#ootw part 4
foxes-that-run · 2 months
Sweeter Than Fiction
To celebrate Sweeter Than Fictions first ever live performance, mashed up with Holy Ground of all songs. (!!)
Taylor wrote Sweeter Than Fiction for the movie One Chance. The movie is about a winner of Britain's Got Talent going from an everyday person to a famous person -starring James Corden and produced by Simon Cowell. So a plot similar to Harry's life produced by his then boss and starring one of his closest friends. Taylor of course related to the protagonists wife and wrote a love song from her perspective which played in the closing credits.
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Harvey Weinstein (I know gross) confirmed Taylor's involvement was via One Direction:
Weinstein has credited Simon Cowell for getting Swift involved in the soundtrack, telling Daily Mail, "Simon knows her through the One Direction connection and he thought she'd be touched by the film, and he was right because she was."
To Taste of Country Taylor said
this movie is, in a lot of ways, a love story, you're expecting to go in and see a movie of someone who makes his dreams come true, but what you don't realize is you're actually being told a story of the love his wife ... has for him. That was the story that hit me and really affected me. I wanted to tell a story musically from that perspective.
Taylor also so wanted to be involved in this project about the love the wife of a singing competition star come good, produced by Harry's boss and starring Harry's friend that she famously had to fight her label to release new music in the planned lull between Red and 1989:
"I had to fight to do this because I try to take a break in between albums and try and give people a minute to not hear me on the radio," she said. "I had to go around and ask people, 'Can I please, please put something out?' even though we're supposed to be going quiet." Taylor Swift released Red, her fifth studio album, in 2012 and is now on a worldwide arena tour. "My management, my label were like, 'No new music until the next album comes out.' "Then I saw the movie and I was like, 'I have to be a part of this.'"
When was it written
It is the first collaboration with Jack Antonoff, who she said in 2023 the song reminds her of now. She first met Jack 12 November 2012. Filming wrapped 4 December 2013, while Harry and Taylor were still dating. It is likely Simon Cowell approached Taylor before the end of 2012. They made OOTW in September 2013, Sweeter than Fiction was already mentioned in press and the movie was in previews, so it would have been made some months before, likely in the first months of 2013. Lena shared a photo of them making the song in Jack's living room in New York. Taylor was in New York 26 March, but is dressed warmly then and again 5 June 2013 to attend an event at the Met. I would guess that is when it was made, that also lines up with it being announced 30 August 2013. This places it just after I Wish you Would (2013 timeline)
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rainesclan · 6 years
Out of the Woods (Dan x MC) [Part Four]
Link to: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
A/N: Okay so I may or may not have unintentionally lied about this being the last part. It took on a life of its own as I was writing it, so change of plans…there’s gonna be a couple more parts. Guess it wasn’t meant to be over yet! I also threw together a Spotify playlist of songs I listen to while writing these ILITW fics for anyone who’s interested.
Description: With Noah and Jane’s would-have-been birthday coming up, things begin to go south.
Pairings: Dan x MC, Noah x MC
Rating: PG-13 (some stronger language)
Words: 2,060
The dawn sky was still streaked with darker shades of blues and greys when Kayleigh spread an old knit blanket down on the grass at the tree line of the chillingly familiar woods. It was silent aside from the occasional flittering of wildlife running through the leaves littered beneath the bare trees and the murmur of the wind rattling through the branches. She shivered involuntarily in response to the bitter cold, and she pulled Noah’s old denim jacket tightly around her shoulders as she sat down, her body facing the looming woods that she didn’t dare to venture any further into.
It wasn’t the first time she had gone back to the woods, although she knew her friends would be anything but happy if they knew how often she found herself drawn back to the spot they had silently vowed to never go again. Something always drew her back. It was a compulsion rather than a desire to be there that she knew they wouldn’t understand. And that desire had only grown stronger when she checked her calendar that morning to see the date.
Next week, they would have turned eighteen. Noah and Jane.
She never actually went to the ruins. Not only did she like to believe that she wasn’t stupid enough to do such a thing, but she wasn’t sure she could handle it even if she’d wanted to. Instead, she would bring a blanket and sit a few yards back from the tree line. Sometimes she would just sit and watch…as if she was expecting to see or hear something – anything – to let her know he wasn’t suffering…but most of the time she came with something to say.
He probably couldn’t hear her, but maybe he could. And maybe it would be beneficial for him to know that someone still thought about him. Still cared about him.
That morning, she had been particularly anxious. The reoccurring nightmare about Homecoming that she had become all too familiar with had rattled her awake in the middle of the night, and she wasn’t able to get back to sleep afterwards. Instead, she passed the time turning over memories and thoughts of how things used to be. They were thoughts she had become so used to that she didn’t even cry anymore. Sometimes she would feel a chill deep in her core, but she didn’t feel sadness, per say. She just felt numb.
She liked to take short trips out to “talk to” Noah on those days when she would get particularly caught up in thinking about him. Something about it made her hold on to the good memories that they’d made as opposed to lingering on the last night of his life.
The wind stilled when she sat down, crossing her legs beneath her as she stared out into the woods. Silence lingered in the air for a long few minutes, and she took a deep breath before exhaling and beginning to speak.
“Hey,” she said, as if in normal conversation.
There was no surprise when she was met with only more silence in response.
“I was just…” she paused to search her own thoughts. “I was thinking about you a lot last night. Because of your birthday coming up and all, I guess.”
She fiddled with one of the sleeves of the denim jacket that covered her arms, curling her hand into a fist and tucking it inside. The wind rustled the bare branches of the trees again, as if it was urging her to continue on.
“I miss you, Noah.”
It was the first time she had allowed herself to admit it aloud, and once the words fell from her lips, she felt a metaphorical weight being lifted from her chest. Tears burned behind her eyelids for the first time in a long time. She missed him. Maybe her friends didn’t, and maybe they couldn’t understand why she did, but she missed him more than she was even consciously aware of at times.
“Things have been…weird I guess. Everyone’s kind of just pushing past what happened. It sucks when everyone’s moving on and you still feel like you’re stuck, you know?”
He did know. The thought of it sent a chill up her spine. That feeling was ultimately what drove him to his betrayal. The words seared in her thoughts, and she winced internally at the memory.
She would never be able to forget that night for as long as she lived. The feeling of his cold, metal blade against her neck was nothing compared to the feeling of her blood running ice cold, and the surge of nausea that churned violently in her stomach when she’d realized what was happening.
The person she’d trusted the most betrayed them. Lied to them. Lied to her.
Yet she couldn’t bring herself to be angry – not even during times like these when she would reflect on everything – because she knew who he really was, and while she would never understand why he did what he did, she forgave him.
“You know I wanted to hate you?” She asked the trees, and the wind gusted again. “I really tried. To hate you, I mean. Things would be so much easier if I just…” her voice cracked, and she didn’t notice that she was crying until she touched the wet stains on her cheek. “If I just hated you.”
The air was quiet around her – almost too quiet – and when she sniffled, it echoed through the emptiness.
“I can’t though.”
She pulled her knees closer to her chest to hold in the sob that threatened to surge up into her throat. The fact that she couldn’t move on was suffocating, and it had only worsened since the drunk driving assembly. A part of her – a big part of her, at that – was so hopelessly into Dan, but another part of her was still clinging onto the past…as if Noah was coming back. As if he was even going to know.
Maybe he wasn’t even out there anymore…and if he was…she knew he was probably no longer the Noah she shared all of those memories with. If he was still there, trapped in what remained of the ruins after sacrificing himself for his sister, there was no telling what he had become. She knew there was a strong possibility he’d turned into what Jane had turned into. He was Noah…but he wasn’t Noah.
And then there was Dan – who had been the center of her elementary school games of “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not” while she and Lily would pick petals off of daisies at recess – making his interest in her abundantly clear. But he made her nervous. He shouldn’t have been into her. Sometimes she even found herself thinking that he must have just been taking pity on her.
With her track record as of late, trust wasn’t easy to come by. Pushing him away was a defense mechanism. The last thing she needed was to get wrapped up in him – the guy of her childhood dreams – only to find out she was a charity case. A pity date, because – as Britney and Jocelyn always made clear – who else would be willing to date her?
She wanted to trust him fully, but she couldn’t. Not when it was someone she cared about as much as she cared about Dan. If he, of all people, hurt her, or broke her trust, she honestly wasn’t sure if she would be able to recover. Not after what happened with Noah.
The cold breeze streaked through her short locks of blonde hair, and she glanced down at her watch as she buried her nose into the denim fabric that still smelled like him, content to just sit there and listen for any sign of him for the rest of the morning.
