#one of them said that charles looked and acted like a straight jock and i have never felt such deep emotional pain as i did that day
not-the-living-ghost · 2 months
Straight Charles truthers please rewatch the show I'm begging you this is hurting my soul
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Done Wondering
Jock!Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Highschool AU
@danicarosaline requested: Hi pretty!! i saw your requests are open so may i please request a jock Tom x reader! Tom is a big softy and the captain of his football team and reader is a tough ‘not taking shits from anybody’ type of person? Like Tom gets in an argument with a team mate and he’s being all nice and calm about it but reader thinks his team mate deserves a good punch in the face so she punches him and it shocks the entire team and Tom himself even though he expected it!!
Warnings: F L U F F, not sure that the football talk is 100% accurate, all I know about American football is that Tom Brady's a quarterback, their jerseys are cool and apparently I'm supposed to cheer for the Pats? (yeah, that's my dad's fault), B99 references (i fucking love that show), cursing, a bit of violence ig
Word Count: 2.3k words (why can i not write short things?)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: so sorry it took so long to get this out! also, i got waaaaaay to invested in this... oopsie
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You ran across the field as people all around you celebrated with only one goal in mind: kiss your boyfriend.
You and Tom had been dating for almost seven months now, to many people's surprise. The entire school thought you'd be together for a week tops, but you surpassed all their expectations by becoming the longest standing couple in junior year (not that it was hard, high schoolers change partners like discardable gloves). 
Tom was one of Sunset High's best and brightest, loved by the teachers, captain of the football team, and the object of many's affection.
You, however, were nothing like that. You hated sports (everyone knows art's better anyway), social interactions were your personal little slice of hell, and everyone was too scared to approach you since you threatened to gut Charles after he accidentally forgot to give you back your pencil.
All in all, there was no way you two could stay together.
There was no way you could even make a friendship work, let alone a romantic relationship.
But then there was that fateful summer night...
Your mind ran at a thousand miles an hour as you rocked in the park's nest swing. The stars looming over you were the only thing keeping you from spiraling, and after an hour of watching them, the peace in your mind was crumbling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
You sat up on the swing and looked to your right where stood a sheepish-looking Tom.
"It's okay, I should probably leave anyway..."
"No! I mean, it's okay, you were here first I didn't mean to disturb you."
You cast your eyes down until he spoke again.
"You go to my school, right? (Y/n)? We were in the same English class in freshman year."
"Yeah, I think so... I'm surprised you remember me, we didn't have any classes together last year..."
He huffed out a laugh and leaned against the support beam, hands in his pockets.
"It's kinda hard to forget someone like you. You stood up to the teacher on the first day after he yelled at a kid and spent the next year having actual coherent debates about the books that most of the class never even read, let alone understood. You're kind of amazing."
You ducked your head once more to try to cover the blush on your cheeks, biting your lip.
He nodded and took a deep breath, then sat in front of you and pushed so the swing was rocking softly, always catching it before it hit his face.
You giggled a bit and sat criss-cross applesauce, back straight, your mother's words permanently etched into your brain.
"So, what are you doing alone in the town's most secluded park at midnight?"
"Oh, you know, questioning my life choices, freaking out because in three weeks we're going back to school while simultaneously feeling stir crazy after having nothing cool to do all summer, regretting ever being born, the usual. What about you?"
"Getting crushed by everyone's expectations, feeling constricted cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers, freaking out cause I have no idea what I want to do with my life, the usual."
A comfortable silence settled between you.
"Do our lives really suck or is it just the teenagers in us that dramatize everything?"
He huffed out a laugh.
"I don't know, tell me your story and I'll let you know."
You scooched to the side and patted the now empty spot on the too-small swing so he could lay down next to you. Looking at the stars seemed like a better idea than looking at him.
"I never really liked school, people are jerks, cafeteria food is disgusting at best, I have no friends -not that I care about that, I'm better off alone. Still, it's better than being home. When my father isn't working in his study, he's berating me about getting better grades, even though I'm a straight-A student, not that he cares enough to actually know that. My mother's usually either gossiping with her other rich friends or telling me to correct my posture, dress better, act like a lady, it's infuriating...
