#open box electronics market
siphersaysstuff · 9 months
And with THAT tortured pun, December's Patreon-backed @tfwiki picture batch is all stuff we've kinda needed forever, all stuff from the prior century, and all stuff from outside the US market!
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We start with Takara's original DEATHSAURUS, Decepticon leader in 1989's Victory, who just had his Legacy Haslab toy start showing up on doorsteps. And of course, new separate pics for his Breast Animal partners EAGLEBREAST and TIGERBREAST (yes, get them giggles out, go ahead).
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Let's jump back a year to 1988's Super-God Masterforce, and the Godmaster RANGER. This mold is the only one of the three Powermaster Autobot cars to get recolored for its Takara release. Sadly, the MIB copy I bought back in 1996 was missing its gun, thus my general reluctance to add a pic to the wiki. But lord, that tiny, crunchy book scan we were using suuuucked. Made Ranger look white when he's a very light stony blue. Still using the scan though, just now in an inset panel to show off the gun I don't have.
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And now we bounce ahead to 1990's Zone, and the Micro Transformer base SKY HYPER, piloted by Deadwheeler. I took these pics forever ago at some BotCon, and have long lost the notes as to who owned this piece a few hard drives back. This sample was also missing the three ramps, thus both the length of time it took for me to get comfy going ahead and adding these to the wiki, and the new book-scan inset to show the missing ramps.
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Let's shift over to the European market, with 1992's THUNDER CLASH, the leader of the Autobot Turbmasters. His gravity-feed missile launcher was, like all the Turbomaster and Predator launchers, very much not US choke-gate compliant.
Fun fact: Thunder actually did get a Japanese release! He and Skyquake were straight imported to Japanese stores in Hasbro packaging, with just some necessary legal info changed to Japanese on the boxes. This was the Operation: Combination year, where Takara released the small Turbomasters and Predators in 2-packs.
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And now we're going much further back, and much further south. No, that's not Brawn, that's OUTBACK, the 1987 Mexican version by IGA. Apparently, IGA was unwilling or unable to pay for the new '86 Mini Vehicle molds, thus they made their own versions by simply recoloring the '84 originals and slapping them on new cards for the '86 characters. Sometimes with alternate decos to boot!
Sadly, I don't own this toy, and like Sky Hyper, this was a BotCon pic taken with original owner info lost to time. (I always try and credit the toy owner when they let me take pics.)
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Now here's the ones I'm super-happy about. These are two of the three Eletrix, ESPORTE and PORSCHE, exclusive to Estrela's 1985 Brazilian Transformers line! These toys transform and walk/roll forward via remote control, attached by a wire over 4 feet long. I'm keeping an eye out for the third one, Jipe.
None of the '85 Brazilian toys have any faction markings, but the Autobot-style packaging leads one to assume "all good guys". As do the bios of many of the toys in the line... but the Eletrix lack bios, sadly. Which is weird, as Estrela made up new bios for some toys in the line, and just straight-translated others from their Hasbro bios.
These molds were released in the US, but as the "Pow-R-Bots" in Village Toys' TF-wannabe line Convert-A-Bots. Like Estrela, Village licensed them from Japan's Yonezawa Toys, where they were the Remote Change Robo Series. All of these releases use the same plastic colors, but give them new stickers for branding and language.
I bought these two MISB (cellophane still there!) earlier this year, but was a little gunshy about opening them, worried the electronics might have somehow rotted. Schrodinger's Electronics. But no, since they didn't come with batteries, no corrosion, and they work as well as a 1984-mold cheap electric gear-powered toy can (that is to say, loudly).
And of course, since I got the boxes, I took the opportunity to take 600dpi scans of the box art unique to Estrela's packaging!
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Man, I love going through these older, not-US corners of TFdom, and hope you learned something new about the vast TF universe. And if you'd like to help make that just a little bit easier and get more pics out a month, consider joining my Patreon! "gregstfwikipics" there, every little bit helps, plus at higher pledge levels you can pick a theme for the month!
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39 notes · View notes
fleckcmscott · 6 months
Hearth and Home
Summary: During Christmas in Missouri, Arthur learns - and Y/N relearns - how to celebrate with family.
Words: 6,525
Warnings: None
A/N: This little piece is based on a request from @jokerownsmysoul, as well as a continuation of Haunted Heart. Please enjoy this very tardy holiday story! 😂 Thank you to @jokerownsmysoulfor not only making the request, but also beta-ing the first draft. Much appreciation to @sweet-nothings04and @forever-fleck for helping with the intro pic! 💜
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Christmastide hadn't yet crept into Gobler Mall, but it'd slid halfway through the door and propped it open.
A cardboard sleigh advertised Santa's imminent arrival. Kiosks selling Dead Sea Salt body scrubs and smoked cheeses were buried in unopened boxes of merchandise. A man in a green janitor's uniform hung honeycomb snowflakes from the center atrium, his ladder buttressed against the second story's balcony wall. 
The anchor store in the east wing had outraced its competitors to win the gold. A twenty-foot tree stood in the center of Hecht's Fineries, plastic branches reaching out to entice customers past cosmetics to a world of sporting goods, toys, and electronics.
Y/N pushed a shopping cart through Today's Woman, the fashion department situated between cookware and shoes. Right on her heels, Arthur browsed with the exuberance of a boy who knew exactly what to write on his Christmas list. Adorable, yes. Contagious and delightful? Certainly. The magic of the season permeated the air whenever he was near.
But if he didn't lose her trail soon, surprising him would be impossible.
They'd brought a small selection of gifts from Gotham. Curry pastes from Siam Market and a Glob's Gourmet Pickles sampler (which had, thankfully, remained intact during their flight). But with limited luggage space, they'd settled on buying most here. A quilted jewelry box appeared a good fit for Ruthie, and with Jason pretending he'd grown out of comic books, they'd chosen a leather baseball glove for him. That left a Mr. Wizard Ecology Kit for Brian and a set of Read-A-Long books on tape for Ashley.
Now they had to settle on what to get Mabel and Ed. And each other.
"I dunno what she likes," Arthur told Y/N, flipping through a circular rack of blouses. Hangers squealed along a metal rod, an atonal chorus. "She dresses more casually than you, but she still looks nice." A one shoulder shrug concluded the observation.
Y/N leaned onto the cart's handle. "A good rule to go by is, if I'd hate it, she'd love it. Wait, that might work." She raised her hand to stop the search. He held out a horizontally striped pullover, black and confident pink illuminated by metallic threads.
A sharp nod answered his knotted brow. "It's definitely her."
As they made their way to the register, a row of mannequin busts caught his gaze. Decked out in festive finery, they wore sweaters thick enough to warm the skinniest soul. He strolled the length of the display, hands clasped at the small of his back, mocha curls brushing his shoulders. He stopped at a crewneck two-thirds of the way down.
Flocked plus signs spanned the shoulders and chest, like a blanket of light snow. Alternating patterns of stars and deer came next, followed by a swathe of rich maroon, the same color as his suit. An odd design, to be sure, but fashionable. The trendiest thing ever to have a chance at moving into Arthur's closet.
When his thin lips pursed, she sidled next to him. Shopping for others didn't mean he couldn't consider himself. "You'd look gorgeous in that," she said.
A smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Really?"
"Really." She reached for it with a seductive slowness. "Should we get it now or wait for Santa?"
On a hitched laugh, he stole it from her fingertips and got in line.
Carrying a tray of Morrison's Cafeteria broiled chicken, yellow rice, and two diet cokes, Mabel zigzagged through grey tables to a four-top on the periphery of the food court, where Y/N guarded Radio Shack and Sears bags with the promise not to peek. Though not much of a splurger, she was surprisingly fun to shop with. Admiring window displays, suggesting gifts for Ed and Arthur. Mabel had needed that quality time, another chance to be Big and Little Sis. 
Ever a rocket about to lift off, Ashley bounced on a stack chair beside Y/N. The other three children were in school, busy learning their ABCs. Sun cascaded through skylights, brought out honey blonde streaks in the toddler's hair. Y/N took a blue crayon from a RoseArt three-pack and pointed to a spot on a paper placement, an instruction to make the first move in a tic-tac-toe game. In a fit of giggles, the girl clapped and drew an X over the entire grid. 
A mix of joy and pensiveness twisted Mabel's heart.
Fed by losing her mom at twenty-four, she braced against the possibility of not being there. New milestones brought happiness - but they also reminded her she'd be fifty when her youngest was a freshman in high school. Nights of four-hour naps and days filled with play and homework took a lot more out of her than motherhood had a decade ago. There were moments exhaustion seeped so deeply into her bones she could've slept standing up.
Once Ashley was sent to a coin-operated carousel ride a couple yards away, Mabel confided to Y/N. "Don't get me wrong. I'd do anything for them. I just thought they'd all be in school by now." She rolled straw paper between thumb and forefinger. "Mom never seemed to get tired. But chasing Ashley around, I feel like I'm ready for the retirement home."
"She has parents who are older and wiser. Who know when they were too strict with the others and not strict enough. Isn't that a good thing?" Y/N tore a final piece of chicken off the bone and touched her toes to Mabel's. "You want to be mom. But you can't be. No one could. Just be yourself. You've always been more than enough, Able Mabel."
Blinking moisture from her eyes, Mabel dipped her chin. Was it middle-aged that'd mellowed Y/N, made her better at comfort rather than immediate investigation? Or had Arthur nurtured her heart by giving it a place to rest? Whatever the cause, it was a welcome change.
With the success of her second marriage, however, maybe she could solve a little, too. 
Mabel pushed abandoned grains of rice with her spoon. "I had been looking forward to having more time with Ed."
"Has he gone back to working around the clock?"
"No, no. He's home for dinner every night. But with school projects and potty training and story hour and baseball practice and scouting... Sometimes I forget what it's like to be a wife." A sip of coke as she checked on Ashley. The girl continued to ride in circles. "You love being a wife," Mabel continued. "What's the longest you and Arthur have gone without...you know."
Y/N dabbed at her mouth with the corner of her napkin. After a moment, she gave a small shrug. "A month or two?"
Mabel's jaw hung open. "That's it?" It'd been nearly six for she and Ed. Their last attempt had been cut short by Ruthie's knock on their bedroom door to ask for water - just as her underwire had been unhooked. They'd left a glass on her nightstand every night thereafter. But the spark continued to elude.
"Our lives are quieter," Y/N said, waving the unspoken comparison away. "And you've been married, what, eighteen years? That's much longer than four. Have you talked about this at all with Ed?"
A resigned sigh heaved out of Mabel. "Whenever I start, something comes up."
"It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out trial. Maybe you can suggest listening to Dr. Sally. Have you heard of her? She's from Gotham and Arthur swears by her. He says she taught him everything he knows. Well, everything he knew before we..." Crimson colored her cheeks, her lips pressed together in a pensive grin. "I don't know if I should tell you, but- Can you keep a secret?"
Mabel grasped the bottom of her chair and hopped it forward. "I love secrets."
"When he and I met, he hadn't been with a woman before. Not like that, anyway."
Nose wrinkled, Mabel tilted her head, her entire face squinting. No, Arthur wasn't her type. But she knew a good man when she met one. And a good looking man when she saw one. "How is that possible?"
Y/N snorted, loud enough to muffle it with the back of her hand. "That was my reaction. It was a lot of pressure; I don't think Arthur realizes that. But I wanted him and loved him and that won out.
"I asked him once if he felt like he'd missed out on anything, having only been with me. He said no, because he's comfortable with me and knows I care about him. Anyway, he gave Dr. Sally full credit for being wonderful. I'm sure the show is syndicated down here."
The twinkle of romance and true love in her sister's eye left Mabel fully convinced. She picked up a crayon and folded the placemat in half. "I'll call the local radio stations."
Meanwhile, Ed and Arthur rode the escalator to the mall's second story. For Ed, it was the only escalator in the county. For Arthur, it was simply a way to get upstairs. 
He trailed his brother-in-law past a soap and scented candle shop, an avalanche of perfume pouring out of the place. A silver engraving shop stood to their left, hawking the likes of picture frames, wedding cake serving sets, and doorknobs. They dodged a group of teenagers who should've been in school to arrive at a glass storefront tucked into the corner.
