#open to anyone participating including non mutuals!
voxuli · 3 months
Beach Week with Hotelier!Vox and Vark - Open Starter
Hardly a day into the trip, and already there was some kind of chaos going on. He'd raised his eyebrows at Charlie using the intercom to explicitly ban any soul dealings, sure, but based on his experiences with the hotel, Vox can't say he's surprised. The only difference here was that for one blessed week, none of it was his problem.
And that had remained true, for about twelve hours. Just a man and his hellshark having a nice little walk along the farther reaches of the beach. Vark had enjoyed a little bit of fishing and a great deal of rolling around in the sand, and Vox had enjoyed watching him from a suitable distance that avoided getting sand or fish guts on his nice linens. Now they were ambling back to the resort at about dinnertime.
Or they were supposed to be. Vark perks up when they approach the pool. He bounds forward; Vox stumbles before losing the leash.
"VARK!" he yells, far too late. A couple hundred pounds of sand-coated hellshark pelts headlong into the pool, swamping any poolgoers unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.
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lordprettyflackotara · 3 months
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// welcome to my world \\
nav ~
| creeps masterlist | | hitchhiker masterlist |
| sam & colby masterlist | harry potter masterlist |
this blog is 18+, minors dni. none of my content is sfw. please be aware i like to write about dark themes with bdsm leaning kinks. if these things make you uncomfortable, please leave for your own sake. that being said, i will always have a tw for content involving anything such as: non con, rape, self harm, suicide, blood, murder, gore, or if it’s just downright depressing.
my inbox is open for request, questions, etc. i enjoy interacting with everyone who visits my blog. however due to other projects as well as irl matters i am unsure how frequently i will be able to respond to my inbox. please be patient with me 🫶🏼
all characters i write for are aged up to be 20+. anything younger is not comfortable for me. i do not write for the kinks: (included but not limited to) scat, piss, feet, tickling, puke, waterboarding, wound fucking, etc. i specialize in angst/smut, i write minimal fluff as it is not my strong suit. i only write fem/afab x readers. anything else i am not comfortable writing.
about me
my name is Tara :) i’m 21, she/her. i’m a ravenclaw, mattheo girl, sam girl, ej girl, masky girl, and matt girl. writing is my hobby & my passion. i am an open book & id love to be mutuals &/or friends.
as of June 2024 i no longer write for the sturniolo triplets. the fandom is far too toxic for me to enjoy writing for it. all of my previous work has been deleted due to the extensive backlash i received in my inbox after my original announcement. i apologize to anyone who enjoyed my work & didn’t participate in the toxicity. i am not against writing for them in the future, but as of right now that’s not in cards for me.
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xianyoon · 5 months
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꒰ message from ying ꒱
it's time to host ebg again !!! if you're new to ebg – you're most welcome to join us, we'd love to have you ! this event is open to anyone who enjoys genshin ( this will be a genshin centered event ! ) and mutuals and non-mutuals ( mdni blogs included – there'll be adults playing too ) ! if you're new to genshinblr, this would be a great way to interact with more people too :") i hope to see you in the signups list !!! signups will close once we get to around 25 people !!
sign-up form
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on rules
the game will run from 03 to 10 may 2024 ! it will be hosted by me :)
participants are not allowed to interact with their original biases. their original biases do not exist to them during this game.
participants may reply to asks containing their original bias' name, but must not say it / describe the bias in any way.
players and non-players are allowed to sabotage each other. a list with everybody's original biases will be released !
sabotaging others who have the same bias as you is allowed , but you are not allowed to say the bias' name, or describe them in any way.
url changes are not necessary , but theme changes ( if it has your original bias ) are ! players are given 24 hours to change their themes if their original theme is of their original bias — before earning a strike .
players who lose the game will earn a forfeit ♡
non-players, i am counting on you to help me check on the players !!!!
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on strikes
participants have 3 lives ! with each strike, one life dies. 3 strikes, and the player loses the game.
reblogging things with / directly responding to things that contain your original bias' / or their name will incur a strike. saying your bias' name / describing your bias will also incur a strike !
players are allowed to reblog the original bias list post at the start of the game. reblogging it midway through the game will earn you a strike bc it contains the name .
during this ebg, you can earn points by creating things about your assigned bias. ( eg. if my assigned bias is kaeya, and if i write something for kaeya (200+ words), i'll get 500 points! )
tag me (@xianyoon) when you create something! i'll assign you your points. each piece of work is standard with 500 points. use the tag #genshinblr may ebg 2024 so that i can track it better !
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about points
500 points are awarded as a standard for each creation. for writing, it should be 200 words minimum, and for art, it should be lineart minimum. i do not accept doodles. for edits, it'll be at my discretion! each piece should have some effort put into it – not just created for the sake of earning points.
players can use their points from creations to strike people ! each strike costs 1000 points . each player is limited to one earnable strike each day . just send me an ask to strike someone !
players will be able to spend 2000 points to heal themselves as well ! the heals have no limit per day !
for 2000 points , players can redeem one hour to be free from ebg , starting from the period of time when i approve the redemption . the hour is consecutive and cannot be split up into different periods . this one hour can only be redeemed ONCE in the entirety of the whole game. if players start the hour without my knowledge, they will earn a strike.
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supraveng · 1 year
mutuals collab event
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First and foremost, I am so excited you all wanted to participate.  I think it’s going to be fun and exciting to feed off of each other's writing styles and ideas.   
Here are a few rules to follow in order to maintain a bit of consistency throughout the series
Each writer will be assigned a chapter to write pairing the reader with the character or RPF
For consistency, please use gender neutral or she/her pronouns
Exclude as much physical detail about the reader as possible
Since this is a reader insert series, please use Y/N or feel free to have the other characters give a nickname
Please write your chapter in third person
If you choose to include dark themes or smut (incest, non-con, dub-con, polyamorous, etc) please make sure your chapter is labeled properly.  
The reader does not have to be paired romantically with anyone in your chapter, that’s up to you
I would love for each chapter to be posted in order, so when you post your chapter, you can tag the previous chapter.  Please also edit your chapter to include a link to the next once it has been posted
Include a link to the MasterList for the series at the beginning of your chapter
You can add a title to your chapter, this will be included on the MasterList, which will be updated as soon as a new chapter is posted
Feel free to use the last few lines of the previous chapter as the opening / transition of your chapter
Please use the Keep Reading insert after your first few paragraphs
Since everyone’s writing style is different, I don’t want to limit the words in your chapter, ideally between 1000-5000 would be good, but if you don’t stay with in that perimeter, that’s ok
In addition to your chapter, you can also contribute an epilogue to be included at the end of the series.  This will be labeled with the character pairing from your chapter so readers can choose which ending they want the reader to have. If you want to add an epilogue, please hold it until all the other chapters are posted.  
try to post your chapter no longer than a week after the previous chapter
if you need a beta, let me know! I would love to help however I can
Fandom Leap
(feel free to use the series title graphic when posting your chapter)
Prologue  - Falling into the fandom  - supraveng - coming August 1st
Chapter 1 -  @nickfowlerrr
Chapter 2 - @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men
Chapter 3 - @crazyunsexycool
Chapter 4 - @supraveng
CHapter 5 - @swiftlymoniquesblog
Chapter 6 - @missvelvetsstuff
Chapter 7 - @vibraniumarm06-bucket
CHapter 8 - @rosedpetal
Chapter 9 - @imyourbratzdoll
Chapter 10 - @herdreamywasteland
Chapter 11 - @jamneuromain
Chapter 12 - @potterhead2207
Please tag me and the other writers when you post your chapter so the masterlist can be updated and we can all reblog each chapter as well, and include #fandom leap in your tags
Happy Writing!!
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machinegrl · 1 year
tag game: bold the facts ! ☆
thank you for the tag! @raiiny-bay @wldestluv-rs rlly wanted to do one for lilith too🥰🤍
other ocs: syera & dione
rules: tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. easy! the person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
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LILITH - interstellar aviator 🧛‍♀️🚀
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
 ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
 ✖ Criminal Records: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet/ yes, but charges were dismissed (is involved in intergalactic smuggling of contraband and often participates in illegal air racing)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between (she doesn't really care what other people do. she doesn't like to get too involved in anyone's business and hates it when they meddle w/ hers.)
♦ empathetic (only towards certain people) / vicious bastard / in between (only willing to participate in mutually beneficial relationships. It's kind of how her relationship with Syera started.)
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between / other
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good (she is an ex-military) / moderate / poor / none
 ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication (or at least she thinks so) / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never (can't stomach any kind of food she drinks blood tho and/or other alternatives 😅) / special occasions / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently (spends a lot on cigars and upgrades for her ship she also occasionally buys stuff for Syera) / shopaholic
 ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes/ frequently / compulsive gambler (spends a lot on illegal air racing)
★Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀Philosophical: yes / no
◒Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned (was raised as a space cadet alongside Dione) / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable 
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual (she realized she's lesbian a little later on in her relationship w/ Syera) / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
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fereldanwench · 2 years
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Hi, I'm Wench! 💙 I'm 36, my pronouns are she/her, and I'm a connoisseur of DILFs, coffee, and nail polish. If you'd like to know more about me, you can check out my about page here, or if you'd like to peruse the stuff I make, you can check out the links below.
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Goro Takemura Master Post
Valerie Powell Master Post
Goro + Valerie AU Master Post
Featured Goro x Valerie Content
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🔞 NSFW & Adult Content Warning This is not a minor-friendly space, and I strongly discourage anyone under 18 from following me.
📝 What I Post My original posts are mainly about Cyberpunk 2077, specifically Valerie and Goro, with a life update, selfie, or shitpost thrown in for good measure. 😘 Other game series I enjoy and create for include Tomb Raider, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Outer Worlds, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, The Elder Scrolls, and Fallout.
🔁 What I Reblog I reblog a mixture of video games, movies/shows, art, scenery/aesthetic, fandom history/commentary, and meme posts. For a full scope of what you’ll find here, you can check my tag page!
💌 On Following Back I get very overwhelmed by super active dash, and I am just about at my limit for how many blogs I can keep up with--I can't guarantee I can follow everyone back. I don't follow minors at all, and I typically prefer blogs with at least a basic tagging system, e.g. tagging for a game or character at minimum.
📃 Miscellaneous - I queue or schedule many of my posts, and my queue can be as long as a few weeks out. - Ask box is temporarily closed as of July 2023. DMs are available to mutuals only.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Other Accounts
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Q: How do you make your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots? A: The main tool I use is the Appearance Menu Mod, which is used to spawn NPCs, decor, and lighting. I wrote a very detailed guide on how to get started with AMM, available here.
