#one person even posted a whole ass dissertation about it then BLOCKED ME because they knew exactly how I'd reply lmfao
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myfandomrealitea ¡ 8 months ago
Me: Hey, so, actually, for the sake of me not killing myself I would actually love spaces where I can play Animal Crossing or share baking recipes or talk about Captain America showing hole for Iron Man without people sending videos of dead children and police brutality and trauma-dumping their personal issues on me. I also think its important over-all for these spaces to exist and be accessible and protected. Random Idiots Online: So you're a white-privileged racist? You know everything is political, right? You want us to just co-exist with bigots? What about my uncle's daughter's best friend's queer goldish?? What about people being blatantly transphobic in the chat? You're just going to say you hate all black people like that? White pig.
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justmickeyfornow ¡ 6 years ago
How do you sit down and write? Like do you write at tea/coffee shop to increase that anesthetics writer creativity? Or hole up under your blanket? I’ve been trying to write something for 2 months now without much progress. Any words of wisdom?
Boy, do I got a few tips for you!! 
These tips are mostly if you’re writing a story (but some work both ways), so if you’re writing a paper or a dissertation or something with no progress, I’ll gladly do another post for that!
Step right up and welcome to Mickey’s....
Sit Yo Ass Down And Write Crash Course
1. Tip number uno:
Never sit your ass down and write. 
Hear me out, hear me out. If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably a serial procrastinator who’s always in desperate need to just not do what needs to be done. It’s quite simple. All you gotta do is trick that damn beautiful but procrastinating brain of yours. 
How? Well, I’m glad you asked!
I actually do my best writing standing in lines! Yup! Standing in lines has written some of the most intense scenes in PI. Hospital and airport waiting areas? Yup. Lotsa writing done there! Basically, if you find yourself waiting for something, pull up your phone and start writing. Half of PI was written on the subway, on buses, or in cars. I don’t know what it is, but my brain becomes hyperactive at that point. Like I have to finish writing this scene before reaching the front of the line or else I’ll make a fool of myself in front of the pretty barista lady.
For us procrastinators, we like to find any and every excuse not to work. But when you’re not actually working and your doing something else instead, our procrastinating brain doesn’t really identify the action as writing.
Believe it or not I never actually ‘sit down and write’. I only do so when I’m editing. During the editing process, I force myself to sit down on an actual chair, in front of an actual laptop/computer screen, use an actual keyboard, and edit! It’s brutal! Makes my procrastinating brain go antsy!
2. Tip number two:
If you get an idea, stop, drop, and type!
Don’t think about it. Don’t overthink the idea. Just jot it down on your phone. I don’t care if you were talking to someone and it would be rude to do so. Because as soon as you let go of that idea and say, “I’ll write it down later” then poof! it’s gone! 
Repeat after me: STOP. DROP. AND TYPE.
3. Tip number trzy (Polish):
never write perfectly from the start. 
Write in bullet form if you have to. Or just type the idea you have in your head. The more you pressure yourself to writing something perfectly, the more you’ll forget your idea. And this works with both story writing and academic writing as well.
Writing is a lot like drawing. You start with pencil, draw the basics - dialogue, single action,  main thing that happens - then using your pencil, draw some of the details - the he said she said parts, turn the actions into full sentences with adjectives and description - then lastly add in the color - the punctuation, the indentations, and the splitting of paragraphs - and finally you have a picture.
Let me give you an example. This is a simple scene that I’m gonna write on the spot from the random phrase “There’s no space for my ice cream”. (I initially screen recorded a video for you, but then when I came to upload it, I unfortunately realized that Tumblr doesn’t allow videos on asks....)
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So here you see just random dialogue. No actions even.
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Then I added dialogue above it. So what you write first doesn’t necessarily mean what’s gonna come first.
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More dialogue and some action.
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Here I started fixing it up. Added indentations. Set a scene with Lena being in the other room and all.
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And then Tada!
So, As you can see, I start with basic dialogue, just what I think they might say (it changes a lot btw). Then I add some actions. Then I go back up and write more dialogue before the dialogue I started with. Then I go ahead and indent a few lines here and there. I write the saids (Kara called. Lena answered. She said. Kara exclaimed. Kara whined). And then add in some scenery as well.
