#one of my closest friends and eat him. oh wait... my friend actually wants to be eaten? well now im not going to do it. also im ''the most
swagging-back-to · 2 years
the reiss arch is so incredibly bad it's genuinely revolting
0 notes
mika-no-sekai-blog · 10 months
Not my cup of tea
Word count: 2400+
Warnings: mentions of sex
You voted for this one to be posted, so here you are. I hope you'll enjoy it
I'm sorry for any mistakes as English isn't my first language 🫣
"Y/N, are you listening?" Mor gently touched your hand. The faint smell of cedar and mist reached your nose. He was about to walk in to the living room where you were talking with your best friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Actually..I'm afraid I have to go," you hurriedly excused yourself and walked through the closest wall.
It was exactly a week since you slept with Azriel and ever since then you were avoiding him at any cost. You truly loved him and were used to spend a lot of time around him, so this new situation was a real torment.
It all started when after years of flirting with each other Azriel finally asked you out. You were so happy and thrilled that he willed to deepen your relationship. You had eyes for shadowsinger since you two met, so it was a dream-comes-true situation. It took only few dates and you ended up in his bed.
It was perfect until that night, ideal. There was absolutely nothing to indicate that it could turn out this way. Not even the slightest hint. However the night became the turning point for you. Well, sex itself was amazing. He was amazing and you enjoyed that part, but problem was in everything else. Azriel seemed to have a thing for spanking, degradation, bondage and other similar practices that weren't to your taste at all.
You were ashamed and your heart screamed in pain because he was fantastic male who deserved to be loved and especially, Azriel deserved to have partner who would share the same interests. Unfortunately it couldn't be you. As much as it hurt, it was the fact you had to learn to live with. Problem was that you didn't know how to tell him and you were afraid you could hurt his feelings, so you were rather running away and hiding. You needed time to think it over and find the right words.
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You were invited to a dinner in the House of Wind and there's no doubt Azriel would be there, too. You wished you could refuse the invitation, but the dinner was in honor of very important guests, so you had to go. All day long you were thinking how to attend and avoid him at the same time, but you didn't come up with anything useful.
And so with a heavy heart you prepared and went to the dinning room. As soon as you entered you scanned the gathered group and with relieve you found out Azriel wasn't there yet. It gave you some time to do the necessary greetings and socialization. It was time to sit to the table and he still wasn't there. You allowed yourself to relax a bit and took a deep breath. Maybe he had to go to some mission or something urgently needed his attention.
You were about to pick up the spoon and start to eat when you smelled the familiar intoxicating scent. You turned toward the end of the table and saw a glimmer of blue siphon. You panicked for a moment, drops of sweat forming on your forehead. There wasn't time to run away without being noticed by the whole party and shadowsinger. For once you were glad you had unique powers and merged with the chair.
Azriel walked into the dining room and immediately glanced over the people gathered around the table. He was sure you would be here, so he was late on purpose, waiting till everyone was seated. Even in the room full of people he could smell your scent, fresh and strong. You were in there.
He spent the week looking for you, but without success. Anytime he thought he caught you, you simply vanished most likely using the powers that he adored so much. It would make you a great spy, but unfortunately you didn't feel up to the job.
Your behaviour was really strange and unusual and Azriel was afraid it had something to do with the night you'd spent together. He thought you liked it and enjoyed it even more than him, but it seemed he was wrong.
Whatever the problem was, Azriel just wanted to hear it from your mouth. He needed to know what you didn't like, so he wouldn't repeat the same mistake next time. He knew how you felt about him and he felt the same way about you, that's why he dared to ask you out. You were perfect for him and he was decided to do anything to convince you to stay with him even though there were moments when he felt undeserving of somebody as good as you.
Shadowsinger spotted free seat next to Nesta, your second best friend. If you attended which you definitely did, she would know where to look for you. He headed towards her and sat down. "Have you seen Y/N tonight?" he asked bluntly.
Nesta looked at him in surprise. "She was sitting right here a while ago. I didn't notice she left."
"I see," Shadowsinger murmured. It was really strange. Your scent was as strong here as if you were sitting on his lap. His eyes widened as he finally realized what was happening. He had to laugh at himself that he hadn't thought of it sooner. Smirking Azriel picked up spoon and started to eat.
Hidden in the chair that Azriel was seated on, you were waiting for the best moment to slip through the floor to the room under the dining room. You were so nervous, you couldn't even remember what was down there. You waited almost until the desserts. Azriel was engaged in heated conversation with Cassian, his full attention trained on him. This was your chance.
You slowly materialized under the chair. You had to be very careful not to touch his long legs or sensitive wings. Mentally you prepared for hard impact from a height and slowly started to merge through the floor. When you were half through, your lower body hanging in the air in the other room, you inhaled deeply, closed eyes and holding breath you let go. Instead of a fall that would end in a great pain you landed on some tall piece of furniture.
Shakily exhaling you looked around. You were in a small family library. You looked down from the bookcase hoping to find a ladder that should be somewhere nearby. You found it resting against row of opposite bookcases. You sighed.
You were thinking about the best way how to get down, when a deep voice startled you. "What are you doing up there?"
Azriel was leaning against the bookcase on the end of aisle, arms crossed on chest, playful smirk on his face, shadows swirling behind his back. Your throat tightened. You totally forgot about his shadows. They most likely saw your pathetic escape attempt and reported it to him.
"I..I was just.."you couldn't come up with any good excuse.
He pushed off of the bookcase, lazily walking closer. "Let me help you," he stopped under you, holding out his scarred hands.
Heat consumed your face, but nodding you accepted. Azriel put you down as easily as if you were just a feather. But instead of letting you go, he pressed you to his broad chest. Smell of cedar filled your lungs and dulled all your senses. You could feel his hot breath in the crook of your neck, his eyes closed. One scarred hand travelled up your back and slipped into your hair. It felt so good, so right that a small moan escaped you. Only then you realized how much you'd missed him, how much you needed him. You wanted to stay like this for the rest of your life.
"What happened?" his voice was so gentle, no more than a whisper. With a jerk you sobered up immediately. It was just simple question, but it stabbed straight to the heart like a dagger. You swallowed hard.
Azriel pulled back a bit so he could look you in the eyes. "Was it too soon? Or did I hurt you? Didn't you like it?" These and other questions haunted him all the week. Now when he had finally found you, they poured out of him like water from a broken dam.
A silver lined your eyes and your lips wobbled. You couldn't look at him any longer. You shook your head, trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let you. His fingers gripped you even harder, pulling you to his strong body.
"Please, don't. Tell me what I did wrong. Please," he begged you desperately. He was so vulnerable at this moment and you knew how hard it's for him to let someone in, to show his weaknesses, to beg for things he wanted. It wasn't easy at all for him to show such a vulnerability. It was against his nature. Yet for you he didn't hesitate.
"You did nothing wrong," you sobbed.
"I had to do something. You are avoiding me ever since then. Please, tell me what it is. Didn't you like the sex?" You shook your head. "So I hurt you."
"No, you never." Brows furrowed, he studied your face, looking for an answer, a hint, anything that would help him to understand.
"I'm trying to understand it, but I can't. I don't want to loose you. Please, tell me what you don't like and I will change."
His words were breaking your heart. It hurt so much to listen how he saw himself, how he considered himself to be bad person, undeserving, hurting others. First tears rolled down your face. "Please, stop it. There's nothing wrong with you. You don't have to change something you enjoy for anybody. It's me, I'm the problem."
He shook head. "Please.."
"You deserve to be with somebody who likes same things. But unfortunately it isn't me. Even though I really wish I could be the one."
"I'm not sure what you mean, but I assure you I can change. Just tell me." Closing eyes he rested his forehead on yours. You knew him enough to notice that he was trying hard to stay calm, not to burst out. You also knew he wasn't angry, not for real. Azriel was just very desperate and determined. "Y/N...Whatever it is, spit it out. Please," he groaned through clenched teeth, gently shaking your shoulders.
There was no other way but to tell him. Azriel wouldn't let you be, if you refused. You couldn't even make up some blunt, because he was the spymaster and he would know you lied. You felt so embarrassed, you had to shut your eyes close. Shakily you inhaled. "Okay..." even your voice was weak and trembling. "I.. well.. you remember as you bounded my hands behind my back, called me your whore.. and the other names.. also those punishments when I didn't answer properly.." You couldn't continue. But apparently it wasn't necessary.
Azriel's hands dropped and he took few steps back. He leaned against the bookcase running fingers through his dark hair. He was pale. "So basically all except the sex part," he mumbled. You nodded.
Groaning he sat down and covered his face with scarred hands. Suddenly he started to laugh so much he cried. You'd never seen him laugh so hard. You were confused and worried. "Azriel.. are you okay?" You wanted to touch him, but you weren't sure if it's good idea right now.
Finally he caught his breath and looked up at you. "Thank Cauldron," he said still smiling wide. "I hated that, too."
Wide-eyed you dropped to your knees. "What do you mean?" you whispered.
"As I said, I didn't like it, too," he laughed again.
"So why did you do that?"
"I thought you like it. That's why."
Now you had to laugh. "But why? Where did you get such an idea?"
"Those spicy novels you read. I noticed there is one you reread again and again, so I thought you must really like what's written there and tried to imitate some of those sex scenes."
Both of you burst into laughter.
"You really read it? Just because you thought I like it?" You laughed so much your stomach hurt.
"I did. Several times to make sure I remember what Im supposed to do," he admitted wiping his tears. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"It's so sweet of you." He pulled you into his arms and kissed you, enjoying the moment.
"I'd do anything for you." Pulling you even closer he looked deep into your eyes. You wrapped arms around his shoulders playing with the soft hair on the nape of his neck.
"Thank you," you whispered resting your head on his shoulder. Surrounded by his calming scent and warmth you sat there in silence for a while.
"Can I tell you a secret?" you whispered to his hot skin.
"Sure," smiling he whispered back.
"I don't like those novels. They are quite too spicy for me and I'm not fond of what males do to females, the way they interact with them. But I like Nesta and the girls. Every time we have sleepover party or just hang out, they talk about those books a lot. I want to be able to join the conversation and that's the only reason I read them."
"Dove, I'm sure the girls wouldn't like you any less even if you didn't read those horrible novels," Azriel chuckled on the last two words. "Nesta is your best friend. No need to push yourself so hard over something you don't enjoy."
"I know," you sighed. "By the way," you bit down on your lower lip, glad he couldn't see your face now, "if you don't like to do it like in those books, then how do you like it?"
Even from this angle you could see his cheeks turned pink. "Well, about that..," Azriel nervously cleared his throat. "I'd love to show you myself, but I understand that after the previous fiasco you might be against it."
One of his shadows picked a book from shelf and put it into his stretched hand. "Maybe this could convince you to give me one more chance." He handed you the book. You gasped when you read the title. It was one of your most favourite novels.
"If this is what you like," you smiled and kissed the tip of his nose," then we could go to your room and try it out. What do you think?"
"I'm in," Azriel said and standing up with you in his arms he headed to his room.
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https-milo · 4 months
the baker's daughter - a wild todoroki!
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Y/n L/n works at a small bakery owned by her parents. One day, a pro hero in training shows up asking for 400 cupcakes
Chapter 2 - a wild todoroki!
prev. / m. list / next
Three days have passed since Todoroki came into the shop. Right now I am currently on an afternoon mission. A mission to get all the ingredients needed for 400 cupcakes by the U.A School Festival. The wind felt therapeutic as it brushed past me, I smiled warmly at the feeling. I walk to the closest store, enter it, and greet the workers with a wave. I grab a basket and walk over to the baking aisle.
"Cocoa power... Vanilla extract... Sugar... Flour... Don't we already have most of this stuff?" I groan in annoyance. I scoop everything I need into my basket. I walk to the noodle aisle and see soba - my favorite. There was only one left, so I quickly grab it. I hear a sigh from beside me and turn around. It was Shoto Todoroki.
"Oh! Hello, Todoroki," I greet. "I hope you weren't trying to get the soba..."
"I was actually, but it's fine. I can just go out to eat somewhere," Todoroki explains.
"I'm sorry, if you want it, you can have it?"
"No, it's fine. Thank you."
"Okayyyy, well I've gotta get to the bakery... It was nice seeing you!" I say. Being close to him made me flustered, and I did not like that. I rush away from Todoroki, barreling towards the cashier.
"L/N, hold on," He said.
I was halfway to the register, almost free from embarrassment. "Uh yes?"
"Would you like to join me in getting soba? I figure you'd prefer it fresh and not prepackaged," Todoroki asked.
"Uhm, me? Like me-me?" I look around, trying to find anyone else he could be talking to.
"Yes, you. You don't have to, of course. Just thought I'd offer."
My eyes widen, "Yeah! Of course, I wanna go with you, but I kinda have to run these to the bakery first and change -" I look down ashamed at my 'no-one-will-see-me' outfit. "I'm sure you don't wanna be seen with someone who looks like this," I vaguely gesture to my outfit.
"I don't care what you're wearing. But if you want to change, I'll wait for you."
"Come with me in line?" I ask. He nods and catches up to me, from there we walk to the register. I place the ingredients on the conveyor belt. The worker scans my items.
"That'll be 10,000 yen," the worker explains. I wince.
"Mom is so going to kill me," I joke. "My budget was 8,000..."
Before I can say anything else, Todoroki takes out his father's credit card and pays for the ingredients. "To-Todoroki!" I stutter. He looks at me confused as he enters the PIN number.
"What? I don't want you getting in trouble."
"It was a joke, Todo. My mom wasn't actually going to kill me," I sigh as the worker bags my items.
"Thank you though, I really appreciate it. But now I feel bad!" I pout.
"Don't feel bad, my father has enough money," Todoroki replies. "Let me help you." I nod and he takes a few bags out of my arms. We walk out of the store.
"What're you doing out here anyway? I thought you'd be in school?" I ask.
"We had the day off today. I thought it would be nice to head into town, and I was right because I ran into you," he said this so easily I thought he was joking.
"I enjoy your company," he shrugged.
"We just met... like literally the other day."
"I know, but I was never allowed around other kids when I was younger. I didn't have a single friend before I started attending U.A., so I don't really know what it's like to have one. But after we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you. So I figured I just had to meet you again, and I was right. I think that's what happens when you want someone to be your friend."
I didn't think I could get any more flustered. But, of course, a quirk user just had to prove me wrong. "I enjoy your company too. We should talk more! You know, outside of the cupcakes," I smile at him - trying to ignore the bubbly feeling in my chest.
We walk in silence for the rest of the way to my bakery. It wasn't uncomfortable, I honestly enjoyed it. "I'm home!" I shout as we enter the bakery.
"Welcome back, Y/n," my dad says. He's rubbing his face with a rag as he enters the front of the store. Once his eyes open, they narrow in on Todoroki. I wince and look between the two.
"Dad, this is Todoroki Shoto, he's the customer who requested the large order. Todo, this is my dad," I introduce. That doesn't help the one-sided tension. Todoroki looked confused as he looked between me and my dad. I gestured for him to speak.
"Good afternoon, sir. I came across L/N-chan in the store, I offered to take her out for lunch... if that's ok with you?" Todoroki greeted with a bow. My father grumbled.
"Come with me while Y/N changes, bring the groceries," Dad instructed.
"Is that really necessary?" I groan.
"Yes," Dad firmly said. I roll my eyes.
"Don't worry, L/N. I will be fine," Todoroki replied.
I look between the two and hesitantly make my way upstairs after handing Todoroki the remaining bags. I head to my room and hastily throw on a pair of jeans and a band shirt. It had been 7 minutes since I left the storefront, and if I'm being honest; I was scared of what I was going to walk in on. Pushing my fear aside for the sake of Todoroki, I walk downstairs. Surprisingly, I see my dad engaged in a friendly conversation. I quirk an eyebrow at this. With just as much prejudice quirk havers give us for being quirkless, my dad gives the hatred tenfold toward quirk users. So imagine my shock when I see him shaking Todoroki's hand and thanking him.
"Soooo can I go with him?" I ask.
"Yes. Take care of my daughter, Todoroki," my dad says.
"Of course, L/N-sama," Todoroki replied. He nodded toward me and we made our way out of the bakery. "Did you know my favorite soba place is only a few blocks away?"
"I know of a soba place a few blocks away, but obviously I didn't know it was your favorite," I tease. I swear I see a faint smile on his face. "What did my dad say to you?"
"He started asking about my intentions for hanging out with you. I told him you were good company. Then he started saying how you three were quirkless, but that wouldn't stop him from hurting me if I offended you in any way. I told him that wouldn't be a problem because we were just getting Soba," Todoroki explained. I could tell he was either keeping something from me or some part of what he said was a lie. "I didn't know you were quirkless."
"It's not something we go around telling everyone. There's really no pride in being 'normal'," I shrug. This was the conversation I was dreading.
"Well, I think being quirkless can be just as great as having a quirk," Todoroki calmly said. I look at him ridiculously, not believing what he said.
"How so?" I asked. I figured he was just trying to be nice to me, he didn't actually believe that. I mean, who would?
"Well, if the majority of the world relies on quirks and quirk users, the fact that quirkless people can get through the day without using a power is remarkable. Your parents built that bakery themselves, right? They didn't need quirks to do that and the business they built is incredible. I guess quirkless people just don't get enough credit, I think we forget there was a time we didn't use quirks," Todoroki explained.
"And you mean that? Like you're not just trying to be nice or whatever?"
"Yes, I mean it. Why wouldn't I?"
"Not many people share the same sentiment. I'm used to being thrown into lockers and bullied, not appreciated," I chuckle.
"My friend Midoriya helped me see quirkless people how I currently view them. My father told me they were defenseless and weak. I let this sentiment slip during a hangout once while we were watching a movie, Midoriya paused it and went on a whole rant. I hate my father for the way he made me see people, quirklessness is not a disability as everyone makes it seem."
"Well, tell Midoriya I appreciate him showing you the light," I joke. Todoroki smiled faintly.
"Well, we're here," Todoroki said.
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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invisible-lint · 4 months
Fixing Spring: Chapter 1
Tamlin x Reader
Summary: You had left Spring when it fell. Now you're back to kick a certain High Lord's butt into doing something about it
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1k
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You walk through the Spring orchard, looking for Tamlin. You had left when Spring fell, managing to find your brother Lucien in Velaris and taking refuge there. But Velaris was never going to be your home. Perhaps because after so many years spent in eternal spring, winter was miserable. Or perhaps you had grown tired of listening to the way they spoke about your friend, despite having the same flaws they criticized.  So you left to head home, or the closest thing you have to one at the very least.
You see him up ahead, in beast form and roll your eyes. You had noticed him before he noticed you, either he’s given up, or he’s gotten sloppy. You pick up a fallen apple, chucking it at Tamlin, ignoring his growl. "Do you intend to roam as a beast feeling sorry for yourself forever, or do you intend to do something about it? So Feyre left you, all but set Spring on fire. Wallowing isn't going to do anything to fix it." 
"Is this supposed to make me feel better?" 
You chuck another apple at him, this time he dodges it and you grin. "No, I'm telling you you need to get your shit together and stop being a baby. You're High Lord. Fucking act like it." 
"But Feyre-"
"Oh cut the shit. Feyre may have done some damage, but you gave up and that's why things are the way they are now." He just stares at you, not used to anyone talking to him that way, not even you. But you had bitten your tongue for years and you were done holding back. 
"So are you going to do something about it?"
"I'm not sure where to start..."
"Well I think shifting back to a form with two legs would be a good start. And a bath. You smell like a wild animal." He shifts, still giving you an incredulous look.
