portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Thatchery Binx | 32 | Fixed-->Greater Good | Cat Form
Realm: Other World
Occupation: Veterinarian at High Hopes Veterinary Clinic
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
FC: Ben Barnes
He is: Daring-->Witty-->Chivalrous
But also: Melancholic-->Regretful-->Proud
Based on Thatchery Binx from Hocus Pocus
I told you, I can’t die ||
Being an older brother was not what he had always wanted to be. But it was definitely something he was meant for. Growing up, he was always given the responsibility of looking after his little sister, Emily. While he wanted to go out and have fun with his friends, he always had to let his sister tag along. This was never a problem for them. Thatchery was always happy to have his baby sister with him. But as he grew older it became more about freedom and he was left to feel like he was nothing more than a glorified baby sitter. His parents would always tell him “well you’re her brother” and “she wants to be with you”. Both of which were true but as a teen boy he felt more like a service to them than their actual son. After all, he spent more time parenting Emily than they ever had since she was born. Which was why when she went missing in the middle of the night, he felt responsible.
Thatchery was able to track her down by the sound of the Sanderson sister’s voice. But when he got there it was too late. Emily was drained and they were young and beautiful. Angry and filled with nothing but regret, he attacked them. He knew full well that this wouldn’t bring Emily back but it was enough to make them pay for what they did to her and every other child in Salem. They were too much for him to handle and Thatchery was turned into a black cat. Cursed to return to this cat form once the moon was in the night sky every night. But as time went on he realized that that wasn’t the end of his curse. As he watched his parents and every one around him age and slowly die, he realized that they had also cursed him to age as slowly as he had felt he arrived to save Emily.
Two hundred years and still searching for a cure or something that could at the very least put an end to the Sandersons. But nothing had worked and now he comes to a stand still. Getting his PhD and working as a Vet Tech for as long as he could manage no one to wonder why he never seemed to get any older despite several birthdays passing. By the fifth year, Thatchery would move and find a new city to live in. Though with every city in his realm already having housed him... it was time to move realms completely. Now he finds himself in the middle of a war stricken realm by the name of Portus Cale where he refuses to let anything else happen to the residents.
Oh God, the woods ||
Emily Binx-->”Haast thou seen my sister Emily?”
He feels  incredibly guilty for her death. Throughout the years he has always sort of felt her with him. But that’s crazy talk.
The Sanderson Sisters-->”There aren’t enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful!”
He loathes their existence and will fight to his eventual death trying to bring them to theirs.
Lucifer-->Something wicked this way comes
Though they work together, he feels that there is something off with the other man.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Victor Van Dort | 32 | Flexible-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Piano Instructor at the Academy of Unseen Arts
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Demisexual
FC: Adrian Sahores
He is: Polite-->Well-Mannered-->Benevolent
But also: Anxious-->Worrisome-->Uncertain
Based on Victor Van Dort from The Corpse Bride
I like your enthusiasm ||
A family of good money it wasn’t hard to see that he was wealthy. Women from all sorts of places flocked to prove themselves to the Van Dort boy. But he was uninterested. Victor would rather spend his time getting to know his significant other and playing piano. He wanted to find his true love and spend every available moment getting to know them. Doing things that they both liked rather than being forced into an unhappy marriage. There was one girl, however, that made his heart pound. She was sweet and beautiful and everything that Victor adored in a woman. They seemed to really connect and bond. They seemed so perfect for one another. However, his happily ever after was short lived as on the eve of their wedding...she ran away. Eloped and disappeared with another man. Leaving a heartbroken and depressed Victor to wonder what had went wrong.
As he got older his parents pressed that he needed to find a wife. They claimed that he was too picky and that he simply needed to settle as they had. The very thought of not even remotely liking his future wife made him sick to his stomach. But he begrudgingly agreed to his parents terms. A year or two later he was informed that they had found the perfect little lady. Her name was Victoria and she came from a once wealthy family herself. Though just how poor she was they were unaware. While he agreed to meet her, Victor still protested that he wanted to at the very least like his significant other. His parents shook their heads at him and reminded him that he had agreed to this before hand. With a sigh, he hung his head and introduced himself to her. She was a woman after his own heart and it didn’t take very long for him to grow fond of her.
But on the eve that they were to get married he ruined their vows. Their priest declared that until he mastered his vows that he would never be ready to marry. Distraught, Victor went into the woods and practiced and practiced and practiced. Finally, he got them down. Placing the ring on a nearby tree branch that stuck out. Only it wasn’t a tree branch...it was the finger of a corpse. Out from the earth sprouted an elegant looking young woman by the name of Emily. While he learned her devastating tale he was still terrified of her and what everyone would say, do and think of her. So, in order to save them both he told her he needed to go back up to the living world and talk to his parents. In reality, Victor was going to talk to Victoria. But when he arrived she was gone and there was rumor that she was to wed another man. Confused, he went searching for her which led him on a wild goose chase where he ended up in another city under the siege of war.
I find myself married to a corpse ||
Emily-->”Don’t you see? You’re the other woman.”
He knows that he has to do the right thing and eventually end his life to be with her. But this still terrifies him and he still has to find a way to inform Victoria.
Victoria Everglot-->”But then, on meeting you, I felt that I should be with you always.”
His would be fiance. He feels pulled and bound to her somehow and knows that he has to find a way to fix what he has done.
