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hibiscustouch · 1 year ago
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The Heads of KAIROS.
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Jazz with a Prosthetic Arm
NOTE: Before you read this, I want to make something clear. There are, in fact, authors on this server. One of them is mentioned by name in this post. If you join the server and harass them for updates there will be consequences.
Source: #amity-park
Conversation inspired by this ask and art: link
Multiple options, gonna list ‘em as I know ‘em
i just like the idea of her rocking a prosthetic limb and Danny being more worried about her but she ain’t having it >:O
I like that too <3
1) portal accident. In the episode where Johnny tries to save kitty from the portal, jazz loses her arm because kitty bonding to her body goes wrong, and she gets a prosthetic arm FMA style
2) Technus broke into axiom labs again (Mr. "Announces his plans" never learns) while jazz and her class were on a field trip there. Technus hijacked an experimental medical biomatter reprogrammer, and jazz jumped in the line of fire to save someone on the one day she'd told Danny to take off for himself
Danny never takes a break again
Yeah, this AU is a bit more angsty I think
ooo Nasty burger (Or house) explosion happens but jazz lives~ she and Danny rebuild her an arm instead eoe
or Vlad does and Danny bribes Technus to fix the arm eoe so many ideas
I'm thinking motorcycle accident for the johnny bit
It would also be narratively interesting if it happened when spectra tried to blow her up with fireworks
man can see johnny freaking out because he knows phantom protective of his sister-
OOOOO I like that idea
Extra sad though because that failure would get in Danny’s head
aw yea
she wouldn’t get to see phantom unless she catches him in a different way
What if it happened during the fight with Danny in the Secret Weapons episode?
like why is Phantom in my window
Murder happy Danny lmao
while in hospital
               [What if it happened during the fight with Danny in the Secret Weapons episode?]
Ooo which one was that? idontremembernames of anything lol
Also irony of Johnny having more than one motor cycle accident. guilt might actually make johnny clean up his act faster especially because Danny would be mad
The episode where she went to Vlad
ooof yes!
They didn't get her out of the battle suit in time
Like Vlad used the nanites but they only got her arm?
               [Also irony of Johnny having more than one motor cycle accident…]
also, yes~ Johnny being a bit timid and skittish around phantom but maybe actually get the ball rolling into ghosts integrating with society instead of hindering
Or full body but she loses the rm somehow and the nanites rebuild it
I’m loving all of this
No one ever followed up on the nanites in her bloodstream after that episode
Also part of me wants this to be a wheelchair Danny fic
God that makes the Fenton’s look bad though
We can still have Johnny be the reason she's armn't and the nanobots rearming her was a surprise
Even though in this case Jazz’s accident is unrelated to them
I’m also tempted to have her Fenton made prosthetic give her mild ecto-contamination if it's made with ectoplasm in it
oo or maybe it was the Fenton’s fault and they quit ghost hunting because of the accident they saw happen to Jasmine... which you think would make Danny's life easier... but instead they find out it makes it worse.
Jazz and Danny's attempts at getting their parents back into it makes it worse too because reveal gone wrong… but as in it just solidifies their position on quitting ghost hunting... and now thinking about giving their kids to Vlad because they are too dangerous.
Do Maddie and Jack move from visible weapon making into mobility devices?
Among other things but yeah. They could make bank with these
               [I’m also tempted to have her Fenton made prosthetic give her…]
yes! I love that~
Ecto-acne at first? Or will Danny bring in the cure
Oh man Vlad would be a nightmare if jazz got the acne though. He would definitely use it as a way to bring the kids to his side because history repeating itself
with Jazz I can see hers being different but that’s personal hc of ectoplasm effecting each person differently.. or that jazz already a little contaminated as it is
               [Oh man Vlad would be a nightmare if jazz got the acne…]
Oh definitely! LOL
He'd be biting off more than he can chew though. Danny is feral on his own. Danny and jazz together go extra feral because sibling arguments and protective instincts
Vlad targets Danny: Jazz foams at the mouth
Vlad defends himself: Danny gets mad at him for touching his sister
It's a vicious circle
How long until he begs the parents to take their feral kids back?
