#ook horse
medewerkers · 2 years
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Horse Friend is vanaf nu beschikbaar op iOS en Android. Om te vieren dat Horse Friend beschikbaar is op iOS en Android, heeft Horse Friend dit gedicht voor je geschreven. Dat klopt, beste mensen; vanaf nu kun je je eigen Incitatus meenemen naar school, naar je werk of zelfs naar de bioscoop. En dat wil je natuurlijk! Tik hier of op het winkelicoontje rechtsonder in je scherm om jezelf het meest geweldige cadeau denkbaar te geven: vriendschap met een virtueel paard. Je kunt deze productieve poepfabriek ook aan al je vrienden geven. Iedere Sjonnie zijn eigen pony. Fantastisch gewoon.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
The New S2 Poster Details
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Terry's hat and scarf ❤ With an ook pin! ❤
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Crowley's old glasses on the statue. The statue itself is the Marly Horses by Guillaume Coustou the Elder.
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Aziraphale's bow tie on the floor 👀
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The cardboard box - long ago Neil shared on his instagram: Game on! There are mysteries, histories, secrets revealed and Something Too Terrible To Be Revealed on the way. Also a cardboard box.
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Three feathers. One white, one blac and one white with a bluish/grey tinge (if it's not a shaddow)?
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The angel mug is back 🥰
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'The Resurrectionist' matches with skull and crossbones. In the previous poster there was a The Resurrectionist leaflet.
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Again the Eccles cakes (already were in the previous poster)
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Feather duster with dark gray/black feathers
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On this shelf there books also in the previous poster, but at different place 🤔: The Crow Road, Catch-22.
And: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, from wikj: mystery novel by nritish writer Mark Haddon. Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in the 1892 short story The Adventure of Silver Blaze
And: No Woman No Cry: My Life with Bob Marley by Rita Marley a memoir of Bob Marley by wife, Rita.
Also heard the people say that the right one of the Catch-22 they see Gabriel García Márquez on the spine (I can't read it :)).
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Lord Jim and Treasure Island have also been identified in the previous poster but now are in a different place 🤔👀.
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Three books by Jane Austen: Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice and Emma. We have already seen Pride and Prejudice in the previous poster but it was a different edition so Aziraphale has more than one :).
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Again geckos! :) 🦎 (there were three in the previous poster)
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The Buddy Holly Everyday was also in a different place in the previous poster. And there is a note on it
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The Ressurectionist, 66. Goat Gate, Edinburgh 👀.
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How Photographer Sean Shaver Met And Became A Photographer And A Friend Of Elvis Presley From The Middle Sixties Up To That Tragic Day Is Sad Passing On August The 16th In 1977 And He Attended Elvis Presley’s Funeral in Memphis As Well.
In the middle sixties a man traveling through Memphis decided to see where Elvis Presley lived. When he stopped at Graceland Elvis Presley happened to be out riding his horse in the front yard. The man not only saw Elvis Presley but spoke to him. Back home, several days later, he told his friends what he had seen and what Elvis Presley had said to him. Nobody believed him.
The man went back to Memphis and this time het ook along his camera. The pictures he took changed his life. Within a year he quit his job and dedicated his life to ‘’shooting’’ the most elusive of all photographic game, Elvis Presley.
For more than a decade he traveled all over the country getting the most protected man in the world on film….and on camera.. he took over 80,000 Candid Photos of Elvis Presley and also Unseen Candid Photos Of Him As Well Before He Sadly Passed Away Himself In 2023 Two Rare Candids Taken Here In June 1972 By Sean Shaver Of Elvis Presley’s June 10th 1972 Aftenoon Show At Madison Square Gardens Performances In New York Wearing The Beautiful Wheat leaf Light Blue Jumpsuit First One Backstage Waiting To Perform the second one performing for the New York Fans Audience.
This is about Sean Shaver. The First Official Photographer And Friend Of Elvis Presley Approved By Elvis Presley Not Ed Bonja.