Sarah Sanderson-->Fix it
He is frightened of her but knows that there is something she can do to help him and his situation.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Jack Skellington | 34 | Flexible-->Greater Good | Bone Daddy
Realm: Other World
Occupation: Entrepreneur at Thimbles
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Demisexual
FC: Eddie Redmayne
He is: Excitable-->Intelligent-->Creative
But also: Impulsive-->Mischievous-->Whimsical
Based on Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas
And to a guy in Kentucky I’m Mister Unlucky ||
As the only son of the founder of his city, he idolized his father. Spending countless hours laying awake with his dad trying to think of ways to spice things up in town. Especially for Halloween. That was their holiday and every year the whole town would celebrate and it was a giant party for everyone. But sometimes his father wondered if there was something more they could do. Jack, naturally, would try his best to help and try making different contraptions for the big bash. His father loved his inventions and often used them for the celebration. Unfortunately, his time with his father came to an end rather soon. His father passed suddenly and tragically when one of his own inventions exploded. Now poor Jack, at only sixteen, was alone.
It was up to him now to run the town and while his father had died he was granted his father’s ability; he could now turn skeletal on command. But there was someone who begged to differ. His name was Osten Bogs and his father was the mayor. The two boys grew up on the same street since they were infants and never once had gotten along. Osten would continuously try to find new ways of the Skellington’s out of town but it never did work. Jack was also the one person in their town that was not downright terrified of him. Always friendly to the other boy and offering to help him in anyway he could. Though all he would get in return was a jeer and a cruel laugh. Though there was one person that Jack could always count on; Zero. They had been there since before the town was founded and while they were dead they served as a good friend to him.
 As he grew older, Jack couldn’t ignore the feeling that there was something missing in their big Halloween bash. Or maybe in their town.It was then when he discovered this thing called snow. Being that in their town it’s autumn year round they never experienced this. Jack was fascinated and tried everything he could to make it snow. But to no avail. Nothing he did worked and eventually he decided to take his studies to another realm where it did snow and try to form some kind of plan to bring it back to his realm with him. Maybe then they could have the celebration that he had always imagined. 
No animal, no man can scream like I can ||
Sally Finkelstein-->”We’re simply meant to be.”
The two have lived side by side for years and only recently met. He feels like he can trust her and she brings out the best in him. Maybe there’s even something more between the two?
Zero-->”My, what a brilliant nose you have.”
He is his best friend. Always there when then other is in need most.
Cinderella-->”Somewhere deep in these bones an emptiness began to grow.”
Though the two hardly ever speak, it is clear that the girl needs someone, a friend, that she can rely on. He wants to show her that he can be that person if she only would let him.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Billy Butcherson | 31 | Flexible-->Neutral | Undead
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Librarian at Old as Time
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Dominic Sherwood
He is: Ambitious-->Resourceful-->Liable
But also: Tactless-->Capricious-->Fastidious
Based on Billy Butcherson from Hocus Pocus
I’ve waited centuries to say that ||
A good ‘ol boy according to his mama, Billy was never one to go out and break the rules. He listened and hung intently to everything his mama had to say. Though it wasn’t because he wanted to. His father was a large man with an intimidating aura and no man wanted to mess with him. That included his own son. All he ever wanted to do was make his parents happy and his mama proud. Of course, his father never laid a hand on Billy. He just scared the living christ out of him. Though as soon as his father passed away it was game on. When he turned just sixteen years old his father got into a brutal and fatal car accident. Killing him upon impact. This awakened something in him and from that moment on he was...what do the kids call it these days? A heathen? Billy started to sneak out at night and get absolutely hammered. Coming home into the early morning still rip roaring drunk and usually with a girl on his arm.
His mother couldn’t take this kind of behavior. Not from her darling boy. So she planned a trip and packed their bags. Moving them to another realm entirely in hopes that her good boy would resurface. But this was in vain. Billy started getting more and more rebellious in Salem. Until the day he met her. Winifred Sanderson was rumored to be a witch and only cast black magic among her and her two sisters. She was exactly what he didn’t need but everything he wanted. The two met at a Samhain party one night and hit it off immediately. Billy started to sneak out and meet her at her cabin deep in the woods and that was when he was introduced to her sisters. Now, everyone in Salem had knew of or at least heard the rumors surfacing about their mother’s hanging. But Billy really didn’t care about that. What he did care about was her sister, Sarah. Young and so full of life and adventurous. That was what he wanted. Or at least what he thought he wanted.
Sarah began to sneak away with him whenever they could and life seemed like a dream. He could eat his cake and have it to! Except he had started to form genuine feelings for the blonde sister. She was sweet at times and didn’t deserve half of the bullshit her sisters put her through. Billy wanted to save Sarah from this treatment. He told her about this plan he had of whisking her away from Salem and they could be together without having to worry about Winifred. That was the night that they were caught and Winifred had had enough of his lies and deceit. Before she killed him she sewed his mouth shut so he couldn’t tell any of her secrets even in death. Billy had no idea how much time had passed. All he knew was that Winifred had called him and now he was alive (sort of) once again. This time they were in another realm and so Billy ventured to Portus Cale to join Winifred on her hunt for her Book of Shadows. Maybe then he can destroy it once and for all.
Go to hell ||
Winifred Sanderson-->” Deep asleep in thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet, be not shy, on thy feet, so sayeth I!”
His ex-girlfriend who poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut. He harbors nothing but a deep hatred for her now. However, his is tied to her via her Book of Shadows which is why he wants to destroy it.
Sarah Sanderson-->Almost Lover
His would be fling. Though he still deeply cares for her and harbors some residual feelings for her. He wishes to convince her to run away with him one more time. If she’ll listen.
