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oneofthelesbianfreaks mentioned you in a post “8 selfies of 2018 (most of mine are more me playing dress up for…”
…, @lesbiansummercamp , @ delilahmidnight , @lesbianjareth , @roseangelfemme…
I’m SO SORRY I’M LATE ON THIS SHDHGJFJSK also I don’t have that many selfies that I haven’t already posted but let’s see
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oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: ...
zbiddnkfnfkf ill see what happens lmaooo dbidbdodjdkd idk its so wild i watched dw for the first time when i was like 16 or 17… and now im like??? Idk if i could Handle rewatching a lot of the older stuff… dont quite knpw how i feel abt the new seaosn but parts of it i rly like dhidndkf
oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post:
oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: ...
I have the biggest feelings abt like rtd era certain episodes and Martha was my favourite companion, but now going back i remember how shit Ten treated her and its like ://///
if it helps any, i think RTD era holds up just fine with a recent rewatch, like it’s still as campy and heartwarming as ever. definitely martha's season is a little uncomfortable sometimes, between martha constantly being compared w/ rose and little instances of racism sprinkled throughout otherwise fun and innocuous episodes (human nature/family of blood is straight up unwatchable imo) but i think they develop more of a rhythm in the second half of S3 and martha’s role in the finale is really cool...like after rewatching i think the narrative itself doesn’t take martha for granted as much as ten seems to initially. in general i just would have preferred that they hadn’t given martha an unrequited crush on ten, just because...it’s kind of weird and cruel and unnecessary.
thirteen’s season just didn’t do it for me, the more i think about it...like, i feel bad but idk. i enjoyed watching individual episodes (some more than others, demons of the punjab was my favorite) but there’s just no emotional connection to the characters for me which seems like possibly the worst oversight a writer could make with a character driven sci-fi piece like dw. i can’t think of a single other season of new who where i was left feeling so neutral about everything that was happening, including every single moffat season, and i don’t mean to say he wrote his characters well because he didn’t, but like...the foundation was there. i cared about them. this just feels.................so flat, and w/ chibnall writing my expectations were so high, i’m pretty disappointed overall.
#oneofthelesbianfreaks#even w/ twelve and bill and i think bill is one of the most underutilized companions to date but there was still enough THERE with her#personality-wise and re: twelve/bill that a few episodes in i would die for her yk
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*sends love* hello icon u look amazing😍😍😍😍😍
thank u so much babe i love you
#i do feel amazing appearance wise rn like#i look in the mirror and im like ohhh is that really me i love it#oneofthelesbianfreaks
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oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: lesbiannanu replied to your post: ...
ugh like my cousin has rly dark thick hair that grows on her back and her mum has been waxing it since like she was in primary school like??? kids should not have to worry abt that shit? And i feel like she just grew up thinking “i just have to do this.” like……… u are a child… u should be allowed to live w hair on ur body its normal and natural?? it lichrally serves a purpose?? :/
if they grow it means they should be there
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sunshine reflecting on water vibes~ warm and magical
Awww wow thank you
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oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post “like fifteen years late to the party but angel really was misogyny:...”
like angel as in buffgy angel? also so u wouldnt recommend it?
yeah!! like, i would recommend i think if you like buffy cause when its good its really fucking good but like. wow boy. buffy at least had the girl power veneer (and 1:1 regular ratio) but angel is just. hm. you could skip “billy” at the very least
#oneofthelesbianfreaks#more than one fridging..more than one forced demon pregnancy...#more than one 'lets put a spell on our leads so they can spend the episode as violent misogynists'
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ah i was rewatxhing some s2 buffy and like svizbdkddn thought of u like zhjzbzj jenny is so fricken smooth its unbelieable dhxijx
oh she is ONLY smooth when she’s telling herself that things w giles are a casual fun breezy thing......like i’m so amazed at how she can go from asking him out to following him to a cemetery Just To Apologize
#asks#hot mess!!!#but yes she's so fucking smooth in early s2 and it is truly unbelievable#oneofthelesbianfreaks
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@oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: oh yeah also the doctor gave me fucken like.....
