#onmyoji: the card game
qingxin-flowers · 1 year
“You or the world?”
Or, what if they had to choose between you or the world?
Featuring: Susanoo, Divine Prophet Susabi, Enmusubi, Miketsu
Warnings: None
Notes: There will be more parts for the other gods coming soon!
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The world
It comes without a doubt that the executioner god should choose the world over a single mortal. After all, he is the one that is meant to quell chaos and keep the peace of the world, let everyone live in peaceful harmony so long as his existence is still around. 
But what about the man who holds the title of executioner god? What about the man named Susanoo who had forsaken his promise to love all humans equally the moment he realized that he had fallen in love with you? 
Protecting the world was a heavy responsibility to shoulder but after meeting and falling in love with you, that burden seemed to be lifted by a considerable amount; after all, you were part of this world so protecting the world also meant protecting you alongside the people that he was already meant to protect. How cruel it was to ask him whether you or the world was more important to him, as if he had a choice to begin with.
"I love you," he whispers into the quiet night, holding you close as if you would slip through his fingers like sand if he held you any less tightly. His gaze is so unbearably soft that even the brightest star seems dull in comparison, shying away as it swore to keep the love between you and him a secret that underneath the night sky.
Alas, when the stars fall and the day reappears, when the sun watches over the world like how Amaterasu used to, he has no choice but to let go of the love in his heart and fulfill his godly duties of loving everyone equally.
Every day, he prays that the world would become a peaceful place that would no longer require his protection, one that would no longer have him choose between it or you. Until then, he finds solace in the night with your body that sleeps next to him, wishing that the day would start just a little later so that he could hold you for a little longer. 
(More below!)
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Divine Prophet Susabi
Fate was a cruel thing, one that had no rights to hold such a tight grasp over anyone like his teacher had taught him– which is why Susabi sincerely believes that he would always choose you over the world. 
For years, he had questioned what fate truly was and when he had finally come across the answer, it only made him more determined to abolish it so every life had the chance to build their lives with the choices they made. He had seen many people fight against fate in order to grasp their future with their own hands and to him, those people were brighter than the stars that lit up the moon sea, sparking a flame of rebellion within him that continued to burn brighter as the world continued to see improvements ever since Orochi went into hiding after the Six Realms Gates opened. 
Before, if you had asked him whether he would choose between you or the world, he would scoff and ask you to ask him better questions. After all, the answer was obvious to the one who had the ability to prophesied the future– if he chose you, you would still perish alongside the world that was about to be destroyed in the near future. Now that that future had been avoided, he could indulge in his selfish desires and say with his full heart that yes, he would choose you over the world, for a world without you would be the same as that prophesied destroyed future.
His fingers brushed over your cheek, a smile appearing on his normally cold face as his heart tickled at the sound of your laughter. Without missing a beat, he picked up your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of your fingers like a knight swearing an oath. 
"I promise to give you the happiness you deserve."
When he looked up and saw you smiling at him as if he had given you the world, he swore that he would pull the stars down from the sky if you asked him to. 
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"Having the goddess of love choose between the one she loves and the world that is filled with love? How absurd!"
She would say with a large pout, offended that you would have the audacity to ask such a thing. After all, all mortal relationships were tied by her and that includes yours. If either you or the world were gone then she wouldn't even exist!
…. Okay, that was an exaggeration. She knew better than anyone that if you were gone, the world would still continue to spin and she would still be tying bonds just like any other day. However, she saw no point in choosing when to her, you were the world itself. You were the one that showed her love and made her hopelessly in love with you, the one that strengthened her determination to continue tying bonds if only to let other people find a love as precious as the one she found. So it came as a no brainer that she would do anything in order to keep you and the world running no matter what, if only to let this little piece of love continue existing for just a little longer. 
She huffed and pointed at you. "Don't you think for even a second that I would ever think of giving you up to anyone or anything! Not. A. Chance!"
For as long as she continued to exist, she would continue to tie and look over everyone's bonds, including yours. 
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The world
As much as she wanted to give you all her love, she knows that the world would always require her assistance more than you. 
Don't take this as an offense– of course she dearly loves you but gods have a duty to help and protect all humans. After all, that is what they were created for and to someone as diligent and hardworking as Miketsu, she will see her duties to the end, even if it means neglecting herself and the people close to her.
