#oops i guess i should've finished this
Caitvi x reader who just goes along with things and doesn't state their opinion or how they feel,but they do get quiet or tense when they're uncomfortable or pick their nails. But if your alright with angst maybe they get overwhelmed or hurt or both,but still refuse,so they force it out of them,and they're hurt like "why didn't you tell us?.." or something,it's comfort.if it's a little to dark I'll ask something else😭 sorry if it is
Hi! It's not too dark at all. To let it be known, I'm fine with writing angst! If you're curious about how much is too much, you can simply message me! I hope y'all enjoy the fic.
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"You Can Tell Us." | CaitVi x Reader
╰┈➤ PLOT: In the household where you grew up, expressing your opinion wasn't tolerated. Hell, expressing your emotions wasn't tolerated either. To keep the peace, you learned to not say anything in stressful situations, even if that means sacrificing your well-being.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Yelling, Co-Workers Being Assholes, Name Calling, Hurt/Comfort(?), Pet Names, Cursing, Not Proofread
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Your whole life you were the person who kept the peace. You were someone who bit their tongue to avoid getting yelled at or offered solutions to problems that had nothing to do with you. If there was a solution to a problem or a way to avoid conflict, you were the person who chose those options.
So, why did this have to happen to you?
At your place of work, you were minding your business. You finished some paperwork earlier than planned and decided to take an early break. Then, four of your team members rushed into the break room.
"Do you think you can sit here and have us do all the work?" "You have some nerve making us look like the bad guys." "You're a lazy piece of shit. I don't know how you even made it this far."
The words pierced your skin and heart like darts to a board. You didn't dare to say anything back. Stunned in the moment, you took a sip of your water. Your eyes focused on the plain wall behind your teammates.
"And look, now they're spacing out like we're not even here," a co-worker buzzed. He scoffed. He leaned down in front of you and waved his hand in your face. "Hello? Anyone home?"
When he didn't get a response, he knocked on your skull.
You gave them nothing. Tears stung in your eyes.
"Wow, shocker! No one's home," he laughed. The rest of the team followed. Fulfilled, the man hummed. "Guess that's what happens when you hire an airhead who's probably having relations with the boss." the man put his hand on the table, cornering you in.
Your eyes remained on the wall. You weren't having an affair with the boss, but you didn't feel the need to say anything.
He shifted himself into your eyesight. A sinister smirk tugged on the corner of his lips. He took the tip of his finger and tipped the bottom of your cup. The cup fell over, the clear liquid soaking through your shirt and lap.
The laughter roared.
"Oops!" he feigned a gasp. He pulled away from you, his hand on his chest. "Guess you should've been more careful. It's okay," the man gave a fake smile, "holding cups is hard."
A cackle ripped through him as he leaned his head back. He shoved his hands in his pockets then turned around and left. The others flocked after him like ducklings to a parent.
Hot tears ran down your cheeks when they were out of sight. You forced yourself out of your chair and dragged your feet towards the paper towels.
Sobs scratched your throat at your pathetic attempt to dry your shirt. You were drenched through and it was cold out. Only six more hours left.
Home and on the couch, you stared at the wall to calm yourself down. With your nervous system still on the rocks, chews on your lips and nails, and an unfocused gaze, the attempt was a failure.
"Vi, that was completely inappropriate and not needed!" Caitlyn scolded as the two of them walked into the house. In the right mindset, you would greet them and ask how their day was, but because of today's earlier events, you didn't hear them come in.
"Oh, come on, Cupcake," Vi spoke. A chuckle followed her sentence. "All I did was curse him out a little and threaten him." the pinkette threw off her boots. Caitlyn carefully slipped her feet out of her own. "Don't act like you didn't like it," her tone was sing-songy.
The bluenette's cheeks were dusted pink. She put her hands on her hips, watching Vi's smirk grow as they kept eye contact. "I-It... It was fine, but it wasn't needed."
"Come on!" Vi threw her hands up. She hopped and spun on the balls of her feet as she entered the living room. "Muffin," Vi gave you a playful pout. She sat beside you on the couch, her arm resting on your shoulder. She gave you her signature puppy eyes. "Am I the bad guy for telling one of Caitlyn's employees to get their shit together or else their job is on the line?"
"That is not what you said," Caitlyn rebutted. She found her place on your other side.
Vi hummed, shrugging. "So, maybe I paraphrased a lil'. What's the harm?"
"The harm is you're trying to sweeten up your side of the story to be more appealing," Caitlyn narrowed her eyes toward Vi. Vi only grinned in response.
Vi put her gaze back on you. "Is it workin', Muffin?"
You're far gone. You haven't moved and the chewing on your nails got worse. You haven't blinked in so long, your eyes were producing tears to regain moisture.
"Muffin?" Vi leaned closer to your face. The tears now slid down your cheeks and your chest heaved up and down. Vi glanced to Caitlyn who was already scanning you to see if there was something physically wrong.
When she couldn't find anything, Caitlyn shook her head to reassure Vi of your physical safety.
Nothing was wrong physically which meant something emotionally or mentally was bothering you. Vi frowned. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Muffin. Hey." Her voice was clear and firm. She was sure her voice had no hint of sadness to not push you over the edge. However, if you looked into her eyes, you would find them glassy with dilated pupils.
Caitlyn's eyes were similar. Her blue irises darkened in concern, fear, and anxiety; all the words she could use to describe how disheveled she was feeling.
Not seeing you move, Vi shook your shoulder. "Muffin. Snap out of it. What's going on?"
Caitlyn brought a hand to your thigh. She gave your thigh a gentle squeeze.
With another squeeze to your thigh from Caitlyn and a squeeze on your shoulder from Vi, you finally blinked. The moisture in your eyes made a reappearance. You looked between the two of them, pulling your nail out of your mouth. "Huh?"
"You've been staring at the wall. Cait and I came home a while ago and you haven't said a word," Vi whispered. Her grip on your shoulder turned into comforting rubs.
"Oh, I'm fine," you force a smile. Caitlyn deadpanned. She pulled her gaze to Vi who wore the same unphased face.
"You're not fine. It's okay to not be fine, dear," Caitlyn stroked your thigh. Her eyes were filled with sadness, the same with Vi's grey eyes.
"I promise, I'm fine."
"Bullshit!" scoffed Vi.
"No, they're not fine. That's obvious!" Vi removed her hand from your shoulder. Instead, she got up from the couch to resume her sentence. "I should've known you weren't okay. You didn't do that cute greeting of yours when your face lights up and you squeeze us like you haven't seen us in years."
You shifted in your seat, a frog in your throat. Tears well up in your eyes again, but this time, these tears are from sadness. You scratched your palm with your nails.
Caitlyn sighed. "I, too, should've noticed the change in your behavior. I guess we were too wrapped up in our own drama to notice," Caitlyn took a glimpse of Vi's expression.
Her eyebrows were furrowed, the skin between them creased. She'd squeeze her hands into fists and then let go repeatedly as a fidget.
Caitlyn took Vi's anger as a sign she should resume speaking. "We're not trying to force you into telling us, but if you're not okay, you can. We're here to comfort you, be your rock when you can't be your own." Caitlyn shuffled to squat in front of you. She doesn't force you to look at her, but you can see her worried eyes in your peripheral vision.
"Being with the two of you taught me it's okay to depend on others," Caitlyn admitted. "I want to be the person who can have anything under control and can come off as collected, but keeping all my frustrations inside or innermost thoughts can be challenging."
Vi calmed herself down enough to sit on the floor. She rested her head on your knee and put a hand on Caitlyn's leg.
Gaining comfortability, you slid down the couch. You sat between them with your back resting on the couch's edge. Vi's head repositioned itself to your shoulder and Caitlyn's moved to your other knee.
With her sitting adjustment, Caitlyn continued. "I don't want you to feel like you have to be the strong one. I don't want you to feel like you can't be vulnerable with us or even disagree with us."
"Yeah, Muffin," Vi's voice broke as she spoke. "Disagree or angry, we're going to love you the same. Confrontation comes with life." Vi dragged her hand down her face. "It's shit sometimes, but you gotta work your way through it, yanno?"
A heavy sigh escaped your body. You threw your head back onto the cushions and covered your face. You sobbed behind your hands. Your heart sank; your chest tightened. That frog in your throat grew into a toad. You babbled about this morning's events and how helpless you felt.
Anyone who wasn't familiar with you wouldn't be able to decipher what you muttered behind your hands. Luckily for you, your girlfriends know you inside and out. Even if it takes them a bit to notice when something's off.
The two of them pulled you in a tight embrace. They didn't speak or make efforts to shush you as you spilled your guts to them. Vi made a conscious decision not to let her anger get the best of her.
Although, those guys had no clue what was in store for them tomorrow morning.
Caitlyn also thought about making a visit to the office, but to complain to HR about the events. Not to find the culprits and make them pay. She was sure Vi had that handled. (Caitlyn would also have to handle her later.)
When your sobs calmed and your breathing evened, Vi spoke first. "They're a couple of dicks."
Caitlyn didn't feel the need to scold her.
"They should know how to treat a human being. Guess you can't do that when you're a shitty human, huh?" Vi chuckled to lighten the mood, but there was no joy behind her laugh. Only pure rage. "I'll fuck them up for you, don't worry." Vi placed a tender kiss on the side of your head. "I'll run you a bath, mkay? You should wash the day off of you."
"What about you and Cait's argument or whatever?" You peeled your head off the cushion to look at them. Everything was blurry behind your tears, but you could make out their frames and silhouettes. "Don't you need help?"
