#one reblog is a kiss
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ama-kuri · 28 days ago
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them, again
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kyokutsu-sama · 7 months ago
I could spend my whole life admiring this man and telling him how handsome he is 🧡💛
His smile is everything to me 🥹🤏✨️
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a-stars-art-blog · 2 months ago
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Happy Holidays to me I made a comic of these two.
Rest of the comic down below. It’s not explicitly NSFW. They’re just making out and REALLY feeling it. Pants stay on tho 👌
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krislgfox · 5 months ago
@bobbycultleader here's ur(our) favorite old man yaoi • v •
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And cuddle > v <
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(On this one↑ they're younger, like, the time period is when they only start working on funbot)
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ticklishdeadpool · 4 months ago
STFU Part Two
Deadpool & Wolverine
Word count: 1806
Notes: Everyone say thank you to @snugglyfluffle for making sure I’m keeping everyone in character since I’m still new! 🥰💚 I appreciate all the support I got on the last fic and I really hope you enjoy this next part!!!
Warning: Restraints, feet tickles, and mouth tickles.
Part one here!
Logan woke up with a start and was instantly confused. An annoying feeling against the sole of his foot had woken him and upon trying to pull his leg away from it, he was stuck. Everything was stuck.
“Wade!!!”, he yelled out as his hazy vision landed on the man standing at the foot of his bed. Wade was trailing his fingertips up and down his bare sole, which itself was cuffed to the bottom of the bed. ‘What?’, his mind reeled.
The touch was gentle enough to be more annoying than ticklish, but the reality of the situation sent the Wolverine squirming in his shackles.
“Good morning, sunshine.”, Wade grinned like a wolf.
“Fuck you! Let me out, Wade! This is crazy!”, Logan yelled, face reddening more by the second. ‘This can’t be fucking happening…’, his thoughts swirled.
Each of Logan’s limbs were cuffed to a corner of the bed, stretching him into an X. He was just in pajama pants; his ticklish torso and feet on full display for the maniac standing at the end of his bed. He had gotten pretty drunk the previous night. Not like, rowdy-drunk. More like flop onto his bed and pass out at 8pm like an old man-drunk. Clearly, Wade had taken advantage of his vulnerable state.
The teasing fingers at his foot suddenly sprung to life and scribbled against the sensitive skin of his sole. Logan gasped and braced against the bed to hold back his reaction. Barely a second passed before he arched his back and burst into helpless giggles. He yanked at his leg, but it was hopeless. He couldn’t help the cry of anguish that flew from his lips at how unbearable the tickling was right away. Wade only laughed.
“I guess that answers my first question…which was if you were ticklish or not, by the way.”.
“No! I’m going to tickle you for as long as you tickled me, Wolvie.”, Wade grinned and pulled his hand away from Logan’s foot before climbing up on the bed between his legs.
“No! Please!”. The devious grin on Wade’s face sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t stop giggling.
“Begging already? I don’t know if you’re gonna last the whole hour.”, Wade said as he climbed up onto his waist. The words made him squeak in panic, ego out the window instantly.
“An hour?! I didn’t tickle you for an hour!! Wade!”.
“Yep. A whole hour.”, Wade smirked and danced his fingertips across Logan’s bare stomach. Logan squealed and bucked his hips. “Whoo!! Yeehaw!!”, he laughed before really digging into the toned abs. Logan screamed.
With Logan’s most ticklish spot being such an obvious one, he knew it would be found out quickly. His heart dropped at just how fast it was, though.
“Holy fuck…”, Wade murmured in amazement as Logan completely fell to pieces under him. His stomach was so ridiculously ticklish.
“Not there!”, Logan cried. The fingers darted around his ticklish tummy and dug in whenever Logan flinched, sparking electricity through his entire body. “I can’t!”, he threw his head back and wailed with laughter. Oh, he was so screwed.
The hands lifted away from his body, but Logan’s giggles were unending.
“I stopped!”, Wade laughed and rubbed carefully at the shuddering tummy. “Your sexy little abs are so ticklish…”.
“Shut up!”, Logan yelled and squirmed in his restraints. Wade narrowed his eyes and Logan had to hold back a whimper at the evil look.
