#one time i was taking a nap and my parents kept telling me to get up and so i got up. but it was a dream and then i woke up. then i fell
i keep having this thing where im in like. a sleep loop
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quin-ns · 1 year
Neighborhood Dilf (Joel Miller x Reader)
Word count: 2.7K
Summary: joel finds out he has a nickname and he asks you what it means
Tags: pre-outbreak this is a happy fic guys!! I didn’t specify a year but let’s put it at 2000 for funsies so sarah is like 11 and joel is like 30ish. also fluff, humor, flirting, age gap, goofy plot (I don’t know what this is honestly), joel being the definition of a dilf and not knowing it, crushes, overall cuteness. also suburbia
A/N: I saw a tiktok where someone said they just knew joel was the neighborhood dilf and they were so real for that I had to write it. and no I don’t care that the word was popularized online we’re using it here. I’m here to provide a cute fluffy fanfic not a historically accurate one lol. also sorry if your name is bee, I tried to come up with a name for the friend that was a nickname so if it was someone’s actual name they could just imagine their full name (I overthink)
cross-posted to ao3 • tlou masterlist • main masterlist
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The loud music coming from outside woke you up from your afternoon nap. After spending a semester at college struggling to find even an hour of sleep, you were taking as many of those as possible. You were a little grouchy at first as you threw your covers off and stormed to your window, but quickly calmed down when you realized it was the annual block party your neighborhood hosted during the summer.
You’d gotten an in-person invite from Bee, another girl home from college who you’d been friends with in high school before going your separate ways. You still kept in touch since she was nice enough, which is how you found out her family was hosting this year. She’d confided in you personally that she would quote “go crazy if it was all kids and old people.”
As you looked out into their front yard, which was diagonal to yours, you saw that’s pretty much all it was. Since you were such a good friend, you decided that you’d go. 
You were getting dressed (at a leisurely pace) when your phone started to ring. You picked it up from your desk after you pulled your pink sundress on and flipped it open. The caller ID read Bee’s name and you answered, ready to tell her you were on your way.
“He’s here,” she said, sounding mistified, before you could even open your mouth. 
“Who?” you wondered, furrowing your brows a little to yourself as you went to the window.
“The neighborhood dilf,” Bee replied under her breath. 
The nickname made you laugh. It reminded you of high school. It had started as a joke, something you had started calling the new guy who’d moved into the neighborhood with his daughter a few years back. Later you found out his name was Joel Miller, but the nickname spread like wildfire to all the other girls in the neighborhood and it just stuck. 
Everyone knew about it; the girls of course, their confused parents, jealous boys who thought Joel was stealing their attention—the only person who wasn't aware of the moniker (as far as you knew) was Joel. Well, you hoped his daughter didn’t know either. Thankfully, after time, everyone forgot that you had started it. It was a bit embarrassing.
You walked away from the window to your closet and slid on your flip flops—it was summer in Texas, after all.
“You need to get over here, Y/N—what?” the last word sounded distant from the phone. “Yeah, she’s supposed to be on her way,” Bee replied, but to someone else.
“Um, hello?” you asked, waiting.
Bee was quiet for a few seconds, then whisper shouted into the phone, “you’ll never guess what just happened!”
“Let me guess, Joel just walked up and professed his love for you,” you teased, laughing at your own joke. “What, were my parents asking for me or something?” you guessed for real that time, recalling the small bit you had heard her say.
“Unfortunately no, and also no,” she sounded a little too disappointed about the first part, which made you chuckle again. “He did just ask me about you though.”
“The dilf.”
“Just use his name,” you told her with a roll of your eyes, heading out of your room to the stairs. “Wait.” You stopped for a second. “Joel asked about me?” 
“Yeah. I changed my mind, you’re not invited.”  If it wasn’t for her obvious sarcasm you might’ve thought she was serious. “He heard me say your name and asked if you’d be here soon. I—hey!” she yelled, causing you to pull the phone from your ear for a second. You continued your descent down the stairs as she yelled something about ‘kids’ and ‘stay out of there’. “I gotta go,” she said suddenly, then hung up.
You just shook your head with a small, amused smile and left your phone on the counter. Stupid dress and no pockets. 
You headed out the front door and walked across the street towards the party. 
It was in full swing. Music, games, food table—it looked like something out of a magazine. The Grants had a huge front yard—it was one of the nicer houses in the neighborhood—and it seemed like everyone was there. There were kids running around, adults all mingling—some sitting at the fold out tables, others walking around, others chasing their kids—there was also a group of dads surrounding the grill. You glanced that way and didn’t see Joel. You wondered where he was and if you should find him, but Bee found you first.
“The kids aren’t supposed to go inside alone and two of those little jerks went into my room,” Bee complained right away, straightening out her white blouse over her jean shorts. Her pinned back brown hair was a little messy, though. You wondered what happened, which she quickly answered. “I saw them jumping on my bed through the window.”
“Sounds like fun,” you commented sarcastically. Bee looped her arm through yours. 
“My dad set up ring toss and it’s all little kids, I don’t wanna be the only adult playing. Come on.” She dragged you along in that direction and you willingly went with.
You saw a few kids from the neighborhood playing, mostly the preteens who were too old for hopscotch but whose parents had told them they weren't old enough for the mini golf (one of the boys had overshared that little comment). 
“Y/N!” a girl's voice called. You looked that way and saw Sarah Miller walking towards you. A few days out of the week when her dad was working late, you’d go over to their house and keep an eye on her (before you left for college). It was the easiest babysitting gig you ever had; she was polite, always did her school work, and hardly caused any problems. Her dad had raised her very well. 
She looked older than you remembered her being, but you had been gone for both fall and spring semesters—well, you had been home for winter break briefly, but not enough to see anyone other than your parents.
“Sarah, hi!” you greeted, accepting the hug she offered when she got close. “How are you?”
“Good!” she said with a smile. “Are you guys gonna play with us?” she asked you and Bee. “I keep beating them and it’s not fun anymore.” 
You and Bee both laughed at that. “Sure, why not.”
“It feels weird playing with her after talking about how hot her dad is,” Bee whispered in your ear when Sarah went first. “You think he’ll come over here?”
“And what would you do if he did?” you challenged while hiding a chuckle, raising your brows at her.
“Um, probably nothing,” she admitted, cheeks a little pink. “He’s fun to look at though.” 
You hummed. “You’re not wrong.” 
The two of you played a few rounds of ring toss, although Bee got very bored quickly. “Can we go get some drinks?” she asked after not that long of playing.
“Sure,” you decided. You waved bye to Sarah and the others as the two of you walked off towards the cooler.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed some of the other girls in the neighborhood that hadn’t been in attendance before. For a couple that you knew, it didn’t seem like their scene. 
“What are they doing here?” you asked Bee.
“I may or may not have also told them the neighborhood dilf was here. They, uh, wanted to… see him,” she answered, avoiding eye contact.
You raised your brows in slight disbelief. “Are you serious?” 
“I wanted more people our age here,” Bee defended. “I wasn’t sure if you were even gonna show.”
You scoffed out a laugh. “You’re ridiculous,” you told her.
You reached the cooler and knelt down. You handed Bee a water, but she didn’t accept it. You looked up at her.
“Keep an eye out for the dilf, I haven’t seen him in a while. I’ll be right back,” Bee told you, taking off before you could say anything. You guessed the bathroom given her speed walking inside.
You laughed a little to yourself as you stood back up. You kept the water for yourself. You looked out amongst the crowd, realizing you were now on your own while everyone was in groups. You saw a couple people you were friends with and thought of maybe going up and joining them, but someone else spotted you first.
Joel Miller, the aforementioned neighborhood dilf, was walking towards you. Bee would be jealous, especially if she knew you and Joel were actually friends.
You had thought about telling Bee and some of the other girls that you were friends with Joel, given how much they just loved to gossip about him (how he was still single, how he looked really good in his pajamas getting the mail, that one time he took his shirt off while mowing the lawn—that was a big day) but then you thought better of it, not wanting to be run out of town by a jealous mob.
You were already getting glances by the time Joel stopped by your side so maybe your humbleness was pointless.
“Saw you all alone, thought I’d come keep you company,” Joel broke the ice with ease.
How long had he been watching you? The thought made your cheeks feel warm.
“Wow, what a gentleman,” you teased lightly, causing Joel to chuckle.
“I try,” he joked back, shooting you a small wink.
When you had first met Joel you were nervous around him. It was much easier to talk to him now that the two of you had become friends rather than acquaintances. He was an easy guy to get along with and you found yourself genuinely enjoying his company rather than just gawking at him in his yard from your window (like you used to do in high school). Your crush hadn’t disappeared though, so you joked around with him as a way to keep things casual and avoid getting in your own head. 
“Sarah told me you were finally here, she was happy to see you,” Joel mentioned with a light smile.
That made you smile back. “She’s a sweet kid,” you told him. “I was happy to see her too.”
You fiddled with the water bottle in your hand as you spoke, trying to unscrew the cap. The stupid thing was stuck and after a few seconds you gave up.
Joel gave you an amused look, glancing between your face and hands. “You want help with that?”
“Yes, please,” you handed it to him. “There you go again, proving chivalry isn’t dead. Thank you.”
Joel unscrewed the cap with ease and handed it back. “Happy to be at your service.”
“So, you guys been here a while?” you asked, sparking up conversation.
“Not too long, only an hour or so. It’s been fun though,” Joel explained. “More for Sarah than for me,” he admitted, glancing around to find his daughter. He spotted her and she waved, then continued playing with her friends.
“Why’s that?” you wondered, looking up at him just as he looked down at you. 
“Just… I mean, everyone is nice and all,” he started. “But I just feel like I got nothin’ to talk about with them, y’know? Except you.”
“Really?” You tried to not sound too thrown off by that, but you didn’t know he felt like that. It was interesting to say the least. 
“Is that such a surprise?” he wondered, raising an eyebrow curiously.
You shrugged. “Maybe a little. I get it though, I haven’t really talked to anyone other than Bee yet.”
“I don’t know if you’re friends with them, but I saw a bunch of girls your age walking around,” Joel said as a suggestion. 
“Nah, I’d rather just talk to you,” you said casually, before you could even think about what you had said. The look on Joel’s face changed a little, like he was trying to bite back a bigger smile.
“Well, that’s nice to hear,” he said after a moment. Your eyes met his and the way he looked at you made your heart skip a beat. You had to look away to be able to breathe, almost certain you were reading into things. You really, really did not want to be disappointed.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Joel said, making you realize you hadn’t spoken yet.
“Sure, yeah.”
“You know… young person lingo, don't you?”
You laughed at the awkward wording. If it had been any of the other adults here using the word “lingo” you would’ve cringed, but there was something cute about the way Joel said it. You tried to snap that thought out of your head.
“Mostly, yeah,” you replied with a little chuckle paired with a curious tone. “What’s up?”
“Do you know what a dilf is?” he asked bluntly. That alone told you he had no idea. 
You were so stunned, all you could think to say was, “why?”
“Well, those girls I mentioned… I overhead some of them calling me that,” he explained, his eyebrows furrowing a little. “It’s not bad, is it?” 
Was this karma coming back to you for starting the nickname? It wouldn’t have surprised you. 
“It’s not bad, no,” you assured while also avoiding the main question.
“What is it then?” Joel’s interest was piqued now and while you couldn’t blame him, you also couldn’t think of a way to make this not weird.
“It’s an acronym,” you started. Joel watched you intently, waiting for an explanation. “It means dad I’d like to…” you trailed off, hinting at him the word to fill in the blank.
Joel just looked even more confused. “To what?”
Somehow he made cluelessness incredibly attractive.
Screw it, you thought. This was already weird. Rip the bandaid off, right? “Fuck,” you finished before you could think better of it. 
“Oh,” he stated. You knew it took a second for realization to hit. “Oh. So that means they, um,”
“It’s basically like saying you’re hot,” you explained, filling in when he couldn’t. You hoped he wouldn’t find it insulting or anything like that.
Joel looked a little bashful but found amusement in the situation nonetheless. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should,” you suggested, then sipped your water. You looked out at the people milling about rather than meeting his gaze.
“Do you think I’m one?”
You nearly choked on your water. “What?”
“Sorry,” Joel apologized quickly, trying to laugh it off. “I shouldn't've asked that.”
“It’s alright,” you assured him. You paused for a minute, contemplating what you might say to that. You got a rush of bravery. “If you’re asking if I think you’re attractive… the answer is yes.”
Joel couldn’t hold back his smile. He tried, but it was a failed effort. It was like he was trying to contain his anticipation. “What about if I wanted to ask you out? What would your answer be then?”
Joel grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that,” he admitted. 
“Dad!” Sarah’s voice caused the two of you to look away from one another. You saw her running up to you guys and hoped she hadn’t heard a word of your conversation. “Can you come play with me? Mr. Grant just set up a bean bag toss!” 
“Sure, kiddo,” he told her. She grabbed his hand and started to drag him away. 
You smiled a little to yourself at the interaction—he was such a good dad.
Joel slowed her down a little bit to look back at you. “I’ll call you later, okay?” 
“Sounds good,” you replied, chuckling lightly. 
The Millers disappeared into the roaming people. You tried to follow them with your gaze but your attention got torn away.
“Waiting in a line for the bathroom in my own house is messed up,” Bee said, popping out seemingly out of nowhere. “What’s got you so happy?” she wondered, eyeing the smile on your face that couldn’t be erased.
“You won’t believe what just happened,” you replied. A part of you still couldn’t believe it. “I’ve got a date with the neighborhood dilf.”
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joel taglist: @the-ice-frozen-ground-red-rose @dontphunkwithmylove @cilliansangel @amethystwonders11 @frogsmuahh037 @andy-rocks @melllinaa @alitaar @melanie451 @b00kw0rmsworld @reverieisaway @avengersfan25 @aheadfullofsteverogers @strangeh0rizons @spideysimpossiblegirl @shannonmariebee
if you would like to be added to the joel taglist just send me an ask or a message! <3
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classypauli · 7 months
She’s the Man
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem Reader A/N: You guys... this one drained me out. I still can´t believe the feedback I´m getting. You are the best!! From the bottom of my heart thank you 🤍 happy reading ;) Warning: grammar mistakes, spelling errors Word count: 3.7k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
It was friday afternoon, Y/N was sitting in her last class, looking out of the window. She wasn´t listening to her professor. Her mind was currently thinking about the spider web she was put in. Or more like she created.
It was her fault as well. If she had been more careful and more unnoticing, this wouldn´t be this hard. And to be honest? What was she even thinking? She really thought that everything would go back to normal?
She wasn´t Charlie and she would never be. Even when they were twins. Same yet so different.
She let herself be lost a little and completely forgot about her brother. Her friends now know her as her, they know her personality, what she likes and dislikes, her hobbies, and how she acts. But they don´t know her by her name. Confusing. How is she even going to explain this? Or would they act like she wasn´t him the whole time?
Before she even noticed, her professor already ended the lesson. She slowly picked herself up from the chair, took her books, and walked out of the class. Y/N made her way to her locker, opened it, and found some paper. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What is this? It wasn´t hers, she was sure of it. The tall girl looked around the hallway if she would catch someone but nothing. She pushed it in her bag and walked away to her dorm.
This morning Mason texted her, reminding her of today´s plan. Georgie offered them his house, actually his parent´s house, but he didn´t want to hear them saying that. They are probably going to order some takeout, play some games, and have fun. Y/N was pretty excited.
She was now taking an afternoon nap. She loved afternoon naps but the worst thing about them was when you fell into a deep sleep and woke up with a sweaty forehead, barely knowing where were you or what year was.
She talked a little with her brother, he was slowly ending his tour and should be home next week. She didn´t tell him about her. About Jenna. Y/N didn´t know why but she wanted to push it as far as she could. The girl didn´t want to think about it if she didn´t have to yet. That´s probably her worst habit of her, leaving everything to the last minute.
„Go! What are you doing?!“ Georgie shouted as he stood up from a couch with a controller in his hand. They were playing a Mario Kart, competed against each other and some were a little more competitive than others.
Y/N and Mason laughed at him, holding their stomach in the process, tears in their eyes. Oh boy, it´s been a long time since they were laughing this hard. Georgie´s character crashed his car into a wall and couldn´t move from the spot. He was so frustrated by it that he was yelling the whole time with his legs moving up and down.
„Shut up! I can´t concentrate!“ they kept laughing, now leaning into one another, Mason´s arm around her shoulders still having a fit of laughter. He was playing against Hunter who was calmly laying on the couch, his character riding his car without any trouble. He slowly made it to the finish line and looked up at the boy beside him smirking slowly.
„This was unfair!“ he shouted at them making excuses for how his controller was broken and telling them how he wanted to go again.
They argued a little but he wasn´t giving up so they gave him one more chance. Which was by the way failure again. So he just folded his arms and sat on the couch, pouting like a little boy. It was so much fun.
This whole thing was Mason´s idea and it was, to be honest, so fine. As the girls were in the kitchen, the boys were in the living room waiting for them to be finished while playing some video games. They were making homemade pizza and some pasta. Gideon was amazing in the kitchen, she knew everything and it was clear this was her thing. She was enjoying it so much.
While making the food, the girls were drinking red wine. They weren´t drunk, saying that they were just tasting the wine. Well, whatever works for you.
After they finished everybody went into the living room. Relaxing music was heard around the room, Y/N was sitting in the big armchair, quietly enjoying the pizza while listening to others conversations. They talked about school, the next football match, their families, favorite childhood memories, and more. It was relaxing, seeing her favorite people getting along, and laughing together.
Through the night they got to play Monopoly, Uno and even started singing songs. They got pretty drunk but not much. Y/N with the urge to pee stood up to go to the bathroom, she made it there, did her thing, and was now washing her hands. Y/N felt arms around her from behind, hugging her, head in between her shoulder blades. By the hands, she knew who it was. The girl turned around and was met with Jenna´s eyes, her chin now on her chest, looking up in her eyes. She was more clingy these days, always smiling, leaning into her, or holding her hand. Y/N of course didn´t mind.
„Hi.“ Jenna smiled still looking into her eyes. Y/N looked up from her feeling a little bit shy from her gaze.
„Uhm... how´s going?“ Y/N asked making a thin line with her lips as she looked down at the smaller girl again.
