#one of those days when its a little bit harder to write
akatsukirites · 10 months
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Second entry for @sweetspicybingo - Fairy Lights Narutoverse | KisaKonan | G | ~800 words
They avoid the road that goes through Fire Country. Konoha-nin patrols are too aggressive. Even though Kisame brushes this off as an insignificant obstacle ("I can handle Konoha, Konan-san." He says, reflexively shouldering Samehada.), Konan knows a premature encounter would be unwise. ("Pein doesn't want to reveal our existence yet.") Instead, they take the long way– through Grass, Waterfall, and Rice Country, crossing the border into Hot Water Country. Konan recalls old Akatsuki scouting reports that Hot Water military is only concerned with tourists, so they stick to the coastline. Admittedly, it's a longer journey. They sleep in shifts during the afternoons and travel under a waning moon cycle. The coastline turns to sandy beaches, flanked to the south by forest.
In the pre-dawn hours, they crest a hillside. And the strangest vision reveals itself to them; a sea with glowing, blue waves. Konan slows to a halt. Kisame, following, anticipates a command. She is, after all, higher ranking. The ocean roars to his left, covering up the muffled words that Konan says under her breath. All he catches is 'of the sea'.
"What's that?" He asks, looking beyond her to notice the blue phenomena himself.
Konan turns back to him, mouth hidden underneath her high collar. She doesn't wear a hitai-ate.
"Ghost lights of the sea." She repeats. "It's a children's story– a warning about following ghost lights into the water. They say the lights are the souls of drowned fishermen."
Kisame huffs. He could slay a village full of fishermen with his eyes closed. Nothing to worry about there. But Konan's reaction is different. She turns back to the sea, taking a halting step forward; debating whether or not she has time to investigate the curiosity. The look of awe in her eyes is unmistakable, almost child-like. Kisame has been mission-focused his entire life. Sight-seeing is a luxury he's never been awarded. That was in Kiri. Now it's supposed to be different. He trots ahead of Konan, leading them to the beach. Permission is something neither of them are used to giving themselves; but the sight is too enchanting to ignore.
Glittering waves lap at the shoreline; water teeming with scrambling, blue lights. Konan steps lightly, not used to feeling sand beneath her feet. Kisame does so also, but on instinct of training drilled into him until his skull broke. He bends down and scoops up a light; feeling the soft flesh of a squid. It's tiny. Five of them could easily fit in his palm. Konan looks on with caution, thinking of poison and traps and–("don't follow them into the sea").  But Kisame seems unaffected, so she mimics him and scoops one into her hand. The animal is dotted with little blue lights, chaotically blinking at her. A cry for help?
"It must be their spawning season." Kisame guesses, before popping it in his mouth.
Konan's eyes widen in surprise. Eating a ghost-light will surely curse you, right? But the look on his face says otherwise; the opposite in fact. She looks down at her own specimen, wriggling. It slips between her fingers and swims off into the sea, meeting thousands of others. 
"You know these creatures?" Konan asks, wary.
He shrugs, mouth still occupied with the morsel. "No, but I had a good guess. They're smaller than the ones in Water Country, but they look the same." Swallows. "Tastes better though."
Konan wouldn't know. Rain Country doesn't have squid. But strangely, she trusts Kisame's intuition and appetite. So she gathers a few handfuls of them, sparkling blue in her hands. To eat such a beautiful thing seems a terrible waste. 
As if sensing her hesitation, Kisame enlightens her. "They'll probably die soon anyways."
His words do little to alleviate some harbored guilt within her.
They set up a resting spot at the tree-line, listening to the ocean carry the ghost-light squids to shore. They're too small to spear and roast; and they don't have a konro; so Kisame boils them instead. The sun pierces the horizon. It's as good as any time for breakfast. Konan waits and fishes the squid out of the pot after Kisame takes his share. She eats it whole, examining the textures between her teeth. Kisame watches her, curious to see how she finds the delicacy. It's sweet and rich; briny but not overly so. Like a fat shrimp. If he looked hard enough, he'd see her blushing. For something about to die, it certainly doesn't taste like it.
When they're done, Konan puts out the fire and hides any evidence that they were there. A habit from her younger days with Yahiko and Nagato. The beach turns into rocky coastline, disappearing behind them entirely as they approach the border. Today they make for their allies in Frost Country to resupply. If they're lucky, they'll also get clues for their mission. Konan returns to the memory of the luminescent beach, wishing she could tell Yahiko. She'll have to settle for Tendo Pein instead.
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 2 months
Would you be willing to write something along the lines of a female human getting bred by some minotaurs? The idea of being used like a breeding cow for those massive creatures just sends me in a dizzy (and the size difference *swoons*)
I absolutely love your work and would love to see your take on this ❤️
This is so HOT. ESPECIALLY bc one of my system members has a huge hucow kink. MAKE SURE YOU TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS IF YOU SEND AN ASK. you won't be notified unless it's non anonymous.
(This story is kinda long, but I got excited, and there's lots of sex :3 if you want to scroll down to the juicy bits, the bg changes from pink to green.
If you want part 2 I'd be happy to oblige!
(Psa, I do my nest to correct spelling, but some things may be misspelled. :] )
You had just signed up for a summer job working on a farm. You're relatively strong and have managed to build muscle while you were doing other forms of work and heavy lifting. You'd been trying to bulk up to make this easier and had gained a little but of weight that had mainly gone to your chest.
This made you slightly insecure because it made it harder to shop for good bras, but hopefully that could be changed when you had enough money from this job to do so.
You receive a phone call, the voice heavy and gruff.
"Hello? Is this (y/n)?"
"Yes it is!", you answered in your bubbly work voice, though you were very exited, hoping it was one of the places you'd applied for.
"Wonderful. This is the dairy farm Cali Dairy? I'm looking at your application, and you look like you'd be a perfect fit for what we're looking for."
He sounded so sweet, and both this and the acceptance made your heart race. He was a good sign that the company would probably be good to its employees.
"That's amazing! When and where do I meet you? Is there an interviewing process for information or will that he sent to me?"
He chuckled softly into the phone at your eagerness.
"Yes. The information will be sent to the email attached to your resume."
"Thank you so much! Have a great day!"
"You too."
He replied as you ended the call. You squealed into your pillow and anxiously awaited the email.
A ping sounded on your computer and you clicked on the notification. The email reads,
"Dear applicant,
We are happy to welcome you to the Cali Dairy family!
Please meet with the supervisor, Daniel, at 477 Milky Whey, Sacramento, California. 95872. On Monday, August 5th at 10.30 AM.
(This is not a real place, and I hope you like the pun.)
You will be moving to one of our in-house apartments. You will be shown around and be given ample time to move and adjust.
If you have any questions, please reply to this email and we will get back to you soon.
Sincerely, Cali Dairy.
When you applied, you saw something about comfortability moving for work and had selected yes, but you didn't know the extent of it. You didn't think much about it and figured that anything you needed to know would be explained on Monday when you met the supervisor.
You wondered if the supervisor was the same kind of sounding man on the phone but passed the thought off to the side as you began to plan on packing.
The coming week and a half passed as you began to pack up your own apartment, you wanted to make the move as easy as you possibly could to work sooner and you figured you'd just unpack after your shifts.
You prepared your outfit for the next day excitedly, deciding on a baggy older shirt with a bike design on it and a pair of your straight leg work jeans. You didn't expect to work on the first day, but you wanted to be prepared just in case.
The next morning, you woke to your 8 am alarm, your body vibrating with excitement. You took a 30 minuite shower, making sure to use extra of all of your various coffee scented soaps and scrubs. You topped it off with a heavily scented, "whisky and coffee" lotion and dryed your hair, and put it up in an old soft tee shirt, a trick you'd learned from your mom.
You slipped I your clothes, by now 8:45 and pulled the tee shirt off of your head and list let your hair down, de-tangling it quickly before grabbing your phone, keys, and anything else you'd need.
You shoved the various things into your bag and drove to the address you were given. The further and further out you got from the city. The open roads lead into fields of various crops and trees. Redwoods were tall and towered lightly along the road side and you enjoyed the scenery. If this was where you were going to be, you'd be happy about it. The drive was so peaceful, and much better than the traffic you were used to.
You arrived at a large, farm house- looking building and pulled into a paved driveway full of a few other vehicles. As you looked around, there were various small walking trails to other buildings with various lables and signs scattered almost like a college campus. The sign on the building you pulled up two read, "reception and Managerial office."
You smiled and gathered your things, turning the car engine off and stepping out. You could feel the energy charging through your veins as you walked over to the steps of the quaint building.
As you entered, there was a front desk, no one was there but there was a small paper taped to the front of the desk.
"New hire, the office is down the hallway, the supervisor should be waiting for you."
You meandered down the hallway and gently rapped ( a soft knock, usually with two out of your 4 main fingers) softly on the door.
"Come in." You heard the low voice through the door, deep but still light. You entered and looked around the office before your eyes landed on the bigger -man? Behind the desk.
You'd seen many other species in your day to day but you'd never met a Minotaur, but there one sat. His thin coat was shiny on the parts that weren't covered by the sizable black polo shirt he was wearing. You could see just below his waist to the brown leather belt and blue jeans he wore.
They squeezed lightly around his large thighs, you couldn't help but stare and hadn't noticed you were.
"Hello, y/n?"
You smiled as you were snapped back to reality.
"Yes, that's me!", your face flushed. He looked kind of nice in what he was wearing.
"I hope I'm not under dressed - I sincerely thought I might be doing some lifting today or just starting work, so I wanted to be sure -"
He cut you off and smiled - "It's alright. I don't blame you. I'm just a manager so don't let my atire fool you. I'll show you around if you'd like."
You beamed and nodded, clutching your bag over your shoulder. He stood, and you could hear the wooden floor creak under his weight. He was huge, at least a couple of feet taller than you.
"My name is Daniel, by the way. It's very nice to meet you."He held his big hand out to shake.
You were just now looking at his features, a slightly humanoid bull head sat on strong shoulders, the colors of his fur were so beautiful, deep browns blending into whites around his nose and eyes. His eyes were a deep brown and they shown in the sun as he looked down at you.
You took his hand to shake it, and he gripped your hand very softly and shook once. He held your hand so gently for such a bug creature. He was so beautiful, it was all you could think about. As he passed you, you realized that you were only chest hight, the thought made you blush deeply.
"You coming?" He chuckled as he walked out of the office.
You scrambled to get behind him as he led the way, and you were happy to follow. As you two walked along the path ways. You passed a smaller building that read "Medic" and locked your head.
"First thing, you go into this building. This is where you will have your physical, where our nurse will check you over and make sure you're fit to work."
You nod and walk into the building. He doesn't follow.
It's a one room doctors office. You walk in and see a slender red head turned away from you, facing a counter. She seems to be investigating a sample of some kind.
She must've heard you walk in as she turned around halfway.
"Hey! How can I help you? You need a bandaid or something?"
She didn't recognize you hut was clearly preoccupied.
"I'm a new hire - I'm here for my physical?" You offered this answer shyly. She was very pretty. You saw her fully as she turned around, her face was thin and her nose slightly pointed. She turned to the side to grab something, a Greek nose. She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, even more than the burley man you'd left him outside.
Her eyes were a bright, shining blue. "A physical, huh? It's been a minute since we've gotten a newbie. Alright, sit on the table." She gestured to the doctors table.
You hopped up onto the table, which caused your large chest to bounce and recoil. You blushed and gently put your hand on your chest to hold them still.
She looked to the side at you and smiled.
"Yeah, big chests are so much fun-" she gestured to her own chest, which was actually now that you looked. Almost just as big as yours.
"That being said, we're going to do some measurements and get you a special support bra. The world you do is going to have a lot of moving, so we want you to have the maximum posture assistance and comfort that helps protect your back and chest. This does mean that I'm going to have to touch your chest. Are you alright with that?",
You nodded, and the blush spread from your cheeks to your ears. "Yes, that'll be okay -"
She nodded and pulled out a clip board and readied it. With one hand. She gently felt across your chest, very gently squeezing and prodding in different places. She would ask if you could feel a touch here and asked if it hurt when she pressed in another spot, all of this caused your pussy to scream. Her hands were so gentle, and your chest was so sensitive.
She began to pick up on it and would grab harder here and there. She finally stopped and wrote down a few things on her clipboard.
"Bra size looks to be a double or triple D? Thirty-six, maybe?"
She was right, "yeah, 36 DDD." The woman nodded and waved her hand.
"Alright, we're done. You can go. My name is Dr Sylvia. It's a pleasure to meet you, and you are?"
"(Y/n), nice to meet you too."
"Alright, you can go now."
You thanked her and left the building, finding Daniel leaning against the wall to the side of the door.
"You done already?"
"Alright." He continued to lead you around
To various buildings, one of which reading "Spa" as you passed it.
"Oh there's a spa?", Daniel nodded.
"We take good care of our employees here. We make sure they're all relaxed. Relaxed workers work harder and better. Science fact." He smiled proudly.
He showed you around until about 2:30pm and asked you if you had any questions. You asked about your moving situation and what was paid for and what wasn't. He informed you that in a couple of days or when you were done packing, moving men would come help me move my things if I call him to ask.
Once everything was sorted, you made your way home, through the beautiful fields and trees just kind of talking in your own head.
Your mind and heart raced as you thought about your attractive new coworkers. They were both so incredible looking and both seemed so genuine and sweet.
Once you arrived home, you found your cunt drooling and a light buzzing in your clit, you needed to get off so badly. You wandered over to your drawer, undressing from the waist down with one hand as you fumble with the buttons. Once that gentle hum starts, you practically shove it between your legs, crying out as the vibrations sent pulses through your throbbing cunt.
You fought to get out of your underwear, desperate to shove something inside of yourself. You were just desperate to have something in you - God anything.
You thrust your index and middle finger into your wet hole, moving them around right up against your g spot. Your moans fill the room, not caring much about your neighbors. It was one of your last nights anyway.
This turned into hours and hours of teasing and edging yourself. Rolling around in bed and imagining the two beautiful creatures tossing you between the two of them, choking on the Minotaur's cock while the Dr ate your pussy, this thought alone was enough to make you ruin your sheets with cum, squiriting violently and crying out.
