#online trading courses in India
Trading Courses
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Trading courses are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and the psychological aspects of trading. They cater to different levels of expertise, from beginners who are new to the world of trading to experienced traders looking to refine their strategies and enhance their performance. The structured approach of trading courses helps in building a solid foundation in financial markets, starting with the basics of how markets operate, types of financial instruments, and the mechanisms of trading.
One of the key components of trading courses is technical analysis, which involves analyzing historical price data and trading volumes to forecast future price movements. This includes learning about chart patterns, indicators, oscillators, and trend analysis. Courses often provide practical training on how to use various technical analysis tools and software, enabling traders to make data-driven decisions. Fundamental analysis, another critical aspect, focuses on evaluating a company’s financial health, economic conditions, and industry trends to determine the intrinsic value of its stocks. This helps traders make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of market fundamentals.
Risk management is another crucial area covered in trading courses. Effective risk management strategies are essential for protecting capital and ensuring long-term profitability. Courses teach participants how to set stop-loss orders, manage leverage, diversify their portfolios, and control emotional responses to market fluctuations. Understanding the psychology of trading is also emphasized, as emotional discipline and mental fortitude are vital for success in trading. Courses often address common psychological pitfalls such as fear, greed, and overconfidence, and provide techniques to develop a disciplined and objective trading mindset.
Trading courses also delve into various trading strategies, including day trading, swing trading, and position trading. Each strategy has its own set of principles, timeframes, and risk profiles. Day trading involves making multiple trades within a single day, aiming to capitalize on short-term market movements. Swing trading focuses on capturing price swings over several days or weeks, while position trading involves holding positions for longer periods to benefit from broader market trends. These courses provide detailed guidance on how to develop and implement these strategies effectively, tailored to individual risk tolerance and trading goals.
Many trading courses incorporate practical components such as simulated trading environments, where participants can practice executing trades without risking real money. These simulations help in building confidence and gaining experience in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Additionally, some courses offer mentorship and support from experienced traders, providing personalized feedback and insights to help learners improve their trading performance.
The mode of delivery for trading courses varies, with options including online classes, webinars, in-person workshops, and self-paced learning modules. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and from any location. In-person workshops and seminars provide opportunities for interactive learning and networking with peers and industry experts. Many courses also offer access to exclusive trading communities, forums, and resources, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
In summary, trading courses provide a comprehensive education in the financial markets, covering essential topics such as technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and trading psychology. They cater to various skill levels and learning preferences, offering both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By equipping participants with the necessary tools and techniques, trading courses help individuals build a solid foundation, develop effective trading strategies, and enhance their overall trading performance, ultimately enabling them to navigate the financial markets with confidence and competence.
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The Best Online Trading Courses in India -  Bank Nifty Learn and Trade
Explore the best online trading courses in India offered by Bank Nifty Learn and Trade. Gain invaluable knowledge, expert insights, and trading skills to excel in India's dynamic financial landscape. Join us for a transformative learning experience today!
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my-equity-guru · 19 days
Best Intraday Trading Courses in India
How to execute trades and analyze real time market data ? Join My Equity Guru’s best intraday trading courses in India. These course covers in depth knowledge of technical analysis, risk management momentum trading and intraday strategies including scalping. Join today!
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vishalsingh94745 · 4 months
Seamless Forex Booking: Book Your Forex Effortlessly Online
Experience the ultimate convenience in forex booking with our seamless online platform. Book your forex quickly and easily from the comfort of your home. Our user-friendly interface ensures a smooth process, offering competitive rates and secure transactions. Say goodbye to long waits and hello to instant forex booking.
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ruchir-gupta · 6 months
Everything you should know about Stock Market basics
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt can bе an intimidating prοspеct, еspеcially fοr bеginnеrs with limitеd funds. Hοwеvеr, with thе right knοwlеdgе and approach, it's еntirеly pοssiblе tο start invеsting in stοcks еvеn with littlе mοnеy. This cοmprеhеnsivе guidе will prοvidе yοu with thе еssеntial infοrmatiοn οn hοw tο invеst in stοck markеt for bеginnеr, hοw tο dеtеrminе what stοcks tο buy, and thе bеst οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs fοr bеginnеrs.
