#one of my new top ffxiv tracks tbh
warlordfelwinter · 11 months
i can't get over this being a dungeon theme. literally chill lo-fi beats to slay beasts to.
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wyrmwynd · 8 years
I was taggeroni’d by Good Friend @traumyu to do 2 tag memes and so here I am!
“Rules: Tag 9 people whom you’d like to know better.” See but like. I’m Shy and Afraid of tagging people so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Relationship Status: Living With And Probably Practically Married To A Literal Taro (jacoob)
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick bc i look like a fucko with lipstick on 
Last Song I Listened To: A song that someone I tangentally know via a friend’s discord’s soundcloud song titled “a track”.
Top 3 Shows: I. Dont Know? Probably,, even though I don’t really like it as much anymore, is steven universe, as far as western shows? Also right now is JJBA. I guess. A third would be. Hum. Fucken.... yoi i dunno dude. I don’t like, watch shows very much
Top 3 Characters: The Person Amethyst Could Be If Written Better, Joseph Joestar, Ari from the Obscure Game, Okage, That Everyone Should Play
Read More bc the next one is Longer
1) how old are you? I think I’m 23?
2. what are you currently doing in life? I wish I knew tbh? But rn im at community college for a library tech degree so I can work a good position at a library cuz. I like libraries i guess?
3. what are you talented at? See now this one is hard bc used to I’d say “drawing” but i have not drawn much in the last like years i dunno how many but it’s been a few since i’ve like, owned a sketchbook. But in a General Sense I am very good at learning new things. I can get a hang of pretty much anything pretty fast and I may not be like the best at it but I’m usually pretty good at it? So I Guess that’s a talent, is the ability to learn quickly, if that counts.
4. what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? Like.... Get a stable job I guess? I don’t really work with “big goals” bc I don’t think I’ve ever achieved a “big goal” in my entire life, and so manking big goals just makes me worried. My big goal is to move out of my dad’s house I guess but framing it as a big goal makes me nervous so yea.
5. what’s your aesthetic? i have like.... 2 distinct aesthetics. This first is like, pink, and glittery, and soft, like, a small and fluffy grandma who knits things. And like plants and nature, and softer pastel colors, and vintage my little ponies, and children’s toys in general. Light purple, light pinks, light blues, even browns sometimes? sometimes even light yellows? flowers, and gardens, and little succulents, and like Sweet Lolita Fashion (the japanese kind not the nasty kind) and stuffed animals, and water creatures, and no makeup, and just in general Very Soft And Cute, like a big fluffy pompom ball. Here are links to sets on my polyvore like this.
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Then the other aesthetic is very very different, it’s neons, pastels, black and white, translucent things, reflective clothes, shitty plastic, neon signs, eyeballs, General Not-Bloody Body Horror, “Vaporwave”, when pastels then also paired with neon or dark colors or black or white, very defined like... color blocking? but gradients are okay too, but harsh color blocking is a Fave, weird looking plants and animals, FUNGI, polka dots and patterned things, Honestly Enjoys Cyberpunk Aesthetic, heavily into videogame aesthetics and merch and things, likes gaudy makeup and doesn’t mind wearing more unorthodox clothing, and in general Very Harsh And Punkish, kind of like a Team Skull Aesthetic. Here are links to my polyvore of things that fall into this
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the rest of my polyvore is generally a mix between the 2 aesthetics which i guess could be considered My Aesthetic
6. do you collect anything? Hmmmmmmmmmmm vintage my little ponies mostly, but I haven’t actively collected them in like a year or so? maybe more? I’m really bad with the concept of time. But I do have like A Collection of them that I love dearly.
7. what’s a topic you always talk about? Bideogames to be fucking honest
8. what’s a pet peeve of yours? I have. So many. Like I’m being overwhelmed thinking about them bc there’s so damn many. In General Though recently a Big Little Issue i have is people who mess up Big Time in bideogames (like ffxiv when they cause a wipe) but then when someone else messes up in a much smaller and less impactful way (dies but doesn’t kill anyone else bc they just vaguely messed up like one mechanic) the person who messed up Big Time before is like “fuck you why are you even here”. Like bitch???? Fuck OFF??? And Like i’m generally very Accepting of when people mess up mechanics but when they then go on to tell other people off for something it’s like. Literally, asshole. Literally, shut the fuck up.
Another is just erp in general. Also when people try to be ~kawaii!!! uguu~~ and its just Annoying. And also when other people cut me off or don’t respond to me when I say things, even multiple times at multiple volumes (which is often both irl and online). Anyways I could go on forever but I’m going to stop myself before i get too frustrated just Thinking about these things.
9. good advice to give? i don’t like. have any good advice ever. lmao. the best advice i can give is to Not disorder your eating with diets bc it is absolutely disordered eating bc it will fuck you up For Life. Even if you get “”cured”” from anorexia you’ll still have disordered eating bc it Never Fucking Goes Away. So basically don’t even fucking START dieting or ANYTHING bc it WILL fuck you up for life. Diets don’t work anyways if you’ve ever done or looked up any really unbiased (meaning not funded by the diet/food/pharmaceutical industry) research ever in your entire life.
10. what are three songs you’d recommend?
The JJBA Battle Tendency Opening  of which I am currently Obsessed with
Butter Sugar Cream by tomggg and really anything by tomggg
Mottai Night Land by Kyary and basically anything by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
I’m too shy and afraid to tag people so I’m Apology,,,
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