#one sided sunny x frank
krasytoonz · 1 year
Do Knight Eddie always get secretly jealous when he sees Sunny near Frank occasionally?
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Eddie definitely does! But not ‘secretly’ jealous! He puts his Feelings on his Sleeves! He’s very emotional! And he isn’t afraid to show it!
**I’ve mentioned this before, but Despite being one of the kindest people in the Royal Castle, the Knight can hold very long grudges too! (and he makes sure to make it VERY Personal to him!)
Sunny does not have any malicious intent (or even hatred) to Eddie, but he IS very afraid of him! (Anyone would be!)
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sunnie-writes · 2 years
kiss marks !!
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pairing: wally darling x reader !!
genre: fluff, friends to lovers.
tw: stimming(?), mentions of intense staring.
plot: julie convinces reader to try makeup for fun, and then end up leaving a certain yellow fellow easily flustered by this.
pronouns: they/them, makeup has no gender !!
sunnie, talk that talk: AAAAAAAH MY FIRST WELCOME HOME FIC !! i seriously hope you guys enjoy it <33 feel free to give any constructive criticism if needed !!
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"trust me, you'll look delightful!!" julie happily said.
you could only smile at her antics. in this situation, you were being julie's test doll as she tried different makeup looks on you. after some time though, she decided to set on a particularly chic look on you, smokey eyes and cherry red lipstick. not only that, she made you dress up in clothes that fit the makeup more, saying something about "fitting the dark fancy look".
"aaaand done!!" julie placed down the lipstick, "oh. my. gosh!! you look absolutely stunning!!"
"do i? where is the mirror??" you asked, going directly to your reflection.
you could agree, that looked absolutely great on you, maybe you should try different styles for often. only with julie around, though.
"you look like a hollywood star, or maybe one of those crazy rich people on tv shows!!" she stimmed, flapping her hands nonstop.
"thank you, i... liked this." the praise made you shy.
"oh, we need to go now!! poppy is holding a friend gathering tonight in her backyard!!" julie smiled while catching your hand to hold hers.
you both left the girl's house and began walking towards poppy's. on the way, you thought about what could the neighbors say, maybe even a certain yellow artist would notice and think of you as something more.
truth be told, you had a huuuuuge crush in wally darling, the artist in your lovely tiny neighborhood. nobody could blame you, those half lidded eyes with a cat-like smirk surely would make more than just you fall completely down the stairs of love.
as you two finally arrived, you could see everyone eventually get into your point of view. the food table was full of delicious looking meals, and not to mention how everyone was dressed in different outfits from their usual daytime clothing, opting for a more formal look even.
"oh? julie and y/n arrived!!" barbaby exclaimed, "how are you doing, lady and--"
everyone immediately looked in your direction, julie hugged your arm on your side and giggled. heat started pooling in your cheeks as each of their eyes seemed to get wider at your presence. sally was the first to break the silence.
"oh my, y/n looks amazing!!"
barbaby whistled, "julie sure did a great job, you look stunning."
you chuckle as more praises pour in. unfortunately, it seems like the reason you got overly dressed up hasn't shown up yet. moving to the table, you get yourself a nice glass of grape juice while looking over to the gateway incase wally randomly pops out of the air.
looks like your prayers were answered, you hear poppy scream like a mother seeing her son in graduation clothing, "wally!! you're finally here!!"
you look over to him, your cheeks heating up immediately and heart beating a bit more fast. standing in a blue tuxedo with a red tie was wally, with his pompadour still up and his mesmerizing eyes. you swallow the air as to control yourself.
"ha ha, hello everyone." his voice still sounds as calm and relaxed as ever, which doesn't help at all with your flustered state.
"let me guess, you're late because you were working on your pompadour?" frank sarcastically spoke.
"oh, you guessed it. nice one, ha ha!" wally just laughed before looking around him, "all of you look amaziiiiiiiingggg..." his words slurred down as his eyes stopped at you.
you could feel his eyes burning through your skin. if you were made of wax, you would've melted already. his stare was everywhere, your clothing, your hair before finally stopping at your face, meeting your gaze.
"oh my..." wally had his mouth wide opened.
"hehe, surprised?" barnaby questioned his friend with a knowing face.
"y/n decided to let me do their makeup and choose their outfit today, don't they look amazing?!" julie exclaimed happily.
snapping out of his thoughts, wally answered.
"yea, of course." he smirked as usual while looking in your eyes, "what a sight for sore eyes."
you blushed before thanking him, earning another one of his half lidded eyes stare. wally made his way to you, holding one of your hands and planting a kiss on the back of your palm.
"oh my, what a gentleman we have here." you chuckled, trying to play cool.
it seemed to work, his usual yellow cheeks earned a light red shade. liking his reaction, you decided to be a bit more bold, planting a kiss on his cheek before walking away to julie, leaving a flustered wally holding where your lips once were.
"ooh, what was that?? you looked so... powerful!!" she jumped up and down.
"w- well i mean, two can play this game, right?" your tongue failed you, making you stutter and julie giggle at that.
"hehe, sly y/n!! i like this side of you, makes you look all cool and mysterious!" she striked a pose with finger guns, you laughed at that.
suddenly, sally walked right behind julie, waving at her and stopping in front of you, motioning for you to get close.
"i don't mean to gossip, but wally can't keep his eyes off of you!" the sunshine whispered.
you looked over your shoulder, making eye contact with that smug stare of his. you could feel him scanning your face, which was obviously making him more flustered since he couldn't stop staring so much.
seeing the romantic tension in the air, julie and sally looked at each other before walking together to the opposite side that you were, starting a conversation with eddie and frank. wally, seeing this opportunity, approached you with confident steps.
"so, mx. l/n, what made you dress up so... differently?" he asked.
"oh, you know darling, just for the friend gathering." you took use of his last name, obviously causing a reaction as he noticed what you did.
"ha ha, clever as ever, i see."
"thank you. any other question?" you smugly smiled at him while screeching on the inside.
"hmm, do you wanna take a walk with me, we can take a look at the stars maybe."
you were jumping up and down inside your head, "of course, lead the way."
you walked by his side, interlocking your arms together. his shoulders relaxed and he widened his eyes before walking out of the gateway with you by his side.
you gotta' give him credits, the sky looked absolutely beautiful that night.
"the stars look beautiful tonight." you spoke, eyes shining like the billions of lights above you two.
"not so beautiful as someone i know." wally was obviously hinting at you, but you decided to play his game.
"oh really? who?" you jokingly questioned.
"you know who." he responded, you tilted your head in a provocative manner, "you, of course."
"quite the romantic you are." you leaned closer to him, making his cheeks get brighter, "any other reason of why you wanted to take me out in this particular night?"
he looked to the side before staring right back at you.
"there is another reason." he released your arm and got in one knee, "you see, i have something to confess to you. y/n l/n, ever since you moved in here, i was never able to take my eyes off of you. even as you walked by and just laughed with our friends, i could always find my gaze stuck upon your figure. i thought i was able to keep my feelings hidden for you, each and all of my pining could be hidden as i fell more deeper for you. but today, you showed up in a way that i can't explain, blessing my eyes and enchanting this puppet's heart right into your palm." your heart was beating so fast, eyes almost watering before you calmed down, cheeks reddening at the sight of his moonlit self, "so i beg and ask of you, would you wanna give this artist a chance and become his one and only muse?"
you were speechless, only nodding your head before he got up and you threw yourself at him, kissing his face and leaving multiple lipstick marks. cheeks, forehead, the space where his nose would be, and finally, his lips.
you were so happy, couldn't contain yourself from leaving him absolutely breathless.
"of course, i do." you chuckled while he tried to recompose himself, only to be stared at by heart eyes and a loving sigh.
"give a man a warning before you rock his world like that." he laughed quietly.
you held his face on your palms, and it felt like you were holding the world, feeling confidence wash over you as you traced your eyes towards the marks you left on him.
"WOOOO-HOOOO!! GO Y/N!!!!" you heard someone scream.
looking over your shoulder, you were met with all of your friends watching you guys from afar. eddie and frank holding hands while eddie laughed and his boyfriend just slightly smiled, julie jumping up and down while stimming alongside sally who was shining even more brightly, howdy chuckling while clapping all of his four hands, barnaby clapping while howling happily and poppy stared with watered eyes like a proud mother.
well, at least you two didn't need to spend the rest of the night explaining how you and wally darling became a couple.
and with that, you gave him another peck on the lips, before pulling him to all of your friends, while he lovingly stared at you, his for now and forever number one muse.
"dearest, you're the absolute most."
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sunnie, talk that talk: HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!! I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS OMG SUFNEJFJSJDJS n e ways, byeeee dear reader, ily mwah /p
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Maybe This Time
Pairing: Frank Castle x Fem!Reader
Summary: You often work through the night at the Sunny-Side Up Diner just off of I-80, but sometimes during your long shifts your favorite drifter stops in for a meal. Even if nothing has ever actually happened between you two, there's certainly been plenty of flirting. But one morning he stops in before your shift ends and you wonder if maybe this time things will be different.
Warnings/Tags: 18+; smut and soft Frank, need I say more?
Word Count: 7.9k
a/n: This one is long and it got a bit away from me because I just had to add plot, but there's a lot of smut at the end! Normally I'd edit a lot more as well, but hopefully you enjoy my first Frank Castle smut (though certainly not my first time writing smut in the slightest if you know me). Feedback is always appreciated--especially since this is my first smutty Frank one-shot!
Tag List: @heimtathurs @linamarr @mattmurdocksstarlight @thepunisherfrankcastle
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Hoisting the clean stack of plates up high, you set them on the shelf in the kitchen, standing on your toes just to reach it. Lowering back down to the flat of your feet, you grabbed a couple of clean glasses you’d just finished washing and drying from off of the countertop and stepped to your left just past the large sink. Rising up onto your toes once again, you neatly placed them on the shelf beside the one with the plates. As you turned to grab another couple of clean glasses to put away, you heard Jimmy calling your name from behind you. Hands hovering over the line of clean cups on the countertop, you looked back over your shoulder at him.
"What's up, Jimmy?" you asked.
"Can you take out the garbage?" he asked, flipping a pancake in the pan. “Before it starts overflowing from the morning crowd? I'd get it but–”
You rolled your eyes, grinning as he gestured his hand at the food he was making on the stovetop. Usually Jimmy tried to take the trash out before the morning rush came along; he knew it was often a bit of a struggle for you trying to toss the heavy bag up into the dumpster out back, but you knew he’d been a bit distracted tonight, too. Maria and him were in another fight and whenever that happened, Jimmy was only ever half-present at the diner.
"Yeah, yeah," you said, wiping your damp hands on your apron. "I got it."
"You sure?" he asked.
"Yeah, Jimmy, I can handle it," you assured him.
He focused back on the eggs in the frying pan as you headed over to the garbage bin. With a sigh you began to tie the bag into a knot, cringing when something wet touched the side of your hand. Once the bag was tied, you managed to pull it up and out of the bin, grunting at the effort. Struggling with the bag now in both of your hands, you shuffled your way over to the door just to Jimmy’s right. Pressing your shoulder against it, you pushed it open and stepped out into the early morning, both of your hands hefting the bag of garbage outside with you.
Blissful silence met your ears the moment the door shut with a click behind you. If you hadn’t been toting a very full bag of disgusting garbage to a dumpster right now, you’d have enjoyed the brief break from the noise of the diner. But as you awkwardly shuffled your way over to the dumpster, carrying the garbage in both of your hands, you felt the bag beginning to tear beneath your fingers.
“Come on,” you groaned. “Don’t break open on me. That’s the last thing I need right now.”
Huffing in irritation, you set the bag down, leaning it up against the dumpster. You took a moment to rearrange your grip along it, examining the hole that had torn open from your nails as you did. You didn’t want to hoist the bag up overhead only to be doused in garbage if the hole just tore wider open on you. That was also the last thing you needed.
Bending down, you got a better grip on the bag and were mentally preparing yourself to heft it up and toss it into the dumpster, but before you could even attempt to pick it back up again, you heard a voice call out your name. You froze at the sound, head spinning over your shoulder towards the direction it had come from as your pulse sped up in excitement and recognition.
“You need some help there, darlin’?”
A smile gradually broke wide across your face when your eyes landed on Frank standing there at the corner of the building, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black jacket. He eyed you with a grin on his own face, the sight immediately turning your entire shitty third shift around.
Heart fluttering in your chest, you released your grip on the bag and turned towards him, straightening back up as you took in his appearance. There were no bruises or cuts on his face this time. It also looked like his beard had grown out just a bit more in the past almost week and a half since you'd last seen him. You secretly always liked when he showed up unshaven like this; there were many a night or early morning where your fingers itched just to feel the scratch of that darkened stubble beneath them. Though of course, you never had touched him like that.
But he looked good–not that he didn't always.
Frank was your favorite customer at the Sunny-Side Up Diner. He always came in sporadically at varying hours, but he always came in during your shifts which ran through the night until you finished at seven in the morning. Generally after a few days had passed since his last visit to the diner, you found yourself working through your shifts and always perking up when you heard the bell over the diner door ring. Every time it did, your head darted up at the noise, hoping you'd see Frank making his way towards a table with his eyes searching the diner just for you.