"Good. What condition is the manor in?" You start walking in that direction. He grimaces, but follows. "That bad? Well then, I suppose that's the next step, after a bath. We'll need a room for each of us, the study, kitchen and dining room. The rest of it can wait until later."
You roll your eyes at him. "Clearly you can't be left to your own devices. So yes, I'm staying and helping."
"No clue. It's completely against my better judgment, believe me. Maybe it's because the Night Court is pissing me off and I know this is the one place they wouldn't look for me. Maybe it's because Spring is the only thing standing between the humans and the rest of Prythian and you refuse to get your shit together. Or because I feel drawn back here for some reason." You shrug. 
"The Night Court is pissing you off?" 
"I don't want to talk about it. If I did, I would have stayed in Night and dealt with it." He raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t press. 
Not long after, the manor comes into sight. "Cauldron boil me, Tamlin. You sure did a number on this place. We have our work cut out for us." 
You get to work, and between the magic you both posses, you manage to get two bedrooms and the kitchen clean enough by the evening time. 
"Luckily, I had the foresight to bring food with me when I left. It'll be enough for a few days, but we shouldn't rely on it for that long."
"I can go hunting tomorrow." 
"Good. I can forage. Until this place is able to house a staff, we take turns cooking." He nods, uncertain why he keeps letting you tell him what to do. For some reason, he doesn't mind it, almost enjoys it, actually. You hand him a plate of bread, cheese and dried meat for dinner. "We'll have to chop wood too. There isn't any to build a fire with." 
"You'll want extra blankets tonight then." 
"I think I'll be fine. Can't be worse than the Illyrian Mountains." You wrinkle your nose at the memory of how cold that had been.
"No, I suppose it can't." 
The two of you eat in silence for a few minutes until you notice him staring at you.
"You have cobwebs in your hair." 
"Seems like I'll need a bath too then. Please tell me the hot water comes from magic and not fire." He laughs, and you're surprised at how much you had missed the sound. 
"You're in luck, it comes from magic."
"Thank the Mother. Cold baths might have been the thing that made me leave." Tamlin laughs again, but something in his gut twists at the thought of you leaving. He brushes it off as not wanting to be alone again. 
"We should get some rest. We have some long days ahead of us."
“That we do. I’m going to teach you how to properly apologize.”
“I know how to apologize.”
“Really? Do you think there’s anything you might need to say to me then?”
“I’m sorry?”
You close your eyes for a moment, begging the Mother to grant you the patience you need. “Are you asking or telling me?”
He clenches his fists, clearly annoyed. “Telling. I’m sorry.”
“Mhm. And what are you sorry for?”
“Being a prick?”
 You snort out a laugh. “This is why I’m teaching you how to apologize properly.”
He grumbles, but doesn’t argue, too busy trying not to smile at your laughter. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed that sound, missed you. Something stirs in his chest at the realization, but he ignores it. You had already left him once. Eventually he’d do something or say something and you’d leave him again. He was destined to be alone, hells, after all he’d done, he probably deserved it.
You watch him think, wonder where his mind is going. If you were going to fix Spring, you would have to fix Tamlin. You certainly have your work cut out for you.
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A/N: Requests are open so feel free to send them in!
divider by @tsunami-of-tears
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mrzombielover · 6 months
Hello! Perchance, ur request is still open? I'd love your take on something that's been rattling in my brain. If you can't disregard the rest of the message, no worries! 😊 Human!Adam x Angel!Reader, I'd love an obsessed Adam who grew close to the reader after the fallout of his relationship with the trio (Luci, Lilith, and Eve). After being kicked out of Eden, he separates from Eve for years which is when he meets, well, you.
omg hi yes reqs are open!! everyone reading this pls send me more adam stuff the brainrot is realll and i need him in a way that’s concerning to feminism
also i just wanted to say thank you again for all the kind words you leave on my slow ride series it is so sweet and motivating :,)))))
warnings: none || wc: 842
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When everyday in heaven is a perfect day, you tend to find yourself becoming bored. You fulfill your duties, chitchat with the other angels, eat your fill of the sweetest fruits and lay to sleep on the softest clouds. You can sunbathe, go for a swim, see your closest friends however much you prefer. Heaven is, well, perfect- it was designed to be. Everyone else is perfectly satisfied, you should be perfectly satisfied.
So why do you find your mind wandering?
When everything is perfect, you’ve found lately that you’re lacking a sense of fulfillment. Of purpose. And above all else, you’re bored.
This is when your habit started. It’s harmless, really, you just had an itch of curiosity that needed to be scratched. Sure, your job had basically nothing to do with the humans on earth, but they were so fun to watch.
There’s not many of them right now, but they’re all so fascinating, especially the little ones. You couldn’t fathom it, being mortal. Originally, you thought they lived such trivial lives, but upon closer inspection, they’re not so different from your own.
After the fall, they’re completely separated from you now. You wish there was a way for you to let them know that there were still angels watching over them.
Your favorite, though, is Adam. After eating the fruit of knowledge, he’s different. As to be expected, though, when he suddenly has knowledge of good and evil, concepts he couldn’t even fathom before.
He’s funny. It’s terrible, some of the things he says, and even worse that you find it amusing. He’s charming, in a way.
One day, you just can’t help yourself anymore. It hurts you to see them struggle. Since leaving the garden, they’ve known pain and suffering. Struggle. Hunger. And though you’ve never experienced those yourself, the thought brings you sadness. You can’t imagine suffering so, and there’s a sense of guilt because you know that you have the power to make things easier for them.
You feel such pity, watching them, so far away, as they lament about missing the garden. Adam says that, most of all, he misses the fruit. The berries here never seemed to be as sweet.
It’s no coincidence when, not long after, he discovers a bushel of all the fruits he’d missed. It nearly brings him to tears when he takes a bite, the sweetness on his tongue and juices rolling down his chin. And it’s not much, but the pride that blooms in your chest as you watch is the best thing you’ve felt in millennia.
So you leave more gifts for them. You ought to be more careful, you’re pretty sure you could get in trouble for this. But if you’re not actually talking to them it’s fine, right? That’s just a line you won’t cross.
“Holy fuck-“ You dropped the basket you were holding. “It’s you!”
That startled you. How had a human managed to sneak up on you??
“I knew it-!”
You quickly shush him, looking around anxiously.
“I’m really not supposed to be here,” You say quietly, but you crack a small smile. He smiles, too.
You straighten up, and you mean to leave, but then he grabs your arm.
“Wait!” You can feel the blood pumping beneath his mortal flesh against the skin of your arm, what a strange feeling. “You have to leave already?”
You pause, biting the inside of your cheek as you consider it. Oh, you really shouldn’t. But you’re missing the warmth from his touch on your arm already.
Though you know it’s wrong in every sense of the word, you figure a few minutes couldn’t hurt. So you sit with him. You tell him about heaven, how every day is perfect, how one day he’ll forget what any of this feels like. And he tells you about Lilith and Eve, and how lonely he is down here. You tell him you wish you could fix that, frustrated by your own incompetence.
“Trust me, you’ve done enough,” He laughs, but hes putting a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. The touch is innocent, but it (embarrassingly) takes a great effort to keep your wings still.
Adam doesn’t move his hand away this time, and you cautiously raise your hand and put it over his. You turn to look at his face, and his eyes flicker briefly to your lips.
Then he leans closer to you, and presses his lips against your own, in the same way you’ve watched other humans do. It’s an odd sensation, he’s so warm, and causes a feeling you’ve never felt to stir in your chest. and this time, your wings do flutter.
you’re utterly speechless when he pulls away, already longing for his touch again. but you’ve already spent too much time here, and on top of all the rules you’ve broken lately, that was probably a big one.
you stand up hastily, and you feel a pang of sadness at the look on his face.
“I’ll see you again, I promise,”
He can’t wait.
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reblogs + comments greatly appreciated :)
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puck-luck · 1 month
co-eds | mattias samuelsson & jack quinn
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warnings: dom!ms, sub!jq & sub!fem!reader, threesome (mmf!), teasing, humiliation, degradation, praise, fingering (f!receiving), head (m & f receiving), multiple orgasms, use of sex toys, references to voyeurism/listening in, uhhhhhhh that's all i can think of but like they do literally everything but have actual penis in vagina sex (don't worry it's still hot) pairing: mattias samuelsson x fem!reader x jack quinn summary: based on the prompt "I'd 100,000% fall in love with Mattias if he was like my friend's roommate and I was watching them play Mario on the couch" but then turned into best friend's roommate which then turned into "oh wait these bitches are soooo homoerotic... this needs to be poly like ferris bueller" wc: 10555
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The first time you met Mattias, it was the third day of classes of your sophomore year and your best friend from freshman year, one Mr. Jack Quinn, had invited you to his new house for a housewarming dinner. You had gotten yourself dolled up– jeans rather than your normal sweats– and driven to the parking lot closest to their place before walking the rest of the way.
Mattias had swung the door open and looked you up and down, making you do a double take at his large frame filling the doorway. 
“Hi,” he greeted, his Joker-ish smile crossing his face.
“Hi,” you replied. “Is Jack here?”
Mattias took you in again, then stepped aside so that you could enter the house. “He’s in the kitchen,” Mattias told you. He closed the door behind you, then collapsed on the couch in the living room like he’d been through a very hard day’s work.
That was four months ago– and plenty has changed. 
Now, you’re a mainstay at the Quinn-Samuelsson house. You spend your evenings there, whether you’re studying, eating, or just hanging out. You often spend your nights and your mornings there, too– waking up in Mattias’ queen-sized bed, tangled up in his blankets because the boy is a restless sleeper and wrapped in his arms because, despite his restlessness, Mattias can barely stand when he’s not touching you.
It started out small– he would tease you for being smaller than him, comparing the size of your hands or sitting next to you on the couch during movie nights just close enough that your thigh was pressing against his. Then, he grew bolder– a hand on your knee when seated or at the small of your back when walking behind you. It all came to a head one night after a rowdy game of bar trivia, where you and Jack had stumbled back to the house arm-in-arm and laughing. Your laughter and ruckus had woken Mattias up and you were the bold one this time, wrapping your arms around his waist and smiling up at him.
“Hi, Tits,” you slurred kindly the first time you slept in his bed, using the nickname that you and Jack had concocted to talk about Mattias behind his back. It was all out in the open now– a side effect of your drunkenness. “You’re looking especially tall today.”
He had laughed out that breathless chuckle of his and hugged you back good-naturedly, then asked if you wanted to use his bed instead of the couch that night. You had agreed and after a copious amount of whining, Mattias had joined you instead of squeezing onto the couch in your place. Jack had long since gone to bed and you and Mattias had stayed up talking about nonsense. As the sun crested the horizon, his nose nudged against yours and you realized how close you were. There was still a little liquid courage left coursing through your veins and you blame that for the way you tipped your chin up and brushed against his lips. 
It had been lazy and casual, a barely-friends with benefits situation that became more and more frequent until you were practically dependent on your dose of Mattias to get through the day.
The problem with your new relationship with Mattias is that Jack is starting to feel plenty neglected. You understand it and he doesn’t have to tell you that he’s missing you for you to notice– it’s all in his recent distance from you, how he sits across the room in the chair rather than on the couch with you and Mattias and how he keeps his hands securely in his pockets when you walk back from class or the library.
It’s really starting to bother you, but you can’t talk to Jack about it. He’ll just brush you off and say nothing is wrong, even though it so clearly is. Instead, you’re watching Mattias and Jack play a video game that doesn’t capture your interest– that, despite knowing that you came over today to hang out with Jack, is focused on Mattias’ long fingers, the ones that you’ve become well acquainted with since the first time you kissed him. 
You have tried to tear your eyes away from the digits and even succeeded a few times, but your vision keeps wandering back. You blame the smooth, deep tone of Mattias’ voice, laughing at Jack each time his character gets killed or teasing him whenever he gets close to winning, but not close enough. Mattias has a habit of using the same tone to tease you, especially when his fingers are prodding at your insides or your lips are wrapped around his cock.
Tonight is about your friendship with Jack, you remind yourself again. He’s the whole reason you even know Mattias and even more than that, he’s your best friend. You adore Jack, even when he’s bitching and whining and moaning about something petulant or putting off his homework until you relent and shove yours across the table for him to copy. He’s the best person you’ve met since starting college and you never thought that you’d be one of those girls that abandons their friends as soon as they find a boy to fuck, but you’ve been acting that way lately. You feel guilty. 
Even Mattias’ unimpressed eyes and quirked lips when you refuse to sit next to him can’t convince you to budge. You’re borderline ignoring the boy that has learned just how to push your buttons and make you scream, and he’s getting a kick out of it.
Jack is locked in on the game now, trying to capitalize on Mattias’ wandering eyes. He’s biting his bottom lip and evaluating the screen with unblinking eyes. 
You’re so fond of him– he’s competitive, like you. He’s eager to prove himself and anxious to shine, which doesn’t manifest in your classes so much as when you’re around the house. He cooks and it’s always delicious. He doesn’t even mind doing the dishes afterward. What you know started as a class crush– and nothing more– has bloomed into a strong friendship that you wouldn’t trade for anything, not even Mattias. 
Regardless of how Mattias drives you crazy, in the best way. 
Despite his focus, Jack loses by a margin. Mattias’ bragging smile causes a flutter of butterflies to erupt in your stomach even if you’re shaking your head. 
“It’s too easy,” Mattias says with a shrug. He tosses his controller onto the table in front of him and kicks his feet up, crossing his ankles and threading his fingers behind his head. The motion broadens his chest and accentuates his thighs, but once again, you refuse to be distracted.
“That’s okay, Jack.” You comfort him with a pat on his knee. 
“He wins every time,” Jack complains, tossing his own controller onto the table and adjusting his hat on his head. He does it like a tic, you’ve noticed, when he’s frustrated. “He doesn’t even have to try.”
“Not just when it comes to games, eh?” Mattias teases the boy with a wink, knocking his shoulder against Jack’s before standing. He winks at you, too, then bids you both goodnight. He walks past you, stepping over Jack’s legs rather than taking the easy route, and ruffles your hair annoyingly when he does so.
You pout and try to fix your hair when he’s done, but you’re secretly pleased– you love how Mattias shows affection. He’s so loose with it, not generic at all, and it always makes you smile.
The tall, broad boy disappears up to his bedroom, leaving you with Jack. You turn towards him and throw your legs over his lap, the arm of the couch pressed against your middle back. Jack’s hand falls on your shin, his thumb rubbing over the skin. 
“What was that about?” You ask. Mattias’ final gloat seemed pointed and specific, but you didn’t know that there was tension between the boys. Surely one of them would have told you.
“Dunno,” Jack replies. “He’s so fucking cryptic.”
“We can definitely agree on that,” you say with a laugh. 
Jack smiles and you sit in silence for a minute. Jack’s touching you comfortably, but the motion makes your skin tickle a bit, sending a shiver up your body. You blame it on the residual butterflies that Mattias left behind, still fluttering in your stomach. 
“Hey,” you say, breaking the silence.
Jack fixes you with a quizzical look. “Hey.” He raises an eyebrow, but he’s still smiling a bit. His thumb has stilled.
“I know you’ve told me a million times, but are you sure you’re okay with me and Mattias hooking up?” You ask with a self-deprecating tilt of your head, making sure you don’t break eye contact with the boy, even as he starts to duck his head.
“Everything’s fine, I swear,” Jack assures you. He holds out his pinky and you hook your pinky to it, kissing the tip of your thumb. He’s got a soft smile on his face, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and once again, you know that he’s not quite telling the truth.
You don’t want to push. You don’t want to force him to tell you something he’s not ready to say, but something about the Mattias situation is bothering him. 
“Okay,” you relent, matching his smile. “You’ll tell me if it starts bothering you, right? I’ll kick him to the curb. Girl code?”
Jack scoffs, rolling his eyes at your insinuation. “I’m not one of the girls,” he grumbles.
“You like drama more than I do,” you point out.
Jack doesn’t have a smart reply for that, so he just stays silent. You laugh, then the air between you fades to silence again. This time, Jack moves your legs and stands.
“I’m gonna go to bed, too,” he says. “I bet Titty is waiting for you.”
“Yeah, probably.” You take Jack’s outstretched hand and he pulls you up. “He needs to wait sometimes. It keeps him humble.”
You’re walking towards the stairs and Jack gestures for you to go ahead. “You know, if you don’t hurry, he might fall asleep without you.” He follows you up the steps, footsteps quiet and sneaky like every other day. 
“Always looking out for me,” you praise at the top of the stairs, at the fork in the road. Jack’s bedroom is to the left, near the shared bathroom, and Mattias’ is on the right. “See you in the morning, J.”
“Not if I see you first.”
You split up and you lightly knock on Mattias’ bedroom door before slipping through the crack he left open for you. You shed your sweats and pull on one of Mattias’ t-shirts, the one he wore earlier today. You crawl under the covers next to his warm body and he slings an arm over your waist to pull you closer. 
“Good talk with Twos?” Mattias murmurs, his eyes closed and voice already drowsy. You hate how he can fall asleep so easily, but you love the scratchy quality his voice adopts late at night. It’s the best when his mouth is positioned right next to your ear and he’s telling you how tight you feel.
You have to shake the thought away. “Do you think Jack’s acting weird?” You ask, drawing an invisible line up his sternum, between his fleshy pecs that you love to poke until he flexes them and takes all his softness away.
Mattias snorts, laughing. “Of course he is,” he tells you. “He’s jealous.”
You lurch back, curling your lip and frowning up at Mattias. He blinks his eyes open to look down at you, mostly because of your movement and not because of what he said. He spoke like it was a known fact, that Jack was jealous.
“Of what?” You wonder.
“Of me, dude.” Mattias’ chest rumbles with the words and you tsk at the bro-y nickname. He continues on without acknowledging your distaste. “Jealous that I get to do this and he doesn’t.” He pushes your shirt up, cupping your breast and squeezing. 
“No, he’s not,” you deny. “He’s never acted like that. It can’t be jealousy.”
Mattias chuckles. “It can and it is,” he insists. “You wanna know how I know?”
You’re stunned for a second by the glint in his hooded eyes and the way his teeth are barely biting down on his lower lip. He raises his eyebrows when you don’t respond, just a quick quirk that draws your attention.
You shrug, letting your eyes drift back to his lips. Usually, by now, you’ve kissed them. It’s getting harder to resist, especially when Mattias leans forward until you’re going cross-eyed to get an actual look at him.
“The other day, I was going to get a towel from the bathroom to clean you up after–” he fully bites his lip and winks. “– and I overheard a little something from Jack’s room. It sounded… oddly like your name, so I asked him about it.”
“You did not.”
“And after some pressing, he told me that he’d had a little crush on you last semester, but you were soooo nice that he never found the right time to make a move.” Mattias’ voice is hushed and teasing, smug like he’s bragging over another win in their video games. “And then you found your way to me.”
It’s a lot to process, but Mattias is leaning in to press a chaste kiss against your lips. When he releases you and gets comfortable again, the cogs are still turning in your head. His eyes are closed when you speak.
“Possessive much?”
Mattias trembles with a laugh, pulling you closer and bringing your leg over his hip. “Don’t need to be possessive. He doesn’t stand a chance when I’m fucking you.”
“Maybe he does– maybe you need to learn how to share,” you say, your tone twisting with the implication. 
Mattias’ eyes flash open and his breath is no longer slow and consistent like it’s reaching for sleep. “What?”
“Maybe,” you repeat, touching your front teeth with the tip of your tongue for the added suspense. You cuddle into Mattias’ chest, your lips barely an inch from his, and continue. “You need to learn how to share.” You pull away and reveal your own smug, braggadocious smile, daring him.