"Taking care of you is much more important than some silly fight," Caitlyn whispered. She smoothed the area on top of your head. Her delicate fingers brushed against your ear lobe as she brought them down. Her polished fingernails carefully traced the outside of your lobe. "Vi and I are big girls. I'm sure we can figure it out."
Vi grinned. "Hey, what fight?" she winked at the both of you.
A sad chuckle left your body. For a moment, relief washed over you. Once your chuckle finished though, the heaviness came back.
"Hey," Caitlyn's hand ran down your cheek. She wiped your tears with her thumb, Vi copied. "How about we get food from your favorite restaurant? I can go pick it up while Vi prepares your bath."
"I think that's a great idea," Vi used the back of her hand to soothe the skin on your cheek. "What do you think? Does that sound good, Muffin?"
You gave them a meek shrug.
"That looks like a maybe." Caitlyn giggled. "What if I add in dessert? would it be a yes then?"
"Oh, Muffin, say yes! Say yes! She's offering dessert!" Vi grabbed onto your arm. She shook you like a kid begging their parent for ice cream.
A genuine laugh came from your throat. Finally, all the pain is released from you. You don't know what made it leave. Maybe the sound of dessert or Vi's childlike begging. Or maybe it was the fact that Caitlyn and Vi cared for you enough to sit down and work through whatever problem you were facing.
For the first time in your life, you felt safe. Truly safe. You felt as if you could freely speak your mind without the underlying fear of rejection. You could say what you want.
"Okay," you gave the both of them a slight smile. "I think that sounds nice."
"Oh, yes! I love you, I love you, I love you!" Vi wrapped her arms around your body and pulled you on top of her. She gave you a bone-crushing squeeze.
"Vi!" you laughed.
Caitlyn laughed as well. She stood up and went to put her shoes and coat on. "Don't hurt them, Vi."
"Could never, Cupcake," Vi said from under you. "Now, hurry on and fetch us our dinner, woman! Mama's hungry."
Caitlyn scoffed, smiling. "Mama? Woman? Who are you talking to right now?"
"Oop," you muttered, grinning at Vi. "You're in trouble," you taunted in a whisper.
Vi playfully narrowed her eyes at you. She glanced at Caitlyn with an innocent and playful grin. "The tallest, cutest Cupcake in the world?"
"Right," Caitlyn dragged out the word. She opened the door. "I'll be back soon. You two stay out of trouble." and with another laugh, Caitlyn left the house.
Vi hummed. "I think she secretly liked being called 'Mama'."
You perked a brow. "Sure, she did, babe... Can we go draw my bath now?"
"Can I join you?"
WC: 2,285
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holycrimin · 2 months
Is It Casual Now?
12!Donnie x Reader
AN: wrote this on a whim bc I'm bored and am procrastinating. and also because we don't get enough friends-to-lovers fics lmao (also might make a sequel?). also might be ooc? idk
warnings(?): not alot, mild cussing?, might be a little ooc, mention of apritello but only brief,
It was a warm summer night...
Actually, who were you kidding? It was freezing. Okay, wait, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. It was still cold though, you stand by that.
"Want me to lower the AC? You look like you're dying."
"hrnn... But what about your experiment-thingy-thing? Wouldn't that like... affect it or something? Or was that the other one?" You ask, sniffling. Oh yeah, did you mention you were sick? Because you're sick. Sick as hell! Haha! haha...
No but seriously, you felt like you were dying. You bet it's not even that cold.
"Nah, don't worry that was the other one. It's in the freezer."
"Aw dude, Mikey might eat it or something."
"No he won't, there're like, a million warning stickers on that thing, he wouldn't—" You gave him a look,
"Crap." He ran out of his lab and went straight to the freezer.
Wait a minute, why were you here again?
Oh yeah, the project. And to hang out with Donnie, sure that too.
He came back with his experiment-thingy clutched in his arms. You sniff, "Dude—" "—Gross,"
"Shut up, anyway,"
"Why didn't you put it in your freezer? You literally have one right there." You pointed at the small metal box (that you're pretty sure he built himself) next to his desk.
"Because there's ice cream in there, and I don't want to share with my brothers."
"So what's your plan now?"
"Should we like.. eat some of the ice cream to make room for your weird jelly-thing, orr..."
"Well I didn't think that far, sure, why not." He places the container down on his desk and takes out a small tub of vanilla ice cream.
"Ew, vanilla? that's so... Vanilla." You smile,
"Excuse you, that's for me. This, is for you." He says, taking out an equally sized tub of cookies and cream.
"Bro that vanilla has nuts in it, you like your ice cream with nuts? Ew."
"Oh nevermind, guess this is going back in the freezer," He takes the tub of cookies and cream ice cream and tries to put it back in his freezer.
"Wait, hold on, your honor I'm innocent!"
He chuckles, you smile.
"Shut up, dork, take the ice cream."
"Speak for yourse— Oh, oops, nevermind I forgot you had full control of my ice cream privileges."
"Mhm, yeah, that's what I thought."
He hands you a spoon and you notice a little red button at the bottom of it.
"What's this for?"
"For heating up the spoon so that we wouldn't have to wait like, half an hour to eat the icecream."
"God, that's such a good idea, you're a genius."
"Yeah, I know right?"
The two of you laugh as you both open your tubs of ice cream. Well, it was more of an attempt in your part. You eventually got Donnie to open it for you.
"Oh wait, my project... Whatever, it's the weekend, I'll do it tomorrow."
"And that's why you end up pulling all-nighters and get all grumpy on us when we talk to you on schooldays."
"Shh... SShhhut up. Eat your ice cream."
He chuckles.
It's quiet.
"Soo... How're things with April?"
And that is definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Eh.. You know. The same it always is."
And back to quiet. It's nice, but you wish it wasn't so awkward.
"..I should've given you soup instead. Giving you ice cream was a bad choice on my part." He stand up to take the ice cream (which was already a quarter finished, by the way) from you.
"Aww, come on Don. I can have the— ha..." You sneeze, "..have the soup later. After ice cream."
He snorts, "Come on," he gently puts the back of his hand on your throat, then your forehead.
"Oh damn, I did that as a joke, but you're seriously burning up. Yeah, no, I'm getting you soup."
You let out a whine of defeat as the tub of ice cream gets taken away from you, and hey, was it this cold before?
"I'll get you a blanket too. Why'd you even come here anyway?" He smiles a little, "And don't say that you needed help with your schoolwork. We already covered that like, a week ago? Get some rest, man." Before he leaves, he puts the experiment-jelly-thingamabob in the freezer.
Why were you here?
Easy, you liked hanging out with him.
Because he's fun to be around?
Might need to think deeper than that.
Who are you, my therapist?
You're literally talking to yourself.
Whatever. Because... I don't know, he makes me.. happy? that sounds weird.
Yeah. Keep going anyway.
This self analysis thing is getting weird.
And he's back. You smile.
"I got some hot chocolate too. Had to be quiet though." He covers the both of you with the blanket, and hands you the soup.
"Damn, you're cold too?"
"Yeah duh, turtles are cold-blooded."
"So you've said."
He leans back,
"You gonna finish your little experiment here?"
"Maybe. I'm tired."
"What time is it?"
"Uhh.." He checks his t-phone, "1:10 AM."
"Whatt... You're telling me I've been here for six hours?" It's fine, your parents were out of town. You liked it better here anyway.
"Also, I really don't think you should get that close to me dude. I'm, in your words, 'seriously burning up'."
"Ughh.. but you're warm. And I don't wanna get up." He dramatically lays his head on your shoulder, fake-snuggling up to you.
He gets a laugh out of you, he grins.
"I'm tired."
"Yeah, me too." Donnie yawns, pressing a button on his remote. Suddenly, the lights started to dim.
You let out a breathless chuckle, "When'd you install that?"
"A couple weeks ago. You said you didn't like how bright the lights were. So I made this remote to dim the lights, then I got distracted and made more options, then turned it into a slider... then just... booshhh... yeah."
"You remembered that?"
"Of course."
That's actually pretty sweet.
You smile at him. "Yeah?"
"Mhm. I'm gunna.... sleep. G'night."
And like that, he was out like a light. You just realized how close he was to you.
He's next to you, head basically on the crook of your neck. Both of you sharing the same thick blanket, with the empty bowl of soup that you didn't realize you had finished, and the half empty cup of hot chocolate.
And now, you start thinking to yourself,
Is there more to this?
No, you're just friends. Right?
But that tiny voice in your head that's getting increasingly bigger as the minute passes, is asking you:
Do friends do this for eachother?
Are you sure?
What else could it be? What else could we be?
Do friends go out of their way to show up to your school in a disguise while it was pouring out to take you home?
He's just like that. He's nice, he's caring.
Do friends install fancy advanced remote-controlled lights just for you because you mentioned once how the lights were overwhelming?
..He's my friend. I'd do the same for him. Well, If I had the smarts.
But the difference is that you know how you feel.
Well.. Yeah.
Do friends leave lingering touches?
..Didn't he say he had a heater in here?
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
Hi! Can I make a request? I simply loved the fanfic you made of Andrew and Ashley as cats! I think it would be very comical to live with these two as cats, can I ask you for a sequel? Like with Andrew suffering from love for the reader and also with his yandere tendencies to keep every man away from the reader?
Ask and you shall receive.