It had been almost six months now of Frank’s random visits to Sunny-Side Up. From the very first time you'd served him breakfast at almost one in the morning–pancakes and scrambled eggs with a side of bacon–Frank had flirted with you. Not quite so bold and openly at first; initially it had been the way his eyes had lingered on you along with the little smiles he sent you. The jokes he’d made just to make you laugh. It had actually been you who had begun to make the more brazen comments to him, enjoying the way his deep brown eyes had lit up each and every time. Soon he’d started calling you pet names–darling or sweetheart. You’d loved it every single time he said it in that deep, rumbling voice of his with the way the corner of his lips would always quirk up in a smile. For months now you’d been dying to know what it would sound like to hear him whisper one of those terms of endearment in your ear.
And that had quickly become the norm between the pair of you. Frank would come into the diner during your shift and you would seat him in the booth that you’d come to associate with him. He’d order one of the handful of things he usually ordered, and then for the duration of his time at the diner, the pair of you would openly flirt with each other until he inevitably finished his meal. He would always generously tip you before making his way across the parking lot towards his van, leaving you to watch it pull out towards the interstate again. And each time he left, you were left wondering if that time was the last time you'd ever see him again.
Admittedly Frank’s last visit to Sunny-Side Up had been a bit more eventful than usual, though. An older man had been dining in on that early morning and he had been frustrating and incredibly rude to you while you'd waited on him. A handful of times Frank had actually paused eating his meal, shooting the man a look that could’ve certainly killed as he repeatedly warned the man to be respectful. But the moment the man had slapped your ass as you'd turn to leave the table, Frank had risen to his feet and latched onto that man's arm so damn fast that you hadn’t even seen it coming. He nearly broke the man's wrist when he forced him to apologize to you.
You'd truly thought that time might have been the time that things would’ve been different. That maybe that time something more than just flirting might finally happen between you both. But no. Frank had lingered for a bit longer than usual after that man had left, making sure you were alright. But as usual, he'd inevitably gotten into his van and headed back on I-80 like every other time he'd stopped at the diner. After that, you had completely lost all hope that you'd ever do anything more than flirt with him.
"I'm good, Frank," you called back, waving a hand at him. "Why don't you grab a seat and I'll be right in to get your order?"
"And leave you out here struggling?" he asked back.
Shaking his head, he began to saunter his way towards you. There was always a sort of confidence to the way Frank walked, you’d noticed; his gait alone had turned you on many times before as you’d watched him make his way through the parking lot to the diner door. And right now was no different as your gaze openly surveyed him with each step.
"Tell you what, sweetheart,” Frank continued, an almost cocky grin on his face. “You let me take care of this for you, and then I'll grab a seat. Alright?"
"Well now I hardly think that's fair," you pointed out, watching as he quickly closed the distance between you both. "You shouldn’t be doing my work for me, Frank."
He came to a stop just in front of you, his deep brown eyes locked on yours. Loosing an amused chuckle, he bent down and grabbed the garbage bag with one hand. Effortlessly he lifted the bag up, tossing it into the dumpster beside the pair of you. His lips soon curled into a smirk, his eyes never having left yours.
"Hardly call that work," he teased. "Don't worry 'bout it. Just means I get more time having you grace me with your presence, darlin’."
You laughed lightly, the usual flood of elation you always had around Frank flooding you once again. Despite how much you’d tried to force yourself to believe nothing more would ever happen between you two, you always fell fast and hard back into your feelings whenever he was right there in front of you. It was impossible to ignore just how bad you wanted him and how much you’d grown to care for your favorite drifter when that handsome smile was on his face and directed at you.
"You know you almost missed me entirely this time," you teased back. "Cutting it real close with the end of my shift, Frank."
His head tilted to the side, his tongue darting out between his lips as he eyed you for a second. You fought the shudder that threatened to race down your spine under the weight of his stare.
"Is that right?" he murmured, the deep rumble of his voice raising goosebumps along your arms. "Glad I didn't get held up any longer then. Would have been a damn shame showin' up here without you brightenin' my day."
"Ever the smooth talker," you replied, nudging his solid arm with your elbow as you stepped past him and towards the kitchen door.
"Just being honest, sweetheart," he called after you.
Biting back the smile on your face, you pulled open the door and stepped back inside the diner. Kim stopped mid-sentence in her conversation with Jimmy the moment the door opened, her eyes shifting towards you. When she saw the look on your face, her own face lit up into something mischievous.
"Your man finally back in?" she asked, gesturing a hand to your face. "That why you're smiling so wide?"
"He's not my man," you corrected her, cheeks burning. "But yeah. He's here."
Making your way over to the sink, you turned on the faucet and began washing your hands. Kim made her way over, bumping her hip into yours as you lathered your hands with soap. Glancing over at her, you shot her a questioning brow.
“When are you going to actually do something about him always coming in here for you?” she asked.
“I don’t think he wants me to do anything about it,” you replied, rinsing your hands under the faucet. “It’s been how many months of constant flirting. He’s never done anything more than that. And he’s not here for me, he’s here for the food.”
“Nearly broke that asshole's arm the other week for you,” Jimmy called out from beside the stove.
“Okay,” you agreed, grabbing a nearby towel and drying your hands along it. “But that guy was an asshole and he had it coming. That doesn’t mean anything.”
“He only ever comes in during your shift,” Kim pointed out. “He’s never come in during mine. Only times I’ve seen him here is when you’re working. But,” she continued, that mischievous glint returning to her eyes, “I can always play matchmaker.”
Removing your hand from the towel you’d been drying it on, you pointed a firm finger at Kim. She cocked an eyebrow in a challenge at you in return.
“Don’t go making things weird,” you warned her. “I have no idea what the hell is or isn’t going on between us, but I don’t want you scaring him off before I ever have a chance to find out.”
You hung the towel back up on the hook on the wall before turning, heading towards the door that led out to the diner. From behind you, you heard Kim calling out after you.
“Better make a move before I do then!”
You flipped her off as you made your way out of the kitchen, the sound of her laughter following after you. Though the moment you spotted Frank sitting in his usual booth, you lowered your hand back to your side and hesitated. He’d turned towards you a bit in the seat the moment his eyes caught yours, his teeth biting at his bottom lip as that sexy smile of his pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. It took you a few seconds to manage to stop staring at him, blinking rapidly a few times as your feet finally carried you over towards his booth. Frank’s grin only seemed to spread wider, having noticed you staring at him. That had your face burning as you approached him.
“What can I get you this time, Frank?” you asked when you reached his table.
He leaned back in the booth, his thumbnail slipping between his teeth as he grinned back at you. Eyes dropping down to those lips of his, you felt something stirring within you. What would that mouth feel like on yours? Trailing kisses down your neck? Making their way towards the place that was currently aching for him as he sat there?
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you did your best to focus back on his eyes. You needed to stop thinking about that. At least until your shift finished and you could go home and deal with that growing heat between your thighs.
“Besides your company?” he asked, one dark brow rising up onto his forehead. “How ‘bout a stack of pancakes and a side of bacon.”
“Always with the pancakes,” you teased.
“What can I say?” he replied, shooting you a wink. “I like what I like.”
You couldn’t fight the grin that slipped across your lips at his words–and goddamn was he always good with them.
“I’ll go put in the order,” you told him. Gesturing your hand at his empty coffee mug you asked, “You want me to fill that?”
He nodded once, his eyes never leaving you. “Yes ma’am,” he answered. “Been a long night, I could certainly use some.”
“I’ll get right on that,” you told him, turning back towards the kitchen.
You managed to take one step before you heard Frank behind you. At the sound of one of those pet names of his for you coming out in that near purr of a voice of his, you nearly died on the spot.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
That voice of his did something to you every damn time he came in here.
Eyes focused on your feet, you headed over towards your car, entirely aware of Frank’s presence just at your side. He was admittedly impossible to ignore to begin with, but with the way he was walking so close to you, his hand kept occasionally brushing against yours. It had become an actual struggle for you to refrain from trying to just grab it each time it did.
“First time you’ve walked me to my car,” you said, breaking the silence.
“Well usually you’re still workin’ when I leave,” he pointed out. “Otherwise I would’ve. Gladly.”
His hand bumped up against yours again and your eyes briefly closed, that urge to just grab it washing over you again. Exhaling a breath, you opened your eyes and saw that you were just beside your car. Coming to a stop, Frank came to one with you.
“This is me,” you said lamely, gesturing a hand at the car.
He nodded back at you, his hands returning to the pockets of his coat. Another little silence fell between the pair of you and you awkwardly hugged your arms over your chest. Did you just say goodbye now? Except Frank hadn’t made an attempt to leave. Instead, his eyes narrowed at you as his brows pinched together in what looked like thought. Nerves began to shake loose in your stomach, causing it to knot together. Normally Frank wasn’t so quiet and pensive around you.
“Can I tell you somethin’?” he asked suddenly.
Your heart nearly skipped a beat in your chest at his question. “Yeah,” you answered, nodding. “Of course.”
Frank ducked his head, shuffling his boots along the pavement. He almost looked nervous right now which only made you more curious.
“I knew you were finishing your shift soon when I showed up,” he admitted. “Truth is, I came here hoping you’d…maybe want to grab a cup of coffee somewhere afterwards?”
Your mouth dropped open in surprise at his question. You had not been expecting it despite the months of flirting. Frank glanced back up at you, his head still partially ducked down as something almost timid and nervous overtook his expression. You’d never seen him quite like this.
And did he really just ask you out?
Before you even had a just to respond he pulled a face, shaking his head. A frown settled on your lips, your brows partially drawing together in confusion at the abrupt shift in his mood.
“You know what? Nevermind, I shouldn’t have asked,” he said quickly, waving a dismissive hand. “I’m sure you’re tired and don’t want to grab coffee with some–some strange guy that shows up every few days at your diner.”
“Or you could come have coffee at my place,” you blurted.
Frank stiffened in front of you, his eyes landing back on yours. He stood there staring at you for such a long time that you’d almost backpedaled the offer, thinking you’d gone too far. Should you not have offered that? Was that not what he wanted?
“Yeah?” he asked curiously, his brows briefly drawing together.
Nodding quickly, you hummed out an affirmative. “Yeah,” you answered. “You uh, you can just follow my car?” You gestured a hand down the road. “I’m in a duplex just a few streets over. It’s–it’s not far. If you want, I mean. You certainly don’t–”
“I’d like that,” he said, cutting you off.
“Okay,” you breathed out, nervous excitement coursing through you. Gesturing your thumb at your car you said, “I’ll just…lead the way?”
The grin slowly returned to Frank’s face as he nodded his head once. “Lead the way, darlin’,” he said.
Mouth suddenly feeling dry, you made your way over to the driver’s side of your car. As you began to get in, you could hear Frank opening the door to his van nearby. Another wash of nerves shot through you. You couldn’t believe this was finally happening. Frank was actually coming over to your place. And you were pretty certain he was coming over for the same reason you’d invited him, which only had you feeling even more nervous. It had been months of you wondering if this time would either be the last time you saw him, or the time something more happened.
Apparently today was the day something more happened.
Starting up your car, you waited for Frank to start up his van before you’d finally pulled out of the diner’s lot. The drive back to your place was short, just as you’d told him it would be. It had taken only a few minutes for the both of you to get there, and by the time you were trying to unlock your front door with Frank just at your back, your hands were already shaking.
Opening the door, you stepped inside and quickly surveyed the state of your place. The blanket was neatly folded on the back of your couch, your books mostly picked up and put away on the bookshelves. Thankfully your place wasn’t in disarray and you were grateful for having recently done the dishes so your sink wasn’t currently piled embarrassingly high.
“So this is your place, huh?” Frank asked, stepping inside.
Closing the front door after him, you glanced over to where he had stopped. He was standing in your living room, scanning the framed photos on the wall with a smile on his face. It was in that moment that the reality of the situation was beginning to really settle in on you with the sight of him standing here in your space. You’d only ever seen him in the diner before.
“Yeah,” you replied softly, slipping your shoes off your aching feet. “It’s nothing extravagant. Don’t really make that much being a waitress, after all.”
Frank’s attention shifted from the photos, his eyes scanning the living room and what he could see of the kitchen with an approving nod. “I like it,” he said, glancing back at you with a smile. “Suits you.”
“Thanks,” you muttered. Clearing your throat, you gestured a hand towards the kitchen. “Do you, uh, want me to get a pot of coffee brewing?”
“If you’d like,” he replied.
You nodded, your hands fidgeting together as you took a step towards the kitchen, but you stopped a second later, hesitating. Looking back over your shoulder at his curious face, you nervously chewed your lip.
“Sorry, I–I don’t usually do this,” you confessed.
“Neither do I,” Frank told you.
You laughed nervously, eyes dropping down to the worn and faded wood floor of your living room. Soon Frank’s black boots came into your line of sight, your eyes immediately drawn towards them. And then you felt Frank’s fingers lightly gripping your chin, tilting your face back up towards his. You nearly stopped breathing when your eyes met his.
“Can I tell you somethin’ else?” Frank asked.
“Mhmm,” you hummed back.