However, sometimes, when she has the chance to feel your arms wrapped around her body, a thought comes into her mind. A selfish wish to keep you by her side forever so that no harm would ever come your way, so that she can continue to watch over you even when she has to perform her other duties as the goddess of prosperity. It hurts her heart to imagine that there would be a day when she no longer has the chance to feel your embrace due to your short mortal lifespan and the fact that she is always busy giving prosperity to others doesn't lessen her guilt one bit. 
Before she had time to process her thoughts, words carelessly slipped out her mouth. 
"Have you ever thought of becoming a god?"
The moment she feels you tense up is the moment she knew she messed up. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me! I swear that I never thought about that before and I would never ask you to become one without consulting you first so please don't take my words seriously. If by some chance I had seriously considered it then I wouldn't have asked you so suddenly so please–"
Your attempts to calm her down fall on deaf ears as she becomes too embarrassed to process anything other than what she had asked you. Suddenly, realization dawns on her: If you became a god, doesn't that mean she wouldn't have to choose between you or all the humans in this world?
Suddenly, she meets your eyes with newfound determination. "If by chance, there was a way to make a human become a god, would you like to become one?"
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onmyodogame · 6 months
Abe no Seimei and the Yumiya Dancer
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Interesting session of Onmyodo today. Abe no Seimei ran into a sneaky Onji no Kitsune which cursed him, limiting his Explore options. Soon after, he met a noble (Prince Ishitsukuri) who was basically obsessed with wealth and could not even survive another day of the journey! In the mountains, Abe next met a Annui Huntress, who traveled with him, avoiding yokai of all types, until they encountered and defeated the boulder-like spirit Yonaki Ishi. After traveling down a 3-tiered waterfall, they met a beautiful Yumiya Dancer!
However, the dreadful Hiderigami wiped out most of the group, leaving only the Dancer to carry on. She arrived in the realm of a Tatsu, and sadly died by a lonely tree.
Final Score: 7/2/1/0
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
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Ikemen Grandpa Kodokushi skin for Onmyoji RPG finally! His ikemen look is already revealed before in Onmyoji Card Game(2 first photos).
This is his original look. The grandpa bug.
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s-b-party · 7 months
I recently got back into Onmyoji: The Card Game (still a beginner at level 11 😂) and it’s still fun even though I know I’m pretty slow on planning my next moves in a match 😭😭😭 I’m just not skilled at TCGs in general
Also baby Ibaraki!!!!!!! WHY IS HE SO CUTE ASFHFLSJDHJSSHDLSHL I just had to get his avatar frame
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I’m so tempted to get both his and Shuten Doji: Transcendence alternate arts 😳
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olde-scratch · 1 year
been playing this game for almost a year straight and i cant even make it past one battle in any of the six realms gates :upside_down:
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sendou-aichi-kinnie · 2 years
obligatory intro
hi i'm a 24 yr old he/him (for now) and i like card games (and video games in general tbh). will be mostly using this blog to talk about things i like unwarranted
anyway to start with here's my current mains from all the card games i play
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(you should try onmyoji the card game btw, really underrated gem outside CN)
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solace-sylphieee · 7 months
For Contents Moving Forward...
The very first post in my tumblr and it ends as my final notice for 时空中的绘旅人 / For All Time / HLR / Lovebrush Chronicles / LBC.
The irony.
But anyway figured I should do here cuz it's going to be quite the long essay from me.
We're now halfway through March, White Day's almost here and so is my 3rd Anniversary Emerald's Wedding Ring Merch.
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I'm gonna get married with Emerald / Cael and retire for good to enjoy my marri-
To hell with that, I really can't bring myself to finish that bs.
But anyway the intention is still there - I am planning to retire from HLR / LBC but before that, I will clear off some of my stuff and I will drop the game as a whole: 1. Retrospring QnAs for the guide account I'm part of: @stshelterpedia 2. Chronological Summary to the game's story (had been requested to do this cuz the event release is now extremely messed up) 3. Claiming all my remaining monthly pack resources
For my followers from Twitter, new and old, I have gone missing from releasing the translation of game news for a long time, and now I feel the need and for the first time, share my thoughts in a very elaborative manner instead.
Sorry for ghosting on you guys for so long and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the follows all this while, even with me neglecting the translations here and there.
Although I believe many take me as a source of news translation and no more than that, there are still some who I've build relationship with as well throughout the years.
Now onto my retirement from this game and the translation thereof:
Do take note there's going to be some spoilers too -
Work may have been one of the reasons behind it as I've been way too occupied this year comparatively, but the very main factor would be the fact that I've lost my love and passion for this game.
