#ooc: Holy wow. this post was finnicky
thatoneguy031 ยท 1 year
[OOC: Hoo, boy, this is a long one. I normally don't do add "keep reading"s, but I feel like it's needed here. And even then, it warrants a Pt. 2]
Oh-kay, no one has to die. The Suicune is fine.
They had come out of the room or whatever, right, and they had a new cast on their leg. It wasn't anything huge, it was certainly thinner than the casts I'd seen on humans, but still looked sturdy enough to keep it in place. And it looked better, too. It didn't look like... as much as a biohazard, as the last one did.
"Hey... you're alright, right? Is it better?"
<Yes. they clean it. it stuck. they broke again to fix.>
I winced. So that's what that sound was a few hours ago. It sounded like it really hurt. "So... Now that you're in a bit better shape, what do you plan on doing?" They certainly looked pleased, even if they weren't smiling... As a matter fact, I've only seen this Suicune have one expression since I've met them, and it could be best described as... disgruntled. They even had bags under their eyes. Poor dude probably hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in years.
<Leave. look for answers.>
"Right, right. Say, do you mind if I joined you?"
<Can't. leaving regon. and am legend. can defend myslef.>
"...Are you sure?" I took a sniff at their wound. Yeah, it was better, there was no denying that, but I could tell that it would be a while before the Suicune could really get going without at least a little worry. "What if you get hurt again? I get that like, what the heck am I gonna do about it, but I want to at least be by your side if crap hits the fan."
<Why worry? too much for samrot to do. samrot get hurt too.>
"Because I... I don't want you getting hurt. Er... hurt, again." I held out my blade, looking at my own reflection within it. "I don't like it when I know there's something I can do to protect someone, but don't... That's why I'm trying my best to be a protector for Pokemon. I believe everyone could use at least a little help from someone. You get that, right? I know I'm sounding stubborn, and maybe I am, but you're not in fighting shape yet!"
For the first time since we met, me and the Suicune actually made eye contact. It lasted a long while, too. At least, it felt like it. I couldn't get a reading on what they were thinking. I really hope I didn't annoy them. What am I kidding? Even if I did, they're not well.
The Suicune finally began writing again, and what he said sorta surprised me.
<Can samrot fight?>
"Wha- Of course I can!" I was offended. "I didn't evolve twice, just to get asked a question like that-" I was interrupted by more scribbling from them.
<No. can samrot fight? for self.>
I blinked at the paper. "...Yes? At least, I'm really sure I can. I haven't been in a real fight in a few months, but I'm confident that-"
<Confidence not enouf. samrot is inexprensed. samrot is going hurt self.>
He then began drawing a picture for me, as messy as their hand(snout?)writing. When he slid his book my way again, I was offended.
It was of what I could only assume was a picture of me, with toothpick arms and even skinnier seamitars. Next to it, was another picture of me, dead(you could tell because of the Xs over my eyes), with a Budew standing over my body, looking proud. Over the image said:
As much as I hated such an out-of-character description of me, I... couldn't disagree with their logic. I guess it has been a long time since I've battled, a human or otherwise... "Okay, I'll admit it! You're right!" I groaned. "But what am I going to do, if I do happen to really be rusty, huh? I have no one to train with, and it's not like you'll be willing to do anything about it! You have stuff to do, places to be... I bet you already consider me a bother."
<I help samrott.>
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