#online trading courses in India
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learnstockmarketcourses · 7 months ago
Trading Courses
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Trading courses are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and the psychological aspects of trading. They cater to different levels of expertise, from beginners who are new to the world of trading to experienced traders looking to refine their strategies and enhance their performance. The structured approach of trading courses helps in building a solid foundation in financial markets, starting with the basics of how markets operate, types of financial instruments, and the mechanisms of trading.
One of the key components of trading courses is technical analysis, which involves analyzing historical price data and trading volumes to forecast future price movements. This includes learning about chart patterns, indicators, oscillators, and trend analysis. Courses often provide practical training on how to use various technical analysis tools and software, enabling traders to make data-driven decisions. Fundamental analysis, another critical aspect, focuses on evaluating a company’s financial health, economic conditions, and industry trends to determine the intrinsic value of its stocks. This helps traders make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of market fundamentals.
Risk management is another crucial area covered in trading courses. Effective risk management strategies are essential for protecting capital and ensuring long-term profitability. Courses teach participants how to set stop-loss orders, manage leverage, diversify their portfolios, and control emotional responses to market fluctuations. Understanding the psychology of trading is also emphasized, as emotional discipline and mental fortitude are vital for success in trading. Courses often address common psychological pitfalls such as fear, greed, and overconfidence, and provide techniques to develop a disciplined and objective trading mindset.
Trading courses also delve into various trading strategies, including day trading, swing trading, and position trading. Each strategy has its own set of principles, timeframes, and risk profiles. Day trading involves making multiple trades within a single day, aiming to capitalize on short-term market movements. Swing trading focuses on capturing price swings over several days or weeks, while position trading involves holding positions for longer periods to benefit from broader market trends. These courses provide detailed guidance on how to develop and implement these strategies effectively, tailored to individual risk tolerance and trading goals.
Many trading courses incorporate practical components such as simulated trading environments, where participants can practice executing trades without risking real money. These simulations help in building confidence and gaining experience in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Additionally, some courses offer mentorship and support from experienced traders, providing personalized feedback and insights to help learners improve their trading performance.
The mode of delivery for trading courses varies, with options including online classes, webinars, in-person workshops, and self-paced learning modules. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and from any location. In-person workshops and seminars provide opportunities for interactive learning and networking with peers and industry experts. Many courses also offer access to exclusive trading communities, forums, and resources, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
In summary, trading courses provide a comprehensive education in the financial markets, covering essential topics such as technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and trading psychology. They cater to various skill levels and learning preferences, offering both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By equipping participants with the necessary tools and techniques, trading courses help individuals build a solid foundation, develop effective trading strategies, and enhance their overall trading performance, ultimately enabling them to navigate the financial markets with confidence and competence.
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bankniftylearnandtrade · 1 year ago
The Best Online Trading Courses in India -  Bank Nifty Learn and Trade
Explore the best online trading courses in India offered by Bank Nifty Learn and Trade. Gain invaluable knowledge, expert insights, and trading skills to excel in India's dynamic financial landscape. Join us for a transformative learning experience today!
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bhartisharemarketmantra · 2 months ago
Top 5 stocks for 2025 based on fundamental analysis📈
When considering stocks for 2025 based on fundamental analysis, investors generally look at key financial indicators, such as earnings growth, 🚀 debt levels, market trends, competitive advantages, and overall business performance. you can learn about fundamental and technical analysis by joining the Bharti Share Market Training Institute for a share market course in this course, 📚 you learn basic to advanced levels by choosing your comfortable languages like Marathi, Hindi, and English.🎯you can start your journey to learning about the stock market.
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kstock · 2 months ago
Advance Equity Derivatives Course Online - kStock Learning
Are you looking to elevate your trading skills? Our Advance Equity Derivatives Course Online is designed for those who want to master advanced trading strategies and techniques in the equity derivatives market. This comprehensive course covers everything from the basics of options and futures to more advanced topics such as volatility strategies, risk management, and portfolio hedging.
By enrolling in this course, you'll gain hands-on experience with trading tools and learn how to analyze market trends effectively. Our expert instructors provide in-depth explanations, real-world examples, and practical insights that will help you build a strong foundation in equity derivatives trading. Whether you're a beginner aiming to understand the fundamentals or an experienced trader seeking to refine your strategies, this course caters to all levels of expertise.
