#online cab attachment
The Devil Wears Armani 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you’re the CEO’s new PA and you find the work too much to handle. (short!reader)
Characters: Tony Stark, this reader is known as Georgie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
—posting to the correct blog lol—
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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The appletini at girls' night does little to ease you through a restless night. You’re not a traveller. You’ve never flown before. The only reason you have a passport is it was required for the job. You didn’t expect to actually use it. 
You give into consciousness around 3am and double check your bag for everything you need. You forego your usual coffee as you fear an anxious bladder adding to your addled state. You still can’t figure out why Mr. Stark told you to come along. You don’t have anything blocked into his calendar. He’s had weekend meetings before but you usually pop into zoom to take notes and nothing else. 
You spare the fare for a cab as the streetcar isn’t in service yet and you don’t feel like venturing into the underground at this hour. The ride is swift in the dead streets of the city. You don’t think you’ve ever seen them so empty. 
You arrive at the airport and realise you’re missing a very important piece. A boarding pass? Terminal information? Any sort of direction to find where you need to be. Well, it never hurts to ask for help even if you don’t get it. 
You enter and go to the counter. The woman behind it looks tired as dark rings stain her sockets and she fixes her smile to greet you. You nervously clench your jaw and exhale through your nose. 
“Hi, I... I’m supposed to be flying, er, private? I work for Tony Stark?” You creak out through your dry throat. You need water. 
“Mr. Stark?” She lowers her brow, “do you have proof of employment?” 
“Erm, yeah,” you unhook your keyring from your purse and shove it towards her. Your company ID is hooked onto the cluster of novelty attachments and keys. 
“I need to make a call,” she says as she examines your identification. 
You bob nervously on the other side of the counter as the attendant speaks quietly into the speaker. Your phone buzzes and you jingle the keys as you find it. Stark has sent you a simple message; ‘Terminal 1, tarmac. Now.’ 
As you peek up over the counter, the woman hangs up. “You need to head up to Terminal 1. Find an employee there, in a white shirt like mine, and show them this.” She kits a few keys and her printer grinds with great effort. She hands you a boarding pass but most of it is empty. There’s only a code at the bottom. 
You thank her and head off. You scramble through security, walking through the scanner as your bag rides the conveyor through and x-ray. You retrieve your things on the other side and run off to reach Mr. Stark before he gets too impatient. He’s probably already agitated. 
You check your watch. It’s only 5:01am. You’re on time, right? 
You follow the signs to terminal one and find a large man standing by a ramp entrance. You approach him and show him the pass. He points you to another employee at the far end as he talks over his walkie talkie to them. You cross the tiled floor to meet the man and he beckons you towards another ramp. 
You’re led down to the tarmac and left to shuffle across it on your own. You’re only told to approach big jet waiting by a tower set of stairs. There’s an attendant at the bottom who greets your brightly and you show the pass again.  
“Mr. Stark is expecting you. May I take your bag?” She offers. 
“No thank, I can handle it,” you nod and lift the bag off its wheels. 
You climb a stair at a time and pass another attendant at the top. She directs you to leave your bag in the front carriage and you roll it behind the wall of webbing there. You turn to the ivory curtain and peek through tentatively. The movement of fabric draws Mr. Stark’s gaze from his phone. 
“Get in here,” he demands, “about time, George. I was about to fall asleep.” 
You push through and near him, “sir, did you need coffee?” 
“They got the long-legged ones for that,” he waves away your offer with his lecherous allusion to the pretty, tall attendants. “Sit.” 
You look at the chair on the other side of the table, across from him, and you hesitate. You lower yourself into the cushy seat and cross one leg over the other, your foot bouncing anxiously. You clutch your hands together and stare at Mr. Stark. 
“You look tired as hell,” he cackles. 
“Sir, it’s early.” 
“Ah, don’t let that ruin an all-inclusive. Tell me, Georgie, a girl like you, are you jet-setting every weekend? You got billionaires flying you to the Caribbean on the reg? Didn’t think you were the popular type.” 
“No, sir, I--” you try not to wince at his insinuation. You are all too aware that you’re on the bottom rung of the ladder he sits atop of. “Thank you for this. It’s very nice of you to bring me along.” 
“You are very welcome,” he says smugly, “move.” 
He points to the seat next to him. 
“Oh, uh,” you pull your hands apart and push yourself up with the armrests, “sorry.” 
He grunts, irritated, and signals with two fingers. As an attendant approaches, you sidle around the table and in front of Stark to get to the other seat. You feel a brush on your thigh but ignore it. It’s a tight squeeze.  
He asks for an espresso as you lower yourself down. He reaches over and pinches the fabric of your pants, just at the top of your knee. He sniffs. 
“This isn’t very Caribbean-friendly. You’re gonna sweat your tits off,” he derides. 
You try not to show your embarrassment, ignoring the urge to cover your chest at his comment. Out of habit, you put on your usual attire. A cardigan, a tidy blouse, and slacks. He huffs again and tugs at the sleeve of your cardigan. 
“Get rid of this,” he demands. 
“Oh, uh...” You sit forward as you undo the single button and you shrug out of the wool. He swipes it away and tosses it on the floor.  
The attendant returns with his espresso and gathers up your cardigan as you send her an apologetic look. Stark takes his coffee and tastes it before setting it on the table. He turns to you and clucks again. You let out a squeak as he reaches to pop the top button of your blouse, then the next. You flatten yourself to the seat helplessly. 
“Better, gotta let those things breathe,” he winks and sits back with a smirk. 
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ghostofskywalker · 2 months
Mayhaps a GN!reader who met Tyler while he was just starting out his storm chasing days. And was there, and helped, as he built up and fortified the truck?
thank you so much for the request!! i don't know if this is exactly what you pictured, but i hope you enjoy it :)
words: 1,476
summary: you and tyler have been friends forever, and the two of you spend some time tricking out his storm chasing trucks.
tyler owens masterlist
When you were kids, you had always been the voice of reason, and Tyler never tried to argue with that moniker. You had always thought that after the two of you went to college and started your adult lives that things would be different, but right now, as you stood there with your oldest friend in front of his busted looking pickup truck, you knew that he would truly never change. 
Your eyebrows were raised as you looked between him and the metal monstrosity in front of you. “You’re going to use that to chase storms?” 
“I already have, and it’s great,” he said, a huge smile on his face. 
“Are there any safety features on it?” you asked. Electing to not mention the giant hole in the front passenger floor (which has been covered up by a stolen cut up stop sign since the two of you were teenagers), you couldn’t help but worry that this wasn’t going to turn out well (for both him and the truck). 
Silence. The smile on his face faltered, and you knew when he didn’t have a quick retort that you were not going to like the answer. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” 
You sighed, plans already running through your head as you considered what could be done to make that death trap of a truck a little safer. He was just lucky you had spent a few summers helping out at your family’s mechanic and body shop, and that you happened to be free this afternoon. 
The modifications were rudimentary at first, especially since neither of you had the money or the connections to get what you wanted. You managed to rig up some simple anchoring devices and attach them to the sides of the running board, but it was clear from the start that these particular supports would not last as long as you wanted them to, and might not even be able to stand up to an F5 tornado, should he come face to face with one. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Tyler said from underneath the truck when you had voiced your concerns once more, tightening the connection as you affixed sturdier racks to the roof of the cab. “I want to get a new truck down the line anyway.” 
When he rolled out from under the carriage, your eyebrows were raised. “Where are you going to find a truck that’s got the features you need? Especially if you don’t want to be a ‘stuffy suited weatherman’ like you told me?” 
Tyler laughed when you brought up the career everyone had been suggesting for him, especially because he had gone to school for meteorology.  “I want to do something more than get a desk job,” he said. “Maybe I’ll be one of those people that gets famous for storm chasing.” 
“I could see that,” you mused. He certainly had the looks and general charisma to be successful, and based on the way he’s always been able to smile his way out of any problem that crossed his path, you could see people online being enthralled with him. “You have to come up with some kind of cool name though.” 
“What about The Tornado Man?” 
“I don’t know about that one.” 
“Oh! Or Doctor Vortex?” That one, if you were being honest, sounded more like the name of a comic super villain than a storm chaser. 
Laughing, you just shook your head. “We can workshop a name for you later. Right now I want to make sure you don’t get blown away the next time you’re out in the middle of a twister.” 
Unsurprisingly, the decade-old truck you had spent teenage summers drinking beer under the light of the stars in did not last long when placed in the paths of tornadoes at least a few times a month. You hadn’t been there on its last ride, but you couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness when Tyler told you about it. The two of you were sitting on the couch in his living room, and pizza had already been ordered for movie night. “I’m going to miss that thing,” you said. “Even though I never wanted to be seen with it.” 
Tyler’s laughter was infectious, and soon the two of you were nothing but guffaws and giggles. “Damn,” he said. “You didn’t even ask if I was okay.” 
“I did too!” 
He smiled, and you just rolled your eyes in response, having known him long enough to be used to the jokes he made. 
“So,” you asked quietly, wondering what the response was going to be. “What are you going to use to chase now?” He had indeed been correct on his offhand statement before, that he could be someone that gets famous for all this. Now, after only six months of posting videos on YouTube, he was getting more and more recognition for his actions. The Tornado Wrangler was the name that had eventually been settled on, one that had taken an entire six pack and a rainy afternoon to come up with (and it was your idea, thank you very much). 
“I got a new truck,” he said, eyes lighting up. “And I was hoping you’d help me trick it out.” 
“I don’t know,” you said. “If the modifications we made before only lasted you a year, I wouldn’t want to ruin a brand new truck. At least the old one was so ugly looking it didn’t matter what we did to it.”
“And if we had some better gear?”
You paused before responding to him. There was a selfish little part of you that wanted him to stop this, because you had seen enough to know just how dangerous some of these storms are. But you were not going to join the cacophony of voices already voicing that opinion on a regular basis (namely, his family), so this was the second best option. You knew that this made him happy, even if you didn’t understand how anyone could ever enjoy it. If you could in some way keep him safe (or as safe as one can be in situations like that), maybe his new truck wouldn’t flip three times with the strength of a particularly strong storm (like the old one did). 
“Alright,” you said. “I’ll help.” 
The smile on his face only grew at your words. “We can start now if you’d like.” 
“Lead the way Owens,” you said, allowing  him to lead you to where the truck was parked. Secretly, you were a little more excited than you let on. 