His eyes searched back and forth between yours for a moment, his fingers still gently gripping your chin. Your breath was starting to come in faster the longer he remained touching you, your own gaze dropping down towards his lips. They were currently pressed together as if he was struggling to just say what he wanted to.
"I only ever stop into that diner for you," Frank finally admitted. "Sometimes I–I even go outta my way just to stop in and see you."
A soft, surprised gasp fell out of you in response. You'd always assumed he came for the food and because he was often on the interstate nearby. You figured the flirting was just something he did because he was there and you returned it. You'd had no idea you were the only reason he kept showing up for months on end.
“Never thought you’d want something more,” Frank continued. “With me, I mean. Always figured you probably had someone.”
“I don’t,” you breathed out instantly, shaking your head.
The corner of his lip briefly twitched upwards. Readjusting his grip on your chin, you felt the calloused pad of his thumb brush your bottom lip. Almost immediately you took a step towards him, breath still coming in faster. The way he was just staring at you had you feeling lightheaded.
“You sure ‘bout this?” he asked, thumb sliding across your bottom lip. “We don’t have to.”
“I’ve barely thought about anything else for months,” you whispered.
The muscles jumped along his cheeks at your admission, his thumb pausing its movement across your bottom lip. Something like surprise glinted back at you in his eyes for just a brief second. But then his fingers released your chin, his large hand instead cupping your cheek and tilting your face further towards his as he stepped into you, closing the remaining space between your bodies. You could feel the heat of him warming up the front of you, the edge of his jacket brushing against your stomach.
Nervously your hands rose from your sides, landing on his firm chest just over that thick jacket of his. Your gaze held his, noticing the way the corners of his eyes twitched ever so slightly at your touch. A sharp exhale fell out of him next, his nostrils flaring, and your hands soon balled into fists against his chest. The anticipation of what happened next was killing you right now.
Almost as if in slow motion, you watched his focus gradually shift down towards your lips. Your heart was racing as if you’d run a marathon, pounding erratically in your chest as you silently begged him to just kiss you. Slowly, Frank finally leaned forward towards you and your eyes fluttered shut. The moment his lips touched yours, you melted into him.
The kiss was gentle and hesitant; you could feel the way Frank was holding back. And his lips–fuck, his lips–they were as soft and warm as you’d always imagined. He tasted sweet like the syrup and pancakes he’d just been eating at the diner. But he pulled away from you far too soon.
Eyes flying back open, you saw Frank’s face just inches from yours. His eyes were on you, searching your face as if he was looking for further permission. Knowing that he wanted this, too, that last bit of nerves quickly faded from you. Hands sliding their way up his chest, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him straight into you, pressing yourself to the front of him before you connected your mouths again. This time, Frank wasn’t so hesitant.
His tongue sensually slid along the length of your lower lip, warm and wet. You moaned at the feel of it, unable to fight the sound down. Taking the opportunity, he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, languidly lapping against yours. A burst of pleasure raced through you, your hands sliding up the back of his neck, fingers desperately trying to grasp at his short hair.
As he kissed you, his tongue still taking its time exploring your mouth, his hand made its way to cradle the back of your head as he held you more firmly to him. You were struggling to breathe with the assault he had on your mouth, your nails lightly scratching along his scalp as your thighs pressed together in search of friction. That warm, wet heat was building between them the longer he kissed you like this.
And you needed more.
Reluctantly breaking away from his mouth, you were nearly gasping for air. Frank’s chest heaved as he glanced down at you questioningly, his own breath coming in hard and fast. Wordlessly you unwrapped your arms from his neck, one of your hands undoing the zipper of his jacket. Then you reached up, pushing the coat from off of him as he stood there, watching you.
You threw his jacket across the room towards your couch, and when you glanced back up to meet his eyes again, that questioning look had vanished from them. Reaching down, your hand clasped onto one of his large ones before you turned, heading through your living room and down the hall towards your bedroom. Frank willingly and silently followed after you.
When you’d led him to your bedroom, you released his hand and took a few steps backwards from him. Frank stood there, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he watched you slip out of your jacket before tossing it onto the floor. You grabbed the hem of your shirt afterwards, pulling it up and over your head before discarding it on the floor beside your jacket, your eyes still locked on Frank’s. Silently, his own hands grabbed the hem of his black long sleeve shirt, effortlessly pulling it up and removing it in one swift motion before he tossed it aside.
As he began to kick off his boots, each one landing with a gentle thud along your floor, your eyes traveled across the expanse of his muscled torso. He was thicker and more defined than your imagination had ever pictured him being. Undoing the button of your jeans, your tongue ran along the back of your teeth as you itched to touch all of his bare skin. Sliding your jeans down your legs, Frank began to unbuckle his belt, the clink of metal causing your jaw to tighten.
Undoing your bra next, you watched as Frank’s eyes dropped down to your breasts the moment they were no longer covered, his fingers unzipping his jeans before he pushed them down his own legs. Breath coming in shallow, you could feel that dampness in your underwear before you even reached down to remove them. The pair of you had barely done more than kiss, yet you were completely aroused. You wanted him. And judging by the large bulge in his dark boxers, he felt the same.
You couldn’t help but to stare when he’d slipped his boxers from off of himself, either. Bottom lip rolling between your teeth, a soft whine left you at the sight of him. He was so thick and long, your cunt throbbed in desperation at the sight. Taking a step forward, your eyes still focused on his erect cock, you had every intention of falling to your knees and taking him into your mouth, but Frank’s voice broke the silence.
“On the bed, sweetheart,” he ordered.
Eyes rising up to his face, you stopped mid-step. There was a grin on his lips as he gestured his head towards your bed.
“Go on,” he urged. “You been takin’ care of me all these months. ‘Bout time I repay the favor.”
Legs trembling slightly at the prospect of what he meant by that, you turned and made your way over to your bed. Climbing up onto it, you made your way towards the top of it before you turned back around. Frank was already kneeling just behind you on the mattress, watching as you laid down along it. His large hands landed on your thighs, sensually dragging their way up the length of them. Goosebumps rippled across your skin at the touch of his warm, rough hands on you, the heat of them lingering long after he’d touched you.
“Gonna take real good care of you, sweetheart,” Frank murmured.
A ripple of excitement shot through you at his words as he lowered down to the bed before you, his eyes locked on yours. One of his large hands slipped underneath your left knee, raising your leg from the bed just a bit. A second later Frank’s face turned and he began trailing open-mouthed kisses up the length of your inner thigh. It felt so damn good that you couldn’t resist the resulting moan that slipped out between your lips as you watched him. His other hand slid over your stomach, holding you to the bed when your hips began to buck the higher up his mouth went.
Lowering your leg back to the bed, he turned his attention to your other thigh. Your hips struggled beneath his strong arm that was holding you still as he began to trail those same delicious open-mouthed kisses up the length of that thigh next. Your hands gripped the bedsheets, curling them into your fists when he finally reached your cunt. The tip of his tongue just ever so lightly grazed the length of you and you lost it.
“Fuck, Frank,” you whined, voice so high and needy you didn’t even recognize it.
Frank chuckled, his hot breath washing over your aching cunt as he did. You squirmed along the bed at the feel of it, your eyes snapping shut as an overwhelming need for him took over you.
“We’re gettin’ to that, sweetheart,” he teased. “Just gimme a minute.”
You felt one of his fingers slip between your dampened folds, his hot breath still washing over you as he gradually ran his fingertip back and forth through your slick. Eyes opening, you focused on him between your thighs. He looked content positioned there, naked and relaxed as he began to tease your entrance with his finger. You sucked in a sharp breath the moment the tip of it dipped inside of you, the sound drawing his eyes up to your face. He smiled back at you, gradually plunging the entire digit into your cunt as he did. You groaned out, head dropping back onto the pillow behind you.
“That’s it,” he praised, his voice sending a shudder through you. “Just like that. Already so wet for me.”
“Fuck,” you whimpered.
He slowly fucked you with his middle finger, his eyes on you for a few moments as he watched you pant and gasp above him. But after a few pumps of his finger into you, he gradually lowered his mouth to your clit and began gently circling the tip of his tongue along the sensitive bud. A jolt of pleasure raced up your spine the second his tongue touched you and your back arched along the bed. His arm was still slung low over your stomach, keeping you firmly pressed to the bed and allowing him to continue the delicate ministrations of his tongue. Though the moment he slipped another of his thick fingers inside of you, picking up the pace of them as they continued to pump in and out over and over, you cried out. Everything he was doing felt so fucking good that you could already feel your climax nearing. Releasing your hold on the bedsheets, one of your hands flew to the longer dark hairs on the top of his head, gripping a handful of it in your fist.
“Thatta girl,” Frank murmured against you, his lips brushing your clit as he spoke. “I got you. Go on.”
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath. “So close, Frank.”
“That’s it, good girl,” he murmured.
Clamping your eyes shut tighter, you felt that crest of your climax about to wash over you. His fucking voice saying things like that in that husky tone of his, while his fingers were deliciously curling deep inside of you with each and every thrust, was about to send you straight over the edge. And when he’d returned his mouth to you, he’d begun to suck your clit into those plump lips of his so perfectly that your eyes rolled back behind your closed lids, the rough scratch of his stubble against your skin pushing you closer to your peak.
“Oh, fuck, Frank–yes,” you breathed out.
Hand fisting his dark hair tighter in your grip, your head rolled back along the pillow. You felt that knot in your gut about to loosen as your back steadily arched off of the bed, breath coming in harder. When he abruptly thrust those two thick fingers of his inside of you so sharply he hit that spot deep inside of you just right, you cried his name out through your bedroom. A warm wash of pleasure flooded your body as Frank continued to work you through your release, his fingers still pumping into you while his mouth continued to eagerly suck your fast-becoming overly sensitive clit.
It was a moment before his lips released you, your body feeling weightless as you sunk into the mattress. Frank gradually slipped his fingers out from inside of you with a soft, wet sound. Your eyes shot open a second later when you felt his tongue lapping up everything that had spilled out of you. A pleased hum vibrated in your throat as you watched him between your thighs, your hand loosening its grip on his hair as you carded your fingers through the short strands.
Eventually he pulled away from you, sitting back on the bed as his tongue ran along his lips. You could see them glistening from your slick in the morning light sneaking in through your closed blinds. Inevitably your eyes dropped down to his still erect cock as he sat between your damp thighs; the tip of it was wet with pre-cum. Your cunt clenched at the sight, desperate to feel him inside of you already.
Pushing yourself upright on the bed, unable to wait any longer, you rose up onto your knees. Frank chuckled when your hands landed on his shoulders and gently pushed him towards the mattress. You grinned at the warm sound but were pleased when he allowed you to push him down to the bed on his back.
“Someone’s eager,” Frank muttered.
“Mmm, someone made me wait almost six months for this,” you replied, throwing a leg over his hips as you straddled his waist. “And now I’m tired of waiting. Aren’t you?”
Frank’s teeth clamped down on his lip, both of his hands landing on your hips as he gave them a squeeze. His eyes were on yours, a warm glint in them that had your heart stuttering at the sight.
“S’pose it has been that long, huh?” he mused, his head playfully cocking to the side. “Want me to grab a condom first, though, sweetheart?”
You shook your head, eyes still on his. “Not unless you want to,” you answered. “I’m on the pill. Haven’t been with anyone in a bit, either,” you admitted.
“Neither have I,” Frank told you.
You gripped the hard length of him, your hand stroking up and down him once while reveling at the soft hiss of pleasure he emitted when you did. Humming out a pleased noise yourself, you lined him up with your entrance and very slowly sunk down onto him. But he was so thick that your eyes immediately snapped shut and both of your hands flew forward, landing on his chest with your nails biting into his skin. You’d just barely managed to get the head of him inside of you before you’d needed to pause, giving your cunt a moment to adjust to the pleasant stretch of him filling you. You weren’t sure if he was just that big or if it had just been that long since you’d last been with someone.
Frank’s hands slipped around to your back, both of his large, warm palms gliding up and down your bare skin. The hairs along your forearms rose at the sensation and the tenderness of his touch.
“Take your time,” he urged. “Feels so goddamn good already, sweetheart.”
Something like a moan vibrated in your throat at his praise, your eyelids fluttering open. Frank was gazing up at you from the bed, a warmth in his eyes again. His hands were still running soothingly along your back, steadily drawing more goosebumps along your skin with each pass.
Slowly, you sunk just a bit further down on his cock, your gaze holding his. A soft gasp fell out of you as you continued to lower onto him until the entirety of Frank was sheathed inside of you. Nails still biting into his chest, you couldn’t fight the pleased groan rolling up and out of your mouth at the feel of him so wholly filling you. You swore you could almost feel him up to your ribcage even though you knew that wasn’t logical.
“That’s it, that’s it,” he murmured, pulling you down towards him with the hands he had on your back. “That’s my girl.”
A faint whine slipped from your lips just before Frank connected his mouth to yours. Your mind quickly grew blank as your lips met his over and over. It wasn’t until your cunt tightened in need that you remembered he was still inside of you. Gradually rolling your hips back until only the tip of him was inside of you, you carefully thrust your hips forward again until he’d once again filled you. A pleasant sting shot its way up your spine and you broke away from his mouth, crying out at the unexpected jolt of pleasure when he hit just the right spot. Frank’s fingers roughly dug into your back, his blunt nails scratching along the expanse of it as he urged you on. Obliging his silent request, you began to move your hips.