Jazz taking off the arm and using it as a bat to smack Vlad
Danny asking for a hand and Jazz throwing her arm at him like Buzz and Woody
Classic disabled humor there
Danny will run things over, sometimes intentionally
Boy is going to intentionally roll over Vlad’s toes with his chair
I also could see him riding over bearbert as a dumb brother move
Jazz uses her arm to put stuff on the highest shelf
She forgets Danny can fly so she played herself
Now she can't reach it
You know the goal over giving her ecto-contamination is eventual halfa jazz
               [Now she can't reach it]
The arm has a grappling hook extender
But now she's hanging
If anyone asks she puns it
V: what are you doing?
J, stuck: just hanging out
Fuck yeah. There are so many dumb inventions in that thing. Like most of them are unnecessary and i also imagine it being really heavy
To the point where her doctor is gonna get mad
It can burn Jack's face into things
Like toast
Or the Fenton works logo
Oh, invention shenanigans and accidents with her arm. Comparable to when Danny first gets his powers
Both for the burning logos thing
Oh man. The arm mechanisms getting tangled in Jazz’s hair. Short hair jazz for convenience
The arm can probably shoot some sorta goo
Portable nets
it's a thermos
Physical therapy must suck for a while, especially if the prosthetic is heavy
She sucks Danny in lmao
The ecto-contamination actually helps with the weight but begin period would be achy
And yes, Danny ends up on butt end of a lot of these malfunctions while she's still figuring the arm out
maybe it working on ectoplasm after a while feels more lightweight the longer she has it~
poor Danny
jazz feels bad about it but they both know it’s just to be expected
He'll zap her back sometimes
They definitely get in dumb little powered fights
Also is it just me or is it sad that all the Fenton kids are half dead, this is including Dani. But dang
Jazz gives him time out in the arm thermos and Danny just sticks fridge magnets on her
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sad-yam · 8 years ago
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riverstardis · 2 years ago
this guy playing a fake pokemon go lol
jez and louise are manning the booze bus and he asks her out for breakfast but she says no
dylan calls robyn asking where they are but she doesn't know and she still thinks she can handle david herself
ethan and alicia making fun of cal's crush on sam JSJFJFJ "oh he is just soo dreamy" "we have like so much in common" "same taste in clothes, high opinions of ourselves" "tight buns" "...bit strange" "no i was running with the joke!"😭😭😭
it's only been like a few weeks since alicia and cal broke up and she's already teasing him like she's always been more like his sister in law sjsdjdjfg
cal looks annoyed and says he's working and alicia goes "at what?" and he says "i'm gonna be a surgeon" and alicia goes "hm? you fancy nicola sturgeon?" and ethan goes "no, no, he said: i'm gonna be a burden. well, you already are" JSJKDFJKFJKFG
alicia laughs but also looks confused/concerned lmao you can tell she's an only child. and i'm so glad ethan's getting the chance to be a proper annoying little brother shjsjhdjdf he usually has to be the sensible and mature one
cal's annoyed and walks off and alicia's like "is he serious?" and ethan goes "no it's this silly man crush he's got. you know he wanted to be a gladiator when he was younger" and then sam clears his throat and he's stood right behind them SDHJFJJSD
robyn tries to text dylan where they are when she sees a sign but david throws her phone out the window so they can "live in the moment"😬
david :(
oh that's pen khatri!
david's brother's grave :(
max, charlie, and duffy are trying to guess robyn's password for her phone location app thing and duffy goes "i just use password1234" and charlie says "which you're not supposed to tell anybody"
david's the one who found his brother after he'd overdosed :( going off the dates on the gravestone, he was only 20, so david was even younger
david tells robyn that he doesn't fear his highs, he fears going as low as his brother went😢😢 aand robyn's gone into labour
they're about to give up guessing the password and just call the police but duffy tries password1234 and it works shjdjdf
lmaoo sam sees cal watching his surgery videos in the staff room and he's like "y'know, i wasn't gonna bite but the new look, the videos? do i need to get a restraining order?" SJSDJJD i wonder if he would've even noticed if he hadn't overheard ethan and alicia earlier? cal says he wants to be a surgeon and sam says he doesn't need a designer shirt to do that and gives him proper advice and "follow me, young cal"
"i am not giving birth in a graveyard with a mentally unstable nurse!" i'm not sure you have much of a choice i'm afraid bestie
lmaooo sam took cal to connie's office to talk but connie gets back from the talent show while they're in there and she and sam start arguing and cal's sat there SO awkwardly in the middle sjsjfjg
sam's advice to cal is: "above all, you want to avoid an argument. speak your mind in front of an audience, if someone is taking liberties or undermining your authority, deal with it."