His new truck was nice, and the movie playing inside had been long forgotten as the two of you worked. You didn’t ask where he had gotten all these cool new gadgets, and you seriously hoped that this vehicle would be able to withstand what Tyler was about to put it through. 
It was like deja vu, as once again you were standing in the bay of the pickup truck and attaching things to the sides, and Tyler was underneath the chassis. “So,” he said. “Are you gonna come chasing with me one day?” 
“I don’t know,” you called down to him. “With all your new toys, will there even be room for me?” 
“Of course, I’ll just kick Boone out and you can do all the camera work.” 
You laughed. “I don’t think he’d be okay with that.” You had recently met the people that Tyler worked with to create his YouTube videos, and you loved every single one of them (you just weren’t sure how they’d feel about you being their replacement).
“Eh, he’d be fine,” Tyler laughed. “But seriously, if you want to go chasing with me sometime, just say so. I’d hate for the person who helped me put all this together to never get to experience it in action.” 
You usually weren’t a thrill-seeker, not to the extent that he was. You weren’t usually timid either, but something about storm chasing had never really appealed to you. It was a lot more dangerous than riding a tall coaster or zip lining after all. But now, as you spent this time with Tyler working on the truck, you kind of wanted to experience it, to understand on a deeper level why he loved doing it so much. 
“Once you take it out for a test run, then maybe we can go,” you said.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” 
Tyler smiled often; it was an expression that you were so used to seeing on him at this point that you sometimes didn’t even notice it. But right now, as he looked up at you with his legs still under the truck, you thought that this was the biggest smile he’s ever worn in his entire life, and you couldn’t help but grin just as wide.
- the end -
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traxicabs · 1 year
Do black cab drivers own their cars?
Black cabs are one of the most iconic symbols of London and a common sight in many other British cities. They are also known as hackney carriages because they originated from the horse-drawn carriages that were licensed by the city of London in the 17th century. But do black cab drivers own their cars, or do they rent them from a company? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of owning or renting a black cab? In this article, we will explore these questions and provide some information for those who are interested in becoming a black cab driver.
Owning a black cab
Many black cab drivers own their own vehicle and use it for both work and private use. To become a black cab driver, one has to pass a rigorous test called The Knowledge, which requires memorizing thousands of streets, landmarks, and routes in London. This can take several years of study and practice. Once the test is passed, the driver has to obtain a license from Transport for London (TfL), which regulates the black cab industry.
Owning a black cab has some benefits, such as:
Having more control over the vehicle, such as choosing the model, color, features, and maintenance
Having more flexibility over the working hours and locations, as well as the fares and tips
Having more pride and satisfaction in owning a piece of British heritage and culture
However, owning a black cab also has some costs and challenges, such as:
Having to pay for the vehicle upfront or through a loan, which can be very expensive. A new black cab can cost up to £60,000, while a used one can cost between £10,000 and £40,000
Having to pay for the insurance, tax, fuel, repairs, and maintenance of the vehicle, which can also be very expensive. A black cab driver can spend up to £10,000 per year on these expenses.
Having to compete with other forms of transport, such as minicabs, buses, trains, or bicycles, which may offer cheaper or faster alternatives for passengers
Having to cope with the traffic congestion, pollution, and parking issues in the city, which can affect the driver’s health and income
Renting a black cab
Some black cab drivers do not own their own vehicle, but rent it from a company or an individual owner. This option may be more suitable for those who are new to the industry or who do not want to commit to buying a vehicle. To rent a black cab, one still has to pass The Knowledge test and obtain a license from TfL.
Renting a black cab has some advantages, such as:
Having less financial risk and responsibility for the vehicle, as the renter only pays a fixed weekly or monthly fee to the owner
Having more choice and variety of vehicles available, as the renter can switch between different models or brands
Having more support and assistance from the owner or the company in case of any problems or issues with the vehicle
However, renting a black cab also has some drawbacks, such as:
Having less control and flexibility over the vehicle, as the renter has to follow the rules and conditions set by the owner or the company
Having less income and profit from the fares and tips, as the renter has to pay a portion of them to the owner or the company
Having less attachment and loyalty to the vehicle, as the renter may not feel as proud or satisfied with driving a rented black cab
Traxi: Your reliable partner for airport taxi service
If you are looking for a reliable and affordable airport taxi service in the UK, you should choose Traxi. Traxi is an airport taxi & transfer company that offers traxi cabs for your travel needs. Our cabs are modern and comfortable vehicles that are driven by professional and friendly drivers that can take you to or from any airport in the UK, at any time of the day or night. And our cabs are also equipped with GPS navigation systems, Wi-Fi access, and online payment options. Traxi cabs are easy to book online or through our mobile app. You can choose your pick-up and drop-off locations, your preferred vehicle type, and your payment method. You can also track your traxi cab in real-time and get an estimated arrival time. Traxi cabs are your best choice for airport taxi service in the UK. Contact us today for a free quote and a smooth ride.
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Taxi Booking App Development Cost, Features & Benefits
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Mobile apps are now being utilized for many daily tasks as a result of people's increased access to technology and the internet. Additionally, using the cab booking app, which is now widely accessible throughout the App Store, makes commuting much simpler than it used to be. Nowadays, there are many taxi booking apps available on the app store, but there is always a place for new and improved apps.
Note: Are you thinking of building a taxi booking app? Then before that you need to know the best taxi booking app cost
What is a taxi booking on-demand mobile app?
In recent times, new methods of reserving transportation for yourself have evolved, pushing aside the conventional method of using taxi services. There are a ton of on-demand taxi booking apps on the App Store, all of which provide features that encourage you to use them exclusively. The App development companies in Illinois tenacity and diligence are what are fueling this application's expansion. You may entirely rely on them to help you arrange a ride for yourself.
How does this app function now? It is incredibly easy. On their mobile devices, users must install one of these applications. The selection of applications can be influenced by a number of variables, including their availability in a particular area, app and service ratings and reviews, and the services they provide.
After downloading the software, users may sign up for an account, record their home and work addresses, and quickly book a cab with just one click. They can select the vehicle they want to enter using the app as well. After the software determines commute time and distance, users may compare automobile prices. You may finally reserve a cab and have enough time to wait for it. And there it is—your car is waiting for you in front of your home. Isn't that straightforward?
Benefits of Using On Demand Taxi Booking App 
Taxi booking apps offer solutions to several issues, such as saving time spent waiting on the road, finding a cab in the heat, and more.
Using these applications has a number of benefits. Drivers, in addition to passengers, have a number of benefits. Look at the benefit that follows:
For the driver
You don't have to waste gas driving around town looking for a rider. Meanwhile, they can wait for the bus booking to arrive before leaving where they were stopped.
Most payments are made through online banking or mobile wallets, so drivers don’t need large amounts of cash or change.
Drivers have the right to rate and comment on each passenger. As a result, if there is a naughty passenger in their car, they can rate it appropriately and save other drivers pain.
Since the app is GPS enabled, it is easy for drivers to locate their passengers by walking around asking for help.
There is little danger of wasting time as the driver will only arrive at the specific area and transfer his/her vehicle once the reservation is made.
For the passenger
The app informs passengers of the actual position of the cab and the estimated time it will take to reach it. As a result, they can make better use of time.
Travelers can plan their trips electronically, so they don’t have to leave their homes.
The payment method is very convenient for travelers, as they do not need to carry cash around with them. They can pay online with their debit or credit card, or simply attach their digital wallet to the app.
Transparency is greater with the use of the app as passengers can evaluate and rate cab drivers.
They don't need to wait for a cab at the side of the road. They save a ton of time and effort by doing this.
Related Article: Mobile app development companies in san francisco
Features in a taxi booking app
The ride and drive experience should be as enjoyable as possible for clients and drivers while utilizing an online taxi booking app. The success of a taxi booking app depends on the components listed below. Look at them briefly and learn more about them in person.
monetary system The app's payment method is the most crucial component from a technological standpoint. The upfront cost of the vacation shouldn't be a problem. Customers should have access to actual cash, mobile wallets, and mobile banking.
Offering a diverse selection of payment options increases the likelihood of providing a positive customer experience.
Geolocation Users and drivers can use geolocation capabilities to see exactly where the request originated. Riders have the option to designate the places they want to be picked up and dropped off. Drivers, on the other hand, are alerted to pickup requests via geolocation, which they can accept or deny at their discretion.
Drivers and passengers can connect with other individuals near them using this function.
You must first enable this feature to be able to use the onboarding app. Both passengers and drivers should be able to sign in and register on the app at the click of a button. It is possible to enter the information manually or use a social networking site that offers a one-time password.
Additionally, a function allows drivers to determine when they are available to work. Riders can sign up for rides, accept or decline them, and then sign off after they’ve all been accepted or declined.
That is all you need to create a booking taxi booking application. Thanks to this functionality, users should be able to schedule appointments with a single swipe. People can summon a cab by simply pushing the button or slider on your website if you can provide one.
At the same time, the driver should be equipped with comparable features and provide opportunities to respond to trip requests with one click.
Keeping track Once inside the taxi, users can use this device to double-check their travel route. As long as cabs can be monitored at all times, consumers can rest assured that they are traveling in a safe environment.
If customers notice that their taxi is going the other way, they have the option to terminate the trip or report the incident to the app’s administrator. If you are using a map, you can use route tracking to find your way to your destination. This will also benefit drivers.
Related Article: Android app development company in New York
Scheduled ride users can book taxi services in advance using this function. Reservations can be made by mentioning the time and day, and a driver will be assigned based on the information provided. Once a ride is scheduled, the user will receive an email confirming the appointment.
Push Notifications Push notifications are accessible for use in customer relationship management systems. Through the use of messages and alerts, it is possible to communicate with your customers, prospects, and drivers, all of whom can benefit from your business.
Using this function, panel administrators can communicate with panel members about discounts, promotions and other ways to keep their company operations running smoothly. Increased customer satisfaction results in increased customer retention.
Reservated Location Users of taxi booking applications, who are many, largely favor this option. Users can save websites they frequently visit and revisit them later thanks to this function. This might be their place of business, residence, or any other frequented location.
If available, this information can also be gleaned from an individual’s recent or repeated search history.
Everyone considers reliability as an important factor when booking a safety cab. On the taxi booking software, the driver’s name, phone number, and taxi number are all displayed, so you can determine if the driver is the one you expected or not. Because of the services offered by the firms listed above, you don’t have to worry about any of the risks mentioned earlier when traveling with a stranger.