“Real sensitive right here in the cum gutters, huh?”, Wade smirked and pressed his thumbs right into the middle of both sides of the V-shaped muscle on Logan’s lower stomach. Logan convulsed for a few seconds before laughter came bursting out of him again. He saw stars for a few seconds from how intensely it tickled. He gasped for air harshly to start begging for his life, but a rougher dig of Wade’s thumbs made him scream instead. He shook his head in protest as his attempt at begging was garbled again. He wheezed desperately, trying to get as much air as he could.
“Please! Move!”, he squeaked. Wade laughed and lifted his hands up again. Logan fell limp against the bed, giggling hysterically. His cheeks burned in embarrassment at how quickly he had crumbled under the childish torture.
Logan hadn’t been tickled in years. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had been tickled for more than just a few seconds. When he was alongside the X-Men, he had been poked or jabbed enough to know his ticklishness hadn’t gone away. Enough to know he couldn’t stand it. But, no one had ever tried for longer than a few seconds.
Logan swallowed down his pride and giggles in one big gulp.
“Wade, I’m sorry I tickled you!”, he said with as much sincerity as he could. Wade’s jaw dropped.
“Oh my god.”.
“Please let me go.”, Logan huffed. He was still struggling a little with his breath and the panic from how close Wade’s fingers were to his death spot.
“But, it’s barely even been five minutes. I still have a whole hour.”, Wade smirked. Cold blooded.
“You can’t do an hour!!”, Logan squeaked out in horror.
“I can’t pass this up. Do you know how cute you are right now?”, Wade grinned and teased his fingertips gently up his sides. Logan sputtered desperately to hold back his giggles. “So. Fucking. Cute.”.
“Stop!”, he cried, breaking into laughter as the fingers crawled up and started to dig gently into his rib cage. He threw his head back and squirmed as much as he could. “I hate you!”.
“Who’s a ticklish little Wolverine?”, Wade teased with a baby voice. The embarrassment washed over him, sparking up his nerves with ticklish energy.
“No!”, he pressed his burning face into his shoulder. His laughter sounded giddy. He wheezed when Wade pressed his fingers in deeper.
A loud squeal flew from Logan’s lips as Wade tweaked a certain rib. He smacked his head back into the pillow and groaned through his laughter.
“Stop!”, he whined.
“Come on. Only like…maybe fifty-five more minutes?”.
“You’re insane!”. Logan yelped as Wade teased his fingers into his bare armpits. “No!”, he cried. Wade fluttered his fingers gently and Logan let out a high pitched cry. “Get out!”.
“It’s not even that bad!”, Wade laughed and dug into the sensitive muscle in both his armpits. Logan shrieked and arched his back, then crumbled back down into laughter.
“It’s bad!”, he yelled. His wheeze was starting to come through again as he gasped through his laughter.
“I could go back to your ticklish little cum gutters…”.
“No!!”, he screamed. Logan swore he would die if he was tickled there again. Wade only laughed, tasering his fingers carefully into Logan’s armpits. “I hate you so much!”, he cried through his chaotic laughter. Embarrassingly, tears streamed down his burning cheeks.
Time for Logan seemed to move strangely while Wade was tickling him. He was sure the tickles being drilled directly into his armpits had lasted at least three hours, but the alarm clock on the bedside table displaying the time led him to believe it had only been a little over two minutes. He felt like he was bursting at the seams anyway. When Wade lifted away his hands, he went limp and let the delirious giggles pour out of him freely.
“This is so cute…I might not ever let you go.”, Wade smiled. Logan was in a giggly daze underneath him and unbelievably adorable. Since the Wolverine had moved in, smiles and laughs from the man were there, but few and far between. He could feel fondness from him sometimes even when the man was clearly trying to hold back his emotions, but Wade craved seeing the real thing.
As soon as Logan seemed to be catching up to reality, Wade attacked his V-line with brutal tickles for just a few seconds. Logan screamed with laughter. Even after it stopped he kept gasping through loud laughter. He felt crazy. The giddy laughter was filling him with helium and he felt so light.
When Logan came back into reality, Wade was hovering over his twitching tummy and smirking down at it.
“Motherfucker…”, Logan said breathlessly. “You’re so fucking crazy Wade.”. His face had never been so red.
But then Wade did something really crazy. He leaned in and blew a raspberry against the right side of his v-line. Logan could only gasp and convulse at the sudden burst of intense tickles. It was unbearable. It felt like he had been electrocuted. He couldn’t catch any air to beg for mercy.
