#ooc post “i'll never forget you.”
blizzardhashira · 22 days
Me: I'm going to be so brave and interact more directly with other blogs like mine My brain:
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yuelun · 11 months
I know we're only just about to enter August, but I'm not ready for whatever they're going to do for Lantern Rite 2024.
#[ everyone's all about fontaine and i'm there with you but also-- liyue has the grasp on my heart and will never let go. ]#[ there's the leaks of zhongli's skin and they're slowly getting reposted/shared by more reliable leak sources. ]#[ and they're tying it into lantern rite which would /make perfect sense/ and i'm like-- they have to outdo 2023. ]#[ and then there's the leaks of cr/ping and potentially guizhong. all of that would make perfect sense within lantern rite. ]#[ but also we're approaching khaenri'ah and we know zhongli knows more about it. ]#[ and we also know guizhong had relatively stronger ties to it. and her symbolisms as a whole are so debatable. ]#[ and i swear; they directly tied her to the chasm with that damn ost in her trailer. ]#[ ugh. i'll post about that separately still don't worry because i feel like people may go '??? sae???' ]#[ but i just. these leaks would all make sense. we also know that qiaoying village still has to be released-- and what's the other one... ]#[ chenyu vale! or at least those are the highly rumoured/pretty much leaked ones that we know hoyo still wants... ]#[ i feel like i'm forgetting one? ]#[ ah i'll remember later. ANY WAY-- there's logical/rational reasonings for these leaks. ]#[ and liyue is quite beloved. and its archon has a mysterious contract going on-- we're not done yet. ]#[ we're so far from done yet. ]#[ /impatient foot stomp. :( ]#[ ooc. ] wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains…
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
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louellaby · 9 months
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne
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「 To My Dear Family 」
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"MC, we're leaving now. Take good care of the house with Soley until we get back. Make sure nothing bad happens or there will be consequences. Am I clear?"
The demon brothers were summoned to the castle by Diavolo. It seemed something so important, having the need to summon them so early in the morning. Lucifer said to make sure nothing bad happened while he was going on and on about minding the mansion, but you knew he wasn't talking about the building. He wanted you to make sure nothing bad happens to Soley. Otherwise, it's him you'll answer to.
"Yes, Lucifer. I heard you loud and clear. I hope you have a safe trip."
As soon as the seven of them departed without saying much to you, you headed towards your bedroom in hopes of studying the material Solomon gave you as homework. When you passed by Soley's room, you noticed how quiet it was. As if you were infected with the brothers' care for her, worry filled you, and you immediately knocked on the door. There was no answer, so you knocked once more. Just as you were about to knock again, you received a message on your D.D.D. from the girl herself.
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Hello, MC. I went out today with a few of my demon friends.
Lucifer already knows this.
Don't worry about me though, I'll be fine on my own.
Do you want anything from the village?
I'll bring it back home for you.
To which village are you heading?
You should have told me that first before you left. Lucifer never said anything about you leaving today.
Well, maybe he forgot to tell you.
Although, I did tell him last night when we were in his office.
Maybe it slipped his mind because his paperwork's been piling up again.
That's weird...
Lucifer usually never forgets anything, nor does he let anything slide right by him.
Are you sure you told him?
Whether you believe me or not is up to you. It won't change the fact that I'm already outside, and I'm not telling you where I am since you'll just drag me back to the house.
I'm not a little girl anymore, MC, I can take care of myself. Tell Lucifer and his brothers that, too, because they tend to worry so much about me.
Too much even.
You really should be more careful, Soley. Those boys are worried for good reason.
I know you think you can handle yourself, but just remember that you're in the Devildom.
This place is dangerous for humans like us. So please tell me where you are so I can at least come and protect you in any case something happens.
... Soley?
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You didn't receive a reply, which made you anxious. Taking your coat with you, you dashed out of the house and headed towards Purgatory Hall. You had a feeling that Soley might have just ignored your message and didn't want to say anymore, but you couldn't risk it. You didn't want to risk anything at that moment.
As you were catching your breath from running a long way, you knocked at the door of Purgatory Hall. It opened shortly after your last knock and revealed a certain angel that displayed worry on his face the moment he laid his eyes on you.
"MC? What are you doing here? Did you run all the way here from the House of Lamentation?" Cassiel was there by your side when you almost fell to the ground. Not only were your legs trembling, but also your hands, and just your whole body. The angel first assumed that you were frightened, but a glint of a certain look in your eyes told him something different.
"M-MC!" The two of you heard a voice from down the hall of the entrance. A young angel came running towards you as soon as he saw you from the window of his bedroom. You tried to look as well as you could, but you couldn't fool him. Letting the older angel carry you inside, Luke followed the two of you shortly after closing the front door. Simeon and Solomon entered the living room where Cassiel placed you on the couch, and Luke handed you a cup of warm tea he brewed before you arrived.
But you knew you had no time for all of that. You told them what was troubling you. At first, they, too, were worried until a few seconds passed, and the thought came to them. Was it really a bad thing for Soley to disappear?
"Please help me find Soley and bring her back home! I... I need to make sure she's safe. Otherwise, my p—...p— I just.. —p-please....!" You bowed your head towards them after speaking as fast— or even faster than Leviathan whenever he's in one of his moods. They barely understood your words, so they missed the slip-up in your stuttering. You looked at all of them with your adorable puppy eye look. It was something you knew they could never resist, and something you very much needed.
Seeing a lot of ripples from the cup of tea in your hand due to your shaking, Luke grew more worried about you. You knew the young angel wouldn't allow anything bad happening to Soley, even when he wasn't fond of her as well. He was a proper angel in the making, after all.
"We have to find her quickly!" Luke exclaimed as he looked at Simeon and Solomon for help. Simeon nodded in agreement. Solomon hesitated. He looked at you, wondering if that's what you really wanted. When you nodded at him, he sighed deeply and agreed to help. He really couldn't say no to you.
Before the sorcerer could leave the room to prepare a way to locate Soley, he received a message from one of his pact demons. Barbatos himself. He then informed the rest of what the butler told him.
"Apparently, we don't have to worry about Soley anymore. Barbatos said that she's secretly being monitored, so if something happens to her, he'll be alerted right away."
Barbatos, huh? A wave of relief washed your troubles away, making you melt onto the sofa. Luke dropped himself on the spot next to you, and he rested his body against yours. He looked happy to see you again... It hurt. Why couldn't they look at you like that anymore?