RatingsBoth drivers and passengers can benefit from this function. Please rate your overall satisfaction with your taxi trip to this location, as well as overall satisfaction with your taxi driver. Customers can also be graded based on their driving behavior. Numerical ratings or the exchange of written or spoken opinions may be used as a form of assessment.
Cost to develop taxi booking app
A basic taxi booking app with lots of features costs between $40,000 and $50,000. Prices may differ depending on the software's complexity, features, location of the developer, etc.
The ride-hailing and taxi businesses are expected to have 1,665.3 million customers by 2026, according to Statista! As a result, investing in taxi applications now can aid in business growth.
Author: I’m Anita Basa, a fascinating Technical Content writer currently working at USM Business Systems. Interested to know about technology updates. Mobile App Development, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IOS, and Technology-related content Get connected with me on Linkedin.
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taxi-yatri-india · 1 year
Attach Your Commercial Vehicle with a TaxiYatri to Earn Money
Do you want to know why only we should deal with the attachment to your car? In comparison to the rival companies, we offer exclusive services. Advantages include easy booking, no need to negotiate fares, and a wide range of services (including local and out-of-town cab rental services, online cab, taxi, and Vehicle attachment in tours and vacations). You can trust that you will receive the highest quality care while saving much money with these services. Take your seldom-driven car out of storage and hit the open road with us. TaxiYatri is a car- ‘attach your taxi’ service within a larger tour and excursions business, allowing you to earn money while you rest easy.
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You might be wondering why you should trust us with your car
What sets us apart from the competition in the car rental industry is our unique amenities. Local taxi attachment service, out-of-town cab rental services, online cab, taxi, and vehicle attachment services, flexible working hours, same-day cash payment services, and an app-based, seamless platform are just a few of the features. Thanks to these services, you may count on receiving first-rate care and making unfathomable sums of money. Go out of the garage and join us on the road today in that old, underused car. You may earn money from your car or taxi while relaxing at home by attaching it to the TaxiYatri automobile attachment service, which attracts consumers from all around India.
Installing TaxiYatri on your Taxi or Tempo Traveller
Partner in Business, please accept my sincere gratitude for considering participation in the TaxiYatri Vendor Driver Network. Our company is a vendor in the DCO Vendor Network.
Driver-cum owner, single-cab owner, or fleet operator—we have a place for you here (more than one cab with multiple drivers). Any taxi (Compact, Sedan, SUV, Innova Crysta, Tempo Traveler) with a business license plate can be attached. Please provide the following information about your taxi, driver, and owner so we can complete your registration. Provide details about yourself, your vehicle, and any drivers representing your business.
The greatest way to generate money from a parked automobile is to sign it over to a firm that will treat its customers well and pay its owners well. Attach your car to TaxiYatri, which offers cab attachment service across India to make quick and good money. If you have any questions, please contact us through our website.
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What make Cabs Reading the best to be hired for traveling safe?
When travelling from or to an airport, it is always good if the cabs Reading are considered. Often the people residing at a distance from the airport face problems in commuting quickly and easily. And for them the cab services are the best solution. But just by deciding to consider these services is not enough and rather you need to lookout the best services for you. Since the market is entertained by many service providers, it becomes really difficult to choose the best for you.
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However, the task can become easy if you keep in mind the main features that the experts say are only attached with the professional London Airport Taxi service. It is very helpful for you to match each service providers against these characteristics to take a final decision on the selection. Reliable service providers would like to make their customers satisfied by offering them customer friendly services. They are the ones who value their customers’ time and hence propose a pre booking facility for them. You can book them at your ease and for the online users; most of them offer discounts and coupons. You can visit them online at their website to look for their past customers’ reviews about their services.
The vehicles of trustworthy cabs reading services are completely safe to travel with their learnt and licensed drivers. They are humble in dealing with their passengers. Along with this, these vehicles are properly equipped with latest technologies. The service providers have the knack of the entire track being followed by their drivers. So, it is best if you consider services of reputed service providers like Airport Travels Reading for not wasting your time and reaching the destination in time.
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bigtexascabsus · 2 years
Avail of a Hassle-free Ride With a Yellow Cab Service in Benbrook, TX
The main focus of a Yellow Cab service in Benbrook, TX is the convenience as you don't need to wait for public transportation. Be it for a professional reason or a personal reason, taxi services provide the easiest mode of transportation to travel easily around the city. They can reach your point beforehand and can take you to your destination at the right time. There are many benefits that are attached to hiring a yellow cab service.
What are the Benefits of Hiring a Taxi Service in Benbrook, TX? 1. Clean and Well-Maintained Cabs-  A reputed taxi service provider offers you with clean, sanitized, and well-maintained cars to ensure you a convenient ride throughout your journey.
2. Prompt Pickup and Drop Off-  A well-known taxi service in Benbrook, TX offers prompt pickup and drop off facilities to reach your destination on time. This is one of the most important factors to consider while booking a taxi service.
3.  Easy Booking Process-  Yellow cab service offers an easy booking process through their online portals and websites. You can book your cab either by sending an email or just making a call and the cab will reach you soon.
4.  Affordable Rides - Yellow cab service offers the best ride at the most reasonable price rates. If you are low on your budget, you can easily book them and have a convenient ride at the best prices.
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Introducing -Texas Yellow Cab & Checker Taxi Service 
To experience all the above-mentioned benefits, you can book your cab from Texas Yellow Cab & Checker Taxi Service which offers yellow cab service in Benbrook, TX at the most affordable rates depending upon your destination. Their cabs are well-maintained and have a team of highly trained drivers to provide travelers with the best riding experience
To book their yellow cab service, you can send an email to @bigtexascab.com. You can Call/Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram at @8176763702.
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utvdirect · 2 years
Upgrading Your Polaris Ranger with Doors: Is It Worth It?
Rear and side view mirrors can improve the visibility in and around your UTV, boosting safety. Front and rear bumpers provide attachment points for towing and can protect your vehicle’s body. Lift kits provide ground clearance, enabling you to run larger tires.
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What about doors? Are they entirely cosmetic, or is there a legitimate function that justifies the expense of the upgrade associated with these Polaris Ranger accessories and aftermarket parts?
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons riders might want to make this upgrade to their Polaris Ranger UTVs.
Better Protection for Your Interior (and Riders) The Polaris Ranger line of UTVs may be known for rugged dependability, but that doesn’t mean you need to intentionally put your interior through the wringer.
Snow, rain, sleet, hail, salt, and sunshine can all wreak havoc on the interior of a UTV, as can mud, sand, and other debris that enters during trail riding. Cleaning it out is tough, but keeping it out is relatively easy.
Moreover, hard-sided doors can improve the protection that your Polaris Ranger can offer the occupants of the vehicle; trail riding can be hazardous, and doors can help prevent rocks and debris from entering the cab of your UTV during riding.
Keeping Comfortable It can get seriously cold out there in the winter, especially in an open cab when you’re zipping down a trail. Freezing temperatures are bad enough - add in windchill and it can be downright hellacious.
You can and should dress properly to protect yourself from the elements, but you can also simply install doors to help cut back on windchill. Moreover, doors will help keep out the other elements, such as when it’s raining or snowing, keeping the riders dry and comfortable.
Completing the Look of Your Ride While door kits might not be the most exciting of Polaris Ranger parts and accessories, they are aesthetically functional as an upgrade.
Some might appreciate the rugged, unfinished look of a doorless UTV. Others might not. Whatever the case is for you, you can complete the look of your ride and give it a more professional polish by installing a door kit.
High-Quality Polaris Ranger Accessories and Aftermarket Parts As you can see, depending on what your goals are for the upgrade, and for your intended uses of your UTV, a door upgrade kit can very much be worth it.
And, more importantly, you don’t necessarily need to upgrade with hard-sided doors to enjoy some of these benefits of the upgrade. You can upgrade with half doors or soft-sided covers that will accomplish the same effect. Consider the following Polaris Ranger door kits by Seizmik and Spike Power Sports: the Polaris Ranger XP 1000, Ranger 1000, and Ranger XP 900/1000. All make great upgrades and are highly practical.
If you’re thinking about it, visit UTV Direct online at UTVDirect.com. They carry a wide range of Polaris Ranger accessories and aftermarket parts, including door kits, and accessories like door bags that will give you extra room for storage. They also carry a wide range of Polaris RZR accessories and parts, along with accessories for other popular side-by-side UTVs.
Visit their collection via the link above.
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anythingeveru · 2 years
Grab Hire: Cost-Effective Waste Removal
Grab hire services are becoming increasingly popular for waste removal, due to their cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Grab hire is the process of removing large amounts of waste from a given location by using a grab lorry or truck. This type of service can be extremely useful when it comes to disposing of bulk quantities of waste in an environmentally friendly manner.
Benefits of Grab Hire
Grab hire has been gaining popularity among many businesses and homeowners recently due to its numerous benefits. Grab hire is a process that involves hiring a lorry with an attached hydraulic arm for the purpose of excavation, transportation and removal of various materials from one place to another. It is usually used for large-scale projects such as landscaping, construction and demolition. Here are some of the key benefits of grab hire:
Cost Efficiency
Firstly, grab hire services are extremely cost-effective when compared to other traditional methods of material movement. This is because it requires minimal labour costs as all the loading, unloading and transport tasks can be completed by just one operator sitting in the cab. Secondly, it also saves time and energy as the entire process only takes a few hours instead of days or weeks that would be required for manual excavation processes.
Time Savings
Grab hire services provide an efficient way to move materials from one point to another without having to use traditional methods such as hiring trucks or vans. This type of service can be used for transporting construction materials, landscaping supplies, waste products and much more. By eliminating the need for multiple trips back and forth, grab hire services can help businesses save both time and money by reducing labor costs associated with hauling materials themselves. Furthermore, these services also offer convenience since they are often available on short notice when tight schedules require quick action.
Environmentally Friendly
Grab hire is an increasingly popular eco-friendly waste disposal method that is changing the way we handle our rubbish. Grab hire can be defined as a type of truck or lorry with a mechanical arm attached to it. This arm has the capacity to lift and move materials from one place to another, such as soil and debris, while avoiding any disruption or damage to its surroundings. This makes grab hire an efficient and effective way of getting rid of your unwanted waste products in a safe, sustainable manner.