In all honesty, I've stopped reading the Card Stories since Paradise / Eden and Event Stories since Onmyoji Collab. And for my long-time followers, I'm not sure if it's that obvious, but I have stopped fangirling or make any remarks on the game content for years - which I guess is quite the obvious sign from then on.
I loved HLR / LBC for its plot. I loved how plot is the driving force and priority of the game since the beginning. I loved how everything revolves around the plot, including the charaters to Event Stories and Card Stories.
But alas, all of that are past tense for me.
I may have been biased cuz I stopped reading all the side contents, so it's just the impressions I'm getting from the discussions I have with my friend. But for me after Destiny Corridor (DC) iirc? Fan service becomes the driver in this bus.
DC has its own share of service, but I feel the wrmth from deep down. All the nostalgia and warmth, and that's the peak storytelling before its downwards slope for me.
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Personally I don't mind fan services, but for me it feels like Event Story has become more and more irrelevant to Main Story, unlike in the past. Card Story is there to build some background story, but since it's more fan servicey now, it's just a stalemate story with barely any development.
At least that's what I feel and my impressions here and there.
Some may wanna ask: "But isn't Empire series the most Main Story relevant Event Story?"
Yeah, it should be, cuz it's almost the deadline (iirc supposedly by 4th year) that Empire Chapter will begin for Main Story and the final route of it marks the end of Season 1.
But the latest one I've read - Tidal-Disruption, Admiral Star / Prefect Luminance side specifically, actually disappointed me a whole lot.
Chosen is written brilliantly to make us fear Maker more, but in juxtaposition Star / Luminance had a great start but a meh ending.
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I find that the appeal behind Star / Luminance is that he is interested in MC for how strong she is emotionally and wants to break her, believing she will also be his greatest and most perfect creation cuz his other 'collections' can't withstand his 'molding'. All the revelations is nice and all, then suddenly he becomes so infatuated with MC he accepts his name as Alkaid (THAT DUDE HAS BEEN DENYING AND REJECTING OF SO STRONGLY SINCE HIS APPEARANCE) and play family with MC, imprisoning her and the story went like husband going back home to a lovely wife waiting for him treting his wounds.
I just
I believed he had been better than that but he made my inner Asian Parent Disappointment surge up and I can only shake my head at the end when he decided to just let MC go.
Others let go cuz they are interested to see how far she can go, cuz she's not a threat at all, cuz she's a great piece for their plans, or cuz of their own twisted obssession; but for him it feels like a bad attempt in making him more romanceable.
End of ranting for now else it's gonna be for eternity.
Stories aside, what prompted me to ultimately announce my retirement as a whole is the moment I realise I hadn't logged into the game for 2 days (my birb brain had thought it's only 1 day).
That's right, 2 days and I didn't feel any urgency or frustrations for missing out on the resources. This is as of today, 10 March 2024:
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While on the other hand I feel like choking myself for missing my morning grind for another game.
With such comparison, I figure it's high time I check this off with a notice for everyone.
It has been a long journey and I enjoyed the companion of this game that also bring many new encounters for me.
But it is also time for me to bid the game adieu.
Feel free to unfollow me on my Twt if you're not interested in seeing me anymore.
Moving forward, I might begin some other translation project for games I took interest in (time to see if 世界之外 Beyond The World's grip be that strong on me) and I will also share a more elaborative train of thoughts here too.
Thanks for reading all the way here, my DMs in Twt are open for chats, and feel free to interact with me. I will be more than happy to share my thoughts with you too :)
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years
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Art for the Onmyoji card game, by Kuri Huang.
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paintofsorrow · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ ❛ Thisᅠ time , Iᅠ will ᅠbringᅠyouᅠback .
a semi-selective portrayal of SAKURA YUKIHIME from Onmyoji : The Card Game , and from Onmyoji in general . crossover & oc friendly , details such as verses and more are to be added . everything else ( tags , medias and informations ) are to be added soon .ᐟ
scripted by AION (20+) .ᐟ.ᐟ
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qingxin-flowers · 1 year
“Heart on your hand”
Or, you hold out your hand in front of him and wait to see what he will do
Feat: Pre-evo Jinkougyou, post-evo Jinkougyou and new skin Jinkougyou (no I am not bias)
Warnings: The use of nicknames [love (Hiro), starlight (Jinkougyou)]
Note: All of them have different personalities and are called differently. Pre-evo Jinkougyou is called Hiro while post-evo Jinkougyou is called Jinkougyou.
