#only ship your allowed to ship or your trash
swagging-back-to · 2 years
yallll literally never order from palen music. they will NOT respond back to you and will just steal your money.
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evilminji · 8 months
You Know How There Are Those AU? Where SUPER Injured Ghosts Need To Retreat To Their Core?
No one seems to be USING that to its fullest potential! For SHENANIGANS! Because! Who?? Could POSSIBLY carry a Halfa's Core safely... but another Halfa?! A FULL ghost would KILL them. A human would be killed! What terribly precarious peril we find ourselves in! Oh nooooooo!
Well, no worry!
As much as Dani fuckin HATES this. That there is her brother. Her Template. Her Clone Daddy and Bestest of Bros. Like HECK she's gonna let him suffer for centuries and possibly DIE. She can take it, Doc! Pop him in! We'll go road tripping and-
What do you MEAN "No"?
Unstable??! Of course she's unstable! But the-.... Oh.
Turns OUT? Dani? Can hitch a ride in DANNY for Emergency Medical Aid... but NOT the other way around. Her body is too loosely held together. He would parasiticly consume her from within. Instead of feeding off her Ecto System like injured ghosts are supposed too, because she's a CLONE? AND an unstable one at that? His Core would just... see her body as free ectoplasm. All of it.
He'd eat her.
Which mean Frostbite can not and WILL NOT allow that.
But he's HURT! That big, off screen, cataclysmic Fight To Save Everybody From *cough cough mumbles* and settle us all in the DC universe, REALLY messed him up! What are we supposed to DO!? He can't STAY like this!!!
Enter-> My FAVORITE DCxDP Trash Ship! Vlad&Lex!!! *horrified screaming from the crowds, someone shouts "oh god, no! Please!"* Ha! There are no gods here, silly billys! Only two terrible, terrible HIGHLY Dramatic, self serving, incredibly damaged, gay peacocks. In Business Suits that cost more then your house is worth.
They're AWFUL~♡
And! Vlad was sent ahead to lay the ground work. Insure there would be no GIWs. Also because no one could stand him and his EXTENSIVE criminal record. But that's besides the point.
You know what he found? A Business Nemesis. Who he routinely dates and/or Dramatically Hate Fu-*coughs* I mean, attempts a Corporate Take Over(tm) off. You know how it is. Business. He ALSO gets to make it no secret he's a "Meta", thanks to the INCOMPETENCE of one Jack Fenton, because that- *seething rant*
Yet? Dispite his STILL burning hatred for Jack? And his finally letting go of Maddie? You know what he STILL wants?
For Danny to be his Son.
*Gets a call from Frostbite*
...............soooooo........ what you're SAYING is..... I can be pregnant with Daniel.
You, Frostbite, need ME, Vladimir Masters, THE ONLY OTHER HALFA, to carry Daniel around inside my body, in what to all appearances resembles a pregnancy, in order to heal him. Because I am an Older And Stronger Halfa Upon Which He Relies.
*instantly begins plotting*
Just? Imagine. Vlad is a FUCKIN LIAR. No one but him would even KNOW what was going on! He just? Rocks up one day, like? *falsely demure* "oh I couldn't POSSIBLY has any scotch, Lex! >:) I'm eating for Two~☆" and just? Deals the MAXIMUM amount of psychic damage he can.
Probably says it at their weekly, public, Veiled Threats Brunch.
It makes front page news. Luthor choked on his eggs. The paparazzi lost their SHIT. Vlad is doing the FULL Celebrity Mom Thing. The classes. The photo shoots. The Gucci sunglasses as he peruses high end strollers. All while HEAVILY suggesting that not only is "The Baby" Lex's.... but that he's going to withhold the child and deny Lex any access.
Danny isn't even aware. He's in a lovely lil medical coma. Dani is trying to find a good spot to plop down Amity. She just know Vlad is being... Vlad. Meh. He can handle it. Dan? He's not even IN the human realm and is not sure he wants to be.
But over in the LEAGUE? Everything's on fuckin FIRE.
Kon is losing his SHIT and Clark is thousand yard staring into the void. Kon's half brother is in the hands of a... Less Then Ideal... Meta that Batman is PRETTY sure is highly suspect. Might be a deliberate weapons experiment. Certainly is a hostage. And the DRAMA.
Lex has never been worse.
He might actually stab his...partner? Vlad. At the hospital. The SECOND the child is born. There are already long term kidnapping plans in the making. He's hiring lawyers. Getting VICIOUS. There have been talks with DEATHSTROKE. By BOTH OF THEM.
Clark wants to cry.
@hypewinter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull
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god etsy is such an on fire trash can but it has a bunch of shipping presets that are difficult to migrate so i guess we'll do it this way
so anyways there's a glitch where sometimes it forces you to buy a shipping label in order to close out DIGITAL purchases which is fucking insane to me.
So I've pulled the only other cross stitch pattern off of it and made it a pay-what-you-want on kofi
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I've also uploaded the other MASSIVE pattern onto ko-fi bc why not
It's a fairly obscure monster road trip reference but I'll be real it holds it's own perfectly fine as a fun pattern to have around the house for your average weirdo
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both of these are basically free since ko-fi allows you a pay what you like option
If they had canada post shipping label pre-sets and a robust dms-to-custom-commission-listing system I would migrate in a heartbeat but ALAS
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝
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it is said that distance makes the heart grow fonder. instead, it only proves to make the water levels rise a few millimeters.
pairing -> neuvillette x gn!reader
warnings -> sfw, sad neuvi & reader, smooching
notes -> reader's position is a non-canon one
character mentions -> lady furina, fontaine npcs, non-canon melusine characters
wc -> 2.1k
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It wasn’t so often that the paths of you and your lover could so seamlessly cross.
As one might assume, governing a nation is not a walk in the park, nor is it a part-time position. It is a twenty-four-seven, midnight-to-midnight, no-matter-how-small-the-crisis job that someone has to take responsibility for— with Monsieur Neuvillette, the Chief Justice, leading the charge of each court proceeding and Lady Furina as its grandest witness, and you, the Maison Ordalie's Directeur Général, helping them to uphold Fontaine’s values and protecting its honour from outside the marbled walls of the Opera Epiclese, Fontaine is a tightly-run ship that seldom allows for its men to enjoy much free time.
Though when it did, finally exiting the realm of your job responsibilities only then meant having to catch up on your neglected home responsibilities— tackling the towers of only partially rinsed dishes; taking out the trash you just knew would be stinking up your foyer since you’d put it there three days ago (which had been the last time you’d even been inside your home); rewashing the load of laundry you’d run out of time to hang up to dry and now was, most likely, moulding from being left in basket, still damp. Ah, and there’s probably so much more you’d been forgetting about.
This cyclic routine of yours had become nauseating a long time ago, only proving capable of transfiguring your already sour mood into something brazenly foul. Typically, there were very few things to exist that could improve it again, but the soft, muffled knocking on your front door by one of your sweet Melusine neighbours when she realized you’d finally returned home, fortunately, is one of those few things.
More often than not, she would bake once the weekend began, knowing you to be around at least long enough to be able to consume perhaps one of her newly learned confections. Somedays, you’d even been lucky enough to sit and enjoy them together whilst enjoying the views from under your shared garden’s gazebo. Being that you lived on the first floor of a three-floored pied-à-terre with three other Melusine living above you, who had also been found lucky to have much more manageable lifestyles, they often cared for the plants of the garden when you could not.
Even luckier for you, though, was having such kind neighbours that would go out of their way to take care of those aforementioned chores for you. Garden tended; garbage bags mysteriously vanished from the inside stoop; dishes sparkling clean and put away in their respective cupboards; laundry thought a lost cause having been hung up, dried, and folded, awaiting your return for them to be returned to their drawers— none of this had been you. Elsie, your second floor neighbour, had been the culprit, you learn, having rounded up her sisters Elie and Eloie two days prior to your return to surprise you.
“Have you seen Monsieur Neuvillette lately?” Elsie inquires, looking up to you from her place on your stoop. When you step aside to let her in, she shakes her head, lavender-coloured ears whipping about. “I won’t be staying. I only came to say hello and to give these to you.”
“Oh, I see,” you say, accepting the circular tin she raises toward you. Cracking it open a few inches, you smile at the soft treats. “Madeleines! Thank you, Elzie. And, to answer your question, no… I haven’t seen him lately… not even for work.”
“You’re quite welcome. Please find time to share them with the Monsieur today, then. Sedene mentioned he looked restless this morning.”
Without missing a beat, your heart skips one of its own, and your expression twists habitually guiltily. You know full well your absence from him, and vice versa, isn’t to be helped, and that the two of you have had this same conversation many times over. But it never proves to help whenever someone else points out either of your miseries.
You’d always thought the Palais Mermonia to be particularly cold, in company’s sense. It never mattered that it was always full of people, of employees, and even of Lady Furina’s raucous, nails-on-a-chalkboard cackle of a laugh, because you knew its Chief Justice much too well. In spite of his assurances that he would be alright, mind occupied by having to organize new cases and sort out the old ones, it wouldn’t be too long of a time later that you found the skies overcast, and yourself drenched by a sudden downpour.
You supposed, after saying your farewells to Elsie, locking your front door, and making your way to the other end of the Court of Fontaine, that today would be no different. Of course, you remembered to carry your parasol on you this time, accompanied by the tin of fresh-baked madeleines you promised Elsie to eat up. Today, the sky was shining blue, quite literally only minutes ago. So, either something sad or distressing has crossed his path, or, he’d been feeling sentimental again, because it’s raining again.
At the very least, you hope the cause for it to be the latter. This way, it can easily be remedied by you appearing before him, rather than him being consumed by the details of a case so heavily, and for an unspecified period of time. And there have been too many of these as of late that compared to last year’s weather, one might consider the possibility of that prophecy coming true just a little sooner.
Clutching the cookies tighter to you and keeping a firm grip on the handle of your parasol, you hasten across the bridge of the Court Region Waterway untoward the Palais Mermonia, greeting Bruneau and Liath and Plessia as you pass. The main doors are heavy, but even with your arms full, you manage to pry one of them open enough to enter the building.
You don’t both to carry your umbrella with you — it would just be yet another mess the building’s staff would have to trail after you for to clean — and instead shove it into the corner to let it drip there, telling the one guard that you would return for it, and them saluting you in acknowledgement.
Inside the Palais Mermonia has always been a plethora of people, staff and guards and visitors alike, but it is as you’d said— there’s a certain degree of emptiness to it that unsettles you whenever you visit here. Perhaps the grave amount of case files that sat in the archives surrounding Monsieur Neuvillette’s office cast such a dreary spell over the place; having been the one to compile many of them, yourself, for his records, you know firsthand just how dark some of their contents had been— to have to pass those off and share them with your lover had been your major grievance for your position. There’d been nothing you hated more than sitting in during his readings and seeing his expression change from the joy of having you appear to him, to the rage and sorrow of taking in the details of a new case. In those moments, you made sure to hold him a little tighter, a little closer, and speak just a little sweeter to him, a little softer.
The rain would, eventually, subside.
You push open the door to his office as gently as possible, and shut it just as carefully so as not to startle him. Without looking first to confirm, you know that he sits at his desk, pouring over the day’s files and records while it pours outside. His stoicism masked the obvious, though at least, this had been to you only— something was weighing heavily enough on his mind that it’d begun to affect the weather outside. Spending enough time with the man made this easy to tell.
“Neuvillette,” you softly call to him when he’d yet to look up. He jerks slightly in his seat, stiff shoulders losing their tension upon recognizing your voice, and the corner of his lips rise before his eyes can even meet yours.
“My love.”
If having you appear in a room filled with such disheartening unkindness is his relief, yours had always been the advent of a smile on Neuvillette’s face. A rare glimpse of the peace you often find yourself daydreaming over while away, the rush of pure joy you feel at the sight of your lover relishing your presence is nearly akin to the blessing of the gods— you only embrace him tightly enough and hope this feeling reaches him.
Nose pressed into the side of your head, hands and arms cradling you almost impossibly close to him, he breathes you in as deeply as physically possible— yes, his gesture promises.