Please note as of December 2022, this guide is somewhat out of date, and I haven't had the time to update it. The method described here still works, but there are other options that are less cumbersome. You can check my CP77 Help tag for more recent information.
I also use Reshade for the Cinematic DOF and Real Long Exposure shaders, and I occasionally use the paid Otis Injectable Camera for hotsampling or if I need to unlock more camera movement. All color editing is done in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.
Q: What mods do you recommend? A: I have a list that I update every few months that links all the publicly available mods I use in my game as well as a more general mod tag for any mods that look interesting/useful.
I’ve also dabbled in making some of my own mods (mostly pose packs), which are available for free at my Ko-fi shop.
Q: Is Valerie's preset/NPV publicly available? A: Nope, I only share Valerie with very close friends who I know will take good care of her.
Q: Is Valerie available for RPing or OC shipping? A: Although I'm very flattered by the interest, she is not. This is not a roleplaying blog, and while I love getting to know about other people's OCs, I'm currently not interested in Valerie having a romantic past with anyone else's characters. However, I am open to plotting non-romantic relationships between Valerie and mutuals' OCs. 💙
Q: Do you take commissions? A: I currently don't take commissions of any kind, although I am sometimes open to art trades with mutuals (art for art, VP for VP, or VP for art). I can't guarantee my schedule will permit it, but if it's something you're interested in, feel free to send me a DM! 💙
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I'm fereldanwench in most fandom-oriented spaces. These are my main accounts:
I'm not an active participant in any Discord community, but I do lurk in the AMM Community, Cyberpunk 2077 Modding, and Men of Night City servers under the same name.
The banners on this post were created from a combination of my personal virtual photography and Flaticon graphics.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, this year it’s on November 24. If this date sounds familiar to you, it’s because the fourth Thursday of November also coincides with Thanksgiving in the U.S. Every year on the National Day of Mourning, Native American people in New England gather together to protest. To them, Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the unjust treatment that Native Americans have received since the 1620 Plymouth landing.
History of National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning reminds us all that Thanksgiving is only part of the story. Native Americans, since 1970, have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving Day.
Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and established the first colony in 1620. As such, it’s the oldest municipality in New England. Many Native Americans, however, don’t celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving, to them, is a brutal reminder of “the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture.”
They participate as a way to honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. “It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) sponsors this event. They maintain that the Pilgrims arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own, as opposed to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants. UAINE members believe that these settlers “introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.”
The National Day of Mourning generally begins at noon and includes a march through the historic district of Plymouth. While the UAINE encourages people of all backgrounds to attend the protests, only Native speakers are invited to give these speeches about the past, as well as current obstacles their people have overcome. Guests are asked to bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables, or pre-cooked items. The protest is open to anyone, and has attracted other minority activists.
National Day of Mourning timeline
​1998 No permit needed​
UAINE receives permission from local authorities to march in protest without having to obtain a permit. ​
​1997 Protests got violent​
State troopers use force against protesters who gathered together to observe the 28th annual National Day of Mourning. ​
​1970 National Day of Mourning began
The first annual protest for the National Day of Mourning takes place.​
​1620 Pilgrims arrived​
English separatist Puritans, who had broken away from the Church of England, land at Plymouth Rock. Today we refer to them as Pilgrims.
National Day of Mourning FAQs
What really happened in 1621?
The Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest by firing guns and cannons in Plymouth. The noise alarmed ancestors of the Wampanoag Nation who went to investigate. That is how native people came to be present at the first Thanksgiving Are federal offices closed on a national day of mourning?
U.S. government offices are closed on the National Day of Mourning due to the Thanksgiving holiday. What happens on the National Day of Mourning?
Native Americans and supporters gather in Plymouth to “mourn our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands.”
How to Observe National Day of Mourning
Brush up on your history
Learn more about the United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
Attend a protest
Do you know much about the first Thanksgiving? Do some research online, stop by your local library, or watch a documentary that will help give you a better understanding of what Native Americans actually went through.
UAINE is responsible for helping the National Day of Mourning protest take shape. To observe this important day, take some time to learn about about the UAINE. It's a fascinating organization that has done a great deal to promote better treatment for the Native American people.
Protesters gather on Cole's Hill, a location overlooking Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts. Everyone is welcome to observe these gatherings, and recently, other minority groups have started to become involved in the events of this day.
​4 Reasons To Thank Native Americans
​They've been here a while
​Thank you for your service
Your great-grandma is who?
An important vocabulary lesson
Native Americans have existed in what is now known as the United States since 12,000 BC. ​
Although they were not considered American citizens, over 8,000 Native Americans served in the military in World War I. ​
​Many of the first families who settled in Virginia trace their roots directly back to Pocahontas.
A bunch of Native American words have made their way into the English language; for example, coyote, tomato, poncho, potato, and chia.​
Why National Day of Mourning is Important
It serves as an important history lesson
It's a time to come together
It shifts our attention away from turkey
Textbooks often glaze over the unjust treatment of Native Americans. The National Day of Mourning, however, is a reminder that the people native to the Americas have been the recipients of a great deal of unfair treatment. It's important to discuss.
For protesters, the National Day of Mourning serves as a time to rally together to advocate for what they believe in. UAINE has worked to improve relations between the government and native people.
Yes, Thanksgiving can be a great day filled with tons of good food and time spent with loving family and friends. However, the mission behind the National Day of Mourning is to highlight that the Thanksgiving holiday is actually quite painful for some people. For quite a few Native Americans in New England, Thanksgiving marks a time when their ancestors were treated poorly.
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wanderinginksplot · 2 years
WIP Progress Tag Game!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for thinking of me @nimata-beroya! Tragically, I give all of my WIPs generic, boring-sounding titles in case anyone catches a glimpse of my computer screen when I'm writing. (Literally, my most opened are 'Project Eight', 'Scrap Heap', and 'Project Seventeen'.)
I'm going to get a little more specific, though. Here are the projects I'm currently focusing on in those WIPs:
Hardcase/GN!reader one-shot (non-romantic)
Limit/GN!Jedi!reader one-shot (non-romantic)
Fives/GN!reader one-shot
Stone/GN!reader one-shot
Sev/GN!reader one-shot
Gar Cyare Chapter Twelve
Refuge Chapter Four
Feel free to ask about any of them! Context, reader characters, anticipated drop dates, etc. I'll be glad to answer!
Since I have a lot of new mutuals and a lot of older mutuals have been burnt out as well, I want to skip adding a taglist. Instead, if you want to participate in this or other games, please reblog, comment, or tag yourself so I know who to include on future taglists!
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ransomdrysdale-anon · 3 years
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The Rules of the Game
Here are my rules for interactions. Please abide by them or you will be blocked.
I am an adult. Therefore, I will not interact with anyone that is not. 18+ only. Please do not try to hide this fact and think you’ll be the exception. If we haven’t discussed and established or your blog does not state your age I will not interact. This is a hard stop and is not negotiable.
Send an ask or a DM to start an interaction. However, please remember there is a real person behind this character and I have a life and obligations outside of roleplaying. No need to send several, I will respond when I can.
Consent is key. Do not assume I’m okay with any storyline. Come into my DMs first so we can talk. Ransom may have storylines in motion. DMs are always open if you’d like to talk about a storyline or interaction you may want to start.
I will not do NSFW interactions on dash. I’ve been burned a couple times and it’s made me leery of it. Slide into my DMs and we’ll talk. I don’t mind flirtatious behavior but will not engage in NSFW unless we’ve talked and both parties are consenting. This is non negotiable.
Hate of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes anyone Ransom has an active storyline with and those who are his mutuals. Please just be kind, it’s the best way to be.
There are a few things I will not RP: Dub-con, non-con, scat, hard degradation, torture. I will add to this list as I see fit.
Every morning at 5am PST is Ransom’s Riddles. You can participate by sending asks with your answers. Correct answers will get a mildly insulting gold star. Riddle answers will be posted at 5pm PST.
If you’re anon, assign yourself an emoji!Emojis taken: ☕️, 🖤,🌼
Ransom is a spoiled, privileged asshole. He doesn’t do small talk and he’s rarely nice to anyone unless you have something to offer him. So any interactions with him will likely result in you being insulted. I in no way mean to hurt feelings or offend anyone, but this is an rp blog and I am going to stick to character. I do greatly enjoy the interactions! Please feel free to reach out anytime and enjoy! Thank you for being here!
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Hi everybody, thanks for the asks letting me know I made the top of @yusuftiddies’ list of Homophobes in TOG Fandom, you can stop sending them now.
I can make mistakes and fuck up and own that. I am serious about listening to marginalized people. But... in this case, while @yusufstiddies generally describes factual events that happened and factual posts that exist, I have to say that I can’t actually apologize for the things I’m called out for because I don’t think they’re homophobic. The things he criticizes me for are things that come from a lot of personal experience as a queer bisexual cis woman, as well as a lot of reflection, research, and study. I believe in them really strongly and stand by them.
I’m really sorry if this makes TOG fandom too hostile, because it is not my intention to make this place so unpleasant that anyone feels driven out. I understand if my stance means people no longer want to follow me/read my stuff/participate in projects I’m involved with (though I’d rather hand off the Research Hub to someone else than see it go down with me). I’m posting this so people can know where they stand before they decide whether to keep interacting with my blog, or “deplatform” me as @yusufstiddies recommends.
I would recommend, for anyone who doesn’t want to see my posts, using Tumblr’s new post content filtering feature. If you type a username (like star-anise or with-my-murder-flute) into it, Tumblr will hide all posts featuring that specific string of characters, and therefore any post or reblog of mine.
To address the accusations against me:
I am an anti-anti: Yes. I’ve reblogged posts of mine about this before. I care passionately about preventing child abuse, but I think there are better ways to prevent child abuse in fandom (like concrete harassment policies so predatory behaviour can be reported and stopped early, and education about digital consent and healthy relationships) than attacking people who write “bad ships,” not least because the first people it hurts are abuse survivors trying to work through their trauma, and because the research says you cannot actually tell who’s a sexual predator based on what they write about.  Fiction affects reality, but not on a 1:1 basis. My mainblog, @star-anise, has a really extensive archive of my writing on the subject.
I said cishet men aren’t more privileged than gay men: Kinda. What I actually did was question whether Every Single Cishet Man benefits from more privilege than Every Single Gay Man. If a man is cishet but gets beaten up because people perceive him as gay, he’s not exactly feeling the warm toasty glow of heterosexual privilege in that moment. Oppression is complicated and there are times when someone’s lack of privilege on one axis is way less important than someone else’s lack of privilege on another axis.
