#oof thats a long answer 😅
lexa-griffins ¡ 11 months
I was not ready to read about Lilah and Lexa's complicated relationship 😭 I understand why Lilah thinks and behaves the way she does as she constantly compares her two moms and prefers to spend more time with Jenny since she's cooler and less restrictive than Lexa. How many times has Jenny upset Lilah with another broken promise? How does Lexa comfort her sad daughter? Is there an event where Lilah gets an epiphany that Jenny might not be the best mom? I want all of them to have a happy ending
Both kids, but especially Delilah, have Jenny on a pedestal. She's a journalist who's constantly traveling all over the world, she brings them cool gifts and for the one weekend a month she has them she lets them eat and do whatever they want. I mean, what is a boring primary school teacher next to an international journalist, right? The kids just don't realize the reason Jenny can have that life is because she barely has them with her. They dont realize that the reason they went from seeing Jenny every 2 weeks to once a month was because Jenny requested it and not the other way around. But Lexa also knows how much her kids adore Jenny, and they already have her talking shit about Lexa, so Lexa refuses to talk shit about Jenny back. But that also means Lexa is the bad guy when anything happens and Jenny is the savior who can give the kids everything they want as long as she isn't taking care of their daily needs.
Jenny is constantly promising both kids stuff she doesn't keep. And granted, most of the time it's work related stuff she can't refuse but it is still putting her job and her wants in front of the kids and it does break them heart everytime. Alex is used to it, or at least he pretends he is okay with it but Delilah always takes it so hard. She adores her mom. Because she never lived with Jenny full time except when she was a newborn, being with Jenny is always so exciting, its like having a cool aunt who takes ever everywhere.... because thats almost what Jenny is, an aunt that comes around once a month, hell, even aunt Anya sees them more often!
Lexa always does her best to comfort Delilah particularly, who wil cry and sob and slam her bedroom door when she learns they aren't seeing mom this month. More drawings Delilah did for her are added to the pile for next month and she just misses her you know? She tries, she really does. And luckily Delilah tends to be receptive to that comfort, the cuddles and take out dinner, going bowling or to the movies just to get their heads out of it. But then there are those times where Delilah blames it on Lexa. A part of her always blames Lexa every since Jenny told her she wanted to stay together as a family but Lexa asked for the divorce. For Delilah, Lexa broke their family apart before Delilah even got to be a full part of it. Alex gets it so much better. He was small but he remembers the screaming, he remembers Delilah only a few months old crying while Lexa struggled to deal with her and Alex and get the house in order while keeping up with her job. He remembers the look of sadness on Lexa's face that would disappear for a few minutes when she had both her babies in her arms when everything else seemed to be falling apart.
Luckily, when Delilah has the realization that Jenny was rather neglectful during their childhood, Jenny as turned a page and become more involved. And Clarke is the big reason for that. Because she is the one who screams at Jenny with tears in her eyes that she's hurting these precious kids and that Lexa is constantly picking up the pieces when she says she cant see them again and yet she has the time to fly in and try to tell Lexa that she can't date a woman so much younger than her simply because she she says so and use the kids she barely sees as an excuse.
A bit of a spoiler but Lexa and Clarke adopt a kid of about 12 when Alex is in college and Delilah is ending high school. And I think that's when Delilah fully realizes the shit Jenny put her through. Because while Clarke's income surely helps a lot when it comes to the financial burdens Lexa had, Delilah sees Lexa be the mom she always was to her and Alex and realize how much she ignored Lexa's efforts to elevate Jenny's who where barely efforts at all. And how Clarke is nothing like Jenny, how it becomes clear that her mom was never the problem but her other mom was the one who wasn't set to be a parent and instead blamed her short comings on the parent that tried her best for her kids.
Lilah has a talk with Lexa a bit before she leaves for college and apologizes for all but Lexa tells her she has nothing to apologize for. Lexa should have fought agaisnt Jenny harder and while she's glad Clarke made her see how she was treating her kids and her ex, Lexa feels like she should have been the one to have the guts to tell her all of that. But she was tired of constantly fighting and they were divorced and Lexa was scared that now that they were older and asked with who they wanted to be with they would both choose Jenny. Lexa can handle losing everything, but not her kids. They have a good cry about it and whiwl their relationship was so much better now, it really healed some wounds for before :)
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justcallmecj ¡ 4 months
Hey! If you’re taking requests for the ice dragon!mc, how about the dorm leaders or vice dorm leaders(especially Lilia)react to MC “fighting” with their siblings? But it’s not actually fighting—ice dragon fae just have really hard times shedding scales because the cold temperatures of their scales make some old scales stick to their skin underneath so they “fight” with claws and teeth like in an actual battle in dragon form to help the scales fall out? And MC was having a SUPER hard time shedding (like so hard it’s painful to move because old scales aren’t falling out and are digging into their skin) so they asked their siblings to help? (It’d be in a flashback like the Skywing fight—I’m from Quotev btw and I’ve read all the chapters!)