City Drawers' cursive sign was a thrill in pink neon. Muzak masquerading as jazz sounded through the open entrance. Two mannequins stood in the shop's windows, illuminated by spotlights at their feet. One wore a lace bra and panty set, the other a diaphanous camisole with a cowl neck. A hanging sign announced a sale on Maidenform: Buy one, Get one half off.
Arthur chewed his thumbnail.
Donahue's and L. Ballinger carried styles both he and Y/N liked, without intimidating buckles or oddly placed straps. Specialty shops were expensive. Though he'd happily picture her in every display, going to a boutique bordering on Adults Only made shopping an event he had the wrong ticket to, purchased for a week-old show. 
With a casualness Arthur envied, Ed crossed the black tile threshold, stealing Arthur's chance to back away and backtrack to Hecht's.
Forcing out a breath, he shoved his hands in his pockets. Made the decision to get over himself and stepped into the welcoming peach interior.
Low lighting gave the shop an air of intrigue, flattered the stitching, the promised silhouette of each item. A woman and high school student discussed the finer points of choosing a first bra. ("You don't want it to stick out too much under your sweaters." "Mom!") Cheeks on fire, he turned away from the conversation meant for mothers and daughters to see a husband and wife modeling satin robes. A cashier dressed like a consummate professional, as if she belonged in Y/N's office, told a woman in a puffy coat that underwear was returnable only if unopened.
Ed closed in on a Christmas display to the left, where a scantily clad mannequin wore a Mrs. Claus mob hat. He grabbed a Santa red negligee and gave it a once over. "Think Mabel'd like this?" he asked, thrusting it towards Arthur.
One glance at the faux fur trimmed neckline and it was clear Y/N would hate it. "She'd love it."
Relief palpable in his easy smile, Ed nodded his thanks and headed to the Famous Fragrances cabinet at the rear of the shop.
Arthur slinked along the wall, passing feather boas and garter belts. (The black one with pale pink roses on the hips was an omen to follow when they returned to Gotham City.) A man on the hunt for a gift that wouldn't be embarrassing to give his wife in front of her family. In front of her nephews and nieces.
Forgotten on a bottom shelf under dust and elbow length gloves, he found his trophy.
Knee high wool socks, lilac and knit in a pointelle pattern akin to lace. He took the pair in his grasp, ran his fingertips from cuff to toe. Every past piece of thrift store wool had been a scouring pad on his skin. These were smooth, buttery. He could imagine her calves wrapped up in these subtle cousins to stockings, a long-awaited present under the tree.
A lyric came to mind, an old song he'd gone too long without hearing. Humming a few bars, he sang in his head. You're the starch in my collar, you're the lace in my shoe...
Arthur hurried to the register, but turned back at the last second and stuck the garter belt under his arm.
He placed the socks on the counter, indicated them with his chin. "Can you put those in a box? With a ribbon on it?" He slid the garter across the surface and leaned forward. "And could you please wrap this separately?"
Snug in the tub, Y/N's eyelids fell shut as she massaged almond shampoo into her scalp. The circling slowed as she exhaled contentment. After cramming two major holidays and the preparations for a third into a mere nine days, she'd savor this second to relax. 
The notion twisted the corner of her mouth, a crescent of irony. 
That she'd be able to relax here at all would've been laughable before, when shadows had lurked in every corner and out in the open to confront her with what she'd lost. Arthur's compassion and Mabel's letting the subject of their parents alone now allowed Y/N to cope on her own terms. 
The adjoining guestroom wasn't simply her father's former office, where she'd been forced to accept the gravity of Henry's diagnosis. It was also a bedroom where she could rest at the end of the day. The bathroom was more than an old examination room, forest green and warm, where her father had crowned his four-year-old daughter with a head mirror and tested her reflexes. It was a place unwind. To cleanse her skin and her heart. Twin threads of past and present that entwined themselves into a semblance of peace.
Locks rinsed and detangled, she swiped her hair back and reached for her wet-dry electric razor.
A light tap tap rapped at the door.
She'd recognize her husband's Excuse Me knock anywhere. But with a full house, doublechecking was safer. "Who is it?"
"It's Arthur."
At her instant invitation, he slid through the door. He'd donned his maroon sweater - as he had every day since she'd told him he'd look gorgeous in it.
She'd been right.
He tucked a stray curl behind his ear and turned towards the toilet. "Sorry, the other bathroom's busy. I'll be quick." He lifted the cover and seat and unzipped his trousers. 
Razor perpendicular to her shin, she started to drag it in a straight line to her knee. 
It sputtered like an old engine, gaining and losing speed in an attempt to complete its mission. She hit the bottom with the heel of her hand. Flipped the switch off and back on. A pathetic whirr, which slowed to a worrying grind. Then a final, sad stop.
With a huff, she set it on the tub's corner shelf. "I should've charged this before we left."
He shook himself off, cocked his head her way. "Maybe Mabel has one? I can go check."
"You don't have to bother."
Arthur waved her off, insisted it wasn't one at all. He rinsed his hands and stepped out. Grin tight enough to pinch, she scrubbed at her armpits and breasts. Noted a hair by her aerola she'd have to pluck later. The washcloth slid across her stomach, the feminine swell of her abdomen. A quick dip between her legs.
The door swung ajar. Extending his palm with a flourish, Arthur beamed down at her.
Eyes wide, the entirety of her attention shot to the Pink Daisy Gillette.
She hadn't used a wet razor for five years, had banished them from the apartment as soon as he'd agreed to move in. Since he'd asked her to keep them away from him. Sure, if a matter was important, she was a risk taker. Being stubble free for one extra day didn't make the cut.
Y/N reached to take it from him. A bit too fast. "Thank you."
"Actually, I-" He held the forbidden object in front of his chest, twirled it between anxious fingers. "I'd like to do it."
She drew her feet inward. Concern felt silly, an unwelcome heckler. A true intrusion on their intimacy. But given Arthur's history, it made sense. And Dr. Ludlow had agreed keeping razor blades out of the apartment was a good idea.
As if able to read her thoughts, he winced at the floor, a move that felt too close to shame. He spoke with the wounded dignity of the earnest yet disbelieved. "I've been okay for a long time now."
An ache pressed her sternum, for she did indeed believe him. He'd trusted her two years ago, had taken the good with the very, very bad. Shouldn't she be able to trust him? Refrain from making a normal activity - a loving gesture he'd asked for - a crossroads to crisis? 
She pushed the worries from her throat with an ahem. "You're right. I'm sorry."
His handsome visage instantly brightened. 
Loosening her legs, she wrung out her washcloth. "You're going to get all wet."
"I'll dry."
"What about your pants?"
"They come off."
It was said without guile, but she chuckled, anyway. She retrieved the soap. Worked up a good lather. Smoothed suds down her left leg.
His teeth pressed his lower lip in an eager grin. Perching on the rim of the tub, he pushed his sleeves to his elbows. Bent to pluck her towel from the floor and cover his lap. A secure hold on her heel as he pulled her into position.
Gently, he laid the blade a centimeter below her knee and drew it towards him. A glance of a touch.
"A little harder," she said. "Leg hair is stubborn."
"I don't wanna hurt you."
"You won't." She lay in the curved end of the tub. "How old were you when you started to shave?"
"Fourteen, I think." A soft, closed-mouth laugh. "One night, when Penny and her boyfriend were gone? I stole his razor and shaving cream. I must've used half the can." Short scrapes at the front of Y/N's ankle. "I pressed so hard to get through all the foam, I got a burn. It hurt so bad. My mother asked what was wrong with my face. I told her I'd been out in the sun too long - in February."
Giggling, Y/N tossed her head back. "I'm sure you were very convincing. Speaking of which: I have to convince Mabel to tone it down for Christmas."
"Isn't that why she invited us down here?"
"Yes, but she's going to cook herself to death." At Thanksgiving, Y/N hadn't been able to see the table for all the food. What with their household being too small for a full spread, she and Arthur stuck to a chicken or a couple of turkey breasts. "She likes to make a big dinner for Christmas Eve and a breakfast buffet in the morning."
The tip of his tongue darted out to wet his lips. "We could make dinner and breakfast."
Y/N gulped against unbidden images floating to the surface. She hadn't cooked a holiday meal here for eight years, and the last had been an exercise in heartbreak. Mashed up food, saliva on cotton, fear pretending to be revulsion on the faces of her family. Benji's Very Own Christmas Story on TV to tide keep her father calm and an entire bottle of Sanatogen to calm herself. 
Yet, the idea was lovely, a reflection of her husband's generosity and kindness. Putting her baggage on him would be ungenerous and unkind. And, just maybe, it could be an opportunity she wouldn't have taken on her own.
She studied the ripples in the water. Concentrated on the pressure of his fingertips on her skin. Glides of metal and aloe. "Stroganoff?"
"That's special for us." Arthur squeezed the subtle half-moon of her calf.
Fuzzy fluttering fleeted through her, at the squeeze and the us. They decided on glazed ham, a dish her mother had made every year. Y/N made a mental note to peruse the oldBetter Homes & Gardens cookbook, the checkered one with the side pocket. "We can make garlic mashed potatoes, too. If we double the recipe, it'll be enough for eight." Broccoli and cheese casserole would serve as a second side, of which Arthur would claim all the crispy corners. Stuffing out of three boxes. All that was left was dessert.
He shook the razor in the bathwater. "Gingerbread's good."
"I'll add a can of whipped cream to the grocery list."
Pecking the arch of her foot, he scooted along the tub's rim. Angled her leg so that her thigh rested on his. The razor whispered a line within an inch of her groin. Puffs of her breath skimmed her flesh. Her tendons tightened. Her knee jerked against his touch.
He knelt beside the tub to gather water in his hands. Slipped them down her legs. He rinsed her again, his expression melting into satisfaction. "You're beautiful," he said, palm sliding to her hip. His green gaze dropped to her mouth, his caress now a firm grip.
Then his lips seized hers.
A startled gasp jolted her. 
What Arthur had just done was romantic. Wonderful. An act out of a shared fantasy. If they'd been anywhere else, a delicious weight would've warmed her belly. But that old forest green seeped in at the edges of her mind's eye, pulled the thread of past askew. Now that weight felt like a bowling ball.
She broke off the kiss. Embarrassed whispers between bottled breaths. "Arthur, I-" Her fingers curled, a loose fist by his cheek. "I can't. Not here."
Drops fell from his wrist to her sternum. Charted paths to the notch at the base of her throat. Silence weighed down on her, a whole league's worth of bowling balls.
Swallowing, she raised her eyes to meet his. 
When they did, understanding softened his brow. His voice was low, soft. A comfort as powerful as present thread. "It's okay." He retreated to sit on his heels and dry his hands, chestnut waves falling to frame his sculpted cheeks. He stood and bent to peck the top of her head. "You better do that other leg yourself." With that, he turned to leave.
She scrambled to sit up. "Arthur?"
Hand on the doorknob, he looked back at her.
"I love you," she said.
Dimples deepening, he bestowed a shy, radiant smile. "I know."
Mabel placed the Santa mug with the candy cane handle on the windowsill to finish trimming the tree. It was situated by the front window, about a yard from the guestroom. Ed and Jason had disappeared to the basement to search for decorations. One of Ruthie's favorite records played, John Denver and the Muppets' A Christmas Together. 
Arthur knelt beside Mabel. On the opposite side of the living room, Y/N and the three youngest children worked on paper snowflakes in the play corner. Few words had passed between them, but the quiet was the kind that belonged to old marrieds who were confident in their choice of each other. Irritated, in love, invested. There'd be no running to the watering hole today.
Nevertheless, Mabel sought to gladden the place. Trimming the tree was one of her favorite rituals, right up there with reading The Night Before Christmas and stuffing stockings. There was no way she'd allow grumpiness to gel into gloom.
Digging through a popcorn tin overflowing with ornaments, each wrapped carefully in a sandwich bag, she said, "Don't be surprised if the munchkins are knocking on your door at five tomorrow." 
"That's okay. I don't let Y/N sleep in on Christmas." He hung a stained-glass rocking horse on a middle branch of the artificial tree. "You know, she still has the cookie you made her when you were kids. In the toy oven."
"Does she really?" 
"She hangs it up every year."