You raise your chin from his chest and peer up at him, grin lazed and tired but pleased all the same.
“You were finally released from your duties?”
“If it were easy to delegate them to my juniors, it might’ve taken less time to escape,” you muse, hands sliding down his robes to claim his hands in yours— he squeezes them gently, grateful. “No one seems to know how to write a proper report anymore; I feel like I’m grading homework.” Neuvillette laments at the sudden shift in your expression, its complete opposite serving to dim the light in your eyes. By the way your grip tightens beneath his fingers, he supposes it must have little to do with your subordinates, after all.
“It’s… been raining for so long now,” you mumble into him, cookie tin forgotten atop his desk. “I tried to hurry to you, I-I…”
Neuvillette’s hand shifts along one of yours, quick to fit thin, nimble fingers in between your trembling ones. He lifts it, and presses your palm and fingertips into the smooth, porcelain coolness of his cheek— few words are found necessary, you’d both once agreed, as he’d always been a man of sterling gestures over forced sentimentality. In each glance, each touch, each curve of his lips upward, his vehemence never went unnoticed; it’d simply been his brand of love— demure and chaste, but abundant. There’d been no questioning his intention.
“I would sooner give up my position if it meant I could stay at your side at all times, if it meant you wouldn’t cry so much. If it meant you wouldn’t suffer alone.” Neuvillette sighs, a would-be defeated sound if not for remembering who he was standing with. “I… feel useless on days like these when I’m not with you.”
“Justice cannot relent so long as villainy works around the clock. It is our sworn duty to see such justice prevail, after all.” Neuvillette swipes a thumb over your lip, and subconsciously, you lean into his palm almost delightedly. “And you have done so beautifully, and without malice. Every word written in those reports from your juniors, while, written juvenilely, speak of your fairness. Your impartiality. Your ability to see both the truth and the good in all.” He turns his hand, pressing his lips into your palm. “It is admirable. It is my pride for you. It is why, as much as I wish you could stay at my side, as you said, I hope you can see the value and honour you bring in helping to protect Fontaine. I can’t imagine many else doing so well as you do.”
You raise your free hand back up to his chest, and push. A fraction of a single second is spent wide-eyed and confused until Neuvillette’s legs hit one of the many couches within the four walls of his office, and he is forced off-balanced into its plush. Your other hand gone unrelinquished, you fall with him, knees parted to either side of his and dipped deep into the cushion; Neuvillette’s breath hitches unnoticeably, yet at your sudden embolden proximity, his pale cheeks burn with vermillion.
“I’m supposed to be comforting you, you know,” your murmur.
A kiss to his temple, to the swell atop his cheek, to the button of his nose, and to the cleft of his lip— you lower yourself into his lap, parted lips dropping to slot between his and hands rising to thread into his strands of falling starlight, pulling him ever closer into you. It’s not enough, simply consuming him. You only wish to drown his sorrows, by whatever means necessary and however possible. If this means only having mere moments to appear before him, to deliver him sweets and treats of various kinds — not including yourself, of course — and holding him as tenderly as you do now for what seconds you must have left before having to leave again—
Tongue posed at his lower lip, your gaze is brought to the side and through the glass of the window. The rain. It stopped.
“And I can promise… you’re doing a fine job of it, my love.”
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© nc-vb 2023 please don’t repost! reblogs & comments are always appreciated.
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mutedstarss · 15 days
Just What I Need
Summary: You're having bad cramps and Luffy wants to help you
cw: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort?
“Chopper, is Y/n sick?” Luffy asked the ship's doctor with a tilt of his head. You groaned and slid your hands down your face. Your stomach was already hurting enough, and now you had to deal with… this? Luffy wouldn’t be asking this question had he not spied on you when you were crying and begging for Chopper to give you some medicine to relieve your period cramps. Yes, you were on and your cramps were bad. Of course Luffy didn’t mean to spy. He was on his way to annoy you since he had nothing better to do— when he walked past the infirmary, only to spot you through the cracked door on your knees, hands together, begging Chopper. 
You sighed and looked at Luffy with a forced smile. “I’m fine. I’m not sick.” He frowned and looked back at Chopper, hoping to get his question answered. Truthfully.
“She’s… fine.” Chopper started, making his way to a cabinet that had all types of medicine. Just as he pulled out the tylenol, your back straightened out as a cramp shot past your vagina and through your stomach. You fell forward with a groan and your eyes watered. 
Luffy rushed to your side and you put up a hand to keep him away. You couldn’t deal with him touching you. It’ll only make things worse. “Chopper, you said she was fine!”
“I am fin–” You slapped a hand to your mouth before you could finish your sentence, swallowing down the bile before it could come out. “Hand me the pills. Quick.” 
Chopper shook out two pills into your hands. He was screwing the top on when you stopped him. “Give me three.”
“But it says to take two.”
You shook your head. “Chopper, give me the pill.” Your face twisted up in pain as another cramp shot through your stomach. 
He handed you the third pill and a glass of water. You threw all three pills into your mouth and swallowed it with the water.
Wiping your mouth from access water, you stood up and started making your way out of the infirmary. Luffy followed after you like a lost puppy. “Do you need anything?” 
“Nope.” You had felt bad for shutting him down and not allowing him to touch or get next to you since his thing was physical touch, but you just can’t right now. Maybe after the tylenol starts to kick in.
You closed your bedroom door and plopped down onto the bed with a sigh. Your arms ran over the soft sheets and in that moment, you wished you had a stuffed animal to cuddle, to hold on to during these rough times. Your eyes watered at the thought and another cramp tightened your insides.
The bedroom door opened and you already knew who it was without looking. “Y/n, I want to help and you’re not letting me.” Luffy whined, almost sounding on the verge of tears.
With a sigh, you finally decided you were going to let him help you. Afterall, you knew you needed him. “Come here.”
Not even three seconds later, he was on the bed, spooning you from behind. “What hurts?”
“My stomach.” You mumbled when Luffy pulled the cover over the both of you. 
You felt him nod against your head and then a warm hand was sliding underneath your shirt and on the bare lower part of your stomach. You sighed as the pain started to subside. You pushed back against him to feel his warmth, and he kissed the side of your forehead. “Remember I’m always here for you.” 
Nodding to let him know you heard him, his arms tightened around you just a little and your eyes started to feel heavy. Enveloped in his arms, his warmth and his love. A small smile creeps onto your face. This is just what you needed.
A/N: Honestly guys, this will probably be my last ff (for my followers). I wanted to write this for y’all because I don't feel compelled to write anymore "x reader" stories, nor do I feel compelled to read them— but I wanted to leave something. I don't know what it is, but I just feel done. Sorry to leave you all with a short, trash story that I wasn't even going to post, but..., Anyway, thank you for reading and to my followers, for supporting me. Byeee!! <3
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I NEED more of the aegon x older sister AU!
Like what if Otto tried to send reader on a betrothal tour like Rhaenyra did? Or what if at a Tourney another knight asked for readers favor? Otto would be doing everything he possibly can to contain Aegon lol
Would Aegon still become the type of person he was in the show/books? Or would he try and become the best version of himself to impress reader?
What if, to try and separate Aegon and reader, Viserys sent reader to live with Daemon in Essos? Or sent to ward somewhere else? I bet once Aemond had Vhagar Otto would try to use him to keep Aegon from flying to reader.
This somehow took a wholesome turn???
The beautiful unwed Targaryen princess??? you best believe noblemen and knights alike are lining up and down the block just to get a glimpse. Yours is always the first favour to be asked for. I'd imagine there would be people willing to move down in the lists for the opportunity to get to you first.
Aegon goes fucking feral every single time and it's getting harder and harder to keep him on a leash. He is practically sitting on top of you at this point. No matter how hard Otto or Viserys try Aegon will never accept any seat other than the one next to yours. Fingers entwined with yours, head resting on your shoulder- breathing in the oils you'd been bathed in.
He has no shame, the moment you sit back down after offering a favour or even speaking to another man he's either pulling you back down into his lap, or leaning in to place kisses against your face, neck, hands anything he can reach. All the while glaring murder at whoever had the audacity to even look at you.
Gods forbid Otto ships you off to be a ward somewhere or even worse on a tour like Rhaenyra's. He's been plied up with wine so he doesn't notice your departure until you have long since been shipped off.
It's a miracle that King's Landing doesn't burn that day.
Aegon's screams echo through the keep and anything that he can get his hands on is destroyed. rip Otto's belongings.
In the dragon pit Sunfyre is having his own fit. He eats three people and burns a lot more and for once your dragon isn't interested in stopping him.
The second he figures out where you are he is making a break for the dragon pit and it takes a surprising amount of the King's guard to prevent it. He has to be locked in his own chambers which amounts to days of screaming and a completely trashed room.
Luckily Aemond is all too happy to offer his assistance. He’s grown up seeing how you are with Aegon and even to a lesser extent him and Helaena and he thinks it normal. So he’s also quite upset big sis got sent away.
The arrival of Vhagar at whatever poor Lord's keep you've found yourself in is enough to deter many of the more cowardly lords. Aemond is also smart enough to play up his time with you and is content to sit in your lap like a baby instead of the 13-year-old he is.
Being the dutiful princess you are, you finish the tour. Though it quickly becomes more of a strained formality as Aemond has become your personal glaring necklace and Vhagar looms threateningly.
As for the kind of person Aegon is. You would never allow your beloved baby brother to fall into the pit he has in the show. You keep him away from wine and ale, he is not even allowed to drink a few glasses until he is past 16.
He has no desire to indulge in whores, that just means more time spent away from you after all. But I do imagine him getting frustrated/wanting to know how to bets please you and as such will pay a few visits to the streets of silk. He'll never finish inside any of them though. You are the only person that will ever bear his children.
With your constant stream of adoration and reassurance he is nowhere near as bad mentally as he is in the books/show.
You are just as scary as Aegon and the first time you catch Alicent yelling or laying hands on him he is still young and after you threaten grievous harm to her person she will never do such again.
You also aren't above whispering into your father's ears. Turning him and your younger siblings against Alicent and Otto. It takes you a while but you get Otto sacked and by some miracle you get Corlys to replace him.
Your close relationship with your younger siblings has given Rhaenyra a lot of forced exposure to them too. And though she is concerned about Aegon's possessiveness she understands how he feels.
She comes to adore Helaena and Jace being the sweet boy he is does too. so that's two pairs of children enamoured with each other and I think this is when Alicent starts to break free from Otto's brainwashing.
Everyone always hcs Aemond and Daemon as becoming close in these kinds of aus but I'm gonna say it. Aemond and Rhaenyra are a top tier pair. He loves his mother, but her love has still always been somewhat conditional and now he has this mother figure that simply loves him for being him and he can't get enough of it.
Rhaenyra and Alicent reconnect thanks to your machinations and now Aemond's like sweet, two mums!
But now there's just this whole clan of overly freakish possessive Targaryen's that you have accidentally allowed to reign free. Daemon comes back and is pissed, this is kind of all he's ever wanted and his family has just done it without him???
don't usually tag on these kinds of posts but cause this is so long:
@etherily @psychwardsiren @mihrimahsultan03 @bbyaemond @krispold @hyperfixated-freak @eudximoniakr @deadstarkblacksoul @thelittleswanao3
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kurim-chis · 1 year
“The one who buried the beloved, was also you.”
—— blade/yingxing x reader (VERY lightly implied dan feng x you)
BACKGROUND: You're a short-lived species who arrived to the xianzhou alongside Yingxing in the merchant ships (perhaps childhood sweethearts??), you've been in a relationship for a few years now and while Yingxing is gruff and rough around the edges, he's nevertheless besotted with you and fiercely in love with you; a happy ending to this story seems likely —— until you get struck with the mara-disease.