You breathed hard as your orgasm shook you softly as it fizzled out. "Fuck-", you mumbled to yourself and cleaned up, changing the sheets.
You weren't required to come into work until your things were moved so you spent the next week finishing packing and called Daniel. You found yourself giddy to talk with him.
"Hey! It's (y/n) everything is all packed up and I'm ready to move officially whenever."
"Alright. Make sure you mark boxes fragile, then come here in your car and bring a bag for your essentials, I'll show you your apartment and give you your key."
You giggled softly,covering the mouth peace of the phone. "Yep! No problem!", you excitedly grabbed a marker and made absolutely certain that anything you COULD carry you would. Any small things you would need were transported to your car and you drove to the place you had met the larger man the week prior.
Once she arrived, the sun was setting and she walked to where she knew the man's office was and found the door open. He stood, and she once again remembered her size.
"Alright. I'm going to drive my stuck, you follow me in your car and I'll show you where the apartment is."You followed him out and started up your car. You watched him get into his and follow him around the plot of land to a set of nice-looking buildings with balconies.
He parks in front of building number 256. Daniel smiled as he stepped out of His car. He tossed me my key and you cought it, smiling smugly. He raised an eyebrow to you as if to playfully question your ego. Daniel walked foward and you followed him to aparrtment 27,, thankfully one of the upper apartments. this meant you wouldnt hav an upstairs neighbor. when you unlocked the door, you walked in and gasped at how big the space was.
"Do you like it? We'd be happy to change the room if it's not to your liking.", You gasped and shook your head.
"No no no- it's amazing! This is the biggest apartment I've ever seen!"
You walked in to a large, light hardwood floor, that space leading into an open kitchen across the room from the front door. In the far left of the living room, a hallway that probobly lead to the bed and bathroom. You wandered across the room and into the hallway, to the left was the bathroom, showcasing a large walk- in, rain shower. in the corner, a large round bath tub.
You gasped more in awe. These people had to be some sort of loaded - you'd figured being it was 26 dollars an hour, at least that was the most you'd ever been paid.
As you walked through, Daniel watched you carefully, watching your expression and smiling to himself. You walked into the bedroom, which was carpeted and ginormous. On the far side, right-hand side of the room, there was a door to the balcony.
In the middle of the room, there was a mattress up against the wall.
"I've just received a text that the guys are at your place, and I have them grabbing your bed frame in a separate car. We supply the mattress because we like to ensure your comfort. This brand has been proven to be the most comfortable."
You nod absentmindedly, just excited you were at the new place.
"You start Wednesday, I'll leave you to unpack and get as comfortable as you can." He bowed his head lightly as a goodbye and left the apartment.
You were honestly pretty tired from all of the excitement and just fell asleep on the empty mattress, which wad infact the most comfortable one you'd ever laid on.
Over the coming three days, you unpacked and built your bedframe, turning your apartment more and more into your own every day. The movers had brought your things unto the living room area while you were asleep, which only worried you slightly, but nothing had happened, so you brushed it off.
It was now your real first day. You hear a ring at your doorbell and see a package on the ground. You take it inside and unpack what looks to be a new braw, the one the Dr was talking about assumedly.
You slip it on and adjust yourself as needed, finding joy in the comfort and support. There was an adjustable posture corrector built in with small straps to help adjust from under your arms.
You slipped on a tee shirt over the bra, just another one of your old vintage tees you used for work and your work jeans. You receive a text telling you to meet the Dr at the 'stables' in 15 minutes.
You were super excited. You loved form animals and wondered which one you'd be working with, saying stables would probably mean horses or just a holding for cows.
You drove over to the stable section and parked your car in the small lot in front of the building. You could see a pen that stretched around the back side of the building, but you couldn't see what was in the. The Dr Sylvia met you at the door and smiled.
"Well well. So I see the bra came in. Looks good on you if you don't mind me saying. Is jt comfortable?"
You smiled. "Absolutely! I love it."
A sly smirk slipped across her face. "I'm going to be honest, "You're not going to wear it more in your free time to help build posture and, of course, for when you go out. But this job is alittle different from most. "
This confused you, of course, because in that case, why make the bra and say it was for work? Regardless, she followed her into the building as we're met with an incredibly loud wiring and another sound you couldn't quite place because the sound was so overiden by the machine noise.
The Dr showed you to a small stall that was to your surprise, empty aside from a few things you weren't paying much attention to. The Dr smiled and pulled a small syringe out of her pocket full of a clear liquid.
You cocked your head slightly. "This is an ati-biotic that will help with possible issues with the bulls. Just incase there's anything that we don't catch in time it keeps you from getting sick."
This made sense, so you held out your arm for her, and she shot it into a vein. Within minutes, you felt lightly energetic and then very euphoric. Sylvia smiled as she saw this take effect, and your mind fogged.
She led you into the contraption you hadn't really seen until now, a small bench with arm and leg cuffs. "Undress please", you knew better but couldn't help it. Whatever this was was a truth serum on steroids or something.
Except, instead of telling the truth, you just did everything you were told. You stripped down sheepishly, and she helped you straddle the bench and lock your limbs into place. She adjusted the bench so the back was slightly higher than the front.
Your breasts hung over the front, and a separate arm slipped into place around them, holding your nipples to be aimed down at the ground.
You could feel your chest begin to ache, yout tits felt- full? You were just coming to terms with the possibility of what was about to happen and began to panic internally, though with no real affect to your body, which felt heavily sedated.
You could hear the machine noise start to get quieter, and moans radiated from the stalls around you. Your face flushed as you came to further terms with what was going to happen, then it clicked - bulls. Was there going to be more Minotaurs?
Just then, a door opened up behind you, and you heard huffing as a solution was spread across your entrance, sticking gently between your lips.
"Alright. You are perfectly safe, and all of our bulls know to be gentle with our newcomers. This doesn't mean they won't be exited, but you'll definitely adjust. This Gate behind you will open, and the bulls will be let in."
Sylvia smiled softly and gently ran her fingers through your hair. "You're gorgeous." She winked and left the stall. You heard a latch lock into place, and a buzzer sound as the gate behind you opened
You tried to listen, but it was harder and harder to stay focused. You were feeling less and less sentient by the minute, and God did your tits feel heavy.
You heard scuffing against the hay that coated the wooden floor and tried to listen harder, not knowing what to expect. There sounded like multiple creatures stepping.
The big hulking creatures investigated you, groping softly at your flesh.
"She's perfect," one of them grunted.
"I call first dibs!" You heard what sounded like impact and assumed they were pushing each other around.
Were they fighting over you? The idea made you swoon.
Soon, you felt something wide pressing gently against your entrance.
"Fuck she's so tight!-", one of them moaned out softly as he began to gently tease his tip into your hole. You moaned out softly. You'd had sex a few times, but it was nothing special, but these creatures were so huge. Their tip felt bigger than most toys you'd used if you stacked them onto each other.
He was infact very gentle at first, the other Minotaur walked over infront of you, his cock was room hard and the size of your head, you couldn't help but drool as he gently opened your mouth with his thumb.
"She's pretty too- can't wait to fuck her throat. Her lips are so plush she looks like she gives good head-", He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over your lips, slipping it into your mouth. You sucked softly, you couldn't help it.
Your cunt grew wetter and tried to stretch, gripping desperately at the other creatures' tip. You moaned over the Minotaur in front of you, and he raised his tip to your lips, pulling his thumb out.
You found yourself opening your mouth for him, though not sure if any of it would fit. He chuckled.
"Adam, this one's very eager to please - she might be my new favorite."
"Mine too - fuuck I could do this all day with just my head. I can't wait to feel her pussy when I'm all the way in-"
You blushed softly. You were so watery, but you did feel happy to be used to be useful. He gently pressed his head against your lips, and you tried to greet him with your tongue, licking softly around the exposed head.
You even tried to lean forward slightly to accommodate you. He smiled and stepped forward.
"Oh my god, her tongue is god send-"
"Were gonna have to swap - I wanna try -"
This must've been normal to them. They talked and bickered like this is a daily occurance- favorite? Maybe they'd pick you more- his cock feels so good and it was barely in at all.
As time passed, they began to push themselves further and further into your holes, making themselves fit. Soon enough, adam was keeping a steady rythem and fucking you, his tip alone tickled your cervix without even trying, while the other held your jaw gently while he fucked into your throat.
"Just breathe through your nose and relax your throat, sweetheart. Makes it hurt less."
You found yourself blushing. He was so kind of considering. You listened to his advice, and it made the experience more heavenly. You had been trying to figure out how to do it comfortably for a while. You had a tough oral fixation that you'd been trying to fulfill.
This was everything you never knew you always wanted, your cunt dripped wet around Adam's cock and you drooled on the others, taking them both as far into you as you could.
"How's her mouth feel, Erin?"
"Fucking amazing, she's so good at it!"
You smiled to the best of your ability around him and tried to move your tongue as he thrusted.
Erin's hands moved to the back of your head to steady it as he moved, yiu could feel his cock throbbing in your throat and even swallowed around him to help him finish, moaning lewdly anyway from Adam's roughness with your pussy.
"Fuck I'm so close!", Erin called out and his hips picked up speed, your brain went almost entirely foggy, this was the best thing you'd ever experienced, Adam groaned and he picked up speed aswell, you could feel his knot pressing up against your entranced as he desperately tried to fuck it into you.
Within five minutes he'd managed to shove his knot in your drooling cunt and Erin pushed his knot to your lips as he came harshly down your throat, you choked lightly but tried your best to swallow.
Adam spewed cum what felt like right into your womb and you cried out and coughed slightly against Eric's length. He pulled out of your mouth and you gasped for air.
"You're stuck here for a minute, doll. Gotta make sure you get bred properly."
You nodded and gripped at his shaft with your walls. During the wait period, Erin smiled and petted your head gently, playing with your hair.
"You did such a good job for us. We're gonna swap out and have s'more fun with you, and then you'll get your pretty tits milked." He chuckled and gropped one of your aching breasts. You whined and struggled lightly against your restraints.
"I'd better not. Dr Sylvia gets irritated if we milk you and waste it."
You were confused about the milking, but you truly felt like a breeding cow. It was your favorite thing.
After a moment, finally Adam's knot swelling went down, and he was able to pull out of you. His cum spilled out of you and slipped down your thighs. It was so warm. They swapped places and you finally were eye to eye with the cock that had filled you to your cervix and allyou could think about was getting it into your mouth.
You opened your mouth for him, sticking your togue out. He pressed his head to your tongue and immediately shoved unto your throat. As Adam plunged unto your throat, Erin pushed violently into your stretched, swollen pussy.
They both let go of being gentle, fucking you roughly from both ends, your brain just melted into what you now knew to be affection from the two bulls. If you were turned into a cow for them. So be it.
You were reeling and losing your mind as they used you, your cunt gripped at Eric harshly as you came violently and squirted against the bench you were against.
This caused Eric to shove his knot in you, he cane quicker than he thought he could, he'd never had a pissy so good and he was so sensitive from the first use that it was so easy.
Adam, however, was not satisfied so easily, gripping your head and absentmindedly fucking roughly into your throat, his knot pressing against the your mouth. You did everything you could just like with the other, massaging his coks with your throat as you moaned and swallowed against him. He groaned and gripped your hair as his cock throbbed.
"Fuck- fuck- right there, fuck your tongue is so good!", He grunted as he pushed into your throat as far as he could and came down your throat, you swallowed against him, sucking on him like a straw.
He pulled out of your mouth and chuckled, petting your head softly. Both of the creatures bent down in front of you and littered your face with licks and kisses, both of them groping you softly and affectionately.
"You were wonderful, love. Thank you for your time." They left through the gate. They came in and pressed a button that closed the gate, a soft alarm sounded, and the Dr came in.
"Well, did you have fun on your first day?"
She smiled and carried a machine into the stall, a pump of some kind and attached the sucker's to your breasts.
You nodded haphazardly, and she turned on the machine. Your tits were so sensitive, but them finally being drained from being so heavy was so relieving. Your legs quivered and sme smiled up at you, crouched on the ground.
"Look at you! You took them so well. And you'll do this every day and be driven back to your apartment by an assistant. We'll have someone take your car back to the parking lot, and you can be picked up as well to make it easier. We just have to assign you a caretaker. If you don't mind, I'd like that to be me."
She looked up at you with those beautiful eyes, and how could you say no? Your tits were empty before you knew it, and she detached the sucker's.
"Look at all the milk you made! Wow!"
She sat it down to the side and gathered your clothes for you and wrapped you up in a robe shed briyght, helping you back to the little golf cart she used to get around. She helped you in and handed you your clothes to hold and put your milk container on the back.
She drove you to your apartment, letting you rest quietly. Once you arrived at your building, she helped you up the stairs and into your apartment, which she was given an extra key to. Sylvia helped you into your room and laid you down on the bed.
"You should rest for an hour and then take a bath to help relax your muscles and, of course, clean up. Have a good night."
She left you alone to your dazed thoughts. You sobered up from whatever shot she gave you and cleaned yourself up. You were so excited for tomorrow.