Christopher Potts-->”You’ll be safe in here.”
Not only his boss but his good friend. He knows what he went through with his dad and wants to help the younger boy out. Hoping he can help him get over this fear of men like their fathers.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Simba | 32 | Fixed-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Manager at Oasis
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Jarod Joseph
He is: Headstrong-->Realistic-->Genuine
But also: Pessimistic-->Worrisome-->Strict
Based on Simba from The Lion King
What’s a motto ||
He was his parent’s pride and joy. Brought up by two loving parents that gave him the world. Since his father was the owner of a well established club money was never an issue. Simba never went without and often went with his father to work and learned the way of the land so to speak. But when he was fifteen everything changed. His father’s club was robbed and in the process his father was killed. Walking up at the exact right time when the three robbers ran out. His uncle happened to be pull up at that time as well and told him that should others arrive that it would appear that they would think it was all Simba’s fault. He would be charged with the whole thing and his mother would be heartbroken. His uncle urged him to run away and never look back. So he did.
Simba wandered for days and weeks before finally collapsing in an alleyway. He was starving and dehydrated. Luckily, two men, who were working on a shelter for youth just like him, had found him. Timon and Pumbaa by name and they took Simba in with open arms. Welcoming him in to their home and raising him as their own. Eventually he had grown into a well rounded young man. They gave him the position of managing their shelter once it was up and running. But eventually he was found when a disheveled young woman came into the building. He immediately recognized her as a girl he had grown up with named Nala and the two began to reconcile and tell catch the other up. It appeared that there was trouble in paradise.
Nala told him that since his father’s death that his mother had inherited everything. Because he had mysteriously disappeared everyone thought he was kidnapped by the robbers and killed as well. But his uncle was fighting for ownership of the club that was rightfully Simba’s as he was named the successor and the heir to a hefty inheritance. Nala had been sent to find someone that could help them since the police were doing nothing to stop his uncle. Simba, however, was heavily set in his ways and refused to go back. Afraid that when everyone saw him that they would shame him and blame him for his father’s death. Just the way that his uncle had said they would. With the shelter booming with youth in need and at risk he definitely couldn’t leave Timon and Pumbaa. 
Look, sometimes, bad things happen ||
Timon and Pumbaa-->”Look, kid, you gotta put your past behind you.”
His adoptive parents so to speak. They could never replace his dad but they definitely looked out for him and provided for him. Without them he wouldn’t know what to do.
Nala-->”Because it’s your responsibility.”
A childhood best friend and voice of reason. Growing up they would get in all kinds of trouble together. They were nearly inseparable. Now, she is his voice of reason.
Mowgli-->Like Father Like Son
In several ways, he sees a lot of himself in the young man. He’s by no means a kid anymore. But ever since he came into Oasis seeking help and refuge he’s grown rather attached to him. Even looks after him like a son.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Hercules | 31 | Flexible-->Greater Good | Godlike Strength
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Athlete for Lightening Studios
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Drew Van Acker
He is: Determined-->Ambitious-->Daring
But also: Naive-->Jealous-->Distracted
Based on Hercules from Hercules
I can go the distance ||
Adopted as a baby, he never truly fit in with the rest of the people in his city. While he was unnaturally strong for a small child, he only grew stronger as he grew. Hercules never felt as though he was meant to be there and as a result he tried even harder. Others called him names like Jercules and a freak when he was around. All he ever wanted to do was help and fit in but no matter what he seemed to push others away and make an even bigger fool of himself. When he was fourteen when he finally sat his parents down and told them exactly how he felt. With a heavy heart, they told him the truth. They told him that he was adopted as a baby and that there was a necklace with a strange symbol on it around his neck when they found him. With that as his only clue to finding his birth parents, Hercules set out to find where he truly belonged.
He was led to a man called Phil who taught him self defense and taught him how to be a true hero. But whenever they tried to prove this of him, Hercules was laughed at yet again. One day he crossed path’s with a young woman named Meg who was in need of his help. She was sassy and full of life. They began to spend more and more time together until he started to feel something for her. Eventually, he caught the eye of a man named Zeus while training. Zeus claimed that he knew something and wanted to help him. Leading him to become a star athlete and put both him and his childhood best friend, Pegasus, on the map. Zeus said that the more attention that was brought to him the more likely his parents would find him. Hercules believed everything he was told.
But then came the day when he went to meet with Meg and he saw her with another man. While he had no idea who this man was, he was still heartbroken. Hercules wanted answers and while he went to talk to her and demand an explanation, he discovered that she was gone. Nowhere to be found in their city. Still confused and heartbroken, he sought after her despite the warnings of both Phil and Pegasus. Who told him that she was no good, a fraud. Hercules didn’t buy any of it and packed his bags to leave for another realm that he would hopefully find Meg in.
Somehow I’ll be strong ||
Megara-->”He has no weakness.”
While it may appear that he has no weakness. That would be wrong. Megara is, in fact, his one weakness and he’ll do anything to protect her.
Hades-->”Should Hercules fight, you will fail.”
He doesn’t know who this man is but whenever he sees him he gets a bad feeling. He also doesn’t know that he’s his target.
Pegasus-->”He was given to you as a baby.”