jason durr and amanda henderson are incredible
hang on just realised that ethan was at duffy's party but he was also on shift before and is still on shift after?? oh and jacob too actually. they must've been allowed a longer break or something?
and here's charlotte!
david's starting to crash :(
you know cal's got it bad cause he's still hanging round the hospital on a saturday night on his day off
here come ethan and alicia to make fun of him again sjsjdjf "dear sam..." "i think you are just so handsome" "ooo shall we have a shower together" "again, that's your brother, come on" "i'm not really getting the hang of this game"😭😭
cal ignores them and takes sam's advice and calls connie over "oh mrs beauchamp? it must be a pretty quiet shift for these conjoined doctors to be standing around all night" "and what are you doing?" "i am doing research work for mr strachan" and ethan and alicia turn to each other trying not to laugh again until connie tells them to follow her to the sluice SJDSJFJJKDF and now they're annoyed and it's cal's turn to make fun of them "oh no! here i am in trouble and all i was trying to do was impress alicia! wey aye pet, i am not impressed with owt ere like" and they both look at him with disbelief SJSDJDJFDJG I MISS THIS TRIO SO MUUUUCH😭😭😭 i mean the crucial thing ethan and alicia are missing here is they don't know that cal knows they already slept together
poor david :(
louise admitting that jez being bi is what's bothering her🥴 she says she doesn't understand but maybe he could explain over breakfast
aand they're kissing
oh yeah duffy and charlotte have the same birthday!
dylan apologises for not recognising the signs earlier and convinces david to seek help willingly rather than get sectioned
"i told the department of work and pensions i wasn't fit to come back to work. i was right, wasn't i?" :(
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constellationclarke · 6 years ago
Lmao ignore me (if the read more doesn’t work on mobile I’m sorry ya’ll can scroll past this I’m just venting to myself so I don’t go crazy)
Shoutout to my mum and her need to manipulate interactions to make me look bad or embarrassed or like a bitch so she can, what? Have moral superiority?? Oh and then act like nothing is wrong and continuing joking and so trying to further manipulate things by acting like I’m the bad guy or there’s something wrong with me bc I’m no longer happy obviously for being treated like that but to her I’m “moody” or a bitch or “never in a good mood” or “can never take a joke”. I’m so sick of it
Moments ago she came into my room looking for something and while she was here we started joking about something, something really mundane like it was to do with some clothes and shoeboxes like that’s how irrelevant it was and we were both laughing and I was mid laugh when she just comes out with “this isn’t funny my aunt is dying” and I’m just ??? She hadn’t mentioned it at. all. and she just interrupted me, in the midst of our laughter over a joke she actually started to say that and I was stunned and silent because I was so blindsided I didn’t know how to react and then I eventually ask which aunt and if I’d met her and which cousin she’s the mother of and she tells me and then I ask what happened and mum says it’s cancer and then like. Straight after saying that she goes right back into joking and then leaves and I’m just sat here completely stunned. And it’s not the first time she’s done this, she does it all the time. We’ll be joking around and she’ll tease me and it’s fine but as soon as I start I’m disrespectful and need to be serious and ‘this isn’t the time for joking’ or ‘who do you think you are to speak to me that way’ and she’ll just completely ruin the mood just to prove her authority over me and then as soon as she’s done she’ll start joking with me again but it’s always insulting me in a lowkey way and then she’ll be ‘confused’ when I’m all of a sudden not joking back and basically call me a bitch and it’s always been this way
Like as a teenager, whenever I’d have friends over and we would just be chilling quietly in my room she would come in and start berating me for something I apparently did that was wrong and it was all a complete sham because she would do it in english whereas if there really was a problem she would speak to me in portuguese but no, she would find some tiny insignificant thing and go all ‘stern disciplinarian mum mode’ just to, what? Prove to my 13yr old friend “oh look at me disciplining my child and embarrassing her in front of her friends and ruining her evening by intruding on a moment I wasn’t even a part of just to assert my dominance, I’m such a good mother!”