„Amazing.“ That was all she said. The wine got her a little but she didn´t want to admin it. Jenna now felt a lot more confident and relaxed. Most of the time when she is around you she feels nervous, but not in a bad way, more like she can even feel her heart beating in her chest. With a little help from wine, she wasn´t even noticing that now.
„Why don´t you want me?“ Suddenly it got quiet, you could start hearing your breathing. Jenna asked the question in a low voice, as she was afraid of your answer. You raised an eyebrow at her, not getting her question. When did she get the idea of you not liking her?
„I don´t understand.“ Jenna kept looking at you with her eyes getting lost in yours, looking almost desperate.
She sighed and now put her forehead against your sternum with closed eyes „Every time we have a moment you rush away from me.“ She got even more quiet after that, in this position she felt vulnerable. „It hurts me when you do that.“
You put one hand against her back and the other on her head, hugging her, you kissed her head slowly swaying her to the sides.
Now you were outside. In the backyard of the house, there were loungers with blankets and pillows. It was the perfect time of the year when Saturn was most visible in the dark like this.
They were lying down looking at the sky above them, pointing at constellations and falling stars. You were lying down in Jenna´s lap leaning against her chest and her lying on the lounger. She had her hands around you, slowly stroking your hair, blanket over your legs. She was again in your hoodie, she decided that it was now her favorite type of clothing. You gave it to her when you saw goosebumps on her arms from the cold.
Others went to sleep, saying they were too tired, some fell asleep right on the couch, like Georgie, and others managed to make it into the guest room.
Y/N and Jenna were still lying there, alcohol which was in their bodies already faded. The taller girl was thinking about what Jenna said to her, and how she felt. Y/N doesn´t want her to suffer. She doesn´t deserve it. This unfair feeling towards Jenna is growing. It grew to the stage where she knew, she needed to do something about it.
You slowly looked up at her, she was looking up at the stars, with her hands still in your hair. She felt you move and saw you staring at her. You told her to switch and now you were the one leaning into lounger. She was standing above you, not knowing where to put herself. It was cute but you also felt a little bad, she was doing it because she didn´t want you to be uncomfortable.
Y/N opened her arms, waiting for the smaller girl to join her. Her eyes flashed and she slowly sat into your lap sideways, arms around each other. Both of you were looking at the stars above you, sharing heath between bodies. With your arms strongly around her, she felt protected. It was just you and her, in this position, silently watching the endless universe. It created a feeling that when you two are together, you can manage to do anything. You got her, she got you.
You were having convos about most random things. Each time you said something funny, she laughed and you hugged her a little tighter. You both stopped and now you remembered her words in the bathroom from not long ago.
„I´m sorry...“ you started looking at her „I didn´t want you to feel unwanted.“ Stroking her hair behind her ear. She furrowed her eyebrows softly, looking down at your hands around her. She knew what you were talking about.
Jenna smiled almost sadly at you „No it´s okay I understand-„
„No, please... let me explain.“ You put your finger against her lips, shutting her down, her big eyes now giving you their full attention.
„I... I want you to know that I didn´t mean to make you feel like that...“ you gulped, not knowing how to explain to her in the best way. 
„...I-I just... there´s something I´m currently dealing with and...“ you looked up from your lap where she was sitting to her face. You cared about her, more than you even realize. You wanted to say everything to her, what´s bothering you, how you feel, why you act like this. She deserves to know. Jenna wanted to know it too, it was clear to her it was something serious. But she didn´t want to push you, she wanted to have your full trust.
You thought about the right words to use, but in this position, with Jenna on your lap, arms around each other, looking into one another with so much adoration... your mind just said the most important words. To make her feel better.
„I want you Jenna.“ You whispered gently.
Jenna breathed out the air from her lungs as a stone fell from her heart. She was preparing herself to hear that you only like her as a friend or that you aren´t looking for a relationship right now, which she would absolutely understand. But it would hurt her a little, she didn´t want to lie. That´s what she deserves for turning down every guy who ever looked her way.
But hearing you say those words. She shook with excitement. The girl pushed herself up, and sat into your lap with her thighs on your sides now, looking at you with her soft doe eyes.
You grabbed the smaller girl´s thighs pulling her a little bit more close to you. Her arms were around your neck, playing with your hair gently. Your inhales started to get harder and couldn´t breathe regularly. Jenna kept staring at you with her face relaxed and patiently waiting. With chests joined together, both of you felt your hearts beating fast. Like talking to each other, craving for their connection.
Jenna moved her hands to the sides of Y/N´s face, looking into her eyes. The tension was so strong someone could cut it with a knife.
You slowly leaned into her, bending your head to the side. She understood immediately what was happening, couldn´t believe it, finally after dreaming and craving for it for so long. Slowly following your action and connecting your lips.
Your emotions were on top, you have never felt like this. Kissing Jenna´s soft lips was so addicting. She was holding your head between her hands, pushing you closer and closer, feeling your lips touching, enjoying every move of them. She looked into your eyes, almost breathless, looking hot with her chest rising up and down, her dimples softly showing at full display. In a second she grabbed you again pulling you into another kiss, this time smiling into it.
Your chest was completed, it finally found the other heart.
The next few days went by fast, Y/N spent every day with her friends but also thinking about her issue. She feels more anxiety and now even her friends can feel it from her. She is most of the time tense or just staring blankly to nowhere, thinking about the best way how to explain it.
Right now the girl is with Jenna, they are studying for the upcoming chemistry test. A table full of books and papers, Y/N groans and lets her head fall onto the table.
,,It´s too much” she mumbles which her classmate only laughs at.
,,Come on, there´s not much left.” Trying to energize her back. Already three hours passed since they started. Y/N doesn´t hate chemistry, even though it´s definitely not her favorite, she thinks it can be a fun subject if you are learning interesting things. But right now it only brings her a headache. Y/N puts her chin on one of the books and looks at Jenna. The girl is buried in a book, focusing on her studies, looking effortlessly beautiful.
For almost her whole life it was hard for her to let someone in. She didn´t have a problem with anyone, she just trusted herself the most. If someone told her that she would meet someone with whom she would be connected like the girl in front of her she wouldn´t believe it. She adores Jenna so much, that she can´t get enough of her, there´s no topic that she would be bored of when she´s having a conversation with the girl.
She adores how she talks and the way when she´s talking she uses her hands. She adores the dimples that pop out of her cheeks when she smiles. She adores her lips and her voice and her laugh, especially the one she can´t hold and forgets to put her hand in front of her.
She adores her opinions and how she is always trying to bring the best out of others, how supportive and creative she is. Her sense of humor and her brightness.
The girl knew she liked her, more than a friend, and her feelings were only growing each time she was with her. Y/N would do anything to keep her in her life, she needs to say it to her. She´s going to do it. She doesn´t care, not anymore.
To Y/N, Jenna was special, she was someone for her only. Finally, she felt like she also deserved something just for herself. At least one time in her life she wants to be selfish, she deserves it.
Neither Y/N nor Jenna didn´t talk about the kiss, but they weren´t shy about it either. With holding hands, smiling faces, nonstop texting, and hanging around, the two girls became almost inseparable. After that night, they didn´t share another kiss, even though they should talk about it because there are many feelings unsaid.
Not knowing saving it for later may bring unwanted issues.
Charlie was walking down the street, and finally, he was back. He came yesterday and to be honest, he was pretty excited. He missed Y/N and his parents, and friends and spending time with them. Right now he is going to get a coffee at the local coffee shop, he should meet some of his friends over there who want to catch up.
,,Charlie!” he heard his friend David from one of the tables beside the window. There was sitting his friend group. "Missed you, man! How was the tour?" They ordered and started talking about everything he got to see. Showed him photos and videos, and even let them listen to some of the new music he started to make.
He was so happy that finally, he could be back. Charlie called his twin, saying that he was home already, they were going to meet tomorrow because of school. He loves his sister, what she did for him wouldn´t do to anybody. Because of her, he could go on the tour he wanted. He owes her and he is ready to do anything to repay.
Jenna was sitting by the table, enjoying a quiet Wednesday and cool weather. Today was pretty cloudy, people were walking with their umbrellas in hands, ready to use them if the rain started. It has been like this since morning but still no sign of rain drop.
Listening to music while slowly drinking coffee, is one of the things she enjoys the most, in the back of the cafeteria, having a clear view outside of the window but also people in here. She is waiting for Emma who was still in the class, they agreed to go shopping today.
She puts her headphones down as the waitress comes to her asking if she needs anything, Jenna pays for coffee, sitting in her seat a little more. Now she´s looking out of the window, somehow her thoughts goes to you, making her smile. You are always in her mind, even when she´s not with you in the moment. Your smile and your eyes are the only things she sees these days. She likes you. You are the first person ever in her life that she thinks about like this. Her feelings are serious and she hopes yours are too. After your kiss, she can´t stop thinking about it, about your lips on hers, your hands on her body, and how you were like puzzles. You were her other half she was trying to find. Jenna wanted to be with you and she´d do anything to be with you.
Jenna heard someone call from the entrance. She raised her head and looked that way. She saw a group of people at the table opposite her. She double time checked if she saw right, at first she thought her mind was playing tricks on her but she was sure you were sitting at that table, your back to her.
She saw a girl running to you, the one who was yelling your name, you stood up and hugged her. She was now confused and felt a little jealous of the girl. It was clear you both know each other and maybe even more than she thought. She furrowed her eyebrows at you. You have never told her about any of your friends, except Mason, Hunter, or Georgie. You barely talked about your family, only mentioned your sister and that was only because she asked.
Still looking at both of you holding each other like your life depends on it. Your friend pushed herself from the hug and put her hands on both sides of your face. Jenna´s heart started bumping, harder and harder. Please no. Oh God please no.
But she stopped completely breathing when the girl kissed you, hard on the lips. And you kissed her back, holding her waist.
The brown-eyed girl´s heart broke. She has never felt pain like this like someone was strangling her. Tears started to form in her eyes, lips trembled as she watched the scene. She felt like an idiot. Was she really thinking that something could be between you? That you liked her?
She stood up from her legs and rushed out of the coffee shop around the two of you with a broken heart.
Y/N was lying in her bed, phone in her hand. Enjoying the cloudy weather. Her brother texted her about their tomorrow plan and she was excited. The girl hadn´t seen him in so long, it was strange not having him around. As she was scrolling through her social media, dying of boredom, she suddenly remembered the paper she found in her locker couple of days ago. She shoots up to her legs, pulling the folded paper out. She opened it and what she found there, wasn´t what she was expecting.
Fell for you like a kid, first time riding a bike, like a tough ground scarred their knee, you scarred my heart. My wish is, to sit with you in an old chair, in the countryside somewhere, covered in a blanket, mugs in our hands, on your shoulder is my head, watching our sunset, knees touching, sharing heat, only you can make me pleased. I´m not a love poet, yet you are my love poem.
It was a poem. She sat on her bed as her head was trying to process what her eyes just red. On the left bottom was the initial. J.
It was clearly her. Y/N told Jenna she liked poems and she was enjying writing them. Now she wrote her one. Confessing her love.
She pushed the air out of her lungs. Slowly picking her hands up to support her head. She sniffled. Y/N didn´t know why she was crying, her heart was beating too fast almost like she was having a heart attack.
She barely cried, even when she was by herself. She hated when she was crying and she hated even more when she was crying in front of others. For the girl, it was embarrassing like she was fragile. Showing her weakness. For the longest time of her life, she was fighting with this. Y/N knew it was nothing bad to show this kind of emotion. But her mind was fighting back, and her heart took it all.
To her, Jenna was everything. After reading this she realized her true feelings and that she can´t keep Jenna in this lie anymore. She stood up from the bed, looking at now raindrops falling outside, fixing herself, and rushed out of the dorm with confidence. She´s going to say it to her. She´s going to confess. Jenna will no longer know her as Charlie but as Y/N. Finally as her. And how she loves her.
But if she only knew it was too late.
next chapter
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 25 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Now that Bradley had the ring, he didn't want to wait. He kept thinking about what it would mean to move in with you and Everett and be a family. He wanted all of it. So he got Everett to help him out one last time. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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You locked your office door and sank down into your seat. You were too nervous to eat the lunch you packed for yourself as you got your phone out to call your lawyer. It had taken you a few days, but you decided what you wanted to do about Danny. It wasn't ideal, but you'd do it. 
As you sat and listened to the hold music playing in your ear, you poked at your sad looking salad. Danny was going to blow up at you after this. And it would be months and months before you saw a cent, but you supposed it was the best you could get since you couldn't get Danny stripped of parental rights. Tears pricked at your eyes, because you just wanted him gone. Good and truly gone with no ability to come back and hurt Everett again.
When your lawyer returned to the line, you told him that you wanted to move forward with serving papers to Danny to petition for child support. If you couldn't get rid of Danny, at least you could pad Ev's college account or help him buy a car someday. 
"You do understand that Daniel can take four months to contest the petition? And that's on top of the time it may take to serve him the papers?"
You rested your forehead on your desk and took a deep breath. At least you would be the one dealing all of this shit behind the scenes so Ev wouldn't have to know about it. But Bradley was always imploring you to be more open with him about this, so you'd have to figure out how to tell him that Danny was here to stay. Unless you and Bradley ever got married. Unless Bradley ever wanted to petition to adopt Everett. 
"Yes," you said, your voice only a harsh whisper. "I understand. We can proceed." 
As your melancholy settled in, you decided to text Molly about what you did. It didn't take long for your sister to respond. She must not have been working right now. You never could manage to keep track of her schedule, so you had no idea how Bob was so efficient with it. 
Danny is a little baby cocksucker bitch! Bleed him dry! Do it for Ev! I'll help you take over the world after I have a nap.
You snorted, pleased that not a moment had passed since your parents died when Molly was not one hundred percent on your team. And now you had Bradley. And you supposed you had Bob, too. 
A sharp knock on your office door had you jumping in your seat. "Coming," you called, scrambling to go unlock the door only to find Bradley standing there in his khaki uniform with a bunch of tulips and a wrapped sandwich. His aviators were perched on the tip of his nose, and he looked like a fantasy. You could see three of the receptionists leaning out of their cubicles to get a better look at him.
"Kitten," he whispered with a grin before kissing your cheek. When you silently pushed your door open wider, he brushed past you, and you closed it behind him. 
"What are you doing here?" you asked breathlessly. He set the food and the flowers down on your desk, and you rushed into his arms.
"I just missed you," he whispered in your ear. "And it's Tuesday. Technically the slowest day of the week. I needed a pick-me-up." And with that, he scooped you up into his arms while you gasped, and he deposited you on the edge of your desk.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," you told him, reaching out to pull him closer. He tossed his sunglasses onto your desk, and then you couldn't even remember what you wanted to tell him. Something about your lawyer? His hands were on your bare knees, sliding up under your black skirt.
"You know I love this," he whispered, pushing your skirt up your bare thighs. "I like to daydream about this skirt. On your bedroom floor. Or all bunched up around your waist."
You coaxed his lips down to yours with your finger under his chin and kissed him softly. "I have some free time right now."
Instantly, he was lifting your butt up off of your desk and yanking your skirt up over your hips and around your waist. You squealed with delight as he set you back down and smiled as he knelt in front of you. "Really?" he asked, nudging your inner thigh with his nose and kissing you there. 
"Yes," you giggled as he looked up at you. When you spread your legs wide for him, he kissed your core through your underwear, and you gasped, "Go lock my door, Coach."
He dipped his long index finger inside the lace fabric and nudged your clit with his knuckle. "Where's the fun in that?"
You moaned, and then you were shimmying your underwear down your legs. Bradley tucked them into pocket, and you couldn't believe you were letting him do this with the door unlocked. But the prickle of his mustache along your slit had you grabbing at the back of his head and spreading open further for him. 
He licked a long stripe from your opening up to nibble on your clit, and you dug your fingers into his hair. "That's a good Kitten," he rasped, kissing along your pussy and thighs as he slipped his index finger inside you. Just a few strokes and you were whining for him, your thighs clamping around his head. But he pushed them apart again and kept them in place with his other, huge hand.
"Bradley," you gasped, and he pulled you a little closer to the edge as he sucked on your clit. "Oh god." 
He released you and licked a circle that had you tugging on his hair. "Wanna make sure you think about me when you're at work, Baby," he grunted before rubbing his mustache through your wetness until you were getting a little loud. 
"Bradley!" you whined. He was good. You leaned back on one hand as he made your legs shake. And when he looked up at you as he circled your clit lazily with his tongue, you knew you were getting close. "Keep going," you told him, rocking against his face a little bit. 
The sight of him buried between your legs with your fingers messing up his hair took you all the way. Because when he wrapped his lips around your clit one more time, you came for him. Loud and needy. And then you slowly sat fully upright again while your ears buzzed. He was still placing soft kisses on you everywhere that used to be covered by your underwear. 
"I love you, Kitten," he whispered as he squeezed your thighs and stood up to kiss you. His mustache was wet, and you licked him while you moaned softly. His whole face tasted like you as you licked and kissed him. It was intoxicating, and you pulled him closer so the front of his uniform pants rubbed against your pussy. He was rock hard.
"You wanna?" you asked him as he stroked his fingers along your cheek. 
"Fuck, you know I do," he promised, rubbing his mustache down your neck. "But I need to get back to work."
You bit your lip and watched him reluctantly pull away from you and adjust himself. There was a little wet spot on his pants that absolutely thrilled you as you asked, "Where's my underwear?"
His smile was smug. "In my pocket. I'm gonna hang them in my locker at work like a little souvenir."
You gasped, your pussy still bare for him with your skirt hiked up. An embarrassingly needy little sound escaped you as he patted his right pocket. 
"I hope you don't mind if the guys see them."
You pressed your lips together. You actually really liked that underwear. They were a stretchy white lace thong that you found comfortable. But if Bradley wanted to put them in his locker and think of you every time he hit the shower, then you were more than happy to let him have them.
"I don't mind," you whispered. "But you know you're going to make Bob blush, right?"
Bradley kissed your forehead and said, "Molly has broken him in, I think. He doesn't blush as much as he used to. Now, don't forget, we have plans for the Fourth of July. And I'll see you at your house later tonight after my practice."
You nodded and watched him leave as you stood up and pulled your skirt down. "Love you, Kitten," he called from your open door with his erection still visible in his pants before he strolled away.