Dan stood in front of his locker in the empty hallway, unable to suppress a huff when he looked up at the clock above the bulletin board that had been littered with fliers for the plethora of fundraisers that had been going on since Homecoming. The school had seen its fair share of damages, and the reparations didn’t exactly fit into the budget, as Lucas had told him one day during lunch.
3:15 was when he told Kayleigh the team would be done running drills. It was her idea to meet up to talk in the first place, and now over a half an hour later, she still hadn’t shown.
He fiddled absentmindedly with the dial on his locker to keep his hands busy, and after what felt like at least another five minutes of waiting, he finally pulled out his phone to send her a short text.
Sinking to the floor, he took a seat in front of his locker, stretching out his legs in front of him as he listened to the muffled sound of the band practicing in the auditorium. Several more minutes ticked by before he checked the clock again.
Screw this, he thought, and he stood up abruptly from where he sat.
If she couldn’t bother to show up, he couldn’t bother to wait around for her. It was obvious that she wasn’t coming, and a sudden wave of frustration washed over him as he thought about the fact that she’d blown him off and had him waiting there for almost an hour like a lovesick puppy. Unsure of how to handle it any other way, he kicked the locker door with force to channel his frustration, only to spot Lucas standing a few feet down the hall as he did so.
“Uh…” Lucas paused before taking a few steps closer. “You okay, man?”
He shook his head before his friend could delve into a deeper line of questioning. “Have you talked to Kayleigh at all today?”
“No. She wasn’t in English before. I don’t think she came to school.”
Dan fluctuated between frustration and worry, and he squeezed his eyes shut briefly to gather his thoughts. His irrational mind wanted to be pissed that she was jerking him around. He wanted to say “screw it” and just be done with her until she could figure out what she wanted. But the part of him that knew her and what she – or all of them, for that matter – had been through, knew he needed to be understanding. And if she wasn’t showing up to school something may have happened.
“Did you try calling her?” Lucas asked.
“No. I sent her a text and she didn’t answer.”
Lucas had never been particularly good at hiding his expressions, and when he furrowed his eyebrows, Dan could tell he was worried.
“Maybe one of us should call her,” Lucas suggested. “I mean, I’m sure she just took a personal day. Or maybe she was under the weather. But it’s better to be safe.”
“I’m just gonna stop by her place on my way home,” Dan told him with a shrug.
If she wasn’t answering her texts, he doubted she’d be answering her calls, and there was no point in calling only to be put in touch with her voicemail. He turned to head towards the back doors that lead out to the parking lot before he heard Lucas’s voice again.
“Dan,” he called to him, and Dan turned to look at him once again, the worried look on his face only looking more pronounced than it had just a minute ago. “I don’t know what’s going on with you two…but I just thought I should remind you…” he paused briefly. “Noah and Jane’s birthday would have been next week.”
A chill ran through his body at the words.
Would have been.
Sometimes he still found himself forgetting that they were gone. Both of them.
Dan thought back to the subject at hand before responding.
“So she’s probably-”
“Not handling it well?” Lucas finished for him. “Yeah. I doubt it.” He pushed his glasses up further onto the bridge of his nose when he spoke. “I’d go with you to check on her but…”
“You’ve got class president crap to handle. I get it,” he assured him, and he glanced at the clock on the wall again to see that the minutes were ticking closer to 4:30. “It’s fine. I’ve got this one.”
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n7punk · 2 years
I literally rush to Ao3 to see what was the name of the college AU where drunk kissing happens so I could ask if that's the one. Low and behold you've already made the TOHT series page to stop us from guessing.
i thought it might be obvious what i was working on with the tagline after the series title, but i also knew it was super random to be returning to a fic from two years ago.
the anniversary of toht starting is on the 29th, so I'm probably going to post the first chapter of 'silenced words & daydreams' then. i think its going to be like 3-4 chapters (since im already on chapter 3 and haven't hit everything yet, but im also not that far in).
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toht is probably my fic i've returned to the second most, after ditm (and, incidentally, those are the ones ive done edits of, though the toht edit was a lot more minor than the ditm one, not adding anything and preserving the phrasing & styling that i now wouldn't use because its confusing at times but... thats part of the fic, and that fic is seared in my brain, so i don't want to change it). i did a reread while i was sick last month and it got me thinking about all the Thots i had for the verse that i never wrote so... here we are.
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i've been working on novels lately (wrote one, revised an old one, and started a third one in the last three months) but i've been working on catradora fic a little here and there. i had the OotW fics i posted recently, i have three au addition fic wips, and ive... ahem... 'gathered research' for another (not to mention i still have like 4 new au ideas and a whole list of OotW ones). don't know when any of these wips will be done/ready (one dates back to last summer.....), but catradora definitely never left my mind, i've just had other projects on the forefront.
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oh god please no XD for the past few months, ive been turning anon on for like, the week i post a fic and then turning it off to not get random ones. i also just turn it off whenever i'm fatigued because it greatly reduces the number of messages i get (not that i mind messages, they just take energy and i dont always answer). though i am fatigued right now, i turned it on to give people options to guess because i wanted to see how long it would take :P
i will say, one thing that has changed is i haven't really had interest in writing smut in... a long time. so its not likely to show up much for the time being. that's been seen in a lot of my fics this year, though. ive had more interest in writing stuff that is rated T or M rather than outright E, so the hornies are just gonna have to wait more. sometimes its part of a plot so it still shows up, but i just haven't been interested. that's also why i haven't returned to the Do It For Me series despite having a whole list of ideas for it, because most of them would definitely be rated e.
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
this is kinda random but after reading some of your thoughts on dwoht it completely changed how i saw the song and now i can see how it could be connected to dianna! we may be clowning, but at least there's some logic to our clownery lol
yeaahhh been holding this back for a minute cause i wanna do it justice but given that i put dwoht on the official playlist feels like it’s time to do a proper analysis
part 1 - “but dwoht is about kissgate!”
listen maybe but i don’t think so.  kissgate didn’t change much for kaylor.  as @swiftiesleuth​ outlined in her realistic kay timeline kaylor kept hanging out w one another and being very publicly bffs.  taylor did take to liking tumblr posts calling kaylor shippers freaks and i do think it affected her but i don’t think she’s writing songs about it.
she put the dwoht lyrics on this poloroid:
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and she was spotted wearing that on September 3, 2014, 2 months before kissgate:
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that’s also a day before the Fairfax anniversary if we want to tie it to anything.
part 2 - “ok but it could still be about karlie”
yeah it could be.  ever since i read realistic kay i am of the opinion that kaylor still definitely happened but i don’t know that they went much farther than fwb.  karlie was with josh the whole time and guys idk what to tell you, joshlie is real like look at this nonsense:
that was in 2014 like during the HEIGHT of kaylor.  karlie started studying to convert to Judaism in 2015, married him, threw another wedding party, and is now having a baby with him.  i don’t know what to tell you.  joshlie is real and karlie chose him. i mean if the kushners were trash they’d be cute look at them!
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taylor’s music (cruel summer, august, illicit affairs) backs this up.  kaylor was hot, messy, and chaotic but it was not a monogamous love story.
given the uncommitted nature of kaylor i have trouble believing that lines like:
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it and
I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us
are about a fwb situation.
part 3 - “ok maybe it’s not about karlie but why isn’t it about joe/TLL?”
because the entire song is in past tense.  i know taylor (supposedly) tells some story about being harassed by the paps and trying to break up with joe and then he said “no ❤️” and then...she wrote a break-up song for him?  
if the song went out on a hopeful note or flipped to present tense in the bridge like “we were dancing with our hands tied but now we’re dancing freely because we chose one another and we’re happy” i would believe her but this song is sung past tense to someone who she’s no longer dancing with
i mean just look at the past tenseness of this song!
I, I loved you in secret Oh, how were you to know, and My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden Oh, and you held me close
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it I had a bad feeling And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis People started talking, putting us through our paces I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I had a bad feeling
But we were dancing I, I loved you in spite of I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
and while i’m pointing out the past tense nature of the song let’s examine the bridge:
I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down I'd hold you as the water rushes in If I could dance with you again
taylor’s talking about what she would do differently if she had another chance with this person, if they could dance together again and she claims she’d hold them as the water rushes in.  the water rushing in is the flood and pouring rain described in clean.  clean describes her breakup w dianna.  she’s saying if she could go back she’d have stayed with her if she could do it differently.
part 4 - more lyric clues that point to dianna:
after the ootw music video came out taylor reblogged this post on tumblr describing her being frozen in the snow as having her “hands tied behind her back”
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the avalanche described in dwoht also seems to take place in the ootw music video.
the lyric “People started talking, putting us through our paces” is exactly what she describes in Wonderland 
“First sight yeah we love without reason” sounds like the same scenario Taylor is warned about in Wonderland “didn’t they tell us don’t rush into things”
“My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden“ taylor’s love is paralyzed in All Too well and then her walls are tall and painted blue but she takes them down for dianna in EHC. “Oh, 'cause it's gravity Oh, keeping you with me“ gravity pulls taylor to dianna in treacherous 
and finallay
“oh 25 years old oh how were you to know”  Dianna was 25 when she met Taylor, the you in the song is 25, not Taylor.  That doesn’t match for Karlie only joe or dianna, and since it’s a song about someone she can’t dance with anymore then i don’t think it’s joe.
lastly taylor ofc likes to dance with everyone but she certainly did with dianna too:
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bisluthq · 4 years
Kaylor Rises?
