fucked-up-person · 4 years
If you see this, please send me pictures of Xion's smile.
A person needs happiness in their life.
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onewaigu · 5 years
Dimples (pt.1)
Genre : crush!au
Theme : fluff
Pairing : Dongmyeong(Onewe) X Reader
Description : everyday you'd find a new note stuck on your table with compliments written on it. you tried figuring out who sent them but to no avail. your friend Dongju on the other hand, knew exactly what went on behind the scenes.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Saying that you loved school would be an overstatement. You didn't really hate it but you also didn't really like it. The only thing that you'd look forward to everyday would be seeing your bestfriend, Dongju.
Dongju and you had been attached to the hip since the very first week of high school. At first, he gave off the impression that he was cold. Completely unapproachable. People who didn't know him back then would think that he was glaring at them everytime their eyes met his. But, it was not long after they'd finally realise that Dongju was the total opposite of all that.
Imagine a teddy bear. A cute fuzzy teddy bear who loved doing aegyo. That'd be him right there. That'd be who Son Dongju was.
Now Dongju, he had a twin. His name was Dongmyeong. You weren't as close to him as you were with Dongju but if you saw him around in school, you would always wave at him.
You didn't understand though why he'd always look away the second he saw you. Maybe he was just shy.
Another Monday came and you were already wishing the day would end soon. You didn't even get to have breakfast because you were running late and had to catch the usual bus to school.
You found yourself dragging your legs slowly to class. Thankfully, you had your earphones in to block out anything that could ruin your morning. Your half-opened eyes wandered around the hallways as you saw students chatting away with their friends excitedly. If only you were that enthusiastic in the mornings, life would be much more cheerful. People who knew you knew not to approach you before the bell rang. They didn't want to face a pissed-off you.
As you walked up the staircase, you heard a muffled sound calling out your name.
Apparently, there was someone who didn't get the do-not-disturb memo. And you knew exactly who it was.
“Y/N!”, the voice screeched behind you causing you to cringe internally.
You took off a side of your earphones and sighed heavily before turning slowly to give the person your most annoyed face.
Son Dongju, you little-
“Damn, you're fast”, he laughed between pants with his right hand resting on his chest.
“Ha ha ha”, you responded sarcastically as your eyes rolled at him.
As usual, you really couldn't be annoyed at him for the whole day. So it wasn't long before your annoyed frown broke out into an annoyed smile.
You waited for him to reach the same steps as you before going to class together. Of course, you also had noticed his twin beside him. It wasn't hard to miss his dimpled shy smile that he tried so hard to hide whenever you were near him.
“Hi, Dongmyeong!”, you peeked your head out from beside Dongju while waving at the older twin.
“H-hey, Y/N”, he greeted back almost in a whisper with his eyes barely looking at you. You didn't find his gesture rude at all because you thought it was normal coming from a shy person.
When the three of you entered class, your eyes instantly caught sight of something that was sitting on your desk. Moving closer, you saw a blue sticky note.
You pulled your chair back to sit while staring questioningly at the note that you had already peeled off from your desk.
The day wouldn't shine as brightly without you in it :)
The note wasn't even signed so it left you wondering about the person who would leave you that note. You almost blushed at the compliment written on it but stopped when you realised— was it a prank? Did someone just randomly decide to mess with you?
You frowned slightly at the possibility before putting the note in your backpack. Dongju, who was sitting at the table beside you, cleared his throat to get your attention. You raised your head only to see him wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively.
“Secret admirer, Y/N?”, he smirked.
You wanted to smack the wide grin off his annoying face but couldn't as the teacher had already entered the classroom. You turned back in your seat to face the teacher, but not before giving Dongju the finger.
What you and Dongju didn't notice was that there was someone else watching their whole exchange took place. The person could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest as he placed his hand on it to calm it down. The tips of his ears reddened especially at the part where you flipped Dongju off. Throughout the whole lesson, he stole glances at you whenever his mind wandered away from the teacher. Everytime he did so, his dimples deepened as he let out a small smile.
hmm..i wonder who's watching the whole exchange between y/n and dongju
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