You looked at the sandwich he left for you as your stomach growled. Your appetite was back again since talking to your lawyer, so you sat and ate it while you smiled at the spot on your desk where you just had an orgasm. 
As soon as you pulled up the spreadsheet you had been working on, your phone vibrated on your desk next to the tulips he left for you. He sent you a photo of your white lace thong hanging up in his locker. 
Bradley Bradshaw: I wasn't joking. I'm looking forward to getting lots of compliments on my new decoration.
You squeezed your thighs together and squealed. 
Bradley had to rush back to base. When he stopped by the locker room to drop off his keys and wallet, he pulled your underwear out of his pocket. They were a little damp, and when he pressed them to his nose, your scent overwhelmed him. He should have fucking stayed long enough to bury his cock and his cum inside you. What was he thinking? A reprimand from one of the admirals would have been worth it. 
With a deep sigh, he hung his pretty souvenir on one of the hooks and snapped a photo. He sent it to you as he literally ran outside and across the tarmac to the meeting room for his afternoon session. He had your underwear in his locker and your engagement ring in his kitchen drawer. 
He had big plans for that ring. There were just a few things he needed to prepare, and he couldn't stop smiling as he thought about what he and Everett were planning. He could talk that kid into anything over some McDonald's chicken nuggets. 
But he had to keep his thoughts from wandering too much to you and Ev while Mav was lecturing. Because every time he thought about marrying you, he thought about being Ev's dad. And he really needed to not get too far ahead of himself, because he had no idea if you'd support that idea or not. Bradley got the impression that you wanted sole guardianship and legal rights to your son. And honestly, Bradley could also get behind that. One hundred percent. 
When the lecture ended, Bob was waving his hand in front of Bradley's face. "You ready to head to practice?" he asked cautiously. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," Bradley grunted, jumping out of his seat. Today was the first practice for the rec league team, and Everett had bugged nonstop to come and watch. But Bradley wanted to get one good practice in with nobody there, just in case he ended up being terrible. 
He walked with Bob back to the locker room to change into the navy blue hat and jersey with the number 1 on the back, deciding to skip the shower until later tonight. When he was changing his socks, he saw Bob's eyes wander to his locker, and then he quickly looked away. 
"Nice panties," Jake said as he strolled past on his way to the showers. 
"Thanks," Bradley replied, smirking, because he just knew this was going to get you all flustered when he told you later tonight. 
He drove to practice, and thought about his plan for the Fourth of July. It would be perfect, and somehow, he wasn't even nervous. Because being with you felt right. 
And then he pitched so well, both coaches pulled him aside after practice to tell him he's the best they had ever seen on a recreational team. And Bradley just had to laugh, because he was pretty sure he was still better at playing shortstop. 
"Damn," Bob said in between gulps of his Gatorade. "Your arm is a cannon. I barely managed to hit that single."
"Thanks," Bradley said, rapidly throwing everything into his bag, just wanting to get to your house. And then he paused and really looked at Bob. "Holy shit," he mumbled as Bob adjusted his glasses and checked his phone with a smile. Molly must have texted him. Bob was deeply in love with Molly. Bob might perhaps be Bradley's brother-in-law one day. 
"See you tomorrow," Bob told him with a nod as he hoisted his gear bag up onto his shoulder. And as he walked to the Bronco, Bradley hoped that Everett would be lucky enough to have Bob as his uncle. 
It was late when Bradley got to your house. Everett was already in bed, and you were cleaning up the kitchen and starting to pack lunches for the morning. One more day of work this week, and then you and Everett were both off for Independence Day. And Bradley had invited you to Maverick's hangar for a party and fireworks. 
Of course Everett couldn't wait. But that child idolized Bradley. 
You heard his key in your front door, and your heart skipped around in your chest. "Hi, Kitten," Bradley whispered, dropping his stuff off next to the stairs. "Is Ev sleeping?" he asked, kissing you softly. 
"Probably. I got him in bed about twenty minutes ago."
"I'm gonna go up and check on him," Bradley replied, quietly taking the stairs two at a time. God, you couldn't handle it. Tears filled your eyes. He loved you both, and you wanted him to move in with you in the worst way. But you were just going to have to wait. It would be worth waiting. 
You could hear him come back downstairs a moment later with a little frown. "He was already asleep."
You threw your arms around his waist and squeezed him. "You can make him pancakes and drop him off at summer camp tomorrow. If you want to."
"Of course I want to," Bradley murmured against your hair. "I love your son."
You rubbed your cheek against his soft undershirt and melted into his embrace. "He loves you, too. And if you don't let him come watch you pitch next time, he might cry."
"Fuck. No," he groaned. "You know I can't stand the sight of him in tears. Almost rips my fucking heart out."
You laughed softly. "Guess we'll just have to come to your first game. Now, do you want a bedtime snack while you tell me about practice?"
"I sure do," he mumbled, backing you up against the kitchen island. "Let me finish you off? I had you for lunch, and now you can be my snack."
"Okay," you told him, pushing him away a few inches. He looked at you with wide, curious eyes. "Usually I don't allow food in my bed, but if I'm the snack then I suppose it's fine."
Bradley's eyes narrowed as he scooped you up and carried you upstairs. You had to stifle your laughter so you didn't wake Everett up. When Bradley dropped you onto your bed and climbed on top of you, he took your hands in his and kissed along your neck. 
"Can we talk about the holiday for a minute?" he asked, and you rolled your eyes a little bit. He'd been asking incessantly about taking you to Maverick's and making sure you didn't have anything else planned for the day. 
"Yes, Bradley. But I already told you, Ev and I are free the whole day."
"I wanna take you to the park in the morning," he whispered, his mustache tickling your ear as you enjoyed his delicious body weight. "I want you to see how good Ev is when I pitch to him."
You smiled and wrapped your legs around his hips. "Sounds perfect."
"And then we can head to the party at the hangar. Maverick is setting up a splash pad for the kids," he said, pressing his lips to yours with a grin. 
"Are you going in it?" you asked. "You're an overgrown kid."
"Only if you do," he said as you rolled your hips against his. "You should wear that leopard print bathing suit you have."
You gasped and giggled. "The one I wore to the tee ball pool party? At the beginning of the season? When we had our first real kiss?"
"Hell yes," he hissed. "Couldn't stay away from you, Kitten. I was already in love with you."
You kissed him and held him tight. You couldn't pinpoint the moment you fell in love with him, but you knew you'd never be able to stop now.
Wednesday ended up being a rainy day, and everyone in the entire city seemed confused by it. Even Everett was out of sorts when you picked him up from summer camp. 
"Is Bradley going to come over and play with us tonight?" he asked, staring out the car window as you drove him through the storm. "I wanted him to take me to the park."
He kept pouting as you told him, "He needed to get some stuff done at his apartment tonight." You wished he could wrap up whatever he needed to do early and come watch a movie instead. But he told you it was important. 
"Well can we go over to his apartment?" Ev whined.
It struck you that you'd never once been there. And now you wondered if it looked the way you imagined it. Bradley told you a million times how much cozier your house was than his place, and you just shook your head. Because he could have moved in if he wanted to.
"Not tonight, Ev."
He was silent for the rest of the ride home, plainly annoyed with you for keeping him from Bradley. And then he was pretty quiet as you watched Finding Nemo together for the millionth time. But when you reminded him that tomorrow, if the weather was nice, all three of you were going to the park and then Maverick's party, he perked up.
"Bradley is really excited about the park tomorrow!" Everett said as he climbed into bed. "He's excited to show you something."
"Oh yeah?" you asked, tucking him in while the soft rain hit his window. "What does he want to show me?"
Everett laughed and rolled onto his side. "I can't tell you."
You sighed and kissed his cheek. It was probably something silly or something baseball related. "Well I guess I'll just have to wait then." But he was already starting to doze off, holding onto the stuffed Phanatic.
You were a true San Diegan. All the rain was making you tired. You thrived on sunny days and warm weather. When you went to plug your phone in before bed, you saw a text from Bradley. 
Bradley Bradshaw: I can't wait to pick you up in the morning. Give Ev an extra bedtime kiss for me?
You had to laugh, because he seemed to have no concept of what a consistent bedtime for Everett was. You could already tell that if Bradley ever moved in, he and Ev would be outside playing until well after dark all the time, and you'd be the one reeling them in. 
When you fell asleep, you slept hard. And you woke up to Everett in your room, climbing up into bed with you. "Mommy, I'm hungry." 
It was pretty late, and Bradley was coming over to pick you up for the park, but at least the sun was shining today. 
You stretched and pulled your son into a tight hug. "Cereal or eggs?" you asked as he snuggled up with you. 
"Cereal," he mumbled, his voice muffled by the blankets. "Are you going to get up and put on makeup and a dress and stuff?"
You laughed and said, "We're just going to the park and then a splash pad party in the desert, Ev. I wasn't planning on getting too dressed up today. Why?"
"You should," he said, wiggling out of bed and running out of your room. 
"Okay," you muttered to nobody. And a little while later, you were sipping coffee and eating cereal in your kitchen, still not dressed for the day when Bradley arrived. 
"Why do you look so nice?" you asked when he let himself inside. He was wearing a snug fitting red and white golf shirt and chino shorts. 
"Do I?" he asked, glancing down at himself as he went right to Ev and kissed his forehead. And you didn't even mind that you always got greeted second. Because when you got your kiss, it was on the lips and had your knees going weak.
"Hi," he whispered as you threaded your fingers through his hair. "I missed you last night."
How on earth did he make you this silly? Your heart was beating faster and your skin felt extra sensitive as he ran his big hand down your arm. 
"I missed you, too."
Then he pulled away and looked you up and down. "Why aren't you dressed yet? We have a busy day, Kitten." And you finally went back upstairs to get changed as both of them pushed you out of the kitchen. You could hear them talking softly and laughing as you climbed the stairs. 
When you came back down in some denim shorts with a white tank and a sheer white blouse, Bradley smiled at you before leading both of you out to the Bronco. Everett had his gear bag, and when Bradley opened the back tailgate, you saw all of his stuff there too.
"You brought a whole bucket of balls?" you asked, pointing to the bucket tucked behind his bag. "Are you going to make me play catcher for you guys again?"
"Yep," they replied in unison, making you laugh. 
"Okay, but you know I'm not very good."
"You're stellar, Kitten. Aces, Baby," Bradley promised as he scooped Everett up and carried him around to his booster seat.
You tended to disagree, but if the two of them really wanted to play ball in the park all day, then you would just chase balls around and cheer them on. The ride to the park was filled with Everett asking Bradley questions, something your son never seemed to tire of. And as always, Bradley answered every single one of them the best he could without getting irritated at all. 
At a red light, you reached for his hand and said, "I love you." He responded by stroking your fingers with his thumb as he hummed along to the radio. And soon you were at the park and unloading everything. You watched as the boys both put on their matching Phillies hats and took sips out of a bottle of Gatorade. They had a little routine now, and it melted your heart. 
"Ready?" Bradley asked Everett and then you. 
"Ready," you replied, carrying the bucket of baseballs for them. You followed them to the same shady area where you had played catcher before. The sun was strong today, but at least it wasn't too hot yet. Being in the shade would help with that.
"Ev, start stretching while I get your mom all set up," Bradley said, reaching into his bag and pulling out his catcher's mask and mitt. 
"Hey," you said with a smile. "I remembered it's a mitt and not a glove!" you said, and Bradley pulled you tight to him for a kiss.
He hummed against your lips as he ran his empty hand down your back to squeeze your butt. "It's going to be important that you know these things, because Ev and I are going to be on this baseball shit forever now. We're about to get annoying as hell, Kitten."
"I don't mind," you said, looking up into his brown eyes that were always so sincere. "Please, annoy the shit out of me forever."
The smile that took over his face had you giggling while Everett ran around you in circles doing his own definition of warming up. Then Bradley mumbled, "Gotta keep this pretty face safe," while he fitted the catcher's mask around the back of your head. He slipped the too large mitt on your hand and kissed your neck. "All set now."
"Can we do it yet?" Ev asked, slowing his run down and picking up his bat. "Please?"
"Yeah, kiddo," Bradley replied, turning both of their hats backwards. "We can do it."
You eased yourself down into the uncomfortable position to catch the baseballs for them. But Everett was hitting most of them, which made your job kind of pointless. Bradley was telling Ev what each pitch was going to be before he threw it.
"Here comes a slider," he called out, and you watched your boyfriend's muscles tense up deliciously before he threw a pitch right to Everett. Your son hit it up in the air and Bradley caught it. "Pretty good! Let's try another slider." Then he threw the same pitch again, and Everett hit it over Bradley's head.
"I can't believe you're this good, Ev," you praised, because truly you could not. It was impressive the way he hit Bradley's fastball and curveball as well. You knew Bradley wasn't pitching hard or fast, but he was still pitching to Everett. And your seven year old son was hitting almost all of them. 
"Okay, kiddo," Bradley called out. "This one is the special pitch I've been working on. Are you ready for it?"
"Ready, Coach!" Everett called out in excitement. He turned and looked at you with a smile before he returned to his batting stance, and you made sure you were all set, too. 
You weren't sure what kind of pitch was a special pitch, and Bradley was really taking his time getting ready to throw it. He kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He looked a little nervous, but you didn't know why. It wasn't like you and Ev were going to tell him he did a bad job of throwing a new pitch he was working on. Honestly, you were excited to see it. 
When he finally took a deep breath, he met your eyes before winding up to throw it. The ball sailed right to your mitt, and you caught it cleanly. Everett didn't swing at it, and now he was looking at you with his bat hanging down at his side. When you looked up at Bradley, he was staring at you. Then you noticed that the ball was more red than white as you dumped it out of the mitt and into your empty hand. 
"What is this?" you mumbled, turning it around in your hand. It was covered in little red hearts that looked like they had been drawn on with a sharpie, and there was something written in Bradley's handwriting.
Will you marry me?
You gasped and looked up at Bradley, but now he was down on one knee with his glove on the grass next to him. Everett was bouncing around next to you as you read the ball again. "Mommy?" he asked quietly, and you looked up at his eager face. 
Heart racing, you stood up and shook the mitt off your hand as you looked toward Bradley. You yanked the mask off your head as you ran toward him shouting, "Are you serious?"
His smile looked a little unsure as you tackled him onto the grass and straddled his waist. His Phillies cap rolled away as you looked down into his perfect face. 
"Well? Will you marry me, Kitten?" He held up a diamond ring as you kissed him and started crying.
"Yes. I'll marry you." Your voice was shaky and filled with tears, but you were so happy as you cried and kissed him. 
"She said yes, kiddo!" Bradley shouted to Everett when you buried your face against his neck. And you realized they had both been planning this together which just made you cry more. 
"Yes! It worked!" Everett screamed, and a few seconds later, Bradley was holding both of you on top of him in the grass, alternating between kissing your lips and Everett's forehead.
You were still clutching the baseball in your right hand as Bradley put the ring on your left finger. It was a little big, but it was beautiful. "It looks like a baseball," you said as he grinned.
"That's why we picked that one!" Everett informed you, looking happier than you'd ever seen him.
And then Bradley kissed your finger and whispered, "I'm going to love both of you forever."
He did it! He asked her! Love how happy Ev is! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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srjlvr · 1 year
,, A Love Story ‘‘
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PAIRING . . . kindergarten volunteer!Sunghoon X kindergarten volunteer!FemReader
GENRE . . . fluff !!
WORD COUNT . . . 1.7k+ !!
WARNINGS . . . mentions of food , children ! (a lot of them) , clingy love story i think.
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“let’s just try! my older siblings are going to ask us one day to take care of their children and we need to know how to work with them!” you begged your boyfriend, it’s been a week since you’ve been trying to convince him to volunteer with you in a kindergarten.
“i just don’t like kids that much, they scare me” he slightly chuckled. “they’ll love you as much as i love you, i promise” you smiled at him and he finally agreed.
and that’s how you found yourself sitting in a small desk, on such small chairs, and having the time of your life while talking to the kids.
“my mom said that it’s important to study if i don’t want to end up being broke” one kid said in one of your conversations with him, and you slightly laughed, “ah that’s what she said? then you should start learning the alphabet from now!” you joked.
you looked over to your boyfriend and found him surrounded by kids, laughing and hugging him. you warmly smiled at him, finding the moment so adorable and worth taking a picture as he smiled at you back.
“y/n! don’t get flattered too much, but i think sunghoon likes you” one of the girls said. “oh yeah? why is that?” you asked curiously, obviously knowing the answer already, “he has been looking at you all day!! i think you should date him” she excitedly clapped her hands and smiled.
“i probably should, right? it’ll be a loss not to date someone like him” you smiled at her and she nodded, “don’t worry! i will help you get him” she smiled at you back and hugged you.
it was already lunch time and you were checking on the kids to see if they’re eating well and having fun. “the rice is so tasty! can i have more?” one of the kids asked and you gladly gave her more rice and patted her back, “there you go! eat well!”
you then sat with the children in their desk and you kept having fun conversations with them. the girl from before tapped you and signed you to get closer so she could whisper something in your ears.
“i will go tell sunghoon that you like him too and he should date you” she whispered and before you could call her back, she already pushed herself back and ran to sunghoon.
you saw her whispering in his ear something as well and he smiled at her.
“sunghoon, i think y/n likes you a lot! you should date her!!” she whispered in his ears and he smiled, “really? how do you know?” he whispered back in her ear, “i just know! my mom calls me a matchmaker” they both giggled, “leave it up to me” he winked at her and she went back to her seat besides you.
“well? what did you tell him?” you asked, “it’s a secret” she replied and went back to eat.
“alright kiddos! it’s time to take a nap!” you and sunghoon helped organizing the mess and gathering all the kids to sit on their own mattresses.
“y/n! tell us a story!” one of the kids yelled and everyone instantly nodded with pleading eyes.
how can you say no to such cute kids?
“what kind of a story?” you asked with a genuine smile, “a love story!” someone shouted and they all excitedly clapped in agreement.
you looked over to sunghoon and he smiled at you, “alright, listen up and get closer, we’re about to dive in the story!”
they all got closer to you, crossing their legs and laying their heads on both their hands.
“once upon a time there was a princess, who was bound to marry a prince when she gets older!” you smiled, “but she didn’t want to marry off a prince that is chosen by her parents! she wanted to experience love”
“one day, one of her mother’s friends arrived at the castle to chat and discuss over some things with a cup of tea” you rolled your eyes and the kids giggled, “the little princess was roaming around the castle, doing nothing but getting bored, do you have any interesting suggestions for the princess?” you asked, letting the kids to be a part of the story.