AKA this is half-assed narrative and half-assed word vomit, I just want to add more pain and suffering to Blade's past while being self-indulgent trash :D
yingxing has seen the mara disease so many times before, during the war and within the ships with their citizens, especially once their times passed the five hundred mark and madness slowly creeps in. their faces had mostly been obscured by golden flowers and twisting branches the first time he saw the corpses, but throughout the years he's seen many variations of them.
faces contorted in agony, twisted in fear and despair, or slack and numb as roots wriggled out of their skin and flowers bloomed over their eyes, and most often they would be driven into mara-struck madess and insane bloodlust in their rampages.
yingxing never expects the mara to fall upon you.
if yingxing tries to look back on it, perhaps it had started way more earlier than they'd known — perhaps it was the itching, the little scratches healing faster than they should, the headaches and the daydreaming. it doesn't quite strike either of you until one day you are screaming as golden lines split your skin, as little branches claw their way out of your arms, and small buds blossom from the wounds on your flesh. it's sudden and unexpected and terrifying and you are hunched over yourself trembling and shivering and sweating as he tries to hold you, a hand hovering over the tiny blossoms that grows out of your neck and collarbone, the tiny roots wriggling out of your arms, and it gets progressively worse from thereon.
this can't be happening, you say
i'm scared, you say
please believe me, you say
(because you're a short-lived species, and the only way you could've been struck with mara like this is for you to receive the plague author's blessing)
yingxing believes you (yingxing loves you)
you are frightened and terrified and yingxing can only hold you through the tears and terror and confusion and pleasedon'thatemeyingxing
perhaps, if it had been just the blessings of the abundance, it would've been fine. there are countless individuals within the ship who use the power of the abundance in medicine and aid, after all. but roots continue to wiggle and settle over your skin like bangles and chains, golden flowers begin sprouting from the buds in your flesh, and even your eyes and hair starts losing their colors.
you try to snip the blossoms and the locks of hair and the branches, and the wounds only heal over and over and over again, each time faster than before, the blooms brighter and livelier than the last, and the tips of your hair take on the color of dry blood and your eye color melt into the gold of the mara disease.
you are in pain, you are in agony and miserable, and eventually, even your memories and sense of self start deteriorating amidst a haze of golden petals and blood.
you start asking if it would be better to die "while you still can" (you are afraid of becoming like the mara-struck soldiers in the game), but yingxing doesn't allow you to.
this cannot be happening, yingxing thinks.
it breaks yingxing to watch you like this, but no one else can know. xianzhou will see you dead for suspicions of worshipping the plague author. he can only hold you during the nights and soothe your fits until you settle like a docile beast in his arms, and then during the day, he researches
yingxing puts aside the forgery for as long as he possibly can without arousing suspicions and throws himself into mara research discreetly, but there's not much he can find. access to advanced texts are restricted and he only learns about as much as anyone interested in the mara disease knows, but one thing is for sure —— there's no documented recovery from the mara in the centuries of the xianzhou history.
become mara-struck, and you either die in a flurry of golden flowers or are striked down by the cloud knights.
(there's another thing yingxing eventually finds out, as well —— this is no accident. someone caused this to you)
(yingxing will hunt them down to the farthest reach of the stars, and he will not stop until they are dead. whoever did this will wish they hadn't been born.)
if yingxing cannot find anything about how to recover from the mara, perhaps then he could find a way to control the disease, prevent it from hurting you as it was doing now, prevent it from turning you into a mad creature. it wasn't too late yet, and yingxing refuses to give up on you.
yingxing turns to imbibitor lunae and the scalegorge waterscape — the sacred abode of the vidyadhara, a race devoted to the sealing and guard of the ambrosial arbor, and that becomes one amongst the many mistakes he will have commited.
in the future, the man - yingxing - who will become known as blade will look back on this moment and laugh — madly, loudly, hatefully, as he lives on cursing his life and that of two other sinners.
you are dead, and yingxing could not save you
you are dead, and blade wants to die
There are a LOT of layers to what I want to be happening in the premise of this short. For example, I wanted to write that the ones responsible for "you", as a short-lived species, going mara-struck was a result of sabotaging and conflict with Sanctus Medicus (or whatever antagonist there is during the events of Dan Feng and Yingxing's crimes), who wanted to sow strife amidst the Xianzhou. There's a lot of plot going on that my little brain can't be bothered to rationalize.
During his research on mara and trying to find out HOW you turned mara, he begins suspecting of foul play and unearths quite a bit of shit within the Xianzhou. There's a lot of sketchy shit, some not related at all to what he wants to know, and it paints numerous targets of Yingxing.
Their main targets would actually be Jing Liu (who some time later on succumbs to mara and goes on a murderous rampage) and many other higher ups and important figures to different areas of the Xianzhou. In trying to discreetly trigger or infect mara to others, they also partook in indiscriminate damage in hopes one of their targets will be caught unawares and be infected with something that can trigger or coax out the mara disease, and "you" were caught in the crossfire and ended up mara struck (or perhaps you were intentionally targeted as well, can't decide on this) as a short-lived species collateral. Many of the other short-lived species die during this period of time.
By some twist of fate or whatever, your descent into mara isn't instantaneous and is instead painful, slow and with a clear consciense of the changes in your body, but it's only slowed, and your body can't adjust to mara like how Blade and Jing Liu will in the future.
Ying Xing, however, clings to the hope you can mantain your clarity and sense of self, and what he wanted to do in this short is research the vidyadhara's records to see if he could seal away your mara or contain your disease. When that wasn't enough, he will perhaps 1) try to find some other way, 2) try to see if Dan Feng can find a way to contain your mara disease, or at least delay it until something can be done because this wasn't your fault.
Instead, what happens is that Dan Feng kills you.
Dan Feng sees you and you are half consumed with flowers even though you aren't being violent or crazed, you've tanked the attacks of many other cloud knights and mara-struck alike and are covered in blood and tatters while everyone's dead. Your sins are set in stone (are they really?) and your ending is only a matter of time, so Imbibitor Lunae - although pained - decides to put you down and lay you to rest. He tries to kill you - and either fails or obliterates your sense of self so all that remains is a corpse that keeps healing - and then seals/buries your regenerating body into the Scalegorge Waterscape.
Dan Feng's actions are an act of compassion, love and mercy in his eyes. He buries you in Scalegorge Waterscape, where your rest will be undisturbed and none shall desecreate your body, not even the Xianzhou will be able to part the seas of Scalegorge.
But that and what Yingxing sees are different. (they also think differently lmao)
After Yingxing reaches Scalegorge amidst all the chaos that would be happening, he would only know you were hurt very, very badly. Blood, flowers, tattered clothes. Lots of fighting, arguing, etc.
Ending is that - as mentioned - despite his efforts otherwise, Yingxing sees your body cast into the abyss of the Scalegorge Waterscape and sealed there, left to rot in the darkness and cold of an artificial sea.
Afterwards, he himself becomes mara-struck and then is sent of to be killed over and over again by Jing Liu lmao. He wants to die, but he cannot.
At some point in time, he almost forgets that his name is Yingxing and he had loved someone who died unjustly amidst internal conflict and everything, but it comes back to him when he escapes and becomes Blade.
EVERYTHING here is just self-indulgent brainstorming. NGL it could've been better.
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
Star Park AU: Kyle Broflovski Edition
-> Moved back to the Valley after graduating and getting his doctorate. (He's essentially where Harvey is in game.)
-> Couldn't find work out i the city so he moved back to the Valley
-> His parents stayed in the city but they allowed Ike to move back with Kyle as long as he agreed to take good care of him.
-> He has files on everyone's medical history and they're organized based on who's the easiest patient to deal with to who he has to literally drag in to his office. It goes: Karen, Wendy and Nichole, Kenny, Craig, Heidi, Tolkien and Scott, Butters, Ike and Jimmy, Tweek, Sharon, Shelly, Bebe, Stan, Clyde, All of the Goths, Randy, and finally Cartman.
-> He makes monthly walks to the Wizard tower to check on the Goths. They've told him before they don't need it because they have magic but he doesn't believe them.
-> Kyle and Wendy work hard to make things easier for Jimmy around town. The mayor fights them over the funding. Wendy has to practically drag Kyle away from fighting the mayor.
-> He's the only person that Scott trusts with his meds, always making sure to pick his medication up.
-> When he's not working he checks in with Heidi over Ike's education, sometimes he sits in and helps out when he can.
Gift Guide:
Loves: Fire Opal, Pomegrantes, Poppy, Starfruit Wine, Artichoke Dip Likes: All Books, Emerald, Coffee, Magma Cap, Tea leaves Neutral: All Fish (Except Shrimp), Beer, All Eggs Dislikes: Radioactive Ore/Bar, Fertilizer, Escargot, Mudstone Hates: Bananas, Banana Pudding, Shrimp, Bug Meat, Roe (Any)
Loved: "A..Are you serious?! Thank you so much!" Liked: "You thought of me? That's very kind, thank you." Neutral: "Thank...you? It's the thought that counts." Dislikes: "Ugh. I don't want your trash." Hates: "Really? What went through your head when giving me this? God...."
Heart Event @ 2:
Kyle is outside with his brother, one of the rare times he's free from working. He's sitting on the bench at the park reading through his medical files. Ike is playing by himself looking a little lonely. Farmer walks up and sees him sadly rocking on the spring rider. Ike tells the Farmer that he misses playing with his brother, it just seems like he never has time for him anymore. Farmer thinks for a moment before walking over to Kyle, who only notices them when they sit down. He greets them with a smile, quickly going back to his reading. >> Do you ever take a break? How can you be on your laptop right now? It's so nice out! (-) >> Ike looks a little sad, doesn't he? (+) If First Option: Kyle gets slightly annoyed, Farmer should know better than anyone here that he can't just stop working. He notes rather dryly he would have thought he'd be free of their lecturing, seeing as he gets enough of it from Stan.
"I appreciate your concern really, but I'm this towns only doctor last time I checked. I happen to like reading outside."
If Second Option: Kyle looks up from his laptop with concern on his face. He frowns when he realizes that he's been ignoring his brother, and how Ike is rocking back and forth with no care. Turning to the Farmer, he expresses gratitude for bringing it to his attention. He feels back for not seeing it himself, he was just hoping to catch up a little on work before he went home. He closes his laptop, putting it to the side, and stands up. Farmer jumps up with them and offers to play with him and his brother!
"Then I hope you're ready for the longest game of hide-n-seek of your life. You didn't have anything planned for the rest of the day right?"
Heart Event @ 4:
Kyle visits the Farmer early in the morning, greeting them while they're walking to the shipping bin. He apologizes for showing up unannounced. He would have called but he didn't think the Farmer would be able to hear the phone from the fields. Farmer doesn't seem to mind which makes him feel better, physically relaxing. Looking past them, he compliments their hard work on turning the fields into an actual farm. Afterwards he goes on to tell them that their crops have made things better even if they don't realize it. Tells them that the fresh food is better for the townsfolk than Jojo's food. >> I don't actually do that much farming. I'm more into fishing or mining. (/) >> Thanks Kyle! It's nice to get a little appreciation! (/) >> I didn't think of it that way...you really think of everything huh? (/) If First Option: Kyle goes quiet, the longer the silence the more his face turns red. Embarrassment dusting his cheeks. Under his breath he says something about the farm at least looking clean.
"At least your farm looks cleaner then Mr. Marsh's. Smells better too."
If Second Option: Kyle chuckles and tells them there's no reason to thank them! He's in the same boat sometimes and that even now he's here's to do his job. He wonders if anyone else has been out this way yet?
"I just realized you haven't had a checkup with me yet. Swing by the clinic okay? I don't want you to get sick."
If Third Option: Farmer turns the table on them, Kyle gets flustered over the small praise. At least he takes it as praise. He scoffs, telling them to stop being so humble. Being a Farmer is hard work and they should realize the good they do.
"Please. Not just anyone can get Cartman to eat a vegetable. You're good at what you do!"
Heart Event @ 5:
Next time Farmer walks into the clinic they walk back into Kyle's office. He's surprised to actually see them, telling them that he is pleased that he didn't have to drag them in. When Farmer looks at him confused, Kyle tells them that sometimes he has to go and "collect" some of the townsfolk for their appointments. So, it's nice that there's someone else so willing to come in. After a moment he gets a little embarrassed that he started rambling again. Farmer is just easy to talk to, they listen. Before they can comment on the blush on his face, he gets down to business. Kyle opens his laptop and looks up at them, he begins to ask Farmer about themselves, wanting an insight on their medical history.