Also, I appreciate that there are people interested my work
Bad Cats!!! [Part 2]
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Warning ⚠️ : yandere tendencies and such, reader has bad memory i guess, I don't know how to put up warnings, so read at your own risk
A/n: Sorry, it wasn't exactly what you expected it to be.
Finishing the project that your incompetent boss pushed onto you, press save and close your work laptop, and you stretch to relive your aching muscles.
"Meow!" Oops. You accidentally woke up Andrew, but he didn't jump off your lap like any normal cat. He just continued cuddling up to you. Andrew was not a normal cat, personality-wise. Where Ashley was the classic feral street cat that turned into those stereotypical house cats.
Lately, you've been having a reoccurring dream about being in an embrace of a guy with black hair and green eyes whispering something that you can't really remember. Something about him felt familiar, but you couldn't really figure out what.
When you told Nina about this, the only thing she said was; "He sounds hot. Maybe that's your soulmate." Why you still confide in her is a whole other mystery. However, when you told Julia about your reoccurring dream, she said, "It's weird that you remember it in detail." And that's true, you don't remember most of your dreams, but when you do, it's always blurry.
Well, whatever. you have chores to do, and you can't procrastinate. Carefully taking Andrew off of your lap and got to work. Funny enough, neither Ashley nor Andrew reacted to the vacuum. They just left the room.
Those two are such strange cats.
Once you finished the chores, you were about to make dinner, but it seemed that you were missing a few ingredients, which was weird because you were sure there was enough from yesterday.
Oh, well. It's time to buy more. Before you head out the door, you announce to the cats that you'll be out for a bit. You lock the door and leave to the supermarket.
Now, it was just Andrew and Ashley left there. Neither of them changed from their cat forms, but you could see the look Andrew was giving Ashley.
"What?" She asked, there was no answer. "If she didn't want anyone to eat it, she should've put a sign or something."
"She already thinks we're strange. She doesn't need to know that one of us turns human just to raid her fridge while she's sleeping." Andrew decided to break his judgmental silence, and that was pretty hypocritical of him considering what he dose.
Ashley rolled her eyes at her brother. She didn't find this to be a big deal. Besides, you weren't suspicious of anything. But it seemed that that wasn't the reason for his grumpy attitude.
And Ashley noticed that.
"Listen, if you're still hung up on the fact that she might find someone and metaphorically ride into the sunset with them. Why don't you just... "Tie her down to you."...?" Andrew continued to stare at her blankly.
That was kind of irritating her.
"God! Do I have to spell it out for you? Get. Her. Pregnant!"
Andrew was shocked, to say the least.
Ashley decides to defend her answer. "I mean, if you don't want those hussies taking her, that is."
That was a stupid idea, Andrew shook his head and left. Ashley rolled her eyes again at his "dramatic" behavior.
What kind of situation would he be put in to make that kind of decision?
It was a crazy idea.
He's better than that.
Is he, though?
A/n: I could've done better than that, but I hope you enjoyed it.
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bambooshuohuop · 5 months
in which, Zhongli takes care of you when sudden pains go through your body. yet when you keep being careless and neglect your health, he may or may not run out of patience. who knows how extreme he'll get just so you remember?
tags: fluff, short fic, zhongli being a lovely menace, health, nursing back to health, married relationship, sick!reader (not rlly), lowercase
; this is an idea inspired by my own pains :'). take care of your health, everyone!!
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you should've known that your working habits will come to bite you back one day. sitting on a stiff chair for hours, unsupported back hunched unless you crack it back to stretch, your water intake barely existing, and the unhealthy habits of your meal times. all of which took a toll on your mortal body.
only when you start to get sick does it dawn on you how weak your immune system is.
of course, your complexion was something that bothered Zhongli. you were quite pale. in fact, when he was still courting you- he was already a worrywart about your health. if his work permitted him a freetime, he will absolutely take the chance to nurse you.
now your husband, his worry became tenfold. back when he was still single, Zhongli barely uses his paid vacation from work. but due to your carelessness, he began to use them frequently.
❛love, haven't I told you to stretch at least twice a day?❜ he mutters one evening, setting a cup of tea infront of you.
❛I knooowww.❜ you drag off, feeling your whole back ache as you sat idly on a chair. you heard your lover sigh in disappointment, yet you felt his presence coming up from behind— gentle hands gliding from your shoudler blades as he massages them.
❛but I just needed to finish some paperwork. I was so into it, too!❜
❛darling,❜ he calls out softly, ❛those are just some things that can be extended over a period of time. your health is more important than—❜
❛I know, Zhongli. I'm really sorry.❜ you mutter, feeling your muscles loosen as you slowly relax under his hold. you already know his sermon spiels that's about to come out of his mouth. you didn't mean to cut him off, but you've been so tired today. a lecture from your husband isn't really what you need right now.
unbeknownst to you, he was beginning to lose patience. something that never happened before. he was an old god after all, experiences shaped him to be patient and wise. a truly benevolent god befitting for Liyue.
yet when he hears that tone for the nth time. his patience can just snap. not at you but for you. here he was, your husband fretting over your mortal body. you can just disappear from his grasp at anytime. and no matter how much he tries to deny his worry, he does feel scared of losing you.
though here you are, not a shred of care for your own health.
Zhongli knew that falling in love with you will result in a bittersweet relationship. cut short by time taking away the liveliness of your soul. so when he keeps hearing the same apologies over and over with no absolute change done by yourself alone. Zhongli guesses it's time to do things as your husband. he vowed to take care of you after all.
he will help you. even if you do not want to.
❛w- wait! Zhongli, that hurts!❜
❛hm?❜ snapping out of his stupor, he felt you move away from his hands as you whined audibly. your hands weakly attempting to massage your sore back. he had realized that he may have accidentally pressed too hard on the sore spots.
...but well, you do need absolute help, right?
❛oh darling,❜ Zhongli tugs you back on the chair, a sweet smile adorning his face.
oddly enough, you felt a cloud of doom looming over your head by his expression.
❛I did a research yesterday on how to sooth away your stiff shoulders. it has to be like that.❜
❛what?!❜ you basically screeched, forcing your body to scoot away from the devil, ❛you just made that up!❜
❛the books do not lie, darling. now come here, so that I may nurse you back to health.❜
❛w- wait Zhongli, i'm really sorry—!❜
suffice to say, from that day onwards you learn to never piss off Zhongli (even if he doesn't say it out loud). much less the ex-archon of your nation.
forgetting to drink water? now you drink at least 2 Liters a day from the large water bottle your husband had kindly gifted you.
hunched back? don't worry, he had made you a schedule (merging with your work time) to stretch your body every 30 mins. if it truly does hurt to do it by yourself, he'll personally come and help you when he gets home. he recommends not to skip it, even when you're engrossed with your work lest you meet his wrath.
you know that he won't harm you. he loves his spouse too much to do that. however, he won't let you be without consequences and long hours of lecture if you disobey him.
eating times? expect a temporary house husband Zhongli to come to the rescue! prep meals are already by the dining table, all you need to do is heat them up.
❛hm? what is it, dear?❜
❛.....thank you.❜
no matter how much jarring it is for the sudden change of schedule. you truly are grateful for such a doting husband. from then on, you try to be meticulous on your health, just so you wouldn't see the pout on his lips or the furrow on his brow worrying about you— even if it meant enduring to the cruel process of pain. (it's just a massage, you're being dramatic.)
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: By chance(short 1)
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In which Jungkook gets to know his soulmate and can't help but fall deeper and deeper in love.
Tags/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Idol!Jungkook, slight angst, major fluff, no one asked but I still deliver, Jungkook having impure thoughts oops
Length: short/mid
Belongs to: By Chance
"Did you order this much?" He laughs to himself as he brings in all the takeout boxes. You jump up to help, nodding eagerly, your phone now discarded on his couch. You've visited him after he'd asked if you wanted to spend some time with him- get to know him, seeing as you're soulmates.
"I haven't eaten all day - and honestly, I paid for it, so who cares! Those cinnamon bites will still taste good tomorrow morning for breakfast. And before you ask, I do plan on taking this stuff home with me if we don't finish it." You shrug, bringing the other boxes Jungkook couldn't hold into the living room.
"How much do I owe you?" He asks, already taking his phone out, and you just lick your finger after having opened some boxes to look what's what, shaking your head.
"Your honest opinion on the chicken, really. I've never ordered those, but they do look very hot right now, not gonna lie." You say, sitting down before stretching your legs. Your shorts reveal a tattoo on your leg that seems to travel high up- he's spotted a glimpse of something up to your rib when your stretched earlier, rising fabric of your shirt having also revealed a sparkling butterfly hanging from a silver piercing decorating your belly button. It makes him wonder how much more you hide away from his eyes, what might be there to discover for him.
You seem to be such a free spirit- an uncaged bird, open, colorful, exciting. You're infectious too, your bubbly nature easily making him feel all happy and relaxed. And he swears that's not just his soulmate bond speaking. He truly believes he would've at least developed a crush on you no matter the circumstances, really. You're cute, a little wild, testing him as if to see if he's able to tame you. You're exactly his type, not just physically.
Your beauty is simply a bonus- a pretty soul safely tucked into an equally pretty body.
"I love them, even if they're a little greasy. I've got a horrible love for fried foods." He laughs, sitting down to eat across from you.
"Would've never guessed." You smile. "Not to insult you, really. But I always thought every Idol, you know, is obsessed with dieting and staying away from anything that could have more calories than a carrot." You say, before holding a hand towards your mouth, eyes wide. "Oh my God, that sounded so rude, fuck!" You shake your head. "Now I cursed, I'm sorry, fuck- I mean not fuck, shit- I mean-" you whine to yourself putting your face in your hands while Jungkook laughs across from you.