The second Wade ran out of air for his raspberry, he jerked over to the other side of Logan’s v-line and nibbled along the sensitive muscle. Logan suddenly found his voice and screamed at the top of his lungs. He bucked wildly in a desperate attempt to get Wade’s teeth off of him. He’s not sure he’d ever felt so helpless in his life. The nibbles were absolute torture.
Wade lifted off and licked his lips seductively.
“Can’t believe I have my mouth all over these sexy little abs…”, he said before diving back in. He kissed obnoxiously across the quivering six pack and suddenly blew another wet raspberry right underneath Logan’s bellybutton. The restrained man threw his head back and wailed with laughter. It was a desperate sound that Logan didn’t even know he could make.
Wade was ruthless. He grabbed hold of the squirming hips and blew raspberry after raspberry across the entire ticklish stomach. Logan was beside himself with laughter. He screamed and cried and jerked roughly against the cuffs, but there was no relief.
As Wade dug his teeth back into the Wolverine’s v-line again, there was a loud clashing noise. He looked up as he heard the familiar sound of Logan’s claws unsheathing. He yelped and jumped away just as they came swiping for his face.
“Whoa!”, Wade laughed as he got back to his feet at the end of the bed.
“I’ll kill you…”, Logan managed through his giggles. He sheathed his claws and held his stomach as he went limp against the bed. The broken cuffs still dangled from his wrist.
“You broke my handcuffs!”.
“I’m going to break your face when I get out of here...”.
But the Wolverine was still just laying there giggling breathlessly. The butterflies in his stomach wouldn’t calm down and he burned in embarrassment over the entire situation. He closed his eyes and started to fight back against his giggles and catch his breath.
Wade smirked and teased a finger up Logan’s sole.
“That’s it, you’re dead asshole!”, Logan sat up and started to try and unlock his still-restrained wrist. That sent a giggling Wade running out of the room in an instant. “Dead!!!”.
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bubblegumflavor · 3 months ago
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You look like a movie
You sound like a song
My God this reminds me, of when we were young..
Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were scared of getting old
It made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song..
(Adele ~ 'When we were young')
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psychicdelicz · 2 months ago
i might be gay.
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a-most-beloved-fool · 1 month ago
For the writing prompts;
19. For luck - Rom and Leeta
"And then," Bashir was saying - though in truth, Rom was paying only half attention, far too busy thinking about Leeta - "she came right up to me, and kissed me on the lips!"
"Oh, she did, did she?" Chief O'Brien said, scoffing good-naturedly.
"It's true!" Bashir insisted, though he didn't look insulted by the Chief's doubt. He was smiling into his glass, seeming quite delighted by the disbelieving frown on O'Brien's face.
Rom didn't quite understand what was supposed to be so 'unbelievable' about the story. In fact - "It seems pretty believable to me," he said. "Doctor Bashir's always kissing beautiful women." (Including, at one point, Leeta - though not anymore, Rom thought with some pleasure.)
"Yes, but this one was out of his league," the Chief said, batting his hand playfully across the table.
Bashir just smiled bashfully, ignoring the swipe. "Ah, well. You're right about that. She wasn't really interested in me after all. Turns out, she'd just misconstrued the human concept of a 'good luck kiss'".
"Ohh! A 'good luck kiss'!" Rom said eagerly. Then, after a pause, "Uh, what's a 'good luck kiss'?"
The Chief sat back, idly crossing his arms. "Well, it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It's a kiss that you give someone to wish them luck."
"Oh," Rom said, considering that. Luck was always a good thing to have. Perhaps... "Oh! Leeta!" He stood, sending his chair clattering backwards. "I'll be back!" he shouted, then raced from Quark's bar, ignoring his brother's parting shout out dismay.
He needed to find Leeta.
"Leeta! Waaaait!" Rom hollered, shuffling through the crowded promenade as quickly as he could manage, chasing after her familiar voice. "Leeta! I need to give you something!"
This would be easier, he thought, if Bajorans could hear as well as Ferengi could.
But, at last, Leeta stopped, turning to find him. "Rom? Rom, what's the matt-"
The rest of her sentence trailed off into a hum as Rom reached up, pulling her down to plant a kiss square on her lips. One of her hands cupped Rom's cheek, soft. Rom didn't really know how long a 'good luck kiss' was supposed to last for - he really should have gotten more details before running off (for example, does it need tongue? Bashir never specified.) - but he thought that this should satisfy it.
He pulled away, grinning toothily up at his wife. "Hi, Leeta," he said.