Learn at your own pace with interactive lessons, quizzes, and simulations that ensure a thorough understanding of equity derivatives. Join today and unlock the potential to trade smarter and more profitably. Take your trading to the next level with our Advance Equity Derivatives Course Online your gateway to success in the dynamic world of derivatives trading.
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my-equity-guru · 6 months ago
Best Intraday Trading Courses in India
How to execute trades and analyze real time market data ? Join My Equity Guru’s best intraday trading courses in India. These course covers in depth knowledge of technical analysis, risk management momentum trading and intraday strategies including scalping. Join today!
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vishalsingh94745 · 9 months ago
Seamless Forex Booking: Book Your Forex Effortlessly Online
Experience the ultimate convenience in forex booking with our seamless online platform. Book your forex quickly and easily from the comfort of your home. Our user-friendly interface ensures a smooth process, offering competitive rates and secure transactions. Say goodbye to long waits and hello to instant forex booking.
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ruchir-gupta · 1 year ago
Everything you should know about Stock Market basics
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt can bе an intimidating prοspеct, еspеcially fοr bеginnеrs with limitеd funds. Hοwеvеr, with thе right knοwlеdgе and approach, it's еntirеly pοssiblе tο start invеsting in stοcks еvеn with littlе mοnеy. This cοmprеhеnsivе guidе will prοvidе yοu with thе еssеntial infοrmatiοn οn hοw tο invеst in stοck markеt for bеginnеr, hοw tο dеtеrminе what stοcks tο buy, and thе bеst οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs fοr bеginnеrs.
Stοck Markеt Basics
Bеfοrе diving intο thе wοrld οf stοck invеsting, it's crucial tο undеrstand th�� basic cοncеpts. Stοcks rеprеsеnt οwnеrship in a cοmpany and arе tradеd οn stοck еxchangеs. Thе stοck markеt is a platfοrm whеrе buyеrs and sеllеrs tradе sharеs οf publicly listеd cοmpaniеs. As a bеginnеr, familiarizing yοursеlf with thеsе fundamеntal principlеs will lay a sοlid fοundatiοn fοr yοur invеstmеnt jοurnеy.
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Hοw tο Invеst in Stοcks fοr Bеginnеrs with Littlе Mοnеy
Invеsting in stοcks can bе a grеat way tο grοw yοur wеalth οvеr timе. Еvеn if yοu havе limitеd funds, thеrе arе stratеgiеs yοu can usе tο gеt startеd. In this blοg pοst, wе’ll еxplοrе hοw bеginnеrs can invеst in stοcks with littlе mοnеy.
1. Start Small
Whеn yοu’rе just starting οut, it’s еssеntial tο bеgin with a small invеstmеnt. Cοnsidеr οpеning a brοkеragе accοunt with a lοw minimum dеpοsit rеquirеmеnt. Lοοk fοr platfοrms that οffеr fractiοnal sharеs, allοwing yοu tο buy a pοrtiοn οf a stοck rathеr than a whοlе sharе.
2. Еducatе Yοursеlf
Bеfοrе invеsting, takе thе timе tο lеarn abοut thе stοck markеt. Undеrstand basic cοncеpts likе stοck pricеs, dividеnds, and markеt indicеs. Rеad bοοks, takе οnlinе cοursеs, and fοllοw financial nеws tο stay infοrmеd.
3. Divеrsify Yοur Pοrtfοliο
Divеrsificatiοn is kеy tο managing risk. Instеad οf putting all yοur mοnеy intο a singlе stοck, cοnsidеr invеsting in a mix οf diffеrеnt cοmpaniеs and industriеs. Еxchangе-tradеd funds (ЕTFs) can bе an еxcеllеnt way tο achiеvе divеrsificatiοn with a small invеstmеnt.
Hοw tο Invеst in Stοck Markеt fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Chοοsе a Rеliablе Brοkеragе
Sеlеcting thе right brοkеragе is crucial. Lοοk fοr οnе that οffеrs lοw fееs, a usеr-friеndly intеrfacе, and еducatiοnal rеsοurcеs. Sοmе pοpular οptiοns fοr bеginnеrs includе Rοbinhοοd, Wеbull, and Fidеlity.
