#one upside would be that itd be way easier if i wanted to have a Hot Boy Winter or whatever. fuck yeah.
steampoweredskeleton · 3 months
#delete later#too anxious to sleep. which sucks bc i was having a decent brain weekend after the migraine debacle#but nothing to be done. i just hate being in limbo so much. i wanted to look at applying to that other job but changing#jobs AND moving at the same time is a real bad financial idea. especially if I'll need to move alone. its no ones fault#just shitty timing. so now im super anxious. idk whether to check that job out anyway. it would certainly improve things if#i could get a better wage. but its not gonna be in time so whats the point ya know. i hate unknown. im just super tired#i keep putting off getting a therapist until i know i can budget it but at this rate that may be never so maybe i just do it now#bc my level of functioning is not great and maybe i can get help. im just so tired all the time.#theres also a lil bit of frustration that if i do move out alone it will be somewhere shittier. like it just will be. and i wanted to#be in a less shitty place. but at the same time yeah it makes sense and is fine and rhe warning is good. just the news sucks.#but it is what it is. and I'll live with it. its no ones fault shit just sucks sometimes. but im being dramatic. no one knows the future#but at the same time i need to process abd be alright with worst case#i cant do a house share again. i can't. so it'll need to be a studio so I'll probably end up in kent which is fine#one upside would be that itd be way easier if i wanted to have a Hot Boy Winter or whatever. fuck yeah.#its fine ill chill out. im just in the processing phase and that Always Sucks#maybe i could get a beetle. or a rat. the possibilities are endless
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 months
You're that senshi cosplayer right?
My brother is trying to cosplay him, do you have any tips?
Oh man Senshi involved a LOT of firsts for me cosplay-wise, so I am not sure I did everything in the best or most efficient way. But! Here is a quick rundown of what I did. Skirt and Bracers w/ the fur: - this is a pretty basic sewing project! i just bought some brown faux-leather at joanns and made some slightly tapered tubes based on my waist and arm measurements. very easy and very little patterning involved!
The top: - literally just wore a gray tank top i already had
The armor: - Oh man okay this was my first time doing proper EVA foam armor, so take everything I say with a grain of salt BUT!! basically, I patterned everything out in paper first to get a decent idea of how it would fit on me. then i traced it out on some EVA foam rolls I had lying around from other cosplay prop builds, just a little bigger than my paper mock-ups to account for The Thickness of the foam. -The helmet was absolutely the hardest part and my main advice here is to be at peace with the idea that you may have to redo a lot of stuff and build a lot of prototypes to get that thing to fit your head right. - Once you have the foam base, you can build on top of it with foam clay to clean up the seams/add more organic shapes and details/etc. and if you use water to blend it in with the foam it can turn out reeeeally nice and seamless! I got all those supplies at michaels. -then after making sure all of that is nice and smooth and sculpted how you want it, you can sand and carve in any last details. THEN it's time to seal that shit for painting and durability! -for this, i used Plasti-Dip. it is basically a spray paint that creates a rubberized coating over top of the foam. this means the foam wont just soak up the paint when you apply it, AND it helps stiffen everything up a bit while still leaving it flexible AND toughening it up against dings and dents. -then painting! my biggest painting tip is WEATHER THAT SHIT!!! painting a single solid color can get it all unified but what'll really sell the look is going back over those base colors with watered down black to get it into all the little imperfections and stay there, bring out the details and add texture. makes the armor feel lived-in! -ALL THAT SAID: I actually found out later that a number of people have put out 3D print files for the various armor bits AND the helmet, so if you either HAVE a 3D printer or are willing to shell out for somebody else to print those for you to assemble, that might be an easier way to go about it! all up to you, i cant vouch for how that goes re: fitting it to your specific body and all that, plus idk how comfy itd be in comparison? but it certainly seems easier lol The sandals: -same as above only i attached the armor bits to a pair of flip flops i already had and thought were comfy. senshis foot armor situation is kinda wacky ngl. i have no idea what that weird crescenty bit on top of his toes is for. but thats what the reference images show sooo what can ya do.
THE BEARD: -oh man so this was another first but i REAAAAALLY loved the result. okay so my tip is this: if you want your wig and beard to match exactly? just buy two of the same wig. one goes on your head, and one gets flipped turned upside down and cut into a beard shape!!! -i will tell you a cheap lace-front wig is a LOT more affordable than one of those fancy hand-laced beard pieces, and it LOOKS waaaay better than like, the usual party city fake pirate beard you will probably find when searching for affordable costume facial hair, particularly if he's gonna want the option to remove the helmet and go full Hot Senshi Mode.
