#oof the angst is a foot
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: Eddie's gorgeous ex-girlfriend arrived with a proposition, and when he was hesitant to refuse it, everything the two of you have been holding back boiled over. (4.8k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, anxiety, panic attack, vomiting, parental conflict, poverty, insecurities, secret relationship, sexual fantasies, idiots in love, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @word-wytch for helping me with Eddie's mannerisms 💚
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult
chapter fourteen: burned
She called him ‘babe,’ that one word laced with more than friendliness. There was a history behind it, a sultriness, all of it seeming so natural.
There was no air left to breathe; of this, you were almost certain. Your lungs constricted around nothing, shoved tight behind your ribs with nowhere to expand.
She called him babe. And she kissed him.
On the cheek, on the lips—it didn’t matter. She had kissed him and it didn’t sound like he’d attempted to stop her. Nor had he corrected her when she’d called the motel a shithole. His ex-girlfriend showed up and called your home–and his–a shithole, and he’d all but agreed with her.
And she called him babe.
You were going to be sick, your head spinning from the myriad emotions coursing through it. Anger, frustration, confusion, sadness, and envy stirred up a fatal cocktail that had you retching into the wastebasket next to the desk.
A door swung open, and you prayed that it was Mom or Dad, already formulating a believable reason as to why you were suddenly throwing up. Must’ve eaten something that disagreed with me; I’ll be fine–
Of course it was Eddie. Of course. His footsteps got faster as he heard you throwing up, barely audible through the blood pulsing in your ears. Before you knew it, he was crouching down beside you, one hand gently stroking your back, your shirt now soaked through with sweat.
You wrenched away, shrugging off his touch and wiping your lips. “Don’t touch me.” Your voice was hoarse from sickness and hurt.
Eddie flinched at your gruff demeanor, toppling backwards onto his jean-clad bottom with a soft oof. “Heiress, it’s fine. I’m not afraid of a little–”
“No!” You found your emotional footing, grounding yourself in anger rather than shaking it off. The last thing you needed was for him to see you as vulnerable. Even worse, pitiful. “Leave me alone.”
You couldn’t look at him without seeing her, so beautiful and badass. Everything he wanted and more. Had he blushed when she kissed him? Had his hand slid around her waist to pull her closer, to breathe in her perfection? The thought sent your stomach roiling, and it took a mountain of force to keep from getting sick again.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “I can get you some ginger ale, o-or some water–”
You shook your head subtly lest you rouse another round of nausea. “I said leave me alone,” you said through gritted teeth. Tears rolled down your cheeks, and you were disgusted with yourself for wishing he would kiss them away. “I’m fine.”
Babe. With a kiss.
“At least let me take out the trash.”
“Can you just fucking go?” You whirled around to finally face him, your heart momentarily lurching at his recoil. “You can probably still catch up with your girlfriend. She just left.”
“My…” Eddie cocked his head with a naivety that had you simultaneously wanting to comfort and smack him. “Who, Fiona?”
Logically, you knew she had a name, but hearing him say it still made everything worse. Fiona.
“Yeah, her,” you spat. Just because you knew her name didn’t mean you had to say it.
A disbelieving chuckle escaped Eddie’s lips, half-hearted in its landing. “She’s not my girlfriend, Heiress.” His voice had a prickly edge to it, and it made you feel slightly less guilty about your own snappiness.
“Did you tell her that?” Frustration flamed behind your eyes. “Because I heard her call you ‘babe’ and give you a kiss.”
You summoned all of your strength and pushed yourself up to standing. Eddie followed suit, though he didn’t need to lean on the desk to keep himself upright like you did.
“Christ.” He raked his fingers through his curls. “It was a kiss on the cheek. It’s not like we were frenching in the hallway.”
The visual alone might have sent you back to the trash can, but you held your composure. What was left of it, anyway.
“And what about her calling you ‘babe’?”
He shoved his hands in his pants pockets, an act of innocence. “Probably just out of habit from when she was…y’know…”
My girlfriend. He didn’t need to say the words aloud; you filled in the blanks without any assistance.
“But you didn’t correct her.” You were being petty, and while you hated yourself for it, you also couldn’t stop it. A dam had been broken, and the rupture unleashed all of the frustration and confusion that you’d kept bottled up.
From outside, a car blared its horn loud enough to startle you. Eddie brought his hand out to comfort you, almost instinctively, before he remembered you were mid-argument and let it drop to his side.
“Honestly,” he exhaled, “I wasn’t really paying attention when she said that.”
Your stomach soured. If he wasn’t listening to the words she was saying, then what was his mind occupied with? Images of him stampeded through your head: Eddie lusting over bow-shaped lips, the subtle swell of her breasts beneath her tank top, the way her denim miniskirt emphasized the curve of her ass…all while you stood behind the desk none the wiser.
You shoved the implication aside. “Why was she here? How did she even know you were here?”
Eddie’s nails scratched along the desk, the only sound for a few seconds until he spoke again. “I talked to her after they did their show at Webster Hall.”
How could you have forgotten that show—the one he was at the night someone vandalized Eisen’s.
“I told her where I was staying, gave her the room number. She took a chance and stopped by tonight.”
“For what?” You quickly assessed his clothes; nothing seemed to be rumpled or unbuttoned that would indicate any below-the-belt activities.
Eddie caught your eyes roving his body, and not in the hungry, desire-filled way you had looked at him earlier today.
“She asked me to rejoin the band,” he said quietly. “They want me back for their tour.”
Rejoin the band for their tour. If the tabloid article was accurate, that meant he’d be leaving within the next few weeks.
Your silence spoke volumes. Eddie huffed out a laugh thick with venom. “Wow, thanks for your enthusiasm. Really amps up my excitement.”
“It’s just…a lot to process.” You picked at your lower lip, the bit of dry skin suddenly the most interesting thing in the room. “Do they want you back permanently? Or just until Caleb Dalton gets out of rehab?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed. He crossed his arms over his chest and stepped back, protecting an open wound. “What are you talking about? Who’s going to rehab?”
Shit. You screwed your eyes shut, but there was no more feigning ignorance. He had to know the truth, and you had to be the one to break it to him.
And so you told him everything: the public intoxication arrest, the rehab stay, the threat it posed to the band’s future. When he asked how you knew all of this, you were honest about that, too.
“So, wait.” Eddie held up his forefinger to stop you, though you’d already run out of words to say. “You knew about this stuff since our first date? And then you read the article today? And you never thought to tell me about any of it?”
Shame snaked its way through your veins, heating you from the inside. Fresh tears pricked at your eyes, and you forced yourself to blink them back. You knew you should have told him; maybe not during that first date, but certainly in the days following. It wasn’t as though you hadn’t had the opportunity. Even spotting that article this afternoon brought up the perfect moment.
But you’d let your cowardice take over, and now you were paying the price.
“I wasn’t sure what to say.” It was a pathetic excuse, and you both knew it.
Eddie raked his fingers through his hair, snagging them on a knotted curl. “How about, ‘hey, Eddie, did you hear about what’s going on with your old band?’ Or you could’ve come right out with it, something like, ‘your replacement is in rehab, just so you know.’” He shook his head in stunned disbelief, his nostrils flaring with each word. “Anything, Heiress. Anything!”
You winced at his increasing volume. “Eddie, maybe we should talk about this another–”
“No!” He hissed through gritted teeth. “No, I’m so fucking sick and tired of waiting. Waiting for you to tell your parents about us, waiting for another big break, waiting for something to finally go right for once in my stupid life!” He slammed his fist on the desk, rattling the old wood and your nerves, veins pulsing in his forearm. “I’m such a goddamn idiot. I should’ve been saving up every penny to get back home, but I stuck around here for…for someone who doesn’t give a shit about me.”
Every part of you ached to refute that statement, to insist that you did care about him. But it wouldn’t be of any use; he’d already made up his mind that he meant nothing to you. And what did you have to disprove him? The way fear kept you from telling your parents the truth? The constant sneaking around to avoid the inevitable confrontation that came with them discovering the real relationship between you and Eddie?
“And every time I ask you about it, it’s always ‘soon,’ or ‘I’m going to.’” Eddie continued, his jaw twitching as he inhaled. “I might as well be back in high school, hooking up with cheerleaders behind their boyfriends’ backs, acting like nothing happened between us.” He looked at you with utter disgust. “At least they had a decent excuse. You’re just selfish.”
“Selfish?” Of all of the words used to describe you, good or bad, selfish hadn’t ever been one of them. “I’m…no, I’m not–”
The scent of stale cigarette smoke choked you. “Well, what would you call it, then? What would you call stringing me along while you weave your little web of lies?” He leaned in, though there was no need with how loud he was speaking. “I thought we were a team, Heiress. And a damn good one at that. But you were playing by yourself this whole fucking time.”
Your throat went dry, your body hollow. You were selfish. You spent so much time worried about the potential backlash that you never considered how he felt.
Eddie didn’t stop, not even when the tears rolled down your cheeks. “You know what I think?” He pressed his lips into a thin line, like he knew he should suppress what he was about to say but no longer could hold back. “I think you can’t handle people following their dreams when you’re too scared to follow yours. I think you liked having me here because that meant I wasn’t out there trying to be a ‘superstar.’” He hooked his fingers to make air-quotes.
“But I’m done with your games, Heiress. I’m done pretending to just be the handyman you happen to get along with. I’m done with you.”
A response, a retort, a poignant Fuck off all stayed lodged in your throat. Only the sound of a door swinging open echoed through the motel.
Shit. Your parents. They must’ve woken up from the arguing and—
“What the hell is going on out here?” Phyllis’s rough, irritated voice called out. Her robe was half-open, the top of one freckled breast visible. She had her trusty bat raised, ready to fight, but when she saw the commotion was only you and Eddie, her posture loosened. “Jesus Christ, I thought someone was trying to…never mind.” She shook her head and scowled. “If you two don’t learn to keep it down, then I’ll just have to be louder.”
You and Eddie normally would have laughed and shot back a cheeky comment, but neither of you mustered up a joke. Phyllis had already turned back around to her room, figuring out how to salvage her client’s evening after the interruption.
“I’m leaving anyway,” Eddie grumbled. The tips of his ears were pink from the sheer heat of his anger.
“Leaving? Like, for good?” Your voice was so tiny that you barely heard it, and you were surprised that he did. Even more surprised that he didn’t pretend not to hear it and keep walking away.
He sighed with the weight of the world. “Yeah, Heiress. For good.” He turned back to face you one last time, a serpentine bite in his tone. “And for what it’s worth, I liked when Fiona called me ‘babe.’ It was nice hearing someone say it without checking their surroundings first.”
So he had noticed it—the way you made sure your parents weren’t around before calling him a pet name or pressing a kiss to his waiting lips. You weren’t as subtle as you’d hoped, and he’d picked up on it.
Eddie held his same stoic expression as he watched your face fall, your posture slumping in total defeat. His words were cruel, but they didn’t lack truth. And it didn’t mean you were ready to hear them.
“Fuck you,” you said weakly. You no longer cared if he saw you cry. Shame over vulnerability couldn’t hold a candle to the loss you already felt, though he was still standing in front of you. “Just…fuck you. I should’ve left you on that bench.”
“Then who would be your charity case?” His brown eyes, usually soft and comforting, teasing, or filled with lust, held only rage now. “Who would you pretend to give a shit about?”
Insecurity chipped away at your minimal resolve to stay upright as you wondered what kind of eyes Fiona saw tonight.
“Do you…” you sniffled, wishing you would just wake up and realize the whole argument was a dream. “Do you really think this was all pretend for me?”
Eddie paused for a moment, actually considering the possibility. Its mere feasibility was another dagger through your already broken heart.
“Honestly, Heiress,” he finally said, “I don’t know what to think anymore.”
He left you in stunned silence, only the sounds of boulevard traffic filling the air. Life had been sucked out of the lobby, leaving it devoid of the lightheartedness it only began holding when Eddie came around.
Before him, before that night, you were alone. You were lonely. It had only been two months since then, yet you found it impossible to remember a time before him. Tonight felt like the first time you’d ever spent a shift by yourself.
What if you followed him back down the hall? What if you took his hand and held it, promising not to let go until you told your parents about the relationship? What if you peppered his face with kisses until his anger melted into something resembling forgiveness?
The young woman who you’d been on his first night in the motel would roll her eyes at the mess you’d become. She would have told you not to waste your efforts on a man, especially one who was so obviously a temporary fixture in your life. Dating a guest? One who had no connections to the city? It was destined for failure from the start.
Maybe it was best if you let him be for the evening. Give him some time to cool down. Not to mention, you’d be leaving the desk unmanned if you followed him, and what a way that would be to break the news to your parents.
Sorry I abandoned my job; I was just trying to keep my secret relationship with Eddie from ending. Did I mention that Uncle Mo and Aunt Tam caught up making out in the park?
Eddie didn’t leave his room for the rest of the night. You sighed with relief at six A.M. when Dad took the desk and there was no sign of Eddie.
He probably fell asleep, you reasoned as you changed into your pajamas. I’ll talk to him when I wake up and we’ll work it out.
You were done hiding your feelings.
As you tumbled into bed, the weight of exhaustion somehow heavier than your guilt, you mentally sketched out your apology. No, it was more than an apology; it was a promise. A promise to proudly be his girl no matter who was watching. A promise to give him your heart with no stipulations. A promise to be the team he thought you always were.
For the first time in a long time, you awoke before your alarm. Nerves fluttered in your belly as you got dressed. You threw on the nearest clean clothes you could find, lest you wimp out before you even left the room.
Eddie, I’m so sorry. It’s me and you. I want it to be me and you. I’ll tell my parents about us right now so we don’t have to hide, because…I love you, Eddie Munson. I love the way you always pat your pocket for your cigarettes and lighter before you go anywhere. I love the way your tongue pokes out whenever you’re focused. I love the way you hold me, like I’m safe as long as you’re around.
And then you’d kiss him, soft and slow, losing yourself in his touch with the intention of never again leaving him behind.
Knock knock.
No answer.
Knock knock knock.
Again, nothing.
You waited for a few minutes—or maybe it was only a couple of seconds. Time crawled as you waited for him to answer.
“Eddie?” One more, but louder. Loud enough to catch Dad’s attention from the lobby.
Dad’s brows knit together. “Eddie left this morning around 6:30. He didn’t tell you?”
Dread rose in your esophagus and almost had you hurtling towards the trashcan again.
Of course he left. Why wouldn’t he? What did he have to stay for? Did you actually expect him to give up the opportunity to tour for a life of motel repairs, subway station guitar shows, and a girlfriend afraid to have a public relationship?
“I assumed he told you…” The wrinkles in Dad's forehead became more pronounced with confusion.
You cleared your throat and faked a laugh. “Oh, right. I must’ve forgotten.” You gave yourself a little bop on the head as if to say, silly me! “I, uh, should probably clean his room.”
Dad nodded and said something about the washing machine acting up, and to be cognizant of laundry load size. And despite what you now knew, your first instinct was to ask Eddie to fix it.
Room four still smelled like his drugstore cologne and his cigarettes. In fact, that coupled with the used ashtray and the unmade bed were the only evidence that Eddie had been here at all. That this man hadn’t been a figment of your imagination for the past few months.
Your eyes roved the room for something—anything—to indicate a hint of forgiveness from him. Something to tell you this leave was only temporary. Maybe a note or even the phone number of where he’d be staying.
Probably with Fiona.
Your lungs struggled for air, tightening with each shallow breath. You couldn’t reach your room fast enough.
You pictured the two of them sharing a bed, limbs intertwined. He’ll look at her with love and desire: the talented badass girl he truly wanted. That he’d ever wasted time with someone who was quick to confront a stoned stranger but couldn’t lie to her parents would be a blip on his dating radar; a lapse in judgment he’d one day laugh off.
If he wasn’t already laughing at you.
July arrived a few weeks later with near-literal roaring flames.
Independence Day brought a few extra guests to the motel, mostly young couples who booked last-minute getaways to see the Macy’s fireworks display. Raw envy bared its teeth with each affectionate touch and stolen kiss, and you’d had to hold back a biting remark every time you saw an exchange of intimate gestures.