There’s claws and teeth as the two younger siblings (all in dragon form the whole memory) attack MC viscously, clawing at their neck and jumping on and off their scaly body as they whirl and snap at their younger siblings to help them shed as well(I imagine something like the Jurassic fight with the Indominous Rex when they jump on MC’s back) they bite at each others tails and they push each other into trees(that are then torn from the ground) they claw and scratch at MC’s neck like they’re trying to finish them off(when that’s where a medium amount of the unshed scales are stuck) and it looks like a full on death match.
I bet some would think it’s an actual fight (Ruggie, Riddle, Trey)
And others would wonder why the siblings are attacking each other (everyone)
Some would try to stop the fight but obviously fail (Kalim, Ortho)
Others are too dumbfounded to process what’s actually going on (Maybe Vil, Riddle, Idia)
Some are confused and concerned because they see what’s happening but they feel like there’s something more to it (Azul, Jamil, Malleus, Rook)
Some are trying to figure out what’s going on (Lilia never really had to deal with shedding problems with Malleus because he fixed the problem before it could escalate, Jamil is using his big brain, Ortho is trying to look it up, Leona knows MC doesn’t just fight without reason)
Some have only on inkling of what’s going on and are slowly connecting the dots(Malleus, Lilia, Jade, Rook, Leona)
By the end of the memory there’s a plethora of scales on the ground and MC and their siblings walk back inside the cave like nothing happened.
Malleus and Ortho end up realizing(or getting internet answers) first and explain what they just saw to everyone else. Some are like “ooooooooh” (the calmer ones like Leona and Lilia, Rook, Jade)while others are going “THATS JUST A PLAYFIGHT?!—IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE AT EACH OTHERS THROATS!!!” (Ruggie, Trey, Riddle, Vil, Idia, Jamil, Kalim, Azul)
Hope I included everyone 😅 anyways don’t feel rushed to answer! Take your time! 💝💝💝
Hi! First ever request on Tumblr so I fawned and panicked for a moment, oof. Anyway! Nice to know you're all the way from Quotev. I can totally do this as long as you're good with waiting a bit. On summer vacation rn and don't have as much writing time as I'd like to. I love this idea and can do so much with it!! I'm so excited for when I get to this! Thx for the request!!
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For your bored pleasure: 3, 15, 23, 27 & 28. (If that's too much, select just one or two)
3. favorite breakfast food?
I actually don’t eat breakfast usually. Morning meals actually make me feel nauseous so... I usually skip them 😅
15. tell a joke?
Did you know that the best way to hit on a D&D player is by asking them for a D8?
23. a song that makes you feel powerful?
As someone that’s always struggled with taking up space and being a chronic people pleaser... “this is how i learn to say no” by EMELINE is a song that always makes gives me that sense of self worth and power that I need some days. I highly recommend blasting and belting this one out on a rough day 😂
27. what characteristics make a person wonderful?
Lord, there’s a lot that can make someone wonderful. But for me? What I truly adore in another person is compassion and patience. As somebody that’s incredibly neurodivergent and still doesn’t understand why I behave and react the way I do to certain situations and stimuli, compassion and patience are traits that I value greatly. It can be truly hard to form connections with someone when you’re desperately trying to mask the parts of you that make you YOU for fear of how they’re going to react. If someone can extend compassion and patience to not only me but also the people I love? Then I say they’re pretty bloody wonderful indeed
28. what characteristics do you like about yourself?
Oof— thats always hard to answer and it’s been a long path figuring this out because I don’t usually like to say nice things about myself. But why not?
I really like how creative I can be. I like how much passion I have for my campaigns. I like that I always try to have compassion and patience for my mates, even if I sometimes fail. And I guess... I like that no matter what happens, I keep going... even if it’s just out of pure spite most days 😂
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