dojimakaichou · 8 months
for @stingslikeabee.
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★. ―
Daigo couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he was brought before the prison officials. He was a free man — if the courts were to be believed — but the level of paperwork and administrative approval needed to truly release him had already delayed the process by a full day. The Chairman did not think he could bear another disappointment, so he kept his expectations low ( though his head remained as high as ever ).
Eventually, however, Daigo felt the general mood shift. A guard unlocked the shackles binding him to his chair and walked him to a small, colorless room. Inside, the garments he had worn the day he was arrested sat waiting for him. His personal affects were there as well ; the yakuza's wallet, watch, and cigarettes had been stacked neatly beside his dark suit. Daigo frowned thoughtfully. He remained skeptical until the same man removed his wrist restraints and gestured toward Daigo's things. After, the guard left, closing the door with a snap.
The Chairman massaged his hands, rolled his shoulders, and blew out a long breath. A bit of tentative hope needled its way into his heart. Quietly, he picked up his wallet. Daigo rifled through it, looking for the most important item he always carried : his wife's old hostess card from Shine, poorly laminated and faded. At that, some of the remaining tension in Daigo's body dissipated. He didn't care that the cash was gone. Everything he kept in his pockets normally was replaceable — except for that.
Daigo changed slowly, growing accustomed to the new fabrics on his tired body. He smiled thinly at the realization of how much weight he had lost. The yakuza was still formidable to look at, but the looseness in the sleeves of his well - tailored shirt and jacket confirmed what he had suspected. Once he was finished dressing, the Chairman scratched as his full beard and ran his fingers through his hair. It was all too long, coarse, and messy.
Soon, the guard came to retrieve him, and the rest of the process was a blur. Daigo inevitably gave in to his growing excitement. He wanted nothing more than to kiss his wife and hold his children. Hikari would seem like an entirely different baby after his time away. Daigo wondered if she would remember him. She had been so small when he left, so new to the world ; under his breath, he cursed the powers responsible for robbing of his chance to see her first months.
The yakuza walked out of the prison with long, confident steps ; unfortunately, they faltered a short distance away from the exit. Daigo saw the shapes of a car and a person ahead of him, but his eyes were too pained by the daylight to focus. He stopped, closed them, and raised a hand instinctively to shield his face. Beneath the shadow of his limb, his handsome features looked drawn and exhausted. For a moment, Daigo was not aware of who approached him — only that he was free and that he needed to conquer this demon if he was going to return to his home.
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*gestures to thread where Jake is held hostage in exchange for Ilia* And where is the girl’s adopted father, Duck Newton, in all this you may be asking yourself? He’s at work with no idea what the fuck is actually going down, thinking that he’s going to pick up his kid, take her home, cook her dinner, and talk about their days. And yes I will be writing a drabble about it once this thread is over.
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cobaltfluff · 4 years
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I would do anything for you
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lasthalt-arch · 3 years
i'm fully remaking ! give me a few days and i'll have the blog ready to move over . thank you for the patience
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
//👀🔍 Pretty much any thread you have with someone that catches my eye I yeet over to read,,, your writing is amazing and i love your boy
anonymously or not, send me  ‘👀🔍’  if you admit to reading one or more of my threads with other people.
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hraicene · 5 years
Headcannon #45
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Under cut because death mention. Also, parental death.
It’s honestly a good thing that Olo’s parents died when he was so incredibly young. I mean, granted, it’s not a GOOD thing that they died period, but it’s a good thing that it happened when he was YOUNG.
He watched his mother wither away and die, yes, but he was so young, that he didn’t understand it. Had he understood it, he honestly might’ve ended up like her, withering away from grief, and passing away too.
He didn’t quite understand what was going on, and as heartbreaking as it is that he literally was at her side for days afterward (I’m not getting into that right now oh my god), he didn’t understand what happened, so he wasn’t able to fully grasp it. It wasn’t until later in his life did he fully understand it, and regret what happened. He hadn’t been able to do anything for her, and regrets it, but at least his grief can’t make him wither now, because of the time in between.
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luxaryllis · 2 years
I AM IN NEEDETH OF A PART 3 TO THE SCARED SIBLING READER AND RIDDLE. I NEEDETH MORE PAIN AND HURT (P.S you don't need to do this or if you do plan to do it take your time ) (Your writing is amazing AHHHHHH)
Scared!Younger Sibling!Reader with Riddle Rosehearts: Part 3
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Note: Am I concerned with the amount of angst requests I've been receiving? Yes. Am I also loving the angst? Yes.
But, I myself do love a good little angst fic here and there, but man, anon! You wanted FULL ANGST!!