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vmbrq · 1 year
MINORS DNI ; cnc (breeding?), afab/fem reader
just bc @/hyeyulove said they missed my ethan writing.
giggling rn because being in a relationship with deranged, ghostface ethan landry would be one hell of an experience on its own, but the day you let him fuck you without a condom is the day you can kiss your autonomy GOODBYE LMAOOO that man will NEVER leave you alone. he's already attached to you as is, so you think you can expose him to raw sex with FEELINGS and live the rest of your life in peace? that's actually really funny.
he'll be so needy—pawing at you, pressing up against you, languidly smoothing his hands over your waist and thighs, sheepishly commenting on how good you smell or look, anything to lure you into fulfilling his wishes. even if it's just you sitting on his cock and not moving while you two watch a movie or him teasing only the tip into your cunt, he just wants to feel you. he'd be addicted to how fucking warm and wet you feel without the latex barrier, groaning at how clearly he can feel every twitch and pulse of your walls, his breath hitching as you let him hold you by the hips and slowly guide you up and down along the length of his cock, on the verge of trembling when he clutches you tightly and empties his balls inside you for the second time.
and god forbid you ask him to pull out in the middle of him drilling into you. you're so overwhelmed, crying out and drunk on pleasure, babbling for him to pull out! since it's the only thing you can remember to do. but sometimes, ethan can be so mean when he's in charge. he'd loom over you, eyes wild and dark, lips pulled back into a mocking grin, and laugh. you think you have a chance at deterring him? that's cute. he'd take your moment of bewilderment as you stare up at him with wide eyes to hook his hands under your knees and fold your lower half up and into a mating press.
you don't have a snowball's chance in hell at pushing him off. he's far too heavy, too strong, and he'll reinforce your lack of control by leaning his weight on you to keep you pinned helplessly in place. all you can do is moan and whine and wince, embarrassed, at the obscene squelch of his cock bullying its way deep inside your sticky, overstimulated cunt and the slap of his heavy balls against your pelvis. but as overstimulated as you are, you don’t dislike it. he knows you don’t. if you did, your cunt wouldn’t be squeezing around his cock to keep him inside every time his hips pulled back a bit further than usual. you’re like an open book. he knows you by now.
on another note, the amount of text messages he sends you will increase in general, and if you don't reply within the time frame he deems acceptable, he'll start blowing up your phone. you'll wake up from a long nap, disoriented and not even remembering who the hell you are, and find several missed calls and texts from him as well as your man HIMSELF standing outside your bedroom window.
and those little couples pranks you see on tiktok, the one especially that's like "texting my bf he's gone, you can come over now?" yeah, you can't do that LMAOOO that man is INSANE. you remember how strong he was in that apartment scene where he was terrorizing the core four? HELL nah. you can damn near hear his car tires screech from down the STREET as he swerves around and heads back to you. in his brain, oh, so you think you can just be handing out pussy that good all willy nilly? 🤨 yeah okay. i know that the way he tried to kick in that bedroom door had y'all feeling something, bc me too.
he wouldn't try to kick it down immediately, but he'd stand out there seething, jaw locked, knocking on the door a little harder than normal, fighting to keep his voice even so he won't scare you out of letting him in. but his patience would dwindle rapidly. his behavior would be erratic, switching between pleading and persuasion and guilt-tripping and banging on the door and yelling so quickly you can barely keep up. babe you are playing with your LIFE😭 that pussy got him in a chokehold, and he'll be damned if anyone even gets the opportunity.
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cretenu · 3 months
"I LOVE YOU!" ft. suga and kenma
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content: when they said "i love you" for the first time! sugawara x gn! reader, kenma x gn! reader
warnings: none! just fluff :>
notes: i love these boys so much :( this is my first time writing suga and kenma and it was honestly really fun! i hope you enjoy it! <3
soundtrack: first day of my life - bright eyes
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koushi sugawara loves every part of you. it might take months before he says it out loud, but lord has he been thinking it. it started with him catching himself saying the phrase in his head at little things you would do. you bought him his favorite food? "i love you" in his head. you tripped and fell, laughing it off while blushing from embarrassment? "i love you" in his head. you listened intently while he talked to you in detail about the most obscure subjects? "i love you" in his head. he actually didn't mean to say it out loud the day it happened. you guys had been dating for some time. the two of you were playing volleyball together, aimlessly passing the ball back and forth. you were rambling to him about a random topic-- something absolutely stupid. even if he didn't fully understand what you were saying, the way you talked with such passion and enthusiasm made him love you that much more. you passed the ball to him and said something totally dumb with a frazzled expression on your face, making him laugh. "What?" you asked. "I'm dead serious!" he continued to laugh even harder-- from your statement, and from his sheer affection for you. "Man, I love you, y/n" he said. the exasperated look on your face quickly turned to one of shock, then to one of awe. it wasn't long before Suga realized what had escaped his mouth. it wasn't intentional, but he didn't regret it. the lighthearted atmosphere had changed. "You love me?" you said. "Of course, y/n! Why wouldn't I? You're like, my favorite person ever." he was closer now, looking down on you, deep into your eyes. "I love you too, Koushi" you said, pulling him close. "So much, even when you laugh at me." you gave him a playful push. if one thing is for certain, its that this man loves you so much. he loves you at your highs and lows, your triumphs, and your embarrassing moments. koushi sugawara loves every part of you, and he's happy he finally got to say it out loud.
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kozume kenma is reserved about his emotions. he's not a fan of expressing himself, and he especially doesn't like being sappy. yet, he's in love with you, and he couldn't suppress that emotion if he tried. you guys had been dating for a while before he said it. still, he found ways to show you he loved you at first, rather than putting it into words. he would let you win at his favorite video games and talk to his friends about you, something totally unlike him. he made an effort to be just a little bit more outgoing than normal when it came to you. for kenma, it was one of those days that really tests your limits. from endless schoolwork to an extended volleyball practice, his patience was wearing thin. kenma is not the type to open up when something is bothering him. but you always knew. and when he finally told you about his rough day, you were at his house in a matter of minutes. it was quiet, the two of you playing a random video game together. that was until your eyes wandered to the shelf in his room, holding endless amounts of video game discs and memorabilia. from the corner of your eye, you managed to catch a glimpse of one game that stood out. "Close your eyes" you told him. "Hm, why?" kenma looked skeptical. "Just trust me." you said. he had no idea what was happening, but he heard you getting up and fumbling with his gaming console. you sat back down close to him. "Okay, open." you said. he opened his eyes to see the screen glowing brightly with the words "JUST DANCE" written in a bold font. at the realization, kenma immediately protested. "No way." he started to get up. "You're on your own here, y/n." as he tried to get up, you grabbed his hand and looked in his eyes. "Pleaseee Kozume." you begged. "Don't be a killjoy!" somehow, after endless begging, you managed to get him to say yes. kenma refused to dance at first. it wasn't until you physically took his hand in yours that he started to move slightly. after a couple songs, the two of you started to get the hang of it. you guys looked ridiculous, but between his awkward dance moves and your fits of laughter, kenma seemed to forget what was worrying him not long before. you both danced into the night, using up any energy you had before finally laying down together. you rested your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around you. as he scrolled on his phone with his free hand, he was too preoccupied to notice how you had seemingly fallen asleep in his arms. he knew he wanted to say thank you. for brightening his day, for making him laugh, and for simply existing-- but he didn't know how. he stared down at your sleeping face, thinking for some time before placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "I love you." he said softly. and you heard. you heard all three words like music to your ears.
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iamjellyfish · 2 months
-`,✎The Idol Soldier-`,✎
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❥ Author note: Hello:) this is my first fic! I suck at naming fics so it will be straight to the point! I should work on pin post first but my Soshiro brainrot needs to be fed! Thanks whoever got the idea of the reader being an idol TvT Ily!
❥ Summary: You're the famous and beloved idol of Japan! Jelly is your idol's name and a certain vice-captain is obsessed with you! Little did he know, that you joined the JAKDC for an appreciation song idea. He didn't realize it was you even though you only wear glasses!
❥Part: 1 you're already here:) ❥ Warning: English is not my first language, rejection, angst-make up, you fall first - he falls harder, simp Soshiro, oh yea very long ahh yapping from me:3... OOC?
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Everyone is grateful for what JAKDC has done for society, and because of that, your producer thinks it might be good to make an appreciation song for them. You of course don't mind, but idol-fighting kaiju is something very fictional, to be honest. Of course, you panic about the examination test, what if you fail so misery?! The media would have a good laugh about you!
So you study hard for the writing test and have to pick up extra martial arts practice class because you're not sure if your current strength can get you in. It's not so bad for the most part, your normal idol practice makes this easier a bit, you kind of understand since it was famous that idol practice would be very hard and strict.
The day came, and you looked around to see how others doing, you could recognize the son of the famous Izumo Tech company, the famous Kikoru Shinomiya, and others who all seemed to have a lot of experience in this field, it made you a bit left out and odd out? At least better than standing out by being an idol. You disguise yourself with glasses because you were too panicked about the exam after you researched its rates to get in, lose sleep, and haven't had the time to prepare a better disguise to work with. So with glasses and a simple hair-down style, you somehow successfully disguise yourself, you kind of guess it's the Superman effect that you saw on the internet. But when you see Kafka chasing Kikoru in the field you wonder if your fans recognized you, would they do the same? You managed to get 21% on the suit though, your lucky number! Jelly had got into JAKDC!
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❥Hoshina Soshiro's side!
Oh how much he loves his Jelly! The life of fighting kaiju is pretty stressful and when that happens, he finds himself listening to your songs. Jelly always encourages people to chase their dreams, to love, and to keep going, that's what makes him a Jellybean(fan name). He always feels left out because of his using blades and used to feel discouraged fighting kaiju with blades but you somehow always cheer him up! Hoshina Soshiro, the man who stays up at midnight waiting for the moment your concert ticket is available on the website, he will immediately buy it. The man who had one of the biggest Jellybean pages and posts about you in his free time.
Jelly announce she had the merch made a return and will be available to buy on XXX to XXX.
Of course, he would buy more of the merch even if he already had it! Hoshina Soshiro would use half his paycheck just to buy your merch, you know those crazy amounts of merch on a shrine of idol images? His shrine already goes viral once (nobody knows that the shrine is his).
He would also listen to your music a lot when he is doing his paperwork. Sometimes you would catch him humming your music while goes on patrol. He definitely talks about Jelly with Okonogi a lot and totally makes a jellybean club at the JAKDC!
They would roast the hell outta your antifan!
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❥ current time: You sometimes hang out with Kafka in the library and since you trade secrets with the old man, he knows you're an idol, and you know he is a kaiju. You would now freely write your song lyrics while he doing his things. Tonight, accidentally watch the vice-captain training at night with Kafka. Oh man, he is so hot, his muscular figure got you good. You had silently got a crush on him for a while now. Reason? His voice is so hot, he has a good figure, and he is so cool. You did laugh at the old man for getting overwhelmed by Hoshina in battle but now if it was you, you would get overwhelmed too. Before the vice-captain recognizes your existence, you already dash back to your room using your dodging and runway from paparazzi skillsets, perks being an idol? Probably not. You could feel Kafka's annoyance for leaving him there with the vice-caption.
So after a while, you got along with everyone, especially Kafka's group. And you are encouraged by them to confess your love for the vice-captain. Even though you're unsure, your time at the defense force is running out and you can't keep hiding your feelings and probably never meet him again, you already have to leave on Monday so you have to shoot your shot quick. So you ask him to meet you on the rooftop at the end of the day...
"Um... Vice-captain..."
You spoke, anxiety filled your chest as you turned around and looked him in the eyes. Your heart felt heavy and you were so afraid of rejection, but even if you get rejected, you can't complain you were only here a few months and your idol life is unstable for love life since scandals about idols having lovers happened all the time. So in the warm radiation of sunset, you decided to confess with all your heart.
"Yes? Why did you call me here?" Hoshina said he looked a bit concerned since you sounded so afraid and ill too at the same time. He seems to kind of guess that you would confess since you kind of make it obvious by getting him gifts, letters, and sweets. You were a sweet one and he didn't want you to get hurt so he had to calculate how to reject you without making it sting, he had feelings for you too but the kaiju fighting life is no guarantee that he can make it or survive, he might even hurt your sweetheart even more if he doesn't reject.
"Vice-captain Hoshina, I really really like you!" You said with your heart out and your face basically blushes like tomatoes. You breathe slowly, ready for the worst, you keep telling yourself that you are ready for this. With the hope that at least the fall would be light, you waited for the results. Hoshina just sighed a little and then said in a usual upbeat voice.
"Sorry, but my heart belongs to Jelly! I'm a loyal Jellybean so I can't return your feelings." He smiled and you could see his little fangs out, before you could react, patted your shoulder while leaving and you could hear him say from afar "Keep up the good work though!". And you're kinda just standing there, surprised 'cause you don't really think that he likes you Jelly. That day, you were crying to Okonogi about it. "Shhh...Shhh y/n, you will find someone too! Hoshina is too obsessed with Jelly, don't worry there will be someone else better than Hoshina!" She said trying to calm you down, and you cried so hard that the glasses were all blurry and wet so you took off your glasses, wiped them, and tried your best to smile brightly at her after really thinking through it, since it was fine after all, at least you got a cool person as your fan. "Thank you a lot Okonagi-san! I really need it!" You got kind of confused when she kept staring at you with a calculating look. "You're Jelly right y/n?" "Eh-... Yea.." You ended up having to tell her about the whole song thing. "I'm already done writing the whole album so I will probably quit on Monday. Please keep a secret though!" You plead, since if the tea got spilled, you would definitely get yelled at by the producer. You kind of trying to manipulate her by using her sparkly idol eyes in the hope that she would keep it a secret, was it an ass move? Yes, but you're desperate.
"I'm not sure though... this secret is a bit too much..!" Okonogi said, waving her arms to signal she is very unsure of this. You sigh and then pop right back up saying. "It's fine! At least keep it 'till Monday alright?" You hand her a Jelly with a chat bubble "Thank you" keychain then leave before she can reject.
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Glad that your producer handled the resignation process from the JAKDC because you had no strength left to look at the captain and vice-captain the last time. You packed your stuff and are ready to leave as your friends, especially Kafka all tearing eyes about you leaving. You were waiting for the company's car to come to pick you up so you didn't even bother to disguise yourself but Vice-captain Hoshina approached you. With hands in the pocket, he kind of tries to pick up the conversation but the awareness fills the air. "So, y/n or Jelly. Okonogi told me about you..." He said as she held out his phone with Okonogi's messages, her nickname was "The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝". Not gonna lie, you almost laugh out loud at the nickname.
The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝: You might wanna know this.
The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝ has sent two attachments.
It's a picture of you in your idol outfit and your disguised self with red circles pointing at the similarity.
The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝: If that isn't enough proof... The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝ has sent two attachments.
It's a document of the similarity between you and your idol self, "She even has receipts on me, that's scary." you think to yourself as you look at the last messages.
The Nerd Jellybean 🤓☝: You still might have a chance though. Try to catch up.
"Hm... well at least still kept her secret."