You and Eddie could have taken a moment to watch the fireworks display, his arms wrapped around you and his chin on your shoulder as colors lit up the sky.
Heat came the week after.
It ripped through the city; even the local weatherman’s warnings didn’t fully capture just how stifling it would be.
A line of perspiration trickled down your back as you folded towels and placed them on the closet shelf.
Mom was at the desk, a battery-operated oscillating fan doing its best to keep her cool. It stopped mid-rotation, and she smacked it to start it up again.
“Dad didn’t get the big one?” The batteries must nearly be drained after use for days on end. The corded one would be better, and would last longer than one reliant on batteries.
Mom shook her head. “That thing sucks up electricity like a monster,” she said. “No use running up the bill over it. I’ll just pick up new batteries later.”
The mention of the motel’s financial decline sliced you open, and you quickly tried to patch the wound with a distraction.
“I can go now.” Before Mom could protest, you plucked your wallet from your room. It was brutally hot outside, the humidity enveloping you the moment you opened the front door. But anything was better than staying home and creating imaginary scenarios where Eddie would come from around the corner, wearing his signature smirk.
In some of your wilder daydreams, he wore little else.
Outside wasn’t much better than inside, especially with the sun beating down, but a breeze blew by every so often that provided some relief. Kids played in the street, opening fire hydrants and splashing around. They had no reverence for the beauty of childhood summers. Not yet—that would come with time, when opportunities to cherish that innocence were solidly in the past.
You and Ben used to play like that, your parents peering out of the motel window every so often to make sure you were both still there, still safe. Always looking out for you, even as you stretched into your teenage years and craved independence.
You should call Ben and meet up again. Maybe invite Nora, too. They’d take your mind off of your never-ending and ever-growing list of mistakes.
The trip to the convenience store was for naught, the cashier informing you that they were sold out of everything except for watch batteries. Same went for the next two stores you tried. Apparently everyone’s portable fans decided to crap out on the same day.
Resignedly, you trudged back to the motel. Maybe you could convince Mom to use the corded fan, or at least tell you where it had been stashed so you could set it up during your shift.
All thoughts of fan whereabouts disappeared when you got back to the motel and saw Mom and Dad standing at the desk. Dad kept his head down as though inspecting the scratched wood. Mom was the one glaring at you, an open envelope clutched in her hand. It bore a violet emblem on the top left-hand corner.
“What is this?” She phrased it as a question, but her clenched jaw told you that she already knew the answer.
“I-I don’t—”
Mom shook her head. “No. Don’t tell me you don’t know why you got a tuition bill from NYU.” She glanced once more at the logo. “From the Silberman School of Social Work, actually.”
You said nothing. Ever since Admitted Students’ Day, you always made sure to be around when the mail arrived. The one day you left, it arrived without warning.
Dad spoke your name in a breath. “How did you get into a social work program if you majored in hospitality?”
And then there was that. No lie, no matter how tangled the web, could explain the cold, hard proof in front of them.
Words poured out of you, barely giving you moments to breathe.
“I meant to tell you–I wanted to tell you. It’s just…you’ve been counting on me to take over the motel. I never wanted to let you down.” Despite your assumption that you’d depleted your reservoir of tears over Eddie, your throat tightened with the beginnings of a crying jag. “I just want to help people.”
Mom’s fist clenched around the envelope. “And how is this helping us?” She opened her mouth to speak again, but Dad gently placing his hand over hers temporarily silenced her.
“You lied to us,” Dad said. “You lied, and then you kept lying.”
“I know.” Your voice was so small that you could barely hear it. Or maybe that was because of your heartbeat thrumming in your ears.
“You know.” Mom scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Well, how nice of you to be so self-aware.” She let out a disbelieving laugh. “So what did you major in? And how did that lead you to one of the most expensive schools in the city?”
You told them everything–the decision to study psychology, the graduate school fair that you’d attended, the student representative you’d spoken to who assured you that you’d make an excellent candidate for their Masters program. And lastly, you told them that the program requirements would prevent you from working at the motel starting next month.
Mom stayed angry, her eyes narrowed, biting down on the inside of her cheek to keep herself from interrupting you. But Dad…
He was slightly hunched over and unsettlingly quiet. You’d almost rather he’d be yelling, or at least hurling his feelings toward you like Mom was.
He looked at Mom when he finally spoke, but his words cut you with a serrated edge. “We can’t pay for a new employee. And we need a third person to run the place, unless you and I want to split twelve hour days–”
“No. I–I’ll fix this.” There was no way that your aging parents would be working over eighty hours a week. “I won’t go to NYU. I’ll call them right now and see if I can rescind my acceptance, and then I’ll cancel my student loans.”
“Do you really think we can trust you after all of this?” Mom’s shouting startled you, but your flinching didn’t deter you. “And let me guess–you have some part in Eddie leaving, too?”
Now that you weren’t expecting. The pause between Mom’s question and your nod gave her all of the information she needed.
“Let me get this straight,” she seethed. “You pick a major that has nothing to do with hospitality. You apply to and then accept an offer to a graduate program that means you can’t support the family business. You don’t tell us a word about any of this, so we’re sitting around like idiots instead of planning accordingly. And then,” she pointed her finger at you, “when we do find someone to help out around here, you strike up an inappropriate relationship that I told you would end badly.”
Dad’s teary eyes met yours. “How could you do this to us?” Once again, his whisper was a knife.
“I’m sorry.” You didn’t bother to wipe your cheeks, knowing they’d stay damp until you couldn’t cry any longer. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
Your brain throbbed against your skull, the forming pounding headache distracting you from the flickering lights. Everything was blurred anyway.
Mom noticed–she always noticed when something was awry, even if she couldn’t pinpoint its exact cause. “Great, now the bulbs are going.”
“I’ll get some new ones.” You’d pay for them yourself if you had to; you wouldn’t dare touch any of the money in the register. “I’ll go out right now and–”
The lights flickered once more, only this time, they didn’t go back on. The hum of electricity died out in an instant. You poked your head out of the front door, heart sinking as you saw the other business owners doing the same thing. The block was quiet except for the exchange between a flour-covered pizzeria worker and the cashier of the ninety-nine cent store:
“Is yours out, too?”
“Sure is.”
An overwhelming stillness encompassed the neighborhood. There was no hum of air conditioning coming from any of the other businesses. Traffic lights had gone dark, drivers slowing to a crawl upon the realization that there was neither a red, yellow, nor green indicator. A glance down the street at the high-rise office buildings, their windows suspiciously void of their usual overhead lighting, told you that the rest of the city wasn’t faring any better.
A blackout. In the middle of the hottest week of the summer.
In more ways than one, you were totally and completely powerless.
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98
@squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @munson-mjstan @loves0phelia
@kthomps914 @aysheashea @munsonsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock
@ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975
@yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @foreveranexpatsposts
@mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank
@sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles
@the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl
@fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
#eddie munson#eddie x reader#eddie stranger things#eddie munson x female reader#eddie x you#eddie munson x f!reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson angst#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#stranger things fanfic#fanfic#eddie munson stranger things#stranger things#lam
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for the angst prompt; 'I fucked up.' + Landoscar
(so this turned into hurt/comfort rather than angst but shh we don't talk about that)
“Oscar?!” Thumping hard on the door to Oscar’s apartment, Lando calls out, “Oscar, are you there?!!”
Over the beating of his heart roaring in his ears, he can’t hear if Oscar calls anything back, so he keeps slamming his fist down on the door, ignoring the shooting pain up it.
“Osc-” The door opens abruptly, and Lando slips, stumbling forward into a firm chest. Blinking, he identifies the chest as Oscar’s, and, before Oscar can step away, he snakes his arms around his teammate, clinging tight.
“Oof- Lando? Are you..?” Trailing off, Oscar stands, awkward, for a second before arms tentatively wrap around Lando. Swallowing a sob, Lando tightens his grip, burying his face in Oscar’s hoodie.
“Alright. I’m going to move us, yeah?”
Shuddering, Lando entangles the hoodie in his fingers, nodding against Oscar’s collarbone. He’s so fucking stupid.
Patting him softly on the back, Oscar steps backwards, and Lando moves with him, stumbling a moment before he accidentally steps on Oscar’s foot. The Australian makes a soft noise, before sighing. Instinctively, Lando holds on tighter, but Oscar makes a comforting noise, “Hey, it’s alright. I’m gonna pick you up, okay? Then we won’t accidentally fall over.”
Again, all Lando can do is nod into his shoulder, shuddering as Oscar lets go of him. And then there are arms lifting him up, carrying him away as the door closes behind them. A few moments later, Oscar sits down, shifting Lando to his side. A hand brushes the side of his face, and he leans into it, letting Oscar tilt his head up.
“What’s wrong?”
Fighting the urge to bury his face back in Oscar’s hoodie, his face crumples as tears sting at his eyes, “I fucked up, Osc. Real bad. I-”
The thumping ball in his throat rises until he can’t speak, and full body shiver wracks his spine. A fleeting look crosses Oscar’s face before he sets his usual reassuring look, “Hey, I’m here. It’s okay. What happened?”
Shifting slightly so that he’s pressed between Oscar and the couch, he sucks in air, “I- Carlos. I told him- and- I’m sorry, I can’t-”
The sneer Carlos gives him in the McLaren hospitality.
The cruel laughter. Jagged words tearing Lando open until he’s bleeding Ferrari red.
“Shh.” A hand strokes through Lando’s hair, but he’s trembling so hard that he can barely feel it. “You don’t have to tell me. Not now, yeah? When you’re ready.”
A guttural sob ripping its way out of his throat, Lando curls up, burying his face in the familiar smell of Oscar.
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hey i have a request! could you do pining!hawks x reader with trust issues? maybe kind of like a slow burn? you don’t have to do nsfw if you’re not comfortable with it!
cw: mature, mdni!, gn!reader, a bit of angst (okay a lot of angst is from your reactions😭)
i can’t really do a slow burn in one sitting :/ but i do love me some pining hawks :)
if he were a puppy, his tail would be wagging every time he saw you. keigo was an innocent lover. maybe his desires weren’t innocent, but he grew up within the hero commission, he never had the chance to love and lose or have a broken heart.
when his eyes first landed on you, he finally got to experience all those feelings he never got a chance to.
and you were patient with him.
you might have been the same age as him but you were mature. you had relationships (wether romantic, platonic, or other) that gave you knots, tears, and bruises.
his crush was endearing, and you were patient with him. smiling when he said something sweet, telling him off when he overstepped a boundary, but you would never accept his propositions to go for drinks, or dinner. happy go lucky was never absolute. and though he called himself an optimist, there will always come a time when he puts you down. when he’ll leave you for someone else.
you truly believed that his crush was just that—a crush. if you gave in, he’d eventually tire and dispose of you.
but he was relentless.
the sweet flowers ‘anonymously’ arranged on your desk of yellow and red to match his colour palette. and chocolates for white day even though you didn’t get him anything the month before.
then there was the fact that whenever you spoke, his entire body turned to face you, sharp eyes glued to you. or when he would zoom in front of you just to hold open the door.
he was breaking you down.
actually, if you took the time to step back and look at the bigger picture, you would see that he already broke down your walls. otherwise, you would have found another job. boy, were you stubborn.
“you’re right, you’re right, we need move the event.” hawks sighed and crossed his arms before he flashed you his boyish grin. “how ‘bout we talk logistics over dinner?”
“can’t, i have a date with my instant ramen.” you didn’t bother to keep eye contact as you filed away things.
“i like ramen!” he said as you stood up, his feet padded behind you as you moved down the hall. “i actually make some pretty good shin, i top it with eggs and everything. i’m not asking you on a date—you know—you told me you’re not looking to go out. so i thought we could just hang out, like, friends, y’know? so i can come over, or you can come to mine—or if you wanna be fancy we can go out and get ramen—”
you shook your head at him and turned around to walk backwards.
“keigo, you’re adorable—“ but you overestimated your coordination, the heel of your foot catching the rise in the carpet as you began to fall back.
that would never happen with the no. 2 hero, though, who swiftly grasped your hips, pulling against the momentum of gravity and into his chest. a small ‘oof’ slipped out of your lips at the contact, and you looked up at him.
his eyes and smile were bright. “i’m adorable?”
you were trapped by his eyes. those stupid, optimistic, yellow eyes that drew you closer and closer until, before you knew it, your lips were on his.
your fingers perched softly on his chest. his hands froze, then moved about your body in awkward motions before relaxing and pulling you close. it was clear you took him by surprise, but he wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity.
his lips were soft and comforting, and if you could, you would spend the day kissing him, instead you subconsciously pressed your body into his, feeling keigo’s excited between his legs pressing against you. you wanted to just give in, have him explore your body like he always showed you how eager he was. you wanted to melt into his embrace and feel his skin on yours.
after that, though, he’d get bored with you. the excitement would wear out, and he’d go looking elsewhere.
that thought pulled you out of the trance.
you stepped out of his hold, breaths coming out a little too quickly. and your wrist harshly swiped at your lips, almost as if wiping off his kiss. you missed the hurt and broken expression on keigo’s face.
“sorry.” your voice was hard.
you didn’t give him another look at you walked away.
#mha takami keigo#mha x you#mha hawks#mha x reader#mha smut#mha fluff#mha fanfiction#mha imagines#bnha smut#bnha hawks#bnha x reader#hawks x reader#hawks smut#keigo takami#takami keigo x reader#takami keigo#keigo x you#keigo x y/n#keigo x reader#hawks x you#hawks fluff
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I'll Wait With You
by Sohotthateveryonedied Across the lot he can see Nightwing jogging over. “Robin, you okay?” he calls. “You stopped responding over the radio.” “Stop!” Damian holds out a hand, palm-out, keeping Dick at bay. “Don’t—don’t come any closer.” Dick obediently stops in his tracks, frowning in confusion. He glances around them for the nonexistent danger, then scans Damian up and down for visible wounds. “What are you—” Then he sees it. Damian’s foot. The device beneath, lazily hidden under the grass and dirt to the point where Damian will be embarrassed later for not seeing it. If he survives, that is. Dick goes pale. “Oh. That’s not good.” Words: 3043, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 14 of Whumptober 2024 Oof Ouch 🔫 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Whumptober 2024, Prompt: "Oh that isn't good", Bombs, Explosives, Stepping on a Landmine, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Damian Wayne-centric, Protective Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, their relationship makes me so 🩷, basically damian steps on a landmine and has to stand for hours w/o moving, and dick stays by his side the entire time, god i love them, Brotherly Love, Brotherhood via https://ift.tt/Ha4CR3B
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I had random shower thoughts about the Shinonome and the Tenmas. How Tsukasa and Ena are the same age, same for Akito and Saki. But how different their relationship is despite that.
Akito and Saki are the younger siblings. Despite that, I doubt Ena and Tsukasa have any memories of their life without them being around.
And even so, the two siblings relationships are so different. Not just in the sense that the Tenma seems to get along very well while the Shinonome... Are your typical siblings.
But in terms of dynamic, while Saki is definitely Tsukasa's little sister, Ena and Akito acts in a such way you would wonder if they're twin, sometimes.
We know it's because of their different context. Saki, with her illness bringing her often at the hospital, quickly became the little sister Tsukasa felt he had to care for as much as he could.
Ena one the other hand, with her breakdown, insecurities, and depression, "lost" her "big sister role", and Akito took the responsibility to care foe her and handle her feelings instead of the opposite.
And now that the girls are recovering we can hope to see the dynamic with their brothers balance and adjust more, slowly.
Sometimes I like to think of a world where the two duos context are reversed.
Akito getting a leg injury and becoming unable to play foot (permanently), before he decides to quit.
(It can be anything. You can have him in a wheelchair, have him unable to walk for a short time or until forever. Give him something less apparent but not less annoying. Anything.)
Ena becoming the one who tries to cheer him up. Doing something cute, like drawing Akito and herself as some super hero in a self insert world. Making little comics where cool things happen.
She'd go the Tsukasa route in the way she wouldn't lose confidence. She might not act like the guy did, but she'd be as selfless and little-brother centered.
I don't know if Akito would still see Rad Weekend or not. I assume the Summer Festival still happens. Ena taking him with her to cheer him up. Akito heard of Rad Weekend here. Ena could take him there as well. (Would it impact her ? I don't know. I think not. You can think otherwise.)