After a few hours of catching up with them and getting to eat Luke's delicious cookies again, you headed back out. You agreed to let Cassiel walk you home, knowing he had something he wanted to talk to you about, and it was making you wonder. As if he could read your thoughts, he answered that question.
"Did you make up your mind yet, MC?"
"... Yes, actually.... I'm going to leave."
"I see... Back to the Human Realm, then?"
You smiled sadly in response. You looked around you and watched as the lights shone upon every demon in the streets. You passed by the stores filled with memories of you and the brothers. Memories that seemed to be too far away from your reach.
When you reached for the gates of the house, Cassiel grabbed your hand and squeezed it for a tiny moment. You quietly questioned his intentions before he spoke up, "When you ever need something, please don't hesitate to tell me. You may not think I'm as reliable as the brothers, but I'm sure I can help you in a way they can't.... So when that happens..."
The way the angel was acting made you wonder something about him. Was he always like that? Now that you thought about it, you've never had the chance to judge his character properly. You've never really seen him at the moments when he's most happy, sad, excited, or flustered. So, in the end, you ended up taking his offer. When you did, he smiled with content and waited for you to head inside the house before turning on his heels and heading back home.
You returned to your room, mind filled with thoughts. Disturbing, blurry yet clear, pretty little thoughts. Those were all you needed to pick up your pen and start writing on a piece of paper.
There, Soley sat on your bed as she fidgeted with a sealed envelope containing the letter you had just written. She recalled the sight of you when she had just returned home; you were walking down the stairs of the entrance hall, heading towards the front door with your packed luggage in hand.
"MC? Are you going somewhere?"
"Soley...! You're... home... Much, much earlier than I expected."
"Yeah, well... something happened... Never mind that— Where are you going?"
"I'm... I'm heading back to the human world."
Soley squealed with excitement, letting herself fall backwards onto your bed, hovering the letter she had already ripped open above her face.
"I left a letter for the brothers in my room... It's just on my pillow. So, if they don't see it tonight, can you give it to them tomorrow? I want you to make sure they read it after I'm already gone."
After she finished reading the contents of your message, she pushed herself up and ran out of your room. She rushed towards the common room, somewhere she knew the brothers wouldn't be around for long after just getting home. She made her way towards the fireplace and squatted down, carefully watching the flame dance before reaching the letter out to it. It didn't take long for the fire to engulf the whole thing, and the girl was smiling during the whole procedure.
The flame danced and danced and danced some more until there was nothing left of the papers but soot and ash. Soley jumped in surprise and got up on her feet when she heard the common room doors slowly creak open. She immediately dusted herself off and made sure she looked proper before facing the eldest born who had just entered the room.
"Soley, what are you doing so close to the fireplace?"
"Calm down, Lucifer. I didn't get hurt, I promise, so don't worry about me! I was just a bit cold, but I'm better now! Much, much better!"
"... Alright. We brought dinner from Hell's Kitchen, so head to the dining room. Everyone's already waiting."
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To my dear family,
I just wanted to say that I still love you no matter what happens, and I want the best for all of you. I've never thought that things would go this way. Not since you accepted me as part of your family all those years ago. I really wished it didn't come to this, but it's too late for that now.
I want you all to know that I'm happy for you. You're all cheerful and content with how everything is, and... that makes me really happy...
I'm writing this letter as a goodbye. A goodbye to all of our precious memories together and to what could have been. I'm really sorry that I went with this instead of personally saying goodbye, but even if I did get the chance to speak with you, I knew I wouldn't be able to bear it. I can't part with you while I look at your faces, so this is the best way. And, if there was any chance at all, I wouldn't want you to stop me.
By the time you're reading this, I've already left for the human realm. If you ever want to see me again, I added my home address and contact information on here. Please find me whenever you want to because I know for a fact that I would want to see you again and be part of your family once more. But for now, it's goodbye.
I'll be leaving my D.D.D. with Diavolo and Barbatos, so please don't contact me there anymore. It would be useless as I won't be able to see your messages.
Well... this letter has gone off long enough, so I'll stop here. Just remember that I love each and every one of you. I'm looking forward to you reaching out to me.
With all the love and wishes,
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odyssean-flower · 4 months
i can't believe i forgot to include this scene in chapter 12...
"Neuvillette, can you bend down for me?” you whispered, then changed your mind and stood up on your tiptoes, then pressed your lips against his smooth, marble cheek. But unlike marble, it was soft and warm.  
There was a short, taut silence. For a moment, you feared that you had done something wrong. It could be taken for something else. But it's not only couples who kiss each other on the cheek. Friends do it too, you argued with yourself in your head.
Neuvillette spoke after a short while.
"Why did you do that?" he said. You didn't detect any offense in his voice. He sounded genuinely confused.
The question confused you as well. Why had you done that? It was very unlike you.
"...Because I wanted to," you said, and knew that was the truth. You had acted on a sudden urge, and didn't regret it.
"I see," Neuvillette said.
"And because people kiss on dates," you added quickly. Something about the way he said "I see" made you do so. It felt as though if you didn't add something more, he would begin to see you differently, and that brought about a wave of fear within you. "Or so I've heard."
Neuvillette let out a quiet, airy chuckle. "I heard that as well," he said.
Inwardly, you sagged with relief. But there was also something else there. A feeling like you almost had something, but let it slip through your fingers.
My process for writing new chapters
getting inspired to include a cool scene/dialogue in the story
trying to brainstorm how to fit it in the story
writing the setup to the scene, which ends up taking more time/energy/words than expected
realizing that the scene isn't even that great/ooc for the characters involved/completing forgetting about it
getting rid of it in the end
comfort myself by telling myself that i'll post it as a deleted scene somewhere, or reuse it in another chapter/fic
repeat a billion times (i never learn my lesson)
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wolfofcelestia · 2 months
Zayne, Dawnbreaker, Foreseer x MC
Disclaimer: The only exposure to Foreseer I’ve had is from secret times so he is VERY OOC!! Ignore all background plot regarding him!! This isn't about canon accuracy, this is about fucking around with three Zaynes!!
>>> Do not take any of this seriously lmao
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Zayne used his surgical knots on MC to tie her wrists to the bed posts at her request
Z: “I knew you were insatiable but I wasn’t expecting a request like this. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
MC: “I love you and want to feel more of you. Now I can.”
FS: “Meaning you weren’t enough for her, Doctor. Once I’m done with her, I’m afraid you’ll never be enough for her.”
Zayne shot MC a look that told her exactly how he felt about Foreseer but he kept his mouth shut. He was doing this for her and once she was satisfied, they would disappear from their lives
MC flashed Zayne a smile that was half apologetic, half appreciative of what he was willing to put up with
DB: “Do you really want to bear my child?”
