makotonagisarp · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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👗 for Poe
👗 - Describe your muses most common summer outfit. (symbol key posted by @onlyrpmemes)
Graphic Tees! I know they’re not exactly formal military attire, but they’re a lot of fun. I haven’t been wearing them lately though because 1) Hugs kept nagging me about First Order dress code and how my t-shirt clashed with his uniform and 2) some of them had certain pictures on them that make him emotional. I used to wear this one that had an exploding Death Star that said “Pop Goes the Death Star!” and Hugs actually cried when he saw it. When he finally stopped crying about the content of the picture, he started again a moment later because the T-shirt was “ugly”.
Other than that… I guess just shorts and maybe a nice pair of shades. B-)
- Poe
P.S. Is it true that the Stormtroopers have built-in AC in their helmets for summertime? Hux says no, but I could have sworn I heard one of the troopers with something buzzing in his helmet.
(Feel free to send me another symbol from here for anything(s) you’d like to answer as Hux, Poe or both.)
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murderincrp · 7 years
Hey, lovelies! This is a New Year themed meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for fourteen days starting today but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have fun! (Feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!)
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it too! Feel free to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
"Will you kiss me at midnight?"
"Got any champagne?"
"I'm not doing the ball drop this year."
"I'd rather be home than freezing outside."
"I really don't get the big deal."
"Here's hoping the new year is better than the last."
"New year, new me."
"Let's go out to celebrate."
"Want to go to a party?"
"This is the perfect way to ring in the new year."
"To health, happiness and good days."
"I don't drink, but thank you anyway."
"I don't feel well..."
"Did you just kiss me?"
"I don't care if it IS tradition, I'm not eating that."
"It really is nice out tonight."
"The stars are prettier than the fireworks."
"We don't have to go to a big party place. Maybe a restaurant?"
"Let's ring in the new year right."
"Are you drunk?"
"Can we go home?"
"Just you, me and a couple of silly hats. What do you say?"
"Hold my hand."
"I just want to go to bed early tonight. Does that make me old?"
"I think I drank too much."
"Let's get a cab."
"I'm not wearing those."
"You look silly."
"Does anyone know the words to Auld Lang Syne?"
( credit for onlyrpmemes for these! )
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onlyrpmemes · 7 years
havetobememes ➡ onlyrpmemes
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💘 (for Poe)
💘 - Has your muse ever had a summer romance? Who was it? Did it last longer after summer ended? (symbol key posted by @onlyrpmemes)
Well, if we’re talking about my complete record here, there was this one Twi’lek I met on the RebelLuv Dating App one summer. He was a good-looking guy in the photo, nice toned lekku and all that, pretty thin and kind of pale. I had his number for a while and we used to text back and forth.
It didn’t get too serious though. Near the end of the summer, we met up in person and he turned out to be kind of a scruffy-looking nerf herder in real life (the photo wasn’t ENTIRELY fake, but it definitely did cover up a lot of the scruffiness). The real deal breaker was that he didn’t like droids. D: Anyway, I talked to General Organa about it and she said I never want to get involved with scruffy-looking nerf herders, so don’t date scruffy-looking nerf herders, kids!
After that, I kind of lost interest in the RebelLuv Dating App. Near the end of the summer, I got into this new dating app for people who like to jump in ships and blow things up called BOOM! and eventually I found Hugsie’s profile there. (You see, we’d already met in person before when Ren kidnapped me but I didn’t have his number yet.) And… you all know how that went. ;)
- Poe HD
(Feel free to send me another symbol from here for anything(s) you’d like to answer as Hux, Poe or both.)
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💬 - for Hux and Poe
💬 - What is a thing they do when it’s hot that they feel a little guilty about? (symbol key posted by @onlyrpmemes)
There is one habit I have that people act as if I should be ashamed of. You see, during heat waves (often because Ren destroyed our temperature controls), the First Order likes to give out these miniature popsicles in the shape of TIE Fighters. They are strictly speaking meant for cadets ages 12 and under (something about adults not needing the sugar), but I’ve found that if you offer a cadet 5 credits, they’re more than willing to give you their popsicle in exchange. 47/50 cadets will accept the offer. 50/50 will accept the offer if you raise the bidding to 50 credits.
I don’t see why everyone judges me for doing this. They act like I’m stealing from children, which is utterly false! I’m paying them, first of all, and by doing so, I’m teaching them valuable lessons about money! And I think it’s a credit to my authority that I can waltz around the Bridge sucking on a mini rainbow popsicle and still command respect. And I’m not taking the popsicles to relive the childhood I never had. It’s a perfectly valid method for any man of any age to cool down!
- Armitage Hux-Dameron
Okay. So, first of, being an X-Wing pilot is harder than I make it look. You really do need to focus. If it’s hot, you don’t have time to worry about being all sweaty and gross, right? The problem is the jumpsuits we wear in the Resistance uniform are actually very thick, which is great if we’re on Hoth or something, but not quite as fun on Jakku or one of the other 100 or so desert planets in this galaxy.
So, if you’re in a hot battlefield, you need to make modifications. Sometimes that involves taking off your helmet. Sometimes that involves taking some other things off. The point is, you have to make sure you keep your head in the game and do whatever it takes to finish what you set out to do, even if it means flying in your underwear. I’m actually very flexible when it comes to that. I can fly anything wearing or not wearing anything.
I know General Organa says it makes the Resistance look bad but I had a talk with the rest of my pilots, and we all agreed that sometimes you need to make sacrifices. And it’s a win-win situation. We stay cool, and the First Order is too shocked to fight back when they see us! (I also got to show Hugs that I’d been working out since the last battle. ;))
- Poe
(Feel free to send me another symbol from here for anything(s) you’d like to answer as Hux, Poe or both.)
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