"My older brother, the only person in that family that I genuinely like, left for MIT today, so I guess I'm just now realizing that I'm really... alone. I'll have to suffer through my father's lectures about getting high grades and act like someone I'm not so my mother doesn't take away everything I love until I "learn to act like a respectable woman". Jake used to get them to lay off me, but now he's not here. Sometimes I wonder why they even adopted me if I'm such a bad daughter. It just sucks."
You felt his hand twitch next to yours and his eyes on your face.
"Your turn."
He took a shuddering breath before speaking.
"My parents are amazing, they really are, they only want what's best for me, but sometimes it's a little much. They constantly remind me of going to training, doing my homework, studying for tests, and even though they always say it's okay, I see the disappointment in their eyes when my grades lower even by a single point.
"My little brothers look up to me a lot, and they're always telling me how much they want to be just like me when they grow up. I know they mean it in the best possible way, but it's just that much more pressure. I just... feel the need to always be the best at everything. The best football player, the best captain, the best student, the kindest person in that school, most helpful... it's all a bit much."
This time, it was you who were looking at his profile while he gazed at the stars.
"It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Tom. It doesn't matter that they have the best intentions, they're still putting too much pressure on you and you deserve the chance to relax."
He turned towards you and for the first time that night, you realized just how close you were.
"You're not a bad daughter just because you have different interests. I, for one, think you are a strong and independent woman who doesn't need to change because of some mere peasants. You're a queen... You deserve someone that'll treat you as one."
Your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him.
"Wanna make a deal?"
You nodded tentatively, though at this point you'd probably agree to murder someone as long as he kept looking at you that way.
"I'll be your friend, give you something to do whenever you need it, save you from your asshole parents and remind you of just how awesome you are every day..."
"And in return?"
"And in return, you'll say stuff like what you said before when I get too stuck in my head, save me from my so-called friends when they're being jerks, and come to every practice with me so you have something to do and I have someone to make silly faces at."
"I'm pretty sure there are a thousand girls in that school that would kill to have you make silly faces at them."
"Maybe so, but they aren't you. A lock of your hair is worth more than all of them combined."
You bit your lip and smiled.
He pecked you softly on the lips before he lost his nerve, quick and fleeting, feather-light but strong enough to leave fires in its wake. You pulled him back and gave him a slightly longer kiss before setting your head on his shoulder and going back to stargazing, now with someone to keep you company.
Three weeks later, you walked into school hand in hand and haven't let go since.
You jumped into his arms, ignoring the smell of sweat and how it would probably cling to your clothes.
"You did so good baby!"
He kissed you straight on the lips, not minding his teammate's wolf-whistles, having grown used to them already.
"I had a pretty good motivation."
"Mm-hm, my girl told me she'd bake me cookies if I won this match, and I really like her cookies."
"Sounds like you have a great girlfriend."
"The best."
You kissed him again and he smiled when he felt the fabric of his spare jersey adorning your figure.
"Yo, Holland!"
You forced apart by Teddy's call, one of the newer players. Since you went to every single practice, you knew that Teddy was being an ass lately, always wanting the glory, never passing the ball to his teammates. If it weren't for Tom's skill as captain of the team, he would've cost them most matches, including this one.
"Why didn't you pass me the ball?"
"That last play, I was free and you passed the ball to Harrison even though he almost lost it. You should have passed it to me, we almost lost because you want to make your useless bestie feel included!"
"Johnson was closing in on you, if I'd passed it to you, we would have lost for sure. Passing it to Harrison bought me the time I needed to get out of danger. It was purely strategical, you would know that if you paid attention to your teammates instead of playing all on your own. Haz is an amazing player and I don't treat him differently just because he's my best friend. I'd like you to apologize to him, please, it's not kind to insult your teammates."
You admired the fact that he managed to remain calm and collected throughout the whole conversation, looking like the embodiment of 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed'. You, however, were not having such an easy time keeping your cool, hands firmly clenched at your side.
"The hell it was! You just feel threatened by me because you'll never be as good as me, so you never pass me the ball, it's ridiculous!"
"Okay, buddy, you need to back the hell off and close your mouth before I punch it shut."