At first your pace started slow as you adjusted to the position and the stretch of him inside of you. Though it wasn’t long before your pace began to speed up, Frank’s grunts beneath you reaching your ears and further encouraging your movements. Soon his own hips began to eagerly fuck up into you, matching your pace as you continued to sensually rock into him repeatedly.
Frank’s mouth was at your ear, his tongue swirling around your earlobe as your breasts pressed into his chest. Your fingers were digging into his broad, muscular shoulders as you tried to keep yourself steady while you continued to ride him on your bed, your breath becoming loud and sharp as it mingled with his in the bedroom. When Frank’s mouth lowered to the pulse point on your neck, sucking a patch of skin into his mouth and running his tongue along it, your cunt tightened around his cock as your hips jerked against his.
“Frank,” you moaned. “So good. Feels so good.”
One of his large hands made its slow descent all the way towards your ass, his fingertips dragging down the length of your spine as they went. He palmed your ass roughly when he reached it, a whimper slipping out of you. Soon after he was gipping it firmly and using it to guide your hips a bit faster as he continued to thrust himself up into you. With the way both of your hips were moving now, Frank’s cock continually hit that delicious spot inside of you that repeatedly sent a shockwave of pleasure racing up your spine every single time he bottomed out inside of you. You were so close to cumming again that your mouth lowered to his left pectoral and your teeth clamped down on it, not a single other thought in your mind but how close you were to your release.
“Yeah, there you go, sweetheart,” Frank breathed out beside your ear, his voice strained as he spoke. “Let go for me again. That’s it. Just like that.”
You whined at the sound of his soothing voice beside your ear, your cunt tightening around his cock. With his heavy grunts and panting breaths filling your bedroom, his hard body flush to the front of yours, and his cock continually barreling right on into you, you inevitably hit your peak once more. Teeth releasing the bit of muscle you’d bit along his chest, your head rolled back over your shoulders as a long moan loosed itself from inside of you.
The sound of it only caused Frank’s hand to grip your ass even more firmly, his other arm wrapping around your back like a vice as he held you to himself. And then he began roughly thrusting up into you, loud grunts further filling your bedroom as he chased after his own peak. Your eyes had rolled back yet again behind your closed eyelids, your hips struggling to match his pace until you’d finally felt his own stuttering beneath you. A moment later you felt his warm release inside of you, a deep, gravelly moan falling from between his lips and sending a shudder down your spine as Frank came inside of you. He thrust up into you a handful more times before his hips finally stilled beneath you.
As you both slowly came back to yourselves, you slipped his cock out from inside of you before collapsing on top of him, spent and flushed as your cheek rested on his chest. Frank’s hands began affectionately running along the naked expanse of your back, the feel of his fingertips dancing along your skin almost tickling you as they moved. For a few minutes both of you lay there, breathing hard and trying to catch your breath without a word.
“‘Bout damn time that happened,” you said, breaking the silence.
Beneath you, Frank laughed lightly, the sound drawing a smile to your lips. You rocked a little at the movement from your place along his chest, never having felt more content than you did in that moment.
“Not wrong there, sweetheart,” he agreed.
One of your hands began absently tracing patterns along his bare skin just beside your face. Bottom lip slipping between your teeth, you gathered the courage to ask him what was quickly becoming the focus on your mind.
“So…what’s this mean now?” you asked carefully. “Are you…going to just disappear on me again in a few minutes?”
“You want me to?” Frank asked.
Shifting your head on his chest, you turned until you could glance up at his face, your chin resting against him. “No,” you whispered. “I don’t.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he gazed down at you, his hands still roaming along your back.
“Then I won’t disappear on you in a few minutes,” he promised you.
“Do you–” you paused, eyes nervously dropping down to where your fingers were still tracing patterns on his chest, “–you maybe want to stay for a bit? Clean up and–and get some sleep? And maybe I could…make us some dinner later? Unless you can’t stay that long.”
“I can stay,” Frank stated, that smile still on his face.
“Yeah?” you asked hopefully, brows rising onto your forehead.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I’d like that.”
You grinned, lowering your head back to his chest. Turning just a bit, you pressed a lingering kiss to the skin beside your mouth. Frank hummed out a contented noise above you, the sound only growing your grin.
“You know,” you whispered coyly, “now that you know where I live, you don’t have to always stop by the diner just to see me.”
“That right?” he asked.
“Mhmm,” you hummed out. “Maybe you could actually stop by to see me here. On purpose.” Your tongue ran along your bottom lip, your eyes still focused on the absent movements of your fingers on his chest. “And maybe you could actually call me first because you have my number.”
Frank chuckled beneath you, his arms wrapping around you tightly. A moment later you felt his lips placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Think I like the sound of that, sweetheart,” he told you, glancing back down at you.
“Is that right?” you said, shooting him a teasing grin.
A bark of laughter flew out of Frank, the sound causing you to join in with him. He looked more handsome with the way his face was lit up right now, the largest smile you’d ever seen on his face seemingly permanently residing on it right now. And in that moment, lying in your bed laughing with him, your eyes locked on each other’s, one thought ran through your mind.
All those months of waiting for this moment with him had been worth it.
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mundoperla · 2 years
Hello iz me, I thought of another request sorry sdvhf- Some killers reactions to finding a gn survivor in the middle of a trial asleep? Just passed the fuck out in the back seat of a truck in the cornfield map- Or asleep in a locker or the corner of a room, waiting for a teammate to come back, something like that
(No established relationships, for both of the requests I sent!… yet) 👀
If you could include Frank again because..👉🏻👈🏻, but aside from that, any other killers you want to write hcs for! :D Thank you again!
i see frank? i fold like a samsung galaxy z flip 4
𝘿𝘽𝘿 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙙𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡
u see the title babes G/N reader x Killers🤭
— killer(s) included;; frank morrison & danny johnson bc i had no clue who else to add🧍‍♂️
‼️tw(s);; none!
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖔𝖓
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✿.。༅ He was confused to say the least. Had survivors tried hiding inside and under the cars before? absolutely, but he had never encountered one sleeping in one.
✿.。༅ What is he even supposed to do in this situation??? He could drag you out by your ankles and toss you onto a hook, easy kill, but you looked so peaceful.
✿.。༅ Frank doesn’t blame you for deciding to pass out during the trial, he gets exhausted during them and after too.
✿.。༅ He’s a killer not a monster 🙄
✿.。༅ Ultimately you’re left alone, he’d feel guilty waking you up, he doubts the anxious pre-trial periods don’t help much with relaxation either. Coldwind farm wasn’t any better — but at least there were some spots that you could lay your head for a minute.
✿.。༅Frank will make sure not to make any noise around the car you’re in as to not disturb you, he’ll kill one of your friends far away or steer chases away from the vehicle.
✿.。༅ Internally he worries if the car is too hot in there for you, it was a very warm and sunny setting you guys were in so of course he was anxious that you’d overheat in there.
 ✿.。༅ Despite his worries, you were still peacefully sleeping.
✿.。༅ If you’re lucky he might sit near the truck you’re resting in while the match continues, he’ll wait for you to get up so he can take you to an exit.
✿.。༅ You can give him hell about him actually being ‘soft’ & he’ll threaten to yank you out of the vehicle next time he finds you and then toss you on the rustiest hook he can find, but he never does.
• • •
𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖍𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖓—𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊
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✿.。༅ Oh hey
✿.。༅ Danny finds you sleeping in one of the old houses in Haddonfield, he was looking for someone else but you were a much more pleasant surprise!
✿.。༅ Unfortunately unlike Frank, he’s yanking you up and throwing you on a hook😪
✿.。༅ He’ll catch you again in another house sleeping after he gets rid of the rest of your team, he’s confused now.
✿.。༅ You’re quite literally in a life or death situation yet you’re choosing to sleep?? Surely you’d want to leave just like everyone else, so why were you just clocking out???
✿.。༅ Of course he’s thinking of killing you right here, but this time he decides to let you have some peace before he kills you.
✿.。༅ What does he do instead? Lay down on the floor next to you! He could’ve just went to the next room over and lay on the mattress but he wanted to still be as close to you as possible.
✿.。༅ You’re unable to see because of the mask, but he’s looking at you from the side. He sees how you manage to keep yourself together before the games even begin and now he sees you relaxing once you’ve been thrown into one.
✿.。༅ Thats pretty damn cool to him, he’s slaughtered your friends countless times but you were still somehow calm.
✿.。༅ Maybe he’ll let you sleep some more, hatch is right downstairs so he’ll let you leave this time.
• • •
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to-thelakes · 9 months
breakfast dates
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; frank had been out of town for the past week and your insomnia had made a grand return but you weren't gonna let sleepiness stop you from having a much needed breakfast date
warnings; fluff, reader has insomnia
notes; another day, another fluffy one-shot! i'm honestly semi-surprised i managed to do this because much like the reader in this, i am very sleep deprived today (due to trying to fix my sleep schedule)! but here is day two of fluffbruary! the prompts i used today were 'scent' and 'jam'. once again, this has been proof-read but my aforementioned sleepy state might have meant that i missed any grammatical errors so apologies in advance! otherwise, enjoy some fluffy frank <3
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To say you didn’t want to get out of bed was truly an understatement. You were exhausted and your insomnia had been flaring up for the past few nights. It was frustrating but you needed to get up. You were starting work at midday and you were supposed to meet Frank for breakfast. He had been out of town for the past week and to make up for missing your birthday, he was taking you out for a birthday breakfast.
Logically, you knew that if you just texted Frank and told him that you were tired that he’d be happy to come over instead. But he had made the effort after he definitely had a long night of driving just to be back in New York for you on the one morning you had free this week. Plus, the diner he was taking you to had been where you’d gone on your first (not really) date so you wanted to go.
It took 10 minutes of inwardly fighting with yourself before you kicked the covers back and got up. You rubbed your eyes, picking up an outfit that would be suitable for work and your impromptu date. You brushed your teeth, downed a glass of water and sprayed the new perfume your mom had gotten you for your birthday before leaving the house.
It was only a 5 minute walk to the diner and when you stepped inside, Frank was sitting at your usual booth waiting for you. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and a grin spread across his face when he spotted you. You couldn’t help but smile back even if you were still a little sleepy from your early start.
He greeted you halfway, wrapping you up in a hug and pressing a kiss to your lips. He muttered a soft hello and his gruff voice made you want to melt right into him. It had been too long without him and there was something soothing about the return to his presence. You held onto him for probably a little longer than necessary before you broke apart and sat on opposite sides of the booth. 
Frank took another sip of his coffee while you settled in your seat, discarding your coat to one side and adjusting your dress shirt.
“That a new perfume?” He asked as you pushed your hair behind your ear. You nodded.
“Yeah, my mom got it for me,” You explained. He smirked, leaning back in the booth. You narrowed your eyes, “Hang on.” You paused and watched as Frank’s lips grew from a smile to a grin; teeth and all, “You told my mom to get it didn’t you!” You suddenly exclaimed, unable to help the smile that spread across your face at your sudden realisation. He lifted his coffee up to his lips, taking a sip to hide how his smile had somehow grown even more.
“You kept talkin’ about it.” His words were punctuated with a small shrug and you scoffed. But before you could make any response, the waitress came over to take your order. Frank ordered pancakes, maple syrup and bacon and you ordered sunny-side up eggs, bacon, waffles and a side of toast. The toast always came with the most delicious jam. You had begged the waitress more than once for the brand but she always refused - it was a company secret, you had been told.
Once the waitress had taken your order and brought you over a glass of water and a cup of tea, she disappeared to the back. This left you alone with Frank again.
“You look tired, sweetheart.” Frank’s voice had softened as he reached his hand out across the table. You leant forward so that you could lift his hand to be resting against your cheek. His hands were so warm and even if they were callused from the years of intense work and suffering he had to endure, they were perfect for him.
“I wasn’t the one driving all night,” You muttered, letting your eyes fall closed as you settled into the warm feeling of his hand. Frank chuckled and you opened your eyes to admire him. The past week had been rough without him but seeing him again made it all so much better. Your intertwined hands dropped down to the table and he gently pulled his away so he could pat the seat next to him.
He knew that you needed the closeness of him just as much as he needed to be close to you. Frank was hopelessly attached to you and it terrified him most of the time but in moments like this, he longed to protect you and hold you. 
Without even a second thought, you obliged him and switched to sit beside him in the booth. Then, you snuggled up to his side, wrapping your arm around his waist. He buried his face into your hair, inhaling the scent of the new perfume that was clinging to every part of you. He had suspected that it’d smell perfect on you and he was right, it did.
“You’re sleeping in my bed tonight,” You declared. You felt the rumble of his chuckle in his chest and that sound was the most soothing thing in the world to your deprived ears. If you didn’t have any responsibilities for the rest of the day, you would have let yourself fall asleep pressed against him. But you still needed to go to work later.