Mabel retrieved another satin bauble, this one from the Keepsake series of ornaments. "Holidays are happy when friends are together" it declared. The phrase brought a pleasant smile to her face and a quickening to her heart. 
Y/N's offer to give her a break by preparing Christmas dinner had been a surprise, a true act of affection Mabel had to accept. But when Y/N had said she was going to prepare everything herself, Arthur's brow furrowed into one thick caterpillar. It was an obvious deviation from how this conversation was supposed to go. 
Familiar with how hard it was on him to feel shut out, Mabel rescued Arthur from his skepticism with an invitation to make dessert. Dessert wasn't technically a part of dinner and therefore fair game. Though she'd planned on chocolate and pecan pinwheels, they settled on gingerbread cookies and spent the morning rolling dough and downing coffee. 
During their third round of cookie cutting, she'd said, "These are perfect. Have you made them before?" 
"Penny had a gingerbread recipe on the wall in the kitchen," he'd said. Another drummer boy emerged from the brown dough. "I can't remember making it, but I know I dropped a bag of flour. She smeared it on our faces and told me, 'Every real cook has flour on his cheeks.'"
Mabel's laugh had dissolved into a wistful sigh. From what Y/N had shared, discussions about his childhood were rare and memories that made him smile even rarer. With a sprinkle of flour on both their noses, they'd put the cookie sheet on the middle oven rack and set the timer.
Miss Piggy's shrill plea for five golden rings cut through the recollection. Eyelid twitching, Mabel straightened the hanger of a Baby's First Christmas ceramic bootie and called to her sister. "Remember when we were kids, and we'd sing along to the radio?"
With a nod, Y/N folded white construction paper into a triangle. "And at the Silver Spur." She sang softly, a relief from the record's caterwauling. "Country road, take me home to the place I belong-"
"Gotham City," Mabel joined in. "Jersey highway."
The twitch teasing Arthur's chin defied the set of his jaw.
"When you put it like that, you almost make it sound romantic," Y/N said. 
Just then, Ed thudded into the room, lugging a box of plastic garland. Haphazard leaves and berries sprouted from the cardboard box. Nose buried in an LCD hockey game, Jason followed close behind. Ed asked, "Hey, do you do any Christmas standup shows?"
"One or two at the usual clubs." Arthur stood to toss handfuls of Brite Star tinsel at the tree. "How did the wife get her husband to go to the office party?"
"Jason, put that away and help me with this." Ed plunked the box to the carpet with a groan. "I don't know. How?"
"By telling him, 'yule love it.'" An elongated u for pun's sake.
Stifling a giggle, Mabel shook her head. His jokes hadn't gotten much better, but his ability to make her smile won her over. 
"And it always works."Y/N extricated herself from scraps of paper, then checked her watch. "I better start dinner," she said, and excused herself from the room.
In her peripheral vision, Mabel caught Arthur's rapid blink. His posture threatened to deflate like an old tire. "I thought she was doing better this time," he mumbled.
"She is, Arthur. She is." In the manner of a mother assigning a sullen son the most important task - as her own mother had done for her after Y/N had moved out - Mabel patted his shoulder. "If you could find the tree topper, that'd be a big help."
Arms folded across his chest, Arthur braced himself on the doorframe, careful to keep his toes on the foyer side of the floor's transition strip and off the kitchen linoleum.
The side of Y/N's hand smoothed a crimson tablecloth over the oblong dining table. She laid a plastic wreath in the middle, completed the centerpiece with three ivory candles inside the ring. She retrieved eight quilted placemats featuring Christmas geese from the drawer to the left of the stove and pulled cloth napkins from the cupboard to the right. She knew where everything was without asking. As if she'd left here yesterday.
When he'd suggested making dinner, bumming around while Y/N roleplayed 1978 wasn't what he'd had in mind. Standing by like an extra as she measured brown sugar and honey. Loitering while she shoved broccoli in Corning Ware and sprinkled it with cheese.
Given that it didn't quite fit her bustline, the velveteen, emerald halter dress she wore must've been borrowed from Mabel. Y/N's hair was feathered in the usual manner, but with extra body that meant she'd used mousse and a curling iron. Earth tone makeup highlighted her natural prettiness, save for the red stain on her lips. Poinsettias dangled from her ears, a Beauty Boutique original. 
She opened a panel cabinet over the sink, then grabbed a stepstool to peek inside. Kitten-heeled foot extended behind her, she retrieved a stack of plates. Her shoe threatened to fall to the floor. When she teetered, he offered to steady her. But she declined. Descended backwards step by step. Put the plates on the counter with a soft but unwavering "I've got it."
His cheek ached from gnawing. Out of respect for her, he hadn't argued in front of her sister. But doing this as a couple - as a family - had been what he'd craved.
So he slid across the linoleum to inspect the plates. Trace his thumb over the cheery holly motif along the edges.
She whisked the dishes away. "I'll light the candles when the food is done," she said, a hitch in her voice she failed to hide.
He half-turned to her. Noted the upward draw of her shoulders, elbows tight at her sides. She set matching tumblers at the two o'clock positions by each plate. He longed to fold the cloth napkins. He longed to take out the cutlery.
He longed to pry.
Lips pressed to a sore line, he recalled their fight when he'd cornered her in the shower, one of the worst arguments they'd ever had. He was loathe to follow that road again. Instead, he grabbed a cooking spoon, stirred the mashed potatoes, and searched for compromise. 
Before he could err, she crossed to stand two feet from him. Leaning back against the counter, she gripped the Formica edge with both hands. Her fingers went white.
"When I lived here," she started. "I did all the Christmas decorating and cooking. I loved it. It was a day I could pretend my life was normal, just for an hour or two. Mabel and Ed would bring the kids. We'd drink cocoa and open gifts and have a little fun. Except that last year."
Arthur's stirring slowed, every fiber waiting with want for all of it. All of her.
"I wanted to keep my spirit up or touch my dad in some way." A familiar, familial word she never used. It was always father. "But the harder I tried, the worse it was. He wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying. When I washed him, he tried to push me away, but he was too weak - his arms were matchsticks. He must've been scared - he wasn't really with it by then. And he scared Mabel and the kids and..."
Lashing fluttering, she sucked her teeth. "The man who'd nurtured me, who'd loved me, wasn't there anymore. He was possessed by a stranger I didn't want to know. And being here - having to stay in this house - was like trying to live inside a ghost."
In spite of the watery tenor of her voice, she offered Arthur a tremulous smile. "Tonight it doesn't feel so haunted." 
An anxious dam gave way, crumbling to flood love through his frame. He understood, then. Doing all this by herself standing here alone, was a ritual to exorcise her past. He reached for her wrist, pulled her to his side with one arm. When she put her head on his shoulder, he dropped the cooking spoon into the goopy mass.��
Her palms pressed his back. "I'm happy to be able to share this part of me now." 
"Me, too. I mean, I'm happy you shared it with me, too." He buried his face in her hair, let out a huff equal parts support and relief. "I want you to share everything."
Seconds of silence before her lips made a smacking sound on her teeth, and he knew she was grinning.
Ever the woman to push down her feelings a tad too quickly (except for love; thank whatever was listening there was always love), she stepped out his arms, wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand. The crockpot let out an air raid warning of a beep.
She took a box of matches from the corner of the windowsill above the sink and pressed it into his palm. Offered a luminous look and invited him into her past. "You light the candles and I'll serve."
Blue wrapping paper with silver bells and holly. Little bears wishing little ones Merry Christmas on pine green. Gold and red foil interweaving in an intricate scroll. The four-by-four space under the tree contained enough color and excitement to fill a North Pole workshop.
Hair tugged into a haphazard ponytail and replete in fuzzy slippers, Mabel dropped onto a chair next to Ed and attempted to squint away her dull headache. The adults had stayed up until 1:00 AM last night, wrapping boxes, drinking cocoa, and carrying on. After dinner, Arthur had nibbled at the gingerbread cookies until he'd had to take two Tums - then surprised everyone by claiming the last slice of Thanksgiving's pumpkin pie.
Clad in their lazy morning best, Arthur and Y/N sat hip to hip in front of the tree. She'd yanked on the lavender socks with the enthusiasm of having found a long-lost treasure. He munched on the macadamia nuts Mabel had thought would make a lame gift, but Y/N had insisted he'd love. The cowhide wallet she'd given him lay open on his lap, the card slot's gold leaf letters reading "A + S" followed by a heart on display. Cheesy. Seemingly out of character for Big Sis. But she glowed whenever she talked about him. She'd gotten starry eyed about Jeff but never glowed. 
Once she'd unwrapped Mabel's present to her, she held it in both hands but hesitated to open it. The photo album risked melancholy, but Mabel hoped Y/N would be able to find joy, too. 
"Those are photos of us," Mabel assured her. At that, Y/N lifted the front cover. The first was a black and white featuring four year old Y/N cross-legged on the floor, the new baby in her arms, a big grin on her face. "I took the best pictures from all of mom and dad's photo albums. They start from when we were little and go until our visit last year. And there are blank pages for more." 
Hugging the album to her chest, Y/N made a promise. "There'll be more. A lot more."
Ruthie helped Ashley put one of her Wuzzles reading cassettes in her Fisher Price tape player, while Ashley patted Ruthie's jewelry box's quilted surface as if it were a cat. Jason let Brian try out his new baseball mitt, and Brian put his feet on the coffee table and flipped through his Experiments in Ecology book. 
Ed's morning breath stank of garlic from gourmet pickles. Already wearing his new Casio calculator watch, he flipped through the manual of the AT&T cordless phone, a gift Mabel hoped meant Y/N wanted more phone calls. The Thai script on the curry pastes was something Mabel had never seen before, but Y/N promised that if she could cook with them, anyone could figure it out. ("Just add vegetables and chicken and you're good.")
When Mabel unwrapped the present from her hubby, she recognized the logo as soon as she glimpsed the outline of a petal. She'd kept the box shut. Warmth enveloped her. He'd made her feel beautiful again, in that special way she'd reminisced. In the way that belonged to them. 
No matter what she'd confided in the mall, the moments she struggled were worth it. Still there, still hard. But she'd do her best to follow her sister's advice. Make sure to enjoy herself as a mother, a wife, and herself. 
And Dr. Sally would remain on-call.
Mabel called Ruthie to her side and spoke in her ear. Loud enough for all to hear but quiet enough to make the girl feel special. "Can you and your brothers set the table?" 
Ruthie nodded and skipped her way to the foyer. When the boys remained glued to the sofa, Ed rose with a Come On, Sons gesture. Arthur plucked a candy cane from tree, then plucked Ashley from the carpet and carried her to the kitchen.
Mabel grabbed a purple bow from the carpet, winced as she straightened, a barbel rolling from her forehead to her neck. "The next time you suggest spiking a drink, remind me to say no."
Anchoring herself on the coffee table, Y/N moved to stand. "I'll put on an extra pot of coffee." She gathered strewn wrapping paper and ribbon and crumpled them into a ball. "Make sure you take it easy when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around."
"Ed's parents are hosting," Mabel said, and waved off her concern. With his sister stuck in Michigan this year, it'd be a smaller gathering. With his big brother around, Ed would regress to being the youngest as soon as he smelled a pie in the oven.
Arms overflowing, they padded towards the kitchen. But they lingered halfway there to bask in the magic of Not Quite Christmas. 
Ed worked around the kids, handing them plates, directing where to put them. Arthur retrieved a mixing bowl and frying pan in preparation for cinnamon French Toast, a tradition he'd brought from the Fleck household. While Ed searched the cupboards, Arthur crouched beside Ashley, who laughed at her uncle between rounds of peek-a-boo.
"You made this visit beautiful, Mabel. Mom would be proud of you." Y/N freed up an arm and hugged her at the waist. Spoke the words Mabel had longed to hear for the better part of a decade. The words that made the wheels of self-forgiveness run ten times faster. "After all these years, I think we both found what we've been looking for."
Elated, Mabel dropped the paper to the floor. "I know I have." She seized Y/N about the middle, hard enough to lift her to her toes. "I know we have."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​​ @rommies​​​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1 @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​​​ @iartsometimes​​​​​ @fleckficgirl
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Rioux, 1999.