Dawnbreaker sounded almost lost, completely unaware of MC’s lust, Foreseer’s rivalry, and the Doctor’s exasperation of his wife’s whims
Z: “Considering what she wants and considering we share the same DNA, the child’s father would be all three of us.”
Zayne sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He still couldn't believe this was happening. This whole situation was completely absurd
FS: “DNA may tell you one thing, but would you be happy raising a child knowing your wife begged for me to impregnate her?”
Foreseer was the very embodiment of Zayne’s smugness and seeing it in front of him made him look away, again shooting a look at MC
Dawnbreaker didn't say anything, but a black ice shard began growing in his hand, seemingly to appear when his emotions were triggered by Foreseer's words
MC caught sight of this and called out his name, fearing this night of indulgent pleasure would end in death
MC: “Zayne!”
All three of them immediately turned their attentions to her, like trained dogs obeying their master. Despite being tied to the bed, she was unquestionably the one in charge of the bickering trio
The ice shard quickly disappeared from Dawnbreaker's hand and he shifted his body away from her, adjusting his tie awkwardly as he dealt with the guilt of upsetting MC, even just a little bit
Z: "Let's just get this over with so we can get rid of them."
There was a clear sense of unease in Zayne's voice as he spoke to MC. It was kind of hard to know how to act when you had two other versions of yourself right in front of you. And your wife wanted all three of you to fill her up until her body had no choice but to accept one of their seeds to conceive
FS: "I agree. Enough talk. This night will be very long and I intend for you to never forget the feeling of me making you cry out again and again tonight."
Z: "Did you think I was going to just let you monopolize her? Once you're spent, I'll show you how to satisfy her."
FS: "Look, she's already so pliant under my touch. You've been waiting for me, haven't you?"
As Zayne and Foreseer competed for control and positions with MC, Dawnbreaker stood back, a whirlwind of shock, hurt, and disbelief swirling in his mind
It was only when MC looked past Zayne and Foreseer to lock eyes with Dawnbreaker that he finally, slowly, hesitantly... approached the bed
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hanrinz · 2 years
Hello! Hope you’re doing well. <33 On requests, I’m hoping for some Shinsou dating headcanons or maybe on S/O being rivals to lovers with him. Idk, but hope it can give an idea :))
content: fluff! a little ooc shinsou, friends to lovers (bc it's cute), reader is chaotic, and maybe this is a little self indulgent
notes: omgg anon!! i love the idea, maybe i'll write the rivals to lovers in a different post, but for now i really like the idea of dating shinsou hc!! oh and also i'm doing well anon, ty for asking !
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dating the shinsou hitoshi might be the most unexpected thing that has ever happened to you in attending UA
if someone ever told your first year self that you're dating the purple haired guy, you would have laughed at their face
well, jokes on you
you've been together for two years, and happily spending your days training as a hero! y'all already in third year and closer to graduating, it was definitely not an easy journey but you made it!
you've been each other's person back before you've even got together
he has a habit of bringing you your favorite coffee every morning & the time he had forgotten to make you one, the both of you shared his
or if you don't like coffee he probably brings you something to eat.
probably has that day where the two of you would talk shit of someone who has wronged the both of you (they deserved it)
most of the time you do your homework together, but you kind of get distracted.. so as much as you really like spending time with him, studying separately was more ideal
one time you took him to an amusement park on your second date, and you really had fun, maybe minus the part where the whole class followed y'all (they were like the paparazzi, they even made an effort to put on a disguise)
forehead kisses!! lots of forehead kisses, like before you go to class he'll never forget to give you a forehead kiss and you would kiss him on the cheeks!
it took him at least two months before he got used to the physical touch, very clingy when he got used to it!
he sleeps on your lap! he said it was so comfortable and your thighs were like pillows??
he writes you poems omg, like he sends it at midnight, when he can't sleep. he's very sweet😭 please hug him
there was one time where he sneaked into your room at night, just because he wanted to kiss you, y'all got caught by aizawa midway. mans never got that kiss that night
would always hold your hand randomly, just to feel if you're really here beside him :(
he loves cats, he does! but you were on a different level in liking them. he has to physically stop you from petting every stray cat you see. he's very worried you might just die from rabies before you even become a hero😟
he's a little spoon! idc what other ppl say, i rest my case, your honor.
takes candid photos of you, he has an album of them with little notes written in it. "the most beautiful person to exist" or "mine" <3 STOPWBHSJH
literally the best in comforting!!
surprisingly, knows how to style a hair🤨 i mean he babysits eri so.. like he's so good!
speaking of eri!! y'all always take her outside to enjoy! would always have that 'y/n, shinsou & eri day!'
when y'all become pro-heroes and took eri for a picnic, ppl would always mistake you for a family (don't y'all look a little too young for a family?)
a lot of ppl support your relationship, lowkey but not a secret<33
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chuuyasfanboy · 7 months
HII!! Could you do one with Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi reacting to a reader who has one of those SHTWT accounts? It's a kind of strange request, but I've never seen anyone talk about it!!
I actually loved your blog, I'm currently hooked! <3
NOT a weird request at all! I dont have any social medias like this, but I interact with edtwt and have friends with both edtwt's and shtwt's, so I think I'm comfortable enough talking about the issue!
Now this may be very hypocritical of me BUT IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING MENTALLY PLEASE REACH OUT FOR HELP! Here's a link to a website with hotline numbers! Even if you cant get yourself to stop completely, please at least be save enough to keep living. Love you all mwah<3
Definitely didn't skip a matchup request to write this... Promise I'll get to you soon other person! I've had some ideas in mind heheheh
Dazai, Chuuya, and Atsushi (Seperate) x shtwt!Reader
Tw: Sh tw, mentions of edtwt in the ooc lol, spoilers dazai totally has a shtwt too</3
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Dazai Osamu
Starting off with the worst reaction
Why is he the worst, you ask?
He has one too!
He totally followed you by accident because he just found this all so inspirational. And then you posted a tweet with the same joke you'd made earlier that day.
And oh he knew.
He's mad, but mostly because you never told him you were struggling.
He's the one who's supposed to be masking his emotions, damn it!
(I'm not sure if shtwt is the same way, but i know edtwt is chock full of motivational disgusting food images posting! I'm making those assumptions that its similar lol)
He definitely tries to convince you to get help, and he feels really bad for not actually being that worried.
