#ooooh the climate anxiety.
loamsome · 9 months
What the fuck is this raining in December shit
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Gravity Falls S02E06 - Little Gift Shop of Horrors
I haven't watched the original (or the musical) "Little Shop of Horrors" so I'm going blind this episode but I guess it could be about the Mystery Shop getting haunted by something? I'm hoping that since the title has an air of mysteriousness it'll be something plot-related, so... let's do this!
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It looks like this is going to be a great episode for this halloween weekend.
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I'm struggling to remember if this is a parody of Tales of the Crypt or not, it has been maybe more two decades since I last watched it. But I'm liking the idea! Even if it's a bit strange to get an anthology episode so early in the season.
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My first question is... _WHY BABY PARTS_
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I feel Stan would usually care more about being cursed and losing his hands. Is this episode like The Simpson's "Treehouse of Horror" as in, non-canon and characters out of character enough to make the spooky plots work?
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No matter how much glitter they have, those hands are terrifying.
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You were selling baby parts, you have no right to scream!
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Stan having a positive relationship outside the mystery shack? Definitely non-canon
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same energy
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How many levels deep of parody are we in?
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...I have no idea what I just watched.
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Ooooh, okay, if he's making up the stories it all makes sense now. Or rather, they still make no sense but now I understand why. I'm so proud of Stan, he went from making up self-insert stories about him winning the super bowl to making mediocre gravity falls fanfiction.
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Mabel, you can't just say that to Dipper, that's like his one thing! Also, Waddles is 100% going to solve that puzzle.
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I like the small detail that the brain thing looks like a truffle and waddles is a pig so of course he's going to eat it.
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neil degrasse tyson!? This is the scariest thing of the episode so far.
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oooh nice one
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That's speciesism, Mabel! Let the pig express himself, even if he's cursed to do it in that voice.
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This is amazing.
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I just want to include this screenshot because it's the creepiest thing I have seen today.
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Waddles could have solved cancer, climate warming and starvation... this truly is the darkest episode of all.
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Is this steven universe
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I think half of Gravity Falls references fall into that category
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huh, that's really cool
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Mabel is right, there _is_ something creepy about clay monsters. Or maybe it's the juxtaposition with the animated stuff.
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The animation is surprisingly fluid for a stop-motion figure though!
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When these things happen I can't help but wonder about what the characters are seeing. Do they notice the texture of the monsters is different from "reality"? What would be the equivalent for us? Maybe it'd look like one of those Vocaloid Miku hologram concerts.
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Magic really solves every problem.
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Can you imagine having a growth that moves and ends up exploding and turning into a 2D character? Poor cyclops.
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Bold move to turn this episode into body horror caused by one of the main characters
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Violence _is_ the answer.
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I love the lampshading.
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I was joking before but this really is the darkest episode of Gravity Falls.
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It really is. ---
So, I'm almost 100% convinced that this episode is non-canon because there's no way Stan is _that_ evil, right? Because trapping someone as a shop attraction seems pretty unredeemable to me, possible tragic backstory or not.
I didn't like the first "short" as much as the others but I'm wondering if it fell flat for me because I was still trying to figure out what was going on. But the second and last were pretty good. I particularly liked the "moral" for the last short, about taking something you fear and reshaping it into something benign, which is very anxiety 101.
Until next time!
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queezleposts · 7 years
All of Demonic Seris’s Suggestive Voicelines
Well, someone needed to do it; eh, I probably missed one or two. [on the wiki]
Play "Good boys go to heaven, but bad boys have more fun."
Play "You have called me, and so I came."
Mounting Up
Play "Huhuh, I love a good ride."
Restore Soul
Play "Take it!"
Rend Soul
Play "Something to whet my appetite."
Play "Mmm... delicious."
Item Purchase
Play "A new toy!"
Play "Ooooh, WHAT is this?"
Play "How fun..."
Taking Damage
Play "I like it!"
Play "Is that all you've got!?"