Or the time when I was young and was horrified at the fact that people ate rabbits and so I vehemently refused to eat rabbit meat because it upset me so much and when I was like 10 or roundabouts and we were having a big family dinner and all my aunts and uncles and cousins were there and I was told that for dinner we were having chicken and I had no reason to suspect otherwise and the meat in the pan looked like chicken, not that I paid that much attention to it, so I was having a good time chatting and laughing with my cousins and I didn’t understand why they gave me strange looks when I wanted a second serving and asked them to pass me the chicken but they did and we carried on being kids and dinner went on and then it was over and a few moments later from the ‘grown up’ end of the table mum calls my name so I look over to see what she wants and they’re all looking at me and she’s smirking and asks what I thought of the food and I’m confused but I assume she means because my aunt cooked or something idk so I say it was great and the adults all burst out laughing and she reveals to me it was rabbit and she had got all the adults to lie to me and tell me it wasn’t chicken because she knew I was against eating rabbit so she just. Completely and utterly humiliated me in front of our entire family and lied to me and deceived me into doing something she knew I wasn’t comfortable with and now everybody was laughing and making fun of me and I just had to sit there and take it while trying really hard not to cry or react in any way because I knew that if I did have any sort of negative reaction I would just be further humiliated or punished for it. The other day she brought it up while we were in public and was like ‘haha wasn’t this so funny’ but she’s been treating me like shit all my life and I guess she just thought that I’d always continue to put up with it so boy the look of pure shock on her face when I clearly wasn’t amused and very bluntly said “that’s not funny at all. You humiliated me in front of the entire family and you lied to me. You should be ashamed” was amazing, she literally was speechless for a moment as I continued to calmly eat my lunch and let her and my dad stew in the awkward silence until she hastily cleared her throat and tried changing the subject
And how about how she is very affectionate which I’m always told I should be thankful for that she enjoys showing her love but I’m not because she completely disregards my boundaries (to the point that it’s something that makes me so angry that if I ever have kids I’ve sworn to myself that I’m going to teach them about consent from a young age and that absolutely no one, no matter who they are, family or not, can touch them if they don’t feel comfortable and have every right to say so!!) My mum would like to launch kiss attacks and would end up tackling me and pinning me down because I would say no and try to get away from her so she would do that, thinking it’s all a big joke, and even though she would make me laugh by tickling me, I would not at all be comfortable with it and would actually feel trapped and panicking but I just tried to stay calm despite my gut reaction being to push her off me or kick or do whatever I could to get away but I knew if I did I would be in so much trouble so I would just try to squirm away but accidents happen and sometimes in the midst of the play fighting I’d accidentally hit her or something and she would completely flip out and yell at me and tell me off for being “so mean and cruel and nasty and a horrible person” and punish me. And one time we were joking around because she snatched my phone away in return for affection and I was trying to get it back and also get away from her and she accidentally ended up dropping it and hitting me but then told me not to overreact and at that point it had been like 17/18 years of this and I’d had enough and lost my patience and was upset and no longer in the mood to put up with it and I was emotional but managed to calmly call her out and say that even though I recognised what just happened was an accident and she didn’t mean it, it was unfair that she forces me into situations where I feel uncomfortable and I’ll accidentally hurt her and she’ll get mad but when she does it to me and even almost damages my stuff there’s no problem and I was visibly upset but she didn’t care and just said “no. your phone is fine and you can have it back but I did this by accident but when you hit and hurt me you do it on purpose because you’re mean” which is rich coming from a woman who thinks it’s okay to slap a child if they misbehave and she never apologised and the next day acted like nothing had happened except to ask me if I’d “calmed down yet” and then continued on pushing for affection
Ooo and what about the time on my 18th birthday, you know, a day people get really excited for and everyone views as special? And instead I went to school and was treated like crap and ignored the whole day by my so-called friends for absolutely no reason to the point where I was on the verge of tears at the end of the day and was so emotionally exhausted coming home that I fell asleep for hours. I was vaguely aware of mum coming home and talking to me but I was so tired I asked if we could talk later and she was absolutely fine and understanding and let me sleep (also important to note that during the night one of her uni assignment results had been published but we’ll get back to this in a second) and then I was woken up for dinner and as I come downstairs dad hands me the phone because my uncle and aunt want to say happy birthday and we don’t have a good relationship with them because they’re not good people and have done some shitty stuff to use but I was tired and didn’t want to start trouble and cause fights by refusing to talk to them so I relented and it was just a quick 30 second conversation and even though they’re horrible at least calling me to say happy birthday was a good action right? Apparently I was wrong and a bitch