Post-Brentwood was a turning point in my life. The minute I heard Sick Of It All played at Drew’s (♀) graduation party was the very minute my music tastes would change forever. As an Eighties’ kid, I grew up on Duran Duran, Run DMC, Alisha, Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam, Poison, and other chart-toppers. Anything could be ‘pop’ if it becomes popular enough. That’s how it got its name. Pop set me up to be diverse person I am now with stations like New York City’s Z100 where there’s a new market trend manufactured and released every five years to be fed on by the majority.
“Maladjusted” blasted through her backyard boombox for all of fifty of her closest friends and classmates to hear; the same friends and classmates who laughed at me or ignored me for being a poser. They weren’t laughing or shit-talking behind my back now that they saw me at Drew’s get-together. “How did he get in?” they wondered. That didn’t matter. They didn’t say shit to me. I never saw most of them again after that, nor did I keep tabs, either. I asked Drew who they were and she told me. Boy, did it go down angry and aggressive. I didn’t hear anything like it. So I went to the South Shore Mall’s record store and copped Scratched The Surface on cassette to quickly become my go-to record during senior-year summer. That was my introduction to hardcore and the start of something more personal and relatable than what I listened to before.
Shortly thereafter, Wipeout XL came out for Playstation and my trajectory in taste had changed for a second time. It was one of the first games released that had a major soundtrack thanks to disc capacity. A line-up of Underworld, Fluke, Photek, Future Sound Of London, The Prodigy, and Chemical Brothers gave me a three-month head start before - you guessed it - pop and alternative rock stations jumped on that wagon as the next great profit maker. Even stations changed their formats for a night or two to keep up with the hottest trend of the year, such as when Atari Teenage Riot slipped through the airwaves and literally changed my attitude of music. Another hand would be dealt, and one which was the most fascinating: industrial. Mortal Kombat motion picture soundtracks were the gateway to it after establishing Nine Inch Nails, Filter, and Ministry as my Big Three. I snatched up on three Meat Beat Manifesto tapes, four Skinny Puppy discs, The Wax Trax box set and label mail order, and some Cleopatra label compilations. (Yeah, I know. No need to tell me.) It all goes to show how a lot can happen in one year before heading to community college.
Whether or not I had employment, I still managed to purchase tons of music. It became a beast I constantly had to feed. I had record store visits, radio, magazines, and now the internet (‘world wide web’ they once called it) to keep me updated. Every week I found something new to check out. Oh, look. Alec Empire is on the cover of another magazine! The December 1997 issue of Wire, #166. Have to buy it as his stock was riding high with (once again) Atari Teenage Riot and his DHR label. On the way to Empire’s glow-up were two other artists I came across in their pages: Autechre (who they proclaimed as noise gods) and Merzbow.
When you keep hearing the same names over and over, eventually they’ll get you to check them out. That’s what happened with those two and with expectations - what you shouldn’t have when diving into an artist or album. Autechre’s Tri Repetae++ caught me off guard. They said it was an electronic record and I foolishly thought it was techno instead. I hear the album opener “Dael” expecting a build-up leading to an explosion of sound. Wrong. The minimal structure and complex melodic rhythms of a cold, mechanical, emotionless being started as-is and moved its way to the end. This wasn’t anything to a traditional dance record I was accustomed to. No. These were experiments that Sean Booth and Rob Brown created which were so innovative that they’ve gotten endless praise for them since. A few listens later and I had Tri Repetae++ on constant repeat.
Merzbow? That’s another story. Like Tri Repetae++, I bought Pulse Demon at the Port Jefferson Music Den, once a bastion of everything obscure which hasn’t existed in 20 years. That was my introduction to noise. Fucking Lady Godiva riding on a Sybian did I not know what was in store for me that day. It was the shiniest and sharpest-sounding thing I now had in my collection. I load the disc in, pressed play and - what?! It was one giant maelstrom of harsh white noise, produced and output louder than usual, complete with Bridget Riley-esque op-art and its silvery prismatic sheen. Pulse Demon was devoid of any rhythm, melody, beats, measurements, sound structure, tonality, vocals, or even a sense of time whatsoever. It was a giant endurance test that felt like there was no end in sight. Again, expectations are a foolish thing to ask for.
I didn’t know what to think. I immediately dismissed it and never played it again. I couldn’t say I was actively disappointed or put-off but rather dissuaded. It was nothing what I experienced. Back then, I was a feature writer for the student paperduring my disastrous time at community college’s middle campus. The campus majority consisted mostly of shallow club-goers and superficial people who stood in their safe comfort zone of basic dance music, fashion, and friends who judged and dismissed anyone who were weird or different from them. I always went against the grain and reached for something different and challenging; things that loudmouth belligerent chauvinist Opie & Anthony fans were too stupid to learn from. I had no other albums to review on the backburner, so Pulse Demon was it for the following issue. I was honest about my take on it: it was an unlistenable mess of a joke. I handed in my 1,000 words to our features editor, a long-haired burnout held over from the hippie generation, and it finally saw print in one of our Spring issues.
The day after my review came out, I was called in to the office by my editor-in-chief Phil. Somehow we got word from a professor who read my article and took issue with it. “Really?” I said. But it didn’t stop there. Phil also told me that Professor Rioux wanted me to visit his office to discuss the article with him.
I failed an article for a professor I didn’t even know I had?
Phil had him for English. But not to fear. The overall consensus was that he was friendly, calm, and reasonable with his students. And here was an odd moment he shared with me: Pfr. Rioux played some of his favorite weird music during an end-of-the-semester holiday party for his students to hear. Seriously, not to fear. He sounded like someone I would connect with. Phil assured me that all would be fine and ended up arranging a time and day to meet up with him. That would be next week Wednesday after the publisher’s meeting.
I arrive at Prf. Rioux’ office where he welcomed me in and introduced himself, dressed up in the usual teacher’s attire of blazer and dress pants. So far, so good. I sat down in his office and looked around to notice two rows of tapes sitting on a desk next to his bookshelf. There was a Temple Ov Psychick Youth cross hung up on the wall and also noticed the black shirt he was hearing under his blazer which featured Aube’s Quadrotation on it.
We sat down for a good 45 minutes discussing my article. Not once was Prf. Rioux mean, belittling, or off-handed - unlike others who called themselves ‘professors’. Rather, he gave me constructive criticism. Judging by my article, he told me that I missed the mark on Merzbow and didn’t come into the album open-minded. Clearly I didn’t understand noise music enough for me to write what I did and there was way more to it than I thought. The most important takeaway was that I shouldn’t have compared noise to anything else in a traditional sense. Sure, it was an entirely different animal that can still have value, substance, a structure, a methodology, and a meaning to it all like everything else.
So he kindly offered to make me three cassettes of whatever rang familiar and whom I was curious about to widen my horizons and get a better understanding. All early industrial and / or noise. Wonderful. I obliged. One week later, I returned to his office where he had them all ready for me. I thanked him for the tapes and said goodbye to him.
What was on those tapes? First, Merzbow. Not surprisingly. Three unknown tracks from the Lord of Harsh Noise. On the other side was Masonna, another Japanese noise artist whose Inner Mind Mystique finished up tape #1. Tape #2 was more varied. I heard very little of Coil other than “The Snow” off the Wax Trax compilation. Right after that was Jim G. Thirwell / Foetus whom followed up with three tracks. (Coincidentally, both aforementioned artists remixed Nine Inch Nails). Rioux threw on three tracks from Einsturzende Neubauten’s Kollaps with a small sampling of Clock DVA tracks from Black Souls In White Suits. Our final tape had a good ten tracks of Death In June whom I never heard of, and several versions of Throbbing Gristle’s “Discipline” rounded out all that Prf. Rioux gave me. Never had I received anything like it from any professor.
I was forever grateful. I played those tapes to good use, enough to go back into my usual grind of music and artist reviews with a better understanding and reasoning. I didn’t review any of the artists after that Merzbow debacle, but my stance of him changed for the better and went back to Pulse Demon several more times. I happened to purchase several more of his albums where I could, dove back into Inner Mind Mystique and picked up on Nic Endo’s White Heat when that was released. I pushed more heavily into Einsturzende Neubauten’s chaotic phase, Clock DVA’s experimental era, and the world of Throbbing Gristle. I would be only toes deep with the other artists; checking in from time to time.
What were the chances that anyone (who appreciated the genesis of industrial and a knowledgeable noise fan) would notice a specific artist printed in a campus newspaper no less? It was bad enough that I dealt with one disappointment after another interacting with people and trying to find my place on campus; which I eventually did with neutral results. Where reaching out to people with similar tastes in music were few and far between (only one or two people on campus wore Dead Voices On Air, Ant-Zen, and Ras DVA shirts), someone reached out to me instead. Of all the professors I ever had, no one and I mean no one had that kind of knowledge that Prf. Rioux did, with mixtapes to boot, too.
As his tapes played in my Walkman while trekking around campus, everything else around me was happening as usual. Cover bands and boring flavorless local bar acts peppered the Long Island music scene. WBLI continued to pump out more puerile paint-by-number club mixes as usual with Fatboy Slim and Robbie Williams up next. Ska fans hopped out of the woodwork to defend their precious circus music and became overnight know-it-all elitists ready to play the scene-politics card. And free pink PVC cowboy hats came included with Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Spice Girls, and Limp Bizkit worship. Forget it. The late Nineties was clearly a bad era in music and pop culture - and it still had time to get even worse. The only places of solace I had were the few record stores I frequented. Commack’s Cheapo’s, West Babylon’s Looney Tunes, Central Islip’s Mother’s Music, Port Jefferson’s Music Den, and Centereach’s None Of The Above. At least they catered everything to my choosing.
But I never forgot where I came from or lost track of where I headed. By the time I attended Stony Brook, I fell victim to the Mothers Of Noise ‘scandal’ and discovered Prurient from it. I’d be one of the few on campus familiar with Whitehouse, Boyd Rice / NON, and even Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music on top of everything else.Each and every one of these artists were mentioned in my new wave of reviews and I even featured on my radio show. I also never forgot those tapes. I still have them, and they became one of the few shining reminders of an era that was mostly ill to me.
Cassette #1, side A:
Merzbow: “???”, “???”, “???”
Cassette #1, side B:
Masonna: Inner Mind Mystique
Cassette #2, side A:
Coil: ”Panic”, “Tenderness Of Wolves”, “Clay”, The Anal Staircase”
Foetus: “What Have You Been Doing?”, “Today I Started Slogging Again”, “Gums Bleed”
Cassette #2, side B:
Einsturzende Neubauten: “Tanz Debil”, “Steh Auf Berlin”, “Kollaps”
Clock DVA: “Consent”, “Anti-Chance”, “Uncertain”
Cassette #3, side A:
Death In June: “Hello Angel”, “Heaven Street”, “She Said Destroy”, “Fall Apart”, “Leper Lord”, “C’est Un Reve”, “Touch Defiles”, “The Torture Garden”, “Come Before Christ…”
Cassette #3, side B:
Throbbing Gristle: three live “Discipline” performances.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
The North Star - Part Twenty Three: Long Term - Terry Bruno x Reader (Final Part)
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Welcome to mine and @the-hinky-panda The Bronx universe featuring our favs Terry Bruno & Mike Duarte.
This story takes place several years after ‘Blood Out’. Terry still lives in the Bronx and works in Manhatten SVU.
Following on from @the-hinky-panda story 'The Dog' Mike has retired from the NYPD on medical grounds due to seizures causes by the attack. He has a therapy dog called Bono and lives with @the-hinky-panda character Meredith.
Tagging: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @the-adzukibean @beardedbarba @wooshwastaken @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @storiesofsvu @anime-weeb-4-life @witches-unruly-heart @spaghettificationandpretzels @chavez-ashley @kiwiithecrazybird @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989
The North Star Series - Part of The Bronx Universe
Part One: Moments (NSFW)
Part Two: Case of the Ex
Part Three: Her Worse Half
Part Four: Always
Part Five: Ask Me Again (NSFW) 
 Part Six: Degas
Part Seven: The Heist
Part Eight: A Part to Play
Part Nine: Home
Part Ten: Safe Space 
Part Eleven: Weak
Part Twelve: Got Your Back
Part Thirteen: Familia
 Part Fourteen: Gunplay
Part Fifteen: Friendly Fire
Part Sixteen: Alive (NSFW)
Part Seventeen: Karma
Part Eighteen: Lucky
Part Nineteen: Fucked Up
Part Twenty: Orchard Beach
Part Twenty One: Tuscany
Part Twenty Two: New York
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Terry’s unpacking when he finds it, the picture of the two of you in a wooden frame. It’s the one from his desk in the precinct, it’s in the box along with the stress balls you’d gotten him and other bits and pieces that he’d left. He’d asked Fin to send it over after he’d handed in his papers. He sits down as he looks at it, his thumb trailing over your features.  
