gramarye · 5 months
cleaning my 2-3 years of accumulated adhd mess is literally just grinding my teeth cleaning and repeating "THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH" while blasting music and watching hoarder cleaning videos in the bg
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ranboo5 · 5 months
I absolutely cannot watch every Technoblade DSMP VOD but I can watch most of them.
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takenbythebliss · 1 year
continued from (x)
if he managed to survive and do well, he might inspire others ... and we will prevent that ... wherever he is and whatever he does, preventing its success is your duty now.
jacob's words were ringing in her ears as she watched him pin enok to the dirt, hold him there like a rabbit in the mouth of a wolf. and that was how enok must have felt, because the boy writhed and wriggled, willing himself free and when that failed, he cried out.
a desperate crack in his voice as he screamed for the friends he'd made since parting ways with eden. and she stood there, stock still. like a fucking child on their first hunt who was unsure of what to do now that reality was happening in front of them. disconnected from the scene that was playing out before her, she felt like she was standing outside a glass wall, watching it all happen, yet still distinctly separate from it.
a glass wall that was shattered when enok's eyes found hers and he called her name, again and again, the words he'd spat at her all those weeks ago playing on a loop in her head.
you are in deep shit, just admit it ... you know no way forward or back ... you wish you could run too ... but you're a fucking coward. what are you gonna do?
what are you gonna do?
the crack of a gunshot cut through the air between them, sending splinters of wood dancing when the bullet buried itself in a tree trunk over jacob's shoulder.
' jacob, stop. '
the rifle was familiar in her hands, but it still felt wrong to brace the stock against her shoulder, levelling the crosshair of the faded red rifle at the herald.
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' let him go. he is no threat to eden. he was never one of your chosen ... he's a boy. let him go. '
@enokvirkow & @only-we
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justxsayxyes · 11 months
❝ you’re all i have left now. ❞
this was ... unprecedented.
that was the only term his mind could come up with right now because he was still trying to process what he had been told; enok virkow had abandoned eden. that, he knew. he had been informed of it weeks ago when faith had first noticed his missing belongings.
but how had a single youth straying from eden's path led to this?
faith had betrayed them - she had undermined jacob. aimed a rifle at him, his own rifle. she had killed one of their chosen with that same rifle and had fled with those sinners ... she had been there. she had been a root cause to a bullet burying itself in jacob's chest.
sitting next to his brother's bed, john let his eyes slip shut. silently counting to ten in his head before he let out a deep breath - he had sent aaron and two other chosen to black horse peak to retrieve a cache of medication he'd left stowed in the abandoned silo. it would be hours yet until they arrived back.
you're all i have left now.
opening his eyes at the low rasp of his older brother's voice, the would-be baptist reached over to hold jacob's hand, giving it a tight squeeze, a lump forming in his throat that he had to battle back down; this wasn't how it was meant to be. jacob was the protector. he had always been the protector - he had always been his protector. he had been the one to throw himself between john and old mad seed. jacob had been the one to pick him up and take him out of the house when pa had been on another tirade ... jake had been the one to save them. he had been the one who had pulled john back from the brink after the deputy had downed his plane - jacob. not anyone else. joseph had left him for dead.
the same way faith had left jacob for dead.
no - not faith. linny. lynette steele. she would pay for her betrayal, of that john would make sure. but for now his attention and focus were on jacob.