hey idk if u can find this easy and it might a Bit Much but my mum used to give me some propolis? it tastes gross and burns a bit (and u hold it where ur throat it sore for a few seconds and then swallow it but? it doesnt numb it it heals it rly well imo? lmao wtf tho dhdidndjiz
ohh i never heard of it but i'll look it up :-0 right now we're still trying to figure out whats causing it so thats why my medicine is just for the symptoms
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how do u think draco n harry b on dates??? also if they snuck places where would they secretly go late at night? n if it was the dorms would they sneak into slytherin or gryffindor??
i dont usually go the during-hogwarts route bc i feel like it would take a lot of very unlikely things to have allowed them to be in a place where they could be together, but probably the prefects bathroom or like a secret passageway or the room of requirement or something
on dates they playfully argue and people overhear them and think theyre actually bickering but it’s 100% lighthearted
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I’m so embarrassed I want to shrivel up in a hole...
aww that shit is rly hard tho!!♥♥♥ u shouldn’t be embarrassed! sometimes it takes ages and a lot of mental work to be able to get the help u need, so the idea of missing/losing it can rly make u panic! Sometimes those systems are shitty and i’m so glad it worked out for u! i’m sure the councellor will be understanding!♥
Thank you!! I’ve been freaking out and this makes me feel a little better ♥ ♥
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oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post:
the niche interests of 2019 are bad old doctor who...
dbffifjkd tbh seeing u post abt amy sm has made me wanna go back & rewatch her seasons w fresh eyes even tho i kinda hate Eleven now zbdidbdkdn
honestly there’s only a handful of episodes worth watching for amy, the quality is a straight shoot down from S5-S7 and by S7 it’s all borderline unwatchable which is sad but, like....if you’re strong enough Do It For Her
#oneofthelesbianfreaks#i love eleven i don't LIKE eleven....Yknow#i mean i want to say i hate him but then he has those few soft scenes w/ amy and i want to be dead in the ground so
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can u tell me ur virgo opinion on virgos as a virgo?thanks😘
I love everything earth sign but I love Virgos especially. They are very good at showing you that they care over time with little gestures/acts of devotions/noticing things rather than empty words which is my fave. They are also really good at honest self-criticism which is impossible/blocked for many people due to ego reasons (Leo, Aquarius). All Virgos have this haunted look and goth aesthetic somehow. The true goths. I love it.
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whats wrong w donald glover? :/
this post here covers it
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happy birthday bb!!💟💕💞💓💓💟💕 💗💕 I hope this is ur gayest year yet!😚❤🍰🎂🎉 And hmm for prompts (im assuming u want candiles?) hmmm maybe can u imagine jenny meeting like giles' parents or some family anf seeing pictures of him when he was younger and just mocking tf outta him??? sbdihdidfnkf OR also imagine them both hooking up in band candy instead of joyce... dgjdbdjd what would young jenny be like hmm...
this turned out angstier than intended but uh. here it is. whoops.
read on ao3!!
Jenny was curling her already-curled hair nervously around one finger, the ringlets soft and bouncy in a way that looked unnaturally glamorous on her. She looked a bit like a movie starlet, with her long black wrap and even longer deep blue evening gown and impeccably done makeup. She didn’t look at all like herself, and Rupert didn’t like it all that much.
“You know they aren’t expecting—” he began, then decided to try a different tactic. “You could have just worn that red dress you wore to prom.”
“This is England,” said Jenny. “They’re a bunch of you.”
“I resent that statement,” said Rupert, affectionate and patient; he’d been with his love long enough to know that she was at her most sarcastic when nervous. He stepped forward, winding his arms around her stomach from behind, and felt her relax into his chest. “You look beautiful,” he said. “Truly, you do.”