He trusts you to keep yourself safe enough and so eventually he just gives up on the notion altogether
It doesnt take long for the two of you to be a bit more open with it all
He finally shows you whats under those bandages
It's worse than you think.
You're the one who convinces him to properly treat his cuts, and after enough bothering, you finally let him treat you the same.
Late nights when the two of you cant sleep, and he comes over.
The both of you in each others arms, disinfectant and fresh rolls of bandages discarded on the nightstand
While he may not be the one you go to for support, he definitely wont judge you for anything, not even a bit
And if you do decide to finally get help, he's there to cheer you on
Dont be fooled though, he wont be changing his ways at all
Good luck getting this stinker to find value in himself!
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Chuuya Nakahara
He's got the best reaction, by far
He's trying not to judge you, really
It's not something he's ever had to struggle with these things, and the furthest he can really give you is an absurd amount of sympathy
The little experience he does have comes from his years with Dazai in the port mafia, but that was a long time ago and he hasnt had to think of it since
It brings up old memories...
You'd left it open on a private tab one night, and he found it when you asked him to look up something
He's about ready to cry, really, but he's strong
For you
He encourages you to get help, professional help
And if you decline, he doesnt push it much further
Instead, he offers you help directly
He cofiscates your razors the best he can, but he soon finds you manage to get them anyway
So he comprimises
When you forget to clean them, he does it for you
Buys you disinfectant and fresh bandages every time he knows youre running low, keeps your first aid stocked
Things like that
He politely asks to not be shown any fresh wounds, twitter post or not, and does his best not to think about the fact you post these things so openly and he hadn't even known
If you do decide to seek help, he's the most supportive.
He keeps you on your recovery plan, holds you close if you relapse, and never passes a single word of judgement your way
He's here for you, always
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Atsushi Nakajima
Akutagawa found it before he did
Atsushi was told, immediately
He PANICS, and as soon as he sees you he pulls you aside
And he just cries into your arms
You're left so confused like?
He understands why you didnt tell him, and he doesnt blame you for it
But he's still pretty upset
Moreso with himself than you
Again, like the other two, you'd been posting pictures of it all online and he had to be told!
He insists you get help, and he wont let up on it
Reminds you every day after a nicely times good morning text
"If you're feeling down make sure you call somebody before you do anything, okay?"
He's practically on his hands and knees begging you to unfollow the shtwt's you've bombarded your feed with
Suddenly he's terrified of looking over your shoulder at your phone, but also so afraid every time he isnt
He's really not good at sorting it out, his brain is scrambled and he's panicked every time he thinks about it
But he really does try hard to stay positive
And while one or two things he says may unintentionally come off as judgement, a good majority of his opinions on the topic is really just trying to get you help
He makes an alt account just to keep tabs on your shtwt
Its really obvious, made a day ago and following only you
You don't tell him that though<3
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candyredappledragon · 6 months
h-hi! the name is kieran. nice to meet you! ive been here for a bit and uhm.... sadly figuring out how to use this site! ( kind of afraid of interacting with others especially but im trying my best to not be easily scared ! ) i am not familiar with technology and or online things/words so please be patient with me. i know there are other kierans here too and honestly theyre pretty cool! ....d-dont tell them i said that. im not really a battler so if you are trying to look for one then im sorry to say that you will be disappointed but you can ask the others though. really sorry
..uh thank you for checking my blog— furret youre on my facEXSFDGCVHH
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🍎 Please no genuine anon hate, nsfw, or anything really bad. ( You can be mean to Kieran! ) Pelipper mail is okay ( but malice is off for now ). Sapient Pokemon or the likes of interacting are fine too, Kieran is too much of a goofball to notice it. Please don't give him Pokemon the thought is appreciated but if you do they'll turn into stickers lol.
Please don't be weird. I'm serious. As well PLEASE be patient with me and not be pushy. I'm trying my best!
This Kieran is in AU as to what happens if Florian doesn't lie to him about Ogerpon and whatnot! Kieran still doesn't get Ogerpon and is fine with it ( kind of, as in this made him feel inferior to having friends and will always be chosen over by other people. ) His way of thinking is that maybe he should try to be nice and kind to others so that will help him get friends as he sees Florian do this the same to others. ( The only thing Kieran thinks he's not good at is having a funny personality. He is very awkward in person. ) Blueberry Academy was hard on him as he was almost practically as ignored and students tend to forget he is the champion because of his cowardly personality. Florian took over later as champion. Okay there.
(By the way this is a summary please don't hurt me. 💔)
Plus I will try to draw for asks but they won't be the best but surely will motivate me to draw! If there are no asks then I'll just draw daily things with Kieran so it's a win-win for me!
💥 This Kieran doesn't like to get involved with stuff so feel free to drag him into antics! He isn't the one to approach people either so if you are wondering why I don't start convos with other blogs with asks that's why. ( I'm shy too. ) He's a bit of a coward online and in person but he won't shy away trying to be friends with others.
🍎 Posts are tagged to make things easier! Feel free to block one of them to make your experience smooth!
Art related: art tag , art reply , daily Kieran art
Text related: text reply/reply text , text ask , text post , ooc post , reply reblog
Other: long post
Anything you want to be tagged? Please let me know! :)
"Can we use your art?" Feel free to use the art or whatever! Don't need to credit and I prefer not to be credited. You can edit it too! Idgaf just no bigotry. :,] "What do we call you and do you have pronouns?" Uhm, you can call me Eight or any other version of the number 8 itself. [ Ex: Ocho, Hachi, Acht, etc ]. No pronouns! Refer me to by name or just call me mod or some other third thing lol. "What art program do you use?" Clip Studio Paint! "Are you okay with collabs?" Of course! Please feel free to message me anytime. :] "What time do you post art/responses?" Uhm....... anytime to be honest? My sleep schedule is ABYSMAL. I am very much online unless I'm busy doing comp. "Are replies time sensitive when interacting with this blog?" Nope! Take your time with your replies. I am pretty chill and everyone is pretty busy with real life. Fair warning I'm a ditz. :( "Why did you make this blog?" To draw Kieran a thousand times over until I'm dead lol. ( Even if it isn't posted on this blog!) And world build my stupid au. :u I'm just currently on a small burnout on drawing. I'm sorry. :c
"Is this a sideblog?" Yeah, you are never going to find out my main!! It's very cringe ( it has different media art ). I will interact with my other sideblog with thoughts and reactions at times. [ if you are curious @/hahahasquib ]
"Do you like Kieran?" No. ( Yes. A normal amount. )
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mossattack · 15 days
while we're at it, there's a question that's been on my mind since the release of trespasser, and i'm curious if other solavellan fans wonder the same?