And like I said, this works for story writing as well as academic. I used to do the same thing when I needed to write a paper. I would start simple. No big words. Just somewhat of an idea of what I want to write and build up from there.
4. Tip number quatre (French):
Watch to learn. 
This means that when you’re watching something, whether it’s a movie or a tv show, learn how the characters react. Their quirks, their nervous habits, everything and anything that makes them them. I can’t count how many times I had to rewind a movie because I was too busy noticing how the main character’s eyes would linger on the coffee table in front of her before she would say something painful. Or how if a character is shoved to the ground, which body part hits the ground first. Go through scenes of movies and tv shows and learn how people behave.
Movies and Tv-shows could also help you with how a character can cope a certain way or react in a certain way. For example, I was watching this show on Netflix called “Dead To Me” and the main character, her husband was killed in a hit-and-run by a speeding car. And part of her grief was that she would jot down the licence plate number of every car that was speeding and every car that had a bump at its front. That’s a detail of a specific form of grief. You could have your own character be obsessed with finding a cure to heart attacks if their SO died that way.
5. Tip number cinque (Italian):
Use real people as reference. 
Sit in a coffee shop and creepily watch a woman sitting in the corner table. You gotta act all stalkerish here for it to work! Now pretend that it’s your character that’s sitting there. Write down the little things that the woman might do that you’ll probably never even think of if you would have written the scene at home. Like how the woman’s head jerks up when a car passes by and she watches it through the glass window. How her foot taps on the floor to the rhythm of her music. How she frowns when she spills some coffee on her sketch book. Everything. The silly faces she does to the toddler sitting in the other table.
Use real people. If you’re writing a girl who’s somewhat tomboyish, maybe go to a skateboard park or something. Go to a fancy restaurant if you’re writing a rich old lady. A library if you’re writing a college student. 
6. Tip number lix (Somali):
Don’t write in order.
I cannot stress this enough. Write bottom to top. Middle to top. Middle to bottom. Write middle to bottom to middle again to top. Just don’t do it in order. Most of the time I write a paragraph thinking this is how I’m going to start my scene and it ends up being somewhere in the middle of all the chaos! Writing in order doesn’t make sense not even in essay writing. You never write an introduction first because you need a thesis. In order to have a thesis you need to know what the hell your body paragraphs are talking about. So, you start with your body. Not necessarily the first body paragraph either.
Write whatever comes to mind and figure out the order later. Chances are, it’ll change a billion times over before you commit to one. Writing in order gives your brain stress and in turn you’ll probably get a mental block. You’re too pressured to write the opening scene of the chapter that you forget what the hell happens in the end. And you lose that excitement, that flare you have to write the scenes that you had figured out in your head. Which sucks. Because it’s nearly impossible to get that back!
Also don’t worry about how you’ll combine everything in the end. That’s for the editing process, you’re not there yet. And from my experience, things tend to come together in the end on their own so you shouldn't worry too much.
7. Tip number seitsemän (Finnish):
Details, dude! They are everything!
(This one has nothing to do with being unable to write.... I realized this only AFTER I wrote it.....)
sometimes the details have nothing to do with the main characters, but writing them helps the reader feel like there’s a world there being lived beyond the characters he or she is reading about.
It paints a picture. And in writing, it’s very hard painting a picture with a white paper and some black ink. And that’s when details come in hand.
What I like to do is I like to zoom in on the scene I’m writing. Picture the scene in your head. Let’s take for example both characters are sitting on a bench in the park. Now pretend you have a pair of binoculars and zoom in on the scene. You’ll probably see a small ladybug that is sitting on the bench between them that one of the characters noticed but didn’t say anything because they know the other person is afraid of bugs. So they carefully pick it up without letting the other person know and they place it on the other side beside them. Or maybe you’ll realize there’s some carvings on the edge of the bench. A heart with an arrow and two letters on each end. Your character will probably wonder who the letters belong to, what were their names, and whether or not she and the other person would ever carve their own letters on a bench somewhere.
Details make a simple scene of two people sitting beside one another, into a whole picture of everything around them. 
8. Tip number osm (Czech):
Do research!
