#one-shots boyxboy
wasawattpadkid · 1 year
OMG YOU’RE WRITING IS SO EFFING GOOD I can’t stop coming back to your page. Can you possibly do a poly ghost face x fem reader⚠️ prompt being something like “do you think they can hear us through the tent?” Friend group going camping. I think it would be a dangerous situation but exciting.
Thank you so much you're too sweet! I hope I did your request justice! 💕 Thanks for the ask!
Voices Carry
Summary: A camping trip can be stressful and painful. With Billy being the mule of the group his back ached. You and Stu were just the ones to help with that.
Pairing: Poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ explicit boyxboy, unsafe sex, slight degrading, slight praise, rough sex, tears, cum, p in v, oral (male receiving), after care, vulgar language, threesome, power dynamics
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"I hate fucking bugs." Billy said as he swatted the gnats away from his face. "How do you get their little legs apart?" Stu laughed at his own joke earning silence from the kids around him. "Lighten up guys. This'll be fun, we're going to have s'mores tonight!" It seemed you and Sydney were the only ones happy about the camping trip. "Yeah, we'll sit around the campfire and tell scary stories. You're good at that, aren't you babe?" You looked at Billy and Stu letting them know you were talking about both of them. "Damn right I am." Stu threw his arm over your shoulder. You hadn't told your friends about dating the two boys, it was only official with Stu. However they all knew about your sleeping habits.
"This is exactly how Friday the 13th started. If this were a movie we'd be doomed." Randy exclaimed as he held Sydney's hand. "I'm the only single one here I'm already doomed." Tatum took a swig of her almost empty soda bottle. "James Dean back there is single. Ask him out." Randy pointed towards Billy who wore a plain t-shirt paired with distressed blue jeans. Tatum looked at the boy with something close to disbelief. Billy shot her a tight lipped smile with raised eyebrows as he shrugged his shoulders. "He's not exactly my type." Stu laughed pointing at your shared boyfriend. "Ooh burn!"
"Since when did you get picky about boys?" Randy asked earning a slap to the back of the head. "Ow you know that actually really hurt." Billy smiled looking at his boots as they crunched the greenery beneath them. "You deserved that one bud." Tatum nodded agreeing with you. Sydney checked her map making sure you were walking in the right direction. "Can we keep moving my back is killing me?" Billy complained looking at the lousy tour guide. "I'll take it from you buddy." Stu reached out touching his partner's shoulder. You and the group were walking ahead when you heard Stu yelp behind you. Everyone turned seeing Stu hold his hand in pain as Billy chuckled to himself. "He bit me!"
Eventually you and the gang found a decent place to set up camp. "Does anyone here know how to set up a tent?" Randy asked having no clue where to start. "Does anyone know how to set up a tent?" Stu mocked the boy earning a laugh from the girls. "No dipshit, we all just walked miles with tents on our back to use as fire wood. Of course we know how to set up a tent, we're actually men." Stu flexed his arm showing off the muscle. "Does your masculine overcompensation ever get embarrassing?" Tatum quipped making Stu's face drop. "Jokes on you I don't know what that means." He stuck out his tounge making her scoff.
"Think fast Stu." Billy called pitching his bag to Stu. "Who's sleeping where?" Tatum asked noticing the two unmade tents. "Y/n's crashing with us. So I guess that leaves you, Sydney, and twiddle dumb." Randy nodded used to Stu's obnoxious jokes. "Real cute Macher." Stu framed his face with his hands showing off his teeth. "I try!" You rolled your eyes heading over to Billy helping him with the tent. "Awful big hammer you've got there." You bumped his shoulder as your friends continued their bickering. Billy shook his head with a laugh. "You and him are just alike." He said referring to Stu.
"I'd like to think I'm a little hotter." You said sitting down on the ground. Billy raised up stretching his back. He used the back of his forearm to swipe the sweat from his forehead. You were caught up in watching him when a loud crash grabbed your attention. "Are you okay Randy?" His girlfriend asked as he lay beneath the crumpled tent. "I'm fine!" He called out as Stu hit the ground laughing. After about 30 minutes or so both tents were set up. You and Tatum could've helped but watching the boys argue over who could do what was better.
Sydney started on the fire as it began to get dark. "I'll get sticks for s'mores!" You jumped up going on a hunt for skewers. "Ew I'm not putting that in or around my food." Tatum said thinking her friends were crazy. "If you're worried about germs the fire kills almost any bacteria on your food." Billy pinched the bridge of his nose. "How do you think they did it back in the old days Tate?" Stu asked sitting next to the girl. "I don't know doofus I wasn't around back then." You came back handing each person their own stick. The night continued with everyone having a drink or two and eating s'mores. Billy chased Randy around with a stick on fire as Stu cheered him on and Sydney told him to stop.
"Is this thing safe to sleep in?" Tatum asked as she looked inside of the tent Randy put up. "Yes it's safe to sleep in." Randy said aggravated that his work was thought so little of. "It looks great." Sydney kissed his cheek making his sour mood fade. "Alright well we're going to get some sleep." Billy smacked the tops of his thighs as he stood up. "If the tent starts a-rockin don't come a-knockin." Stu stuck his tongue out at the teenagers causing everyone including you make a face. "Get your ass in the tent." You smacked his arm making him laugh. You and Billy laid down pillows and blankets trying to figure out how to make the sleeping arrangement comfortable.
"I call dibs on the middle." Stu threw himself down wincing once he realized you could still very much feel the earth underneath the tent. "In your fucking dreams, she always gets middle." Billy kicked his partner trying to get him to move. "It's not that big of a deal I can sleep anywhere." You shrugged making both boys huff out a laugh. "Yeah we know. You slept the whole way up here." That was true. Traveling long distances always made you drowsy. "That just means I'm not tired now." Billy immediately looked at Stu who was grinning up at you. You turned around grabbing your backpack off the ground. The bright red pack of cards revealed itself as you pulled them from the bag. "I brought uno!" You said happily as Stu groaned and Billy couldn't help but laugh.
"I win again. Are you colorblind or something?" Billy shuffled the cards like a dealer in Vegas. You carefully watched his hands as they played with the cards. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Billy smirked seeing you staring out of the corner of his eye. "Oh sorry." You fixed your posture out of embarrassment. "It's all good." Billy's voice was low trying to stay quiet but it made you want to scream. "Are we playing another round or what?" Billy's question made Stu throw his head back with a whine. "I rather cover myself in peanut butter and go running out there than play another game of this shit." Normally you'd snap at him for complaining but all you could do was look at him. His head was tilted back showing off his neck while his tank top let your eyes run down the obvious veins on his arms. "Is anybody else hot in here?" You pinched your shirt shaking the fabric hoping to cool yourself off.
Stu perked up as Billy put away the cards. "You could take of your clothes off." Billy looked at Stu letting him know not to be pushy. "What! I'm just trying to help my girlfriend." Stu put his hand over his heart trying to seem genuine. While the boys bickered you pulled your top off showing off your black sports bra. "I didn't think you'd actually do it." Stu bit his lip as he scanned the new skin on display. "Relax I'm just getting ready for bed." The way your head was running with wild thoughts you needed the sleep. You stripped off down to your underwear knowing how hot it gets sleeping in between Billy and Stu. "It's supposed to get down in the 40s tonight." Billy warned taking off his jeans and switching them to sweatpants.
"We'll keep you warm babe." Stu kissed your neck looking at Billy as if to say "shut the fuck up." Billy shook his head peeling the white shirt from his torso. The muscles in his back contracted as he rolled his shoulders. All day he had been tense. He wasn't sure if it was the constant social interaction or the 50 pound backpack he had to hike with. Stu left you sitting on the sleeping mat as he switched out of his clothes. "Billy come here." You waved him over seeing he was uncomfortable. He walked over to you not knowing what you wanted. "Sit down I'm going to see if I can help you." Stu scoffed as Billy sat with his back towards you. "He needs more help than you can give him."
Billy flipped off his friend as Stu continued to change. "Is it your shoulders or what?" Billy leaned his head over trying to stretch out his neck. "It's mostly my neck and my shoulders. They've been bothering me all damn day." You placed your hands on his shoulders slowly rubbing out the tension with your thumbs. Billy's eyes closed in hopes the dark would make the pain a little more bearable. Stu was left in nothing but his boxers as he watched his partners. "Is that helping at all?" You wanted to make sure you weren't hurting him. "Yeah." He moaned in pain. Both you and Stu immediately looked at each other knowing how that sounded. With a nod Stu asked you to do it again.
You repeated the pattern on his shoulder pressing down on a certain spot. Another groan left Billy's lips. Billy wasn't aware of the effect he was having on you and Stu. The short haired boy walked over sitting in front of his boyfriend. Billy opened one eye looking at Stu with suspicion. "What are you doing?" He didn't trust Stu when he had that sort of hellish gleam in his eyes. "Me? Oh nothing." Stu responded as you continued to massage Billy's shoulders. "I doubt that- ah!" He exclaimed his head lulling back in pain. You didn't know if it was wrong that his pain turned you on but you were glad you weren't the only one. You pressed a kiss to Billy's neck which brought a smile to his face.
Stu's movement however wasn't as innocent. His hand rubbed against the crotch of Billy's sweatpants making the boy between you two sigh. "We can't do this right now. They'll hear us." Billy said making no move to stop either of you. You had given up trying to suppress the hunger that had consumed you all day. Billy's breath was ragged as Stu continued to rub his growing erection. You smiled against Billy's skin before whispering next to his ear. "Are you telling me you can't be quiet?" Stu tugged at Billy's waistband signaling the boy to raise his hips. Once he did Stu tugged his pants down his legs and off to the side of the tent. "I can be quiet but I know you can't." Billy bit back as his eyes closed tight trying to figure out how he could gain some control. "Who said anything about me?" You whispered as Stu pulled Billy's cock from his uncomfortably tight briefs. "Fuck..." Billy groaned knowing he lost whatever game you two were playing.
You went back to kissing and biting Billy's neck as Stu began to slide his hand up and down the boy's cock. Stu looked at you with a sense of astonishment in his eyes. Billy was a control freak in and out of the bedroom. He was always on top barking orders unless you physically tied him down. So for this to be happening was like lighting in a bottle. Stu scooted down licking a stipe up the boy's shaft. Billy's abs contracted as his hips rolled upwards. You watched happily as Stu's tongue swirled around the tip of Billy cock smearing the bead of precum around his skin. A small gasp could be heard coming from the man under your touch.
His knuckles were white as they gripped the sheets beneath him. It took every ounce of strength not to throat fuck the man who continuously teased him. Stu sat up leaving Billy needy but he'd die before he begged. "Lay back." Stu said making you move out of the way. Billy's back hit the mat as he looked up at the both of you. That little red tint on his cheeks made him look insanely attractive. "Well are you two assholes going to do anything or do I need to get myself off?" The smirk on Billy's face somehow made his words endearing. Stu leaned over whispering instructions in your ear. With wide eyes you looked up at the man. "Go ahead."
You pulled off your underwear leaving them where they dropped. Billy quickly ridded himself off his underwear leaving himself completely naked in front of you and Stu. You walked over to the man on the ground straddling his hips. Your lips connected with his greedily. Billy grabbed his cock running the tip up and down your folds making you moan into his mouth. Without a warning he slipped the tip into your entrance. You sat up properly lining him up before slowly sinking down on his cock. Billy let out what could only be described as a growl through gritted teeth. You started to rock your hips back and forth letting your clit rub against his skin.
Stu walked over helping you out of your bra as you continued your movements. Leaning down he pressed a kiss to your lips before he got rid of his own underwear. Billy watched as you pumped Stu's cock with one hand, the other rested on Billy's abdomen keeping your balance. Your lips wrapped around the tip of Stu's cock, your tongue running flat against the slit. The warmth from your cunt and the sight in front of him almost made Billy cum. "I need you to move." Billy spoke, his voice deep and worn.