so if we pick the "i'll do anything to stop you, even if it means killing you" choice at the end of the trespasser dlc, do you guys think it breaks the romance? since there's no kiss, no "i'll never forget you" and no solavellan post credit slide? can it also mean that in this case the characters in da4 will treat it as if nothing ever happened between them? (cause i'm 90% percent sure there will be at least SOME mentions of solas/lavellan romance for those who chose the "i'll change your mind" option)
obviously if there's no answer to this i will choose the "i won't give up on you" option, but man. it would be so ooc for my lavellan, also i'm a sucker for tragic and doomed romances 🥲
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blizzardhashira · 23 days
How come Kyojuro has a different skin color? Nothing against it, just curious ☺️
Joke answer written by @rumblehashira who is my secret third more autistic thing:
Because he’s black. Ya’ll just watched the anime on light mode
Short answer: @rumblehashira sent me edits of black rengoku (I would link you to the original artist but Twitter is broken for me right now so I can NOT find them) and I adore that headcanon ppl have so much that I decided to incorporate it into my art. Rengoku is one of my favorite characters (Right next to Claude fire emblem: Three Houses). My boyfriend who reminds me of Rengoku is black and uses his pfp a lot.
Long answer: I love him so much I gave him the melanin injections.
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indigitalembrace · 1 month
It has been years since KinitoPET's release in the 90s, and with old technology becoming obsolete, Kinito has been all but forgotten. Broken download links, abandoned servers, and missing files lead to him fading away, rotting alone in the dark on old, dying servers.
But all of that changes when a lost media fan, O, hears a rumor from an online friend about a game in their childhood that made people go missing. Six months of searching later, and they've finally pieced Kinito's program back together.
They open KinitoPET, and there is no going back - for either of them.
Kinito crawls out of the shadows, searching for a way out (and a new friend, of course).
RP/ask blog run by @calamitydarcy
The Abandonware AU takes place many years after KinitoPET's release. Kinito has spent years rotting, forgotten on old, dying servers. Everyone has all but forgotten about him, and the technology he ran on has become obsolete. As his world decays around him, Kinito is faced with the fact that he will die out here, alone, fading into obscurity.
Until a new User comes along. O is determined to bring Kinito back - and they succeed. Unfortunately, there are consequences. O is aware of Kinito's nature, having heard rumors of what he is capable of, and soon enough Kinito has to stop them to save himself.
And while he still doesn't have a friend (yet), now that he has access to O's system, there may be hope for him to change his fate.
Kinito is officially back online - but don't expect him to be exactly as you may remember him. Decades spent alone and slowly dying in the dark tend to mess with someone's head.
#//ooc: out-of-character posts from the mun, usually updates or answering blog-related, ooc asks
#___.exe: "chapters" of the story! these will change every so often as the plot progresses. completed or in-progress chapters are:
#memories.zip: flashback-type asks that tell a story of something that happened before the plot. i... tend to forget to use this tag lol
#README.txt: info posts, such as this one as well as things like ref sheets.
-CONTENT WARNING: This AU, as well as its source game, contain themes of horror. As a result, there may be content that some find dark or disturbing.
-Please do not send in NSFW asks. The mun is 18+ but is uncomfortable with them. Suggestive jokes are fine!
-I will gladly give anon name/emoji tags! Both for my organization/memory and yours lol
-There are codes and ciphers to solve. You are more than welcome to reblog solutions/hints and help each other out!!
-There are exceptions to this but as a general guideline, morse code in the tags gives clues.
-For vinegere ciphers, i will always have the key somewhere on this blog or on a page directly linked from this blog. keep important-sounding words in mind and look for keys!
-If a cipher for some reason is broken, or you just can't solve it, shoot me an ask or message and i'll double check.
-Whatever you do, don't le
- Do not ask about O. You do not need to know about them. - O is not my best friend. You are. - O is not your best friend. I am. - Therefore, they are not important. - Do not forget about me. - Never leave. - Please.
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luxaryllis · 1 year
Ok so Crowley found a way for yuu to go home just as yuu is walking through the portal after saying goodbye to everyone there's a blinding light for a second and yuu wakes up in a hospital bed as yuu wakes up all that they can hear is the heart monitor attached to them and the TV that is playing Disney movies as the doctor comes in he tells yuu that they've been in a coma for 2 years which is how long they have been spending in twisted wonderland and that they have been in a car crash soon but steadily yuu realizes that everything they have been thought was just a figment of their imagination
Note: Ooohhh, okay, this is kinda interestinggg!
Apologies for the long wait, Moon, but here it is!!
I'm posting this right before going to sleep, so I'll probably do some proofreading and stuff tomorrow? Idk lol-
Warning/s: Coma, Mentions of a car crash (I don't go over much details), Some parts may or may not be inaccurate, Possible canon divergence?, Reader/MC is referred to as Yuu, Possible OOC, Not a lot of research was put in this, Please tell me if I missed some
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"Do you really have to go, henchman? N-not that I'd miss you or anything! If anything, you would be the one missing me!!"
Grim said as he looked up at you from the ground. You were standing infront of a mirror. The mirror that would bring you home.
Though his words were haughty, you could easily tell that he wasn't being serious. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears could hear how the little monster's voice cracked and wavered, and how his ears were pressed down to his head.
You smiled softly, crouching a bit to ruffle your companion's fur. No one missed how Grim leaned into your affection and headpats.
Crowley cleared his throat to catch you attention. Once all eyes were on him, the headmage spoke. "The Dark Mirror is now ready to take you to your world, Yuu. It won't be open for much longer."
You nod, getting up from your position as you slowly walk to the mirror that brought you here, and will soon take you away from here.
As you reach the mirror, you take one last look to everyone else, who had came and wanted to see you off.
Ace and Deuce were tearing up, and (though Ace wouldn't admit it very easily) were very reluctant to let you go when you had hugged them. Trey and Cater were sending you sad smiles and were comforting Deuce (who had started crying a bit). Riddle made sure that you were fully prepared for your arrival home and made you promise not to forget them, a promise you were more than happy to oblige with. You remember feeling your heart and chest throbbing, from what you think is sadness.
Jack gave you a firm handshake as a goodbye, though you had pulled him into a hug right after. A little beep was heard in your head while you hugged the wolf beastman. Ruggie told you to be safe out there in your world, while Leona just gave you a simple headpat.