Top weird things I had to do a ton of research about for my stories:
How to build a gas bomb that you could release through the ventilation system of a buildingWhat kind of metal are the batarangs made of?How to bring someone back from the dead?How much space do you need to build a rocket and is a football field enough?How high should a person’s IQ be for them to be considered ‘genius’ level of smartQuantum Mechanics and matter reconfiguration devicesintracortical microstimulation (whatever that is) and how to use it to create the sense of touch in amputee limbs
The list goes on, trust me!
But research gives you an idea of where to begin. Sometimes, you don’t even know what it is you’re writing and you get ideas from your research. Research gives your readers a realistic sense to your world. Even if it’s not real. Even if all you’ve written is fake. They don’t know that! But what they do know is that your character is hella smart and can create a device using intracortical microstimulation to help create the sense of touch in amputee limbs!
Fun fact: Watch "True Memoirs of an International Assasin”. It’s on Netflix. And it’s every writer’s nightmare. It explains just how much we writers would go for that small detail. It shows you the depths we will take to ensure we know every detail of what it is we’re writing about! Highly recommended for every writer out there!
9. Tip number dokuz (Turkish):
If you’re stuck, act it out!
Yup, you heard me! Get yo ass off that chair and start practicing for your next Oscar because you’r gonna act out the scene you wanna write. Say your character just entered her house and called out to their spouse without a response. Go inside your own house and start jotting down the details of what you see. Your character will probably notice the lack of shoes. How the kitchen light isn’t turned on. Or the hum of the dishwasher not present. No keys in the bowl. All small things that they slowly realize before actually realizing that no one was home.
Acting also gives you ideas on how someone would react. Walk into your own house and imagine finding out you’ve been robbed. All your stuff is everywhere. Now, realistically - and I mean really really realistically - you wouldn’t freak out. At least not physically on the outside. You wouldn’t start jumping and shouting and go looking in your room if your cash is gone.
Because your brain needs time to process. You would have questions. Lots of them. Is the thief still here? Should I call the police? No, what if this is a prank. Is this a prank? Who would prank me like this? Your eyes would go around the room, noting down all the details there. The broken glass, the opened drawers, the thrown pillows. Use your own surroundings to imagine what a robbed place would look like.
10. Tip number umi (Hawaiian):
Always remember, each character is different.
(Realized this one also has nothing to do with being stuck and not being able to write and more to do with character writing... I think I went off topic....)
I always find stories where all the characters are practically written the same way. The dialogue is really generic. Because the writer isn’t really imagining as each character being a separate entity. They’re all characters of a story to them. The way one character talks is often if not always never the same way another character talks. AND a certain character will talk differently depending on who they’re talking with.
Give each of your characters certain attributes or quirks that they add to their dialogue. Like how the more sophisticated one chooses to say ‘darling’ instead of ‘babe’ or how one of them speaks in short and concise sentences having served time in the army and taught that each word counts. I know this tip isn’t that important, but I’ve seen a lot of writers do this mistake where all the dialogue is the same. And that’s because they’re trying so hard to move the story along that they forget that they need time for the characters to react and process differently.
Similarly, make sure that you know that each character reacts differently. I’ve fallen into this mistake several times actually to be honest. This one time I wrote a whole scene where I had Lena be super happy about something (can’t remember what it was) with someone she wasn’t too close with and then I remembered that she’s more reserved than Kara. She less trusting so she rarely shows her genuine side to others unless she knows them to be worthy or good. She’s not too open so she wouldn’t show her happiness by jumping around and screaming with joy. Whereas Kara! Oh, Kara! She would hug the mailman when she would be happy! And she’s probably best friends with her pizza delivery guy! Had to do multiple rewrites whenever I would do that mistake.
11. Tip number vienuolika (Lithuanian):
Drink Green Tea.
Repeat after me: Drink. Green. Tea.
No explanation necessary. Tea is life.
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dramallamadingdang ¡ 6 years ago
Reply time!
These’re for @skyburned, @hemfbg, @iplaysims4, @ellupelluellu, @morphinetomichiko, @simper-fi, @deedee-sims, and @hollywood3015...
Well there's green brick and a painting of an ibis on the wall, so there's that. Kinda beachy. Love the floor plan!