You pulled your mouth off of Stu's length with a pop. "What's the magic word?" You teased. "Fuck you." Billy spat appalled you thought that'd work on him. You squeezed around his cock making a slight whimper leave his lips. "Say please." Your eyes hardened waiting to hear the word come from him. "You're a fucking bitch." He sighed in defeat. "Please." His voice was shaky only making his plea hotter. "Good boy." You tapped his cheek making his nostrils flare in anger. His fingers dug into your thigh sure to leave bruises. You started to bounce as Stu shoved his cock back in your mouth. With a grip on your hair he paced himself. Moans were loud against the tent as your thighs started to burn.
"Just like that." Stu moaned as you hollowed out your cheeks. Tears began to well up in your eyes making the world around you blurry. You looked up at Stu seeing him smile down at you. "You're so beautiful with my cock in your mouth." He complimented as Billy thrusted his hips upward. You moaned around Stu not being able to suppress your volume. "Shh." Stu wiped the tear that fell from your eye. His head lulled back with a silent moan. Billy shook beneath you needing to cum. "Stu.. I- I need her to move." His voice cracked as his restraint faltered. "Give me a damn minute." Stu had a habit of getting cocky. In a normal setting Billy would've immediately put an end to it. He'd didn't tolerate what he considered "bitchy behavior."
Stu continued to use your mouth however he pleased. "Y/n baby..." Billy softly spoke making you pull away from Stu. "Fuck!" Stu whisper yelled at the loss of your lips. Billy grabbed your waist easily pulling you off of him. He kissed your lips before he stood up. "Get on your fucking knees." Billy spat at Stu more than upset. Stu being smarter than he looked dropped to his knees in front of his boyfriend. Billy grabbed the mans face roughly squishing the delicate skin beneath his fingers. "Open. Tongue out." Stu obeyed his tongue hanging out allowing Billy's cock to easily slid in. Your fingers found your clit quickly circling the bud.
Billy was always more aggressive with Stu knowing he could and loved to take it. Billy's thighs trembled as he got close. "Y-Y/n come here please..." The willing politeness made you even hotter than before. You crawled over next to Stu sitting back on your heels. Billy pulled out from Stu's mouth letting you know exactly what he was doing. You opened your mouth with your tongue out much like your boyfriend next to you. Billy pumped his cock till ropes of cum hit both you and Stu.
He milked his orgasm till there was nothing left. Quickly you swallowed what hit your tongue not thinking of the taste. Stu seemed to have a mouth full as he swallowed. "That would be way easier with a chaser." Stu joked wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand. "Shut up." Billy said with a smile trying to clear the fog from his mind. Stu pressed his lips yours as he slowly pushed you back on the mat. Both of you had yet to finish and he was going to fix that.
His cock seemed to slam into you making your breath leave your body. He sat up holding your legs still. Stu's pace was quick and brutal making your moans come out in fractions. One of his hands fell between your legs playing with you clit. His thrusts never faltered as you slowly felt that familiar pressure build. Your face contorted in pleasure signaling you were close. Stu's free hand covered your mouth knowing how loud you could get. That band seemed to snap within you making chills cover your body. You cried out into his palm as he continued his thrusts. Once your orgasm had passed he pulled out finishing over your stomach.
Stu gasped for air not being able to breathe. He fell over on the mat trying to catch his breath. It'd be awhile since he had an orgasm so strong. Billy went into his backpack pulling out the wet wipes he had brought. The cloth was freezing against your warm skin. A small wince left your lips as he cleaned up the mess his partner made. "I know baby..." He whispered. Billy pitched the cloth to the corner of the tent telling himself he'd get it in the morning. Billy fell between you and Stu before pulling a blanket to cover you and him. "That was fucking awesome." Stu exclaimed finally getting ahold of the air he urgently needed. "You okay?" Billy asked you seeing the permanent smile plastered on your face. "I think we broke her Macher." He smiled glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Stu curled up next to Billy pulling the blanket over his lower half.
"Do you hear that?" You asked the boys listening to the soft sound of grunting. "Holy shit." Billy said as Stu giggled. "Here I was worried they could hear us." You said laughing. Your head rested on Billy's chest listening to his heartbeat. The three in the other tent went at it for another 5 minutes making you and your boyfriends laugh. Stu was the first to fall asleep, softly snoring into his pillow. "That was okay wasn't it?" Billy asked again. He could be really assertive and aggressive during sex but afterwards he'd make sure everyone was okay. You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It was great. I'm just a little sore." Stu wasn't a careful person. He could be extremely rough but he never meant to be. You knew tomorrow he'd be carrying you around saying he was sorry for being so careless.
"Do you need anything before I fall asleep?" His voice became deep with sleep. "No I don't think so." He kissed the top of your head before getting comfortable. Within 10 minutes you were both fast asleep.
The morning sun was unforgiving. The tent did little to nothing when it came to shielding you from the light. "Morning sunshine!" Stu said looking down at your naked body. "Good morning pervert." He leaned down pressing a kiss to your lips. "Sydney made coffee if you want some." You looked to your left noticing the lack of Billy. Stu noticed your concern. "He's already up. Tatum and Randy are still sleeping." He laughed thinking of last night. You nodded letting Stu leave before you got dressed.
"Good morning." Sydney said both of you shared a moment of silent acknowledgment. "Morning." She handed you a cup of coffee which you thanked her for. Tatum erupted from the tent ready to fight anyone who said something. "Did you have a good night last night?" Stu asked making Billy look at the ground with a smile. "Suck a dick Stu. Oh wait, you did." Tatum said almost making you choke on your drink. Billy couldn't help but laugh with Sydney. "That wasn't even that funny." Stu said disappointed in his friends. Randy was the next to leave the tent earning a high five from Stu. "Randy my man!" You rolled your eyes sipping on your drink.
The day dragged on with everyone going swimming and later eating hot dogs. By the end of the day everyone was on good terms even laughing about the night previous. Sydney snapped some photos of the group making sure everyone had atleast one polaroid to take home. Billy looked down at the picture in his hand. Everyone was smiling and having fun. He hated to say it but he might just go camping again.
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tinyglitterrose · 3 months
Lashton, boyxboy, 18+
Warnings: just talk about sex, but no actual smut (yet)
"Tie me up"
Luke's head shot up from his fashion magazine "Sorry, what?"
"Sorry, I meant tie my hands up"
"Uh -", Luke slowly blinked at his best friend, eyeing the bandana he had had on his head just minutes ago and was now holding out towards Luke.
"I can't stop pulling and scratching my hair out again.", Ashton sigherd, sitting down on the couch next to Luke, "You know, just like with how bad it got when we were all nervous about how our new setlist for the 5SOS show would be received"
"Oh", Luke was finally understanding.
Ashton had this habit of pulling on his hair an scratching his scalp, when he got nervous. Often he just busied himself with something like playing the drums and wore bandanas to stiffle the urge when it got especially bad.
Michael joked that this was why he would he the first to go bald.
It got less when they were on tour just because there was so much going on all the time. But right now they were relaxing, taking time off after tour... or supposed to be relaxing.
Ashton was thinking about concept for his second solo album, trying out different lyrics and emotions as he had told Luke but didn't want to show anyone yet.
"Hey, you know that no one expects anything. You're stressing yourself -"
"I know", the older interrupted, "I just - I have so much motivation but I wanna make it different, not just a repeat of my first album. But I'm not even writing anymore, I just keep fucking pulling on my stupid hair and I'll be fucking bald by our next single and -"
"So you want me to tie you up?", Luke interrupted to stop his rambling. Luke might seem dumb sometimes but he knew his best friend inside out and he knew what to do to stop him from doing things like this. Summing up what he intended to say before he goes off the rails with overthinking and rambling too much was one of those things.
Ashton nodded, looking exhausted.
"Okay", Luke tucked the dark purple bandana from Ashton's fingers, "So - oh ... just ... like that?"
Ashton was holding up his wrists, hands balled to fists next to each other.
"Seems a little kinky, huh", Luke grinned stupidly, while also doing as his friend had requested and tying the cloth around his wrists.
"Very funny", Ashton's voice was dry.
Once Luke was done tying him up, Ashton slouched on the couch, tied hands falling limp into his lap.
"And what now?", Luke asked curiously.
"I don't know... nothing, I guess"
"I mean if you had a girlfriend she'd have some ideas -", Luke broke off into giggles at Ashton's glaring eyes, hands coming up to cover his mouth. Which he then waved in front of Ashton's face "Oh look what I can do"
"Funny", Ashton mumbled with an eyeroll, but he was smiling.
Everytime over the next hour when Ashton lifted his tied hands to scratch his nose or scoop a curl of dark blonde hair out of his eyes, Luke would giggle quietly next to him. Ashton did nothing, except taking deep breaths, while Luke scribbled into his notebook. The urge to write something himself that he knew he couldn't and would just end up pulling his hair grew smaller and smaller.
But he still ended up raising his hands, attempting to pull his roots out of frustration. His fingers wrapped around a curl on top of his head and -
"No hair pulling", Luke said firmly as he set the notebook he had just slapped Ashton's fingers with back in his lap.
"You're so vanilla"
"Heyyy, don't use my joke techniques against me"
"Why? Do you feel attacked?", Ashton grinned brightly at his younger bandmate, "Is it because you are vanilla?"
"Huh?", he poked him in the ribs when he didn"t get a response, still grinning cheekily, "Is that why you never talk about your one night stands? Cuz they're reaaaally vanilla?"
"Even if they were, that's nothing I'd be embarrassed about"
"Mhmm", Ashton poked him again, "This your way of saying you're vanilla?"
Thinking back, the drummer should've expected Luke to snap, his whole goal at the moment was to get a reaction out of him after all.
But he still wouldn't have expected Luke to suddenly grab his tied wrists, push them up over his head and backwards, thus making Ashton fall on his back on the couch. He found himself with his hands above his head, held in place by Luke's who was bending over him now.
"Trust me, Ash, I'm nowhere near vanilla and you better stop nagging me if you don't wanna find out how far I am from that"
Ashton's eyes just about bugged out of his head.
What the fuck?
Luke seemed to think the same, as he suddenly let go of Ashton's wrists like he had been burned just as quick as he'd grabbed them.
"I uh - yea, no I'm not - anyway", he coughed, sitting up and a little further away from Ashton, "I'll keep writing my lyrics"
let me know if you want a second part of this and also hiiii i haven't posted a oneshot in like half a year or so
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localsymp · 10 months
Genmui shortfic: 'just the two of us and the sunset..'
If you don't like the ship(BoyxBoy) then DNI!
Muichiro had just woken up as he was still tired, he tried to move around to find comfort, despite his efforts he couldn't fall back to sleep. Finally, after trying he finally decided to whisper into the other's ear "Are you awake?" he quietly asks, not expecting an answer. Despite that he gets a muffled 'yes' as an answer. Then he sees his lover, Genya turn infront of him eyes open "Can't sleep?" he quietly asks as the smaller boy nods and hugs him. There was a small moment of silence between them before the other came up with an idea "Wanna watch the sunrise together?" he asked "Wouldn't it be too cold though?" Mui shot back holding onto Genya tightly. "I don't think it's that cold today, by looking from outside, the sun is so bright even at this time." He answers as he makes another reply "I could check how cold it is?" Muichiro nods in answer as he lets the other boy go. Genya got up quietly stepping over the balcony door, opening it as he went on the balcony for a bit, coming back soon. "So, is it cold?" The black-teal haired one asked the other, who shook his head "I could make us some tea too, to enjoy the sunrise with some blankets aswell?" He let this idea spill, as the other's eyes slightly widened, immediatly nodding 'yes'. "Alright I'll get the two teas, you can get the blanket." He spoke as he left the room going downstairs, while the other boy finally got out of bed too.
Muichiro got up and quickly grabbed some pillows bringing them out to the balcony with him 'It really isn't that cold..' He thougt to himself as he set the pillows down returning to the room. He looked around a bit for a special fluffy pillow in particular, when he finally found it and took it on the balcony with him. He stood there for a moment taking in the fresh air, as he let the small breeze blow his long hair. Finally, he placed the blanket on the couch they had outside and he sat down watching the sunrise till he heard footsteps. Genya arrived as he sat down a tray with two cups on the near coffee table siting next to Muichiro. "It really is a nice sight, isn't it?" He asked looking in the beautiful teal eyes of his lover who simply nodded. They both took a cup from the tray as they enjoyed the scenery and the surrounding air over a cup of tea.