His eyes flickered to you and he rose a brow mockingly.
"Oh, your little slut's standing up for you know? I always knew you were a chicken, guess my theory's been pro-"
You cut him off with a punch to the nose, smiling when you heard the satisfying crack of his bones and his howls of pain.
A collective 'ooh' came from the crowd, and they took a few steps back (excluding Tom of course, who was only looking at you with wide eyes).
"What the fuck?"
"I warned you, didn't I?"
You smirked evilly as Teddy was pulled away by the coach to check his injury.
"You're a bitch!"
"Baddest of them all, sweetheart. Have a fun time at the hospital!"
The whole crowd had gone silent by the time you turned back around, seemingly satisfied with your vengeance.
You tilted your head in confusion at the awestruck looks on the team's faces.
"You broke his nose!"
"With just your hand."
"Since when are you so violent?"
You were actually kind of offended at that.
"I know that I bring you guys snacks after practice, but do none of you hear when I threaten other people? It's a daily occurrence."
The rubbed their necks sheepishly.
"Well, you see..."
Haz started, seemingly measuring his words.
"You're kind of like Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. No one actually knows what you're capable of, no one thinks you'd actually kill someone, but we're also kind of too scared to test you, so we just... wonder."
"Well, when you're done wondering, go take a shower so we can go celebrate, I'm hungry."
They all scrambled away in a chorus of 'yes ma'am' before you turned back to Tom with a smile on your face.
"You didn't have to punch him, you know?"
"Yeah, but I've been wanting to for weeks now."
He huffed out a laugh and kissed your forehead.
"How're your knuckles?"
"A bit sore, but I'm pretty sure that if we put some ice it'll be good, the rings took most of the impact."
You wiggled your hand, showing off the array of rings covering your fingers in what you deemed to be an aesthetically pleasing way.
"I love you, babygirl."
You kissed him, smiling into his lips.
"I love you too. Now go, shower!"
You patted his butt and laughed at the look he threw you, standing next to the field while you waited for them to get out.
Their coach came to stand next to you and you smiled at him, having taken a liking for him. He was a good teacher and treated the team well.
"Coach Jeffords."
"What's the verdict?"
"Nurse says it's broken but we'll only know the full extent of his injuries after he gets examined at the ER. He's on his way there as we speak."
You nodded.
"You'll be pleased to know that he's been taken off the team and suspended for a week for unruly behavior. His parents aren't going to press charges since they feel it's deserved."
You smirked evilly.
"I'd advise you to watch out for Pembroke. He's starting to become a nuisance. If he keeps it up, he might be next."
He nodded, fighting back his smile even though you knew damn well he agreed.
"I'll do my best."
"And I'll do mine."
"(Y/n)! Ready to go?"
You nodded in goodbye at the coach and walked over to a freshly showered Tom, interlacing your fingers.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Taglists: (if your name is striked through it means for some reason tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
@jeezkiddo @beananacake @yoinkyourheart @averyfosterthoughts​ @onebigolemess​ @samoney69​ @agirlwithpointlessideas​ @ddaawwssoonn @inhumanwithpowers​ @imagineshere-forall​ @stiles-banshees​ @orowit​ @spideynut​ @deathofmissjackson​ @ephemeral-limerences​ @write-from-the-heart​ @cardboard-ben​ @my-alignment-is-bisexual​ @mendes-marvel​ @shawnsnovel​ @inthecornerchair​ @lovelynerdytraveler​ @niallssweetheart22​ 
@bubblegumbarnes​ @sofiaconlaz​ 
@tomsirishgirlx​ @dreaming-lia​ @markleehee​ @juliebean247​ @gypsystuf​ @quechulitaaa​ @theoretical-theo​ @bubblegumbarnes​  @sofiaconlaz​ @underooling​ @hannahholland1811​ @bellaaa321-blog​ @parkerpetertingle​ @emily-louise-hynes @clara-licht​ @ekelly2015​ @inlovewithmobtom​ @quaksonhehe​ @danicarosaline​ @arts-ismything​ @peachyafshawn @tutuabby28​ @sovereignparker​ @tokhalaxoxo​ @cathwritestragediesnotsins​ @incorrect-things​ 
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