You said, you certainly didn't expect that but you guess it was fine. Though, seeing the person you secretly admire standing before you... You of course very happy. But a part of you thinks if he comes here for the confession, does he really love you as you or because you're Jelly?
This is definitely not the first time you encounter something like this... People only love you because you're an idol or Jelly. You don't think he is that type of person but who knows? "Y/n, please stay in contact. I will be honest with you since we might never get to talk like this again because you're an idol and stuff but meh... I think you're very sweet, even as Jelly, you take my hand and pull me out of the shadow." He said, with stars in his eyes. No, it was you that was in his eyes, his star, his idol, his Jelly. He held your hands, his hold was tight, not that it hurt but it definitely surprised you. You could hear him rambling on and on about how you had saved him somehow. You feel very happy, you know you have cheered people on with your songs but hearing it from your fan, from him makes your heart beat faster. "But my life-fighting kaiju is not stable, I could die anytime and I don't want you to suffer because of it. So even if I don't want to, I still have to let you go." He said, you could see sadness in his eyes. Oh how you hate it, no, no... It can't end like this. You won't allow it. The next thing the vice-captain knows is that his dream of kissing has come true. You basically jump on him and put your soft lips on him, it was warmth and he thought this was a dream. "I changed my mind, I want to stay with you Hoshina! I won't allow you to push me away! I want us to try, to be together!" You said you hugged him tight, and you held your tears. He returns the hug and then quickly looks at you with worry on his face while he has a hand on the back of his neck and says.
"But you already submit your resignation paper. How can you stay?" You smirk at him with a devilish expression, as a jellybean, he knows that this means Jelly will pull something that could put everyone in trouble. You take out your phone and text your producer to help you stay and somehow make that resignation paper invalid. You kind of expect she would be annoyed and get mad at you but didn't think she would send you a very long ahhh email yelling at you.
"And, now Hoshina is my boyfriend and I can stay." You declare, as you hold his hand and move it on your cheek. You know this is a very bold decision, but in the end, you still had an idol career, and fighting kaiju while being an idol is like a weird combination but you wanted to try. Try and balance both out, because you found someone you love. Right now, staying with Hoshina makes you feel something you have never felt before, and you will let the present open itself for you to see what is inside.
"I already got things under control, so let's go on a date!" You said with excitement eyes full of stars and smiling at him with warmth, Hoshina opened his eyes to take on all that radiating sunshine deep in his memory and laughed, he never thought he'd see this side of Jelly, he knew from those shows and series that you're a ball of sunshine who would cause some kind of trouble that makes everyone laugh. But now? You're much more and he wanted to learn more. You laugh with him, that is what he remembers clearly to this day.
To be continued...
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A/N: omg, I hope my write fic isn't a disaster:) I will learn to improve my writing the next time:D
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eccentricallygothic · 1 month
The Farmer's Bidding
Pairing: Dark!Arthur Morgan | Gender-Neutral Spouse!You. 
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Description: Days when you're irrationally needy are Arthur's favorite. Because it is then you willingly do all his depraved bidding.
Part 2 to this but you can probably read it as is.
Warning(s): Dubcon (just to be safe), dark!Arthur, house wife kink, denial, torture, begging, degradation, humiliation, brat taming, nipple biting, kissing, unprotected sex, dick riding, sex pollen, forced marriage, enemies to fuckers, one spank, Arthur calling your hole pussy once just because he is a condescending asshole. Minors do not interact.
Type: Request (anon), here.
Unbeknownst to you, Arthur had taken notice of your altered behavior the moment you had walked into the small dining area that was a few steps away from the kitchen this very morning, pot in hand that you had placed on its stand in the middle of the table before serving him his breakfast. 
Unlike your usual hateful self, today was one of those such days where you could not resist your husband. Could you really be blamed though? When he sat on a chair with his legs spread in the most manly manner possible, focused on what he was doing while his mouth released clouds of smoke every now and then? 
No, you reckoned not. 
So you had been availing every possible chance since this morning to brush past him, rub against him, linger over him and just make any physical contact that you could manage to get him to react. 
But Arthur had chosen to bite back his amused smirk while he had pretended not to notice you nearly whining out loud because of his faux obliviousness to your advances. Instead, he would continue to suck on his cigar and write away in his journal until you became so frustrated that you ‘accidentally’ tripped over your own feet in such a way that you landed right in his lap. 
The next few moments had been a fleeting blur. Your brain had only caught on when you were pouting and whining while sinking down on your husband's stiff shaft. 
But Arthur wouldn't be Arthur without his teasing. And so his rough and scarred hands restrained your hips tightly in place once you were resting on his balls, his grip thus disallowing you from creating the friction you so desperately craved.
“Now, how about this, baby?” His words were guttural and so they added to the heat between your legs. “You act like you’re better than all this mess…” You grunted as your nails dug into the hard skin of his manly shoulders. But Arthur did not relent. Your hole clenched and unclenched to try and aid itself in the discomfort it felt. “Ya act like you’re too good for me…” You whimpered as your forehead collapsed against his. Arthur’s darkened eyes stared into yours. “But I don’t pay you no mind for just half a day… and you turn into a silly lil’ critter…” Your face was already ablaze, but his words did not fail to add more warmth to it. 
They never did.
You still refused to speak hence openly admit your harlotry and stubbornly tried to rock yourself against him once more. He heavily chuckled and it sent shivers down your spine and up where your bodies connected. 
“Hng!” You shivered with a wince. 
“You know what to do, baby” when you whined in response, Arthur tutted you like you were no older than a little baby and leaned in to take a little lick at your nipple. You shuddered as you realized that the upper strings of your apron had been brought loose and your husband had ripped the buttoned opening of your dress so to reveal your chest to him. 
“N- No…” You tried to stand your ground. 
Arthur had once told you that he liked the fighting bit the most. 
Because crushing your pride and getting you to admit that you were his little slut so he would fuck you harder was what it was about. 
“Yeah, baby?” His voice was soft and playful. But you knew better than to take it lightheartedly.
You could see it clear as day in his lust clouded eyes. 
He had taken it as a challenge.
Arthur twirled his hot tongue around your erect nub, creeping one hand down to your privates and giving a good caress to them, his long fingers somehow reaching every crevice and bump.
“Ah!” Your back arched and the muscles in your thighs began to twitch when the rough stubble of his face began to drag itself towards your neck, his balmy lips finding their chapped way to your throat before he pressed a soft kiss to your sensitive skin.
You whined again, feeling your face scrunch in a pleading manner as you twisted and writhed, desperate to move your hips. Arthur knew just the way to kiss your neck. The amount of lip, tongue and teeth he put in each time he did it tightened your loins in a way that deprived you of your rational faculties and made you do whatever depraved bidding of his that he desired. 
“I know, baby, I know” he cooed with faux sympathy while he stroked your intimates in such a torturous manner that it added to your need but was not enough to satisfy it, his mouth sucking the marks of his ownership into your delicate skin. “And ya know how to help yourself here. You know the words, remember? I taught ya them myself” you cried out helplessly, on the verge of sobbing as you gave one last push to your weak knees so to rebel against the ironhold he had on your waist.
But strength had never been a debatable factor between Arthur and you.
“Please, hubby, please!” You caved in at last, pouting as you felt the words scald your tongue. “Please, fuck me! Please!” 
Arthur chuckled and the vibrations that sent up your seeping walls nearly made your head spin. “Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?” And the cruel hand that had been holding you back was finally let up, causing your hole to almost swallow his heavy sack. “Now fuck that cute lil’ pussy silly on my cock.” A harsh crack of his fingers against your ass set you obediently into motion. 
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constantly0lost · 6 months
Okay I haven't written in literal months, but i was inspired by the little blurb about otter harvey at the bottom of @sashiavi 's goat Harvey post, so enjoy a ramble. Alot of my sleep tired brain escaped into this, sorry for how sloppy this is, i just wanted to vocalize my thoughts or my head would have exploded. I would carry 19 of Harvey's children if asked, peace.
CW: bit of a breeding kink, i reimagined/softened the mannerisms of otters during sex cause MAN, male otters SUCK, other otter things (harveys hydrophobic hair), lactation kink, me being a simp for this man, UHHh, shitty writing :)
Otter Harvey who gives you special things that made him think of you. From rocks to acorns to mushrooms to flowers to leave and so on, and being so blushy when he gives them to you, because its just acorns but it means so much to him. And he swoons when he finds out you kept them all.
Otter Harvey who holds your hand while y'all sleep, even though you're as close as two people can physically be without fusing together. He knows logically that you can't go anywhere, and even if you did, you'd be right back in his arms, but it feels so nice to have his hand on yours.
Otter harvey who eats sea urchins in secret, not because of someone finding out he eats them, but because he has to yank one out of Vincents mouth after he saw Harvey eating them, and he didn't want to cause anyone any extra undue stress.
Otter Harvey who has to take showers with slightly more intense temperatures so that he can actually wash his hair, otherwise it rolls right off of his hair. The only time he won't is when you take a shower with him, because he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable because of him, and even then, after you get out he'll change the temperature so he can actually get clean.
Otter Harvey who, if you end up having kids, is the best fucking dad. He teaches them literally anything and everything, and sits at the table responding to their toddler gibberish with full blown sentences. He takes them to school, plays anything they want, and is a total pushover sap for them, no matter what happens. (He is also 110% a girl dad)
Otter Harvey who bites higher up on you than he probably should, but he can't help it when you make him feel such mind numbing pleasure. So now you have hickeys on your cheeks, lovebites around your nose and mouth, along with all the marks he leaves along your body.
Otter Harvey who has such a rampant breeding kink that on "bad" days, he'd fuck you over and over until he's so drained he's lightheaded and overwhelmed, and he feels guilty for fucking you like that, even though he's still inside of your puffy cunt.
Otter Harvey who can't help but moan and whimper as he fucks into you, digging his nails into your hips as your pussy seems to suck him deeper, your walls clenching around him in a downright mean way as he bites and sucks anywhere he can get his mouth to.
Otter Harvey who often and loudly verbalizes how he wants to stuff you full right as he's about to cum, drilling the head of his cock harder into your spongy walls.
Otter Harvey who, when he gets jealous, will hold you down by your neck, or might even just hold you down by your hair, as he drills into you, harder than he normally would dare. His mouth turns downright filthy, spewing the nastiest words you'll ever hear in your life, as he hefts your leg over his shoulder.
Otter Harvey who can, will, and has spent hours buried with his face between your legs, looking up at you with those pretty eyes in search of your approval. He wants you to pull on his hair to guide him, wants you to pull until his scalp burns.
Otter Harvey who whines so damn pretty when you ride him, his cock kicking on your hand as he eyes roll back, his nails digging into your thighs. He mumbles whispered gibberish, which could almost be pleas, but are too garbled to fully make out.
Otter Harvey who will suck on your tits until you produce a few beads of milk, which he gratefully laps up and swallows like it's heaven on earth. Of course afterwards he gets anxious, wanting to make sure it's not galactorrhea, and wanting to make sure you're healthy.
Otter Harvey who would bend over backwards to make sure your happy, who would wait on your hand and foot so that you feel properly appreciated. He loves you, and knowing you love him back is all he needs.
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lanabuckybarnes · 7 months
Empty words.
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This has been in my drafts for a bit but it's rotting my brain. I’m sad so I’m making everyone else sad.
Fluff with a sad end. I’m not that good at writing angst.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Insinuated character death?
ALWAYS (Sequal)
It was no secret that Bucky had the heart eyes for the little nurse who had just transferred. The way her bright eyes were permanently blown wide giving her that scared little doe look or the way she still looked adorable covered in someone's blood, he couldn’t decide what had made him fall into the jaws of love.
Or maybe it was that time she’d saved his ass, yeah, it was probably that.
Bucky had been out on the frontline when a single wrong move had cost him, a bullet lodged itself straight in the shoulder, only a centimetre from his beating heart. For 3 days he’d been out due to an infection racking his body, punishment for not seeking adequate treatment once it had occurred but when he awoke with a startle and his eyes laid on her soft-looking features he decided that maybe almost dying was worth it.
What he didn’t expect was for his pretty little nurse to be so damn stubborn when it came to his advances.
For the entire time he was in the infirmary he’d tried to wow her with that silver tongue of his, from promises to take her dancing to much more sinful ones— he’d tried it all and she still said no. This would be harder than what he thought.
After having to be practically kicked out of his infirmary bed she’d started receiving small gifts. A single rose appeared first and she’d inhaled its soft scent with a smile before placing it down to complete her paperwork.
A small collection of ration chocolate was next, a sweet gesture that she’d gladly gulped down late at night while reading her favourite novel.
Her favourite though had to be a beautiful handwritten note, the contents filled with words that no other man could ever think of much less write it down. His words were poet-like, she could feel herself begin to swoon.
Eventually, the anonymous sender had bucked up the confidence to deliver his letters by hand, who would’ve guessed it would’ve been the smart-mouthed Sargent? They’d finished that night on the grassy hills of the base, a flask of malt between them, his thick coat around her body while she rested her head softly against his shoulder.
The next time they’d found time to meet it was hot, far too hot. The men had stripped down, their military coats strewn about the camp and their shirts unbuttoned. Not Sargent Barnes though. He had a date and he intended to look the part.
What a horrible mistake that was.
She’d gotten away early from her duties at the infirmary. They walked along the beach, the sun high in the sky, it was killing him but he’d be dammed if he let her see.
When she turned from her conversation to look at him, a giggle bubbled from her throat.
“Buck you’re sweating, take off that coat.” The collar and back of it were a deep brown from his sweat.
“Ah ah, I gotta look good for my lady” he retorted, truthfully, he was exhausted under those layers and she refused to let him get sunstroke because he was trying to impress her.
Her fingers made quick work of the gold embellished buttons, popping them one by one before setting her sights on the belt. He couldn’t help but grin.
“You know if you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask Sweetheart” he teased letting his thumb and forefinger pinch her chin- she returned his affection with a sweaty hand to his face, pushing it away softly.
He’d placed his coat on the sand and guided her to sit, following suit just after. They spoke for a while before Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, she was squinting in the sun and he didn’t like when she was uncomfortable in any way.