“oh she should go read a book under a tree!” one of the kids suggested, “or she could go and disturb her mother! it’s fun when i do it” another kids suggested.
“she did both of the things you just suggested! when she gave up on bickering to her mother, she went to their beautiful garden, to take a view from the beautiful flowers that bloomed so naturally” you closed your eyes and breathed deeply as if you’re smelling flowers.
“she was running around until she noticed a small figure looking at her, she went closer to the figure and to her surprise, she saw a little boy, in which she assumed, was around the same age as her” you smiled over to sunghoon.
“she stopped right in front of the boy and introduced herself while holding out a hand for the little boy to shake. the little boy smiled warmly at her and introduced himself back while taking her hand and shaking it”
“what are their names!” the kids asked. “that’s for me to know, and for you to imagine” you winked at them back.
“soon, the boy and the girl became inseparable! they learned a lot about each other, and played all day long with each other, until it was time to leave” you sadly said.
“the boy was the son of her mother’s friend, and he had to leave after their mothers finished chatting” you sighed, “the boy and the girl sadly looked at each other, but before the boy left, they made a promise to meet each other every once a week at least! and send each other letters every day!”
you looked over at sunghoon and he gave you an assuring expression, he was surely impressed by the way you tell the kids your story.
“their promise kept strong, and they were seeing each other almost every day! once it was the girl and her parents visiting in the boy’s castle, and it was the opposite the next day” you smiled at the happy kids who were cheering for the story’s main characters.
“but, one day when the girl went to visit again in the boy’s castle, their parents started yelling and shouting at each other!” all of the kids gasped, “the kids went to check on their parents and found them angrily discussing with each other on such nonsense”
“before anything happened, the boy and the girl made another promise, they made a promise that no matter what happens, they’re going to stick with each other no matter how hard their parents will try to break the friendship” you quietly said the sad news to the kids and they all looked at you with pity, feeling the character’s pain.
“the girl’s parents ended up forcing her to leave immediately, and ever since then she was not allowed to pay a visit in the boy’s castle, and neither was the boy!” you took a deep breath.
“that’s not fair! i would’ve run away” one of the kids said and rolled his eyes, the rest nodded in agreement.
“however, it didnt matter for the boy and the girl, they had to keep their promise no matter what!” you said determinedly, “every once in a while, they were sneaking outside of their castle to meet up with each other, and were secretly sending letters to each other” you chuckled.
you looked over at sunghoon and he warmly smiled at you, as if he was falling in love with you all over again.
“please tell me they end up together!” another comment popped up, “getting impatient i see, wait and hear!” you pinched her nose and smiled.
“as the boy and the girl grew older, they found it harder to sneak around without getting noticed, but they did keep on sending letters every day, they also started noticing that they might be developing feelings for each other” you pressed your lips together,
“when they turned eighteen, they got a reminder from their parents that when they turn nineteen, they’ll be marrying off to someone their parents will choose for them”
“boo!!” all of the kids boo-ed in annoyance, and you nodded, understanding the kids’ feelings.
“one day, they found the perfect time to sneak out of the castle and meet up, and as soon as they saw each other they hugged really tightly, as if they never wanted to let go”
“they shared their feelings for each other, and it was more than a love because of their friendship, what they felt for each other was true love” you smiled, “and obviously with true loves comes a true love’s kiss!”
the kids cheered and shouted in excitement, “but they had to make a plan, their parents banned them from seeing each other, they will not approve their love for each other ever!” suddenly the room fell silent.
“so they made a plan, to run away from the royal life, to run away from their family and from everything they knew ever since they were born, and when the right time came, they did it”
“they managed to run away from everything, as long as they were together, nothing scared them anymore” you smiled, “because their love for each other is stronger than anything” for the finale, sunghoon said the last sentence and went closer to you with a big smile on his face.
“now, time to get a nap! sleep well kiddos” you and sunghoon gave the kids some pecks on the forehead and turned off the lights.
as you and sunghoon got out of the room he back-hugged you tightly, “hearing our story all over again reminded me of how much i love you”
you turned around to face him, “i love you too” you kissed him while holding him closer to you tightly.
as you let go he smirked and you looked at him in confusion, “i didn’t know i was a prince though”
“oh shut it, kids love the royal stories” you replied, “please tell me you’re going to save that story in your mind and tell it to our future kids”
you blushed and pecked his lips, “we’ll see about that, prince charming”
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© srjlvr , pls don’t copy/translate any of my works without permission ! | reblogs and comments are very appreciated !
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hi inês, hope you are well, could a request a blurb where the reader struggles with her mental health and the driver of you choice helps her through that, if you want you can include their children, thank you kisses
Note: I hope you're well, too!
Cw: mental health struggles related to parenting, immunity concerns regarding premature babies
"We're okay, baby boy, we're okay", you cooed as you bounced Fraser, walking along the nursery to hopefully soothe him to sleep. It had been like that for the past two weeks and it was getting to you. Matilda caught some bug in school and the minute it entered your home, Fraser was the second victim and he was struggling with it too, barely being able to sleep for long before he coughed and needed his nose unblocked.
Because he was a premature baby, you had to be even more careful with these things, and even though you knew they happened and it was all part of life, you weren't sure you could go another day without telling this to someone. Lando had been incredible at making sure you were all taken care of, and Matilda was dropped off and picked up from school so you could stay home for your maternity leave.
"Love, are you on the nursery?", Lando called as he climbed up the stairs, following the small noise from your footsteps and Fraser's whimpers, "there you are, hey gorgeous", he smiled, kissing your cheek before rubbing Fraser's cheek as he laid on your chest, "look at you so comfy, little man, mummy's chest us the best spot for a nap, isn't it? Mummy is the best", he nipped a few kissed on the top of his head until he heard your sniffles.
"Love, lovie, hey", he cooed back at you, cupping your face in his hands, "what's the matter? Hey - breathe with me", he encouraged, taking a few long, deep breaths with you, "it's okay, everything is okay", he checked over.
"He's so little, Lando, and he needs to be kept safe and sound, but it's not like we can get Tilly out of school just for that, and he's bound to have to build an immune system, might as well be now that my boobs gave the good antibodies stuff but still", you babbled.
Lando took Fraser away from your arms with your consent, setting him on his cot for a little bit when the little boy was settled, "now tell me all of that without being so worried, okay?", he encouraged again.
"I can't stop worrying about him, thinking he has a deficient immune system to begin with and I can't seem to keep him healthy and happy enough - it all goes through my head so many times a day and I can't think about anything else. It's the same thing, all the time", you admitted.
"How long have you been feeling like this? You could've told me, darling", he soothed softly, "you're doing such a good job with him, I'm in awe of you every day, Y/N. Sure, he's been a bit cough-y and his nose his stuffy, but you're doing your best - we're doing our best! He's got a sister who adores him so much and plays with him - she's even helping with his immune system", Lando tried to bring a smile to your face, achieving it, "He's got me, who will physically shove you into bed no matter how many times you say that you'll get him from now on, and he's got a wonderful, superwoman like mummy who needs some rest and reassurance, and that's okay", he kissed your lips softly, "we're in this together, darling", he confided.
"I feel alone and like I'm a failure, but then he's such a happy little one, look at that!", you pointed to the smiling boy, happily biting in his stuffed koala toy as he looked at both of you, "it's such a rush of things and I'm already thinking of what I need to do in case he does come down with something else - fever, tummy bug, stuffy nose - anything really", you rubbed your forehead, letting your husband pull you to his embrace.
"How about we have a cosy night in just the four of us? Movie night with Tilly, and I can e the one keeping an eye on that little dude and you can just relax - I don't like seeing you this worried, beautiful", he brushed some hairs behind your ear, "sounds nice".
After dinner, Matilda sat with you on the sofa and as per Lando's request, she kept showering you with "extra love", meaning she was more attentive than usual, "you also always make me my favourite breakfast everytime I ask for it", she said as she kissed your cheek again.
"Thank you, Tilly", you smiled, "I'm not done yet, mummy! I love you because you always take care of me, because you let me stay up late to watch daddy's races when they're at night or wake up really early to see him race when it's very far away, how you always let me know you love me, daddy and Fraser", she continued as you felt happy tears brimming your eyes from all the love she was showering you with.
"Little man is down, was absolutely milk drunk and went out like a light", Lando said as he walked inside the living room with Fraser on his arms, showing you his pout and chubby cheeks before he put him in the small basket you had in the living room, still able to keep an eye on him.
"Did you tell her to tell me all the things she loved about me?", you whispered on Lando's ear once Tilly was focusing on the movie cuddled up to your side, "I have no idea what you're talking about", Lando shrugged his shoulders even though the smile was on his lips.
"Sure, you have no idea what I'm talking about", you kissed his jaw, "thank you for this".
"We're in this together, no one gets left behind and no one feels like a failure in this house, ever!", he whispered back, his hand happily playing with your fingers while Matilda giggled sweetly as she watched the squirrel trying to get the acorn.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Bayvers transformers with Optimus, Rachet, and bumblebee with Granny dragon presecon
As she may be cranky when joining the atobots, she just tells them all humanity are her children, all be she is very disappointed in them but warns them she'll might kidnap any orphans to raise as her clutch as animal instincts still there even after many millennia as she still cares for them
Cute! I will try my best, like I'm am saying now on request, thank you for being patient. My hand/arm is still recovering since it takes a bit for me to type.
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Bayvers Autobots x Prediction Reader(part 2.)
Ever since they got (Y/N) on their side, they realized she was just like Ratchet. Just more grumpy and older and less of a strict parent.
She slept almost all the time, had a short temper, and nagged about how the autobots always did something wrong, but even though she was a pain. She always helped and gave wise advice.
Though, there where times that they knew they needed to leave her alone. Those times is where she needed her nap, or what the base called it "granny nap".
You never woke her up from those, or she will rain fire on you. She might be old, but she can still beat the living shit out of anyone who even dared to hurt her or wake her.
Even though she finds humans annoying, she told optimus she sees them as her children. This confused the team since they always see her carrying around humans suddenly, like how you would hold a kitten by it's scruf.
It always pissed off Sam the most since he kept getting embarrassed from it. The team and other humans laughed about it, but they weren't safe either.
Ratchet got first hand of how grumpy (Y/N) was
He wanted to study her since it was unknown how predicons acted
When he kept bothering (Y/N) and many warnings later
He found himself pinned down a sleeping (Y/N)
No matter how much or how loud he was being, (Y/N) would not wake up
When he was finally able to get up, he learned quickly to leave (Y/N) alone to sleep.
Or you will be their new pillow
Optimus learn how wise (Y/N) was
They where old, older then anyone he knows.
So when he came to them for advice, they told him stories and wisdom he never heard before.
He appreciated how wise and how helpful they where.
He would spend as much time with (Y/N) to listen to their stories.
He soon learned she is almost as old when the first primes where made.
He has was very impressed and honored to meet (Y/N).
He though that (Y/N) would be slow or at lest weak for how old they where.
He learned how fast, strong, and tricky (Y/N) can be.
He trained with them and he never was able to land one hit on them.
They either where to fast, clever, used their environment around them, or tricked him.
He learned new tricks and tips from training from (Y/N).
Though, he still trains to Hopfully win at least one match aginst them.
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riverlikethelake · 2 years
hello author! how are you doing? may I request enemies to lovers, sully!reader X Aonung where he let his hair down for the first time and the reader falls in love right away 😳😳
Two eyes, a hundred words.
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This is a really late answer but here you go<3
Kind of trying out a new writing style plus I wrote this during my lunch break so don't judge me too hard😭
requests are open <3 (I promise they'll be better than this, had an ungodly amount of work to do this week)
You can’t say you were thrilled to have to move to a new home, but you understood and decided to accept it. When the Sullys offered to take you with them, well Jake and Neytiri offered, Lo’ak and Kiri demanded it of you, you couldn’t say no.  
You had been inseparable from the Sully family for as long as you can remember, specifically Lo’ak and Kiri. From the moment you could both crawl, you were attached at the hip. You were and Lo’ak both adventurous and admittedly reckless. Lo’ak was thoughtless, and you were impulsive, which led to many hours bonding in the healer's hut together. 
With Kiri, you could just sneak away, find a carved-out hole in a tree, and sit there for hours with her, you’d confide in eachother and wander around the forest together.  You practically lived with them even before you were ‘apart of the family’, Neteyam always referred to you as his sister and Tuk was trailing behind you as soon as she could walk.  
After your parents died, you became insanely protective of the Sully kids, fussing over Lo’ak after he’d come back from a raid covered in bruises and blood. “I pray I will not end my brother before he gets himself killed!” You’d snap, but of course everyone knew you were just worried, you had already lost one family, you could not bear to lose another. 
So, you followed them to the reefs, sitting in front of Lo’ak on his ikran as you flew across the ocean. You didn’t have an ikran of your own, you weren’t ready for your iknimaya before the humans showed up, and once the war broke out you were too busy helping Kiri and Mo’at in the healer's hut to go through with it. 
You had fallen asleep against your brother many times, he’d tease you about it when you woke up, but he’d try to be as still and silent as possible while you were asleep, although he’d never admit it. 
Even with the long naps you took, you still weren’t ready for how exhausting your arrival would be. You knew asking for Uturu would cause a commotion, but when two Metkayina boys circled you and your siblings, yanking at your brothers tails, you wrapped your arms around your body, closing in on youself knowing you couldn’t make a scene. 
You glared at the boys though, making one of them stop in their tracks as they locked eyes with you. You kept his gaze, challenging him before a girl walked up and pushed him, telling him to knock it off. You were thankful for the girl, especially as she turned out to be the Olo’eyktan’s daughter and happily showed you around the village. 
You really did not like Ao’nung, how his sister could be so sweet and accepting, while he was a cowardly jackass was baffling to you. He did nothing to help at swimming lessons, only making fun of you and showing off, you can’t deny that he was attractive, but that didn’t change how annoying he was. 
He was an idiot you thought, not only that but he was an asshole. At least Rotxo joked around and talked with you and your siblings, Ao’nung just saw it as below him. You admit, it was funny when Lo’ak fell off his Ilu, you laughed pretty hard, but only you’re allowed to do that. And you stated as much when you whacked Ao’nung in the back of the head for laughing. 
When it was your turn with the Ilu you didn’t fall off, but you somehow ended up wrestling with her underwater as she swam, eventually you got the connection under control. Though, you had a hard time controlling yourself when Ao’nung made a comment about you not being able to give up your ‘aggressive forest girl ways’. 
You got right in his face and asked him to repeat himself, his stupid grin and the way his head tilts making your breath hitch. God he was annoying. 
Kiri was the only one in your family that seemed to not have any trouble adapting. She was always off on her own admiring the plants and fish, sometimes even at the bottom of the reef just, laying there?? You felt a sense of pride and smugness when she showed up on an Ilu, having been apparently approached and chosen by the animal, you raised your chin to Ao’nung as he scoffed. 
Eventually you started to get better at your breathing, you we able to hold your breath far longer than Lo’ak and Neteyam. Not that that was a high bar, but you still rubbed it in Ao’nung’s face as often as you could. 
You were sitting on the walkways with Lo’ak, teasing him about his crush on Tsireya when you spotted Ao’nung and his friends giving Kiri a hard time, Lo’ak had noticed too and you both rushed over to intervene. 
“Hey” your brother shouted, they turned to look at the two of you. You reached over and snatched Kiri’s hand away from Ao’nung’s, glaring at him. “Leave her alone.” you stated. 
Lo’ak got in between you and the boys, but they weren’t intimidated. “Oh look, it’s another four fingered freak and their tsiki.” Ao’nung taunted, his friends grabbing Lo’ak’s hand and at your tail. 
“Kalweyaveng” you hissed, pushing Ao’nung away. You heard Kiri yell but you didn’t process anything other than Ao’nung ugly fucking smug face until Neteyam pushed him away, putting himself between the fight. 
“You heard her” he got in Ao’nung’s face “leave them alone.”  
One of the boys hissed but Ao’nung put a hand up silencing him.  
“And from now on, I need you to respect my sisters.” Neteyam jabbed his finger to Ao’nung’s chest. Smirking, he put both his hands up and backed away slowley. 
Neteyam turned around and ushered you and Kiri away, nodding for Lo’ak to come, but as you were walking away, you heard them calling you ‘an entire family of freaks’ 
Lo’ak stopped in his tracks and turned around, Neteyam urged him to come but Lo’ak said he had it handled. He walked up to Ao’nung and started showing off his hand, talking about how it could do something cool. 
You smirked; this was a bit he had used on you many times before. You laughed as he punched Ao’nung till he fell over on his ass. “It’s called a punch bitch” 
You didn’t hesitate to run past Neteyam and tackle one of the boys before they reached Lo’ak, sitting atop their chest serving serval blows to their face before Ao’nung pulled you off by your hair. He threw you to the ground and started pulling at your tail before Neteyam tackled him, leaving you to jump on Rotxo’s back, who had a hold of Lo’ak. 
You grabbed him by his ears, pulling and biting his cheek. The boy you had punched earlier grabbed your tail and started pulling, you kept your hold on Rotxo causing you to all topple over, pulling each other along in the sand. 
“What did I tell you?!” Jake was furious, you hung your head avoiding eye contact. 
“It was my fault sir-” Neteyam tried to take the blame but Jake shut him down. “No you didn’t, and you gotta stop taking the heat for these knuckle heads.” 
You frowned as he gestured to you and Lo’ak. “They were making fun of Kiri!” “We were protecting out sister!” You finished his sentence. “They called her a freak.” Lo’ak stated, watching Jake’s expression falter. 
“Go apologize” He stated, Lo’ak protested but he cut him off and looked to you. “Both of you.” you rolled your eyes as Lo’ak stomped out, you stared at Jake for a moment before huffing and following Lo’ak. 
Both of you apologizing at once would probably seem too ingenuine, not that you cared if you actually made peace, but you knew this was important for your family, so you walked the other way when a split in the paths came. You found Tsireya teaching some young Metkayina children how to breath properly, you didn’t want to interrupt but you had nothing else to do so you sat down next to her and silently watched the lesson. 