It had been Meredith’s birthday; Duarte had thrown a party in the back yard, and you were wearing that navy blue wrap dress with the daisies on. The one that he had taken off you later that night. He remembers his fingers fumbling with the knot, how you’d tipped your head back and laughed because the two of you had been drinking diet coke all night in case you got a call out. He remembers the way the fabric had fluttered from your body, the way you stood before him wearing nothing but a smile on your face and that compass, your North Star glinting in the lamp light. He’d made love to you that night to the sound of rain pattering against the windows.
It's been over almost two months now, and he still feels the agony acutely. It’s a constant ache in his chest, a wound he carries around with him no matter where he goes. Sometimes he’ll be in the market, and he’ll pick something up, something small that he knows you’ll love, and he has to remind himself that you aren’t in his life anymore, that he can’t show you the trinket in his hand.
He’s thought about calling you, he’s spent nights staring at this phone, his thumb hovering over the button but he never goes through with it. You made your decision, and he made his. He doesn’t want to draw this shit out, he wants you to be happy wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.
He puts the picture down when he hears the knock on his door. He’s expecting more boxes, he’d asked Mike to organise shipping the rest of his stuff. The other man had grumbled but he was proficient, most of it had arrived meticulously wrapped and still in one piece. He had no intention of returning to New York, the thought of it leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He’s given notice on his lease and signed his papers electronically; he has no reason to return to US.
When he opens the door, he’s surprised because never in his wildest dreams does he expect to see you standing there. You look good considering you’ve just come off a nine-hour flight, you’re dressed in leggings and a light grey tunic top, sunglasses on up on the top of your head. He notes your wheelie suitcase propped up alongside of you. It’s not the small one you used last time, it’s bigger and for a second, he allows himself to hope.
“Vacation or long-term stay?” He finds himself asking.
“Long term stay.” You tell him, before gesturing at the villa. “You know if you’ve got the space.”
“Always.” He says with a smile as he opens the door to let you in. “I’ve always got room for you.”
Love Terry Bruno? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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viofitz · 2 months
McDonald's Happy Meal Despicable Me 3
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A Happy Meal is a kid's meal sold at the American fast food restaurant chain McDonald's since June 1979. A small toy or book is included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a red cardboard box with a yellow smiley face and the McDonald's logo. The packaging and toy are frequently part of a marketing tie-in to an existing television series, film or toyline. In this review, it's from Despicable Me 3 (DM3) movie aired in 2017. The line up had 22 toys in total counting from every region releases, unlike it's predecessors the line up expanded by featuring several human characters and a robot with different functions. It features Gru, Lucy, Agnes, Balthazar Bratt, Clive (there's Dru, Margo and Edith as well but, there's no physical toys of them), 12 minions figures, 2 kinds of board games, dominoes and a playing card game. Their gimmicks are very different compared to the predecessors such as shooting toys, wheelie toys, movable parts by button or just simply tapping their head, passing toy, hockey game, board games and playing card. The whole toys doesn't have any electronic gimmicks anymore which I'm quite okay since replacing the battery are kinda pain in the butt.
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New to this line, there're 6 human characters in total which 5 toys riding/driving their own vehicles (animal for Agnes). However, I don't have 2 Balthazar Bratt's toys including his robot sidekick Clive since I don't like them. In this review, only 4 of them that I will show, most of them are wheelie toys but, each of them got their own unique feature:
Gru's Hydrocycle, has a shooting feature which you need to attach Gru's Hydrocycle with his sub-marine cover then pull the button to shoot him out of the sub-marine. Gru's head is movable very little due to his head is close to both of his hands. This gimmick was made to recreate when Gru emerges out with his hydrocycle from the sub-marine (Although, we only get to see Lucy performed this while Gru and his minions are shown offscreen). In Indonesia, he can be bought by mcdelivery only.
Lucy's Hydrocycle, is a pull back bike which you only need to roll its rear wheel backward then release it to go forward in fast motion. Lucy's head is also movable and can rotate 360 degrees. Until now, this is one of the few toys made for her. Lucy is only exclusive to Australia and Canada.
Agnes' Rockin' Unicorn, it's Agnes riding her fluffy Unicorn doll. It has one wheel underneath the unicorn, when you roll them, Agnes toy will wiggles due to the mechanism made for this toy. Agnes head is also movable slightly.
Despicable Duo, a wheelie car toys that has rolling drill part by rolling the front wheels. The cockpit can be opened to reveal the interior and there's an attached sticker featuring the twins; Gru and Dru. The actual name of this car is Villain Wheels and was originally belongs to Robert Gru (Gru and Dru's late father). While the car is cool looking but, I really wished they'd made a mini figure of Gru and Dru for driving the car instead of a sticker but, it's understandable for a happy meal toys.
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The Minions
There're 12 kinds of minion toys in total:
Minion Tongue, has tongue out feature by the button on his jumpsuit pocket, and he also got movable arms. Most sources claimed it's Dave but, he can be anyone that has similar looks to Dave. The toy packaging doesn't mention the minion's name.
Banana Launcher Minion, it's a shooting toy that is similar to Gru's Hydrocycle and Crab Bite Minion but, this has longer range. While I like the gimmick of this toy but, the banana design is kinda lame despite it fits for them. I was hoping like a gadget just like they did on Despicable Me 2 series. He has combed hair similar to Dave or could be his lookalike.
Crab Bite Minion, has a jumping hat gimmick by pressing the button on his backpack. I think this was meant to be Jerry since he's the only one who wore this kind of hat in the 3rd movie but, the toy got combed hair decal like Dave.
Minion Hydrocycle Surprise, has open lid part on the rear part of his hydrocycle to show an art of presumably Jerry. Which you need to push the button on the front wheel. This toy features Minion toy in mini size due to his large vehicle. They would later released more mini minion toys in Minions: Rise of the Gru line up. Minion Hydrocycle is exclusive to Asian region.
Rocket Racer Minion, this minion has wheels underneath his butt and pull back feature but, you'll have to slide the toy forward to make him go backward and will spin several times showing like a rolling rocket. The minion in this toy got also got messy hairstyle which presumably meant to be a spiky hair so, he could be Carl. I think they don't want to waste more materials to make a separate buzz cut hair part like they did in the previous releases.
Pumping Iron Minion, the feature is simply moving the peg on his back right to left to swing both of his arms to show he's having arms exercise by lifting heavy metal dumbell (since the dumbell was painted silver). This minion is shown with angry expression and he got a tattoo on his left temple. Despite having jail uniform, the uniform still got sculpted "Gru" initials on his pocket. Meaning this was supposed to be a minion with his usual jumpsuit. He looks similar to Stuart since he has combed hair.
Minion Antics, similar to Pumping Iron but, the gimmick is to spin his right arm like he's spinning a chain by pressing the button on his back. This Minion also has messy hairstyle so, he could be either Tom or Phil.
Groovin' Minion, this plump minion is given a swinging 2 arms gimmick by pressing his head to show like he's dancing and his legs will also shrunk down to his body. But, you can still make various position arms for him like dancing or playing DJ. He's wearing green colored headset and has buzz cut hair similar to most of fat minions, he's the only fat minion included in this line up. He could be Jerry the fat one or anyone.
Hillarious Hockey Minion, it's an air hockey toy which has 2 minion toy sitting as paddles and a hockey puck inside the paddles. The 2 minion toys are similar to Dave and Stuart.
Banana Flipper Minion, this toy is kinda special I think... Since he is included with 3 accessories; that is a red hoop and 2 bananas. The purpose of that hoop is for Tim/Kevin holding the hoop for us to flip the 2 banana accessories into the hoop hole. This tall minion can be either Tim or Kevin or anyone that has their looks. He's only exclusive to America and Australia continent.
Pass The Minion, like the name you play pass the toy with your family or friends. In order to determine the winner and loser, there's a wind-up gimmick located on his back which you'll need to spin, then toss the toy to your opponent's hand then your opponent also do the same to you. If the toy starts vibrating on you or your opponent's hand, you or your opponent lose. The vibration came from the wind-up's mechanism but, the trick on how the toy was able to hold up the vibration is because it was locked by the minion's hair sticking up. Another tall minion that has Tim and Kevin's likeness, he's only exclusive to America and Australia continent.
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Variety Games
There're 4 kinds of variety games included in this set and all of them were only released in either US and Australia but, I only have Despicable Deck and Despicable Checkers:
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Despicable Deck, this isn't actually a toy since it's a playing card, it features many characters from DM3, that is; Agnes as a ace spade, Unicorn doll as a ace clover, Edith as a ace heart, Margo as a ace diamond, Dru as a jack, Lucy as a Queen, Gru as a King, and Balthazar Bratt as a joker. While the minions as respective numbers, kinda surprised on how they designed the numbering cards features different kinds of minion arts. All artworks featured in this set were drawn in 2D style instead of using 3D renders. The card only available in Australia and US.
Despicable Checkers, It's a checkers game which requires 2 players to play the game. However, I don't know the purpose of the minion toy included in this but, we can make him glowing and his hat's headlamp will like flashing a light by putting flashlight/smartphone (flashlight mode) on the bottom of his foot. The glowing part is similar to Stuart Light Up Grabber but, without electronic mechanism inside the toy, and I like how the minion toy came to be in solid color except his foot and his headlamp. I think that's the only feature of this toy has. He may have Dave lookalike but, could be anyone with different hairstyle since his hat is sticked onto his head. He's only available for Australia release.
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Comparing between 2013 to 2015 line up, I gotta admit DM3 was the time where Happy Meal featuring Despicable Me franchise at it's peak as the details of the toys are even better than the previous 2 movies. Although, I kinda miss the electronic gimmicks but, this is a big improvements on the moldings. Minion's jumpsuit has sharper details such as seamline details, protruding Gru logo details, detailed shoes including shoe soles and paint quality is much cleaner for the minions. However, I still prefer the separated buzz cut hair part they did on the previous instead of simple paint dots or simply messy hair. And the variety of the toys are also interesting such as human characters and several board games, I'm amazed that they actually nailed their likeness as well, except Gru's nose😂. It is unfortunate, they went downgrade in 2020 onwards so, I'm nolonger interested collecting them anymore but, I'm interested on the 3 Minion toys featured in Japanese Happy Meal Universal Studios line up. I will review them along with other toys that I'm interested in. So far, Hydrocycle toys and Groovin' Minion are my personal favorite.
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greenbagjosh · 11 months
Day 12 - 12 November 2003 - Hong Kong Repulse Bay, Stanley, Aberdeen, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, and Tung Chung
Wednesday 12 November 2003
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On Wednesday 12th November 2003, I decided not to have breakfast at the hotel. I wanted to try something local, but the menus were in Chinese and I could not find anywhere suitable, other than either McDonalds or 7-Eleven. I settled on McDonald's, and the breakfast was not much different than in the USA. Also I added more value to the Octopus card at 7-Eleven, I think around US$ 30.00, plenty of money for a full day's fares on the bus.
After breakfast, I walked to Des Voeux Road to take the trolley to the Sheung Wan MTR subway station to go one stop to Central. At Central there is a bus terminal for the city busses. I had to wait fifteen minutes for a direct bus to Repulse Bay which cost about $0.75 with the Octopus card. The bus went along Des Voeux Road past Admiralty subway station, on to Queensway, Stubbs Road where it became Wong Nai Chung Gap Road and Repulse Bay Road. Coming down the hill to Repulse Bay beach, the bus passed by the Hong Kong Tennis Centre.