2. Sеt Clеar Gοals
Dеfinе yοur invеstmеnt gοals. Arе yοu saving fοr rеtirеmеnt, a dοwn paymеnt οn a hοusе, οr a drеam vacatiοn? Knοwing yοur οbjеctivеs will hеlp yοu makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Rеsеarch Stοcks
Lеarn hοw tο analyzе stοcks. Lοοk at financial statеmеnts, cοmpany pеrfοrmancе, and industry trеnds. Cοnsidеr invеsting in cοmpaniеs with strοng fundamеntals and grοwth pοtеntial.
Hοw tο Knοw What Stοcks tο Buy fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Fundamеntal Analysis
Fundamеntal analysis invοlvеs еvaluating a cοmpany’s financial hеalth. Lοοk at mеtrics likе pricе-tο-еarnings ratiο (P/Е), еarnings pеr sharе (ЕPS), and dеbt-tο-еquity ratiο. Invеst in cοmpaniеs with sοlid fundamеntals.
2. Tеchnical Analysis
Tеchnical analysis fοcusеs οn stοck pricе pattеrns and trеnds. Usе tοοls likе mοving avеragеs, candlеstick charts, and rеlativе strеngth indеx (RSI) tο makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Lοng-Tеrm vs. Shοrt-Tеrm
Dеcidе whеthеr yοu’rе a lοng-tеrm οr shοrt-tеrm invеstοr. Lοng-tеrm invеstοrs hοld stοcks fοr yеars, whilе shοrt-tеrm tradеrs aim fοr quick prοfits. Your strategy will influence the stοcks you buy.
Bеst Οnlinе Stοck Trading Cοursеs fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Invеstοpеdia Acadеmy
Invеstοpеdia οffеrs cοmprеhеnsivе οnlinе cοursеs οn invеsting and trading. Thеir bеginnеr-friеndly cοursеs cοvеr tοpics likе stοck markеt basics, tеchnical analysis, and οptiοns trading.
2. Udеmy
Udеmy hοsts variοus stοck trading cοursеs taught by industry еxpеrts. Lοοk fοr cοursеs that fit yοur lеvеl οf еxpеriеncе and budgеt.
3. Cοursеra
Cοursеra partnеrs with tοp univеrsitiеs tο prοvidе οnlinе cοursеs. Еxplοrе thеir financе and invеstmеnt cοursеs tο еnhancе yοur knοwlеdgе.
Rеmеmbеr that invеsting always carriеs risks, and past pеrfοrmancе is nοt indicativе οf future results. Start small, еducatе yοursеlf, and bе patiеnt. Happy invеsting!
Invеsting in stοcks fοr bеginnеrs with littlе mοnеy is achiеvablе with thе right approach and knοwlеdgе. By sеtting clеar invеstmеnt gοals, lеvеraging cοst-еffеctivе invеstmеnt stratеgiеs, and gaining insights intο stοck sеlеctiοn, bеginnеrs can еmbark οn thеir invеstmеnt jοurnеy with cοnfidеncе. Additiοnally, еxplοring rеputablе οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs tailοrеd fοr bеginnеrs can furthеr еnhancе yοur undеrstanding οf thе stοck markеt. Rеmеmbеr, patiеncе, rеsеarch, and cοntinuοus lеarning arе kеy еlеmеnts in yοur jοurnеy tο bеcοming a succеssful stοck invеstοr.
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt is a lοng-tеrm еndеavοr, and whilе thеrе arе risks invοlvеd, infοrmеd dеcisiοn-making and pеrsеvеrancе can pavе thе way fοr financial grοwth and wеalth accumulatiοn, еvеn with limitеd initial capital. Happy invеsting!
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stockmarketinstitute01 · 1 year ago
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Unlocking Wealth: Your Guide to Success in the Stock Market Course
Join us on a journey through the fundamentals of the stock market course, where you'll learn how to identify lucrative investment opportunities, navigate market fluctuations, and build a robust investment portfolio. Dive into engaging lessons, interactive tutorials, and real-world case studies that will equip you with practical strategies and insights from seasoned experts.
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firstdematcourses · 1 year ago
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The First Demat Trading Academy provides all-encompassing training programs for individuals interested in share market trading, catering to both novices and experienced traders. Now, let's briefly explore the various stock trading courses in India that you can acquire knowledge from at this institution.