-literally i just had to cut a hole in the wig for my mouth and trim up a decent mustache above the mouth hole. -then you can use the little uhh.... elasticky bits? with the hooks?? that go inside the wig and help you adjust it to your head size? i literally just stretched them up and hooked them onto my wig cap and i BARELY needed to tack anything down with spirit gum. it held that thing up like a fucking champ and, all things considered, was pretty comfy!! didnt have to hook anything over my ears or anything!! -oh if you dont have any experience with spirit gum tho MAKE SURE YOU ALSO PURCHASE SPIRIT GUM REMOVER. it leaves such a nasty residue after, and its a son of a bitch to scrub off. i super recommend the remover.
oh and remember to add some blush to your nose when you go out wearing the full thing. rly adds to the overall Senshi effect i think! uhhh i think thats it??? for senshi's pan i literally just bought like a big fucking wok and strapped it to my back. it wasnt as heavy as youd think tbh but then i am kind of a tryhard. and for the little walking mushroom... idk! my mom crocheted it for me a while back and i thought it would be a really cute prop!
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I cant put together a clever post but it would be remiss of me if I didnt at the least mention the prospect of Wylan sabotaging a couple things on Sonia's birthday so itd be easier to kidnap and sedate her then leave her 'alone' in a haunted house he had learned about. Yes, he had some help on this front (we talked about how he wins over security). And yes, the monster stalking Sonia is him.
Shes probably not scared of him. Or the monster prospect. But maybe she will indulge a chase scene anyway? Theres no fancy meal at the end just more Wylan. And an evening free of the razz.
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Sonia's Birthday 2022! - Accepting asks and/or posts from mutuals
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The thing is, this is a clever post, Bear! It's fun to discuss headcanons just as much as IC content. And sometimes, it's just easier on the mun to throw out some ideas: often, that leads to me sending some aesthetics or inspiration for interactions, past/present/future.
Anyway, Sonia would appreciate this effort so much. Her receiving love languages are quality time and acts of service first and foremost, and you're exactly right when thinking she likes a bit of danger and spontaneity in her life. When she so often has to live by many rules, nothing gets her adrenaline going like an adventure!
Or a horror movie.
Or her own personal horror movie that's turned into an adventure.
As I said on discord, she would've gone willingly on such a caper but the fact he put in that much effort to kidnap her? She appreciates it. Even if with at least two past kidnappings, her first instincts would be to fight against it. Though I believe Wylan is very good at what he does, and thus she wouldn't have the skills to retaliate. Oh no! Kidnapped by a charming assassin/stalker whom she loves! Whatever shall she do!?
Well, after she comes to, Sonia gets to work on her bindings. Because he definitely not only kidnapped and sedated her, but he tied her up too Consensually. She enjoys this. It's not Sunday but it's her birthday so Sonia gets a lewd treat.
But does she want to be untied? He's put her in an old, dusty, nearly-falling-to-pieces house. On the upside: staying in her binds means she's less likely to need a Tetanus shot later. On the downside: she wants to explore everything! Especially what's making those floorboards creak. And that growl.
And the fact that, just maybe, much of this isn't as decaying as it looks: it was decorated that way, and so well that she believes the story the house is telling her.
Including that monster.
It takes her a little time (she's dawdling and she'd admit it), but Sonia would free herself from her bonds and become properly acquainted with her new surroundings. Checking the various cobwebs, bits of papers and books left in disarray, flowers that have turned dry, brown, and crumbling in dust-caked vases. She's trying to fully immerse herself in the story of the house and all the horrible events that took place there...
...but that's a bit of a challenge when something is pursuing her. And she's giving it chase, fitting herself into the smallest hiding spaces and controlling her breathing as much as possible.
Unfortunately, she's no match for Monster!Wylan. They have their respective strengths and weaknesses, and no one is better than stalking, and catching his prey, than Wylan.
It's not as if Sonia minds. After some time, she wants him to find her. She's a filthy mess and her heart is beating fast, anticipating for his hands to wrap around her and devour her whole.
They don't need a fancy dinner, but they will need some privacy. And something to sustain them all night long. Sonia will even thank him by cooking a frozen pizza in the oven, if both are available! Cardboard base and all.
