NFT marketplaces:
Magic Eden
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One of the largest marketplaces on Solana, SolSea offers unique tools for creators and a user-friendly interface. Keep an eye on their Calendar feature for hot project releases.
Solanart is one of the popular Solana NFT markets for digital art enthusiasts. It showcases notable collections like Degenerate Ape Academy and provides helpful stats on listed NFTs.
This Solana NFT aggregator allows trading across various marketplaces from one platform, making it convenient for beginners and experienced traders.
Coral Cube
An NFT aggregator that grants access to a wide range of collections, including those available on the secondary market. Coral Cube’s rarity rank feature guides buyers in their selection.
Known for its user-friendliness, DigitalEyes offers a seamless interface and supports a variety of Solana wallets. It has an impressive collection like Galactic Gecko and Degenerate Ape to discover.
Although a newcomer, Exchange.art has made its mark with a diverse range of valuable NFT collections. No listing fees, no curation process, and the ability to make offers on any NFT make it an intriguing choice.
These Solana NFT marketplaces offer unique features, excellent user interfaces, and support for various wallets. Each has distinctive characteristics that you can explore to find the one that suits you. And for better guidance on Solana NFT marketplace development, you can contact our blockchain experts!
How Do We Ace Up Your Solana NFT Marketplace Development?
To ace up your Solana NFT marketplace development, we offer a range of advantages and essential steps that ensure a thriving platform.
Advantages of Solana NFT Marketplace Development:
We provide a user-friendly management and login interface, simplifying listing crypto assets, creating NFTs, setting metadata, and placing them on auction within your Solana NFT marketplace.
We focus on designing an attractive storefront that seamlessly interacts with smart contracts, enabling the creation of NFTs and linking them to crypto assets.
Security is our priority, and we ensure a secure wallet solution for your users’ feasibility
A comprehensive search feature with customisable filters allows users to easily navigate and explore your NFT marketplace.
We can establish a Native Platform Token as an Application Native Token, expanding the market supply and offering users the option to purchase NFTs with the native platform Token.
Boost bidding activity through a time-based auction and bidding system, increasing the number of NFT bids.
NFT metadata storage is hosted on the IPFS File System, a decentralised and distributed storage system, ensuring data integrity and accessibility.
Our admin panel provides you with comprehensive control over user management, token management, NFT management, data management, and static content management.
Steps Of Solana NFT Marketplace Development:
We start by designing an exemplary user interface for your NFT marketplace, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience.
Our expert developers code the necessary functionalities required for your NFT marketplace.
We write smart contracts that power the core features of your NFT marketplace.
Rigorous smart contract audits are conducted, covering all appropriate test cases to ensure reliability and security.
We connect the smart contracts to both the front end and back end of your marketplace, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.
Thorough client testing is performed by uploading your marketplace to the test net, ensuring its stability and performance.
Finally, we prepare for the public beta release or mainnet deployment, marking the official launch of your Solana NFT marketplace.
Are you looking to develop your Solana NFT marketplace? Partner with Systango now! We offer customised services and clone scripts of popular NFT marketplaces, ensuring you have the tools and expertise to disrupt the NFT market. From concept to design to deployment, we’ll guide you on every step to build a world-class Solana NFT marketplace.
Our Solana NFT Marketplace Development Services
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Solana NFT Marketplace Website Development
We will help you launch your very own NFT marketplace website. With our expertise, we ensure meticulous smart-contract auditing services and provide complete maintenance and support to keep your platform running smoothly.
Solana NFT Marketplace App Development
In today’s mobile-dominated world, having a feature-rich NFT marketplace app is essential. Our skilled team excels in Solana NFT Marketplace App Development, crafting advanced mobile apps that operate seamlessly on the Solana blockchain, tailored to meet all your business requirements.
Solana NFT Minting Development
Our expertise extends to Solana NFT Minting Development, where users can mint their digital assets as NFTs. We offer multiple minting modes, enhancing market visibility and providing a user-friendly minting experience for your platform.
Solana NFT Smart Contract Development
Our certified smart contract developers undergo meticulous testing and audit processes to ensure bug-free and secure smart contracts that power your NFT marketplace.
NFT Marketplace Maintenance & Support
We understand the importance of maintaining a highly functional and trustworthy marketplace. Our dedicated professionals will diligently support the team, providing ongoing maintenance and support services. We ensure your marketplace remains uninterrupted on its roadmap to success. Systango’s Solana NFT Marketplace development services let you use the full potential of the Solana blockchain for the booming NFT market.
Our comprehensive range of services caters to your business-specific needs, ensuring a seamless and successful NFT marketplace venture. Connect with us now!
Original Source- https://www.systango.com/blog/solana-nft-marketplace-development
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toursinfiji · 2 years ago
Why Tours In Fiji Is Right For You
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Fiji is described as a magical wonderland filled with a lot of enthralling and enchanting experiences. It is a Pacific island nation where the welcome is as warm as its tropical weather! It is a commonly known fact that Fiji is a bucket list destination famous for its mesmerizing islands, natural beauty, tropical charm, delicious seafood, and much more.