Not only does grab hire help you get rid of your rubbish quickly and easily, but it also has numerous environmental benefits due to its low emissions which are significantly lower than other more traditional methods of waste disposal. In addition, no exhaust fumes are released into the air because most grab hire vehicles use electric power rather than diesel fuel.
In conclusion, grab hire is an efficient and cost-effective way of managing waste disposal. It is also incredibly convenient and accessible, as the service can be booked online or over the phone in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, grab hire companies typically offer additional services such as soil delivery and landscaping to help you complete your project quickly and easily. With all these benefits in mind, it's no surprise that more people are turning to grab hire for their waste disposal needs.
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daltonsantos · 2 years
Excavator Rental Solutions That Will Optimize Cost Of Maintenance And Safety
When project managers make decision to consider excavator rental it really is normally done after carefully considering the needs from the project available and also any project with the exact same requirements which may appear any moment soon. These machines perform many tasks like demolition of structures, elimination of debris, digging up trenches, dredging channels, mining tasks, forestry work, handling heavy material and others where the kinetic efforts of humans cannot match the necessity. Excavators can do the work considerably faster without having to put much effort resulting cost saving and time.
A closer look at excavators All excavator movement and functions are accomplished if you use hydraulic fluid, hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors which explains why also, they are called hydraulic excavators. The principle the different parts of these robust machines include bucket, boom, dipper or stick plus a driver cab on rotating platform. The operator cabin is also called 'house' in construction industry language in fact it is connected to the undercarriage which enables the excavator to rotate 360 degrees throughout. There's also other attachments which can be utilized for different purposes like boring, crushing as well as other functions in addition to the main pair of components. Excavator manufacturers today offer a vast range of such equipment that come in different sizes and capacities. The appliance undergo numerous tests ad are made to perform various functions in construction projects, mines and lots of other jobsites. There are different kinds of excavators such as compact excavators, long reach excavators, dragline excavators and amphibious excavators that carry out a massive amount functions like digging trenches, foundations for huge structures, digging holes, mining, landscaping, river dredging, plus more. Construction or mining project managers intending to go for excavators on rental basis may consider a number of such machines and they have enough options to make a knowledgeable choice.
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Excavator rental services Excavators can be viewed digging up earth, rocks and in many cases concrete rubble in different construction site today which is often on absolutely virgin land where no construction work procured place earlier, or whether it's a reconstruction project. The project manager, builder or contractor accountable for the website decides whether or not to get equipment like excavators for rental or purchase them outright. It really is entirely up to the project in-charge, decide about choosing outright purchase or go for rental services to optimize cost. You can find construction firms that are structured you might say where they operate with huge in-house inventory of robust equipment even though many others love to operate with almost no in-house inventory and steer clear of such capital expenditure. Project managers opting for excavators on rental basis should check rates which can be found by different equipment leasing firms. Optimizing the cost of hiring the equipment means the hirer must ensure that paying of compensation for causing problems for the apparatus is avoided. A certain degree of wear and tear is known as normal with time nevertheless the equipment leasing company have better understanding of the amount wear and tear sometimes happens after normal operations. An excavator was designed to accomplish really heavy work and a lot leasing companies closely monitor the damage and tear of the machines. Therefore, the work manager hiring the equipment should go through the best practices of usage to be able to optimize the rental deal.
Trying to find suppliers online Project managers would want use of considerable information about the excavators they want to hire, in order to make an informed choice. This makes it a little easier for them to compare the excavators from the most effective brands. As it is a time-consuming exercise to look out and look at the dealers of the different brands that sell such excavators, project managers should think about smart online options. You will find online portals listing various kinds of excavators and many such companies give you a large amount of info on each piece of apparatus out there. As an illustration, if a project manager would like to hire a mini excavator for rent, it is normal for some inquiries to appear. A knowledgeable customer would want to have in mind the machine's engine output, walk out reach, boom swing, etc. to determine if the excavator meets his requirements or otherwise. Project managers, who want to check excavator rental services, can visit aggregator websites that are essentially portals where tens of thousands of hirers of construction equipment visit regularly trying to find discounted prices. Such sites are convenient for hirers to check on a huge number of suppliers offering numerous equipment variants for a passing fancy platform at competitive rates as well as in one of the most transparent manner. It is really easy to search for rates, features and advantages of excavators from all the various brands after a customer gets accustomed to a portal's navigation. Hiring excavators on rent online may be easy but users have to take the effort of researching the portal for information on its reputation and reliability. To read more about sewa excavator webpage: look at more info.
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taxi-yatri-india · 1 year
TaxiYatri is a car rental company, so attach your taxi with us, so you can be comfortable becoming our business partner. Attach your car with us, we provide a cab attachment service all over India to make quick and good money. Our local taxi attachment service is best for connecting you with us and earning money. If you have any questions, please contact us through our webpage.
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miskasingh21 · 3 years
SoloCabs- How to attach your car with company. Outstation taxi attachment with SoloCabs for drivers. It is as simple as downloading android app and registering yourself there.
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emxcel · 5 years
The Changing Face of Cab Rental Market in India- Beepnride
Cab rental has become an integral part of everyday business or leisure travel.  The initial idea for car rental services was to provide the ease and privacy of transporting the businessmen on their work trips, and now the concept has outgrown the purpose. The rising demand for cab rentals for inter-city and local travel for leisure purposes has fueled the growth of the market share in the national economy.
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According to reports, there’s a list of reasons responsible for the rise in adaptation of the cab rental services by the population.
One of the key trends responsible for the change is the rise in the tourism sector, which ultimately means that tourists prefer to rent a cab to travel locally and between cities.
Additionally, without the need for costs associated with the ownership of a vehicle and increased mobility, there’s a jump in the demand for cab rental services.
Read the full story at BEEPNRIDE
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spookyspecterino · 2 years
The Slaughter of a Lamb
Chapter Two: A Monster Among Killers
Tangerine x !F Reader
Word Count: 3.7K
Series Masterlist
SFW; Dark Themes; mentions of blood & death, slow-burn, language
Tangerine and Lemon attend an online info meeting hosted by Mother Vati to prepare for the contract's release. Their target is revealed—they might run into more trouble than they originally thought.
A/N: Yeah, so remember when I said once a week uploads? SCREW THAT, I'm too excited! I'm just gonna upload them when they're done.
In this chapter reader is introduced (yaay). She has a codename (to make my life easier for one and it also plays into the story), but other than that she is left undescribed for all your reader insert needs ❤︎
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The rain was pouring down in buckets, continuing on since lunch the day prior. Tangerine and Lemon hunched their shoulders and speedily marched down the sidewalk. Other people passed by in a similarly hurried fashion, eager to reach their destination and get out of the foul weather. Torrents of water streamed down from the roofs over shops and hit the pavement, splashing their shoes.
Cars drove down the road, creating more noise as they cut their path through the pounding rain. Taxi cabs lined both sides of the street, drivers either in the shops or hanging out in their cars—waiting for cab farers to get out of work, and the evening rush to begin.
“Tangerine—” Lemon half shouted, trying to be heard over the sound of the downpour, “—tell me, why on earth  are we even going to this thing?”
His brother, who walked slightly in front with a glowering expression and his hands shoved into his jacket pockets, never broke from his brisk pace even as he glanced over his shoulder to respond. “For fuck’s sake, you might never read a brief in your life, but one of us has to know what the details are.”
Lemon made a face. “There isn’t a summary attached?  Bullet points, maybe?”
There was a loud curse from Tangerine that made a few people passing them jump out of the way with startled looks. He eased his pace a little, falling into step beside Lemon so they weren’t shouting about their business on the sidewalk.
“No Lemon, they haven’t got bullet points or summaries. Every bit of information we get is coming from this meeting.” He wiped angrily at his neck where a drop of water slid down below his collar. “We attend, or we’re in the dark with our thumbs up our arses.”
“Alright, alright. You don’t have to blow your top—you can be such a Gordan sometimes.”
There was a sigh. “And to think, you almost made it an entire day without referencing any Thomas and Friends.”
Rounding the corner and skidding to a halt, the twins were greeted by a group of six men; all wearing a teal-colored piece of clothing: shirts, or shoes, one wore a scarf; and gold jewelry accessories. Some wore earrings, chains, or rings. Most of the group was standing or leaning up against the wall casually, they all had to be in their middle to late twenties.
The matching colors of the group were distinguishable markers of one of the city’s gangs. They hadn’t shown up in full force, maybe only a fourth of them were here. They were best known for transporting stolen cars across city lines. It was strange to see them in this setting, usually they stuck to prowling around districts in the northern parts of the city, places where tourists were steered away from.
One of them, wearing thick gold chain bracelets on each arm—who looked to be in charge of the group, stood pointing to his phone while talking to a huge man in a black t-shirt and cargo pants. Holding a stern expression and crossed arms, he listened to the gang leader silently. A short crop of brown hair with shaved sides and cauliflower ears made him look like a boxer, but the way he carried himself screamed trained killer.
Over their heads was a glaring neon sign that cut through the gloom of the early evening weather. It would flash three times, then each letter would light up on its own in sequence—spelling out ‘Internet Café’. Under the main sign hung a smaller one, ‘pay by the hour’, which wasn’t illuminated.
As Tangerine and Lemon walked up to the café entrance, the man in the black t-shirt gave them a nod to go ahead. Members of the gang made booing noises, but the presence of the burly man kept them docile.
Eager to be out of the rain and away from the interaction going on outside, Tangerine pushed the door open and went in without hesitation; a small ding announced his entry. Shaking the collar of his jacket to get rid of any lingering drops of water, he turned and held the door open for Lemon who walked in with a huff.
The inside was dark, the only source of light was via windows at the front of the café and the artificial glow of screens. Rows of desktop computers lined the floor and walls; little plastic separators gave each station their privacy. An unpleasant musk hung in the air.
Maybe 10 to 12 others sat scattered across the café with their heads down, staring at their screens. Tangerine caught a couple of fleeting glances.
Lemon hissed under his breath. “You think the gang wanted in for the same reason as us?”
“I would think so—Christ, what’s that smell?”
“That doesn’t bode well at all.”
Tangerine nodded in agreement and motioned for Lemon to follow as he walked over to the clerk’s desk. A sign on the wall read ‘Check-in FIRST’.