They’ve known each other since birth and never go anywhere without the other.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Michael “Mickey" Mouse | 31 | Fixed-->Greater Good | Epic
Realm: Enchanted Forest
Occupation: Owner of House of Mouse
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Jack Falahee
He is: Ambitious-->Gregarious-->Passionate
But also: Unpredictable-->Hypocritical-->Reckless
Based on Mickey Mouse from Steamboat Willie
It’s kind of fun to be impossible ||
tw: car accident
A golden boy. As his parents only son, Mickey was given the shirts off their back. The Mouse family was well known among their realm and loved by all. They were selfless and caring above all else. They raised their son to be the very same. Mickey was a fan favorite among friends and family. Praised for how he handled conflict and how great of a kid he was. Growing up, he got to watch his parents put up a restaurant they called the House of Mouse. Known for their burgers and milkshakes. Family recipes, after all. He strove to be just like his parents in every way and aspect. Though he was often told to never change and be himself no matter what. But everything changed the day he turned sixteen.
Happy Birthday, that afternoon he found that his parents were killed upon impact in a car accident. He inherited everything they ever had. But he was rocked to his core. What would happen to him? How could he go on without his biggest supports? What now? Mickey was lost and began to lock himself in his room without coming out. But one day something clicked in him. In the span of a night, he woke in a dead sleep and left everything he ever had. Moving to another realm entirely where he met the best friends he could ever ask for. Donald and Goofy were there for him when he couldn’t even be there for himself. Then came the day when he met her. Minnie was a sight to see and he was smitten by day one minute one. Spending every moment together that they could.
But one night something magical happened. Mickey realized that he harbored magic. He was so excited that his whole house was alight with the thing. He called it Epic because that was how it felt; epic. He ran to Minnie and told her about this magical discovery and told her he had read about a man called Yen Sid. This man could help him with this gift and nothing could convince him otherwise. On his journey to find him, he met a young boy named Sora who was looking for his friends. Together they conquered evils and vanquished the heartless. Seemingly for good. But then a prophet came to him and told him that a threat was on its way. That another war was about to break loose. Mickey raced back to Portus Cale and cast a great shield like lock over the realm. That way no one could get out. Meanwhile, he decided to set up his parents restaurant to keep their memory alive.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing ||
Minerva Mousse-->”The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
Though he has a great responsibility, he still thinks of Minnie and knows that he belongs with her somehow. However, he feels her pulling away from him.
Donald Duck and Benjamin Goof-->”We’re the three best friends that anybody can have.”
It’s all in the quote. They really are the three best friends that anyone can have.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Oliver | 22 | Flexible-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Freshman at PCU-->Pre Med
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Tom Holland
He is: Caring-->Amiable-->Sweet
But also: Cowardly-->Anxious-->Clingy
Based on Oliver from Oliver and Company
I just wanted some of the hot dogs I helped him get ||
tw: abandonment
Abandoned as a baby, there was nowhere for him to really go. Left alone with his five brothers and sisters to tend to him at a fire station. Oliver was the runt in his family and often forgotten by the time he was able to walk. One day his siblings left to go get something to eat but never came back for him. He was only five years old and had nowhere else to go. Not knowing where to go or what to do rendered him malnourished and near death by the time he was ten. But then the light of his tunnel came. There was a guy who went by the name of Dodger who came to his aid. With his band of friends, they took Oliver in and gave him not only a place to stay but a family once again. He was grateful but didn’t quite understand the way of the streets just yet.
By the time he was fifteen he was proficient enough that he could handle himself without Dodger or Rita there to help him. That was when he met Jenny. She was kind and sweet and most of all...she was rich. Jenny offered to take him in and as much as it hurt his heart, Oliver agreed. Though there was another there that was not okay with his arrival; Georgette. She was the princess of the palace and told Oliver that everything belonged to her. Georgette terrorized him for months before he finally ran back to Fagins and Dodger. But this time they were the ones in trouble. Fagins owed a powerful man some money and his time was up. Everyone was beginning to panic and Oliver was quick to think. 
He ran to Jenny and begged for her help. But only to find that she was gone. Her parents told him that she was in a new city furthering her education and that city was called Portus Cale. They did, however, agree to help him. But only if he also went there to further himself. Oliver quickly agreed and gave the money to Sykes but it wasn’t enough. It only paid off part of the money that was owed. Luckily, with his plea bargain he was going to Jenny anyways. Finding her was a harder task than originally thought, however, and his time is ticking. 
I.....thought it was Jenny’s ||
Dodger-->”Why should I worry?”
He’s like an older brother to him. As much as he knows he hurt him before when he left to Jenny. Now he knows that he can make it up to him.
Fagins-->”Oh no, I grasp it. See? This is how I grasp it.”
A father figure that he always wanted/needed. He’ll do anything to save him.
William Sykes-->”Three sunrises.”
This man terrifies him. There is no one in this world that scares him more. Yet.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Dereck Colburn | 30 | Fixed --> Greater Good | NA
Realm: Enchanted Forest
Occupation: Children’s book author at The Enchanted Lake Book Publisher
Pronouns: he/him
Fc: Thomas Beaudoin 
He is: Daring --> Gallant --> Kind
But also: Immature --> Serious --> Fearless
Based on Prince Dereck from The Swan Lake
I can do much better. I am sure. ||
Dereck was born as prince of his land, and ever since he can remember, his mother -- Uberta -- planned for him to wed a girl named Odette. Every summer the girl would be a guest on his house, and everytime it was a nightmare. Dereck and his best friend Bromley would constantly pick on her. Dereck didn’t want to lose his precious time with a girl, he wanted to play sword fighting, and hunting or boxing, mostly “boy” things, or rather, that’s what he thought. Besides having his life planned didn’t appeal to him, the young man knew for sure he could do much better than plain Odette, with her blue eyes, and yellow hair. Some would say the male was in denial, but whenver someone said that Dereck would appear with a young woman on his arms to prove them wrong. 