Like you said– Jack had been your class crush first, way before you met Mattias. 
“Are you serious?” Mattias asks, incredulous. 
“Well, this is casual, isn’t it?” You tease. “It’s not like we’re exclusive. I’d love to see Jack’s face when I make a move on him if he’s so jealous of you, hm?”
Mattias frowns, about to say something, but you cut him off. 
You tilt your head coyly and bat your eyelashes at him. “Or… well, nevermind.” You turn over in his arms and press your hips back against his lap.
“Or… what?” Mattias probes, his fingertips dancing across your stomach and the waistband of your panties. “You started that sentence, now you have to finish it. Those are the rules.”
“If you can’t bear to share me with Jack, maybe you should join us,” you say, shrugging a shoulder nonchalantly. You’re faking the ease– the idea of having both Jack and Mattias in the same bed lights a fire between your legs unlike anything you’ve experienced before. “Make sure he’s doing it right…?”
You hoped that your words would set him off, knowing that despite his chill demeanor, Mattias is a perfectionist, a competitor, and a possessive partner. He’s bossy and dominant, positively eager to please and he loves to make sure that you’re feeling as content as possible in his bed. 
“You want… both of us?” Mattias asks. You can practically hear him narrowing his eyes as he speaks. “Really? Am I not good enough for you?” His question grows teasing at the end, which is how you know he’s considering it.
“You love to rag on him during games,” you drawl, wiggling your hips against him. Mattias releases a groan as you do so, rubbing his fingers over the skin just above your waistband. His other hand sneaks under your body and up your shirt. He tweaks your nipple as means of ‘teaching you a lesson’ for grinding against him, but it only increases your ministrations. “Imagine, Ti, how much fun you’d have, showing him how good you are at making me come.”
The praise always gets him– always. Today is no different. As you roll your behind against his length, you can feel him growing. So, you keep talking.
“At making me whimper, at making me beg…” You lick your lips. “Wouldn’t you like to see me squirm under him, even though I’m moaning your name?”
“Jesus, fuck,” Mattias groans, untangling his arms from your figure and rolling off the bed. You turn to face him, pulling the covers up to your chest and smiling from ear to ear. You can see the bulge in his pants now that your eyes are well-adjusted to the darkness. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, choking back a laugh. You’re delighted, but your stomach is rolling with the possibilities that the night holds. You know Mattias is going to get Jack, but you’re always a little bratty and sassy, so you can’t help yourself.
“Be right back,” Mattias promises before opening the bedroom door and slipping through it, disappearing down the hall and leaving you in the bed that smells like him. 
In the time he’s gone, you’re at war with yourself– do you take his shirt off and speed things along, playing with your tits to give them a show when they return, or do you leave Mattias’ shirt on and allow Jack to take it off of you?
You decide on a mixture of the two– you push your shirt up just enough that your stomach is exposed. You can get a hand on yourself and you knead one of your breasts, allowing your fingers to tease circles around your nipple but never pinching or twisting it the way Mattias does. 
You can hear him down the hall, rapping on Jack’s door and impatiently telling Jack to come to his bedroom. You can hear Jack, confused and frustrated that he has to get out of bed after getting comfortable. He follows Mattias’ directions– of course he does, he acts like Mattias hung the moon– and with each step closer to where you lay, you feel yourself growing damper and damper. 
Your legs are spread under the covers, just wide enough that Mattias could climb between them if he chose to do so. It’s the normal position you assume when he leaves you alone. There’s very little that Mattias likes more than seeing you ready for him, inviting him in with your stretched limbs. The edge of the sheet lays just over the expanse of your hips, leaving plenty to be revealed when the boys burst in.
Mattias, ever the gentleman, opens the door for Jack and holds it open for him.
“Why am I–” Jack starts to ask, but then his eyes lock on you. “Oh.” He gawks for a second, allowing himself to enjoy the view, then catches himself. “What– what?” When he repeats himself, he turns to face Mattias, and it makes the taller boy laugh.
“Come on, Twos,” Mattias persuades, stepping through the doorway and passing Jack, who is planted in one spot like he’s rooted in a stone. Mattias clambers onto the bed, uncoordinated because of his size but somehow graceful in the way he settles next to you. He places his hand on your abdomen, pinky and ring finger brushing over the little bow on the front of your panties. He traces it absent-mindedly, staring at the boy who’s surprised and backlit from the hall light. You wish you could see his face better, especially when Mattias continues. “Time to live up to your nickname.”
His words plant a spark inside of you, one that only grows as he dips his fingers even lower. He traces over the wet spot that’s growing between your legs. Jack watches on– you can see his eyes move although you can’t make out the look on his face, and his presence draws a noise out of you. Then, you find your words– even as Mattias makes it harder with more insistent presses.
“Mattias said you never knew when the right time was to make your move,” you announce. “Now’s the time, Jack.”
He’s still rooted there. He even turns toward the door for a second, looking out into the hall like you’re talking to some other Jack that snuck into the house and wanted a threesome.
If you weren’t so desperate, you’d laugh.
“You heard her,” Mattias reinforces, calling Jack’s attention back to the sight in front of him. “Look how wet she is, Jack. She’s wet because she was thinking of you– well, and me, and what we could do with her.”
He’s too proud to attribute your wetness completely to Jack. Whereas you won’t laugh at Jack’s hesitation, you do roll your eyes at Mattias, which is an action that earns you a pinch on your clit. It’s equally as jarring as it is pleasureful and you’re reeling.
Jack’s posture changes in a way that you can’t describe– it’s incredulous, maybe? A little bit like he’s not sure if he’s in a dream, where he’s not sure if he can move or if he’s being tormented by a complete inability to do anything but watch.
He still doesn’t make a move and it’s bothering you– you want to insist and call out his name to get his attention, to make sure he’s not in another realm entirely. You open your mouth, planning to sound sharp and pointed, and as you start to speak, Mattias pets his thumb over your clit. Your glare becomes relaxed and your indignant “Jack” transforms into a wanton-sounding moan of his name.
It’s the complete opposite of what you described to Mattias earlier, but he doesn’t seem to care. Or maybe he’s letting it slide just this once, just because it serves its purpose all too well.
Jack finally takes a step forward. He lifts his foot and tugs at his sock, throwing it across the room, then doing the same with the other. He kicks the door closed behind him, putting you back into darkness and you pray for your eyes to adjust to the change faster. You want to see him. You need to know how his eyes look when he’s inches away from something he hoped for, but never quite received. 
You want to see desperation on his face because you want to know that he feels the same way you do. With Mattias, you seldom see desperation. He’s all half-lidded eyes and gravelly words whispered as a means of caressing you further, overwhelming your senses in every way he can. You’re the one pulling at his clothes or scratching over his back, pleading for more. 
Lucky for you, once Jack makes it to the edge of the bed, he can’t seem to keep his hands away from you. His fingers circle your ankle over the covers, his other hand pulling his shorts down until he’s just left in his underwear. At that point, he starts to shuffle his way up your body, walking on his knees. He’s straddling you, legs on either side of yours, palms sliding across your thighs, then hips, then waist. 
You finally can see the look on his face. He’s memorizing you in a reverent way, like he can’t believe you’re real and he’s getting to touch you. His eyes search your skin for details that he can file away for later, his thumb brushing over a freckle that you had forgotten about as the breath leaves his lungs. He melts above you, the corners of his lips turning up in a giddy smile. He laughs for a moment to himself, barely expelling any air or sound when he does so. Then, his eyes finally meet yours. 
His pupils are swollen, bigger than you’ve ever seen them. You hold eye contact for only a moment before Jack’s gaze drifts to your lips, where they stay. Once again, he hesitates. Your own eyes find his lips, plush and parted, glistening like he just licked them. You’re certainly not going to make another first move, having already moaned out Jack’s name without him even touching you– it’s his turn, you stubbornly decide.
But Jack is stubborn too, or maybe just that unsure of himself, because his hands are still the only point of contact between your bodies after what feels like an eternity.
Even Mattias tires of waiting. “For fuck’s sake,” Mattias scoffs. He rolls his eyes and takes his hand away from your panties, touching your chin and turning your head towards his. He kisses you instead of Jack, stealing your lips from the other boy because he can’t be bothered to let them remain untouched. He’s kissed you many times before, so his lips are sure against your own, his confidence making you sigh out and close your eyes. 
You touch Mattias’ cheek with your fingertips, one hand still kneading your breast. As the feeling and sound of the kiss overwhelm your senses, Jack’s hands find your stomach. They run up to your ribs, then he nudges your hand aside. You don’t quite get it, lost in the way Mattias’ tongue feels against yours, so Jack covers your hand with his own. He traces the lines of your fingers with his, then settles his digits between the spaces of yours. With his other hand, he has free reign. He’s able to ghost over the smooth skin surrounding your pebbled nipple before touching the protrusion with a gentle flick of his index finger. You chase the motion, breaking away from Mattias’ mouth to look at the place where Jack’s hands lay.
He has exposed your chest now, pushed Mattias’ shirt up so far that it’s bunched up near your collarbones. He’s staring at your breasts like they’re the best thing he’s ever seen, like he’s never seen anything like them before and never will again. He takes your wrist and moves your hand so that it covers your belly button, sufficiently out of the way. 
Mattias is still crowding your face with light kisses on your cheek and jaw, index finger tapping at the other side of your chin to call your lips back to his, but you can’t tear your eyes away from Jack’s hands and his mouth as it comes lower, sealing over the peak from which he just removed your fingers. His tongue flicks against the nipple the same way that his finger moves on your opposite side, creating competing sensations that work better together than they ever would apart. 
Jack’s movements have you arching into him, your back leaving the bed enough for Mattias’ arm to weasel under you and tug you closer. He’s abandoned your chin, evidently giving up on getting your attention from his simple nudges. 
Your usual partner is getting greedy and it shows– he’s petting over your core again with his long, delectable fingers. He shifts the crotch of your panties to the side just a bit, just enough that he can collect a bit of your slick on his middle two fingers. He returns his hand to your face, touching your lips with the wetness before you drop your jaw and he presses down on your tongue. 
You suck his fingers greedily, knowing that this is just the first step to having him inside of you. You look to him for a moment, taking in the smile that barely clings to his face. He’s proud of you, praising you with just the glint in his eyes. It’s enough for you in that moment, so you look away– making the mistake of looking down at Jack.
His eyes are wide and piercing, staring up at you as he sucks on your tits. You release a soft moan, spurring him on. He pulls off of you and blows cool air against the wet patch of skin gracing your nipple, making it grow impossibly harder. You shudder as he switches to your other side. He focuses all his attention on drawing another noise out of you, hair falling over his forehead and tickling the skin of your chest where it lays. His eyes are closed, but his hair blocks your view. 
Mattias seems to notice the same thing, pulling his fingers from your mouth and threading them through the strands dangling in front of Jack’s forehead to move them out of the way. He grips the hair tightly before he lets go, making Jack’s eyes open and look to him. A beat passes between the men, a look that makes you feel like, for a moment, you cease to exist underneath or beside them.
Then, Jack’s eyes flutter closed again and Mattias’ hand falls. He finds the waistband of your underwear, now soaked to the point that you’re sure they’re clinging to your folds. From this angle, with Jack on top of you, Mattias can’t get a good grip on the band to push the fabric down. You can feel his face contort with his thoughts and Jack is none the wiser, just enjoying his time attached to your nipples. 
Mattias taps his shoulder, brows furrowed like he knows what he wants but he’s not sure if he’s overstepping. Jack’s eyes open and find the other man again, completely neutral. There’s an edge of expectancy in his movements with the way his tongue pauses its movements as he stares up at Mattias.
For someone so sure of himself in bed, Mattias sounds apprehensive when he speaks. He’s so used to ordering you around, bossing you because he knows that you’ll do whatever he asks, but Jack is new territory. 
“If you like how her nipples taste, you should get your mouth on her cunt,” Mattias seems to suggest, even though you know that he’s not asking Jack to do so. He’s telling him to eat you out, to take your panties off and start to pleasure you.
Ripping a whine from you as he goes, Jack drops your nipple from his mouth and wipes along his bottom lip to break the line of spit connecting you. “You’d let me?” He asks, open-mouthed and breathing like he’s recovering from a run. His eyes are trained on Mattias and a thrill runs up your spine as soon as you realize that he’s asking the other boy for permission. You and Jack are more alike than you knew before.
It seems to click in the same moment for Mattias, who you’ve turned to face. His expression grows grave, even though he’s starting to smirk. “Yeah, I’d let you,” he says.
Jack’s fingers leave your torso and dig under the sides of your underwear, ready to tear them off of you with the fervor of a depraved man. 
“But you have to beg,” Mattias adds, just before Jack can drag the fabric low enough to reveal your clit. The words rush out of him and Jack halts. 
“Beg?” He asks. 
Mattias lets out a little scoff. Your eyes bounce between them, back and forth as they bicker like you’re down in the kitchen making dinner and Jack wants chicken but Mattias wants steak. It’s perfect how easily you three fall into your roles, how simple it is to let your normal behavior leak into your bedroom.
“Yeah, beg,” Mattias affirms. He tilts his head to the side and mocks Jack, sticking his bottom lip out. “Come on, Twosey. You’re such a whiny bitch all the time, why should now be any different? You need to prove to us that you want it.”
“I want it,” Jack insists, pulling back with a knitted, offended brow. “You know I want it.”
“Oh, I know you want it,” Mattias says. “But she only just found out and I think you need to tell her how much you’re dying to be with her.” 
As if he needs to remind Jack that you’re there, Mattias shifts on the bed so that you’re on display. His arm, which had been trapped under your waist once Jack’s mouth left your chest and you stopped arching into the smaller boy, pushes you up until you’re sitting. Mattias then sits behind you, his back against the headboard and your back against his bare, warm chest. Your head lolls back onto his shoulder comfortably, your temple meeting his cheek in this motion.
His cock, neglected for minutes upon minutes is achingly hard against your tailbone. You press back even further so the contact is snug– so that Mattias can have a little relief. No ulterior motive… despite the fact that you love to feel him straining against you.
Jack is still straddling your legs, your knees underneath him. He’s hovering above them and you can’t spread your legs to draw him in, a fact that leaves you frowning and humming to yourself. It makes his eyebrows quirk and causes Mattias to splay his hand over your stomach again, rubbing a soft circle on the skin and cooing in your ear. 
“Don’t be impatient, baby, he’s still learning,” Mattias says, letting his eyes float back to Jack at the end of his sentence. You know the look that he’s giving Jack, even without seeing it: an impatient cut of the eyes, one raised eyebrow as if it’s a challenge, and he’s pressing his tongue against his teeth to signal that it’s time for Jack to relent or Mattias will have to do something about it himself. “It’s time, Quinn.”
Using his last name– things are getting serious. 
Mattias pulls your shirt up, dragging it over your head. The loss of it means a few things– one, that Mattias’ scent is no longer covering you completely. He’s behind you, pressing against you, and you can smell him, but it’s not the same. Two, that you’re naked except for your sopping panties and Jack can see almost everything. 
“I wanted him to do that,” you whine, pouting at Mattias. Your head is resting on his shoulder again, farther away this time so that you can look up at him from the side. You’ve got a great view of his nose and the curve of his lips, the curve that only tilts up more as he turns to face you. 
Mattias presses a kiss to the corner of your pout and speaks like Jack isn’t there, like he’s not hovering inches from where you want him to be. “He hasn’t earned it, has he?”
The question is rhetorical and it spurs Jack into action. He pulls your panties down and slides off the bed so that he can remove them completely from your body. He holds them between his fingers like they’re a sacred object for which he should use gloves, standing at the edge of the bed. One of his knees rests on the mattress and you get an eyeful of his erection, covered by his underwear, but prominent nonetheless. Having seen it, and having been freed, you’re ready to kick your legs apart and beg him to come back.
Mattias, however, brackets your legs instead and uses his strong thighs to keep yours shut. You make an indignant groan, frowning at the man with a sharp look and he pinches your nipple, tweaking it slightly to put you in your place. You’re his, after all. Jack is just visiting. You’re only a slut for Mattias– Jack has to earn it. 
“Go put those and her shirt in the laundry bin in my closet,” Mattias instructs. “Then, Jack, I believe you have some begging to do.”
The boy stands, lost and torn between wanting to preserve his dignity by fighting back against Mattias and wanting to succumb to his dominant commands so that he can get his mouth on you more quickly.
Mattias allows him to think it over for only a moment. “Go on,” he prods, encouraging the boy with a nod.
Jack takes a tentative step toward the closet, then another. He's just far enough away when Mattias returns to you. 
He loosens his grip on your legs just slightly, enough that he can dip his hand into the space between your legs and offer you some much needed reprieve. “Look how well he listens with a little nudge,” Mattias murmurs before kissing your temple. “Now you have to be good for me, yeah? When he comes back, don't let him take your pussy so easily. Make him work for it. He’ll like that.”
“How do you know?” You question, looking up at him. 
Mattias shrugs, jostling your head with the movement. He skims your entrance with the pad of one of his thick fingers, teasing you. “I just know,” he replies. He pushes his fingertip inside of you, starting to work it in and out but not opening you up– that privilege is something he’s awarding to Jack. “Just like how I know you.”
“Took you a while to get to know me,” you shoot back.
Across the room, Jack is looking in Mattias’ closet and trying to find his hamper. It’s in the back corner, hidden by some of his longer pants, so you’re not surprised that Jack is having trouble. It allows time for Mattias to focus on you, like a normal night, and you like that you get to have a moment alone with him. At the same time, it feels almost unfair that Jack is so far away.
Mattias chuckles at your attitude, his finger curling deep inside of you. You can feel the digit deftly rubbing against your insides, making you squirm. Mattias stills you by bringing his other hand up your body and lightly circling the base of your throat, squeezing it just slightly. “Know how much you like this,” Mattias tells you, whispering in your ear in a way that has goosebumps rising along your neck. “Didn’t take me too long to figure that out.”
Your eyes are forward, so you catch the moment that Jack finally turns around, having completed his task, and catches sight of Mattias’ hand around your throat and fingers between your legs. His mouth opens and his eyes widen, cheeks blushing into a flaming red. 
“Good, Jack, c’mere,” Mattias says after a moment, finally lifting his eyes once he notices your distant stare. “Come lay down.”
Jack comes much easier this time, approaching the bed looking befuddled but eager. Mattias continues to pump his finger inside of you, although his hand drops from your throat. It finds your inner thigh and he spreads your legs for you, creating a space for Jack to lay. With one final parting thrust of his finger, Mattias pulls away and spreads your other leg even wider. 
You’re fully on display now, folds parted from when Mattias spread them for his own greedy finger. You’re pristinely wet, barely needing Jack’s spit to mix with your own slick. Either of them could slide into you, fill you, without trouble. You almost want Jack to bypass Mattias’ plan and fuck you now, but there’s something about the way that Jack follows Mattias’ orders that makes you want to see how far things can go.
“Look at this pretty pussy,” Mattias goads, as if Jack’s eyes aren’t locked on your vagina already. “You’re so close to tasting it, Jack. All you have to do is convince her that you deserve it.”
Jack’s eyes snap to your face and you can tell that his desire has won out. He has no problem opening his mouth and starting to beg.
“Please,” he pleads. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.”
He’s dead-set on you now, crawling between your legs and tentatively touching your thigh. His hair is still messy, but it’s charming and out of his face and you kind of like that he’s a mess over how badly he wants to be with you. 
“Tell me,” you reply, which earns you a hum of approval from Mattias and a soft pat to your hip. It’s not anything like his pointed spanks and swats, but you treasure it nonetheless. “Tell me what you’ve thought about.”