"You're fine, really, it's okay." He reassures. "I'm not that sensitive, and honestly, a lot of idols do be like that." He shrugs.
"Maybe? I mean, I probably shouldn't even bring that topic up. I don't wanna be nosy." You say quietly, stealing a piece of chicken from him before you freeze in your motions. "Oh God I should've asked- why am I like this?!" You scold yourself, and he smiles brightly towards you.
"You're cute, nothing wrong with it." He flirts.
You look at him a little playfully suspicious before you continue eating. "If you're aiming at getting into my pants, I might have to disappoint you, mister." You say, and his eyes widen while he stops chewing for a second. "In front of you sits a very awkward virgin that's not even sure if she even likes sex, or kissing, or anything of that nature really. I'm just putting it out there, lay my cards on the table, I guess." You shrug before taking a sip of your soda.
"May I ask why?" He wonders respectfully, wiping his fingers on a napkin close by. "I'll respect your decision, obviously. I'm just curious, I guess." He clarifies, and you shrug.
"You've got every right to be." You nod, licking your lips. "I guess every guy has always been so.. pushy with it to the point where I didn't want to do it simply just to spite them." You explain, not looking at him. "Wanted to see how they'd react if I said that I didn't want to. You know, neither kiss nor have sex. Like a test, to see if they're any good." You tell him, and he nods.
"And none ever passed the test?" He asks, making you shrug as you look at him now.
"I mean, there's one who's on a pretty good road of maybe being the first to do just that." You say, and he smiles charmingly, fingers playing with his lip ring for a second before he turns serious again.
"All jokes aside, I really am okay with that." He says. "I didn't invite you here to fuck you, nor do I ever plan on doing that. Putting up a facade to tangle you into something, I mean. I'd fuck you if you'd want me to, just to be clear here." He tells you, reaching over to steal a few sips of your drink.
"Well, you stole an indirect kiss now, so that gonna be some points added to your fuckboy-ness." You say, crossing your arms- unaware probably that he now gets a very attractive sight of your cleavage now.
"We can easily make it a direct one too, if you want." He flirts again, and you stay quiet for a second, almost making him apologize- until you actually speak again, softly.
"I mean, I wouldn't mind.." you mumble.
"You don't have to push yourself." He tells you calmly. "I'm sorry if it felt like I was trying to convince you. I'm only joking around."
"No-" you start, looking everywhere but him. "-I, don't know, I actually do wanna try it with you. See if I like it." You say. "But, you know, only if you're up for it too."
"I'd be dumb to say no to kissing a pretty girl like you." He shrugs with a boyish smile before he gets up from the floor and squats down in front of you, his hands on your knees as you're still sitting on his couch. He chuckles at your shyness a bit before he slowly leans upwards, making sure to check until the very last second for any signs of you becoming uncomfortable. But that moment never comes, and when his lips make contact with yours for a short peck, your hands find his to hold onto, making him smile into the kiss before he parts from you. "Good? You're free to say if it wasn't, I'm really cool with that." He says, and you nod.
"Never really knew what to expect from a kiss, really." You shrug. "But it's nice. I liked it." You nod.
"Wait that was your first kiss?!" He now asks, and you nod.
"Wasn't that obvious? I thought I made it obvious." You laugh, and he laughs as well.
"I mean, I understood the virgin part, but I thought, you know, a pretty girl like you would've at least been kissed before." He says, and you playfully hit his chest, making him fall dramatically on his butt.
"Oh come on now prince charming, go eat your greasy chicken." You tease, making him grin.
Yeah- he really believes he's gonna fall for you. Maybe he already has.
Either way- he doesn't mind one bit.
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winwintea · 9 days
so i have pneumonia actually and i feel a bit okay rn... which is why i've basically been dead apart from posting stuff that i've already finished lol 😭 (pretty sure i've had it for at least a week bruh i only went to the doctor yesterday and got antibiotics)
i've been in the endless cycle of lurking, sleeping dying, and working on the written part which i should've finished sooner except its like already nearing 2k words ?????????????? like i didn't mean to do that um oops? it was supposed to be shorter but i love writing angst i guess.
i've seen all the lovely asks sent in my inbox just havent had the motivation to type out responses atm 💀 if i could voice-to-text them i would but i've been coughing way too much.
chapter should be done either tmr or the day after? i'm gonna grind super hard over the weekend to try and post daily next week bc im also going on a cruise on the 27th and will also be awol for 3ish days
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
For your 801 follower celebration,
I don't know if you write for him, but prompt 66 with Wolfman?
Thank you for being patient with me. This is the first time I’ve tried writing for Wolfman, and I really hope that I did him justice (or at least didn't butcher his character). The man is horribly underwritten (like most of the ‘86 crew).
Also, I changed the prompt ever so slightly (that > the). Oops.
Pairing: Leonard "Wolfman" Wolf x F!Reader (Henry "Wolfman" Ruth x F!Reader) Word Count: 900 Warnings: dirty talk (mild), smut, oral (f! receiving) Minors DNI
Smut Prompt #66
After weeks of dodging your friends, they finally convinced you to come to a girls' night. They claimed you couldn't spend all your time holed up with your boyfriend, but that was precisely what you'd been doing. Not that any of them should've blamed you; your Leo was convincing. But he hadn't stood a chance against all of your girlies (most likely because he wasn't there to defend himself), and you'd been booked.
That afternoon, you called Lisa to confirm the night's plans were still good and spent the rest of the time it would take Lisa to pick up your friends to freshen up with a change of clothes. It was the height of summer, and your work-appropriate slacks were hardly comfortable in San Diego's oppressive heat, so you'd changed into a simple skirt and sighed in immediate relief as fresh air swept through the window and across your legs.
When Wolf came home from classes, you were sticking a note to the fridge and heading out the door. He caught you around the waist, exuberantly spinning the two of you before he planted a kiss on your lips. "Hey, baby." Wolf smiled at you beneath the crooked rim of his Stetson, your gloss sticky on his lips. "Where d'you think you're going?"
"To the movies," you'd insisted, preening as he nuzzled into the curve of your neck, helplessly batting at his shoulders to get him to let you go.
"Dressed like that?" came his muffled reply as he gave the swishy hem of your skirt an appreciative tug. Before you could reply, to complain about the heat, Lisa rolled up to the curb and laid on her horn.
"Leo," you giggled as you tried to work yourself out of your boyfriend's strong arms. "I've gotta go. You're going to make me late for the movie."
But instead of letting you go, Wolf had reeled you in closer. "If you leave the house wearing that, then the second you get home, I'm going to bend you over the bed." Your cheeks grew hot, but Wolf's a flirt. Playful by nature. This isn't the first thing he's said to try and rile you up, and you're sure it won't be the last.
"Sure you will," you grinned, not entirely believing him as you slipped from his arms and left him with a bubblegum smooch to the cheek as Lisa began yelling from her convertible that she would drag you out of the house if she had to.
That, of course, had been your mistake.
Assuming that Wolf wouldn't make good on his promise.
It takes a second for you to open the door, waving as your friends speed off. As the TV drones on in the living room, you toe off your shoes and smile at the thought of cuddling up with Wolf while he finishes whatever he's watching before you both call it a night. So he catches you by surprise when you look up, and he's suddenly there. Cupping your cheeks between his palms and pulling you into a sloppy kiss before corralling you toward the bedroom.
"God, baby," he breathes when you break apart, lips skimming to the corner of your jaw before stealing a shorter but no-less-urgent kiss, one of his hands dropping to play with your skirt. "You know what this does to me?" You shake your head, but as the evidence presses hot to your hip, you begin to get the picture. Wolf hums, his lips turning up against the column of your throat. "Guess I'll just have to show you, then."
Wolfman gives you a peck on the lips that contrasts the way he turns you around and promptly bends you over the side of the bed, your arms fanning out across the mattress to steady yourself. Wolf falls to his knees behind you, nudging your legs further apart as his hands trail up the sensitive insides of your thighs until he's gotten rid of your underwear.
One of his hands travels under your skirt to spread your pussy lips, the other holding onto the small of your back to keep you in place as he licks into you with a groan. And he doesn't stop until your thighs are quaking, his name leaving your lips in little mewls.
"Leo, please." He hums, tongue curling to suck on your clit. "Leo."
"Yeah, baby?" his voice is rough. Not wrecked but well on its way.
"In me," you gasp, wanting nothing more than for Wolf to climb onto the bed with you and cursing as he sucks a bruise into your thigh.
"You think you deserve it?" he asks, licking another broad stripe up your cunt. "After you got all dressed up and left me alone with a fucking hard-on?" Well, when he puts it that way, you probably don't. But it doesn't stop you from wanting.
"I didn't know," you whimper as Wolf finally pulls away, leaving you bent over the edge of the bed and your sanity. "But I can make it up to you," you promise. "Want to be good for you, Leo."
There's the metallic clink of a belt buckle and the rumple of fabric as it falls to the floor. The bed is dipping beneath Leo's hand as a warm thigh nudges your own further apart. A familiar weight settling over top of you and teasing between your legs. "I know you will."
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vampiric-prometheus · 2 years
🩸, for book canon or NTH
Aren't drabbles meant to be like, 100 words? If so, I went over that limit; oops. I guess this is more of a one-shot, then. Regardless, thank you for the ask, Anon! This was super fun to write.