"Sorry, you didn't come here to listen to me complain. It's just easy to talk to you. A-anyway, before I keep making an ass of myself, lets get started on filling out your medical history!"
Heart Event @ 6:
Farmer is walking from town to the mountains, they can hear faint shouting. Walking closer, they see Kyle and Ike standing next to the mountain lake away from Kenny's house. Ike is sitting on the wooden bridge with his face in his hands, looking more and more upset. When Farmer gets close enough to hear what they're saying clearly, they overhear what the argument is about. Kyle is upset that Ike's grades are slipping, telling him that he needs to put in a little more effort in school. Apparently, he's been blowing off his homework and Heidi is having a hard time getting him to pay attention in class. Ike complains that all Kyle ever talks to him about is how he's doing in school and his stupid job, that he doesn't care to ask Ike about anything else. He asks him when was the last time they did anything fun that didn't require the Farmer having to all but pull him away from work. Ike cuts Kyle off before he can rebuttal. Shouting something about how he's acting just like their mother and he's supposed to be his brother, not his parent! Kyle gets upset and snaps back at him, telling him that he won't apologize for caring about Ike's well being and he wouldn't have to act like their mother if Ike just grew up a little. This makes Ike tear up, he stands up and shouts that he should just go back to the city then. Kyle stands there watching his brother storm off, leaving him alone next to the lake, he looks destroyed. Farmer walks out from where they were hiding, and when Kyle doesn't get upset that Farmer was listening in they know he's really torn up. It takes him some time but he eventually address them, telling them that he never meant to fill the role of a parent. He knows he's hard on Ike, he just wants to see his little brother grow into the best version of himself. The Valley is good to him, better then the city was. He knows it's good for Ike too.
"Am I being that overbearing? I mean...I'm in charge of him. I promised Ma that I'd look after him! I'm not asking for much right? Just for him to apply himself more!"
>> Maybe you're not as right as you think you are. (-) >> Does he know that? Have you told him how you feel? (+) >> I don't think you're really listening to your brother. (+) >> Lighten up Kyle, he's just throwing a tantrum. He'll get over it. (-) If First Option: Kyle looks up with a flash of anger in his eyes, he can't believe what he's hearing. How could Farmer say something like that? He thought they were friends! As Kyle storms off he glares at them.
"Jesus Christ, if you talk to your friends like this then I'd hate to hear how you talk to people you hate!"
If Second Option: Kyle thinks on both Farmer and Ike's words. Like he's replaying the whole thing in his head again. When was the last time he talked to Ike about how he feels? About anything that wasn't him being a hard ass.
"No...I guess I haven't. Ugh I'm an asshole, he deserves to be a kid. I really do sound like our mom. Thanks for listening again Farmer."
If Third Option: Kyle's brows furrow, he wants to be upset but Farmer's right. He makes his frustration known and somehow in the same breath is grateful that Farmer said it. He tells Farmer that this isn't the first time their stubborn attitudes have clashed. Something they both get from their Mother.
"I think if you were anyone else I would be furious but...you're right. It does make me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one who's stubborn. I'll apologize to him in the morning. Goodnight and thank you Farmer."
If Fourth Option: Kyle snaps as that comment strikes a nerve. He goes to yell again but he just stops, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes he looks past them and wishes them a good night. Leaving them alone because just the thought of responding to that is exhausting.
Heart Event @ 8:
It's late, later than Farmer realized. As they go to leave the mines, a group of Shadow beasts corner them. It cuts to them limping out of the mines. Beaten down and exhausted, they collapse against the side of the mountain. The last thing they see is Kyle running over to them and the dim light of a flashlight. When they wake up again, they're laying in one of the beds of Kyle's clinic. Their wounds are bandaged and cleaned. Looking over in a daze, Kyle's eyes meet theirs and there's a look of relief. He closes the first aid kid sitting next to them, picks up the medical tools and puts them away. Farmer can hear him breathing deeply, like this is the first time he's able to. Eventually he breaks the silence, speaking as softly as he can. He scolds them for being reckless, and that they're lucky that Ned was nearby to hear that fight. Kyle stops in the middle of his lecture, catching himself doing it again. Lectures are the last thing Farmer needs right now, they need sleep. Farmer just smiles and shakes their head at him and it almost makes Kyle laugh. He can't believe the energy they have, how they're even awake right now. He promises to keep them company, that he'll be right here for them when they wake up. Time passes again as Farmer drifts back to sleep, when they wake up again they see Kyle asleep in the chair next to them.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Seeing you bleeding out in the dirt like that! I know you can be more responsible then that, what were you-.... no I'm doing it again. I'm sorry. Look just get some sleep, you need to rest." - "What? I'm not going anywhere, someone has to look over you and make sure you actually get rest. I swear I'll turn my back and you'll try and get out of that bed."
When given the bouquet:
"!! Y-You're not fucking with me right? This isn't just some cruel prank? ...Then of course I will- be your partner that is!"
Heart Event @ 10:
Farmer walks outside of their house to Kyle sitting on their porch. A picnic basket sitting next to him, a bottle of wine sticking out of the basket, and a red-checkered blanket tucked neatly inside. When he hears the doo open he perks up and stands up quickly. With a grin on his face, he greets them with an energetic good morning. He holds up the basket telling them that he wants to take them out. The day is beautiful and he intends to spend as much of it with them. Farmer agrees, leaving the farm going south past Tegridy Farms. Kyle takes them near the cliffs overlooking the ocean. The two sit there enjoying the picnic that Kyle's put together. When he sees how happy Farmer is with the food, he goes on to tell them that he learned how to cook from his Mother. The conversation leads him to ramble about how he was the only one who could cook in the friend group for a while. That Stan used to beg him to make dinner so he didn't have to eat with his family. Farmer continues to just look happy with everything. Good food and getting to listen to him talk about his best friend, watching as he lights up! Then they feel a rain drop hit their forehead. Looking up, the two se as the sky starts to darken and rain clouds begin to roll in. Immediately Kyle throws his jacket over the Farmer and urgently moves them towards the trees. As the rain starts to come down harder, Kyle looks so disappointed. Farmer takes their hand giving it a little squeeze, breaking down that wall of anxiety. He lets out a sigh, expressing his frustration. He tells them that he wanted today to be perfect, now it's ruined because of the rain. Farmer laughs and pulls them down, planting a kiss on their cheek. Kyle's face turns red from the sweet action. He goes to kiss them back, to return the kiss, but as he does water drops down from the top of the trees. They're both soaked now, water clinging to their clothes. Kyle looks down and just laughs. He wraps an arm around them and pulls them in for a kiss. Pulling away, he brushes his fingers across their face and whispers.
"You always find a way to make things better. I don't feel like I have to be perfect all the time, that it's okay to mess up because I know you'll still love me. My worries just seem to melt away. I love you so much."
Heart Event @ 14:
Ever since Kyle moved in he's slowed down, taking better care of himself. No longer piling too much on his plate, so it surprises the Farmer to se him falling back into old habits. Kyle is pacing around the house in a huff. Ike tells the Farmer that their parents called and that they're making a surprise visit soon. Kyle stops his frantic cleaning for just a moment to stress how much he hates this. He's worried that they're going to be mad because he didn't invite them to the wedding, even when they already reassured him that they're not. Farmer questions why they're coming, which Kyle just sighs and tells them that they want to meet his partner. Farmer reassures Kyle that everything will be fine, that they can't wait to meet his parents. He just grumbles and tells them to hold off on that excitement. Once again Farmer calms the man down, Kyle takes a deep breath and watches his beloved partner get to work. Between the two of them and Ike, they're able to get everything together. Just as dinner is finished, Kyle's parents arrive. Kyle introduces the Farmer to his parents who immediately start gushing over them. The dinner table is set and soon the entire family is sitting around the, making small talk. Sheila starts asking Farmer a list of questions, trying to get to know them. Why did they become a Farmer? What drew them to the Valley? >> Honestly? I needed to start over. Grandpa gave me a second chance and I guess I just fell in love with this little town. >> The city life was too loud. I needed something quiet and easy. >> The Valley needed help! I couldn't just ignore it! If First Option: Sheila smiles and puts her hand on her chest. She tells the Farmer that it's incredibly sweet of their grandfather to look after them. She thinks it's great that they love the town that Kyle grew up in! If Second Option: Sheila doesn't agree that the city is that bad, but she goes on to tell the Farmer she grew up a city girl. She does agree that city life can sweep you away if you're not careful, she's glad the Farmer taught Kyle to slow down. If Third Option: Sheila isn't quite sure she understands what Farmer is trying to get at, but if it's what drives them then who is she to argue? She's just happy that Ike's grades have improved and that Kyle is happy. Either way dinner is lively, once they're finished they thank the Farmer for everything. For taking care of their sons and welcoming them into their lovely home. Sheila admits that she was skeptical at first but after seeing how Kyle looks at the Farmer, she's wholeheartedly approves of their marriage. They leave with a quick hug, letting Kyle know that they'll be staying at the tavern for a few days before going home. As they make the trip back to town, Kyle wraps his arm around the Farmer and smiles softly.
"They really like you, not that I had any doubts they wouldn't. You're amazing. I always knew you were, ever since you moved to this town. I'm just glad they love you almost as much as I do."
Random Marriage Quotes!!
"Good morning my love. Yeah... that still feels weird to say but...I kind of like it. Waking up next to you is everything." "Please make sure you're being careful when you go out. I'm not going to stop you, just come home to me. Please." "Look I love you, but please if you have to go to the mines...shower before you come to bed. Shower with you? That-...isn't a bad idea." "Read up on how to take care of crops on my lunch break! I hope you don't mind that I already watered the plants for you!" "Ike really likes all the animals, he actually woke up before to feed them all!" "Do...do you think my hair is stupid? Cartman said something about it today and I know I shouldn't put merit in what he says but...You like my hair? And my nose? But I didn't- God you're too good to me." "I always had this fear of getting married, I was afraid that I'd end up like my parents. They're not bad just...never mind. Just thank you for being my partner." "Hey, take this medicine with you. If you get into trouble it will help. I don't care if it tastes bad! I don't want to find you passed out again!" "I'm taking Ike over to Kenny's today, he wants to hang out with Karen. Feel free to swing by when you're done doing what you need to do! The guys would love to see you." "You know I love you right? And I'll tell you it as many times as you need. You make it so easy to love you that I'm worried I'm not enough."
Tag List: @hunnysnoops
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kaziwi · 1 year
Hello! I'm so happy for this event! May I request n.16 for Kid?
This made me realize i need to write for kid more lol, I hope you enjoy!
Link to Event
"They can hear us"
Character(s): Eustass Kid
WC: 443
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"They're right behind us!!" You shouted, turning to look at the thousands of marines after you.
"Well then shut up and run!" Kid turned and yelled at you. You and your captain were running through the streets of the island you docked on after being recognize by the marines. You just wanted to go look at the market place and for some reason your captain insisted on coming along. And now your being chased by marines!! Yay!!
You small a saw alleyway ahead and turned into it, grabbing Kid’s wrist and dragging him with you, There was a big dumpster…so you did the first thing that came to mind and jumped in, hoping your captain would get what you were trying to do.
He jumped right after you…and landed on top of you. Needless to say that hurt.
“Move over!!” You yelled.
“Y/N be quiet!!” Kid hissed back
“You’re crushing me I can barely..mmph!” Kid covered your mouth with his hand and made a shhh sound.
“They can hear us,” he whispered. You had almost forgotten about the marines after basically being suffocated by your captain’s giant body. Kid pulled you a bit closer to him, blocking you from the sight of the marines if they opened the dumpster.
You could hear the marines run through the alley, looking for any sign of you both. After awhile, they left and ran to search somewhere else. You sighed in relief and maneuvered yourself so you could face your captain. He still had a tight hold on you, but he let go after you started to wiggle.
He was looking right at you, but quickly turned when he saw you staring back.
“L-lets get out of here,” he stammered.