We’ll never know the mechanics or reasons for Joshlie going on a break (or even if they just decided to be more casual for a bit). Maybe it was Taylor related, maybe it was all the stuff with his family, maybe it was the spectre of differing religions, maybe it was the age gap, maybe he started to agree that a ‘lingerie model’ was unsuitable in the long run… But one fact we do know, from investigative journalism done on the Kushners and also from looking at contemporaneous gossip blogs is: Joshlie have taken breaks. We don’t know exactly exactly how many, or why. But we know that they did. Again, this is one of the biggest pieces of ‘evidence’ that they’re real because why bother faking problems and breaks? Why not present yourselves as head-over-heels? It doesn’t make sense, but it’s what happened. And it also opens the door to some romantic!Kaylor. And in March 2014, Josh disappears from the picture and Taylor is suddenly a massive presence - way beyond the fun, highkey promotion we saw up till now. 
1 March 2014 - We see Kaylor both attend a Pre-Oscar Party. I think a Joshlie break was what led Karlie to go to LA and stay with Taylor. At this stage, they’d known each other publicly for about five months but, if we factor in possible negotiations, they might have known each other for much longer. I really do think they were good friends by this stage, because Taylor is a terrible actress and they clearly really enjoyed each other’s company. It was as good a place as any for Karlie to go and lick wounds. 
2 March 2014 - Kaylor attend the Vanity Fair Oscar Party and the Vogue profile talks about this being where they connected and decided to do the road trip: “A few months later they saw each other again at an Oscars after-party, and Kloss suggested they do something spontaneous. “I’d been to Big Sur once before, and I was like, ‘We should just do it,’ ” says Swift.” I suspect this story is a bit of a lie - but I do think it is true that they hooked up around this time, and decided to take a road trip to Big Sur. Taylor had been there once before, with Jake Gyllenhaal. Karlie had never been. It’s interesting that for Taylor it was already a “romantic” place, at the very least publicly, and it’s where she decided to go with Karlie at this point. 
Also, in terms of the “lie” factor - they’re saying this is where they reconnected but they were partying together the literal night before. So they’re obviously blurring reality a bit in the interview. Which is okay, maybe they misremembered or misspoke. But when factored into a pattern, it seems an odd thing to get confused about. 
The road trip itself is ICONIC. Taylor allegedly plays Karlie the whole of 1989. They take a million gorgeous photos. The daisy thing happens. 
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘Karlie loves Taylor’ sand pic. Taylor likes.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘best road trip ever’ daisy pic.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘adventure of a lifetime with my girl’ cheek kiss selfie.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a pic of her and Taylor with the caption, ‘woah, what a view huh?’
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the pic of her hugging Taylor from behind.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a picture of herself apparently taken by Taylor.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a picture of her and Taylor jumping with the caption ‘❤️’
5 March 2014 - Taylor posts a picture of them and captions it ‘On the Way Home’ - possibly a reference to YAIL. 
When they return, things still seem very, very good in Kaylor Land.
12 March 2014 - Karlie attends the Art Production Fund’s White Glove Gala without Josh.
24 March 2014 - Taylor diaries that she’s moved into her Tribeca apartment in the “last few weeks” which means they are in the same city and that, when Karlie was in LA, Tay was still permanently based there. 
1 April 2014 - Karlie attends The New Museum annual Spring Gala without Josh.
1 April 2014 - Josh attends a New York Observer event without Karlie. His family is out in full force - again, this is their family business. It’s actually really odd that he is there on his own. Oh, and by the way - Mikey Hess isn’t there either lmao. 
3 April 2014 - Kaylor go to the gym and then out for lunch at the Butcher’s Daughter (which, for the record, is very close to Josh’s apartment but since he and Karlie have not interacted publicly in well over a month that seems irrelevant). They are papped continuously on both halves of the date. 
14 April 2014 - Kaylor are papped in NYC.
21 April 2014 - Taylor is papped with Cara and the articles that follow are all about “gal pals”. I do not think Cara and Taylor were together at this point but it’s vital to see the rollout of the “Girl Squad” PR strategy. It was not just about Karlie. Karlie was meant to be the ‘main’ Squad girl, but there were others.
26 April 2014 - Kaylor are papped in NYC
2 May 2014 - Karlie brings Derek as her +1 to the memorial service for L’Wren Scott.
4 May 2014 - Karlie posts a photo of herself with Taylor and Kate Bosworth at The Jane Hotel for Harry Josh’s party.
5 May 2014 - Kaylor get ready together and then attend the Met together. Josh is also there with his brother and Ivanka. Kaylor interact with the Kushners because this photo gets taken. We also get this pic (peep Tay’s dress in the background). Karlie sits at a table with Josh, and Taylor sits very, very far away. (Here is a pic of them seated). Now, it’s possible the tickets were booked and the seating arrangements made well before Joshlie went on a break. Or it’s possible going there was just a stunt and Karlie and Josh were very much together.
If Josh was a beard contract, this would’ve been reversed. Karlie would have showed up and walked the red carpet with Josh and sat with Taylor once inside. Instead, Karlie was papped with Taylor on the outside, and sat in the cheap seats with Josh, on the other side of the room from Taylor, once inside. If Josh and Karlie both needed a beard, why would they allow Karlie to show up and walk the red carpet with her girlfriend when they both attended the event?
And here’s what’s interesting: Taylor references this evening extensively at the end of the Wildest Dreams MV. She closely replicates the outfits - Karlie’s, Josh’s and her own - and casts herself as the “other woman”. It’s a telling video because that twist in the end is not necessary for the song to make sense (at all), Tay’s character is hurt and surprised by the MV love interest having a partner, and in the end the love interest’s feelings seem genuine as he runs after her - but she’s already gone. It’s a pretty loud scene in all and I’m not sure how else to interpret it, really. It’s also interesting that Tay’s character in the video falls in love with her ‘onscreen’ partner - kind of how Kaylor probably started as somewhat scripted ‘Famous Friends’ but possibly grew feelings.
Taylor also references this evening in LWYMMD when a 2014 Met Taylor appears several times. A zombie Taylor wearing the dress she wore in the OOTW MV buries a Taylor wearing this 2014 Met Gala dress and later she appears again. Considering all the other “Taylors” are extremely iconic (for example Kanye interrupting dress), I’m not sure why 2014 Met Gala Tay is here. It’s not the best example of one of her princess dresses… It’s not indicative of an ‘era’...
Unless the evening was important to Taylor herself, and the most logical reason for that would be Joshlie. It seems that this was the night that Tay, like her character in the MV, found herself cast in the unfortunate role of “other woman” - a part she would have struggled with ever since. So, with that in mind, here are some photos of Kaylor from that night where Taylor looks miserable: x x x
12 May 2014 - Karlie attends the American Ballet Theatre Opening Night Spring Gala alone.
15 May 2014 - An article with People comes out where Taylor makes getting ready with Karlie sound like a fun pre-prom time, proving the earlier point that them showing up together was part of their PR relationship.
Early May 2014 - Kaylor go for dinner at Toni Garrn’s, further debunking Korlie rumors.
22 May 2014 - Karlie attends amfAR’s 21st Cinema Against AIDS Gala alone.
CONCLUSION: From late February/early March it seemed as though Kaylor were together and possibly exclusive or at least getting somewhat serious. However, in early May Josh and Karlie reconnected around the time of the Met Gala - that’s what the Wildest Dreams MV seems to suggest at least. The fact that they interacted and sat together despite not apparently going ‘together’ is very loud. 
However, Joshlie were not fully back together at this Met Gala stage. I believe they reunited proper only at the end of May, at which point the Kaylor dynamic shifted gears.
However… the contract for the publicity deal was still in place and they had to carry on carrying on. It’s telling that their respective close friends didn’t exactly warm up to one another - their personal friend groups never really meshed. This contradicts the het narrative of them being just extremely great friends. If they really were, why wouldn’t they be hanging out with each other’s main people (in very simple terms, people like Derek and Abigail)? And before you @me, a few likes are not great evidence of hangouts - Josh also liked a bunch of Tay’s posts, and it’s pretty clear they were never friends.