Kinda maybe. :) I think it’s the wood paneling that’s throwing me, even though I used wood-color paneling in another one, and that one still “feels” beachy to me. :/ I dunno,  maybe if I’d used white paneling instead...but I’ve got another lot half-built that (I think!) is going to do green-and-white, so... I did try to do some water-themed stuff, like the ibis painting, so there’s that. :)
hemfbg replied to your post “So I just queued up about a dozen posts of Tellerville gameplay...”
All of my flagged posts were un-flagged without my intervention, so I suspect things might be changing on tumblr's end?
I’ve got my fingers crossed that their bot is being adjusted. I remember when the whole “Safe Mode” thing launched a year or so ago, when they blocked just under-18s from seeing “adult” stuff, it gave a lot of false positives at first but then that went away. I have a feeling that they just sort of amped-up that same bot to be far more sensitive to certain things in pictures and text, especially looking for “underage” things, since this whole thing was sparked by Apple spanking Tumblr for having child porn on it. I’m guessing that’s why innocent pics of pixel babies/toddlers/children seemed especially prone to being flagged. 
So, it was a little overzealous at first and returned a ton of false positives. Now....I think it’s either that the bot has been “educated” by showing it its multitude of mistakes OR they simply went back to the “milder” one they’ve been using for most of the past year. Either way, I’m hopeful the false positives will stop because dealing with having to “appeal” a ton of false positives all the time is the thing that would drive me away, personally, since “no adult content” doesn’t affect what I do here.
iplaysims4 replied to your photoset “I’mma call this one the Grey Goose. :) And now I need vodka bottle...”
Really nice! are any of your houses up for download?
Thank you! I have some lots up for download, though not any of the recent ones. The ones I have up are here. Most of them are empty inside, though, to reduce CC and to make it easier for me to get them packaged up. There has been a request for the yellow-and-green beach lot to be uploaded, so I’ll get to that one eventually but otherwise, if you like a particular one, feel free to request a download. I generally only offer lots by request, since packaging them up is a pain because I don’t generally build cc-free.
ellupelluellu replied to your photoset “I’mma call this one the Grey Goose. :) And now I need vodka bottle...”
I simply love all the lots :) I so wish to be the sim who can live there! Instead of this boring cube apartment building I live in :D
It’s a neighborhood I’d like to live in, too. :) And thank you. :) I’m having fun with the lots, using color combinations that I normally wouldn’t touch and all that.
skyburned replied to your photo “The queer hood, as it stands right now. I have to restart it, though....”
Yeah, I put pool squares on every lot. Evict all tenants from apt buildings, change the zoning, build pool squares.
Yeah, pretty much everything I build goes into the Lot Catalog (Which is HUGE!) because I tend to re-use lots if I need one and don’t feel like building anything. Of course, some of them are older, from before I used a water mod, so no pool squares. Then I sometimes have to do a little (or a lot) of fiddling around to find a place to put one, usually hidden under landscaping...which I have to move in order to place the pool square, of course.
skyburned replied to your photoset “This one was such a pain in the ass, all because I wanted the...”
I have no idea how to do that or really even what it means, but the house is wonderful. It's a comforting sort of house.
Thanks! And basically, the foundation thing is this: The “standard” foundation that’s in the game is 4 clicks high. (Meaning, that if you were to use a terrain tool to raise each corner of a square of terrain on a lot by four mouse clicks, that square of terrain would then be as tall as a block of standard foundation.) I wanted taller than that, simply because I wanted to use those spiky lavender plants in front, and they were covering up block half of the porch fence. Which is sometimes fine, but it was bugging me with this house. I wanted the foundation to be as tall as the spiky plants, so that they didn’t cover up the porch fence. So, instead of using regular foundation, I built the “foundation” with walls instead, using the constrainfloorelevation cheat to shorten that wall to 6 clicks high rather than the usual wall height, which is 16 clicks. This would’ve been (relatively) simple...except that I wanted an attached garage, too. Which caused some problems, namely not being able to place floor tiles in part of the house. But I got it sorted...eventually. *laugh* I had to start over like six times. *laugh*
morphinetomichiko replied to your photoset “This house, finished. ”
I swear, everything you make is gorgeous
Y’all’re gonna make my head swell even more than it already is! But thank you so much! <3
simper-fi replied to your photoset “This one was such a pain in the ass, all because I wanted the...”