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i-am-a-fraud · 2 years
congras on the new blog! this is me asking for a funny scenario with kalego with his human s/o. maybe something funny like his s/o is cooking for him and it tastes so bad that he dies a little inside every bite but he wont say anything coz he doesnt want to hurt his s/o's feelings :D
Oh my god thank you so much your so sweet!
Kalego x reader
Trying readers really bad cooking
No warnings
I personally headcanon kalego to be autistic but that doesn't limit him it just explains some stuff about him
He is very sensitive to foods he likes them cooked his way and his way only
Not to be a ass or Gordon Ramsey 2.0 but because of textures and flavors
When he walked through the door after a long day to see you setting out plates, he got nervous
Can you even cook? Have you ever cooked before? Did you use HIS recipes?
He has so many questions but not enough energy to ask
"Thank you" is all he could say as you made him sit down
Your eyes where bright and you looked so excited as you layed out a feast of your favorite meal you really wanted kalego to try
He took a bite and died a little bit inside
His soul left his body and not in a good way
You looked so happy to be eating your favorite dinner and so happy that he was too
He clenched his jaw and sucked it up
Although he did slide some of the food into his pockets because of how bad it was.
"Wow you eat all that in such little time do you want more?"
"No I feel bloated"
"Oh I am sorry, I really thought!"
"No! It is good, definitely needs some improving but how about next time we make it together"
"You can take the *food* out of your pocket, I know I'm not a good cook thank you for trying it"
Now if you where not a crush or s/o it would go something like this . . .
"Are you trying to poison me?"
"No just try it"
Takes one bite
"I wouldn't feed this dry ass burt to the crisp bumpy lumpy dumpy bull shit to a mouse or iruma!"
(Ok he doesn't talk like that but you almost made bro go on his evil cycle smh)
Will avoid you for a week or month or the rest of your life because he will probably live longer than you because you will die of your own cooking but that's beside the point.
Anways back on track . . .
He loves you and doesn't want you upset and you know that
Your honestly surprised how nice he was about it kalego hates and I mean HATES people touching or messing with his food
(Probably eats the same 3 meals every week)
It is the thought that counts to him
He will make a point to make your favorite dinner for you so it doesn't look like the bottom of a grill at the end of summer time. Or rather the remaines of a house fire
Will be sure to make you watch him cook so you can "learn"
Needless to say you do not learn, you are just born a bad cook
Doesn't mind cooking with you, gives you small tasks you can't possibly mess up
If you do, he will give you the most annoyed horse face every to be seen
Loves you either way master chef or white trash grill fire (ok, but if there is a grill fire, you know them burgers gonna taste like heaven or like lacking charcoal)
If you say something like "master chef who?" He will give you the most confused and disappointed face known to man to this day
He will not tease you or make fun of you and will go along with lies
Your lies may include lying when you bring baked goods to a gathering saying you made them not him
I feel like he doesn't want anyone to know that he can cook.
He doesn't want to seem housewife like I guess I don't know
BBQ god that's all I am gonna say
I tried to make this a little longer. I don't like writing short things. I feel like I am failing you guys (you guys being my one follower, that is my other account)
I hope you like it annon please request again
Requests cure my depression
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danjaley · 1 year
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Alice: I’m sorry. He – I – we were mistaken about horses then?
Matthew: Ne’er min’. Ah’ll lend you a ‘ook by Mr Swift, an’ you can trusht hish o’inion, he wash a Reveren’. – Oh, look! He likesh you!