Time passed, and both Odette and Dereck grew up. For his surprise Odette turned out to be beautiful, and when he thought about those times when they were children, he could only remember with tenderness and maybe a little bit of passion hidden underneath layers of picking on her. He changed his manners towards her, and the two of them felt instantly for each other. When they were about to get engaged, Odette asked him what he liked about her, however Dereck was never a man of kind words. The male didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t express with words, so he lost her. When he convinced himself about showing her his love, something awful happened. Odette and William were attacked, and someone took her away. Willaim told him about a big animal seconds before dying and Dereck became obsessed with it. He started to chase animals while hunting, and that’s how he found her at last. A swan transformed in front of him, turning out to be his Odette.
She explained to him, that only professing his love in public would break her curse. So, on the night after of their meeting Dereck had a ball that his mother was planning, they planned to meet their, and he would pledge his love in front of all his mother’s guests. When Odette finally got into the party Dereck said to everyone his love for her, but it wasn’t her. Rothbart -- the enchanter who abducted Odette -- had transformed another woman into Odette. Dereck hurried to the lake but it was too late. Odette was dead and it was his fault. That loss changed something inside of him, he didn’t want love anymore, and bitterness made home inside his heart. Dereck ran away, trying to get a new begining, even going to another realm, a place on Earth called Portus Cale. There he started to write about his adventurous and his beloved Odette on children’s books, a way to escape reality. 
She’s like... You know... How about... Then... I mean, right? ||
Odette Bochner. --> Far longer than forever I’ll hold you in my heart.
Odette is just a distant memory for Dereck, someone he wants to forget. 
Belle Villeneuve.--> I’ll find the great animal. 
Belle is Dereck’s editor, and the two of them became good friends because of his books. While often disagreeing on Dereck’s ways with women. 
Odile Karasink. --> You’re not her.
Dereck knows she was only a tool on Rothbart’s game, but as she used him, Dereck sometimes uses her for sex, for she reminds him of his beloved Odette. A love-hate relationship these two posses.
Rothbart Karasink. --> Let him come!
Dereck despises Rothbart, and is trying to find a way to finish his business and eventually Rothbart himself. 
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Philip Hoffman | 30 | Fixed —> Wicked Nine Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Neurologist at Cliffside Asylum
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: up to player
Fc: Grant Gustin
He is: Gentle —> Honorable —> Loyal
But also: Obnoxious —> Arrogant —> Deceptive
Based on Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty
You’re living in the past, this is the 14th century! ||
Born on the reminiscences of European royal blood, young Philip never had to worry about money. Instead his life was planned from the very moment he was born. Since he can remember a name haunts him: Aurora. The two of them were supposed to marry one another in one old fashioned family partnership. Later he discovered that his father — Hubert — wanted to use Aurora’s money to be rich once more. Philip despised the idea, and whenever he had the chance the boy would rebel against it, going out to parties and kissing and sleeping with girls he made sure was on the first page of conceited magazines, but it didn’t matter, even with all the scandals his name was in, the engagement was never off. Philip was too self sufficient to just do something against his will, so the young man studied and studied, putting on his mind that he would recover the family’s money with his own efforts, deciding to be a doctor and making money by helping people, of course this wasn’t what his father wanted, but that was even better in Philip’s opinion.
Once he was horse riding near the woods near his home when he heard someone singing. Philip had watched operas and concerts but no one’s voice could ever compare to that sound. Heading to it he couldn’t be more surprised, a young maid, singing and dancing with animals in the middle of the meadow. Her name was Briar Rose, and to say he was mesmerized by her is an euphemism, however something rather odd happened, the girl suddenly fell and didn’t come up, he rushed to her side. Philip was already studying to be a doctor and discovered she was just asleep, not wanting to move her and worse her case he just stood there, watching her sleep. After that first encounter the couple started to see each other every day, for the first time Philip wanted to truly rebel himself and end the engagement with Aurora, but for his surprise when the day came to finally meeting her, she turned out to be Briar Rose, the woman he was so interested in. The gal told him about her curse, how someday she would sleep forever and how only with a true love’s kiss she’d heal. Philip didn’t believe in any of those rubbish, he was, after all, studying to become a doctor.
Aurora had to return to France, leaving him in Germany. Philip decided to especialize on the neurology part of the medicine, of course trying to find a way to cure Aurora. He moved to Portus Cale, a big city where he conquered an internship on an asylum. On that city he met Mickey, and from this friendship Philip found out that everything was true, magic and even other realms. Mickey needed someone of his trust to be a spy for him, and Philip took that job. But because of that he needs to conceal his true personality, being obnoxious to everyone who isn’t a wicked nine, after all no one could ever suspect his plans.
But when will I see you again? ||
Aurora Bois-Rose —> I’m awfully sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.
Philip has feelings for Aurora, that’s for sure, but to help Mickey and be a spy he can’t demonstrate, even if it kills him inside.
Mickey Mouse —> And now, only I can break the spell.
Philip is very close to Mickey, him being the only one who knows that he’s a spymaster now.
Dawn Bellwether --> Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.
Sometimes Philip and Dawn engage on nights together, he tries to get information out of her, even if he dreads what he has to do to accomplish it. 
Maleficent --> How beautiful is to stay silent when someone wants to enrage you. 