“Here” he mumbled removing his hat and placing it gently atop her head. Although he’d acted nonchalant about the whole gesture, he couldn’t bear to hide the true effect it had on him.
He’d leaned forward slowly, placing a large hand around the back of her neck and swallowing her words in a soft kiss. Their first ever one together.
“Makes me happy when you wear my clothes” his voice hummed against her lips, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Yeah? Why is that?” She’d asked with a shy giggle.
“Yeah… it lets me know that you are mine” he replied, sealing their mouths together again, this one full of raw passion and love.
The barracks celebrations were in full swing, the reason long forgotten about after a few wines. Bucky had come from nowhere, his big stumbling body now stood in front of her and her friends.
“Hey, sweetheart!” He slurred, his body moving extremely quick for his drunken state, swiping her up from her chair and into a tight embrace. The kind that got tighter the more she struggled.
“Are you having a nice night Buck?” Her hands thread through his short fluffy hair, absentmindedly scratching at his scalp.
“Mhmmm” he hummed, a big jolly smile decorating his handsome features.
“Ladies” he turned his attention to the immaculately dressed women, bowing his head slightly in an expression of greeting.
Where had his hat gone? She found herself wondering.
“Do you mind if I steal this beautiful little lady from you? Just for a dance” he didn’t wait for their response, whisking her away.
There was already a handsome crowd of men dancing to the sweet romantic tunes on the radio with their ladies. They fit in perfectly— Bucky’s inebriation never seemed to affect the precise steps of his feet.
She could just about make out the words falling rhythmically from his lips. He was singing.
Bucky lay his forehead on hers, his feet not faltering, even after the song had long finished he never stopped swaying them.
“You..” his voice was slightly rasped from the whiskey “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me” he eventually whispered.
“Shhhh shhh sh. My girl.” He cut her off, grabbing at her wrists to wrap her arms around his neck. To bring her closer.
“Come on Buck, let’s get you to bed” her words cut the quiet air between them. She had to pry herself from him, his face had melted into a pout. It was as though she was looking at a kicked puppy.
His face didn’t change the whole journey back to his tent.
Most of the men had passed out from their drunkenness but the men who were huddled together playing cards happily pointed her in the direction of the Sargent’s cot.
Making quick work of his clothes, much to Bucky’s drunken amusement. She’d pushed him to lie down and rolled his thin cover over his frame.
She pecked at his forehead, whispering a goodnight before standing to leave.
“Stay…” his hand has caught her wrist. His voice sounded small, almost broken. ‘Was he upset? Was it about his mission tomorrow?’
“I don’t want to go tomorrow, I finally have someone to look forward to. I don’t want to lose you” he sniffed, watching as her frame sank to sit on the edge of his cot.
She smiled sympathetically. Letting her hand come up to his cheek and smooth over the skin, collecting a stray tear on its travels.
“I know baby, but It’s your last mission. Then you can take me back to Brooklyn” she’d answered. She wished to continue, she wanted to say more, to comfort him more— no words would come out.
“I fucking love you” he groaned receiving a soft pat on the chest as she pretended to be angry at him.
“Hey now potty mouth, that is no way to talk in front of a lady” he practically hollered with laughter at that, the sound filled with amusement and disbelief.
“There is no woman in the world that would’ve done the things you’ve done to me and still think she was a lady” he joked, the men behind them laughing along with him.
“Sargent James Barnes” her tone accusing but she couldn’t hide the way her lips curled into a smile.
They’d sat in each other’s presence for a while before she stood, finally convinced he’d fallen asleep.
“Baby?” He asked, the words quiet, whistling the air.
“When I get you back to Brooklyn, I’m going to marry you so quick”. She could feel tears springing to her eyes at his confession, a confession she hoped would come true.
She leaned forward quickly, capturing his lips by surprise in a passionate kiss. His lips moved sloppier than usual but he kept up with her.
Pulling away gently she looked into his big blue eyes, no other emotion but love swirled through them. She pecked his lips for a final time before speaking.
“Come back to me James”.
She’d been sitting at her desk when Steve had entered, a solemn look on his face.
“Steve, hey. Everything alright?” She’d asked with a smile. She took notice of the coat and hat in his hands, her heart fell first, it knew before the rest of her did, he didn’t have to speak.
“I’m sorry” Steve choked, setting down the items in his hand and turning to leave.
His hat, his coat but not him.
Not Bucky.
I’m trying to practice writing angst but it’s so harddd.
Why oh why must I want to write sadness when all I can write is smut.
Hope you enjoy.
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yunablogs · 1 year
Fontaine Women x Reader, Headcannons/drabbles?
Contents : Lynette, Navia, Clorinde, Focalors || Cuddling, Court Trials, Established Relationship, All women are separate
TW : Murder
Word Count : a little under 700 in total, abt 100-200 each Extra : Not Proof Read, First time writing for a few of these characters| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lynette is a hard working individual, she often will come home extremely tired after doing a show with her brother and having to be the main one in the act besides her brother who was the star of the show, she just had to be the prop and do dangerous things
- When she comes home, and you’re sitting on your living room sofa, she quickly flops down on top of you and rests her head on your chest, purring softly like a small little kitten, she feels comfortable and slowly recharging in your presence and laying on your chest
- Once she wakes up she gets immediately flustered once she notices she's been laying on your chest and purring, she sits up and apologizes, but instead you pull her down back to your chest and she accepts it while you pet her head, and she goes back to sleep
- Whenever Lynette notices you're at one of her and her brothers shows, she immediately gets 10x happier and feels the obligation to work 10x harder than she normally would.
- Navia is the type of girlfriend to instead of laying on your chest, have you lay on hers, even if she had a bad day that's what she prefers, just having your head on her chest while you both hold each other.
- She's the type to every time you have a date, bring you flowers or chocolate. Even if you're going to a place where it's not appropriate to give those, she still does anyway.
- If you ever get insecure about your body, she will spend hours kissing over your body where your comfortable at LEAST 5 times, its normally around 10 times that she will.
- Navia likes coming up behind you and holding you by the waist and placing her head on your shoulder and just relaxing her eyes, sometimes she’ll sneak up on you by flying down by her umbrella and then doing it.
- Clorinde despite Navia and Lynette is not mainly the cuddly type, she’ll put her hand around you every once in a while, but never in public. In fact, she acts like she almost doesn't know you in public. But you’ve shouted to the whole world that you’re dating the great Clorinde, so everyone knows.
- Despite not being the cuddly type, Clorinde still at least a bit romantic, she kisses you a few times every morning and 2 more times before you or her leave for daily duties. Its whoever leaves earlier really.
- She will bring you home small things everyday, wether it be a small box of chocolates, or a rose or two, she still always finds a way to gift you
- When a day has been rough, she kinda (surprisingly) really just wants to lay her head on your lap and look up and you, wondering ‘how did they romance me..’
- You’re watching one of the court trials Focalors is in with Neuvillette, She's winking at you occasionally before it starts. Once the court trial does start, you hear the claims of the accused. “Do you plead guilty, or not guilty, to murdering your wife in your shared home?” and Focalors immediately perks up, she is excited for a possible execution to happen.
- Once the court trial is done, she packs up a few things she brought with her and leaves through a few doors to come see you, as she immediately jumps on your back (or if you're shorter than her, she comes up and hugs you really tightly.) as you almost fall over from the sudden actions she preformed.
- A few minutes later she drags you home to talk about the court trial details and to sum them up, this was really the only trial she wasn't bored at so she knew the details. You were just happy to hear her talk, afterall. It is your girlfriend.
- She likes laying literally anywhere on you and talking about something random, you want her to lay on your chest? Done in two seconds. You want her to lay on your lap? gladly.
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Thank you so much for reading this far!! and tysm for all the likes and follows ive been getting, i truly thank you all for it
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mx-pastelwriting · 4 months
I Don’t Smoke
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(Post-War) Cooper Howard x GN! Reader
Summary: Cooper couldn't keep his promise even when reminded of you.
Warnings: Established Relationship, Reader Dies, Held at gunpoint, Feral Cooper, Angst, Sad, Mention of body decay
A/N: Little bit inspired by the song I Don't Smoke by Mitski. Yes, I cried writing this.
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The Wasteland a dangerous place, holding no hand to those who took its challenge. Its sandy beaches and dry heat a home to many creatures. Safety being a thing of the past, many growing with the rough life, some dying to catch up.
Cooper Howard having two hundred years to grow in the wasteland, starting off to survive, now only shooting for the thrill, with caps being an afterthought. Yet everything changed, laying his sore eyes on you.
Remembering the days by the pool, lying up in each other's arms watching the sunset, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke coming straight from his whiskey lips. Times like those made it harder for Cooper to be around others, with his trigger finger twitching at the smell.
Letting out your cries and loving words from that day traveling with your ghoul husband, protecting each other in different ways against the wasteland. Though he made a promise not to hurt anyone without reason, which meant no more bounties, his cowboy days were over; trading it all for you.
"Here," you say, handing over a bowl of soup, it being all you could manage on the road. Gently taking it from you before sipping on the hot broth and chewing on pieces of meat.
"Good?" he nodded in response, giving reassurance to the quality of the quick meal, serving yourself thereafter. As the night went on with the kicked-out fire leaving a lingering smell, laying comfortably in Cooper's arms, ready for sleep to take you.
This being a cheap version of your life before, you couldn't ask for your old house back, but that wasn't what was missing. "Coop, do you have any cigarettes?" Your question made him laugh.
"Darling, I haven't had one of those in two hundred years." His answer surprises you, but the moment is cut short by the noise of rattling from the dry bushes. Staying close to Cooper as he stood ready to shoot.
Happing all too fast for him as you were snatched up in a raider's arms, both of you being held at gunpoint by the two.
"Fucking been tracking you for days," Cooper's captor says out of breath, watching as the man removes his hat, letting Cooper's face glow in the stomped-out firelight.
"The famous fucking ghoul bounty hunter" specking again, making you lock eyes with Cooper, knowing his past being as honest as he could without scaring you off.
"Pretty price on your head," your captor says, tightening his grip on you. "Yeah, and if you come with us, we'll let them go," the other says, leaning close to Cooper.
Wishing things had gone a little differently, but the wasteland gives no mercy, not even to the ones who play the game well.
Cooper watched as your body hit the floor, shot by the raider. Having hesitated moments before looking into your scared eyes, fear bubbled deep down in himself, afraid of you seeing his ways of destruction. Returning the same mercy to the two men taking their bullets as you couldn't.
Cradling your dead body, letting out cries of disbelief with every breath asking for your forgiveness. Rocking softly, you slowly head close to his chest as tears run down his scarred face—the same face you loved with no question. Even when he saw a different man in every broken mirror, you were there to kiss the doubt away. Never will he have that again.
As the sunrise came, shining its light on your body, allowing Cooper to see the full damage, causing more apologies and tears to spill. All of the blood staining his face and worn leather clothes glistened in the light.
Staying with you all night, whispering to you, retelling all the memories you made together, hoping you would make new ones. Regret filled his worn voice, continuing to tell of his sorrows in all of the nights, leaving you to sleep in a cold bed, working through the night on movies that mean so little now.
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Cooper's body moved, aching with hunger. Growls involuntarily escaped his mind, urging him to cry out. Worn clothing ripped over time, dragging along the floor as he circled a broken shed, his head snapping around to the sound of voices, following it with stumbling feet seeing two men chatting away.
Stepping closer, smelling a familiar scent, seeing as one of them smoked a cigarette, blowing the smoke against the breeze breathing right into his face. The thick smell brought back forgotten memories—memories that calmed his vicious hunger.
Remembering your face and eyes lit up at the mere sight of him, the smile that grew on your face making an urge to find you as if you were somewhere in the wastelands once again looking for him. Quickly, the memory of your last moments played, bringing back the hunger, leaving no mercy for the two men.
After finishing, Copper stumbled back into the broken-down shed, looking over at the bed where a decaying body was tucked into the bed. Breaking his first promise, hoping you'd understand having gone feral after losing you. When his sanity started to slip away, he promised to keep another; never to leave your decaying body.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @emoguardian @danveration @writtenbyhollywood
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rene-darling · 2 years
overstimming virgin xiao w a handjob !! he’s crying n whining cuz it feels so good <33
OVERSTIMMING- virgin xiao with a hand job♡︎
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This all feels so new to xiao! His tummy starts feeling weird the more you rub his pink tip "ah!- i-it feels w-weird! M-my tummy feels wei-..rd..n-no stOP" you can't help but be amused at his little antics.."oh your tummy feels weird..haha don't worry about it my dear alatus"
"N-no~ don't call me th-thaT" he couldn't help sounding so whiny while getting pleasured like this for the first time!
He's getting closer and closer you can feel it in the way his hips starts slightly shaking while he bucks into your hand
"I-IT feels weirder- Ah!" He came undone on the spot when you spat on his cute Lil dick ropes of pearly white liquid shot out of his coak coating your hand and his stomach white
You knew adepti bodies work differently from humans but you were sure none of your past partners have ever come this much before in one go!
Thinking about this you almost forgot about the fact that he came...without permission- now this was xiao's first time getting a hand job so you weren't really mad about that...you just wanted a reason for what you did next.
Thick Blobs of his cum coated his dick making it a lot easier than before to rub his dick "wh-what no..!no!no!no s-stoP" xiao whined louder than before, he wasn't expecting your attack on his dick so he did have enough time to prepare himself..not fair!
You rubbed his poor swollen dick in a fast pace "alatus. You know you have to ask permission to cum. Right, how are you gonna be my good boy if you can't even follow some simple rules huh."
"N-no NO i-... I'm your good boyy s-saY I'm your go- od boy!" Xiao was your good boy! He couldn't bear hearing that he wasn't! After a few seconds, you started hearing soft sniffles From your xiao which for some reason turned you on even more so you started pressing harder and rubbing faster
Because of the onslot on his little dick xiao couldn't stop the tears from flowing from his puffy eyes..