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ook. i KNOW roxy and dirk are going to immediately lose to those community guys but. here is my propaganda because they are so near and dear to me. roxy is the adhd of the group. shes hyperactive/hypertalkative. her hyperfixations include cats, video games, & wizards! shes very impulsive and when jane doesn't believe that the batterwitch is evil, she literally tries to bomb her house and blame it on the batterwitch. she also has issues sleeping, mostly sleepwalking. people with adhd are also way more likely to experience substance abuse, & roxy is a recovered alcoholic. dirk is autistic! his special interesrs are robots, horses, & anime. robots/ai especially so to the point he made a copy of his brain into an ai. he sort of has sleep problems, since his dream self is awake for years. also whenever he focus on his dream self, he tends to zone out and cant concentrate in the real world. he also doesn't understand how relationships work and just does stuff to teach people lessons and help them improve. how are they a duo? they're best friends and ecto-parents. i love them.
Thank you for taking the time to propagandize for these two, I never read Homestuck so the floor is open for anyone who wants to tell me about Roxy and Dirk!!!!!
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xenogenderruimte · 5 months
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ENG: Lindaric is a feminine or neutral in nature xenogender, neurogender or kingender, connecting to the character Linda Chanda from the game Star Stable Online (SSO) in some way. It might be because the user of this gender is a fictive of her in a plural system, is fictionkin, or the user might feel like their gender is related to one or more of the following; horses, druids, magic, space, the moon, Jorvik, books and/or knowledge. This gender is feminine and/or neutral in nature, but it can be used by anyone regardless of that.
The flag's design features a central image of a horse within a crescent moon which ties in with the elements of magic, the moon, and a mystical connection to horses. The colors of the flag relate to Linda Chanda’s color scheme: Purple, Pink, Gray and Black; aswell as her horse Meteor: Orange, Beige and White. The stars and swirling patterns further emphasize the magical and celestial qualities linked to this gender.
NL: Lindaric is een van nature vrouwelijke of neutrale xenogender, neurogender of kingender, verbonden met het personage Linda Chanda van het spel Star Stable Online (SSO) op een bepaalde manier. Het kan zijn omdat de gebruiker van deze gender een Fictive is in een Meervoudig Systeem, of omdat de gebruiker Fictionkin is, of omdat de gebruiker's gender verbonden voelt met een of meer van de volgende dingen; paarden, druïden, magie, de ruimte, de maan, Jorvik, boeken en/of kennis. Deze gender is van nature vrouwelijk en/of neutraal, maar het kan gebruikt worden ongeacht iemand zich wel of niet vrouwelijk of neutraal voelt.
Vlag beschrijving: Het ontwerp van de vlag heeft een centraal ontwerp van een paard bij een halve maan, wat de connecties van magie, de maan, en een connectie naar paarden toont. De kleuren van de vlag zijn gerelateerd aan Linda Chanda's kleurenpalet: Paars, Roze, Grijs en Zwart, en ook aan haar paard Meteor: Oranje, Beige en Wit. De sterren en de dwarrelende patronen benadrukken de magische en buitenaardse kwaliteiten verder die gekoppeld zijn aan deze gender.
GER: Lindaric ist ein feminines oder neutrales Xenogender, Neurogender oder Kingender, das in irgendeiner Weise mit der Figur Linda Chanda aus dem Spiel Star Stable Online (SSO) verbunden ist. Dieses Geschlecht kann zum Beispiel verwendet werden wenn der:die Benutzer:in dieses Geschlechts ein Fictive von ihr in einem System ist, Fictionkin ist, oder der:die Benutzer:in fühlt, dass sein:ihr Geschlecht mit einem oder mehreren der folgenden Elemente verbunden ist: Pferde, Druiden, Magie, Weltraum, der Mond, Jorvik, Bücher und/oder Wissen. Dieses Geschlecht ist von Natur aus feminin und/oder neutral, kann aber von jedem verwendet werden, unabhängig davon.
Das Design der Flagge zeigt ein zentrales Bild eines Pferdes innerhalb eines Halbmondes, was mit den Elementen Magie, der Mond und eine mystische Verbindung zu Pferden zusammenhängt. Die Farben der Flagge beziehen sich auf das Farbschema von Linda Chanda: Lila, Rosa, Grau und Schwarz; sowie ihr Pferd Meteor: Orange, Beige und Weiß. Die Sterne und Muster betonen die magischen Eigenschaften, die mit diesem Geschlecht verbunden sind.