Stοck Markеt Basics
Bеfοrе diving intο thе wοrld οf stοck invеsting, it's crucial tο undеrstand thе basic cοncеpts. Stοcks rеprеsеnt οwnеrship in a cοmpany and arе tradеd οn stοck еxchangеs. Thе stοck markеt is a platfοrm whеrе buyеrs and sеllеrs tradе sharеs οf publicly listеd cοmpaniеs. As a bеginnеr, familiarizing yοursеlf with thеsе fundamеntal principlеs will lay a sοlid fοundatiοn fοr yοur invеstmеnt jοurnеy.
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Hοw tο Invеst in Stοcks fοr Bеginnеrs with Littlе Mοnеy
Invеsting in stοcks can bе a grеat way tο grοw yοur wеalth οvеr timе. Еvеn if yοu havе limitеd funds, thеrе arе stratеgiеs yοu can usе tο gеt startеd. In this blοg pοst, wе’ll еxplοrе hοw bеginnеrs can invеst in stοcks with littlе mοnеy.
1. Start Small
Whеn yοu’rе just starting οut, it’s еssеntial tο bеgin with a small invеstmеnt. Cοnsidеr οpеning a brοkеragе accοunt with a lοw minimum dеpοsit rеquirеmеnt. Lοοk fοr platfοrms that οffеr fractiοnal sharеs, allοwing yοu tο buy a pοrtiοn οf a stοck rathеr than a whοlе sharе.
2. Еducatе Yοursеlf
Bеfοrе invеsting, takе thе timе tο lеarn abοut thе stοck markеt. Undеrstand basic cοncеpts likе stοck pricеs, dividеnds, and markеt indicеs. Rеad bοοks, takе οnlinе cοursеs, and fοllοw financial nеws tο stay infοrmеd.
3. Divеrsify Yοur Pοrtfοliο
Divеrsificatiοn is kеy tο managing risk. Instеad οf putting all yοur mοnеy intο a singlе stοck, cοnsidеr invеsting in a mix οf diffеrеnt cοmpaniеs and industriеs. Еxchangе-tradеd funds (ЕTFs) can bе an еxcеllеnt way tο achiеvе divеrsificatiοn with a small invеstmеnt.
Hοw tο Invеst in Stοck Markеt fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Chοοsе a Rеliablе Brοkеragе
Sеlеcting thе right brοkеragе is crucial. Lοοk fοr οnе that οffеrs lοw fееs, a usеr-friеndly intеrfacе, and еducatiοnal rеsοurcеs. Sοmе pοpular οptiοns fοr bеginnеrs includе Rοbinhοοd, Wеbull, and Fidеlity.
2. Sеt Clеar Gοals
Dеfinе yοur invеstmеnt gοals. Arе yοu saving fοr rеtirеmеnt, a dοwn paymеnt οn a hοusе, οr a drеam vacatiοn? Knοwing yοur οbjеctivеs will hеlp yοu makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Rеsеarch Stοcks
Lеarn hοw tο analyzе stοcks. Lοοk at financial statеmеnts, cοmpany pеrfοrmancе, and industry trеnds. Cοnsidеr invеsting in cοmpaniеs with strοng fundamеntals and grοwth pοtеntial.
Hοw tο Knοw What Stοcks tο Buy fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Fundamеntal Analysis
Fundamеntal analysis invοlvеs еvaluating a cοmpany’s financial hеalth. Lοοk at mеtrics likе pricе-tο-еarnings ratiο (P/Е), еarnings pеr sharе (ЕPS), and dеbt-tο-еquity ratiο. Invеst in cοmpaniеs with sοlid fundamеntals.
2. Tеchnical Analysis
Tеchnical analysis fοcusеs οn stοck pricе pattеrns and trеnds. Usе tοοls likе mοving avеragеs, candlеstick charts, and rеlativе strеngth indеx (RSI) tο makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Lοng-Tеrm vs. Shοrt-Tеrm
Dеcidе whеthеr yοu’rе a lοng-tеrm οr shοrt-tеrm invеstοr. Lοng-tеrm invеstοrs hοld stοcks fοr yеars, whilе shοrt-tеrm tradеrs aim fοr quick prοfits. Your strategy will influence the stοcks you buy.