Stunned or Frozen
Play "Hit me again!"
Play "Uh! I see..."
Set on Fire
Play "Ohohoho, I'm getting hot."
Leaving Combat on Low Health
Play "Oh... you've drawn blood..."
Play "Mm, it feels good..."
Being Healed
Play "Don't stop!"
Play "Oh, gentle! A nice change of pace."
First Blood
Play "That was a little premature."
Kill Assist
Play "Yes! Just... like... that!"
Kill Streak
Play "Just one hit is never enough!"
Play "Give me more... give it all to me!"
Play "Beg me to let you die..."
Kill Taunt
Play "Did you have fun...? I did." (Fernando)
Play "Was I too much for you?" (Fernando)
Play "I thought you were adventurous..." (Sha Lin)
Play "I LOVE watching your face contort in agony!" (Sha Lin)
Killing an Enemy with Rend Soul
Play "How did that feel?"
Play "Eternal pleasure..."
Capturing a Point
Play "I won't reward you yet..."
Play "Let's slip into something more comfortable..."
Play "You have disappointed me... you'll be punished..."
Play "Oh dear... performance anxiety?"
Play "I will enjoy having my way with you!"
Play "There is no safe word."
Play "Oh, you look scrumptious."
Play "If it's a sin to take pleasure in your work, then I'll be damned."
Play "Oh, don't worry! I don't devour souls on the first date."
Play "I've done things that would make Fernando blush."
Match Start (Unused)
Play “(Laughs) I’m practically quivering with anticipation.”
Spawn Chatter (Unused)
Play "Are you sure you aren’t in over your head?" (Fernando)
Play "Are you ready for me?" (Fernando)
Attacking While on Point (Unused)
Play "Won’t you fight for me?"
Play "Come Closer...I don’t bite."
Level Up (Unused)
Play "That feels nice."
Play "I just want a bit more."
Using Weapon (Unused)
Play "BEG!"
Play "MOAN!"
Play "Lets go again!"
Play "Are you getting tired? I can go all night."
Ally Kill Streak (Unused)
Play "You’re so sexy when you’re on a killing spree."
Play "Keep it going! Don’t stop."
Top Play (Unused)
Play "I’ll touch your heart in a way you’ll never forget."
Play "Once I’ve made your dreams come true...I’ll start on your nightmares."
Climate (Unused)
Play "Tonight’s the night, sugar." (Ice)
Enemy Position (Unused) - Behind
Play "Ohoho...from behind?"
Play "Mmmm...a sniper."
Play "(sighs) So far away!"
Heal The Team
Play "They need my special touch!"
Play "Who’s next!"
Help the Tank
Play "Help out that Hunk!"
Play "The frontline needs some company..."
Wait for the Team
Play "I don’t want to be alone..."
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! Which of your characters has the whump/tragic Backstory that you're most proud of writing?
Ooooh this is a fun one. Just gonna signal post that there is mention of mental health struggles, sectioning, suicide attempts, and suicide in this one. 
I mean it’s Trin. Because it’s always Trin. Merin comes in close second but Trin gets a shitty hand dealt to him in pretty much every work I do for him. To specify, this is Fates AU Trin, but canon Trin don’t get it much better. 
Trin grew up in a very isolated part of Northern Permacier which is essentially a tundra. It’s very difficult to grow stuff there so the village he lived in was made up of fisherfolk who solely make their living this way, selling their catch, harvesting sea plants that have medicinal properties or cold-climate plants you can’t get elsewhere, stuff like that. The problem is that this little spit of land unfortunately marries up to fey territory. And they want it. Like now. 
The head of the village refused, and that got the faeries mad, so they poisoned the land and corrupted the sea, sweeping the entire place with a plague they had no idea how to cure. It killed pretty much everyone; by the time the mainland were notified and sent help, Trin’s mother, older brother, twin sister, and two younger sisters had all died in front of him. When help finally came, his father sent Trin to go and get food, and hung himself, which Trin then came home and found.