Philip knows it’s all Maleficent’s fault, but he tries to keep up his act and get to know her, and eventually a way to end Aurora’s curse. 
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Christopher “Chip” Potts | 22 | Fixed-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Enchanted Forest
Occupation: Librarian at Old as Time and Freshmen at PCU-->Undecided
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Fabien Yoon
He is: Mindful-->Fair-->Loyal
But also: Stubborn-->Moody-->Cowardly
Based on Chip from Beauty and the Beast
But really, Mama, I saw her ||
tw: abuse mention
As the youngest of five boys, Chip usually got everything as a hand-me-down. His parents never really had the money to buy the boys new clothes or anything new, actually. His mother was too old to really do much with her youngest son and by the time he came around her other boys had learned that the rowdier they got the more headway they had. He had a different father than the other four boys and often got ignored by everyone. Eventually, his mother gained a job with a man named Adam who was very wealthy. While she wasn’t bringing home much more money than before, she was given more spare time and would occasionally spend it with Chip. Bringing him to movies and taking him to the store with her. Sometimes she would just bring him to work and let him play with her employers dog as long as Adam didn’t mind.
One night, one of his brothers was caught sneaking out by his dad. His father beat his brother senseless and this rendered Chip terrified of his dad. Though he never said a word since he was supposed to be in bed. It was the same night that another of his brothers tossed him off their bunk bed. Chip was nine years old and caught his shoulder on something heavy and metal. That something gave him a visible chip in his shoulder which was why he was given his nickname. When he was thirteen his father passed away of a massive heart attack and with that left his mother single and she had to work even harder. But she was growing older and more frail as time went on. Which meant that she was given less work and made less money to support her five growing boys.
Eventually, his mother was diagnosed with cancer and Chip was devastated. His brothers, however, remained unphased. He picked up odd jobs as soon as he was old enough to work to make up for the lack of his brothers. When Adam moved to another realm, so did his mother and with her so did Chip. His brothers all chose to go live with their dad and that meant that he got to spend quality time with his mom. With his dad’s life insurance, his mom bought and opened a library called Old as Time. It was only months later when his mother passed and left everything in her name to Chip. Including the library. But he didn’t want to own something that big and vast. Giving it to the city they were in but keeping his job at the library while he continues his education. Chip tries his best to make his mother proud and keep the library she loved so much up in business.
But I’m not sleepy ||
Isabelle Villenueve-->”Mama, there’s a girl in the castle.”
He sees her as an older sister. Though he often find himself looking out for her instead of the other way around.
Cogsworth-->”I didn’t see anything.”
Growing up with his mother working with him, Chip sees him as a father figure sort of. The kind he was supposed to have. He looks up to him.
Irene-->Brother from Another Mother
Going to school together, they often have classes together. She helps him in areas where he lacks and he tries to help her with her search for certain books at the library.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Frederick“Fred” Jones | 26 | Fixed–>Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Private Investigator
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
FC: Chord Overstreet
He is: Loyal–>Brave–>Protective
But also: Impulsive–>Cocky–>Bossy
Based on Fred Jones from Scooby-Doo
Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands ||
Growing up having an afraid of everything person as your best friend has a way to change someone into a brave soul, and that was exactly what happened to Fred Jones. Fred, Shaggy and Scoob have been best friends since day one in elementary school even though they were in different grades. Soon enough Fred notice that both Shaggy and Scoob have a shared trait. They were both jump-scared cowards. Fred, as a good friend, has made his mission to show both of them that none of the monsters in the closet weren’t real.
It worked just fine until they found themselves caught up in a real mystery. There was an old urban legend about a haunted house a few blocks from their school, nobody truly believed in. One day after the school Fred convinced them to go check up the old house with the promise of some cookies as reward. In order to get the best of the experience they headed to the cinema club to rent a camera where Velma Dinkley overheard them talking about the plans of visiting the house and asked if she could tag along and bring a friend. Turned out that the friend was nobody else then Daphne Blake, the rich kid, star from drama club and the one who made Fred`s heart race.
That was considered the very first mystery of the group that years later would be known as Mystery Inc. a private investigation agency that has traveled all around the country solving the most complex mysteries. As personal motto Fred always says, “There`s no such a thing as monsters, they`re always a bad guy in a fancy dress.” All their hard work led the friends to the city of Portus Cale to set up their office.
All right, gang, this is it. When the going gets tough, what do we do? ||
Daphne Blake–>”The course of true love never did run smooth.”
They go in a on/off relationship for years, although his heart races everytime she is distress.
Norville “Shaggy" Rogers–>”Don't worry. We'll soon fix that.”
Friend and protegee. They go everywhere together as long there’s a scoob-snack involved.
Scooby Doo-Rogers–>”In a case like this, Shag and Scoob did exactly the right thing. Let's scram!”
Just like Shaggy but with a bigger belly, making Fred always act as mediator when he steals Shaggy`s food.
Velma Dinkley–>”Velma! What are you doing here?”
Friends so close that some could say that there`s something else in there, although Fred can only see her as a dorky, incredibly smart little sister.
James Basil–>”He stole my thing that I say!”