Tsukasa with Ena's anxiety and self-destructive tendencies, but towards acting. I just realised I opened a door for free Tsukasa angst. I apologize in advance for whatever this could cause. I also need to think about what caused it.
Saki... Is the one I have the less ideas about in that context. Her past, aside those time at the hospital, has been dropped in little bits here and there in LeoNeed and some Tenma related events. But it's almost always tied to other people.
Still, by simply removing the illness with a magic eraser, I wonder what Saki would end up doing with all the time she got. And it leads to a lot of questions. Would LeoNeed still disband ? Do you think she could join Tsukasa in acting for a while ? Find her own thing to enjoy ? So many things could be done with her in that context.
And if course it would change the siblings dynamics a little. I don't think the Tenmas would get close to the current Shinonome relationship. But Tsukasa would be less big brotherly. Saki would carry herself just fine and maybe do her best to cheer Tsukasa. And the Shinonome would be less in conflict. The frustration Akito must feel and the way Ena always cares for him could cause some rocky moment, but they wouldn't have the distance they have now.
I like to add Toya and Mafuyu context swap in the picture as well. Toya never had Tsukasa tell him to live his life as he want to, so... Oof.
Thinking of way Mafuyu and Ena could meet and Ena would do something similar for her, though.
Ultimately those purple winter beings don't feel the same way or have the same family, so the outcome wouldn't be those we already know but in reverse. It's just that things would be a little easier and faster for Mafuyu, but way more complicated for Toya.
(And yes he can ultimately meet Akito. In every universe. Don't worry. It'd just be really different.)
I don't know what happened to the rest of their teams. Kanade, Mizuki, the Vivids... Emu, Rui and Nene. LeoNeed is presumably fine.
I apologize to More More Jump and the Hinomori for being outed from this post.
#project sekai#pjsk#project sekai colorful stage#hatsune miku colorful stage#proseka#projectsekai#akito shinonome#shinonome akito#ena shinonome#shinonome ena#saki tenma#tenma saki#tenma tsukasa#tsukasa tenma
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TAG — diluc r.

TROPES: childhood best friends, fluff, slight angst at the end
UNIVERSE: canon-ish
PAIRING(S): diluc x gn!reader
WARNING(S): mentions of alcohol
A/N: shoutout to the anon who helped give me the inspo for this <3
AS LOYAL PATRONS of The Angel's Share, your parents were frequent attenders of all of Dawn Winery’s events - wine tasting, birthdays, or just simple celebrations they were there.
However at your age, you couldn’t drink more than half of the menu and didn’t want to converse with drunken adults. So you were forced to sit inside under the supervision of the maids.
Mindlessly sipping on your juice while looking at the crossword puzzle given to you by the maids as your source of entertainment, you try your best to block out the loud talk outside.
What caught your eye though was a boy quickly going down the stairs, his socks sliding against the wooden floor and making his way over to the woman who was watching over you.
Gently tugging on her skirt to gain her attention, he speaks to her but softly enough for the laughter outside to block it from reaching your ears.
‘Red hair… is that Crepus’ son?’
Smiling softly at the boy, she points over to you leading to two pairs of eyes looking in your direction; straightening up under their gaze, you look to your left and right and point to yourself.
She simply chuckles and nods, giving the boy a soft push in your direction to which he followed and sat next to you on the sofa.
“Hi, what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N,” you reply simply, “What’s yours?”
“Cool,” you nod, not knowing what else to say.
“Cool,” he replied, also not knowing what else to say.
After a minute of silence you ask, “What do you think they’re talking about out there?”
“The adults,” you remark blandly, “Bet it’s about wine.”
“It is a wine tasting event,” he responds, “My dad’s made another drink.”
There was a long silence for a moment. That was until Diluc had invited you to play tag outside since he was getting bored sitting around the house.
Accepting his invitation, he grabbed your hand and walked out the front door and into the vineyard where that game would begin.
“Why don’t we play hide-and-go-tag? I don’t like running a lot,” you offer, not the most thrilled at the thought of running in your nice clothes and then potentially getting stained.
“Mm… alright,” he agreed, and began counting.
“…9…10! Ready or not, here I come!” he announced, softly walking on the grass below his boots, and searching in between the lines vineyards for any sign of you.
After a few minutes of searching in between the vineyards he decides to search the crates next to the sign displaying the fact that there was currently an event taking place.
As he approached the crates he saw your figure dash out of the opening between the sign and the crates the other way yelling:
“You’ll never catch me alive!”
Causing the adults in the area to pause and observe what was occurring. Seeing your silhouette outlined by the lanterns glow run past them, and immediately seeing another - catching a glimpse of red hair - sprint after you, automatically understanding the situation.
“Careful! Make sure to not trip - it’s so dark right now,” a voice called out to the both of you.
“We know!” Diluc shouted back, steadily gaining on you.
Hearing his voice so close to you causes your adrenaline to spike and run faster than before, wind blowing against your face and in your ears.
Making a sharp turn you run towards the nearby lake, careful of your footing as to not fall flat on your face and to get dirty. You eventually get near the water and inhale sharp breaths once you get there.
You eventually hear another tired voice pant out, “Tag.”
Diluc was breathing harder than you, weakly touching your shoulder as to make sure you knew you were tagged and now it.
Your legs were to tired to hold you up and you sat on the sand, breathing slowing down. Diluc soon followed with an ‘oof.’
“We should just stay here,” you breathe out.
“Sounds good,” he sighs.
KNOCKING ON THE door of Dawn Winery as politely as you could, you immediately started speaking the moment the door was answered.
“Hello mr. Crepus, I would like to know where my favorite one of your sons are.”
“Hey! That is so rude,” Kaeya spoke up, pouting by the stairs.
“He’s upstairs in his room,” the older man replied, moving to let you in.
“Don’t worry Kaeya ‘cause Diluc’s about to get yelled at,” you say while speeding up the stairs.
Kaeya took a long look at his adoptive father, “Are you really just going to let them do that?”
“Eh, Diluc needs these kinds of things at his age.”
Slamming his door open with a loud, “Diluc!” caused the boy to jump and sit up in his bed and snapping his book shut.
“Diluc,” you stared at the boy in front of you dead in the eyes, as you silently shut his door - a stark contrast as to how you entered his room, “Why didn’t you tell me you got accepted as a knight of Favonius?”
“I- see, you were really busy with your studies and I didn’t want to bother you-“
“I don’t care about my studies!” you flopped onto his bed, “Well, not as much as you getting accepted into the knights, but still!
“We’re only ten, and here you are getting accepted into the knights! You should’ve told me,” you say a lot more calmer now, sitting on the edge of his bed as he shuffles to sit next to you.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he relents, “I promise you’ll be one of the first ones to know when something like this happens again.”
“Pinky,” you tell jokingly, holding yours out.
“Fine,” he huffs out, wrapping his pinky with yours.
“Your it now,” you say with a smug expression on your face.
“Oh my-“ he groans, taking his pinky away from you a taking back his book to read.
The game of tag has been going on for years now, non-stop with random time intervals and rules now added but it’s still a fun nostalgia piece to do.
“What’re you even reading this time around,” you ask, looking at the faint words of the book cover. “The Legend of Vennessa,” you read aloud, “Again?”
“Why not?”
“Fair point I guess, but still. You’ve read that like, what? Five times already?”
“It’s a good book!”
“Whatever,” you sigh.
“Don’t act like you haven’t read a book five times before,” Diluc points out, “Hex and Hound? That has like eleven volumes. How do you even have the patience?”
“No, I can’t get my hands on the last two volumes. It’s sold in Inazuma, I can’t even borrow it from the library like the rest of them,” you huff out.
“That’s tough man,” he remarks.
“It really is. It was left on a cliffhanger too!” you groan.
“What’s a cliffhanger again? I forgot,” Diluc asked, sweat dropping at the look you gave him, “What? I don’t read that often nowadays.”
“You’re left hanging. Dangling on a cliff. With no one to save you.”
“…do you think that’d be something that would happen to me if I’m on duty as a knight?”
"SO, CALVARY CAPTAIN now huh?" you teased, leaning your back against Diluc's shoulder.
You were under the tree under Windrise, and just as he had promise four years ago, you were one of the first to know about his promotion. Resting against the bark you watch as he methodically brushes the horses light brown coat.
"I suppose," he chuckles.
"Making history already; youngest calvary captain ever in the Knights of Favonius, heir to Mondstadt's wine industry, and is a vision holder! How does it feel?" you asks playfully, holding a windwheel aster you plucked from the ground and putting it near his face so he could talk into it.
"It really isn't that much-"
"Ah, oh so modest as ever" you laugh softly at his face because of your interruption. Blowing air into the red flower makes its petals spin slowly, "So, is the official Calvary Captain going to show me how to ride a horse or what?"
"So that's why you brought me here." Diluc nods in understanding with an amused look on his face, "Well, you better get up if that's what's going to happen."
"Wait I was just joking-" you couldn't finish your sentence until you were pulled up by him, clutching on the windwheel aster tighter as to not drop it.
Thankfully the horse Diluc had ridden to arrive at
Windrise was laying down so there wasn't that much of a difficulty.
Just as you were adjusting to your new seating arrangement the horse suddenly stood up, making you fall forward only to have your face meet with Diluc's back and grabbing onto the edges of the saddle for stability.
Straightening up, you see your friends face looking at you with a small smile and gently taking your hands off the saddle to place around his waist.
"So you won't fall," he explains, glancing at your widened eyes.
Feeling your heart beat faster you look towards your left at the shallow river created by the waterfall as a way to not gawk at his sheer amount of nonchalance at pulling you closer.
Shifting forward, your press your front against his back as the horse begins to trot forward.
Unfortunately, Diluc wasn't one to go slowly. He placed more force upon the saddle's stirrup causing the horse's light trot to a fast gallop.
At the sudden change of speed you let out a small squeak, hurrying your face into Diluc's back and tightening your grip against his waist and the flower you still held.
Feeling your added pressure against his body, Diluc places a soothing hand against yours wrapped around his waist and rubs his thumb against the back of your hand as an attempt to calm you.
"I suppose that this counts as tag, huh?" he asked playfully, continuing to hold your hand in his.
"Yeah! Sure," you reply quickly, trying to get over the fact that you might've developed a crush on your best friend.
EVER SINCE DILUC’s eighteenth birthday, things have never been the same.
The people of Mondstadt have fallen silent, Kaeya’s usual charming nature turned off, and Diluc hasn’t been seen since.
As you were standing by his fathers grave, placing flowers next to it footsteps were heard approaching you. Looking over your shoulder, you catch a glimpse of a familiar eyepatch and blue hair.
“Hey Kaeya,” you say, eyes still fixated on the grave in front of you.
“Diluc’s gone,” he spoke, voice trembling.
“What?” your voice was low, not believing your own ears.
“Diluc has left Mondstadt. He left Adeline in charge of the manor,” he explains, voice void of any emotion.
“Do you know where he went?”
“We… we ended things on bad terms,” Kaeya says as if he were holding back tears.
Hearing his trembling voice, you decide not to push any further. “I see.”
“Thank you, Kaeya, for letting me know,” you turn towards him with a somber smile and walking past him.
“Where are you going?” Kaeya called out to you.
“Dawn Winery. Adeline must know something about Diluc’s disappearance,” you say not stopping your footsteps, “At the very least Diluc must’ve left a not or, something.”
“As stubborn as ever,” Kaeya dryly chuckles.
You were going to find Diluc, that was a fact. In your game of tag you were the last one to be proclaimed ‘it.’ You refused to lose to him, you couldn’t stand it.
You refused to lose him.
A/N: goddam this was a long ass fic ; part 2 anyone?
#rin’s shots 🤎#genshin diluc#diluc genshin impact#genshin impact diluc#diluc ragvindr#genshin diluc ragnvindr#genshin imapct#diluc x reader#diluc x you#diluc x y/n#diluc x gender neutral reader#diluc x gn reader#genshin impact x y/n#genshin impact x you#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact x gender neutral reader#genshin impact x gn reader
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Enchantress of the Forest (m) | ljh

“𝙅𝙞𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙣, 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚?”
after struggling to fall asleep one night, jihoon decides to try his luck at the campsite set up deeper in the forest, away from his drunk members filming content for "seventeen in the soop". what he didn't expect was to run into you. mysterious, enchanting, you. part of the enchantress of the forest series. read part two here!
♡ PLAYERS - lee jihoon x f.reader
♡ TAGS - fantasy au, faerie!reader, fluff, minor angst, smut (MDNI): implied virgin!reader, unprotected sex
♡ NOTES - hi again :) so, this is not part of my taylor swift x seventeen collection, but i just couldn't get myself to sit and write for those stories. i was rewatching ITS season 1 and then inspiration struck so... i ended up writing this instead!
it's also my first time writing smut, so i apologize if it's not very good
also, i'm thinking about starting a permanent taglist, so if anyone wants to be on it, please drop a request in the ask box! thank you! I hope you enjoy!
It amazed Jihoon every time how loud his members could be, despite the size of the space they were in. It’s one thing to be able to hear Mingyu and Seungcheol bickering in the kitchen from his bedroom in their apartment, but how is it that he can hear Soonyoung screaming from the dining hall while he’s in the upper house? That’s a whole separate building. Not to mention they are in a literal forest, with so much vast space, yet that man’s voice still carries. Every door and window in the upper house was closed, for God’s sake. Jihoon even has on Hansol’s headphones with a pillow mashed to them, and he still can’t fall asleep. It’s just too loud.
Listen, Jihoon understands, ok? Karaoke, drunk karaoke at that, is meant to be loud and obnoxious. But, he’s been working as an unofficial workout trainer all day to his members who were worried they’d let their diets go too much on this trip. They only had two more days in the soop, and Jihoon wanted nothing more than to add as much sleep to his reservoir as he could since he knew it would be time to grind out in his studio the minute they returned to Seoul.
Jihoon kicked the blankets off his body with a loud groan before swinging his legs to the ground.
“Jihoonie,” Jeonghan cooed from the other side of the bed. “Can’t sleep?”
Jihoon shot his elder brother with a dry look. “What does it look like?”
“Oof, no need to be so snarky,” Jeonghan teased, turning his phone screen off and placing the device on his chest. “Where are you going?”
Jihoon roughly tugged on a hoodie, uncaring of how his hair was sticking up in clumps. “I’m gonna shove that microphone down Soonyoung’s throat,” he griped.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” Jeonghan was sitting up by this point and digging around in the closet. “Here,” he chucked a duffel bag at Jihoon, who caught it with a grunt. “Take this and go down to the campsite by the stream. Joshua and I slept down there last night when the very intense foot volleyball match was happening. Very peaceful. No screaming K-idols. Highly recommend.”
Jihoon shot him a grossed out look. “You really expect me to believe you two snuck away to a secluded tent for peace and quiet to sleep?” The blush creeping up the blonde’s ears was enough of an answer for Jihoon. “Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.” He dropped the duffel bag with a thud.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous Ji,” Jeonghan scolded, arms crossed over his chest, half in embarrassment and half in annoyance. “We brought the soiled sleeping bag home. The one left behind is clean. That duffel bag has all the essentials: water, snacks, extra clothes. Everything you need for a good night’s sleep. Go, light a fire, enjoy nature. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration for our next album.” The wink he sent Jihoon seemed a bit suspicious, as if he knew something more than he was letting on.
Too exhausted to question him any further, Jihoon picked the duffel bag up off the floor and headed out the door.
The trek to the campsite was silent, and Jihoon was thankful. He couldn’t remember the last time he could hear himself just breathe. When he was in Seoul he was either rehearsing with the members or in his studio. When he was in his studio, he was always making music or listening to guides. Come to think of it, Jihoon rarely slept without noise. So what was he thinking wandering off into the forest in search of sleep? Maybe he should’ve put up with Sooonyoung’s drunk crooning.
Suddenly, the smell of burning wood and the sound of crackling fire overtook his senses. Is someone else here? Jihoon thought. It couldn’t be any of the members. They were all drinking or asleep. He started walking quicker, the campsite more visible the closer he got to it. There was definitely a bonfire lit by the tent, and Jihoon was pretty sure he could see the silhouette of a person sitting on the log near it, their back facing him with waist length hair that shimmered like glitter. Definitely not a member.