At the Repulse Bay beach, the main attraction is 109 Repulse Bay Road, where there is a building that has a large gap, eliminating six floors for part of the building. After that, there is a stairway to the beach, where hardly anyone was there. I stayed there for about five minutes. I think the beach was two square miles. There was a large digital clock that would sometimes show the temperature, and at the time, it showed 22 C which is about 71 F. Too cold for any serious swimming.
I took another bus to the Stanley Market. Stanley Market is a single-level mall, with probably two hundred independent vendors, selling clothes, electronics, jewelry, and so much more. If you look on Google Maps, and look up Stanley Market, you can use the Street View mode, to look inside the market (faces are blocked). I bought a silk handkerchief with a chain-link pattern. Most of the staff spoke English well enough. After Stanley Market, I went to the Wellcome [sic] grocery store at 88 Stanley Village Road to buy some lunch items. I remember buying a jar of vegemite, that yeasty and salty spread. And a box of bag tea. One thing that caught my eye, the Hong Kong authorities made a poster against SARS, with a warning in traditional Chinese and English, to people not to spit in public, but rather expectorate into some tissue, or face a HK$ 5,000 fine, approx US $ 600.00. SARS is no joke.
I found a bus line that went directly from Stanley Market to Aberdeen, passing by the Repulse Bay tower that had the gap. The ride took about twenty minutes and cost maybe $ 1.50 on the Octopus card. The bus went past Sham Wan. Aberdeen has many high-rise apartments, is more built up than Stanley Village. I walked along the Aberdeen Promenade, and when walking back to the bus stop for Kennedy Town, I saw a bird in a cage but no human was around to attend to it. Since my visit in 2003, there was a subway line opened in 2016 called the South Island line, that connects Admiralty to Aberdeen via Wong Chuk Hang and Ocean Park.
After Aberdeen, I took a bus to Ngau Tao Kok northeast of Kowloon, I think the bus fare was $ 2.50 including the fee for using an underground tunnel. Then I would start my subway adventure as far as Tseung Kwan O at Junk Bay. I boarded the Kwun Tong Line at Ngau Tao Kok for Tiu Keng Leng and further along to Tseung Kwan O with its eponymous line. At Tseung Kwan O I explored around for a few minutes, it was about as built up as Aberdeen but did not have any farther MRT extension to Po Lam or LOHAS park until about 2009. At Tseung Kwan O, I called back to the USA on a payphone. I had to ask for change as the phones accepted only HK$1 coins and I was out at the time. I took then the Tseung Kwan O line to North Point to connect to the Island Line for Central/Hong Kong. I wanted then to go to Tung Chung on Lantau Island. MTR stations on the Island Line at the time, did not have protective doors. Also on some of the Tsuen Wan line stations between Sham Shui Po to Lai King, there were also no such doors. Some stations however did, but only those that were underground.
Although Central and Hong Kong were physically in the same location on Hong Kong Island, they were classified as two separate subway stations, mainly for the distance that one has to walk between the two. There are two entry points for Hong Kong station, one for the Tung Chung line, and one for the Airport Express line that does not stop except at Tsing Yi. My Octopus card did not include the ride for the airport except a one-way ride, and I did not want to use it that day. My only other option was to use the slightly slower Tung Chung line. The train did not stop at the time, at Sunny Bay or Nam Cheong. It stopped at Kowloon, Olympic, Lai King, Tsing Yi and Tung Chung. Between Tsing Yi and Tung Chung, the train went very fast, right next to the Airport Express tracks. I exited the train at Tung Chung, and was hungry. I found some sandwich store at Skyline Gateway. After eating, I went to the Citygate outlets to buy more bag tea. The Wellcome store that I visited, had a "wet market" in the basement, where you could buy fresh fish and seafood. I was tempted to buy some but didn't. I bought a few magazines in traditional Chinese and I have some of them still today. After shopping, I took the Tung Chung subway line to Tsing Yi, where I wanted to try to take the Airport Express back to Hong Kong station but there was only an exit for Hong Kong and entry to the airport but no entry to the Hong Kong station. I strolled the mall for a half hour before taking the Tung Chung line to Lai King, and I took the Tsuen Wan line to Mong Kok, right in the middle of Kowloon. Kowloon, particularly along Nathan Road, is where the most lighted signs can be seen. I think the time was 7 PM and the sun had set. Nathan Road was very busy with people.
After Kowloon, I wanted to see how close to Sheung Shui I could get. You can't go to Lo Wu without a visa for the PRC, so Sheung Shui is the closest. I took the Kwun Tong line from Mong Kok to Kowloon Tong to board the East Rail line. In 2003, the East Rail line was not part of the MTR subway and thus the fare was not included and had to be deducted from the Octopus card. If you travel in first class, the fare is about US $10. On the East Rail line, I decided not to go any farther than the University station. It was about five stations prior to arriving at the PRC border. I spent about fifteen minutes around the University station before taking the East Rail line back to Hong Kong Island with the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines.
After the Island line train reached Sheung Wan, that was the last of the subway rides. I took the trolley along Des Voeux road to Hill Road and bought some curry buns and Sprite and ate them at the hotel. I had to pack up for the next leg of the journey. It was short and I wished I could stay longer.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Fetch This
We love our pets. They are valued members of our household, and in some cases, we enjoy their company more than we do that of other humans. We speak to them as if they understand our language, although they are very challenged when it comes to communicating back.And we will do almost anything for them.
In addition to the 334 million Americans residing here, there are 89.7 million dogs and 58.3 million cats. That’s a lot of extra mouths to feed, but we do it because we crave their companionship, and without their faithful humans, they would suffer. All told, USAmericans spend $136.8 billion each year on their pets.
That’s a huge market, and while big-box chains like Pet Smart and Petco long ago realized this, I am surprised that mass marketers had not stepped up to the plate to claim a bigger piece of the action.Sure, all the big ones, like Target, Meijer, Walmart, and others, have extensive pet supplies sections in their stores.
But there is still money on the table, and that is pet services. These run the gamut from nail clippings to grooming and vaccinations, the kinds of things that typically require a visit to a veterinarian.
Walmart, though, has sniffed out a potentially lucrative strategy to break into that sector by opening its first pet center, with plans to open many more if it does well.
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I am betting that, in addition to realizing this market is simply too good to ignore, that Walmart is also very much aware that change is afoot in the veterinary services field as well. Turns out that between 2017 and 2022, $45 billion in private equity deals were made to scoop up local vets and their clinics. That’s another way of saying that, while your local vet may look and smell like a home-town operation, they may very well be part of a much larger entity.
That’s your cue, Walmart, because if vet clinics are attracting that kind of PE money, there must be a lot more gold to mine. And, Walmart offers something that all the others do not: convenience. Stir in competitive pricing, and you have a 1-2 punch that will find shoppers bringing Fido to the store, and picking their groceries while he gets his nails trimmed and shots updated. It’s also not a whole lot different from dropping off your car for a tire rotation or oil change at Walmart while you do your shopping.
I have to smile, too, because this is something that is so NOT digital, at a time when it seems everything is going that way. It requires you to show up in person, along with your pet. You know. Be in the moment, and interact with other humans. And their pets. You might be able to book appointments and so forth electronically, but you can’t get a rabies shot online or through an app.
But there is a digital side to all of this, and that’s the new subscription service Walmart is rolling out for regular consumables for your pets. Heck, if Amazon will deliver my vitamins each month, there’s no reason Walmart can’t deliver a 46-pound bag of dog food on a similar schedule. Let them do the heavy lifting.
The new pet center will have its own dedicated entrance, which is a wise move, since I’m sure Walmart doesn’t want people and their pets entering the store along with everyone else. It will be staffed by employees of a separate firm, although it will all be branded as Walmart. This also makes sense, because Walmart does not have the types of employees needed to deliver such services.But it sure has the right venue for selling them.
The planned price list for services will also put Walmart in a good place. Vet clinics have had little or no competition in the past, but Walmart is about to shake the fruit off of that tree. With inflationary pressures finding more people, including pet owners, trading down or delaying spending money, this is a strategy that is consistent with Walmart’s overall mission to provide value.
Amid all of the effort to push forward into the future, to incorporate ever more automation, it is refreshing to see that there is still opportunity to make money the old fashioned way. I’m thinking my dog Huck would like this, and if and when we get this service in Canyon, we’ll be there.
Dr “You Want A Treat, Buddy?” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Kundan Lal - Power of Ra
Gathering a cult following amongst people like Den Sorte Skole or DJ Marcelle with his previous releases, he is now set to sail new shores. There is a sense of wanderlust as he opens his box of field recordings, collected on his many travels. From the buzzing streets of Alexandria, early sunday markets in Tafraoute or a crackling bonfire down by the banks of the river Ganges. Each track takes you places. Kundan's second album is a captivating blend of dubby beats, collages, and exotic instrumentation. Drawing from classic tools like the Roland 808, SC7 and the famous Space Echo, Kundan has created a unique and minimalistic sound that is sure to captivate listeners. At once nostalgic and experimental, "Power of Ra" is a must-listen for both electronic music purists and fans of adventurous soundscapes. Compelled to work from home on his computer during lockdown, Kundan dusted his pawnshop e-piano, downloaded some orchestral soundkits and started to digitize almost forgotten field recordings. The "Power of Ra“ came to him. It is hard to put your finger on his style or genre. You can feel Kundan Lal‘s DIY spirit in his production, carving his own ethnic genre. For enthusiasts of Roberto Musci or Muslimgauze, this avant-garde album is one for your collection. Keep your senses open and let the Power of Ra pass you to another world.  all field recordings made by Kunsaf Halil between 1999-2005 in: unknown city, Egypt (1)+(6) * Marrakesh, Morocco (2) * Alexandria, Egypt (3)+(8) * Varanasi, India (4) * Hampi, India (5) * Tafraoute, Morocco (9) sampled sound of Bedouin coffee grinder in Jordan desert recorded by Deben Bhattacharya (5)+(6)+(8) * word by Greta Thunberg (5) * voice cuts from the movie „Aas Paas“ (7) front photographed by Tomas Berger in Kathmandu artwork by Manekineko
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Can the bait asks that pretend tv is made by magic untouchable elves inside a tv box stop trying to ask oblivious bait questions? Why is having friends so goddamn foreign to you.
If you troll fuckers want to know what's actually going on it's time to start figuring out the shit I've actually been saying, instead of what you think you can argue with. Start at my phoenix video about the Reflection of the monster inside your head no matter the thousand voices screaming in your head to stop as the Akrida and Roxy opens up to you. About the god of war and the flip side, the strobe lights in the dark of the horned beasts, cigarette butts and new starts.
Rockin Roxy, coming to you live with the greatest hits that slipped through the cracks. We will soon be reaching the top floor, time to find your greatest fears, in The Trap, for the Truth. Always aim to be the best guess this world ever had. And with his final breath, and the final card, and all the doors, the same as he learned from Castiel.
Stop arguing, motherfuckers. Start listening. That's it. That's the point. It's buzzing and it's white noise that's just keeping you from the truth. Shut up and listen for once in your godforsaken lives.
Who has the clock, motherfuckers. Burn my dread. The answer to life's greatest question that lifts the fog and the storm from the path. The whole world. No one gives us anything. we take it. Lilith is the final seal. Rowena, Cas; and now Dean. We're opening ALL the doors.
Eat shit, whether you believe where it spun out from. just remember why one server got driven underground at cult screaming to begin with. A what narrative? Market testing about what? Who's intent where? Something about tarot? Yeah whatever do with it what you will fuckheads. Don't look for answers you feel you can bait back arguments about. Just start listening, because I've been tweeting it out all year.
Brace yourself a storm of inner electronic interference is coming as a stormy road, your own reflection is coming to take you all down. What you gonna do now, well kid?
my darling boy. everything meant something. were you ready for war, my brother? cuz we already saw the inverted card in glowing butts and strobing lights and horned demons of the past. What happens when it's in our hands at the end
don't worry. bobo isn't credited and isn't real, the paranormal freemasons specifically hired to design your set aren't real and can't hurt you. the rugaru is french so it's fine, just like the latam dub was spanish so you didn't consider it the Truth.
We're here. Sit down. Figure it out. This is blood far older than the finale or 15x18. Dig around motherfuckers.
It's over. You lost go home. Welcome to the Eon Blue Apocalypse. We know who we are, even if you don't.
i told you. my work here has already been fulfilled. now we just watch it spiral from here. anyone who chooses to double down at this point is choosing to miss the whole point.