You're wish is my command, anon. You wanted it, you deal with the consequences-
Come and go aboard the ANGST TRAIN!! CHOO-CHOO!! 🚈
But seriously, thank you so, SO much for the support, anon! I'm happy that you enjoyed my writing, even though it's mostly angst 😅.
Also, 🐍 anon and I actually talked a bit behind the scenes about this (though they aren't the original requester), so I sort of based someparts here on their feedback! I hope that this is alright!!
Now, let's get to it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 (here) | Part 4
Warning: Mentions of past abuse and domestic violence, Reader possibly has PTSD and anxiety, Angst with no comfort, Possible OOC, Self-deprecating thoughts, tell me if I missed something
"Mr. Trappola, kindly bring [Name] to their room in the dorm. While the potion is quite harmless, the potion might make them say things that they don't want said. [Name]'s privacy is very important.", you hear Mr. Crewel say to your partner in Potionolgy/Alchemy, Ace Trappola.
"Wha- but!- Hahhh, alright, alright...", Ace says as he starts to take one of your arms and slings it over his shoulder.
You feel dizzy... and tired. Thoughts are circling around your head.
"W-what... happened?", you ask with a soft voice.
"We were working on an experiment for a truth potion. Some dumbass decided it was a good idea and spilled our entire work on you while I was goin' over to Mr. Crewel to have him check ours.", Ace says.
"Oh... I don't feel so good....", you say.
"I know..."
"Do I HAVE to go back??", you ask.
"Yes, [Name]."
"I don't want to... Dorm Leader might be there...", you say, thinking of what Riddle might say when he sees you not in class.
"Dorm Leader..? You call him that even though everyone knows that he's your older brother? You can just call the guy by his name, y'know."
"No... he's scary. And mean. He would always shout and hurt me. He's horrible!", you say.
Wait, why are you saying these things?!
Oh no...
Is the truth potion taking its effect now?!
No, no, no, no, NO!
No one has to know!!
Who knows what they'd say?
Who knows what Riddle would say?
Stop it..
Stop it, please!
Even though you want to stop, your stupid mouth still decides to keep moving anyway.
"Back when we were kids, mother would ALWAYS compare us! It's always, Riddle did this, Riddle did that! And she expects ME to do the same!! We aren't the same person for Great Seven's sake!"
"...", Ace was silent. He's never heard you speak so much before. You also don't seem to like your older brother all that much.
He means, he relates, y'know. But even he acknowledges that Riddle has changed.
"A-and then! Whenever I get something "wrong", Riddle would hit me too! He's mean! He's scary! And most of all, he's JUST like mother!"
Gosh darn it, [Name]! Stop it right now!
No, no, no!!
"And then, ALL OF A SUDDEN, he decides he's going to change for the BETTER?! Oh please, NO ONE changes beliefs like a light switch!"
Ace was even more surprised now. You're practically venting out every single thing about your life.
...how much have you been holding back?
Ace knew that holding in your emotions weren't healthy; so he decided to be the bigger person and just let you let it all out.
So, for probably the first time in his life, Ace stayed silent.
"If anything, what if it's a trap!? What if it's some kind of test?! And the moment he sees me break a rule, it's ALL back to Riddle's Tyrant Mode!!"
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Mr. Vargas had let off Riddle's class pretty early.
Mr. Crewel had called Mr. Vargas for some help procuring an antidote for the Truth Potion.
Apparently, some student thought it was a good idea to dunk an entire cauldron of the truth potion onto some student.
Now, Riddle would have just shrugged it off, if it was some student.
But no.
It was a Heartslabyul student who got dunked with the truth potion.
And not just any Heartslabyul student.
His sibling, [Name] Rosehearts.
So, Riddle is currently brisk walking his way to Heartslabyul; to check on [Name].
After all, he IS the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader.
And... he wants to get a chance to apologize to his sibling.
He remembers that one time Cater had brought in his fainted sibling.
He had fallen asleep after a while of tending to the unconscious student.
When he woke up, he was alone on the side of his bed.
His bed, empty with only a note left.
Even the glass of water, the rag and water basin were gone.
The note had read,
"Thank you for tending to me while I was unconscious, Dorm Leader. By the time you read this, I am already in my room. I can tend to myself on my own now. And please allow me to be exempted from classes for around 2-3 days until I get better. Once again, thank you, Dorm Leader Rosehearts.
Signed, [Name] Rosehearts, 1st Year"
Riddle knew that the note was purely for formality; it was even written in such a formal way; no one could have possibly guessed that it was from his sibling.
That was 2 weeks ago.
Now, Riddle suddenly hears a loud noise.