“I ain’t gonna argue with that,” He said, pressing a kiss to your hair. You turned your head up to look at him, your back aching from the slightly awkward position that you had got yourself into.
“You better not.” You were grinning now and he cupped your cheek, pulling you up to connect your lips. It was a soft kiss - like all of them had been recently - but it was just what you needed. After a moment longer of enjoying his embrace, you pulled away and returned to your side of the table. You talked a little bit about how the job had been before the waitress came back over with your orders. She placed them down and you wasted no time digging into the pot of jam and spreading a thick layer across the buttered toast.
Frank watched in amusement as you wolfed down the slices of bread. But once you had sufficiently enjoyed the toast, you returned back to civility and the two of you went back and forth about your plans for the day. Frank said that while you were at work, he’d go home and take a nap. Then he’d come over to your place later.
He offered to make you dinner but you insisted that it was okay. You kept reminding him that he had been driving most of the night and he needed to relax. But Frank was ever the gentleman and he wanted you to be pampered. 
Even if neither of you said it, he could tell that you were tired and that the insomnia had reared its ugly head again in a way that wasn’t so easily solved. It had already been bad before he left for the job last week and you had both come to the conclusion that his presence had been the best cure. So, he could only guess how much worse it had become while he was gone.
But you were stubborn and weren’t going to give up easily so he simply decided that he wasn’t going to give you a choice in having a pampered evening. You deserved to be loved and you deserved to be able to relax and he would be damned if he didn’t help you feel that way.
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pumpkinbxtch · 7 months
ok so like I just requested so please take your time on this next one, I’m over here asking again alr because you’re response was so nice to my last one it made me feel ok asking again 😭❤️❤️❤️ I’ll be a little more specific with this one <3
Apollo x Fem!Reader, where the reader is a mortal who keeps reincarnating every hundred or so years and Apollo falls in love every single time 🤭 and once again it’s been a 100 or so years, and suddenly he meets her again!!! this can be god!apollo or Lester!apollo bcs honestly there’s so many possibilities with both so I’ll leave that up to you :3
Again take your time with this one and feel free not to even accept it right away!!! Thank you for the last one again and pls have a great day!! YOURE THE BEST ❤️❤️
• ° . ☆ “Free coupons, take one and cry all afternoon”
— apollo x mortal!reader
part ii
Summary: Apollo has literally loved you for years and years and lifetimes. Now that you return to him, that time his crossroads will not be long, but at least he was able to see you and fall in love with you once again. warnings: bad words, yea umm. Haha a/n: I'm so happy you liked what I wrote. It's really very important to me. AND SORRY if I'm late, it's just inspiration. The gods refused to give it to me, but it is here. Kisses.- From the other side of the milky way, María.
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The first time, Apollo saw you and without hesitation passed his heart towards you. Oh gods, he had the best weeks of his life, but then he had to let you go. You were a mortal, he couldn't be with you for long without exposing you to danger.
And since he loved you so much, he decided to give up, he forced himself to see more for you than for his need to be with you.
He had already calculated it, it was about 100 years or so to see you again, but throughout those, he changed completely, he had to face a great battle against his father's ego and that of himself. He almost forgot how old and ageless he was, when you spend more than six months fighting for your life, that's how it is. Until that day when he accompanied his now friends to an amusement park, the same ones as always; Will, Nico, Rachel, Meg, and the seven. Ten young adults, one teenager and ONE “apparent” young adult. They were having a great time, actually.
The roller coasters, the ice cream, the sun (him), the kiddie rides that Meg insisted on riding. But Apollo had gotten tired, can a god get tired? Well, he's trying to keep up with so many demigods with ADHD at a fun fair.
He took a seat on one of those wooden benches with faded rainbow paint. The others looked for him and gathered around.
— Apollo! I want to go to the water attraction —  Percy said, holding Annabeth's hand, who was apparently analyzing the map of the place.
— Yes, and then we go to the flying chairs — said Jason, his practically brother. A smile that he had never seen adorned his face, next to him, Leo hung from the blonde's neck.
—Yes, come on, sunny.
—Don't be lazy, I want to go to the carousel.— Meg said, squeezing the dolphin plushie that he had won for her in the shooting game.
Frank handed him his ice cream, and Hazel looked at him for any injuries.
Will and Nico seemed to have moved on, they were very lovey-dovey lately.
—Thank you, Frank. I'm fine —
— If you don't like sharing, I can go get one for you.
Apollo smiled and brushed his brown hair out of his face.
—I'm fine, man. Don't worry.
But he knew that wasn't the case, he felt something in his stomach that wouldn't leave him alone.
Piper and Rachel looked at each other, both seeming to read each other's minds as they discussed something.
—How about we walk Meg to the carousel and come back for you? It sounds fun, a bunch of us riding metal animals going up and down —  Piper said, taking Meg's hand. Rachel nodded and smiled at Apollo.
— Yes, I think it will be enough for you to rest.
No one had any objections, but Apollo had sensed a certain charm in the words of Aphrodite's daughter. Was he missing something?
Everyone advanced and Rachel was the last to set off, she looked at the god knowingly.
— Good luck.
Apollo did not know what those words meant, and he waved goodbye. A remorse for not accompanying them invaded him, but he stayed sitting on the bench. He ruffled his curls anxiously and leaned on his thighs, taking in the great view of the concrete with a cooler of ants carrying breadcrumbs. Then, he felt a hit on the head and an apology.
— Sorry! Are you ok?
He looked up and oh, fuck. It was you? He could feel his heart crushing and feeling on fire. Apollo stood up from the bench.
— I-I'm fine, don't worry.
The last time he had seen you, your eyes were the color of olive, now they were brown, but the look was the same. You gave him a warm smile and placed your hands on your chest.
— Really? —
He nodded and smiled, too.  For you, Apollo's blue eyes became familiar within seconds of seeing them.
— We know each other?
“We've met thousands of times,” he wanted to say, but he couldn't. In other lives, he had told you that he was a god, and you believed him. But the situation in how you had met that day, the hurried manner of your meeting, told him that the meeting with you would not last at all. Even so, seconds or glances were enough for him, he was already in love with you, again.
His heart was immersed in melancholy, and he wanted to hug you.
— Maybe…
You opened your eyes a little and approached him curiously, you smelled like lavender and sunshine, that last one made his stomach flip. You were almost invading his personal space, which made him push his chin back to avoid bumping into your nose.
— I thought that, too. Do you come here often? It's just that I work at one of those food islands. — You told him and stepped back smiling to show him your uniform. You had a cap with the company logo embroidered on it.
— Ahm yes, with… — He thought of Meg and the others. He made a silent apology to Artemis — My sister and my friends.
You widened your smile and dug something into your pants pockets.
Apollo wanted to kiss you.
You hummed and finally took out some papers. Would you give him your number?
You held them out to him.
— Coupons!
Apollo took them gently, your fingers collided with his, and you felt a kind of electricity in your stomach. You let out a nervous laugh.
— Well, see you…— The boy came out of his trance. A name, he wouldn't say Apollo, would he?, but…
—Lester! — You smiled again and waved your hand goodbye.
— See you, Lester.
And you walked away from him, leaving him empty and wanting to take you with him to spend the rest of the afternoon at the fair, to be happy, to be together.
He spread the coupons in the palm of his hand and looked at them. He was able to gain something from his misfortune, at least. Of course, why not? Burgers for everyone.
— Apollo! — Meg's voice made him turn, and he smiled when he saw everyone. It seemed that Will and Nico had found their way back to the others.
Rachel met his gaze, she seemed slightly worried. So at that moment it all became obvious, she knew he would meet you.
Apollo sighed and held up the coupons in his hand.
— are you hungry?
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viscaaelbarcaaa · 3 months
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Warning: fluff
Pairing: Marc Guiu x Fem!reader
Being a exchance student in London was never easy. Big city, bunch of trafic, new language, new school system..and much more
You are working as a student in a nice, cozy caffe near the center of the city where its always crowded. Meeting a bunch of tourists and hearing some new languages. But you never expected to meet a famous footballer.
It was a nice sunny morning. The caffe sign turned to “open” and people already enjoying their morning coffee.
“Y/n can you go get table 9 please?” One of your coworkers asked
“Yeah, right away!” You answered and walked towards table 9
“Hello, how may i hel-“ you froze in place realising who you just met. It was the one and only Marc Guiu, you didn’t really have time to read news about football because of work and school but you did came across a news page where it mentioned a famous Spanish footballer transfering to Chelsea, but you would have never thought that you’ll meet him
“You okay ma’am?” He chuckled
“Yes, sorry…how may i help you today?” You gather your composure
“I’ll just have a Espesso” he answered looking at the menu
“Alright will be right up!” You wrote down his order and walked back to the counter
“Girl, you wont believe who i just met!” You whisper-yelled at your best friend, who happens to be a regular costumer
“Who?!” Her eyes widened with curiosity
“Shh, keep it down he might hear you” you scolded her while preparing his Espresso “You know the footballer whos meant to move here?”
“Yeah, what about him?” she answered with a curious voice while sipping on her own drink
“He is sitting right there!” You point at the table. What you didn’t notice was him literally looking straight at you, he smirks at you
You smile back nervously
“Oh girl he wants you” you best friend said
“No he doesn’t, he doesn’t even know me, we just meet!” You explain
“Oh but he does, smirking and staring at you, girl you got yourself a husband” she laughed
“Shut up” you place the espresso on the tray and add a little muffin on the side
While carrying the tray, you cant help yourself but steal a couple of glances of the footballer
“Here you go, sir” placing the espresso and the plate on the table infront of him
“Thank you” he thanks you with a smile, appreciation evident in it
God, that man just took your breath away, you just stand there staring at his gorgeous smile that could make the whole London shimmer and his dimples.
You snap out of it and return the smile
“Sorry, dont wanna sound weird but i just transfered here and dont know much about the city..maybe you could give me a little tour?” He offered
“Absolutely!” You agreed
“Alright, perfect..will Saturday do for you?” he asked
“Yeah sure..but can i you know get your number so we could text where we meet and if theres any change of plans?” You hesitated abit
“Oh yeah right” you exchange numbers
You walk back to the counter, grinning like a kid when they get a new toy
Authors note: kinda rushed so sorry hope you like it and also apologising for any grammar issues, spelling mistakes
Made this cuz of Marc’s transfer to Chelsea which literally broke me to pieces but oh well
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r3dmooon · 2 years
Someone to Take Care of — Wally Darling x gn! reader
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summery: Reader gets injured! Don't worry, Wally's there to help you feel better.
tw: Getting hit (by a ball)
a/n: First Welcome Home fic. I feel pretty good about this one! Didn't really knew how to end it tho so oops.
wc: 0.9k
Master List
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Sitting on my porch, I crocheted a blanket I’ve been meaning to make for awhile now. It was a beautiful sunny day, bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds rolled overhead. How could I not sit outside? I’d look up from time to time, spotting a fluttering butterfly or bumbling bee. Taking a deep breath, the smell of freshly cut grass filled my lungs. I could hear the faint sounds of Julie laughing and Frank grumbling. A nice day indeed. 
“Well howdy, neighbor,” A familiar voice greeted me. I looked up in surprise, not having heard Wally walk up to me. I met his half lidded gaze with a small smile. He adorned his usual white button up and blue cardigan, and not to mention his iconic rainbow pants. 
“Hey, Wally,” I greeted back, resting my unfinished blanket in my lap. A warm breeze swept through and I felt myself relax at the feeling. “How are you doing?”
“Doing better now that I’m with you,” He replied smoothly, his lazy grin seeming to grow a bit. “How about you?”
“Doing great,” I replied, drawing my gaze over his shoulder, the immense eyecontact making me feel a bit uncomfortable. His head tilted a tiny bit, but he didn’t change his expression. 
“That’s good to hear,” He hummed, his monotonous voice somewhat comforting. “I see you’re working on something, mind if I join you?” I met his gaze once more, and noticed that he seemed to be carrying his art supplies. 
“Oh!” I exclaimed, feeling a bit dumb for not noticing sooner. “Of course! It’s nice to have some company.”
Wally hummed in agreement and sat on my other porch chair. He set up his easel and supplies and I continued on my blanket. The content feeling I had before only grew as now I was in the company of a friend. It was refreshing. It was like that for a while, a comfortable silence settled over us, only the humming of bugs and laughter of friends nearby breaking it. Though for some reason, the feeling of someone watching me made me tense a bit. I glanced over at Wally from the corner of my eye. He seemed to be in his own world, painting whatever it was on his canvas. I couldn’t help but feel curious. 
“(Y/n)!” I snapped my gaze up at Julie as she yelled. She had a worried look and waved her arms erratically. “Watch out!”
I didn’t realize what was wrong until it was too late. I cried out in pain as a ball hit the side of my head. In reflex, I held my head, squeezing my eyes shut. Ow, it hurt real bad, but I’ve been hurt worse. The sound of rushing feet surrounded me as I heard the worried voices of my friends.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n),” Julie cried, sniffling slightly.
“Are you alright?” The low voice of Barnaby asked.
“I told you to be careful,” Frank scolded, what I’m assuming was Julie and Barnaby. 
“Now now,” The calm voice of Wally spoke up. “Let’s not crowd them. Don’t worry everyone, I’ll make sure they’re okay.”