The attendant was a wrinkled, short old woman who looked like she had gone her whole life without sleep. She was perched on a stool reading a local newspaper intently, the headline read: “Tourists Express Concern Over Air Quality!”. As he and Lemon approached, she lowered it to the desk and regarded them with bored, half-lidded eyes.
Tangerine put on his best smile. “Hi, we’d like to use a computer for—let’s say, two hours, please.”
The old woman doesn’t so much as blink when she holds a hand out. With a croak that could rival a frog’s, “Eight per hour.” He gives her 20 in cash.
She swivels on her stool and punches a few things into a computer on her right, ignoring them completely. After, she reaches under the desk to pull out an instruction sheet and a card marker with the number 12 on it.
Laying both things on the desk, she points a gnarled hand toward their row. “At the end of two hours you’ll be automatically logged out, come back to the desk if you want more time.”
Lemon slides the paper and card marker over, then looks to where she had pointed. Tangerine doesn’t even bother saying thanks—she was already back to reading the newspaper again.
As they took a seat at their computer, he hissed, “She didn’t even give me change—can you believe that? And who reads the newspaper when you have fuckin’ computers everywhere?”
Lemon only offered a distracted hum as he went about setting them up with a temporary login and password. He pointed to the empty computer next to them. “Grab that one’s headphones, we’ll need two.”
Scooting his chair over, Tangerine was untangling the wires as he heard the ding of the café entrance. Cargo pants came striding in toward the back door of the café’s staff room. Something told Tangerine he wasn’t staff. Outside, the gang was heading off further down the street.
Back at their own computer, Lemon leaned over and whispered as his twin joined him again. “Looks like The Vati Family is making sure gangs aren’t trying to enter the contract. Can’t blame ‘em—they always make such a bloody mess.” Tangerine watched the mob man disappear into the staff room, closing the door after himself.
In the row behind the twins, at the end, another man was also watching the Vati associate. As he turned to his computer, his gaze met Tangerine’s. He had short, dirty blond hair that was flipped back neatly on his head in a military fashion. His eyes flickered over Tangerine’s frown before he looked down at his screen.
Lemon’s voice brought his brother’s attention back to their computer. “Here, we’re all set.” He handed him a pair of headphones as he put his own on.
Slipping them on and muffling the noise of the outside world, Tangerine watched a little black window on the screen blink a few times before the video feed of a woman appeared.
Mother Vati.
He’d never seen her before, but she was big. She towered over the mahogany desk she sat behind. In the background was a wall screen with flowers on it. She was dressed very nicely in a black bodycon dress that showed off muscular, toned arms and broad shoulders. Short black hair curled upward at the bottom around her ears and her make-up was done professionally. The only give away that she was dealing with the murder of her child, that occurred no less than 32 hours ago, were the tired lines around her eyes that no amount of makeup would cover.
Even so, she was an intimidating woman.
“Hello, thank you all for attending. I hope that wherever you’re tuning in from, it was not too difficult to find a secure connection. For those of you who do not know me, let me introduce myself; I am Victoria Vati. You will call me either Ma’am or Mother Vati.” She had an elegant way of speaking with a strong, unwavering voice; there was no room for argument.
“To get started I would like you to know the exact reason for this contract and why we’re all here today.”
A picture of a preschooler, a little girl with short blond curls, showed up on the video feed to the side of Mother Vati. In the photo, she was jubilant with round cherub cheeks; light brown eyes sparkled as she was photographed mid-laugh. One hand was brought up to her face as she looked into the camera.
Tangerine wasn’t ever around children, never had much thought about them, but he’d admit it—that was a cute kid.
Mother Vati began speaking again with a tight voice. “My child—my Lamb, was brutally murdered the night before yesterday, in her own room. Her body was…” Mother Vati stopped, her mouth working from side to side as she was no doubt holding back tears. With a sniff, she continued. “Her body was badly mutilated and carelessly left on the floor. It was a horrific sight that was meant for me to find. My little girl was an angel in every way. She did not deserve this.”
She wiped under one eye with a crumpled tissue. “There may be speculation as to whether this was an accident or not, and let me put that to rest now. This was done with intent and malice. It was meant to wound and cripple me, but instead it has spurred me into seeking my own brand of justice.”
The picture of Lamb faded away and was replaced with the image of two women walking across a street, they seemed to be mid conversation. The photo was cropped to focus on the one slightly ahead of the other. She was striding forward and looking off to the side of the camera. Her head was held up, shoulders squared, and was stepping with absolute confidence. She was strikingly beautiful, but something about her eyes gripped Tangerine. In the photo they were glaring and had an intense darkness to them.
Mother Vati’s voice came back with such a raw anger and force that Tangerine almost flinched. “This beast—this monster in human skin, killed my Lamb!” She paused, steadying herself with a few deep breaths. “Her codename in my family was Fox; her real name, I refuse to say—it should only be used as a curse. This conniving traitor is your target.”
The photo faded out, and Tangerine cast a fleeting glance at Fox and the woman she was talking to. The other woman was looking down as she walked; medium length blonde hair fell over her shoulders.
Replacing that photo was a video, a translucent play sign hovering in the middle. Seeing what still image the video was paused on twisted his nerves into knots; like watching something that took place moments before disaster, and knowing what was about to happen. You had to sit through it with the knowledge that it ended badly.
“This video and the previous photo are the only things we have to identify her with. As you’ll see, she was meticulously careful about being photographed or recorded.”
The video un-paused, bringing to life Lamb’s most recent birthday party. Around Lamb were Mother Vati and  various high-ranking members of the Vati Family, all cheering and singing happy birthday as four candles on a big cake were being lit. The camera jilted and wobbled as whoever was recording moved to stand in front of the family. Toward the edge of the frame, Fox stood behind the others. She was watching the little girl with a small, reserved smile. After finding out what happened 32 hours ago, it gave the happy video an incredibly sinister feeling.
The person recording must have caught Fox’s attention, because her eyes flashed to look into the camera and the tight smile on her face dropped. The dark intensity in her eyes was only there for a moment before she glided out of frame in one swift motion. The fluidity of the movement gave Tangerine chills.
Where someone like Mother Vati was beautiful with intimidating qualities, Fox was equal measures beautiful and fucking scary.
The video restarted, playing the sequence all over again on a continuous loop. Something else about Fox captivated Tangerine, even as Mother Vati continued speaking he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the video.
“Fox is dangerous, she went missing the day before my daughter’s murder. Make no mistake, she did this. She is the only one who could. The last place anyone saw her was around the tourist shopping district. Other places she frequents were our warehouses and clubs, I would start your search there. There is no doubt that she is still here in the city.”
Mother Vati leveled a look into the camera, her eyes were dark. “I am offering a substantial amount more to bring Fox in alive, so I can deal with her in a way that I see fit. But, due to the danger she poses, I will also accept her delivered in a body-bag rather than not at all.”
The video pauses on a frame of Fox looking into the camera, just after the smile drops from her face.
“I am hoping that 25 million, and the request of a grieving mother, will be motivation enough for you all to at least attempt to bring her in alive.”
Leaning forward and folding her hands on her desk, Mother Vita’s eyes pierce through the screen. “I understand this much money may tempt you to fight amongst yourselves,” she waves dismissively, “and by all means, kill each other if you want, but the less of you going after her—the easier it will be for her to pick you off. My recommendation, for everyone, is to have a good old-fashioned witch hunt.”
She glanced at her watch. “Either way, in five minutes, the contract will be opened and you will be free to go about your jobs in whichever way that you choose. When you have Fox, bring her to my manor.”
Silently looking into the camera for a few heartbeats, she leans back again. “Happy hunting.” And the video went dark.
Tangerine blinks a few times, coming back to the present; he had felt as if he was immersed in a movie. The image of Fox was clearly imprinted into his mind.
Slipping the headphones off, he glanced to Lemon, who was staring at his lap with a deep frown. He began to get up. “Alright, bruv. Let’s say you and I—"
But, Lemon’s head snapped to him and his firm hand pulled Tangerine back down to sit in his seat.
“Oi, what—”
As Lemon slipped his headphones off, he motioned with his eyes to look around. Tangerine did so, and his hands started to sweat.
Everyone in the café was standing to leave now. 10 to 12 others were standing from the computers, a few were giving each other glances, once overs; sizing each other up.
Unless whatever they had been doing was coincidentally the same length of time as the Vati meeting…
Tangerine leaned forward, his eye slightly twitching, as he hissed to Lemon. “They’re all contractors?”
Lemon’s jaw clenched a few times, he looked more apprehensive than usual. “We might have a lot more competition than we thought, let’s wait a few for everyone to leave.” His eyes met Tangerine’s. “What did you think of Mother Vati?”
“Intimidating woman, but I guess you have to be in order to run a successful mob family. What’d you think—you got a train picked out for her?”
Lemon chewed on his lip. “I can’t pin her yet, but there was something in the way that she was crying that really set me off. Made me uncomfortable.”
There was a quiet scoff. “She’s a grieving mother, Lemon, for Christ’s sake. Can you imagine how much pressure she must be under to run a family like that and appear tough as nails—all while trying to grieve over her little tot?”
“Yeah, I got it—all I’m saying is—”
Lemon broke off his sentence as his eyes trailed up. There was an imposing presence behind Tangerine that made the hair on the back of his neck stand. Turning in his seat he came face to face with a wall of muscle, barely contained behind a black t-shirt.
The mountain of a man was looking down at them with his usual sternness. “You two, come with me.”
Tangerine’s stubbornness in the face of someone giving him orders slipped through automatically. “Now hang on just a moment. I don’t fuckin’ know you, and my brother and I don’t follow strangers—”
“Mother Vati wishes to speak with you.”
Lemon looked around in his chair. “Is she here?”
A thick, muscled arm pointed toward the staff room. “On the phone.”
. . .
The back staff room of the internet café somehow smelled worse than the main room. Old computers were stacked one on top of the other in the corners, on chairs, and along the floors up against the walls. A thick layer of dust covered each one. In the center of the room was a cheep looking table with a few plastic chairs sitting around it. There was a book and two cellphones laying in the center.
Tentatively entering behind the strong-shouldered man, Tangerine and Lemon gave each other looks; a silent conversation passing between them. Maybe they had gotten into something that was over their heads.
But as the man held out one of the sleek, glossy phones from the table—dwarfing it in his own hand; it was far too late to turn back.