I love everything you build. *__*
Thank you, dear! I love everything you do in-game. :) I’m looking forward to seeing what your Sim will look like in my queer hood. :)
deedee-sims replied to your photoset “A classic li’l Cape Cod, complete with little screen porch in back....”
You make me want to copy all your lots from this hood, so pretty, ahhhh D:
Feel free! They’re all relatively simple builds....Well, except that one with the six-click-high foundation. *laugh* And even that one’s not that bad, just some fairly basic CFE’ing.
hollywood3015 replied to your post “I'd like to read a dissertation on your sims if you're ever in the...”
It wouldn't be . And I totally get that . I don't pose my sims or do any of that stuff. I just write a story that comes to my head and use my sims as a basic picture . ����‍♀️ I call it game play writing ��
Yeah, mostly what I do with gameplay pics is just documentation, just describing what happened in the game as I play it, with no idea what’s going to happen as I go along because I just...play. I don’t have any sort of predetermined “story” that I feel I have to follow. Sometimes I’ll make up some dialog for a Tumblr post if, for instance, speech bubbles trigger something funny in my brain, but that’s not something that I would ever want to keep up long-term. To me, that becomes more like work than playing a game, even more so than just taking pictures for documenting purposes. Which also feels like work sometimes. That’s why I have several neighborhoods that I deliberately don’t document anywhere, for various reasons. Because sometimes I just wanna play, without having to take pictures and stuff.
Anyway, maybe with the queer hood I’ll do a little more with the “storytelling” thing. Maybe those Sims will have some interesting stories to tell, since they won’t just be characters randomly created by my game, like 99.9% of my other Sims. *laugh*
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junkobears ¡ 7 years ago
Here Lies Dreaded V3 Discourse
So I have seemed to cause a huge kerfuffle in the hardcore Ouma conspiracy theorists standom, and a banal (if condescending, but seeing the response to it honestly justifies it more than anything now. “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it”, you better believe I can take it and will now PROPERLY dish it out right back at you) comment about one of Tsumugi’s anime references has led to someone launching a hilariously personal attack at me for Daring To Disagree With A Theory That Was Posted On A Public Website. Someone who I wasn’t even initially responding too, at that. And has now blocked me before even allowing me to respond and clarify my original comments. Don’t want to deal with the consequences of being a repugnant, rude person I guess? Shock and surprise for Tumblr.
The link to the post is here, but I’ve taken the liberty to screenshot it just in case it gets deleted later, in hope that maybe there’ll be some reflection on this person’s part that this really is not an acceptable way to respond to people who have a dissenting opinion? Anyways, I will be responding to the personal attack post and that will be the last time I interact with this group, because clearly it’s not worth it to actually have a discussion about our respective ending theories. I ain’t got time beyond this for tedious insecure fucks these days.
Anyways, my response is under the cut to save my poor followers’ dashes. Sorry to drag drama onto my blog but I can’t really let this slide. I’m also tagging @jacks-plays-drv3 just because I assume the twin comes with the other with these two, and I want my response to have been seen.
Screenshot In This Link - This post is long enough without the image taking up more space, haha.
Let’s start with this mess, shall we? And I will go into painstaking detail.
Paragraph 1: So this already starts off with a whole lot of needless aggression and projection. So I’m not even going to attempt to be nice back. But: maybe I haven’t proven anything because I literally had not typed up a response to clarify my original comments @ Jacks yet before the rabid attack dog was unleashed? Like, there was literally no attempt from you to have a discussion that was a genuine offer from me, I was not out to get you actually. I also honestly just laughed at being called shallow, JUST LIKE THAT HORRIBLE CHARACTER TSUMUGI SHIROGANE right off the bat as well. That’s a compliment really, honey. Weirdly I don’t share the same opinions as you do. Tsumugi is my fave and unlike you I actually think about and HAVE analyzed/discussed her character in detail previously, which I would’ve been happy to share had you not immediately went into Blind Raging Idiot Mode. Guess we can’t have it all, huh?
As for needing proof that she makes the Flashback Lights... nevermind the CG that literally shows her making them during Chapter 6, but do you have proof that Monokuma is the person who makes the Lights instead of just placing them for the students? I doubt it, somehow. Cuz a lot of your theories don’t actually have any concrete proof. Quelle surprise. Probably why anyone not immediately on board with your headcanon gets you so goddamn angry, huh? Cuz it’s completely baseless and you know it at heart.