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flowerkidlove · 2 years
Also? I wanna hear about your ocs n fursonas
ook?! (surprised monkey sound)
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ocs? sonas? tell you about them you say?
ok ok so i have Elliot (he/him transboy/girl/nonbinary, bicurious/"straight" (queer)) and Sekani (he/she genderfluid pan or bisexual i cant remember)!!! they came from a really bad comic i wanted to make, they were both reapers, based off of the piers anthony series, the book theif and i think one more thing but i dont remember.
Sekani was previously the Egyptian God, Anubis, but i recently thought that calling him my oc while using that name was hella cringe of me, so now she's Sekani!
Elliot died in an accident and (like the piers anthony book) since he was balanced sinful and nonsinful [idfr] he could become a reaper to either let him go to heaven or send him straight to hell
Elliot was also a big trauma dumping character and also helped trans my gender, i love him to death, but i feel bad for him too, he just suffers a lot for me! also. he has a gun. this made him cool. idk why
i dont draw them very much anymore, i can't quite get a grasp on them for some reason, mayhaps my art style changed too much and they just. don't work. i don't use them in anything, but i would like to. i know they have to change, but i'm not ready for that.
they were both previously different characters. Sekani used to be a human sans and Elliot used to be from an undertale au called "undertaile" (i found out about the porn name............) where. i think? one of the guard dogs had children with a human and also the final boss was the annoying dog?????????????????
ANYWAY Elliot came from my oc for perseverance: Emily! two VERY different characters now, but! hey, that's growth for you!
i also have an animatronic janitor horse name Plinko Horsington (he/him loveless aromantic lesbian)! he's from Security Breach and liked to flirt with customers just to see their reactions, fuckin with them! but i didn't really have much from there that i remember!
then there's Axin (she/her transgirl anthro mouse), Candy (she/her, sweet/sweets genderfae anthro bunny) and Yvonne (xe/xem nonbinary crow? blackbird? idr) they were a polycule, not much on them
i dont remember a lot of my other oc's, they didn't stay for very long in my head, so i can't talk about any of them
ok! for! fursonas!
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Axin used to be a fursona! back when i wasnt nonbinary, in! highschool! then i changed her name and made her an oc!
Flower Blue! the bunny in my icon! the icon is made by clownkiwi on here, deh good tumblr! but they're my main sona, i want to get a partial of them, i like using them as The Guy for everything!
then there's Candy Lovestruck (she/her, cupi/cupid/cupids, it/its), a lovecore based mouse fursona! cupi was just someone i needed to put a bunch of pink into the design, tho i think i need to add more details to the design!
and then theres this dog one that! i wanna make more things about, but im not ready to talk about that one i think
ok im all done now :3
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orange-genius · 1 year
haters will say horseshoe crabs aren't horses and you know what i tell them? shut the fuc k your mouthyou dont know this little guy like ido. ,ook ath im.
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hes literally SAYS horse, come on.
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medewerkers · 2 years
 🌟 Nieuw
We hebben onze richtlijnen voor de community aangepast. Lees er alles over in dit medewerkersbericht.
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De TumblrMart bevat een aantal nieuwe artikelen: krabben met een Halloweenthema en een spelletje: Horse Friend.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
I had a quite interesting Bloodborne-related dream tonight (again)
I found Kos somewhere in the woods after wading though a lot. She was on sort of a shore, but not right there, water source was far enough for there to be grass and some bushes where she was. She looked a bit smaller than her normal size, was darker but more saturated shade of blue and had some... stars speckled pattern in her body? I still question if that was relevant to 'Stars' and cosmos, or some marine creature bioluminescence. She was crying...