The flawless white-sand beaches, deep-sea wonders, crystal-clear waters, and cocktails in coconuts here make it a true delight for global travelers! Do you wonder why you should visit this slice of heaven? Take the help of a reputed tour operator or travel management company that helps you in each step of your journey.
Fiji appears to be a beach vacation for some, but there is much more to do than just relax on the beach. It is truly a one-stop destination for those that want to relax and explore adventure, culture, and gastronomy to enjoy. You may tailor your Fiji tours to your preferences. Are you looking for a luxurious trip to such a paradise on Earth? Tailormade Fiji Tours has a lot to offer. Here are a few reasons why tours in Fiji are right for you!
Natural Beauty
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If you’re curious about why you should visit Fiji, the most compelling (and apparent) motive is the area’s breathtaking natural beauty. The Fijian islands’ natural splendor is sure to leave you speechless. There are numerous things to explore and experience, including stunning waterfalls, crystal-clear rivers, an ocean packed with aquatic creatures, and seemingly never-ending white sandy beaches. 
Friendly Locals
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The Fijians are incredibly affable and hospitable, and meeting them is an experience you will cherish forever. They will be eager to help you find new and unique local activities to make your Fiji tour more enjoyable. Their kindness, compassion, and positive attitude infuses all aspects of Fijian society. You arrive as a guest but leave as a friend as they immerse you in the Fijian Bula spirit.  
Delicious Food
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Fijian cuisine is a delectable fusion that is unparalleled in taste and flavor, unlike any other culinary encounter you’ve had. You will find many unique foods including traditional delights. The cuisine reflects diversity and many of the dishes are a mix of both traditional and modern, reflecting changing lifestyles. Popular foods range from simple, bread or seasonal fruits, to more sophisticated seafood dishes.        
The beaches
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Whether you prefer to trek through deserted coastal areas or unwind on immaculate white sands, prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience at some of the world’s most beautiful beaches in Fiji.
For the hikes
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In Fiji, you can trek through the lush rainforest, over rolling dunes, past thundering waterfalls, and along remote beaches. With an extinct volcanic peak at the center of every island, spectacular views await those who are willing to walk for it.
To spot some underwater treasures
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Fiji is known to be one of the best and soft coral capitals of the world. Fiji presents an array of choices for divers and snorkelers. From serene coral gardens to demanding tunnels, walls, and pinnacles it has it all. The crystal-clear water & underwater visibility makes it a breathtaking underwater landscape. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver or snorkeler, Fiji has something to offer for everyone.
For some top-notch surfing
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Fiji is a true haven for surfing enthusiasts. It allows you to try your surfing skill on some of the world’s most magnificent waves, including the renowned Cloudbreak. Few Island also offers opportunities for beginners with its gentle swells. Overall, it makes Fiji an ideal destination for surfers of all levels.
To ride the rapids
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Embarking on a white-water rafting adventure down the stunning Navua River, which flows through striking volcanic gorges, is a truly unique experience. Rivers Fiji offers exceptional white-water rafting expeditions that are also eco-friendly, following “Leave No Trace” principles.
For the cinematic islands
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From Nanuya Lailai in The Blue Lagoon to Modriki Island in the Yasawas, which was featured in Cast Away, Fiji has several beaches that have graced the silver screen, and you may recognize them from your favorite movies.
For its contemporary art and culture
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Whether you catch a performance from the dance artists of VOU—a renowned company that blends ancient tribal dances with amazing modern choreography—or see vibrant paintings in the art galleries of Suva, Fiji’s local art scene is well-worth experiencing.
To immerse yourself in the Fijian way of life
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To immerse yourself in Fijian culture and truly experience the country like a local, there’s no better way than a homestay. Namosi Eco Retreat, located north of Pacific Harbour on Viti Levu, is an excellent example where you will be greeted with open arms and welcomed as a member of the family.
To visit Bouma National Heritage Park
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Fiji’s nature reserves offer incredible adventures, where you can snorkel in crystal-clear waters, hike through dense tropical jungles to breathtaking waterfalls, or enjoy a scenic walk along the coastline.
For the bird-watching
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Thanks to Fiji’s 150 species of birds, you’re going to see (and hear) some unique feathered species, from parrots and kula lorikeets to friendly wild chickens. 
These reasons can convince you to plan Fiji tours and explore the off-the-beaten destination! To know more about the tours in Fiji please contact Tours In Fiji at (+679) 715 9256 on WhatsApp or look them up at www.toursinfiji.com or email them at [email protected] They are the one-stop-shop solution for your journey and are happy to assist you with a call.