(I’m sorry you DID ask for tragic backstory)
After that it goes from bad to worse, because there are only like ten survivors of this massacre and they can’t take him in, so Trin gets shipped off to Novasco State Orphanage, which is hundreds of miles from anything familiar, and has an entirely different fucking language. The monks don’t speak Ancient Permacien, they shave his head, and they change his name and fucking hell they meant well but OH MY GOD could they make this any worse on a traumatised 11 year old. Thank god for Ena’s benevolent interference. 
Trin’s mental health continues to go south, with anxiety manifesting as extreme outbursts of anger and high energy, which basically means a hyperactive feral child who has no qualms about getting into fights and doing reckless shit. His default response is to lash out when he’s frightened, and the monks do nothing apart from lock him in a room or tie him to a bed and let him scream it out. No wonder the poor kid tried suicide twice before he was 17. Ena eventually adopts him and Sil and takes them West, since Trin’s attempted getting into the military to enroll as a witch and support them all. And, y'know, get him much needed mental health treatment. 
This culminates in a perfect storm of Trin being afraid to let everyone down and his steadfast refusal to go to therapy because THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM and screaming matches between him and Ena about it. And Trinity does what Trinity does best and lashes out, and breaks Ena’s arm by accident (Ena was trying to restrain him and his arm got yanked the wrong way). So while Sil is hauling Ena off to get his arm set and to lie very convincingly to social services and “yes officer I’m definitely a 20 year old adult who fell down the stairs,” Trin gets it into his head to try and kill himself again, and this time very nearly succeeds. Which winds up getting him sectioned.
This does turn out to be the best thing for him, though, after he’s stopped throwing chairs at the psychiatrists. He’s hospitalised for about a year and once he’s had a fuck ton of counselling, the right medication, actually being able to grieve his murdered family, and stability for the first time in his life, he improves dramatically and is actually able to cope and be given back control of his life. He still has scars all the way up to his elbows on both his arms. He still takes the day off work and hides in bed on the anniversary, but y’know what, he doesn’t smash all the plates in the house because he doesn’t understand the Vilandran in the textbook he’s reading or shout at Sil for being home late because that’s thrown him into a panic of losing someone else. He’s allowed to hurt, he’s allowed to be sad, he’s allowed to speak his native fucking language. 
I am so incredibly proud of Trin. And yet another post where I want to throttle the monks. 
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banglatown · 3 years
6, 14, 18 & 29 for the ask game 💌 mwaah love you 💓💓💓
6. who would you see in concert if you could?
... honestly i feel like my anxiety would make me explode in the context of a concert so i don’t think i’d ever want to be in tht environment buttttt i rly lov raye and her music so ... i’d love to see her ... she’s just so glorious 🥰
14. do you have a fashion icon? 
ooooh i love this q! well, i take inspiration from all different points of time so, i can’t rly pinpoint a- 🥰💖✨jade from bratz🥰💖✨
18. if you could trade lives with anybody, who would it be?
uhhhh ... i don’t want to trade lives w anyone 😬 like not even to be annoying but like .. i’ve spent so long teaching myself to love myself and my life .. it feels wrong to want someone else’s life .. and i’m unfortunately far too aware to know that the grass is never greener on the other side, i’m happy w what i have aA 💕🦋✨
29. favorite book?
it’s so odd tht even tho i’m literally a phil major & have to do more reading than i’d honestly like ... i don’t rly have a favourite book? but the only books i’d say that’s actually made me feel something are john steibeck’s ‘of mice and men’, emily brontë’s ‘wuthering heights’ & ... plato’s ‘republic’ .. it’s scarily pertinent to today’s climate
send me numbers 1-30
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thesarcyone41 · 4 years
So I’ve been tagged by my mutual @hotsaucebear to answer a number of questions. I would reblog the post with my answers like they and all the prior people did, but that post has gotten REALLY long so I’m gonna post it here instead.