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silent-dragon · 2 years
TWST OC Profile ~ Jiro Gōsutokurō
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Personal Info
Name: Jiro Gōsutokurō
Nickname: NyanBar - His screen name
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Nekomata Cat Beasthuman
Birthday: 7/11
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 185cm/6ft'1in 
Orientation: Gay
Eye Color: Golden Yellow
Hair Color: Cherry Red & Light Blue
Homeland: Interstate Hill,Top Level (@/fumikomiyasaki homeland)
Family: Itsuki Gōsutokurō - Father
Aya Gōsutokurō - Mother
A big number of Aunts & Uncles
A bigger number of Cousins
Twist of Jibanyan from Yo-kai Watch Series
School Info
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm: KowaiNyan
School Year: 4th
Occupation: Dorm Leader,Software Programmer,Application Creator
Club: Gaming
Best Subject: Computer & Robotics
Other Info
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Seafood Platter & Chocolate Bars
Least Favorite Food: Fake Chocolate
Dislikes: Physical Activity,Stairs,Not Having one of his Phones,Early Mornings,Running out of Energy Drinks,Errors caused by People,Missing the Anime Opening of a Show,Vehicles
Likes: Anime/Manga,Smart Devices,Robots/Androids,Napping,Chocolate Bars,Phone Charms,Endless Hours on Computer/Phone
Talents: Software & Application Making,Some Robotics,Advanced Technology Knowledge,Being Lazy,Making Cat Noises
Unique Magic: Paws of Nyaoke - Can get most to burst into laughter after he tells a certain joke and touches you once you heard it. Effect stops after 10 mins or when he touches you again.
Personality: Jiro is a pretty lazy cat with some stubbornness if irritated. Once he had a good amount of chocolate he is way more kinder and just chill. Super affectionate if you give him chocolate or he finds you interesting. Often does random cat things because he can.
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Fun Facts: Jiro is the son of a big technology company CEO,5TH Rank which develops and provides smart electronics in a competitive market. He was raised around technology and family being rich but never cared much about the rich aspect.
Jiro was born with defect where his pinkie fingers bones didn't develop right so they were misshapen. His parents had them removed and his hands fixed to be just 4 fingers. Often no one notices it unless really looking at his hands.
He speaks a tad uniquely as he will replace some words with Nya at start and a random meow at end of his sentences.
Some years ago he got hit by a car crossing the street which injured his legs for a while and had him having to relearn how to walk. He walks slowly and hates doing anything active involving his legs as he gets weak easily. Doesn't want anyone to take pity on him. Has a lot of scars from accident and surgeries on legs so he never has them showing.
Is a lover of anime and manga as was his comfort while stuck in bed recovering from surgeries to his legs. He adores the magical girl genre the most as something about the colors and personalities of the characters he likes. Also likes magical boy but there's not much of it.
Is the owner of an android named Asaa,who was created by his dad's company but later was soon going to be scrapped til Jiro asked if he could keep him. Has customized Asaa to be like an anime bad boy with a soft heart type. Is the type Jiro kinda likes in general is probably why.
Has great grades but poor attendance records and will just not want to go to class as too weak because of legs but rather people just think he is that lazy.
Has an absurd amount of smart devices mostly phones as his dad just has them laying around in boxes unused so he just asks if can have them and father says he doesn't care. Loves finding cute phone charms to put on them.
Has a habit of taking apart electronics piece by piece to see what's inside then put back together. Is a horde buyer of used electronics for parts to use to improve Asaa.
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jweivape · 2 days
The Rise of Disposable Electronic Cigarettes: Convenience or Concern?
In recent years, disposable electronic cigarettes have surged in popularity, becoming a go-to alternative for smokers and vapers alike. With their sleek design, ease of use, and no need for maintenance, it’s easy to see why many are choosing these over traditional tobacco products and reusable vapes. But are they just a fleeting trend, or is there something deeper driving their appeal? And with the convenience they offer, do they come with hidden concerns?
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What Are Disposable Electronic Cigarettes?
Disposable electronic cigarettes, often referred to as "disposables," are single-use vaping devices that come pre-charged and pre-filled with e-liquid. Unlike reusable vape pens or mods, which require charging, filling, and sometimes complex assembly, disposables are ready to use straight out of the box. Once the battery dies or the e-liquid runs out, the device is simply discarded.
Most disposable vapes are compact and lightweight, resembling traditional cigarettes in size and shape. They are often available in a wide variety of flavors, ranging from classic tobacco to fruity blends, making them appealing to a broad audience.
Why Are They So Popular?
1. Convenience
The biggest selling point of disposable vapes is convenience. There’s no need to carry bottles of e-liquid or spare batteries. You just open the package and start vaping. This simplicity is attractive, particularly for those new to vaping or transitioning from smoking.
2. Affordability
Disposable vapes are relatively inexpensive compared to reusable devices, especially when factoring in the cost of accessories like coils, tanks, or e-liquids. For people who vape occasionally, the lower upfront cost is a big incentive.
3. Portability
Their small size makes them incredibly portable, easily fitting into pockets or bags. This makes them ideal for people who want a discreet vaping experience or need something handy while traveling or on the go.
4. Variety of Flavors
The flavor options available with disposable e-cigarettes are extensive. From classic tobacco and menthol to exotic fruit and dessert flavors, there’s something for everyone. This variety has played a significant role in attracting both smokers and non-smokers alike.
The Environmental and Health Concerns
While disposables are convenient, their rise in popularity has sparked concern in several areas:
1. Environmental Impact
The biggest drawback of disposable e-cigarettes is their environmental footprint. Each device contains a battery, plastic components, and sometimes even heavy metals, all of which contribute to electronic waste (e-waste). With millions of these devices being discarded, they add significantly to landfill waste. Unlike traditional electronics, disposable vapes are often not recycled due to their small size and difficulty in disassembly.
2. Health Risks
Although vaping is often marketed as a "safer" alternative to smoking, concerns remain regarding the long-term health effects of inhaling vaporized e-liquids. Flavored options, particularly those targeting younger users, have led to fears about nicotine addiction in teenagers and young adults. Some disposables contain higher nicotine levels than traditional cigarettes, which can lead to dependency or overconsumption.
3. Regulation
Many disposable vapes skirt regulation, especially when sold online. This can lead to counterfeit or subpar products being sold, which may not meet safety standards. The FDA and other regulatory bodies have been cracking down on flavored vape products, particularly those appealing to minors, but the fast pace of product development in this sector can make regulation challenging.
Conclusion: Is It Worth It?
Disposable electronic cigarettes offer unparalleled convenience, portability, and an affordable entry point for vaping. However, their environmental impact and the potential for nicotine addiction raise valid concerns. As more users flock to disposables, balancing their short-term benefits with long-term consequences will be key.
For now, if you’re considering switching to disposable vapes, it’s essential to remain informed about their risks. Be mindful of how you dispose of them and make conscious choices to minimize harm to both your health and the environment. The world of vaping is constantly evolving, and responsible usage is critical in shaping its future.
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custommylarbag · 13 days
About Magnetic Closure Rigid Boxes: Their Versatility and Advantages
In the sphere of packaging, the appropriateness of materials used as well as the design of products that can affect the looks and user experience are important. Magnetic closure rigid boxes are better than other packaging solutions. The features of magnetic closure rigid boxes will be discussed in this blog.
Magnetic Closure Rigid Box
This type of boxes has a powerful form of closure magnet which makes them look more attractive. Key features are here.
Design and Aesthetic Appeal
The first and most obvious feature that can be mentioned in connection with magnetic closure rigid boxes is the design of the object. Such boxes are usually made from strong materials and this makes them look noble. The surface is glossy making the boxes perfect for printing company logos, images or even messages. Magnetic boxes come with a different design where closure is not easily seen as is with many conventional box lids hence enhancing the sophistication of the product. 
Durability and Protection
The last but not the least is the durability of magnetic closure rigid boxes, which are hard to match with other packaging designs. These are standardized and can be made from high quality paperboard or cardboard and are very useful in guarding fragile articles. From fragile make-up to delicate electronics to costly trinkets, the durability of the material guarantees that household items, gadgets, and accessories will not break during shipping and handling.
Practical Features
Magnetic closure rigid boxes are not only more pleasing to the eyes than standard set up boxes but have some real world uses as well. They are user friendly particularly by virtue of the flaps of opening and closing. This ease of use is particularly important in striving to improve consumers’ loyalty by the brands. According to the current market, it is important to buy packaging that is artistic and serves the need; rigid drawer boxes are efficient in this aspect.
Child Resistance Rigid Boxes
Child resistant rigid boxes are boxes which are designed and built with child lock by which children cannot reach hazardous products like medicines, cleaners, or some categories of toys. 
Safety Mechanisms
Child resistant rigid boxes contain features that act as barriers to the reach of the young children to open the boxes. These lids can come as push and turn lids, sliders, or lids that require a code to open, for instance, turning the lid counter clockwise. These are to keep children from accessing what is inside as it’s a reserve of the adults.
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Compliance and Regulations
Child resistance rigid boxes manufacturers have to abide by the laws that differ from country to country. For instance, there are recommendations laid down by the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission that explains packaging of commodities that are toxic. Thus, companies, staying within these legal provisions, can have no legal action taken against them and can prove their commitment to the public’s safety.
Rigid Vape Disposable Boxes
The vaporizer products have become very popular in recent years and, therefore, the need for suitable packaging solutions for the specific industry has rapidly increased. 
Unique Design Features
The rigid disposable vape boxes design mainly focuses on the protection of the delicate and sophisticated Vape devices and liquids. Most of the brands provide windows or sashes which customers can use to have a look at the product without the need to open the packaging. This feature is useful in herding fence-sitters or those customers who would love to know what they are paying for.
Also, it is possible to work the packaging in line with the brand character; this includes working with different colors, having different font styles and working with themes. The outcome is an interactive characteristic of unboxing that promotes the quality and the elegance of the product.
Safety and Regulation
The vaping industry has regulations dealing with the safety of the product as well as its labeling. These regulations may apply to disposable vapes, and companies can make use of inflexible rigid vape disposable boxes where these warnings, ingredients, and usage instructions will be clearly located.
Further, safety seals that are child resistant can be incorporated into the packaging in concerns to issues of children accidentally ingesting vaping products. These layers of protection prove a brand’s concern in appropriate marketing.
These rigid boxes are a flexible and luxury packing solution for different commodities. They are made of hard materials, have specific graphics, and can be personalized.
Thus, magnetic closure rigid boxes can be considered as goods that satisfy the variety of modern people’s requirements for both usefulness and sophistication. These boxes are versatile when it comes to use: whether it is to safeguard children, to design unique drawers or to pack vaping products, these are handy packages. Sustainability also rises as another significant trend through which brands can appeal to peoples’ conscience, offering them products and services more responsibility. While it is bound to change over time, there are significant advantages to be derived from investing in quality packaging such as magnetic closure rigid boxes and the various derivatives of them in the long run.
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Premium handle style magnetic closure Rigid packaging box with custom PVC Insert Kit section
These boxes are come with a small magnet at the front of the lid that opens and shuts with one swift motion for a high-end unboxing experience. For a premium handle style magnetic closure rigid packaging box with a custom PVC insert kit section by Papers Gallery, this would typically involve:
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  Premium Handle Style: A box with a luxurious handle, often made from leather, fabric, or strong rope, giving the package a sophisticated look and making it easy to carry.
  Magnetic Closure: The box would have a magnetic flap, allowing for a smooth and secure closing mechanism that provides a premium unboxing experience.
  Rigid Packaging: The box itself would be made of thick, durable materials (like chipboard or cardboard), ensuring sturdiness and a high-quality feel.
  Custom PVC Insert: Inside the box, a PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) insert would be custom-made to fit specific items snugly. PVC is strong and transparent, providing protection and a clear view of the products.
  Kit Section: The insert would likely be divided into sections or compartments, tailored to hold multiple components or products securely in place, perfect for organizing a set of items in the box.
1. Luxury Goods Packaging
Jewelry, watches, and accessories: These boxes are perfect for packaging luxury items such as necklaces, rings, or watches, as they provide secure storage with a stylish presentation.