Fred`s personal nemesis triggers the most competitive fire in Fred`s inner self. Especially when Daphne is involved.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Willow “Woody” Pride  | 31 | Fixed-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Sheriff
Pronouns: he\him
Sexuality: Up to player
Fc: Josh Duhamel
He is: Brave --> Caring --> Loyal
But also: Insecure --> Short Tempered --> Envious
Based on Sheriff Woody from Toy Story 
Reach for the sky! ||
Ever since a young age Woody looked after his siblings and cousin. Ever since he could remember Woody, Andy, Jessie and Molly would always go around playing and pretend they were at the Woody’s Roundup. He had other friends of course, but Woody always looked up to them as his sidekicks rather than actual friends. He was the leader, always had been being the oldest, but not only for his age. Woody has always been the mature one out of his little group of kids. Everyone looked up to him for advice and in return Woody never leave anyone behind, making sure everyone was okay.
Woody’s life was perfect. Until, of course, he came around. Buzz was a kid that his aunt -- Jessie’s mother -- adopted when they were in their preteens. Everyone pampered Buzz and stopped to go after Woody. Even his little brother Andy who had always seen Woody as his hero. Bo Peep was the only one that stayed by his side as Woody tried to convince everyone that his story that coming from space was a big lie. One day, Woody and Buzz got lost from their family and the two kids had to put their differences aside to find a way to get back home. In the meantime the boys bonded and got really close to one another. 
All of them grew up to be adults, Woody decided to follow the police career becoming a sheriff on a big town named Portus Cale. All his family also made a living there so everything was perfect once more in his life. He would never expect people going crazy and even disappearing in that town, at least not on his watch. Woody will do everything in his power to make everything go back to normal and find the cure and the missing people. 
He’ll be there for you no matter what || 
Andy and Molly Davis --> But the thing that makes Woody special is he’s never going to give up on you... Ever. 
Andy and Molly are Woody’s half siblings, being born from their mother’s second marriage. However for being boys, Woody and Andy bonded in a way that unfortunately Molly could never understand and never could reach even if she tried. 
Buzz Lightyear--> You got a friend in me. 
Woody and Buzz became the best of friends, doing everything together and actually sharing the responsibility of taking care of their family. 
Jessica Pride --> Prospector said someday you’d come!
Woody and his cousin Jessie always had a sibling like relationship rather than just cousins. She’s the one he goes to when he needs advice for love interests and vise versa. 
Bete “Bo” Peep --> Oh Woody, if only you could see how much Andy misses you. 
Woody and Bo have been sweethearts since the two of them can remember. Even when she moved to another city they never lost contact. And now as adults the two of them are trying to be together. 
Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde -->  Trust takes years to build.
Judy and Nick are police officers under Woody jurisdiction. Although he trusts Judy with his eyes closed to help him to solve Portus Cale’s mystery, he can’t say the same about Nick. Always sleeping one eye open with him. 
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Dumount Tweedle | 25 | Flexible-->Greater Good | NA
Realm: Wonderland
Occupation: Poker Dealer at Royal Flush Casino
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Dane DeHaan
He is: Witty-->Calculated-->Stable
But also: Fickle-->Curious-->Worrisome
Based on Tweedle Dum from Alice in Wonderland
Say, ‘how do you do’ and shake hands ||
While he was born just a few short minutes after his sister, he was often neglected. Forgotten about and tossed to the side. It was no wonder Dumount stopped trying to be seen at a young age. Everything was all about his sister and he knew that. Standing in her shadow for most of his life left him trying to clean up her messes. Fix the things she broke and cover up her tracks. Della was reckless where he was careful. She was a bull in a china shop and he was just there to apologize for her crude behavior. Dumount spent the better part of his childhood just trying to make friends and belong in a world that his sister created. They differed in almost every way and fought often. Him trying to calm her waves of anger and reason with her. But there was no reasoning with Della.
As they got older they formed their own opinion in more areas than just that of play. While he thought the Mirana was the true monarch of their realm. Della thought that it was Iracebeth. That was the true division of the Tweedle twins. His sister was determined to join the forced of the Red Queen. But he was trying to find a peaceful way to make sure that he could join the resistance. Times were tough in their realm and even after their parents were called upon by the Red Queen to aid her in her endeavors and their father was killed Della still though the sun set and rose with her. Dumount became increasingly clever in his lies about where he was going and who he was speaking to. Telling his sister that he was just making friends.
When his sister ran off to another realm after Iracebeth it was time for the resistance to rise. Mirana was already in the other realm but the resistance had yet to follow their leader. Dumount made sure that everyone knew their stances and roles. With that they took off for the realm of Portus Cale. His sister took up her roots in the casino that had been built in Iracebeth’s name and with that he also made his earnings there as a poker dealer. After all, what better way to keep an eye on things than to work right in plain sight? His plan was genius.
State your name and business ||
Della Tweedle-->”That’s logic!” 
While he knows full well that his sister has no regard for him whatsoever. He can’t help but feel as though she’s being too reckless and looks out for her still.
Dorcas Mouis-->”Ca-Cat!?”
This is the one person that he feels closest to now. While others form groups, he has never really learned how to make friends and just recently bonded with the other boy.
Arawn King-->”It is far better to be feared than loved.”
The only person that he is truly terrified of.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Sora | 25 | Fixed-->Greater Good | Keyblade Master
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Sophomore at PCU-->Studying Engineering
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Pansexual
FC: George Shelley
He is: Adventurous-->Playful-->Loyal
But also: Over Protective-->Impulsive-->Reckless
Based on Sora from Kingdom Hearts
Like is any of this for real... Or not ||
Born and raised on an island, he has always faced life with a sense of reckless abandon. Never one to think twice about his actions, Sora was raised by his mother as his father passed away before he was born. His father was an adventurist and was always off seeking ways to venture to new undiscovered lands and realms outside of their own. Sora inherited this from him and once he puts his mind to something there is no stopping him. He started sneaking out with his friends to build a raft at a young age and would sneak back in before his mother noticed he was even gone. When a girl his age, named Kairi, washed up on the shores of Destiny Island the two bonded almost immediately. Running off to a cave that they referred to as “the Special Place” where they would exchange secrets apart from his best friend, Riku. The three of them dreamed big and never once looked behind them. Until the day the Darkness came.