The post above also includes me reblogging someone else’s addition about how straight men can be included in the queer movement: I’m queer. @yusufstiddies has made it very clear that he isn’t comfortable with the word “queer” and doesn’t like it. Therefore I think it’s understandable that he might not understand that the queer community sees ourselves as a coalition of people dedicated to dismantling the structures of sex and gender that oppress us, not a demographic of people whose gender identities or sexual orientations can be neatly mapped. However, I would say that doesn’t make queer theory inherently homophobic.
There are also some related points @yusufstiddies didn’t level at me specifically, but I would like to address:
The constant focus on the unsafeness of cishet people:
I’m not cishet. I’m a bisexual woman who’s dated women. Sixth-light is a queer woman married to a woman. This is not an issue of non-LGBTQ+ people blundering their way into something they don’t experience the daily consequences of. This is an issue of people from WITHIN the LGBTQ+ community who sincerely disagree with @yusufstiddies about the pressures we experience and how best to deal with them. I think that even if @yusufstiddies were to filter his fiction input to only LGBT-written work about LGBT experiences, or even only trans-written work about trans people, he would still find a lot of things he finds upsetting or transphobic, because sexual and gender identities are really diverse and not everything will suit one person.
The contention that saying “’Queer is a slur’ is TERF propaganda” is transmisogyny because it dilutes the definition of “TERF”:
People who point out the phrase is TERF propaganda are not calling every person who says it a TERF, and we are not trying to argue that telling a queer person that queer is a slur is inherently equal to the kind of damage a TERF does when she attacks a trans woman out of transphobia. Queer people being able to use the word “queer” does not have the same importance as trans women being able to live, work, and survive in public. Rather, we are literally saying, “This is a thing TERFs say when they take a break from attacking trans women and try to recruit new members to their group, so it’s in our best interests to not give it too wide a currency.”
Some people have experienced the word “queer” used as a hateful word hurled against them and don’t want to hear it ever again. I get that. It happens. Where I grew up, “gay” was a synonym for “shitty” and it took me a lot of years out of high school before the word “gay” wouldn’t shoot my blood pressure through the roof.  I actually do understand that and think that’s valid (and again, support using post content filtering for that word).
One of the things I do at @star-anise is argue with young people who are headed into full-on transmisogynistic TERF territory, and work at reeling them back and deradicalizing them. I use a tag called “weedwhacking” so my followers can filter out the sometimes lengthy back-and-forths we get going.
Something I’ve learned, interacting with so many TERFs and proto-TERFs, is that one way they frequently get recruited into harassing trans people was through discourse around the word “queer”. For one, it encouraged them to want to distance themselves from any perception of LGBT people as “weird” or “not normal”, which led to seeing trans people as “weird” and “not normal” and therefore not good members of the “gay pride” community. For two, repeating “queer is a slur” predictably causes a lot of queer people to react in a defensive manner, so by teaching young or new people to say it, TERFs can set them up to feel alienated from the larger LGBTQ+ community and more open to TERF propaganda.
The next issue isn’t mentioned in the original callout post, but I think it’s key to this entire issue:
@yusufstiddies has made several posts about what cishet people should and shouldn’t write. For example, cishets shouldn’t write Nicky experiencing internalized homophobia.  Another is a detailed post of things cishets shouldn’t write about trans people, including which sexual positions only trans people are allowed to write. I would imagine that part of his frustration with fandom has been the lack of traction those posts have gotten. I know I very deliberately didn’t reblog them.
That isn’t because I don’t agree that the things he complains about are rarely handled well by cishet authors. I agree that there’s a lot of bad fic out there that contributes to negative stereotypes against LGBTQ+ people and is basically a microaggression to read.
I have two very deeply-seated reasons for my position:
LGBTQ+ identities are different from many other political identities because most people are not born identifiably LGBTQ+. It’s something we have to figure out about ourselves. And one really important way that we do that is using the safety of fiction to explore what an experience would be like, sometimes years before we ever admit that we fit the identity we’ve written about. So banning cishet authors from writing something is really likely to harm closeted and questioning LGBTQ+ people. It will lengthen the amount of time questioning people take before finding the identity that really fits them, and force closeted people to be even more closeted. 
There’s a lot of undeniably shitty stuff in fandom. However, I fundamentally believe that trying to target the people creating it and forcing them to stop doesn’t work very well, and has the serious byproduct of killing the creativity and enthusiasm of the rest of fandom and resulting in less of the actual thing you like being produced. I think that it is infinitely more productive to focus on improving the ratio of good stuff in fandom than trying to snuff out every bad thing.
Like I said: I understand if this means former followers, mutuals, or friends no longer want to interact with me. I’ll be saddened, but I’ve obviously chosen this path and can deal with the consequences. 
I wish this could have worked out differently.
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dramioneasks · 4 years
Its not a matter of "some people like different stuff" I don't like marriage law fics and you don't see me here complaining. There are some writers who choose to give their characters more dept or trauma by making them rape victims, and it os ok, thats a different debate. But the fics that you share here under that category, MOST of them are romantizicing rape. Physically Irresistible is one of your favorites and it is a perfect example of that. (CONT)
(CONT) The fact that you're not even open to questioning the way you run this page and are immediately dismissing me by saying " if you don't like, don't read". It's like I know!!! If I don't like ROMANTIC PORTRAYAL OF RAPE I won't read it obviously but that's not the point. The point is that you are actively supporting the making and sharing of that content. And IT IS IMPORTANT, it creates rape culture!!! It prevents women from acting up or even realizing that they're experiencing abuse! (2//3)
AND BDSM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RAPE! Or as some people lile to put it non conscent ((THERES NO SUCH THING AS NON CONSENSUAL SEX. ITS RAPE)). BDSM is a super controlled practice and the participants are extremely responsible when done right. (3/3)
I am going to direct your attention to these articles:
Novels That Tackle Sexual Assault
I can’t write about a world without rape – because I don’t live in one by Kaite Welsh
Writing Fiction About Sexual Abuse And Sexual Violence In The Era Of #MeToo 
The New York Times article gives a list of books that talk about sexual assault. In each of the other articles it talks about women writers and the topic of sexual assault and rape. 
We are an archive. We archive the stories under the Dramione tag which means that we will come across stories that depict sexual violence, non-consensual and dubious consent.  In the CW: Rape, Non-con/ Dub-con, Abuse tags you are going to find a lot of stories that detail those topics. Whether in a good light or a bad light. 
When we write, we write to make sense of a world that is at times senseless. Over the years, many topics that had been taboo before such as sexual assault, rape or abuse have come to the foreground. 
Many authors write about their experiences with these as a way to heal from their traumas. They use fictional characters to depict the actions of the ones that hurt them. To tell them that they cannot write that and then share their experiences because it adds to rape culture is like telling a BIPOC that they cannot write, create or share their experiences with racism, with sexual assault, with abuse, with the oppression and injustice of our world because you personally think it adds to those cultures. 
There is a place for Dark Fiction. That is what those stories are. They are dark fiction which is a genre of works that depict the ugliness of our word through a fictional means. The authors are then free to express their fears, thoughts and experiences within that realm because they are using fictional characters in real life situations.
Those include stories like The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. 
Do we condone stories that depict rape in a romantic fashion? No. 
Please do not make assumptions that we find pleasure or glee in the depictions of rape. Do not make assumptions that we support anyone that engages in sexual assault. 
On the topic of Consensual Non- Consensual in BDSM:
 The Role of Consent in the Context of BDSM
Safewords and negotiation are especially important in scenes involving rapeplay. Rape-play is the enactment or role play of nonconsensual sex within an invisible structure of pre-negotiated consent (Joyal et al., 2015; Pitagora, 2013; Sandnabba et al., 2002). Scenes involving rape-play, or “consensual non-consent,” require extensive negotiation and planning so that behaviors that would otherwise be indicative of a lack of consent can be performed with the mutual understanding that such behaviors do not, in that instance, signal a desire to stop (Pitagora, 2013). The individuals involved are thus able to act out a nonconsensual fantasy in real life, with safety precautions in place, while freely engaging in outwardly resistant and coercive behaviors. Safewords enable practitioners to safely engage in scenes while acting in ways that would otherwise seem nonconsenting. Participants who endorsed an interest in rape fantasies in a prevalence study by Joyal and colleagues (2015) specified that they would never want to actually have such experiences. Thus, rape fantasies do not necessarily translate to corresponding desire for rape (Masters, Johnson, & Kolodny, 1988). The simulated activity of coercive sex with pre-established consent may be enjoyed, whereas real-life sexual assault would likely be traumatic and unwanted (Critelli & Bivona, 2008).
-   Cara R. Dunkley and Lori A. Brotto, The Role of Consent in the Context of BDSM, Section Safe Words, pages 7- 9, (2019)
The article above is from a scientific research paper on Consent in the realm of BDSM.
I do not have anything to add to what is said because it explains itself quite clearly.
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, this year it’s on November 23. If this date sounds familiar to you, it’s because the fourth Thursday of November also coincides with Thanksgiving in the U.S. Every year on the National Day of Mourning, Native American people in New England gather together to protest. To them, Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the unjust treatment that Native Americans have received since the 1620 Plymouth landing.
History of National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning reminds us all that Thanksgiving is only part of the story. Native Americans, since 1970, have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving Day. 
Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and established the first colony in 1620. As such, it’s the oldest municipality in New England. Many Native Americans, however, don’t celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving, to them, is a brutal reminder of “the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture.” 
They participate as a way to honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. “It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) sponsors this event. They maintain that the Pilgrims arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own, as opposed to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants. UAINE members believe that these settlers “introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.”
The National Day of Mourning generally begins at noon and includes a march through the historic district of Plymouth. While the UAINE encourages people of all backgrounds to attend the protests, only Native speakers are invited to give these speeches about the past, as well as current obstacles their people have overcome. Guests are asked to bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables, or pre-cooked items. The protest is open to anyone, and has attracted other minority activists.
National Day of Mourning timeline
No permit needed​
UAINE receives permission from local authorities to march in protest without having to obtain a permit. ​
Protests got violent​
State troopers use force against protesters who gathered together to observe the 28th annual National Day of Mourning. ​
National Day of Mourning began
The first annual protest for the National Day of Mourning takes place.​
Pilgrims arrived​
English separatist Puritans, who had broken away from the Church of England, land at Plymouth Rock. Today we refer to them as Pilgrims.
National Day of Mourning FAQs
What really happened in 1621?
The Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest by firing guns and cannons in Plymouth. The noise alarmed ancestors of the Wampanoag Nation who went to investigate. That is how native people came to be present at the first Thanksgiving
Are federal offices closed on a national day of mourning?