Those some turned into even bigger blobs of tears as he was getting even closer! "Pl-pleASe..tell m-me 'hic' i-im your go- go...good boy..right?..righs..ri-" you couldn't make out much of the sentence only bits and pieces..and of course him begging you to call him your good boy
"Xiao, ..alatus,,my good boy"
With just that one line his back arched even higher as he started full on sobbing and crying!..soon he came undone once more.. This time with much more force! If you didn't know any better you would have assumed that some of his cum reached the ceiling you knew adepti had different bodily functions but archons did he arrive!
You could hear his ragged breath,,almost making you feel bad for what you were about to say.."xiao. We're gonna keep doing this until you learn how to ask for permission"
You were sure any guests under or above you wouldn't be able to sleep at tonight with xiaos loud crying.
After Xiao comes back to his senses he ignores you the whole day!..why? Because of you his ass hurts everytime he tries to slay demons! Or even sit!!
𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊-𝒕𝒊𝒑 «if you make him some almond tofu he'll let you fuck him againᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ»
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shadowbriar · 9 months
Matt Murdock - Your Wedding Dress
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Pairing : Matt Murdock x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 1.7k Warning : Angst. Get your tissues, I mean it. Synopsis : It was one thing to attend her wedding as a guest but to meet her before the ceremony? Would Matt have such strength in himself to face her? Notes : I listened to Phoebe Bridgers - Scott Street outro 1 hour on ytmusic while writing this. I suggest you do the same to get that maximum punch to the gut. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Matt’s grip on his white cane tightened as the smell of florals and champagne hit his nose. The soft sound of wedding symphonies was heard, and he could hear the bustling murmurs of the guests crowding the venue. This would surely be one of those days where he wished he didn’t have his heightened senses.
If only Fisk hit him a little bit harder on the head the other day. If only he’s gotten an important trial to attend to today. If only he’s got any other reason to pass up this harrowing day. If only.
Karen’s gentle squeeze on his arm is the only anchor Matt now has to not completely lose it. Foggy and Marci were a few steps behind them and though none of the four exchanged a word since they got out of the taxi earlier, Matt could tell from the beating of their hearts that they were worried too. For him or for her, he wasn’t sure. It would’ve been a pleasant mini reunion for them all if the circumstances weren't as unfortunate.
He knew that the grey cloud surrounding his head was contaminating such a pleasant morning. His sour expression was in contrast to all the gleeful smiles and happy faces the other guests have. He knew that he should, at the very least, pretend that he’s happy for her. Matt tried. He painfully has tried to be happy. To finally accept his final defeat in life and let her go, but it’s just such an impossible task to do.
Some people are bound to leave greater marks than others in your heart.
“Excuse me,” Someone called from behind the quartet “Is any of you by chance, uh, Mr. Murdock, Ms. Page, Mr. Nelson, or Ms. Stahl?”
“That is us all, actually,” Foggy answers, knowing that his best friend has no power in him to utter a word.
“Oh perfect! The bride has asked to see you all before the ceremony.”
The three friends glanced at Matt, waiting for his response. It was one thing to attend her wedding as a guest but to meet her before the ceremony? Would Matt have such strength in himself to face her?
Before any of them could say a word, the person who seemed to be one of the wedding organisers ushered them to a room. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating. It was the only thing Matt could sense with every step they took. Like a magic spell binding him to follow blindly wherever it may lead. Even if that final destination might be his death.
His heart was hammering inside his chest. Like a hummingbird trying its best to flee its cage. Yet when the door closes behind them, when they’re finally given the privacy to see her alone, when the noise of the havoc happening outside was muffled and all he could feel is the serenity of this bridal suite, Matt suddenly feels like he was afloat.
“You guys made it.”
Matt clenches his jaw. Her voice was as sweet as a melted butter, yet it did nothing but make all the muscles in his body tense. His body went uptight. She was everywhere now. Her scent, her voice, her heartbeat. All of her is filling and suffocating his senses.
The sound of her dress sweeping the floor as she comes closer to them makes his heart ache. He wonders just how beautiful she must look right now. He wonders if she’s wearing that one dress she once described as her dream wedding dress. The one with thousands of mini buttons and a long sleeve of beautiful lace that feels like feathers when you touch it. He wonders if her dress has that long train that he argued would be quite a problem when she needs to do her slow dance later.
The four of them shared their small talk with Matt still busying himself to be desensitised with the event unravelling before his eyes. It proved to be a challenging task to do with her presence around. Everything about her just pulls him whole like a blackhole he couldn’t escape.
“Guys, would you mind giving me and Matt a moment?” She says at last. Matt could feel her heartbeat quickening a little “I don’t really have much time left before the ceremony starts, so if we could just have a few minutes..”
“Of course, yeah! Sure,” Foggy says fast “We’ll be outside.”
Matt could hear the soft sound of the door closing behind him yet it serves as a loud gun to his ears. He’s finally alone with her now, for God knows why, for God knows how long. A part of him wanted to throw away his cane and run towards the closest window to flee himself, but a bigger part of him wanted to melt his feet to the ground and bask in this moment forever.
“You look handsome,” She compliments, slowly taking closer steps towards him. Matt’s breath hitches when he feels her hand around his neck, trying to fix his collar “You’re wearing the tie I gave you back in college.”
“It’s the only nice tie I have,” He says with a smile “I’m sure you look handsome too.”
“Yeah, right.” She scoffs, Matt could tell that she just rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? You don’t feel beautiful on your wedding day?”
“Oh, no, I do feel pretty, it's just..” She pauses, letting out a soft sigh “It’s just not what I imagined.”
Matt forces a smile, “Describe your dress for me.”
“Don’t you want to just touch it? I’m not the best at describing things, remember?”
“I'd rather hear you talk.” He says, he could almost feel the heartbreak mirrored in her heart beat “Please.”
“Well, uh, where do I start,” She says with an awkward laughter escaping her lips “It’s an off shoulder ball gown with some super tight corset. I’m supposed to wear a glove with it but I couldn’t be bothered. Oh, and the veil. The veil might be the cherry on top in this. I look like a ghost from the 1800s.”
Matt let out a genuine laughter, amused by the distraught she seems to be having, “So no mini buttons?””
She shakes her head, “No mini buttons.”
“No long sleeve with lace that feels like feathers?”
“No, no feather like lace.”
“And no long train?”
“No,” She says, this time with more shakiness in her tone “No long train.”
His tongue darts out of his lips, licking it as he tries to find a word to say, “That does sound like an awful dress.”
“It is,” She agrees in defeat “It’s the worst.”
Silence fell upon them. A familiar one that typically would be comfortable and soothing, yet for once it made them tick like a timebomb. Matt wishes that his abilities would extend into mind reading because God knows just how desperate he wanted to know what she’s thinking. He wanted to know the truth about her heart, what made it beat so loud whenever he laughed or smiled at her. He wanted to know what is making her eyes glossy right now.
“Rescue me, Matt,” She finally whispers “Get me out of here.”
Matt swallows the hard lump on his throat, “And where would we go?”
“Anywhere. We could go miles away from here or.. Or we could just go back to your apartment and drink some beer,” She begs, her sobs get louder as a tear escapes her eyes. She takes one of his hands that was clutching the white cane and places it on her cheek, trying her best to melt into his hold “Tell me that you don’t want me to go on with this. Tell me that this is a mistake, that us breaking up was a mistake. Tell me that you don’t want me to marry him and we’ll be free, Matt. We’ll be free.”
“You’ll never be free with me,” Matt argues, his own voice breaking “You’ll never be safe with me.”
And that’s when Matt feels it. His heart completely shatters as she breaks into tears. He could feel her trembling, feel the pain she’s going through with this marriage. He could feel the heartbreak and despair in her heart. He could feel the frustration and anger that she desperately wanted to vent yet had no outlet for. He could feel it all.
But this, as much as it destroys them both, this is what is best for her. She deserves to be with someone who could provide a stable life for her. Someone who doesn’t spend their nights haunting bad guys and going home on unGodly hours with blood and bruises littering their body. She deserves to be with someone who could protect her, not the one who would only draw danger towards her.
“I don’t love him, Matt. I never do,” She reasoned “I could never love anyone as much as I love you.”
Matt pulls her close for an embrace. He tries to eliminate all the space between them, pulling her impossibly close, yet it still doesn’t feel enough. It hurts him to know that for once their embrace couldn’t fix the problem at hand. He wanted her all for himself but even his greed isn’t as big as the love he holds for her. He couldn’t risk it. He just can’t.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers “I’m sorry you don’t get to have that dream wedding you wanted in this life.”
She remains quiet, her sobs are the only thing filling the room right now.
“Hey, look at me,” Matt says as he pulls away from the hug, cupping her face to make her see him “I’m sorry I caused us this mess, Baby. I never wanted to hurt you.”
She nods, forcing a smile, “I know.”
“I promise you, in every other universe, you’re wearing that wedding dress. You’re smiling and happy because I’ll be waiting at the altar, and I’ll cry. I’ll cry when I feel you walk down with orchids on your hand. And we’ll exchange our vows, and I’ll kiss you before the priest announces us man and wife because I just couldn’t wait. I couldn’t wait.”
A laugh escapes her lips.
“And then we’ll make a fool of ourselves for our dance because what exactly can you expect from a blind man and a woman with an insanely long train of dress?”
“Oh, Matt,” She cries, pulling him for another hug “I love you so much.”
“I know, Baby,” He breathes “I love you even more.”
“Promise me this is the only universe where we don’t end up together.”
Matt pulls away. His thumb caresses her skin gently before pulling her for a kiss. The very last kiss they would share in this lifetime, “I promise.”
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onlycrystal · 1 year
nanami brain-rot
cw! professor!nanami x student!reader (age gap; reader is in her 20s, kento in his 30s), ddlg, sexual content (im too lazy to write allat)
not proof read, I wrote this in like 30 min at 1am im sry if it aint too good
currently thinking about professor! nanami...
who is sitting at the coffee table of his cozy, charactered apartment. he reads the latest newspaper and sips his earl-grey tea, relaxed, much unlike you. finals are coming up, and since you can barely understand general chemistry, your procrastination gets the best of you. you’re seated on nanami’s sofa, wearing one of his oversized collared shirts. he always thinks its so cute how they completely engulf you in fabric. however, 7 unfinished, late assignments from professor suguru’s class, are all due in a week.
you groan and bury your face into the palms of your hands, “you will not pass my class if you dont submit those assignments” you mock your professors words, and stare back at the unfinished work. suddenly, you realize that you’re in a relationship with a professor. he can help you, right? i mean, he may teach biology, but the man is smart.
“namiiii~” you whine as you look at the blonde, stoic main across the room from you with doe eyes. he replies without looking up from his newspaper, “yes, doll?” 
“i dont get this, can you pleaseeee help me?” sighing, nanami gets up from the coffee table and approaches you. “you know how much i hate doing work in my free hours” nanami slightly grumbles as he sits next to you, attaching his long, slender hands to your hips. he slightly picks you up, and moves you between his legs so you're sitting in his lap. “...but for you, ill make an exception.” he rasps against your ear and kisses it. his actions makes you blush, but no. you needed to focus on your work.
“i just don’t understand all these theorems and laws” you whine and shift in his lap, feeling defeated from how deep you've gotten yourself in this shit. you realize you shifted a bit too much and blush hard at the feeling of hardness start to develop from underneath you. nanami leans forward, which brings you to rub against him harder. you blush even harder, and he just points at the paper and begins to explain, “lets start with boyle’s law, darling. you use it when...” you drone out his voice, and embarrassingly enough, find yourself start to heat up down there. you rub your thighs together only slightly so he wont notice. feeling him so hard down there is so distracting. you just wanna forget about all this work and f-
“babygirl, are you even listening to me right now?” you dont even realize he's talking until he speaks that last word, which brings you to snap out of your dirty day dreams and look up at him. you meet his gaze to be acknowledged with a cold gaze. “y-yes! yes, im listening” you stutter out, gulping.
he shuts your notebook a bit harshly and slides it across the table without getting up. he puts his dainty hand on your chin, and forces you to look up at him. “recite boyle’s law.” he says, slightly smirking as he slowly starts to piece together why you weren't listening. your eyes shoot across the room nervously “ummm... i-its.. uh...” you trail off.
he removes his hand from your chin. his large hands meet your hips again, as he moves you closer to him. soon enough, you’re pressed up against his chest and crotch. “aww, is my little girl so desperate she couldnt focus away from daddy?” he whispers in your ear to be met with no response.
he slightly thrusts towards your lower body, earning a sweet whimper to fall from you lips. “asked you a question, baby” you nod your head yes hesitantly and are suddenly turned around. your eyes widen at how close your faces are, and the intimacy of the whole situation. nanami crashes his lips onto yours, which forces a muffled mewl to fall from your lips. his hands travel up and down your body before they meet your chest and begin to fondle your breasts. your whines and whimpers aren’t censored anymore when nanamis lips move onto your neck, sucking at the sensitive skin and turning you into a moaning mess. your hands meet his hair and tug slightly at his blonde locks. his touch was just so satisfying. your body continued to grind on his crotch with was now fully hard, causing you to moan sweetly and kento to groan onto your neck. in desperation, you frantically unloosen his tie and start to undo the buttons of his chemise before he grabs your wrists and stops you. “ah, ah, ah”
he chuckles when he removes himself from your neck and looks at your face. you look desperate; big eyes, pouting lips, lip tint smeared, and hickies on your throat. that said, he wasn’t looking as uniformed as he did. you had messed up his neat hair, got some of your lip tint on his lips so they appeared more kissable than ever, along with his shirt barely even being kept on. grinning, he removes his glasses from his face and cleans them with his shirt. looking down as he cleans them he says, “maybe i gotta fuck some knowledge into my little princess, isn't that right, dear?” he teases, but desperate as you are, you nod without shame. he chuckles at you again, contributing to your embarrassment before putting his glasses on you. “even wearing my shirt, baby, so cute” you blush, and he abruptly hooks his finger around your underwear and tugs them down. 
nanami rubs circles you on your clit and teases a finger at your entrance. “d-daddy...” you mewl which only makes him grin harder. “gonna make my baby smart.” he says before he jams 2 digits into you. you throw your arms around his neck, tugging hard at his hair as you’re reduced to moans. he continues fingering you, as he uses the thumb of his other hand to continue rubbing circles on your clit. you squirm in his lap as your orgasm approaches, sweetly moaning as you release all over his fingers. he hums as he stares you in the eyes, licking your slick off his fingers clean.