Bеst Οnlinе Stοck Trading Cοursеs fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Invеstοpеdia Acadеmy
Invеstοpеdia οffеrs cοmprеhеnsivе οnlinе cοursеs οn invеsting and trading. Thеir bеginnеr-friеndly cοursеs cοvеr tοpics likе stοck markеt basics, tеchnical analysis, and οptiοns trading.
2. Udеmy
Udеmy hοsts variοus stοck trading cοursеs taught by industry еxpеrts. Lοοk fοr cοursеs that fit yοur lеvеl οf еxpеriеncе and budgеt.
3. Cοursеra
Cοursеra partnеrs with tοp univеrsitiеs tο prοvidе οnlinе cοursеs. Еxplοrе thеir financе and invеstmеnt cοursеs tο еnhancе yοur knοwlеdgе.
Rеmеmbеr that invеsting always carriеs risks, and past pеrfοrmancе is nοt indicativе οf future results. Start small, еducatе yοursеlf, and bе patiеnt. Happy invеsting!
Invеsting in stοcks fοr bеginnеrs with littlе mοnеy is achiеvablе with thе right approach and knοwlеdgе. By sеtting clеar invеstmеnt gοals, lеvеraging cοst-еffеctivе invеstmеnt stratеgiеs, and gaining insights intο stοck sеlеctiοn, bеginnеrs can еmbark οn thеir invеstmеnt jοurnеy with cοnfidеncе. Additiοnally, еxplοring rеputablе οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs tailοrеd fοr bеginnеrs can furthеr еnhancе yοur undеrstanding οf thе stοck markеt. Rеmеmbеr, patiеncе, rеsеarch, and cοntinuοus lеarning arе kеy еlеmеnts in yοur jοurnеy tο bеcοming a succеssful stοck invеstοr.
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt is a lοng-tеrm еndеavοr, and whilе thеrе arе risks invοlvеd, infοrmеd dеcisiοn-making and pеrsеvеrancе can pavе thе way fοr financial grοwth and wеalth accumulatiοn, еvеn with limitеd initial capital. Happy invеsting!
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icfminstitutee · 10 months
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Unlocking Wealth: Your Guide to Success in the Stock Market Course
Join us on a journey through the fundamentals of the stock market course, where you'll learn how to identify lucrative investment opportunities, navigate market fluctuations, and build a robust investment portfolio. Dive into engaging lessons, interactive tutorials, and real-world case studies that will equip you with practical strategies and insights from seasoned experts.
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firstdematcourses · 10 months
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The First Demat Trading Academy provides all-encompassing training programs for individuals interested in share market trading, catering to both novices and experienced traders. Now, let's briefly explore the various stock trading courses in India that you can acquire knowledge from at this institution.
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bhartisharmarket23 · 1 year
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they are many strategies that can be used for intraday trading. The best strategy for you will depend on your individual trading style and risk tolerance.
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stocksupdates · 1 year
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Stock market trading in real money
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Stock market trading in real money is a pivotal aspect of an investor's journey, marking the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical application. Unlike simulated trading environments, where the stakes are low and emotions play a minimal role, trading with real money introduces individuals to the intricacies and unpredictability of the market. It necessitates a deeper comprehension of market dynamics, risk management strategies, and emotional discipline.
Engaging in stock market trading in real money provides invaluable lessons that cannot be replicated in a demo account. It teaches investors to manage their emotions, such as fear and greed, which often drive impulsive decision-making. The experience of winning and losing real money fosters resilience and equips traders with the psychological fortitude necessary to navigate the ups and downs of the market.
Moreover, real money trading encourages accountability and responsibility. Every trade carries financial consequences, emphasizing the importance of thorough research, due diligence, and disciplined execution. It compels traders to critically evaluate their investment decisions and learn from both successes and failures.
However, trading with real money also entails inherent risks. Losses are inevitable, especially for novice traders, and can serve as costly lessons. As such, it's essential for traders to start with a small amount of capital that they can afford to lose and gradually increase their exposure as they gain experience and confidence.
In conclusion, engaging in stock market trading in real money is an indispensable component of the learning journey for aspiring investors. It offers hands-on experience, imparts valuable lessons, and ultimately provides the opportunity to achieve financial success in the dynamic world of the stock market.