Tangerine held it between his brother and him in their usual manner of sharing a phone call; he also did all the talking. “Yes, hello?”
The same elegant and well-spoken voice from the online meeting greeted them back. It was almost surreal feeling. “Am I speaking to the Twins, Lemon and Tangerine?”
“Yeah. What can we do for you?”
“When I saw you had entered into the contract, your names were familiar to me. You’ve lived in the city for a long time, is that correct?”
“That’s right.”
There was a pleased hum on the other end. “Good. You know what I like about locals, Lemon, th—”
“—No, no. I’m Tangerine.”
There was a pause, her tone was a little sour as she corrected herself. “What I like about locals, Tangerine, is they know this city. They know shortcuts, where the best places to escape tourists are, which district to stay away from during rush hour traffic.”
They glanced at one another with questioning looks. At the table the muscled man was reading his book contently, feet propped up on the table.
Mother Vati continued; she must love hearing herself talk. “And the problem with hiring outsiders is they’re completely clueless as to how the city works. How it breathes.”
“Right, sure. But if you wanted locals to do this job, why not get your own people?”
“The Vati family is looking, but with the summer season in full bloom we’re quite busy.”
“Too busy to look for the one who killed your kid? That doesn’t sit right.”
The sound of something clattering on the other end rang through the speaker loud enough for the big man to look over from his book.
“Believe me, if I could afford the time to comb the streets for that filth I would do so— just to get a chance at wringing her neck myself! But we rely on the summer to make most of our money and I will not risk crippling my business operations. My hands are tied, for now.”
There was a deep, deep breath. “Which is why I am placing my confidence in you and your brother to get the job done.”
“Now, hang on. If you were going to single us out, why go to all the trouble of an open-sourced contract?”
“Pressure, dear Tangerine. 50 people hunting is more pressure than just two. I want everyone looking for her.”
“But you’re turning away gangs?”
She made a disgusted noise. “Rowdy street criminals would only scare her away. The most use they would serve is cannon fodder.”
“You mentioned she was still in the city; how do you know?”
She sounded impatient. “This city is the only thing she knows. Leaving would make her vulnerable—a fish out of water.”
“Alright, alright. So, you want to work with us personally—well, you should know then, we have no intention of bringing her in alive.”
They were met with a few seconds of silence. “That’s a shame… Is there any way I could convince you otherwise?”
“Not really, we’ve made up our minds. Not too keen on escorting a crazy child killer around.”
There was a thoughtful hum. “How about this. If you manage to subdue her, and you can keep her in one spot long enough for my people to come to you, I’ll increase your reward to 15 million.”
Tangerine couldn’t help himself. “17 million.” There was an approving nod from Lemon.
A tired sigh echoed through the speaker with a slight muttering. “You really are from this city—alright, 17 million.”
“If she gets uppity, we’re shooting her.”
“…Very well.”
The sound of voices on her end reached Tangerine and Lemon. She interrupted before they could ask any more questions.
“Keep the phone, boys; we’ll be in touch.”
There was a beep and the call ended.
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quixotic-writer · 3 years
I’m Always On Top
Request: Anon(s)
Summary: It started out as a fun game between Sal and Q at the gay bar they found themselves at: get as many drinks and as drunk as you can. Jealousy soon takes over Sal and it leads to the two going home. But Sal decides to try and put Q in his place by playing dominant and taking the role of top for the evening. But as Q had always said: “i’m always on top.”
They had come to the bar together with friendly competition in the back of their heads: get as many free drinks as they can. It wasn’t just any bar, it was the local gay bar. It didn’t matter who won, the only thing they cared about was that they go home together.
The music was flooding the club and people of all walks of life from anywhere you could imagine were swaying and moving in tune with the music. Those who were sitting at the bar or leaning against it were engaged in their own social exchanges. With a shot in their hands, they toasted to each other.
“May the best man drink.” Q said. Glasses raised and it was down the hatch in a second. A shot of confidence burned their throats and they split from one another and made their way through the bar. Q had found himself sitting at the bar and someone was quick to approach him and give a little bit of sweet talk while flagging a bartender down. Sal felt a pinch of discouragement when no one was as quick to approach him, but he would soon find his confidence once he worked his personable charm.
As Q was in his seat, his eyes wandered and saw Sal across the bar. He was talking it up with a bunch of people, eyes hungry and eating him up as his hands moved around as he talked. One hand held a drink and there was another one sitting in front of him along with a little shot glass. Q felt proud of him in a weird way, managing to finesse that many drinks in such a short period of time was truly a feat. He would have thought that he would have been jealous, but for some reason he didn’t. He was absolutely crazy for Sal and he knew had those same feelings, but within Sal, that crazed love was something magnified to significant levels.
Sal was the one who got jealous, probably because he knew of Q’s vast and diverse fan base that would thirst over him and would often be all he saw online. Q could have anyone he wanted really, and he often worried if he was enough. This led to fits of jealousy and clinginess for Sal, a reaction he wished he could better control but it always got the better of him.
The night continued and drinks flowed endlessly. Q was on his 7th or maybe 8th drink and he was off on the dance floor, completely forgetting about the little competition he had agreed to for the night. Sal had totally lost track of his drink count as shots were poured endlessly. He was absolutely intoxicated, he couldn’t remember the last time he had been bought so many drinks, it made him feel special in a way. His eyes looked around for Q as he decided to slow things down a bit and sober up a little with some water. When his eyes found his boyfriend, hot anger filled him in a second.
Q was out dancing with guys all around him, not a care in the world. In his drunken brain, Sal believed that Q didn’t care about him at that moment. He was quick to leave his spot at the bar and make a bee line over to his boyfriend. He quickly grabbed him by his shirt collar and smashed his lips against his. When he pulled away, Q was excited to see him.
“Hey Sally! Surprised you don’t have a drink in your hand.” Sal glared at every one that was feeling up Q and they all quickly backed away. He reconnected their lips and quickly darted his tongue into Q’s mouth and Q moaned at the sensation, bringing Sal in closer to him. The tempo and bass of the music was vibrating in them as they flowed to the tune, hips sinfully close and grinding together. Sal finally pulled away just to catch his breath and Q was left almost speechless, hungry for something else.
“I think we’ve had enough to drink… Let’s go.” Sal said in a very demanding tone. It took Q aback a little, but took it as Sal being needy for some sexual relief after their little stunt on the dance floor together. He agreed with his lover and they called a cab.
When they reached home and made their way to the bedroom, Sal was quick and rough with his movement. He ripped open Q’s button down, exposing his chest and his lips were quickly attached to the skin leaving hickeys all over and everywhere his lips could reach as fast as possible.
“Fuck, Sal. Slow down baby.” Q felt Sal attempting to overpower him, and he didn’t even know what brought this on. But, if he kept this up, Q wasn’t afraid to put him back in his place.
Sal ignored Q as clothing was shed away. Layer after layer until they were in nothing but their boxers. Q was sitting at the edge of the bed, Sal was straddling him. Lips were intertwined, only occasionally leaving when each of them were painting the other’s skin with bruises. Their lips were smacking together, moans loud in their throats, and then Sal made the next move. He shoved Q back into the bed and was over him.
“You’re fucking mine.” He mumbled harshly before he bit down onto the flesh of Q’s neck earning a groan from him. The next thing Sal knew, there was a hand on his throat. Q sat up straight with Sal’s face mere inches away from his and a hand was gripping the sides of his throat, nothing threatening or endangering in the slightest, but something to earn dominance back. It showed signs of working as Sal let out a little whimper.
“What is your deal tonight?” Sal’s dominance quickly began melting away as Q began taking control, “I try to have fun tonight and you cut in, and now you’re trying to top me?”
“They were all over you Brian.” He mustered out trying to keep a brave face. He tried to resist falling into submission, but the way Q was looking at him, the way his hand was on his neck, the posture he was holding, he knew this momentary bliss of being in the dominant role would soon dissipate.
“Because you’re being a little brat you think you’re all of a sudden dominant sweetheart?” Regret filled Sal as he felt an impending punishment coming clear into view, and it was, once again, because he let his jealousy get the better of him. The rush of momentary power was exhilarating, but not worth the cost of the punishment he was about to receive. “I’m always on top.”
“I-I’m sorry!”
“You’re sorry, what?” Sal was now backed down to lay in the bed as Q hovered over him with lust filled eyes.
“I’m sorry daddy! Please!” Q chuckled as he watched Sal squirm beneath him. He rubs his hand over his clothed erection earning more whimpers as his back arches, seeking more contact from the dominant.
“You’re only saying that because you’re in trouble.” His lips made contact with Sal’s bare skin and littered the untainted skin with marks of his own. His hands were delicate, finger tips tracing over his skin making goosebumps form wherever he touched. Sal’s skin felt like it was on fire. The juxtaposition of Q’s careful hands and his rough mouth made him strain painfully against his boxers, aching for more as he tangled a hand into Q’s hair, physically begging for more sensations, and above all: friction. “You don’t get to cum ‘til I say. Got it?” Q reached underneath the bed and pulled out a box of toys that they had begun collecting since they had been together.
“Please just touch me, I'm sorry, please I need you! I won’t do it again, I'm sorry!” Q promptly removed Sal’s boxers, watching as he sprung free and was twitching like crazy already. This was gonna be fun.
“I don’t want to hear anymore. You’ll learn now. On your stomach.” Sal listened, not wanting anything to be worse. He dreaded what Q was about to do to him, but at the same time, it sent a pleasurable chill down his spine that made pulsate. He felt Q’s hands smooth over the curve of his ass before his cold fingers found their way to Sal’s entrance. He let out a shaky sigh before lube covered fingers found their way in him and stretched him out.
One finger, then another, then another was added. Each time he was stretched out more, the louder his pleasured noises became. Strained mewls, prolonged moans, throat wrenching gasps.
“You should hear yourself, you filthy slut. Making so many noises already and you only have my fingers in you.” The dirty talk only made Sal’s hips buck backward into the fingers that slid in and out of him. His cock was rubbing against the sheets below him and only added to his growing pleasure. His eyes were closed as he savored each sensation. “You take my fingers so well though, don’t you? I know just how to make you feel good, I know you in and out, and I know just how to get you off.” His hot breath was in his ear and it only brought him closer and closer to ecstasy. Truly Q was the only person that knew just how to pleasure him, and his confidence in knowing that as a fact was so hot.