“It was like torture, having to listen to you down the hall. You sounded so pretty and I wanted to know what Sammy was doing to you to make you so loud. I wanted– I wanted to see,” Jack admits, losing his footing at the end of his sentence. His eyes flicker to Mattias’, then back to your face. “I never thought–”
“Now that you’re here, what are you going to do?” Mattias asks, interrupting the boy. “Tell her what you want to do to her. Tell her the things that you fucked your fist to, Twos.”
“This,” Jack groans, his eyes dropping to your core before coming back to your face. “Every time you moaned for him, I wondered if he was eating you out.”
Truth be told, eating you out wasn’t Mattias’ favorite thing to do. It came with the territory of his dominance– he much preferred to receive than to give, but it was never out of the realm of possibility. It was just a special treat, like when you looked especially beautiful one day or you had done something worth rewarding.
But hearing that it was the first thing on Jack’s mind whenever he overheard you– that has you running through endless scenarios and positions in your mind. With both of them, you’d be able to have everything, sometimes all at once.
Jack talks on. “Know you’d taste so good– wanted to taste you for myself. Practically came in my pants the first time I imagined you sitting on my face, Y/N. Being surrounded by you like that, having your thighs pressed over my ears because it was so good that you couldn’t help it… fuck, I need it. Please, I need it.”
“Not today,” Mattias says before you can nod. “Today, you have to do the work, buddy.”
Jack nods at that anyway, eyes gleaming and wild. “Anything– I just want a taste.”
Mattias nudges you, tapping your cheek with his nose. “Well?” He asks. “Can Jack have a taste?”
“Yeah,” you agree, eager and willing but unable to form any other words.
Like a stopwatch just began and Jack is finally on the clock, he jumps in. He’s laying flat on the bed between your legs, fingers already prodding at your hole while Mattias holds your legs apart for him. 
Mattias is kissing over your neck, sucking over the pulse point on your left side when Jack’s lips close around your clit and mirror the sensation.
You’re not sure who to press into, who to arch against– you’re at war with your own mind and the sensations overtaking you, the ones overtaking you and controlling your movements like a puppeteer tied strings to your body.
Jack has his first two fingers inside of you, thrusting forward quickly like he can’t help himself. Mattias prefers to savor the moment when he’s fingering you, teasing you until you’re grinding against his digits and disobeying his orders to stay still because it’s just that good. While Mattias delays your orgasms in order to make the ultimate one more intense, Jack seems like he wants to bully your erogenous zones until you’re coming, and coming, and coming again. He wants you to come fast and he wants it often. 
It’s a mindfuck, leaving you shaking underneath him as he flicks his tongue against your clit like a doorstopper pulled all the way to one side then released, vibrating back and forth like a metronome set to a rapid pace. You feel like you’re in a scene in a movie where you’re falling down a black hole and all you can hear is the pounding of your heart, growing more and more rapid. 
Breaking the spiral is Mattias’ voice.
“No, Jack,” he says with a frown. One of his hands leaves your tits, the cool air hitting your sensitive nipples like a flinch. He grabs Jack’s hair, grips it so tightly that his knuckles seem to turn white– or maybe you’re just imagining things in your lustful haze– and he drags the boy’s mouth to a stop. “Slower. Don’t waste your only chance.”
You blink, clearing your clouded eyes to protest the “only chance” thing, but you lose your breath when you catch sight of the way Jack’s mouth hangs open with each tug of Mattias’ hand. Mattias practically shoves Jack’s face against your cunt, his tongue sliding over your folds and entrance like he’s lost control of the muscle. You wonder for a second if he’s hurting, but then Jack moans as Mattias positions his mouth over your clit and he latches on like the bud is the tip of a straw and he’s dying of thirst. 
His eyes flutter, as do yours, and you know Mattias is grinning. Jack is like putty in his hands, moving wherever Mattias wants him to go. You’re suddenly aware that your hands are at your sides lamely, doing nothing at all, and you reach for Jack’s hair too like a natural instinct. 
“Ah,” Mattias reprimands, dropping his grasp on your other tit and catching your wrists. “No touching, baby. Just sit back and relax and take what we’re giving you.” He holds both your wrists securely in his hands, keeping them still against your ribcage. He’s still pulling Jack’s hair, grinding his face against your slit, and it’s really Jack’s willingness to move wherever Mattias wants him that has you moaning.
It’s impossible not to grind against Jack’s face, though Mattias makes it hard for you to take charge of your own pleasure.
Nonetheless, you persist. The sounds that emit from Jack spur you on. They’re messy and pornographic, all kinds of sucking and groaning and slurping that would normally turn you off, but his desperation drives you crazy.
It doesn’t take long for you to reach that point, jaw dropping at the penultimate moment. Your head tips back on Mattias’ shoulder, eyes seeking his and finding them already fixed on your face, monitoring you.
“Gonna come,” you choke out, staring at the boy. “Ti–”
“You can,” he says. “He’s been waiting for you to come all over his tongue for months. Go ahead and give him his reward for being so patient, yeah?”
You feel shaky and spent as your first orgasm washes over you, noting in a passing moment that there’s so much more in store for you. There’s at least two or three more coming because Mattias seems to have endless faith in you and infinite ideas, able to do much more now that he has a partner to assist him in his ministrations.
Rather, he has someone else to boss around.
You collapse against Mattias’ strong chest, heaving out heavy breaths as Jack laps up your cum like it’s the best delicacy in the world. He’s languid, conscious of your recovery, and Mattias loosens his grip on the boy’s hair to soothe you as you come down. He pulls your hair out of your face, twisting the strands between his fingers. He speaks softly into your ear, murmuring things that you can’t really decipher because of the force of your climax, but his soothing tone calms you nonetheless.
Once your breath is steady, Mattias beckons Jack up from his place on the bed. 
“Think you’ve earned a kiss,” Mattias says to Jack with a small shrug. He taps your shoulder with his thumb. “What do you say? Wanna give Twos a little kiss for all his hard work?”
You’re nodding, eyes lidded. Jack’s face is flushed and his lips are covered in clear, liquidy mess that drips down onto his chin. He’s absolutely gorgeous and you just want to pull him in and snuggle him forever, putting him in your pocket and carrying him around so that you don’t have to part with him. 
He’s got that stupid look on his face still, but it’s different this time, like he’s growing cloudy in the head because he’s drunk off of the taste of your pussy and Mattias’ direction. He doesn’t hesitate anymore, but he moves slowly, as if time is passing differently for him.
Your first kiss with Jack is sweet, a joining of lips where you place a hand on Jack’s cheek and feel him underneath your palm. He’s hot and a little sweaty from the heat of the moment. The room is stifling with the smell of your arousal, but it could just be like that because you can taste yourself on Jack’s skin. You’re drinking him in all the same, keeping him close even as your lips part for a breath and come back together.
Mattias grinds his clothed cock against your backside while Jack kisses you, making you part from the smaller boy with a small gasp. Mattias turns your head to his, capturing your tingling lips in a more heated exchange, making all of your neurons fire in the best way. He slides his tongue into your mouth, then pulls back, leaving you boneless against him. 
You watch as Mattias and Jack look at each other for a moment too long. Mattias lets his signature smile overtake his face, then he winks at the smaller boy. Jack turns red and looks away.
The hard length against your tailbone catches your attention. You grind back against him, capturing Mattias’ attention.
“Aww, baby,” Mattias mutters softly. “Did you think I was feeling left out?”
“Can feel how hard you are,” you reply. “Wanna make you come.”
“You wanna make me come,” Mattias repeats, lips quirked. “How about I give you something to occupy your mouth with, huh?”
You’re nodding, already shifting on his lap to turn your back to Jack and bend down to mouth over Mattias’ boxers. His big paw covers your hair, bundling your locks on the back of your head in a messy knot. 
“So needy,” he berates, sounding like he’s scolding you although you know he’s pleased. “Can’t even give me time to take my pants off?”
Your knees are bent underneath you, spread wide enough that you can rock forwards and backwards easily. You’re conscious of Jack behind you, especially when you look up at Mattias and find that he’s staring past you.
“You can touch her,” Mattias says to the other boy. “Look how she’s presented right in front of you. Touch her, Jack. Give her another one.”
You’re still mouthing over Mattias’ clothed cock, sucking at the tip through the fabric and soaking it with your spit. He’s guiding you with his hand, pushing you lower until you’re licking over the curve of his balls, your nose tucked into the space where his thigh meets his groin. It should feel humiliating, to be forced to stay here and bring him pleasure, but you’re still reeling from the high of your orgasm and you’re unabashed knowing that your only audience is Mattias– who is a nonissue given how many times he’s fucked your face– and Jack, who is currently tracing his tongue over your slit from behind.
“Okay,” Mattias relents, patting the top of your head until you pull away. He draws his boxers down his legs and you moan, sagging back down when Jack’s finger finds your hole and starts to press into you again. 
He’s bare beneath you now, the only scrap of clothing shared between the three of you being Jack’s boxers. It’s another reason why he’s the third wheel, the odd one out, even though you’d rather die than have him feel that way. You hope that he’s not thinking that, that he’s too preoccupied with your pussy and how the wetness drips down his wrist to wonder about the dynamic of this relationship.
“Twos,” Mattias calls, earning a hum from the other boy. Mattias occupies you with his cock, bringing your mouth to his tip and fitting your lips over it. You’re lax beneath him, allowing him to move your head up and down for his own pleasure. You let him use you as a toy, almost, unwilling to draw attention to yourself when Mattias is speaking with Jack. 
“What?” Jack asks, his tone not as respectful as you’re accustomed to speaking with when it comes to Mattias. You make a noise of discontent around Mattias’ cock at Jack’s question, but Mattias pets over your cheek to quiet you.
“If you make her come before I do, I’ll let you fuck her,” Mattias says. “But you ought to know– she’s good with her mouth.”
As soon as he finishes his sentence, he sets off, fisting your hair and using it like reins to guide your bobbing. He tilts his hips forward even as he lifts and lowers your head, battering and abusing the back of your throat once he thrusts deep enough. 
Jack has pushed a second finger into your heat, pushing you closer to your second orgasm of the night. He’s desperate to make you come a second time, to drag another climax from your writhing body, just so that he can get some release on his cock. You know that it’s aching, that he’s pulsing in his shorts and dripping everywhere, so turned on that he can only just stave off his own orgasm.
His fingers flex inside of you, curling and plunging inside of you with emphatic zeal. Mattias fills you from the front, your spit pooling around the base of his cock. He shoves you down, making you gag around him, your throat constricting in a satisfactory way around his thick shaft. He shakes your head, nuzzling the tip of your nose against his pubic bone as you deepthroat him. 
“You close?” Mattias asks, pointedly looking down at you. He waits until you meet his eyes to draw out and thrust into your mouth again, harsh and delectable. A batch of tears start to appear on your waterline from the effort and they spill over as you stare up at Mattias, his glowering eyes locked on the way you’re dripping around him. If it’s not your spit leaking from your mouth, it’s the drops leaking from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks– and Mattias finds it impossible not to fuck into you harder seeing both of your reactions to his dick. 
You hum around him, trying to nod to answer him, but the hand on the back of your head will not allow it. The added vibrations on his dick have him chasing the pleasure.
“Keep doing that,” Mattias groans. “Let me feel you moan, baby.”
The floodgates open, Mattias’ permission and Jack’s talented fingers pulling noise after noise from your body. You grip Jack’s fingers, rolling your hips as best you can while struggling to fit Mattias’ length in your mouth. You’re gagging as you breathe, which leaves your noises choked and beautiful when they fall on Mattias’ ears.
You’re just about to come, just about to wash Jack’s fingers with your slick, when Mattias’ seed spills down the back of your throat and all your focus shifts to lapping it up and swallowing it. Irrationally, you can feel his hot cum sliding down your throat and settling in your stomach, filling you up in your second-favorite way.
“Pull out,” Mattias commands, grinding his teeth as you continue to worship his cock. You ignore him because you know his words aren’t directed at you. “Jack. Pull out. You lost.”
“I want to make her come,” Jack insists, talking back to Mattias in a tone that has you writhing with discomfort. 
“Pull out,” Mattias repeats, voice dark. “Or you’re never touching her again.”
Jack stills inside you.
“I mean it,” Mattias continues. “Pull out or I will make sure that you never touch her again.”
Jack draws his fingers out, speechless as Mattias monitors his movements. You watch as Mattias nods, the only sign of his approval, expression stony. He draws you up, kissing your forehead with his eyes still fixed on Jack’s. It’s a fuck you, once again flaunting his dominance over Jack. Mattias makes his way out from behind you, standing from the bed and grabbing you by your ankles to tug you to the edge of the bed. 
He bends you over, glowering at the smaller boy who is watching his every move. He pushes your face into the mattress roughly, then releases you. You clench at the bedsheets. Mattias kicks your legs apart, dropping a loud slap onto the globes of your ass as he glares at Jack. 
Then, he points to the headboard, far away from where you lay. You can just barely see his finger when you look up, eyes straining to catch him in your peripheral vision. “You, there,” Mattias orders. To you, he says, “You. Stay.”
You wouldn’t even dare disobey him as his warmth leaves the area behind you. Your skin still stings from his spank, your legs a little shaky from being so close to orgasm and having it ripped away. You feel like you could set off at any moment, only seconds from bursting. 
You can hear Mattias moving, opening his closet and rifling through something. A thrill shoots up your spine, praying that he’s searching for what you think he’s searching for– a shoebox filled with condoms, ones that you stopped using ages ago, and your spare vibrator that Mattias took as his own.
It won’t be the first time he’s used it on you, but the fact that Jack will be watching– oh, this will be quick. 
Mattias returns, silently, and you feel a bit like prey drinking from a watering hole with a lion stalking you. His hand finds you, smoothing over your skin. The other holds the silicon toy against your skin, tapping you. He slides his fingers down to dip into your cunt, testing how open you are. He hums and you can’t see him, but you can see Jack. 
You can see how Jack pales, how his dick twitches in his underwear when Mattias draws his fingers out and hums as he slurps at the slick gathered on his digits.
“Mm,” Mattias says. “So sweet.”
Jack rolls his head to the side with a slight frown on his face, pleading with his eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Mattias chastises. “Take your punishment like a good boy.”
That makes you moan, hearing Mattias speak to Jack the same way that he speaks to you. It makes him chuckle and tap your hip. You lift up, baring yourself, and Mattias fills you with the toy before he turns it on. It buzzes to life and prompts a quiet yelp before you bury your face into the mattress. 
Mattias places his hand on the edge of the toy and starts to move it inside of you. The vibrating tip buzzes in increments inside of you, out of time with Mattias’ manual thrusts in another sensation that has you unsure if you should lean into it or try to escape it. The small ridge that slides over your clit buzzes constantly– inclining you to lean into the toy. 
Your hips rise and fall in wonky little circles, trying to meet Mattias’ movements as they go, but you’re always half a second behind. 
“Ti,” You plead, begging for more contact. 
Unbeknownst to you, his eyes flicker between your hole and Jack’s frozen expression. He licks his lips as the bright toy disappears into you as you writhe. He tilts his head when he catches Jack’s hand palming his own cock.
Mattias considers it, then speaks. “Wanna hear me talk Twosey off, baby?” He asks you. “Will that get you far enough?”
“Ti,” you repeat, shaking underneath him. Your voice breaks a little as your body jerks.
“One more, Y/N,” Mattias encourages, his hand pumping between your legs consistently. “One more, he repeats, drawing the word out like the words can draw the orgasm out of you on their own. “Need you to give me something pretty for Jack to look at while he milks himself dry.”
Mattias smiles at the boy, devilish. Jack gulps, swallowing hard. 
“Let me see it,” Mattias urges. “Show me how hard my girl makes you. Show me how bad you wanted this, even though it’s mine.”
You cry out under Mattias, stomping against the ground. You need him to stop talking like this because you swear you could die right in this moment. 
Jack feels similarly, whimpering and inching his underpants down his thighs. He’s got a hand on his cock, squeezing the base to hold off. He can’t seem to decide where to look– at you or at Mattias– at the way Mattias’ hands flex when he pushes the toy into you or at the way your eyes gaze at Jack with pure admiration.
“Maybe give my girl something pretty to look at, Jack,” Mattias suggests. “Maybe that’s what’ll send her over the edge.”
“Fuck–” Jack curses, his head falling back when he slides his thumb over his tip.
The dynamic seems to fit into place immediately. Whereas Jack assumed it would be like a love triangle, with him and Mattias vying for your attention, he realizes now that you’re all vying for each others’ attention. 
He looks at Mattias, Mattias looks at you, and you look at Jack. It reverses and turns on its head and pulses like a 3D movie without glasses. He’s so overwhelmed that he feels like he’s seeing shapes as he comes all over his hand, unable to handle the stimulation.
Mattias chuckles, proud of himself, and refocuses on your body and the toy inside you. He switches to the next setting, a quick and never ending buzz inside of you. You fuck back on the toy desperately, finally catching his rhythm. You can’t take any more denial and you stammer out a high-pitched warning to Mattias. 
He leans forward and presses a kiss to the back of your shoulder.
You come, hard. Your vision goes white and starry with the orgasm.
Mattias walks you through it, murmuring softly as he grounds you with his sweet kisses on your skin. “Go get a towel, Jack,” Mattias mutters, reaching up to pat the boy’s ankle in a sign of invitation. “Come help me clean her up. Then we can go to bed, and we’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“We– we don’t have to talk about it,” Jack stammers, afraid of what that means. He can’t risk not being invited back into this bed now that he’s had a taste. 
“Don’t worry.” Mattias reaches over and squeezes Jack’s cheeks between his fingers, giving his head a little shake. “We’re going to do this again, Twos. You did really good.”
Jack lets out a sigh of relief and goes to grab a towel from down the hall, leaving you and Mattias alone. 
He kisses your eyelids, which are drifting closed as you come back completely. “So good, Ti,” you echo. “Perfect.”
Mattias chuckles, kissing your lips sweetly. “Anything for my girl.”
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notes: first threesome in the books! also it's my sister's bday. hi sister. i hope she never reads this. also also: stg chapter 6 will be my next release (hopefully!) so i'll see y'all then <3
58 notes · View notes
ashensgrotto · 9 months
Never Had a Friend (like Me) - Part 1
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Original art piece by pfbatakopd on twitter (Used only for Header. Do NOT REPOST ORIGINAL ART)
Part 1 (You Are Here) Part 2 Part 3
YandereSoulmate! AU:
Part 1 (Am I Feeling Love?)
Part 2 (Protective)
Part 3A & Part 3B (Poor Unfortunate Souls)
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto X F!Reader
Word Count: 9,105
Synopsis: A chance for redemption comes in the form of a wish…
Author’s Notes: Ok, here we go. I received an anonymous message in my inbox for the next part of the Yandere!Soulmate series and I was actually going to work on it - but with the arrival of GloMas, working on the next part of ‘Raison D’être,’ wanting to finish “Weren’t You Aware, Angelfish?”, AND the holidays, time got away from me and I forgot about Scarabia’s segment for a short while. 
However, because you all seem to enjoy this and want to know if the tako has redeemed himself - I figured I would work to get this part done. Now, warning - Pompefiore’s part is going to take a bit of time to complete because I will have to wiggle my way through my memory bank and replay a few parts of it (which is approx 76 chapters in length for those players who haven’t made it that far into the game yet) since I’m working so deep into Ignihyde’s chapter right now (which is a doozy - I’m still in chapter 67-tower 1, oof help).
This one is also going to be split into three parts - I promise it will not be a long wait for the second & third parts as this is my Christmas gift to all of my readers <3
Thank you all for your continued support!