U.S. government offices are closed on the National Day of Mourning due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
What happens on the National Day of Mourning?
Native Americans and supporters gather in Plymouth to “mourn our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands.”
How to Observe National Day of Mourning
Brush up on your history: Do you know much about the first Thanksgiving? Do some research online, stop by your local library, or watch a documentary that will help give you a better understanding of what Native Americans actually went through.
Learn more about the United American Indians of New England (UAINE): UAINE is responsible for helping the National Day of Mourning protest take shape. To observe this important day, take some time to learn about about the UAINE. It's a fascinating organization that has done a great deal to promote better treatment for the Native American people.
Attend a protest: Protesters gather on Cole's Hill, a location overlooking Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts. Everyone is welcome to observe these gatherings, and recently, other minority groups have started to become involved in the events of this day.
​4 Reasons To Thank Native Americans
​They've been here a while: Native Americans have existed in what is now known as the United States since 12,000 BC. ​
​Thank you for your service: Although they were not considered American citizens, over 8,000 Native Americans served in the military in World War I. ​
Your great-grandma is who?​: Many of the first families who settled in Virginia trace their roots directly back to Pocahontas.
An important vocabulary lesson: A bunch of Native American words have made their way into the English language; for example, coyote, tomato, poncho, potato, and chia.​
Why National Day of Mourning is Important
It serves as an important history lesson: Textbooks often glaze over the unjust treatment of Native Americans. The National Day of Mourning, however, is a reminder that the people native to the Americas have been the recipients of a great deal of unfair treatment. It's important to discuss.
It's a time to come together: For protesters, the National Day of Mourning serves as a time to rally together to advocate for what they believe in. UAINE has worked to improve relations between the government and native people.
It shifts our attention away from turkey: Yes, Thanksgiving can be a great day filled with tons of good food and time spent with loving family and friends. However, the mission behind the National Day of Mourning is to highlight that the Thanksgiving holiday is actually quite painful for some people. For quite a few Native Americans in New England, Thanksgiving marks a time when their ancestors were treated poorly.
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james-rowan · 3 years
Here’s my (very late, sorry 😓) contribution to the @dualrainbow Pride event. Thank you To_Dragons for helping me edit.
Ships: Montagne/Blitz, Lion/Doc, Valkyrie/Finka and Castle/Maverick
The Pride Festival
The Austin Texas Pride Festival was held on a hot, sunny afternoon, and it smelled of fair food, sunscreen and energy. It was colorful, and bright, mrainbows everywhere, adorning stalls, signs and, of course, people.
To the European operators who had been to Pride events before, it was not only loud, but bold. From the outfits, that ranged from simple rainbow wristbands to full on outrageous outfits (or just a jockstrap), to the signs and stalls and performance stages. Couples were embracing, kissing and making out openly and passionately, without shame or guilt, not only couples but the rare poly groups, finally able to carry on with open affections and taking full advantage. The atmosphere was infectious. It had already claimed Maverick and Castle, who walked very close to each other -despite the heat- hands in each other’s back pockets. They also were very unrestrained with the kissing.
And Montagne thought that he and Blitz could be overly affectionate. But then he was still waiting for his lover to meet them there. He had flown out on his own specifically for this.
Their group included the aforementioned Castle and Maverick, Valkyrie, Finka, himself, Lion and Doc.
They had traveled from Fort Polk, Louisiana, where they, that being the FBI SWAT, SEALs and GIGN, and one tagalong (at her vehement request) Finka, were doing training with the U.S. Army rangers stationed there. After two weeks of a field exercise in muggy swamplands, their Pride group had been excited to go somewhere dry, but unfortunately Houston did not live up to the Texas desert stereotypes; it was almost as humid as Fort Polk. But at least here there was civilization. And Montagne himself was excited to finally see Blitz.
Speaking of whom, he was charging at them, looking very much the part of a Pride attendee. He caught his lover in his arms, swinging him around once, despite the soreness from training, then dipped him into a deep kiss. that gained the awe and cheers of not only from some in their own group, but several onlooking strangers as well.
When they finally parted , Lion muttered, “They’re acting like they haven’t seen each other in a year.”
The couple ignored him as Blitz held Monty out in arms length to appraise his outfit. He tutted, “Not to live up to the stereotype, Schatz, but what are you wearing?”
Montagne looked down at himself. He was wearing a lightweight button down with rolled up sleeves, dark trousers and shined shoes, nothing offensive, if a bit formal compared to everyone else, but the reason was important.
Blitz himself was dressed the complete opposite, wearing a loose stringer tanktop that exposed his toned shoulders and even his pecs when he moved just right. Jean cutoff shorts, sneakers with colorful laces, large sunglasses, a backwards ball cap, wristbands: every article of clothing was either rainbow colored, or had an inclusive pride flag adorning it.
“Euh… what’s wrong with it?
“If it were any other day, nothing,” Blitz said. “You look sharp and sexy as ever. But this is Pride, American Pride, ja? Look around.”
Almost everyone was wearing Pride merchandise, had flags draped on their shoulders, or had face paint of various LGBTQ+ symbols, from obvious t more subtle. The bolder were the ones wearing much more and the even bolder much less.
Blitz grabbed his hand, “Come, we’re fixing this.”
“Aren’t we a little old for…”
“Psst, nein. This will be fun, ja? To dress up as we please, get swept up in the atmosphere.”
“We can already dress as we please.”
“I mean colorful, and silly, no fashion rules to hold us back. Come on!”
With that Blitz dragged him off, leaving the rest in their wake.
“Well,” Finka chuckled. “Hi to you too, Elias.”
“Those two are disgusting,” Lion snickered. “How long have they been together? A year?”
“Two,” Finka said. “With no signs of slowing down.”
“Their honeymoon phase is going to last forever at this rate,” Valkyrie said.
“That explains why Gilles is going to…” Lion stopped himself, eyes wide.
“What is Gilles going to do?” Valkyrie was now very interested.
“Olivier, you wanted to show me something?” Doc, the amazing man he was, quickly interjected.
Had it been a few months ago, Lion would have been confused, but now Doc had bailed him out enough times during conversations that he immediately went, “Ah right, this way.”
“We’ll go with you,” Valkyrie smirked.
“Non, non, it's private,” Lion said.
“The good Catholic boy he is, he cannot share,” he said, steering Lion away before he could reveal too much.
Out of earshot, Lion mumbled, “How can you be nice while mocking me at the same time?” Lion was a bit prickly at the Catholic comment. It has always been a point of mockery for people outside the church.
“I could ask you the same. You have quite the talent for it. Far more than I can hope to achieve.”
“Most of the time I don’t mean to.”
“I know.” Doc’s tone softened into a reassuring one, giving his side a squeeze. “Otherwise we wouldn’t have found common ground, mon coeur,” he said. “People also tend not to question when a Catholic needs to do private things, no? With Islam it works quite well.”
Lion took a deep breath, but understood. It was nothing malicious. “Thank you. I didn’t want to be the one to fuck that all up.”
It had taken years to come to a mutual understanding, let alone to find a way to deal with their mutual attraction to one another. It was a rocky, long road, but here they were. Lion hoped one day they would be exactly like Blitz and Montagne, or even just Castle and Maverick.
Lion brushed his forefinger against Doc’s hand, tentatively seeking to hold it. Their relationship was so new, so fragile, like a baby bird or sugar glass, too easy to hurt or shatter. A hundred things, even things gentle or nice, could ruin a relationship, if you looked into it. And considering their history, before they got together… where just one off hand remark would destroy a truce they had established between each other, setting them at each other's throats once again. Lion never wanted to go back to those times. He’d do anything to keep it from degrading back.
Doc immediately took hold of his hand, as if he had been waiting to do so all day, giving a loving squeeze.
Warmth flooded Lion, he felt a giant stupid grin spreading across his face. It was almost too much, as he felt pricks in his eyes, as he squeezed back. He glanced sideways at Doc, finding him gently smiling, mellow as always when he was content. He wanted nothing more than to sweep him up and kiss him fiercely, but maybe then it’d be too much. He’d settle for this for now.
After browsing a couple stalls, he remembered something. What did the relationship advice he found on that one website say? That he should always seek to compliment and let someone know how much their actions mean to him, so he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find the right words.
“You know,” Lion said, barely able to be heard over the crowd. “I’m so glad you’re willing to hold my hand.”
“Willing? I want to,” Doc corrected, bringing it to his lips and kissing his knuckles.
Lion smile only grew wider, and he had to look away as red creeped from his ears to his cheeks now. “J’taime.”
The warm fuzzy feeling in his chest threatened to burst, helped along by with the anxiety, the pervasive fear that this was about to be ripped from him at any moment.
They grabbed something to eat and sat down on a bench. If American food was considered greasy, their fair food was simply lard on a plate, with maybe some sugar or ketchup for seasoning. They commented on this to each other, when something caught Lion’s eye. There were older women and a couple of men wearing t-shirts, that said “free mom hugs.” (the men’s shirts said ‘dad’) As implied, they hugged everyone who came up to them. Some hugs were light and quick, and some deep and heartfelt, lasting many minutes. Lion’s eyes followed one of them until he came upon a group of them, holding signs, the same message written on them.
“Is that what I think?”
“Hmm?” Doc looked up. “Ah, probably. Hold on.”
To Lion's horror, his fellow frenchman asked a nearby American who they were; the man explaining with a bright smile that they were a charity organization that helped LGBTQ+ youth, and they gave out hugs - of course -, for any who had been rejected by their families for their sexuality.
Small talk ensued, in which Lion was only half-participating in as he ate, and when the man finally left, Doc nudged his side.
“You’ve been glancing at them this whole time. Go on, go talk to them.”
“I don’t need a hug.”
Doc tsked, “That’s a lie.”
“If anyone needs a hug from a father figure, it is you, no?”
“I…” Lion paused then shook his head. “No, I’m over it, I put it behind me. It happened over a decade ago, after all.”
Doc raised an eyebrow, one of his infuriatingly knowing smiles tugging at his lips.
“They are for this who were disowned for being homosexual, Gustave. I was not...”
“And your father would have accepted you being with another man? Or is it only teens getting their girlfriends pregnant that he takes moral issue with?”
Lion didn’t have an answer for him. Well he did, just not a verbal one. There were so many reasons his father wanted nothing to do with him.
“I’m over it,” he repeated, but this time with less conviction.
“Then it would be of no consequence,” Doc said, squeezing his hand. “Go on.”