“God, daddy. More! I’m gonna cum!” After that last sentence fell out of his mouth, Sal was left empty as Q removed his fingers. “No, please!”
“Remember sweetheart, you’re getting punished. If you cum at all, it’ll only be worse for you.” Q sat himself on the bed with a hitachi wand in his hand. Back against the headrest, he pulled Sal between his legs and had him resting against his chest. Sal could feel his hard on pressing against his ass, he was always impressed with the will power Q had when it came to being hard. When he fell into a dominant position, he held himself back. Q found more sexual gratification in pleasuring others than himself.
Q placed the wand aside for the moment, and instead, his hand took grasp of Sal’s now leaking cock. A shallow pump around the head of his cock easily made Sal’s hips jerk off the bed and hands grip at the thighs that encased him where he was.
“So sensitive already baby?” Q teased as his hand kept pumping Sal. Sal watched, hypnotized by the hand moving up and down, watching as the tip of his cock poked between the top of Q’s fist only to disappear once again as it rose again. Q would twist his fist, tighten his grip, and kiss and lick at Sal’s exposed skin as he pleasured him, savoring the noises that came out of the submissive. “Tell me baby, tell me how it feels.” Sal was gasping for air and almost felt like he would never be able to form a sentence with the amount of blissed out fog that clouded his brain. “Tell me or I'll stop now and go to bed.” The commanding tone forced Sal’s lips to part as he tried to form anything, something comprehensible.
“It feels… mmm… so… so good. I… I can’t… I–”
“Can’t what sweetheart?” The innocent tone felt mocking. It frustrated Sal as all he wanted to do was cum.
“I just… I just wanna… Cum!” Sal’s hips started bucking into Q’s fist, and Q kept his hand still for just a moment. He watched as Sal tried so desperately to please himself, but as soon as he knew that he was dangerously close, he took his hand away and watched again as Sal squirmed and whined.
“Not so fast Sally. Good things come to those who wait.” He lays tender kisses on the sides of his face and his shoulder as his hands smooth over the skin of his inner thighs, so close to being where Sal wanted them, but never giving him the satisfaction. A hand strayed away and took the hitachi wand that was set aside. “I know just how much you love this toy. The many times I've had you tied up,” he switches it on, low hum filling the room, “left you for hours just to see how much you had in you.” He glides it along Sal’s thighs, hovering around his most sensitive spots where he could sense the vibrations but feel none of the sensation he craved.
Q took the wand and ran it quickly on the underside of Sal’s cock and watched him moan and squirm. Sal kept trying to keep Q’s hand where he wanted it, kept trying to gain some control over everything, but it was no use because Q would simply overpower Sal and pull away, straying him away from climax.
“You’re so impatient.” The teasing went on for what felt like forever to Sal. Circles around the head of his cock, delicate strokes at the base, vibrator held under his balls. No matter how much Sal begged, whined, pleaded, and apologized, it seemed as though Q had tuned him out fully and was getting pure enjoyment out of the sadistic sexual torture he was putting his boyfriend through. He loved watching how much Sal’s cock was twitching at the faintest sensation, how much precum was slowly spilling out of his slit, and all the noises that made that made his own cock pulsate and twitch. He would let out an occasional moan or grunt whenever Sal would buck his hips, causing a little bit of friction on his cock that rested against his back, or whenever he made a particularly delicious sound.
After a while, Sal had once again lost all ability to remotely let out any words that would make any sort of sense. His speech skills had withered away as he drowned in his own pleasure as a means to reach his high that he knew he wouldn’t get to until Q gave him the word.
“Why don’t we have a little change in pace?” Q turned the vibrator off and Sal was yet again left to step away from the edge of euphoria as he was so close once again. He was panting and he looked at his cock; Slick with precum, the once rose colored tip was now red and begging for release, he could feel his crotch pulsating. He was panting and he felt spent but he hadn’t even gotten to cum yet. Q stepped away and reached into the box of toys once again, pulling out a decent sized dildo and giving it to Sal. “Go ahead, pleasure yourself for me.” Sal felt almost like it was a joke, that there was going to be something more. He didn’t question though as he teased his eager hole with the tip of the dildo, pushing himself up against some pillows on the bed and spreading his legs. Q sat across from him, legs touching Sal’s as he watched his lover’s movements closely.
Sal relished in the sensation of the dildo entering him. It didn’t feel nearly as good as Q does, but after the time spent left on edge and feeling empty after Q had removed his fingers, this felt like heaven for him. Slowly, he pushed it all the way in up until the base and he held his motions still, taking in the full sensation that he craved as his head rolled back and his eyes closed, a breathy moan and relieved sigh filled the quiet room.
“Go ahead baby, make as much noise as you want. You know I love it. Put on a show.” Per his request, Sal went on to make a sinfully gorgeous and pornographic display just for his lover. He kept his motions fluid and sensual, biting his lip but never holding back on any noises, mewling out a little ‘yes’ or ‘fuck’ here and there, eyes half hooded and going back and forth between eye contact with Q and his cock that he was stroking in a tight fist. “Tell me how it feels sweetheart.”
“Oh, daddy! It feels so… mmm… so fucking good.” Sal felt himself start to get close again and watching Q get himself off as hard as he was wasn’t helping him hold out at all.
“Yeah?” Q was close, he felt as though he had been teasing himself all evening, but neglecting his own pleasure for however long they had been encased in the bedroom was well worth witnessing the display of sexual torture he had been putting Sal through. He was sadistic, but he knew Sal loved it, it was evident by how much Sal was loving it now.
“Fuck yeah… But it doesn’t feel nearly… nearly as good as you.” He had to take pauses between his words to let out more pleasurable noises, hoping that if Q came, he would get to as well. “Your thick cock in my ass… tearing me in two… and you know… you know I love the pain.” Sal had hit a particularly sweet spot inside of himself and he almost toppled over. He started slowing his movements more despite wanting to cum so badly, but he didn’t want a worse punishment. He knew the next consequence would be not cumming at all or not being able to cum for a period of time no matter how often they had sex.
“I fuck you so good, huh, baby? Better than that piece of silicone you have in your ass? I know you love it rough, I know you love the torture. You just love being dominated, being played with, my little fuck toy.” Q’s fist tightened more and his hand was a blur as he chased his high.
“I want you to fuck me so bad daddy.” Q didn’t need to hear anything else, he was all over Sal. He quickly threw the dildo aside and locked lips with Sal, grinding their hard-ons together as tongues swirled about.
“I’m gonna fuck you better than you ever could with that dildo.” He grunted as he lined himself up with Sal’s entrance.
“Fuck me ‘til I can’t walk.” Q’s eyes met Sal’s in that moment, his normally tender cocoa eyes were gleaming with love, but now, they were filled with a fire ignited from within that spelled out one word: lust.
Q bucked his hips and almost knocked the wind out of Sal in that single motion.
“Gonna cum!” The dirty talk, finally feeling Q inside of him, and the (what felt like) hours of teasing is starting to send him into a spiral of blinding ecstasy.
“You fucking better not! You better hold it in, you do not get to cum yet.” Sal raked his fingers down Q’s back, doing his best to hold on and hold back for his own sake. Tears were streaming down his face, half of it was from pleasure, half of it was from pain because he had been holding back for so long already. Sal’s lips were parted as painful and pleasured cries fell out of his mouth. “That’s right, let the neighbors hear how bad you’ve been, let them know who owns you.”
“Daddy! Please! I… I can’t! I…” It started to become painful, he knew he could safeword at any time and it would be over, but he had come this far and he was going to deal with his punishment. As Q continued thrusting, he felt Sal tighten around him and he felt like he was seeing stars as he was just at the edge,
“Gonna… Fucking… Cum!” With a few rough, slow thrusts, Q buried himself to the hilt as he released himself into Sal with a long moan. Both men were panting, but Q knew that it wasn’t over just yet. He took Sal’s cock in hand and started pumping him hard and fast in a tight fist, “C’mon baby you wanted it so bad, take it. Cum for me!” Sal was practically screaming as he came explosively all over his chest in big thick spurts. Q kept pumping him and pumping him until Sal felt as though there was nothing left in him.
Once his orgasm had finished ripping through him, both were left on the bed panting, exhausted from their strenuous night.
“You Okay?” Q asked as he shifted his head to look at Sal. He didn’t say anything but nodded his head to respond. “You know I'm crazy for you and only you, right?”
“I know,” Sal spoke softly. “I guess it was a bit of the alcohol and my jealousy problems again. You’re just so good looking and I just feel like you could have anyone you want.”
“But I chose you. And I will always choose you.” Sal looked over and smiled. Their lips met in a soft kiss and they giggled together. “Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed. I bet you’re tired as hell… You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I promise. Even though it was torture, one of the best orgasms I ever felt.” They got up off the bed and went into the bathroom,
“So good you’d want me to do it again?” Q teased.
“Not for a fucking long while!”
“Or whenever your jealousy gets the best of you again and you try to top again.” Q laughed and Sal felt a little ashamed because of it.
“I don’t even know what possessed me to even try and do that.”
“Jealousy.” Sal just rolled his eyes as he stepped into the shower. “C’mon Sally you know i’m just teasing. You love me.” He stepped in behind Sal and peppered his cheek with kisses,
“I guess I do.” He said with a smirk.
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cherry wine
Pairings - Matt Murdock x Reader
Words - 2742
Warnings - there's some violence but its not overly graphic, some angst
A/N - This is for @awesomerextyphoon​ 27 Fairy Tales challenge, I chose to recreate the Grimm Brothers Rapunzel and although its not a direct re-telling I’d love it if you could see what I did. I have to give a huge thankyou to @thicccsimp​ for beta reading this and helping me reword some of it too, she’s an absolute angel. I’m actually really proud of this so I hope you enjoy it. As always my blog is 18+ so if you're a minor please shoo shoo.
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“Baby I need it” she tells her husband as she applies her makeup, sweeping the highlighter across her cheekbones and pouting in the mirror at his tense face. Conceding, he creeps into his bosses office, looking in the usual place he sees a large bag of pills and sneaks a few into his pocket. He has been doing this several times a week for the past few weeks and thankfully no one has noticed or he’d surely be dead by now. Closing the drawer and making sure nothing is out of place he slips back into his apartment to hand the pills to his wife, getting a shock when he finds Fisk sitting on the sofa pointing his gun at the woman.