As for the Ouma comments, actually I have read the assorted creator comments regarding his character even if you like to believe I’m a slobbering moron who turned my brain off as soon as I finished V3, so yes I already know that his name was chosen to sound mastermind-like. Maybe this was to emphasize and make his fake mastermind reveal appear more legit on first read? JUST A THOUGHT, SWEETIE. You know the entire fucking point of Chapter 5? You’re so slavishly devoted to your theory that you actually are incapable of reading the basic fucking text from the actual game, but again. Not a surprise. Considering what I’ve read from your blog (really, who are you again? I only knew Jacks’ blog from before all this, so you taking such a personal offense at my comments is honestly hilarious but baffling at the same time. It ain’t all about you, babe.)
As for the lab door, here’s an simpler explanation (Occam’s Razor, look it up): The star sign constellation pattern was there as a hint for the player to connect Ouma’s messages from his dorm room to the vault in Amami’s lab once its opened and you can see the star signs in there. Or perhaps it was designed like that by TDR to make the students make that connection as well in the original script and think that Ouma was the mastermind cuz of the connection to Amami’s lab? Literally, there are a lot of possibilities, cuz it’s a NOTHING DETAIL THAT DOESN’T ACTUALLY MATTER IN THE BIG PICTURE. Considering Kodaka’s track record with writing these games I don’t actually believe it’s anything major, personally. He doesn’t really strike me as the type to hide this completely separate story underneath the actual story we got, and with such vague nothing “”””””””””””clues””””””””””””. You and Jacks do yourselves (well you already do cuz you love to jack yourselves off with how CLEVER AND BETTER you are than the rest of us plebs), sure, in believing otherwise (You have way too much faith in him as a writer. Or you’re desperately trying to pretend V3 wasn’t poorly written cuz you don’t like the Ch. 6 twist) but also realize that its nothing more than extrapolation on your part that it actually means anything beyond the.... SHALLOW (horror scream) connection given in-game.
And really, who the fuck cares if it doesn’t match the title of ‘Supreme Leader’? It’s already a ridiculous talent as it stands already. The entire point of his character is that everything about him, his motives and his talent is contradictory and weird. That’s why I like him, actually. He isn’t an abused martyr who never lies like you goons believe and he also isn’t the evil monstrous chessmaster some of the fandom thinks. It’s Complex Motives™ .
Anyways moving on. Pointing out an anime reference =/= DISREGARDING PEOPLE’S ANALYSIS. Pointing out that most of the plot leads up to and supports the fiction twist =/= uncritically agreeing with everything Tsumugi says. Actually, after examining the game’s story for myself I came to the conclusion that all the clues in it really only support her version of the story, really. There are a few things I think she lied about, but it is not CONCLUSIVELY proven she lied in my opinion and so I don’t really give a fucking toss until new canon comes out and reveals more of the V3 story. Oumatwin don’t real, gurl. If there was actually anything in-game beyond one obvious joke line in the NON-CANON!!!!!!! bonus mode supporting that he existed, maybe I’d respect your theory more. Even though you don’t deserve respect after your little tantrum. 
Paragraph 2: Jesus I already am investing way too much time into this response at people who don’t actually deserve it, oh well. But laughing hard at the attempt to try and act as if you weren’t being a snobby asshole with your comments. Again, HUGE AMOUNTS OF PROJECTION at me about things I literally have never done and said. I have never interacted with you or Jacks prior to my initial comment. No fucking clue why you brought up the SaiOuma shit, cuz I don’t even LIKE Saihara as a character and don’t like that fujobait ship in the slightest? But I guess it’s easier to assume that all your critics are the exact same fucking person with the same opinions, so you can feel more persecuted, huh? You literally did not even wait for me to respond or check my blog that would’ve easily disproven these dumb-as-fuck assumptions. And get off the fucking high horse (pun completely intended), you lot are not the only people in this fandom who are capable of critical thought. How completely self-obsessed can you be? 