“Excuse me?” Jihoon called out, now merely feet from the campsite. The unknown woman turned to look over her shoulder and Jihoon felt his breath catch in his throat. Whoever this girl was, she was glowing, literally. Like a star, she had pure white light surrounding her body.
Big, doe eyes blinked at him. “Hello.” You only said one word, but your silvery voice left Jihoon in awe. There was silence for a few minutes before you cocked your head questioningly. “You are?”
Jihoon snapped out of his reverie, clearing his throat as he looked away, willing his face not to flush with color. “I’m Ji-” he stopped, appalled. He almost gave his identity away to a total stranger. You could be a sasaeng for all he knows and here he was ready to spew out his social security number if you asked, all because he thought you were beautiful. “I’m the owner of this camp,” he said, firmly, “and you are?”
“Liar,” you stood up, the white, satin dress adorning your body swishing delicately around your calves as you walked towards Jihoon. “The owners are the two men who were here the night before. You,” you came to a still directly in front of Jihoon, “are not either of them.”
Jihoon sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Those were my friends, we share this area. That doesn’t matter though because you obviously don’t own this area-”
“False,” you cut in, and Jihoon would’ve been irritated if he didn’t find your melodious voice so soothing. “While I may not own these objects,” you gracefully extended an arm towards the camp set-up, “this land does in fact belong to me.”
Jihoon raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You own the forest?”
“This part of it, yes,” you said, candidly.
“What? Do you work for the Korea Forest Service or something?” Jihoon laughed, disbelievingly. You simply gave him a confused look. Jihoon huffed, walking towards the tent so he could toss the duffel bag inside. “Listen, you can stop with the games now. I know you were probably hired by Jeonghan and Joshua to prank me or something so let’s just say you got me, ok? Ha ha, that was so funny, I totally fell for it, you can go home now.”
“I’m not quite sure who Jeonghan and Joshua are, but I can assure you this is not a joke. This part of the forest belongs to me,” you called out, eyes following Jihoon as he messed around at the entrance of the tent.
“God, why do you have to be so stubborn? Are you seriously not gonna leave until you’re done playing the part? Fine,” Jihoon turned to face you again, faking a surprised look. “Oh, you’re a government official? Please don’t arrest me.” He held his hands up by his head to really sell it.
You did not understand the joke. Instead, you simply straightened your posture and clasped your hands in front of you. “I am not a government official. I am Y/N, a forest nymph.”
There was a pause before Jihoon burst into laughter. He bent forward, clutching his stomach as he laughed and laughed, all while you stood there, watching him blankly.
“You do not believe me.” It was a statement, not a question.
“Wow,” Jihoon flicked a tear from his eye. “I don’t know if the hyungs told you to say that or if it was improv. Either way, bravo, you really got me there.” He started to walk towards you. “A forest nymph, now the all white outfit makes sense. How did they get this glow around you, do you have some sort of glow in the dark paint on?” Jihoon reached out as if to touch your forearm.
You stepped back, your right arm shooting out to your side, two fingers flicking upwards as if directing something towards Jihoon. At that very moment, a dark green vine shot up from the ground and wrapped around his wrist, preventing Jihoon’s hand from touching you.
“What the hell?” he exclaimed, eyes wide in incredulity as he stared at the vines coiling around his arms and legs. Then he moved his glare to you. “What is going on?”
You brought your hands together in front of your body once more. “As I said, I am a forest nymph. You have not only trespassed on my land, but have also tried to touch me without my consent. In the land of Faerie, this offense is punishable by dismemberment of your arms and legs.” Jihoon began to trash, trying to break free of his binds. “But,” you proclaimed, louder this time. “As you are human, and seem to be unaware of my kind, I shall let you free. However, if you commit another offense towards me, I will not let you go so easily.”
You willed the vines to loosen from Jihoon’s body as he apologized to you. “I’m sorry, I had no idea you were telling the truth. I thought this was all part of a prank my members orchestrated. I didn’t mean to offend you, I mean it,” he rambled, clearly still shaken by what had just transpired.
“You are forgiven. I believe you, so do not fret Human,” you strode towards the logs arranged by the fire, dress fluttering around your ankles as you sat. You gestured to the log next to yours, “Please, sit.”
Jihoon sat, noticing the fire was starting to go down. He looked around for extra firewood, but couldn’t find any. He went to stand up, “Let me go find some more wood for the fire.”
“No need,” you held your hand out to the fire, palm facing up. Jihoon watched the fire grow as you curled your fingers into your hand, mesmerized. You noticed and giggled, your tinkling laughter drawing Jihoon’s attention to your eyes. “You behave as if you've never seen magic before.”
“I haven’t,” Jihoon responded. “I didn’t even know faeries were real. I live in Seoul, so unless there are city nymphs…”
You giggled again and shook your head. “There is no such thing as city nymphs. We faeries prefer to stay in our own land, which is in a dimension separate from the human world. Every once in a while, nymphs, such as myself, like to come to the human world to tend to your nature. Forest nymphs care for the trees, flora nymphs help flowers bloom in the spring, water nymphs keep the freshwater running. Of course, there are many other nymphs, but it would take me much too long to explain, and you would likely be bored after hearing me speak for so long.”
Jihoon, who had been entranced by your voice, shouted, “No!” You jumped, startled by the volume of his voice. “I mean, no, I could never get bored listening to you speak. Please, keep going.” A hand shot up to his mouth as Jihoon blushed. He couldn’t believe he’d said all of that. It was like the words just flowed out of his mouth before he could stop them.
You smiled, adored by this man beside you. “It’s a symptom of being exposed to Faerie magic, the candor. Now that my magic has touched you, you’ll find it a bit difficult to lie to me. It will wear off by morning, so do not worry Sweet Human.”
“It’s Jihoon.” You tilted your head and raised your eyebrows in question. “My name. It’s Jihoon. You can call me Jihoon instead of human.”
“Ah,” you nodded in understanding. “Alright then, Sweet Jihoon.” You gave him a blinding smile.
Jihoon was unsure whether you were flirting with him, or if it was simply faerie practice to use adjectives before people’s names, but either way, he was sure his cheeks were going to stay pink as long as he was around you. He wondered how Jeonghan and Joshua reacted to you. Suddenly, Jihoon felt his chest begin to tighten. The thought of you speaking, possibly flirting, with his brothers made Jihoon feel…jealous? The realization caught him off guard. He barely knew you, yet here he was, getting jealous at the thought of you interacting with someone that wasn’t him.
Stop it, Ji, he thought to himself, stop thinking like an incel and get over yourself.
Jihoon cleared his throat, catching your attention as you turned your face away from the night sky, from the stars you were gazing at. You had a pleasant smile on your face, and for the first time that night, Jihoon noticed you had dimples, as if you were kissed delicately on either cheek by an angel. He felt the sudden urge to do the same.
“You mentioned the two guys from yesterday, Jeonghan and Joshua. Did you…did you speak to them?”
Your eyes turned soft and your face filled with longing as you responded, “No. They were surrounded by an aura of love so strong I do not believe they would’ve noticed anyone else around them. I, too, did not have the heart to bother them, so I let them stay.” Jihoon nodded. That sounded like his hyungs, too wrapped up in each other to pay attention to much else. It left Jihoon and the others feeling a bit envious of them and their relationship.
“Jihoon, have you ever been in love?”
Jihoon choked on his saliva, surprised by your sudden question. “C-Come again?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
Your eyes glittered as you looked at him, wide and curious. Jihoon stared back, thinking about your question. “I’ve dated a few girls, I guess, but I wouldn’t say any of it was love. But…” But I might be in love with you, he thought.
You leaned in a bit, “But?”
You smelled clean, like the morning dew after a night of rain. Jihoon wanted it bottled into a perfume so he could smell it wherever he went.
“But,” his eyes flicked down to your lips, plush and pink with a perfect cupid’s bow and a slight dent in the middle of your bottom lip. He gulped, and forced himself to pull away, turning his gaze towards the fire. “But maybe someday…” he trailed off.
He could see you straighten as well from his periphery. A chance glance in your direction told him that you looked slightly disappointed, but he didn’t believe it. Why would you be disappointed by his answer? Why would you care if he was in love?
“What about you? Do faeries fall in love?” Jihoon asked, though he immediately regretted it when you left out a disappointed laugh. The light surrounding you dimmed as a physical indicator of your emotions.
“Faeries mate for life. We believe that Mother Nature has selected a partner for each of us, and we are destined to be together for as long as we live. I suppose humans would call them soulmates.” Your head was bent down, a curtain of shimmering hair hiding your face from Jihoon’s view. You picked at the flower bracelets around your wrists as you spoke. “Everyone in my cohort has met and bonded with their mates. I have not. They all believe the person fated for me does not exist, and I believe the same.” You sniffled, and the sound shattered Jihoon’s heart.
“Y/N,” he said, in an effort to comfort you.
“It’s alright, Jihoon,” you looked up at him with a smile despite the tears that brimmed your eyes. “I have nature, I have my forest. I have the trees and the birds and the insects and the deer. I do not need a faerie mate to be happy. I am alright, will be alright, without one.”
“Or maybe your fated mate isn’t a faerie,” Jihoon mumbled under his breath, hoping you hadn’t heard.
The slight shock on your face said otherwise. “What did you say?”
Jihoon turned to face you completely, looking you in the eyes. “Maybe you aren’t meant to be with a faerie. Look, I don’t know how faerie rules work when it comes to interracial, or I guess inter-species, relationships, but I know this pull I feel towards you isn’t something to be taken lightly. Ever since I saw you, I’ve felt this thrumming in my heart that I’ve never felt before, like it’s calling out to you. I want to hold you and touch you and kiss you. I want to stay up all night and keep talking with you because I’m afraid. Afraid that you won’t be there in the morning. Or worse. That I’ll wake up in the room at the upper house and find out I dreamt the whole thing. I-” Jihoon broke off with a smile, a small laugh escaping his lips when he saw the astonished look on your face. He reached a hand out, as if to touch your face, before dropping it back down to his lap. “You asked me if I’d ever been in love. I think I might be right now. I think I might be in love with you.”
The air around you was charged and silent. Even the plants and fauna were still, as if awaiting your answer with a bated breath. After about ten seconds had passed, Jihoon was a bit anxious. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything. Maybe this was all too much for you, finding out that a mere human was in love with you. What was he thinking, proclaiming his love to a faerie. You’re a whole otherworldly being, way out of his league! What if you were disgusted? Oh God, what if you decided to take him to Faerieland so he could be punished? What if-
Cool, soft hands cupped his cheeks, pulling him from his thoughts. All he got was a glimpse of glimmering eyes before he felt soft lips being pressed into his. He froze. You were kissing him. You were really kissing him. Your lips, soft as rose petals, were on his own. Until they weren’t.
You had pulled away, unsure of your actions considering Jihoon wasn’t kissing you back. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, hands still on his face. “Was I not supposed to do that?”
Jihoon couldn’t help but laugh, his right hand coming up to cup your cheek while the other tucked a lock of silky hair behind your ear. “It was perfect. Can we kiss again?”
You nodded, shyly, letting Jihoon pull you into another kiss. This time, he kissed back, the pressure giving you the courage to move your lips against his own. You gasped when Jihoon’s arms circled your waist, pulling you plush against his chest. You moved your hands to rest on his broad shoulders, your fingers playing with the tips of his hair that curled on the nape of his neck. Jihoon kissed you for what felt like hours before he pulled away, chest heaving as he took big breaths.
“How are you not out of breath?” Jihoon asked in bewilderment.
You simply shrugged, tracing his bottom lip with your thumb, awed by how those lips had made you feel more pleasure in a few minutes than you had in your entire lifetime. “I suppose it’s another faerie skill.”
You squealed in delight when Jihoon picked you up and twirled you around. “You are mind blowing, you know that?” He kissed your forehead after setting you down on your feet. “Amazing. Fuck, I think I really love you.”
You took a hold of Jihoon’s wrist, bringing his palm to your chest, above your heart. Then, you placed your own hand on his. You closed your eyes, concentrating on the beat of his heart. Jihoon watched you silently, his eyes flitting over your face as he committed your features to memory. The brush of your eyelashes against your cheekbones, the gentle slope of your nose, the freckles that dotted your skin. After a few seconds, your eyes shot open, a big grin on your face.
“Do you feel that?” you asked, in excitement.
“Your heartbeat?”
You nodded quickly, “Yes! It matches your own.”
Jihoon focused on your hand on his chest, trying to feel his own pulse as it tapped a rhythm against your palm. Each heart beat of his was identical to yours. As your heart picked up speed the more excited you got, his did the same.
“That’s so cool! What does that mean?” he was smiling widely, your elation contagious.
“It’s how we identify when two people belong to one another in Faerie. Their hearts beat as one. Jihoon,” you were bouncing on your feet now. “We are fated.”
Jihoon could do nothing but dive in to kiss you again. You were laughing as you kissed him, unable to hold back your glee. “I love you,” Jihoon mumbled against your lips. “I love you, I love you.”
“I love you,” you responded, with equal fervor. Faeries did not tell each other of their love. They found no use for words when their hearts proved it. Still, you told Jihoon you loved him in hopes that it would make him as happy to hear it as it did you.
“Jihoon, my sweet Jihoon,” you looked dazed, as if drunk on the kisses you shared. “Will you show me how much you love me?”
Jihoon, enraptured by the sound of my Jihoon, responded, “Of course, my love, I’ve been showing you all this time.” He bent to rest his head in the crook of your neck, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on your back as he placed a kiss on your collarbone, exposed by the neckline of your dress.
“No,” you whispered, breath tickling the shell of Jihoon’s ear as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “I want you to show me the way the men from last night showed each other. Your friends. As the night went on, the aura around them grew stronger. I want to be loved like that, however they loved each other.”
Jihoon’s body stiffened, before he groaned into your neck. “Fuck, you can’t just say things like that Faerie.”
You pushed Jihoon’s body up so you could look at him. “Why not? What did I say wrong?” You held his hands in yours.
“Nothing, it’s just- well they-” Jihoon stumbled over his words, a bit embarrassed now that he has to have the birds and the bees talk with you. Unsure of how to broach the topic he decided to go right for it. “Do you know what intercourse is?” Jihoon’s face was flushed bright red, his hands turning clammy in your grip.
“Of course,” you affirmed with a nod.
“Well,” Jihoon gave you a look.
You stared for a second before recognition lit in your eyes. You smiled. “Oh!” Your smile dropped. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Jihoon said, dumbly.
“But, I do not understand. Were your friends trying to have a child?”
Jihoon spluttered. “What?? No! Of course not!”
“Then why be intimate?” You asked him, innocently. Jihoon sighed. The cultural differences surrounding intimacy must be far more different than he anticipated.
“Here,” he tugged at your intertwined hands. The fire has almost completely died by now. “Let’s sit in the tent where it’s warmer and I’ll explain.”
Jihoon ushered you inside, zipping the tent closed before sitting down on the blankets opposite you. “What’s the traditional practice in Faerie, if you want to…procreate,” he cringed internally at his odd word choice.
You did not seem thrown off, however. “After faeries find their mates, they have a ceremony, similar to a human wedding ceremony. The faeries will combine their auras, which allows them to share their powers and essentially become one unified entity. Then, there will be a mating ritual, in which they are intimate. Their auras are most powerful immediately after the ceremony, so that one night is enough to create a child. Faeries do not have more than one.” You explained, methodically.
Jihoon nodded. “Ok, so Faeries aren’t intimate for pleasure?”
You shook your head, “I suppose not. Humans are, I presume?”
“Yes. Many humans see intercourse as a means of seeking pleasure first, and reproduction second. There are medical advancements that can prevent pregnancy, so humans can be intimate without worrying about children. The guys from last night…They are intimate because they love each other. Make sense?” Jihoon searched your face for a hint of confusion.
“I understand!” you chirped. “Are you someone who correlates intimacy to love, Jihoon?”
At this point Jihoon has no choice but to assume that you say things to make him blush on purpose. “I mean, yeah, I- I guess so,” he stuttered, a complete opposite to your eloquent way of speech.