And he meant it. He did, even if it was colored by worry. Jenny looked incredible, but what bothered Rupert was that she didn’t look comfortable with the way she looked. She had been breathless and smiling at prom, wearing a knee-length red number adorned with dark lace that left room for her to dance, and her hair had been done up in a haphazard bun. This polished, perfect look clearly wasn’t something she felt at home in—though she certainly did seem at home in Rupert’s arms. “You think so?” she said in a small voice.
“I’m an expert on the subject,” said Rupert, kissing the top of her head in a way that wouldn’t muss her hair. “You’re absolutely stunning.”
“Okay,” said Jenny, staring distantly at herself in the mirror and swallowing, hard. “But—I don’t know, I mean—we’ve known each other for what, one year?”
“Nearly two,” said Rupert patiently.
“And I don’t want them to start asking about marriage—”
“Marriage,” said Rupert, “is a wonderful gesture, but one that the both of us don’t really need to affirm anything.” He brushed a few locks of hair away from Jenny’s neck, pressing his lips there. She sighed. “If there are any questions you feel uncomfortable with, I’ll handle them.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
It was clear Jenny hadn’t meant to ask that question, because after she did, her face went sort of pink and she bit her lip, looking almost ashamed of herself. Rupert felt a strange, painful mixture of worry and a protective sort of love, and turned her gently around so that she was facing him. He placed a finger under her chin, tilting it up. “What my family thinks of you is positively irrelevant to me,” he said, and wished they were far enough into a long-term relationship that he could say everything he wanted to say without the shy hesitation in his chest.
Jenny seemed to get the words unsaid, though, because she gave him a whisper of a smile and rubbed her nose lightly against his. “I love you,” she said softly. “Like, kind of a lot.”
“I love you kind of a lot as well,” said Rupert, and kissed her, a soft brush of a kiss that only lasted a few seconds. Jenny was smiling fully when they pull back; a sweet, comforted smile that made Rupert feel quite warm. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” said Jenny, looking a little apprehensive at the notion, and reached up to run a hand nervously through her hair. Rupert caught her hand and kissed the knuckles, and her expression relaxed into another smile. “Yeah,” she said again.
The museum was full to bursting with various high-profile Watchers, most of whom did an almost comical double-take upon seeing the black sheep of the Council not only have the audacity to show up at an event, but show up with a date. Rupert kept his fingers interlaced with Jenny’s as he scanned the room for his father; Jenny shifted nervously on the balls of her feet and nearly tripped over her long dress.
It was his father who spotted them first, giving Rupert a small, polite smile as he crossed the room to them. Jenny was clutching Rupert’s hand with an intensity that hurt, and he had to make a real effort not to wince. “Father,” he said, and inclined his head. There always seemed to be some strange distance between him and his father, even now; he wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Rupert,” said Mr. Giles, then eyed Jenny, very clearly sizing her up.
Jenny smiled, uncomfortable, and her eyes flickered to Rupert with a strange sort of worry—not for herself, but for him.
Abruptly, painfully, Rupert knew why she was so afraid—her own family, the one she gave so much of her life to, had cast her out and told her she’d failed them. She didn’t talk about it much, but there were certain days of the year that she was quiet and subdued, sitting in the living room with scraps of letters and photographs and a glass of wine half-forgotten on the coffee table.
She didn’t want that for him. She didn’t want her failings to cost him his family.
“Father,” said Rupert, and tucked his arm around Jenny’s waist, steadying her with a quiet strength. “This is my girlfriend Jenny Calendar.”
“Rupert,” said Mr. Giles again, somewhat dismissively, “I don’t entirely know why you’re here. This gala is invitation-only.”
Jenny flinched like she’d been hit, and Rupert felt a twist of worry in his chest for her sake. He was used to his father’s somewhat abrasive manner, knew there was an awkward sort of softness buried very deep underneath, but Jenny was fiercely protective of him and it showed in that moment. “He’s a damn good Watcher is why he’s here,” she said, and gave Mr. Giles a positively stunning smile, eyes glinting dangerously.