It was an awkward walk to approach them. He had to remind himself he was a soldier, he had faced death multiple times, fought against some of the most dangerous people in the world and this- This was just a civilian man at a pride event. Much older than him, sure, with a kind face and beard. But he realized as his step grew increasing hesitant that it wasn’t the human he was afraid of, but his soul, and what it could do to his own with just a few brash words.
What was he even going to say? “Hey I saw your sign, my dad hates me, can I get a hug?” That was ridiculous. Maybe lean into the role this man was offering to play, “Sorry dad, I was a fuck up, I can't change?" Or… "sorry you were not capable of loving me the way I am?" Both sounded completely rude to say to a stranger.
But as he approached, the older man met his eye, and there was no need for questions, nor words. The dad only smiled at him and opened his arms.
Lion found himself in the other man’s embrace before he even realized, hugging him as if his life depended on it. The older man matched his energy, a hand on the back of his head as if Lion really was his own child. Time seemed to stretch on and on; Lion had been anticipating a quick hug, just a little taste of what he got so envious of every time he saw someone have a loving moment with their parent, but no, his body refused to let go and so did this stranger. This stranger who held onto him with a fatherly patience Lion once thought only existed in fantasy.
The lump growing in his throat ached. He tried swallowing it down, but it only made it worse.
He shouldn’t have done this. He thought he was over it, yet it hurt, it hurt so fucking much…!
He wanted to run, he wanted to stay, he wanted…
“It’s alright to cry,” the man whispered. “I got you.”
“My real father disowned me.” Lion wasn’t proud of how strangled his voice sounded, or how he let some tears escape.
“I’m so sorry, son,” the man replied, rubbing his back gently. “You didn’t deserve that.”
“I did.”
“No, you didn’t. Nobody does.”
“I never could give him a reason to love me.”
“Children don’t need to give a reason. They’re supposed to be loved by their parents, no matter what mistakes they made, real or imagined. You deserve to be loved.”
Lion was biting the inside of his cheek, trying to will away the need to sob. This was a happy moment, a validating moment, with kind words, and warmth, why did it hurt so much then? His fingers clutched at the man’s shirt, as he gently rocked them. It didn’t feel infantilizing, it felt relieving, needed, like a hole finally being filled.
“You can cry, you know,” the man whispered again. “Emotions are made to be expressed. You don’t have to be strong, not here, not with me. I know you’re hurting, Don’t worry, I’m here.”
A choked sob escaped, and Lion pressed his face into the man's shoulder. “There you go, let it out, I’m proud of you.”
There was no coming back from that. He broke down, and it was ugly.
Lion sobbed into his arms, all rsesemblance of control disappearing, but the father held him through it all. It lasted way longer than Lion thought possible, but they eventually subsided, and he was still being held as he calmed down. When he felt strong enough to break the embrace, he was met with a gentle, fatherly smile.
“Do you feel better?”
“Oui.. yes, thank you,” he wiped his face with his own shirt. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” the manhe said. “I’m just doing what fathers were meant to do.”
They talked for a little while after. About what happened with his father, his family, himself. The cynical side of him expected them to reveal their ulterior motive, asking him for charity donations, to attend a church service, or even a cult, but they didn’t offer him any flyers or business cards, just warm words... water and tissues. At least he wasn’t the first grown man to cry like this in their arms. They were genuinely good people.
Doc had been waiting patiently for him on the bench, and stood up to embrace him and kiss his cheek upon his return. “How do you feel?”
“Drained,” he said. Then he added, “Relieved. I guess you were…” he caught himself. “No, you were completely right.”
“I’m glad you went then, mon coeur.”
Lion needed a smoke. Before got to know him, Lion would have assumed the doctor was too high and mighty for a nicotine fix, but then found out he was a man in a high stress job like the rest of them, and didn’t judge. Except on the mandatory substance abuse powerpoints they all had to sit through every few months.
He lit up, drawing the smoke in and letting it mellow him out. Every so often he would think back and a few more tears would leak out.
He wiped his eyes with his thumb. “You know why I was so happy that you took my hand?”
“Non,” Doc said, rubbing his back. “But please tell me.”
“I was at the store with my mother and father,” he said. “I was just following along, and I see my mother offer her hand to hold, you know, this gesture…”
He made it. Doc patiently nodded.
“Well I was nearest to her, I think. I was so happy, I remember feeling loved, all warm, because my mama wanted to hold my hand.”
He paused, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Go on, I’m listening.”
Lion took a deep breath. His voice shuddered, “She let go, non.. she threw my hand away from her, in utter disgust. As if I were disgusting. She snapped, ‘I don’t want your hand.’”
Lion ducked his head. “It was a small thing, yes, but it hurt, it hurt so much. Turned out she wanted my father’s hand, not her son’s, not mine.”
It was a few beats later before Doc said, “How old were you?”
“Four, maybe five,” Lion said. “I hate that feeling, those moments where you finally feel happy and loved, and the next second someone shatters it completely. Despair is a good word for it, I think.”
“How often did these types of things happen?”
“Plenty, I was a disgusting child, after all.”
“No,” Doc said. “She was just… cruel.”
Lion huffed, not a wry laugh, just disbelieving. “You’re not going to tell me that she tried her best?”
“Did she?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Then I think not,” Doc said softly, cupping Lion’s cheek. He leaned into the warmth.
"I still get this horrible… fear when I want to take someone’s hand, or show any affection. So I usually don’t.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you, mon cher. And if I ever make you feel the way your mother did, I want you to tell me.”
Lion nodded, looking down, not entirely sure if he would. Doc tilted his head back up. “Hey, I mean it.”
Lion took his hand and almost went for a kiss, but the deep moment was interrupted by Blitz and Monty approaching. Lion quickly turned away so neither of the two could see his red puffy eyes, but he did see Monty was wearing a stringer tanktop, tie dyed rainbow, and adorned with rainbows in body paint and a look of subdued embarrassment any time Elias had his back turned. Blitz was going a bit overboard on this look.
“Have you seen Meghan?” Blitz said, “unless you have a bag?”
Doc pointed them into the right direction, as Lion quickly drank his water.
“Olivier, are you okay?”
“He just needs some alone time with me,” Doc saved him. Again.
The pair offered their sympathies to Lion (much to his annoyance) and wandered off to find the two women.
“Don’t you ever dress me up that garishly,” Lion snickered.
“Please, mon coeur, I have taste,” Doc said, before grabbing his knee and squeezing, voice now whispering in his ear. “Besides, I prefer you out of your clothes.”
He nipped his earlobe before Lion could exasperate out his name, earning a yelp instead.
Any semblance of protocol melted into genuine, unmasked joy just to be in each other’s company, in a welcoming space where they could be open about themselves Gustave himself was intent on kissing his lover better.
Finka and Valkyrie had been watching a stage performance when Blitz appeared at Valkyrie’s side, grinning, as usual, and... now covered in glitter?
“Meghan, can we borrow your purse?”
“I don’t want to have to carry around Gilles’s shirt all day.”
Valkyrie turned fully to see Montagne, who had trailed in after him, no longer wearing his tasteful, understated ensemble, but had been attacked by rainbows and what looked to be the same shimmer bomb that Blitz must have been caught in.
“No, you’re going to get glitter in it,” Valkyrie frowned.
“Please? I’ll clean it out for you myself.”
“Glitter?” Finka said, turning around. “We have to ride back with your boyfriend, and you wore glitt-”
Finka must have caught sight of Montagne’s giant pecs escaping the too small, flimsy shirt, because she turned bright red and turned back to stare very intently at the performer.
All Valkyrie herself could think was ’damn Montagne is strong and it shows’, but that was it, of course. Her girlfriend however was bi, with a particular weakness for large people with muscles.
“Och, I almost forgot,” Blitz said cheekily. “You have any sunscreen? Gilles wasn’t prepared for this outfit.”
“I don’t think any of us were prepared,” Finka snipped, still keeping Montagne out of her line of sight. She pulled out a sunblock bottle from her cargo pocket and tossed it over.
“You alright there, Lera?” Blitz asked as he caught it.
“I’m fine, it's just hot,” she replied, still avoiding eye contact, “The weather, I mean.”
Blitz grinned, “He is hot, isn’t he?”
“Mon cher…” Montagne groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just…”
Meghan clapped her hands, “Okay, go away, go be gay somewhere else. We have enough that of our own over here.”
Blitz ignored her, looking at Finka with a grin, “What do you think of us getting temporary hair color? I was thinking of dyeing our hair rainbow.”
“Well, you’ve gone this far,” Finka said, pointedly staring at Blitz’s eyes. “Might as well go full golubok.”
“Hah, ja, I like the way you think, I…”
“Here,” Meghan said, grabbing Gilles’s shirt from Blitz’s hands and stuffing it into her purse. “Go dye your hair now. Go on.”
“Alright, all right.” Blitz grinned, holding up his hands and going. Montagne sighed deeply, a twitch working its way through his cheek before following. Odd, but not her problem. She had someone much more important to worry about.
“You’re into muscles, huh?”
“You know I am,” Finka said sheepishly. “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that.”
Valkyrie laughed, “It’s fine, he got great boobs.” That caused Finka to snort. “You know, for a man.”
Finka laughed longer than she expected, but it was always nice when her girlfriend had one of her genuine laughs.
“It's always nice to see real muscles,” Finka said. “Real ones, from being big and strong, and healthy.”
“Oh, you mean some like mine?” She flexed, tattooed arms positively sexy as the bulged.
Finka’s eyes got a hungry glunt to them, she put her hands on Valkyrie’s arms, feeling the solidness beneath her fingers, “Yes, just like that.”
Finka kissed her girlfriend long and deep, and Valkyrie relished being able to do so in the open, without the anxiety of having some bigot laying eyes on them and causing a scene. It was annoying enough to deal with the old people (and the occasional man similarly aged man) she had never met before tsk at her for daring to have tattoos and being too buff, saying she was too pretty to mark herself up like that and ask how she was ever going to find a man looking like that. She had already broke the glass ceiling for women in something as prestigious and hardcore as the Navy fucking SEALs, but there were still so many in American society that were convinced that women existed to look pleasant to men, regardless of if said women even wanted a pet man or not.
The kiss was broken when Finka’s wristwatch timer went off, and her girlfriend quickly drank from her water bottle. It was such a practiced motion, Valkyrie wasn’t entirely convinced Lera was aware she was doing it, and it made her heart ache. When she was finished, she wrapped her arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Later they were browsing stalls, and Finka gravitated towards one that was selling pride flags and shirts, not only the standard colors for each identity group, but also the ones that represented multiple identities within the same flag. Finka fingered a nonbinary one with a heart in the bisexual colors on its center. Interesting choice.
“I’d love to see you wear one of these, babe.”