“Then, I would like you to be intimate with me.”
His breath hitched. “My love,” Jihoon started, hesitantly. “Are you sure? There’s no rush, we can take things slowly-”
You moved closer to him, your knees pressed against his. “Sweet Jihoon,” you held his hands, stroking the backs of them with your thumbs. “I am unsure what will become of us tomorrow. I must return to Faerie in the morning, and you live in the city, so you will eventually leave as well. I do not want to wait in hopes of a day that may not come soon, if at all. I do not wish to dampen the mood, but it is the harsh truth. That is why I want to do this now. I want to love you completely. Tonight.”
Your eyes were blazing, the grip on his hands firm. You meant what you said. You would not let Jihoon go tonight, not like this.
“You have to know, I’d do anything for you Y/N. I’d leave Seoul, hell, I’d leave this dimension for you. I’d go to Faerie, go wherever you want,” Jihoon rambled.
You pressed a finger to his lips. “Hush. We can talk about it all later. Right now,” you leaned in, bumping the tip of his nose with your own, “I want you to…fuck me.”
Your yelp of surprise was swallowed by Jihoon when he surged forward to kiss you. The force pushed you back and you were laying flat on the blankets, Jihoon hovering over your body, his hands braced by your shoulders. You pushed him up with a press to his chest, unable to hold back giggles.
“What was that for?”
“Where did you learn to say that, you little minx?” Jihoon moved to press butterfly soft kisses to the slope of your neck, moving up towards your ear.
“I heard,” you gasped at a particularly biting kiss, “I heard the blonde man from yesterday tell his partner that. He seemed to like hearing it.” Your hands were now clasped against your chest as you were unsure what to do with them.
Jihoon teasingly bit your earlobe. “Ah, didn’t know my innocent forest nymph was actually a voyeur.”
“Jihoon,” you slapped at his shoulder, scandalized. Jihoon pulled away, sitting back on his heels as he laughed. “It was not as if I meant to intrude! I did not know about human customs of love.” There was a slight pout on your lips, as you turned your head to the side, pointedly looking away from Jihoon in embarrassment.
He couldn’t help but place a kiss on your reddening cheek. “Cute,” he mumbled. “I’m just teasing, Faerie.” He held your chin with two of his fingers and turned you back to face him. “I think you’re cute,” his voice dropped a few pitches, seductively. “Bet you sat up in those trees, listening, wishing it was you that they were touching, hm?” Jihoon ran his fingers up your right leg, tickling your calves. You whimpered. “My poor Faerie felt so lonely. Thought she’d never find someone. But I’m here now,” he pressed a kiss in the dip between your collarbones, “I’ll take care of you baby.”
By now, your dress was rucked up by your knees, Jihoon’s hand splayed out against your thigh. Your hands were tangled in his curls, the grip allowing you to tug him back to your lips. “Jihoon, please,” you whined.
Jihoon held you by your shoulders as he pulled you up to sit on his lap, your legs wrapping around his hips. “Can I take your dress off?” he asked as he toyed with the straps of your dress. You nodded, demurely. Jihoon slipped the cloth off your right shoulder, pressing a kiss to your skin before doing the same on the other side. Like water, the dress slid down your chest, bunching at your waist when the straps caught on your forearms. You pointedly kept your eyes trained on the neckline of Jihoon’s shirt, feeling a bit too self-conscious to look him in the eyes. Jihoon must’ve understood this.
“Breathtaking,” he said, trailing a finger along your face, down the side of your neck. “You’re absolutely breathtaking, my love.” His finger dipped into the valley of your breasts before twirling around your left nipple. You whimpered, the sound morphing into a moan when he took the other nipple into his mouth. Your body felt warm and the bottom of your feet were tingling. You’d never felt so good before. Had never imagined you could ever feel like this.
Jihoon moved to kiss you again as he laid you back down on the ground, helping slip your dress off your body. Even though it had only been a few hours, you were sure you’d never tire of kissing Jihoon.
You grew more and more impatient as Jihoon slipped his tongue into your mouths, pulling desperately at his clothes. “Why are you wearing so many layers?” Jihoon found your eagerness endearing, the way you wanted his clothes off his body but refused to let him part from your mouth. Somehow, after a few failed attempts and limbs getting awkwardly caught in fabric, you were both naked, bodies pressed tightly together.
Your arms were gripped like a vice around Jihoon’s neck, loudly whining as you bucked your hips up, trying to find some sort of friction.
“Desperate little thing, aren’t you,” Jihoon chuckled, tauntingly. “Looked so innocent when I first saw you, but you’re really just aching for cock.” Your mewl was indication enough that you liked the way Jihoon was speaking to you.
“Please, need it. Need you in me now!” you begged. It was too much for Jihoon. The way your hair was splayed around your head like a halo, the way your skin was glistening with a thin layer of sweat from the heat, the way your neck and chest were red from his ministrations. As his gaze slid down your body, he took note of your heaving chest, the smooth skin of your belly, the way your pussy was dripping wet. He couldn't take it anymore.
“Already so ready for me baby. Don’t even need my fingers or my mouth on you, do you? Bet I could slip right in.”
“Yes,” you wailed. “Please, put it in, please-” you broke off with a cry, hands shooting to grip at Jihoon’s biceps as he pushed into you with a single thrust.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Faerie, did I hurt you, I didn’t mean to-”
“No, no, felt good, don’t stop Jihoonie,” you babbled, desperate for more.
Slowly, he pulled out, moving until just the head of his cock was still in you before pushing back in. The strokes were gentle and languid. Your heat was so warm and tight, he felt like he was on cloud nine. Jihoon dropped his head to your neck, licking and kissing at the skin there as you dug your nails into his shoulder blades.
“Jihoon,” you moaned, feeling overstimulated by the feeling of his lips on your skin, his hands stroking your body, his cock inside you. “Don’t stop, don’t ever stop.”
“Never,” he said vehemently. He pressed his forehead to yours. “Wanna be with you forever. Wanna be inside you forever. Never letting you go after this.”
You cant your hips up to his, the feeling of your clit grazing his skin adding an extra level of pleasure.
“Jihoon, feel something, feel pressure,” you gasped.
Jihoon slipped a hand between your bodies, pressing delicate circles against your clit. “That’s it Faerie, let go. Come for me,” his voice was breathy and strained, as if trying to hold himself together.
You let out a loud, long-winded moan as you came, your orgasm washing over you in waves. Vivid colors splashed like fireworks against the back of your tightly shut eyes. You threw your head back, arching your body up as if chasing more, more, more.
You vaguely felt Jihoon pull away, and whined pathetically, too enveloped in this newfound sense of pleasure to do much else. Your chest heaved as you slowly regained awareness, prying your eyes open. The world was blurry, and you realized your eyes were filled with tears. You saw Jihoon begin to stand, and whined as he walked away.
“Not going anywhere, baby,” he chuckled. “Just gonna clean you up.” He grabbed a washcloth from his bag and wiped away the sweat and fluid on your body. He tossed the cloth to a corner of the tent, along with the blanket he was sitting on that seemed to be stained with something white.
Jihoon laid down beside you, gathering you in his arms. You whimpered a bit, your skin sensitive everywhere, as if every nerve ending was exposed to Jihoon’s touch. Your head rested against his heart as you traced silly patterns on his abdomen.
“I meant what I said earlier,” Jihoon said, the vibration of his chest tickling your cheek. “I want to stay with you. I don’t want to leave.”
You sighed. “I know, my sweet, but we must part. It is inevitable. We are from different worlds. However,” you lifted your head, “I have a plan. I will request an audience with the Queen come morning, and request to give up my powers, so that I may become human.”
Jihoon began to argue, “No, Y/N, I can’t ask you to do that.”
You shook your head firmly. “You are not asking me for anything. This is my decision. There is nothing waiting for me in Faerie, Jihoon. I do not have family, and anyone who I would consider a friend has a mate of their own. Here, in the human world, I have you.” You placed a hand gently to his heart, letting the steady beat relax you. “I want to be with you. Eat with you, sleep with you. I want to meet your friends and your family. I want to build a life with you here. That is all I desire.”
Jihoon still looked hesitant, worried that you may not completely understand the depth of what you were saying. “Y/N, to give up the only world, the only life, you’ve ever known…are you sure you want that? Are there no consequences?”
You cut him off with a kiss. “That is nothing for you to worry your beautiful head about. For now, let us sleep.”
Jihoon watched curiously as you placed a hand to the bottom of the tent. Suddenly, the ground beneath him started to feel soft, as if he was laying on a cloud, not solid ground. Through the white cloth, he could faintly see the yellow and green shades of moss and grass growing to create a makeshift bed. You laid back down, pressing one last kiss to his lips. “Good night, Sweet Jihoon.”
You awoke at the first sign of daybreak the next morning. It was time to return to Faerie, but you were in high spirits. You have a purpose this time: to fight for your freedom and return to Jihoon.
You gently brushed the strands of hair away from his forehead as you cooed his name to wake him. Jihoon’s eyes fluttered open, lips splitting into a wide grin when he caught sight of you.
“Morning beautiful,” his voice was raspy and deep. You felt the sudden urge to repeat last night’s events. You clambered to your feet, dusting off the skirt of your dress you had thrown on when you woke up. No, there was no time to fall back into the sheets with your lover. You had a job to do.
“It’s time for me to go,” you said, faintly, holding Jihoon’s hand as you led him out of the tent into the cool morning air. He then wrapped you up in his arms and kissed you, lips slightly chapped from the chilly night air.
“When can I see you again?” He brushed his thumb over your cheekbone.
“Give me one year. In exactly one year’s time, I will be here again, whether it be with good news or bad news. Should the Queen grant my wish, I shall return home with you. Should the Queen not grant my wish…” you looked away, “I will return for just an hour, to tell you goodbye.”
Jihoon nodded, knowing there was nothing he could say to change your mind. “One year then. I’ll be here, waiting.”
As you stared at the grass, something caught your eye. Quickly, you bent down to pluck a lone dandelion flower from the ground. After analyzing it for a while, you placed it in the palm of your hand, enveloping the flower with shimmering white light. Then, you twisted the stem into a ring, before taking Jihoon’s left hand, and sliding the flower ring onto his pinky finger, opposite the silver ring on his other hand. “This flower is enchanted, and will never wilt. I hope it will serve as a reminder of me, so you never forget this time we shared.”
Jihoon caught your hands, holding them tightly. “You know I will never forget you. But, thank you. I will treasure it forever.”
You nodded, eyes welling with tears as you leaned in to press one last kiss to Jihoon’s lips. “See you in one year, my Sweet Jihoon.”
You stepped back, fingers slipping from his hold.
“See you in a year.”
With that you turned to walk into the forest. Jihoon watched until your silhouette disappeared into thin air.
“Hyung!” Seungkwan called, shaking Jihoon out of his stupor. Somehow, he had walked all the way from the camp back to the main houses. He didn’t remember a single moment of the trek. “You’re back! Come on, we have to wrap up shooting!”
Oh, that’s right, the broadcast, Jihoon thought, desolately. We are going back to Seoul tonight.
Jihoon silently trudged into the upper house, all his members watching.
“What happened to him?” Seungcheol demanded, glaring at Jeonghan accusingly.
The blonde held his hands up defensively. “Me? Why do you assume I did something?”
“You’re the one who sent him to the tent last night! Now look, he came back more depressed than ever!”
Jeonghan glanced at Joshua, the two sharing a silent look of confusion. “We’ll go check on him,” the latter said to placate Seungcheol.
Together, the two boys went into the house, noticing Jihoon belly flopped onto the bed.
“Oh, Jihoonie, what’s wrong?” Jeonghan sat on the edge of the bed, patting the younger reassuringly on the back.
Jihoon mumbled something incoherent into the pillows.
The two older boys exchanged another glance, as if urging the other to say something. Finally, Joshua sighed. “We thought you would’ve enjoyed the company waiting at the campsite. That’s why Jeonghan sent you there last night. We are really sorry if that was the wrong call.”
Jihoon shot up straight, turning to level his members with a glare. “What do you mean by company? You two knew? About Y/N?!”
“Ah, so that’s her name,” Jeonghan said. “We noticed a girl sitting, well hiding, up in the trees when we first got there. She had this mystical air around her, we figured she was something nonhuman.” He turned to Joshua, who shrugged.
“Yeah and, I don’t know, she seemed so lonely. Reminded us of you, so we thought why not have you go the next night? If she returned, you’d meet. If not, then you’d get some good rest. So, win-win.” He then climbed onto the bed to take a seat by Jihoon, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in a side hug. “What happened last night Ji?”
Jihoon began to recount the story to the two men, starting from when he met you to when you left. All of it. By the end, Joshua was giving him a sympathetic hug, while Jeonghan had a determined look in his eyes.
“Well,” the blonde clapped his hands together. “Looks like we have no choice but to return next year then!” He shot Jihoon a wink. “Let me go tell the other boys!” He ran from the room.
Jihoon stared with his mouth wide open as Joshua sighed. “What he means to say is, we’ll set up a meeting with the producers. No matter what, we’ll get you back here in a year so you can see her Jihoon. It seems like Y/N is pretty optimistic that everything is going to work out, so you should be too.” With one final caring pat to the back of his head, Joshua too left the room.
As Jihoon sat alone, thinking about what his brothers had said, he heard raucous laughter and cheering coming from outside. It seemed like Jeonghan had told everyone else the news about them returning. Jihoon let out an endeared laugh. He knew that he would have to tell the rest of the boys about you, and that they would be nothing but supportive. Jihoon stood from the bed, his confidence in seeing you again growing.
In a year, he’d return here and bring you home with him. With a hopeful smile, he placed a kiss on his flower ring and headed out to meet his friends.
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Hi Pinky! So like, I had a thought. (Dangerous, I know.)
What if the Chain gets to a town and the townsfolk are just BEGGING this group of obviously well trained warriors to help them in their plight. They’re willing to pay upfront and they tell tales of a wicked beast that dwells in a cave nearby that torments them and has for several years! They beg the Chain to slay the beast and free them from its evil spirit.
Naturally, the Chain investigate.
After a journey, they arrive at the cave… which at first glance is full of treasure! Sweet! But as they continue to investigate, there’s no sign of this beast. But it seems an area of the cave has been made to resemble a home. A bunch of cloth has been piled up in the shape of a bed, a tree stump (looks like it was legit pulled out of the ground) was placed like a table nearby, and wooden boards against the wall were made to resemble cabinets. They were empty. More of the cave had the crude decor, it was like an imitation of sorts.
Anyway, as they’re investigating, they hear something approaching! So they hide and wait for whatever it is to show itself. Turns out, this ‘beast’ is nothing more than a girl (or boy. Or gn. Idk. I’m a girl so I project) maybe in her late teens or early twenties. However, it was clear she wasn’t quite… Hylian. Her skin was a pale gray. She had horns protruding from both sides of her head, and instead of hands and feet, she had claws/talons. And when she opened her mouth, she had rows of razor sharp teeth.
“I’m home~” She said in a singsong voice as she pulled a brand new gem from her bag and placed it with her other treasures. She then proceeds to throw a bloodied fish onto the table and dance around her home without a care in the world.
The details get fuzzy at this point because I’m unsure exactly how the Chain respond. But the gist is either they show themselves or the girl finds them. She then proceeds to get very scared and cowers. This eventually turns into the Chain questioning her and they find out the townsfolk weren’t truthful. Turns out, she has only ever set foot into the town once… and was chased out with torches and pitchforks. And they often come by when she’s away and trashes her home and takes her belongings.
She tried to mimic the Hylian homes she’s seen, so that’s why the decor of the cave was the way that it was. She wasn’t entirely sure what it was all for, but she wanted to be like them. She knew the people in the town slept in beds and put food on a table, so she adopted the habits.
She likes shiny things! So that’s why she has so much treasure. She goes out on treasure hunting trips and finds anything shiny. She has never stolen her shiny treasures. She actually finds ruins and similar places to dig and find what she wants.
This is also where details get fuzzy. Idk if the idea will ever continue in my mind because I’m honestly unsure of what happens. I kinda think some of the Chain (Time) is like “not our circus not our monkeys” because she’s not actually doing anyone any harm. But the other half of the Chain is like “We can’t just leave her and met the townsfolk continue to torment her!” Again though, details are fuzzy and I’m unsure of how to continue.