After a small while, and finishing the tea Genya layed down on the couch, as Muichiro layed his head ontop of his chest, getting comfortable. The taller male grabbed the blanket and set it over the both of them. After a few minutes he could hear soft snoring underneath as he slipped into a dream himself.
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ao3feeddestiel · 2 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gc1A93n by Marina_little Aquí traigo otro libro de One-Shots, pero esta vez de otros fandoms, las historias seguirán siendo boyxboy pero de los siguientes fandoms: - Criminal minds - Supernatural - Harry Potter - Avengers - Grimm - The witcher   Historia totalmente mía, no se permite ningún tipo de copias. Personajes de sus creadores Registrado en Safe Creative Words: 14407, Chapters: 7/?, Language: Español Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sherlock (TV), Criminal Minds (US TV), Supernatural (TV 2005), The Witcher (TV), Grimm (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Severus Snape, James Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nick Burkhardt, Monroe (Grimm), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Spencer Reid, Sean Renard, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Aaron Hotchner, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Regulus Black/James Potter, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Loki/Thor (Marvel), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Nick Burkhardt/Monroe, Nick Burkhardt/Sean Renard, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Harry Potter/Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Loki/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Crossover read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gc1A93n
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bl00dycham0mile · 1 year
taking one shot requests! anons on. I do Larry with fem!reader or boyxboy! I am also taking requests for Steddie and Mungrove. #steddie #mungrove #larrystylinson #larry #larrystylinsononeshot #oneshot #smut #larryfic #harrystylesoneshots #harrystyles #femreader #boyxboy 
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
you're so soft, daddy loves you a lot: a larry stylinson one shot ִֶָ
by houiepie
Harry Styles foi um menino mau por não esperar o papai chegar em casa, cedendo ao sono ao invés de seguir suas regras. Mas Louis Tomlinson não pôde ficar decepcionado, ainda mais depois que foi compensado, podendo foder seu bebê de ladinho enquanto ele dormia.
Words: 3791, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Fanfiction - Fandom, one shot - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles
Relationships: Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles
Additional Tags: CNC, Smut, LGBT+, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQIAP+, Somnophilia, Breeding, Belly Bulge, Dacryphilia, Ltops, hbottom, BDSM, Kinks, Orgasm Control, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, subrry, Loudom, Spanking, Daddy Kink, BoyxBoy
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/NnIUwx5
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 years
Pure Power Gay Teen Wolf oneshots
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40370793
by thatgaiboi
【all your favourite MLM teen wolf ships!】
nsfw gay teen wolf one shots short SMUT story's involving characters from the Teen Wolf universe new chapter EVERY WEEK🎉
This is a reupload of my wattpad story.
started Jan/ 4/ 22
more info in first chapter (do not re-upload!)
Words: 10896, Chapters: 12/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken
Additional Tags: unpopular ships, porn no plot, porn w/o plot, Gay, Knot, Knotting, Inspired by Teen Wolf (TV), Smut, NSFW, oneshots, Imagines, BoyxBoy, ManxMan, manxboy, Werewolf, werewolf fanfiction, Stiles fanfic, Everyone Is Gay, Spice, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rare Pairings, rare ships, teen, in charactor, Sexual Content, Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40370793
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/on4lahf by Marina_little Aquí traigo otro libro de One-Shots, pero esta vez de otros fandoms, las historias seguirán siendo boyxboy pero de los siguientes fandoms: - Criminal minds - Supernatural - Harry Potter - Avengers - Grimm - The witcher   Historia totalmente mía, no se permite ningún tipo de copias. Personajes de sus creadores Registrado en Safe Creative Words: 14407, Chapters: 7/?, Language: Español Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sherlock (TV), Criminal Minds (US TV), Supernatural (TV 2005), The Witcher (TV), Grimm (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Severus Snape, James Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nick Burkhardt, Monroe (Grimm), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Spencer Reid, Sean Renard, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Aaron Hotchner, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Regulus Black/James Potter, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Loki/Thor (Marvel), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Nick Burkhardt/Monroe, Nick Burkhardt/Sean Renard, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Harry Potter/Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Loki/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Crossover read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/on4lahf
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st7rnsangels · 3 months
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✦ st7rnsangels rules for requests . . .
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||*. BEFORE YOU REQUEST… please note:
1. i am a minor who writes nsfw/smut on occasion. please only request if you feel comfortable with this!
↳ i won’t be writing extremely rough or aggressive smut. it will mostly be vanilla!
2. i require at least a one to two week period for one shot requests to be finished. i write entirely at my own pace, meaning requests may take a while to be published.
3. i have the right to deny your request if i do not feel comfortable writing.
4. i will not be writing boyxboy. requests for nick sturniolo will be strictly platonic — i simply am just uncomfortable writing it as a woman
||*. rules / guidelines
safe for work
↳ fluff, angst, flangst, kissing / making out, substance use, etc.
↳ boyxboy, tickling… sorry!
not safe for work
↳ vanilla, sub/dom dynamic, overstimulation, edging, sub!boy/dom!reader, oral, penetration, etc..
↳ choking, too rough, non!con, pet/age play, pegging, vore, pedophilia, etc..
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ao3feed-ziall · 9 months
Revival https://ift.tt/vZmOwpR by Icarusofacopy He was an art student who had given up on painting. He was a renowned art seller. It could have been the cliché story of all stories, it really could. Harry would've liked it to be that way. Unauthorized paintings, attempted lawsuits, exaggerated amounts of alcohol and even bigger hangovers. One long shot. TRANSLATION. Original story by @se_lele_ne (wattpad) Words: 38275, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry's House - Harry Styles (Album) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Steve Aoki, Nick Grimshaw Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan/Zayn Malik Additional Tags: Gay, Top Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Harry Styles, Art, Angst, BoyxBoy, Harry Styles - Freeform, Louis Tomlinson - Freeform, Kinks, Larry Stylinson Is Real, One Shot via AO3 works tagged 'Niall Horan/Zayn Malik' https://ift.tt/UkOizpI September 18, 2023 at 06:06AM
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tinyglitterrose · 2 years
Snapchat Messages
Part 1, Lashton, boyxboy, 18+
Bottom Ashton, Top Luke
Warnings: SMUT
Ashton sort of accidently keeps sending Luke his nudes on snapchat and finally Luke has enough...and maybe Ashton didn't send those pictures so accidentally.
One thing Luke would have never expected was a snapchat message like this from Ashton. He didn't even know the man still used snapchat, so when he got the notification that Ashton Irwin had sent him a snap at 2 am the previous night, Luke thought maybe he had found a funny filter and sent him a selfie or something.
Well, it was a picture of himself, just not what Luke would have expected.
And Luke was very much straight and happy in his open relationship with a girl called Mandy (fictional made up character) .
So, not thinking much of it, he opened the message in the morning, while he was brushing his teeth.
Two seconds later, the buzzing toothbrush dropped to the floor, toothpaste getting all over the tiles.
"What the -", Luke gasped, spluttering toothpaste on the mirror and sink in front of him, too.
That was - that was certainly Ashton, his moon tattoos were visible in the shot. But what was also visible were his... private parts. Gripped into his right hand, with the pink shiny mushroom tip poking out was his dick. His erect dick.
Luke's knuckles were starting to turn white around the edges of his phone. He had no idea why he was even reacting like this. They had all seen each other naked before and even when those pictures of Calum got leaked years ago, he hadn't reacted like this. He had laughed it off.
But he wasn't laughing right now. Was it because Ashton had sepcifically sent that picture to him? Well, obviously it wasn't meant for him, but then why had Ashton not called yet and told him to not even look at it or had he not even noticed?
It was only 8 am right now after all. Yea, that must be it.
He closed the app and the picture disappeared.
Ashton never came up to him to say anything, he seemed clueless the whole day.
Really clueless and dumb, Luke thought, because at half past midnight that night he got another notification.
Now that was his apology text, Luke thought.
But it was another picture. And not an apology picture, if that even existed.
It was a picture of Ashton standing in front of a mirror, bare from what Luke could see.
His legs were spread, phone in one hand and the other tightly gripping his balls.
The room was almost dark, but Luke could still see everything very clearly. Too clearly, because now he had an unobstructed view to Ashton's hard member and he couldn't help himself but tap on the screen to make the picture stay longer.
Luke was so straight. But then why was his own dick twitching in his pants when he - for whatever reason and also he would never ever admit he had done it - zoomed in to get an even better view?
And Luke was not going to be dumb enough to take a screenshot because snapchat notifies people when you take a screenshot, but he caught himself wanting to screenrecord his screen so he could keep the picture. Why would he want to keep a nude selfie of Ashton on his phone?
He had no clue, but the next night, when he was laying in bed again, alone once again because Mandy liked to go out partying and only come back in the morning, he was waiting to get a snapchat notification. But it didn't come. And when he woke up in the morning, the phone lost in the tangled bed sheets, there was still nothing.
But Ashton didn't dissappoint. Luke was singing along to old 5SOS songs, Mandy leaning on his chest, while she was scrolling through her own phone. She had told Luke about the guy she had met at the bar and how they had spent the night together and Luke had only nodded, mind elsewhere.
He didn't think much of it, when his phone made a small noise, signifying a new notification, but he immediately jumped up from the couch once he had turned on the screen and saw that it was a snapchat message from his older bandmate.
Mandy gave him a confused look, to which Luke only mumbled a "Need to make a call, be right back", before he all but stumbled out of the room.
Just to be extra safe, he locked himself in the bathroom upstairs where he had opened Ashton's first message three days ago. He still couldn't believe that Ashton seemingly hadn't noticed that he was sending his nudes to the wrong person.
He gulped, looked at his own blue and anxiously flickering eyes in the mirror, then he unlocked his phone.
Here we go, Luke thought, and with a deep breath and a weird tingly feeling in his stomach opened the message.
It was Ashton. Of course. He was in his basement, where he kept all his drums, his green shimmery snare drum even in the front of the picture.
But right behind it was Ashton's body, part of his upper body clad in a blue and black striped shirt visible, as well as his legs in grey sweatpants. It was just that those sweatpants were pulled down to just below the full balls, pink dick hanging or more like standing out.
Luke gulped audibly.
What was he supposed to do?
The decision was taken from him as he was alerted with yet another message from Ashton. Now that was new. Was it finally the 'oh shit, sorry, wrong chat' message?
It was not. Instead it was a picture of Ashton now having lost his shirt and from what he could see also his pants, fully bending over the snare drum and his face being in the shot.
Ashton's hazel eyes were staring right at him mischieviously, further back part of his penis still visible and the naked curve of his bent back.
He was grinning, dimples showing and a drum stick clad between his teeth.
If Ashton ever wanted to become a nude model instead of a drummer, he would definitely be successful. This was the sexiest and somehow also prettiest picture Luke had ever seen.
"Ash", he caught himself mumbling, taking in every detail.
Why - why was his own penis starting to grow at seeing Ashton bent over his own drums? The twitching a few nights ago he was able to ignore, but right now he could actually feel blood rushing down there.
Two seconds later he knew why. Or at least he couldn't possibly deny it anymore.
Another message showed up and without thinking, Luke opened it.
A shocked "oh my god" left the blonde's lips.
There was no more dick in this picture. But there was the drumstick. Just not in between Ashton's teeth anymore, but...it was... it was in his butt. In his damn butt.
How had he even taken this picture?
Both Ashton's hands were visible, each pulling one of his butt cheeks to the side in order to expose what was inbetween.
And inbetween was Ashton's fucking asshole with the drumstick pushed into it.
"What the fuck"
"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck", with each repetition of those words, Luke's voice got louder.
How - why - Ashton - Luke had no idea what to think, his brain wasn't functioning anymore.
Of course he knew that some people did this, hell Mandy had told him about anal sex before but he had never wanted to do it, she had a pussy after all so why would he want to put his dick where she pooped out of?
And Ashton had just sent him a close up view of where...he pooped out of. And Luke certainly wasn't as disgusted as he wanted to be.