The children were curious about your family, but they weren’t discriminatory like some of the people older than them, so they looked at you in awe, but you weren’t uncomfortable. Tsireya welcomed you to her lesson, even using you as a guide and had you speak about your experience learning. 
Once the lesson ended the children swarmed you, bombarding you with questions and asking you to swim and play with them, you obliged and entertained them with exaggerated stories of the jungle, and tossing them around in the water. 
Neteyam approached you, smiling as you lifted a kid up and placed a kiss on their cheek after they whispered something about thinking how beautiful your hair was in your ear.  
“I see my sister has been stolen from me” He exclaimed exaggerated, you rolled your eyes. “Do you know where Lo’ak is?” he asked casually. 
Placing the kid down and splashing water on the others, you shrugged. “He went to apologize to Ao’nung last I saw him” you watch at him as his face goes stiff and he walks off. 
You sat on the back of Neytiri’s Ikran as you flew around the island looking for Lo’ak, she was the only one who had gotten you to calm down and stop trying to attack Ao’nung after you found out what happened. 
Jake had caught you midair when you lunged for the boy, cursing at him and calling him all the human insults you knew. You’d get a scolding later, but you knew the heat would fall on Jake for teaching you those words in the first place. 
You were seething with anger, but your worry for your brother outweighed it by a landslide. 
You didn’t have to tell Neytiri when the horn was sounded, signaling Lo’ak’s return. You hopped off and started searching him for any injuries as Neytiri scolds him. You glared at Ao’nung as his father forced him to take a knee. 
When Lo’ak took the blame for Ao’nung you were going to scream at him, but he gave you that look, the one he always used when he really meant ‘don’t push it’, so you shut your mouth and stayed quiet. 
You followed him as he walked away, getting ready to interrogate him, when Ao’nung caught up to you both. 
“Why did you speak for me?” He asked  
You pinched Lo’ak’s ear “Yeah, I'd like to know that too” you added. 
He swatted your hand away and looked at Ao’nung. “Because I know what it’s like to be one big disappointment to your dad” 
Your ears turned down, you knew how Lo’ak felt, you had spoken about it many times, but your heart still broke every time he brought it up. 
Lo’ak sped up his pace, passing you and Ao’nung. You both stopped in place, watching him walk away. After a moment you looked at him and glared before going after your brother. 
But the image of his face, covered in guilt, wouldn’t leave your mind all night. 
Lo’ak told you about Payakan before anyone else, you sat outside the Marui on the edge of the dock, kicking your feet as he told you about the entire ordeal in detail. 
You just really wanted to beat the shit out of Ao’nung, hell any of his friends would do. Of course, reading your mind, he made you promise not to start any fights with them, you agreed reluctantly.  
He didn’t say you couldn’t finish them, just that you couldn't start them. 
The next day you noticed how much more welcoming Ao’nung had become to your family. He wasn’t holding you all with open arms, but it was a step up. You caught him looking at you several times throughout the day, every time you’d avoid frowning at him, or you just couldn’t. He had this look in his eyes that pacified you every time you felt the urge to hiss at him, but at the same time it annoyed the shit out of you. 
Every time he’d help you with your breathing you felt like fire was on your skin, he’d make a comment about your heart beating fast and you’d respond by telling him that if he stopped being annoying then you’d have a moment to be calm 
The one thing you could both agree on is making fun of Lo’ak, mocking him when he stuttered or said something stupid around Tsireya. Other than that, you’d huff and turn the other way if you crossed paths with him, which was easy as he didn’t seem too eager to speak to you either. 
But that didn’t stop the lingering eyes and quick glances at each other, there was something about communicating through your eyes that was different. You’d make fun of him and he’d find faults in whatever you did or said, but when you spoke through your eyes it was a whole different story. 
You liked looking at him, you just wish sometimes he’d keep his mouth shut. 
You don’t know how you got here, one moment you were weaving seaweed and leaves together for a present for Tuk, the next you were on top of Ao’nung, hissing at him as he held your wrists to stop you from punching him. 
“Stop! I am sorry!” He shouts, throwing you off him. 
“Take back what you said skxqwng” you yell, scrambling to your feet to pounce on his again. 
He holds his hand up, “Ok ok I take it back.” He said, how he rolled his eyes audible in his voice. You hissed, keeping your eyes on him. 
You tried to keep civil when he initially approached you, but he started asking why you followed the Sully’s since you weren’t their family, you ignored him till he made a comment about how your parent must not have wanted you.  
“Keep your mouth shut next time you want to speak on things you know nothing of.” you seethed. He chuckled 
“What? Touchy subject?” 
You raised your chin and tilted your head. “Yeah, I’d think that dead parents are a sensitive topic for anyone” You resisted the urge to smirk as you watch his face drop, you turn and pick up your project as you sit back down. 
You feel his eyes on the back of your head, burning and pleading your you to turn around, hear what he has to say, look in his eyes. But you don’t, you’ve learned to brush things off easily, it’s hurting your family that gets you holding long term grudges.  
He sits next to you and mutters out an apology as you continue to weave the materials. “I don’t expect better, so don’t bother” you shrug. 
An awkward silence falls between you, he rubs the back of his neck and asks you about what you’re making. 
“It’s for Tuk, she’s growing and will need a new tweng” you state, your expression and mood start to soften as you think about your siblings. 
“I am… sorry for what i did to your brother” He explains awkwardly. You stop your movements and raise a brow. 
“You have an odd way of showing it” you mutter before turning back to your work “And it’s my brother that deserves an apology” 
He tells you he already apologized to him and your parents before he stumbled upon you, you hum in response. You continue to weave but out of the corner of your eye you see him scratching his head. 
“You got sand in my hair” He murmurs with a smirk, noticing you looking at him. You stare at him blankly, he reaches for his bun, unwrapping the braid that held it up. Your breath hitched as his hair fell. 
His braids were long and rested on his back, he tussled them to get the sand out, causing a few to fall past his shoulders, hanging in front of his chest. You didn’t realize you were staring till you locked eyes with him. He was cute, you had admitted that long ago, but this was different.  
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him even as you saw the teasing smirk form on his lips. “Like what you see forest girl?” He drawled, leaning in closer. 
If you reached out, you could touch his braids. 
“You are as attractive as you are egotistical” you enjoyed watching him chew his lip as he decided how to respond, either way it would be a blow to him. 
You couldn’t ignore how your heart sped up, you watched him chew on his lip, it annoyed the shit out of you, you wondered how he’d react if you kissed him to make him stop. 
You’d never admit how you noticed little things about him, how he talks with his hands, the way his eyes widen when he gets an idea, or how he smiles just like his mother 
He’s still annoying as shit, he’s a jackass and being infatuated with him doesn’t change that you still hate him. 
“You’re as pretty as you are bitchy” he says, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
He leans forward, tilting his head as he gets in your face.  
You think you have to speak to Norm and Max because you have surely gone insane.  
You hate him, that’s just a fact 
But maybe you’re a little more than infatuated… 
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gojolvs · 1 year
I still want you.
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Chapter 1
⤿ Satoru Gojou x reader
Falling in love with the Satoru Gojou wasnt an easy task. You truly love him but will this come to an end?
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, cheating.
Genre; angst, cheating, infidelity, jjk, Gojou x reader
Notes: the tag-list is open if you’d like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message.
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master-list ⤏ chapter 2
you knew it would eventually come to this.
"Saturo where are you?" Gripping the phone you waited for one of his excuses again. This wasn't the first time he missed your sons birthday party. The first time you let it go because his excuse was working late but now this is the third time he's done this. "Listen, im on my way to the house im passing by to get his cake okay. Just trust me i swear," Panting, you could hear him slamming a door and run towards his car. "Really Satoru?! i asked you to buy the cake 3 hours ago!!" It was evident you were starting to get mad, pissed to be exact. Not only did you ask him to buy the cake, it was already starting to get late.
Your son was sitting down next to you playing with some of the toys you had bought him for his last birthday. Of course because he was only 4 years old he didn't know what was going on. He expected his daddy to come home and shower him in kisses and hugs telling him happy birthday and how much he loved him. "mommy...when is daddy coming? I want to sleep," Rubbing his eyes he laid his head on your lap. Slowly caressing his hair you smiled at him "Soon baby, he'll be here soon... Why don't you take a nap while we wait?" Smiling at him you waited for his response. He flickered his beautiful long eyelashes nodding his head as you pulled him closer to you. "See? Even your own son is tired of waiting for you. Get home now." Was the last thing you said before hanging up.
You gently grabbed the blanket that was next to you, placing it on top of your son so he wouldn't get cold. sighing you gently moved his head from your lap onto a pillow. God who knew how much Satoru would forget about your son. Not only did he suggest on having a child and being there to always support you... What a liar. Your footsteps echoed in the silent apartment. The floor was cold, wind blowing from the windows. Geez, after everything you still loved Satoru. You grabbed a cigarette from your drawer, walking towards the balcony you lit the cigar. You really didn't like smoking at all but for some reason it set you at ease.
Trying to control your anger you just stared at the sky. Watching how the stars shined and how beautiful the moon was. The way the bird chirped or the way the car sounded when it passed by the apartment. You lived in a luxurious apartment. 3 story with 3 bedrooms and 4 restrooms. Like they usually say money can't buy happiness.
Letting another puff of smoke emit from your mouth you hanged your head low. Slowly blinking you started to cry. Life was certainly not going your way. Your husband never being home, your child never having a good childhood without hearing his parents fight. You even considered sending him with your parents for a while but Satoru didn't like the idea at all. You truly loved Satoru with all your heart. Being highschool sweethearts until now. Were we to young? was it because I was pregnant? is that why he decided to marry me.. shaking your head you kept on reassuring yourself that wasn't the case.
You were only 18 when you got pregnant. Straight out of highschool you found out you were pregnant. Telling Satoru was the only good memory you had left. The way his eyes shined when you told him. Him jumping with joy and excitement to have a child. As soon as the word spread he swore to take care of you and your child no matter what. Swearing that he would marry you as soon as he could.
Throwing the small cigar you walked back into the living room, grabbing a pack of gum and chewing it so your son wouldn't smell the intoxicating smell of cigarettes. Your eyes slowly shifted to the picture to your right. A picture of you and Satoru after getting married. Both of you smiling, you could almost remember how happy you were. Suddenly the door opened, Satoru was holding some flowers and a small cake on the other hand. Smiling he entered. "Im sorry im so late" His eyes shifted to the kitchen seeing the plate of food you left for him and then back to you. "Okay, im going to wake sumire up." You paid no attention to the flowers he got you.
He got sunflowers.. sunflowers the one flower you hated because you would always get a puffy face when you were near them. He didn't even remember your favorite flower. Even though you named your own child the flowers name.
Wiping a tear you gently woke up sumire. "Honey, your dad is here. Cmon go say hi," patting his back you lifted him up. He rubbed his eyes before wrapping his tiny arms around your neck. "Daddy!!" you placed sumire down before he ran towards Satoru. "I missed you so much daddy!! Mommy was so sad when you weren't here for the party..." Hugging Satoru he told him all about the party. You grabbed the cake from Satoru placing down in the counter. "Satoru can you get the candles from the cabinet please." He looked at you with sad eyes. You could obviously tell he was sorry but you didn't want to accept his apology.
"Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear sumire...Happy birthday to you!" Smiling you kissed his cheek. He giggled kissing you back on the cheek. "Mommy can i open my gifts now!!" kicking his feet he impatiently moved around. Looking at satoru you signaled him to get the gifts from your room. "Yes honey, you may." You quickly fixed his hair before Satoru came back.
You truly adored your son, he was beautiful. His beautiful blue eyes he got from Satoru and your H/C hair. The way it matched so perfectly made him look ethereal. He didnt even look real, you already imagined yourself old and him having his own little family. Smiling you gave him one last kiss and waited for Satoru to come back. Speaking of the devil he was walking towards you right now. "Alright pick which one you want to open first." Two big presents where laid on the counter.
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"Satoru don't lie to me why were you late again?" sumire was sleeping soundly in his room, standing next to your bed you waited for him to answer. "Listen i don't want to do this right now.." He said avoiding eye contact. Shaking your head you let out a laugh "You dont want to do this? neither do i, but then how are we going to fix this? how are we supposed to fix us."
Shaking your head, tears started to build up. breathing heavily you looked at him with anger, sadness, and disappointment. "You know how many times i have to pretend im okay. Do you know how many times i have to tell sumire you're working hard for us, that you still love him?" Satoru got up trying to grab you, you pushed his hand away. "im sorry." he said looking at how destroyed you were. Watching how your mascara stained your cheeks, how your lipstick was smudged from the side. "i hate you." yelling at him he grabbed you. Pulling you into him, his grip getting stronger by the second.
"I know you don't mean that Y/N." he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your eyes flashing with anger, you started hitting his chest. "Let me go Satoru" you kept on trying to get his hands off but he wouldn't let go. "Im not going to let you go until you calm down Y/N" His eyes met yours, seeing how he had no reaction to this made you fill with rage. what the actual fuck? was he really not even moved by what you said? "How do you just stand there not doing anything not feeling anything for me? while i cry my ass out begging you to act like a father not for me but for our child.
Hitting his chest repeatedly you assumed he would lose his grip on you. "Just got to sleep Y/N you're tired." He clutched your chin and stared into your eyes. His hair was messy, and his eyes had no emotion. He was tired, but so were you. You began to cry, hiding your face from your husband who just stared. It sucked being the only one who cared about this marriage. “Im sorry.” He leaned in slowly to kiss your forehead caressing your face while he frowned at you. Satoru truly felt sorry but not for this situation.
“Hey, I'll make it up to you.” He leaned into you and kissed you gently. Despite the passionate kiss, you felt nothing towards it. You usually get butterflies when Satoru kisses you this way. When he kissed, he usually did so in a rough and sensual way. Nowadays, you and Satoru rarely even kiss. You would always find him randomly approaching you and letting you know he "missed you" with a small peck on the lips or even a full makeout session behind the gym. You really missed the way his soft lips felt against yours. Every once in a while, he would touch your waist and squeeze it.
He was such a gentleman back then, not that he isn't now, but back then he was so different. Once he stopped kissing you he stared into your eyes saying the words that once meant everything to you.
“I love you so much.”
You just stared back not saying a single word. “Me too.” Finally he decided to let go of you, pushing you onto the bed. “Listen next week my company is going to a business trip. I already booked a room for us.” Turning off the lights he cuddled into you. Leaving you to your thoughts you didn't know what to do. 'was he really going to act like we're okay? like if our family isn't slowly falling apart...?' Closing your eyes you let out a small breath, crying yourself to sleep.
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hiii!! Could i get a simple one shot where its specer reid x daughter(6) who had woken up with the flu in the middle of the night, and reid is just the best dad ever, if you can throw in a bed wetting scene as well, Lots of comfort i love your writting so much🤍
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Request: hiii!! Could i get a simple one shot where its specer reid x daughter(6) who had woken up with the flu in the middle of the night, and reid is just the best dad ever, if you can throw in a bed wetting scene as well, Lots of comfort i love your writting so much🤍
This idea is adorable thank you for requesting!
Third person pov...
Spencer Reid was tired, the last case had been a hard one, in Las Vagas an unsub was kidnapping little children aged 4 to 8 and pretending that they were their parents, if the kid misbehaved or did something the unsub didn't want she would kill them.
She got through 8 children both boys and girls before the last victim little 6 year old esme, she had been kidnapped from the park near the unsubs hunting ground.
She was knocked out and kept the longest, a week later she managed to escape from the house, she had told the team she escaped when the unsub was taking a nap and forgot to lock one of the windows, covered in bruises and blood the little girl was saved and the unsub captured.
On the plane ride home Spencer was anxious to see his daughter, little Esme had remind him of his 6 year old safe home Virginia, the doctor was currently on the phone with the babysitter.
He sat drumming his left hand on the table waiting for the call to go through finally when the called connected he felt less anxious. "Hello Mr Reid" she said, Spencer relaxes slightly.
"Y-yes he-hello Mrs thorn, I'm calling to let you know I will be home by 1am, we have just left Las vagas" he explains to the babysitter, Mrs Thorn had been Y/Ns babysitter ever since she was a baby.
Spencer of course has a very demanding job and it always away on case from 2 days to almost 2 weeks, depending on the Unsub, he doesn't get to see existing daughter must when he does he spends every minute with her.
Only being 6 years old the little girl is very smart like her Daddy, she understood why he left her with Mrs Thorn alot, but I didn't mean he didn't love her just that he was busy saving other people from bad guys.
"Ooh that's great news Mr Reid, little Y/N has been missing you, she will be very happy to have you home" Exclaimed Mrs Thorn, Spencer grinned.
"I've missed her too, can you put her on for me ?" He askes hope in his voice, Mrs Thorn laughed slightly. "Of course I can, here she is- N/N its Daddy" Spencer can hear Mrs thorn say.
Then the unmistakable squeal of his daughter. "Daddy!! Daddy it's you" Exclaimed Y/N the little 6 year old had been given the phone to talk to her Dad.
Spencers smile widened at the sound of his daughters voice. "Hi sweetie, it's Daddy, I'm coming home" he says hearing Y/N squeal loudly in excitement at the news.
"Yayy! Daddy's coming home, you hear that Mrs Thorn!- yes I hear N/N- oh Daddy! I got a new book from the library" Little Y/N then spent the next hour telling her Father what she did the time he was away.
Hours later the plane finally lands, Y/N had fallen asleep telling her Dad what, she did almost two hours ago, throughout the time Spencer had noticed the team watching him with smiles on their faces as he talked tk his daughter.
Soon the group of 6 were walking to the bullpen to grab their stuff. "I cannot wait to get home and sleep I'm my bed" groaned Emily, JJ and Morgan agreeing with her.
Spencer grabbed bus go bag and normal bag and was making his way to the exit. "See you guys tomorrow, late start at 9 so relax a little before coming in" called Hotch from his office.
Soon Spencer was home, Mrs Thorn had left an hour ago after Y/N fell asleep, Spencer quickly opened and locked the door behind him as he walks in.
He tiptoes as silently as possible, taking of his shoes abd walking through the apartment, he puts down his bag, he pulls out the book he bought home for Y/N.
He goes to sit on to sofa but is stopped by crying, tensing Spencer looks to his daughters room. "N/N" he runs to her room and slams open the door. "N/N? Are you okay? It's daddy" he says to the dark room, the only light source being the night light.