I opened my eyes, rubbing at the spot I was hit. My heart crumbled at Julie’s teary eyed expression. Barnaby still looked worried and I could see Frank seemed slightly worried as well.
“I’ll be fine,” I forcibly smiled, trying to ease their feelings. “Just need some ice and I’ll be right as rain.” 
Julie gave me a quick hug, and I hugged her back. They all waved as they walked off, ball laying forgotten at the bottom of my porch. I’ll have to return that at a later time. 
“C’mon neighbor,” Wally coaxed, hand out towards me. “Let’s get you some ice and a treat for being so brave.”
“I’m not a kid, Wally,” I replied with a small smile, accepting his hand and allowing him to pull me up from my seat. “...but a cookie does sound good right now…”
“Ha ha ha,” Wally laughed, his somewhat unnerving but oddly endearing laugh. “I’m sure Poppy would love to give you some as a get well soon gift.” 
Wally led me into my house, and I was hyper aware of the fact that he hasn’t let go of my hand yet. Having me sit on my couch, Wally leaned down and pressed his mouth to my forehead, his way of giving me a forehead kiss. I felt my stomach flutter as he slowly let go of my hand and made his way into my kitchen. I stared down at my hands in my lap, many feelings overwhelming me. I could still feel the imprint of where his mouth once laid. Do I like him…more than a friend? No, no I couldn’t. Wally’s just being a good friend and taking care of me after I got hurt. I’m just not used to being taken care of. That’s all. That’s what these weird feelings are. 
Wally quickly re-entered the living room, pressing the ice pack gently where I was hit. I still felt a bit shy, glancing up at him from time to time in the corner of my eye. Whenever our eyes met, I felt myself fluster and looked back down at my lap.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Wally asked. 
I nodded the best I could with the ice pack pressed to my head, “I’m just not used to being taken care of.”
Wally’s gaze seemed to soften, a seemingly lovesick expression if I didn’t know any better, “It’s nice to know that people care. I care about you, neighbor.” 
I felt my chest tighten, the moment seeming more intimate. I wasn’t sure how to reply. I tried to bite down the smile threatening to overtake me but I didn’t do too well in that effort. 
“I care about you too,” I reflect. Wally only smiled, and I smiled back. I suppose getting hurt isn’t so bad if this is the outcome.
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can you write a angst image with Frank?(not a lot of people write for him and I don’t understand why)Like he’s the son of Mars and reader can be the daughter of Vulcan,and since their fathers don’t really like each other they forbid the relationship?Please and thank you 😙 ❞ — anon
in which you're never gonna love again
pairing frank zhang x vulcan!reader
warnings angst 😬 (but ambiguous ending ?!) also there isn't much dialogue in this idk why i wasn't in a dialogue mood while writing LOL
on the radio . . . cowboy like me (taylor swift)
an this is my first time writing angst on this blog hurray! also the only reason cowboy like me is on the radio is cz of the "forever is the sweetest con" line the rest of the song doesn't match LOL
You and Frank had always known you liked each other. Ever since he arrived at Camp Jupiter, you seemed to be tip-toeing around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Then, just as you were about to, the worst thing you could possibly think of happened. Frank got claimed.
Usually, you had nothing against campers being claimed. You did so much to help the Gods, summoning a shiny symbol above your head - and thus recognising you as theirs - was honestly the least they could do. The day you got claimed was one of the best days of your life, as you could finally rest knowing you did have a God for a father and this wasn’t all one giant hallucination. When Mars showed up at camp and claimed Frank as his own, you should’ve been happy. Anyone would kill for half the attention from their own Godly parent.
But you couldn’t be happy. Not when your father was Vulcan, the one God Mars couldn’t stand. Just like that, you went from hanging out every day to avoiding each other. You couldn’t be around Frank anymore. You knew where your relationship was inevitably going and you couldn’t let it go there, so you distanced yourself.
Even when you became part of the great prophecy, joining Frank, Hazel and Percy on the Argo II and setting sail for Greece, you stayed away from the boy, opting to hang out with the one person on the ship he couldn’t stand (and your Greek half-brother), Leo Valdez. It was nice having another child of Vulcan (or Hephaestus in Leo’s case) around, since you could now talk about machinery with someone you knew would understand. Leo was also really nice, and the two of you bonded over many things.
Little did you know, Frank hadn’t given up on you. No matter how much he rebuked his heritage as a son of Mars, he couldn’t help but be persistent. You were his first love. His only love. And he wanted you back. He missed the days he’d come stumbling into the forges, broken bow in hand, asking you to fix it for the fifth time that week. He missed the way your nose would scrunch up as you giggled, saying something along the lines of, “sure, Frank, I don’t mind.” He missed the conversations the two of you would have as you worked on his bow, your laughter bringing the cold forges back to life.
He was going to get that back again. He didn’t know how, but he would spend his life following you around on his knees, begging for you to just take a look at him, to stop averting your gaze and properly look him in the eyes, if it meant he could have you back again. Surprisingly, the Fates were on his side regarding this endeavour.
The morning of the first day of your relationship was sunny. That alone was a good omen, right? Well… sort of. Naturally, sunlight alone was too much good luck for you as demigods, seeing as you’d gotten attacked by some horrible sea monsters that very same morning. You had gotten it particularly bad, ending up knocked out with a broken nose and a couple broken ribs, as well as bruising all over your body. When Frank saw you like that, he knew this had to end.
He stayed by your side until you woke up, and when your eyes opened and met his tender ones, you knew you couldn’t stay away for any longer - Mars and Vulcan be damned. Your lifespan as demigods was incredibly short, so you might as well enjoy the limited time you had, right?
In the beginning, your relationship was good. You went back to your usual routine, except you were dating now. You could call Frank your boyfriend. That alone was enough to make your heart flutter. The two of you cuddled and kissed and talked and kissed some more. You planned your futures together - all the dates you’d go on, what life would be like at university, where you’d live after university, and everything in between. You couldn’t be happier.
You should’ve known the Fates would never be this kind to you. A few months later, you began seeing your father in your dreams. “Break up with that wretched son of Mars!” He’d tell you, “he’ll break your heart, he’s just like his father!” At first, you thought this was going to be a one-time thing you could just ignore, but your dad kept coming back. Unbeknownst to you, Frank was going through something similar.
Both voices of his father - Ares and Mars - spent weeks yelling in his mind to break up with you. It was the one thing the two agreed on. They’d give him the worst migraines known to man but Frank wouldn’t listen. He almost lost you once, he wasn’t going to let go of you now. But were you willing to do the same for him? 
“I have to go alone, I wish I could tell you why, but it’s just a gut feeling. Please trust me, I’ll be fine,” you said, your eyes mirroring your pleading tone as you squeezed Frank’s hands tightly. You and the other seven were splitting up for yet another quest, and while usually, you’d just stick with your boyfriend, something was telling you you had to go your own way this time.
Frank sighed, knowing there was no convincing you to come with him. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and said, “okay, just promise you’ll come back to me?” You smiled then, promising you would. Why wouldn’t you? He was your sweet boy, after all.
How ironic.
It didn’t take you very long to find the reason why you were on your mini quest. On a random bench in a random park in Rome sat none other than your father, Vulcan. He tinkered with a piece of metal, throwing it to the side once he saw you approaching.
Patting the spot next to him, Vulcan said, “sit with me, Y/N. You’re not in trouble, I just want to talk.” For an absent father, he was pretty good at the whole ‘scary parent’ thing. You sat, wishing you had a piece of metal of your own to fidget with, but you’d left everything other than your weapon on the Argo II.
“So… what do you wanna talk about?” You asked. No matter how many times you spoke with Gods, it was never not going to be awkward.
“I think we both know what I want to talk about. You can’t be dating a son of Mars,” you tried to interrupt, to tell him that Frank was nothing like his father, that he was kind and thoughtful and caring, but your father simply shushed you, “I won’t allow it, Y/N. I’ve tried telling you this nicely, tried letting you do it on your own terms, gave you lots of time to plan it out and soften the blow, but it’s clear you won’t listen. So, I’m giving you two options. Either you break up with him, or I’ll make sure he regrets ever speaking to you.”
You gaped up at your father, not bothering to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. He didn’t say a word after that, he just got up and left. You let him. You never wanted to see him again. However, you also knew he was serious about his threat. You couldn’t let him hurt Frank, even if it meant you’d break both your hearts in the process. It was better for Frank to be heartbroken than to face the wrath of a God. He’d probably get over you and find someone better in a few years anyway.
And so, that was that. When you came back to the ship, everyone had noticed the way your mood shifted, especially Frank. When he’d asked you what was wrong, you took a deep breath and pushed the words out of your mouth: that you’d realised you didn’t love him anymore, and that you wanted to break up. When he’d asked for further explanation, you’d simply run off to your room.
Frank wasn’t an idiot. The rest of the crew gave him looks filled with pity, and even Leo had offered to talk to you, to maybe see if there was more to the story, but Frank didn’t need him to do that. He knew what the story was, and couldn’t believe it took him this long to realise it. Of course your father must’ve been nagging you about your relationship too.
As a son of Mars, Frank was persistent. Whilst you muffled your sobs with your pillow, hugging the little teddy bear plushie he’d bought you, Frank began planning how he’d win you back. The one thing both Mars and Vulcan had forgotten to take into account was the fact that no matter how far apart you place them, opposites always attract.
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girlsandgta · 6 months
Can I please have a Franklin Clinton x reader where they have soft sex (if you don’t write smut then just a fluff fanfic)
It was a hot and sunny day in Los Santos, the sun shining brightly through Franklin’s large windows.
You walked through his house, looking for him.
"Frank?" You called out.
You heard him drop something.
"Upstairs!" He shouted.
You followed his voice and found him in the kitchen.
"What's up, babe?" He asked, turning to you.
"Just wanted to see you.” You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.
"You're a sweetheart." He kissed the top of your head. "You want some iced tea?"
"Iced tea?" You chuckled. "Are you turning into Michael?"
"I like iced tea! It's fucking hot outside. It's either iced tea or beer."
"I'm good."
"Well, if you change your mind..."
"I know." You grinned, lying down on the couch.
You rested on the couch, the sun shining onto your skin. It was hot through the windows, burning your skin slightly.
You opened your eyes as you felt someone lay down next to you.
Franklin was lying down next to you, his eyes closed.
"You're blocking my sun." You joked.
"Oh, I'm sorry mrs sun soaker." He moved to lie on top of you.
"I didn't say move, I said stop blocking my sun."
"Now who's being mean?" He pressed his body against yours.
"I was joking!"
He grinned. "So was I."
"Oh really?" You smiled.
He nodded, moving his lips to yours.
"Mmm," you moaned against his lips, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He smelt amazing, a mix of sandalwood and vanilla. That was always what you loved about Franklin, his great hygiene. Always freshly washed, smelling of soap and aftershave. He was so clean.
Your fingers ran through his hair, before falling to his muscular back. That’s another thing you loved about him, how well he took care of himself.
You moaned quietly as his kisses went down to your neck.
"Mmm, babe." You gasped.
His hands moved under your shirt, running over your soft stomach.
You moved your hand down, touching his cock through his shorts.
"Fuck." He moaned against your skin.
Your hand pulled at the waistband of his shorts.
He got off of you, pulling down his shorts.
“We’ve got about 20 minutes before Lamar comes back, I think we can make that work.” He smirks, hands running up your shirt.
You pulled off your pants, and slid down your underwear.
He smiled as he watched, completely in awe of you.
"You are gorgeous."
You blushed, smiling up at him.
He climbed back on top of you, kissing you softly.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." You wrapped your legs around him as he pushed your underwear to the side.
His lips moved back to your neck, kissing it gently.
You moaned as he pushed into you.
He thrust into you softly, kissing you passionately.
You loved how gentle he was with you, he didn’t need to be rough to make you finish.
His hand moved between your bodies, his fingers rubbing your clit.
“Oh, fuck!” You whined, your nails digging into his back.
Soft hip hop and jazz played through his speakers as you made love, the sunlight pouring through the large windows.
It was beautiful, and the only thing that mattered to you was the man on top of you.
He moved slowly, kissing every part of your skin.
You gasped, holding him close.
"You are perfect." He whispered, his lips meeting yours again.
"God, Franklin." You moaned, your fingers lacing into his hair.
He sped up a little, still thrusting into you softly.
His thumb rubbed your clit faster, and your thighs shook.
You were reaching your peak, and he could tell.
He kissed you once more, before he whispered in your ear.
"Come for me, baby."
You couldn't hold it in anymore. Your back arched, your hips bucking up to meet his.
"Fuck!" You cried out, your orgasm washing over you.
Franklin bit his lip, and with one last thrust, he came too.
"Holy shit." He whispered, pressing his lips against yours.
You smiled, and ran your fingers through his hair.
The both of you slipped back into your clothes as Lamar came crashing through the door.
“Big dog is back!” He shouted sashaying into the kitchen.
You and Franklin couldn't help but laugh.
This is what you’d always wanted. A good boyfriend, and a bestfriend.
