#one piece chapter 1123 spoilers
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missqueenpancake · 7 months ago
Hello Lunami nation, how are we doing?
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beanghostprincess · 7 months ago
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joy-girl · 7 months ago
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One Piece 1123
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zonaenthusiast · 7 months ago
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Zoro's side profile, my beloved.
I choose to believe Oda genuinely thinks Zoro is the most handsome of the mugiwaras (the guys at least) because it's a little bit insane how he is serving face every fucking time in the smallest panels you can think of.
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namisweatheria · 6 months ago
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IT'S USOPP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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crowdusk · 7 months ago
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fave panels from this week’s chapter 🥹
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tae-rambles · 7 months ago
My reaction as i read:
(DISCLAIMER: i’m sleep deprived and on my phone so my thoughts won't be very profound or detailed and the formatting is shit and i rlly can't be bothered to fix it - srry)
a 2-week void?! wtf i gonna happen this chapter
awww what a cute cover story i’m so happy for Yamato :D
holy shit it knocked out even the vice admirals! Joyboy, the man that you are
also, why is S-Snake so eager to catch the Strawhats? your crush is on that team! stop it!
aww, Luffy thanking Emet
but he's not responding :( i’m tearing up
TO ELBAF!!!! :DD yahooo! finally! \o/
i wonder what exactly does Sanji mean by Vegapunk's message not sitting right w him
ah, another flashback, is this the 2-week void?
yes, it's logical to suspect “Evil” first, yet it's “Greed” who was the real culprit
THEY FKIN KNEW IT WAS YORK???!!!!! well fuck me i was fooled
yes! apologise to Lilith!
at least Stella is self aware ;;
the last “fuck you” to the WG
Mars was truly onto something asking the same question
using island clouds to escape the flood… - a viable solution but not ideal…
oh so they the hnically didn't know, that explains why their reactions were so genuine… but how did Shaka know to call Dragon about his incoming death? from what i understood, he made that call only shortly before the Strawhats arrived…
“ironically pretty amusing” i snorted lol Stella is so morbid
past Stella telling himself to die i can’t w him this is too funny but also that answers my previous question lol
poor Stella ToT
what a bombshell he dropped on Sanji, poor guy…
of course Vegapunk wants it to be them :D but i wonder what made him think that… was it Kuma’s faith in Luffy? or Luffy having the Nika fruit? probably a little bit of both but mostly the latter
Luffy being too exhausted to celebrate lol
aww Chopper holding onto Broggy’s beard
and Usopp being front and center :D that makes me have high hopes for his character development during the Elbaf arc
What a wonderful chapter! Goodbye Egghed! Elbaf, here we come! :D I'm so excited! :DD AAAA this was such a great arc! Good thing there's no break next week - i'm too hyped i can't wait!
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gregmikaels · 6 months ago
ONE PIECE chapter 1123 - OFF TO ELBAF!!
What did you think of the chapter?
MY LINKS & SOCIALS: https://linktr.ee/gregmikaels (Including, Patreon, webcomic projects, and more!)
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taxreturnslut · 6 months ago
I seem to be hitting a post limit or something because Tumblr is not saving my changes to this post. So here's part 2
15 - Vivi & Wapol are aboard Big News Morgan's airship. We do not know where they are in the world. Vivi has been revealed to be a bearer of the Will of D and is wanted by Imu and Wapol has seen the true forms of the gorosei.
16 - Stussy, Lucci & Kaku are all on Egghead still. It seems like their loyalty to the WG is starting to waver. I'm very curious where their story is headed.
17 - OG Stussy is on Sphinx Island with Marco. She is trying to pressure Marco into saving Weevil bc he was captured by Greenbull
18 - The Straw hat grand fleet are traveling around the world. We cannot forget about them because at the end of Dressrosa we were told they would be the cause of a historic world event.
** I would like to thank everyone in the comments who mentioned something I missed. There are a lot of things happening and I'm very excited to see all these loose ends start converging.
Just posting this so I have an idea of where all the pieces are at the end of Egghead:
(for real, don't read this if you haven't caught up with chapter 1123)
1 - the strawhat pirates, *Lilith, Bonney, Kuma and the giant pirates are now heading to elbaf.