Warnings are as follows: yandere behaviors, manipulation, imprisonment, & hypnosis
I’m in the mood, to help you dude
You ain’t never had a friend like me.
It had been weeks since the last overblot incident… and just as long since Azul last saw you.
He sat in his office, looking over paperwork for the last quarter and rubbing his brow with worry.
The profits had started to steadily decrease following his overblot, causing the Monstro Lounge to slowly suffer the loss, like an infection slowly eating away a mer’s life. He had no one really to blame but himself for that… Azul had lost control, let his obsession get out of hand and had hurt the people closest to him.
Jade… Floyd… you.
Azul let out another large sigh and set the report down, taking his glasses off and rubbing his face. He had considered going back to the Coral Sea for holiday, but was unable to due to two reasons; one, the ice floes would’ve made the journey too dangerous to travel alone - especially since Jade and Floyd had already prepared to stay at NRC for the holidays, and two… you were still here.
Not in Octavinelle where Azul had wanted you to be, but in a rundown shack on the school property.
The building had been a dorm, once upon a time, but ghosts had moved in and scared the students to the point that the building was deemed ‘unsafe.’ However, with your charms and personality, the ghosts were easily persuaded and welcomed you in with open arms - though Azul had a sneaky suspicion that both the headwardens of Savanaclaw and Heartslabyul had likely persuaded the otherworldly spirits in exchange for access to both of their dorms. Regardless, with you no longer in Octavinelle and now at the mercy of the headmage’s “generous” nature, Azul could only watch from the shadows as you now tended to the school property in a janitorial role.
Azul leaned back in his chair, his thoughts plagued by you before an obnoxious ringing noise filled the office.
He grumbled, picking the phone up, “Monstor Lounge, this is Azul speaking.”
“Hello baby, how are you?” the familiar voice of his mother on the other end made Azul jump in surprise.
“Mother,” Azul coughed, “Hello - I apologize I hadn’t had a chance to call you. We’ve been busy lately.”
“Oh, I know, sweetheart,” his mother answered, “It’s been busy here too… but everything’s been calming down since the ice floes came - though I was surprised to see your letter that you were considering coming home for the holidays.”
‘Shit…’ Azul had completely forgotten about that - when (Y/N) had lived in the Octavinelle at the beginning of the year, Azul had entertained the idea of potentially inviting her to his home for the holiday, slowly and suringly getting her accustomed to the idea of staying with him - although it would prove to be a difficult task, especially now.
“However, I’m assuming that you changed plans at the last minute,” his mother continued.
“Y-yes, I was indeed planning on coming… however, Jade and Floyd both decided to stay behind so I chose to stay as well,” Azul answered, the lie slipping easily off his silver tongue, “Someone has to keep those two in line, after all.”
His mother snickered, “Don’t be saying that in front of their father though. Sevens knows what the moray will do if you say anything like that.”
Azul nodded, clearing his throat, “Um, well… What's going on with you, then? The restaurant still alright? How’s Finn?”
“Finn’s well - busy as always,” his mother answered, “Business has been getting better - hired several new staff members as well… a few sweet mers around your age, Zully.”
Azul rolled his eyes, “Mother… we’ve had this talk. I’m… not interested.”
“You might not be, but it will happen one day,” his mother’s voice was calm and soothing before she sighed on the end of the phone, “However… I have a sneaky feeling that you’re still upset about what I told you all those years ago.”
Azul bit his lip, answering, “Of course not… Soulmates? That’s ridiculous.”
“Azul…” his mother’s voice turned into a scolding tone, “There are plenty of fish out there - I know you’re still pretty young to be thinking about it, considering a mer’s life is longer than most, but shorter than a fae’s… but I only want you to be happy.”
“I am, mother,” Azul tried to smile, “I’m content where I am - I’ve gotten stronger, my business is growing, and… I’ve learned so much.”
“Perhaps, but allow me to give you a little insight - it’s something I learned long ago,” his mother prompted, “Happiness, though may be defined as ‘the state of joy or contentment,’ is typically filled by three main parts of life; success, dedication, and personal. Dedication and success go hand in hand with each other - if you work hard and are dedicated, you achieve success - even if the tasks prove to be difficult to the point that you might fail over and over again. Personal can mean time for yourself - spending time with your hobbies or doing what you love… spending time with those you care about even.”
Azul listened to his mother’s words, thinking.
“I know that you are successful and you’re dedicated,” his mother continued, “But you won’t achieve happiness if you just focus on those two things - take time for yourself now and again, look for stronger connections within your friendships… and look for someone that will want to support you and you support them.”
“I… I think I understand…” Azul answered, “I’ll… take your words into consideration.”
“I hope so - your grandmother taught me that when I was still a little octo fry many years ago,” his mother answered, a teasing tone caught in her voice.
Azul couldn’t help but smile, “Yes… Nanna always did know what was best.”
“Yes, she did, still does even… Well, I should probably let you go, then - you have a lot of stuff going on there,” his mother let out a sigh, “Just remember… I love you, baby. Merry Christmas.”
“I love you too… momma. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you at the end of the year.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Zully. Stay safe.”
Azul smiled and hung the phone up, sitting back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling. 
“Finding that so-called ‘other half’ is like - well - like the story of the mermaid princess and her longing to be with a human. It’s a rare occurrence that only happens once in a millennium if not longer. Anyone can be happy with or without their soulmate, Azul. There’s no reason you should go to such lengths to be with someone who may not even exist…”
Azul shook his head at the memory of that day years ago - he wanted to forget… but sevens knows he couldn’t forget you.
A sudden loud crash had Azul bolting upright, his features twisting in annoyance. As far as he knew, the only ones in the lounge were Jade and Floyd… which could only mean one thing. 
“Those two morons…” Azul gritted his teeth, standing from his chair, “If I catch the lounge in a disarray again…”
He grabbed his jacket, tossing it over his shoulders, before placing his hat upon his head, the magestone pen morphing into the headwarden’s silver octopus topped cane. He hurried from his office and headed into the lounge.
Entering the lounge, Azul’s eyes widened at the sight.
The lounge was damaged - several tables and chairs were overturned, marred by huge cracks and scratches while lamps lay in pieces on the floor, the glass orbs scattered into a thousand fragments on the carpeted flooring and the magestones cracked and shattered as well. Azul’s eyes narrowed on Jade and Floyd’s figures, but realized they weren’t alone after all. Several students from the Scarabia dorm were there as well, their wands out and at the ready - pointing them at Jade and Floyd, who seemed to be guarding something on the floor.
Azul’s eyes widened in surprise at seeing Kalim’s magic carpet as well as Grim hiding behind the remaining two members of Octavinelle - and they weren’t alone.
You were there as well, cowering behind Jade and Floyd’s intimidating heights as the Scarabia students glared daggers at you.
“There’s no escape for you now, thieves!” 
“Surrender quietly!”
“Mrow?!” Grim held his paws up, “You chased us all the way here?! You guys are seriously stubborn, you know that?”
Azul remained quiet for a moment, his eyes shifting to look you over - noticing how you had one arm close to your body. Were you hurt?
Azul’s eyes narrowed as he approached, his shoes echoing in the lounge as his stern voice addressed the situation, “What is all the commotion at this late hour?”
The students turned to look at Azul, one of them speaking quietly, “Y-you’re… Azul Ashengrotto, the housewarden of Octavinelle!”
“Would you care to explain what is going on?” Azul asked calmly, moving to stand in front of you with Jade and Floyd behind him.
“It’s none of Octavinelle’s business,” another student tsked, “Just hand over the two of them quietly.”
Azul crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head as he eyed you and Grim out of the corner of his eye, “Now that I’m looking closer at it - it appears to be (Y/N) and Grim sprawled out on our floor, quivering and covered in dust. Heh - I almost thought they were a pair of dust cloths.”
“Azul, please,” Azul met your gaze, “save us with your spirit of benevolence.”
“Hmm…” Azul turned back to the group of Scarabia before him.
“If you refuse to hand them over, you’ll be blamed for their wrongdoings as well,” the student warned.
“Hey - are ya yankin’ my tail here?!” Floyd’s eyes widened dangerously, his teeth peering out from behind his lips, “Who do ya think yer talkin’ to?!”
“No fighting of any kind is permitted in the Monstro Lounge,” Azul kept his arms crossed over his chest, his focus reshifting to address the situation at hand, “This is a place for gentlemen.”
“What was that? Are you interfering?” one of the students asked, “Fine, we’ll just do this the hard way.”
“Hmph, I think it’s time we asked these ill-mannered patrons to leave,” Azul growled, clicking his tongue in annoyance, “Jade. Floyd. Show them the door.”
The eel twins grinned as they moved quickly, going after the Scarabia students like the set of predators that they were. Azul was quick to move and cover (Y/N), his overcoat covering your form to protect you from the fighting, “Don’t look, my dear, I do not wish for you to see such behavior.”
“Azul - I’ve seen worse,” your voice rattled him to the core as he huffed.
“I... don’t need the reminder.”
It didn’t take long for the Scarabia students to fall back, Jade and Floyd repocketing their pens.
“Go on an’ scatter, ya bunch of minnows!” Floyd laughed eagerly.
“We’ll be eagerly awaiting your next visit to our lounge,” Jade smiled.
As the last of the students disappeared, Grim jumped for joy, “Mya-haha! We did it! You see that?! That’s what you get, you bunch of jerks!”
“We, Grim? I think you mean they - Floyd and Jade - did it,” you ask before shaking your head and turning toward the trio, “Thank you, all three of you - I don’t want to think what they would’ve done if you hadn’t stepped in.”
“Thanks are unneeded, my dear,” Azul answered, standing and offering his hand, “However, I’m afraid we’ll have to bill you for repair fees for the tables and chairs - not to mention the lamps and assorted dishwear that was damaged in that fight. Not to mention our own labor rates, since we were dragged into this affair.”
“WHAT?! You’re charging us for that?!” Grim asked, throwing his paws up in the air.
“Surely it’s a small price to pay for us rescuing the both of you from the inky depths of peril? After all, (Y/N) did ask for my spirit of benevolence.”
“Azul, please,” you asked quietly, “There’s a reason that the Scarabia students were after us.”
“I’m assuming it has something to do with Kalim’s magic carpet.”
“... Not really,” you answer, “We were being held hostage.”
Azul frowned, not liking the word one bit, “Explain, (Y/N).”
Azul muddled over what you had just told him, Grim piping up every so often to include details about the Scarabia situation to add more information as the cunning octopus thought deeply. As Azul thought, his eyes kept shifting to you, his thoughts going deeper into self-loathing; if you had remained in Octavinelle, none of this would have happened - you would’ve been safe, not having to walk to an oasis down and back again every morning before even eating, or sleeping in a closet under lock and key, or even doing battles with other students of magic when you couldn’t even cast a spell yourself.
His poor little angelfish…
Azul’s eyes widened, an idea appearing in his mind… a chance of a lifetime had just been given to him and he would be damned to let it go to waste.
A knowning smile spread across his features, “...It sounds like we should go to their aid.”
“Myra?! Did you hit your head or something when I wasn’t looking?!” Grim asked.
“Of course not!” Azul feigned harm, lifting his gloved hand to his chest, “I’ll have you know, my dear Grimmy, that the last incident forced me to reflect on my greed. I came out a changed man!”
“Oh, really?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest, “Care to explain?”
“I decided to contribute to the school as a whole, in honor of the Sea Witch’s spirit of benevolence,” Azul explained, his features turning coy, “It’s common knowledge that the housewardens are typically the ones their students go to in times of need or struggle - even the vice wardens are responsible for that as well. However, the power has to be shared equally between both the house and vice wardens - and Scarabia’s all over the place. It’s faced with a crisis now and my own classmate is in need of help - I can hardly ignore them in their time of need.”
You watched Jade and Floyd give each other knowing smiles before the twins looked at Azul, Jade asking, “What is the plan?”
“Here’s my idea,” Azul proposed, “The five of us head to Scarabia tomorrow - we’ll go under the guise that we are returning Kalim’s carpet as well as offering assistance with the dorm’s studies, this will ensure our stay especially since Octavinelle did overwhelmingly well on their finals before break…”
“No thanks to your study guides,” Grim huffed.
“Grim,” You warned.
Azul coughed and continued, “Once we’ve secured our spot within Scarabia, we’ll be able to do a bit of sneaking around to figure out what’s really going on.”
“And I’m assuming you have an idea on how to do so?” Jade asked.
“Let’s get to that point before we make any rash decisions,” Azul answered.
“I think that is a wonderful idea,” you agreed.
“(Y/N)?! Are you crazy?!” Grim asked, “We can’t go back there!”
“Grim, we really have no other options,” you turned to the feline demon, “We’ve tried contacting the Headmage, the other students can’t get into the school because the dark mirror is closed off, we have no way of contacting Riddle or Leona either… Azul’s plan is the best we have right now. Personally, I’d rather not go back, but with the way things are looking for Kalim…”
“You’re afraid there’s going to be another overblot, aren’t you, pearl?” Jade asked.
Azul blinked, the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. Yes, Kalim’s behavior was erratic, but it couldn’t be enough for the headwarden to go into an overblot… would it?
“I’m afraid so,” you admit, looking over at Azul, “I noticed that… when things got a little out of control, someone overblotted. I can’t bare to see another student go through that, much less a housewarden again. I’d like to try and prevent it from happening again, if possible.”
Azul nodded, “No worries, angelfish - I’ll make sure mine was the last one you saw.”
You give the housewarden a small smile of relief - thankful that he seemed to understand.
Azul remembered during his blot how the memories of his childhood came forward; the root cause of his pain and suffering that eventually became his thirst for power that festered and grew until it snapped - and you had seen it all. Whatever this strange magical gift was and how you received it, Azul was certain that it was your own form of unique magic - one that was so powerful that it may even make Malleus Draconia afraid if he knew about it; the power to look into one’s past and see everything that shaped them into who they eventually became was strong powerful magic indeed - but, of course, Azul didn’t want anyone else to know about it, considering he was victim number three to the overblot crisis that appeared to be happening this year.
Azul reaches out, offering his hand to you, “(Y/N), as headwarden of Octavinelle - allow myself and Jade and Floyd to help you and Grim solve the mystery of Kalim’s strange behavior. I’m certain the five of us plus Jamil will be able to ease Kalim’s troubles and bring back the peace Scarabia so desperately needs. Do we have a deal?”
You look at his hand, the memory of the first day you met him and the day you lost your legs both playing in your mind - but what choice did you have? You look at him and take his hand, squeezing it.
“Promise - this will make us even?”
“Indeed. I promise.”
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violetarks · 11 months
your stupid face makes me insane!
game: danganronpa 2: goodbye despair
character: kuzuryu fuyuhiko
summary: fuyuhiko is beginning to like you instead of just tolerate you, and this discovery changes his world.
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, mx used, second person pov, short fic for a short guy
it was when you were so excited about a test result you got and engulfed fuyuhiko in a tight hug, that the guy began to notice the changes in his attitude towards you. his hand rested on your back, chuckling as you cheered for yourself.
"a perfect score! 'hiko, i got a perfect score!" you gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck in great surprise. he nearly stumbled back by your power, catching himself against his desk. "i can't believe it!"
"get the hell off me. why are you clinging to me?" he huffs, patting your back. your warmth was so inviting.
"because you helped me stay on top of my work." you claim, pulling back just enough to see his face. your hands lay on his shoulders as you smile wide. "you dropped off the assignments to my house, remember?"
"y—yeah? well it doesn't mean shit..." he mutters, turning away. truthfully, he never did that himself. the teacher knew that he lived the closest to you and asked him to do it. but he just got one of his lesser-threatening lackies to drop them off.
when you pull away, he almost misses it. but he tries to not convey it, wondering if peko noticed it. hopefully she hadn't, he wouldn't hear the end of it.
"i've gotta' get home and tell my parents." you say, grabbing your bag from your desk. you pass him, waving 'goodbye' to your friend. "i'll see you tomorrow, fuyuhiko!"
as he waves back at you, he leans against his desk, smiling at himself at little. you were so lively that it made him feel excited for you. it was a well-deserved score, that's for sure. but when he realises that his heart is beating faster than before, he becomes worried. did... you do this? did you make him feel this way?
the thought of you made his face burn even more, making him feel his cheek. luckily the rest of the class was too busy discussing their own scores to notice (except for peko for obvious reasons). when he feels his chest, his heart beating quickly, he understands.
perhaps you've become so close to him that he hadn't noticed it before. the way your laugh emits a smile from him, or how when you hold his hand for even a second, he finds himself missing the warmth not even a second after you let go. oh no... he's got it...
the next week is filled with nervous stares from fuyuhiko towards you. he's never realised how much you actually talk to the other students at school, but now he has. he didn't think about where you would be when you're not with him, but when he sees you speaking to some kid from the reserve classes, he feels a tinge of jealousy.
peko is quick to notice.
"are you alright, master?" she asks, safe in the privacy of their own secluded area. the other people around them were hurried into groups to discuss whatever they wanted or to eat their food together. no mind was paid to them. "are you worried for mx l/n?"
"what? no, don't do anything, peko, geez." he huffs out, leaning his chin in his palm. he watches the student you're with suddenly laugh at something you said, placing a hand on your shoulder as they double forward. "who is that? with y/n?"
peko raises her brows. "you are worried for them. have you grown fond of y/n?"
his cheeks say it all. blushing red and looking baffled, he glances at his bodyguard and scoffs, "no! they're... they're okay, whatever, fuck i don't know."
when did your smile become less annoying and more... attractive?
he hates how he now watches you, waiting for your smile to fall onto your face. your stupid face. why were you suddenly so pretty? his chest tightened at the sight of you suddenly bidding 'goodbye' to your little friend, and then spot him staring at you. you blink at the yakuza, who hurriedly ducks behind the hedges nearby, peko giving you a slight wave. you wave back at her, offering a grin as you make your way to class.
fuyuhiko holds his chest, breathing out slowly to calm himself.
"was... that really necessary?" peko sighs, tilting her head. she looks back at her master with a confused expression. "i don't know if you had noticed before, but mx l/n is not a threat to you. you are allowed to enjoy their company."
"ugh... whatever..." fuyuhiko grunts, standing up straight and fixing his uniform.
"please talk to them soon, if they believe something is wrong between you two then..." peko requests, fixing her sword on her back, "perhaps they will go off to hug someone else? you should tell them how you feel."
fuyuhiko glares at her, blushing profusely. she definitely saw his reaction back in the classroom last week...
but he does as she says, understanding his protector.
"oi. c'mere for a second." fuyuhiko calls out, pointing his eyes at you. you and your friends turn around to him, making the yakuza sigh and look away, a little embarrassed.
sonia, nekomaru, akane and kazuichi immediately turn to you.
"what?" you say to them, furrowed brows.
"obviously he's talking to you!" akane says, pushing you towards him, "we'll see you tomorrow!"
you wave at them as they exit the classroom. it was time to leave, and as the classroom empties out, it is just the two of you.
"what's wrong, 'hiko?" you question, leaning against the desk in front of him. he stands up straight, fixing his collar as you tilt your head at him. "where's peko?"
he had told her to wait with the driver at the front of the school, informing his bodyguard of his plan. to confess... today. to you.
"she's left already. uh, that doesn't matter." he says, shaking his head. you stare at his face, noticing how stressed he was. what was going on with him? he clears his throat, standing up straight with his short stature. his hip knocks against his desk. "i wanted to talk to you about—"
"fuyuhiko!" you gasp, moving closer to him. he freezes up, watching as you gently push him aside to look at his desk. "ah, your essay! you spent all of lunch finishing it!"
he follows your line of vision, seeing the juicebox he was drinking now spilt over, its contents all over his finished paper.