"First Name Basis" Nowhere to Hyde one-shot. Prompt: patching up a wound. Characters: Utterson and Hyde. This is hydeseek content, though you can read this platonically. But there's romantic implications, soooo... yeah. CW: mentions of blood.
"It's just a scratch-" Utterson insists again, awkwardly cradling his injured arm from where he's seated.
"Shut it," Hyde snaps, though not with cruelty, rather with an agitated concern, "I'm the one who dragged you up that tree, I'm the reason you fell. I'm fixin' it."
Rifling through the cabinets of his small Soho apartment, Hyde wants to slap himself for not bothering to stock his place with proper medical equipment. You'd think that having the mind of a doctor within your skull would encourage such forward thinking, but nooo, Jekyll's a chemicals kinda guy. The only thoughts rattling around in their head are salts and bunsen burners and indulgences and-
"You did not drag me up that tree," Utterson corrects, "I followed you willingly."
"Only 'coz I refused to get down," Hyde grumbles, hissing a triumphant 'yes!' as he finally locates the bandages. Snatching them from the cabinet, he lets the little door slam shut without a care, focusing instead on rushing back to Utterson before anymore blood can trickle down his pale arm.
The lawyer's gaze tips to the side, his voice quiet, "Actually, it was because of what you were saying about the stars."
Hyde pauses from where he's crouched in front of Utterson's seat, fingers inches away from the man's skin, "Eh?"
"You describe them often, when we walk together," the lawyer's voice remains faint - shy, "and it occurred to me, recently, that I had never truly paid much mind to them before our encounters."
Hyde tilts his head curiously, taking Utterson's injured arm and beginning to bandage it as the lawyer continues his explanation, "Whenever you speak of the stars, you have this... life to your voice. Granted, you usually speak with a rather, uh, 'upbeat tone', but there's something else to it. I'm not certain if I can define it, but this fondness you hold for the stars... Well. It made me wonder if, perhaps, by getting closer to the stars, to observe them as you do... maybe..."
Finishing his bandage dressing, Hyde glances up to Utterson, finding that his eyes meet the lawyers. He holds this gaze for a while, emerald melting silver, before Utterson awkwardly clears his throat, grey eyes flitting away, "...Perhaps if I got closer to the stars, I could also become closer to you."
Oh. Hyde smirks: "Well, ain't that adorable."
A dusting of pink stains the lawyer's cheeks as his shoulders stiffen, "I-I do not know what you mean."
"Yeah you do," Hyde casually retorts, drinking in the flustered sight of the usually straight-faced gentleman. But he also notes Utterson's uncomfortable squirm, the way his shyness is slipping into an anxious unease... and he decides to spare the gent. The man did fall out of a tree for him, after all.
How to quell this rising tension? Well, there's always one method that works with Utterson: "Y'know, maybe I should've said it was utterly adorable? Or am I bark-ing up the wrong tree?"
The lawyer blinks, glancing back towards the fella still crouched in front of him. His lip quivers with the hint of a smile, "Those were terrible."
"Oh, c'mon," Hyde leans towards Utterson with a wide, smug grin, "Don't be a stick in the mud."
"Hmm, you certainly had to stretch for that one," the gentleman relaxes back into his chair, "Wood you like a hand?"
"Ha! No worries, I ain't stump-ed just yet." Hyde shrugs, noting how Utterson's smile has grown. Time to go for gold, then: "In fact, I've got a question for you. What's the best way to make a tree laugh?"
"I don't know," the lawyer eagerly indulges, "What's the best way to-"
"You tell it acorn-y joke!" Hyde cuts in excitedly. In response, Utterson snorts with laughter. Perfect!
Together, the pair of them chuckle, Hyde admiring the sound of the lawyer's laugh. It's a rare thing to hear, so it's always something to appreciate whenever the man can coax it out of Utterson, can get him to drop that stiff persona all Victorian gentleman's train themselves to have. When Utterson relaxes - when he and Hyde can just be themselves without judgement or care - that's when their meet-ups are at their best. That's when the stars shine brightly against the darkness of the night sky.
Amidst his laughter, the lawyer speaks, sounding so fond whilst grinning with closed eyes, "Oh, Edward, since when did you learn such--"
Hyde doesn't hear the rest of what Utterson says. He's caught on one word, ensnared by the sound of a name, shocked so much by it that he stares at the lawyer with mouth agape and emerald eyes blinking rapidly.
Edward. Edward. "Y-You just called me..."
"Hm?" Utterson's chuckles falter, ceasing awkwardly, "Did I say...? Oh. D-Did you not want me to call you-?"
"No, that's not what I meant!" Hyde insists, making a sweeping gesture with his hands as if to shove the mere thought aside, "It's just... no-one's ever called me by my name before. Like, okay, everyone calls me Hyde of course, but Edward?"
Not even Henry Jekyll has called his other self by that name. Edward Hyde only has a full name for legal purposes, to have a complete title to write on wills and cheques. No-one was ever expected to actually call him by his first name - in Victorian society, everyone and their mother just went by their surnames, purely for the sake of formalities. There were few exceptions to this societal rule: parents to children, husbands to wives, and... friends to cherished friends.
"Is it... is it alright?" Utterson timidly queries, "To call you that in private?"
Hyde's brow furrows as he thoroughly thinks it through, stroking at his jaw in contemplation, turning over the name 'Edward' within his mind. So many names within this skull; Henry... Jekyll... Hyde... "Does this mean I can call you Gabriel?"
The lawyer doesn't vocally react, but his expression alone communicates his startled bewilderment.
"Yeah!" Hyde grins, nodding frantically to himself, "Gabriel, or- OH! GABE! I'm calling you Gabe!"
"Gabe-?!" Utterson wrinkles his nose like a disgruntled rabbit.
The other fella bursts into laughter, smirking wildly up at the lawyer, leaning crossed arms atop Utterson's knees, "Don't you think 'Gabriel' just sounds so pretentious? A shortened name would suit yah, really!"
The lawyer sighs, voice exasperated, "Edward... please, no..."
Hyde pouts, "Fiiine. Gabriel it is. But you get the privilege of calling me Eddie, if you want to."
Utterson doesn't respond immediately, silver eyes drifting downwards, having realised how close Hyde is to him. The crouched fella expects to be pushed away, to be asked as politely as possible (for an embarrassed Victorian gentleman) to remove his arms from the lawyer's legs... But instead: "If you would prefer that I call you Eddie, then I can certainly do that."
Heart full of starlight, Hyde grins, "Dang. Maybe I should've made you fall for me sooner. ...O-Out of the tree, of course."
The lawyer's lips twitch with a hint of a smile, "Of course."
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sonorous-strings · 1 year
(Warning: LONG AS SHIZ)
"This is Maria Notte with a special, exclusive interview with the rising musical star of Shang Mu: Sonar." (Huh. That sounds almost anticlimactic without a last name, doesn't it? Isn't he married? He should have one, right? Oh, that wasn't picked up was it? We can edit that out, right?)
Sonar was finding it difficult to settle into his chair properly. He'd done interviews before, but not when he was... this big. It was usually just as a plus one, joining in on a joke here and there. And certainly not after having just gotten back from his honeymoon and practically dragged to an interview with the reporter that seemed to be on the screen whenever anything of import happened. He decided to try to just sit still, find a comfortable position naturally over the course of the interview.
And tried not to grimace at the side comment. She raised a couple of valid points, there. Was his name officially Sonar (or... ugh, Sonorous) Tea now, since he technically didn't have a last name prior? There was a flash of uncertainty there, as he found himself rolling the name around in his head, getting a feel for it. It wouldn't sound too awkward or anything, would it? He'd had so much fun with Carol, just him and her cavorting about who knows where that he'd never really thought to bring that up apart from the couple of quips they traded, Corazon included, in the weeks leading up to the honeymoon.
He didn't think they could get any closer, but somehow, during the course of the honeymoon, they did.
He'd probably never be as close as Lilac was to Carol (barring Lilac's lingering pain and regret over the road not taken), but that was okay. Theirs was a special kind of closeness exclusive to them, and Sonar had his own. He was okay with that. But that time together... if he could just disappear with her forever, he would in an absolute heartbeat.
She need only say the word at this point.
Oops. He was zoning out again. He blinked, caught himself as Maria finished her opening spiel, talking about Sonar and his accomplishments, yadda yadda... hm. Carol's rubbing off on him. He kept the smile to himself- it was amazing at how much one could go through in his head in just a few seconds. Maybe it was easy because of the subject material. He settled back in his chair and put on a slight, confident smile, a toned-down version of the one he'd put on while on stage.
"So, Sonar- can I call you Sonar?"
"Sure." He wasn't sure why she'd ask, but hey, he'd humor her.
"Sonar. Let's start with... well, how famous you are. You're practically on par with Tunder Lilin these days! How'd you do it?"
Oh, good, a somewhat easy question to answer. Well, one he had an idea with which to answer, anyway. "Well, Maria, to tell you the truth I'm not really sure exactly how I did it," he said with a shrug. "I think I just got lucky, truth be told. I started small, just working out of a little apartment all the way over in Shang Tu, just banging out songs here and there, doing covers, doing something of a portfolio while making it worthwhile for myself at the same time so that when I landed something big, I'd at least have something to show them."
"Oooh, so you just sorta built yourself up to everything? That's a real rags-to-riches story, right there!"
"I guess so, yeah. It was fun showing my friends the stuff I was coming up with, too. I like to think some of them enjoyed the whole creative process."
"Did you write any about Carol?"