He took a few deep and shaky breaths, then he directed his eyes to his phone again. Just to see, just because he was curious, totally.
The pink hole and the wooden drumstick shimmered like they were wet with something. It seemed to trail down the drumstick.
Luke’s breath stuttered when he avtered his focus from that drumstick and instead stared right at the pink slightly swollen and shimmery wet rim of what was Ashton Irwin’s asshole. He was fucking staring at his bandmate’s asshole right now.
Did it really feel that good to put something in there?
Whether it did or not, a sudden anger came over Luke. Because these pictures weren’t meant for him and that meant that Ashton was sending these kinds of obscene pictures to someone else. And that was dangerous.
So without further debating it, he closed snapchat, the picture disappearing like all the others before it and after a bit of fumbling around he clicked the call button next to Ashton’s name in his phone.
It rang a few times...then it was denied.
Ashton had denied the phone call and oh hell no, Luke was not having that.
Sure, he might be in a very sexy phone call with the person the pictures were actually meant to go to or even have them over at his house right now, but Luke needed to speak to him now.
When he was denied the call again, he groaned loudly, then stomped down the stairs, gave his irritated girlfriend a quick kiss goodbye and jumped into his car.
If Ashton wasn’t going to pick up the phone, he would come to his door.
Two four-minute songs later, he rang the doorbell.  And just in case Ashton wanted to ignore that as well, Luke kept his finger pressed to the button until he heard an annoyed groan through the speakers above it.
“Luke, seriously?”, Ashton sounded beyond annoyed.
And because Luke knew that Ashton could see him through the small camera, he frowned right at it with scrunched up eyebrows.
He could hear Ashton sigh through the speakers, then a long beep that signalled the door being opened.
Luke all but stomped up the stairs to Ashton’s front door, kicking off his shoes in the entrance hall with one of them kicking over a vase and while Ashton was starting to complain about that, Luke wordlessly grabbed his tattooed upper arm, fingers tightening around the black snake and pulled the other man with him to the living room.
“Luke, man, what is wro-“
Luke interrupted him by forcefully pushing, almost throwing, him onto his own couch. Ashton released a whimper when he landed but Luke barely registered it.
“Do you know”, he started angrily, crowding over Ashton, “how fucking dangerous what you’re doing is?”
Ashton only stared at him with wide eyes.
“Oh, come on”, Luke scoffed in return, “You can’t seriously not have noticed that you were sending your shit to the wrong person”
Now a grin formed on Ashton’s face. “Oh, no, I’ve noticed.”, he said.
Luke really wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face.
“Is that all you have to say to this? ‘Oh, no, I’ve noticed?’”, Luke was fuming, “Your tattoos are all over it, you fucker, this could ruin you!”
Ashton blinked in surprise at such swear words leaving Luke’s mouth, but didn’t say anything else.
So Luke kept ranting: “You can’t send pictures like this to people, Ashton! Did your stupid dumbass brain forget what happened to Calum a few years ago? How they published his pictures? Do you want that to happen to you?”
He stopped when he looked back into Ashton’s eyes.
The hazel eyes were big now, looking up at him from under dark eyelashes and looking like a lost puppy.
“But you- “, his voice seemed like a whisper compared to Luke’s loud one before, “but you wouldn’t- “
“Of course not me, Ash, but the other person, huh? Have you even thought about that? They can see your tattoos in it and – would you stop looking at me like that… what?”
Luke groaned in annoyance as Ashton’s eyes only seemed to have gotten bigger, making the lost puppy look even more prominent.
“I haven’t – “, he bit his lip, a blush spreading on his cheeks, “they were only for you”
Luke’s face displayed pure horror at Ashton’s mumbled words. Only for him? No! No, he refused to believe that Ashton would take pictures like this only – Luke wasn’t even gay for god’s sake and Ashton knew that!
“Oh yeah?”, he bent down to make his eyes the same height as Ashton’s, “And the first one? Was that only for me, you didn’t mean to send it to someone else?”
The guilty look that flashed on the drummer’s face told Luke that he was right.
“But only at the beginning”, Ashton’s big eyes were almost pleading now and Luke had never seen his friend like this, “Only the first two. I haven’t sent them anything else since!”
Luke seemed unfazed.
“Were your tattoos in it?”, his voice was cold, or at least he wanted it to sound cold.
Ashton averted his gaze for a moment, but before Luke could start with any more accusations, he rushed out: “But I blocked them! I really don’t send them pictures anymore!”
Luke continued to stare into the other’s eyes for a few moments, as if trying to figure out whether he was lying, then he stood upright again, grumbled out a “Good” with clenched fists and turned to leave.
Before he could even leave the living room, though, Ashton’s voice stopped him. “Wait”
Luke rolled his eyes and turned around, raising an eyebrow at the other man.
Ashton didn’t look like a puppy anymore, he looked unhappy, well possibly an unhappy and pissed off puppy.
“You’re just gonna leave? You tell me I’m good and then you leave?”
Luke’s other eyebrow rose to the same height as the already raised one.
“If you don’t actually think I’m good then don’t tell me I’m good.”
Okay, Luke was beyond confused. What did he even mean by that?
“If I’m not good – “, Ashton reached next to him to retrieve a drumstick that he then offered to Luke in his open palm, “Do you think I’m not good?”
“I – what?”, Luke was confused and concerned at the same time, “Ash, you know you’re a good drummer, why would you ask that – “
“No!”, Luke jumped a little at the shrill sound, “not – you have to hit me if you think I’m not good.”
And he reached out his palm with the drumstick more to Luke, nodding towards it.
“Hit you?”, Luke vehemently shook his head, “Ash, I would never hit you.”
“Right”, he tilted his head, “And you would never like my nudes, would you?”
Luke’s eyes widened in panic for a moment, before he quickly shook his head.
“Why did you look at them then?”, Ashton was clearly mocking him now.
And Luke wasn’t entirely sure if he had interpreted things correctly, but he didn’t want to let himself be mocked like this, so he just went for it. “Thought you wanted to be good”, he said, tilting his head too and grinning to himself when he successfully made his bandmate shut up, “This isn’t very good behaviour, you know.”
“I – “
“And sending nudes to strangers isn’t very good either”
Ashton was still staring at Luke, shocked by his sudden change of behaviour and Luke was enjoying it too much, so he went another step further and took the drumstick from Ashton’s hand.
Ashton’s eyes got wider, when Luke twirled it on his fingers and said nonchalantly: “Maybe you’re right, I should hit you. You sent me your nudes without asking for my consent after all.”
“Uhm – “
“What, you just assumed that I would like them? Would want them? What do you think I did with them, get off to them? Well, guess what, I didn’t.”
He stepped in front of Ashton again, looking down at him. “Don’t you feel weird sending me your nudes? Especially that last one? You sent me a picture of your asshole, that’s pretty weird if you ask me”
Ashton visibly gulped.
“Pretty weird”, Luke repeated.
Then, without any warning, he struck the drumstick over Ashton’s cheek, his face getting turned to the side with the speed of it.
Upon seeing the red stripe now covering Ashton’s face, though, Luke immediately dropped the drumstick, kneeling down to him and apologizing profusely while carefully cupping his cheek.
“Shit, shit, sorry. I’m so sorry, Ash, I don’t know why – shit, I’m so sorry.”
Ashton grabbed Luke’s wrist and pulled it away from his face.
“I like when you treat me like this”, he admitted quietly.
“Like I’m disgusting. When you berate me like this.”
“But if you – I have no experience with this.”
“Yea, I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”, Ashton giggled a little, “And I know you have no experience. If you would’ve hated my pictures I would have long apologized for them, I promise.”
So it was obvious that Luke had not not liked them?
“Okay”, Luke mindlessly let his fingers trail over Ashton’s reddened cheek, “But if you… behave…”
“Then tell me I’m a good boy”, Ashton sounded breathless, when he said it, like he really wanted to be called that. He wanted to be good for Luke, so good.
“You’re not being very good, though, Ash”, Luke said after giving it a moment of thought. He purposefully made his voice sound disappointed.
Ashton’s gaze turned to that of a sad lost puppy again.
“A good boy would have long given me a real-life view of what I got to see in the pictures.”
And alright, Luke had expected Ashton to obey, but not as fast as he did. Within seconds he had jumped off the couch, turned around, pulled his pants and underwear off, almost tripping over the pant legs, and then he was showing off his butt to his best friend.
“Funny of you to assume that that’s what I wanted to see”
Ashton moved to turn around, but Luke stopped him with a laugh and a “No, no, this is good, I’m just teasing”
He took his time to look at Ashton’s bare butt for a bit. He would have never expected to at some point in his life be basically inspecting Ashton’s ass. And to be liking it.
And wanting to see more: “That’s not what you showed me in your pictures, though”
“Uhm”, Ashton hesitated.
“Come on”, Luke said, pushing on Ashton’s back to make him bend forward more and cause the side of his face to get pressed to the cushions of the back of the couch.
“Be good”, he added and that did it for the drummer. Long freckled fingers gripped into his own flesh and slowly, still hesitantly, pulled his cheeks apart.
Luke let out a gasp once he got a clear view. “You filthy little – “, he mumbled, then remembered that Ashton enjoyed being talked to this way, so he spoke louder, “You’re so dirty, Ash. Sitting here with a sex toy shoved up your ass, while you’re talking to me and acting all shy? So dirty, so filthy.”
“It’s – it’s – “
“It’s what, Ash?”
“It’s”, he took a shaky breath and Luke saw the pink rim clenching around the purple butt plug that was peeking out of him, “It’s so you have it easier.”
Luke wasn’t really listening, distracted, one hand laying itself onto Ashton’s back again, the other slowly reaching out and one finger experimentally poking the end of the toy. “Easier for what?”, he asked absentmindedly.
“Easier – ah”, Luke had given the toy a slight push, “Easier i – in case you want to fuck me”
Luke’s mind needed a few more moments in which he was still poking the purple plastic, until it had caught up with Ashton’s words.
“You want me to – “, he stopped himself from talking, only staring at the back of Ashton’s curly haired head.
The curls bounced as he nodded his head.
“If you think I’m a, I’m a good boy then you have to gi – give me a treat”
“Oh”, Luke grinned even though the other couldn’t see that, “I have to, huh?”
Ashton nodded his head more forcefully.
“And that’s the only treat you want? A bit picky of you, don’t you think?”
Ashton turned his head around at that, rolling his eyes at Luke and said: “Obviously I don’t want Cal or Mike to- “
Luke didn’t let him finish.
“Shush”, he ordered and turned Ashton’s head around again with a tight grip on his hair.
Ashton gasped, his hole clenching around the toy again.
Luke’s eyes zeroed in on it again. Something about this was so pretty to him and he didn’t understand why. This was his friend’s asshole with a sex toy in it for god’s sake, why was he so fascinated by it? And how beautiful would it look if he could see his own dick moving in and out of it instead? Luke had always liked watching his own dick drive in and out of Mandy, but he had never – would it feel different? Tighter for sure? Or not?
“Only one way to find out”, Luke mumbled to himself, ignoring Ashton’s questioning meep and gripped the end of the purple thing to start pulling it out.
What he had not expected though, was for Ashton to start gasping and mewling the way he did. A long stream of high pitched sounds started leaving his mouth as soon as Luke started pulling.
“Feel that good, huh?”, Luke grinned as he pulled the buttplug so it was barely keeping inside Ashton.
He didn’t let the other man answer before he pushed it back in as far as it would go without losing his grip, in one quick and powerful motion.
Ashton screamed out, his knees buckling.
“Please, please”, he whimpered, when Luke didn’t move it any more.
Luke grinned wider. Something about this high pitched tone the drummer seemed to not be able to control made Luke feel so excited, he wasn’t even denying the hard on in his pants anymore.
In fact, it was starting to feel quite tight with his pants in the way.
“I - I, yes, yes – please”, Ashton whimpered desperately when he heard the zipper of the other man’s pants being pulled down. He started to turn his head, wanting to see, but Luke gripped onto his hair and pushed his face back into the cushions.