"f—fuck!" he swears, picking up his essay and trying to shake it dry. but it's futile. "god damnit... i can't catch a fucking break..."
"ah... this isn't good." you sigh, putting the drink in the trash. you grab the tissues from the teacher's desk and begin wiping up the mess. fuyuhiko feels so guilty; he messed up his assignment and now you're cleaning it up for him. you look back at fuyuhiko, gathering the soiled tissues. "hey... i can help you type it out again. i'm pretty fast on the keyboard. as long as you have your drafts?"
you're so nice to him that it makes him feel even more guilty. he's the leader of a dangerous gang... and you're the sweetest person he's ever met. how could he ruin your life?
he feels ashamed to have ever thought you and him could work out.
"no. shit... no, it's okay..." he responds, scrunching up his wet paper and throwing it out on the way to the exit. "sorry for wasting your time."
"'hiko? what were you—"
you get cut off as he slams the door. maybe he truly was pissed off about his paper?
peko notices his demeanour when he walks to the car. she decides against asking how the confession went.
fuyuhiko hates the two sides of the coin. he wanted to tell you, how much he likes you and how much he wants to be with you. he wants to tell you how much he admires you. but how could you ever accept his feelings, when you're an angel sent from heaven? you don't know how he feels about you, and it's like a race fuyuhiko can't stop running. he's willing to suffer, to love you without you knowing, even if it means that you will never date.
the next month is quiet for the two of you. fuyuhiko watches you from afar, admiring how you talk to the class and how you offer your help to everyone. he hates the differences between you two because you could never truly date, but... at the same time, that's why he had fallen for you. you're different from him and that makes it even better.
you notice his change in behaviour, how he takes different hallways to avoid you, and how he purposefully leaves the classroom as soon as possible just so you couldn't stop him. so when you finally corner him in the school garden, alone (you had bumped into peko who had went to the bathroom and asked her where he was), you know that this could be your only chance.
"what the hell do you want?" he asks coldly, looking down at his book. he has a leg over his knee and he leans back against the bench. he tries to hide his nerves, but his hands shake.
"what's up with you lately?" you ask, crossing your arms. you're pissed off. he glances at you quickly. "you've been avoiding me for weeks on end, no explanation? did... did i do something?"
when he stares at you, you know he's stumped. but he just turns his body away from you. "i don't fucking know, did you? leave me alone."
it's then that you've decided that you've had enough. why was he so... so annoying? with no explanation! you said that, right? you told him that? could he not tell that you were irritated with his attitude? you just couldn't understand how he could seemingly like your company one day, and then decide you're the plague the next!
in your frustration, you yank the book out of his hands and hold it up.
"the fuck? give it back, moron!" he scoffs, reaching to grab it from his position.
you hold it away from his reach, placing a hand on his shoulder and pushing him back against the bench. his back hits the wood with an 'oof' and he stares at you, burning cheeks and glowing pink. you rest your hand on the bench right behind his shoulder, now towering over him.
"h—hey!" he stammers, getting redder and redder by the second.
"look at me. what did you want to tell me that day? in the classroom?" you say, looking determined. you were sick of playing games now, you needed to force it out of him. "remember? i want to hear it now."
"tch, you're... you suddenly grew a backbone or somethin'?" he huffs out, trying to look away but he can't seem to stray from your eyes, "it doesn't fucking matter anymore, that was ages ago."
"it matters, to me. was that the reason why you suddenly became so cold to me?" you ask, tilting your head at him.
he can't tell if you truly know and you are just teasing him now, or if you were actually curious. but he feels his heart racing at this point, he doesn't know if he can keep his frustration in.
"because—!" he begins, catching himself. his voice grows rougher, but you don't falter. "i just—ugh, you don't even..."
you watch him fail to collect his thoughts, making you grow a little sympathetic. you sigh, letting go of him and placing his book back into his hands. instead of leaving, you sit down beside him, close he notes, and face him.
"you can tell me, 'hiko. i'd never judge you." you state.
he knows that, he's damn sure you'd never judge anyone, but he needs to find some confidence. taking a deep breath, he closes his book and places it to the side, finally facing you. you begin to rest your expression.
"that day... i wanted to tell you about—about how i feel about you." he says, roughly putting his words together. you raise your brows. "listen, it's not like i want you to do anything 'bout it, but i—i really... really like you..."
your lips part slightly as you listen to him. fuyuhiko grows anxious at that.
"like i said, i don't expect a fucking thing! i just wanted to tell you, alright? you don't need to say a thing!" he huffs out, waving his hands, "i, uh, i'd really appreciate it if you just didn't tell—"
"i really really like you too, 'hiko." you respond, holding his hand now. he's frozen, suddenly closing his mouth to stop his rambling. you give a small smile at his reaction. "i won't tell anyone, trust me. i... i can't believe you ignored me for something like that, fuyuhiko. how silly."
"sh—shut up..." he says, clutching your hand as your chuckle, "i didn't wanna' tell you because we're so different."
"well, i like you because you're different, fuyuhiko. you live an exciting life and you always have something to say. it's never dull with you, and i love that." you admit to him, trying to calm him down a little. he offers a smile too, a little one but it's still present. you suddenly stand up, tugging him along with you. "c'mon. i'll treat you to lunch, okay?"
he sheepishly shrugs his shoulders. "whatever... i'm sorry."
"it's okay." you say, smiling softly. he still looks upset with what he's done, so you lean towards him and press a kiss to his freckled cheek. it grows warm beneath your lips, making you grin again. when you pull away, he drags a hand to cover his face. "you're so cute."
"shut your mouth!" he scowls, marching forward and holding your hand. he trudges along, you following behind in a fit of laughter. "you're the worst!"
he could never thank you enough for being how you are.
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luza-wayne · 1 year
no one knows.
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Suna Rintarou x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: This one's from my FB acc. Liked it, so posted it here too. Have a good day everyone! <;33
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He's there.
As usual, he has droopy eyes that seem like he's always sleepy and tired.
But, who knows if he really is? 
It's lunch and of course, he's sitting in the cafeteria with one of the Miya's, Osamu and their other classmates.
He uses his phone in one hand and the other holding the chopsticks, lazily feeding himself, while he scrolls at something on the gadget.
It seems like he found something interesting that he called for his friends' attention and showed them his phone. They all laughed together.
Despite his appearance, he's very friendly. Not the type that befriends everyone he crosses paths with, but the one that will accompany and joke around with you, once he gets comfortable with you.
I wonder if I can get close to him too— That's... impossible. I can't even talk to him! Let alone tell my friends that I like him!
I gotta keep it a secret for now.
The bell rings and it's time to go back to your room. Meaning, it's also time for him to go back.
Lunchtime is too fast!
I wanna see Suna more! 
“(Y/n)? 'Ya okay?” Your friend asked, interrupting your train of thoughts.
Oh, shoot. That's right. I gotta keep it a secret for now, but I need to improve my relationship with Suna too! 
“Yeah! Sorry, I'm going to Sun— I mean, our room first!” You said and gave the cafeteria's tray back and slowly walked to his room's direction.
I'm going to peek at him before I go back to my room. I want some inspiration to get through this day! 
As you disappeared from the corner looking so determined, your friends looked at each other.
“Hey, about her crush on Suna…” One of your friends spoke. “How long are we supposed to act like we don't know it?” 
“Seems like she plans to tell us about it, let's just wait for her.” Another said and took the last spoonful of her meal and the rest let out a sigh in sync. “Hm?” 
“Just so 'ya know, I'm dying to tease her about her crush.” She replied as they headed to return to your guy's room.
“‘Ya know she'd die of embarrassment if 'ya tell her how she's trying her hardest to keep it a secret, when her actions speak for itself, haha.” 
“Okay, then once she admits about it, let's drag her in front of Suna!” They said and laughed. 
Eeek—! Huh? What's that?
“I just felt shivers down my spine. What's that?” You looked around and let out a relieved sigh when you thought that it was just the wind.
Before you walk through the aisle, you make sure to primp your hair and uniform.
You held your hair and placed it behind your ears, you peaked just above your hand trying to hide that you were actually looking. You immediately looked at where his seat was as soon as you passed by their door.
You see him sitting by the window, laughing with his friends again, behind him is Osamu eating onigiri.
Ugh! His faint smile! He looks so dreamy! 
Ah, shit. That's too much.
I should look away, gazing at him for too long is bad for my heart. His fineness is an overkill. He's a god sent.
I've done my mission. I gotta go back to my classroom, but I'll wash my face first. He's too hot, I think I'm sweating.
Gotta hurry, gotta hurry~ 
As soon as you passed their room, you skipped your way to the closest restroom.
Osamu looked at where you disappeared to the hallway. He finished his food first and drank his milk.
“Hey Suna,” He called to his friend.
Suna turned his head sideways, just the right amount to see the guy behind him over his shoulder. His previous chatmates went back to their respective chairs and he's just scrolling through his phone.
“So, about 'yer little admirer…” 
The middle blocker's lips immediately formed a smile.
“What? Cute, isn't she?” He answered and continued scrolling on his phone.
“‘Yer liking it, don't 'ya?” Osamu sighed as he wiped his hands with a tissue.
“What? You jealous?” Suna asks with a clear intention of pissing off the guy behind him. “I mean, I understand. Every guy probably wants to be in my position right now. Like come on, it’s (Y/n).”
“Anyways, I'm amazed how she firmly and made herself believe that no one knows about how she feels. I heard she does well in academics, but I guess it's not the same with love, seeing how she's acting. Well, I do think it's cute.” It must've been wrongly worded and maybe he didn't execute it the way he intended, that right now he can see how Suna's eyes looked at him in an icy yet deadly way.
“Don't 'ya worry. I'm not interested.” Osamu clarified and placed his elbow on the table and rested his cheeks on his palm. Hearing it, Suna's face somehow calmed down and went back to his phone.
“So? When will 'ya confess to her?” He asked lazily.
“What?” Suna asked Osamu, shock evident on his face.
“Huh? What?” The gray-haired twin asked.
“Am I that obvious? Even though I'm hiding it?” Suna put a hand above his mouth.
Gosh, they're the same. Osamu thought.
“Yes, 'ya were that obvious and I've never, even once, saw 'ya tried to hide it. Also, 'ya have an album in 'yer gallery full of pictures of her pictures from her social media. If I were her I'd be creeped out. 'Ya should ask for her permission first.” Osamu cracked out with an unamused look.
“You're right— Wait! Why do you know that?”
“When I was deleting the video of me doing dumb shits. I happened to look at it, though, I left 'Tsumu's, I only deleted mine.” He explained.
“Seems like I need to change my passcode,” Suna said and immediately went to his settings. 
“So, when?” Osamu once again questioned.
“Hm... Who knows? Maybe once she finally approaches me. She's always running away whenever she spots me walking towards where she is. If I try to approach her, she'll probably just run off as always.” Suna answered and finished changing his password.
“I wonder when that will be.” Osamu said and at the same time the door opened and their teacher came in.
“It's finished!” Your friend shouted in joy as soon as your last subject teacher walked out of the door.
“My brain's fried.” The other one said and slumped on her desk, but then stood up as fast. “Let's do something fun!” She suggested. 
“Sounds nice.” You agreed and finished packing your things.
“Let's go, let's go! Let's decide what to do while walking.” Your friend said as she pulled you and your other friend out of your room.
While walking to the shoe locker, you reached for your phone and saw if you had any messages unread.
“(Y/n), what do you suggest?” She asked.
“Mhm.” You answered absentmindedly, being so focused on your phone.
“What?” Your friend asked if you were really listening.
Your two friends looked at each other and both grew a mischievous grin on their lips.
“Am I beautiful?”
“Me too, right?”
“Of course.”
“Then, do you like Suna?”
“I do. I want to get close to him, but I get too nervous and can't speak— HMM?!” You shot your head, looking back and forth between them.
“No— I— I was just kiddi—” 
They put a finger on your lips to shush you.
“If that's your problem, then we'll solve it for you.” They said, nodding to each other. 
You weren't able to finish it, as they wrapped their arms on both of yours. They dragged you with all their might. You tried to fight it, asking them what their plans were but they won't answer nor budge. When you reached the shoe locker, you felt their arms loosen, your lips formed a smile, thinking they're done, but oh were you wrong.
“Ouch!” You yelped when they suddenly pushed you and your back hit someone. 
“What are you two doing?! Sorry, sorry!” You apologized to the person, bowing. You looked back at your friends without even batting an eye on the person you bumped into.
“SORRY! BUT, WE'RE NOT REALLY SORRY!” Your friend shouted as they ran away.
“I THINK YOU'LL EVEN THANK US FOR THAT!” The other one said.
“Huh? What are you talking about?!” You asked them with a slightly higher voice since they're getting farther.
“SUNA! (Y/N) SAID SHE LIKES YOU! HAHAHAHA!” The two said together in chorus and then hid from your vision.
Wait, wait, wait... (Y/n), let's calm down. Maybe they're just joking... maybe they're just joking... maybe they were—
“THEY WEREN'T JOKING!” You spouted when you turned around and saw Suna looking at you with shoes in his hand. 
You put your hands in your face, hiding the redness of it from who knows where it came from. 
Excitement because he's in front of you? Embarrassment because of how your friends threw you onto him? Or maybe it's because of how close he is? Well, all in all, he's connected to all the reasons. 
“Hey.” He greeted and continued to put away his indoor shoes.
You peeked through your fingers to look at him, when he met your eyes, you immediately buried your face deeper, if possible, in your palms.
“Why are you hiding your face?” He asked casually.
You shook your head vigorously as if your life depends on it. 
“Hm... Okay.” He replied and it was followed by silence between the two of you. Only the sounds of the other students making, chattering and laughing and some were even looking at you two, thanks to your friends making a scene and you just standing there with your hands on your face.
What is this awkwardness?!
Should I talk about something? No! Impossible! I'm too nervous to speak!
But, he's not making any noise either. Wait. Is he still there in the first place? 
You slowly parted your fingers again and opened your eyes. 
“Oh shit!” You cursed out of surprise.
He's still there! And, he's just looking at me! What should I do?! 
That's right. I should just run away!
I can't face him right now!
You then turned around and directed your feet where your friends disappeared and were still hiding there.
Sorry, my dear friends, but for now ABORT MISSION—! 
As soon as Suna noticed you moving, he immediately thought of exactly what you were thinking. He held your wrist tight enough to not let you slip off of his hand.
“Running away? You can’t.” He predicted. You were pulled back by it but tried your best not to bump into him again. You've done your utmost not to look up at him. Why? You'd faint.
“Um... Sorry, but... go… my hands…” Damnit! My voice is betraying me!
I need to get out of here!
“Hey, about what your friends said…” You've widened your eyes at what he said.
NO! I've even tried my best not to make anyone notice! Damn messages! 
But, I'm already here. There's no way I can escape from this anymore. 
You took one deep breath, deeper than any sea in the world. You held his wrist, the one holding you, with your free hand and squeezed it lightly.
“Sorry, but I think I like you, Suna.” You finally confessed after mustering up all the courage in your body.
Another silence from him followed you.
Ugh... Is this where I'd get rejected? 
And then he chuckled.
I knew it! I'd get rejected! Should I tell him it's just a joke?
You shut your eyes tightly but then felt a finger on your chin. You opened your eyes and felt Suna's thumb just below your lips.
And finally, after how many minutes... You finally looked at his face.
Even though the thought of getting rejected was just in your mind earlier, looking at him now, you don't even care if he'll trample over your feelings.
His grayish-yellow eyes… His combed down hair… His posture that sometimes kills you… It’s all making you go crazy over him.
“I knew it.... Suna, I really do like you.” You muttered softly staring right into his eyes.
His lips formed a smile.
He pulled your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
“Yeah, I know.” He chuckled.
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hope you liked it!
also, if you'd like to tip me, you can check my ko-fi acc! anything will be a big help!
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
1. What would each RO’s dream wedding be like? (Who would be there, what would the theme be, how would they react to seeing MC walking down the aisle/standing at the alter, etc)
2. How would each RO react to waking up after dreaming about the wedding? (Crush stage)
Oh man lol
He'd like something small, in a venue a bit away from a town/city. The details he'd probably leave to you, but despite his social butterfly tendencies, I think he'd only want his closest friends there, and his dad, plus whoever you want to invite. Just really simply and quaint. My man would be in absolute shambles the minute he sees you, there's an ethereal light glow about you to him, and he's /this/ close to a total emotional breakdown from joy
Him finally having a happy dream about MC??? He'd be so flustered and embarrassed. Thank god he's a master at masking his feelings because he's going to be thinking about it all day, especially when he sees you.
The true dream is back home at Puerto Rico with all his family present with their usual mayhem and all the food he misses eating lmaO The more realistic dream would be beach themed, probably not on the beach because Sand but in a venue by the beach side. Regardless of version Vivir mi Vida by Marc Anthony somehow plays because it's at every Latino party ever. He has the biggest smile when he sees you, eyes gleaming. He can't look away from you for the whole night.
It makes him so soft. He wakes up curled in bed, a small, sleepy smile to himself. He's never really thought of marriage with anyone before, but it feels right that it's you.
She'd plan out a meticulous wedding, at a gorgeous nature-esque location that her high brow family can actually afford. She puts a lot of attention to detail, and she's always asking for your opinions. The ceremony is in a classical type building, but the reception is in a garden adjacent to it. She's silently crying tears of joy when she sees you, and she doesn't even wait for the vows to start before she kisses you, so full of love.
She's flustered, when she wakes up. Her skin feels warm and she can't help but touch her cheeks. The two of you aren't even dating, so it consider something so serious feels silly. Still, her thoughts keep going back to it throughout the day.
They actually don't care much for marriage. It's not really a requirement for them when it comes to a life long partner, and they look at a lot more practically like 'oh health benefits and taxes' lmfaO It's very much more what you want, although they do request something small and private. They'd probably be more keen on planning out the menu and dreaming about that, then anything else lol When it does happen though, their heart is soft and they give you the gentlest small as you walk down the aisle. You look so happy, and that's really everything they could ever dream of
They're not looking at you for the rest of the day. They can't fathom why they'd dream of such a thing, and when you try to talk to them, they keep looking away. You, as their spouse? Their heart trips a little over the thought of it.
Also doesn't care about marriage, or rather a wedding ceremony, because what a waste of money LMFAO better to save that for the honeymoon. He can't really picture it, mostly because he never considered he'd have a lifelong partner, and also would there really be anyone who would show up on his side? He goes along with it for you though, and he's pretty helpful during the process surprisingly. When he sees you, his eyes are soft and the smile touching is face is one of his few genuine ones. Despite his feelings about marriage, he really does want to be with you for a long time
Why the hell is dreaming about these things? He squints at the ceiling, wondering why is it one of the rare occasions he actually gets sleep, he's dreaming about marrying you? Acts more annoyed with you then usual throughout the day, and yet, somehow more...forward?
The concept of marriage and weddings is pretty foreign to them, but they love the idea of it actually. Something in the woods, with lanterns and fairy lights strewn about would be pretty, especially during the Spring or Fall with all the different colors. They wouldn't give the traditional vows, and the two of you would probably work together to rewrite the whole usually spiel that's given so it fits a lot more with how you two fit together. The world almost doesn't feel real when they see you. After everything, the two of you can have this
It's a pleasant feeling, spreading through their chest and into their veins. They almost don't want to wake up, just so they can imagine it a little longer. When they speak with you, the feeling of their voice is warmer, softer. There's more affection laced through it then what you're used to.