More likely, Karlie and Taylor hooked up… And, of course, Karlie was an important part of this era’s publicity rollout. And that’s where things got messy.
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so i watched rep tour movie on the 31st and i forgot to post it here, i just want to say that im speechless, i have watched it three times already and those three times ended with me being speechless.
Taylor is a fucking genius i swear.
Taylor never never disappoints, i love new year eve’s with taylor tbh, remember ootw mv was released on nye at midnight? I remember waking up on the 1st early in the morning just to watch it. I cant believe its been 4 years of that.
Taylor has been a great part of my life. Im 19 and I’ve been stanning her since i was 11 during speak now era.
i know im rambling a lot but the point of this post is: im super proud of taylor and the person she has become today. I teared up and cried several times during her speeches and during all too well and you belong with me and new years day, (yes im a emo baby) just by seeing how passionate all those fans looked singing a long to her lyrics and crying and screaming and that was just magical.
another thing that left me speechless was the whole stage and the magnitude of the Stadium like whoa, i saw videos and pictures and tried to follow each concert date through instagram and tumblr but really nothing compares to seeing it at the rep movie. IT WAS BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL. The stage is really really something.
And least but not last i want to speak about the power miss swift has. during IDSB and Don’t blame me??????? I was completely in awe admiring her and the stage imagine watching HER in all her glory, in her element live, imagine being THAT lucky.
im really so happy we got this as a new year gift, i love taylor and i cant wait for TS7, i will be waiting patiently for it even through i may not be ready for it (ahahah)
hopefully one day ONE DAY i will make my dreams come true of go to one of concerts I’ve always through that her concerts are magical, the stages, songs and costumes are the proof of it.
thank you so much Taylor for being a precious and beautiful soul inside and out i wish you nothing but the BEST OF THE BEST for this 2019 all the love and happiness of this world for you because it’s what you deserve! and above all i wish you a healthy 2019 ♥ thank you for being by our side and doing your best to try and communicate with us and being our friend and giving us courage and words that gave us strength when we needed it the most, im pretty sure im not just speaking for myself but for a lot of people too. I appreciate you a lot Taylor and i hope you know how loved you are by SO MANY PEOPLE (i know you do, the whole rep tour was a proof of it) I LOVE YOU and i hope you have an amazing year!!! @taylorswift
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chriswiftie · 7 years
My Reputation Story Guess
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This could get messy, y’all, but I’m going to attempt to see if I can piece together a narrative if the right to left “15 Taylor’s” theory is true. I’m looking forward to looking back at this in November and seeing if I was totally off or not. 
I stand by the idea that each of these songs are likely character perspectives, but I do think they will tell some sort of overarching story. 
1. Ready For It 
If this theory is correct, RFI would be the first Taylor on the right. It makes sense, as some have already noted because the lyrics play on many themes of jail. He can be my “jailer”, “knew he was a killer”, “knew I was a robber”. 
The interesting thing about the song is that if we take the narrative in the video literally, she’s being trapped by the man in the song. Him being the “jailer” and her being locked up means she’s ready to, well, break out of there. 
2. Snake Taylor breaks out 
Once her character is defamed and she’s called a snake, she comes out to attack those who have wronged her. She’s ready to get revenge, hiss, bite and take back the narrative. 
Snake Taylor makes sense here, as the second song on many albums are generally pretty up-tempo.
3. Shake it off Taylor tries and misses 
I think it’s pretty telling that “Shake It Off” Taylor is right next to Snake Taylor because a lot of people expected her to “shake off” the Kimye situation or any of the other manufactured drama the press has created. 
Shake It Off Taylor also has a nasty attitude in the music video, making me think she tried to move forward but didn’t. Which ultimately...
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4. Killed her. She couldn’t handle it. 
 I don’t think it’s coincidental that OOTW is the 4th track of 1989 and the 4th Taylor from the right. I’m going to take this one step further than “she never made it out of the woods” though, I genuinely think she kinda killed her own reputation. 
In her attempt to correct her mistakes and move forward, everything only blew up in her face and now she’s totally lost herself ( a contrast from her “finding herself” in OOTW). She got lost and dragged herself down in the process. 
5. You Belong With...Friendship?
This is one of the most hopeful Taylor’s. In this song, She’s trying so hard to get a man but he won’t notice her. To me, it seems like friendship is an important theme, as the “Junior Jewels” shirt has all the names of her more modern friends. 
Maybe she is relying on friends to help her find herself again. So she can become the Taylor we all know and love. 
But, when that doesn’t work and some of her friends betray her...
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6. Someone makes her do..er...something?
The interesting about LWYMMD is that Taylor doesn’t tell us who she’s talking about, which is both strange for Taylor and weird in general. Why keep a statement like this so open-ended?
Well, I think it’s a response to those she felt were on her side and really weren’t. Lashing out at the media, those who hurt her and the evil person people made her out to be. She’s had enough and she’s coming for blood. Reborn and ready to get revenge. 
But like I’ve said in the past, this is almost certainly a character.
7. Glamorous Ditz 
This really threw me for a loop, but I think the way she portrayed Met Gala Taylor in the music video is really telling.
She plays her as an overdramatic airhead. Which I think means she’s now acting innocent but knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s playing dumb but is ready to carry out her mission of getting back at people. 
Although then we have...
8. Reflective VMA Taylor
A lot of the drama around Taylor Swift began with Kanye’s interruption of her. It seems pretty interesting to me that this comes right in the middle of the album and after LWYMMD Taylor. Could this be a song about how Taylor never wanted any of this, but she’s had to deal with it anyway? 
In this narrative-arc (that I’ve completely guessed about), this seems like a good point of self-reflection upon the past. Maybe she is re-thinking how she handled things at VMA’s.
Or maybe, just maybe, she’s mad that she didn’t stand up for herself more. Because, as we know, her “I’d like to be excluded from this narrative” note on Twitter was one of the first times she’s had to publicly defend herself. 
And this Taylor says that same line in the music video. Suspicious.
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9. Gossip Girl Taylor
I say “gossip” because this Taylor is central to all of her feuds. It almost seems like this is the version of her people believe purposefully gets into these feuds for attention and album sales. 
Story-wise, I’m not sure exactly what’s going on here, but I think it’s going to be a fascinating song. 
10. Fearless again?
Ah-ha! Remember how innocent and fearless she was? This Taylor is emotional, happy and bubbly about everything. I’d expect to hear another country song here and maybe a reflection on a time where there was no drama in her life and she could be her happy, country-loving self. 
What a time. 
11. We Are Never Ever...Going back to our old selves? 
I think it’s fascinating that “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” Taylor would be the last Taylor from any past Taylor look. Which says to me that tracks 12-15 are new Taylor personas. Parts of her persona that we haven’t quite had a good look at yet, but we’ll get to investigate further. 
But first, she’s gotta say goodbye to her old selves. 
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12. Reputation Taylor, the one who comes out on top
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that Rep Taylor is the Queen of The Mountain? Did you ever play that game as a kid? Here it almost seems like she’s saying that she’s coming out on top of her past lives. 
She is in control of her reputation because she let the others go. Rep Taylor seems a little nasty to me, but maybe she’s just headstrong and misunderstood.
13. “Blind For Love” Taylor can see perfectly well
I’ve written before about genuinely believing this will be a Kesha collab. Why? The tiger on her shirt looks exactly like Kesha’s tattoo on her old Instagram post. 
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I thought it was far too coincidental to see “roses” right above the Tiger on that shirt since Kesha’s last name is “rose”. That’s a huge coincidence if true. 
And further, look at the font! That looks just like the reputation font. 
As far as story, I’d guess after “Rep” Taylor made it out on top, she’s now having fun with her newfound power. She could also be single during this time, meaning she can say “Blind For Love” because it doesn’t hurt her anymore. 
14. Stay with me here...Taylor goes full feminist bad*ass
I honestly stan Biker Taylor and I haven’t even heard the song. I love the look and the way she portrays aggressive sexuality with the slit in her dress. I’d also like to highlight what she says in the music video:
“There she goes, playing the victim again” 
This is quite telling, as many people these days like to argue that she’s always playing the victim. This makes me think she’s not only on the offensive, she’s taken that victim identity and completely shoved it to the side. And once she’s dealt with that...
15. She shows us exactly who she is now.
Stronger, more powerful and confident in herself, this Taylor reminds me so much of a phoenix rising from the ashes from the short glimpse we’ve seen so far. She’s dressed in red (an important color in Swiftie-land) and the dress seems to have flowers or feathers all over her costume. 
Taylor is well known for closing out albums with a sense of hope and positivity. Long Live, Change, Begin Again and Clean were all very forward thinking. 