A vicious storm swept their island up and destroyed nearly everything in its path. Including his two best friends. Though just before Kairi was whisked away he saw her. Reaching for her hand and pleading for her to go with him. But something wasn’t right and Kairi was lost in the wind. As soon as the storm died, Sora found a strange key like blade washed ashore and scooped it up. Vanishing from his beloved island in search of his friends and bring them back home. However, this was no easy task. Sora learned that his new weapon was called a Keyblade and he was chosen to master it. It holds unbelievable power and can vanquish what was called the Darkness. In his journey he met two unlikely friends and together they fought off the growing Darkness. But then he found Riku. Just like Kairi, something wasn’t right.
His friend had chosen a different path and no matter how much Sora begged and pleaded there was no swaying Riku. They began to fight and as a result his soul was torn in two. He began to feel a pull to Portus Cale and it was here that he decided to rest. Hearing rumors that not only was Kairi there but there was a way to reach Riku and bring him back to the boy that he used to know. So, he decided to take up studying at the university in hopes that he would find a way to pull his friends together again, put his soul back together and they can finally go back home. Even if he is being pulled to the Darkness just as Riku had been.
A scattered dream that’s like a far-off memory ||
Kairi-->”I want to line the pieces up...yours and mine.”
His first love, though he has failed to see her as anything more than a friend. When they were kids they shared a paopou fruit together thus intertwining their destinies forever. He’ll do anything for her and will do anything to keep her safe.
Riku-->”A far-off memory that’s like  scattered dream.”
These two boys grew up together. They were like brothers until Kairi came along and the two felt a strange rivalry over her. Though they remained very close and never spoke of their feelings for the girl. He will do anything he can to bring his friend back to where he belongs.
Benjamin Goof and Donald Duck-->”I am who I am because of them.”
He met these two on his journey. Despite how much he fights with Donald the three of them have become rather close.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Ali Aladdin Ababwa | 28 | Flexible –> Greater Good | Master of the Lamp
Realm: Earth
Occupation: Model with Lightening Studios
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Jade Hassoune
He is: Caring –> Brave –> Charming
But also: Selfish –> Dependable –> Mischievous
Based on Aladdin from Aladdin
Some day, Abu, things are gonna change. We’ll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all ||
Everyone knows about the economics conflicts the Arabian countries are suffering, but Agrabah, was always the worst. Especially for a little boy named Aladdin. His father – Cassim – left him, his mother and his younger brother, Abu, alone when his brother was only an infant. Ever since then his life was a little rough. But when he lost his mother he really had to learn to survive. Especially having Abu as his dependent. Which meant they stole food to eat. No wallet would be safe in the room if Aladdin was there. Because of this, he was humiliated and looked down upon by the police of his city.
Everything changed when he met the princess. Aladdin and Abu were accused of abducting her and left on the old dungeons of her castle. There they met an old man who educated them about money and having everything they ever wanted. Aladdin only had to steal for the man an old lamp. As both brothers got inside of the Cave of Wonders, Abu was mesmerized with all the gold before them. Although Aladdin knew they should only get the lamp. He was successful in this task. But the old man betrayed them and left both him and Abu there to die. His brother was the one more savvy of the two, and on that time he helped him as well. Abu stole the lamp from the old man. When Aladdin rubbed the lamp with his hand a genie came out of it. Granting him three wishes to make his wildest dreams come true.
Aladdin asked to be made a prince. What he didn’t expect was that he became prince of Agrabah and his father, Cassim, the sultan. The princess and her family were demoted to a royal family, so Aladdin was always near Jasmine. Although her personality hadn’t changed at all he discovered that his demeanor had. Aladdin – or Ali Ababwa, his new name in this alternate universe – was a lying prince that only cared about his own necessities. Seeing the changes on his behavior Ali moved to Portus Cale, a famous city where he pursued a career in modeling. If only to discover himself again.
Do you trust me ||
Abu Ababwa --> “ Perfect timing, Abu, as usual.”
Aladdin spent his whole life trying to provide for him and his brother. For once he’s not scared of Abu not having food. So he’s trying to concentrate more on his life for a change. Although he loves his brother and would do everything on his power to make him safe.
Jasmine Bobolonius. –>” Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?”
Meeting the young woman made his hear race from the first time he laid his eyes upon her, they got along pretty well, but on this new version of himself Jasmine despise him. Ali wants to recover their friendship.
The Genie –>” You never had a friend like me.”
Genie showed to be a goof friend for Aladdin, giving him advice and somewhat a father figure for him. Although Aladdin knows that he should use his last wish to free him, he also worries that he will need Genie for the rest of his life.
Jafar Abdullah –> “ I think it’s time to say ‘good-bye’ to Prince Abubu… “
Being the old advisor of Jasmine’s family. Jafar maintained his old profession and was assigned to come along with him to take care of the young prince.
Cassim Ababwa –> “There’s so much I want to know.”
Ali is curious, yet resentful about his father for letting him and his mother.
Hyancith Spring Spreader –> “Then you’ll set your spirit free.” Ali found a good friend on him while modelling.
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