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lionlena · 1 year
A perfect day for a perfect girl (PedroPascalxreader)
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Okay, so this is a reward for @reniescarlett​  bc she is my 300th follower :D
Request from here.
I tried to make it really nice and sweet. Just one moment of uncertainty, but Pedro quickly dispels it.
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You felt soft kisses on your stomach and smiled. Without opening your eyes, you placed your hand on his head and buried your fingers in his hair.
"Pedro," you murmured.
"Good morning, Sunshine," he said and placed another kiss on your soft belly.
"Hmm, I'm still asleep," you replied, but you already knew you'd have to get up.
Pedro was sometimes like an impatient puppy. You suspected that he had been awake for at least an hour and impatiently waiting for you to join him. Actually, it would be a lie to say that you weren't excited either.
Today was your birthday and it was going to be a wonderful day.
There was going to be a little party tonight, nothing too crazy. You just wanted to have dinner with some of the closest people you loved and who loved you just the way you are.
Pedro obviously wasn't going to wait until the evening with all the nice things he had prepared for you.
You felt him move up your body and start kissing your collarbones: " Hermosa," he moaned.
You laughed and kissed his cheek muttering, "It's okay, I'm up."
You opened your eyes to meet his warm brown gaze filled with nothing more than love for you. He grinned widely and pecked your nose saying, "I'm waiting in the kitchen!"
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. Sometimes you wondered where he got so much energy from. Maybe it was the amount of caffeine he drank.
When you got up, you noticed a path of rose petals and a pleasant warmth enveloped you. Pedro really set out to make your birthday special. You followed rose petals to the kitchen.
Pedro was standing at the table with a big smile on his face and fidgeting impatiently. As soon as you crossed the threshold he shouted "Happy birthday!"
He ran over to you and hugged you tightly.
You laughed at his behavior and smiled back at him. As he moved away from you, he led you to the table and pulled out a chair for you. He placed a plate of pancakes and sweet syrup in front of you. You raised your eyebrows in delight. You knew he must have put in a lot of effort in this and that he probably burned at least half of the pancakes, but it was still impressive. Soon a bowl of your favorite fruit, orange juice, and coffee were also on the table.
Pedro came behind you and kissed your head.
"Here," he said and set down a small box with a ribbon. "Open it."
You looked inside curiously and found a silver necklace with a pendant in the shape, of your favorite animal.
"Oh, Pedro... It's really too much."
"No," he replied quickly. "This is just the beginning. You are special and your birthday is supposed to be perfect."
You stroked his cheek and for a moment you just stared at his handsome face. Until finally he broke the silence: "Come on, eat. I thought after breakfast we'd watch a movie of your choice, and then maybe we'd lie down by the pool."
You nodded your head. "That sounds great, but remember we have guests tonight."
"Take it easy" he purred and stroked your hip. "I'll help you with everything."
As Pedro suggested, you sat comfortably on the couch after breakfast. You cuddled up to his side and together watched the movie you chose.
Later, he prepared snacks for both of you and you lay down by the pool. Pedro took the lotion and asked you to lie down on your stomach. He started rubbing the cream into your back and you closed your eyes and focused on the pleasure. His fingers perfectly located the points where you were tense. By the time he focused on your neck and shoulders, you were in heaven. You could spend all day like this, but you really wanted to see your friends.
You felt Pedro kiss you on the ear and purr, "What about are you thinking, honey?"
"I could spend eternity here," you replied.
"If you want, we can cancel everything."
"Oh no. I really want to see everyone and wear a new dress."
Pedro laughed and nodded. "Okay. We're doing whatever you want today."
You spent another hour by the pool, but it was finally time for you to start preparing dinner. Pedro, as promised, helped you with everything, and when you went to change, he started to prepare the table.
You took a quick shower, did your hair and makeup, and finally put on a new dress.
You looked in the mirror and lightly smoothed the fabric around your hips. You tilted your head slightly and bit your lip. You turned sideways and then heard his soft voice: "Sweetheart? Is something wrong?"
You lifted your head to look at Pedro, who was staring at you in awe.
"I don't know. Isn't that dress... Too short? Too small?"
He immediately shook his head and stood close to you, placing his hands on your waist. "You look stunning and... I'm mad?"
"What? For what?"
"Because you'll be torturing me with your looks all evening. Everything I will want will be to throw everyone out the door so I can have you all to myself!" He leaned in and started kissing your neck.
"Stop it" you squealed and slapped his chest.
"But, this is true" he groaned.
You smiled and cupped his face in your hands. "I love you, you know?"
"I know. I love you, cariño."
All your uneasiness vanished instantly as his brown eyes stared at you with such love and devotion. You were ready for a great evening.
Your friends have not let you down. They gave you wonderful, unique gifts and made the whole evening full of laughter.
Pedro was always close to you and gave you kisses at every possible opportunity.
When the last of your guests left, you started clearing the table, but then Pedro put his arms around you from behind and started to pull you away.
"Honey, what are you doing? I have to clean up."
"Uh, no, no..." he murmured. "It can wait until morning... Or a week... Whatever. All evening I thought I had to give you your last present."
You turned around in his arms and looked at him surprised. "What?"
"Me," he replied, and you started laughing. "You look so beautiful. Please, let me take you to the bedroom. If you make me, I will beg for it on my knees."
You snuggled into him and sighed. "You don't have to beg me..." You pulled away and grabbed his hand leading him toward the bedroom. "I really want to unwrap my last present."
Pedro started to laugh and you felt infinite happiness envelop you. It had been a great day, and apparently, the night was going to be just as amazing.
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jellycrusher · 10 months
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Genre: Smut with slight plot, Polyamory
Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Hoseok x reader, Yoongi x Hoseok
Rating: 18+
Synopsis: A well-deserved break after weeks of stress from work. Your boyfriend decided to give you a reward. You didn’t know that he was not the only one eager to give you a reward.
Warnings: NSFW, double penetration, double creampie, unprotected s*x (still do safe s*x, kids!), slight degradation, cum eating, oral (F receiving, M receiving), implied!sub Yoongi, implied!dom reader, role!switch Yoongi, role!switch reader, Dom!Hoseok, anal s*x, vaginal s*x, love biting, cheek slapping (but not intense), choking (y/n’s not abused, y'all), A VERY IMPATIENT Y/N
Word Count: 6.5k
A/N: This is actually inspired by their *chuckles* iconic japanese song, Otsukare. The closest translation in English would be “Thanks for your hard work”. Seriously, you guys need to watch their SOPEand OT7 performance of the song! You will laugh your ass off..
It’s been almost a month since you and your team have been burning blood, sweat and tears into this one specific medical case. Working as a medical intern with plentiful senior doctors piling every work on interns is brutal, however you just wade through everything since you did land an internship spot in the most prestigious hospital in the country. You do live in a decent apartment with a nice view you might say, but recently, you’ve been taking refuge in the intern’s lounge for almost a month already. All you want is to caress the soft material of your favorite linen and spend a week on your bed without getting out of it.
Today’s different. You and your fellow interns have cracked the case and have just finished presenting it to a panel of senior doctors. It’s also nice now that the patient in the said case can now breathe a lot easier since there is a higher chance of survival with our proposed medical management. You truly can’t wait to get home.
You also haven’t seen Yoongi, your boyfriend, for almost three weeks. Video calls and missed opportunities was your love story with him since you’ve handled the killer case.
He was very understanding of your situation, especially when you did try to visit him in his apartment one day. You were so drained but you still kept your promise to him for a ‘Movie and Taco Tuesday Night’. Just fifteen minutes into the movie, you were dead asleep on his couch. Sometimes, you even fell asleep while on a video call with him. You felt ashamed that you apologized to him non-stop for a week. He told you that he could compromise so he started visiting you in the hospital. Of course, that was also futile. Both of you would plan to eat lunch together but as soon as you were in each other’s company, beeps from your pager will end your short bout of joy.
You bombarded Yoongi with texts and voice messages that you’re finally free from the shackles of the said case. This weekend will the first whole break you’ve been rewarded with since last month. You receive a text from him asking if there’s any way you could spend the whole weekend with him in his apartment. You knew what he meant and you can’t deny that there’s a part of you expecting something to happen as well. Come on, you haven’t touched or caressed your boyfriend for almost a month. You’re too deprived and sexually frustrated. This is no time to be shy about it, not that both of you are shy with each other.
“But how about Hoseok? Won’t he be there?” Oh Hoseok. What a beautiful human. You’ve been together with Yoongi for almost a year already, and they’ve been roommates for the same amount of time. The three of you just clicked together ever since the start.
You met Yoongi through a common friend. Didn’t start officially dating one another until two months later. You would always tease him about it because he took so long to ask for a date just because he felt intimidated by you. You were more of a strong-independent and outgoing type of woman and he was quiet and reserved. It took a month before both of you started bringing each other to your respective apartments. There you met Hoseok. It didn’t take much and it felt natural to be friends with him. Maybe because it felt like the both of you were the same side of a coin.
You used to think that Yoongi and Hoseok were two poles opposite from each other, but you soon realize that’s the best thing about the two of them. That’s why you and Yoongi felt perfect for each other as well.
Although you love your boyfriend dearly, you can’t deny that a small bit of you has been attracted to his roommate. Apart from having a lot of similarities with each other, you do feel that sometimes you share the same mind waves as him. One day when Yoongi was so sick, the two of you left work for the day to stay and care for him. You were amazed that Hoseok knew what he was doing and was really frantic if what he was doing was enough. Seeing somebody else care and love your boyfriend this much warms your heart.
You do try to avoid letting your feelings for him grow any further since Yoongi is your soulmate. You could give the world to Yoongi, that’s how much you love him, and it swells your heart to know that he feels the same for you. You won’t do anything to hurt your precious boyfriend. Ruining their friendship is also the last thing on your mind. You just remind yourself to keep your small fire for Hoseok under control or put out, if possible.
“He said don’t worry about it. He’ll find a way to stay out of our way for the weekend.” Pleased with Yoongi’s reply, you can’t stop thinking of various ways to spend your night with your boyfriend.
With that, you arrive at his apartment that night. Yoongi opens the door, greeting you. You dropped the bags in your hands to the floor and jumped to embrace him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your body. He noticed the fresh smell of your strawberry shampoo, a scent he truly missed.
You start to slowly kiss his neck and soon, you felt his hands grip your waist tighter. “Ummm, kitten?” He does enjoy you pouncing on him as soon as you arrived at his apartment but someone from across the room is eyeing the two of you. Your hands start to comb through his hair when he slightly pushed you, stopping you from teasing Yoongi. “Hoseok is still here.” He turns his head to the direction of his roommate and you followed.
Hoseok sat quietly on the other side of the kitchen counter, sipping his water while staring at the two of you. You straighten out yourself, ashamed at being caught in the act by Hoseok. “Don’t mind me. It’s not like it’s my first time catching the two of you in the act.” He quietly laughs as he took another gulp, completely teasing you.
“Don’t tease her, Hoseok.” Yoongi pats your head as he sees you turn shy at Hoseok’s teasing.
“It’s cute that you let her pounce on you every time she thinks you two are finally alone. So hungry for Yoongi?” Hoseok giggles as you shot a hawkish gaze at him. He gets up and took his bag from the chair beside him as he walks towards the two of you, or rather the door. You glance at the darkness outside the window and at your watch.
“Isn’t it too late for a drive?” You ask Hoseok as he pat your boyfriend goodbye before turning to you.
“I’m fine. Why? You worried about me?” He leans down, eyes meeting yours. He pats your head teasingly and you jokily swat it off. “Besides, aren’t you glad you finally have some alone time? This is my reward to you, little girl.”
“Little girl? I may be smaller but I’m older than the two of you!” Yoongi and Hoseok, focused entirely on your face, watched as you apparently try to make your point.
“Yes, we know kitten, by one year… as you constantly try to remind us.” Yoongi hugs you from behind. “Get on with it. Drive safe!” He hits Hoseok by the arm and they did their handshake. Hoseok also lightly hits your arm before opening the door and walking out, leaving you and your boyfriend finally alone in the apartment.
You both swiftly turn to each other at the same time after the realization that you’re finally alone with each other, amusing the both of you. You let out a smile full of sweetness with eyes almost glistening with longingness for Yoongi.
“I missed you, Yoongi.”
“You don’t how much I missed you too, my kitten.”
That nickname. When was the last time you heard the sound of his voice call you like that? You love it. He apparently can call you that in 100 ways possible. Most of the time, you do love it when he’s screaming it while you overdose him with pleasure.
“Should we watch a movie or something?” You suggest as you turn back to get your bags, carefully grabbing the bag filled with food that you plan to cook for him until tomorrow.
“Pass. I think we should start putting that toy to good use.” Yoongi grumbled in a very low tone as he slowly walked to you, bent forward in front of him. It’s been too long since he had a taste of you. Just by smelling you when you arrived already made him so hard in his pants. He bent down to you letting his body fall on your back. You slowly felt his hands crawl from your shoulders down to your hands. “I’ll be taking that promise now.” His breath brushing past your ear made you wet, shivering from anticipation.
A week ago, you may have promised something to Yoongi. When you’re finally done with the case, you promised him that you’ll allow him to dom you. Usually, it’s been always you who’s taking charge in the bedroom and Yoongi being the sub. You absolutely love seeing your boyfriend submitting to you in the bedroom. Although Yoongi is not really a dedicated sub, he loves it when you tell him that it feels so good acting all your fantasies in the relationship. You were the kinkier and more insatiable one between the two of you so he lets you lead. Tonight, you’ll be giving all the reins to Yoongi so when he knew that you’ll be staying with him this weekend, he texted you the lists of toys to bring.
“What do you want me to do?” You stood up and turned to face him. Yoongi understood what you’re asking of him. You are now submitting to him. His chest starts to swell up inside at finally having the chance to reverse the roles between the two of you.
“Start by calling me Sir.” Yoongi grabbed your chin, lightly tapping your cheeks. You gaze at his hooded eyes, now filled with desire and hunger to dominate you, making you starved to get a taste of him. “Kneel.” He pushed you down by your shoulders as he zips open his pants.
His cock sprung out of his pants, hitting you on the cheek. The enticing smell overwhelmed you. You deeply breathed to inhale his musk as your nose hit the tip of his cock. He gulped at the sight of you hungry for his cock. Your hands wandered towards his member when you heard Yoongi click his tongue. You open your eyes and gazed above. “You’ll only do what I tell you to do, understood?” a more commanding tone vibrated out of Yoongi, slightly surprising you at how he exudes himself right now. He brushed his thumb along your lower lips. “Answer me, kitten.” He tightens his grasp on your chin.
“Yes, sir.” You dropped your hands beside you as you let Yoongi, with his cock in hand, brush himself on your lips.
“Good girl.” He continues to swipe the tip of his cock, smearing his pre-cum on your lips. You hold yourself back from licking him and swallowing him whole. Every fiber of your being is getting impatient and just wants to stuff his cock inside your mouth this instant but a promise is a promise. You just have to wait and let him lead. “Stick out your tongue.”
He relishes the sight of you kneeling down for him, tongue out waiting for his cock. He put both of his hands in front of him against the wall as he aligns his cock in the tip of your tongue. “Purple is our safe word. You understand?” He gazes down at you, nodding enthusiastically.
Not soon after, he starts thrusting his cock so deep inside your mouth. Your head is pushed against the wall along with the rhythm and force of each thrusts. Something about his cock just satisfies you perfectly. The length is just enough to gag you but the girth, oh the girth. It hurts your jaw every time you suck him and if you had too much, you know you’re gonna have a hard time chewing your food tomorrow.
Sloppy sounds from the two of you started to fill up the room. Yoongi continues to bury his cock in your throat. He did stay deep for a few seconds a few times, grinding himself on you as you find difficulty to gasp for air. Tears started welling up in your eyes and Yoongi got concerned. You felt him pull away slightly but you assured him quickly that you’re fine. You know yourself that you won’t use the safe word tonight. You never did get to use it ever with Yoongi.
He gripped your neck, ever so slightly choking you as he pulls you to stand and leads you to the living room couch. He pushed you back to crash down on the soft couch. Quickly and not a second more, he crashed his lips with yours. Overwhelmed by the burning contact that’s long overdue, both of you breathed deeply as you allow each other to get intoxicated. Your hands tightly gripped the coach at both sides, controlling yourself from disobeying Yoongi. His tongue starts to lap at your sweet soft lips and continue to coil its way to your tongue.
Yoongi started moaning as he closed the distance between his crotch and your thighs. You felt him grind himself on you and your thighs started squirming at the sight of Yoongi satisfying himself on you. “Open, kitten.” He pushed your mouth open once more with his thumb. “Look at how hungry my kitten is for me. You’re so good for me.” He spits, letting his spit travel down slowly to your mouth. He chuckles at the sight of you swallowing for him.
“Sir, I want your cock now please?” Your thighs squirmed some more, wiggling while tightly closed together.
Yoongi clicked his tongue once more. “You’ve always been impatient. Always skipping foreplay and straight to fucking.”
“But sir, I’m really hungry for your cock.” You beg and whine.
“Good girls get rewards. Am I right, kitten? I have to prepare you well for what’s in store for tonight.” He bends down as he spreads your legs. Your thighs pushed towards you. He groans when he lifts up your skirt, noticing that you chose to come here without any underwear. He glared at you remembering that if he did not control himself a while ago when you were kissing him when you arrived, he could have lifted your skirt right then with Hoseok still present in the room.
“See? I am always so wet for you Sir. I can take your cock right now.” Your pussy, glistening with juices, further inviting him to devour you. He licks his lips before kissing your inner thigh.
“My kitten. When was the last time you touched yourself?” His breathe tickled your clit just as he let his nose slightly touch your clit. Yoongi sees you attempting to grind yourself to his face, impatient for his touch. You bit your lip as you stare and wait for your boyfriend. “Answer me when I ask you a question.” You gasp at the sudden bite on your inner thigh, soon followed by a warm lick from his feverish wet tongue.
“I have not touched myself for three weeks, sir. I really need your cock now, sir. Please.” You whine as you try to hold back your tears.
“Such a hardworking girl. I see you deserve a big reward.” He pulls the lips of your pussy to the side, making it taut and your clit standing to attention. He quickly swiped his tongue up your slit, finally tasting your juices dripping out from your pussy. He could say all kinds of profanities just from tasting you. You scratched and gripped what was around you at the overwhelming sensation. Yoongi continues to flick his tongue swiftly against your clit, followed by slurping and sucking. You arch your back as your hands finds its place on Yoongi’s hair.
His fingers soon landed on the rim of your pussy. He thrusts two inside very deeply, curling it to find your g-spot. You try to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from screaming at the intense pleasure. You’ve been so deprived of any touch for three weeks that just his tongue is enough to make you cum in seconds. However, you try your best to hold it out.
Yoongi fondles your breast with his hand as he licks your clit, while his other hand never faltering from fucking you. Seeing you lose yourself from his touch is making him drunk. He never saw you this submissive with him. With this, he adds another finger in your pussy. He licks your clit furiously as he sees you desperate to scream louder but you bite your lips to hold back. “Do you want to come, kitten?”
You gaze at him, furiously nodding. Begging to be allowed to reach your high. You see him smirk as he continues to thrust his fingers inside you. A second after, he pulled it all out, leaving you surprised and craving for him to return his fingers inside you. “Not yet. We still have to use this.” He lifts up a metal anal plug. He hands out the toy to let it touch your lips. Your eyes stay glued to him as you let your mouth open, sucking the toy. You see him staring at your mouth, licking his lips at how dirty you look right now.