“But Lukey, please”, Ashton mumbled into them.
“You can look when I fucked you”, Luke grunted, and without warning pulled the plug out, throwing it somewhere over his shoulder, possibly a bit too enthusiastically.
But he didn’t notice the sound of it knocking something, whatever it was, over and had barely registered Ashton’s long gasp when he had pulled it out. He was too focused on the now empty hole closing around nothing and clenching repeatedly like it was searching for something to wrap itself around of.HHhheojdoej
“Damn, Ash”, Luke mumbled stunned, “You’re so – I don’t think I can go back to pussy after this”
Luke wasn’t sure if he was joking or not because this was certainly a sight to behold. Once again, he didn’t notice Ashton’s mumbling of “Then don’t”
Suddenly Luke realized “Shit, we have no lube”
He was really not willing to leave his position and this sight, but he knew there was no way that anal sex would work without lube, except maybe spit but Luke wasn’t sure if that would really be enough.
But it was definitely something he wanted to do, just not now, “Imma rim you one of these days”, he stated and received another mumbled string of pleas from Ashton’s mouth in response.
“Not now, though, just wanna fuck you now, babe”
“There’s lube behind that cushion”, Ashton almost shamefully admitted, gasping at the soft slap he received to his ass in response and the mumbled “dirty little boy”, before Luke pulled a small lube bottle from behind said cushion.
He didn’t tell Ashton what he was doing, just kept the man guessing and waiting, while he spread lube onto his fingers and already on his dick, too.
He got a little carried away when he started smearing it onto his dick, starting to stroke the length, while his gaze was focused on Ashton’s still slightly clenching hole again.
Ashton must have heard the squelching sounds of the lube moving on Luke, because he started to turn his head around again, but Luke was quick to grip onto his curls again and press his face back to the couch.
“What did I say about looking at me?”
“I think you need to be punished again, Ashy”, Luke mused.
Ashton enthusiastically pushed his ass towards Luke in response and Luke chuckled at how eager he was. He squeezed his cheeks with lube wet hands for a moment, then he let go and pushed two fingers into the other man without warning.
“Your punishment is that you’ll be coming from my fingers and when you’re still gasping from your orgasm, I’ll fuck you and make you come again, baby”
Ashton’s knees buckled, barely holding himself in the bent over standing position, as he moaned.
Luke deemed that as answer enough, finally starting to move his fingers. He scissored them to spread Ashton and changed the angle until the other man screamed into the couch, biting the leather to prevent further sounds leaving him.
“There?”, Luke asked, grinning devilishly even though Ashton couldn’t see him.
“Huh?”, he added, when he didn’t get a response and drove his fingers in harder.
Ashton mewled again, unable to get any actual words out.
Only when his knees started to buckle so much that Luke had to get a hand under his tummy to hold him up, otherwise Ashton would've collapsed into the couch, did he start crying out a string of "Luke, Luke, Luke"
Luke loved the way it sounded so helpless, like there was nothing but him in Ashton's brain. And probably, at this moment, there wasn't.
I've been writing on this for like two weeks now, so I'm putting a cut here to post it and part 2 will be uploaded soon! ❤️
Check out my ao3 profile (also tinyglitterrose) for the whole fanfiction once I've posted it!
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Pride month pride one shots
Any lgbtq+ related requests are gonna get prioritised this month but I'm also just making this post so anyone wanting to request knows I can write for girlxgirl, boyxboy, or any combination plus trans identities. Just lemme kno pronouns and for smut birth anatomy and it can be done.
Currently got a Theon x male reader request so feel free to send anymore lgbtq+ stuff in (Any time of year as well ofc) my fellow queer peeps
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The duty of a servant
Inspired by a post I once saw on Tumblr, if I find it again I'll leave the link here.
Work Text:
Petter and Wendy were adults trapped in the little bodies of an infant, they were malicious and served their dirty and evil interests of Mr. Kelvin. They had helped prevent many children from ever seeing sunlight again, and they did not regret it.
However, Maylene knew neither of those things when one of her bullets, accurate and deadly, had pierced from side to side the head of what appeared to be a girl not much older than her young master.
He didn't waste much time looking at her or watching her do those graceful and agile pirouettes in the air. As soon as he had her in his sights he had pulled the trigger on her.
He tried not to think too much about it. That was one of the things they taught her when they made her a murderer, not to write her epitaphs, not to try to figure out who hers were, how they got there, in front of the barrel of her gun, they were targets and nothing. plus.
But sometimes she did, who doesn't, right? Who is able to look at the inert body of a stranger he has just killed without asking?
It's like reading the last page of a book…
Imagination begins to work on its own. But that's when you get distracted,
careless, let your guard down, and then it's someone else's turn to wonder what happened to you. He tried to put it out of her mind. Instead, he began to wonder how many more there might be in the mansion, how many more were seeking to disturb the nocturnal peace of the house, and how many more shots it would take to finish them off.
After all, delivering a clean mansion is the duty of the Phantomhive house maid.
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Viñetas Funtom Next Work →
Malaise Airs
Sebastian Michaelis has a lot of experience with children. As a former teacher at Lockwell Private Academy, Sebastian knows all about troublesome brats. At least- he thought he did.
When Sebastian's life-long friend Agni offers him a new job opportunity, to which he reluctantly accepted, Sebastian finds some children can be a lot more interesting- and annoying, than he was once lead to believe.
*Trigger Warning- for about chapter 6 onwards*
(Fluff, non-sexual boyxboy Pairings, rape (mentioned), pedophilia (mentioned), mental illnesses, Ect.)
Chapter 1: Welcome To The White Queens Private Academy~
(A/N: please read trigger warnings in the description, this will apply for future chapters mostly, thank you! *flashbacks are in bold*. A/N at end)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
En•nui ( noun) /an-we/: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from lack of occupation or excitement.
Welcome to the White Queens Private Academy, we look forward to your working here. Below you will find the necessary information for your employment.
-All luggage will need to be dropped off at your provided housing before your first workday. (be prepared for introductions with the owners of the surrounding units)
-Please report to the main office (Mr. Tanaka or Mr. "Undertaker") to get a workday schedule and information after breakfast.
Breakfast is served at 7 am sharp. Please do not be late.
{Sebastian's POV}
As he exited the train, he was greeted with a cool breeze of autumn wind. The air wasn't necessarily cold, but the blowing wind served as a reminder that winter was fast approaching. Struggling through the crowds of people hurrying to their own affairs was much more difficult than he first had anticipated. Of course, it should have been expected of England's capital.
Finally seeing his cab from the corner of his eye, he headed straight towards it eager to escape the bustling crowd. Only just saving himself from falling straight into the back seat, he set his luggage in the trunk and was on his way.
The drive was only about an hour from the station and had quite a few local shops and tourist attractions along the way. A deep irking feeling infiltrated his head about twenty minutes into the trip. "What was he even here for" he had nearly convinced himself that this would a wonderful change to his normally mundane life teaching spoiled rich brats. How had he even convinced himself that he would have an even remotely nice time teaching traumatized or otherwise messed up spoiled rich brats, who are locked up at some boarding school waiting to re-enter society like normal civilized human beings?!
Calming himself down after that sudden inward display of anger, he thought of the meeting that caused all of this nonsense.
Sebastian was having tea at a famous cafe in town with that person. Being quite good friends ever since college they tried to meet every couple of months as to not drift too far apart.
"Agni..." Sebastian sighed, "I'm perfectly fine being where I am. There's no need to try something different." "Sebastian please, I promise it won't be the least bit boring. Besides we're short on actual teachers. The school is still in primary trials, you would only have to look after 9 children."
"Even still, I can't just up and quit my job." He answered, "We don't need you right away! You can come in a few months." Agni was desperate.
"I would be leaving spoiled brats to go take care of needier spoiled brats, not exactly what I call entertaining of any sort."
"3 weeks."
"Not even a full month. After 3 weeks you can do whatever your heart desires, but please help me out for 3 weeks! As a favor from an old friend.
How could he refuse? "Fine. But only for 3 weeks."
"Why did I even go through with this?" He thought just as his new (and temporary) home came into view. It seemed like all of his woes just kept adding up.
Paying the driver and retrieving his luggage from the truck, he finally looked up at the two brown, castle-like buildings.
The main building; At least that's what he assumed would be the main building because of the size difference, Was big and elegant. Like a smaller version of Hogwarts or a rightful Victorian manor. The courtyard was teeming with red, orange, and yellow leaves giving off a warm yet chilling aura.
On the side of the school enclosing the courtyard was the dorms. It was the size of 1/3 of a Victorian manor, not reaching the height of the width of the academy.
Deciding that was his destination, he ascended the few steps leading to the entrance. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "It can't possibly go as terribly as I think it will."
(Authors note: Don't be so sure sebbyyy~ haha I enjoy putting my characters in misery. Thank you for reading the first chapter! This is my first ever fanfic. I plan to make about 10 chapters? More, much longer than this, please look forward to it!)
Chapter 2: Welcome To The Dining Hall~
(Authors Note: Slight warning for Grell being...well, Grell)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Fraught (adjective) /frot/: a situation or course of action; filled with or likely to result in something most undesirable.
{Sebastian's POV}
When one usually enters an unfamiliar building, one's first instinct would be to look around. And well, he did exactly that.
After the first 7 minutes, he was starting to have doubts that he picked the dorm building. Although the more he explored the more certain he was that he picked the correct building. The large structure was separated into two parts by a wall on the right, the second part not being accessible by the outside. When Sebastian first entered, the floor looked like an office building. To the right was a large doorway leading to a sitting area made for children. Deciding that was most likely the student quarters he felt no need to enter that threshold.
Continuing his search through the left side of the building seeing no signs of human life, he ascended the large staircase to the second floor. This floor unlike the previous, had many doors filling up the long hallway. Opening a random door felt like his best option, so he did.
This was most likely the best choice he had made in a while considering the circumstances. Behind the door was A maroon haired lady standing no-so steadily on a step ladder trying to reach for several plates in a large china cabinet.
"Excuse me, Miss?" He suddenly called, causing the maroon haired lady to lose her balance dropping all those plates during her fall. Luckily Sebastian was able to catch both the plates and the maiden before they fell fully unto the ground.
"O-oh hello! so sorry for that just now, I'm very clumsy you see." She rambled, obviously distracted by the man holding her up. "I'm glad I found you, I almost thought I had gone to the wrong building. My name is Sebastian Michaelis, pleasure."
"Sebas-...M-My name is Mey-Rin! I'm a maid here, very nice to meet you." She bowed her head slightly embarrassed of the way she stumbled over her words.
Sebastian let the maid stand back up and stepped away, giving her enough room to regain her balance. The step ladder that had been teetering back and forth finally fell with a loud 'BANG!' due to the added weight on the uneven floor.
Looking around Sebastian noticed this was actually a supply room for plates, napkins, silverware, and the like.
Snapping out of his thoughts he heard footsteps approaching the room. The door was left open due to Sebastian's rush to save Mey-Rin, The two people only had to poke their head through the doorway.
Just to his luck, he recognized one of the two intruders. "Agni.." he sighed slightly relived "There you are, I was starting to wonder if I had entered the wrong building." "Ahh, Sebastian?" Agni checked the time on his watch. "I completely lost track of time! I was having a meeting and-" "It's fine." He interjected.
"We should head to the dining hall. There is no need to be late for supper." The other person stepped a bit more through the doorway, checking his pocket watch. 'I can already tell that one has a horrid attitude; And, who even uses a pocket watch nowadays?' They ended up walking in silence, well, mostly silence aside from Mey-Rin's quiet murmurs of who-knows-what. The group passed most of the doors in the long hallway leading to what seemed like the dining hall.
As they arrived, once again another load noise was heard from what he assumed was the kitchen. Angi rushed in yelling "Was that you Baldroy? Don't worry about cooking haha, I'll do it!" in a slightly panicked manor. Once again Sebastian was alone, of course, with the company to many strangers.
'Sadly, I'm getting used to clumsy workers and strange noises. Is that bad?' He thought. "Before dinner is served you introduce yourself to the other workers. After dinner, I will take you to meet the children." Claude interrupted. Again, barely glancing at him.