"Of course! What kind of musician would I be otherwise? I've written a couple for her, one I actually played a few months ago for its debut. I think a lot of people liked it. Was a little different from my usual stuff, of course, but it's nice to shake things up a bit sometimes."
"'All We Need', right? That was a sweet song. Should've guessed that was for her. Speaking of Carol, how'd you two meet, anyway?"
Sonar couldn't help but laugh. "That's, uh... a hell of a story." He couldn't exactly tell Maria (and the rest of the world, for that matter) that he wasn't from Avalice, aliens being a sore spot with the Three Kingdoms and all. "We met in a park, and because I happened to look like someone else, she wanted to kick my butt," he said, as usual unable to keep the smile off his face as he recalled their rocky start. "She was able to deduce pretty quickly I wasn't who she thought I was, and the rest is history. What a hell of a way to meet your future wife, though." Every now and then, he thought, a moment of panic would set in. What if they hadn't cooled off when they did? What if Carol hadn't thought of trying to trick him with her scarf and its meaning?
"Before all that stardom hit, right?"
"Oh, way before. I was a nobody trying to figure out where to hit before taking off. Carol was the one that helped me to keep going on. Everything changed after we met, and I owe her pretty much everything. And besides, a boyfriend's gotta impress his girl somehow, right? I might have started out as 'That Guy with a Guitar', but she certainly didn't seem to mind, even before we got together."
"All the broken-hearted girls want to know- pardon the joke- is what is it about Carol?"
A little personal, but... meh, if he was writing songs for her and publicly showing them off, it wasn't too much of a stretch to ask. And Carol's infinite jealousy whenever any other girl was near him sans her friends and Corazon would make some funny ammunition later on down the road for when she would tell someone to back off. "She saved me, even if she didn't know it at the time. I don't think I did either, until I looked back months later. But that's only part of why she's such an amazing girl. Name me anyone else with that much confidence, that much energy, all wrapped up into this kind-hearted ball of green fur that can kick my ass if she wanted to." He held up a finger. "You can't. Probably. Even when we first met I could tell something was different about her-" besides the fact that being an actual alien on Mobius was difference enough "-and eventually I was ecstatic to know she kind of felt the same way I did!" He smiled wide. "She can do anything. Succeed anywhere she wants. And she's really fucking cute- oops, sorry."
"Don't worry, we'll edit that out."
"Sound effect censors are hilarious, so I hope you use one of those. But yeah. It's just... I don't even know if I'm making sense. I can talk about Carol for ages (though I haven't tried... yet), and sometimes I can't quite put into words well enough what it is about her. Especially when we fight- whoops, not that kind of fight," he quickly corrected after a pause following the word "fight" as it sunk in how weird that would sound. "I can fight, kinda, I've got this sweet guitar club thing one of my friends made that I can fight the robots here with alongside Carol. But I still can't hold a candle to her. Again, amazing."
"She's awfully lucky to have someone like you head over heels for her. Maybe we should interview her and ask her the same about you some day! But let's move on- we do unfortunately have a time limit, here. So before all that, before you met Carol... who was Sonar?"
Ah, jeez. He kinda figured an interview about The Man, the Myth, the Legend (okay, not really, but it was fun to joke) would turn to stuff he probably didn't want to talk about, but people were sure to find out anyway. "A nobody," he said, rather plainly, causing Maria to blink, as if she thought that's all he was going to say. But then he continued, "I was a guy that... well, wasn't going anywhere." His eyes fell and his earlier excitement seemed to dwindle as he recalled the now -seemingly distant pasts. "I'd been trying everything I knew just to make ends meet at that point. I didn't really have a family by the time I was on my own. Both of my parents were gone soon after I'd moved out. I had a sister but... well, she passed away a few years before that. So while I was trying to achieve my dream, I'd ended up mostly spinning my wheels, making bad decisions and kinda digging myself deeper into a hole." He sighed. "Aside from that, I was pretty much the same person you see sitting before you. Big into video games and those flavored triangle tortilla chips that are really bad for you." He forced a grin back into his expression, trying to escape the dourness threatening to overtake the atmosphere. It worked, thankfully. "A lot of it wasn't stuff I was aware of at the time. But, back to Carol, that was basically my turning point for everything. Even as friends, we were inseparable and all that." Maybe that was because she was his only friend on Mobius, but... details and all.
"I think a few others have had similar experiences... things that weren't going well before they hit that big break. It's kind of hard to imagine not seeing you being plastered all over the Battlesphere these days!"
"Yeah, that was a big surprise. I was actually approached by Mayor Zao- well, not Zao himself, but you know what I mean. He'd heard my playing somehow and wanted me to play for the Battlesphere. Doing live music for the events and battles and whatnot. Carol competing while I was there was fun. I may have been a little biased then. You could definitely hear that during her Spade fight. I couldn't help but troll her opponents a little every now and again. And I get to use the stage for shows! It's basically a dream come true for me all around."
"Before we wrap this up, what's next for Sonar? Or Sonar and Carol, for that matter?"
Sonar had to think on that one. And yet... he couldn't think of an answer. "Would you believe me if I said we kind of haven't thought that far ahead?" he said, almost sheepishly. "We pretty got back from our honeymoon pretty recently, and we're kind of settling down into this new routine of just... being married."
"Oh." The word was mischevious-sounding as Maria almost smirked teasingly at him. "Should we expect to see Sonar Juniors in the near future?"
Sonar couldn't help himself. He blushed, staring open-mouthed at Maria for a few seconds while she giggled to herself. If there was one way to break Sonar, it was speaking of things like that about Carol.
Which was a little weird for him specifically, really, he thought. It wasn't as if he'd never had relations with other girls before he and Carol had met... but he just couldn't bring himself to see Carol in that way. It felt... wrong. And he was okay with that. But every once in a blue moon he'd find himself imagining what his kid would look like. What Carol would be like as a mother. He liked the idea of spoiling a daughter while Carol encouraged behavior that would make his hair gray early. But actually getting there? Probably wasn't going to happen.
Of course, there was also the matter of Carol's stance on the matter. Which was to say "Hell, no." He was pretty sure she just didn't want to deal with the burden of it all. Maybe she was afraid of what would happen if she became a mother of any sort. He was happy to respect that. The two of them were enough. And his newfound family.
He recovered after a couple of moments and cleared his throat. "Probably not," he said with a sheepish smile. "I don't think any of us would be able to fathom it anyway."
"Oh! And before we go, the world wants to know: What's it like working with Tunder Lilin?"
"It's awesome. We bounce ideas back and forth all the time on collaboration songs and the like, and having similar tastes in music definitely helps. The stuff she does with me is kind of a side project, not her usual genre, but it's another outlet for her. And it's really fun." He was also very certain Carol absolutely hated Tunder. For the life of him, though, he couldn't figure out why. It was much more than her usual jealousy. But he wasn't going to just put that out there in an interview.
"Well! That was certainly informative. Maybe we'll have to track down Carol so we can air these interviews back to back. That'd be interesting to do. What? We can't? Fooey. Well, in any case: Sonar, thank you for joining us today. I hope we can get another interview again someday, when you've absolutely dominated the planet."
"World domination through music, eh? I like it. But Carol and her friends would probably have to stop me." He laughed at the bad joke. "Great being here, Maria."
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impmansloot · 2 years
tagged by @russenoire, hehe thanks for tagging me!
CURRENTLY READING: The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman, it's the second book in the series. A murder mystery/comedy (mostly). I adore the way the author writes humour, it's often subtle and relies on the context. I haven't read a lot though and I kind of... well not dropped it but took a break from reading so I might just pick it up from the beginning lmao
FAVOURITE COLOUR: well it changes often, but I really like pink. Red too. I've also been feeling yellow lately? like mustard yellow.
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: lmao it's Cobalt by Mob Choir. But to be fair I haven't been listening to music that much lately
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: I don't really watch movies often so I don't remember oops
out of SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY: savoury AND sweet. i'm not very good with spicy food but i do like it
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: a small mp100 comic (which should've been finished long ago get it together man), generally working on my original comic idea but it's not going well lmao. also DIYing a book holder/stand. nothing special, just glueing some beer mat board leftovers yay my college education pays off i guess.
tagging no one in particular, anyone who sees this feel free to do this too!
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strange-lamp-stranger · 9 months
i fell down a wikipedia rabbit hole and now it's one a.m. and i have to wake up at 8 this morning. so. there goes my hopes of productivity tomorrow i guess (i have so many things i need to do) (and i don't have the executive function skills to do them all) (ideally i should've finished 2-3x as much stuff as i actually have by now) (oops that turned into a bit of a vent) (i'm fine, none of this is world-shattering, life goes on even if i miss a few assignments. i will be kind to myself no matter what)
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megagrind · 3 years
it was at this moment Katie knew...she fucked up
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megukins · 3 years
Shopping w/ Akaashi
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𓆩♡𓆪 Timeskip!Akaashi x Fem!Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 genre: smut
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: You were bored out of your mind and so you beg your boyfriend to go to the mall with you to shop for raunchy underwear, also leading to some naughty fun.
𓆩♡𓆪 warnings: smut, 18+, public sex, mention of sex toys, fingering
𓆩♡𓆪 word count: 1.5k
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It was a boring day for both you and Akaashi, well just you. That's when an idea popped in your head as you ran up eagerly to your boyfriend.
"Can we go to the mall, Keiji-kun? I want to buy more underwear." You said, earning his attention as his orbs looked into yours.
"Don't you already have enough?" He asked, continuing to work on whatever it was he was doing.