It was a school rule not to use such loud noises in the halls; especially when class is still in session.
But then, he hears a couple of words that make him stop in his tracks.
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Is that... [Name]??
Was [Name]... talking about him??
Hold on...
W-was that why they seemed even more quiet than usual back then?
"It's no fair... why does Riddle even DESERVE to have a friend? Why does HE deserve to have fun!? And... why was he always so... frightening?! Does he have NO MORAL CONDUCT WHATSOEVER?!?! He's such an annoying, stupid, selfish TYRANT!!"
...[Name] was the one who got the truth potion dunked on them...
So... is this how [Name] really feels about Riddle?
Do... do they really see him as a monster? A person with no morals?
'I... no, Riddle; they-they're right...', Riddle thinks to himself.
'They're right about you. You're a stupid, selfish, annoying tyrant... who always gets mad over the smallest thing... who hits his sibling for the tiniest mistake... who can't even get his sibling to love him, or look his way...', Riddle adds to this thoughts. Tears filling up his eyes.
"I wish that! I-I wish that he..." He hears [Name]'s voice start to waver.
"I wish that he would just... I don't know...", he hears [Name] start to hiccup and sob.
Hearing his dear sibling start crying, it was as if something had made him cry with them too.
'I'm sorry... I... I am so, so sorry for how you were treated, [Name]... I want to make it up to you... somehow...'
'But... how can I...?'
Riddle knows that his sibling wants nothing to do with him. He's painfully aware that they think that he hasn't changed.
But Riddle wants to change that.
He wants to comfort you.
Say, "It's all okay, I'm here" to you.
Like an older brother should.
But you've gone far too down the rabbit hole that is the trauma of having people constantly criticizing their every move.
And Riddle isn't sure if he CAN get you out.
And he isn't sure if you'd be willing to take his hand so he could get you out.
As he continues listening in, Riddle feels his heart breaking even more.
"And... and everyone's telling me that 'Riddle has changed' and stuff! They tell me stuff like, 'Why won't tou acknowledge that he's changed for the better?', 'He's become similar to the older brother of Heartslabyul'..."
"But I wanted that older brother! I wanted the older brother who would comfort me! And think of creative ways to help you study, instead of forcing you to do one certain method or thing all the time and hitting you. Why do THEY get that "older brother"?! If Riddle Rosehearts has truly changed then... then that means he was always capable of change. And I just... wasn't worth changing for..." (a reference to The Good Place)
Riddle's eyes widened.
Do... do they really think that?
No, it isn't you fault, [Name]...
It was mine...
I should have known better...
I wish I could tell you all these...
But you won't let me in...
No matter how close I get, your walls get even higher.
No matter what...
I WILL get you to listen to my apology.
Even if it's the last thing I do...
Another full angst fic!
I hope you don't mind that I made the reference to The Good Place-
If not, I can take it off, just tell me.
And also, please tell me if there is anything wrong here.
And I focused a bit on Riddle here- don't worry, Part 4 will have a bit more of Reader! I hope-
Again, comments and feedback are always appreciated!! Thank you for reading!! 💙💙
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
make a playlist using every letter of your url !  remember to repost NOT reblog  (  multi-muse addition for added fun — specify which muse(s) each song makes you think of. )
Losin my soul - mystery skulls
All is well ( it’s only blood ) - radical face  
Style - foster the people
The cult of dionysus - the orion experience
Hand me my shovel , i’m going in ! - will wood and the tapeworms
Achilles come down - gang of youths
Like real people do - hozier
They own this town - flora cash   
tagged by    ;    @archivars    i    kissa    u    somfly    !!
tagging    ;    @darkyr    ,    @knnedy    ,    @firefliied    and    whoever    feels    like    it
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
once they let us back into uni next year i'm kissing all my friends on the mouth for 40 minutes
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
hm thinking about how sarmenti is weaponized to the point that her blood is highly corrosive / poisonous to anyone that isn't her or another hunter
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
everyone is asleep , post a starter call
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
i    was    about    to    apologize    for    only    delivering    sarmenti    content    for    two    days    when    i    stopped    myself    and    went    “    who    gives    a    shit    ?    i’m    having    a    blast    .    that’s    my    blog    “
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
every interaction between menti and trevor is just kyria and me chanting HUNTERS HUNTERS HUNTERS in the bg . the power . t he pose . the presence of two vampire/undead slayers
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
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thinking abt that one time tim said 'no door ? i'll just make one'
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lasthalt-arch · 4 years
𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑅    𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐿    !    (    specify    a    muse    )
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lasthalt-arch · 3 years
happy trans day of visibility . stay proud . i'd kiss you on the mouth but alas
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