The dining hall was one of those places which, when you think about it in your mind was a very large, extravagant place. It was not. And, while it did look nice, it was more homely than anything. It was a large but not too large rectangle room. Part the room was cut off because of the half wall separating the dining part from the kitchen part. Inside you could see Agni running around trying to prepare dinner whilst being pestered by a tall, bulky, blonde-haired man smoking. Well, if you could call it smoking if the cigarette wasn't lit.
The dining part of the room had wooden walls with windows on one side, tile floors, and wooden tables. It reminded him a little of a smaller version of an off-brand harry potter dining hall. There were 4 tables, all rectangular, and fitting for the space they were in. The lights in the room were bright yet gave off a yellowy-orange glow. Comforting.
As one would assume there were in fact other people working here. And, based on their appearances; all had very colorful personalities. Only four people were in the room, occupying two of the tables.
At one, a flamboyant red-head was annoying a stern-looking man with glasses. The man looked almost ready to punch the red-head halfway into space. At the other table a blonde-haired boy, who looked young enough to be attending the school was talking to a lilac haired young woman. One of her eyes was covered by a bandage.
He opted to introduce himself to the lilac-blonde-haired duo first. The other two gave him a bad feeling.
Claude and Mey-rin trailed behind him as he walked over. "Ah! 'ello Mr. Claude, 'ello Mey-rin! and umm, who are you?" "I'm-" "He is Sebastian Michalis, the new teacher here. And, the one whom you were supposed to greet at the door, Finnian." Claude interrupted, glaring wholes into 'Finnian'. 'Does this man have a personal vendetta with everyone?'
"So sorry Mr. Claude, I was helping Hannah change her bandages and lost track of time!" You could've seen a halo floating near his head. "The Names Finnian, but you can just call me Finny!" He said holding out his hand. "Sebastian, as you already know." he took the handshake. "This here in Hannah!" Finny said gesturing towards the lilac haired girl. She bowed her head slightly at him then looked away.
Sebastian could feel a piercing glare at the back of his head. It was, of course, Claude. Sebastian assumed he was telling him to 'Hurry up and move on, we don't have all day.'
"Well well well, you never told me that our new addition was coming today did you Claudey~?"
All-day the greatest thing on Sebastian's mind was, 'what did I get myself into?' And right now, he regretted not listening to the little voice in his head more than he has ever thought possible. Really, he contemplated walking out of the building and straight back to his regular life, away from whatever it is he had originally agreed upon.
The red-head in question. The one who made Sebastian truly regret his decision was walking towards him. Or- more correctly, strutting towards him. Sebastian, of course, had nothing against them. It was the way they basically screamed. 'I'm going to completely ruin your calm life because I'm a chaotic walking bar.'
"Sebby~, is it? My name is Grell. I hope we can be very close." they said huskily, as they held out a hand. "Pleasure..." Sebastian replied bitterly, leaving Grell hanging. "Stand down Sutcliff, your already an annoyance."
"I love it when you talk down to me!~" Grell moaned, their voice going at least an active higher.
"I am William T. Spears, Sebastian, isn't it?" William nodded. "Yes, looking forward to working with you."
While Sebastian couldn't quite place a finger on Williams's personality, it seemed they had an unspoken agreement on how to handle the eccentric red-head.
"w-well Sebastian..." Sebastian turned around to face Mey-rin. He had almost forgotten she was behind him. "You can sit with us...o-only if you would like of course!" She stuttered gesturing towards Finny and Hannah. "That would be wonderful," he replied politely smiling. Mey-rin turned a deep crimson.
a bit after introductions Agni and whom he now knows as Bard, or Baldroy, came out from the kitchen and sat down with them.
"Dinner is served"
(Authors Note: Thanks so much for reading this chapter! I was really procrastinating about writing the introductions. I actually have up to chapter 5 in drafts right now but I kept changing the concepts midway. They will be out soon.)
Chapter 3: Unexpected Awakenings~
(A/N: Just a small surprise chapter that still relates to the story. Oh I just 'wonder' who pov it is.)
Chapter Text
In•som•ni•a (noun) /in'sämnēa/: habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
{??? pov}
It's dark .
The sound of crying children rang throughout the night. Yet, their location; so far, so isolated. No one can hear them.
It's cold.
One by one, they were being slaughtered like cattle, dispensable objects moved around by the will of others. Used and then thrown away.
No one is coming to save us, are they?
"Hurry up there coming!" "Quit down ya' little mutts!"
"Keep the ones who'll fetch the best price! We can only take a few."
You were right.
He hugged on to the limp body in his arms tighter. The large cage was covered with a cloth cover and loaded unto a truck.
You're always right.
"--------" "They caught up!" "Just drop them here, we gotta run" "But what if they-" "The kid has been lifeless ever since we gave him the body back. Good as dead I tell ya'."
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'll protect you.
The men fled the truck leaving them stranded.
So please, wake up?
Lights could be seen, even under the thick cloth covering the cage. They approached. He held on to the body tighter. 'I won't let them hurt you anymore.' The strangers started uncovering the cages. "I found some!" "Hurry over here!". He could hear footsteps approaching.
'Go away.' 'Don't hurt us anymore.' An officer pulled off the cover to reveal one eye looking up at him fearfully. "That undertaker...I've found them! The Phantomhives, they're alive!" The officer looked in the cage again. He saw the limp body. "No..." The officer opened the cage door and reached inside to check the body's pulse. The boy shrunk back into the cage. "It's okay now. We're here to save you." The boy made no movements in response.
"Go away..." he responded quietly. "GO AWAY! I won't let anyone hurt him anymore!" Tears streamed down the young boys face.
"Please, I can help. I can save him. Trust me." The officer was pleading.
'Never again'
Please, Ciel?
Chapter 4: Welcome To The Children's Area~
(A/N: Hey so this chapter is going to be a lot shorter and might have a few mistakes. This is because I'm basically writing this with no draft and in a 3-hour time slot. I start school tomorrow so the update schedule will be once a week- every Saturday or Sunday. I posted 2 chapters over 2 days because I either had them already or they required very little editing. Thank you for understanding!)
Everyone: "Chutzpah?" I know you like using big words but did'ya have to go with that one?
Author: Well I'm sorry, I couldn't find the right word to give a feeling of annoyance towards the impertinence of children.
Everyone: Come' on you just found it funny didn't-ya?
Author: Fine! I spent 5 minutes straight laughing it the word, it's funny right!?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Chutzpah (noun) /KHo͝otspə/: shameless audacity; impudence.
{Sebastian POV}
Dinner- made by Agni with bards help, of course, was wonderful. Agni's curry was always the best. A refreshing end to an otherwise chaotic day. except- it wasn't quite over yet, after dinner he and Claude descended the staircase and headed toward the children's room he had noticed when he first arrived.
The doorway was pretty large and didn't impede your ability to see the entire room, even from a fairly large distance away. The only difference from then and now was that magically, children occupied the space. Looking closer the room was divided from a colorful sitting area with toys to a dining area with a small kitchen. As of right now, the children were in that sitting area. A nameless maid was clearing away the remains of their dinner, while they chatted happily.
"Children..." Claude's entire personality was demanding and cold. One could help but to shut up and listen when he entered a room. A complete mood ruiner.
"This is Sebastian Michaelis, your new teacher. He is in the same position as Mr. Agni. Please introduce yourselves politely." Claude's words came out more like a command than an instruction.
A boy with orange hair went first, he seemed like one of the oldest. "Nice ta' meet ya', I'm Joker."
Claude didn't bat an eye. 'Joker? who would name their child joker?'
He continued. "This here is Beast." he pointed at a girl about the same age with wavy black hair. He kept pointing each one out individually. "That's Prince... Wendy and Peter... Dagger... And last but not least, Doll."
'These have to be nicknames...' Wendy and Peter were the most normal names Sebastian had her in "Joker's" little introduction. "Nice to meet you all..." he replied.
"Oh, uh, and Smiles up in his room. You probably won't see him for a while. And there's only one more he'll uh..." Joker glanced at Claude. "Nevermind."
"We'll see you in the morning. Good night children."
(A/N: haha, I've made it my personal mission to make Claude as creepy as possible. In reality, I write all of my stories on Wattpad because I prefer their options for publishing, then transfer them unto ao3. So please point out any mistakes that might occur and I will do my very best to fix them.
Let's have a poll! what should Alois's circus nickname be (Comment what you think)?
-His highness/majesty
Chapter 5: Welcome To Your First Day~
(A/N: School is really taking a toll on me and it's only been 3 days. Is it possible to have senioritis as a freshman????)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Hel·lion (noun) /ˈhelyən/: a rowdy, mischievous, or troublemaking person, especially a child.
{Sebastian POV}
...Before Sebastian knew it he was waking up in a bed considering if all the ludicrously he went through yesterday were all just a bad dream. Of course, it wasn't.
Sebastian looked around the room, a bit confused from the grogginess of the morning. 'After I met the children...' He really, really couldn't remember. It was like a hangover after your dog just died. Just, without the headache or nausea.
He decided if his mind didn't want to let him remember he probably shouldn't remember. And got dressed.
His bed chambers- a medium-sized room with a small bathroom attached, accompanied by a wardrobe, desk, and bed. Was extremely simple. Obviously meant for more suitcases and personal touch than he cared to bring with him.
Exiting the room, he was greeted with the lovely image of William trying to pummel Grell out of his room. Something clicked in his brain.
(Last night- after they got back to the dining hall)
"Please report to breakfast at 7:00 am sharp- or earlier, do not be late." And just like that Claude disappeared out of the doorway.
And again- just like that he was attacked from behind "Oh sebby~ you disappeared, I was sad you didn't spend more time with me!" Grell was literally hanging off of Sebastian's back. he looked to William only for him to look away.
Grell swung around to his front and- "Mwa!~" A kiss, right on the lips.
He was in a daze of pure anger. he could hear Finny, Mey-rin, and Bard all laughing. Yet all he could see was red.
"Well then! It must be time for me to make my grand exit! Ta-ta~" Grell said as they scurried off in a panic.
Angi came up to him, almost as dumbstruck as him. "Are you alright?" "I will be." Sebastian cracked his knuckles loudly. "hah~ Please don't be violent Sebastian." Agni sighed...
Some things should stay forgotten.
His anger flared up again.
William spotted Sebastian exiting his room and grabbed Grell by the collar. "No liability." William said to Sebastian, holding Grell at arm's length. Sebastian knocked them over the head once and proceeded downstairs to the dining hall followed by William. Grell, still clutching his head and spouting tiny wines, stayed.
'6:55 am, just in time.'
Breakfast was especially wonderful today.
As soon as Sebastian walked trough the large doorway leading to the children's area, a shiny dart whizzed past his head. 'We haven't even spent one hour together and these brats are already out to get me!' Sebastian's eyebrow twitched.
"Really Dagger! you almost decapitated him!" Said Wendy sitting on the floor. "It's not my fault, really! He just spooked me...walking through the door ya'know." 'Dagger' shouted back. He was met with a symphony of eye-rolls. "Ah. I'm really sorry. Good thing it missed!" 'Dagger' turned toward Sebastian who was still standing in the doorway. "It is a good thing, it wouldn't just be his head if he got hurt." Said 'Joker'. "Really Dagger, be more careful." 'Beast' sighed. "Yes, Miss Beast." 'Dagger' pouted.
Agni, who had been walking with him peaked through the doorway. "Please be more careful, we already had to confiscate your darts before..." Agni sighed.
"Really! I'll be more careful."
The children's area had not changed from the events of the last night. Only one person was missing from the troupe of children, that 'Prince' character. "Is Soma still sleeping?" Asked Agni. 'Soma?' No one Sebastian had met last night went by the name Soma. "Ya' know it, boss!" Said 'Joker' with a laugh. "Really that child. He would sleep forever if nobody was there to wake him up! He really needs to learn..." Agni rambled on as he ascended the stairs.
"So! ya' meet everyone, Black?" 'Joker' turned to Sebastian. "Are you referring to me?" Sebastian questioned. "Who else would I be talk'in to?" 'Joker' smiled. "You've worn almost all black every time I've seen ya' and you have black hair."