Hope you have enjoyed this little idea I had. Feel free to comment on it or add your own spin to it. This goes for you and everyone else who sees this.
For the longest time, I thought I already responded to this. Oof- my sickness was deep-
Poor Reader, they were just trying to fit in with the people and instead they were run out of town and attacked.
I think it would make more sense if Reader finds them first. they have no reason to show themselves to the "threat" especially if said threat doesn't know they're there yet. It's a learning opportunity to see what they do and what they've been doing in the comfort of their own home.
If Reader found them on their own, it cold lead to more angst and more opportunity to open up the dialogue for the viewer (I can't really call y'all Reader here, can I?) to learn more about the current world and circumstances. Use for exposition purposes.
I wonder why Reader was trying to copy the people so bad though? Where did Reader come from?
Furthermore, I think maybe the next point of what to do next would lend itself nicely to having Reader join them in their adventures. It's the perfect middle ground to the whole "not our circus, not our monkeys" thing you mentioned while also giving Reader an opportunity to escape the harrassment from the townsfolk.
Granted, I'm not entirely sure where to take it from this point as well. But maybe the community can come up with something. XD
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Fanfic Writer Interview
Many thanks to the awesome, amazing @hibiscesque for the tag! Very honored to do this <3 It's been a busy year for writing, so let's goooo~
How many works do you have on AO3?
In total 47~! For 2024, it's 41. (BSD really jumpstarted my writing juices XD)
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes:
Not surprising all BSD (and also all SKK) XP
Always At Your Service, My Master - Oneshot / Explicit / 9,155 words - Written as a request for the BSD Gotcha4Gaza, it features DaChuu and their time before events of the Dark Era. It explores their relationship and unspoken feelings with a hint of spice and steam. Chuuya also wears a maid outfit. Because Dazai.
Forever My Loyal Servant - Oneshot / Explicit / 7,560 words - A short story for Bottom Dazai Week 2024. Takes place in the Beast universe, exploring the pining, the angst, and the unspoken feelings between Dazai and Chuuya. Also (makes attempts) to explore the power dynamic between the two of them, as they spend every night together. Angsty and sad. So many feelings when I got to the end ;w;
Our Unstoppable Destined Love - Oneshot / Mature / 6,401 words - Another Bottom Dazai Week story. Uh, Dazai in a dress while being the mafia boss is what got me started on this one. Just Dazai and Chuuya having a good old time while they're on the job. Whoops.
Finding Love in You - Oneshot / Mature / 11,871 words - Written for Chuuya Week 2024. Chuuya is the royal king, and Dazai is his newest wife. They start off on the wrong foot, but Dazai just can't help but wooed by him. It's such a cute little story <3
May You Be Mine? - Oneshot / Mature / 10,251 words - An office AU in which Chuuya is the custodian and Dazai is the office worker. It was supposed to end sadish, but then somehow, it turned out to be cute. Re-reading this makes me wanna eat chocolates made by Chuuya. Dazai is so lucky!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I respond super slow, but I eventually do! It's neat to interact with others, and it's a way of showing my appreciation to the lovely readers who enjoyed the story <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I like to write angsty stories, so a lot of the stories tend to have bittersweet/sad endings. But I think it's a tie between The Wicked Truth Among the Gentle Lies and The Unobtainable Glass Soul. The first one is SKK and... oof. Without giving too much away, the line between reality and desire is harsh. :') As for the second one, it is a FyoZai story, and it was written for Dead Dove Week, so the DD ending is... tough to swallow. Poor Dazai. The emotional pain killed my heart T_T
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Dreaming of You, Fated to be With You, in particular Chapter 5. It's a super sweet and cute AU in which Akutagawa is an archeologist/explorer and Atsushi is cursed as a tiger. The interaction between them is just down right adorable and hilarious sweet, especially since Atsushi can't communicate using regular words due to being a tiger. It's such a light-hearted, fun little AU.
Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. But I once thought about a crossover between Demon Slayers and BSD. It'd be fun to see the characters interact.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Knock on wood, I haven't!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Alongside complex, layered issues and thought provoking emotions.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Luckily, I haven't. Hopefully it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It wasn't a BSD story. It was for a story I wrote called A Punishing Gift. It was for an otome game, Piofiore, featuring the pairing, Yang / Lily. I'm still super honored and humbled that it was widely loved by the reader who did such great working translating it into a masterpiece.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've written with Lily (another Lily; she sadly isn't on tumblr) on plenty of stories. It's always such a blast bouncing around ideas and seeing the characters lose it because of such said ideas. (Always up for co-writing with my moots and anyone in the community! Co-writing is so much fun <3)
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's a tough one. A toss up between SKK and Fyozai. But also SSKK, Kunizai, and DazAtsu. Okay, I just love these pairings too much to choose only one T_T
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Uhhhh... all of them. The WIP list is endless. Although I'd love to continue the two stories I did for the SKK Summer Exchange 2024 - Seeing My in You and Living a Life of My Own. My brain already has scenes and ideas for the next chapters, but... the time ;w;
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told it's transitioning in between scenes and characters' introspective thoughts. I also have lots of fun writing villains and their characters, exploring their motives and learning that they're very human despite what the they do.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing way too much when it's not needed sometimes. I get really into the story and the character, then forget that it needs less words, more clarity lol!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it depends on the feel and intent of a given situation that is happening in the story. For myself, I don't do it too much, as I'm not sure I do it justice, writing dialogue in another language.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
For fandom, it's Demon Slayers, JJK, and Pandora Hearts. Without rambling too much, the worlds are so fascinating and the characters are equally fantastic. Would love to explore lots of ships for all three series. For a particular ship, I'd love to write Emily and JJ from Criminal Minds. Their dynamic is peak.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
All of them! I had so much fun writing each and every single one <3
Tagging: @theroadtosomewhere, @bunnys-tales, @aurorahrt, @falloutjuli, @xerx, @apatheticanvas91305 (no obligations! many apologies if already done >_<)
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Oof, yeah. People in fandom spaces really love making every parent abusive, and the way they so desperately want to pretend that it‘s canon is exhausting.
I‘m baffled every time I see it. Parent barely raises their voice, and doesn’t immediately whisper an apology?
Parent puts their foot down in any situation where they are at odds with their kid?
Parent grieves a little too hard for a little too long, and isn’t present at 100% capacity?
And it always feels like surface level teen angst that is blown way out of proportion. It‘s especially telling when you notice the pattern of 'the child has never done anything wrong, ever, in their life.' Because at that point the projecting, and not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions becomes painfully obvious. Because blaming the parents is easier than accepting a characters flaws.
(unless these flaws are; 'cares too much' or 'being insecure'. Because those are cutesy enough I guess 🙄)
AND THEN there is the fact that, putting actual mythology aside, Nezha and Red Son are treated as LITERAL ADULTS IN THE SHOW.
*incomprehensible screaming*
Sorry for the vent, I got a little heated. But I‘m so fucking glad there’s at least some people in the fandom who agree that the bastardizing of characters is getting way out of hand.
I'm right here with you anon I've also been a bit heated but YEAH
No what kills me about LMK is how the parents in question may be a bit gruff/rough around the edges, DBK is someone who's generally like that regardless of who he's talking to
But never does Red Son or Nezha even face consequences when they do screw up in their parent's eyes
Like abusive parents will have that undercurrent of Bad even when nothing's gone wrong but here even when THEY DO fuck up there's no consequences
And when they don't it isn't a Toxic Bad dynamic either
AND AS YOU SAY Red Son and Nezha are also both portrayed as adults in LMK and while they do want to make their parents proud and care about their opinion they are on much more of a peer level than someone would be if they were an actual kid/teen
Same with Mei because I've seen bad takes on her parents but in canon it's literally just "we don't see eye to eye/we have our own familial/cultural expectations which you don't share but we love you and are proud of you and we don't care that our entire house is wrecked and that you took the sword we're glad you have it" like HELLO? But people will act like she should cut them off or they're bad parents
Like Mei and Nezha's parents both overtly say they're proud in the limited screentime they have while caring about their children who they naturally have differences with but that's It.
And Red Son's parents are down to just do whatever he wants I guess re food truck family business and it's just. oh yeah I'm sure they don't value his opinion huh like sure DBK likes cooking but this was clearly Red Son's idea.
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Plaga Control
Leon x GN!Reader Summery: This is set during RE4, Leon and you are tasked to retrieve The First Daughter. Leon had insisted and managed to convince he would need help, that way if something happens to him Ashley would still have a chance at coming home. You were his pick, Naturally. You and Leon are a couple, have been dating since just after the events of Racoon City where you kept each other alive.
Words: 2,452 Contains: Fluff, Angst, Body Control, Sad Scared Baby Boy.

"ASHLEY!" You call out as she runs off in fear, dropping Leon's knife she had taken from him. "Damn it.." Leon cursed under his breath, leaning against the gate now separating you both from Ashley. You both note the direction she runs in and stay silent, the gears in both of your heads turning. You had been lucky enough to not be infected with the Plaga so far, it didn't seem fun. Turning to Leon your eyes are drawn to the dark veins running up his forearms, slight discolouration running along his neck up to his jawline. How long was it until he was also going to lose control?
Shaking your head to remove your thoughts, right now you needed to get Baby Eagle back. "Welp... Now what?" You asked placing your hands on your hips, looking around to try and find another way around. The walls were tall and slippery from the recent rain, so there was no chance of clambering over them.
"I'll contact Hunnigan, let her know we've been separated from Ashley. You look around for any way we can continue forwards." He instructs, placing two fingers to his left ear. You give Leon a nod, him returning the gesture as he turns back towards the direction Ashley had run in.
Walking around a corner you find some VERY broken stairs, leading up to the walls surrounding this maze-like area you were now in. Snapping your fingers you grab Leon's attention who finishes his Sit-Rep to Roost. "We can get up onto the walls this way." You instruct, Leon making his way over to you and looking up at the crumbling, disheveled stairs you had found. His head tilts to the side slightly as he exhales.
"I'll go first." He goes to step forwards but was stopped by the back of your hand making contact with his chest. Looking to you quickly with confused, furrowed brows.
"No you don't, big foot. There'll be no stairs left for me after you clump up them. I'll go first." You say casually, it was a genuine statement but made Leon smirk and shake his head at your humour. Walking towards the stone staircase you examine where you were going to be putting each foot, once planned out in your head you begin your ascension. Easily making your way over the large gaps, using the crumbling walls to aid keeping you on your feet. The last hurdle was a large jump to the ground level of the wall, the gap being a good meter and the ground just taller than your head. Wiping your hands on your pants, you crouch slightly to get that pouncing action ready. Leaping forwards your hands grip onto the edge, your body slamming against the jagged wall where stairs should be. Wincing with an "OOF", you manage to use the toe of your boot to kick into the wall and create the smallest foot hold. Using that you pull yourself up onto the ground, rolling onto your side facing where you had just come from.
Leon was next, finding his own way, but was almost following in your own footwork. He managed to make it to the top, leaping to grab the edge you offer a hand to him. Making sure he had grip enough with his right hand, his left takes yours and you pull him enough that his right leg could swing up, helping him onto the ground with you. Both panting slightly from the light exercise, you look around at the area now below you. A door straight ahead leading into a new part of the castle. "How big is this place?" You asked yourself as Leon stood to his own two feet, brushing his hands together.
"I'm not sure, but I'm also not a fan." Leon said making sure you were ready to continue before he leads the way. Making your way inside you couldn't help but look at the darkening veins on Leon's arms and neck once again. Following behind him in silence as you both made your way through the elegant, yet unkempt halls. Your silence wasn't unusual, but for this long it was. You hadn't spoken up in about 10 minutes now, and Leon could see in on your face when he would glance at you, your brain was working overtime.
"You know, if you keep making your brain work that hard it's going to break." He finally speaks through the silence, pulling you from your deep thoughts. "We'll get her back. Don't worry." He assured.
"I know, it's not that though." You explained.
"Then what is it?" He asks stopping at yet another door you were going to be entering through. He turns to look at you, one hand on his hip. You stop in front of him seeing his posture, Leon's face asking you a question, waiting patiently for your answer.
"It's you... And Ashley I guess." Your eyes leave his and flick to the veins on his neck and arms. Leon looks to where your eyes went, holding his arms up in front of him and giving a sigh. He had noticed them as well. "What if.. You also get controlled? I don't.." You stop and sigh, rubbing your forehead with your fingers. The grime coming off in small clumps that you pick off and rub between your fingers before flicking it on the ground.
Leon was now silent, trying to think of some way to console his partner. Placing a hand on your shoulder your eyes look to his forearm beside your face and then meet his gaze. "Let's just focus on getting Ashley back, then we can figure that out, okay?" It wasn't the best assurance you could have heard, if it was even assurance at all. His words were more of a: let's continue and I have no clue on what we are going to do. All you could do was nod to let him know you agreed with his words, your gaze falling to the ground between you both. Leon felt your shoulder fall under his hand as you fear you may loose him. Looking over you once again he sighs and steps forwards, wrapping his arms around you. Surprised at the sudden unprofessionalism from your partner, it still didn't stop you from wrapping your arms around his mid-section. Burying your face into his chest.
"I'll be fine. But I can't do this without you right now." He softly says into the side of your head. You nod and pull away from him, wiping your eyes and sniffing as you try to steal yourself. You were worried about him, you were worried about Ashley.
"We should get going." You say looking back up to Leon who was looking at you with slight sorrow in his eyes, he hated seeing you cry.
"Alright. Let's go." He says gently touching the side of your face, giving you a forced smile before turning to enter the door you were both standing in front of.
-----*30 Minutes Later*-----
You had found a room full of these annoying cultists, being ambushed after trying to figure out how to open a door gated off. Finally downing the last of them, you pant heavily, leaning against a dresser in the centre of the room. Looking over to Leon, he stumbled back on his feet catching himself as he reloads Matilda, then places her back in the holster on his right hip. You had this sudden urge to check inside the drawers of this dresser and low and behold. "A KEY!" You shouted over to him with relief in your tired voice, you could now get through the door.
Walking over to Leon you look at the key in your hand as you place your own gun in it's holster strapped to the back of your belt. "Who the hell just leaves a key in a dresser for anyone to find. I guess it works in our favour, huh?" You say amused, a smile on your face as you look up to Leon. Your smile starts to slowly fade as he was just standing there, back facing you. You feel your heart starting to pump harder than it already was, a wash of warmth runs through your body as you knew something was wrong. "Leon?" You say his name to try and catch his attention.
"Don't worry about your partner, dear child." You hear a voice say from the top of the room, a small ledge spanning the length of one wall. It must be some observation landing as this room was almost set up to be an arena disguised as a normal room. Turning to face him you pull your gun out once again, aiming up to him, your back now facing Leon.
"Who are you?!" You shout up to the hooded man, you hadn't seen this guy before.
"I am Osmund Saddler." That name rings a bell, with all the visions Leon and Ashley had been having, plus the Ganados saying that word often enough, you had pieced together that this was the guy in charge of everything happening here. Your thoughts were cut off as you felt a strong arm wrap around your neck, a second arm holding under your right armpit, putting you into a tight headlock. You knew the arms to be Leon's, dropping your gun and key to the ground you start to struggle. Your wind pipe being restricted as you start clawing at his left forearm around your neck. Trying to swing your elbow into his side to release you, nothing worked. You could hear Leon grunting in your right ear, his muscles sporadically tensing as you could tell he was desperately trying to fight his own body. He could feel your body becoming limper as seconds ticked by. You hadn't realised anyone enter the room as the edge of your vision was already black, a sharp pain emanating from your right arm that was suspended by Leon's vice grip. You could swear your head was going to be dislocated from your neck any second now. Your neck giving a few loud cracks before everything went black.
Leon hears the cracks and feels you suddenly go limp, a shooting pain is sent to his gut feeling a tightness in his chest at the same time. Did he just kill you? His eyes flick up to Saddler as he leaves the room and he was suddenly released from his control. Falling to the ground, Leon still holds you in his arms. He could only hold your back to his chest, your head limply slumped over his left forearm. He twists your body so you were laying face up, your bottom resting in his lap as he held you. A trembling hand rests on your neck, his fingers placed under your jaw, hoping, praying to anything that he would feel a pulse.