Cosmetics and beauty products: High-end skincare, perfumes, and cosmetic brands often use this type of packaging to elevate the customer experience.
2. Corporate Gifts
Executive gifts: For high-end corporate gifting like branded pens, USB drives, or other premium office supplies, these boxes provide a sophisticated touch.
Awards and commemorations: Can be used for presenting plaques, medals, or certificates, giving the occasion a more polished and memorable feel.
3. Electronic Gadgets
Tech gadgets: The custom PVC inserts securely hold gadgets like headphones, smartwatches, and other premium electronics, ensuring they remain safe and well-organized during transportation.
4. Product Launch Kits
Marketing and promotional kits: Used for premium product launches or press kits, this type of packaging enhances the unboxing experience, leaving a lasting impression.
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Shipping to Iran, Mr. Zhong was Worried That We Couldn't Handle It, But the Result was Very Satisfying to Him
Shipping to Iran, Mr. Zhong was Worried That We Couldn't Handle It, But the Result was Very Satisfying to Him
On May 15, 2020, we received an inquiry from Mr. Zhong, a customer from Shandong, China. He runs an e-commerce business and needed to ship 2,000 boxes of children's electronic cars to his warehouse in Iran. The total shipment was 10 cubic meters, weighing 5,000 kilograms, with goods coming from four suppliers in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Tianjin. Mr. Zhong wanted all the goods to be consolidated and shipped to Iran together. He knew that Sunny Worldwide Logistics has been in the logistics business for 26 years, but he was concerned about whether a traditional logistics company like ours could handle e-commerce shipping to Iran.
The reason we've been in business for so many years is that we're constantly improving and keeping up with the times. We quickly adapt to new customer needs and market demands, launching the latest services as they arise. Even though we are a traditional logistics company, we are not stuck in our ways; we are always learning, advancing, and staying in tune with the logistics market.
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Last year, we began offering compliant e-commerce customs clearance services. Many e-commerce businesses still use traditional customs clearance methods, which are not compliant. What's the difference between e-commerce customs clearance and traditional customs clearance?
1. **Customs Declaration Methods:** Traditional trade uses the 0110 customs declaration method, while e-commerce uses 1039, 9610, 9710, or 9810.
2. **Attached Documents:** Traditional customs require a list, invoice, and contract. E-commerce customs clearance only needs a list, as sellers ship goods directly to e-commerce warehouses, like Amazon.
3. **Trade Terms:** Traditional trade terms include FOB, CIF, and C&F. For e-commerce, it's usually only CIF or C&F because the seller pays for the shipping, not the overseas warehouse.
4. **Order Numbers on Declarations:** Traditional customs do not include order numbers on declarations. E-commerce customs do, which allows payments to be made directly to the seller's account, avoiding third-party platforms.
At Sunny Worldwide Logistics, we also established the "Sunny Business Academy" to train our staff and continually improve their skills. When you hear of a company with its own academy, you usually think of high-end businesses — and we are doing the same!
When new employees join us, they go through orientation with company information, rules, benefits, and perks. We have relaxing afternoon teas, regular team-building activities, and quarterly birthday celebrations to create a family atmosphere. Of course, there is also professional training, including external experts who teach skills like video and image production.
Five years ago, I noticed an opportunity in the second-hand container business and started offering customized containers. Conveniently, there is a second-hand container yard in Henggang, Shenzhen, where our company is located. We leveraged these resources to buy and sell second-hand containers, and the business thrived. Eventually, we expanded to offer custom containers, such as top-open, double-door, side-open, and dual-wing containers.
Customers buy second-hand containers for various purposes, often for temporary housing. Many companies take on projects in Iran and need temporary accommodations, so they refurbish containers in China and we help them ship to Iran. We also provide dangerous goods transport and refrigerated container services.
We have a dedicated foreign trade warehouse at Yantian Port — one of only three among 60,000 companies in Shenzhen. We own an 1,800-square-meter grade-A office, placing us in the top three of our peers, and we have our own truck fleet, something only 10% of logistics companies have. Please feel free to contact me if you need any assistance.
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viofitz · 2 months
McDonald's Happy Meal Minions
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A Happy Meal is a kid's meal usually sold at the American fast food restaurant chain McDonald's since June 1979. A small toy or book is included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a red cardboard box with a yellow smiley face and the McDonald's logo. The packaging and toy are frequently part of a marketing tie-in to an existing television series, film or toyline. In this review, it's from Minions movie released back in 2015. This set of 10 involves minions that is given with unique kind of gimmicks. This set includes Bob, Kevin, Stuart, caveman, vampire, Egyptian, Martial artist, king's guard, Marching Soldier and Stuart with a tie dyed shirt. The gimmicks are mostly similar to the predecessors which is wind-up, movable parts by button or just simply tapping their head, voice and lights electronic.
The US releases had only voice gimmick by tapping them to hear them make sounds. In China, they were distributed as accessories such as keychains, stampers, and even cord wrappers. In this review, I'm only going to review the southeast Asia release only since I'm not really interested with other releases, especially with how they did not allow us to replace the batteries on the electronic.
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Chatting Bob
Bob the Minion is given with voice electronic gimmick which you'll have to switch the on-off buttons first, then pressing the button on his front pocket's jumpsuit and there's one rotatable left arm. Bob's voice record is saying the usual Minionese or funny gibberish. Unfortunately, I couldn't replace the battery inside him due to the figure's seamline cut was also permanently glued.
Lava Shooting Kevin
Kevin the Minion is given with a weapon part (which already attached on him) that can emits led lights by pulling the weapon trigger. Perhaps, he's the only tall minion included in this line up, and like Bob I wasn't able to replace the battery inside him.
Guitar Strumming Stuart
Stuart the Minion is given with a guitar/super mega ukulele part (already attached on him). Like Bob, he's given with a voice electronic gimmick which you'll need to press down his guitar tip to hear him singing a funny gibberish song. Like Bob & Kevin I couldn't able to replace the battery inside him, and what's even worse there's no triangular screws on him which is the seamline cut is permanently glued.
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Groovy Stuart
Aside guitar, Stuart the Minion also comes with the one where he wore tie dyed shirt. His gimmick is a moving body parts consisted 2 arms and legs to show him dancing in groovy style by pressing his head to side by side.
Minion Vampire
Minion Vampire dressed in vampire styled getup, his gimmick is simply pull the button on his back to make him open his mouth and swing his 2 arms like he's jumpscaring you. He's also identical to Stuart but, assuming he has no name on the plastic bag. He could also be anyone that has Stuart's likeness.
Egyptian Hula Minion
Egyptian Hula Minion dressed in ancient Egyptian getup, he is given with a hula hoop accessory which you'll need to attach them on his back. Then press the button on his head to make his hula hoop rolling. Aside the hula hoop gimmick he can also move both of his arms. He's kinda identical to Stuart but, assuming he has no name on the plastic bag. He could be anyone that has Stuart's likeness.
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Minion Caveman
Minion caveman dressed like an ancient caveman living paleolithic period (roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.) while his goggles are seemingly made from a wood and skin fabric, he is given with movable 2 arms. The right hand is holding a banana and can swing by pressing the button on his back, while his left hand is simply move by rotating his arm. While the design is unique and wild but, his posing is kind of low in balance as he usually falls to the ground.
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Guard Minion
Guard Minion is dressed as British King's Guard uniform in England and holding banana instead of weapons. His gimmick is a wind-up moving legs like a typical classic wind-up toys.
Marching Minion Soldier
Marching Minion Soldier is dressed as French Marching Soldier uniform during Napoleon Bonaparte era. His gimmick is another googly eyes like Tom Googly Eyes Grabber, only this time he's not a grabber and the button is located ontop of his shako, simply press them and you got him moving his googly eyes and swinging 2 arms like a marching soldier.
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Martial Art Minion
He is wearing purple karate gi with black belt and clogs. His gimmick is a wind-up feature to perform his spinning kicks like one of Ansatsuken karate warriors (Ryu, Ken and Gouki). I love how they still made his fuzzy hair separately from his head similar to Jerry, Tom, Phil and Carl from Despicable Me 2 (DM2) line up.
Like DM2, Minions movie was also boom as they're sold real fast due to the big hype of the movie. Good thing I was able to get them all real fast back then. I loved how they're still made similar to their predecessors but, with improved paintapp such as most of their goggles are now painted in metallic colors (ex. minion caveman) instead of plain color and the idea of making minions in variety getup is also a nice touch, therefore we won't be bored just by one jumpsuit. Martial Arts Minion and Egyptian Hula Minion are my personal favorite.
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kartikrawat · 26 days
Selling Your Gold and Silver: Why Gold Cashier is the Best Choice
If you're considering selling your gold and silver, choosing the right platform to ensure you get the best value is essential. Whether you're looking to capitalize on high market prices, declutter your jewelry box, or simply need some extra cash, sell gold in rohtak Gold Cashier provides a reliable, secure, and efficient solution. Here’s why Gold Cashier should be your go-to destination for selling your precious metals.
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One of the most important factors when selling gold and silver is getting a fair price that reflects the current market value. At Gold Cashier, we offer highly competitive prices for all types of precious metals, from jewelry and coins to bullion. Our team of experts uses advanced technology to accurately assess the purity and weight of your items, ensuring you receive the best possible offer. We closely monitor market trends, allowing us to provide prices that align with the latest market conditions.
2. Instant Payouts for Quick Cash
When you decide to sell your gold and silver, waiting weeks for payment is the last thing you want. At Gold Cashier, we understand the need for prompt transactions. That’s why we offer instant payouts, so you can access your money as soon as the transaction is complete. Whether you choose cash, check, or electronic transfer, you’ll receive your payment without delay, making it easier to manage your financial needs.
3. A Transparent and Honest Selling Process
Transparency is key when selling valuable items like gold and silver. Gold Cashier is committed to providing a clear and straightforward process, ensuring that you understand every step. Our evaluations are conducted in front of you, and we explain exactly how we determine the value of your items. This open approach eliminates any uncertainty or hidden fees, so you can feel confident that you’re getting a fair deal.
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Gold Cashier offers several convenient ways to sell your gold and silver, catering to your specific needs and preferences:
In-Person Evaluations: Visit one of our locations for a quick, on-the-spot evaluation. Our experts will assess your items and provide an immediate offer, allowing you to complete the transaction in a single visit.
Mail-In Service: If you prefer to sell from the comfort of your home, our secure mail-in service is an excellent option. Request a free shipping kit, send your items to us, and we’ll evaluate them upon receipt. You’ll receive a fair offer without ever leaving your house.
Home Visits: For those with large collections or valuable items, Gold Cashier offers home visit services. Our team will come to your location, evaluate your items, and provide an offer on the spot. This personalized service ensures a secure and convenient experience tailored to your needs.
5. Exceptional Customer Service
At Gold Cashier, we pride ourselves on delivering outstanding customer service. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns. Whether you need guidance on the selling process, information about current market conditions, or help with your transaction, we’re here to provide the support you need. Our commitment to excellent customer service ensures that your experience is smooth, stress-free, and satisfying.
6. Secure and Reliable Transactions
Security is a top priority when selling valuable items like gold and silver. Gold Cashier takes extensive measures to ensure the safety and security of your transaction from start to finish. Whether you’re visiting one of our locations, using our mail-in service, or arranging a home visit, you can trust that your precious metals are handled with the utmost care and protection. Our secure processes give you peace of mind, knowing your valuables are in good hands.
7. The Gold Cashier Advantage
Selling your gold and silver with Gold Cashier is more than just a transaction—it’s a partnership built on trust, transparency, and value. Our competitive prices, instant payouts, clear process, and exceptional customer service make us the best choice for selling your precious metals. We are dedicated to providing a rewarding experience for every customer, ensuring that you receive the best possible value for your items.
Selling your gold and silver doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. With Gold Cashier, you can enjoy a seamless, secure, and rewarding process that puts you in control. Whether you’re selling a single piece of jewelry or a large collection of bullion, we’re here to help you get the best value for your precious metals. Contact Gold Cashier today to get started and discover why we’re the trusted choice for gold and silver sales. With our commitment to transparency, security, and customer satisfaction, you can sell your precious metals with confidence and ease.
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