[Temporary note: I'll change new skin into the skin's actual name when it drops into global server on a later date]
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■ Hiro is confused.jpg
■ Even though he approaches you calmly, the thoughts in his head are anything but calm. Why are you standing there while holding out your palm? Do you want something? Did he forget to bring something for you?
■ In a moment of panic, he reads your mind and is surprised by what you want, so much so that he couldn't help but giggle a little.
■ Without missing a beat, he gently lowers his head to rest on your palm before looking up with a mischievous smirk
"Did I do well, love?"
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■ Jinkougyou lifts a eyebrow, staring at your outstretched palm for a few seconds before walking towards you with a confident smile
■ He carefully takes your hand into his, enjoying the brief moment of confusion that crossed your face before he lowered his head to kiss the back of your palm like a prince
■ For a moment, you saw a glint in his eyes that meant anything but good. However, before you could say anything, he dropped another kiss on your cheek and whispered:
"Don't think I don't know what you want, starlight."
■ Although his mannerisms resembled royalty, the teasing smirk on his face told another story
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Bygone Aroma
■ He blinks once, then twice before approaching you cautiously as if you were about to hand him a danger object
■ His eyes meet yours the moment he stands in front of you, silently asking for hints on what you wanted but when you continue to stare back without answering, an unsettling feeling sinks within him
■ After much hesitation, he lifts up your hand and gently places it on his cheek, keeping it in place by covering your hand with his
■ He leans into your touch and rubs against your palm, too shy to meet your eyes
"Can we stay like this a little longer?"
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onmyodogame · 2 years
Session Report: The Tricky Fisherman in the Onmyodo Game
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Gaining the Fisherman in your traveling party is always a blessing, right? After all, every Traveler now receives a +1 bonus to all of their Traits when in a Tani w/ a Lake!
But perhaps more impressive is the Fisherman's unusual Fail Effect. Whenever this effect triggers (from a Yokai Attack or inability to traverse a Locale), the only result is that all future Sea Monster Yokai will have a +1 Attack.
In theory, this means that the Fisherman can traverse any Locale, no matter how difficult, with the only effect being a possible problem in the future.
Having said that, when that super-powered Sea Monster does appear, there's a good chance it's Attack bonus is so high that it spells instant doom for the group!
In this recent session, the Fisherman failed a total of 14 times during his travels. By the time the Travelers were met by the great Umi Bozu (which now had +14 added to its normal Attack of 4), there was no way to survive!!
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lazulirus · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to your blog sooo~ I am wondering if you've seen susanoo? cause I am wondering if you're gonna write for him? So I can request for him, I fell in love with him instantly, it was love at first sight >/ / /<
Pls don't mind my simping
Sweetie you can simp here as much as you want!!
and yes yes!! You can request him! I fell in love with him while checking out Orochi lore videos; pretty, strong man, and such a righteous one - perfect material for both a baby and yandere. and THEN THEY MAKE HIM PLAYABLE in the original Onmyoji (still waiting for him in the card game) Gimme more simping and requests, go ahead. Tho please keep in mind that I might take some time to answer them due to starting college (poor Asura request is still in progress.)
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ruakichan · 2 years
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My dye for Rachel's Da Capo gives him one gold eye lol. Heterochromatic Rachel is something I never knew I wanted but my god I will do an AU about it someday.
Also I did the Onmyoji card game just for the RPG achievos and Asura seems to be the one that always answers my call (he was one of my first shiki in RPG too lol).
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joe4design · 9 months
Onmyoji the Card Game ?
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coolmika745 · 9 months
Akayashi Hyakki Yagyo Card Mobile Game: Ashiya Doman
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Ashiya Doman is mentioned
Here is the translation.
Chapter 7 Ningyo Trouble on the Ura Island Coast
On the way to Feng Shui Village, where Ashiya Doman, the onmyoji who kidnapped Osakabehime from Hyakkiro, lives… What was the commotion that engulfed the group at the beach where he passed by?
2/3 Urashima Coast《East》
Ohikari said this:
If you pass through the Urashima coast, you will arrive at Feng Shui Village, where the Onmyoji, Ashiya Doman, lives… Hurry up, my dear, before the Giant Centipede overtakes you.
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years
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Art for the Onmyoji card game, by Kuri Huang.
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