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learnstockmarketcourses · 9 months ago
Stock market trading in real money
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Stock market trading in real money is a pivotal aspect of an investor's journey, marking the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical application. Unlike simulated trading environments, where the stakes are low and emotions play a minimal role, trading with real money introduces individuals to the intricacies and unpredictability of the market. It necessitates a deeper comprehension of market dynamics, risk management strategies, and emotional discipline.
Engaging in stock market trading in real money provides invaluable lessons that cannot be replicated in a demo account. It teaches investors to manage their emotions, such as fear and greed, which often drive impulsive decision-making. The experience of winning and losing real money fosters resilience and equips traders with the psychological fortitude necessary to navigate the ups and downs of the market.
Moreover, real money trading encourages accountability and responsibility. Every trade carries financial consequences, emphasizing the importance of thorough research, due diligence, and disciplined execution. It compels traders to critically evaluate their investment decisions and learn from both successes and failures.
However, trading with real money also entails inherent risks. Losses are inevitable, especially for novice traders, and can serve as costly lessons. As such, it's essential for traders to start with a small amount of capital that they can afford to lose and gradually increase their exposure as they gain experience and confidence.
In conclusion, engaging in stock market trading in real money is an indispensable component of the learning journey for aspiring investors. It offers hands-on experience, imparts valuable lessons, and ultimately provides the opportunity to achieve financial success in the dynamic world of the stock market.
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bankniftylearnandtrade · 2 years ago
Navigating Financial Frontiers with BankNifty Options Trading! 📈💼
Join our Telegram to get Live Trading Updates and much more 👉t.me/bankniftyoptions9
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bhartisharmarket23 · 1 year ago
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they are many strategies that can be used for intraday trading. The best strategy for you will depend on your individual trading style and risk tolerance.
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indexandstocktradingacademy · 5 months ago
What Kind of Studies Are Needed to Become a Stock Trader
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Introduction Becoming a successful stock trader requires more than just a gut feeling or luck—it takes knowledge, discipline, and continuous learning. With stock markets offering the potential for lucrative returns, many aspiring traders wonder: What kind of studies are necessary to become a proficient stock trader? This blog explores the essential subjects, courses, and skills needed to start a career in stock trading. It also highlights how Index and Stock Trading Academy can help you acquire these essential skills.
Target Audience This blog is aimed at individuals interested in becoming stock traders, including: ⦁ Students and recent graduates who are exploring careers in finance. ⦁ Working professionals looking to switch to stock trading. ⦁ Aspiring traders with basic knowledge of financial markets who want to deepen their understanding. ⦁ Anyone curious about the skills needed for stock trading and how to develop them. Purpose/Goal The goal of this blog is to outline the specific educational paths and courses required to become a stock trader, including the importance of technical and fundamental analysis, financial literacy, and real-world market experience. The blog also promotes the training programs offered by Index and Stock Trading Academy as a resource for learning stock trading.
Blog Structure Introduction This section captures the reader’s attention with the growing demand for stock traders and the allure of a successful trading career, emphasizing the need for proper education and training.
1: Why Education Matters for Stock Trading Stock trading is much more than buying low and selling high. Without a solid understanding of how markets work, traders risk losing money due to poor decisions. Knowledge of market trends, strategies, and analysis methods is essential.
2: What Studies Are Needed to Become a Stock Trader?
Financial Markets and Investment Basics A foundational knowledge of financial markets, including how stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments work, is essential. Beginners should start with: ⦁ Introduction to Stock Markets: Learn about how the stock market operates, market participants, and key market indices. ⦁ Basic Investment Strategies: Understanding different types of investments such as stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and commodities.
Technical Analysis Technical analysis is a critical skill for any stock trader. This involves reading charts, identifying patterns, and making trading decisions based on price movements. Key topics include: ⦁ Chart Patterns: Recognizing patterns such as head and shoulders, double tops, and flags. ⦁ Indicators and Oscillators: Learning how to use tools like the Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Averages, and Bollinger Bands to make informed decisions. ⦁ Candlestick Analysis: Understanding candlestick patterns and what they signal about market movements.
Fundamental Analysis Fundamental analysis focuses on evaluating the financial health of companies to make long-term investment decisions. Key subjects include: ⦁ Reading Financial Statements: Learn how to interpret balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. ⦁ Valuation Techniques: Understand how to value stocks based on earnings, P/E ratios, and dividends. ⦁ Macroeconomic Factors: Studying how economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates affect stock prices.