"Pleaseee? I wanna buy moreeee." You tug on his sleeve, as he sighs in defeat.
You grab his hand excitedly and drag him to the car.
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"We're here!" You say with sparkles in your eyes.
Some people were ogling your figure as you walked past, which of course Akaashi noticed.
"Y/N, you're drawing too much attention to yourself. You should've covered up." He lectured, holding your hand tighter.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad! If people can't seem to take their eyes off me, then so be it." You spat.
"I can't believe you..." Akaashi mumbles.
"Holy crap, look at those jugs man!" Akaashi heard one pervert say.
"Damn that's some serious boobage." Another pervert said.
"Everytime she walks they bounce up and down." The third pervert said.
Akaashi was disgusted with what they were saying and tried to ignore them.
"Something wrong, Keiji-kun?" You asked, stopping.
"How much longer until we get to the store?" He asked.
"We're already here."
He took a good look at the store in curiosity. There were lots of mannequins wearing lacy bras and underwear in different colors and sizes displayed in the front of the store.
Seeing all of this made Akaashi's pants grow tight as he gulped trying not to get enticed.
"What's the matter?" You smirk, noticing the bulge in his pants.
"N-nothing." He cleared his throat as you two walked in.
"Welcome back, Y/N! This your boyfriend?" The manager says.
"Yes he is! He's sorta uncomfortable seeing all of this." You explained to her.
"Ah. There's nothing to be uncomfortable about! Anyways, I'm guessing you're here for more naughty underwear?" She asks.
"Just how often do you come here?" He asked.
"Once every three weeks. Most of the time I don't even buy stuff, I just look around." You explain.
"Oh you should buy this one! And the bra matches too. Don't worry, we washed this stuff thoroughly beforehand, and it has just been shipped."
"Okay!" You chirped while going into the changing room.
"You know, your lady has some nice jugs. If I wasn't straight, I'd definitely wanna feel those anytime. Just look at them sitting up there nice and firm. You're so lucky to have those." She ranted, causing him to blush a bit.
"I should go check on her to make sure she's okay..." He stormed off, also just an excuse to get away from the manager, and knocked on the door.
'Must be a customer trying to come in. Don't they see that other rooms are available!?' You thought.
"Are you okay in there, Y/N?" He asks.
"Keiji-kun! You can come in now, I'm done dressing!" You yell back at him. You hear him open up the door while a smirk is plastered on your face.
"You're done dressing that fast? That was quick." He closed the door and turned around looking at your ass in the lingerie.
"Oops, I guess I wasn't finished after all, maybe you can finish for me~" You whispered in his ear seductively.
"Y-Y/N..." He groaned, the bulge in his pants appearing once more.
"What's the matter, Keiji-kun? Is it too much for you to handle? Just guessing by your boner." You say, walking closer to him.
"I can't take it anymore." He growled, pinning you down.
"Mmm someone has a lot of lust. All I did was show my ass in tight panties." You say while getting out of his grip and rubbing your butt on his crotch.
"I-I wouldn't do that if I were you." He grunted.
He pinned you against the wall, kissing you while sucking on your neck giving you hickeys. He tore the lingerie off with his teeth earning a gasp from you.
"Keiji I have to pay for that!" You told him.
He slapped your bare ass.
"Mnn Keiji~" You moan his name for his touch.
He had you place your ass in the air for him while he spanked it.
"Is everything all right in there, Y/N? You've been in there for a while and you're awfully quiet." The manager asked.
He smirks as he inserted two fingers inside your throbbing core. You gasp loudly, worrying the manager.
"Y-yes a-AH I-I'm nnn o-kay!" You tried so hard to control your moans.
He placed his face in your heat letting his tongue do all the work, you moan low while placing your hand over your mouth. He decided to try something else since that didn't work. He took his clothes off and lifted your legs in the air, shoving his dick into your pussy.
"K-Keiji pleaseee~" You begged, biting your lip.
"Hah, this is your fault for wanting to come here. He panted out.
"I'm coming in there." She said, worried you might need help.
"No please don't! I-I mean, I have everything under, ahh under control!" You say, rocking your hips in a rhythmic way.
"Crap." He felt close as he pulled out, flipped you over and came on your ass.
Seeing the white fluid painted on it was enough to make him cum again.
"Okay, well let me know if you decide to buy it or not." She told you and walked away from the door.
"I can't help it, but the sight of your butt with my seed on it turns me on." He stares at it as if it's a masterpiece.
"You almost made me get caught! Though just the thought of getting caught is such a turn on." You say still horny.
"We should be heading back home. I need to take a cold shower." He says, putting his clothes back on looking away from your ass as you put your clothes on as well.
"Why a cold shower?" You tease.
"Don't even make me explain..." He says, embarrassed.
You pay the manager for the underwear, stopping to ask your boyfriend to go to another store with you.
"There's actually another store I wanted to go to..." You look at the ground, as your face felt hotter.
"Which is?"
"A sex toy store..." Your voice squeaked as he looked at you with wide eyes.
"Why would you wanna go there?" He asks.
"Well, sometimes I get really needy and you're always busy with other things, so I need a way to pleasure myself..." You look away from him.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've found time." He says, feeling guilty for not meeting your needs.
"It's okay, Keiji-kun! Don't beat yourself up over it. If you're uncomfortable, then we can head home."
"No, if this is what you really want, then let's go." He gives you a warm smile, as you smile back.
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"Welcome! How may I help you? The store clerk asked.
"We're just looking around. You say getting aroused at the thought of all the toys Akaashi could use on you.
"What about this one?" She picked one up.
"I don't need that if my boyfriend has the real deal." You declined while staring at his figure, narrowing your eyes at his crotch, seeing him blush.
"It's not a dildo, it's called a pulsator. Basically what it does is it thrusts all on its own back and forth once placed inside the vagina or wherever you please to use it." She explains to you two, making Akaashi cringe at the explanation.
"I'll wait for you outside." He whispers in your ear, making your body shiver.
"K-Keiji..." You moan a little, covering your mouth being embarrassed for letting a lewd noise slip out of your mouth.
"I should probably go help the next customer." She says, parting away from you two.
"I'm so sorry Keiji! I didn't mean to, it just sorta slipped out!" You try explaining to him.
"I-it's fine..." He says.
He picked up a pulsator, and placed it on the counter.
"Wait, you're actually going to buy that? I mean, I could've bought it."
"No, I'm buying it for you. Consider this a gift, sort of. Just in case I'm too busy with working." He gives you another warm smile.
"Thank you, Keiji!" You give him a smile back.
You sure couldn't wait to use it once you two got back home.
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© 2022 this work belongs to @megukins DO NOT repost OR plagiarize on any other social media
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Laughter is The Best Medicine
This is a Dark Deception Tickle fic suggested by @sparklydetectiveearthquake. This DOES NOT take place within my tickle au. Hope you enjoy!
How did he end up like this?
It seemed like just five minutes ago he was walking into a gentleman's club disguised as a hospital, and dragged through deadly check-up procedures that he barely dodged.
Now, he was shirtless, strapped to an exam table by his wrists and ankles, no hope of escaping anytime soon.
Perhaps he'd simply been tricked by the nurse's charms, or he was just trying to avoid getting impaled by their massive needles they carried around.
He heard the door to the dark room open, and sound of roller skates following. He looked up to see a nurse had entered the room, holding a clipboard. She tapped a pen against it gently before turning to her "patient".
"Well, well. I assume you're the mortal working for Bierce?" She asked, her voice was peppy, but the medical bag over her head prevented any emotion from being shown.
Doug remained silent, that was usually the best thing to do in these situations.
"Well, don't you worry. We'll help you free your soul from her infection, you'll feel better soon."
The Reaper Nurse put the clipboard on the counter, returning to Doug's side to turn on a bright exam light. Doug squinted as the sudden brightness assaulted his eyes.
"Oop! Sorry! Should've given ya a warning, haha!" She laughed.
She rolled over to his legs, tightening the straps on Doug's ankles, ensuring he couldn't try anything.
It's not like he could do anything. He didn't know how to tap into his powers without the tablet, (which had been taken away when he was dragged in here), yet, and there was nothing he could say to get him out of this.
"Okay, let's get started!"
She rolled a stool over, sitting down before looking over his torso.
"You sure have a lot of scars, huh? Mind telling me where they're from?" The nurse asked.
Doug knew exactly what she was talking about, it didn't take a genius to notice the large amount of big scars that covered his torso.
He glanced away from the nurse, his mind suddenly filled with horrible memories.
"Don't wanna get into it, huh? That's fine, it shouldn't effect anything."
She leaned over to him, placing her hand on his right side.
"Okay, honey. Tell me if this hurts."
She then squeezed his side, it seemed like it was supposed to hurt, he could feel the giddiness of the nurse awaiting to hear him tell her that he's in pain.
But, holy shit, it just tickled.
Doug choked back a squeal, shaking his head to tell her that it didn't hurt.
"No? Well, how about here?" She raised her hand to his lower ribs, squeezing again.
Doug jolted, shaking his head again, internally begging her to stop.
"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" She asked, slightly annoyed. She then squeezed his ribs a few more times, and -
"AHAHAHA! Stahap that!" Doug broke.
The nurse froze for a second, before slowly taking her hand away to continue staring at him.
"It's seems that someone's a bit ticklish, isn't he?" She teased.
He turned away from her, a red blush beginning to appear. This was ridiculous! He's a grown man, why is he so embarrassed by being ticklish?! He guessed the lack of emotional and physical affection over the years was finally getting to him.