2 - Trafalgar Law & Bepo are at some unknown location, heavily beaten, the rest of the crew remains at large. Their pirate ship has been sunk.
3 - Eustass Kidd & his crew's current status is unknown, but they were last spotted near Elbaf. (I am assuming they are still alive because this is one piece.) ((Potential reunion with the strawhats incoming?))
4 - the Marines, Kizaru and St. Saturn are at Egghead. (This arc definitely seemed to be sowing seeds of doubt into Kizaru's resolve in the Marines.) They could possibly head to Elbaf, like the fleet is still at Egghead and they know the giant pirates are with Luffy so it would make sense to continue pursuit. But they also may stick behind to clean up Egghead. It is also worth noting that they thought they destroyed the civilian ship that was leaving. I am not sure if this will be brought back up, but afaik they don't think there are any civilian survivors from egghead.
4.5 - SWORD, recovered Koby and left Garp behind. Currently discussing their next steps while Koby resolves to stop Luffy.
5 - Vegapunks. All dead except for Lilith and York. York does not know Lilith is still alive.
6 - The Revolutionary Army is still at Kambakka Island. Sabo has informed Dragon & Iva about the existence of Imu. And VP's broadcast confirmed Sabo's story about Lulusia so they have no reason to doubt him.
7 - the world knows about an ancient weapon, the rising sea levels, the disappearance of Lulusia, & that the void century exists.
8 - Perona was last seen on Hachinosu trying to free Moria but we don't know the results of that.
9 - the Cross Guild is hyping themselves up to find the one piece thanks to Buggy strengthening his resolve.
10 - Shanks, annihilated Kidd and then presumably bounced from Elbaf, whereabouts unknown.
11 - Blackbeard is about to learn a lot of thanks to Caribou. It's unclear if he has returned to Hachinosu and seen the aftermath of the raid. *Blackbeard is confirmed not at Beehive as of 1121, doubtful he's made it there within the last two chapters.
12 - Smoker was last seen leaving the SWORD HQ presumably after talking with X Drake, current destination is unknown. *I take this back up on further review it seems like Smokey is heading towards the hospital/SWORD
13 - it is worth noting that the gorosei (minus Saturn) have returned to Mary Geoise. We also keep getting small frames of the dude with moon shaped hair who's name I'm forgetting. So something will presumably happen with them + him and his other holy knights.
There are so many moving parts and I still feel like I'm forgetting something. If anyone knows something I messed up or knows a person or group I missed pls let me know.
14 - we got a new silhouette a chapter or two ago. Man marked by flames?
15 - CP0. We know Lucci, Kaku & Stussy are still on Egghead. It's unclear but it seems like their loyalty to the WG is starting to waver.
16 - Vivi & Wapol are aboard Big News Morgan's airship. Vivi is wanted by Imu & we learned she is a bearer of the will of D & Wapol witnessed King Cobras assassination as well as the forms of the gorosei. We do not know what part of the world they are flying over.
17 - The Straw hat grand fleet is currently out and about in the world. I mention them because at the end of Dressrosa we were told they are the cause of some historic event, so we shouldn't forget about them.
18 - the og Stussy is on Sphinx island with Marco. We saw Weevil captured by greenbull and it seems like Marco is being pressure to save him.
* Thank you @brookstolemybrand for the help! I really appreciate it!!
** Please read through the comments. I did not remember this all on my own and had a lot of help. I appreciate everyone who mentioned something.
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maximumqueer · 7 months ago
Chapter 1123 Spoilers
I find it deeply telling of who Vegapunk is as a person, that despite him claiming that he was certain that it was the World Government who York gave the stolen piece of the mother flame to
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he still refused to mention this in his speech he recorded for the world.
Part of it was because he technically didn't have any concrete proof, just a sequence of events - that when viewed together - point to the World Government owning the Ancient Weapon. And with the way he explained the Mother Flame being stolen, perhaps he was hoping that the people listening would come to the same conclusion that he did. But that didn't happen, or at least we didn't see it happen. None of the reaction shots we got of crowds or specific people not already aware of corrupt nature of the government, still by into the propaganda that the World Government is a overall good entity, with some even doubting that Vegapunk could have even been killed at the hands of the government.