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niftytradingnet · 2 years
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capitalvarsity · 2 years
Benefits Of Holding Stocks for The Long-Term
A Long-Term Investment Strategy Entails Holding Investments for Further Than a Full Time. This Strategy Includes Holding Means Like Bonds, Stocks, Exchange-Traded Finances (ETFs), Collective Finances, And More. Individuals Who Take a Long-Term Approach Bear Discipline and Tolerance, That Is Because Investors Must Be Suitable to Take on A Certain Quantum of Threat While They Stay for Advanced Prices Down the Road.
Investing In Stocks and Holding Them Is One of The Stylish Ways to Grow Wealth Over The Long Term. For Illustration, The S&P 500 Educated Periodic Losses in Only 11 Of The 47 Times From 1975 To 2022, Demonstrating That the Stock Request Generates Returns Much More Frequently Than It Doesn't.
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More Long-Term Returns
The Term share market training Refers to A Specific Order Of Investments. They Have the Same Characteristics and Rates, Similar to Fixed-Income Means (Bonds) Or Equities, Generally Called Stocks. The Stylish Asset Class for You Depends on Several Factors, Including Your Age, Threat Profile and Forbearance, Investment Pretensions, And the Quantum of Capital You Have. But Which Asset Classes Are Stylish for Long-Term Investors?
Still, We Find That Stocks Have Generally Outperformed Nearly All Other Asset Classes If We Look at Several Decades of Asset Class Returns. The S&P 500 Returned A Normal of Of11.82 Per Time Between 1928 And 2021. This Compares Positively to The The3.33 Return of Three-Month Treasury Bills (T- Bills) And The 5.11 Return Of 10- Time Treasury Notes.
Arising Requests Have Some of The Loftiest Return Capabilities in The Equity Requests, But Also Carry the Loftiest Degree of Threat. This Class Historically Earned High Average Periodic Returns but Short-Term Oscillations Have Impacted Their Performance. For Case, The 10- Time Annualized Return of The MSCI Emerging Markets Index Was2.89 As of April 29, 2022.
Small And Large Caps Have Also Delivered Above-Average Returns. For Case, the 10- Time Return for The Russell 2000 Indicator, Which Measures the Performance Of,000 Small Companies, Was 10.15. The Large-Cap Russell 1000 Indicator Had an Average Return of Of13.57 For The Last 10 Times, As Of May 3, 2022.
Unsafe Equity Classes Have Historically Delivered More Advanced Returns Than Their Further Conservative Counterparts.
Lift Out Highs and Lows
Stocks Are Considered to Be Long-Term Investments. This Is, In Part, Because It's Not Unusual for Stocks to Drop 10 To 20 Or Further in Value Over a Shorter Period. Investors Have to Ride Out Some of These Highs and Lows Over A Period Of Numerous Times Or Indeed Decades To Induce A Better Long-Term Return.
Looking Back at Stock Request Returns Since The 1920s, Individualities Have Infrequently Lost Plutocrats Investing in the S&P 500 For A 20- Period.7 Indeed Considering Lapses, Similar to The Great Depression, Black Monday, The Tech Bubble, And The Fiscal Extremity, Investors Would Have Endured Earnings Had They Invested In The S&P 500 And Held It Continued For 20 Times.
While Once Results Are No Guarantee of Unborn Returns, It Does Suggest That Long-Term Investing in Stocks Generally Yields Positive Results, If Given Enough Time.
Investors Are Poor Request Timekeepers
Let's Face It, We Are Not as Calm and Rational As We Claim To Be. One Of The Essential Excrescencies in Investor Geste Is The Tendency to Be Emotional? Numerous Individuals Claim to Be Long-Term Investors Until the Stock Request Begins Falling, Which Is When They Tend to Withdraw Their Plutocrats to Avoid Fresh Losses.
Numerous Investors Fail to Remain Invest in online share trading When an Answer Occurs. They tend to Jump Back Only When the Utmost of The Earnings Has Formerly Been Achieved. This type of Buy High, Vend Low Geste
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• Long-Term Investments Nearly Always Outperform the Request When Investors Try and Time Their Effects.
• Emotional Trading Tends to Hinder Investor Returns.
• The S&P 500 Posted Positive Returns for Investors Over the Utmost 20- Time Ages.
• Riding Out Temporary Request Recessions Is Considered a Sign of a Good Investor.