Kid opened the top of the dumpster allowing for light to come in. You were both covered in head to toe in trash, and the biggest banana peel was in Kid’s hair. You motioned for him to lean down as you removed it from his head. You threw it back in the trash and turned to him, only to see his face bright red.
“Captain..are you blushing?”
“I AM NOT BLUSHING-mmph,” You covered his mouth with both your hands.
“SHH they could still be close by! Let’s get back to the ship,” You said, grabbing his wrist and leading the way.
Kid stared at your hand around his wrist before moving your hand down to clasp his. You gasped slightly, but didn’t stop running, knowing the marines could be on your trail.
You can only imagine Killer’s surprise when he saw you both running towards the ship, covered in trash, holding hands, and both blushing excessively.
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mariacrow · 1 year
Could I request a headcannon for TFP characters on their favorite genre of music? Maybe also them listening to said music with a female reader? However you wish to spin it 😊
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~TFP characters~
🎵 their favorite music genre 🎵
2nd person
female reader
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Dividers belong to @friedchickenburguer 🖤
🎼 Optimus Prime
He doesn’t express his passion for music, he keeps that in private
He loves old music, precisely from 40s and 50s
He likes the sounds of gentle trumpets, trombones, violins etc.
He likes it slow and classy, something relaxing
Jazz might be his thing too
When he’s driving alone he loves keeping the radio on a super vintage radio station
When he’s with you he’d be kinda shy to play it, assuming you don’t like it because you’re born in such modern time
When (if) you’d assure him you like it, you’d warm his spark as he’d finally get to share and enjoy the music he likes with you
He’d tell you why he likes each song and which part is his favorite
🎼 Ratchet
He’d claim he hates music, how it’s merely a distraction
Nonetheless, when you or any of the kids would play something in the base, at times he wouldn’t immediately tell you to turn it off or keep it down because he’d like it
His preference isn’t clear because you could catch him slightly moving to the beat to song from the 80s over 2000s to the newest
He wouldn’t even notice he’s slightly shmooving to the beat
Only when you’d giggle and tell him he’s got some moves, he’d get flustered and immediately stop, denying it
After some time, he’d admit he likes some songs you’d play and would allow you to use the radio when he’s driving you
🎼 Bumblebee
Definitely a 70s and 80s boi
He loves shmooving like crazy
Play ABBA or something and he’s all over the place and no one can stop him
He’s very stubborn when it comes to his music taste and will openly tell you when he thinks your music taste is trash or if it’s his favorite
While in the car, he wouldn’t let you touch the radio- heck he wouldn’t let you get NEAR IT if you aren’t planning to play a song he likes
He’s the head DJ in the car AND in the base
When Ratchet tells him to turn it off or lower the volume, he’d just turn it up to annoy him and dance all over the place
🎼 Bulkhead
Miko and him are replacing Bumblebee when he’s absent
2nd head DJs in the base
He’s all about that electric guitar and drums
He likes some of heavy metal too
If you like this kind of music, you’d be a part of their band
Ratchet’s biggest nightmare is that goddamn guitar of Miko’s I’m telling you
Of course Wheeljack is a part of the band as well
You and Miko in the front seat shmooving to some heavy guitar and screaming the lyrics while he’s flooring it through the city is another one of his fav bonding moments
🎼 Arcee
Definitely likes something calm she can sing to
For example Lana Del Rey but also something classy like Amy Whinehouse
Definitely your favorite feminist, prefers female artists
She actually sings beautifully but is kinda shy to show her talent
Perhaps she’d show it to you if she’d you’d encourage her enough
If you like to sing this is your chance to sing with her and have girly concert Fridays!
She’d actually love concerts and would gladly drive you to any you wish to see
Would ONLY share her music taste with you
🎼 Wheeljack
Not only rock n roll, aggressive type of music in general
Perhaps something modern too, like phonk for example
He likes something that makes the lights flash in the club and that can make his helm bop in a quick manner
Max volume all the time, especially in his ship when he’s alone or when driving
Would appreciate your company if you don’t mind the speakers making you bounce in your seat
He’s a great opportunity for a good o’ music vent
If you feel pent up he’s a great partner to just let it out with the help of music with him
He also likes some jazz, especially during intimacy
🎼 Smokescreen
His music taste can be very basic
He’s quite flexible and actually rarely dislikes any song you show him
He lets you fidget with the radio when he’s driving you
At times he can be greedy and start a stupid funny argument about who’s gonna choose a radio station or play the next song
Sometimes he can lean more towards rap and trap, especially 2000s
He likes freaky lyrics he can spontaneously flirt with like “Freek-a-leek” or “Baby Got Back”
He loves to dance and thinks he has good moved while in fact he look too funny trying to impress everyone, especially you
🎼 Ultra Magnus
Music? What’s that?
Well perhaps he would secretly like some songs you’d play in the base
And he’d secretly explore the radio stations while driving alone
He likes classy music with meaningful lyrics
Perhaps Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra would be his top choice
Absolutely despises modern music, doesn’t understand it a all
For him, a song means a catchy tune with lyrics that he can devote to someone, that remind him of someone or himself or just have a deep meaning
When you’d catch him enjoying some music he’d deny it in any possible way
His music taste is a top secret!!!
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Divider belongs to @attxnt 🖤
🎼 Megatron
At first he’d find anything that humans create primitive, as well as music
But I mean how can you not like our music, some stuff is really catchy!
When the Nemesis would accidentally catch a radio signal he’d immediately order Soundwave to turn it off
But when he hears a nice electric guitar and some bass he’d like it
Not that he’d admit though, never
He isn’t a fan of… joy lmao so he wouldn’t listen to any music on his own
When you’d play some music in the lab, he’d scold you and tell you to keep it down
But when he doesn’t yell at you to turn it off immediately that’s when you know he likes it
🎼 Starscream
Definitely a huge Lady Gaga fan
When he’s alone he blasts it and sings, dances, imagines he’s on a concert, the main star
His ego would take over when he’d imagine a thick crowd shouting “All hail superstar Stascream!” or something
He’d reject any other artist, Lady Gaga is his one and only
He’d even order you to play Lady Gaga in the lab
If you wouldn’t do it, he’d remind you who he is, your commander and that you shall oblige
He’d tell you how your music taste is primitive and how only Lady Gaga is the real queen
🎼 Knockout
Also a Lady Gaga fan but not as big as Starscream
He’s more flexible when it comes to music but he definitely prefers classy female singers
An artist needs to be aesthetically pleasing to him, especially their voice
He likes when a woman’s voice is dominating in the song more than the instruments
Lyrics needs to be stuck in his head so he’d officially say he likes the song
He’d let you show him some of your favorite songs and he’d openly tell you if it’s trash or not
Would definitely argue with you over who’s gonna play music in the lab
You’d argue to the point Shockwave would have to take your source of music and put it away
🎼 Breakdown
Sex, violence, murder, violence, gambling, greed, lechery- (that Tom Hardy meme)
Definitely likes his song loud and explicit
He also likes hardstyle, it REALLY gets him going before battle, aggressive phonk too
Anything that can express his inner aggression is his thing
But don’t let this fool you
When he’s alone and emotional he cries to sad songs
Lana Del Rey really strikes his heart especially because he’s in love with her and her voice
If you ever catch him crying to Lana, he’ll deny it
With you he’d prefer blasting some hardstyle or rap in the car
If you don’t like it, he’s gonna do it anyway because he’d play it so loudly that he probably won’t even hear you complain
🎼 Dreadwing
Again not someone who listens to music on his own
Nevertheless, he likes romantic tunes he can gently sway with you to
Deep down he’s a romantic soul which you’d realize when in private with him
And he’s very intelligent too which would intrigue him to search for some high class music by Earth’s most popular compositors (Beethoven for example)
A gentle piano and violin as well as violoncello are his fav
He’d be impressed by our instruments, he can get curious hence he would like to ask you and discuss with you about them
He doesn’t understand modern music and really doesn’t like it
Though he might like some unique musicians of the 21st century
🎼 Soundwave
He’s an open book really, he knows everything about human music
He’s also a type of mech to avoid lyrics
He prefers only instruments, from old acoustic to new electric
Unlike Dreadwing, he likes his music a bit faster with more energy that can make the line on his visor dance
He rarely listens to music though, he’s too busy
He’d get curious to know your taste of music so he might stalk sound waves coming from your device
He’d surprise you when he’d play some music for you
Of course he’d prefer all that to stay a secret between you two
🎼 Shockwave
Music is a distraction for him
No music allowed in the lab when he’s there
Though because he’s fond of you he might let you play some but quietly
He doesn’t really have a preference, he’s too busy to even pay attention to what you’re playing
Nonetheless SOME tunes might catch his attention and make his antennas wriggle
It would probably be some older music with no drums or bass or anything, just pure, gentle tones and voices
He would keep it to himself but maybe, just maybe, he’d occasionally tell you he approves your choice
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noveratus · 1 month
I just watched Fairly Oddparents a new wish, and here are my thoughts.
I love this show. Genuinely, this is my probably my favorite reboot/sequel show that I have ever watched along with Fiona and Cake. It is fantastic and if you have not seen it yet, I recommend you do.
The best way to describe this show is that it feels like someone took the concept of Fairly Oddparents and applied it in modern times, and it works so well. The original show was wackier and full of more hijinks, while this show follows the trend of modern cartoons being more mature, with characters feeling more realistic and human. Yes, there are still plenty of cartoon shenanigans, it is very funny, but it is also so good at writing characters. No longer does it need to rely on over the top cartoony satires. It uses its modern setting and its realism in its favor, blending it with the shenanigans and magic that the show is known for.
I have seen some people say that Peri is the only good thing about the show and I couldn't disagree more. Yes, I do think the show is stronger in its second half, once he appears, however, I think he is alright. To me, the real star is Hazel and her relationship with Cosmo and Wanda as well as her own parents. It is so refreshing to see genuinely good parents trying their best, but who sometimes screw up instead of idiots who treat their child as trash. Dev is also a highlight, he is a very deep character for a show like this. But yes, I love that Hazel feels like a character more mature for her age, because that allows her to have issues that relate not only to kids, but adults too. It is incredibly smart. And those are the best episodes, the ones where things that things that are actually important, like dealing with anxiety (which is explored several times in the show), learning to appreciate your age, and accepting who you are are beautiful.
The first part does have the slight issue of having episodes whose main purpose seem to be introducing new characters to potentially explore them later and very little more, but those are just a couple of episodes and they do learn pretty quickly how to mix character introductions with life lessons. It is an overall brilliant show.
There were some episodes that were a little boring to me- or rather random since they didn't really deal with any characters learning anything truly, but if the writers were having fun with their concept I don't mind.
I think that my real biggest issue was the last episode of the show that felt a little rushed with Dev and Irep just taking over Fairy World like that and then getting it back felt too easy, but I won't complain too much. Having Dev lose Peri after he said he cared about him, the only thing Dev really wanted hurt. It does lead to the issue with fairies, because, for Hazel, losing Cosmo and Wanda will be sad, but she still has loving parents and friends, and even her teachers love her. She will be fine when the time comes. But Dev is in a similar spot as Timmy, where their fairy is all they have. That's their entire family and you will take that away from them, potentially leaving them to end up as Crocker.
I wonder if they will explore that at any point. I have hope. Speaking of exploring, I do hope that we see more of the side characters, like I would love it if Hazel took a step back for a few episodes and let Winn shine (fuck yeah, nb rep), or another one of the kids or even Cosmo and Wanda. I do want to know how they feel about their retirement and their relationship since it is so much better than it was before. They are a genuinely great couple in this show and incredibly funny, too. Their love is contagious.