Finka smiled, but shook her head, “I don’t know…”
“Come on, I’m not trying to pull a Blitz on you, I’ll wear one with you.”
“And what am I going to do with it afterwards?”
“Keep it? We’re not in Russia, our base is in Greece, basically its own sovereign territory.”
“When you went through SEALs, there were dissenters that tried to prove your were lesbian so they could get you removed from the program, didn’t they?”
Valkyrie shrugged, “Yeah, but they failed.”
“The last thing that the Russian government wants is one of it most elite spetsnaz operatives in an international effort to be homosexual,” Finka explained. “Its not illegal, yet, but my existence could be considered ‘propaganda.’ I might not just be removed from Rainbow, or Spetsnaz, or the Russian military, I could be jailed.
“You know what Russian prison is like? I might be able to survive the system if I wasn’t sick, but I am diseased. They’d deny me my medication, not let me stay hydrated or fed or exercised and I’ll...”
“Hey, hey,” Meghan said, quickly drawing Lera into a hug. “I’m sorry, it was just a silly idea.”
“I’m…” she took a deep breath then nodded. “Thank you.”
Meghan kissed her forehead, holding her hands. Lera usually had to be stressed, well, more stressed than usual, to go on such a downward spiral so quickly. Being at such a Pride event, probably, if anyone found out. Finka didn’t believe her own Rainbow Spetsnaz brothers to out her, they were too close, but it was still risky.
“The Soviet Union used to accept openly gay people, did you know that?”
Valkyrie shook her head.
“Not a lot of people do, even in Russia. It was the early years, of course, but they gave gays rights they never had before. But then, of course, the Soviets needed more bodies. Bodies for war, and bodies for work, and of course, they believed gays were the reason that their population wasn’t pumping out babies at a fast enough rate.”
“It all comes down to child production, doesn’t it? You know this.”
“Unfortunately I do,” Valkyrie said. “Not even just governments but families too. When my grandma found out I was lesbian, she sobbed, crying about how she won’t have any grandbabies from my father’s line. Then she blamed my father for raising me too military, while blaming my mother for letting me compete in high level sports.” She adopted a shrill, tottering grandma voice, ‘Sports always turns girls into dykes. I wanted greatgrandbabies from every child! But you made her want to turn into a boy!”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“My own parents alway knew I would like girls,” she said. “Enough to be surprised and confused when I brought home boyfriends that I was genuinely happy with. They cited my, uh, how you call it, boyishness? Well, I never felt comfortable in the woman’s role and they, knowing what my siblings and I had…, they didn’t really feel a need to pressure us to do anything but stay as healthy and active as possible.”
Meghan slowly began to realize this was turning into much more than a simple sharing of stories, and squeezed her hands in support.
“I never liked being…. I don’t know how to put this. I didn’t like the gendered language used for me. And I never felt when people were talking about women, they were talking about to me as well. Just as I thought the rules and expectations boys are taught growing up applied to me as well. You know, don’t cry, be tough, treat women with respect, fight those who try to push you around. Then I learned of this new concept a couple years ago, someone could be neither. I laughed at it at first but...”
“Lera…” Valkyrie said softly, with a loving smile. “Do you want me to use they/them for you?”
Her… their eyes lit up. “Would you? I mean, I’m not sure just yet, but I would like to try them out. “Non pun intended?”
“Hmm? Oh yes,” they were positively beaming. They were so beautiful.
“Just to see. I mean, I still have to use she and her at work but, just in private.”
“Of course, babe.”
Valkyrie cupped their face and kissed them deeply.
She ended up buying Finka something, a silver bracelet in the colored stones in the nonbinary colors as the setting. Something simple and discreet yet powerful where it mattered.
Montagne had texted the couples to be on their way back to the group when Blitz finally realized he wasn’t just looking like a rainbow, but rather a discontented victim of a rainbow being sick.
“What’s wrong, Schatz?”
The giant man sighed, folding his arms over his chest.
“So… there is something wrong…?”
“If it were any other day, I wouldn’t have minded, but today…”
“Where else could you do this…?”
“It is not the location, it is the look!” he gestured down at himself. “The timing of it!”
“I don’t understand… ok, ja, I can see why I might have gotten a little carried away.”
Montagne raised a glitter encrusted eyebrow.
“Ok, completely carried away.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It is not the fun you were having that I have a problem with, I am used to your antics.”
Blitz went pink, and bashful. Like a puppy being scolded.
“And you know I love your antics, ge added quickly. But why of all days,” Gilles trailed off, pinching the bridge of his nose, and very nearly getting glitter in his eyes.
“Because… its Pride…”
“Yes, you’ve been saying this the whole time.”
“We can go wash it all off, I’m sorry,” Elias said, crestfallen as he moved past him towards the bathrooms.
Montagne caught him around the chest with his arm just as the rest of the group returned, “Non, it's fine… its fine. Perfection is not needed.”
He saw Doc and Loon quickly fumble for their phones, thankfully behind Blitz’s back. Once they nodded, he guided Blitz back to in front of him. “These past few years I’ve known you, you’ve done nothing but make me happy. Your antics, your jokes, your dedication, your downright sweetness, even the way you tap your helmet during exercises. Even before we started seeing each other, your smile would light up my heart and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Gilles sank to one knee, pulling out a shining wedding ring from his pocket.
“Will you marry me?”
Elias had clapped his hands over his mouth, unable to process this. Their group, except for the GIGN of course, were surprised and estatic. Valkyrie even exclaimed “So that’s what you French bastards were hiding.”
Blitz still hadn’t answered, his eyes shining.
“Ja! Natürlich sage ich ja, du großer Dummkopf!”
“I assume that's a…”
Blitz very nearly bowled him over to give him his acceptance kiss. He lifted him up as he stood, Elias straddling his hips and swung them around, a dazzling display as the glitter caught the sunshine.
“I’m sorry I got irritated, I just wanted this to go a certain way,” he breathed when their lips parted.
“Schatz, you could have proposed to me covered in mud and sweat.”
“I know,” he said. “But I still wanted to make an effort. I wanted to do it right.”
“You did,” he said. “Look at you, covered in rainbows, just to make me happy, ja?
“Mmm,” he said as Elias lowered himself back to the ground.
Blitz understood now. Gilles was a traditional romantic after all, wanting the candlelit dinners and picnics at the parks on Sundays. He wanted that to extend to his proposal but Blitz was too excited to have silly fun to notice.
“Hey,” he said. Despite the heat they couldn’t stop embracing. “I love you, you know that?”
“I love you too.”
“If you want,” he whispered. “We can still have your perfect proposal night.”
“Two proposals?”
“Ja, why not? I’ll still be excited.”
Gilles gave it a thought. “I’ll have to make things more romantic between us,” he murmured. “Just to throw you off so you don’t know when its coming.”
“Oooh,” Blitz said, draping his arms over Gilles’s shoulders. “I like the sound of that.”
They dazzled them with another sweeping, showstopping dipped kiss, because of course they did.
“I agree with Lion,” Finka laughed with a grin. “You two are disgusting.”
Blitz laughed into Gilles’s mouth, and flipped her off without looking away.
“Great, now those two set the standard for romantic proposals,” Maverick said.
“Does that mean we’re going to be competing now?” Castle said, perking up.
“I’ll win,” Valkyrie declared. “The rest of you might as well quit now..”
“Pfft, nah, man, if anyone’s winning that it's me.”
“You know, we French have romance in our blood,” Lion said. “I wouldn’t even have to try and I’d win.”
While they dissolved into bickering, the silent ones of their pairs all shared a look, realizing at once what their partners had implied.
Blitz and Monty still had yet to look up from their glitter makeout, oblivious to what they had just started.
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What you should know before you support the Fallout Pinup Zine [MOD TEAM ISSUES]
The author of this post does NOT condone any forms of harassment to either the moderators, the artists, or the users who shed light on the issues surrounding the zine’s moderators.
This post is solely for the knowledge of the potential buyer and contributor. Contributors and customers has the right to know who they are supporting, even if all of the zine profits goes to a charity.
The author of this post is NOT affiliated with any of the users who made the posts that will be used as references here. This is an independent party. This throwaway account is created by a single author, and the views are the author’s. The author had not spoken to any of the post creators that will be cited below beforehand and this post is created unprompted by anyone but the author themselves.
The Fallout Pinup Zine is a fan-run magazine featuring characters from the Fallout franchise illustrated in a cheesecake style pinup. It has two parts: Gentlemen’s Club and Ladies’ Night. More information can be read on @/falloutpinupzine. Gentlemen’s Club concluded September 2020. Ladies’ Night is currently underway, and submissions are open for artists. The latter zine is a charity event.
There’s nothing wrong with the zine itself! Zines and fandom-run events are great way of bringing fans together to create content for the community.
However, there are issues with the moderation team behind the event.
One of the moderators who run the blog, @/yesjejunus (YJJ) had appeared in various community callout posts for racism and other unsavory content that users might want to steer clear of. YJJ had purged their blog and was deplatformed several times, but returned after four months of dormancy.
By extension, the other two moderators of the zine @/socksual-innuendos (Socks), @/sas-afras (Monty) and @/shishkamoosh (Shishk), condone their actions as well, having defended YJJ several times or reblogging posts with those sentiments. Several users who support or had contributed to the zine are affiliates of YJJ, such as @/fallout-lou-begas (Lou, close friend), @/tarberrymentats (Halk, close friend, is the one to suggest the charity for the zine), and @/coriandher/@/baidurii/@/dua-kali-lima (Fi, close friend, had made a callout post in defense of them). They also dismissed any form of criticism towards YJJ’s content, one of them even going as far as calling the criticism self-righteous.
This is despite BIPOC (black, indigenous, person of color), POC, and indigenous Fallout fans calling YJJ out for their hurtful depictions of indigenous folks and white saviorism, which is another pressing issue that they refused to address properly. It’s also worth mentioning that YJJ is not black, indigenous, nor a person of color.
However, there are also posts surfacing that attempts to explain YJJ’s side of the situation, especially the harassment they allegedly received from the community, mostly written by their mutuals and some cosigned by YJJ.
Most of these posts address issues surrounding the dark content in YJJ’s writings. In a callout post from their affiliates, they attempt to explain that those who had spoken up against the racist caricatures are the ones who are problematic, in a twist of events. (The author had personally read it, and refuses to acknowledge it due to the inflammatory and accusatory nature of the doc towards a BIPOC member of the Fallout community.) All relevant information will be linked below, to provide context.
Before you decide who to believe, please remember that BIPOC, POC and indigenous voices should bear heavier weight than white voices on issues that concern them.