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' you've gotten through worse than this, jake. take it easy, i can keep us safe ... let me be the protector this time. '
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shuihuzhuan · 1 year
difficult to convey my feelings coherently but i really dolike the way they did the mio bit in drr 2019 sorry. looks off into the distance
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
i would like to be on the tag list for all your works pls 👀 ‹3 ahdhd, im so hyped to read more of your works! my stomach is BUBBLING with excitement rn 😩🙊 (no rush though. im just an excited bean tbh 🥴)
bruhhow did i miss this ask..im sorry😭😭
i added u to the taglist!!!!!! aaaa im so happythank u for ur endless love and support<33 means the world
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mslangermann-a · 2 years
❝ how sweetly the fox speaks when it’s been cornered by hounds. ❞
house of the dragon starters / accepting
    Blake was gone. The man she’d grown alongside, loved, and married was lost to the sea of bliss. Lynn saw it in his eyes, glazed over by an inescapable fog. Some irrational thought told her she could get him out, bring him to a doctor, and he’d heal over time, but she saw the way he trudged through the fields, wounds on his hands, his heels, his face, bleeding and infected. He didn’t care.
     When she spoke to him, cried out for him, he didn’t even spare her a glance. Instead, he drew up his shovel to attack her. Lynn fled, making a silent promise she would not abandon him to these bastards, and quickly found herself at a crossroads with a group of the zealots. Shrieks and curses were spat as she was carried off, dragged kicking into the back of a truck. Her protests were ended when the barrel of a gun was pressed firmly to her temple. There she laid, pulse thundering in her ears, paralyzed with fear. If she was lucky, her death would be quick. 
    The cultists brought her before their leader, dropping her unceremiously to the ground at his feet, her wrists tied tightly at her back. Lynn used her shoulder to prop herself up, breathing heavily. Dirt caked the side of her face, tangled itself in her hair. She looked up to Jacob, a horror she’d had the misfortune of crossing paths with once before. 
                                                                  “Please -”
      “How sweetly the fox speaks when it’s cornered by hounds,” he said, his voice too calm.
    “Kill me.” It was unlike Lynn Langermann to give up, but she had heard of the horrors of the Whitetail Mountains. Bodies and minds broken until they knew nothing but to serve. Killing those they loved by one command. She wouldn’t allow herself to suffer the same fate. 
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orphudice · 2 years
i have 3 essays 2 write by the end of ghr week
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meme a me a monster? nono n o i didnot choose idid not open thedoor lockthedoor nonononononononononon why w h y openthe doorthe darkdarkeryetdarker d o o r thedoorthedoorthedoorthedoorthedoor wholockedthedoor?lockdoor? i t h i n k i t w a s t h e m i think thelast locked thedoor?
in the beginning i onlywant help i helpfind missing variable when runaway runaway
then i learned... t h e y openedthe doordoordoor nonono whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy
than i learnedmore and moreyet more d a n g e r ! d a n g e r ! d a n g e r ! photon readings negative
...If you are insinuating that Frisk locked someone away somewhere, I see no point in continuing to talk to you.
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babyawacs · 6 months
haveyouseen what toddlers make theirliving what scums arranged themselves withthis fraudsystem: m anaged to inferior nuthobo the case onestep from aeh aeh aeh hobo h a r v e s t e d or sunset doome d or batteryleeched or sssexxx cat underhumannness instead saving those //// itis d a y t i m e charged precisely and oathsigned they 23years quell it smearit nut it reframe anything tosymptoms or criminalise and sssexxxsleaze shullfing harms with fortune onthe accounts no food and the onlyw ay their toddlers canmake a living is howthem exploit them and fringequellkill thiscase theycankeep their fuzcktup fraudsystem crime scums banananrepublic dumpster i deman d access tomyfortune fromwhat iiiiiicould despite them and around this wall eventhebook income couldve saved starvation decade
haveyouseen what toddlers make theirliving what scums arranged themselves withthis fraudsystem: managed to inferior nuthobo the case onestep from aeh aeh aeh hobo h a r v e s t e d or sunset doomed or batteryleeched or sssexxx cat underhumannness instead saving those //// itis d a y t i m e charged precisely and oathsigned they 23years quell it smearit nut it reframe anything tosymptoms or…
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thecranewivesrpf · 9 months
j will only bresk yrou oretty things,,, iw I'll onlyw ringn you dry of eveyrhting,,,,,,,
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takenbythebliss · 2 years
The whispers were on the wind and as loud as a thunder if you knew who to listen to. He was gone ... without permission. Enok had packed his meagre belongings and fled in the night. And it now it was down to New Eden's Faith; did he keep this to herself or go to the other Heralds. John and Jacob were her brothers in a way. John drew sins out from their flock and Jacob honed them for the fights against the locust Highwaymen; they had to know. Which left Linny standing in Jacob's hut and trying to find the right words; how could she explain that one of their few teenagers had decided to up and leave?