Now, for ships, because so far I have seen some, uh, let's say interesting ships for this show, and yet, I have not once heard the mention of what is my personal favorite ship (which is technically a crackship but shhh) and that is Peri X Anthony. Anthony is shown to maybe be having relationship issues, and I think Peri is incredibly queercoded, not to mention, I think they would really get along. Also, Anthony is the only adult who can't forget fairies. Here is my fanfic: together, they create a place to help people who lost their fairy godparents and have no one left, much like how Timmy was most likely left when we last saw him. As for what happened to Timmy, I'm honestly not too fussed about him. If they want to bring him back, I hope they do with the intent of developing him further rather than just a cameo. And even then, I think that it would be far more interesting to bring back other characters first, like Trixie or any of the female characters who were done so dirty in the original. But if I had to bring him back, I'd do so by having him be working for AJ as a paranormal investigator. Much like crocker, he never grew past his fairies, but he knows how to mask it better. Deep down, he is trying to fill the hole he fills he still has deep down, which stops him from fully growing. That's just my fanfic, though. For now, all that I ask is more focus on the side characters.
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gatitties · 2 years
─ Mikey & Draken, Peh-yan & Pah-chin, Mitsuya & Hakkai, Smiley & Angry, Baji & Chifuyu x clumsy!reader (Bonus: Hinata & Emma)
─ Summary: you are dumb and clumsy, you always end up with body injuries and they take care of you
─ Warnings: none
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Mikey & Draken
─ Mikey won't catch you at all if he sees you tripping over your own feet.
─ He sighs quietly and offers you a hand if Draken hasn't had time to catch you.
─ Because usually Draken is the one that catches you, benefits of having such long arms.
─ These two will laugh from time to time at your misfortunes, because them never understand how the hell you end up kissing the ground.
─They ship you with the ground, as if they had made a story on wattpad; Y/n x ground, a painful love.
─ But they worry when you can really hurt yourself, Draken refuses to let you take anything made of glass because he knows you will break it.
─ More than once you have cut yourself with a photo frame, they just look at you like '???? how is it even possible?'
─ Mikey will be in charge of kicking the idiots who laugh at you for your clumsiness, those people are not allowed to laugh at you.
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Peh-yan & Pah-chin
─ My god these guys are such idiots they don't realize how much you hurt yourself until they see blood.
─ But nothing happens! They take care of you as much as they can after seeing you hurt (because they don't know how to bandage your hand or disinfect wounds correctly).
─ Peh definitely laughs in your face if he sees you tripping over a rock, Pah just stands there not understanding what happened.
─ These guys will yell at things that hurt you, like if you dropped a cup and cut your hand, they'll be yelling at the cup and throwing it in the trash.
─ Of course if they do it with objects, imagine with people who laugh at you, apart from yelling at them they will hit them.
─ They tell really bad jokes to make you forget about the pain you inadvertently inflict on yourself.
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Mitsuya & Hakkai
─ Worried mom and his son behind with a first aid kit.
─ Mitsuya always has an eye on you because it's very common for you to bump into anything, like you have a wall that you can see perfectly and you bump into it.
─ He will undoubtedly catch you or change your steps so that you do not eat that wall, Hakkai just stare silently afraid to touch you.
─ This poor nervous boy thinks if you hurt yourself so easily he could only make it worse.
─ But if you're alone with him and he sees that you're going to hit a sign, he pushes you away by putting his hand on your shoulder and looking away.
─ Mitsuya definitely has the corners of his house padded just in case, and not just because of his sisters.
─ The good thing about this duo is that they won't laugh at your misfortunes, there is only concern in their eyes.
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Smiley & Angry
─ Do not expect compassion from these two unless your injury is really serious.
─ You can make Smiley smile even more and Angry make a grin like a smile just because you made some guys beat each other up for bumping into them.
─ They always make fun of you because you once kicked the golden balls of a guy they were fighting with.
─ Angry is the one who mostly helps you when you stumble and Smiley is the one who hits other people who make fun of you.
─ The good thing is that if you've really had a shitty day because of your clumsiness, you'll be pampered for the rest of the day.
─ They definitely have videos of you falling down stairs or hitting your head on a table.
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Baji & Chifuyu
─ You have an idiot openly making fun of you and another concerned mother.
─ Baji ends up crying with laughter when he sees your shoulder catch fire after trying to blow up a car.
─ Chifuyu runs to turn it off but you end up all drenched.
─ But at least the blonde won't laugh at your bad luck, he pats you on the head to know that you have some support.
─ Baji stops teasing so much when you almost lose an eye to a pencil.
─ But keep laughing at little things, like hitting a glass door you thought was open.
─ He is a little more aware of your surroundings and sometimes helps you not to hurt yourself.
─ Chifuyu proud in the background to see how Baji has put his hand on your desk so you don't hit it.
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Hinata & Emma
─ These two girls are so worried and scared when they see you hit with anything.
─ You once collided with a baby's stroller and from that moment they both held your hand whenever you went for a walk.
─ They keep band-aids in their bags knowing that you always end up with scratches on your hands or arms.
─ They are seriously thinking about buying one of those children's leashes.
─ Emma will sometimes laugh at you if you've only slipped a little.
─ However, Hina will scold you for trying to fix what you broke knowing that you would only make your injuries worse.
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iamnot-crazy · 6 months
Master List
First a little about me I'm 23yr female who just graduated college. Now that I have a bit of free time I have been writing a lot. I have been writing mostly fanfic for a while first on Wattpad when that was a big thing then some works on A03 and now I guess tumblr. I might be transferring some of my work over here so keep posted.
Now here are the links to my writings
One Piece:
Summary: The reader is a slave to a nobleman due to her devil's fruit ability which allows her to control the emotions of the people around her. She flees to bump into Trafalgar Law and boards his ship.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Dance of Steel
Summary: Captain Kairi is the user of the devil fruit the blink blink fruit and has found herself on Trafalgar Law's list of pirates to steal their heart from for him to be granted the rank of warlord of the sea.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Pages of Promise
Summary: You have always itched for adventure and when an interesting vessel appears you take your chance and jump aboard.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (Sad Ending) Chapter 3 (Bittersweet Ending)
Slight of Hands
Summary: A woman snuck her way onto the polar tang by tricking Shachi and Penguin but Law is quick to realize her antics.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
A Pirate's Choice
Summary: Shortly after leaving Wano the heart pirates run into an easy group of pirates but Law notices you falling behind. You now have to face your captain with the truth of what happened in Wano.
Chapter 1
Pushing the Line
Summary: You are the head of tactics of the Heart Pirates and you and your captain have always had a line in your relationship that you won't cross. in part one you fall down a cliff with him and that starts the spiral of your relationship.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
One Piece Monochrome series.
Yellow Red Orange
Trials of the Cloaking Brooch
Summary: On his way to the Run of the Mill pizza, Leo spots out the corner of his eye a glint behind a trash can. He lingers over to investigate only to see a lost clocking brooch. Timidly he picks it up and twirls it in his fingers only to realize that he no longer had 3 green fingers but 5 human skin-toned fingers his eyes glance up at the semi-reflective trashcan to see a human form staring back at him. As he was about to investigate more, a beep from his phone caught his attention. it was a snap from April to the group chat with her and his brothers. He opened it up to see her lying on a desk with the caption "I'm sooooo bored." He glanced back up at the human reflection and an evil glint appeared in his eyes. He stood up shoving his phone back in his pocket and began his walk to April's school.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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jq37 · 6 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 12/13 A Moonar Yulenear Miracle
Welcome back to Fantasy High where last week, I was MIA because I was on a girls trip–a reason I think the Bad Kids would very much approve of. 
Luckily, we can easily gloss over what we missed in a quick series of bullet points because, while it was an absolute banger of an episode (eat your dice Brennan!), it was fairly straightforward plotwise:
The Bad Kids were dropped into a creepy, dreamlike version of Mordred Manor which was created by a semi corrupted Cassandra who was trying to create a safe place for the Bad Kids to escape but having her intentions warped.
The Bad Kids did a fetch quest, fighting monsters and dodging Baron while they found the pieces of the pride armor curse. Once they got them together, they had a hefty piece of free infernal magic that Adaine could use as a spell component for a major thing–maybe even freeing Lydia from Bakur.
Cassandra assured Kristen that as long as Kristen is alive and believes in the Cass version of her, she can’t be fully corrupted (which is seemingly what Baron was trying to do–kill Kristen so Cass could comeback as his “stark father” the Nightmare King)
Cass also sent Kristen images of her wedding–where she got Kalina as a kitten as a present. Kalina once again reiterated that Ragh is the only name she can say before breaking her own neck so she wouldn't attack Kristen. 
Got it? Good. We reconvene with the Bad Kids as they’re escaping this briefcase dimension and all of their loved ones are calling out for them, but they all decide to take a brief detour to hell to get some answers about the pride armor first–just what every parent wants for their kids! Adaine stores the infernal energy in the Sword of Sight and Planeshifts everyone to hell.
They pop into Fig’s Hellish Recording Studio and slurp down some boiling hot grapefruit seltzers before recruiting Baby to help them find the research books they need. Baby trashed them all and, unfortunately, it’s trash day so they all have to book it as the dump truck ambles towards the dumpster. It looks like it’s gonna be a close call but then–BLAM! The dump truck is vaporized by a plume of fire from the Goldenhoard! Yup, Bill Seacaster is here and he’s tattooing one of those cheesy bumper stickers onto his ship's ass: My son is a Maximum Legend at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. He got Fabian’s message after all! 
Father and son are delighted to see one another but there’s still a lot of research to do so Kristen goes dumpster diving for books. She gets a 25 Religion and then a 20 (not nat) History while Adaine gets a 22 History and Riz gets a 27. Here’s what they collectively learn about the armor they came to research:
The sin armors were collected by Gorthalax as trophies for his hall.
Each was created by a different infernal deity to punish a mortal for the associated sin.
The armor of Pride was created to punish an elf named Athrenriel.
The Armor allowed him to win tons of battles but every battle ruined his reputation and the happiness of his family.
Eventually someone gave away the armor (maybe directly to Gorthalax, it’s unclear) but that caused the curse to move to the bloodline of the family itself and it’s been passed down patrilineally since.
The curse is known as the “curse of humiliation” and it usually affects the oldest boy in the family once their dad passes–which is why Gilear was a stud as a younger man and then he morphed into the yogurt man we all know and love. 
The best that they can tell, some combination of Gilear putting the armor back on and Fig calling for the power in the Night Yorb fight/being an archdevil had some weird magical effect that pulled the curse back onto the bloodline and got her involved despite her not being blood related to Gilear. 
This is just my interpretation but what makes the most sense to me is that because the armor was meant to help you win battles at the expense of your family’s rep, once Gilear put on the armor and rebooted the curse to its default state, he got really lucky and Fig, as his family, suffered for it. 
Anyway, the party catches up Bill on the whole Kipperlily situation (he thinks Kristen should just kill her and Kristen isn’t NOT thinking about it), the shrimp jump, and the Cloud Rider (which he doesn’t know much about but he does use it as an opportunity to teach Fabian a fun way to threaten his banker). He also gives them all guns–much to Adaine’s delight.
Fig remembers that she has to figure out her pact and asks Bill, a Warlock patron himself, for help with that. He’s happy to help her cheat at school and for 40 gp (borrowed from Fabian of course) writes her an agreement on the back of one of his crewmembers and flays it off (nobody liked that). Somehow, I don’t think Zara–who wouldn’t even let her be a Warlock of Cassandra because that didn’t feel right–is gonna let this slide but hey, it’s not my grade in jeopardy here. 
On Kristen’s suggestion, Fabian also gets a touchup on his Maximum Legend neck tattoo. He barely manages to stay conscious (truly so barely–Riz is so anxious about Bill using a dragon-sized tattoo gun on him that he gives Fabian disadvantage while trying to be supportive) but with the help of his friends he succeeds and, for his troubles, he now has a gold tattoo that allows him to safely handled cursed gold–no more dragon madness for him!
That super important business out of the way, the group splits up. Fabian and Gorgug stay with Bill so Bill can prove a point about the wisdom of buttering up ramps (just go with it) while everyone else goes further into the Bottomless Pit to continue investigating the armors of sin–this time in person. There are high rolls all around so here are the highlights again:
The Armor of Pride looks elven in design but it also feels fundamentally infernal. Riz wonders if that means it’s something maybe summer Eladrin related and Brennan says that would check out.  
The other armors don’t really feel seasonal in any way (the Lust armor is a full Gimp suit lol).