Mr. Giles took another look at Jenny, then looked back at Rupert with a somewhat disapproving frown, then turned to Jenny. “How old are you, Jenny?” he asked, sounding doubtful that he’d be pleased with the answer. “You look at least ten years younger than my son.”
Jenny turned pink, stepping away from Rupert immediately and giving Mr. Giles a nervous smile as though not quite sure what to do. Rupert kept on thinking about the way Jenny had reacted upon seeing her uncle’s corpse on the bed (arms crossed against her stomach, lips pressed together in a half-grimace, shaking where she stood) and suddenly realized that it had been an egregious mistake to bring her to meet his father before anyone else. “Excuse me,” he said, and took Jenny’s hand in his, tugging her away from his bemused father and towards the dessert table.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Jenny said in a strangled tone of voice, “I’m just—I don’t want—”
“I don’t give a damn about my family, Jenny,” said Rupert.
“You say that now because you have one,” said Jenny, looking up at him and forcing a smile. “Okay? I miss my mom and my cousins and all those dumb little nieces and nephews who thought I was the shit because I knew stuff about computers and I could fix a car. I even miss being told by everyone that I was a bad influence because then at least I was, I was part of something, you know? And I say I don’t miss it, but I do, and I know you would too if you didn’t have it to fall back on. You don’t realize how much you miss these things until they’re gone—”
“Rupert!” came a delighted voice from behind him, and Rupert turned, startled. Lavinia Fairweather was standing with a glass of champagne, looking positively delighted.
“A moment, please,” said Rupert, worried.
“Oh, no, it’s, it’s okay,” said Jenny, whose eyes looked suspiciously watery. She scrubbed at her face with her wrap, smiling nervously. “We’ll just, um, who are you exactly?”
Lavinia frowned, then softened in that horrible-maiden-aunt way that always made Rupert a little nervous. “Oh, poor thing,” she said, stepping up to Jenny and straightening her wrap. “Rupert, you didn’t take her straight to your father, did you? That’s no way to treat a lady friend.”
“Um,” said Rupert, who was getting the sense that he was losing a worrying amount of control over the situation. But Jenny was softening at a friendlier Giles relative, and the shy, hopeful look in her eyes was much too much for him to risk pulling her away from what might make her feel a bit better.
“I’m Lavinia,” Lavinia was saying to Jenny. “Rupert’s aunt.”
“You’re kidding,” said Jenny disbelievingly. “You look younger than me, and—” She paused, flushing, and Rupert caught her sneak a glance at Mr. Giles. “I’m probably way too young to be dating someone like Rupert, right?” she said, sounding only half-joking. Oh, Rupert was going to have words with his father about this one.
“Absolutely not,” said Lavinia. “Rupert’s always been behind the curve when it comes to maturity. Hold on, I have photos—” She dug in her purse, fishing about.
“Oh for the love of god I can’t believe she carries them with her,” Rupert muttered, and tried to decide whether to run and hide, drag Jenny away, or both.
Unfortunately, his resolve completely shattered when he saw the way Jenny was smiling. “That’s kinda what I thought,” she said, and stood on tiptoe to kiss Rupert on the cheek. “He’s always been a little behind the curve in all respects, and I love him for it.”
“Good lord,” said Rupert, and kissed Jenny properly, if briefly. She tilted her head up, eyes half-shut.
“Oh my goodness they’re sickeningly adorable,” came Sophie’s voice, and Rupert winced a bit, pulling back. “This must be the new lady friend, then?”
“Lover,” said Rupert, trying in vain to make himself sound like an adult.
“Do notcall me your lover in front of your aunts,” said Jenny, and whacked him lightly with her wrap.
“Pictures!” sang out Lavinia, brandishing a handful that looked like—oh god they were from his fighter pilot phase. Kill him. Kill him now. Jenny shrieked, nearly knocking Rupert over as she all but raced to get a better look at the photos. “Wasn’t he a darling?” said Lavinia innocently, giving Rupert a wicked smile over Jenny’s head.