And I think this speaks to how deep propaganda can go, and the extent to which it can effect the way a person behaves. Vegapunk, in private, was certain that the World Government has an Ancient Weapon, and used the stolen piece of the Mother Flame to power it. And yet when presented with a world stage, he can't make the same claim, not even with the caveat of it being his own opinion.
Vegapunk - despite coming to understand (to an extent) the corruption of the government - was still funded by them for over 20 years, and was still treated well by them for over 20 years. He was intrenched in their propaganda and manipulation for a good portion of his life, and - just like how it takes time to fully fall for propaganda - it takes time to fully detangle ones self from it. Time that Vegapunk didn't have. It also doesn't help that Vegapunk must have been experiencing a level of dissonance between the information he recently learned, and his own lived experience with the government - as he went a long time being uncritical of why they were funding him do to his greed being a "fatal flaw" of his.
Vegapunk is such an interesting character. He is a perfect example of what propaganda does to a person long term. If he had more time, he could have completely deprogramed, and have been more firmly against the World Government. But, he didn't. So, even though he intellectually knew that the government was responsible for Lulusia, he could not bring himself to express that - even as an opinion - in public.
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strogelen21 · 6 months ago
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She's very sleepy.
EDIT: The panel from the chapter I based it from:
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Also, we're actually going to Elbaf. To think that it's been so long since it was first mentioned. Like, actual decades since then.
And Vegapunk erasing his and the other Stellas' memories and leaving only the most important detail as soon as they discovered York's betrayal and the Mother Flame being stolen is some serious 5-D chess move.
The Egghead Island Arc was relatively short, but it sure did provide some huge lore drops for an arc set before Elbaf.
Bonus Image:
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I just really wanted to draw both of them.
His shoes are there, I swear.
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theviceadmiralswife · 6 months ago
One piece chapter 1124
Salute recruits and soldiers to this terrific Thursday ⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊
Spoilers for one piece chapter 1124 have dropped with the aftermath on Egghead Island....interesting to say the least.
First in the past 2 chapters I noticed one thing only the new vice admirals and marines where shown to react to Joyboys haki and in the chapter 1123 shown to be passed out....not so Doberman or Kizaru...
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2 possible scenarios either Doberman and Kizaru due to experience withstood the haki of Joyboy , barely...but they didn't pass out...OR they were the first ones to wake up after passing out...but still interesting observation that they both didn't appear in any panel.
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According to an article by sportskeeda Kizaru and Akainu will have a little talk in chapter 1124 , with Kizaru 'breaking' down.
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Now apparently Kizaru calls Vegapunk his best friend...and it hurts to see kizaru suffer ....HOWEVER this is where Odas story telling looses me, I stand by my opinion if Vegapunk and Kizaru were friends it is Vegapunks fault , by investigating the void century he essentially spit in Kizarus face the friendship. Also strategically it doesn't make sense Vegapunk knows Kizaru works for the government equally as the Marines, vegapunk the so called "genius" mis calculated and or didn't care how his actions would affect Kizaru privately or professionally. Kizaru tortures himself too much and blames himself but reality is Vegapunk is responsible for his own actions and the following consequences, (I'm so tired of this one sided victim mentality).
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beanghostprincess · 7 months ago
I love One Piece out of context
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joy-girl · 7 months ago
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One Piece 1123 // We're off to Elbaf, bitches!!
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buff-muffin · 6 months ago
Spoilers for chapter 1123 of one piece
What if the reason Roger knew he was 20 years too early was because of what was written at laughtale. And this wasn’t because of some ancient prophecy but rather because Joyboys observation haki could see into the future so far he KNEW there would be someone else to fight in 800 years. Joyboy knew someone else would fight after him and prepared with the giant robot and the Noah. He knew someone else would fulfil the promise
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yamatohomo · 6 months ago
One piece chapter 1123 spoilers
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