"You give everyone nicknames, correct?" "Almost. Mostly just the kids. But you seem nice, so I'll make an exception." Joker's smile got even wider. 'So there all nicknames. hm.'
"Joker a nickname then?" Sebastian asked. "Yep! so is everyone else's, 'sept for Wendy n' Peter." "Then what is your real name?"
Agni came just in time dragging a tired-looking 'Prince'- or what from what he knows- Soma, down the stairs. "Just a couple more mintueeeesss." "You've slept long enough." "But Ciel gets to stay in his room all day..."
A sigh.
"Hmm? You're the new teacher, right?" Soma questioned, spotting him from halfway down the stairs. "Ha! you meet em' last night Prince, do ya' really not remember?" Dagger sighed.
"...Right! I remember now! You came in with Claude, You remind me of him. But a more smiley, better version. Your also more good-looking." Rambled Soma.' This child really doesn't stop talking...'
"Don't bother him too much Soma,..." Agni's voice wasn't heard among the children's sudden conversation about- who knows what.
"Not everyone is here as of now... There are actually 9 children in all." 'Oh great. Considering how 'colorful' these kids are, I wonder what the other two are like.' Sebastian sneered at his thoughts.
"Then where are the other two?" He questioned. "Ciel is in his room...You won't see him for a while, I think."
"And- hm. Do remember meeting Hannah?" "The lilac haired woman?" "Yes- the other child- Alois, is on leave for...Attacking her." Agni looked away.
"Attacking her!? And he's just on leave? Shouldn't he be headed to an asylum?"
"It's...complicated. I'll explain later." Agni fully turned away. Signaling the end of their conversation.
'What is wrong with this place?'
(A/N: I'm so, so sorry for the well... 3-week delay. I said I would post every week but school really roundhouse kicked me in the gut. I will work hard for future updates. And sorry for the short chapter...I only proofed half of it, *The half that I wrote 3 weeks ago*)
Chapter 6: (Update!)
Chapter Text
Hey everyone! It's Author~ I am officially changing my update time to every 2 weeks!
Just wanted to let you know the rest of this will just be ranting and explaining why- I kinda explained in my last post.
Ok! so for some reason I just really enjoy overworking myself while somehow still remaining lazy. Because of online school (I'm full time online) I working on the computer all day! Then I have club meetings and then dance (for about 2-3 hours Mon-Thurs + Saturday) so only have about 2 hours to myself. I figured I would only write on the weekend to save myself from the unnecessary stress that I love to put myself through.
Also, it seems like I want to write everything except "Malaise Airs"! During these few weeks (Before and after the last chapter I posted) I created an entirely new story* And even wrote 2.5 chapters of it in a few days. I have fallen off of that as well but it keeps coming into my head.
I will not be abandoning "Malaise Airs" Just extending the time when I update it I'm not quite so popular yet so it won't leave to many people waiting on me.
*{Info on the other story}: I actually wrote a story that kinda qualifies as an Au- it was originally a DEN-NOR story. But if I change the names to something different it would be a completely different story- for some reason I really enjoy AU's like that.
If you could tell me if you would rather it be an original story or a den-nor (Hetalia), Au, I would really appreciate it, and I might even post it. But- for now, it will stay in my google docs- never to see the light!
Chapter 7: Welcome to Interrupted Routines~
(A/N: I started this on 9/29/20, 5:49 pm. I swear future me if you don't finish this within 2 weeks as you promised- In all honesty during my little break last time, I forgot everything about this stinking fic, I had to go back over the last 4 chapters!!)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Ma•laise (noun) /me'lāz/: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
The next few days were unusually normal- definitely a matter of concern. There were no sudden attacks (Aside from a few stray darts)- nothing serious had happened.
The children, as children do, tried to test his patience time- and time again. But if he couldn't handle a few mischievous children- What kind of teacher would he be?
The only thing that was bothering him now- accept for the unexpected peacefulness- are the two children he has yet to meet.
He hasn't even seen Ciel- the boy who never leaves his room- go out for lessons or food. He tried- of course, to knock on his door one or two times but to no avail. 'Don't bother...' Agni had always said to him.
It seemed as though he should bite his words.
Today was like a miracle. He hadn't seen Grell or Claude all morning, Agni seemed to be in a good mood talking to him about something or another- No darts were hurled at him the moment he walked into the children's area, and most of all; a dark blue-haired boy was sitting on the couch, curled up with a book- whom he had never seen before.
He was petite- smaller than a thirteen-year-old should be. (assuming on the information Agni had blurted out-) He could guess this was Ciel. The boy had a black eye-patch perfectly covered by his dark cerulean hair.
He also 'didn't seem like the type to poke someone's eye out' in Sebastian's opinion. But of course, looks could be deceiving.
The child barely spared a glance at the new faces.
The little girl- Doll was sitting by his feet, talking to the air. "Ciel! you've come out- does that mean? I forgot! this is Sebastian, you haven't had the chance to meet him yet." The child ignored him, opting to look at the clock instead.
'What a brat'
"Smile- Alois is coming back today right?" Ciel nodded "So that's why you're out of your room! I might've thought you just wanted to see the new guy." Doll laughed.
"You seem like you in a worse mood today- did you sleep?" Ignored. "You should ask doc or Claude for more of those pills-" "would you shut up, you're giving me a headache." He spoke and then proceeded to bury his head back into the book. 'most definitely a brat.'
'Maybe all of the calm days were compensation for having to deal with him later- these were the brats that he was so tired of.'
Doll didn't look like the comment bothered her at all, but shut-up all the same- the other kids in the room moved on as nothing happened too. 'Was this a common occurrence of something?'
She started to search through the pockets on her jumper and pulled out two lollipops. "Sorry...Strawberry or chocolate?" the boy glanced up with furrowed eyebrows- seemed like his head really did hurt. He pursed his lips. "Chocolate."
Sebastian sighed, 'children really are just children.'
Sebastian turned to Agni, "I'll go get Souma, he should have learned to get up by now!" He said with a sigh.
A few more minutes passed before Claude came through the doorway, a blonde...something clinging on his waist.
This time, Ciel was staring intently. He got up from the couch leaving the book in his place and reached out toward the blonde, shooting an annoyed glare at said dark-haired man.
"You're much too soft on him" Claude muttered. Ciel scoffed and dragged the now-seen blonde boy into his room, slamming the door.
Claude gave a side glance to Sebastian then proceeded to turn around and leave.
Just as soon as commotion had started everything seemed as calm as they had been just a few days ago.
"You must'a been surprised, eh black? Don't worry not usually like that. Just in a bad mood." Joker smiled while patting the elder man's back.
"The blondie there was Alois- just came a few months back. Smile n' him are...close?"
"So Alois doesn't get a nickname but I do?"
"Cause he's a little' jerk! No idea why Ciel likes him so much." Dagger butted in.
"Oh come on! We gotta all gotta try and get along here." Joker scolded.
"Truth is he gets a bit violent when something annoys him- almost poked my eye out for giving em' a nickname!" Joker half-whispered to Sebastian.
'Oh great. A glaring brat and a violent brat. What a wonderful combination.'
"Joker is correct! You are all friends here!" Agni smiled. "You never know what someone has been through." 'what a saint.'
In these normal days, Sebastian had almost completely forgotten this was supported to be an institute for spoiled-rich traumatized brats. And that Alois-kid just reinforced that fact. The only strange thing is why they didn't have someone that violent somewhere more...suited.
"Ciel told me Alois reminds him a bit of someone else. Maybe that's why they're so close?" Doll said, interrupting Sebastian's train of thought.
"Not like we really know anything about either of them." Peter huffed, turning back to his board game with Wendy.
"Is Ciel new here too?" Sebastian thought aloud.
"Come 'ere I'll tell you a story black!" Joker guided him to the couch where Doll was sitting.
"What kind of story?"
"The lore of this place of course!"
"You're exaggerating' joker..." "I'm just tellin' a story Lil' sis!"
"Ciel's been here since this place was built! It was only 'bout 3 years ago but still! Me and the gang only came about a year back."
"Some of us think this place might'a been built for 'em!" Doll laughed.
"...Built for him?" 'Why would an entire school be built for one person?'
"Do ya' know Ciels last name?" Joker asked.
"It seems you kids only use nick-names here." Sebastian was slightly frustrated.
"It's not like we don't have 'em. His names' Phantomhive! The family was in the papes' a few years back."
"Phantomhive. The Queen's 'Guard Dogs'?"
"Correct! People were sayin' someone set the estate on fire with everyone inside- near Christmas too! No one was seen for months so the entire family was confirmed dead." Joker scratched the back of his head.
"The only one to come back was Ciel. He told me his parents had died and that he's been 'ere ever since." Doll looked down at her hands, Dark bangs covering both eyes. "Never said what happened or how he got back- or anything. Mr. Undertaker seems to know him well though."
"That's all we really know! hmm...He likes chocolate! And candy- basically anything sweet, haha. He's allergic to cats too!" Joker said trying to lighten the mood.
'The Phantomhives. The Queen's guard dog, London's underground family. Anyone would be stupid not to know them.' Sebastian smirked.
"This was going to be...Interesting"
(A/N: Would you look at this! imagine me actually getting something done on time- or even early. I never would've guessed!)
Chapter 8: (Short Haitus Notice)
Chapter Text
I really should've posted this earlier but stuff happened and yeah. I going to take a short hiatus to focus on school until about... thanksgiving break. Which starts 2 weeks from now. So sorry- I'm just really tired.
I will be continuing to update this after my hiatus with the regular schedule of every 2 weeks- hopefully. Thanks for the support- byebye for now.
Chapter 9: Welcome to The Children's Area Pt.2
(A/N: The descriptions may or may not get a little crazy this time haha. I've been reading and analyzing Ray Bradbury books for literacy and now my mind Is filled with making crazy metaphors for everything just to make it hard for the readers to understand. You can tell I'm upset huh.)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
De·spond·ent(adjective) /dəˈspändənt/: in low spirits from loss of hope of courage.
The next day, Sebastian walked into the children's area to find- Suprise, both boys out of hiding.
Instead of lounging on the couch like yesterday, Ciel was sitting in the corner occupied with playing a game of chess with that blonde boy, Alois.
Alois however, looked like he would rather be anywhere else. He was half-sitting in the chair opposite of Ciel, half-laying on the table between them. Paying no to mind to the chessboard in the way.
"Cieeeeelllllll" Groaned Alois. "Can we just do something else? Anything else? You always win and we've already played like, 500 games. Let's I don't know, go outside or something?"
"We've barely played 2 games before you started complaining. And you can't beat me because you're not even trying. Also, we can't go outside because classes start in an hour." Ciel sighed resting his chin on his hand. Alois frowned.
Sebastian drew a bit closer to the pair when Alois suddenly turned his attention away from Ciel and to Sebastian. "Your the new guy right?" Alois mumbled just loud enough for Sebastian to hear. "Sebastian Michalis." He responded, "You must be Alois? Pleasure." He added with an obviously fake smile. "Right..." Alois glanced away, paying no mind to him in the first place.
Alois rose from his seat. His face brighter and smiling sickeningly sweetly at him.
"Oh! New guy! Sebastian right? How would you like to play chess with Ciel, hm? Isn't it just a fine idea? You would love to wouldn't you!" Alois said as he grabbed Sebastian by the arm, sitting him down at the chair he once occupied. "You're the only one who hasn't, so now it's your turn. It's almost like a tradition. Right joker?"
"Wah? a-ah yah, everyone has lost to 'em including students and staff..."
"And! If you win against him, he'll give you a prize! No one has ever won though..." Alois interrupted, moving around the table to sit on the arm of Ciel's chair.
"Care to play a game?" Ciel said looking at him, a small frown still attached to his porcelain face. "I'll try my hand." Sebastian responded.
Interestingly enough the boy was gracious enough to participate in small talk. "Sebastian isn't it?" "That is I." "Sebastian was the name of my dog." The small boy moved his knight.
