#oooo ranty rant rant
thecreepiestcarrie · 3 years
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(x) the Kardashians are racist af. Here we have Kendall, you know her, she's the one who ended all police brutality with a single can of Pepsi- she's proudly telling Vogue (and their millions of subscribers) that her spirit animal is Black rapper and actor, Tupac Shakur. [2016]
There is almost too much to unpack here. But luckily for you: my sedatives haven't kicked in yet so let's goooo.
Tupac is considered one of the most influential rappers of all time. He is also viewed as a symbol of activism against inequality due to his songs addressing social issues. He was gunned down at age twenty-five. He was self-made, practising and honing his craft before hitting it big. His is an unavoidable legacy, his image is iconic and will always be recognisable, coz it's pretty much everywhere.
His face is so everywhere that Kendall and her cultural-appropriation-happy sis Kylie tried to make a quick buck from it. In 2017, the two ignorant girlies added to their clothing line, a collection of vintage tees. They charged $125 for shirts featuring photos/logos of legendary musical acts, then slapped their own faces over the top, coz narcissism knows no bounds with these shitheads.
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This particular design makes me extremely uncomfortable. I get that it's the initials of the two sisters, but they are one K away from a Ku Klux Klan callout over a photo of a Black man. But maybe they didn't realise, they have never had to deal with that kind of discrimination - they (and both of their parents) are white, why would they ever have to think about the KKK? That's just something they heard in history class, it doesn't affect them.
The shirts are exploiting the careers, hard work and legacies of others, specifically Black artists like Tupac and Biggie Smalls. How can these two white girls equate themselves with giants of their genre, who inspired countless people, who broke down barriers.
Okay so hopefully we've established that the things Kendall has in common with Tupac are slight to non-existent. Now let's move along to the term spirit animal. True, Kendall is not the one who says it, but there is no way the questions aren't submitted in advance to the filming and if she had any shred of sensitivity for others, she could have asked it be taken out.
Spirit Animal as a phrase has a less than straightforward origin, but it is clearly in reference to Native Americans, taking the concept of their sacred connection to nature (animals, plants, etc) and turning it into a joke. It de-legitimises the importance that many (but not all) Indigenous cultures apply to animals.
It is appropriation, plain and simple.
The fact that this privileged white girl would so casually equate Tupac with an animal is deeply troubling. Sure she was just using that misinformed, trendy phrase. But what lies beneath her words are a long history of micro-aggressions.
Equating a Black man to an animal is a long-standing and damaging stereotype, it has literally been around since the 16th century. It allows aggressors to 'other' Black people, making it easier to project their fear onto them.
They could describe Black men as violent, rapists, uneducated, irrational, less than human. As animals.
This is cultural appropriation, but in onion form and there's always more to peel back.
Fuck the Kardashians and their ignorant, appropriating asses. Eat the rich
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im nonbinary and love dressing in feminine clothing. I love femby friday, and wearing dresses and skirts and platforms and growing out my hair a bit. but now its 3 am and im looking in the mirror, where some of my mohawk now finally reaches my shoulders and im so. sad. at everything. i enjoy masculine pronouns and dressing masculine but I also love dressing in feminine clothing and despite me not only being feminine, the fact that I am feminine at all always makes me feel like I am not nonbinary enough. it makes other people say im not nonbinary enough
super fucking mad that i cant wear dresses or grow out my hair or wear platforms or do fucking anything but shave my head, wear the same 3 pairs of black ripped jeans and a hoodie for the rest of my life to have my identity respected
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kae-karo · 6 years
I was skimming the demon doc and having a grand ol' time until I saw the 'dan started wearing an earring in the "gay ear" ' thing. I know it's not that big a deal but am I overreacting for being a bit irritated by it? I never understood it and it seems so juvenile and middle school to me to be like "oooo you wear jewelry on a particular side of your body? GAY". Granted there are younguns in the phandom so whoever made it could be really young. Sorry if this comes off as ranty lol 1/2
2/2 That’s not my intention at all. I think I just have bad feelings with that whole deal after being that young and seeing boys get legitimately mad at their friends for getting the “gay side” of their nose pierced. And also being a closeted person wondering if people are gonna judge me when I got my nose pierced myself. I said this wasn’t supposed to be a rant and yet I’m ranting lol sorry >.
hi dear! for context, the demon doc (x) credit to @philsroots 
first and foremost, let me just remind everyone it is a demon doc, it’s not meant to be taken at face value.
second of all, it’s important to clarify that the ‘right-side earring is gay’ thing isn’t a childish insult spawned from insecure kids making fun of others (although i know it did evolve into that by most of our generation), it’s rooted in homosexual culture as one of many different historical ways to subtly signal a person was mlm (x) i’d actually suggest the opposite here, that those who aren’t aware of the culture are most likely the younger members of the phandom, unless they’ve gone about educating themselves on lgbtq+ history and culture.
i definitely understand where you’re coming from and why this might’ve upset you with only the context of bullies from school, and i’m not saying that i believe dan made a decision to put his earring in his right ear because it has a special significance with regards to his sexuality, but it’s important to understand the context of both the demon doc itself and the historical context before getting annoyed at the author
(also how could i not credit the lovely @legdabs for finding that article bad friend detected)
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taskun56 · 8 years
Pokemon Go away...
This is a rant post.  Pokemon Company needs to get Niantic back on track, because Pokemon Go is NOT what they promised it would be.  Recently, they updated the game to add over 80 new Pokemon from generation 2 into the game to entice people to come back. Between the rarity of the evolution items and different Eevee-lutions you can now unlock there is plenty to FIND in the game.  However, that brings me to my ranty point: what have they really added? More stuff to find. Oooo.... /s Adding new Pokemon to the game is not really that difficult. A few entries in the overall table about available Pokemon and an algorithm for their environment. Maybe some UI tweaks to draw the new assets and access them. At the end of the day it isn’t anything. It’s a cheap cash grab to get people back into the game and buying lures and other micro-transaction based items.  Where is the trading they promised? They recently removed the trading code from the game with this update. So it doesn’t look like the intent is to include that anytime soon unless it was changed so drastically between versions that it doesn’t make sense to leave the old legacy code there. What about the ability to finish catching all 150? Where are the “raids” they suggested could be used to obtain Legendary Pokemon. What about the global events? And don’t say Halloween/Valentines cause those weren’t much todo. Trainer Battles? Nope. Improved Gym battles? Nah. Breeding? Doubtful if ever.  This wasn’t an update; it was a quick cash grab so they can milk more money. The game made millions in the first week alone. I’m aware building something on a global scale costs a lot in equipment and development, but the best way to attract people to play the game again is to actually deliver on the features and add new gameplay experiences.  I don’t care about 80 new Pokemon and I’m not going to boot up the app just because they added in a few more to walk around aimlessly for. (Yes, I’m aware the tracker is updated, but it’s not that good. What were they REALLY losing out on by blocking API usage for finding Pokemon on a map? When I saw something I needed or wanted on the search I would lace up my shoes and run out to get it. After? Couldn’t be bothered to walk around aimlessly hoping to find that one Pokemon I need 12 more Candy for. It’s a no from me. Come talk to me after you actually finish Gen 1.
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