Before you decide to support or denounce this fandom event, please take this information to create an educated decision on whether you want to support the event or the people behind it.
References and Relevant Information:
YJJ Callout (active, main source, originally posted in 2020. A comprehensive list of YJJ’s problematic content. Lengthy, but informative. Documents specific examples of racist content, including a MAGA hat illustration and a chancla joke. Take other listed YJJ affiliates with a grain of salt, verify for yourself.) [backup]
Blacklist 1 (deactivated, accessed through a reblog, originally posted in 2019. YJJ and a few affiliates are on the list.)
Blacklist 2 (deactivated, accessed through an archive, originally posted in 2019. YJJ and a few affiliates are on the list.)
Blacklist 3 (active, main source, originally posted in 2020. A list of YJJ’s known associates and supporters, including Lou, Halk, Socks and Monty.) [backup]
Post by a BIPOC member of the community, calling them out of their racist depictions of indigenous folks (active, main source, originally posted in 2020) [backup]
Post by a Latine member of the Fallout community, that calls out a racist comic by YJJ and the alleged insincerity of an apology they issued [backup]
Guide by an indigenous member of the community about writing indigenous characters, which references one of the native caricatures in YJJ’s fanfic, Passing Dawn. (The link provided leads to said fanfic, TW for Rape/Non-Con and abuse. Heed the warnings in the tags.) (active, main source, originally posted in 2020) [backup]
Posts and reblogs from YJJ’s closest affiliates in defense of them:
(1) (2) Lou/@/fallout-lou-begas (defense of YJJ’s writing, says that writing dark content in itself is not an endorsement of the problematic themes present, cites harassment of said user; said that YJJ is just being true to the source material of the fic in defense of the racist caricatures present in the work) [backup 1] [backup 2]
For context, Josh Sawyer himself had taken responsibility of the bad representation of native folks in HH, in this post. [backup]
(3) (4) Halk/@/tarberrymentats (reblog of Lou’s post, also citing harassment and claiming that the criticism directed towards their friend is a “false righteous crusade”; a RB of YJJ’s post with a statement in the tags that denounces the callouts made and the people who RBed them) [backup 1] [backup 2]
(5) Fi/@/coriand-her/@/baidurii/@/dua-kali-lima’s defense of YJJ and callout of several members of the community who shed light on the racism issue [backup 1]
(6) Socks/@/socksual-innuendos (reblog of Fi’s callout post with commentary) [backup]
(7) Monty/@/sas-afras (reblog of Fi’s callout post, no commentary) [backup]
CONSIDER DONATING THE MONEY DIRECTLY TO THE CHARITY/BENEFICIARY’S WEBSITE. It’s as simple as that. If you wish not to support the moderators of the zine due to the information above, opt to skip the need for a middle man and give your money directly to the charity. If you still wish to make a positive change but cannot donate, consider spreading their platform instead, or volunteering in your local organizations.
If you are an artist who was considering applying for the zine and you are in disagreement with their views, DO NOT APPLY FOR A SUBMISSION. You can still participate in fandom space without engaging with them.
If you disagree with any of the mentioned users’ content and views, BLOCK AND MOVE ON. Don’t give their posts any attention. In a site like tumblr where posts are reliant on reblogs for them to circulate, the best way to deplatform them is to not give them any engagement.
This post involves prominent members of tumblr’s Fallout community. The author is choosing to remain anonymous due to the possible harassment or hazards to their safety from creating this post.
The author is of Asian descent, queer, neurodivergent, and hails from a former US colony. The author once supported YJJ, but had long since denounced support when callouts that point to YJJ’s racism surfaced. That’s the only information they are willing to divulge.
Fandom isn’t owned by anyone. You are free to participate as you wish provided that you help keep the community a safe space, especially minorities. You can try creating your own events with other unaffiliated members of the community!
The author is simply informing the potential buyer of who runs the charity event and their views on sociopolitical issues. It’s as simple as that. If you still choose to support the zine after reading the information above, the author will not stop you, nor do they have the ability to. As stated above, it offers the potential customer an alternative choice of donating directly to the charity if they choose not to be affiliated with those who runs the zine. The author is not telling you to not support charities.
Callout posts and blacklists exist to inform members of a community of content that’s potentially triggering, harmful, or just plain squicky. If the author wanted attention for this post, they would’ve posted this on their main account.
You are free to create a post of your own about them if you have substantial evidence that aren’t limited to screenshots that can be manipulated or forged. Direct links with archived backups definitely help. This post’s focus is the moderation team behind the Fallout Pinup Zine and their affiliates.
The author is adding this section in the post due to the pattern of how YJJ’s affiliates are defending them.
If you’ve read this post carefully, you would notice that the author did not even bring up YJJ’s dark content unless it was mentioned by one of their affiliates. This post focuses mainly on the issues surrounding BIPOC in their writing.
The author does not condone the themes present in dark content such as non-con. However, the author is not shaming anyone from writing dark content, especially if it’s being done as a coping mechanism for trauma, regardless on whether this is considered healthy or not. Their trauma is valid and should be acknowledged. This is another discussion altogether that would take another document to discuss with nuance.
This is, of course, assuming such content doesn’t contain blatant misogyny, racism or other forms of bigotry. Bigotry isn’t a valid or healthy coping mechanism.
The author is choosing to amplify voices of BIPOC, POC, and indigenous voices. If a said piece of fiction is affecting them personally due to their experiences as a minority and an oppressed group, people should listen to their criticism. It should be as simple as that.
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plumrabbit · 4 years
DA Fandom and moving forward - Calling In vs. Calling Out
Hi everyone,
As a PoC member of the DA fandom, I felt I have been quiet for long enough on the issues that have been presented recently. I am not here to argue against or on behalf of any individual or group, I am only here to present some information that I hope will be helpful moving forward. This is a long post, but it’s my hope that if you read it and want to help contribute to making this place better for everyone, then you will be willing to try to put what is said here into practice.
Since I am a relatively small blog, I wanted to start with a little personal introduction that will segue into the topic at hand. My name is Liz (you can call me Jade too, that’s part of my middle name), and I am a mixed race, “ambiguously brown”, aspec person from Canada. I grew up around mostly other immigrant families, attended predominantly non-white schools that were run by mostly white admins, and completed my degrees at a very white university in a field that does not have much racial diversity. I have experienced racism first-hand many times including, but not limited to, name-calling/slurs, fetishization/exotification, being followed by staff, people second-guessing my name, jokes about hurting/killing people of my race, etc. as well as witnessing racism directed at my friends and peers. I know exactly what it’s like to be exhausted and feel unsafe or othered.  There is, however, one thing I need to point out about the multitude of instances of racism I’ve experienced - most of them were caused by ignorance, and not malice. Yes there are absolute assholes out there, but personally I can count those people I’ve encountered on one hand (I am not speaking for everyone, though). The vast majority of racism, bigotry and general harmful acts come from a place of ignorance, particularly on left-leaning tumblr (to clarify, this discussion is centered around well-meaning people and not the actual lost causes). When I say ignorance, I don’t mean a lack of education or intelligence, I mean not being able to see or understand an issue from another person’s perspective. It’s not quite the same as empathy either (where empathy means you are able to feel another person’s emotions), but fighting ignorance does require empathy. It also requires knowledge on the context of the specific situation, and that I believe is the crux of the problem.  I think the main reason why this is issue is particularly prevalent in the DA fandom is a result of the too-close-to-reality-to-ignore inspirations that have been confirmed by the devs. Yes, it’s fiction, but there are also a lot of people that see themselves (mis)represented in the themes and characters. And what one person sees as disrespectful, another person may not see at all. This can come full circle, too, for example: one person sees themselves and their trauma represented in a character, another person sees their race misrepresented in the same character. Person 1 uses the character as a comfort character or coping strategy. Person 2 thinks using that character in certain situations is disrespectful. Neither one sees the other’s perspective.  This is where intersectionality starts to come into play, and requires empathy and effort to address the intentions and emotions of the other person. Perhaps person 1 is LGBTQ+ and has been traumatized by being as such, and uses Dorian as a character to explore their trauma. Perhaps person 2 is Brown, and racism towards their people is their trigger, and thinks person 1 did not do Brown representation justice in their creative works.  Looking at this more specifically, person 1 may have put Dorian in sexual situations. Person 2 feels that the way it was conveyed was fetishist or exotified. Person 2 doesn’t know person 1′s intentions. Person 1 is not aware of certain descriptions that are racist (e.g. using food to describe a PoC’s skin tone). Perhaps person 1 was self-inserting and wanted to feel desirable on their own terms, but this gave person 2 that squick factor.  Now person 2 wants to address this issue, and I think this is where a call-in (not a call-out) would be appropriate. Here is a good infographic that compares the two: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Original source)
Note that there is quite a large difference in the language used. Going back to the above example, person 2 could privately message person 1 asking them why they chose to represent Dorian the way they did, with specific examples, and using call-in language (and I’m going to get back to this in a minute). 
The point of this post and infographic isn’t meant to tell marginalized groups how they should be bringing up issues (though it is a good guide if you are concerned about being polite, particularly to a first time offender), it’s intended to demonstrate to people unintentionally participating in harmful behaviour what a call-out vs. call-in looks like. For PoC and other marginalized groups, yes it does take emotional labour to use call-in language and to try to understand someone that wounded you (here is a good read that incorporates the concept of emotional labour for call-ins, and discusses asking yourself if you are ready to do so). For the people who have unintentionally hurt a marginalized individual or group, please understand that someone calling you in is not an attack, it’s a chance to explain why you expressed something the way you did. 