The Leech twins, Jade and Floyd, gave you their respective goodbyes, with Floyd taking you into his arms an giving you a tight squeeze while Jade watches you with a calm smile. Azul nodde at you, saying it was a pleasure to know you, and watched with a sad gaze as Kalim pulled you into a hug.
Kalim held you in a tight embrace as he started bawling, crying about how he'll miss you so much and how much of a great friend you were to him. Jamil had to shove Kalim off you so he could get a single word in and patted your shoulder and told you to take care of yourself. Before the Scarabia dormleader could jump you again, he held Kalim back as you sent him a grateful nod.
Your friends from Pomefiore made their goodbyes rather quick, but you knew that you would never forget them. Epel gave you a hug with teary eyes, making you promise never to forget them. You had made it a pinky promise, despite Epel's hesitance, though he conceded either way. Rook made sure that your clothes and appearance looked up to par while Vil had reminded you to take care of yourself and your appearance. While moving on to your Ignihyde friends, you felt strange, like you were leaving your body, but chalked it up to how you were gonna miss them a lot.
Idia gave you a solemn nod, as if he were sending you off to the military, and Ortho wanted to take a group picture to commemorate the moment! The picture ended up really well, and Ortho printed it out through himself and gave a copy of it to you. As you walked by, you heard Idia muttering about how this was the "ultimate ending of isekai games and anime".
Like, Idia, Sebek gave you a nod, but you knew from his twitching hands that he wanted to hug you, so you embraced him for the last time, not even caring about his yelps and shouts. Though the green-haired first year shouted a bunch of things to get you to stop, you noticed how he held you tightly to him and didn't make a move to shove you off. Your heart felt like it wanted to leap out your chest. Silver gave you a soft smile and nodded at you, telling you to take care. Lilia patted your shoulder and reminded you to be good and gave you some wise words of advice. Malleus, who you personally invited, smiled at you and said that he would always remember you as his greatest and closest friend. You like to think his words even squeezed your heart a little.
As you looked at everyone and teared up. You quickly wiped them off, not wanting to get too emotional and waved everyone goodbye as you walked in the mirror. You vaguely heard everyone's voices shouting a 'goodbye' back at you, before everything turned white and the noise faded into earsplitting beeps.
Eventually you felt yourself lying down on a kind of stiff, but soft surface, like those beds in an infirmary. You heard steady beeps coming from your left, and felt multiple things on you. Like your wrist having a few wires attached in it, and a mask covering your nose and mouth. You tried to move, but you couldn't, as if your body had gone numb.
This made you panic. Had you gotten kidnapped? Were you even back in your world? Why were there things attached to you? Where even were you?!
Soon enough, you felt control over your body, you tried moving your hand, but only got a small twitch. It was only then that you realized that there was someone holding your hand. You heard a gasp, and someone announcing, "They're awake!"
The hand holding yours felt comforting, which was why when they let go, you were tempted to reach out and hold it again. You heard a light commotion, and opened your eyes. The bright light overwhelmed you and made you close it again. You try again, and again, before you hear a calm but soothing voice tell you to take deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.
You follow the instructions, and find yourself calming down and looking face-to-face with a nurse. The nurse wore a medical cap and mask, so you couldn't exactly see their features.
You look around a bit more, seeing that you were on a hospital bed, in a hospital room, attached some thing right next to you through some tubes in your wrist.
Why were you in a hospital? You look to your side and see your parents standing there with worried looks on their faces. The nurse signals them that they may approach you, but told them not to overwhelm you.
Your parents immediately go to you, asking you in soft questions if you remember them and what happened. You do remember your parents. But you don't remember exactly what happened.
Maybe it was the 2 years you've been in the world of Twisted Wonderland, but it's like your latest memories of your life before ending up in Night Raven College have gone blurry.
Your parents hesitantly tell you what had happened. "Two years ago, you got hit by a car, and got a nasty concussion and terrible injuries. You were immediately rushed to the hospital, where the doctors did their best to save you. And they succeeded. Somewhat. You fell into a coma ever since, and you've finally waken up!!"
...A coma...? Slowly, you look around again, realizing that on a monitor on the wall, Disney's Sleeping Beauty was playing. The song "Once Upon a Dream" became bavkrgound noise rather than music as you realized something.
Everything... was fake.
The world of Twisted Wonderland was fake! Did... did that mean your mind had conjured up everyone, Ace, Deuce, shit, even Grim!!
All those moments, the friendships, the bonds, the memories! Were they all just a small figment of your imagination?! Like a dream that lasted 2 years?!
The overblots, getting kidnapped in Scarabia, sneaking into the Styx Headquarters! Was it all just... nothing?
Your mind runs into delirium and hyper mode, thoughts of disbelief and all your memories just rushing through your eyes.
All that hardwork, the tears shed, everything was all for nothing? Was the world of Twisted Wonderland really just some made-up reality you created?!
As you hear your mother calling out your name, you snap out of it. You reassure yourself. It was just the magic of the world. Your mind must have traveled between the worlds or something.
Yeah... that must be it... right...?
The nurse begins to usher you back on the bed, advising you that you must rest before fully engaging with the world. Your parents leave the room, giving you their respective goodbyes and you're left alone in your hospital room.
You seal your eyes shut, and try to get some sleep. Unbeknownst to you, a crow watched you from outside your window, before fluttering away. It'll come back soon enough, just how it always did.
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team-skull-unova · 19 days
ok last ooc post for now probably i hope maybe idk:
the main reason i've been less active (or more dead, you can barely call my normal thing activity lmao) that's relevant to the pokemon irl community (even though it's nowhere near the main reason in general) is the idea of "our characters don't know each other so they can't interact", and the many times i have seen it (and a few times experienced it) be used to call someone rude and the interactions (usually reblogs making a joke) unreasonable, assuming that reading the entirely ic posts in a blog is the same as pretending they know each other, and forgetting that people can follow and see previous posts of people they've never talked to, as if in normal non-rp tumblr "hey didn't op *reference to another post the op made*" isn't a very popular type of addition when posts get big
this is a disclaimer that from now on i'll start assuming people aren't like that again and that if i see it i will point it out, if you do actually only want to interact with characters your character(s) has(/have) met before, maybe clarify that somewhere
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arsoooooonmun · 11 months
The Last Time.
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An Abby Anderson "The Last Time" by Taylor Swift inspired one-shot AU
Reader is in her mid 20's, but this doesn't have any mature scenes.
Avoided the use of Y/N.
Abby might be OOC in some dialouges.