It was there, the slowing throbbing of the veins in your neck. He felt his entire being relax, pulling you into his chest, a hand on the back of your head as he rocks. He thought he had killed you, all the relief and fear started to leave his eyes in the form of tears. Burying his face into your neck he heard you breathing in his ear, causing choked sobs to leave his throat.
You feel yourself come to, your body being rocked back and forth as you hear Leon's sobs, feeling his breath and tears on your neck and collar bone. You weakly reach a hand up to place on Leon's side, it was the first place your hand met him. Flinching at your touch, Leon lifts his neck, turning his head to look into your eyes. Pulling your hand from his side, you pull your arm from under his and place it gently on his cheek. Thumb brushing away the tears from his left eye as you smile up at him. "I'm not dead, but boy does my neck feel good right now." You joke, trying to lift the mood.
"It's not funny, I thought I snapped your neck!" Leon caught the humour, but at the same time needed to express how worried he was. "I thought I lost you." He adds wiping the tears from his face with the palm of his left glove, his right hand still cradling your head. You just watch him, he really did need you, whether that be right now on this mission or just in general. You assumed both.
"Leon?" You said suddenly. His hand moving away from his eyes as he was exhaling to try and calm himself down. You look into his eyes once you had his attention. "If I die... Don't be like this for the rest of your life, okay?"
"What are you saying?" He asked, brows knitting into worry.
"I mean, just in general. If I die on a mission or whatever, promise me you won't drown yourself in alcohol?"
"(Y/N), I don't know if I can-"
"Promise me, damn it!" You say, eyes starting to tear up. You see him thinking, his eyes switching between both of yours, finally giving a few quick nods.
"Y-Yeah, alright, I promise." You could see in his eyes he meant it, and even if that meant he would probably still have a few, you knew he would try his best to not drown his sorrows away.
"I want you to move on. Try and find someone else, someone else to confide in and not close off. You don't do well when you shut off, neither of us do." You add, not making him promise this, but at least you knew he might be able to move on with his life knowing that's what you want. "Of course all of this is hypothetical, okay? I don't plan on ever leaving you, but we can't be too sure of that."
"And I want you to do the same if I die." Leon adds. You give him a nod and wrap your arms around his neck, he wraps both of his arms around your body and hugs you tight.
"Right.. Now that I'm infected as well, we should continue finding Ashley." You say pulling away from him and crawling to your feet, holding down a hand to help Leon off the floor.
"Yeah, we need to figure out a cure. We can't have Ashley going home infected." He says taking your hand and hoisting himself up with your help. You nod to him and lean forwards giving him a kiss on the lips. "Just a quick pick-me-up." You say with a small smile and bend over to pick up your gun and the key. "Let's find Baby Eagle."
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat
#angst#death?#comfort#fanfic#fic#fluff#infected#leon kennedy#leon s kennedy#leon x f!reader#leon x fem!reader#leon x female reader#leon x reader#plaga#re4#resident evil#resident evil 4
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Denial is Futile: Wanderer x f!reader - Chapter 4
Read on AO3 | Series Masterlist | Taglist
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What would you do if you were stuck with Wanderer indefinitely?
The cute and sweet guy from the bazaar was brought to your place while unconscious. But when he woke up, you were appalled by the amount of snark he had. Was he even the same person? And now you were stuck with him because he could literally die if he stopped holding your hand. You weren't sure if you could tolerate him any longer. Little did you know he was exactly the type of person you needed in your life.
Other info: Fluff, humor, sfw, enemies to lovers, some hurt/comfort and angst later, character growth, occurs after the version 3.3 Archon quest and Tighnari's story quest, female reader
Word count: 2.7k
The roar of the waterfall grew louder as Wanderer dragged you by the hand along the bank of the ravine. You passed yet another sumeru rose before you tugged your arm back and planted your feet in the ground.
"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" you asked him.
Wanderer turned his head to look back at you, the tassels on his hat swayed. "Do you always jump to conclusions like this?" He pulled at your arm, urging you to keep walking. "Also, didn't someone mention Collei was returning soon? Maybe you should use your head and buy her a gift."
You raised your brow. Did he know her? And he suggested being nice to her?
The cliffs towered over you and the bridge to the city hung overhead. "There aren't any sunsettias here, you idiot." You pointed up the cliff. "There were plenty up there along the trail."
Wanderer blinked a couple times, staring blankly at you. He turned his head away, his hat facing you once more. "Whatever,” he said, playing off his mistake. “I was actually going to the Grand Bazaar."
"And how exactly did you expect us to climb like this?" you said, holding up your joined hands.
"So you know how to climb, huh?” A smirk grew on his face. “Well, don’t let me stop you. Just do what you normally do."
You narrowed your eyes at him, skeptical at the intentions behind his words. You shook off that feeling and instead analyzed the cliffside, planning the best route to make it to the top. With a sigh, you placed Wanderer's hand on your back before placing your grip on the rock above you.
"You'd better not weigh me down," you told him, carefully placing a foot on the ledge.
"Don't worry," he said with a chuckle. "I won't."
You planted your other foot on the bottom of the cliff. "If you fall unconscious because you let go, I won't pick you up," you nagged him.
"Just go already."
With a huff, you began to scale up the cliff. Why were you even doing this? If he just took the trail, getting to the city would've been so much easier. But taking the long way around now would be more troublesome than climbing.
You grabbed onto another ledge and lifted yourself up. You continued to scale up the cliff but it was strange. You felt lighter than usual.
"Why did you stop?" Wanderer asked. "Or are you planning on staying here the whole day?"
"You know, sometimes I wish I could just tape your mouth shut–"
Your foot slipped.
A hand grabbed your forearm. A rock disappeared into the base of the cliff below. Your breath was stuck in your throat as you dangled mid-air beside the roaring waterfall.
That could’ve been bad.
You lifted your head and saw Wanderer hovering in the air. "You can fly?!" you exclaimed.
He shrugged.
"Did you enjoy watching me struggle?" you said, rolling your eyes.
"I don't take pleasure in other people's misery," he told you, but his smirk said otherwise.
"Just hurry and bring me up already –oof"
He slung you over like a sack of flour and launched into the air.
"Quit flailing around," he said. "I'm not even going very fast."
The sight of the potential drop below you wasn't exactly pleasant. You couldn't bear to watch anymore.
"If you keep this up I'm going to throw up on your back!" you yelled at him. Your hair dangled in the air as blood rushed to your brain.
His movements slowed to a stop and the rim of his hat hit your back. He lifted you up by the back of your shirt before placing you down.
"We're here," he dryly reported.
You shuffled your foot around on the solid ground under you and peeled your hands off your eyes.
You glared at him from the corner of your eye. "Why didn't you just fly up in the first place, huh?"
"Ha. You actually enjoyed that?" he said. "Could've fooled me."
"No, not that! If I knew you could fly, I wouldn't have bothered to try climbing up the cliffside."
"Do I look like I wanted to carry you?" he replied. "It's already enough that I'm stuck with you every single minute."
Why did you even bother trying to have a conversation with him? If only you weren't his portable battery pack.
"Oh!” A gentle and familiar voice came from behind. “It's Hat Guy and–" A stack of boxes crashed into each other and fell to the ground.
Jars of cosmetics laid beside one box and bright coloured clothing had come out of another. You quickly attempted to help but you forgot you were attached to a ball and chain. You looked at Wanderer, urging him to move, and when he did, he was as slow as a dead beetle. By the time you reached her, everything was already put away. Would it kill him to help out?
Nilou closed off the boxes and brushed the dust off of her skirt. She was happy to see you again but something else had caught her eyes: the pair of linked hands that would’ve been better off separated.
She narrowed her eyes as if she were attempting to interpret a script in a language she didn't know. "Oh!” she concluded. “Congratulations, you two!"
"Excuse me?" Wanderer said, raising a brow.
"I didn't even know you two knew each other," explained Nilou. "But now that I see the two of you together, I couldn't be happier for you."
You choked on air and began to cough. "Just hold on there a minute, Nilou. Don’t tell me you think we’re a couple," you told her.
"Huh?" she said. "So then why are you two…?" Her gaze fell back on your hands.
“Ugh, it’s… kind of complicated,” you told her, rubbing your temple. “Maybe it’d be easier if I just showed you what would happen.”
"Don't you dare let go,” Wanderer snapped at you.
"It would be funny after that stunt you pulled."
"Ha. Seems like it doesn't take much to provoke a reaction from you."
"Why you–"
"Umm… Y/n? Hat Guy?" Nilou said. You both turned to her and before you knew it, you each got a new bracelet on your wrists.
"These are a gift from me," she said. "For helping us during our last performance."
You hadn't done much to help the theater the last time they held a performance. You had only directed them to the correct ingredients that would make their flowers last longer. But what did Wanderer ever do for them?
"There's no need to thank me," said Wanderer. "I was simply returning the favour." The softness in his tone brought back the memory of sunsettias in crates next to the large and now familiar blue hat.
"This is the least I could do," Nilou replied. "None of the others were available to help me at the time. Your needlework was perfect!"
Wanderer sighed, "Alright, if you insist."
His lifted his hand to adjust the bracelet and the vision on his shoulder caught your eye. You had initially assumed his personality change was caused by his vision, but perhaps you were wrong.
"Umm… I'm still curious though," said Nilou, turning to you. "Why are you two holding hands in the first place?"
"Well…" you replied. "He goes unconscious every time we let go of each other."
"What?" Nilou exclaimed. "That's horrible!"
"Yeah," said Wanderer. "Being stuck with her isn't exactly the most pleasant thing in all of Teyvat."
"Wait!" Nilou said with a panicked expression at you. "That's not what I meant!"
"I know," you told her. "He's the one who twisted your words."
"There was no lie in my words."
"Anyway," you returned to the topic, "We're trying to find a solution to this. We don't know why I'm the only one who can help him."
"Hmm... I see," said Nilou. "So you two are stuck together until you find out why this is happening."
Her gaze shifted between the two of you before her eyes suddenly perked up.
"Hat Guy, you're also from Inazuma, are you not?" she asked.
"You are?" you asked, a bead of sweat formed on your neck.
"Why?" said Wanderer. "What of it?"
"N-nothing," you replied. "I just didn't expect it, that's all."
Wanderer turned back to Nilou. "I haven't been a residence of Inazuma for a long time," he said.
"I see," she said. "But perhaps you two have a connection somewhere there."
"Hmm… you're right," he said. "Perhaps this is a lead we could look into."
"Huh? Where are we?" you asked.
"Just sit down," he replied while seated on the couch. "Did you think we were going to Inazuma?"
"No." You rolled your eyes. "I just thought–"
"Wanderer? Y/n?" Nahida asked, carrying a teapot and cup on a tray. "What are you doing here?"
"And here I thought you'd be happy to finally have a guest," he replied. If people weren't so hung up about Nahida being their Archon, this room would have frequent visitors. Not that he'd care. Being around many humans wasn't his style.
"I need you to show her my memories," he told her.
"Your memories?" you raised a brow.
"Ah. Interesting," Nahida said, putting down the tray on the coffee table in front of him. "But are you sure about sharing them with her?"
"It's fine," he replied. "It's not like she's the first to see them."
"Hmm… And you think this will help with your investigation?"
"That's right."
"Okay then," she said. "I assume you'd want to skip through your memories fairly quickly." Nahida took a glance at you. "And a less immersive method would be a good idea as well."
She pulled out a small white rectangular object from her pocket that was slightly larger than her hand. She pressed a button and a light emitted from it. "Here is some new technology I have. I think you'll find it useful."
Nahida pointed the light towards the empty wall in front of the two of you and placed the object on the table. She then took out that green, semi-transparent cube that held a copy of his memories. Holding it above the projector, she let it dissipate into the air and onto it.
"Here," Nahida said, handing a controller to Wanderer. "You can use this interface to rewind and fast forward through your memories."
"Is this really necessary?" you asked him. "I don't exactly care about your life story."
"You just need to tell me if anything look familiar," he explained. "Simple?"
"Yeah, yeah," you said, brushing him off.
"Based on how you're acting, it sounds like you want to be stuck with me forever."
You promptly straightened your back. "Alright. What do you need me to do?"
Wanderer rolled his eyes and took the controller from Nahida. If only you were this cooperative every time.
His first few memories were portrayed on the wall, when he woke up at Shakkei Pavilion.
"We can skip this part," Wanderer said.
"What?" you exclaimed. "Didn't you just say that I should check if I recognize anything?"
"It's not important, alright?" He fast-forwarded through more memories. Images of Katsuragi and of the rest of the guys from Tatarasuna flashed on the wall.
"How am I supposed to find any leads when you keep skipping everything?" you asked.
"What did you expect?" he said. "Were you really thinking of going through hundreds of years of memories?" He didn't want to live through them all again.
"You're that old?"
He rolled his eyes.
"With how immature you are, I thought you were younger than me," you added.
"Just pay attention, alright?" he replied. He sighed, thinking he should've had a better plan before starting this with you. "Where did you live in Inazuma anyway?"
You gave no answer.
"Well?" he said.
"W-Watatsumi Island."
That was barely considered a part of Inazuma at one point in history. He didn't even go there very often. Maybe this lead was a dead end.
"Why are your memories even stored here?" you asked. Strange. You changed the topic.
"You don't need to know," he said.
"Actually…" Nahida interjected.
"Are you really going to explain to her?" he asked.
"I think it would be good if she got a better understanding of you."
Wanderer slumped into the couch. "Whatever. Do what you want, but I don't need any sympathy."
He held down the fast forward button as Nahida recounted what happened at Irminsul and why she created the back up. "... So because of that, he tried to delete himself to change the past," she explained.
"Why are you even bothering to mention this to her?" Wanderer said. "It's of little use."
"You never know," she replied.
You became awfully quiet after what Nahida said. Yet, when he saw the light in your eyes, his stomach churned and dropped inside him.
"Don't get your hopes up," he told you. "It didn't change anything."
Your eyes widened in surprise, surprised he caught your thoughts, as if you had revealed something that he shouldn't have seen. It didn't matter to him. There was never a person who didn't have any regrets, recalling how he felt when he stood in front of Irminsul.
Wanderer continued going through his memories and skipped his Snezhnaya chapter altogether, searching for the part just before Scaramouche went after the Raiden Gokaden. Perhaps you were associated with the clans somehow. He unfortunately killed all of them, so he doubted you were related to any of them. Still, it was possible that you might have some other connection to them.
He paused the memory to show a clear view of their faces and the surrounding lands. "Do you recognize anything?"
"How old do you think I am?" you retorted, noting that the event occurred decades before you were born. "I don't know any of them."
"That's not what I meant," he grumbled. "Is there anything about them or items that they're wearing that you recognize?"
"No. I don't."
"Alright then," he said with a shrug. His finger held down the controller and began to skip past this memory. Watching him slaughter them was unnecessary. But a thud from behind caused him to flinch and jerk back his hand, letting go of the controller. A hand grabbed at someone's throat.
"Sorry," said Nahida. "I was just trying to get…"
You gripped his hand slightly and your eyes were fixed on the wall, not once lifting them from it as the scene continued in front of you. One after another, the Scaramouche of the past had killed each person in front of him.
Nahida glanced up and reached for the controls in a panic. Wanderer stopped her.
These memories... He had engrained them in his head to remember the weight of his sins. He wanted to see why you were watching them so intently.
Your empty look remained, almost as if you were in a trance. More blades confronted Scaramouche, but they were of no use. The slaughter continued and you were watching every moment of it.
With the flick of your wrist, you carefully took the controls from him. "Hmm... I was right," you muttered to yourself. "I don't recognize any of them."
Wanderer glanced at Nahida, but she had no answers either. It was as if something had switched inside you, as if you were pretending what had just unfolded never happened. He thought that maybe the Archon who visited dreams knew what you were thinking, but they were both in the dark.
"Also," you continued, "I don't see anything of significance on their clothing–"
Your hand dropped.
Your body leaned to the right and began to slump off of your chair.