“Please,” said Rupert. “Be merciful.”
“You inflict your father on this poor, sweet girl and tell us to be merciful,” scoffed Sophie, peering at Jenny in a way that wasn’t at all like Mr. Giles. “Goodness, but she has a lovely face! You two would make be-autiful children—”
Jenny laughed, biting her lip, and looked at Lavinia and Sophie with sparkling, almost hungry eyes. “My aunts back home,” she said, “they always used to harangue me about having children. I hated it. Still do, as a matter of fact.”
“Sensible,” said Lavinia. “I like this one.”
“Can I keep the photos?” said Jenny hopefully.
“Oh, of course!” said Sophie brightly. “We have many copies.”
“Holy fucking shit,” said Jenny, staring at one in her hand. “Rupert, are you wearing one of those dorky pilots’ helmets? How old are you in this picture?”
“Twenty-two,” said Lavinia cheerfully. “He was taking a trip down memory lane and I wisely decided to capture it.”
Rupert buried his face in his hands—mostly for show, and possibly to hide his smile.
They ended up finding their way back to Mr. Giles at the end of the gala. Jenny, though buoyed by time with Giles’s aunts, still looked nervous, but Giles had worked everything out.
“Father, to be quite frank,” he began, “I introduced you to Jenny because I wanted to make it clear that she is and will continue to be an important fixture in my life. We didn’t intend for the situation to become openly hostile—”
“I’m thirty-six,” said Jenny, cutting Rupert off. “And I have commitment issues, and one time I shot your son with a crossbow by accident. Also, I think the Watchers’ Council should start evolving with the times and stop being a bunch of creepy old librarians sitting around and making decisions about young girls.”
Mr. Giles looked vaguely bemused. Then he said, “Good lord, you two are a matched set.”
Jenny bumped Rupert’s shoulder. “That wasn’t a compliment,” said Rupert to her. Then, frowning, “Was that a compliment?”
“Make of it what you will, Rupert, I wash my hands of you,” said Mr. Giles exhaustedly. “Fired from the Council, showing up at galas with a woman nearly a decade younger than you—”
“I know, right?” said Jenny brightly. “He’s definitely doing better than you are, anyway, with that horrible suit you’re wearing.” Belatedly, she realized what she’d just said, and clapped her hands over her mouth, looking wide-eyed up at Rupert.
“We should go,” said Rupert immediately, and tucked his arm into Jenny’s to steer her out of the hall. He didn’t dare look at his father.
“Oh my god I just insulted your dad,” Jenny started saying as soon as they made it onto the front steps. “Oh my god that was not how I intended that to go oh my god I am so sorry I didn’t mean to insult your dad I just so cannot control the sarcasm—”
“His suit really was horrible,” said Rupert, and smiled a bit at Jenny. “And I don’t particularly appreciate when people are condescending to a woman who’s been nothing but kind to me.”
“Love really does make a man blind, sweetie, I spent the entirety of last year telling you off for dressing like a ninety-year-old,” said Jenny, and tugged on his lapel, pulling him into a kiss.
#asks#fic#SO THESE FICS MIGHT B LONGER THAN Y'ALL ANTICIPATED....WHOOPS#calendiles#rupert giles#jenny calendar#oneofthelesbianfreaks
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hey idk if it helps but i like to go to cheap like $2 shops and sometimes they have like fake vines w leaves and sometimes also w flowers and u can wrap it around stuff in ur room or blu tac it around smth? idk thats what i do?
That’s a good idea! I do have a few fake plants around my room, but I hadn’t considered vines before. I’ll have to look for some, thanks!
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oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: i was actually kinda worried about anouk yesterday...
!!!!!!!!! O SHE IS DOING wELL!!!!!!!!
oneofthelesbianfreaks replied to your post: also i ordered a kitten playpen thing for anouk so...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good!
shes growing up so fast!!!! i cant believe i havent even had her for a week... it feels like i birthed her myself
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