Which proves to be the scariest part of the whole ordeal, when you think about it.
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teddy-feathers · 6 years
If you smack your child. Physically intimidate. Grab them too rough or force them to look at something physically...
You can't complain that they're not listening to you/ don't listen to you when you talk.
I just realized that despite appreciating every time my dad took the time to go over something and tell me what the fuck Id done wrong and why it was important - even if those were two to four hour lectures following loud rage tantrums on his part - the reason I did it again later, don't remeber what the hell we talked about, was basically zoning while trying to focus, have no clue days later about the whole thing is because
I'm waiting for the violence to start again.
I couldn't see/ find something obvious because I needed to keep my eyes and attention on him
I couldn't tell you what he was saying because even though he's speaking calmly now that doesnt take away from what happened earlier
I'm still upset about it even if I feel calm now or can laugh at jokes
Like it's not that talking didn't work with me - hell it worked really well just sometimes protecting myself meant choosing between "fuck ups" sometimes hoping you didn't get caught was the best you could do to deal with shit on your own.
Hell. Help has always seemed worse than doing it on my own BECAUSE help was so often treated like a punishment - sure my parents usually found out last minute but thats because I didnt want but was not allowed to refuse help ever.
I remeber distinctly in highschool my dad was reaching for something on a shelf while I was doing dishes - I saw him lift his hand out of the corner of my eye and flinched. He was very much I haven't smacked you upside the head in years - which looking back I dont know if thats true -
But it doesnt matter
You've trainned your kids into a threat response mindset.
It doesn't matter that it wasnt "hard" that I'm not hurt. Doesnt matter if grabbing my neck or shoulder and forcibly turning me to face whatever it was that I missed didn't hurt me. I was scared. I was upset. I wanted desperately to pacify you.
Kinda hard to focus on calm reasonable lectures after that so its not a big wonder that he had to repeat himself a lot when I was growing up
... My dad used to go on about how Id cry at the drop of a hat and make him the bad guy and...
I dont remember the exact science behind it but did you know your kids as infants all the way growing up largly adapt to you. They TRY and make it easier for you to take care of them. This breaks down into several... Parent handling traits. I think the acronym is SMART or something i only heard a little bit about it.
So like. I hated crying when upset but I did it alot. But I also could and can go from crying to laughing and totally "okay" five seconds later becauses not being okay was punished.
Not. Actually punished. Not grounded or yelled at. Just. Attitude, interpersonal conflict between parents, notice which made anxious....
Hell thinking about it - having Avpd is directly a response from my family. Both good and bad attention did not turn out ok it felt like.
Mom and dads arguments happened because of how dad acted but. Nobody likes screaming matches between parents. Violence can be words. And I was always good and understanding what they were fighting about and how itd circle back to me if it didnt start there.
I didn't get it exactly right. I knew mom would defend me to dad when I got in trouble only eventually that felt bad because I had done something wrong but that... Was never the issue. It was how my dad handled the situation.
And every argument came back to I was making the same mistakes or fuck ups telling the same lies whatever so obviously the only thing I "understood" was yelling and being spanked and smacks upside the head.
I didnt understand that. I just. Stopped doing anything besides reading. I was just cowed. I was afraid. And when you did speak instead of yelling or physical intimidation I was still afraid.
I wanted to listen but youd made it so I couldnt. I was a dumb kid and I learned a lot of my bad habits as a defense against you. Maybe I was a manipulative lying lazy child but I didn't make you the bad guy.
You saw your kid as a villain and then proceeded to treat them like one, make them into one, instead of dealing with your child as a child.
And you treated your wife like a child because she didnt agree with you, because if youte not going to be happy no matter what happens why not treat herself. If youre going to take away her right to make desicions by giving her like a child right and wrong answers she's not going to want to be invovled or participate or even bother trying to help you do responsible things and shes going to continue to do things to spite you.
You think youre being forced to be a bully. You think things are black and white and yours is the logical way and youre good at trapping people into either agreeing with you or being "wrong"
My Aunt and Dad are a lot a like and god almighty the Hyde family is fucked up.
They want to treat you like people but they dont know how and so they do this shit and still think theyre in the right. And we're judgmental as fuck and make our decision and expect the world to get in line.
Ffs I'm only now learning to shedd myself and my past I dont know how the fuck to help mom but looking back I can see she needs it now.
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