For someone who claims to have a lot of critical thinking skills compared to this nasty fandom, you really are terrible at parsing other people’s words. You fucking know when I said “group of anime fans” that I was referring to Team Danganronpa, the organization literally mentioned in game as running the game. The group Tsumugi is part of. She literally has a company badge FFS. THEY ARE ANIME FANS. THEY ALL STARTED KILLING GAMES CUZ THEY ALL LOVE THIS SHITTY SERIES. I can’t believe this had to be explained. And the rest of this paragraph word salad is the most pedantic argument. It’s really not hard to believe an organization in this series would have access to all this tech. And yes, it’s a popular TV show in-universe, of course it’ll have funding. And the whole damn point of the ending is that the V3 world is consuming fiction the wrong way by having real-life killing games, missing the entire point of the DR series and fiction in general? What’s your actual point?
Paragraph 3: Again more assumptions, I wasn’t ‘crying’ about being called gullible. I was just pointing it out as part of your extremely unnecessary smug dismissal of my post. That you really haven’t disproved at all, btw. Honestly the childish response you both had to me just makes me laugh out of pity more than anything. And if I was really upset I wouldn’t have offered to have a discussion with you or even continued to reply after Jacks initial (vague) post about what I said. So don’t put words in my mouth. And yes my analysis was not completed in my initial comments. It’s Tumblr fucking replies, I can’t fit the entire fucking dissertation of Tsumugi opinions in there for you to jeer at in there. Again, I offered to share my opinions and got this as a response, so lol. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to trying to get people to take you and your theories seriously. 
Paragraph 4: Especially since you immediately jump to PULLING THINGS OUT OF YOUR ASS (seriously, fucking snorted at this part. I want this whole diatribe on my fucking gravestone. It’s by far the most hilariously petty thing ever said about me on this site.) instead of letting me explain my position. If you just want to be in the creepy cult Oumatwin echo chamber you should’ve just said and blocked me ASAP instead of word salading vague bullshit justifications for why actually people who disagree with you are just stupid crybabies who can never hope to understand your genius. Again, my initial comments didn’t whine about not being taken seriously at all, I was pointing out the hypocrisy/rudeness is all. And again, get off the high horse about critical thinking. I have thought about Tsumugi’s character and how she relates to the over-arching plot and how truthful it is, and the overall ‘mystery’ of V3 (spoiler: there is none. it was all solved by chapter 6). I have thought about this game. In fact I dedicate too much time to critical analysis of this series that doesn’t actually deserve it cuz lately I find Kodaka to be a hack writer. Your assumptions are flat-out wrong, dear. And AGAIN. I WOULD’VE. SHARED AND DISCUSSED IN MORE DETAIL HAD I BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. But rude fucks gonna vomit shit out of their mouth cuz they have literally no self-control and have meltdowns at the slightest difference of opinion, I guess. 
Your extreme hatred for Tsumugi as a character truly shines through. Clearly no thought has been put into her from your end, even though you and Jacks rage about people not taking Ouma seriously as a character. Double standards as always with fujos. Nothing I’m not used too, she is incredibly unpopular in this fandom. And everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So I’m not even mad at that. I have never said otherwise. Even you and Jacks are valid in having your own theories and thoughts. The ending of V3 is designed entirely so everyone can analyze the game for themselves and draw their own conclusions about the story and themes. That’s the whole point. Even though I personally dislike that as a writing decision on Kodaka’s part because I would prefer the story to be conclusively ended and the epilogue is a giant turd that misses the entire point of Chapter 6 and enables shit (anal pun intended, dumbass) like this to start spreading as “Analysis”. But hey, to each their own.
However I will not be interacting with either of you again after this post though, even though I was willing to discuss beforehand, because you both have shown yourselves to be incredibly vile with the way you approach other people in this fandom, and especially those who don’t share your conspiracy theory. Despite the absolutely ironic comments I’ve seen from Oumanous in their later, also terrible posts about how you need to understand your opponent before engaging, which they literally failed entirely to do before engaging the firing squad at me and other commentators who responded. So much for the sanctity of discussion, huh? Enjoy your circlejerk. Everyone else who follows me in this fandom though? Please consider blocking these two if you are also a sane human being who is capable of polite discussion/disagreements. They are not worth your time otherwise. They were really not worth my time writing this post, but I felt I had to say something.
In conclusion: Out with the both of you.
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