When Riz turns on Detect Good and Evil, he can see the weird rune from the dead bodies on the Pride Armor which now also pings as the word Anakarna. It’s the arcane mark on the armor which means that Ankarna is the one who made this armor. 
As he does this scan, he gets a call on his Spy Kids watch–it’s his dad! Just like Fabian, he’s super thrilled but he tries to keep it profesh. His dad (Pok Gukgak, secret agent angel) is understandably concerned that his son is randomly in hell as well as the fact that a god whose name hasn’t been said in a thousand years just had their name pinged by angelic spy tech (the necktie Riz used to cast the spell–all info gets routed back to the home office in heaven). Riz explains everything and his dad offers to help if there’s anything they want him to look up. They ask him to look up Athenriel and Ankarana and Pok is able to do that because he’s freed from the bonds of Oblivati Mori since they found the name themselves. So that’s a new fact we just learned: O.M. applies to celestial and infernal agents too, not just gods themselves. With Pok no longer bound by celestial silence, we get a bunch of info about Athenriel:
He wasn’t a follower of Ankarna as far as they know.
He’s older than the Court of Stars (the government of Falinel).
He’s not in any of the heavens they know of.
He was a druid and built many of the standing stones in Falinel (very probably including  the one they triggered two episodes ago. 
Gilear is related to him patrilineally. 
They also tell Pok about Kalina and Spy’s Tongue Curse and Riz asks Ragh if he’s under that with anyone. Ragh says no adamantly but Pok points out that he wouldn’t be able to say yes even if he was. Pok says that in order to get around a Spy’s Tongue Curse situation, the best strat is to find someone just slightly outside of the group of covered people to get you in the right direction and here’s where I want to cut in really quickly to drop the piece of info from Sophomore Year that I said recently was a loose end which was bugging me and might be relevant. This is a screengrab from the recap I did of SY Ep 4:
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So that’s suspicious as hell and also a possible reason that Kalina would want to say Ragh’s name to alert the Bad Kids to someone else. Anyway, back to the story in progress, Riz wonders if Athenriel is Bakur and asks his dad if there's anything connecting the armor being cursed and the Ankarna being corrupted/if Ankarna had a previous form. Pok starts looking it up and is a little confused because Ankarna’s file is a bit weird. It says she (we get the pronoun she in this ep so I’ll be using it now) is associated with the 9 Hells and it says that she doesn’t have any active divine domains (which isn’t weird because she’s dead) but the file is corrupted so he can’t see what the domains are supposed to be (though it seems like there are multiple). 
Riz thinks that maybe Sol could have pulled some shenanigans to snag the sun domain for himself and Pok lays down some facts about gods. Gods–even good ones–are playing a different game from everyone else. They have to when their very existence depends on having worshippers. And gods generally hate collabing with a deity that shares their domain because they were explicitly the competition. 
As they’re having this conversation, they’re exiting the pit and they make it in time to watch Bill hurl Gorgug up a giant ramp in some kind of insane and ultimately inconclusive science experiment. Pok says hi to him via the watch and they make quick plans for Bill to sell criminal secrets to heaven in exchange for gold (what is he even spending it on???? It’s hell!!!). Fig asks one last important question. Is this a Night Yorb situation? Now that the cat’s out of the bag, is it OK to say Ankarna’s name? Pok says it should be fine. The only problem will come if anyone actually starts worshiping her. (Did you hear that Fig?) 
Kristen Planeshifts everyone out of hell before Fabian has a chance to say goodbye to his dad (entirely for the bit) and all of their parents are so relieved that they’re OK. Gilear is even more excited when he learns that his good luck has been nullified and his life can suck again. He feels at peace being back in his comfort zone and firmly believes that he doesn’t deserve good luck AND the best daughter in the world. Fig is worried that Hilariel might leave him now that his luck is bad again but Hilariel was into him BEFORE his glow up so they’re all good. Possibly better than just good if Adaine’s teasing prediction of a baby on the way is more than a bit (Fabian demands she undo it with a div roll and plans to give Gilear a vasectomy with his sword). 
Lydia rolls up and asks what the hell happened because Bakur just tried to jailbreak harder than he has in ages. They start filling her in and offer to try the ritual they talked about in an earlier ep but she says they’ve been through a lot and it’s Fantasy Christmas tomorrow so they should get some rest first. Riz asks if Tracker is OK and they confirm that she and Nara both are when they give her a call. Zayn and Aelwyn are also both fine. Tracker and Nara were, as Fabian suspected, thrown out of the circle as protection by Gal from the pride armor situation. 
Kristen explains to Tracker everything about Ankarna and the corruption and Bakur. Tracker is honestly really sympathetic to Adaine saying the name out loud and triggering everything in a, “Well if you find a dead god’s name you GOTTA say it” kind of way, like it’s as irresistible as popping bubble wrap. 
They talk to Gorthalax who, surprise surprise, ALSO was being tongue tied by Oblivati Mori and can now spill some info. Lotta helpful dads in this episode! Here’s what he’s got:
Ankarna wasn’t a fiendish entity to start with. She fell, just like he did (you’ll recall Gorthalax went from being an angel of temperance to a devil of gluttony). He doesn’t know what her deal was exactly pre-fall though (which seems to be a running theme).
Post fall, she was all about rage and fire and conquering and Bakur was her right hand. Unlike her, Bakur wasn’t Celestial previously.
She had a set of scales that she turned into a warhammer (sounds like justice to war–also, doesn’t Porter have a warhammer? Suspicious).
She took artifacts from other pit fiends about conquest to study them which Gorthalax says is a super weird thing for a god to do. 
Bakur referred to her as a “Mistress to her people” which Gorthalax also finds weird because, generally speaking, gods are more the ones making requests not taking requests as she seemed to be doing (the Bad Kids think this might mean there was an as above, so below situation where her followers morphed her into what she is now).
She was very touchy about her relationship status and once almost merc-ed someone who made a pass at her and had a snide comment about her being married still.
Before everyone goes to bed, Tracker checks in with Kristen and offers to help in any way she can. Kristen asks her to ask Gal about Ankarna and her OG domain and Tracker promises to follow up–now that Oblivati Mori is out the window, she can bring it up during their weekly Zoom meeting no problem. Tracker, like Pok, warns Kristen to be careful to avoid allowing this goddess followers and belief because now that this name is out there, it’s only a matter of time. (FIG, ARE YOU LISTENING???) Kristen thinks maybe it wouldn’t be that bad if they can revert this goddess back to her original, presumably less destructive domain.
While the above conversation was happening, Nara was around so Adaine steered her away from it from getting her to take her and a disguised Aelwyn (“Roma Childa” which Fig shoots down with bazooka level force) to the Court of Stars where her dad apparently works (Note: Her parents are supposed to be clerics, right? I guess they just have no separation of church and state in Falinel, lol). Adaine tells these immortal elves with no concept of finances that she can’t afford to be the Elven Oracle and she’s tapping out because she’s working as an ice cream waitress to scrape together enough money for her basic needs. Nara both vouches for her skills as an adventurer and asks her dad to let her have the 10 barrels of diamonds that are just lying around their house that they don’t have any use for. After briefly clarifying that she (Adaine) was *not* in fact declaring war on Falinel (exhausting, high elves are exhausting), the Council says they’ll convene in a month to discuss whether Oracle should be made a paid position. Their first thought is lawyers but Adaine gets it changed to a dance battle and she gets Fabian assigned as her champion. Fabian agrees, though the text asking him if he’s down stops him from completing his sword vasectomy on Gilear. Better luck next time buddy. 
The next day, it’s the Moonar Yulenear and game time re: the gem in Lydia’s chest. Adaine is going to use the energy in her sword plus Contact Other Plane to make a viewing screen to talk to Bakur. With the spell, they get 5 questions and, of course, being the Bad Kids, they immediately waste two just asking “Sup?”. Riz yells at everyone except for Adaine (and maybe him) to shut up and the real questioning begins.
With their first proper question, they ask Bakur if he was Athenriel. He says yes. They guessed it in one. Second question: What was Ankarna’s previous domain before she was all about conquest? He starts crying scalding tears at hearing her name–the kind of crying that you do when you haven’t heard a loved one’s name in a really long time. He says she was the goddess of giants, long days of plenty, clarity, discernment, judgment, justice, righteousness, clarity, and the conviction to act with the force of the sun. So a serious slide from pretty chill to pretty intense. He also says that her sister was the light of her life and that she was fiercely protective of her. Final question: Was Sol involved in Ankarna’s corruption? Bakur, instead of answering, asks a clarifying question: Do they mean Sol himself or his followers?
At that, Adaine has to make a Charisma save. With help from her friends (including Gorgug’s new Flash of Genius Artificer ability) she just barely makes it. Bakur is going off about gods and followers and weapons and who wields who and Lydia is starting to not feel good so Adaine shuts down the connection right away. Lydia has to make a save and also just hangs on so it’s time for that gem to come out of her chest. 
When they reveal that they have the power to get the gem out properly, Lydia is taken aback and Ragh is in tears, soulfully pleading that they do anything they can to help, and of course they do. Adaine uses the energy stored in her sword from Fig’s curse to gold-seal the gem so it’s no longer in contact with Lydia’s skin. Inside the gem, Bakur reverts back from devil form to being a high elf that looks a lot like Gilear and is terrified of yogurt. 
Fabian volunteers to do impromptu surgery because he has the new anti-cursed gold tattoo and clearly the dice know he’s not anything close to a trained medical professional because he rolls TWO NAT ONES and KILLS LYDIA. But luckily, there’s no I in Team and the other Bad Kids are there to bail him (and, more importantly, Lydia) out. Adaine swoops in with a 13 Portent roll so she doesn’t just pass away on the spot and then Kristen, surprise surprise, casually pops out a Nat 20 to remove this enormous, chronic, burden from Lydia. Saint Kristen does it again. 
Lydia, free from the need for her constant rage for the first time in years, instantly falls asleep. Fabian keeps the gem because of his cursed gold immunity and Adaine uses Nystul’s Magic Aura to make it magically ping as an empty palimpsest to anyone who’s being nosy. 
And with that Fantasy Christmas Miracle, vacation is over and we move into downtime.
Fabian first!
First Track Popularity: 18. Wild success.
Second Track Bard: 23: A+ AND Brennan lets the Dance Battle for Adaine be a school project so he crushes his competition and gets her salaried! Even though he’s wildly wealthy and doesn’t need more money, Adaine declares him her champion for all future dance battles and demands that the position comes with a stipend as well. He’s named the Oracle of Dance and Adaine gets her extra credit from predicting that he becomes the future of dance. Way to pay off a bit.
Third Track Owlbears: 27. Big success!
Fourth Track Fighter: 32. Another A+!
Fifth Track Job: You might be wondering what a job roll is for Fabian since he’s, as I said before, fabulously wealthy. Well, he’s keen to threaten his banker life his dad showed him and with help from Fig as backup (and Adaine telling him where the banker is hiding) shakes him down. Brennan, who I assume is making this up on the spot, says that it’s written in Fabian’s trust contract that he gets a 200 gp advance every time he finds and threatens his banker. Adaine offers to locate him every day if Fabian will split the gold with her. Fig is down to tag along for free.
Adaine’s next–though we’re not going to resolve all of her rolls this episode. 
Now that she’s getting paid, she gives Basrar her two week’s notice and he’s sad to see her go but happy that she’s doing well. Adaine says that she’ll maybe come back to get a summer job for fun and he gives her a Fudgie the Whale cake to celebrate. Aelwyn’s sister senses go off and she can instantly sense that Adaine is having a nice thing without her. Adaine, who wanted to stuff her face with ice cream cake in private, is baffled at her non-divination specialist sister’s sudden supernatural intuition, but invites Aelwyn over to have cake with her. 
Also, with the Oracle job being paid now, Adaine gets to roll 2d10 GP and even if she fails her Oracle track, as long as she rolls for it, and her financial situation will count as Well Off which is great because it was really screwing with her school rolls to not have her finances in check.
First Track Wizard: Dirty 20. A+! And without having to worry about her supplies, she now has time for research and projects and stuff. 