Wanderer yanked your arm back, pulling you to his side so you wouldn't fall to the floor. He held your lifeless body in his arms, dumbstruck about what to do as Nahida rushed out the door to get help.
As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, you can fill out this Google form or just let me know in a reply or ask.
Chapter 5 >
Let me know what you think of this fic so far. I can't promise to post frequent updates, but I'll do what I can. Thanks to everyone that's been leaving comments. I probably would have dropped this story by now if people weren't interested in it.
#wanderer x reader#scaramouche x reader#wanderer#scaramouche#wanderer fanfic#scaramouche fanfic#wanderer fluff#scaramouche fluff#wanderer angst#scaramouche angst#wanderer scenarios#scaramouche scenarios#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact fanfics#genshin impact fluff#genshin impact angst#genshin impact scenarios#wanderer series#scaramouche series#genshin impact series#genshin series#genshin scenarios
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Arrhgh, how can the writing have turned out this well, what sort of witchcraft?!? But seriously well done I’ve already read the demo about six times and I’ll just keep on reading it again because I really do enjoy it so far. 💞💞
Thirteen’s intro was just amazing somehow exactly what I pictured but nothing I would have thought of. Very chaotic, very fitting. Assaults two random people, absolutely terrifies the other, then turns to VP, waves, and the whole time they’re blasting Nightcore in their helmet. What. Forget the club apologizing when they finally meet them, I’m just imagining starting a betting pool and absolutely cleaning everyone out.
And Mona, dearest Mona. Just tossing a whole person into a dumpster, then casually resuming her day. And Noooooo, not the she could throw me in a dumpster and I would’ve thanked her for it option, honestly made me start cackling, because yeah I agreed but still the way it was written. 😂
Sam, sweet Sam. (Are they still going to change their name to Ash?) Just, how can you make a potential criminal that adorable? Mooshling? The absolutely eager and slightly awkward intro? (I would punch a cop in the face… pfft. I wonder what it says about me that I find that cute.) I’m not trying to (infatalize?) them, but Sam is absolutely incredibly adorable and sweet. (So far anyway)
Dane. How could you. Do you want to twist the knife a little more, maybe you’d like some salt to sprinkle in my (mental) wounds. It went from aww to ANGST in about half a second.
I have a lot of thoughts on the VP’s experience in prison so far, but the message is already getting way too long, but if it’s alright with you, I’d like to send another ask about it. My mother and grandmother were both nurses in prison and my grandfather was a doctor (at a supermax even) and just Damn. VP is really going through it, the Warden, the guards, The Doctor (oh the doctor) are criminals as well. It’s, gah, it’s infuriating.
Sorry for the long message. 😅
i'm smiling like a fool omfg thank you for such a considerate message!! never apologize for a long message in this house, i'll answer just as long <3
thirteen is such a blast to write because fam is the type to bust a move before bringing a foot to an enemy knee. they're the only one who deserves the instagram reel comment of "bro hit the emote button mid fight" and it'd be true. chaotic.
mona has so many moments like that. she might even have a fun story to share about the rest of the crew and dumpster (or dumpster-adjacent) shenanigans ;)
sam is still changing their name eventually! it'll come later in the story and is the result of a long introspective phase which the vp can help with if you so choose. it'll also open up their backstory a bit! it's very tragic and it really shows the strength it's taken for them to stay as sweet and kind as they are. can't wait for you to read it!
and dane. oof. yike, even. tho i'm glad that the switch from aww to angst was so quick because that's the effect i was going for. real hard conveying the 20 year friendship in only a few pages of work, had a real struggle there lol.
don't worry about the length of messages hun, i love reading all the feels you guys have about my silly little blorbos <3 feel free to send in your prison experience too! i'd love to hear your thoughts!
#asks.#thirteen.#mona.#sam.#dane.#the way i kicked my little feetsies when writing this lol#thank you <3
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ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ
Memories of a time before.
☆ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,495
☆ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: fluff+angst (dynamic duo)
ᴀ/ɴ: a bit of lore, perchance
☆ᴍʏ ꜱɪɴᴄᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴍɪꜱꜱᴘᴇʟʟɪɴɢꜱ ᴏʀ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴇʀʀᴏʀꜱ☆
“Ha-ha!” Charlotte squeals, sprinting down the wooden halls of her home, the tap of Tiana’s tiny feet hot on her heels. “Tia’s got cooties! Tia’s got cooties!”
“You gave them to me!” Tiana shrieked a laugh, her brown hands swiping at the air in front of her, narrowly missing Charlotte's sparkly dress. “From that boy, Travis!”
The two continued their shrieking session, their joyous laughter echoing around the home as they slid and skidded around corners, chasing each other around in an intense game of tag, and Tiana just so happened to be “it”.
“Take ‘em back!” Tiana shouted, still narrowly missing Charlotte by a golden hair on her head.
“Nuh uh, they’re yours now- oof!” Charlotte turns the corner and runs into someone, bouncing back and sliding on her bottom as the ruffles of her dress flutter about. Tiana skids to a stop, her Mary Jane’s squeaking on the floor as she looks up to see the plump man who owned this lavish home.
“Uh oh.” Tiana nervously says as she fidgets with her own dress, smoothing the rough fabric and standing up straighter as Eli La Bouf grimaces at the girls. He looked disappointed, and very exhausted.
“Now girls…” His voice was gruffer than usual, and it sent a chill down Tiana’s spine. He very rarely used a chastising tone with them. “What have I told y'all about running in the house?”
Charlotte pops up, dusting herself off and fixing the tilted tiara on her head.
“We’re sorry Daddy, but-”
“Ain’t no ‘butts’!” He shouted, and Charlotte cringed back. Even Tiana’s eyes widened.
“What if y’all had slipped an' hurt yerselves? Or broke something and had glass everywhere? You’ve got to be more careful.”
Tiana’s eyes darted to Charlotte briefly, and she had to refrain from cutting her eyes. Eli didn’t ever raise his voice this much with them, they usually got off very easily in his presence. Heck, Tiana had even been saved from divine punishments from her mother due to Eli’s intervention. His temper was surprising, but not that damaging that it would induce Charlotte to produce overdramatized waterworks to Tiana’s right.
It’s not that serious, Lottie, Tiana thought as she lowered her head slightly.
Eli’s eyes softened for a moment, then his large hands rested on the girls heads.
“Alright, no need for tears.” He sighed. “I ain’t mean to yell, it’s just…” He gives an even deeper sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in the process.
“Lottie, yer cousins’ here.”
“Cuz is back?” Charlotte immediately brightens, the tears drying up as if they never existed in the first place. “Why ain’t you say so!”
Charlotte grabs Tiana’s hand, her face excited despite being flushed a bright red.
“Come on, Tia! I’ll introduce y’all-”
“Now is not a good time, waterlily.” Eli puts his hands up to stop Charlotte who was ready to blast off to introduce Tiana to this “cuz” person.
“Whattttt?” Charlotte whined, her foot digging into the ground with an echoing stomp. Tiana stayed quiet; she would never even dare to even think about acting this way with her Ma. “Why not?”
“He’s going through a lot right now-”
“Isn’t Tia a part of this family too?”
“Of course she is-”
“Then she deserves to know him too!” Charlotte demanded, turning back to Tiana with stars in her eyes. “He’s so cool, Tia!”
“H-He is?” Tiana asked cautiously, her eyebrows raised.
“He’s from Japan!” Charlotte beams. “Isn’t that so much cooler than the swamps?” Charlotte turns to look at something that Tiana couldn’t see no matter how hard she squinted, her arm waving in the air. “Bright lights, big cities, the cutest fashion style!s”
“You have relatives in Japan?”
“Sure do!” Charlotte said proudly, placing her fists on her hips. “My auntie and uncle are from there too!”
Eli’s face drops even more.
“Do you even know how to speak Japanese?” Tiana giggles, and Charlotte’s face turned awkward as her lips poked out in thought.
“Er, well…no…” Charlotte said, and Tiana laughed behind her hand. “But who cares! Cuz is from this beautiful city called Shanghai! Said we’d go traveling once I got old enough!” Charlotte gasps, bouncing excitedly as if she were on a pogo stick. "And if ya meet 'im, then you can come too!"
Tiana’s face turned goofy. “Lottie, Shanghai is in China.”
Charlotte tilted her head. “Is it really?”
“You ain’t do so well on our geography test yesterday, did you?” Tiana teases, giving her the stink eye. Charlotte turns to her father with an awkward laugh, nervously brushing the curls from her face.
“I swear I was gonna tell ya’, Daddy…”
“So-” Tiana tapped her chin as she pondered with her eyes closed. “Are you Japanese or Chinese?”
“As much as I hate to interrupt this, er…riveting conversation…” Eli says with a brow raised at Charlotte; he’d have to revisit that test score another time. “I’m gonna have to send Tia home a little early today…”
“Awww…” The girls whined at the same time, doing their best puppy eyes in a way to beg that they hang out even a millisecond longer. Eli closes his eyes, ignoring their pleas as best he could.
“I’m sorry, but some…things came up and it’d be best if Tia go home while we deal with them.”
“But, Daddy-!” Charlotte pouted.
“No ‘butts’, Charlotte.” He cuts her off, and Charlotte clamps her mouth shut. “Just…not right now, okay?” His voice grew serious, a tinge of pain laced in in the space of the words. It must have been very serious.
“Oh, alright…” Charlotte concedes, which rarely happened. Eli nods, turning to Tiana.
“Tia, I’ve already called yer ma, she should be pulling up now.” He says preparing to walk away, but then turns back to tell her something else. “And I hear someone’s waitin’ on ya to return.”
Tiana gasps, looking at Charlotte with excitement. Now she was the one with stars in her eyes.
“Daddy’s back!” She squeals, running to go get her school bag.
“Walk!” Eli shouts after her, Charlotte shaking her head with a quiet giggle behind her hands.
Tiana, on her way to grab her bag, passes one of the many side rooms in the manor. She slows her steps momentarily, catching the back of someone's head past the ajar door. They had bright blonde hair, but not as bright as Charlotte’s. But still, there was an odd warmth radiating off of him, like the sun. Tiana wanted to reach out and grab the strands.
This must be the “cuz” guy, Tiana thought. Just when she’s about to call out to him, give him some sort of departing message so she doesn't seem rude, the doorbell rings.
“Comin’, ma!” She yells, her smile taking up half of her face. She slides down the foyer, the silhouette of what looked to be a man behind the frosted door windows.
“If you were expecting mama,” The voice was low and peppered with love, and it tickled Tiana’s nose as her smile stretched. She hadn’t heard his voice in so long, and felt so good that it almost hurt. “Then you may be a bit disappointed.”
Tiana shrieks, discarding her bag and throwing herself at the door handle, her nimble fingers wrapping around it and yanking it down with excitement.
Her father had finally returned.
She swung the door towards her in excitement, a blinding light engulfing her to the point where she was swallowed in white.
Tiana jolts slightly, her eyes ripping open, chest pumping out heavy breaths as her hands grip her comforter.
She blinks the wetness from her eyes once, twice, adjusting them in the dark. She stares at the flat ceiling as it fizzes like static, white spots splotching in her vision.
It was a dream, she thought.
She rubs her eyes with her pointer and thumb, brows furrowed in a slight frustration.
What was the dream?
Though she couldn’t remember, there was a queasy feeling gnawing at the bottom of her stomach.
Nanami mutters something in his sleep next to her, and she turns her head to look at him as his head lolls in the opposite direction. His arm was tucked gently behind her head, and every now and then Tiana would feel the muscles strain and twitch.
Sighing, Tiana scoots a bit closer to him, laying her head on his chest instead, the soft thumps of his heart resonating with her own. She wraps her arms around as best she could, nuzzling into his for a sense of comfort that strangely never seemed to come.
Every now and then, her eyes would flit to those bright strands of hair ruffled on the back of his head. There was something familiar about them. It was gnawing at her, poking and prodding at her insides. Like a sneeze waiting at the back of her throat, or like sitting at the top of a roller coaster before the big drop.
She shuffled in her sleep, trying to make some sort of connection that never came.
She just couldn’t put her finger on it.
So with the gentleness of the wind, the reach out, and grabbed at those golden locks, raking her fingers through them, warmth radiating off him like the sun.
She never thought a star like him would be within reach.
ᴛɪᴀɴᴀ ᴛᴜᴇꜱᴅᴀʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
#tianami#tiana x nanami#tianami tuesday#nanami kento#oneshot#anime#manga#writing#jujustu kaisen#crackship
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WIP Whenever:
( We're dipping our toes back into the angst with the next chapter of A First for Everything. Fight scenes are dreadfully frustrating to write, but the resolution is fun >:) )
It'd probably be safe to stop. Just for a short while, to let Urianger catch his breath. Maybe offer to take some of the weight from his pack. Thancred could handle the extra burden better than Urianger could, he was sure — even if the toned muscles of Urianger’s shoulders seemed to prove him more than capable of managing it himself. (And even if those muscles looked particularly appealing flexing under the weight of his bag, faintly dewy with a thin sheen of sweat and beautifully tanned beneath the golden Light.) The nearest safehouse was still a few malms away yet, but so long as they stuck to the trees and away from the main road, they could probably afford themselves a short moment's rest, at least.
Thancred opened his mouth to suggest it, but before the words could even pass his lips, something stopped him in his tracks. He wasn't even sure what it was — a shiver in the air that teased intuition down his spine and warned him that something wasn't quite right. The subaudible scuff of a foot, perhaps, or the quiet clank of armor. He threw out a hand to halt Urianger, his quiet "Oof" muffled as he walked into Thancred’s arm before he could stop himself. On his right, Minfilia had already stilled, head cocked and listening for what it was that had caught Thancred’s attention.
"Thancred—" Urianger started — quietly, but any sound was an unwelcome interruption, and Thancred shushed him. Urianger’s mouth snapped shut as understanding dawned, fingers edging towards the cards at his hip.
He didn't even have the chance to draw them before the enemy was upon them.
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HIII 8 and 18 for the ask game <3
hi hello Leanne <3 sorry this is so late, and thank u for asking dearie!!
8. do you prefer season 1 or 2, and why?
oof that's a tough one, and i'm probably going to be in a minority here, but i prefer season 2, actually?
and not juuust because of the ineffable duo content. really! season 1 made sense, it was executed really well, following the book and introducing the characters that i've learned to know and like, and it was great, but also kinda uneven? like the pacing was very diluted. they dropped S1e03 Hard Times and then expected me to sit through Shadwell discussing witchfinder scamming with Newt. even good acting didn't stop me from hyperfixating on Them
now, season 2 is a whole other trip. you just get thrown into the middle of a 4-years-and-counting story that wraps around itself, changes POVs like gloves, leaves breadcrumbs of context and clears up absolutely nothing. it's like a fairytale to me. and the colors are so bright and you blink and Crowley's sitting on a throne in Hell basked in green and you blink again and they're having a casual bdsm apology dance on a Thursday morning. the whole Whickber Street has never looked more like a dollhouse. literally what' s going on
me on the left watching S2 for the first time. neil gaiman on the right
where's the logic where's the integrity where is Gabriel where is GOD. where is She???? oh look Aziraphale's on Blue's Clues. Crowley sleeps in his car? this would kill the 2019 fans from angst potential but luckily we have the most devastating damn kiss in the history of television to distract us from everything else!
i could go on and on and i understand why people don't like this season. i really do. but S2 was my brand of weird and unexplainable, and cheesy, and fanfic thropes, and chaos incarnate. all those metas could only grow in the aftermath of that particular tempest. if this is the bridge between S1 and S3? it's uh, flaming like anything
18. what is your favorite moment through history, and why?
besides going feral for 1941 i have an extremely weak spot for their first meeting in Eden. bible canon divergence for the win! other people have written it better, but i can't get enough of how much symbolism their choices held. they've barely set a foot (or belly) on Earth and immediately chose to love it. come on. you can't do it to ex-catholic girlies. not to mention David and Michael's unparalled chemistry.
((i'm also forever haunted by Crowley speaking of this moment in riddles like "they looked into each other's eyes and realized they were made for each other" what tf is wrong with him : ))
[good omens ask game]
#sorry it's so long djfhsf#this week had me rolling on the floor. no mental space at all aaa#i'll get to the others right away i promis#answered#ask game#good omens
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