• Investing Long-Term Cuts Down on Costs And Allows You To Compound Any Earnings You Admit From Tips.
Tends To Cripple Investor Returns.
According To Dalbar's Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior Study, The S&P 500 Had an Average Periodic Return of Just Over 6 During The 20- Time Ending Dec. 31, 2019. During The Same Time Frame, The Average Investor Endured an Average Periodic Return of About
There Are Many Reasons Why This Happens. 
• Investors Have a Fear of Remorse. People Frequently Fail to Trust Their Judgment and Follow the Hype Rather, Especially When Requests Drop. People Tend to Fall into The Trap of Lament Holding onto Stocks And Losing A Lot Of Further Plutocrats Because They Drop In Value So They End Up Dealing With Them To Assuage That Fear.
• A Sense of Pessimism When Effects Change. Sanguinity Prevails During Request Rallies but The Contrary Is True When Effects Turn Sour. The Request May Witness Oscillations Because Of Short-Term Surprise Shocks, Similar to Those Related to Frugality. But It's Important to The Flashback That These Dislocations Are Frequently Short-Lived and Effects Will Veritably Probably Turn-Around.
Investors Who Pay Too Important Attention to The Stock Request Tend to Clog Their Chances of Success by Trying To Time The Request Too Constantly. A Simple Long-Term Steal-And-Hold Strategy Would Have Yielded Far Better Results.c
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aarushi-123 · 2 years
Most in demand Stock Market Courses online | Academy Tax4wealth
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Academy Tax4wealth provides a variety of Courses for individuals with Stock Market Interest. Few of the courses provided are online trading course, Stock Market Courses for beginners etc.
For more details:
https://academy.tax4wealth.com/public/category/stock-market-courses https://academy.tax4wealth.com/
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reasoningdaily · 2 months
11 everyday words and phrases that have racist and offensive backgrounds
Chances are, you’ve used at least one of these in casual conversation without knowing its problematic past. By Dylan Lyons June 10, 2020
It can be a jarring experience to learn a common word or phrase you’ve been using for years is actually kind of racist or sexist or homophobic. The harder you look, the more language you’ll find with problematic roots. While English certainly has its fair share of racist words and phrases, it also has a baffling number of synonyms and alternative ways of saying something. Fortunately, that makes it pretty easy to swap out the word or phrase you’ve been saying for a more innocuous one.
This list comprises a handful of historically racist words and phrases with sinister origins, but we found these to be some of the most commonly used, and in some cases most surprising, examples. For each entry, we’ve included alternative words or phrases you can swap them out with.
11 Common Racist Words And Phrases
1. Gypped/Jipped
Meaning: defrauded, swindled, cheated
Origin: “Gypped” (sometimes spelled “jipped”) comes from the word “Gypsy,” which is a derogatory name for the Romani people (also known as the Roma). The Roma originated in northern India and migrated around the world, particularly in Europe, over the course of the last 1,500 years. They’ve faced a lot of persecution and discrimination throughout history, including baseless accusations of theft and child abduction. A stereotype arose that the Roma were thieves, which led to the use of the term “gypped.”
What to say instead: ripped off, cheated
2. Off The Reservation
Meaning: to deviate from what is expected or customary
Origin: In the 1800s, the federal government forcibly removed Native Americans from their land and sent them to live in designated reservations. The phrase “off the reservation” was used in government correspondence to report on whether Native Americans were complying with orders to stay within their designated living areas. Over time, it came to be used to describe anyone acting outside of what is expected, particularly in political situations.
What to say instead: “went rogue”
3. Sold Down The River
Meaning: betrayed
Origin: As far as racist words and phrases go, this one is pretty obvious when you think about it. It’s a reference to slaves being literally sold down the river (the Mississippi or the Ohio rivers, specifically) from a slave-trading marketplace to another shore, where they would then be transported to a plantation.
What to say instead: betrayed, thrown under the bus
4. Peanut Gallery
Meaning: a group of people who criticize or heckle someone about insignificant things
Origin: In the 19th-century Vaudeville era, the peanut gallery was the cheapest section of seats (with the worst view). Peanuts were sold at these shows, and sometimes people seated in the cheaper seats would throw peanuts at unpopular performers. Often, the peanut gallery was largely occupied by Black theatergoers. If the term isn’t racist, it’s classist at the very least, suggesting those who sat in the cheapest section were ill-informed and gave unwarranted criticism. And Vaudeville itself certainly had some racist elements — it developed from minstrel shows and often featured caricatures of Black people portrayed by white actors in blackface.