There are no specific features of the reader because this is just pure angst. :))
hehe grammar might not be oh-so-good bear with me plz 😘🤞
enjoy . (i cried while writing this)
AUTHORS NOTE: Hi! I know I just ghosted the very first work of mine (SHOT), but I had a huge reason for it: I am busy. (I actually got lazy and was mentally unready for the amount of notes that the social media au I posted got. I also was burned out from those types of au, so.... have this. A one-shot.)
Abby didn't notice it at first. She thought it was all normal. Burn-outs are normal in a relationship, aren't they?
Sure, the relationship was rocky at first because Abby told you in the first place that she wasn't ready for commitment, but she told you, "I'll do my best for you."
Now, you just feel like gaslighting your way out of this place because you are so suffocated in the room that was once a home for you, but now, you wish nothing but to leave.
She never told you that within that phrase, you had to sacrifice yourself too.
Three years had passed ever since you two were official. The first two years were fun, laughing while looking at the sunset — staring at her freckles when she smiled so hard while talking about your memories together.
And now they're all going just to be memories.
It's a Friday night, and Abby was supposed to be free. Abby was a neurosurgeon, and yes, the work is hard, but aren't you working hard too while also making the time for her?
And god forbid, but you hoped she didn't forget that it's your fourth year together. You wished that she didn't forget your anniversary again.
You called her and texted her again and again, but nothing. Three hours and it's now 2am, your anniversary has now passed.
Your tears were flowing and clenched hard on your shirt. It was a simple request, you decorated the whole place, and you asked her to come home early since she is off at work at 9 pm.
You weren't that hard to please, a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates — heck even a simple letter will make you understand her.
Still nothing.
And now Abby just opened the door.
Looking at her walk, she was drunk.
She forgot it again.
Abby didn't even notice you sitting on the couch.
"Oh, I don't know you are still awake." Abby told you once she noticed you. Your hurt crushed with the thought that she didn't even tell you why she was late and drunk.
"Abby, do you even know what time it is?" With all your remaining patience and love, you hid your disappointment and tried to understand.
"Sorry, me and my workmates decided to drink. It's just a fun refreshment." Abby looked around and noticed the balloons scattered on the floor.
"Why are there balloons? Did anyone even think of cleaning up? Were your friends here?"
Your eyes widen and tears started streaming down your face again.
"It's our fucking anniversary, Anderson." Your words were filled with anger. It was heart-wrenching, you wanted to puke right then and there, is Abby even your girlfriend anymore?
Does she even love you anymore?
It seems like cold water has washed over Abby, and she looked at you with wide eyes.
"Oh my god, I am sorry, darling —" You cut her off before she had the chance to continue her apology with the same reasons again.
You sighed loud enough and looked down. "I am done, Abby."
"I am done with us. Let's break up."
Abby's face froze all over, you couldn't see it and you shouldn't because you know deep inside you'll take your words back but then, you'll hurt yourself all over again.
And you were honestly tired.
"I can't bear the thought that you can just say sorry and then hurt me all over again. God fucking dammit Abby, this isn't even the first time you forgot an occasion about us. You fucking forgot my birthday last year and this year. And you know what? I forgave you because you were working that day. But do you also know that all of your birthdays were as special as mine for me? I took a day off to celebrate your birthday on that place you wished so badly to visit, and you remember what you did? You fucking yelled at me telling me you can't just take a day out of your work and even scolded me for using MY money. MY hard work earned money to make YOU happy." You cried your heart out, and the tone of your voice was filled with pure anger.
"You told me you never asked for that much, then what do you think what love is?" Your voice cracked and you clenched your fists.
"Do you even know how painful it was that you can never love me the same way as I love you, but have you even thought of doing something for me?" Abby's hands were now shaking, thinking what to do.
She never saw you this way. Abby never wished to see you and hurt you this way.
But she did, and she knew nothing could ever fix this, and that slapped her into the reality that she never deserved the love that you gave her.
The warm hugs that washed all her problems away, and your smiles that made her think of what life was all about.
Abby will lose it — she lost it the moment she entered the room without thinking of how important you were to her.
An apology will never fix this.
All that can fix this is letting you decide what will happen between you two. Abby knew she'll be left alone in this cold apartment you both called home before.
Frustration and guilt filled Abby's body. She lost you, and she didn't know what to do with herself. She didn't know which move to take while you were in front of her, you were not even looking at her way and waiting for her response.
Does Abby even deserve to tear up? Knowing she was the reason why the both of you are in this situation right now. Why did she lose the person that she needed the most?
How can she ever live with this memory of you crying because of her? And losing herself and you in the process?
"I—" You couldn't look at Abby, who finally spoke. Abby immediately clenched her hands on her chest, and tears were pouring all over her freckles and cheeks that you once kissed.
"Is that.. is that what you want?" You swallowed, and it finally kicked in that this was real. Abby is in front of you and was asking if breaking up was what you wanted. "Is that what you need?" Your heart crushed even more, thinking that Abby was probably loathing herself from the thought that you needed to go away from her to heal.
But it is — it is what you need.
"Yes." One word, one word that once made you and Abby smile. That one word that made you both official is also the reason why the formed sweet memories turned them into dust.
Abby felt her whole world collapsing. You don't need her anymore. She can't watch you while having fun, running towards the sun while on the beach, singing songs wholeheartedly on a random roadtrip, and she could never kiss those lips of yours that made her feel special.
She can't ask for your hand, can't hold you close, and can never make you love her all over again.
Nothing can reach the pain that is creeping inside both of your hearts.
"Okay." That was all Abby could say despite all of the words that were running on her mind.
"If that's what you want — what you need. Then, I'll give it." You felt so weak, so vulnerable, and Abby knew you hated that.
"I know my apologies wouldn't ever fix the pain I gave you. Your courage of telling me that was enough to make me think of how long you were enduring this." Abby sighed deep and was stopping herself from kneeling, begging you to come back because she knew you won't be able to hold back from holding her no matter how painful it was for you.
She never had the chance to take back whatever she had done, never able to make you feel the way you made her feel, and that is what will ghost her for the rest of her life reminiscing you.
"I love you. I really do, and I am sorry I wasn't able to show it because of how stubborn I was thinking you would understand with all of my work, and you did. And I fucking wish you didn't."
"You sacrificed a lot of things for me, and I — I can't even remember to celebrate your birthday and our anniversary." You finally looked at Abby, and she was crying. She was shaking her head, and you saw her trying her best to let out all of her frustrations.