“since you’ve been so obedient, ill let you ride me.” he says curtly. you blush hard, but the thought of his dick sends butterflies to your stomach. you shyly zip down his pants and bring down his boxers, letting his fully erect cock spring free from his pants. you align yourself with his dick, and slowly let yourself down on his length, inch by inch. you whine at the stretch, and hear nanami let out a low moan. “fuck, you’re so tight” he tilts his head back slightly. finding yourself now comfortable to his length, you slowly start to bounce up and down on his cock. he lets out groans and moans, his hands stay glued to your tits, fondling them with every bounce. you lose your composure, getting even dumber, chemistry the farthest thing from your mind, as his glasses start to go crooked on your face. he looks at you and chuckles “daddy’s cock fuck you even stupider? its okay baby... you feel so fucking good” you whine at his dirty talk, hands gripping his shoulders tightly as you bounce relentlessly on his dick. “n-nami~ gonna- c-cum~” you moan loud as his length hits you in all the right places. he moans into your ear “princess~ fuck” he releases into your pussy as you cream all over his dick. you pant hard as you stay close to his chest, basically hugging him. you face him as he plants a kiss on your cheek and pats your head.
“’ts okay, honey. i have an idea... how bout now i only let you cum if you answer a question correctly?” you gulp, you sure were in for a long afternoon.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
Hello! May I request a Miguel O’Hara x reader (could be a spider person) but could the reader not be so submissive towards him (which is odd to him cuz everyone always listens to him) and instead they are more headstrong. They act like they hate each other and they’ll argue about almost anything. There’s this growing tension between them and neither one of them wants to admit it or back down and after another argument they finally just kiss and make up lol . It would also be pretty funny if everyone else knew they would get together eventually it was just a matter of time and so its not even a shock to them when they do. Also I live for the angst, fluff, build up and romance so you could add that or spin it however you want. Thank you!!! :3
a sense of loathing — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: you and miguel are rivals, to some extent. it was an unspoken assumption between the two of you that there was a major mutual dislike. at least, that's what you thought.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: angst. violence. grief. tragedy. minor character death. minor gore. miguel is an asshole. you are also a little bit of an asshole.
NOTES: i really liked this ask, i wanted to write what a rivals to lovers relationship with miguel would be like so here it is! admittedly, i got a little carried away as you can see from the... warnings... and because of that, i'll have to write a second part for this fic. anyway, enjoy!
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You considered yourself to be a civil person.
Sure, sometimes the little things ticked you off and your temper was shorter than most people but you learned to tamp it down over the years and not to start meaningless arguments.
Unless it came to criminal scum or whatever ravenous beast that you encountered on your duties as a Spider-Person but you liked to think that they deserved it. They were doing horrible things, so they didn't really deserve any of the niceties.
Whenever you found yourself disliking someone that wasn't either of those two things, you'd try to create as much distance as possible. It would be easier on you and on them.
But when it came to your boss...
Look, it's not like you absolutely despised the guy. You partially understood his motivations and his reasons for going about things but the way he acted upon it and his attitude made him so insufferable that it was hard to keep your head straight.
He was sarcastic, uncharismatic, and somewhat unlikeable.
Whenever you tried reasoning with him during arguments, he always had something to snap back with or a snide remark up his sleeve that leaves you seething.
How you ranted on and on about how he could be so difficult. To which your companions just responded with a shrug of their shoulder saying: "that's just how he is sometimes".
Which only angered you even further, among everyone in this god forsaken Spider Society, nobody has thought to talk back and call him out for his behavior?
Either that or someone did but never lived to tell the tale.
No, that was too ominous. You were aware that Miguel was more violent than most, you wouldn't be surprised if he's killed a guy before but he wasn't too far gone to land a hit on his own recruits.
Land a hit on you? If you pushed him enough then maybe.
Thinking about having a reasonable conversation with Miguel seemed like a long and faraway fantasy. The day that would occur would be the day that Spider-People don't have to go through soul-crushing loss to develop as a person. As a hero.
You couldn't even relate to him on that end, whenever it came to personal discussion, his lips were as sealed as a bank vault. It frustrated you to no end.
You kind of understood where he was coming from, talking about one's past can pass as a difficult subject but you just found it harder and harder to sympathize for him.
It was even harder when actually trying to collaborate with Miguel on missions. He was the boss, you knew but the amount of orders that he gave you caused your brain to throb.
Nevertheless, you persisted.
Perhaps, you persisted a little too hard, as when he asked (more like demanded) that you go on this search with him; you couldn't find it in yourself to decline.
According to and detected by the small gadget thingymajig (you couldn't bother remembering what it's called) planted by one of the other Spider-People, you and Miguel stood outside of the extremely worn down Alchemax. It's shattered windows and tattered architecture uninviting and cold.
"How cozy." You remarked, arms folded over your chest as your eyes darted around the crumbling building. The challenge of seeing how much your anger could boil everytime Miguel responded to you with a scoff or grunt begun.
He went in without a word, disappearing into the foggy debris to which you tail behind him. As you properly enter the building, it looks just as pathetic as the outside.
Abandoned, dark, decrepit. It was a sad display.
On your left, you spot an escalator. A tall statue peeks from your view on the ground floor, you go in that direction in hopes of checking out the area—
Until, there's something that binds your wrist. You look down and see tight, neon red webbing and before you could even say anything, you were tugged back rather harshly. Closer to Miguel.
You nearly stumble back from the whiplash but the webbing disintegrates into thin air once you find balance and are a few inches away from him.
"Stay close. Each time we visit a place like this, it's an entirely new layout and setting. Do you want to get jumped?"
"Right, because you know everything? You can detect an ambush from miles away, with what sense exactly?"
You didn't even need to see him unmasked to feel the eye roll, it's there. He did it, signified by the way the 'eyes' on his mask narrow ever so slightly.
He doesn't bother snapping back, he goes to the right immediately. Before you could lose him in the fog, you stay close by. Tailing right behind him.
You know one thing now, he takes very long strides and is a very fast walker compared to you. Although, his mere size explains all of that. To be fair, it's not like you were a big, strong, man that couldn't be any less than six feet. How was he expecting you to catch up exactly?
Not minding the marathon that Miguel is making you run through, you two trudge through cracked cieling tiles and fallen over vending machines.
For a lab, it seemed to be a little more devoid of actual scientific chemicals or gadgets. Abandoned places like these had some sort of stench to them but you couldn't get a whiff of anything besides cement and dry wall.
Although, perhaps there was a reason for that. Most of the windows were shattered open, you noted the glass that was scattered all around the ground around when you were outside a while ago. You were just getting a better look at it now from the interior.
The glassless windows provided some more light inside the structure, the shimmer and shine of the distant city painting the dirty floors in a tint of yellow.
You found yourself getting lost in the view, that you had almost forgotten your pesky superior who had you on the tips of your toes.
Thankfully, you're able to catch up to Miguel before he completely disappears into the darkness but before you can take even a step closer, he holds his arm out in front of you.
"Can you hear that?"
You shoot him a confused and unamused glare through your mask before it was clear to you. The faint sound of someone...
Your gaze shifts to each corner of the room that you were in, in an attempts to pinpoint where exactly it was coming from but the sobs practically bounced off of the walls, making it even harder.
The wailing then gets louder. Increasingly so. As if it was approaching you rapidly.
You lean to the side a bit, trying to look ahead to see if there was anything getting closer and there was. Miguel moves back, with you along with him. Blades emerge from the sleeve of his right arm.
"Wait," You put a hand on his bicep but his gaze seems to be fixated on whatever is going to come out of the cloud of fog ahead of you. The figure is small, a funnel shape, and a very noticeable bow. "It's a kid."
"Disguised as an anomaly."
"Are you being serious right now?" You scoff at him. Patting his arm, but when he doesn't relent - you nudge him on a little. "Let me through, if it's actually trouble then bitch all you want back at HQ."
With a sigh, he puts his arm down and lets you go. You and the child meet in the center of the atrium, somewhat. The kid falls and slips onto her butt, before she continues crying.
She doesn't seem to be above the age of eight, you kneel down in front of her and slowly raise your mask. You can see Miguel jolt forward as if to stop you but appears to have stopped himself.
You get a closer look at her. She has a brown complexion, darker brown hair that's tied back into a ponytail with a little bow hairtie, a slightly frilly dress but the frills at the end are all tattered.
The girl looks up at you through teary eyes, they fell down her cheeks like a continuous stream. You put your hands up in a placating gesture and wore the kindest smile you could muster.
"Hey, hey..." You uttered, volume barely above a whisper. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Where are your parents?"
Even when you tried to the best of your ability to reassure her, the tears continued to drip down like a never ending waterfall. If she was trying to say something, it come out as a choked gasp or a hic.
You sighed, talking to kids wasn't exactly your strong suit and you don't even know how this little one even got here but you tried your best to be as understanding as possible.
"Me and my... friend here were looking around to see if there were any lost people. Are you lost? What's your name?" Your tone was delicate, gentle even. It quelled whatever breakdown the child was going through. Very little but it was progress.
She continued to wipe at her tears but the previous noises that she was making halted to some degree, on occasion she'd try stifle a small sob but it was all sniffles now.
"Yeah, there we go." You reassured her. "We're not bad people, if you can tell us where your parents are, we'll see if we can find them."
You tried to look all nice and friendly for the kid but deep down, you were a teeny bit terrified. An eight year old shouldn't have any business in an abandoned Alchemax.
A 'bring your kid to work' day doesn't even justify this either because the establishment looks years old from the time it was abandoned. The location was also deserted, which means there's a good chance that her parents are far away by now.
You also noticed that Miguel wasn't doing anything, he's been standing in the exact same spot since a while ago. Most likely observing your interaction with this girl.
Still, it confused you. You didn't know or understand much of Miguel's past but you knew bits and pieces, you knew that he had a family. Shouldn't talking to the children be what he's doing right now?
There was no time to question it, you're snapped out of your daze when the girl finally said her name.
"Sorry, what was that?"
"Briana. My name is Briana."
"Briana," You parroted. "That's a very nice name. Are you okay now? Do you - do you want a hug? Hugs can make people feel better when they're sad."
She shakes her head, swiping at one stray tear that fell down from her puffy eyes. "No, thank you. My mommy and daddy say that I shouldn't hug strangers."
"Right, of course." You nervously take your hands back and scratch the back of your head. "Your mommy and daddy, do you know where they are?"
Another shake of the head. There was a good chance that yiu and Miguel would have to escort her back to city, to a police station or a hospital and whatnot. Looking for her parents in this forest would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
You're about to stand up, maybe bring Briana over to Miguel and tell him that you need to take her back to the city first but you get that dreadfully familiar tingle on your head.
"Sorry for this!" You exclaim, before suddenly grabbing Briana by the shoulders and pulling her to the side as a tiny explosion lands right where you were just kneeling by.
Emerging from the fog is unfortunately, Green Goblin, although he looks very different from most of the other variants you've seen of him. This Green Goblin looks less green and more of a creamy brown paper color, he lacks color besides the pencil lines.
He looks more like an incomplete sketch if anything and a lot more olden timesy, almost like he was from the Renaissance era or something like that.
"Look out!" You hear Miguel shout as another explosive is chucked at you and Briana, you both go in completely directions. As you were about to try and grab her again, the villain is quicker. Swooping down and sweeping Briana up in his arms with a cruel laughter.
You have to bite back a certain f-word from coming out of your mouth as Green Goblin veers to the left, up the floor you were about to investigate when you had first entered.
Swiftly, you put on your mask as you rushed to run up the escalator to which Miguel followed closely behind.
You've heard remnants of gossip from your colleagues anout Renaissance looking anomalies but you've never thought to encounter one yourself any time soon.
Green Goblin was absolutely going on a rant about god knows what but it was incomprehensible to you, like he was speaking in a different language.
Once you reach the upper floor, Green Goblin perches himself up on the top of this globe looking statue. He had an arm wrapped around Briana's neck, proceeding to yell some nonsense in Italian, before pointing at you and Miguel.
"What is this guy even saying?"
Miguel doesn't bother answering your question, he's silent.
It was more than safe to assume that this guy was using Briana as hostage but considering the language barrier, figuring out what exactly he wanted was tough game.
You know all about how Green Goblins are like. Vindictive, cutthroat, and annoying. From that, you guessed that if he was going to drop the little girl if he didn't receive whatever handsome payment that he was expecting.
It was risky, but if you reacted quick enough then you might be able to catch her. Seemed like Miguel had figured that out also when he leaned into you and whispered:
"I'll find a way to get to him to drop the girl, you catch her. I'll subdue him. You got that?"
"Then what? I can't exactly bring her back to the city by myself but we can't keep her here while we're fending this guy off."
"Open a portal. I'll give you a day pass for her."
The statement shunted you a little. Miguel didn't particularly enjoy bringing back anything or anyone that wasn't an anomaly back to his dimension.
You don't want to push his buttons right now though and it's not like you were going to disagree, he puts a day pass in your hands before shooting a web at the statue to sling himself up.
His sharp talons dig into the surface of the sculpture, he swipes at Green Goblin in an attempt to tail onto his hoverboard but once again, the villain is quicker.
It's a small chase that goes on for a while. You move carefully and circle around the carving just in case that he'll let go of Briana or drop her on accident but the grip he keeps on her is firm.
A web shoots out from Miguel's shooter, sticking directly to Green Goblin's chest. He tugs on it harshly, causing the other to lose balance and fall off of the floating board. Briana along with it.
You jump and hitch the little girl into your arms, murmuring soft reassurances like 'it's okay' or 'we got it handled'. You carefully slip the day pass onto her wrist and it secures onto her tightly.
Good timing, a loud thud rings in your ears as you turn your head. Miguel presses the anomaly into the bare dirt, unfortunately he's still conscious.