I expect this to fall along the lines of “Clean”, except this time she’s not cleansed of her exes. Now it’s all about moving on from the past. 
And honestly, that’s probably why she’s not saying a word until the album comes out. She wants the story of Reputation to speak for itself. A story of losing yourself in the personas people portray of you only to realize you are so much more than that. You are a complex, beautiful human being. 
 Look no further than the 1989 “Clean speech”:
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But, you know, this is all just a fun, educated guess! 
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1) WE’RE IDIOTS. we were saying how she didn’t give us any clues about the Delicate MV but her unfolding that piece of paper WAS THE CLUE
2) are we not gonna talk about the similar parts with OOTW
3) the lip thing that she’s doing in all her videos
5) i love at the end she doesn’t care about how she looks in the bar because she’s just happy to see Joe
love you taylor forever i’m in tears thank you 
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livingasaghost · 7 years
1. "...Ready for It?" / The first time I heard this song I was like “Oh no I hate this’ and then by the second & third times I was like JK THIS IS MY JAM. She’s always loved rapping and I’m so happy she’s gotten the confidence to do it herself because SHE’S SO GOOD AT IT!!! The love the lyrics in this because they’re catchy but also really creative & edgy. 7/10 2. "End Game" (featuring Ed Sheeran and Future) / LITERALLY ED WAS KILLER ON THIS!! I love how we finally get talk about her reputation in this (like literally) and even though I wasn’t a huge fan of Future, I know she loves him so this is probably a dream come true for her. The lyrics are super smart & catchy and this is a JAM 8/10 3. "I Did Something Bad" / SHOOKETH!!!! I love this song because it’s really catchy and shady but also because the bridge is SO COOL - I love the “burning all the witches” lines so freaking much - ALSO I LOVE IT SOLELY BECAUSE SHE SAYS SHIT??? AND THE CHORUS IS CATCHY AF 10/10     4. "Don't Blame Me" / This totally reminds me of 50 Shades? It’s so sultry and I LOVE the production on it - also the line where she has ‘mine’ in quotes makes me think it’s a reference to mine from speak now AM I WRONG? 9/10 5. "Delicate" / definitely not the typical track 5 song, but the production is super killer on this! also i love the pre-chorus and i love the rhythm of the chorus 7/10 6. "Look What You Made Me Do" / This will always be one of my favorites because it’s catchy but it’s also still one of the most shocking songs to date. When I listen to it I still remember the first time how ICONIC it was. It CHANGED THE GAME. And that bridge? The pre-chorus? KILLER. 9/10 7. "So It Goes..." / I don’t understand why everyone was so up in arms about Dress when this song exists??? I love the chorus but obviously it’s a little intense haha like TAYLOR GIRL I KNOW YOU GREW UP BUT CAN YOU CHILL FOR 2 SECONDS - also i freaking love when she whispers 1,2,3 into the mic it’s so great. oh and it kind of reminds me of selena gomez! 7/10 8. "Gorgeous" / Funnily enough this is my least favorite on the album? Like don’t get me wrong I love it but also it’s so tame compared to the other songs?? I still love the lyrics and THAT BRIDGE THOUGH - I could do the dings all day long too. Definitely a jam but leaves a little to be desired? 7/10 9. "Getaway Car" / ONE OF MY FAVES. When I first heard it I just screamed BLEACHERS because this song is literally a Bleachers song on so many levels - production, Taylor’s singing during the pre-chorus (aka any time she does the half screaming/vocals going up/yelling/thing that Jack does ALL THE TIME), the happiness/sadness all at once? IT’S AN ANTHEM BUT IT’S NOT ALL THAT HAPPY. I FRIKKIN LOVE JACK ANTONOFF!!!! Also the lyrics are great & it’s catchy? And the way she says GETT-UH-WAY CAR at the end of the chorus gets me EVERY TIME!! 10/10        10. "King of My Heart" / I still think this could be a contender for the jumping song during tour. But I think it’s genius because she basically mashed-up three different sounds for the whole song?? To show different parts of a relationship?? THE CHORUS IS SO HYPE and it kinda reminds me of OOTW? But I love the pre-chorus because the lyrics are so....Lana Del Rey? IDK IT’S JUST SO COOL. 8/10       11. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" / At first I didn’t think I liked this song? But after the second time I CANNOT GET ENOUGH - the beat changes between the verse and the chorus and it’s just SO EUPHORIC! And the way she says “hands tied, hands tied” is just BREATHTAKING. Like this is one of the songs on the album that I can HEAR live - it sounds like it’s made for a stadium and I am so pumped to see it. ALSO THE BACKGROUND VOCALS AT THAT LAST CHORUS LIKE GIVE IT TO ME LIVE RIGHT NOW TAYLOR!!! 10/10 12. "Dress" / Okay so these lyrics are KILLER and I love that it isn’t just a “sex” song? It’s truly about loving someone so much that you have to have them physically (ok who else is an uncomfortable sex-repulsed ace person? JUST ME THEN OKAY HI) - i love how honest and beautiful it is too? Like you can tell she’s FELT this and it’s so real. I’M SO HAPPY SHE’S HAPPY 7/10        13. "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" / Okay so this is my favorite song on the album after the first listen and I’m OBSESSED. Great chorus, killer verses, SHADY AF, the cute pre-chorus? the bridge? when she laughs? and talks? IT’S EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED EVER FROM HER 10/10        14. "Call It What You Want" / This was my favorite of the pre-release singles because 1) it’s YOU ARE IN LOVE BUT SHE’S ACTUALLY IN LOVE 2) the production is BEAUTIFUL 3) NOT BECAUSE HE OWNS ME BUT CUZ HE REALLY KNOWS ME like THE LYRICS ARE INCREDIBLE - they’re slightly shady while also totally in love?? HOW DOES THIS WOMAN DO IT!?! 10/10 15. "New Years Day" / How could I not love this song? What struck me most when I first heard it was the instrumentation - piano and acoustic guitar - which is like OPPOSITE of the whole rest of the album - and it’s so heartbreakingly beautiful. More than that, I love how the song is like...a feeling in a sound? Like when you listen to it it’s more than just words - it’s like taylor dropped you in the moodboard of her life and played you what she was seeing and feeling and hearing and touching and I can FEEL IT. More than that, I want it. Desperately. 10/10
- nov 10, 2017 9:02pm
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jennyboom21 · 7 years
Per Anon** A Theory about Out of the Woods.
OOTW 1: She Lost Him (“Looking at it now..it all seems so simple”): Taylor is reflecting on a relationship that’s ended and soul searching. She’s blaming herself (this was one of Swiftgron’s off moments).  
OOTW 2: The beach represents being both rational and emotional. The unknown woman is the current version of Taylor (this will make sense later). Notice how she’s standing on the sand at first, but when the vines start popping up, she’s standing in the water? This is Taylor leaning towards coming out, but she’s torn between her head and her heart. She wants to be with Dianna, but must also think of her brand, career, etc. 
OOTW 3: The vines represent being trapped. They keep Taylor in the woods (closeted) and from going farther into the water. The version of Taylor that’s in the woods is the true Taylor who is being repressed and forced to stay hidden by the vines. Basically, she isn’t focusing on the big picture (her happiness). Look how she turns away from the beach and walks back into the woods. The further she walks into the woods; the more vines pop up and surround her, making her feel overwhelmed.
OOTW 4: The wolves represent fear and/or anxiety. Taylor fears what will happen once she finally gets out. Notice how they’re always lurking in the shadows & following her? It’s bc she’s too scared to face them. Even though she tries to ignore them, they’re always there in the back of her mind. When something is "black and white", it means that there is a clear-cut answer. Others would define Swiftgron as a couple, but they were in screaming color--they didn't know what they were.
OOTW 5: “Are we OOTW yet?”: Example: John has a major surgery and recovery is going well, but the doctor says, “John isn’t in the clear yet”. It means they’re not fully healed…meaning the issue(s) between Taylor & Dianna hadn’t been resolved. At this part of the video, Taylor begins running from the wolves (her fears/anxiety).
OOTW 6: After falling while running from the wolves, Taylor lies in the snow, which symbolizes her feeling indifferent, maybe even alone. The snow falling on her represents hope for a fresh start with Dianna.
OOTW 7: Remember how Haylor had matching necklaces? Well so did Swiftgron**! Taylor snatching off the necklace/ throwing it is her hating that she chose to beard w/ Harry. Reaching for the necklace as it falls is her longing for Di even though she’d pushed her away & they were off at the time. They enjoyed each other & had fun together, but the bad tended to outweigh the good ("like "we stood a chance") “Two paper airplanes flying”—Swiftgron were going in two different directions.
