#ooghgh i love them
p0th · 4 months
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frecklystars · 1 month
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♬♪ ♡ broken and bruised, longing for you - ̗̀💐 ̖́-
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fauvester · 5 years
TO BE FAIR I first found out about sixmags because of your posts and thought to myself “hey, this is interesting” THEN I watched Headmasters and realized that it’s Real and Very Good. And now I suffer. Please, could you also do 1, 11 and 29 for them?
I am... so glad and blessed... if you get a chance you should head over to ao3 to see some sweet sweet fics i suckered my friends into writing for me
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Oh it would absolutely have to be Sixshot. God knows Magnus wouldn’t take the initiative if his life depended on it. But after facing him enough times in battle and enjoying having a genuine fight, sixshot started thinkin’. And plottin’. And as soon as they were fighting in an isolated location on a solo mission he just sheathed his swords and prepositioned him outright.
Magnus probably read him for scrap but then a few centuries later it happened again because Sixshot is nothing if not dedicated and Magnus, seeing a potential opportunity to keep a Phase Sixer occupied while the autobot soldiers made tactical advances, agreed, and they developed a friendly enemies-with-benemies rivalry. Lots of 'accidentally’ letting each other escape and ‘happening’ to share bits of important information, and ‘very intentionally’ clanging each other’s paint off.
11. What do they hide from one another?
They both hide their feelings to a pathological level... after a while and some dramatic heart-to-hearts brought on by the threat of imminent death they’ve gotten a little better at it, but not much. Sixshot has the most obvious socio-psychological damage, the result of a lifetime of systematic manipulation, abuse and isolation, and he plays it off as a joke most of the time. Magnus has his own ghosts to deal with; an obsessive-compulsive personality born from a strut deep insecurity and need for stability. Both of them need help and neither of them believe it enough to get it.
Magnus hides that he’s not really Magnus for a while, but Sixshot would know another beastformer from a hundred miles away, in any kind of suit.  He just figured Magnus was a triple-changer that was embarrassed by his beast alt.
Sixshot doesn’t talk about his life before the war and Magnus doesn’t ask. Magnus doesn’t talk to him about his time with Megatron on the Lost Light and Sixshot pointedly doesn’t bring it up (he has deep, deep, existential beef with Megatron.)
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
OOGHGH falling in love was not intentional on either of their parts. During the war Magnus was like, Nope! not happening! Shut down! And Sixshot “an avocado..thanks,,”-ed his feelings and put them away deep down in his mind.  But every time they see each other during the war they see some other infuriatingly attractive, recommending, good quality that the other has; magnus’ mentorship of the autobots under his command, for example; sixshot’s unfailing sense of honor in battle even when his commanders order him to be ruthless.
And then after the war when they start working together in the remnants of the cybertronian government, they actually get a chance to see how the other lives, and fuck, it’s even better! every energon derivative flavoring sixshot eventually convinces Magnus to put in his rations (the ‘cons have developed a wide array of them; an attempt to stretch out meager wartime reserves), every calendar invite for mundane activities that magnus sends sixshot, the off-shifts spent in companionable silence in their hab suite (one of the few that was intact and large enough for warframes like them) working, every time sixshot seamlessly calls him minimus when he’s out of his armor and every time magnus carefully and earnestly announces his presence so as not to startle sixshot when he comes home. 
All the little things they didn’t get to enjoy during the war, the things that they never got a chance to share with anyone else.
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