I kept trying to comfort her or help her, but every time she was pushing me away in unusual way... by turning me into a different life form every time. :') And every time the "incarnation" would immobilize me and I'd 'restart' where I came from, like in a videogame. First time it was horse, second time it was some broccoli/cabbage (makes sense since Milkweed rune is likely voice of Kos), third time some marine creature that's a mix of a shrimp and a snail. Like nautilus maybe? All forms were saturated blue and speckled with shiny 'stars' too. That had a very strong 'leave me alone!' vibe to it - like you know, when person doesn't want to be seen crying or helpless.
But even more interesting thing - there was a grave digged next to her, with some boards. It was too small for her, but enough for humans. And several did fall into it as I've seen ._." That grave was practically hypnotizing people to jump into it and perish. Kind of the 'it's my hole, it was made for me!' deal? I swear one of victims of this trance was Adella.
This made me think of Micolash. Who else knows all about human sacrifices and loves Kos a lot? I could swear, the context was him ensuring a trap next to her, to convert human sacrifices in prolonging her life - she was at the brink of death, marine creature on the land is doomed. Not to mention what happened with her physical body... Kos doesn't want it and doesn't like it, she personally would rather die with dignity. It is one thing to create a Hell for hunters, but indulging in sacrifices is something Flora and Amygdalas do!
But Micolash is the type to do what will help someone he loves - even if this means doing something they won't approve of. Even it means they will hate him and curse him forever... This honestly felt so bittersweet. She did not even feel like that huge important godly mother figure - rather like a close soulmate of Micolash from another world, that now resents (if not "hates") him but he is ready to take the blow if it means she lives and gets better ;-;
Also, horse transformation perplexed me, because it seemed off, considering "cabbage" and marine animals made sense. I now start to grasp for ideas whether Ludwig's unique transformation indirectly had to do with her? I am saying crazy shit like how maybe he was helping with the massacre and ate heart of OoK or something, maybe not exactly but along these lines.
This just left me a lot to think about, and a lot of emotions. My brain just gives me free illustrated fanfics at this rate. Also I think I ship Micolash and Kos now, haha;
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ronnydeschepper · 10 days
Alain Bernardin (1916-1994)
Het is vandaag al dertig jaar geleden dat Alain Bernardin (foto YouTube), de stichter van de nightclub The Crazy Horse in Parijs, zelfmoord heeft gepleegd. Hij had misschien persoonlijke problemen, misschien zag hij op tegen het ouder worden (ik zou dat volledig kunnen begrijpen!), maar ik zie zijn zelfmoord ook in het kader van de veranderende zeden: hij voelde misschien reeds aan dat woke zijn…
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regioonlineofficial · 10 days
Deze meiden schitterden donderdagavond 12 september als kaasprinses en hofmeisjes in de stoet van het Kaascorso van Bodegraven: Kaasprinses - Hannah Koch van der Steen Kaasprinses Hannah is 9 jaar, woont in Bodegraven. Ze zit op de Prinses Beatrixschool in groep 6. Hannah is een actief meisje. Vanaf haar vierde volgt ze musicallessen bij het Jeugdtheaterhuis. Daarnaast traint ze wekelijks in de doeken bij Luchtacrobatiek Madeline in Reeuwijk. Haar grootste hobby is Hobby Horse, springen en dressuur, dit oefent Hannah dagelijks zelf of met vriendinnen. En als je Hannah zoekt, dan is ze bij Hippisch Centrum Bodegraven. Sinds haar derde rijdt ze paard. Naast paardrijles is ze ook graag in de stallen tussen de paarden te vinden. Hofmeisje -  Jasmijn Timmerman Hofmeisje Jasmijn is 8 jaar oud en zit op de Willibrordschool, in groep 5. Ze is dol op dansen en dat doet ze bij dansschool Studio Forza. Jasmijn houdt van kaas en is heel trots dat ze dit jaar een hofmeisje mag zijn! Hofmeisje - Jane Vleeshouwers Hofmeisje Jane is 9 jaar en woont samen met haar ouders, broer en zus in Bodegraven. Jane zit in groep 6 van Kindcentrum Wereldweijde. Ze doet 2x per week aan kickboksen en gaat met heel veel plezier naar de scouting. Jane wil later in de dierentuin werken.