"Well, I'm afraid that Mr. Giggles here is just going to have to suck it up if we want to finish this check-up."
Suddenly, she dug her fingers into his stomach, catching the mortal off guard.
"HAHAHAHA! Wahahahahait, whahahat are you dohohohoing?!"
"I'm examining you, silly! You're just too ticklish to realize that."
Every time she said that dreaded word, the sensation got a little worse. He yanked at his restraints, trying to squirm away from the nurse's fingers.
"Awww, listen to you giggle! You must be feeling better already!" She then, scribbled her fingers into his unprotected armpits.
"AAAHAHAHAHA! G-GEHEHEHET OUT OHOHOF THEHEHEHERE!" Doug lost it as his second worst spot was attacked.
"Oh, sugar, don't you know that laughter is the best medicine? It's clinically proven to boost serotonin and brighten someone's day!"
"Ugh! Giving your nurse sass now, are we? Well, if you'll behave like a vile man, we'll treat you like one!" She began to rapidly tickle everywhere on his torso, never giving him a chance to know where her ticklish fingers would go next.
"Too late."
Doug's head tossed from side to side, arching his back and tugging at the straps that held him down, anything that could stop the tickling.
Suddenly, the nurse stopped and got up from her chair, going to the door.
Oh, finally...
"Hey girls, get in here! This is hilarious!"
Oh god.
Three more Reapers rolled into the room, joining the first one at Doug's sides, surrounding him.
"Check this out." The original nurse said before rapidly scribbling into Doug's underarms again.
"AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO!" He burst into laughter once again.
"No way."
"This is gonna be good."
Suddenly, the others joined in, one going after his sides, one at his underarms, one at his thighs, and the last one at his feet, taking his shoes off.
The nurses giggled, continuing their assault.
Doug's laughter bounced about the walls, going up at least 5 octaves when his thighs were tickled.
Suddenly, a voice came onto the intercom.
"All Reaper Nurses report to the main lobby area immediately."
"Awww, no fair." The nurse at Doug's feet complained.
"Let's go ladies. You just wait right here and we'll be right back! Don't move now!" Another said.
And with that, they all left Doug alone in the room.
He caught his breath, and looked over his surroundings. He looked up and realized that one of the straps holding his wrists wasn't tight enough, and managed to free his right arm.
He released his other limbs from their holds, grabbed his shoes, shirt and tablet, and bolted down the hall.
They should be distracted long enough for him to get a decent amount of soul shards...
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emmaswcns · 2 years
Hi Renee! 001 and the Harry Potter fandom?
hi becky! sorry this is so late <333 thank you for the ask, as always! <333
Favorite character: toss up between neville, luna & hermione!
Least Favorite character: uhhhhh lucius or bellatrix i guess
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): neville x luna, hermione x ron, hermione x krum, draco x hermione (sorry so sorry), harry x luna
Character I find most attractive: generic boring answer: draco malfoy lmao. but hmmmm. ron does something to me in the later movies idk why lmao
Character I would marry: generic boring answer again: draco. or hermione. ALSO newt scamander bc i think he's honestly my hp soulmate
Character I would be best friends with: luna and ron!
a random thought: i am currently re-reading the series and WOW the books are 100000x better. like embarrassingly so. i finished chamber of secrets and then watched the movie.... not even CLOSE.
An unpopular opinion: the order of the phoenix is the worst book AND the worst movie + the deathly hallows p1 never should've been a movie lmao
My Canon OTP: ron and hermione <333
My Non-canon OTP: harry and luna!
Most Badass Character: the golden trio 100% but also sirius and lupin are pretty sick too
Most Epic Villain: voldemort lmao duh
Pairing I am not a fan of: ginny & harry (oops) and all the professor x student ones. also not a huge fan of drarry but i can see it lmao
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i more so think the movies screwed up characters rather than the books. like dumbledore PoA onwards was... off. still loved him, but he wasn't how he was described in the books. harry and ginny's whole relationship was a bit weird/awkward in the movies. i think all the movies could've incorporated draco more since he was really in the books WAY more than the movies. hmmmm.. i think that's about it lol
Favourite Friendship: the golden trio + harry & luna.
Character I most identify with: luna :') OR newt scamander/neville longbottom/hagrid bc i too also love little magical creatures and learning about herbology and plants and loving all living things <3333
Character I wish I could be: hermione bc damn i wish i was that smart lmao
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Jungkook: No Fun (4)
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You're nothing special, and neither is he.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid AU, Bunny hybrid!Jungkook, Idol!Jungkook, Idol!Bangtan, Bunny hybrid!Reader, Angst, strangers to ???
Wordcount: TBA
Additional Chapter Warnings: Ame, she's a full on warning now, jungkook has some self-reflection, Tension oops, Angst, pining
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You're at home now, way more calm as you've managed to break out of your heat by now. Seeing his Vlive now makes you not upset at him, but yourself;you really hoped you wouldn't become one of the many that ended up heartbroken by dreams that were all in your head in the first place.
It's sad, but you need to get over it.
You sit down at your sewing desk with a sigh, stretching before you start to work again. This is what you're good at- this is what you can trust in. The sewing machine doesn't betray you, doesn't fill you with hope of something that won't happen.
It calms you down, even when the needle accidentally stings you.
Ame on the other hand walks tall, head held high as she carries her bag of clothes around the building away from your apartment. She's just as headstrong, but with a different mission. While you've told her not to be too upset with him, you also know she can have quite the temper. And it's clear in the way she carries herself into the room next to her coworkers, label currently explaining and showing off some concepts of stage outfits for the bandmembers. Ame easily catches the eyes of Taehyung, who's focused on the way she carries herself; confident but not overbearing.
"Ah, and those are some of the outfits we've finished!" One of the designers says excitedly, pulling the outfits out of the clothing bag Ame had brought in.
Jungkook instantly perks up, eyes wide open as your scent hits him full force.
He connects the dots now; the skirt you've worn made in a design he's never seen before, the lynx-hybrid eyeing him like she's about to pounce him any second now, and he doesn't understand why she's so mad at him. What the hell did you tell her that made her look like she's about about murder him right in this office?
He didn't take you for someone like that.
He's grumpy for the whole time they explain the affiliation deal to them, eagerly waiting to get ahold of the exotic cat hybrid, as she packs up to leave again. "Hey, you know- uh..-"he starts, blushing red when he realizes that your name had slipped his mind yet again, making him look like a fool in her eyes, probably.
"Huh, can't even recall who you've fucked and threw away now." She scoffs, turning around. "Should've known." She grumbles to herself, before she walks past him; intentionally pushing into his shoulder.
"Wait- what the hell happened?" He argues, walking after her. "I've done everything perfectly fine, what the hell did She tell you I did?!" He demands to know, and Ame turns around hissing into his face, hitting him where it hurts, as his hybrid instincts make him stumble backwards, ears drooping a little.
"You talk as if she made up some nasty rumor about you, well guess what, Buck." She spits. "She doesn't have to make up shit, considering you basically ate your fill, and left her to suffer the rest of her heat alone." She growls. "You don't get to act as if you've been such a gentleman.!" Ame stomps off- but jungkook doesn't, he can't, because he realizes in horror that he did, in fact, not check in with you to make sure you were out of heat as well.
He actually never did with anyone.
"I just-" he stutters, reaching out for your friend. "Is she okay now? She's fine now, right?" He asks, but Ame just growls at him, before she runs off agitated, not giving him an answer.
He only cares now because he's probably scared of his own image, she thinks, even as she walks through the door into your shared apartment. You peek out of the door from your work room, before greeting her back home. "Did everything go well?" You ask, and she groans.
"I almost ripped that guy's head off." She mumbles before she goes to get a juice box out of the fridge, angrily stabbing the straw into the foil spot before she drinks.
"I.. let's not talk about him please."You ask quietly, and she nods, before she notices the bandage around your finger.
"Oh no, what happened?" She worries, walking towards you as she inspects it. "I told you to be careful." She pouts, making you laugh.
"You sound like you're my bigger sister."You laugh, and she smiles before her phone rings- taking away her attention for a moment as she checks her messages.
"Hey- is it okay for you to stay by yourself? If it's not I'll cancel-"she starts, but you just laugh, shaking your head.
"Go get some, you deserve it whoever it is." You smile, and she grins, before leaving the house again. You sir down on the couch by yourself a bit later, letting yourself fall to the side, sighing.
Searching online for stuff turns out to be a bad idea, as recommendations now contain him wherever you look. Articles about fan's favorite moments of him, compilations of things he'd done, his face haunting you by now as your search engine thinks you've become an avid fan after searching him up once.
You're definitely not a fan.
Now, you're not that innocent and stupid, you know that no one is the same on camera as they are off camera. You're aware of the industry being two-faced; but with the way he'd cared for you, you've really felt as if he would've at least stayed until the end.
But then again, you're probably exaggerating it all.
He's an idol. He probably had his reasons. The song cover he uploads is one of heartbreak, of longing, of someone who's upset and you feel like its mocking you, because what he sings is what you feel.
You don't know why and you hope it's not what you think, because if you've accidentally bonded with him in the heat of the moment, this will get hard to overcome by yourself and without any help. He's clearly not having that problem- he's left you alone with it all, and you feel awful as you just lock your phone and let it fall to the floor, turning around to sleep on the couch by yourself.
And on the other side, up high in his apartment, Jungkook sleeps alone as well.
Your shirt laid across his pillow in hopes to dream of you.
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