Second Track Spells: This is a wizard mechanic that allows her to get new spells from her spellbook. With Help from Boggy, she rolls high enough to get a new 7th, 6th, 5th, and 4th level spell!
Third Track Mystery: She wants to Investigate Kipperlilly and on an 18, Brennan says that they’ll resolve this at the end of downtime, but she’s starting to put together where their hideouts and meetup stops are. Let’s put a pin in that until next episode. 
Fourth Track: Relaxation Fabian is surprised and honestly adorably thrilled when Adaine shows up at his little relaxation nurse spa day thing. And, this time, it actually takes! Adaine is able to relax so well that she removes 2 stress tokens (which allows her to get rid of two negative stat effects–she’s now down to only 1 stress). I guess money solves all your problems after all. 
[NOTE: Relaxation is supposed to be your last track but, in the AP, Brennan lets Shiv roll Oracle track and she gets a NAT TWENTY. Brennan flavors this as her issuing a ton of new prophecies while she’s at her spa day, haha.]
She closes off her downtime rolls with a sweet scene with Jawbone where she’s finally able to open up to him about the trouble she’s been having because she’s fixed it herself. Jawbone really wants her to know that she can come to him with problems and that she doesn’t have to fix things herself and when she says she likes solving her own problems and that she can still get discounted ice cream for everyone since Basrar let her keep the discount, Jawbone gently rebuffs her. He’s the adult, he buys the ice cream. (And Aelwyn steals the ice cream. Adaine catches her creating a portal to steal more whale cake from the mini fridge because she’s a menace even when she’s not actually there).
Finally for the episode, we move on to Kristen who is back in cleric class after a harrowing break and, as she steps into the classroom she sees an even more harrowing sight: In an all white suit with a Kentucky-fried silver tongue is the new Cleric teacher. None other than Buddy’s grandfather–Bobby Dawn. 
Fabian for Killing Lydia
I mean, come on? Double Nat ones? My guy. 
Honor Roll
Kristen for Saving Lydia
The reason Kristen can be such a chaos generator is because and everyone just deals with it is because, at the end of the day, she’s also the best cleric ever hands down. Honorable mention to Adaine for her arcane assistance. 
*I want to give Bobby Detention just for existing but I’m gonna wait for him to do actually do something out of pocket. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll have to wait very long. 
Random Thoughts
Just a few quick notes this week! I haven’t been including this section consistently because I tend to get a lot of my random thoughts out in answering asks that people send me and also I’ve been so busy that by the time I get to the end of the actual recap I’m often like, OK I’m done, lol. But I wanted to take a few minutes this week to include a few thoughts.
Love Pok being just not happy that Adaine has a gun but not being able to say anything because his son is literally wielding his gun. Also lol at Murph saying, “It feels less weird when you call it an arquebus.” That’s why I love referring to it as a glock whenever I can.
I didn’t mention it in the recap proper but, in case it matters, Fig uses her blood to create a…Copy? Clone? Child? Romance Partner?...for Baby named Baby Baby. Truly not sure what their deal is. 
Riz has a thought about whether they can use the power of music to uncorrupt Ankarna and, honestly, not even remotely the craziest possible idea. They have a rockstar on the team and last season a viral shrimp party was an important strategy.  
As much as Fabian is protesting, I think he’d make a great big brother. Also, he’d have a full house again! I think he knows deep down he’d be the most ride or die big bro ever. Did you see how outraged he was last ep upon hearing her hurt Adaine?
I wonder if Gal throwing her clerics out of the circle had more to do with the general badness of the pride armor or her recognizing Ankarna’s mark specifically. Glad Tracker is going to question her. I think they should be exploring all their godly options at this point now that OM is gone. Hell, Kristen should try and ask Helio if he’s still taking her calls. 
We need eyes back on the Rat Grinders ASAP. I’m glad Adaine took initiative there because we still have so many loose ends with them. We did a lot of macro investigating this ep but I’m itching to find out about the BS happening closer to home. What is Kipperlilly up to? Why did Ivy react the way she did to seeing “Lucy”? Is Oisin evil or not and can Adaine date him? All equally important questions. 
If Brennan bided his time and let Emily rage about Porter for two seasons only to lull her into a false sense of security and reveal that he was involved in secret machinations this whole time I’m gonna laugh so hard. 
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chaosology · 1 year
— the mandalorian x reader
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prompt: “where were you when i needed you?”
warnings: angst... angry punching? bad writing
Tatooine was a dry, dead place. Full of bounties and killers for hire, you didn’t exactly fit in. You were only scraping by, living off of small tips from fixing broken engines and serving drinks at the cantina.
It hadn’t always been like this. You used to have a home - at least, you thought you did. You started to tag along with the Mandalorian and his small green friend after you met him through your friend Cara. He gave you comfort and security in exchange for you taking caring care of the child and fixing the ship when need be.
Slowly, you began to develop feelings. He would bring back small things for you from his jobs and started holding conversations with you, talking for no reason in the dead of the night. Maybe, just maybe, he started to like you too.
Until he didn’t.
‏‏‎ ‎
“Get up. This is your stop.” A harsh voice spoke, awaking you from your slumber. Above you stood the Mandalorian, a small carry bag in hand - your carry bag.
“What in the- stars Mando, it’s barely sun up.” You retaliated, rubbing at your eyes. His hand came to your shoulder, shaking it in frustration. He motioned for you to get up, and you immediately did so. In your tired mind, this was all a game.
“Was I not clear? This is your stop. I’ll give you some credits to get yourself started, but don’t come looking for me. This is done. We’re done.” Although you couldn’t see his face, it seemed as if his eyes were staring into your soul. Piercing through you.
“I don’t... I don’t understand. Where are we? Why are you doing this.” You could feel your eyes tearing up, blurring your vision. His helmet tilted away for a second as he spoke
“This is Tatooine. And I have my reasons. Please, just leave”
You were too shocked to speak. You cautiously grabbed the bag from his hands, throwing it over your shoulder as you walked quietly through the ship. You felt an odd feeling of shame, as if you had just been scolded in front of a crowd. As you stepped towards the Child’s sleeping form, an arm came out in front of you.
“Go. You’ll just confuse him”
If you hadn’t been so emotional in the moment, you would’ve picked up on the sadness in his voice. But you didn’t, so you ventured forward, pushing his arm away and refusing to look back. As your boots hit the sand you could here the Razor Crest getting ready to fly. It hurt that he didn’t stay to watch you go, but then again, why would he? He clearly didn’t care about you.
‏‏‎ ‎
You were on your break from your shift at the cantina when you saw him. He walked confidently through the sand with the floating crib at his side. Bastard. How dare he show his face (well, helmet technically.)
You had to double check you weren’t hallucinating (you thought you saw him once before, but it was just some scammer in armour he bought off the jawas) before your heart started racing and your feet took off before you could think straight. All of a sudden you were walking fast towards him, tears in your eyes as you did so. He noticed you immediately, appearing emotionless as he stared you down.
Before you knew it, your hands were pushing him back, punching at the stiff metal of his chestplate. “Lying bastard.” Push. “Son of a bitch”. Push. “Selfish womp rat”. Shove.
He didn’t fight it, allowing himself to be pushed backwards through your rage. You lost the ability to speak as you cried, your hands puncring weakly at his chest. He looked down at you, one hand coming to wrap around both your wrists. Nothing was said as you sniffled and you could begin to hear his heavy breathing through the modulator.
“Where were you when I needed you? Huh?!”, you cried, “I wanted you. I needed you. And you tossed me out like imperial trash.” His hands enveloped yours as he sighed, turning to face away from you.
“I just... I wanted you safe. I couldn’t have you getting hurt...”
“So you DUMPED me on this trash sand dune? I’m a person, I can do things for myself. I can decide how to handle my safety, that’s not your choice to make.” You fumed.
“I know. I thought that if I did this I would protect you from them. I worried about you, but I knew you’d be okay. If you were to get hurt, I would never forgive myself.” He released your hands, looking down shamefully towards the ground. You were taken aback by his confession. Still angry, of course, but nonetheless surprised.
“I thought you hated me. That you wanted me out of your sight. I spent weeks upset over that. I just... missed you.”
There was a tender moment of silence as his hands moved up to glide across you neck and down your arms.
“You can come back, if you want. I know it doesn’t make up for everything but I’m sure the kid will be happy to see you.”
“I mean, itll take a while you know. I might need some time. But I’d still love to come back”
“And I- We’d love for you to come back.”
You were home.
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beevean · 6 months
I think I can finally pinpoint what bothers me so much about the Lenector ship - not even how it was treated in the show, but the very idea of making it "nuanced".
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Long story short, I found an author that promised to flesh out the Lenector storyline in the show, including getting a better insight into Lenore's thought process and rewriting some of the dialogue (I appreciated that they fixed the "interrogation" in S3 to make Hector specify that he never cared about a reward, it made him look less stupid)
Author never rewrote the rape scene, which disappointed me but oh well, but they did write Hector and Lenore finally talking about the ring, a discussion sorely missing in S4. It was more or less what I would have written: Lenore swearing that she had no choice and it was for his own good and protection, and Hector lamenting that she still tricked him and made him into a pet and she could have been honest because he would have agreed to work with them.
... but he's still in love with her. He kisses her gladly. And his "conflict", his anger at the betrayal, is framed as something in the way of his love, an obstacle that he'd have to get over it.
And there it is.
Even with the acknowledgement that what Lenore did was horrible, there is the assumption that Hector, after a good talk, is bound to forgive her. That it still makes sense that he'd be attracted to her. That it's okay, because she meant well. That it's okay, because she didn't technically lie, only twisted the truth to wear down his mental defenses (already worn down by imprisonment and abuse)! Oh, I guess I must have dreamed Lenore saying that she wanted to run away with him before kissing him :) to be fair, it was a terrible piece of writing. Good thing it wasn't real, apparently!
Yes, Hector's forgiveness should have taken time, but it should have happened. Because Lenore is not a bad person and they deserved to be together. Because what she did, which was deliberately push her prisoner in a delicate mental state into having sex with her so that she'd put an enslaving ring without his consent, was just an honest mistake and doesn't speak at all of her morality.
She's the best he got. She's nice to him, because she makes cute dick jokes and goes to whine to him. She's better than Dracula, who lied to him (Lenore never did), and better than Carmilla, who was violent with him (Lenore never was). This is not to be taken as a sign of how horribly this man has been treated in life, and how he'd be happy with the smallest of crumbs because he has been broken that badly. Lenore is the happiness he deserves. Ignore how "your life could be worse" is literal textbook abuser logic, it's true in his case.
The problem with S4 is not that it excused Lenore's rape by deception. It's that it rushed the forgiveness that was due and didn't allow them to be together. Lenore's suicide was Ellis hating this character that completely overtook Carmilla's already established role and was treated far more magnanimously than the similar Japanese not-twins, clearly!
And this is the impasse I cannot get over. Every time, every damn time, even when fans agree that S4 was a disaster, all arguments funnel to this one part: Lenore raping Hector for her plans is not a moral event horizon. Hector loving her makes perfect sense and it is a tragic, "nuanced" romance that should have ended with the two kissing in the sunset, finally having in their arms someone who truly respects them.
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^ the face of someone who only wanted to protect and take care of the prisoner whom she tricked into sex. She should have been happy with him forever and ever, really 🥺
I'm not judging the shippers' morality, obviously, I don't know any of these people. But the arguments they use make me sick to my stomach, which is made even worse by the fact that the show itself pushes this narrative, just in a way that was so shitty that even the fans were like "bruh".
I won't bother rewriting this trash, because I can do better with the gameverse. But if I ever did, I'd only ask for Hector to at least be conflicted until her sunning (which is not as nonsensical as fans seem to think lol, it just needs to be worded better). Like he recognizes that she did improve his life, but she used unforgivable means for no good reason. You want a tragic romance between two kindred souls? Remove that despicable, cruel act. The Lenore of S3 and the Lenore of S4 are irreconcilable and trying to do so always degenerates in rape apologism whether you mean it or not.
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