#ooc: quit yer yabbering
fate-accursed · 9 months
(( TODAY MAKES FIFTY TWO FUCKING YEARS SINCE THE HOUSE FIRE Y'ALL IM..... actually beside myself with grief sdkfjsd. rip to the clarkes my beloveds, ill never let u go<3 ))
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fate-accursed · 10 months
Updated my rules finally!! Please take the time to read them if you can, and then hopefully Friday I can start reblogging some ask memes and get things going (:
ALSO I’d like to know — if we had threads before, would you prefer to continue them, or start over completely? Should I hard reboot or just continue on as normal? What’s the vibes y’all
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fate-accursed · 10 months
(( just a quick heads up: I’m not sure how active I’ll be this week or next, what with the holidays and general fatigue hitting me atm. I was hoping to get some stuff queued for this time, but because I’ve been so busy I only managed to get like two things done. 😭 Granted, my energy levels might change as the week goes on, but for now !!! Don’t panic if I go a bit quiet lol it’s just a busy time of year. Ok that’s it see y’all soon <3 ))
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fate-accursed · 10 months
(( not feeling the best today so I’ve just been kinda laying around since I got home. Hopefully I can get back to writing soon<3 ))
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fate-accursed · 10 months
(( Going crazy thinking about LH actually. Many thoughts ))
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fate-accursed · 10 months
(( OKAY update folks: i am in fact making a comeback, albeit a very small and lowkey one lmao. this is kind of a busy week bc of the holidays but i'm going to try and get my rules updated here so that i can be active again! i also have something cooking for my ocs 👀 HOPEFULLY though this blog will be up and ready to go next week <3 as well as my other super secret one but we'll see about that haha. anyway ily i have missed writing and missed my dynamics here! ))
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fate-accursed · 11 months
(( tumblr is soo so scary but uhhh i want to write my Boys so badly... is anyone still here and interested perhaps in writing with me again 🥺))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((hello! sorry for my absence as of late. turns out i am... still struggling to regain my energy after being sick! just wanted to let everyone know i’m still alive and everything; i plan on hopefully getting to my drafts sometime in the next few days! please be patient with me <3 ))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((so..... i may be putting this blog on temporary hiatus bc of anxiety and a bunch of unfortunate things going on in my life right now. i may pop in from time to time but mostly i think i will be on my other blog. i’m sorry.))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((thinks about. the dialogue tree where Andrew essentially comes out to Angela.........))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((Got roped into a bunch of cleaning & helping my mom move a bunch of furniture….. I might just die today))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((ok, internet is back but i’m not sure how active i will be with writing because I do Not feel good at all!!))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((Not me going to replay LH for the millionth time bc I’m sad and miss the characters...))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((Convinced my little brother to play LH with me let’s GO))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((gonna be a bit absent today because of obligations but  I do hope to get some writing done this evening!! Just popping in to say I’m still here lol))
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fate-accursed · 3 years
((still feeling pretty sick today and also struggling w/ my depression so,,,, i havent been able to write very much today))
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