#online vocabulary
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irlplasticlamb · 7 months ago
could you show us some afro hairstyles that you have drawn?
hi :) english is not my first language so i wasn’t sure you meant afro hairstyle as in:
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or black folk hairstyles in general! i’m terribly sorry if i misunderstood your message! here’s some examples of my work including afro textured hair:
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meddwlyngymraeg · 10 months ago
Vocabulary - to want
A few different ways (that I know) to express wishes and desires.
eisiau - to want. One of the standard ways of saying you want something, all across Wales. In truth, it’s not actually a verbnoun like many others, it’s really a noun. That’s why you don’t need the ‘yn’ before it ad you would for any other verbnoun: ‘yn mynd’, ‘Dwi’n mynd’. ‘Dyn ni’n aros.’ Etc.
‘Dwi eisiau cysgu.’ I want to sleep.
I believe the reason for this is an older construction that is used in literary Welsh, but that got shortened and dropped off over time in colloquial Welsh. ‘bod ... ar [rhywun]’ was the construction used, roughly meaning to have ‘a want upon you’ (very roughly).
Double checking this with Wiktionary (beloved), they do have a credible literary source demonstrating this: the Welsh bible (which thanks to a frenzied linguistics and orthography-fuelled spiral down Wikipedia, and oddly enough, the Welsh comedian and radio broadcaster Elis James (unrelatedly), I know was first translated in the 1500s and directly led to the loss of the letter ‘k’ from the Welsh alphabet).
‘Yr Arglwydd yw fy Mugail; ni bydd eisiau arnaf.’ The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Close enough to colloquial Welsh to understand, that's using ‘eisiau arna (i)’. Over time, colloquial Welsh has dropped the ‘ar’. The example sentence above could've been 'Dwi eisiau cysgu [arna i]'.
A note. Some people have a misconception that eisiau should cause a soft mutation in the word following it, because it is an exceptional case of an action (of sorts) that doesn’t need an ‘yn’, and so must follow a pattern similar to a few other conjugations out there like ‘dylu’ (should).
‘Dylet ti ddweud rhywbeth’ (You should say something), ‘Galla i wneud rhywbeth amdano fe’ (I can do something about it), ‘Ga i rywbeth?’ (Can I have something?), the past tenses of gwneud, ‘wnaethon ni ddysgu Cymraeg’, ‘Mae rhaid iddyn nhw dduhino’n gynnar!’ (They must wake up early!)
And so on. This isn’t the case, as eisiau is not a conjugated verb. It’s just a noun for desire! (*not exactly. I’m trying to explain this as best I can)
There is a south Walian usage of ‘eisiau’ that makes this idea clearer.
In some southern dialects, the construction ‘mae eisiau i…’ is used to mean that someone needs something. E.g. ‘Mae eisiau i ti fwyta’ means ‘you need to eat’. What it literally means is ‘there is a need for you to eat’, and so you can see the noun eisiau (a need) in use.
North Walian Welsh uses the same structure, but with the noun angen instead. ‘Mae angen i ti fwyta.’ ‘Mae angen iddyn nhw sosban’, literally, ‘they are in need of a saucepan’.
Speaking of dialect differences, especially in north Wales Welsh, you might come across spelling variants of eisiau: ‘isio’, ‘isia’, (N) ‘isie’ (S), ‘isho’, etc. Perks of a phonetic language are that nothing’s a misspelling really if it sounds alright when said out loud. I did raise an eyebrow at the last one a little, ‘sh’ isn’t the English ‘sh’ in Welsh, is it? (Is that Wenglish?)
Other forms!
moyn - to want. Used pretty much only in the south and valleys, but this one is a regular verbnoun. ‘Dwi’n moyn cwpla fy ngwaith gytre’n fuan’ (I want to finish my homework soon)
(Just realised there are a Lot of dialect words in that sentence! Cwpla -> gorffen, gytre -> cartef)
It seems simpler than the exceptional eisiau construction, why isn’t it more widely accepted?, you ask. (Most people I’ve said it to say it immediately places you geographically to them because they never hear anyone else say it.) It derives from an older verb, ymofyn, which itself comes from the word gofyn (to ask), ‘ym’ + ‘gofyn’ = ‘ymofyn’, which sort of goes away from the original idea of wanting, and into one of asking. Still, language evolves, and so you will still hear moyn in South Wales. In fact, the Say Something In Welsh course teaches it (which is how I know it. Probably worth giving a disclaimer that I’m simply mad about linguistics and Welsh alternative bands, before anyone starts to think I live in Wales just because I occasionally write long grammar posts!)