"Daddy!" Sobs the little H/C haired girl, the 6 year old was currently kneeling on her bed, hair sticking up, rubbing her teary eyes as she cries.
Spencer walks over to her quickly, he shush the crying girl, picking her up and hugging her rocking back and forth trying to comfort. "Shh Shh it'd okay Baby, daddy's here daddy's right here " he whispers calmly in her ear.
After a while she stops, her sobs turning into sniffles, Spencer child feel his shirt soaked with tears but he didn't care, only comforting hid daughter mattered.
"Daddy" cries Y/N, Spencer shushes her again. "It's okay Baby" as he continues rocking thr 6 year old he finally notices the wet patch on her sheets where she was laying.
He then gently pulled the red eyed girl of his shoulder and infront of him, he then looked at the wet patch on her pj's. 'Oh no' he thinks.
"It'd okay N/N, you didn't mean to" he mutters, holding his daughter in one hand he pulled all the sheets of the bed, and started to run a warm bath for Y/N.
Rubbing her back thr Agent sat on the toilet to watch thr bath, bouncing Y/N as he did. "Daddy hurt" whispers Y/N her voice horse from crying.
Spencer then turned her around. "Where does it hurt N/N?" He asks, Y/N then point to her throat and head. Spencer the checks her forehead she does feel a little warm.
"Guess you got the Flu sweetie, don't worry after a nice warm bath I'll give you some medicine okay" he says to her, Y/N jsut nods as he turns the water off and puts her in it.
15 minutes later, Y/N is dressed in clean pj's and back in her Daddy's arms, idly sucking on her thumb as she waits for her Daddy to change her bed sheets and to get her some medicine.
Soon Spencer comes back, he had some kids medicine to her to take and he had changed thr bed sheets into new ones. "Here you go sweetie" he says and gives the medicine for her to take, once she did he picked her back up again rocking back and forth.
"Feeling better baby?" He asks the sleepy 6 year old, it was almost 3am at this point. Y/N doesn't answer only nods her head falling onto her Dad shoulder thumb still in her mouth.
The man sighs quietly. "She's falling asleep again" he whispers to himself, checking the time he goes to his bedroom knowing she won't be letting go of his now, the two get under the covers.
Y/N tucked securely under his arm, Spencer kisses her forehead. "Good night baby" he mutters against her still warm head though not as warm as before. "Night Daddy" comes the sluggish voice of thr 6 year old.
Soen soon finds himself following his daughter into the land of dreams.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I definitely enjoyed writing this, as usual sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1308
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rowretro · 8 months
𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪
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WARNINGS: Blood, violence, mentions of sexual things, like wyr games if ykwim
✧tag list✧: @strawbsj @nikipedia07 @enhypensccstarlight @nikisdubblchococake
Y/n watched as the kids hugged their parents before running to the school bus, to go to their school. Sighing, she went downstairs, smiling as she heard her little pet bunny hop to the door part of the cage, wanting to be set free. "Suzi~" she cooed, opening the cage as she stroked the bunny's head, softly booping it's pink nose.
The girl lifted the bunny by it's ears and left it in the bigger cage that was in her backyard, not wanting to take the risk of letting the bunny in her house, knowing full well the tiny menace will chew threw the wires and get electrocuted. She glanced at the small greenhouse she kept just for her butterflies. Her late mother was a lepidopterist, since her murder, y/n was given this extremely expensive build in the back of her apartment.
Locking all the doors, she hopped onto her motorbike and rode to school. Upon arriving at the school, she didn't even bother entering the building, because there he was, getting into yet another fight. Riki harshly punched male in the same spot multiple times, the male striking back, aiming for Riki's face, but he ducked. She wore her earphones, and purposefully pushed past him. Riki glared at the girl, already pissed, Sungchan used this chance to finally punch Riki.
He pulled on Riki's hair and kneed him in his stomach before running off. "MOTHERFUCKER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU PUSSY!" Riki yelled, running after him. God how bad he wanted to kill y/n. The girl smirked to herself as she slumped in her seat, in the back of the classroom, doodling on her notebook. She was only a few minutes late, her head down on the table, one earphone in, as she tried to nap.
It wasn't that easy to nap when she could hear Yeonjun and Taehyun, just a few rows in front of her, mention her name a few time, disgust evident on her face as she overheard them "Would you rather... be locked in an empty classroom with Mrs Lee, or... have sex with y/n?" Yeonjun asked with a grin as Taehyun snickerred. "Please, she's hot but she's our teacher, plus Y/n is kinda hot... Yeah Ima go with y/n" the male said.
The girl threw a paper ball in their direction, then pretended to be asleep. "Who tf was that?" Yeonjun asked, sounding like he meant business. "It was me." Y/n simply said, glaring holes into his head "w-well uh... Don't do it again!" he said sheepishly, trying to put on a tough act, before turning away and continuing his little immature game. The girl was suddenly yanked off of her seat, a painful tug at her hair.
"You fucking bitch look what you did!" Riki yelled, pointing t the small blood stain on his white shirt "I wouldn't have cared if it was his blood, BUT IT'S MINE, you think I'll let you get away with this?!" Riki asked glaring at her, as she looked back at him, unamused. Riki was never the type to hit women, but with y/n it's like something possesses him, and all he wants is to beat her until she begs for mercy. God he hated that dirty smirk on her lips.
"babyboy I'll count to three, and if you don't let go of my hair, then your pretty face will be met with a chair." she dared as Riki didn't let go "3...2... 2 and a half...1 bitch ur dead." She simply said, pulling onto the chair and swinging it at him, to his luck, a teacher stepped in, grabbing the chair from her. "NISHIMURA RIKI! KIM Y/N! TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" the women yelled as they both walked there.
The 2 were now stuck in a room, each writting the word "sorry" until 5 pages were full, beside them was Y/n's older brother, Sunoo who had to come off of work early to see his sister's hair a mess, and blood stains on his dear friend Riki. "How many times do I have to tell you? STOP GETTING ME CALLED INTO THIS OFFICE. Y/n, I replaced dad's contact details with mine for your wellbeing, NOT FOR YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT AND HAVE ME COME IN EVERYTIME YOU TO SQUABBLE OVER SOMETHING STUPID!" He yelled as the girl groaned.
Yep, this was what everyday in a high school these two went to would be like. Sunoo sighed, using his hands to detangle the girl's hair, as he brushed it out for her, glaring at Riki "And you, Didn't I tell you not to motorbike race with those boys?! so fucking egoistic, do you need to prove every 5 seconds that you're better than them?! I told you so many times, don't mess with them they come from shitty backgrounds and the police won't dare to lock them away, you have sisters right? can't you behave for once?!" Sunoo lectured as he rolled his eyes.
"Ah- you're pulling too hard!" y/n whined as Sunoo flicked her forehead "I won't let you do my nails if you keep getting into trouble like this!" Sunoo added before aggressively, yet gently brushing her hair out. Riki just slept, his head on the blank papers as y/n pulled out her back up phone to scroll through.
✧𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪✧
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preciadosbass · 2 months
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woke up at 9:30. when i wake up naturally early i always say good morning to boris so i did that and then decided that i’m not exhausted to the point i should go back to sleep. i just doomscrolled the entire morning and saved a few max green edits along the way. i looked through a few pin sharing urbex groups on facebook and saved a couple videos to my watch later on youtube. its a pain there’s not actually much around where i live, like, that’s why i cant go out on my own. as much as woods are beautiful and nice to be around/at there’s not any shops or town in walking distance.
the next time my family go on a road trip hopefully i’ll be able to explore a few places then. there was an abandoned housing estate about 40 minutes from where i live but apparently it’s being demolished soon, plus i’m not allowed to go there anymore. as for any of the other stuff close-ish, it’s not really anything you can explore. however, i did find an abandoned plane graveyard online and it turned out it was decently close by to me. when i went they didn’t even let me take photos but they did email saying someone could tour me and show me the planes if i arrange a date which is exciting. although i’ll most likely have to wait until october so the plants around it die down.
when it got to about 10/11am my dad came down so i said goodmorning to him and had breakfast as he made me it and i’d feel bad not to. luckily i’ve found breakfast option which has a lot less cals than that bagel so i feel a little, tiny bit more relaxed about having food in the mornings. at 1 i went outside with boris and cuddled him on the driveway. he seems a lot more energetic today. i was sitting on the sleepers across from the front door with my feet outstretched and he layed down leaning against my leg/shoes it was so cute i just had to record it. while i was outside i also fixed the lighting of a picture of jaime and changed my layout and things on all my socials.
i also followed lots of cool people in hopes of become their mutual or something. i stayed out there until 2:20. when i got back inside asked my mum about that list of things on depop that i want to buy and she sent offers on all of the uk items for me. with the rest, i just had to wait until people got back to me about shipping. since yesterday i added one more item to my wishlist, a frank iero tattoo poster from an old magazine, i sent an order regarding this aswell. my mum was getting frustrated and didn’t really understand why i wanted the stuff that i did. but she did see my point about buying the funko pops second hand from depop rather than the official website.
i think i had a nap and woke up at approximately 4/half five but i’m not too sure about times. i saw an informative video about taxidermy and how to tell if things are ethical or not and remembered i was texted a mutual and they kept asking for advice regarding stuff like that, so i sent it to them. at around 5 my hairdresser came round so i got dressed for once [i hate departing from my onesie don’t judge me 🤫] and had my ends touched up. having my hair cut is always kind of awkward for me because i have to stop myself from asking to get it cut short. my parents are fine with it, im just terrible with change. but i have been wanting it short for 4+ years now. its just scary that once it’s done, if i don’t like it, there’s pretty much nothing anyone can do. i’m fine with dye.
before she was about to leave i found out that she’s going to be looking after boris when me and my family go to butlins. she’s really nice and talked me through everything/asked me to text her if i have anything particular i want her to do but i’m scared about leaving him. i think i have a few weeks until we go. i feel guilty saying this, but i am excited, i think. i haven’t been away with my whole family before. that dosent take away the worry though. once my parents had payed and she’d driven off i went outside with boris again.
i was out there up until 7:20 when i went back into my room and put on coraline. i finally found the dvd after looking everytime i watch something for weeks. i’ve watched it so many times i know everything that happens so while i was listening to it i wrote this before i’d forget everything about my day. my phone was blowing up at the same time because some rando keeps submitting anonymous messages harassing me over making music my personality loll — anyways, i watched up until the scene where the other mother gives coraline the box with the buttons in it until i went on a walk with my mum.
we left at almost exactly 9 and went to that same field i’ve spoken about before where you can see london in the distance. the person who owns it must’ve just mowed everywhere so we were just walking on really thick piles of dead grass so it was 10x more tiring. it left like i was walking through snow. obviously it was even more tricky because we walked down and then up the really steep hills. we got home at 10ish and was out for at least 40 or 50 minutes.
when we got back my mum handed me an envelope. i immediately knew what it was; since i’ve been young [7] i’ve had this youth thingy send me and my sister arts and crafts stuff related to the stuff going on at the time. i took it into my room i continued listening to coraline while i made a collage out of the zoos map from yesterday. i opened the envelope once id glued in half of the stuff i wanted to and used this wooden flower from it. i finished it at 11, and i cant tell if i despise it with every fibre of my being or if it’s tolerable. ive never made a collage with so much untouched and plain space [photo at the end]
coraline conveniently finished when i’d completed the collage so i went out to the kitchen to see boris. my mum started arguing with me about how the questions don’t affect me at all and they only have a negative affect on her and my dad when i asked when i should come up. i’m gunna admit, this kinda hit really hard because nobody knows how much it truly affects me and i’m too far gone to even be able to speak about it/write about it. because if i do then it’ll make something bad happen. but i do appreciate that it’s really draining for them too. i just cant stop.
boris went into the living room so i sat out there while finishing the rest of that mcr 2011 concert and updated this at 12 while listening to fall out boy’s folie á duex. once i’d written what i needed to i rewatched a few videos i took at my pierce the veil concert back in april. i’m still not over seeing jaime. i went up to my parents at 12:50 because thats when my mum said they’re ready for me to ask questions about boris. it took about an hour because it was on and off and i kept on getting sidetracked. afterwards i went downstairs, had some breadsticks [and found this huge ass spider living above our food cupboard], did my teeth, and said goodnight to boris.
i cant recall how long i was speaking to him, but i finished at 2:50. i told him about my day and what’s going to be happening tomorrow so he knows i might not be able to be with him as much as id want to. [my prevision is coming round tomorrow]. i got into bed directly after id finished speaking with boris, and listened to three days grace + the used while wrapping up this entry. went to sleep at 3. i usually get to sleep the second my head touches my pillow but it took me a few minutes more today because all i could focus on was the sound of electricity and my radiator. it isn’t even that whirring sound you’d hear at your grandparents when you sleep over, it’s high pitched and inconsistent and weird. also my stick insects were being noisy.
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* ughh i hate this page sm it’s probably my least fav one i’ll ever do here’s a picture of boris to make up for it
have a good day/night O_o
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Anxiety-JJ Maybank
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A/n: If any of you are struggling with anything feel free to talk to me or even someone you trust. 
TW: anxiety 
Your POV
I was chilling in my living room on my phone. It's been about a week since the pogues and I got back. Everyone has been spending time with their families, but on the other hand my parents have yet abandoned me due to a business trip. 
I just never feel loved in my own home. I could call the pogues my home more than my actual parents. I was just about to take a quick nap before going to hangout with the group when my doorbell rang. I got up and walked over to see who it was. I opened it to reveal JJ. I was surprised to see him standing in front of me. 
" Jay, what brings you here?" I questioned 
He let out a quiet sigh. I could tell by the way he sighed that something happened. I lead him to my couch and kneeled  down in front of him so I could be face to face with him. 
" What happened?" 
He looked down at our hands and started messing with them. I put my hand under his chin to lift it back up to face me. " Hey, it's okay. You know I'm always here." 
I wanted to tell her everything that's going on, but I'm scared. She's always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. I wanted to say something, but it's like my brain shut down. Before I came here, I worked myself into an anxiety attack. It was all because of me freaking myself out about being in love with my best friend. I felt her grab my hand and rub small circles around my knuckles. I smiled at her which made her smile at me. 
" Y/n" I whispered 
She looked up at me and gave me a curious face telling me to continue. " Um, before I came here I fell into an..." I choked 
She got up and pulled me into her. "  Hey, relax, breath."  She whispered 
I took in a breath along with some of her scent. She will always smell like home to me. I pulled away to start stalking again. 
" JJ, you don't have to say anything." She said  
I looked over at her and maybe took one glance at her pumped pink lips. " I want to get this out please." 
She nodded and grabbed my hand again. I let out a deep breath before speaking. " I fell into an anxiety attack right before I got here. And it's all because of my own brain getting worked up over my feelings for..." 
I paused just to give her a quick glance to find her already looking at me with so much admiration. I felt my face get hot and looked back down at our intertwined hands. 
Your POV
I watched him waiting to hear him say who. It was making me nervous. 
" Hey, I won't judge you Jay. You know that. Just tell me..." before I could let anything else out he blurted out. " It's you." 
He let out a gasp and jumped up from the couch. He was pacing back and forth while pulling at his hair. 
" Omg!What have I done!" he whispered shouted 
I was just watching him, shocked. I always thought he liked Kiara. I got up to stop his pacing. I placed my hands into his shoulders. " Hey, breath! You didn't ruin anything." I said softly 
" But..." he whimpered 
I placed a finger over his lips. I then placed a hand over my heart to help him. " Just focus on your breathing Jay."  
I kept following her breathing pattern till I noticed I could breathe normally again. I then pulled my hand away from her chest. I then sat back down on the couch while she stayed standing. 
" Y/n/n, I don't want to lose you." I whispered 
She scrunched up her eyebrows and let out a small laugh. " Who said you were going to lose me Jay." 
I looked up at her. " I did when I stated that I have feelings for you." 
She sighed and gave me a little smirk. She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck while mine automatically wrapped around her waist. " So you're just going to assume I don't have feelings for you." 
I didn't have any words so I just shook my head. She let out a giggle before leaning in, but just to stop about an inch from my lips. " Good, because I have feelings for you too." She softly said 
Her lips touched mine for a second making me let out a small groan. I was starting to grow inpatient with her teasing me. I was about to complain, but I then melted right into my soul. Her lips got so well with mine. They were like heaven with how they tasted. I pulled her body closer to mine which accidentally made her fall into me. She laughed it off and then decided to sit right on my lap. I pulled her closer to me to deepen the kiss, but was chasing her lips due to her pulling away. She placed her hands on my cheeks and gave my lips a peck before saying...
" See Jay, don't over think things because things or someone might surprise you." 
I smiled at her. " Thank you for helping me. Now please tell me we can go back to the kissing." 
She decided to tease me by thinking about it. " Why should we?" 
I groaned out with annoyance. " Because, I love the taste of your lips on mine. They fit so well together Y/n/n. Come on." 
She let out a small laugh before leaning back into my lips. 
I really hope you guys liked this one. And again I am always here if you need a friend to talk to! 
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writing-whump · 2 months
Will there be another part of the Rip’s arc?
I would love to see Isaiah’s thoughts on everything Rip told him, and more of Dylan’s thoughts and feelings about the entire situation. Maybe you can write something about Dylan feeling a bit under the weather, because of stress and fatigue because of everything that happened, with Sel or Isaiah as rhe caretakers, if you go with Sel maybe there can also be a talk between Sel and Isaiah. If you write something inspired by my ask feel fre to change anything however you’d like.
Also is there any fics with Mat as the sickie on the horizon?
Maybe i'm wrong or misundersanding something, but Matt seems upset in recent chapters. Can we explore it a little? Somebody in comments mentioned about him interacting with Rip, i think it could be interesting.... (nothing specific. I'm simply curious how this new situation would evolve... For everyone) A.
We dived into Isaiah's perspective last time, so let's see some of Matthew's. Right guess that he was upset! Also Matt getting sick from some internal turmoil. Thank you for the asks :D
The weight of shadows
"You should get some sleep," Seline said as she stepped into the kitchen in the early morning.
Dylan was probably in the process of making coffee or something to eat, judging by the empty cup by his head currently pillowed on his hands on the dining table.
"I'm fiiiine," he said, speech all slurred.