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petervc88 · 2 months
Cappelle Calling - Country - 29 juli 2024
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Met voormalig Heart For Country presentatrice Nancy Mahulette draaide ik in deze speciale thema-uitzending van Cappelle Calling twee uur lang alleen maar countrymuziek.
Volgende week is er een herhaling van deze uitzending te horen i.v.m. vakantie. Op 12 augustus is er weer een nieuwe uitzending van Cappelle Calling.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Sherrie Austin - Put Your Heart Into It Beyoncé - TEXAS HOLD 'EM The Chicks - There's Your Trouble Kenny Rogers - Me And Bobby McGee Johnny Cash - Sunday Morning Coming Down Rascall Flatts - What Hurts The Most (DisCovered) Ricochet - Seven Bridges Road Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (Filmplaat - uit 'O Brother Where Art Thou?') Lionel Richie ft. Little Big Town - Deep River Woman Billie Jo Spears - Blanket On The Ground Aaron Tippin - Kiss This Annita - Bigelow 6-200 Rowwen Heze ft. Flaco Jimenez - (Hey Baby) Que Paso
Uur 2:
Zac Brown Band - Keep Me In Mind Tish Hinojosa - Esperate (Wait for Me) Mark Wills - What Hurts The Most (DisCovered) Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman Townes Van Zandt - Pancho & Lefty Loretta Lynn - First City Nickel Creek - When You Come Back Down Emmylou Harris - Together Again First Aid Kit - Emmylou Willie Nelson - Shotgun Willie Poco - Rose Of Cimarron The Flying Burrito Brothers - Wild Horses Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey
Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Ook wordt het programma op vrijdagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 uitgezonden op Slotstad Radio, waar het op zondagavond van 22:00 t/m 22:00 wordt herhaald. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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peterpijls1965 · 5 months
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Paul Blanca, kickbokser
De overleden fotograaf Erwin Olaf was een graag geziene gast in Paradiso aan de Weteringschans.
Hij fotografeerde er veel - waarbij hij zich typisch Olaf niet beperkte tot dwergen met leren hansopjes aan - maar gaf er ook jaarlijks een feest.
In bepaalde kringen die ik vroeger wel eens schampte werden die feesten legendarisch genoemd, omdat men er wel eens een xtc-pilletje slikte.
Het waren bijvoorbeeld types van streng protestantse komaf die buiten Amsterdam ook wel openbare seksfeesten bezochten, hoewel niet per se participerend.
Uit die scene in Paradiso en de April herinner ik me vooral John Bol. Hij, een getalenteerde kok, had eerst in Rotterdam als huisslaaf gediend - vrijwillig, en met behoud van uitkering.
Later vervulde hij die baan 24-7 bij een hobbyfotograaf die ooit stage liep bij Erwin Olaf, na een tip van mij nog wel. De fotograaf - autodidact - ging er prat op een an sich gelijkwaardige relatie met de heer Bol te handhaven.
Toen ik zo verslaafd als een deur Amsterdam verliet, raakte ik de enorm aardige John uit het oog. Eén op één vond ik hem helemaal geen menselijke hond die zijn exploitanten geknield moest bedienen, ook bij daglicht.
Daar heb ik verder geen moreel oordeel over; John deed het uit behoefte en met een zekere overgave.
Jaren later las ik dat er in Paradiso een herdenkingsfeest was geweest om de zeer geliefde vrijwilliger John Bol te herdenken.
Zijn doodsoorzaak is mij tot op heden formeel onbekend. Paul Blanca, ook al overleden in het harnas, had John Bol legendarisch goed kunnen fotograferen, omdat hij clean veel beter was dan Erwin - Volkskrant Magazine! - Olaf.