She smiled down at him, cheeks flushed and lovely as always. "Hi, Rom. What was that for?" she asked, looking bemused and delighted.
"It's a kiss," Rom said, perhaps unnecessarily. "For luck," he added. "It's a hoo-man tradition!"
"For luck? Rom," she asked, laughing, "what are you wishing me luck for?"
Rom blinked. "Uhhh... For your day?"
Leeta beamed at him, and then leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Well, I think it worked. I do feel pretty lucky now."
Rom grinned. "Me, too."
(also if anyone else wants to make a request, the ask game is here. i can't promise they'll get done as quick or be as long as this one is, though!)
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zwodder-fandom-whiplash · 5 months ago
Behold: the TF wiki
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The TF wiki is crazy, actually
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gameralica · 11 months ago
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Kiss Ryuji Day 2: Festivals
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lesbianralzarek · 9 months ago
trying to not complain about the discrepancy between how much content fictional women and poc have vs the white dudes in every fucking fandom im in, because no one owes me fanart/fic and i can make shit myself, but holy fuck can any of you name a woman?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Horse Yaoi trotted so Horsegirl Yuri could fly.
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oh-no-its-bird · 22 days ago
SO many amazing takes and additions in my reblogs and asks, I want to reply to each and every one of them but the skeletal claws of depression and unmedicated adhd keeps my ass sat in bed where I will read manga and stare blankly at a wall for 12 hours instead.
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xezriel · 4 months ago
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I think I may be just a bit of an Ashswag fan…
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rhytmrocket · 20 days ago
remember that idea i had of an mv of Touch-Tone Telephone by lemon demon with dr. cutlery
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yeah thats not happening anytime soon but you can have this ig
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flowering-darkness · 15 days ago
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Lorenza: "Had I been at Laxan Loft that fateful day, then perhaps.. You whom the Ascians kept in the shadows might yet have had an ally for that last sacrifice. ..Ah, but who are we two of the void to dwell on a hundred years past?"
(comments/reblogs are appreciated but never required. further context is under the readmore!)
A little idea I had earlier and was successfully able to get a friend to queue into E10 with me to access the location for! This is actually technically my first thing made for my selfship with the Shadowkeeper (or to use her truer name Cylva), so it's perhaps a bit too context-heavy of a piece to start things off with, but.. oh well! I hope that it's still alright/people like it, even without everyone being aware of the full background ;w;
(If you are curious what's actually being depicted here: it's just a hypothetical musing about "if Lorenza had been present at the Battle of Laxan Loft a hundred years ago, where Cylva turned into the Shadowkeeper and forced Ardbert and the Warriors of Light to fight her (but they refused to kill her like she asked), then maybe that whole event could have been a bit less emotionally harrowing for Cylva". There was no way Lorenza could have been there, of course - she didn't even know Cylva at that time, as the two only met at the start of Shadowbringers despite both originating from the Thirteenth - but.. it's still something she idly muses after learning about Cylva's past. For more background context, feel free to have a read of this other post!)
When it came to putting this together, I was limited by what remained of the duty timer (since we had to do the whole boss fight against the Shadowkeeper and then I had to wait for everyone else to leave), as well as my own inexperience with manipulating reshade parameters like colour curves and brightness (so I apologise if this is a bit all-the-same-value - I tried to mess with the background vs. foreground a bit, but that was about all I could muster). To put things into perspective, this is how the arena looked before I went in and started the posing process - so as you can see, a lot of processing needed to be done to get the final vibes!
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I'm also still not really adept at posing within FFXIV, which is why Lorenza is incorrectly using her right hand to reach out to Cylva; the day I learn how to flip/invert poses derived from paused animations will be a very advantageous one indeed! There's probably a better workflow than the one I currently use, but.. like when I was first starting out with MMD, it takes a while to get properly familiar with the tools involved and how to do what you're aiming for with them. I'd meant to get some alternate/closeup camera angles, but exited out of /gpose instead after taking the initial one, which meant I lost everything I'd loaded in .w.
In any case, though - I like how the final product turned out (even if the composition is almost identical to my January render..), and I hope that some of my thought process in making it could come through! I did finish making this at one minute to midnight on Valentine's Day, but I'm aware it isn't really a very Valentine's Day selfship thing.. so, I suppose it's more fitting that I wasn't able to get around to posting it until after the date had changed here! =P
Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this! I hope it all makes sense ^-^
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