That being said, we may have reached another hurdle. What if you call someone in, and the person called in does not want to discuss the fact that they were inserting their personal trauma? I think this is where things start to get a bit messy, but I am of the opinion that if you’ve unintentionally triggered someone else’s trauma through ignorance present in your work, you owe it to them to at the very least mention that you were inserting your trauma, without having to bring up specifics (anyone is allowed to set boundaries). From there, the discussion can be hopefully be opened up to learning from each other, and reaching a consensus. Sometimes that consensus requires the creator to edit or remove their work. As an addendum, if you are a creator that unintentionally hurt someone with your work that didn’t have an ulterior personal motivation, it’s your responsibility to understand why what you did was wrong, apologize, remove the work and do better next time. I know some people cherish their OCs, but you are allowed to change your perspective and make adjustments to your character without erasing them entirely. Now we’ve reached another potential obstacle - what if an offender doesn’t respond to your call-in? First of all, ask yourself, did you actually call them in, or did you attack them? Here is a good opinion piece from a Black professor on this matter. I’d like to clarify that I am not trying to tone police, I am speaking as someone that used to go ham on ignorant people on Facebook and Reddit, and has since changed their tactics and has even gotten through to Trump supporters (some of this stems from my spiritual growth as well, but that is not the point here).  There is another issue to address here now as well - what if you have tried, repeatedly, to call someone in and they just don’t change their behaviour? Alright, then it’s probably time to call them out. But again, ask yourself, did you truly try to get through to them? If so, well, at the end of the day, some people are, unfortunately, lost causes. In summary, a call-in is meant to come from a place of wanting to help someone who has seemingly gone astray, because you are worried about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours towards a marginalized group. You know that if they made a mistake it isn’t them, isn’t their heart, and you want them to be able to understand why what they did hurt others, and give them the chance to correct themselves. It comes from a place of love and acceptance, because you don’t want your friends to harbour negative beliefs.  Finally, I want to give a real example of this in action. My cousin is a photographic artist, and was recently called in to discuss the nature of one of her pieces. Her subjects are usually people, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. To help support BLM (she does a lot of work to help fight racism in general), she auctioned off one of her pieces. The subject of the piece happened to be a Black woman. She was called in by Black members of her art community to discuss how people bidding on an art piece that featured a person from a marginalized group perpetuated the ogling and monetization of Black people. She gave a response that acknowledged that her piece did perpetuate this issue, because she wanted to raise awareness of this historical harm, and recognized that her intention was ignorant of this perspective. The Black community also acknowledged that the piece itself was not harmful in any way, only that the surrounding issue that they were painfully aware of needed to be brought to light. The auction went ahead, and the piece sold for ~$1000, all of which was donated to BLM.  I think as a fandom we should be cognizant of when a work itself is harmful, or when the intention is harmful. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don’t. Both are talking points, and we should not be afraid to discuss them, but this requires respect from all parties. We also do need to be able to recognize what is strictly fiction, versus what has real-world impacts. My askbox is always open and my DMs are open to mutuals if you would like anything clarified or expanded upon. Or, if you’d just like to discuss a topic, vent, or have any questions about my own beliefs, you are welcome to reach out. I am happy to discuss anything, as long as there is mutual respect. 
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
I had two people ask for some advice on starting up/running a blog, so I thought I’d make a little post for anyone else looking for advice! There’s no one right way to run a blog and I am by no means an expert. This is just a compilation of some of the things I’ve learned :) 
Feel free to add advice to this!
- The first thing is something I cannot stress enough. Write for yourself first. You will be absolutely miserable if you’re only writing for attention. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s so incredibly important. If you don’t like a prompt, fandom, or scenario? You don’t have to write for it! A personal example: I’m a theatre kid and total musical nerd. I could probably write some compelling Dear Evan Hansen or Hamilton headcanons if I wanted to, but I don’t. That’s fine! I’m allowed to say I won’t write for it and deny prompts/requests for those fandoms. 
- Set boundaries. This is a very mixed community with all sorts of creators and participants with hands in different baskets. Don’t want minors to interact? Put minors DNI in your bio. SFW only? Put it in the bio. No RP? Bio. This goes for private conversations/askbox/other interactions as well. If someone comes into your askbox/dms and says something that makes you uncomfy, shut it down. 
- My advice is more geared towards writing than art or video, but I suppose you could apply this advice as well. Make what makes you happy! If you’re only in one fandom, feel free to stay there and make content for it. Multi-fandom? Excellent! Completely non-fandom? Epic! Make the content that you want to see and the content that makes you happy to create, especially if you’re in a more niche fandom/area. 
- Organization. ...I’ll admit this one is more of a personal pet peeve than something urgent, but it is something that people positively respond to. If you have some sort of consistency/organization to your blog, it’ll make it easier and more enjoyable for people to navigate. Make a fandom list/indicate your fandoms somehow (mostly for prompt purposes. people can’t read your mind, so it’s important to tell them what you will write for and what you won’t, however you want to do that)! 
Make a masterpost/link your fic tag! Use a fic tag of some kind. Give your fics summaries and leave a little bit of the fic above the ‘read more’ to intrigue folks (look at #my fics and my masterpost for basic examples of how I do this, if you need!). Use read mores. Please use read mores (if you can, idk if they’re on mobile. regardless no one wants to encounter a three thousand word block of text on their dash). (No seriously though, organize your blog, even if it’s super simple. literally just a ‘mine’ or ‘my fics’ or ‘[pseud] writes’ and a fandom tag. It’ll make it easier for people to find your stuff and support you)
- Practice general internetiquette. Please remember that the people in this community are real people with feelings, boundaries, and lives outside of the blog that they run. Be genuine and people will respond to you! Don’t manipulate people into likes/reblogs/attention. No one wants to be on the other end of that. Being in this community isn’t a transaction or a mosh pit, it’s an experience.  
- Be ever-so-liberal with the block button. Someone’s user makes you uncomfortable? They give you bad vibes? They’re a minor/older than you and you don’t want them interacting with your content? You don’t wanna see their blog for some reason? Block em. This goes for anons too. That’s what the button is for. Don’t feel guilty for using it. Use it. 
- How you write is 100% a personal choice and not really something that I can give advice on, but embrace your style! take prompts if you want, or don’t. Write oneshots, series, drabbles, or novels. Write romantic, or don’t. Etc. Change things up if you feel like it. Do what you want. Your blog, your style, your rules. 
- Numbers matter. Don’t let them define you. This is a bit of a harder one to explain, but I will try. I often say that I don’t care about numbers, and I really don’t, but that’s not to say that I don’t see them and they have zero effect on me. I absolutely notice and am bummed if a fic doesn’t get notes, or at least the notes that I was expecting. That is entirely normal and okay to experience. What isn’t okay, though, is creating for the sake of getting notes/numbers/attention (re: write for yourself first, internetiquette). If you find yourself relying on tumblr for gratification and a reward, I implore you to take a break. I’m not your therapist or your parent, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but when you make things only for the sake of notes, people notice. Celebrate your milestones. Know that it’s okay to be bummed about low notes/celebrate getting plenty. Just make sure that you don’t depend on the numbers for your happiness, or you will be miserable.
- You’re (probably) doing this for free. You are providing people content: a service. Produce as much or as little as you’re comfy with, but always remember that. No one is entitled to what you make. If someone asks you for headcanons, sends a prompt when prompts are closed, etc, and you don’t feel like fulfilling it? You have no obligation to do that. Getting commissioned is another story entirely, but as long as you’re making free content, you have zero obligation to do anything for anyone and certainly no time constraints. It can take me months to finish prompts, and that’s okay. I do them when I do them and I fill them how I want to. If my prompts are closed, I deny new ones until I’m ready to accept them. Make yourself happy first.
- How you interact with others is up to you! It’s generally considered good practice to like/reblog your mutuals fics/art, but this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. I veeeeeery rarely reblog fics for fandoms that I’m not in, even from my mutuals. What you can do to show your support (and you should try and show support somehow. No one is in competition. Everyone’s in your boat, whether they have no followers or 1k) is send an ask/reply to the post/leave tags to let the author know you liked it. Like the fic and don’t reblog it, if you don’t want to. Just make sure you show your mutuals (and others in general!) roughly the same support they show you, however you decide to do that. Treat others how you want to be treated, as cheesy as it sounds :)
- Don’t repost content that isn’t yours without express permission from the original creator, and credit them appropriately. If you see a cute piece of tickle art and the artist doesn’t want it reposted? Don’t repost it. Don’t post fics/videos/gifs that aren’t yours (obviously if it’s like a scene from a movie/a clip on youtube that’s different, but don’t take credit for things you didn’t make, including ideas). Can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have work stolen from you. Don’t be that person. ‘Credit to original artist’ and ‘credit unknown’ is total bullshit btw. Link/tag the creator in the original post and make it clear you don’t own the content. Best practice is to ask the original creator if they’re okay with reposting, work inspired by or connected to theirs, etc. This goes doubly for saving/downloading someone’s fics. 
- It is not illegal for a minor to have normal, nonsexual, healthy friendships with people older than them. There’s a weird attitude that minors have nothing of value to offer adults besides a relationship/sex, which is...not true? Minors are thinking, living human beings with feelings, thoughts, and opinions. You can talk to them like normal people, because they are. Just obviously don’t talk about/introduce sex or endanger them. Minors don’t bring up sex/activities you’re underage for with an adult. IDK this isn’t a seminar just...don’t be weird. Adults can offer great life experience, support systems, and the basic joys and needs of human connection. Minors can too. Mind your business unless someone’s actually in danger. The next point is a caveat, though: 
- If you’re a minor, don’t interact with NSFW blogs/blogs with ‘Minors DNI’, NSFW blogs don’t interact with minors, etc etc. Not your parent or whatever but this is pretty common sense and it’s for everyone’s safety, but especially the NSFW person. internettiquette!
- If you use your TK blog as a side blog (meaning you have another blog as your main blog, not two separate accounts) and don’t want your main exposed, that is up to you. I recommend not liking posts. Also, follow people that you trust. These actions route through your main blog and your main will show up in the notes. You can reblog from a sideblog. If you want to send an ask “as your tk blog”, send an anon and sign it somehow, like ‘hey :) // @/tickle-bugs’. It should tag you in the post so you get a notification when it’s answered!
- Find your people! As an anxious person this one has been hard for me, so I know it’s hard for a lot of people. Fandom is literally a community of shared interest. Peachy and I have an iron bond almost two years later and we met talking over shared interests. You can absolutely find your people here. If someone makes you happy, strike up a conversation! Send an ask! You never know what doors it might open or whose day you might improve :)
- If you were an anon/lurker on someone’s blog and they inspired you to write/submit/start your own, sign your messages!! the common form that I see is either an emoji or [noun/context of the ask]!anon (prodigal!anon (i miss u every day), butterfly!anon, etc.) Let us know how to find and support you!! Those messages produce good brain juice. 
- The big finale: Have fun. If you’re not having fun here, maybe you could tweak something to make things enjoyable. Running a blog is like driving a car. Keep your hands on the wheel, respectfully indicate your intentions (flashing lights optional), and be safe. Poebody’s nerfect, y’know. If you make a mistake, course correct. I’m by no means perfect. Your favs aren’t either. Just do your best and have a good time :)
@rosytickles and the anon in my inbox, I hope this helps! Thank you for asking me, I’m very honored that you value my opinon/experience/advice. I apologize if I come off as preachy or aggressive, I envisioned grabbing my younger self by the lapels and shaking me vigorously while I wrote this. Probably a bad idea. 
Anywho, hope it helps. Anyone with questions, additions, or comments, my askbox is open! Just be constructive, is all I ask. 
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