Of Paul Blanca de huisslaaf en populaire vrijwilliger John (verslaafd aan harddrugs en hiv-besmet) had willen kieken (Paul was een snapshotjongen, zijn Hasselblads ten spijt) zou ik na kunnen vragen bij het lijfblad van Blanca, Nieuwe Revu, dat zijn heroïneverslaving gul vergoedde, bijvoorbeeld toen Blanca langdurig in Spanje vertoefde om foto's te maken van een rondreizend circus met dwergen.
Ala studiofotograaf maakte Blanca eerst snel een schets van de foto die hij maken wou. De eigenlijke shoot ging vervolgens in een vloek en een zucht, volgens Blanca zelf dan.
Zijn vriend Robert Mapplethorpe noemde hem zijn enige concurrent. Ook toen Blanca horse scoorde in de Bijlmer, vergat hij niet zijn oude moeder bloemen te brengen. Een reportage van de Amsterdamse stadszender AT5 maakt dat aannemeijk
De bruinhabit van de Antilliaan Paul Blanca - vader van een zoon - begon in de Subway van New York, waar hij wat al te amicaal omging met de plaatselijke zwervers, ook al namens Nieuwe Revu.
Blanca mocht graag ballerina's fotograferen. Choreograaf Hans van Maanen, een verdienstelijk fotograaf en Mapplethorpeverzamelaar, liet de kickbokser Blanca meedansen met het corps van het Nationale Ballet. Als zichzelf.
#erwinolaf #paradiso #paulblanca #hansvanmaanen
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Muscle Shoals (en FAME)
In 1969 besloten enkele talentvolle sessiemuzikanten van de FAME Recording Studios om hun eigen studio te beginnen: Muscle Shoals Sound Studio. Ze zochten en vonden een succesvolle zakenpartner in de persoon van Jerry Wexler, die eerder als journalist de term 'Rhythm and Blues' in het leven had geroepen, zo hadden we recent in het BB King Museum geleerd. De vier topmuzikanten - de drummer mag zelfs tot een van de besten aller tijden worden gerekend - bouwden hun bestaan op als begeleidingsband van vele, vele topartiesten, waaronder Paul Simon, Bob Seger, Joe Cocker, Rod Stewart en vele anderen. Ook the Rolling Stones waren hier regelmatig te vinden voor opnames (maar hadden geen begeleiding van the Swampers nodig), datzelfde geldt voor Lynyrd Skynyrd, die hier in Alabama een thuiswedsttijd speelden. Alleen Motown produceerde meer hitrecords dan Muscle Shoals. Bij voorkeur werden songs in een of twee takes opgenomen door the Swampers.
Onze laatste stop deze reis was een bezoek aan Muscle Shoals. Terrell Benton was onze gids, Terrell had geweldige verhalen en vertelde deze geweldig. Van de vier oprichters, the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, bijgenaamd the Swampers, kwam David Hood, de bassist nog steeds regelmatig langs en in vroegere jaren had Tyrrell ook de andere bandleden/oprichters meermaals kunnen spreken. We kwamen zonder al te hoge verwachtingen, maar deze rondleiding bleek een uitsmijter van jewelste deze reis, een uitroepteken! Muscle Shoals was enige tijd uitgeweken naar een nieuwe locatie, waar o.a. Dire Straits het album Communiqué opnam, maar tegenwoordig is de oude locatie aan 3614 Jackson Highway weer in gebruik. Binnenkort komt de Nederlandse band Dewolff hier hun nieuwe plaat opnemen, dat moet een hele goeie worden!
Na afloop zijn we ook nog even langs gereden bij FAME Recording Studios, dat bleek vlakbij te zijn. Helaas geen rondleiding, maar wat een verrassing, in deze studio blijken tot op de dag van vandaag vele topartiesten hun muziek op te nemen, waaronder Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit, the Drive-by Truckers en Band of Horses. Wow! Mooi extraatje na de fantastische tour door Muscle Shoals.
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