Source from: https://tourinfiji.wordpress.com/2023/05/26/why-tours-in-fiji-is-right-for-you/
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godfreysworld52608 · 5 months ago
Placentia Persian Rug Restora
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, active colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires clever care. For homeowners in yellowish-brown County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian carpet Pros have the funds for specialized carpet cleaning, repair, and restoration facilities that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs combine dirt, dust, and stains that can anemic their appearance. Professional carpet cleaners use gentle still operational techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities though preserving the rugs rich textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian carpet Pros in yellowish-brown County are renowned for their clever fix and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these bright artisans can meticulously remodel your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they assist maintain the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is other crucial assistance offered by Persian carpet Pros. beyond time, outing to sunlight or other elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use ahead of its time techniques to bring assist the active hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a stunning centerpiece in your home. For those in yellowish-brown County and surrounding areas, the clever facilities of Persian carpet Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are attractively maintained, repaired, and restored. Their duty to preserving the artistry and history of each fragment guarantees a long-lasting, perpetual investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
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tannerjayson718 · 4 months ago
Rancho Santa Margarita Persia
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Top-Notch Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Services in Orange County, CA Persian rugs are cherished for their intricate designs, breathing colors, and cultural significance. However, maintaining their beauty and durability requires adroit care. For homeowners in yellow County, CA, and surrounding cities, Persian carpet Pros provide specialized carpet cleaning, repair, and restoration services that ensure your investment stays in pristine condition. Over time, Persian rugs sum up dirt, dust, and stains that can dull their appearance. Professional carpet cleaners use gentle yet operating techniques, including eco-friendly solutions, to deep-clean rugs without damaging the fibers. This ensures the removal of impurities even though preserving the rugs rich textures and intricate designs. Beyond cleaning, Persian carpet Pros in yellow County are famous for their adroit repair and restoration services. Whether its frayed edges, unraveling threads, or holes caused by moths or wear, these competent artisans can meticulously upgrade your rug. By repairing damaged areas, they urge on preserve the rugs structural integrity and value. Color restoration is choice crucial further offered by Persian carpet Pros. exceeding time, trip out to sunlight or other elements can cause rugs to fade. Specialists use modern techniques to bring urge on the breathing hues of your Persian rug, ensuring it continues to be a startling centerpiece in your home. For those in yellow County and surrounding areas, the adroit services of Persian carpet Pros ensure that your treasured rugs are attractively maintained, repaired, and restored. Their adherence to preserving the artistry and archives of each fragment guarantees a long-lasting, timeless investment for your home.
Persian Rug Pros Orange County CA
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xanatosrising · 6 years ago
Details: Althir
Full name:  Lord Althir Xanatos
Pronunciation: Al-theer | Zan-uh-tose
Nicknames: -
Height: 6′
Age: 458
Zodiac: -
Languages: Thalassian, Common, Eredun, Shalassian, Orcish, Pandaren
Read/Written only: Mogu, Titan, Draconic, Shath’yar
Physical Appearance:
Hair Color: Ebony
Eye color: Jade
Skin Color: Olive-tanned
Body type: Slim/Athletic
Accent: Distinctly high Thalassian
Dominant hand: Right
Posture: Proper
Scars: None of note
Tattoos: Spell circles on the back of the left hand.
Most noticeable features: Striking gaze, handsomely aloof
Place of birth: Quel’thalas
Birth weight: Average
Manner of birth: Magically assisted
First word(s): Mine!
Siblings: Rahir (Male)
Parents: Galahir Xanatos (Deceased), Zevrya Xanatos (Deceased)
Parental involvement: Althir had a distant relationship with his father, who was a frequent drunk and heavy gambler. He had a very close relationship with his mother, until her untimely death during his teenage years. 
Adult Life
Occupation: Magister, Emissary to the Kirin-Tor, Collector and Dealer of Antiquities
Current residence: Suramar
Close friends: Xaereth Cloudbreaker, Elde'en Xanatos, Telen’dil Xanatos, Kristian Sinclair
Relationship status: Married
Financial status: Middle upper-class
Driver’s license: Licensed to operate trading vessels across all Horde territories. 
Criminal record: Expunged
Vices: Alcohol, drugs, sex
Sex & Romance
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic orientation: Traditional
Preferred emotional role: Provider
Preferred sexual role: Top
Libido: High
Turn ons: Class, Wit, Challenge, Submission
Turn offs: Lack of engagement, prudishness, crassness 
Love language: Physical Touch/Gift Giving
Relationship Tendencies: Protective, Possessive, Indulgent, Nurturing
Althir is selfishly protective of the women in his life, as he is of all things he values highly. On the flip side, he strives to ensure their every need and want is fulfilled, though he often mistakes his own views of their potential as their desires. 
Hobbies to pass the time: Scrying, reading, practicing arcane arts, attending concerts and opera. 
Mental illness: Egotism, over-confidence, impulsiveness, swift tempered
Left or right brained: Left
Fears: Embarrassment, failure, abandonment
Self confidence level: High
Vulnerabilities: Family, ego
Tagged by: @vcloudbreaker
Tagging: @ivenya
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