OOTW 8: The wolves get closer and T jumps off the cliff. The cliff represents the difficult time Taylor is having processing everything. I think she felt that for her to be happy, she would disappoint others and that’s not something she wanted to do. Between bearding with Harry and the problems in her relationship with Dianna, Taylor was in over her head. The drought symbolizes Taylor hitting rock bottom. She felt isolated and her constant running away from her problems is emotionally draining.
OOTW 9: Taylor’s hopes for a fresh start are ruined (dead tree) because now Di has grown cold towards her (frozen tree), causing her to feel rejected. Because of this, everything around her has come crashing down (avalanche) and she can no longer run away. She is forced to face the "wolves" (who often chased her, yet as she runs away from the avalanche, they’re nowhere to be found).
OOTW 10 (Mud): Taylor feels the weight of the world on her shoulder. It's also at this point she sings about the snowmobile accident. Taylor said in RS that her life flashed before her eyes. After the accident, she went to see Did and they both cried having realized if the accident had been worse than "20 stitches", they wouldn't have said everything they needed to say to one another. They spend the night together, but the next day, it's too much for Dianna and Taylor leaves.
OOTW 11: The "monsters" are Taylor's biggest fears--that she's lost Dianna for good and that Dianna hates her. In her own words (Grammy Museum speech), Taylor said the relationship was very fragile/tentative. The "trees" are growing pains. In life, friendships/relationships can end simply bc people grow apart. In this case, Dianna ended it/wanted a break before they began to hate each other. (AYHTDWS "let me remind you this is what you wanted. You ended it ").
OOTW 12: the vines return and wrap around Taylor as she reaches out (a cry for help or guidance). She wants to fix things but can't because the damage is done/Dianna's mind is made up. Feeling helpless, she collapses to the ground (defeat). Another thing that stands out is the wolves/darkness are replaced by fireflies/sunlight. Taylor has realized that no one can help her until she helps herself.
OOTW 13: the ending montage of the video elaborate on Taylor's realizing that to grow/become a better version of yourself, you sometimes have to go through hell or hit rock bottom to get there. You learn the most important lessons when you go through what you think are the worst things imaginable. T went through heartbreak, sadness, loneliness, fear, disappointment, etc., But she also learned how to start over. The fire represents this transformation. 
OOTW Final: Taylor has become a more confident, self-assured person. She now stands instead of running away or falling down. She lost him, but found herself and somehow that was everything. Taylor is now ready to tell Dianna what she wants/feels, hence her coming out of the woods and approaching the woman on the beach (current/now old Taylor) with the new Taylor.
** Scissor charm/necklace shared by Dianna and Taylor
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n7punk · 3 years
All Fics Extra #5: Outside of the War: Timeline
I’ve tried to keep track of my timeline in OotW before (poorly, by cutting and pasting each scene into one document in chronological order), but I quickly abandoned that as the series grew. This timeline is my solution to roughly order the scenes in my canon fics. Some of these are more subjective since they are just amorphously around a certain time in my mind and I’ve moved their order multiple times while making this (and could be moved again), but this is at least a rough idea of where it currently stands. I also reordered the series a bit on AO3 while making this because it helped me relate the fics to each other better.
Spoilers for my entire OotW series, obviously, and warnings for mentions of any content that is included in it (including CWs found therein and fic ratings running from G to E). This timeline was first made in August 2021. It is unfinished as the series is ongoing. Last updated 25/01/22.
Unindented lines are merely time headers (they are also bold or in larger font). Times ending with “~” are rough estimates. “1 month~ after” might mean “3-5 weeks after”, etc. Numbers lacking ~s are exact. “Don’t Go” is included in this timeline as the series is also canon to it (though obviously I did not write it). If it says “(‘fic title’)” then that bullet point is the entire fic. If it says “(‘fic title’ CH#)” then that bullet point is the only listing for that entire chapter in the fic but other chapters may appear elsewhere in the timeline. If it says “(in ‘fic title’)” then it is a part of the fic, but the fic may appear again in the timeline. “(mentioned in ‘fic title’)” means it isn’t really shown in any fic, just referenced.
            Age 8: Adora calls Octavia a dumb face and Catra falls in love (Canon)
            Catra discovering, testing, and hiding her differences, often with Adora’s help, as a child to young/pre-teen (‘sense-memory’)
            The Inciting Incident that started all the “blame Kyle” jokes – never described. Shadow Weaver doesn’t even know all the details because she sincerely does not want to. It is such an in-joke they don’t even need to reference “the Incident” anymore – they just reference Kyle. (in ‘documentations of the perils of women’).
            Multiple instances of Adora “crushing” on other strong women and her actually admiring Catra’s strength (in ‘dangerous woman’).
Pre-teen to 18:
            Going through puberty and feeling something – just attraction in Adora’s mind – for each other. Both getting hit on by other cadets, Adora being possessive over her “friend”, and Catra knowing she’s straight of jealous (‘jealous sea (comes like waves & i can't breathe)’ CH1).
            Age 16-17~: Catra tells Adora about her corner and Adora fantasizes there (in ‘the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you’)
Season 1:
             First few days in Bright Moon: Glimmer gifts Adora the wing pin to use to fasten her jacket/belt now that she doesn’t have her badge (in ‘documentations of the perils of women’).
             Post Salineas Sea Gate fight, Adora realizes her pain lingers (in ‘markless’).
Seasons 2 & 3:
             The portal from Catra’s perspective (‘a story better left forgotten’).
Somewhere after the initial trip to Crimson Waste and before the Horde conquers it in season 4, Catra watches Adora and Huntara spar through a spy drone and gets jealous (in ‘dangerous woman’).
Season 4:
             Two weeks~ after ‘Pulse’, Bow asks Adora about her healing factor and her lingering pain (in ‘markless’).
Season 5:
Pre-season 5:
             Adora & Scorpia talk about Catra and Scorpia mentions she loves seafood (‘and in her absence’).
             Adora sneaks away from camp to fantasize about Catra (in ‘the only heaven i’ll be sent to’).
Week~ on Darla post-Save the Cat and before reaching Etheria again:
             Day 1: Save the cat (Canon).
             Day 2: Catra hides away, gets chipped removed, goes to dinner and then flees, Entrapta tells her to just try, Adora carries her to bed and they sleep together (Canon: EP6: Taking Control & ‘Don’t Go’).
             Day 3: morning/breakfast Catra realizes the truth of Adora’s hero complex (in ‘markless’). Afternoon they stretch together and then Catra gets worked up and deals with it in her room (‘the beginning is the end’ CH1).
             A few days in: Adora cries in the bowels of the ship because so much has changed between her and Catra (in ‘dangerous woman’ CH 2).
Post canon:
            Walk back to Bright Moon: Adora’s lingering pain from dying starts catching up with her and Catra notices (in ‘markless’).
            Returning to Bright Moon the night of Prime’s defeat: ‘the words that need to be said’.
Day 1 post-canon:
            Morning: Catra & Adora cuddle (‘vocalizations in the moments in between’). Adora takes a shower and shows Catra all the fancy shower stuff in Bright Moon (in ‘return from civility’).
            Day: Adora is in pain and Catra can tell. Catra is ordered to sit on her to keep her still (mentioned in ‘markless’). Princess Alliance meeting where Catra sits in Adora’s lap and helps (in ‘she is your eyes, you are her heart).
            Night: Adora tells Catra about everything that happened in the Heart and her vision of the future (mentioned in ‘i still know the new you’).
Day 2 post-canon:
             Adora drags Catra from breakfast and kisses her as She-ra. They talk about going a bit slower and being careful with She-ra (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
Few days post-canon:
            Catra gets overwhelmed and Adora takes her to the gardens (in ‘and i’ll be home’).
            3 days post-canon: Catra makes up the Fright Zone reconstruction project proposal as a peace offering to Scorpia and presents it to her on the morning of day 4 (in ‘in her shadow’).
            Adora turns into She-ra in a Princess Alliance meeting (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
            Catra finds her way into the kitchen so she isn’t reliant on chefs (mentioned in ‘at beck & call’).
1~ week post-canon:
            Catra proposes the Fright Zone reconstruction project and gets it approved in a meeting. Apologizes to Scorpia that night (in ‘in her shadow’). Day after, they go to survey the Fright Zone for the first time (mentioned). That night, Catra finds Adora being good and resting in their room to heal (in ‘markless’).
            Catra disappears into the rafters, Adora worries, and she agrees to warn her when she disappears (in ‘and i’ll be home’).
            Glimmer teleports in on them making out for the first time (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’).
            Catradora & Glimbow leave the castle to take care of a rogue Horde bot. It’s the first fight for She-ra post-Heart (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
            Adora admits her first fantasy of Catra back in ‘the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you’ (in ‘to have & hold’).