the hunting trip had gone on far too long. the rest of the younger hunters had returned just before the break of dawn, quarry in tow and sleep-deprived grins on their faces, eager to show they weren't little kids anymore, but that they could help provide for their family.
all except enok.
a peering look into his hut showed the furs from his bed missing and other essentials absent; provisions, bow, arrows, knife, clothes.
this was unprecedented. they'd had adults choose to leave before, they'd had adults try to disappear into the shadows of the night when they had first emerged from the bunkers - back when food had been hard to come by, when crops had been difficult to cultivate and when their new home had been slowly established.
but that had been the past. new eden was thriving now. it was self-sufficient and capable of defending itself even against the highwaymen.
so why had enok abandoned them?
because that's what this was - he had turned his back on his family. he had abandoned them. he had taken his belongings and left them without a whisper nor an excuse - were they to throw resources into searching for him? that decision wasn't hers alone to make, but it was a decision that had linny stepping into jacob's hut once the chosen had departed to carry out patrols against the highwaymen.
this was a smoldering ember right now, but if a gust of wind were to blow the wrong way, its flames might take hold. the last thing they needed was other teenagers taking inspiration from enok's actions - they needed to get a handle on this narrative before whispers became questions.
' enok virkow did not return with the other teenagers this morning. there are supplies and belongings missing from his hut ... everything points towards him leaving eden. '
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' what way do we get ahead of this? do we tell everyone that he chose to leave, or do we believe the highwaymen or prosperity to be to blame? '
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justxsayxyes · 4 months
‘  no one’s leaving anyone.  ’ (old man seed)
he hadn't been making noise this time - no way. he'd been so careful, he'd made sure to play with his toy cars on the carpet this time so that the wheels didn't make that annoyin' noise they'd made the last time when he'd been playin' with them on the tiled floor in the kitchen.
and he'd made sure not to make any noises like he'd done last time neither, no copying the engine or the squeal of tyres ... but papa was still angry with him.
and john hadn't noticed until he'd heard that telltale clink of his papa's belt buckle. panic rose up in the little boy's throat and it made him freeze instead of run because if he ran, then he'd just be angrier when he caught him. screwing his eyes shut, the little boy bit down on the inside of his cheek, trying to brace against the pain he knew would come ... but it didn't come, even though he heard the smack of the metal buckle hitting skin, the pain didn't come.
when john dared to open his eyes, there was someone standing between him and their father - jacob. and he had their father's belt wrapped around his hand tight from where he'd caught the buckle mid-flight.
scooting backwards, john sought shelter beneath the kitchen table when the air stayed too still. papa was going to be so angry at them now - at jake. but from where john was crouched beneath the table, jake looked just as angry at their papa as he did at them. and he was just as tall as their dad now too.
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no one's leaving anyone!
there was the loud and angry voice that john knew only too well. but it didn't have jacob runnin' away or letting go of the belt, not even when their dad tugged on the leather strap, wanting to take it out of jacob's hands, his big brother held onto it tighter, pulling it taut and wrapping another length around his fist.
' we're leavin - all three of us. '
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uranaho · 1 year
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theyve outgrown me like evryone else has, which is fine, i just dont think i hsve any purpose for them anymore and im really making things worse and worse with how these stupid feelings affect me but its whatever i onlyw ant them to be happy
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onlywings · 3 years
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sometimes I lean soft
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