Seline came up behind him, running her hand through her little brother's hair. He was always a ball of energy, always up for adventure and seeking trouble.
She had never seen him as dedicated to something as she saw him taking care of Rip.
"Seriously. He is steady, there is three of us—"
"Isaiah's not here," Dylan protested, not opening his eyes.
"Yes, but me and Matt are. And he is stronger now, manages to move on his own. I think it's safe to take a break."
"Can't have him around another wolf, you know it."
"Soon enough you will be in your own apartment and he will feel safer too. But there is not that much that can happen. Go take a nap on the couch." Her hand slipped to his nape and to his shoulders, shaking him a little.
"Hmmmm....will you take it up with mom?"
Seline made a face, glad he couldn't see it. Dylan finding a place of his own would be good news, except they couldn't exactly tell their mother he was helping a stray wolf with a stab wound. She would string up five theories of drugs, gangs and more stab wounds in the future.
They have both settled on not disclosing the more brutal and dangerous details of wolf lives to their very human parents. Seline kept moderately safe with her two bodyguards, but Dylan usually jumped from one friend to another. Not long or accepted enough to be part of any fights.
Even if fights were a lot more common and "natural" for wolves, than they were for normal teens on crazy hormones picking fights and posturing like roosters with big muscles.
Gentle footsteps from the stairs had her head turning backwards.
Matthew came into the kitchen. He made a lot less noise these days, creeping around his own apartment and pack. Just to put Rip and Dylan at ease.
Her heart squeezed at the sight of him. He looked pale, hair all ruffled and he kept his distance as he came through the kitchen, settling in the farthest corner from them as possible.
She kissed Dylan on top of head, one more little nudge to his shoulders to take the couch and get some sleep, before heading over to the red-haired wolf.
Matt looked up and then down, as if shy although she knew he was anything but.
"Do I smell like him too much?" Seline said quietly, leaning against the wall next to Matthew. She didn't want to upset him by touching him.
Matthew shook his head, his lips pressed so tightly together they were almost transparent.
Dylan seemed to have picked up on the mood and dragged himself upright. A loud thud came from the living room as he collapsed over the backrest of the couch into the cushions.
Matthew stayed silent still. Something about that rigid defeated posture had her stomach sinking.
"Lots of foreign wolves you can't fight, right? Must be hard," Seline said tentatively into the silence.
Matthew shook his head. When he wasn't talking it could as well be he was having troubles with it because of his shadow.
But he was unsually quiet for the whole past week. And she didn't exactly feel fighting intention from him.
If Isaiah was here, he could probably tell what was wrong.
Her own lack of understanding frustrated her. She turned towards him, reaching out with a hand. "Can I?"
Matthew hesitated, then nodded.
Seline moved slowly, giving him time to take his decision back. She wrapped her hands around him, loosely and then snuggly, when he didn't protest.
The effect wasn't immediate, but as she held him, he slumped against her.
She huffed under the weight, surprised and pleased. It didn't feel complete when she wasn't with him, when she wasn't getting her dose of his closeness, his shadow, his scent.
His arms came around her back and he buried her nose in her shoulder, taking deep breaths. As if being able to breathe after a long time under water.
Matthew felt entirely stupid and out of place, gripping the railing on the balcony.
Though being held by Seline he was proud that her suggestion wasn't true - he didn't feel any inclination of fighting either the hurt kid or her little brother.
On the other hand, he was horrified that was on her mind and that he would feel happy with himself for achieving something like that.
Feeling like a stranger when his place was invaded by pack outsiders was something his shadow struggled with. But he also felt strangely...protective.
They were young, so lost and in his layer. Isaiah was accepting of them, making up solutions and promises.
Seline was taking care of Rip and everyone could see how caring she was towards Dylan.
Maybe all that contributed to Matt feeling like they were his responsibility. In his care. He had never felt it with younger wolves. He had not felt it until he, Sel and Isaiah formed a pack.
Then what was this creeping sensation up his back? Why was his shadow, even if not let out for a longer time, twisting and turning, crawling under his skin?
He could barely string out a sentence. Blood was rushing in his ears like before a fight and his stomach hurt almost constantly now.
He didn't understand the reason, why being a witness of this made him upset, why it made his throat tight and his chest hurt. The walls seemed to be closing up on him.
Sitting still hurt, but it went against the other protective side of him that wanted to stay, wanted to be near.
Which went against his rationale that he should not, for Rip reacted with such deep-seated fear and agression whenever other wolf aside Dylan came near him, Matthew didn't dare even pass by his room.
Which was his own room, thank you.
His head was a mess of contradictory sensations and wants. He wanted to run. He wanted to stay. He couldn't stay. Something about Rip made his chest hurt, made him feel trapped and sympathetic, afraid and nostalgic.
Agressive shadow, huh? How was he supposed to be of any help, when he was the same?
Matthew had never lived on the streets. He was in a boarding school, usually alone. When he couldn't get his pack to train with him, to talk to him, to even look at him, he roamed the streets at night. Looked for strays, cause they never rejected a challenge, even if it came from him.
Even when his sisters were afraid of him, even if his mother scoffed at him. Even if he felt like he would drawn in the darkness and loudness of his own thoughts, his shadow wanting to tear something up. And he couldn't tell why or how and he didn't understand it and there was no one who could make it better.
He knew he was close to being just send to one of the Big Three to get rid of him.
That if there was an Executioner in town, he would have been considered for the list.
What was the difference between him and Rip then? If there was one to speak of.
Matthew paced the balcony up and down. The fresh air nor the view were helping. The sounds of the city coming to life for the day weren't helping.
He turned back inside only for the guilt to hit him, when he spotted Dylan passed out on the couch.
He couldn't help Rip by being near. He wanted to be near. He wanted to tear himself to shreds.
Matthew sped through the door and up the stairs as quick as he could.
Seline's hug, her touch and her calming presence helped. He could feel her sympathy even if she didn't understand what was wrong. Not like he understood it either.
He went into the bathroom, locking himself shut. His shadow was crawling up again, like a fan behind his back, licking the walls behind him like black flames.
He collapsed in front of the toilet, knees hitting the floor hard and heaved. His body convulsed, his stomach turning itself inside out as water and his meager dinner splashed inside.
He trembled, a hiccup shaking his chest. His stomach whined, cramping together and he heaved again, another watery wave hitting the porcelain. It came out thicker this time and he could feel it in his nose too.
He whimpered, hoping no one from downstairs could hear.
Time dragged. Matthew felt nauseous and spend. At no point safe enough to leave the bathroom.
When he wasn't heaving and gagging mouthfuls of liquid into the toilet, he was curled up underneath it around his cramping stomach.
He kept seeing little snippets of fights with street wolves and little strays. Flashes of the life on those streets, glad to have at least the dormitory to go to. That his pack cared at least that much, even if he was a burden and failure.
At times he must have passed out, because his wrist watch sometimes jumped forward, when he was zoning out. Lunch came and went.
Seline was knocking at the bathroom door at one time. He wasn't sure if he wasn't dreaming it up. She asked him if she could do something. Bring him something.
His shadow covering the walls and mirror of her bathroom, he felt too ashamed to let her in.
And if he saw even a flicker of fear in her eyes, he knew it would be his last drop, though he didn't know what that would entail.
A particularly strong cramp had him cradling his middle when a soft knock sounded against the door. Matthew didn't bother answering. Sending Seline away was just as painful as having her there—
Then a tiny click went from the door and it opened and closed just as quickly.
Matthew forced his bleary eyes open to find a familiar black-clothed figure sliding down to the floor at his side. "Oh, hey..." He didn't want to say that it took Isaiah damn near forever to come from his scheduled breakfast meeting with Arnie, just thankful he was finally home.
"Buddy, hey, what happened to you..." Isaiah's voice trailed off as he likely took in the state of the black-swirling bathroom. Matthew shut his eyes right back to not see any disappointment in his expression.
"How did you manage to unlock the door?"
"Shadows can slide under, you know? And picking up a lock with this easy mechanism is simple."
Matthew snorted, despite himself. "You'll have to show me that sometime." He must have looked pathetic in the fetal position by the toilet. Cold dread went through him as he couldn't remember if he flushed after the last bout of fruitless burping, only a mouthful of bile coming up.
Isaiah knelt beside him, hand resting on Matthew's neck and then gently against his cheek, as if checking for fever.
"W-won't stop," Matthew admitted quietly, glad to have control over his voice again. Both his hands were still tightly wrapped around his stomach as if the warmth could help with the insistent cramping.
"Shhhh." Isaiah stood up to wet a handtowel in cold water, dabbing it against Matthew's forehead. "It's so warm here, no wonder you are all clammy."
"Yeah, not a good season to be sick." His head was muddled from dehydration and his throat was rough as sandpaper. But the more tired he got, the less his thoughts swirled around. At least he was getting too exhausted to even torture himself.
"Come on, let's get you up," Isaiah said, not waiting for Matthew's permission to slide his hands under his back to pull him up. The black-haired wolf propped him up against the wall, shoulder to shoulder.
Matthew didn't like the jostling, curling back up again, this time into Isaiah's side. His hands stayed where they were, which made him a little imbalanced, but Isaiah held steadily under him. His arm came to readjust the cool towel around Matthew's neck and then to wrap around his shoulders to pull him even closer.
Matthew sighed contentedly. His leader's return meant part of the responsibility had shifted back to him, giving him one less thing to feel torn about.
Isaiah sat there, button-up shirt and black pants getting all wrinkly under Matthew's weight on the bathroom floor. Calm and patient as always, only thin lines around his eyes betraying his concern.
"You are feeling for the kid," Isaiah said into the silence. "But you two are not alike."
Matthew swallowed dryly, eyes shooting open at the words. His insides vibrated at the words. Somehow, it hit right.
"He has control problems with his shadow, and you see yourself in him because of that," Isaiah continued, his head tilted to the side in thought. "But the cause is different. You didn't have the right training, and you fight against your shadow too much because you were taught to see it as an enemy—something scary and dangerous to suppress and not to understand and comfort."
Matthew winced at the words, feeling himself sink forward into Isaiah's lap. A wave of helpless grief washed over him, but the embarrassment was burning away in face of Isaiah's understanding. Isaiah always somehow understood shadows better. Even Matthew's.
"Rip is different. His shadow is actually very much in synch with his feelings. It obeys him on an instinctual level. It's rare to see this kind of...harmony between the two. His shadow is his extended hand, his sword, his wings. He sees freedom and justice in it."
"But—when he can't stand other wolves—"
"That's because he feels that threatened by everyone. He lived in such a constant state of danger and vigilance he learned to see everyone the same way. He had no one to trust. When it goes on for too long, your shadow starts to embody it."
"Then why can't he tolerate humans?"
Isaiah sighed, his chest rising and falling under Matthew's ear. "That's a family reason, really. His father was human—and the one person who hurt him the most. Human weakness compared to wolves seems like a disguise now. He wants to attack them, although he knows he shouldn't. Our shadows are just reflections of our deepest feelings. No logic, no restraint, that's what he would like to do the most."
Matthew let out a surprised breath. Deep-seated desire to rip humans to shreds...yeah, even Matt wasn't that far gone. He was mostly angry at himself—at his shadow, not at others.
The knot in his stomach eased at the idea. No, they weren't that similar. Matthew wasn't that close to dying. Even if his control or rather, his relationship with his shadow, was actually worse than Rip's, their problems weren't identical.
Matthew could help with something like that much more than he could help with something he suffered from too.
His muscles unlocked and he slumped down, not realizing until then how rigidly he held himself together. He was sprawled over Isaiah like a puppet cut from its strings.
Isaiah let out a quiet but long exhale, leaning his head back. One hand went to Matthew's shoulder, while the other petted his hair absent-mindedly.
His shadow began to recede.
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Monza Surprise (Daniel Ricciardo)
Daniel's wife goes into labour while he is racing for a race win in Monza
Note: english is not my first language. I hope I did a good job for my first Daniel request!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated  and I'm not taking requests, but I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: pregnancy (tiredness, body aches, trouble sleeping), childbirth 
“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to come to the race?”, your husband said as he rubbed your bump with one of the many pots of oil you had been given by friends and family on the baby shower, the routine now well settled everytime he was at home for nighttime, “Daniel, I’m fine, doctor said that if I take it easy I’ll be able to go and, besides, your parents will be there too. Trust your mother to tell me to rest, and sit down, and drink water, and eat some more”, you chuckled, remembering one of her last visits where you could definitely see where her son’s caring (and overprotective) nature came from, “Just looking out for you and little bug”, he said as he kissed over your bellybutton. 
The Italian Sun was shining on the Sunday your husband was on the front line of the grid, the whole family sitting at the hospitality and enjoying some lunch, “Don’t you want to go and take a nap in my room, my love? Little big kept you up pretty much all night”, Daniel offered as he recalled last night where you had to move to the sofa in the hotel room as you couldn’t sleep and kept moving around in the bed, choosing to let your husband get his very much needed rest before his race while you binge watched some comedy shows on the TV, “I’m good, surprinsingly not that tired. And we’re both very excited to see daddy on the frontline, maybe even get a win today”, you wiggled your brows, “A podium for sure”, he smiled as he rubbed your bump. “Mum, keep an eye on her, will you?”, you heard your husband say as he put his balaclava on, pressing a kiss to your lips before adjusting it so it was covering most of his face, "Daddy loves and mama so much, little bug", he said before he was urged to get in his car so it could get on the grid.
Getting up with their help, "I feel fine so I guess we still have some time to wait", you said before you felt a pressure, assuming it was a contraction and counting the seconds, "that was awfully long, dear, I think we should go to the hospital", Grace said as she looked for Michael, who had already been looking at the scene and had a bottle of water and juice in his hand, "thought you just needed some sugar but turns out it's something else", he smiled, "want me to tell Daniel?". Your wide eyes spoke for themselves, "absolutely not, you'll tell him after he's done, and after he's done with his celebrations", feeling confident in today's race, "if you tell him I swear you'll never see the light of day", you had threatened as you felt another surge of pressure, "we're going to the hospital", you breathed, "and we'll see how it goes. It's probably going to take a while so just tell him once he notices I'm not here, okay?", you said as you waddled with your parents in law to the car.
Checking into the hospital, you were lucky to find that the team were fluent in English and were able to speak to you in a clear way, as well as the other way around, "my dear, just lay down while we got your vitals in", one of the nurses said as you looked at Grace, "Joe was incredibly calm driving here for someone who is not from here and is driving someone to the hospital", you chuckled as you noticed the TV in the room, grabbing the remote and tuning it to see the race, the screen displaying "yellow flag", as your heart rate increased until they panned out to Lewis' and Max's cars, "My goodness, are they okay?", you whispered as the nurse chuckled, "if you keep watching it like that, we'll have to turn it off, you're a bit worried about as I see", she giggled as her senior entered in, "sorry, I forgot to ask. Are we expecting the father to arrive?", she asked you, "the father is currently racing there and nearly giving me a heart thing", you pointed to the TV, "Oh, I knew I recognised your face. You're Daniel's wife, right? If he wins, it will be even sweeter!".
"He's leading, and Lando is second too!", you cheered your best as you bounced on a ball, allowed to be in it as the nurse figured you'd be entertained and able to get out all of the adrenaline, stopping the cheers when a contraction came and you needed to pay attention to your body, "He's doing really well", Joe said as Grace nodded, "Daddy is doing really well, little bug, hopefully you're being good today too and not knackering my body too much!", you chuckled. The race finished as your husband was the first driver to see the red flag, hearing how happy he was over his radio and seeing him doing all the interviews before you saw him heading for a McLaren employee, his eyes nearly coming out of their sockets by whatever reply they gave him, "Do you think he found out that we are here just there?", Grace chuckled before Michael texted you, "he already knows, wanted to know where the three of you were because he hadn't seen you with the rest of the team", and you nodded, "seems like he did", you mumbled as you watched his expression unfold. The podium announcement and celebrations came quickly and you were now bent over the side of the bed, arms supporting yourself as you moved your hips from side to side in order to relieve the pain, "I'm going to do a shoey and then I'm heading out because my wife is in labour! We'll celebrate it later, okay?", he said to the entirety of the fans at the track as well as the people at home, "so much for "keeping it on the down low", Daniel", Joe joked as he handed you the ice chips you asked for, hearing a phone ring before you mother in law stood by your side again, "he wants to FaceTime, are you okay with it?", she asked before you nodded, "Hi honey, congrats on your win!", she said to her son, "where's Y/N? How is she?", Daniel asked with a worried tone, "I'm here, and I'm alive", you said as Grace propped her phone up so you could see eachother, "Hello, my love. Are you good then?", he said as he took what looked like his fireproof long sleeve inside a car, "Daniel, are you changing inside the car?" , you asked, "yes, it's nothing you haven't seen before, given the position you are in, and Michael has seen too, no need to get jealous", he winked, "we're heading to the hospital right now", he smiled, "Mum, what did the doctor say?", he said as he put a t-shirt on, "she's 6 cm dilated, she's progressing very well, no issues so far. She's taking it like a champ", Grace said, "Congratulations on your win, handsome", you whispered as you felt another contraction, "I wishing could be with you, GPS says we're ten minutes away, okay, my love?", he said worriedly, making you nod before Grace told him the room you were staying in so he could ask at the front desk.
