#one of my lavellans should be a s0l@s - mancer but. idk if i can bring myself to do it in the game fdkdjghdjfgjdh
hifntasy · 4 years
one of my lavellans is definitely someone who was born into that clan and remained there, one is.... maybe they were born in the city but escaped or were forced out and joined up with clan lavellan, one was definitely part of another (original) clan and while initially the plan had been for a member of clan lavellan to join THAT clan through marriage , when the time of that particular arlathvhen came around, lavellans had recently lost a few good hunters so thalia joined clan lavellan instead somewhere in the vicinity of a decade pre-inquisition but like idk exactly when. and then if im rounding out all my [vanilla] character background and class combos there’ll be 2 more and idk what their clan involvement or history is or was or will be yet bc i dont even know WHO they are or what classes they are or what they look like jdkgh
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