"Is that so?" Sebastian's forced smile twitched. "It was a big black one- he was quite annoying." The conversation paused. The silence surrounding the table was defending, even with the ongoing chaos surrounding them. Strangely enough, even the eccentric Alois was quiet, only a mirroring frown adorning his small face.
The silence continued for a few more moves. Sebastian moved his king. "Wrong move." Alois's frown deepened. "You were doing so well too. Thought I was finally gonna see what that prize was. How utterly boring." Sebastian realized the blonde boy wasn't just talking about the game with that final line.
"Checkmate." Ciel announced. And with that their short game was completed.
"Everyone should start getting ready!" Agni informed the room. School for them was getting ready to start in the main building in about 20 minutes.
Ciel left his seat, Alois following close behind. Not sparing even a glance at the man behind him.
The week went by in a flash, and not once had Sebastian beaten that boy. His days looked like this.
Get up, go to the children's area- and enter just in time to hear Alois complaining loudly about whatever game he and Ciel were playing, Get roped into playing one game, lose, then rush everyone out to the main building for lessons.
They never played more than one game. And that brat always had something snarky to say.
The first time they played together he had said "My dog's name was Sebastian." A statement. However, in the following days, it seemed the little boy was merely there to leech at him. And whilst the insults were akin to little bug bites, barely puncturing his skin...Bug bites are exceedingly annoying.
"He looked like you too." Are you saying I look like a dog to you!?
"He was so annoying, always barking and trying to bite me." What are you even trying to refer to!?
And while one could mistake this absent-minded mumbling for a boy reminiscing about his childhood dog. The barks of laughter coming from the boys' side- Alois. Assured him otherwise.
"I didn't know you had a funny-bone in your body Ciel-y!" He would say in between his never-ending stream of giggles.
And while this wasn't the worst week Sebastian had experienced thus far, he couldn't get over the nagging suspicion that he was forgetting- or missing something.
(A/N: Lucky I had a snow day and finished nearly on time! Regular 2-week interval updates are back! Also happy holidays!!!!)
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
I Won't Let You Go Alone | IwaOi | Haikyuu
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/E3v7BQr
by Flower_AnAverageIwaOiEnjoyer
Oikawa Tooru has always had a fascination with aliens and UFOs. One day, he spots one and gets kidnapped. His best friend has to act quickly to follow him into space.
This is probably gonna have short chapters and just a couple of them so don't expect too much. It was a stupid idea I accidentally came up with while writing another story and it may never be finished.
Words: 2102, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Haiba Alisa, Haiba Lev, Kita Shinsuke
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Gay, Alien Planet, Alien/Human Relationships, Alien Character(s), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Survival, Wilderness Survival, Lesbian Character, Gay Character, BL, One Shot, Fanfiction, BoyxBoy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/E3v7BQr
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
The Classroom || Larry Stylinson
by dead_dreams28
Harry Styles - a 25 year old English teacher
Louis Tomlinson - a 18 year old student
After a whole year of fighting the attraction Harry feels towards Louis he finally gives in.
A Larry smut one shot
Words: 1191, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Larry - Fandom, Larry Stylinson - Fandom, One Direction, Harry Styles - Fandom, Louis Tomlinson - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Top Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Harry Styles, harry - Freeform, louis - Freeform, harryandlouis, Teacher-Student Relationship, Smut, Anal, Fingering, larry - Freeform, larryoneshot, larrysmut, bxb - Freeform, BoyxBoy, Gay, gaysmut
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/H4Ni6ex
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darkness-nico-blog · 5 years
Bts boyxboy one-shots from Wattpad
"Taehyung I'm back!"
Jungkook called out as he entered his shared house, he closed the door and looked around seeing a bunch of toys and colouring books and the ground.
What the hell is this? Did Taehyung invite a kid over?
Jungkook put his bag down and walked down the hallway to Taehyung's room.
He knocked on his door expecting an answer.
But he didn't get anything.
"Taehyung?" Jungkook called his name, before entering the bedroom.
Once Jungkook walked inside, his eyes widened in shock.
There Taehyung was, sleeping with a teddy bear at his side and a pacifier in his mouth.
Why the fuck is Taehyung cuddling a teddy bear with a pacifier in his mouth!?
Jungkook left Taehyung's room and grabbed his phone out, going straight to his contacts and calling his friend, Jimin.
"Hello Jungkook, what's up?"
"Hey hyung, um..I just came home from work and I walked into my house seeing a bunch of toys and colouring books on the floor, and I thought Taehyung was taking care of a child! But when I walked into his room, he was asleep with a teddy bear and a pacifier in his mouth!"
"Wow Kookie, slow down a bit and breathe okay?"
"Jimin hyung, do you know what's happening?"
"Yes I do, Yoongi acts like that too"
"Hyung I don't care about that right now, I just want to know what's happening to Taehyung!"
"Okay okay, Taehyung is a little. Does that make sense to you a bit?"
"A little? As in, a grown man or woman who has the mind of a child?"
"Yes something like that, when he wakes up, try and talk to him. And be a little soft on him, littles are really sensitive"
"Okay, what do I do if he doesn't want to talk to me?"
"Just tell him that he can come play with Yoongi later, but he has to talk to you first so you can understand him a bit better, okay I've gotta now. I'll text you the rules of taking care of a little later, see you soon Kookie!"
"Bye hyung"
And with that, Jungkook hung up and put his phone away.
Little foot steps were heard walking down the hallway, Jungkook looked to left and saw a tired Taehyung holding his teddy bear.
"TaeTae is hungry! Can Kookie pwease get me fwood?"
Jungkook blinked a couple of times before releasing what Taehyung wanted.
"Oh! Sorry, I'll quickly get you something. Um..what would TaeTae like?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone.
Taehyung ran into the kitchen and Jungkook followed him.
Taehyung was pointing at the cookie jar with a little pout on his face.
"TaeTae have cookie please?" He asked, with a cute little voice to go with his pout.
Jungkook thought for a bit, "sure but only two cause I need to talk to you"
Taehyung nodded as Jungkook grabbed the jar and opened it.
He took two out and gave them to the little.
Jungkook put the jar back followed Taehyung out of the kitchen.
Taehyung sat on the lounge as Jungkook did the same.
"What Kookie want talk 'bout?" The little asked, nibbling on his cookie.
The brunette sighed and looked at the little, "how long have you been a little?"
Taehyung thought for a bit before answering, "TaeTae not know"
Jungkook sighed "would you like to tell me why you made a mess while I was gone?"
Taehyung looked down with a sad and scared expression on his face.
"TaeTae swory...TaeTae missed Kookie..." Taehyung sobbed.
Jungkook felt bad and went to the little, wrapping his arms around him.
"Hey it's okay TaeTae, you're not in trouble....I just wanted to know why, it's okay baby"
Jungkook whispered into the littles ear.
Taehyung hugged Jungkook back and sobbed into his shirt. "Would you like to visit Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok?"
Taehyung nodded and slowly let go of the taller.
"Alright, just let me go change my clothes and we'll get going"
Jungkook left the living room to go to his room and changed into some fresh new clothes.
He came out of his room and went to the front door, "TaeTae! Come on!"
Taehyung came running towards the door with his teddy and put on his shoes.
Once they were ready they walked out the front door and into Jungkook's car.
Jungkook buckeld Taehyung in and got into the driver's seat.
*At Jihope's house because I'm lazy as fuck and I need to go to sleep*
"Yoonie baby~ TaeTae and Jungkookie are gonna be here in a few minutes, you should clean up your mess before they arrive"
"No! Yoonie doesn't want to clean up!"
"Well, Yoonie has to otherwise I'll just tell Kookie and TaeTae to go home"
Was all Yoongi said before cleaning up all his colouring books and pencils.
Jimin and Hoseok both sat on the couch, with a sigh.
"I swear sometimes Yoongi can be a handful" Hoseok said, putting an arm around his husband.
Jimin hummed in response, leaning his head on Hoseok's chest. The door bell rang and Jimin got up and ran to the door, on his way he almost tripped over one of Yoongi's toys.
"Dammit Yoongi! Pick up your god damn toys now!" Jimin yelled out before opening the door, revealing Jungkook and Taehyung smiling brightly.
Jimin let them in and apologized for the little mess that was now being cleaned by Yoongi.
"Alright Yoonie, daddy will clean the rest up now, you go play with TaeTae" Hoseok said patting Yoongi's back.
The little smiled and ran to his friend before taking his hand and dragging him to the little play room.
Jungkook and Jimin chuckled and sat down on the couch.
"So, can you explain to me how this stuff happens?" Jungkook asked, looking at his hyung.
"Well, it usually happens if someone is either stressed or something, I don't really know much about it but Jin hyung does, you should ask him all the questions really"
Jimin answered him, getting up and going into the kitchen.
Jungkook followed the short male and sat down at the table as Jimin made three cups of coffee.
Hoseok then came into the kitchen and sat down next to Jungkook, "I'm so tired, why did I volunteer to clean up the mess?" He complained.
Jimin and Jungkook chuckled at Hoseok, "don't you laugh Jungkook! Soon you'll be cleaning up Taehyung's mess" Hoseok said.
Jimin placed the three cups on the table and sat down as well.
"True, but it's still funny" Jungkook said, while taking a sip of his coffee "also thanks for the coffee Jimin"
"Yah! Use honorifics you little brat!" Jimin scolded while Jungkook just laughed.
They heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and someone yelling as well.
The two littles ran into the kitchen with bright smiles on their faces.
"Yes Yoonie? What's wrong sweetie?" Jimin asked, the two giggled and looked at each other before looking back at the adults.
"Well...TaeTae said dat when we get marwied, we are gonna habe wittle kids! So we can be parwents too!"
The three adults sat there with wide eyes, "m-m-married!? You're too young to be talking about marriage a-and kids!"
"Yeah! But we wuv each other now! We already kissed and we decided to get marwied!"
Hoseok spat out his coffee as Jungkook fell off his chair, and Jimin...
Jimin was frozen.
"On the lips! Like mummy and daddy do!"
"Oh god...Jimin hyung? You okay?"
Jimin didn't say anything, he was too shocked to talk.
What is going on? Yoongi and Taehyung...kissed... marriage...Kids...
Jimin was lost in thought that he didn't even realise that someone had poured water all over him.
"I think he's dead.." Jungkook said, after putting the cup down.
Hoseok faced the two littles and saw them hugging each other.
He couldn't help but coo at how cute they were together, "you know Jungkook, they only met each other but I think maybe they will stay together forever"
"Really? They're only littles though...it won't work out properly"
"It will, and if it doesn't I'll make it work" Hoseok said, with a small smile.
Jungkook smiled at his hyung and looked back at the two.
Maybe it will...
"Bye TaeTae! I'll see you next time! I wuv you!" Yoongi Siad hugging his 'soon to be husband'.
"I wuv you too Yoonie!"
"Give me a goodbye kiss?"
Taehyung smiled and pecked Yoongi's lips before running off to Jungkook.
"See you later hyung's!" Jungkook waved at Hoseok and his still frozen husband.
As soon as Taehyung and Jungkook got home, they both sat in the living room watching TV.
"Kookie, me and Yoonie were only playing awound...we wanted to see evewyone's reactions.."
Taehyung said, tiredly while rubbing his eyes.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smiled, "really?" He asked.
Taehyung nodded, "I actually wuv you...I wanna marwy you a-and have kids too.."
Jungkook blushed at what had just been said by the little.
Was he serious?
"I-is that true?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung sat up straight and crawled on to Jungkook's lap.
"Yes...I really wuv you kookie..." He said, Jungkook smiled and pecked Taehyung's head.
Taehyung then pointed to his lips, "here too?" The little asked.
Jungkook chuckled and pecked Taehyung's lips.
Taehyung giggled and layed his head on Jungkook's chest, "I'm sweepy..." He mumbled.
Jungkook stroked Taehyung's head "alright, you can sleep then..." Jungkook whispered into the littles ear as he carried Taehyung into his room.
He put the little on his bed and layed down next to him as well.
Taehyung cuddled Jungkook and muttered "I love you kookie" before falling asleep.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung and ended up falling asleep as well.
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