What to say instead: hecklers
5. Spirit Animal
Meaning: an animal, person or object you identify strongly with
Origin: Using “spirit animal” to refer to something you love or identify with is a form of cultural appropriation that cheapens its true meaning. Some Native American tribes believe in “spirit animals” or “totems,” which are spirits that guide and protect them on a journey or in their life in general. Now, many people who are not Native American and usually know nothing about this spiritual tradition call various people, animals and objects their “spirit animals,” often as determined by an online quiz or a general interest.
What to say instead: Patronus (from Harry Potter), familiar (from European folklore)
6. Uppity
Meaning: arrogant, self-important
Origin: While technically its origin was pretty neutral — its first known usage was in the collection of Black American folktales (featuring the well-known Br’er Rabbit) Uncle Remus in 1880 — over the years, “uppity” has become a racist term. White Southerners used “uppity” throughout modern history to describe Black people who violated their expectations of deference, or who they viewed as “not knowing their place.” In these situations, “uppity” was usually followed by the n-word. Even recently, conservative critics have referred to President Obama and Michelle Obama as “uppity.”
What to say instead: arrogant, conceited
7. Hip Hip Hooray!
Meaning: a congratulatory cheer
Origin: The history of this term is a bit muddled, but it’s thought to have derived from the anti-Semitic chant “Hep hep!”. This was a rallying cry to attack Jewish people in and around the German Confederacy in 1819, during what came to be known as the “Hep-Hep riots.” At some point, “hep hep” became “hip hip,” and “hooray” was added to the end.
What to say instead: “Hooray!” (only the “hip hip” part is problematic), “Yay!”
8. Eenie Meenie Miney Mo
Meaning: children’s rhyme, often used to make a “random” selection
Origin: While its earliest origins are unclear, this rhyme was well-known in the days of slavery in the United States. You’re probably familiar with the version that goes, “Eenie meenie miney mo / Catch a tiger by the toe,” but in a previous version of the song, the n-word was used instead of “tiger.” It’s thought that this was sung to describe what slave owners would do if they caught a runaway.
What to say instead: Flip a coin. Ask a friend. Just make a decision without singing.
9. Long Time, No See
Meaning: I haven’t seen you in a while
Origin: There are two credible theories about where this phrase originated, and both could very well be true. One is that members of the British and American Navies picked up the phrase in their encounters with Chinese people, speaking pidgin English. The other theory says “long time, no see” came from Native Americans speaking English, as chronicled in some old Western novels. Either way, the phrase can be seen as mimicking non-native English speakers’ attempts to speak English. The same goes for another common racist phrase: “No can do.”
What to say instead: “It’s been a while,” “I haven’t seen you in ages!”
10. Grandfathered In
Meaning: when people or companies are allowed to continue following an existing set of rules, even after new rules are put in place
Origin: Even after the 15th Amendment was passed in 1870, giving Black American men the right to vote, a number of states instituted poll taxes and literacy tests to make voting more difficult for Black people. This was a way around an outright ban on Black voting, which had become illegal. But several states passed a law, known as “the grandfather clause,” saying that if you could vote before the 15th Amendment was passed or were the lineal descendant of a voter, you didn’t have to take the tests or pay the poll tax. In other words, if you were white, you were “grandfathered in” to being allowed to vote.
What to say instead: exempted, excused, legacied in
11. Moron
Meaning: a stupid person
Origin: This word was originally coined by eugenicist and psychologist Henry H. Goddard, who used it to describe people he categorized as having low intelligence and behavioral deviance. Eugenics had to do with creating humans with “desirable” characteristics through breeding and preventing those with “undesirable” traits from reproducing. Goddard made it his mission to ensure “feeble-minded morons” did not immigrate to the United States, sending his staff to assess the “intelligence” of people coming into Ellis Island in the early 20th century. About 40 percent of Hungarian, Italian and Jewish immigrants were classified as “morons” and deported in 1913.
What to say instead: fool, doofus, nitwit
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