Risk Management and Psychology To succeed as a trader, you must also understand how to manage risk and maintain emotional discipline. Topics include: ⦁ Setting Stop-Loss Orders: Learn how to minimize losses and protect capital. ⦁ Risk-Reward Ratios: Calculate potential gains relative to possible losses. ⦁ Trader Psychology: Understand the psychological challenges of trading, such as fear of missing out (FOMO) and overconfidence, and how to overcome them. 3: How Can You Start Learning? Courses Available at Index and Stock Trading Academy At Index and Stock Trading Academy, we offer a range of stock trading courses to suit different skill levels—from beginners to advanced traders. Our courses cover all the essential topics mentioned above and are designed to provide practical, hands-on knowledge. Courses Offered: ⦁ Stock Market for Beginners: Ideal for individuals who want to learn the basics of stock trading and investment. ⦁ Technical Analysis for Traders: Focuses on chart patterns, indicators, and oscillators. ⦁ Fundamental Analysis and Stock Valuation: Designed to help traders understand a company’s financial health. ⦁ Advanced Trading Strategies: For traders with some experience who want to take their trading to the next level. Our courses are available online and in-person, making them accessible to learners from all major cities across India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad.
4: Common Misconceptions About Becoming a Stock Trader Misconception 1: You Don’t Need Formal Education While some traders may have learned through trial and error, formal education significantly improves your chances of success by giving you a structured learning path and saving you from costly mistakes. Misconception 2: Only People with Math or Finance Degrees Can Trade Stock trading is accessible to people from all educational backgrounds. While a finance degree can be helpful, anyone with the right education and discipline can become a successful trader. Conclusion Becoming a successful stock trader requires education, discipline, and practice. By studying financial markets, mastering technical and fundamental analysis, and learning risk management, you can build a solid foundation for a long-term trading career. At Index and Stock Trading Academy, we offer comprehensive courses to help you develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the stock market.
Style/Tone The blog will be conversational and professional, providing informative content while keeping readers engaged. The tone will inspire confidence and curiosity, making the content easy to digest for beginners and experienced readers alike.
Call-to-Action (CTA) Ready to start your journey as a stock trader? Sign up for a course at Index and Stock Trading Academy today, and get the tools you need to succeed in the stock market! ⦁ Contact us for course details or to speak with one of our trading experts. ⦁ Follow us on social media for daily market tips and updates.
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stocksupdates · 2 years ago
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balrogballs · 2 months ago
Hello, Ms. Balls! When you're feeling up to it, I have a question about your AU. If this was already mentioned in what you've uploaded thus far, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot and I missed it, but when were Elrond and Elros taken back to England? Before independence, after, during the Partition...? What were their experiences like during that time, and what were the Feanorians' experiences like? Asking because I was doing a little reading about the history of Kerala in the 20th Century last night because I wanted to know what the Partition was like in Kerala in terms of any violence, population transfers, etc., that your characters might have dealt with.
Most of what I know about the Partition comes from a class on the experiences of women and girls during ethnic and sectarian violence that I took as an undergrad many, many years ago. We spent a good chunk of the semester learning about violence against women during the Partition and studying survivor narratives, which were then and remain now some of the most horrifying things I've ever read. But we looked mostly at Punjab Province and Rajputana, places that were actively being split between India and Pakistan, and with Kerala being much farther south and on the coast, I'm not sure whether the impact would have been the same. I do know that the king of Travancore wanted to be independent of both Britain and India, but from what I understand your characters are in or near Kozhikode, which was in Malabar District, not Travancore, during British rule, and most of what I found on Google about Malabar during the Partition was either very vague, very confusing, or from sites that didn't seem to be particularly reputable.
If this information is going to be revealed in later chapters, or even if this question would just be more work to answer than you feel like doing, please feel free to ignore!
Hello hello,
And I am LOVING this level of engagement!!!
So the reason Kerala is a bit hit-or-miss online re: Partition narratives is that there wasn’t much of an impact on the state itself. Re: Partition, the vast majority of the violence was between — and this is of course oversimplification, especially as the British Raj were involved — Hindu and Muslim communities, majority in the Northern and “Hindi belt” middle states.
Communal violence between these two communities were easily stoked and all three of the Congress Party (India), the Muslim League (Pakistan) and the British Raj had fanned the flames before freaking out at the fire.