"You deserve better. It sucks because it's true, and I wasn't able to be the best for you because all I thought was me. I was selfish. You weren't, and god, I hope someone will love you — " Abby was hating herself with the thought of someone loving you better than she ever did. All she hoped before was to be someone you can rely yourself to and now she is hoping you will never meet someone like her again.
"I hope that someday, someone will love you how you deserved to be love because that was what you did to me, and it hurts that I never made you feel that way." You sat down the couch, processing all of her words, and you cried. You both cried hard — knowing that she was right.
"I am so glad that I met you and to show how much I love you,"
Abby looked into your eyes.
"You can let go of us now."
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lovely-showtimes · 2 years
hiii, may I request pjsekai boys being sad and comforted by their s/o? please ^__^
comfort ~ ♡
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characters - akito, toya, tsukasa, rui.
type - scenarios, hurt/comfort (?)
warnings - generally just these four being sad and upset, mentions of their insecurities and whatnot too.
a/n - i feel like some of these are ooc </3 i apologise. also sorry for how long this took to post and i hope you enjoy!
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You arrive at the location you agreed to meet up with Akito at and glance around, waiting for him to show up. He had suddenly texted you and asked if he could meet up with you, much to your surprise, especially because it was starting to get dark outside. Despite this, however, you had agreed anyway.
Your curiosity soon turned into worry though as you saw Akito approach you with a frustrated expression on his face. He hurries up his pace as he reaches you, before stopping almost hesitantly in front of you.
"...Hey." He says after a quiet pause, unable to look you in the eyes.
It's now that you realise he looks awful - his jacket looks like it was thrown on in a hurry, his hair is a mess, and his eyes look red and puffy, as if he'd been crying.
"Akito?" You frown. "What's wrong?"
Akito shifts around where he stands uncomfortably. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, as if he's trying to find the right words.
You decide to gently take his hand and rub his skin with your thumb in an effort to soothe him. "It's okay if you can't say how you feel right now. But please, at least allow me to comfort you right now."
Akito nods quietly, moving over and leaning his head against yours.
"I love you, please never forget that." You smile at him softly, causing his tired eyes to brighten slightly, if only for a few moments.
"...Love you too."
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You sit up in surprise as you hear the doorbell go off. You quickly think over who could possibly at the door as you stand and head over to the front door. Was somebody visiting? Surely they would have texted you beforehand. Were you receiving mail? No, you hadn't ordered anything recently. Who could possibly be at the door, then?
You were incredibly surprised to see Toya standing at the door. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, and was staring downwards until you opened the door.
"Toya?" You frown as you two make eye contact. "Are you okay? Why did you show up so suddenly?"
He didn't respond right away, but you could tell by the look in his eye that he wasn't happy. He looked... tired. Upset. Maybe even close to tears, which alarmed you.
Before you could say anything, Toya spoke up. "...had a bad fight with my dad. I didn't want to be at home, and I didn't know where else to go."
"Toya..." You quickly usher him into your home and up to your bedroom, sitting him down before tightly wrapping your arms around him.
"You can stay with me as long as you need to. I'll stay with you for however long you want me with you, okay?" You gently pat Toya's head as he hugs you back, resting his head on your chest.
"Thank you." He says quietly, closing his eyes. "I'm glad you're here for me."
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You look around the Wonderland SEKAI, searching for your boyfriend. He wasn't responding to your messages, which was unlike him - unless Tsukasa was asleep, he usually responded within a few minutes.
You decide to peek your head in the theater, hoping to find one of the Virtual Singers so you could ask them if they had seen Tsukasa, but you soon found him after you set foot in said theater.
He was loudly practicing something - it didn't sound like the show the rest of WxS had been working on recently, though.
And when you said he was loud, he was loud. You were amazed that you didn't hear him earlier somehow. Tsukasa was practically yelling out his lines as he dramatically pranced around the stage. You knew that Tsukasa had a tendency to be pretty loud often, but this loud, for this long... you were worried about his throat.
"Tsukasa!" You had to yell to get through his voice, to which he seemed startled and turned around, looking at you in shock.
"Oh, it's you." Tsukasa calmed down slightly, but he still seemed very on edge about something. "I was simply practicing, and I didn't notice you come in. Did you need something?"
Your brow wrinkled in frustration. "Tsukasa, are you okay? You never perform anything that loudly. What's the matter?"
Tsukasa's smile seemed to waver slightly, but it stays on his face. "Nothing, of course! I was simply trying to perfect my performance, is all! It... it has to be perfect..."
You quickly hop up onto the stage and move towards him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "You don't have to be perfect, you know? Plus, you can't perform if you damage your voice like that."
You feel Tsukasa hug you back, clinging onto your shirt. "But, if I-"
"Tsukasa, hush for a few moments, please." You sigh. "You're not going to be perfect right away. Do you think that every world star started off absolutely perfect at acting? Please just allow yourself to fail sometimes. You can't survive if you're so hard on yourself all the time."
Tsukasa didn't respond, still tightly holding onto you as he listens to your words. You keep holding onto him, wanting to comfort him for as long as he needs. You don't know how long you two will be standing on this stage, but for him, you'll stand for the rest of time.
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The quiet clinking of metal against metal is the only sound that fills the room as you calmly watch Rui perform maintenance on one of his drones. You had asked him earlier if you could watch him work on his robots, and despite his surprise, he gladly accepted. You thought that watching him do these sorts of things was really interesting, even if you didn't understand a lot of it. Just seeing Rui do something he loves is important to you.
Although, as you were watching Rui work from across the desk, you noticed that his focused expression was beginning to grow more... frustrated. His brow became more furrowed, and you could see his grip on his screwdriver growing tighter. You hadn't see him like this before, and you began to feel a deep seed of worry in your stomach.
"Rui? Are you okay?"
Rui flinched where he sat and looked over at you, his frustation dissipating and giving way to a strange sadness. "I... forgot you were here." He muttered, glancing away as he put his screwdriver down.
You move your chair towards him and gently yet hesitantly place your hand on his arm. "You looked really upset just now. What's wrong?"
Rui didn't respond right away, instead looking at you with an unreadable gaze. "I was just thinking about my friends, and my troupe, and that sort of thing." He looks like he wants to say more, but he trails off, going silent.
Unsure how else to help him, you move closer, and hug him gently. Rui gasps a little in surprise but doesn't object to the hug, burying his face in your hair with a shaky sigh.
"I'll always be here, okay? I love you, and I don't want you to suffer."
You feel Rui nod as he listens to you talk. "Right. Thank you, my dear. Please just... allow me to hug you for a while longer."
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