2~ weeks post-canon:
            Catra wants attention and climbs into Adora’s lap during a hang out (‘undivided attention’).
            Safe words established (in ‘to have & hold’).
3~ weeks post-canon:
            Catra wakes up from a nightmare and climbs the castle, Adora panics when she can’t find her (in ‘and i’ll be home’).
            Shower scene & talking about ‘when the time is right’ for their first time (in ‘to have & hold’).
            Glimmer notices how fast they’re going through haircare products and Catra gets stuff for her fur ordered (in ‘return from civility’).
1 month~ post-canon:
            First time (‘in these arms’). Making out under a tree in the garden and getting caught same day (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’). Few days after: discussion of their jealousy in the Horde (‘jealous sea (comes like waves & i can't breathe)’ CH2)
            Catra, Adora, & Glimmer shopping trip for new clothes. Catra admits her colourblindness (‘i still know the new you’).
            Catra’s new furcare supplies arrive (in ‘return from civility’). In two weeks, she’s softer than ever.
            Day of Catra backsliding healing but trying her best with Melog’s help, bickering a little with Swift Wind when he visits. Mentions of Bow making a proposal that evening for a plan to distribute tech, including She-ra installing large arrays. The plan is still being pitched. Mentions of Entrapta bringing up “re-integrating” Hordak in the last meeting, but for now he is doing his community service research out of Dryl. (‘dawn after the long dark’).
            Scorpia brings up Shadow Weaver’s garden, Catra tells them to dismantle it (in ‘return from civility’).
            Melog finds the observatory where they decide to make their den (in ‘make a home’).
            Catra plays with Adora’s hand using her tail while she’s trying to work (in ‘return from civility’).
            Catra gives Melog a pillow for their den (in ‘make a home’).
            Catra shreds a pillow kneading (in ‘return from civility’).
            Catra tells Adora why Adora wasn’t supposed to talk about the scent marking (in ‘return from civility’).
             Almost hooking up in the gym, interrupted by Bow (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’). Few days after, almost hooking up on the war table, interrupted by Frosta (rip) (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’).
            Catra requisitions her lute (in ‘implications’). Gets it a few days later.
2~ months post-canon:
            First Adora topping (and subbing lbr) time a bit after (in ‘to have & to hold’).
            Making out in Fright Zone closet while Catra’s decommissioning it, interrupted by Rogelio (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’). Adora has her new clothes from the tailor. Scorfuma had their first time that morning (mentioned).
            Melog shows Catra their den and collection of soft gifts (in ‘make a home’).
            Micah discovers Melog’s den and asks Catra about it (in ‘make a home’).
            She-ra helps Catra’s first baking attempt on her own (in ‘at beck & call’).
3 months-5 months~ post-canon:
            She-ra and Catra go out to a small village for a day to help them rebuild (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
            Glimmer tells Catra about tokens and she realizes she doesn’t have one to give (in ‘a token of our love’).
            Catra breaks a string on her lute and realizes others can hear her play (in ‘implications’).
            She-ra grows some plants in a field (in ‘at beck & call’).
            Melog brings Adora to their den so she can draw (in ‘make a home’).
            Week of getting interrupted, (mentions of Entrapta working on upgrading Darla for their road trip), finally getting to be together (in ‘golden string tying us through everything’).
            Adora goes away for two weeks to work on rebuilding Salineas. Catra bonds with Bow and Glimmer during the time (‘anti-isolation’).
             Catra plays her lute for Glimmer & Adora (in ‘implications’).
             She-ra installs a large tech array and Catra avoids her (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
             Catra agrees to duet with Bow (in ‘implications’).
             Adora turns into She-ra for a net-ball game (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’ and ‘at beck & call’).
             Catra has She-ra in bed for the first time (in ‘the other half of you (exposure therapy)’).
            She-ra and Catra play tag (in ‘at beck & call’).
            Adora accidentally subs and then they talk about doing it on purpose (‘peace in letting go’ CH1).
             Catra and Adora try proper d/s for the first time (‘peace in letting go’ CH2).
             She-ra breaks a window playing ball (in ‘at beck & call’).
             Adora turns into She-ra so Catra can knead on her (in ‘at beck & call’).
             Catra has a panic attack during sex with She-ra (‘red’).
             Adora turns into old She-ra so Catra can knead (in ‘to lie with the enemy’).
5-6 months~ post-canon:
            Adora & Catra talk about tokens (in ‘a token of our love’).
            Drunken “Glitra confession” at girl’s night (‘chardonnay’).
6-8 months~ post-canon:
            Adora gives Catra her pin (in ‘a token of our love’).
            She-ra becomes a jungle gym for kids at a festival (in ‘at beck & call’).
            BFS goes on 2 week out journey in Darla, gone for a month, as an exploratory mission before their big road trip (in/mentioned in ‘the beginning is the end’).
9-12 months~ post-canon:
             Adora turns into She-ra for a ball after ripping her dress (in ‘at beck & call’).
            Glimbow take Catra and Adora shopping secretly to surprise each other with their outfits for the annual peace celebration ball (in ‘she is your eyes, you are her heart’).
1 year post-canon:
            Glimbow engagement, 1 year annual peace celebration ball, She-ra tied up (‘dancing around the red line’).
1 year 1 month~ post-canon: Catradora proposal (in ‘foundations’).
1 year 1 month+ post-canon:
             Catradora begin building their house & tell people they’re engaged (in ‘foundations’).
             House foundations go up and wedding planning (in ‘foundations’).
             House finishes, furniture is mostly in, Adora works on transplanting their garden (in ‘foundations’).
             Wedding dress fittings (in ‘foundations’).
             Wedding (they’re wives, mentioned in ‘foundations’).
2 years+ post-canon:
             Catra ties She-ra up at their house this time (‘peace in letting go’ CH3).
             Catra is gaining comfortable weight, Adora wants to get a tattoo, talks to her about it after a few days. Gets the tattoo soon after. 3 weeks after the tattoo, she turns into She-ra to find it has stayed (‘her heart on her sleeve’).
3 years+ post-canon:
             Glimbow royal wedding (not directly referenced, though it is mentioned in ‘foundations’ it will take them 2 years minimum to plan a royal wedding).
            5 years~ post-canon: Glimbow have their only child, a son they name Angel (Angel appears in “You & I (& Me) which follows the canon of OotW, though its events are not canon to OotW itself).
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
swiftgron themes part 2 - night night night!
like 90% of swiftgron songs reference late at night or early in the morning.  really brings some context to dianna tweeted ab hanging out w taylor at 2 am and taylor sleeping all day afterwards lol
red songs:
22 - the whole song takes place at night starting w “it feels like a perfect night”
starlight - is ofc at night because “starlight” and several mentions of night
everything has changed - “meet me there tonight”
come back... be here - “4 am the second day”
treacherous - “two headlights shine through the sleepless night”
1989 songs:
style - “midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights”
ootw - “the night we couldn't quite forget”
iwyw - “It's 2 A.M. in your car”
this love - “struggled through the night with someone new” 
ikp - “in the dead of night, you're eyes so green”
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reputation by the one & only @taylorswift
wowowowow i have ~LOTS~ of emotions about this album (don’t worry they’re all good) so um let’s start with
track 1- ...ready for it?: this was the second time we found out taylor could rap (first time was thug story, duh) and she killed it just like she killed the old taylor ;))
track 2- end game: ngl i was a little nervous for this since it was future & ed but i was pleasantly surprised at how much of a bop this song is! i love the ‘big reputation’ part
track 3- i did something bad: OH MY GOSHSJSJS THIS SONG !!! this song is one of my favs from the album she sounds so bad and i am living for it tbh
track 4- don’t blame me: ANOTHER one of my favs, this song is so so so good ! side note i can 100% hear this song playing during riverdale
track 5- delicate: this song is really sweet especially the “is it cool that i said all that, is it chill that you’re in my head” part :)
track 6- look what you made me do: girl this song deserves to be the lead single, it’s so iconic like wOW the old taylor is dead
track 7- so it goes...: as soon as i saw this i thought of “so it goes, he can’t keep his wild eyes on the road” and this song actually really reminds me of that song too!! it’s sOO good
track 8- gorgeous: this song was one of my favs out of all the singles it’s so cute and relatable awwwh
track 9- getaway car: AGSKSHJSD another of my favorites because it’s so good and the lyrics >>>>>> !!! i love everything about it and could go on forever about it
track 10- king of my heart: it’s so sWEET ! joe & taylor are the best and i love how happy she is with him it’s the cutest ,, she’s found love & i couldn’t not be happier for her
track 11- dwoht: MAJOR ootw vibes from this song (“we moved the furniture so we could dance” // “we were dancing, dancing with our hands tied”) i jam out to it whenever it comes on shuffle!!