1. What is your favourite crime?
Based on recent events... property damage. In particular, damage to certain public statues. But also to private property in the cases of Confederate, Nazi, Trump etc. imagery or slogans.
2. What’s an unpopular candy-related opinion you have?
I have several related to chocolate. White chocolate is by far the best form of chocolate, dark chocolate should never have been invented and adding nuts to chocolate is the quickest way of ruining a good thing. I’m not even allergic to nuts, I just really hate them in anything. FIGHT ME.
3. What’s something everyone should absolutely do before they die?
You’re asking someone with very little life experience, so... breathe, I guess.
4. What fictional world would you like to live in?
Star Trek, probably. At least back when it was a technological utopia world of tolerance and socialism, before they started making it all edgy (I know it was never perfect but it was good enough to be considered utopian).
5. Something you wish you knew a year ago.
I wish I’d known how naturally I would take to driving once I’d started. Then I would have likely started my lessons much earlier (rather than waiting it out for months due to my anxiety) and been able to finish before the pandemic forced me to stop right in the middle - it would have allowed me to kind of get my life more on track much sooner. This might seem trivial but a year isn’t long enough ago to solve any of my other personal issues and it’s not like I’d have been able to do anything about the pandemic had I known - governments weren’t even listening to scientists warning them, why would anyone listen to some random then-21-year-old kid?
6. What’s the spookiest thing that’s happened to you?
Again, very little life experience, so nothing truly “spooky” has ever happened to me. And I don’t believe in anything supernatural, so I’ve never really interpreted anything that way.
7. If I wasn’t following you, why should I?
... Cat.
8. Reason you last smiled.
I watched a funny video. Before that, cat.
9. What superpower would you most like to have?
First place is tied between two powers. One is mind-reading. That probably sounds super creepy and manipulative, but being autistic I constantly feel like everyone I interact with is either trying to convey something that I’m not understanding, or misunderstanding something I’ve failed to convey properly. That post about how it’s like everyone else got a manual for how to socialise while OP didn’t perfectly sums up how I feel. I’m not interested in people’s secrets or memories, I just want to level the playing field regarding all the social cues I miss.
The other one tied for first place is empathic ability. It’s very similar to telepathy but more about emotions than thoughts. It’s basically what Mantis has in the MCU - the power to both read other people’s emotions (but not thoughts, so its helpfulness to me personally is limited) but also to help inflict certain emotional/mental states on others. I know a lot of people who suffer from depression, intrusive thoughts and the like (both on Tumblr and IRL) and with that power I could help relax their minds and take the unnecessary pain away. That probably sounds super lame but I really care about my friends.
I know you didn’t ask for second place but the superpower I’d second-most like to have is the power of the Infinity Gauntlet so I can just fucking Thanos-snap all the bigots out of existence (without any innocent casualties). Yeah if you’re a bigot you’re fuckin’ dead, sorry. I’m just sick of their shit. Tell me the world wouldn’t be a better place. Maybe if I were in a good mood I’d send them to an uninhabited Earth-like planet instead. Obviously they’d never trouble us again because they’d never produce anyone with the brains to create spacecraft to take their revenge on our planet. But with nobody else to direct their hate against, they’d probably just turn on each other and all end up butchered. And if by some miracle they didn’t and they reached the industrial age, they’d just destroy themselves with climate change. That’s the reality of conservatism (ooooh look at me going on a political tangent).
10. Strangest hill you’d die on.
Never really thought about that before, so... I’ll just go with my controversial chocolate-related opinions lmao. Sorry I know food taste is all down to individual preferences but I’m so sick of biting into a piece of chocolate only to find it’s dark chocolate or it has nuts in it. It causes my disappointment to be immeasurable and my day to be ruined (and my tongue to be violently assaulted).
I’m too uncreative to come up with my own questions and too socially anxious to risk bugging my Tumblr friends by actually tagging them, so... if you’re my mutual and you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged for answering all the same questions I just answered, and feel free to either reblog this post with your answers or tag me so I can see them.
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