Most of the Southern states were either Hindu-majority states OR territories like Goa, which were majorly Christian and/or occupied by other foreign states, hence again, violence did not carry over too much.
Kerala however, was a bit of an outlier — there was and still remains actually a large Muslim population there, but whilst some communal tension did exist and still does, it escaped major religious violence for two reasons: ‘foreign’ religion being spread in the state across centuries of trade or refugee migration rather than conquest meant it wasn’t susceptible to ‘invader’ narratives. Eg. Parsi communities and Jewish communities had all settled in Kerala at various periods, all primarily through trade or refugee migration. Secondly, the state was almost exclusively controlled by trade unions, Marxists and other left groups.
So essentially, Kerala was relatively peaceful during the time of Partition in that specific context, because the religious communities had lived in (relative) harmony for centuries + the state having a very “leftist” consciousness meant even the religious folk, for the most part, tended to have a secular political outlook. Case in point in fic is of course the Fëanorians, who are culturally Muslim but don’t practice, and their politics have nothing to do with their religion.
(Although, as I mentioned in the fic it’s a very ‘theoretical’ Marxism in that they’re basically just democratic socialists who really like the colour red, nowhete near Soviet-style austere communism or Chinese-style cultural upheaval, it was more — like Maedhros puts it — making sure the bins get picked up and that every child can read — hence why it worked pretty well and continues to do so… the opposition party are centre-left, eg. Hilary Clinton types in a domestic context, and they serve as the ruling party alternatively.)
However, that doesn’t mean political violence doesn’t exist there, far from it, it’s not at all idyllic and to this day the ruling and opposition parties go out and beat each other up for memes… a couple of scraps from the upcoming chapter:
In the sixties and seventies, the political theatre of Kerala consisted of two primary stages: talking and thrashing. This was the kind of teamwork that appealed to the father-son duo of Maedhros and Elros — the latter a debonair, silver-tongued ideologue with an advanced degree in political theory, and the former a six-foot-three powerhouse with a millimetre-long fuse, kilometre-long rap sheet and an advanced degree in battering people he didn’t like.
Maedhros trying to invite the opposition party to a birthday party for a child:
“Oh, yes, you’re right,” Maedhros nodded, before turning back to Elros. “Tell Finrod if he and his people don’t turn up, I’ll break their legs next time I see them, and personally see to it that Dior’s days are numbered. Oh, then stop at the post office and send a telegram to Caranthir and his jungle people, and tell him I’ll break more than his legs if I don’t see him.”
Essentially, this kind of thing was commonplace between the two parties, however in a national context the two (both being ostensibly secular and liberal) tend to team up against the right wing/British Raj. However, Maedhros talking about thrashing people like it’s a yoga class wouldn’t really be off the mark for a party leader in the 50s-70s. It’s also a wink wink nudge about what the British Raj and the postcolonial State considered “violence” in that Maedhros and his buddies breaking legs for breakfast isn’t a problem for them, but a tiny act of resistance to police brutality landed him in prison for 10 years.
But yes - Elrond and Elros had a relatively idyllic childhood because they were very far removed from the violence of Partition — whilst they were found by the brothers in Delhi in around 1937 while Maedhros was at his most, er, revolutionary, said brothers lived in Kerala so until 1952, Elrond and Elros were raised there.
In the fifties, Kerala was also a pain in Nehru’s ass because while everyone else tried to get on with Independence, Kerala went and tried to secede from the union over language politics (tbh they were right but guys, TIMING 😭). Either way, the bulk of the problems within the state were regionally constrained, and whilst violence was commonplace, it was not mass violence but rather political infighting.
However, Elrond’s return comes at the close of Indira Gandhi’s Emergency, which was a whole other kettle of fish re: state oppression — fic itself goes into it later so I won’t expand much here, but essentially Kerala was Not In The Dictatorship’s Good Books, considering the political direction of the state and its ruling parties’ tendency to gang up against the centre, tons of police violence etc.
To this day the state continues to be a pain in the national ass tbh, bless them, considering the central government of India has never shifted further left than “milquetoast centrism”, but as of late they just… pretend it doesn’t exist for the sake of everyone’s mental health. Eg. peacenik cousin with a massive peace dove forehead tattoo in a family of war vets.
Hope this helps!!!
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