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Catholic Character Tournament
Current Bracket
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All polls here (tagged #cct polls)
Round 5 (16 nominees) is Wednesday July 5 12 PST
Character Submission List:
(Note, not in the order in the bracket. They were randomized for the bracket) (crossed out means dead-dead)
*707/Luciel Choi (Mystic Messenger)
*Abuela Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
*Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
*Amon from (Tokyo Ghoul)
*Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series)
*Asia Argento (High School DxD)
Aslan from (Chronicles of Narnia)
*Aymeric de Borel (Final Fantasy 14)
*Aziraphale (Good Omens) (Disqualified) The Volturi
*Belizabeth Brassica (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (Dimension 20 - the Ravening War)
*Blake Langermann (Outlast 2)
*Brother Cellanus (The Completely Unerotic Adventures of Brother Cellanus)
*Caesar Zeppeli (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
*Carlos Reyes (911 Lone Star)
*Carrie White (Carrie)
*Catherine of Aragon (SIX: the Musical)
*CC (Code Geass)
*Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
*Chuck E. Cheese
*Claude Frollo(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
*Crowley (Good Omens) (Disqualified) Vanessa Ives replacement (Penny Dreadful)
Dana Scully (the X files)
Doomguy  (Doom)
*Double (Skullgirls)
Doug Jones (The VelociPastor)
*Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
*Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
*Eddie Brock (Venom)
*Emilio Santoz from The Sparrow
Enrico Pucci (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Farnese de Vandimion (Berserk)
*Father Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
*Father Brown (Father Brown)
Father John Mulcahy (MASH)
Father Paul (Midnight Mass)
*Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Spiderman)
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
*Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
*Frank Castle (Marvel)
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood)
*Gabriel (Ultrakill)
*Galahad (The Mechanisms)
*Gerard (Unholyverse)
Gloria Maria Ramirez Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
*Helena Bertinlli (DC comics)
Hell boy (HellBoy)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
*Hot Pants (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia)
*Inori Yamabuki/Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
*Javert (Les Miserables)
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)
*Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
*Jesus (Jesus Christ Superstar) 
*John "Soap" MacTavish (Call of Duty)
*John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
*John Ward (FAITH)
*Johnathan (Shin Megami Tensei IV)
*Junk Rat (Overwatch)
*Justin Law (Soul eater)
*Kawabuchi Sentarou (Kids on the Slope)
Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
*Kirei Kotomine (Fate franchise)
Knuckes the Echidna (Sonic)
*Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20's Fantasy High)
*Kuroe (Magia Record)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-Men)
*Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
*Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
*Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Leliana (Dragon Age)
*Leon (8:11)
*Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
*Libra (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
*Link (The Legend of Zelda)
*Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire/The Vampire Chronicles)
*Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil)
Mac McDonald (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
Maddie Fitzpatrick (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
*Marcy Park (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
*Mark Heathcliff (The Mandela Catalogue)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
*Mello (Death Note)
*Mercedes (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
*Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Miles Morales/Spider-Man
*Nate Ford (Leverage)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
*Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
*Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
*Pastry Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
*Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides (Web Series))
Pope Pinion IV (Cars)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (X-Men)
*Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
*RoboCop (RoboCop)
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)
*Ryker (Roleslaying With Roman)
*Saint Citrina Rocks (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sasuke (Naruto)
*SCP-166 (Just a Teenage Gaia) 
*Seeley Booth (Bones)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
*Shiro Fujimoto (Blue Exorcist)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
*Sir Keradin Deeproot (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sister Mary (The Young Pope)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
*Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
*Tammy Edwards (Legoland by Jacob Richmond) 
*Tatsumi Kazehaya (Ensemble Stars)
*Temenos Mistral (Octopath Traveler 2)
The Derry Girls (Derry Girls)
*The Penitent One (Blasphemous)
*Tobias Schneien (Ghost Eyes)
*Valeria Garaz (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 reboot)
*Valery Michailov (Goncharov - 1973)
*Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
*Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
*Wesley Hailoh (Rhyme and Reason)
*William Murdoch (Murdoch Mysteries)
*Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
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krasytoonz · 1 year
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Best that Frank could do is a Head Pat!
I think the advisor knows Sunny admires him though! (“It’s pretty obvious! He seeks validation from me! What kind of normal person does that?!”)
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sunnie-writes · 6 months
is loving as good as they say?
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pairing: wally darling x reader
tags: romantic fluff, love confessions, reader is a hopeless romantic !!
plot: a hopeless romantic all your life, you dreamed about the love you saw in movies and series, the type you would read in books that left you kicking your feet and giggling. cupid never seemed to be by your side, everyone who you fell in love with ended up not liking you back, so of course you were scared of another heartbreak when you moved to a new neighborhood and ended up falling for your newest neighbor, wally darling. although, it seemed that cupid didn't miss this time.
talk that talk, sunnie !!: so, this has been rotting in my google docs for almost a year already, so i thought i should post it already!! i hope you guys enjoy it, and you're more than welcome to read my other wally fics. thank you, and let's get to it!!
this fic is also available on ao3, you can click here to find it!!
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A hopeless romantic, that's what you could call yourself.
You crave the love you would see on TV, those movies and series about romance had a grip on you that no one could explain, and don't get me started on the books. Even while being that amazed by the concept of being loved and cared by someone who you felt the same with, Cupid seemed to always miss his arrows.
Unrequited love was painful, you learned that the hard way. In your high school, you would watch all the high school sweethearts make their ways to classes while holding hands or eating lunch playfully with all the romantic atmosphere that came with it. What was the word you felt? Ah, that's right, you envied them.
Moving away from your town was both a relief and a scare, you would now be open to meeting new people, watching them enter your life. You hoped that they would stay.
And that's how you ended up here, in the lovely and colorful neighborhood that was Welcome Home. The name seemed silly, but you quickly learned that it was because of all the friendly behavior that those who lived there seemed to have. So friendly that they're always welcoming everyone.
All of the stars know that you would be lying if you said you weren't nervous. You never dealt good with talking to new people, you hoped that they could be friendly enough to start introductions first. Even if you were repeating how to introduce yourself like a mantra in your head, you were anxious about meeting so many people in just a day.
"Oooh! Are you the new neighbor?!" And that was your cue to use up all your social skills.
"Uh- yes?" You turned around to see who screamed, eyes meeting with a puppet girl with long blonde hair, and were those candy corn horns?
"Welcome Home! I was so excited to meet you! What is your name? What do you like?" She jumped up and down while popping multiple questions.
"I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." You smiled, she's like a puppy. "I like reading and... animals, and I would love to be your friend!" There was no need to reveal your secret interest yet.
"That's amazing! You remind me of Frank, he also likes reading and animals! Well, specifically, flutterbies!" She spoke rapidly.
"Julie for the last time, they're called butterflies!" You looked to the side, seeing a gray man coming your way. "Oh, hello, I'm Frank."
You settled for waving at him. Julie, noticing your behavior, told him your name and interests. You're starting to think that Julie was sent from the angels as a way to help you enter this community.Then, you were pulled away from your thoughts as more puppet people started to gather in front of you.
"Oh my, the new neighbor has arrived already?" A girl with a sun head happily said. "My name is Sally Starlet, and you?"
"I'm Y/N L/N... nice to meet you!" You gave your best friendly smile.
Everyone introduced themselves to you, all colorful and adorable. Poppy was a pretty chicken who turned out to be an immediate mother figure to you, we also have Barnaby who is a big blue dog with a chill, kinda laid back personality that made you comfortable with his presence. Eddie Dear was the mailman, who Julie alerted you to not catch feelings for since Frank already had his eyes on him, and Howdy was a sweet man who owned the local market.
Judging by the numbers of houses, only one neighbor was missing. You pondered on how the last person could possibly be like, smiling at the idea of them being just as friendly as everyone in this colorful place that had you looking around nonstop.
"Ah, I see… am I late?" Someone spoke up, you turned around to finally meet your last neighbor.
And at that moment, you knew you were in trouble. He was absurdly pretty, with a blue pompadour and yellow skin, along with colorful clothing and eyes that pierced your soul and sent chills all over your senses. You felt your cheeks burn up, Cupid did it again and you weren't sure on how to stop staring at him.
"Woooow Wally, being late to meet our newest neighbor? How dare you!" Barnaby playfully dramatically gasped.
"I apologize, let me introduce myself." He went in your direction, standing right in front of you, who was currently almost out of breath. "I'm Wally Darling, the artist of the town, it's a pleasure to meet you…?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N." Your voice almost cracked for a second, making your cheeks heat up even more. "Nice to meet you too…"
"How adorable, surely you're a great addition to our lovely neighborhood." He picked up your hand, giving a kiss on the back of your palm.
Stuttering, you thanked him for the compliment while trying your best to not fall on your knees. Julie came into the scene again and began telling Wally your tastes, he listened carefully while nodding and looking at you with a relaxed smile.
Eventually, everyone began slowly saying their goodbyes and going to their homes or jobs. You waved as Julie was the last one to leave and entered your house, closing the door behind you and holding your heart. It was racing, and you were well acquaintanced with the feeling.
Well, you failed, love followed your way again.
And now, what to do? You couldn't lie to yourself but it was hard to face the truth. It seemed too early for falling in love, you can just call it a crush and try to get over it, maybe this time it'll work! 
Yeah, just give it some time and it'll pass, you were sure of it!
So, it didn't work.
That was obviously going to happen, and now you had your head in your hands while you walked around your house. On your bed, a pretty bouquet with your favorite color layed prettily there. Wally gave it to you, as a way to celebrate "your first week in the neighborhood", how sweet!
Your heart kept beating faster and faster each time you thought about the way he showed up on your doorstep, with his smug smile and bouquet in hands. He looked so innocent as your insides felt like melting from all the sweetness that gesture had.
And before you could control your feelings, you were already catching yourself humming to cheesy love songs and even singing them while cleaning the house. The radio echoed around your house, romantic tunes that you requested on the telephone to play there were all over the place.
Your once retired love books were now scattered across the floor as you giggled by imagining the scenarios with Wally. You didn't try to make a move and ask him out, your heart already had many bruises from past love delusions, and you really didn't feel like piling up another one for your heartbreak wonderland.
Instead, you just tried to become his friend while also trying to get your feelings to go away. That was, obviously, not a good idea, how could you try to stop falling for someone who you interact with everyday?
Before you could think properly on a better plan, a month had gone by. You still had your late night scenarios to giggle about, along with your hopeless romantic dreaming that pulled you into a cycle of trying to stop loving Wally Darling and learning how to love him all over again because of your weak heart.
Curse the Cupid, curse him and all of his pinkish love arrows who never found your way before. Of course you would be giving up on the first month, he never gave you what you wanted before, what could possibly make you think that now it would all go the right way?
Stupid, selfish Cupid.
Three months had passed, and you could say you were tired of waiting for the feelings to suddenly disappear.
You played with a doll's hand, carefully moving the antique treasure in your arms. Currently, you were at Julie's house, who was the only person who was aware of your huge crush on Wally. She giggled as she asked you questions of all the time you and "lover boy" had passed together.
"He just wanted to paint with someone, it's not like he wanted to paint alone with just me and nobody else!" You blushed while looking at the ground.
"I don't know, he never really let me or the other neighbors touch his painting supplies." Julie then whispered in a teasing manner, "Maybe he thinks of you as special, in a like-like way!"
You lowered your head while choking on your water, feelings all over the place. If there was something that Julie liked to do, it was to tease relentlessly. After you calmed down, you both started to ask each other random questions to pass the time.
"Now, as a hopeless romantic, what is your ideal date?" She questioned, looking happy as ever in your direction.
"Hmm, stargazing seems like a great date, picnics look a lot of fun too!" You bashfully chuckled. "Oh, a picnic on a sunset, that turns into a stargazing session! With sweet apple pies and cake, along with refreshing drinks!"
"Ooh, tell me more!" Julie smiled.
"Okay, then a cold wind blows and suddenly I shiver, then Wally puts his cardigan on me and hugs me closer!" You could easily feel your cheeks heating up just from your imagination.
And that earned a screech from Julie.
“Ugh, how are your scenarios always the best?!” 
“It’s the prize I get for being a dreamer.” You chuckled lightly.
Today was a special day in the neighborhood.
Apparently, everyone was going to the nearest lake, which is gigantic, you can say, and pop up some balloons and light up some fireworks because it was the neighborhood’s anniversary! 
You were currently trying to pick your best outfit, and that was because Wally was going to pick you up since you didn’t know the way to the lake. At least that’s what you told yourself so you wouldn’t freak out at the scenario. Seriously, that sounded like a romantic comedy.
After a while, you ended up settling for one of your favorite outfits, one that had stars on them. Then, a knock on the door was heard. You quickly put on your shoes and ran to open it, coming face to face to an adorable Wally, looking at you while holding a bouquet of red tulips and some amaranth.
“There we go, a bouquet of beautiful flowers for an even prettier one.” 
“Oh! Wally, you shouldn’t…” You blushed and took the flowers.
“Nonsense, you deserve only the best!” He chuckled raspily.
You giggled as he gave you his hand, pleading eyes for you to walk with him. You two started walking while holding hands in the direction of the lake, talking about everything that was going on in the neighborhood. It was a nice atmosphere, comfortable enough, and dare you say, romantic.