Awydd - a desire. Used similarly to eisiau, no ‘yn’ precedes it. The whole point of making this post was that I just came across this sentence: ‘Ti awydd mynd i Gastell Caerfili?’ Meaning, do you want to go to Caerphilly Castle?
And those are the ones I know!
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idiomagic · 9 months ago
I'm nonbinary and ace. The last thing I would ever want to do is misgender someone, or make someone experience dysphoria. I am also a 55 year old. I was a teenager in the 80s, in California, and it hardwired my vocabulary. I've seen so many posts of people saying Gen X is no longer allowed to say 'dude', because it misgenders people. And I gotta say...y'all do not understand the basic parts of speech. When a Gen Xer says something like 'Dude. That's bonkers.' the 'Dude' is not a form of address. It's a type of exclamation. We are not calling YOU dude. It is only tangentially related to you, at all. "Dude" is an exclamation. It is the equivalent of 'holy shit' or 'omg'. All of which would be very clear if y'all thought about it for half a second. We're not saying 'Madam/sir, that's bonkers.' We're saying 'Holy shit! That's bonkers.' I'm too old to have my vocabulary policed by terminally online kids. Y'all are exhausting.
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thatmintleaf · 3 months ago
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Time to learn some sweet sweet vocabulary
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stopmyhearts · 23 days ago
truly there is nothing like making posts everyday to make you doubt your English skills
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siryyeet · 1 day ago
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creepykuroneko · 5 months ago
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I fucken hate the Tumblr neurodivergent community.
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feelingthedisaster · 1 year ago
that awkard moment in which my teacher says "your english is so good and you have a really wide vocabulary" and i have to pretend it isnt because of fanfiction
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qazastra · 17 hours ago
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longdeadking · 24 days ago
i think im gonna start saying whoa, like sludge abt my partners (admittedly hazel but still) eyes now. thank you for this edition to my vocabulary
and now my true purpose has been revealed: use online love to spread my speech patterns until we become a hlvrai hivemind
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compher · 25 days ago
"an absolute shellacking" literally who talks like this....
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anawkwardlady · 2 months ago
I feel like sometimes people kinda confuse the concept of characters having the TherapySpeakSyndromeTM and the concept of people being various levels of introspective. Like yeah I don't think it's that unrealistic to have characters go on deep self analysis mode but it depends on the personality type, expression, what kind of circle/community we're in and the amount of characters who act exactly like that.
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meddwlyngymraeg · 9 months ago
Geirfa (ar hap): Random vocabulary I've picked up this week.
hap -> random (n) artaith -> torture (verb, noun) gwaddoli -> to endow (v)
Cyfeirio [at rhwybeth] -> to address something, to refer [to smth] (v) Cyfeiriad -> a reference/referral, direction (n) Cyfeilio -> to accompany (musically or otherwise) (v) Cyfeiliant -> accompaniment, backing (n) Cynnau -> to light, ignite, switch on (v)
Coch -> red Cwch -> a boat, raft, etc. (n) Cwch (/cychod) gwenyn -> beehive(s). Cute that a hive is basically a boat for bees!
llond -> -full/filled (adj) yr holl -> all (of something) (adj)
bwydlen -> menu (literally 'food sheet') llen -> sheet (in the sense of paper, a curtain, ice, etc.) (n)
dychmygu -> to imagine (v) credu/coelio -> to believe (v) teimlo -> to feel (v) enaid -> a soul (n) rhyddid -> freedom (n)
bloedd(iaudau) -> a shout, whoop bloeddio -> to shout
hyn a hyn -> from time to time/now and again
yn barod -> already
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mandarinstaridn · 1 year ago
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🎓 Learn Chinese Online | Learn Mandarin | Chinese Vocabularies
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femmefaggot · 1 year ago
"you sound like a fruitcake" - jacob, my new friend
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bugsbenefit · 1 year ago
why is it that google is always pretty decent at translating various languages but the moment i'm looking up crochet instructions none of these words are in any dictionaries
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