talking to them because when I hang up the phone and go to the kitchen to eat, all of a sudden mum was cold towards me and only spoke to me if it was necessary in clipped short sentences like to answer my question of what was for dinner or to ask me to pass something and she wouldn’t even look at me and I was so confused and things just got worse because dad was so oblivious and because we were silent he got distracted by the news on tv and absorbed in it so dinner was spent in practically total silence and mum finished eating quickly and jumped up immediately to start washing up rather than spend another second at the table with me, ya know, her daughter on her birthday, and then dad also finished before me and got up to do something so . I was eating alone and all I could think about was the shitty day I’d had to the point where I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and ended up bursting into tears over my plate and dad was obviously worried and now I was sobbing that my day had been absolutely horrible and I felt like shit and now on top of it mum was mad at me and won’t even talk to me and I was just breaking down and she just sighed and denied being mad at me and they calmed me down and I went up to bed to rest and later mum came to talk to me and she admitted she was mad at me for speaking to my aunt n uncle and I countered by calmly saying “yeah they’re dicks but at least they called me instead of ignoring me and were nice and I’d already had such a shit day on a day that is supposed to be my day and I was exhausted and didn’t want to cause a fight” and she said “well it’s not just all about you you know, today is about me too since I have birth to you and you didn’t even think of me, I get home and you’re just asleep and when I went to talk to you you didn’t even ask me what grade I got in that assignment when I’d told you the grades were coming out today!” And I was just so shocked into silence and in the end I ended up apologising to her
Let’s not forget the time the night before my english lit A-level, you know, the most important exam to me since at that time I had applied to study english lit at uni and this grade was important, and she and dad had been fighting over something and then that night they’re having a massive screaming match over the phone because he was in Portugal and this is all while I’m trying to study and they’re shouting things at one another and having the worst fight that I’ve ever heard them have, to the point where I genuinely thought they were going to get divorced, that’s how awful it was, and then they start arguing over fucking phone calls and dad is insisting one thing and mum is insisting the other and it was about one night dad talking to me on the phone so they fucking drag me into the argument to clear things up aka say who’s right and who’s wrong and effectively pick a side but it turns out they were both kind of wrong about the situation and I stay neutral and clear things up but that actually makes it worse and I guess mum was expecting me to be on her side and she continues screaming at my dad and then actually starts screaming at me saying I just make things worse and that I’m a liar despite the fact that they’re the ones that dragged their own child into fight just to use me against each other and that I actually had proof to back up what I said!! But no, this is irrelevant and she says I’m a liar and a bad person because I’m purposefully making things worse and I’m not siding with her and she’s genuinely screaming at me and I have enough and basically tell her that she can fuck off dragging me into an argument and trying to use me and that she has no consideration for me and my feelings and the fact that I have a fucking exam the next morning and now have to deal with this shit and I just go back to my room and slam the door and I hear her slam hers and I just end up crying for ages instead of studying because I can’t focus on studying anymore and things seem like they’re falling apart and after a couple of hours she comes to me with a fake ass apology that doesn’t even really apologise for what happened
Oh and after she came to ‘apologise’, she tried to have this big deep talk with me and during the talk I told her that I don’t like it when she calls me stupid because it’s something that she and my dad did that really fucked me up as a kid and now I can’t handle being called it by them and I just tell her I don’t like it and she promises not to do it anymore and guess fucking what. Now she manipulates me with it where instead of just outright calling me stupid she’ll joke “don’t make me call you that word you don’t want me to call you” to get me to do something, like. Is it really that hard to just be a decent fucking human being? And after that fight, because it was so big and they had genuinely screamed stuff at each other about splitting up, naturally there was a moment where I was scared they were going to get divorced or something and during that big ‘deep’ talk after the fight she told me I was “silly” to think that and every now and then if she and dad are having a slight disagreement about something she likes to mock me and say “yeah are you still scared mummy and daddy are getting a divorce” and it’s like. no matter what I say I’m never respected and I’m just mocked and belittled and disrespected and humiliated at every chance so she can prove her superiority and I’m so tired and I wish I could say it was just these things that happen but there have been so many more instances and other things that she’s done to me and I’m genuinely just tired. I’m tired of feeling angry. I’m tired of being treated the way I’m treated and god I just wish I could go back to uni so I’m away from home because this really isn’t good for my mental health
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the-golden-ghost · 8 years ago
Tagged by @icekingninja
Share 13 things about yourself
Answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 questions the people you tag will have to answer.
