capn-liz · 4 months
Lizzie? Lizzie what the fuck happened, do you really hate Chip now?
What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened.
Gods, sometimes I forget you're on here and alive.. But- what do you mean do I really hate Chip? And what do you mean now? Of course I fucking don't. I despise her. She's ruined everything I've ever loved. She killed you- and everyone on the Black Rose. Well, she tried- but she must so pathetic and incompetent she didn't even do that right. And I can bet you all my gold she had a hand in Ava's death, and now- Edyn's. She's going to burn for what she's done, and when I'm through with her, she's going to feel all of the pain she put me through. Navy scum. She and all those assholes in the Navy are gonna pay. If I find her ass when I go to get Edyn, I'm going to end her Navy career, and her life, permanently. She thinks she's so high and mighty, pretending to be a pirate now, well she, and maybe even all the Riptide Pirates, can go to Hell. And now-- And now she's traveling all over the world to find you, because she knows your alive, and finish the job. Stay weary of that Navy bastard, Arlin. She's not what she seems.
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