“It seems as though someone has been stealing from me, would you happen to know anything about that?” he asks the man, smirking at the expression on his face. “I know it's you, I have you on camera so don’t lie to me. I have a proposition for you. You can have whatever pills you want for free if you give me your first born when it arrives”. His wife screams no, she can’t give up a baby, Fisk points the gun at her “it's your choice” flicking the safety off and pointing it at the screaming woman.
25 years you had spent in this apartment, only allowed to leave when you had your fathers henchmen with you. You had no friends, your father ran Hells Kitchen and there wasn't a single person who wasn't terrified of him. Most of your time was spent online shopping or trying to annoy the guards tasked with keeping you in. Your happiest moments however were when you blasted 80s music, completely losing yourself in the words of the greats like Queen, Bon Jovi, and Prince. You were on the 50th floor of The Sheffield, far away from the ears of others, free to dance around and sing obnoxiously loud and no one would complain. Well no one but the men stationed at your door, but annoying them was a petty indulgence you could never pass up.
A block away Matt Murdoch was patrolling the streets, dressed as his alter ego Daredevil, he was moving in the shadows trying to make his city a better place. He moved around the building tops, landing silently on top of The Sheffield, hearing the sounds of your voice travelling through the open window. You were so carefree, singing along to the Prince song, he could hear you moving around as if you were dancing. He came back every night for a week to hear you having fun, longing to get to know you better but there was always someone in need of help.
He continued to visit you night after night, deciding tonight he would make his move he’d scoped out the building earlier in the day and realised who it belonged to so he couldn’t just walk in and find you. He staked out the building from his perch across the street, trying to find a pattern he could use to his advantage, he was shocked when he realised that you only left once a week to go to the nail salon, closely guarded by Fisks henchmen. You were being held captive in the building.
He listened on top of your building again that night, the urge to talk to you getting too strong to ignore. He left you a little note that night attached to your window You have the voice of an angel, I'd love to get to know you better. If you want to get to know me too leave your window open for me tomorrow. MM.
The next night he arrived at the same time, his heart beating out his chest at the possibility of finally meeting you. He listened again, hearing only you, before swinging down and quietly landing on your window, he felt you grabbing his hand and pulling him inside before moving to your bedroom for some privacy.
You sit him down on your bed, looking puzzled at his red mask “So you’ve been spying on me then?” you teased, sitting next to him and crossing your legs. He chuckles and explains how he ended up on your roof, leaving out the part about Fisk being his number one enemy. You hand him a glass of water and ask if he wants to take his mask off, and get more comfortable, an offer he declines as he is still technically patrolling tonight.
You sit in front of him, cross legged and tell him your real name, Fisk called you Molly but that wasn’t your real name. When you were a child your nanny told you that Fisk named you after what your parents had stolen from him and that your real parents wanted you to be called y/n. You humoured Fisk but knew once you eventually got away you would erase everything that man had ever done for you.
You talked for an hour before he shot off out of your apartment and into the night, just a moment later your father came to wish you sweet dreams. You didn’t sleep that night, wondering what Matt was doing and if he was safe. You spent the next week glued to the local news, looking for anything about Daredevil but saw nothing. Wondering if you’d ever see him again you go for your weekly mani/pedi appointment, trying to subtly look for him without arousing suspicion of the men on either side of you.
You sit in the chair opposite your nail technician and make small talk as usual when a redhead sits down next to you and starts asking you for colour recommendations. She introduces herself as Karen and suggests a dark red colour from the wall, saying it looks good for an evening outfit, she has a date at 8pm tonight. You look at her confused for a moment before the penny drops and you nod your head slightly, you make small talk after that even sending one of your goons out for coffee for the two of you. You decline the offer of her number to repeat the day but let her know that you come here at the same time every week if she ever wanted to catch up again.
That night you leave your window open and dress in your best outfit to give yourself some confidence, he climbs in the window at exactly 8pm and you rush to hug him, taking him into your room again for more privacy. You both lay on the bed eating some snacks and drinking water when you lean in to kiss him, softly at first before he grips the back of your head and deepens it.
You lay like that for what feels like hours, kissing, touching and getting to know each other better before he tells you that he has to leave again. This time he tells you that he wants to come back tomorrow and not wait a week for you, asking you to leave your window open for him once more. You kiss him gently and watch as leaps out onto the fire escape and climbs up to the roof with ease.
That's how you find yourselves for the next two weeks, he would sneak into your room, you’d talk, touch and be intimate with each other before he would sneak back out just in time for your father to come and wish you a goodnight.
You have lunch with your father and you can’t stop smiling to yourself, noticing this he asks you what’s made you so happy but you shrug and say you saw something on Netflix earlier and you really enjoyed it. Seemingly accepting your answer he moves to sit beside you and nods at the chef who brings you your favourite dessert.
Laying down the tiramisu in front of you, you turn to your father and ask him what the occasion is. He just smiles and says he likes making you happy and he wishes you could have the whole world but you’re safer in here where his men can look out for you.
You agree with him telling him you love how protective he is and hope he stays safe out there too, “don’t worry about me my little Molly Moo, no one can hurt me not even Daredevil”. Your expression changes at the mention of his name and you look down taking a bite of your dessert so you don’t have to try to and speak, before excusing yourself telling him you have a book you want to finish before the end of the day.
You sit in your room trying to calm your breathing, he had never mentioned him before and it didn’t make sense for him to do so now. You had to get a message to Matt somehow and tell him to stay away for a few nights, you can’t email him or go to his work website, all of your technology is watched in case you get in touch with your parents. Deciding the best thing to do would be to run across town you slip on your converse and run a bath, turning your music up and locking the door from the outside before sneaking down the fire escape and into the city.
You’ve never actually been anywhere on your own before so the sensations are overwhelming, your heart is beating out of your chest as you hail a cab and tell him the address. You sit in the back of the car and try to control your breathing, a feeling of panic overwhelming you, you barely realise when the cab has stopped and the driver asks you if you’re getting out.
You run into the building and into a man who grabs your shoulders and asks you to breathe, he tells you his name is Foggy and you follow him to Matt's office, collapsing in his arms as he rushes to your side. “Y/N! Focus on my voice, what are you doing here? Does Fisk know you’re out of the apartment?” You shake your head and tears roll down your cheek, Karen appears with a glass of water and helps you take some deep breaths before taking you to the bathroom to freshen up.
You explain to Karen what happened and tell her you need to keep Matt away from your apartment for his own safety. Between you both you hatch a plan to keep him away using her and Foggy as a buffer before you run back to his office. Sitting on his desk you smile and run your fingers over his face “I like you better without the mask” he blushes and places his hands on your thighs telling you should get back to the apartment before someone realises you’re gone. You agree with him and kiss him softly before running out to the cab waiting for you, on the way home you come up with reasons for why you had to leave just in case you’ve been rumbled.
The cab pulls up around the corner from your apartment and you can’t see anything out of place, no one is pacing the sidewalk looking for you. You run up the fire escape again and climb through the window. Your father is sitting waiting for you on the sofa, holding the note Matt left on your window that night, he looks furious but talks calmly, smiling at you and asking where you’ve been. You lie easily telling him you thought you heard someone in trouble and couldn’t just ignore them, he sneers at you and tells you to sit down, you do as you're told the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you try to keep a distance from him.
“You know you’re just as shitty a liar as your parents were, I have cameras and men all over this building my darling Molly. Did you really think we didn’t know he was visiting you? The entire time he was here with you distracted we got to do whatever we wanted, I owe you a debt of gratitude my little princess”. A sick feeling creeps over you and you have to take deep breaths to calm yourself, deep down you’re pleased you told Matt to stay away. He would likely be ambushed and killed and you would never forgive yourself if that happened.
Fisk pulls his gun out and points it at you “since you’ve been such a good help to me, I won’t kill you today. You’ve got 5 minutes to get your stuff and get out, I’ll give you a day head start then I'm personally coming looking for you”. You jump up and grab a backpack stuffing what clothes you can into it along with your toothbrush and a stash of money you had managed to squirrel away over the years. You know you can’t see him anymore, it's too dangerous and he’ll get killed so you decide to get away from all of them but stay in plain sight.
Later that night Matt ignores his friends, telling them he has to check that you’re ok, he won’t be able to relax until he sees you and holds you in his arms. Sneaking into your room he can tell something is off, he can’t hear your heartbeat and can’t smell your perfume. Instead he smells an overpowering cologne “WHERE IS SHE?” he shouts, he knows its Fisk, this might be his one chance to take the man down.
He lunges forward to attack but doesn’t get more than a foot in front of him before four men attack him all at once. They’re relentless, and he's not quick enough to fight them all off, they  break bones and knock him unconscious. He wakes up in hospital, bandaged and stitched with Karen asleep in a chair next to him. He wakes her up and she jumps, pressing the button to alert the nurse, passing him a cup of water and telling him not to try talking. He was dumped outside his office with a note in his pocket telling him to stay away, you had been taken care of and next time they’d bury him beside you.
Three long weeks he spends recovering in hospital, he’s told under no circumstances is he to do anything too physical for at least another six weeks. He sits back on the roof of The Sheffield that night, listening for your voice wanting nothing more than to hear you sing about raspberry berets in your off key voice. He wants to smell what you’re cooking, but there's nothing, the apartment sits empty. He visits every night for a full year before he can accept it, using his anger to take Fisk down slowly, one man at a time until the job is done and Hells Kitchen can start to repair itself.
That first night you went to a women's shelter for help, they took you in and looked after you for two weeks before they needed the space and offered you a bed at Clinton Church, you stayed there out of trouble, helping Father Lantom with the upkeep and helping in the soup kitchen. You finally had a purpose, you were used to staying inside and Fisks people always stayed away from anywhere they would have to deal with ‘vagrants’. You were safe, you felt content.
A full year passed and Matt Murdoch walked through the doors, you watched him take a pew but kept your distance. He sat calmly not making a move, a tear rolled down his cheek and he turned to face you “tell me its you” he almost whispered, running over to you and holding your face in his hands, “why didn’t come to me? I would have looked after you”.
You both stood crying, holding each other, perfectly content to be in the others arms. He squeezed you and asked you to come home with him but you shook your head, you would never put him in danger ever again. He shakes his head at you and shushes you, telling you that he’s gone, you don’t have to hide anymore, taking you to your room to gather your things he thanks the Father for taking good care of you and takes you to see Karen and Foggy, starting your life over once again.
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