You press a couple buttons on your gizmo, squinting a little as you're met with the same dizzying array of colors. You pat Briana gently on the back, ushering for her to go inside.
She seems hesitant but you can't exactly blame her, not everyday that a kid goes into an interdimensional portal. You rub the small of her back encouragingly.
However, just as she's about to enter, just as she's about to retreat to safety -
Your eyes widen in shock as a blade pierces through her body, she coughs and similar to the tears that continued to fall down her cheek now it was a stream of blood oozing out of her mouth.
Miguel seemed stunned too, he looks down to see Green Goblin with a shit-eating smile on his face and a hand out. He threw it. He killed her.
You don't even hesitate to catch her, watching as she bleeds out on your lap. "No, no, no. Briana, Briana?"
Almost immediately, Miguel lands a hard blow against the villain's head. Knocking him straight into unconsciousness, he pulls out another gadget that you couldn't find a name for but it activates some sort of cage around the anomaly.
You called out her name a couple more times, hand shaking above the spot she was stabbed but all she did was cough and cough and cough. Each one a painful reminder that she was nearing her end.
When her chest rose and fell slowly and slowly as the moment passed, when her skin went pale, when her body went limp. You realized exactly what happened.
You swore that the air got colder.
Slowly, you stood up. Letting Briana's corpse rest against the floor of the Alchemax. You could barely look back up at Miguel, who had another much unimportant body in his hands.
You couldn't stand looking at it anymore. Angrily, you snatched Green Goblin's unconscious body from Miguel's grasp and tossed it into the portal.
"We should go."
You grumbled. But your colleague's mind seemed to be elsewhere, he looked down at the lifeless child. Mind seemingly blanking.
Not much to your surprise as he simply walks past you, stopping a step away from the portal.
"Let's go."
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request rules here, masterlist here
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otdiaftg · 5 months
The out pouring of love for this blog has swept me off my feet. I knew the logic behind the follower count, but this weekend proved to me without a shadow of a doubt just how much this fandom cherishes these characters and this story.
I am overwhelmed with adoration towards every. single. one. of you.
I took the weekend to finally recoup after the whirlwind of this past year but wanted to take a moment now to answer some of the questions I've seen pop up and to inform you all of what my plans are for what's next.
This took me a long time to ponder and I wanted to make sure I was in the correct headspace to answer it. Short answer: No.
Long answer: All For The Game is near and dear to my heart. And the reason I began this account was because the dates for 2023 matched that of the dates they were meant to be in 2006. To continue it in the year 2024 would mean the dates would be completely wrong and a lot more logistics would have to occur beforehand.
But also-- I'm not the best when it comes to technology, especially when it comes to BOTS so every post that was published was typed out, formatted and scheduled by hand by me. I did not have help. I did not have proofreaders, or editors, or managers. I contacted all the artists myself, sorted through every single page of the artists to find matches to the story, read and re-read the books for exact or guesstimation of dates/times, and made a hell of a lot of typos on the way through all that.
There was probably an easier way that I could have done all this. But I didn't/don't know it. So that all boils down to: It’s a long and tiring process.
Don't get me wrong, it was worth all the hours. And all the sleepless nights I had getting everything done and out. I already thanked my support network, but without my wife and my best friend being there to make me another cup of coffee, walk our dog, do the chores and generally make sure I didn't crumble from the pressure -- none of this would have happened.
So, putting myself through that again, after everything that has happened this year alone-- felt like it would cheapen the experience I had when the dates won't even match.
That being said.... 2034 isn't that far away. >__>
Short answer: No.... sorry.
Long answer: As stated, it is VERY hard to organize what and how I did. HOURS spent researching, organizing, scheduling, etc. Time spent away from my family and other hobbies. NOT time I regret (need to keep prefacing that) but time I want back now. At least for a little bit.
It also doesn't sit right for me to start an OTDITSC when I know some people are still waiting for their copies. There are so many of us out here (as I've come to find out) and I don't want to exclude people's enjoyment and connection that this account gives. I also feel like the more posts about TSC out there, the harder it is for those who are (lets say) waiting for the physical copies to block/mute spoilers. We can say a tag is enough, but this is the internet. And that's not always true.
And lastly, personally, TSC is still SO VERY NEW. It's not even complete yet and we don't 100% know when the next one will be published. I don't want to start something, get to the end of the timeline, and than have a huge gap between posts that will potentially be moments in the second book. It doesn't feel fair to their story, to myself, or to the followers of this account to have incorrect information for something I love so dearly. If I'm doing it. I want to do it right.
Well. A lot. For me personally, as well as this account. I don't want to leave everyone in such a finite way. I love this fandom. I love its art and writings and the abundance of talent and joy that it exudes.
So first, for myself, as well as those artists who agreed to help with this account, I want to post, for the next 40 days Artist Highlights (that means this account will still be active until Friday, June 7th).
Every day, I will post about an Artist and the work that I wanted to post but couldn't fit in. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, these artists are the reason this account thrives. Art, in a multitude of forms, speaks in a way words can not. And these artists prove that.
I'm excited to show them off for a couple more weeks at least. They are all wonderful people.
To also tie us over, I am opening both my personal account as well as this account to questions.
Questions regarding the process, the story, the best movie out in theaters, whatever. I will be answering your questions (as fast as I can) until that last Artists Highlight day (Friday, June 7th). After this day, I will leave the questions answered up for a week, and then remove/delete them from this account. I want to make this more of an archive of sorts and will be updating the Timeline Page as this progresses as well, so you can move freely within the timeline.
Keep in mind that I am only one person, have a family and a full-time job-- so answers may be sporadic, but I will answer them.
This has truly been such a pleasure. And whether I get questions or not, I see you and I appreciate you. I hope your life is filled with everything you ever want, everything you need, and that you never let it go.
🦊 🧡- Kelysium
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chuuyasfanboy · 11 months
Just had some random thoughts so pulled up an old blog I never used and am now deciding to write fics! I've had this stuck in my head for two days now but like- Skk as parents... enjoy <3
Wrote three sections! One with Chuuya, one with Dazai, and ofc them together. It can be read from either adopted or blood perspective, I hope? Kind of scattered, I was just goin for it guys
Iffff you liked this, please req something! I'm having major bsd brainrot and I need ideas...
Soukoku as Parents Platonic x Gn!Child!Reader
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The SILLIEST father EVER guys.
For actual years he was fully under the impression he HATED all kids with a passion. I mean guys look at how badly he treated Aku-
Well then he had you and things changed
It's just something about you being his kid, not a subordinate or random kid on the street
He's your dedicated apologist
In fact, he encourages your mischief!
When you were younger, it was a lot harder to handle you. He even found himself on his last fuse sometimes. Usually, he left Atsushi or Yosano to deal with you
He didn't want to revert to old habits and accidentally traumatize you :(
When he can handle himself, though, he's only halfway controlling you-
He's right along with you in the heinous activities half of the time
Hiding Ranpo's candy (for as long as it lasts), misplacing Kunikida's glasses, hell you two have probably snuck into the infirmary and changed the sheets to something very colorful and very childishly wolf themed...
He's not really a mature dad, nonono. But he's doing his best
He fully supports all of your wildest interests, even tries out some of the more entertaining ones
He struggles to act excited when you're younger and all your interests are very out of his range, but as you grow older he's actually a bit intrigued by them sometimes
Best birthday gift ideas, too. He's very creative when he wants to be.
He also has way more money than he should be ALLOWED to have
For your Sweet Sixteen, he most definitely got you an obsessively large custom pinata of your favorite character...
He makes sure EVERYBODY gets you gifts, because you are his world and thus you must be everybody else's as well
He really does try to keep you out of work, and especially away from his suicide biz
Maybe HE doesnt have a reason to live, but he certainly doesnt want you picking up those thoughts, because he knows you have a real big destiny to live up to someday
I mean, what would the world be without you?
When you hit the age of 13 though, its really hard to hide anything from you
You're so scary when you grow up! And you're way too smart!!4
Did you get that from him? oops...
Now, he doesnt have any plans of living that long, but if you do grow big and strong and smart one day, and you join the ADA, he's definitely got some favoritism.
Surprisingly, Fukuzawa actually gives you your first few proper missions with him
(Because he knows Dazai will not be letting any harm come to you, he trusts Dazai with his life and he knows you trust Dazai even more)
If you have different plans for adulthood though, he's still so supportive
If you go to uni, you're going to have to show him off
Because, guys, he's a dilf
Nobody's gonna be mean to the kid with a dilf father, they all want him
He jokes about it constantly
But rest assured, stupid and immature uni kids are NOT his type, no matter how nice the ones his age look
He's got his eyes set on that waitress and at least four other men at the moment
If you go straight into the workplace instead of uni, he's going to use his connections to get you a good job early!
Fukuzawa has a good way with words and Dazai himself is a pretty good reference contact
Just tell them he's your teacher, or something
It's not like they'll know his hobbies, he's wayyyy too big a mystery for that
Overall: 7/10 dad
A little rough around the edges, but he's trying hard to improve himself for you
And he's trying hard to give you the best life he can offer
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Did I say Dazai was a dilf?
I lied out of my ass.
Chuuya is the real dilf here
But we'll get to that later! (Just know he has plenty of men and women at his feet and they're definitely being way too nice to you because they want him so bad guys)
You're SO SO SO SO spoiled.
So bad you might even be a little bit of a brat growing up
It's fine, not toward him, he almost never says no to you so theres no need
There's absolutely no amount of money that can't be spent on you.
Luxury clothes, professionally cooked dinners, fancy rooms, home staff, the whole works
Despite all that though, he's insistent you go to a public/private school
He's not tutoring you, wont even hire one
It's not because he CAN'T, it's because he KNOWS how important it is for you to get your sense of independence early
Sure, you'll always have financial support, even if he dies (Trust fund babyyyyy)
But thats not what's actually important to your future
You need social skills, you need friends, you need and education and the taste of disappointment
Dont worry, though, he's not sending you unprepared
You're not eating school lunches unless you want to (but fuck why would you?)
He's sending you to school with top notch food every day
And clothes
And supplies
Plus, you'll have a tutor at the ready for anything you need a little extra help in
But for the most part he keeps as far as he can out of that section of your life
You friends are yours, not his
He's polite when they have sleepovers, and he's more than willing to host parties and hangouts
But he doesn't try too hard to impress them, and he doesn't talk to them unless its related to you
Because as much as he loves being around kids (a real big father he wants to adopt everybody he sees)
He doesn't want to impose on any boundaries YOU may have
As a side note though, he's still very observant of your relationships with them
If he overhears any manipulation, or shit talking (about you or not), he's not going to let it sit and exist
If it comes to it, he will contact the parents (And holy fuck they are TERRIFIED i mean imagine a publicly known MAFIA EXECUTIVE contacting you to tell your kid fucked with his ABSOLUTELY NOT GUYS)
If you're into any extracurriculars, he is ALWAYS there
Even if he's overseas on a mission, he has some lower rank attend and clears his schedule so he can watch through a call
Also guys, he practically funds your school?
Your teachers are terrified to cross you because if they do there will be NO SALARY
You complain about anything that happened? He's fixing it up in any way he can
You are his ANGEL, NOTHING will ruin your day as long as he can prevent it.
When you grow up, your options are very clear in his eyes
Either you go to uni and live independent of the mafia, or you inherit his spot when he dies
If you go for neither, he may be a bit shocked, but he'll hesitantly step back
He'll see how it goes, but he's not very confident at first
If it goes well? Fuck, great! He's always in your corner rooting for you
If it doesn't go so well, you always have him as a backup
He'll always be there to take you back with open arms and give you a second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chance. Always
If you do join the mafia, there will be no low rank experience for you
You're straight to the upper ranks. At first, you'll probably be in a position similar to Akutagawa under Dazai or how he was under Koyo
Direct subordinate, his apprentice, his prodigy
And when he dies, you're next in line for his exec spot
There's not even a worry about your skillset, he knows he's trained you well, ability or no ability.
Finally, back to the dilf topic I've mentioned at the beginning
If you go to uni, he has the same problem Dazai had, but WORSE
Fuck guys, he swears he tries to keep out of your friendships, but suddenly everyone's adults and they wont leave him alone.
It's at this point he stops hosting your events (except birthdays) and separates himself
No way is he getting involved with crazy college kids, no way
Overall: 9/10 father
He's a bit absent in your social circle, but he's your dad and thats that
He screams support from the stands and that's really the best you can ask for in a dad <3
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theyre so pathetic together-
theyre all the entertainment you need growing up
constant bickering (lovingly)
they dont involve you in all that
it comes with them both being in seperate factions, but they BOTH work very hard to keep you out of the professional lives
you're their kid, they dont want you in any of the doublesided danger that could get you in
you're probably a secret to everyone except the ADA and the other mafia
And your existence is on a need-to-know basis for everybody else
Dazai is the more present figure in your life, simply because Chuuya has to be a bit more distant
It's the nature of his line of work, anyone he's seen with is a target, and he doesn't want that to be you
He will be at your schooling events still, though. He will be YELLING AND SHOUTING in the stands
Into sports? Every time theres an unfair play he will cuss the living daylights out of the ref
And they just have to let him because theres nothing they can really do about
Dazais the same way, but with less scare factor and way less vigor
After games, he's going to complain WITH you about how lame the whole thing was if you lost, how everything was judged unfairly
They may not get along the best together, but they love each other and especially love you, so they're improving for you
Read: Chuuya is making them improve for you
Dazai thinks hes the victim in all this!
But oh well, if Chuuya makes him apologize when they argue in front of you, he will
When you're all grown up, they both encourage you to find your own path
You've got the chance, thanks to them, and they dont want you involved in their little wars
It's not like you can join any sides, because who would want to be against your dad :(
So really your only choice is moving out, maybe even away-
If you really do want into their business, they both insist you join the ADA
It's safer there for you, and Chuuya would rather have to order his men to not under any circumstances EVER hurt you, than have to watch someone he can't control put you in danger
Plus, he knows Dazai will keep you in the safest position possible
Overall: 7/10 together
They're a nightmare at dinner, and Dazai is sleeping on the couch almost every night
But they adore you and every move you make, so there's no way you're feeling unloved at all
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