As you arrived there, Wally smiled and kissed the back of your hand before going to talk to a knowing Barnaby, who stared at you with a big smile and wiggling his eyebrows. Julie, who saw all of that, pulled you towards her and Frank immediately.
"Oh. My. Stars! What was that? Is that a bouquet? Are you two going on a date?" She excitedly spoke while flapping her hands.
"Julie, calm down. Pretty sure she is malfunctioning." Frank told the girl by his side. "But yeah, what exactly happened there?"
"I don't know, and I'm freaking out about it!" You giggled while holding the bouquet close to you, smiling.
"That was absurdly romantic, I think he is head over heels for you!" Julie exclaimed while whispering. "Besides, look at these flowers, they are so pretty!"
"They also have an exquisite meaning, you know?" Frank randomly spoke, dropping the fact like it was nothing.
You proceeded to hint at him to keep going.
"Amaranths mean eternal love, red tulips mean true love." Frank looked at you while raising his eyebrows. "That is literally a confession."
Julie, who was holding her energy back, gave a screech and started shaking your arm. Meanwhile, you had just bluescreened. Your cheeks heated up, and you felt your heartbeat increase rapidly, like it was trying to burst out your ribcage in a desperate manner. At that point, you were checking if you still even had some pulse.
Suddenly, someone started ringing a bell, and so, everyone looked to the front, seeing Poppy there. She smiled before starting to explain that there was food on the foldable table, fireworks and water guns, everything for fun. Poppy then started handing out glasses with juice to everyone before raising a toast for the neighborhood's birthday.
After that, all of you started talking to each other. You looked around, smiling when you saw Eddie talking to Frank, who was trying his best to cover up a blush while Julie looked at him with a knowing smile from across the field, Sally was braiding some of her long hair. Poppy and Howdy were discussing random things while Barnaby just laid down at the picnic blanket and stared at the stars.
And there, from across the room, your eyes met his. Something electrical went through your body, and you could swear you felt your world stop. Suddenly, there were no more friendly neighbors around you, the festivities and candy long forgotten in your mind. No, none of that mattered anymore, did it?
It was just you and him, across a field as he slowly made his way towards you.
You were too late to process it, he's already in front of you.
"So, dearest, how are you enjoying the party?" Wally asked, igniting a fire in your belly to light up the butterflies who panicked and fluttered along you.
"Good, I- I think everyone is having fun, what about you?" You responded, trying your best to hide your reaction with the nickname.
“I could say I am.” He looks at you, up and down, down and up. And it sets your skin ablaze.
Icarus wasn’t able to resist the beauty that was the Sun to him, and maybe you wouldn’t survive the flirt that was Wally Darling. Every single thing he does sets you on fire, butterflies infest your stomach, it’s magical and so cheesy, all at the same time.
“Come with me, I wanna show you something.” His honey-laced words get to you, and you comply with a nod.
He holds your hand, and starts going into the trees, between all those primary colored leaves. You can feel your heartbeat increasing, all your muscles about to give up, it’s like dying but not exactly that, living in ecstasy, better than any drug.
You two stop at Swan Lake, where the stars reflect on the water and the feathered bEINGS float elegantly. Your eyes shine as you see them doing their little synchronized dance, until you notice that they end up doing a heart. You sigh, real romantic.
“Darling, could you look at me, please?”
You turn to see Wally, on one knee, his hand holding yours. You might start crying.
“You see, Y/N, ever since the day I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. With your smile, your way of expressing yourself, I knew you were gonna steal my heart, and I knew that I would never have it back. I’ve heard stories in the past about soulmates, loved ones made for you, and I didn’t believe any of that, before I met you. I’m an artist, not a poet, but you make me inspired dear, to dedicate you the most beautiful forms of art out there, paint and frame your face, have millions of words dedicating my love to you, and that still wouldn’t be enough for you to understand how much I desire you. I want to see your resting face every morning, I want to hold you in my arms and sleep for eternity, I want to grow every day by your side. Would you do me the owner, Dearest, and accept my confession? To finally be mine and let me be yours?”
You, unable to hold the feeling, giddily jumped around before throwing yourself on him, both of you falling on the ground. You cried tears of joy as you said yes a million times, while he patted your back and chuckled, kissing your forehead.
“You know,” Frank started with crossed arms while looking at you and Wally, happily holding hands while sitting on the picnic blanket, “One could say that you two were perfect for each other.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Julie exclaimed, happy that you and your Darling were together, finally together.
“Ha ha ha, oh well, I knew they were the one for me since day one.” Wally answered, pulling you into another sweet and quick kiss, making you squeak.
“Ugh, don’t leave the picnic all sappy with your love.” Frank rolled his eyes at the sight.
“Don’t be jealous Frank, everyone knows you want to live that with Ed-” He covered Julie’s mouth before she could say anything else.”
“... Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like I just won the lottery.” You proudly stated.
“Oh, they grow up so fast…” Poppy hiccuped for what seemed to be the eleventh time, being real emotional with your fresh new relationship.
“There there, Poppy.” Howdy patted her in the back.
“I’m really happy for you guys!” Said Eddie while sitting down next to Frank.
You smiled at him while Wally thanked the mailman. You grabbed yourself a piece of lemon pie to eat.
“Sooo, when’s the wedding?” Barnaby jokes.
And you proceeded to choke on your lemon pie.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Masterlist of Bella's Frank Castle Fics
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Frank Castle x Fem!Reader Series
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Neighbors [Chapter List]
Warnings/tags: 18+; contains friends to lovers, violence, fluff, eventual smut, angst
Between running Common Grounds, chasing after your escape artist husky, and helping your financially struggling brother out by watching your niece, your days are always busy. But shortly after a new neighbor moves into the other side of your duplex, you start receiving mysterious threats. Surprisingly, you eventually find safety and comfort in the reclusive neighbor whom your niece and dog have both come to befriend.
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You're Safe With Me [Chapter List]
Warnings/tags: 18+; series contains violence, mentions of mass shootings, angst and comfort, slow burn romance, enemies to lovers, eventual smut
When you accidentally stumble upon something far bigger than the fluff and filler news stories you’ve always covered for WGN News Chicago, you reach out to the Department of Homeland Security and come in contact with Dinah Madani–but that only seals your fate as a target for the Patriot Militia and their wealthy political backers. Determined to root out the culprits deep within the government, Madani tasks an unlikely person to keep you safe while she builds her case. But when the person she expects you to go on the run with is Frank Castle–the Punisher himself–you feel anything but safe.
Frank Castle x Fem!Reader One Shots & Shorts
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Your Body is Not a Graveyard
Warnings/tags: 18+, angst, miscarriage, depression, grief, emotional hurt/comfort
It's been over a year since Frank and you decided to expand your family, but all you've managed to give him is more loss. Struggling with grief and depression, you've tried your best to hide your pain from him, but one afternoon, Frank stumbles on you mid-panic attack.
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Don't Walk Away [1] [2]
Warnings/tags: 18+, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, smut
Frank is a good man–you learned that the day he brought your dog Lucky into your life. The two of you soon began a relationship afterwards, one that was rather unconventional with how often Frank was always on the road. But one night when he's back, you're hit with the realization that you're in love with him. Noticing your nerves, Frank eventually pulls the truth out of you–and then you're left confused and heartbroken when you wake up to find him gone the next morning.
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Maybe This Time
Warnings/tags: 18+, smut and soft Frank
You often work through the night at the Sunny-Side Up Diner just off of I-80, but sometimes during your long shifts your favorite drifter stops in for a meal. Even if nothing has ever actually happened between you two, there's certainly been plenty of flirting. But one morning he stops in before your shift ends and you wonder if maybe this time things will be different.
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Under the Stars
Warnings/Tags: 18+; smut, oral (fem receiving)
Frank finally convinces you to join him on a camping trip and he intends to make sure that you fully enjoy it.
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Love to See You Smile
Warnings/Tags: light angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, soft Frank
For the past few days Frank has been emotionally withdrawn from you, struggling with his past and his pain. Even though it hurts you when he goes through these episodes, you decide to take the day off of work to take him apple picking in the hopes to cheer him up.
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Next to You
Warnings/Tags: just fluff and Frank being a sweet little smartass
Frank and you decide to watch a scary movie on Halloween night, but that quickly turns into you trying to prove to Frank that you're not afraid of scary movies.
Frank Castle x Fem!Reader/Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
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Jealousy [Installment List] {Coming Soon}
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Fitness Instructor!Reader and Frank Castle x Fem!Fitness Instructor!Reader
Warnings/tags: 18+; Sexual tension, flirting, lust/love triangle, friends with benefits, smut, jealous Matt and Frank
Your days are spent training members of Fogwell’s Gym as well as keeping the place running for your elderly uncle. Though if you were being honest, your favorite part of working at Fogwell's had always been the handsome man who'd long ago struck a deal with your uncle to use the gym after hours. Despite his constant denial, you'd quickly figured out that he was Daredevil. While the pair of you had often flirted during his late night visits when you were still around, nothing more had ever happened between you two. Until one day he shows up with a very attractive friend and everything changes. You soon find yourself the center of both their attentions and unable to choose either one. But what's wrong with a little competition among friends?
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doky37 · 1 year
Hello everyone! I want to present this new AU of Welcome Home with the Eddie x Frank ship, with the theme of Beauty and the Beast based on the popular Disney version.
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The bookworm, Frank Frankly, is an elegant young man who is passionate about books with new ideas outside of primitive norms, which is why he is called strange by the town in which he resides.
Since the death of his parents he has supported himself with what they left him, having to sell some of his belongings including some books from his small collection, which do not sell very well due to the bad reputation he has. in the village.
Howdy, owner of a simple winery, is the only friend he has and who receives the books that he tries to sell in exchange for souvenirs from his store.
He is constantly pursued by Sunny, a hunter and town hero, who insists that he marry him, to which Frank always rejects him.
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His Royal Highness, Prince Eddie Dear, now turned into a beast at a young age due to the cruel spell of a sorceress.
Since that time, Eddie has lived in his castle away from the entire kingdom, with his most loyal servants as his only company and a magic mirror as his means of seeing the outside world.
All these years he has felt guilty of his own curse and undeserving of receiving anyone's love, so he has lost all hope that the spell that torments him so much can be lifted.
He is not someone who is aggressive, much less would he try to hurt someone on purpose, but the beast side of him works against him when he gets angry, entering an almost uncontrollable bestial state.
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"First" meet (not really).
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Later I will come with new updates and I will present the rest of the characters that make up this cast and what role each one will play.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask
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trulybetty · 1 year
joel miller x masterlist
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x. main masterlist
Gold Rush Old lovers Joel and Charlotte find themselves unexpectedly reunited in the community of Jackson. Struggling to navigate the complexities of their shared history and the harsh realities of their new lives, the pair find themselves again drawn to one another. Strings (Complete) Your arrangement with Joel Miller is supposed to be uncomplicated. No attachments. However, you're not sure how long this is going to last. 323 Mulefall Crt. (no outbreak!Joel x OFC) | Delta Landscaping Crossover In the sunny, eclectic neighbourhood of Mulefall Crt., Katie has been navigating her fresh start away from her past life in Chicago, finding unexpected friendships and found family with the street's residents. As she rebuilds her life, and the fixer-upper she purchased sight unseen, love is the last thing on her mind after being burned. However, Joel Miller's arrival has sparks flying and has her wondering if having fun might not be such a bad idea in helping her move on from her past. Honey (Jackson!Joel x f!reader) A series of oneshots, which can be read as a collective or on their own, depicting life for Joel in Jackson after the events of TLOU. The Little Coffee Shop Around the Corner Maplewood, a small town nestled in northern BC where people flock to see the festive decorations of the main street and enjoy the festive traditions. finding yourself back home and working for the family business, you strike up a friendship with the town's local contractor.
one shots.
Drip (warning potential TLOU2 spoilers) In the quiet of the house, you can hear voices arguing, but all you can focus on is the drip, drip, drip of the tap. Sequins (no outbreak!joel) On a night out with friends, you run into a broad-shouldered stranger and there's no denying that there's an immediate attraction between the two of you. happy birthday (no outbreak!joel) happy birthday Joel Miller. Tess (Gold Rush) (Joel x Tess & Joel x OFC) Tess doesn't hold any delusions from her complex, and often one-sided, relationship with Joel. Long Time (Gold Rush) (Joel x OFC) Inspired by The Last of Us Episode S1x03 - leaving Bill and Frank's home and Joel reminisces after Ellie finds a mix tape that unlocks some old buried memories.
prompts & drabbles.
oct' x 01 - ruffled hair (joel x gn!reader) oct' x 04 - walks in the forest (strings!joel x reader) oct' x 06 - falling leaves (gold rush!joel x charlotte) oct' x 10 - oktoberfest (sequins!joel x reader) oct' x 12 - cornfields (sequins!joel x f!reader) oct' x 15 - first wine (sequins!joel x reader) oct' x 18 - picking apples (sequins!joel x reader) oct' x 23 - harvest (gold rush!joel x charlotte) oct' x 27 - witches (sequins!joel x f!reader) oct' x 29 - stormy days (sequins!joel x f!reader)
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