track 12- dress: HOLYYYY COW this song is like wildest dreams on steroids that’s all i’m gonna say bc i could also go on and on about it
track 13- tiwwchnt: MY FAVORITE AT THE MOMENT she’s so condescending and sassy i literally love it so much AND THE LAUGH , actually more like a cackle , IS THE BEST THING EVER LITERALLY I LOVE
track 14- ciwyw: my second fav of the singles she’s doing better than ever and thE ACOUSTIC VERSION ON SNL IS THE REASON I AM ALIVE that is all
track 15- new year’s day: another favorite, she’s so in love & happy & agajsjsjjs so many feels i love this so much i’m so happy that she’s happy and i’m in love with her being in love !!!!
all right that’s my review of rep, @taylorswift this is (in my opinion) your best work so far you’ve come so far & i will continue to love and support you forever💫🖤
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1989 review
Welcome to New York
~ Kaldiscope ~
Ok but I can totally imagine someone getting to the city for the first time and strutting down the street and spinning around
A smiling beaming on their face
Your moving in with a friend
It's the beautiful place that's different and unlimited
Blank space
This one is great to sing, great energy by the end it ends up more like a scream and over exaggerated gesticulate movements. Especially when you get to "Screaming crying perfect storms" and when you get to the bridge - "don't say I didn't don't say I didn't warn you." The clicking of the pen is one of my fav things.
Ughhhhh style is soooooo good. This is a proper strutting song and I love that she performed it during the Victoria secret fashion show. This one is nice when you're walking around outside and there's the illumination from cars passing by. OMGOMG OMG ALSO LIKR UMMM HELLO THIS PART WHEN I DAW IT IN CONCERT IM CRYIG. I was front row in the center of the car walk
Out of the woods.
When this first came out it was like WOW. Another fav from the album. If you haven't experienced this song literally running in the woods you're doing not wrong. This song while your running and feeling a certain way - you will start balling. With enchanted I could hear the background vocals right away when I heard it. This song I didn't notice it until I heard it in concert. The ahhh ah ah ahhh ah ah. Everything about this song is perfection.
All you had to do was stay
This is one of my favorite songs to run to. Part of me feels like this song is character development like things are changing and Taylors realizing it. To no one's surprise my favorite part is the bridge.
I wish you would
Headlights pass... a good line. This song doesn't stand out /that/ much to me especially after all you had to do was stay. But it's still a bop.
Bad blood: an epic music video. A song to listen to when your pissed or need an energy release.
Wildest Dreams: this was one of my favs when the album first came out. Whenever I listen to this song I have a very vivid picture in my mind starting with driving a convertible out of town. Your hair blowing in the wind. A lot of scenic shots of the environment as well as of him. You are a cabin you have some intimate moments. There also has to be a scene when there is a big fish of wind when she starts singing.
How you get the girl:
Seeing this in concert changed how I view this song. It's fun. It has a nice aesthetic. It's next to OOTW it's my favorite song to run to - i go hard, it's a good song to sprint the end of the run with.
This love:
I am surprised that this isn't my favorite song on the album but I appreciate that it's on the album. It's very soft and slow. And is still very different than clean which would be seen as the other slow song. I like that she says wildest dreams in the song I like any tidbit that connects other songs together. Again the bridge - the best part.
I know places: has always been in my top 4 (along with style, OOTW, and Wildest Dreams). (Sometimes I forget how HARRY this album in, anyways...)
Clean: very important song. Her clean speech was one of the best parts of tour. I remember walking in the rain listening to this song during a bad time but it was also starting to get better. It all gets better
Wonderland: can we talk about how good and cohesive all of the bonus tracks are with rest of the album. "Cheshire cat smile 🐱 "
You are in love: another pretty song that I'm surprised isn't my fav. Between this and this love, I think I like this one more. Wow, we just drove past rows and rows of yellow leaves trees while listening to this and it was a beautiful moment.
New Romantics: a bop. Is there anything else to say. Just dance along.
What's interesting about this album is there's no bad song. I wish you would isn't anything special but I wouldn't necessarily skip it. Whereas if with RED there are songs where I'm like ehh sometimes. But also RED has the masterpiece that is All too well and I MEAN...
I'm surprised that 1) I was able to listen to this entire album during this car ride but also 2) that I was able to write this considering I easily get car sick but I think since I was typing and not reading. Also, I haven't eaten anything and I'm starving so it's not as easy to get nauseous.
I love the voice memos. My fav parts of a new album besides the music is hearing the backstory and how the song was created. Whether that's the lyrics or the music or vocals.
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Made by: @thisis-theworthwhilefight​ and @tayblrswift​
Tagged by: @shegotharderinthenickoftime
1. Mysterious Chainsaw Plane Tay: What’s your name? Age? Where are you from? Macie. I’m 17. I’m from Pennsylvania (except nowhere near where taylor was born)
2. Leatherclad Motorcycle Tay: Strongest lyrics of Taylor’s: This is rude. All of her lyrics get me. But lately it’s been “When I was drowning that’s when I could finally breathe” and “Just because you’re clean don’t mean you don’t miss it. Ten months older I won’t give in. Now that I’m clean I’m never gonna risk it.” and especially “The water filled my lungs I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing” because all of those lyrics were my life. Clean was my life and I’m forever thankful for that song now. 
3. Stream Co. Cat Burglar Tay: When did Tay first steal your heart: I was about age 6. I don’t really remember it much, but it was definitely when Tim McGraw came out. I remember when Picture to Burn came out as a single, I was still 6, and my parents would always go “And what are boys?” and I would reply with “JUST ANOTHER PICTURE TO BURN” and that’s honestly pretty cute.
4. Furry Mountaintop Tay: Proudest moment as a Tay fan: When my mom got super excited when look what you made me do came out. she was nearly as excited as i was.
5. Red Tour Circus Ringleader Tay: Most under appreciated song of Tay’s: i’m not good with under appreciated songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um.... if this was a movie? it’s such a good song i feel like it’s not talked about a super lot.
6. Fearless Tour Sparkly Tay: Which era of Tay do you miss the most: Red probably. Speak now too. But mostly red.
7. “Getting receipts” Tay: Favorite hint or reference Tay included in a liner note, lyric, or music video: the secret message in last kiss being ‘forever and always’.
8. VMAs 2009 Tay: One thing you wish Tay’s haters stop saying: That she’s annoying and plays the victim. and that they would just admit that she’s a bomb-ass person and songwriter and fully love her like we all do.
9. Met Gala 2014 Tay: What were you doing when Reputation was announced: you guys. i was in the bathroom at a walmart peeing. and i got on tumblr (this is tmi but sometimes i get really shy when i have to pee in public places so i usually have to chill and wait until my bladder’s like ‘okay i can pee now’) and i saw a picture and underneath it it said “reputation, nov 10, 2017″ and i was on mobile so the picture was a grey box and it wouldn’t load for a while and i went DON’T YOU BE SHITTING WITH ME and then the picture loaded and i went through my dash and saw that it was legit. so yeah. peeing at walmart. memorable.
10. Dancing Dominatrix Tay: Most shocking thing Tay has ever done: the speech she gave when she won that award for ikywt like when she said ‘and to the guy who this is about, you know EXACTLY who you are’ or whatever. or dear john in general. OR THE JOE JONAS BARBIE DOLL THING AND ROASTING HIM ON ELLEN.
11. Junior Jewels: Squad member you’re the biggest fan of: Karlie. I named one of our guinea pigs after her. It was the first name I suggested when we got her and neither of my parents really liked it. We wanted a K name since our other guinea pig is named Kyra, but they didn’t like Karlie. I kept suggesting it, and guess who won that round? (ps it’s me her name is karlie)
12. OOTW Zombie Tay #RIP: One thing from a previous era you wish she would bring back: RED! ERA! HAIR! AND! THE! SPARKLY! GUITAR!  
13. Spill the tea Tay: Most and least favorite song of Tay’s:
Favorite-i refuse to answer this question i can’t pick i love all of them
Least- i love all of them i literally do not have a least favorite. but i don’t listen to never grow up and the best day that much bc they make me cry. but they’re not my least favorite they just make me emotional and sometimes i just don’t feel like being emotional
14. Shake it off Tay- Favorite of Tay’s Dance moves: all of them. i just love how she does what she wants
15. Caged bird Tay: Favorite look of Tay: um. the entirety of the red era. i love a lot of her outfits. there’s a few that i don’t like but for the most part i love all of them. she constantly slays.
I tag : @ezepeze11 @newronantics @kaylakoalas and whoever else feels like doing this.
This was such a creative tag. I loved doing it!!!!!
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