Like he promised, 15 minutes later, your husband arrived in the room, knocking impatiently before he was allowed in, greeting the team as he went straight to you, now lying sideways on the bed in a position that allowed the best comfort, "hi", you said as you puckered your lips for a kiss before the nurse discarded her gloves, "there can only be one person in the room for the delivery and that will happen any moment now", she explained as Grace and Joe got up, "thank you so much", you said as your mother in law came to kiss the top of your head, not caring how sweaty it was, "always, darling", she said before Joe winked at you and the nurse ushered them outside before the midwife came in along with the rest of the team, "Let's have this baby, shall we?", and you looked at Daniel, "Let's have this baby", before you pushed when your body told you too, Daniel supporting your back as he whispered encouraging words, "you're so strong, my love, you can do it. There's no one else in the world that is going to be the best mummy for this little girl and she's going to be so proud of you, just like I am now", he said and you got to the final push. Sitting back against the pillows, the nurses lifted the little girl and after a few taps on her cheek, she let out a high pitch scream both you and Daniel would remember for the rest of your lives, "she's here, Y/N, congratulations mummy and daddy", the midwife said as she placed the baby on your chest. You couldn't believe it, she was finally here. A head full of hair, chubby cheeks and eyes wide open just taking in the world around her, the commotion on the room already endearing her. You briefly looked at Daniel and, like you, tears were running down his face as he kept caressing your shoulders and whispering a chain of praise and "thank you" on your ear. "She's here, Sophia is here", and saying it out loud sounded even crazier. From dating back to when you were attending university and Daniel travelling nearly every weekend for most of the year, contracts and deals on and off, moving in together and getting married, and now holding the beautiful life your love created, you still couldn't believe it. "Now we're gonna need to take little one to check everything while you deliver the placenta, okay?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab her. Daniel moved so he could be both close to you while keeping and eye on his daughter, looking over to the nurses' station as they measured and weighed her before he looked down to you, "Thank you for gifting me the most important person of my life, my love, she's the best thing. Ever.", he said with loving (and still a bit teary) eyes grabbing your hand in his and kissing them before touching your forehead lovingly, "I love you so much. Thank you for managing to get here", you whispered and you kissed his hand that was caressing your cheek, "the win is even sweeter today", he said as he kissed you again, the nurse that said the same earlier smiling.
After delivering the placenta and having your baby girl back in your chest, Daniel couldn't stop the overwhelming surge of feeling in his chest. He was so happy and grateful for you, for the life he's had so far and the life he had yet to have and fill with memories with his family. You were already in your room with the nurse helping you feed Sophia when Daniel announced that his parents were outside the room and eager to meet their granddaughter, “I can tell them to come back later if you want”, he said, not wanting to impose anything, “bring them in, they helped me so much after all. And it’s their little baby girl, aren’t you little bug?”, you cooed at your daughter as she finished her milk, moving to cover yourself back up before burping her with the nurse’s help, just in time for them to get inside the room, "Here's our little babygirl, hello", they said as they peaked for her face, her cheeks nuzzled in the blankets, "so far she likes being al wrapped up", you giggled before offering her for your husband to hold her, "she hasn't had a proper cuddle with daddy yet", you said and Daniel was a natural, sitting next to you before ensuring you weren't in any pain and craddling her I'm his arms, "Hi, baby girl, look at you, you look so much like your mummy", he commented before he heard sniffles from his mum, "my baby has a baby of his own, leave me be", she said as she watched her son roll his eyes, feeling her husband rub her back.
They stayed for a bit before retiring back to rest in the hotel, leaving you and Daniel with Sophia, "you should rest, my love, I'll wake you up if she gets hungry", Daniel offered as he sat on the lounge chair shirtless after he had a proper shower and got clean clothes from Michael (who had been and angel and brought you a massive pasta dish from the restaurant you had dinner in the might before), your daughter doing some skin to skin with her daddy, "We'll have some chats, daddy will tell you about his race today, because a lot happened while you were pestering mommy to come out!".
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 10)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Suggestion of sex, and Rafe being aggressive.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.4K
Summary: Finally able to tell Rafe the truth leads to an intimate moment.
A/N: There are only 5 more parts of the series left!!!!
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The following day, Y/N did everything in her power to avoid Rafe at school. She had driven herself to school even though Rafe was the one driving Mason to school. She got to her classes even earlier than she normally does. Heck, she even held a last-minute, definitely not needed student council meeting at lunch just to have an excuse not to sit with him. She knew it was wrong and he didn’t deserve it, but she just wasn’t ready to confront her feelings yet. 
However, her plans were changed when Rafe found her in the gazebo after school. He moves away from the door to make sure she can leave if she wants to but also ensures to keep a safe distance from her in order to not unease her any more than she already is. “I think we should talk. The last time we did, I said all the wrong things and we ended up fighting. Having you avoid me hurts like hell. So please talk to me,” Rafe pleads to the girl. She lets out a soft sigh and takes her headphones off, “You’re right. We should talk. I’m sorry that I kept provoking the fight last night. I just… I was really ready for us to go farther than that. But then I couldn’t help but think about what Molly and Hannah said and I got a little nervous.”
“That’s okay. I hope you know that I don’t want to do anything you aren’t ready for. You know you still haven’t told me what they said that day. Maybe if I knew, it could help me understand how to reassure you.”
“Right. They were talking about our sex life and how they couldn’t see how I could satisfy you in that way. Normally, it wouldn’t affect me. But Rafe, I’ve never liked or cared for someone as much as I do for you. I got so caught up in my own fears that I hesitated. And then I picked a fight with you because I didn’t want to be honest at the time.”
“Okay, I understand why you might feel a little insecure if you heard them saying stuff like that. Y/N, I may have slept with more people than you but none of those times were perfect. You wanna know why?”
“Because they were not you. For me, it’s not the person's actual skills that make it perfect, but the fact that you are sharing an intimate moment with someone you love and care for. I will be ready to show you what I mean when you feel 100% comfortable with the situation.”
“I know you will be. And I’m really sorry about what I said.”
“It’s no problem at all, my rose. As long as you are okay.”
“You know, nobody is home right now.”
“Really? Well, if you think you are ready, then I don’t see any harm in trying.”
With nothing more to say, Y/N grabs Rafe’s hand and leads him toward the bedroom. She quickly shuts the door behind them. Rafe rolls them over so Y/N’s back is against the door and he locks it. He starts pressing light kisses against her neck. He trails the kisses lower and lower until he has to lift up the edge of her dress to reach his desired location. 
Y/N wakes up from her nap cuddled in Rafe’s arms and his sweatshirt covering her body. She lifts her head from his chest to check if he is awake, which he is. “How are you feeling?” he whispers with his lips pressed against her forehead. Y/N turns to press a kiss to his bare chest, “Amazing. You made me feel amazing. How about you?” 
“I feel perfect. I’m glad you enjoyed it. What do you want to eat for dinner?”
“Can we order sushi? I want one with avocado in it.”
“Of course, I’ll get our regular. Be right back.” 
Rafe gently removes himself from her hold and picks up his phone. She watches as he heads into the bathroom and listens as the bathtub starts to run. She thinks nothing of it as she checks her phone. She has a text from Mason saying he and their parents are almost home. “Cameron, can you order some food for Mace and my parents too, please?” she calls out to him. “Okay. I’ll just order more of what I’m getting already.” She doesn’t question when she hears him rummaging through her cabinet; instead, she continues to look through her phone. 
A few minutes later, Rafe comes out of the bathroom, walking right towards her. “I’ve already ordered the food and I ran you a bath. Is it okay if I carry you to the bathroom?” Y/N’s shock causes her to reply with a mere nod of her head. He picks her up bridal style and takes her into the bathroom, placing her on the toilet. He gives her time to take the sweater off by herself and helps her into the tub. She observes as the bubbles pop under the pressure of her weight. Once she is settled, he unwraps a bath bomb and drops it into the tub. He leaves the room for a second and returns with her laptop playing Criminal Minds. He places it on her bathroom trolley just as the doorbell rings. “I’m going to go get the food ready downstairs. Stay in here as long as you’d like. Your parents and Mace said they hit some traffic so it will be another thirty minutes until they get home,” Rafe informs, kissing her lips before going downstairs. 
Around twenty minutes later, Y/N goes downstairs to see Rafe has set the table for everyone. Ironically, Mason and her parents have just entered through the door. “Good, the food here. I’m starving, dude,” Mason grumbles, sitting himself down at the table and eating without waiting for anyone else. Cassie is quick to chastise the boy, “Mason, you should’ve waited for everyone else.” “Sorry,” he apologizes with his mouth full. Everyone else shakes their head and joins him at the table. 
After dinner, Mason clears the table for everyone so Y/N and Rafe head out for a stroll on the beach. She rests her head on his shoulder and enjoys the music coming from his phone. “I could stay here forever,” she mumbles. Rafe smiles down at her, “Me too. I just want forever with you. Wherever that is and whatever that means. I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
Their first I love yous. 
The weekend comes before they know it. Y/N and Rafe are woken up by a small weight jumping up and down on top of them. Y/N feels tiny fingers trying to pull her eyelids apart and hears a small voice call out, “Y/N/N! Wakey wakey. Why is Rafe in your bed?” Y/N bolts up at the sound of the tiny voice. “Bells, what are you doing here?” she questions her three-year-old cousin. In the corner of her eye, she can see Rafe is also sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The small girl straddles Y/N’s front and starts playing with her cheeks, “Mommy said to come to wake you up. Mason and you are going to watch me and Frankie. Mommy, Uncle Vin and Auntie Cass are going to go to the mainland for a wine tour.” Y/N groans at being left to babysit her younger cousins. She loves the two, but she has a ton of work she needs to get done for school today. Before she can respond, the three-year-old repeats her previous question. “Why is Rafe in your bed?” “Y/N/N and I are dating now, Bella. That’s why I’m sleeping in her bed,” Rafe laughs. He had met the inquisitive toddler many times at family events because of the fact that he is Mason’s best friend. “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast to eat.” Rafe picks the young girl up and carries her downstairs, letting Y/N trail behind the pair. She can hear Bella telling Rafe about the cars she saw on the way here. 
At the bottom of the stairs, the adults are waiting at the front door. “Good, you guys are awake. Could you please watch after your cousins?” Marvin states, handing over Franklin in the car seat. No matter how much work she has, Y/N would never deprive her Aunt Millie of some independent time, “Of course.” The adults smile at the trio and they leave after saying goodbye. “Did you guys eat already, Bells?” Rafe asks the girl, sitting her on the counter in front of him. He stays standing in front of her to make sure she doesn’t fall. “No, can we make pancakes? Please, Y/N/N,” Bella begs with puppy dog eyes. Y/N smiles at the girl, “Sure. Why don’t you make some with Rafe because he is the better cook while I feed your brother?” 
Y/N is pretending the spoon filled with mashed strawberries is a plane, hoping it will get the baby to eat. But as she gets the spoon close to his mouth, he quickly turns his head which results in a small smear of red to stain his face. She sighs and motions for Rafe to come towards her. Understanding what she intends to do, he comes closer to his girlfriend. “Look, Frankie. Rafe is going to be a good boy and eat his food,” Y/N tries, shoving the spoon into his mouth. She notices that it catches the baby’s attention and goes to give Rafe another spoonful. “Rafe,” a tiny angry cry falls out of the baby’s lips. Franklin reaches his hand out towards the spoon to bring it towards him. Y/N looks at the boy in shock; not believing that her baby cousin’s first word is her boyfriend’s name. Bella squeals at the milestone her brother achieved and Rafe just grins while swallowing the food. “That’s right, buddy. I’m Rafe.” Y/N snaps out of her shock to feed the now whining child. 
With the children fed and changed into cleaner clothes, she needs a small break just to get a start with her schoolwork. Rafe offers to watch them while she goes to her room because they both know that if they wake Mason up to watch the children chaos would follow. Y/N finishes up some of her coursework in the hour she gave herself and goes to find everyone. She couldn’t find them inside the house or outside in the backyard, so she went to check his car. Of course, that is where she finds Rafe, with his nails painted in a rainbow pattern and his hair tied in tiny ponytails, behind the wheel of his jeep. Bella is sitting on his lap in the driver’s seat and Franklin is in the passenger seat taking a nap. The pair still awake haven’t noticed Y/N’s arrival. 
“Yep, that is the gas pedal. It tells the car to go. If this was a standard car, then you would have another peda pedall to switch gears,” Rafe finishes explaining to the car-obsessed girl. 
“I know, my daddy showed me how a standard car works already. I even helped him build a model of a standard car. Do you love Y/N?” 
Bella being three means that the sudden change in conversation doesn’t surprise Rafe at all.
“I do. I love her very much. She makes me really happy.”
“What’s your favourite thing about her?” 
“She isn’t afraid to tell me the truth and I love how she isn’t afraid to be passionate about reading.”
“I like it when she reads to me. Do you think you are going to marry her?” 
“I hope so. Nothing would make me happier than being with her forever.”
Y/N can’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach as she eavesdrops on the conversation but eventually has to make her presence known because she feels guilty for spying. “Hey, you too. Why don’t we get you two monsters buckled up and we can go pick out a book to read,” she suggests based off of Bella mentioning she likes it when Y/N reads to her. This excites the little girl as she almost throws herself back into the back seat. Rafe and Y/N laugh at the small girl. 
Rafe can’t help but watch the scene in front of him with nothing but love in his eyes. Y/N is carrying Bella while they look at different books for them to read together. “Bells, look. This one is about cars. Should we get it?” Y/N asks her cousins. “Yes! Look Y/N/N that man on the book looks like Rafe,” Bella points towards a book with a man who does look like Rafe and is also shirtless. Rafe laughs at it, knowing that it is probably a romance book, “I’m getting you this. So you think of me when you read this.” Y/N doesn’t object to his statement and they both head over to the cashier with their goods in tow. She can’t even take her card out before Rafe is handing over the baby to Y/N so he can get out his card to pay. Y/N has learnt to stop arguing with Rafe about paying; she just buys him gifts and food to surprise him with. 
When they get home from the store, Mason is sitting at the kitchen island and Franklin has a full diaper. “I’m going to go change him,” Rafe announces, picking up Frankie and the diaper bag. He makes his way to Y/N’s bathroom because she has a long enough counter to fit the babe and places the changing mat on top of it. He removes the soiled diaper and wipes Franklin’s bum. But as he goes to get a clean diaper, Franklin starts giggling and when Rafe turns towards the boy to see why he is laughing, he feels a warm liquid being shot onto his chest. “Ahh, come on little buddy. You couldn’t have waited until I had the diaper on you,” Rafe complains, watching as the baby just giggles and finishes up his assault. Rafe finishes up the changing and unbuttons his shirt before washing his hands. 
Y/N's eyebrow shoots up as she watches her baby cousin and her shirtless boyfriend return from upstairs. “Dude, where’s your shirt?” Mason grumbles with a mouth full of cereal. Bella can be heard giggling at the sight, “Did Frankie pee on you?” Rafe just nods his head and sits beside Y/N at the breakfast nook. 
“How did you know?”
“He does that sometimes to Daddy, but only Daddy. He never does it to Mommy.”
“Bella, how come you didn’t tell me?”
“I don’t know. I forgot? It’s funny when he does it.”
“Ohh, is it? Well, I think the tickle monster sees someone who needs to be tickled.”
Rafe hands the baby over to Y/N and goes in to tickle Bella. She watches the domestic scene in front of her with the baby in her lap. She imagines her future with Rafe and wonders if their house would be filled with the laughter of their children. Would Rafe come downstairs complaining of a harmless prank from their children? Would he make them breakfast while singing along to the soundtrack of whatever Disney movie is popular at the time? “Do you ever think of getting married?” Y/N blurts out without thinking. This causes the room to fall silent. Rafe looks at her with love in her eyes, “Is this your way of proposing? Because I gotta say, I was imagining something more grand. But to answer your question: all the time. Just not anytime soon. Maybe when we are 25 and a little more settled in life.” At the mention of the question not being an if they get married but a when she feels her heart flutter. 
After school on Monday, Y/N and Rafe decide to go to a restaurant for a date, seeing as they haven’t done such a formal date even though they have been dating for more than a month. She is returning from the bathroom when some guy who isn’t watching where he is going bumps into her with such force that she trips on her own feet. She knows he saw her fall because of him, but he continues on walking like nothing happened. Rafe sees the whole interaction and his blood pressure rises. He quickly goes to help Y/N up, then goes to confront the man. “Yo, bud. You need to apologize to my girlfriend,” he says calmly, pointing toward her. He doesn’t want to let his anger get the best of him with Y/N here and the upscale place they are in. The man looks back at Rafe with disinterest on his face, “Why? It’s not my fault she is clumsy.” This causes Rafe to go from like 20 to 100. “IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT?! IT’S NOT HER FAULT YOU ARE AN AGGRESSIVE ASSHOLE! NOW, APOLOGIZE.” This causes the restaurant to quiet as they watch the scene unfold. 
Y/N tries to pull Rafe back as he approaches the person on the receiving end of his anger. The older man in the suit shrinks at Rafe’s dominating stance and whispers an apology before scurrying off to the table. A waiter is quick to approach the couple and ask them to leave after the scene. However, Rafe doesn’t seem to process the words as he stares down the man from where he is now sitting alone. This time his girlfriend tugs a little harder and speaks up. “Come on, Cameron. Let’s go to the car.” She takes his hand and walks towards the exit, but once she leaves the building, she notices his hand slip out of hers. She thinks nothing of it, believing he just needs some space until she gets to the car and turns to see his hands in front of his face. She knows he is trying to hide tears and rushes towards him. “What’s wrong?” she mumbles, pulling his head towards her chest and wiping the tears for him. 
“I got us kicked out of the restaurant. We couldn’t even go one night without my anger getting the best of me.”
“Cameron, that wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t exactly fair that we were the only people that got asked to leave. But that’s life.”
“But it’s my aggression that was the issue. Am I too aggressive? What if I hurt you because of it?”
“You would never hurt me, so don’t even think about that. And you may be aggressive sometimes, but you are like a thorn. When you are handled roughly and without care,  you prick people with your aggression. But when people take the time to handle you with care, they don’t get hurt.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course, I mean look at how you were with my cousin. You literally got peed on and you still laughed about it. You felt safe and loved in that moment and you met that mood. Plus, you were only protecting me from that jackass. You need aggression for that.”
“Yeah, that’s true. So I’m like the thorn to your rose.”
Y/N takes his head into her head and wipes the tears away, “Yeah, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just know that you will be the best person to protect our kids.” She gives him a soft kiss on the lips. “Now, come on. I didn’t want anything to eat from that place anyways. Let’s get some pizza.” 
The next morning, Y/N is rounding her way into the kitchen when she hears Rafe and Ward in the kitchen. She freezes and once again eavesdrops on a conversation that would lead to her questioning the future of her relationship. “Rafe, where do you see this relationship going? I know you’ve known the Y/L/Ns since you were five, but Y/N’s dream is to go to Oxford. You are going to UNC for Business and going to take over the family business. How do you expect to handle such a long distance for four years? Not to mention what happens if she decides to move there,” Ward argues. Y/N doesn’t wait for Rafe to answer his father because she starts to become consumed by the seeds Ward has planted. She makes her way upstairs to pretend she just woke up, waiting for him to come and get her. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you
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