Tag 13 people
Be creative with the title    
There were more rules but they were like ‘lmao you HAVE TO DO THIS NO TAKEBACKS’ and I’m like bruh, we all have lives here. So no pressure, friends. You need not do this. 
13 facts about me:
I love number stations and listen to them to calm down.
India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Romeo Echo Alpha Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra; Hotel India
I can also type in/read Wingdings. I can’t do it right now because I’m not on mobile. But I can do it.
I learned this because of Undertale, yes. Once I wrote a poem about WD Gaster and presented it to a class because I’m that much of a fucking nerd.
I love Shakespeare. I have never actually seen a Shakespeare play performed that wasn’t a parody (and that I wasn’t in)
My favorite play is Twelfth Night, if you’re curious.
I’m fascinated by ghosts, the paranormal, and cryptids. If you’ve heard of Gef the Talking Mongoose I love you. Also, the Canvey Island Monster (a monkfish)
My favorite marine invertebrate is a giant siphonophore
One of the first stories I ever wrote was about three kids and they had a cat named Dry Clean Only and I’m not really sure why but at the time I thought it was hilarious, so. (I was about 8 when I wrote it)
I love clocks; since I was a kid I have been calmed down and fascinated by their ticking or the steady movement of the hands or timer. Sometimes if I’m stressed I’ll set a timer and watch the numbers go down, or just stare at the clocks on my phone.
I was legally deaf as a child and had to have multiple operations to correct it.
My favorite season is chili powder. 
My favorite painting is a painting of a bluebird with bright red bulging eyes that looks like maybe it’s possessed or in severe pain. It’s charming. Also my grandmother gave it to me before she got Alzheimers and forgot who the heck I was. (She’s still alive but she doesn’t know who the heck I am)
Icekingninja’s 13 Questions:
Do you have any pets? Yes. One (1) dog. Her name is Eve and she is a mix of Lab and other stuff. 
Favorite color? Yellow/Gold
Favorite food? Hell if I know. Probably sushi.
Favorite book? I always have to pass on this cause I have like 47 favorite books so
Favorite video game? Probably Super Mario Bros. 3, historically. Recently, Morrowind and Pokemon X.
Fictional character(s) you’d like to switch lives with? Damn. Are there any fictional characters whose lives aren’t... bad? Maybe Princess Bubblegum. I’d like to live in Ooo. And have phenomical cosmic power
Fictional character(s) you’d like to bring into reality? NO That’s a really hard question though? Most of my faves are evil or at the very least, morally shady. The few good faves I have are... dead, or would be very different in this world as opposed to their own. So. No?
How many languages do you speak? One. I’m trying to learn French, German, and ASL.
Digital or traditional art? Traditional!
Favorite Pokemon? Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure
Favorite emoji(s)? The ones involved in speaking in Wingdings
Favorite flower? A forget-me-not
Did you liked this questions? Yes!
Thirteen Questions by Ghost:
Most irritating noise?
How would you choose to die?
You could choose to erase one event of your life from existence. Do you do it, and what event would you erase?
You have the option of either meeting the love of your life tomorrow (but they die at the age of 40) or never meeting them. (If you’re aromantic then you met your best and closest friend in the world tomorrow) Which would you choose?
Favorite marine invertebrate?
You can either live to be 100, or die tomorrow and guarantee that 100 random children who would have died in infancy will live to be 100. Which do you pick?
Are you afraid?
If you could be a cryptid, what would you be? 
Which is worse; living in a world where everything is meaningless, or nothing is?
You can grow wings. There is no downside to this. Do you grow wings?
If you had a pet canary named Fred, what would you name it?
Would you be willing to sacrifice Fred’s life for the guarantee of ascension beyond this mortal plane?
You have ascended beyond this mortal plane and Fred’s spirit has come to meet you in the void. What do you tell him to explain your actions?
@3wisellamas @steel-fixes-all @crispin-cas9 @autistic-harry-hotspur @thehufflepuffprefect @cayteecat
@bewareofitalics @marcusbrutus @jitterymachine @crafty-demonite @gentleherald @lizardrosen @daily-owls
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