The metal felt cold as it hits your tongue and teeth. You swirled your tongue around the bulbed end and he pulled it out of your mouth. He quickly pushed it inside your pussy without falter. He pulls it in and out twice to lubricate the toy with your juices before stopping just on the entrance of your ass.
You squirm as you felt the toy slowly stretching your behind. The sensation and stretch is too much for your first time. He doesn’t push everything at once, but slowly pulling it in and out as he slowly lets you adjust. He sees you shaking once he did push the entire plug inside you.
He wiped a strand of hair clinging on your sweaty forehead. Despite looking so fucked out, you’re still the most beautiful person he ever saw. You exchange a few seconds of sweet gazes before he inserted three fingers inside your pussy again while his other hand pulls the plug in and out.
“Oh my fuck… Yoongi. I’m gonna..” You came undone as he increased his speed from fucking you after he sees you writhing in reaching your high. You felt washed over with pleasure, vision hazy and ears ringing. 
Yoongi still continued to thrust his fingers and the plug as you slowly finish. A sounding pop came from his fingers pulling out of you. He puts his fingers in his mouth, savoring your sweet taste of ecstasy. He curses, eyes closed, as he relishes the familiar taste.
The plug still within your puckered ass, you crawled back to the couch as you try to chase your breathing. Yoongi proceeds to walk back to the bag you left just near the door and when he came back to you, he pulled out a blindfold and a huge 8 inch pink dildo from your bag and placing it on the table in front of you. Yoongi, now fully naked, stood tall as he beckons you to remove all your clothes. “Stand up and sit down on my cock.”
Yoongi grins as he sees you eagerly standing up and waits for him to sit down. As soon as he sat down, he pats his thigh to gesture you to finally have what you’ve been eagerly waiting for. You turn around and before you sat down, you try to pull out the plug. Yoongi sees this and smacks your ass, granting a whimper from you. “I thought I told you not to do anything unless you’re told to. Keep it in!”
He groans like a beast from behind you as he placed both his hand on your waist. He pulls you down and lets his cock claim your pussy not a moment long. You whimper at the violent stretch and even more so when Yoongi started furiously humping his hips off the couch to fuck you harder. You noodle out sensual and erotic moans as you place your hands behind you and on Yoongi’s chest. “You’re so fucking tight.” He squeezed your waist so hard that the ache lingered when his hands left your skin. “You’re milking me. I won’t last if you’re this tight.” He lets out a guttural groan while he inch closer to your body. He marks you intensely on the crook of your neck. His hands wandered in front of you and tightly squeezed your breasts.
It feels so nice and naughty as you submit to the bliss of your love making. The pain from his rough hands is so gentle yet very shameless as well. He felt like a lion starving for his prey, you, who is presented on a silver platter. Every thrust of his cock feels primal. This reversal of roles is new to both of you but you find yourself finely adjusting.
“Do you want me to fill your ass with my hot…and sticky cum?” He sensually whispers into your ears. You quickly turn intoxicated with his erotic voice, scorching hot inside your chest and seeping wet from your pussy at the thought of him equally fucking your hard from your ass.
“Yes, sir. I would love that.” You turn your face to the side, surprising him with a slow and succulent lick across his lips. You felt like a drug to Yoongi, being this submissive to his every whim and drunk on sex. Something good actually came out from having to part with you for three weeks.
He pushes you off and eyes the anal plug still attached to you. He did not expect you to suddenly shake and cum again after he pulled out the plug. You dropped down with legs buckling, but he caught you in time just before you hit the floor. “Are you okay? Is it too much?” He lets you support yourself, bending forward and hands on the table. He bent down with his chest on your back, cock still erect touching your pussy. You chase your breathing and took your time before you answered him.
“I’m okay baby. Just getting used to this new you.” You giggled as you kiss his cheeks. “I promise to use our safe word if it’s too much.” He laughs as he felt you wiggle your butt on his cock.
“Always hungry for me, kitten?” he lets his hands comb through your hair before pulling it all back. You straighten your back, presenting your ass to him. He holds his cock in his hand, aligning it with your tight puckered muscle. “Put the blindfold and get the dildo, sweet kitten.” He lets go of your hair and allows you to bend forward to get the items he asked. You strap the blindfold on and blindly let your hand wander on the table to get the dildo.
As you were about to stand up back to him, you sense a slow shapely pressure on your ass as Yoongi tries to enter you. The unfamiliar and new stretch had you delirious from the pain and pleasure. You both find yourself breath taken as you wander through uncharted waters. Your tightness from behind is nothing compared to your pussy. If you had known how intense and sweet this was, you would have said yes to Yoongi to try this months ago. Yoongi hesitates to push his entire length on you, still taking his sweet time to let you adjust. However, you’re patience is nearing its limit with Yoongi’s pace.
You push yourself back on him towards the couch, letting the both of you crash down. You scream at the intense sudden pain of having his cock rapidly filling you up when you fell on his lap. You lean your head back on his shoulder as he allow your scream to die down.
“How many times have I told you to obey me?” He squeezes your cheek, stealing the dildo from your hands. “I’m in charge here, not you kitten.” Yoongi smacking the dildo on your clit has your squirming and closing your legs. You can’t see anything and every sense you have seems to have heightened. “Remember who’s in charge or else, you’ll be punished.”
He gathers the dildo on the entrance of your pussy, lathering your juices around. “Punish me, baby. I’ve been a very impatient and disobedient girl.” You’ve now adjusted well to his cock. Yoongi saw you grind yourself on him, whining for more.
You hear him deeply chuckle then the dildo swiftly entered you until you felt it hit your womb. You try to suppress your voice and Yoongi felt this so he hooked his two fingers in your mouth, playing with your tongue to allow you to let your moans out. The merciless plunge of his cock in your ass and the unrelenting force of the dildo overwhelmed you. It was insane being fucked full by your boyfriend. You were submitting but you never felt this strong and satisfied when you were the one taking charge. The pain, the pleasure and the raw savageness of helplessness made you feel alive.
You respond to his each thrust with untamed moans, hands wandering on his body. You felt completely exposed and unguarded. “Tell me, kitten…” you continue to yield and moan for him when he whispered erotically in your ear. “Are you imagining somebody else’s cock inside your pussy filling you right now instead of the dildo?”
Your moans disappeared as you try to comprehend your boyfriend’s question. However, he continues to thrust in your ass and pussy, making your mind a mush. “I…”
“I think you have someone in mind and it’s not me, kitten.” His erect cock delved deep inside your ass, frozen from thrusting inside you. Although, he continues to push the dildo in and out with a force so savage, you can feel it bruising the entrance of your womb. “I’ve seen how you look at him. Do you wish that his cock should be the one fucking your pussy full right now?”
He gripped your chin with his other hand as you felt words stuck in your throat. You felt your chest tighten at the sudden confrontation. You don’t know if Yoongi is angry and punishing you right now because you can’t see him. He wouldn’t shame you like this normally so you don’t know if this is just the dirty talk or his true feelings. “Sir, I don’t…” you get caught up in your words as your blindfold is starting to get moist from your impending tears.
“I’m not angry kitten. I just want to hear what you truly feel. Whose cock, aside from mine, should be fucking you right now?”
It took you a while to get the knot out of your chest but you did. “I want Hoseok’s! Hoseok’s cock should be fucking me hard right now in the pussy while you destroy my ass!” You screamed. Yoongi slows the pace of the dildo in your pussy and pulls it out. You slumped on him, hungry for a reaction from your boyfriend. The blindfold is not helping the turmoil inside your chest. You want to face him and look straight at him to understand what kind of face he might be making right now.
“Good kitten.” He groaned from behind as he take the blindfold off you. You pry open your eyes, adjusting to the light. A naked figure stood in front of you as you rub your eyes to register the sight. Hoseok was standing tall in front of you and Yoongi, naked in all his glory and stroking his cock.
You jump slightly in your place but Yoongi pushes you back down, granting a sensual quiet moan from you since his cock is still deep in your ass. “Hoseok?!?….Why is he here?”
“This is your reward, little girl.” He continues to stroke his cock in front of you, smugly smirking to look at your boyfriend.
“It’s okay, kitten. I know you want this too.” Yoongi placed his chin on your shoulder as you’re still staring at Hoseok’s face. You turn to your boyfriend and you both stare at each other for a few seconds. You try to read his eyes, unsure if you’re really allowed to finally act on your feelings
“I don’t want to do this if you don’t, baby…” He sensed your panic so he cupped your cheeks to kiss you. A slow and sweet exchange of your lips made you understand that he really is letting you go ahead. He parts with your lips and sweetly gazed at you.
“I want this as well. Go ahead.” Yoongi nods his head to Hoseok, prompting you to allow yourself to submit to both of them. “This is okay. Take care of our girl, Hoseok. I trust you both.” You face Hoseok, who’s still furiously pumping himself to you. With the permission of his older roommate, Hoseok now shamelessly takes in your naked figure as he licks his lips.
He’s been wanting this for so long as well. He developed feelings for Yoongi first, when they became roommates. He’s been so good at hiding it not until Yoongi introduced you to him. At first, he was jealous and irritated whenever you would visit and stay at their apartment. The longer you spent time with Hoseok, he also found himself loving you. Hearing you come undone and screaming with Yoongi every night with just a wall separating him from the two of you was brutal. He loved you both, wanting to touch you and Yoongi as well. He was determined to keep it all a secret up until when Yoongi confronted him.
Yoongi suspected Hoseok has feelings for you with how he acted every time you were with the two of them. Of course, he felt something from you as well. Being quiet and reserved meant that he was very good at reading everybody else’s expressions and feelings. He was proven right when Hoseok confessed with his feelings towards you when he tried to confront him. He was taken by surprise though when Hoseok confessed to loving him as well. He didn’t expect it but also didn’t dislike it. Maybe something in him also feels something for his younger roommate. They did talk it out and came to a conclusion to talk to you about it. Yoongi was the one who initiated the surprise threesome. Hoseok wasn’t on board with it at first but now that you’re here, he’ll accept everything even if you reject him.
You let your lust and feelings take over you. You wait for either of them to command you. Hoseok sees your eyes change from reluctant to now willing to submit to him. He takes it as your acceptance of him. He groans as he walks closer to you, cock in your face. His cock smelled amazing. You take in the unfamiliar yet enticing smell as you sniff his shaft, granting a groan from the two males at the sight of you.
“Suck me now, little girl.” You opened your mouth to invite him in. Hoseok leans his head back as euphoria hits him from the satisfaction of having your warm and wet mouth capture his cock. His cock was different from Yoongi. He’s not as girthy as your boyfriend but the length is amazing. Your mouth is already full but there’s still enough left for your hand to play with. “Fuck, I can’t handle this. You feel amazing.” Hoseok wraps his hands on your hair as he started to furiously rock deep inside your mouth. You could feel him reach your throat. Your moans, now muffled by the huge cock occupying your mouth. Hoseok could come apart right there at the sight of your throat bulging from his cock and from the vibrations of your throat as you try to moan loudly, when Yoongi started tapping Hoseok’s hand away from your head.
“I said take care of her, not kill her.” Hoseok loses his hold on your head when he heard Yoongi as he pulled out of your mouth. You gagged and coughed but you swat your hands at them.
“Yoongi, I’m fine. I actually like it.” You swipe the drool off your lips and turned to face your boyfriend. “I’m not using my safe word, am I? So get on with it and fuck my ass full!” Yoongi and Hoseok, surprised at your outcry and commanding tone, just went quiet.
“I didn’t hear you calling him Sir, did I?” Hoseok grabbed your chin and lightly slapped you. “Did he allow you to take over? No! You’re our slut tonight so just obey us.” You were taken aback at Hoseok’s change in demeanor. You were a dom to Yoongi, but Hoseok felt different. You shiver in your place, unfamiliar with the feeling of fear from disobeying the sultry man in front of you. With Yoongi, you were willing to act as a sub tonight but it felt like you were really a sub to Hoseok.
All you do was agree as he slaps you once more in the cheek. It was not painful as you imagined. You know Hoseok still cared for you and wouldn’t really hurt you so you find yourself relaxing under Yoongi, waiting patiently for Hoseok to now command the two of you under him. “Fuck her hard, Yoongi, so that she knows her place. I’ll make sure to fill her pussy to the brim.” He licks his lips as both you and Yoongi stare at the dominant male.
Yoongi started to lunge his hips towards you, bouncing you on his lap. You scream at the pleasant sensation of being fucked in the ass. You see Hoseok smirking as he lines his cock at your pussy. Slowly, you felt him open up your walls as he continue to plunge his erect and long member. Hoseok gently bites and licks your shoulder as he tries his best not to come apart from the wonders of your pussy. It was heavenly. Filthy moans, your bodies tangled with each other, and sloppy sounds from their cocks entering you filled the room. You three were drunk from the pleasure, frenzy mushing your heads making you groggy.
You wrapped your hands around Hoseok’s back, pulling him towards you. Hoseok, surprised at the sudden proximity of his face with Yoongi, avoids eyes contact as he continue to fuck your pussy hard. Yoongi chuckled at the sight of his younger roommate getting shy despite being so commanding with you and him a while ago. He placed a peck on Hoseok’s forehead. Hoseok turned to Yoongi, now cheeks burning caused by the sweet kiss. They stared at each other, Yoongi sweetly smiling at him and Hoseok smiling at the feeling of being accepted by Yoongi as well.
You pull Hoseok’s face to yours, breaking their small moment. “I want to be filled, sir.” You gaze at him with eyes hooded. Hoseok realized that you’ve gone far off now and all he wants is to satisfy you.
“Little girl deserves her reward.” He looked at Yoongi and soon after, both of them pounded into you furiously. Overwhelming sensation from being full from both holes, Hoseok painfully fucking your pussy up up to the entrance of your womb, and Yoongi fully stretching your ass out. You scream as you let yourself in your bliss. You exploded from the ecstasy brought on by the two men you truly care and love. Yoongi and Hoseok moaned and squeezed their hands on you as they felt you squeeze down on them, milking them to reach their own orgasm.
You twist, still glued to them, as you felt their warm liquid fill you up from the front and behind. The three of you, panting, as all of you let your orgasm finish. Still twined with each other, you hugged Hoseok tightly before he parts from you.
“Are you okay? You came three times, you must be exhausted. I’ll prepare a bath for the both of you.” Hoseok quickly ran back to the bathroom, disappearing from the living room.
Yoongi lifts you up to stand, pulling his cock out your ass. He lets out another groan as he sees you leaking with both of their cum. You truly look filthy right now, but his heart won’t stop pounding in his chest as he take in your beautiful face. He swipes the leaking cum off your thigh and he pulls you back on the couch. He places his fingers coated with cum in your mouth. You willingly suck it clean, tasting the mixture of Yoongi and Hoseok on you. He examines you as you breathe deeply, trying to relax post-coitus.
“Wow. Baby. If I had known how fun it is to see you take charge, I would have let you do it occasionally. Also, that was awesome.” You hug Yoongi as you place your legs across his thighs.
“Are you okay? It was not too much, was it?” Yoongi wipes the sweat off your forehead.
“I’m fine, baby.” You placed your lips on him, intimately. You want him to feel your happiness and ultimately, your intense love for him. “So what does this mean? With Hoseok?”
“I know you love him and he does too. I’ve been suspecting it for a while now. I just waited for either of you to talk to me.” Yoongi tucks in your hair behind your ear.
“But I love you more. You’re the one I want the most.” You quickly rebut him, careful as not to hurt him with any of your words.
“I know, kitten. Trust me, I do love you both too and it makes me happy seeing the two of you together too.”
“But he’s your friend…”
“I love him too, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Hoseok suddenly appeared in the room. “I won’t force myself between the two of you. I’ll go wherever you want me to stay in this relationship. I’m happy with just the two of you knowing how I feel.” He stands straight at the edge of the living room, hesitant to walk further and respecting the current situation.
You turn to Yoongi and silently stared at each other. You quickly understood what this meant. Your heart felt huge and swollen at the amount of love you’re now receiving. You’re loved by Yoongi and Hoseok.
“Come here, Hobi.” You gesture him to come closer and he did, smiling enthusiastically as he knew that the both of you are now accepting him and willing to share each other.
“I love you both!” Hoseok crashed down on both of you, granting a loud giggle from you while Yoongi smiled silently.
No reward can ever top this one. Surely, the night is still young.
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theshimadaslovers · 11 months
Chapter 1
Genre: Magicpunk/DungeonPunk, drama, fantasy, romance.
Summary: You and a couple of friends were telling some ghost stories in a campfire, looking for new adventures. So, one of your closest friends, who knows the forest with the palm of her hands, tells an interesting myth about a spirit known as an Onryo, a violent ghost that can hurt you for real.
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?? - All right, that one is not real, Briggite! *laughs* Ghosts are not real!
Brig- Not real? Dragons are real, Olivia! 
Olivia- They are animals and when people die, they're dead!! Right, y/n?! 
You- *eating* Mm…? Oh! I mean, it's possible. Is interesting actually… Tell me more about that thing, Brig. 
Brig- Well well! Someone is nice here! *laughs and sits close* They never told anybody the true story of the Onyro, but I know. 
Olivia- How? *roll eyes* 
Brig- My mother was a witch, you know, right? She met this demon! She said that his true story is that, actually, he's a man from a powerful empire of crime called Shimada and he killed his own brother! And his father paid coins of gold to a powerful witch to curse his own son and he became this demon, now, they call him a Sleepy Dangerous Spirit of The Darkest Forest. 
Olivia- Bullshit, there's not such things as demons! 
You- I've heard about that… *thinking out loud*
Brig- What do you mean? *surprised* 
You- No! Nothing! *laughs* It sounds like an old story from my parents! Is there any kind of cure for this curse? 
Brig- Is a flower in a high cold mountain, something like that. A lot of people said that this is not the real story, but, it may actually have something more about him. Isn't it interesting?
You- I like that! *laughs and stands up* Well, girls, I have to go, my uncle is waiting for me.
Olivia All right, but don’t listen to Brigitte, I know you’re crazy about those myths, but, come on… is there any chance that it could be real?
You- *smirk* The world is a mysterious box of Pandora, Olivia. There’s always a chance. We live inside of a Pandora Box.
Olivia- *swallow dry* That was a little creepy…
*later in your house located in the middle of the forest, you open the door finding your uncle exploding some alchemy* 
Uncle- Oh! Holy damn! That was a big one! *he was a wizard hided from the government* 
You- Uncle, what are you doing? *laughs* You’re gonna get attention from the guards like that.
Uncle- *turn around with his face dirty with pink dust* Well well! My sweet niece! I’m trying to figure out how to make color without using natural materials! For your paintings!
You- We live in the middle of nature, uncle, it is alright to use flowers and other things. By the way, I have a question for you.
Uncle- Yes yes! *cleaning his face* What is it?
You- Remember the myth about the demon Onryo? *your uncle stopped for a moment a little shocked* What? You told me that he was real.
Uncle- Yes, he is real! But you don’t mess with him! 
You- Brigitte told me his real story, her mother told her before die. 
Uncle- Yes, I remember her mother… She was a wize witch, she saw the demon with her own eyes. 
You- So… I said that he’s murdering people in the forest, right?
Uncle- Yes! But this is not our business! *go back to the experiments but you get in his way* 
You- Since I was a kid, I have wanted to know this spirit. 
Uncle- Evil spirit, y/n! You should not invoke him! 
You- You want to be known as a great wizard again! This is your chance to get away from the government's eyes! 
Uncle- This spirit is dangerous! He’s sadistic, powerful and will laugh at you while you bleed! And a liar too.
You- If you won’t do it, I’ll do it for you.
Uncle- No! *his aura starts to get red and visible* I said no! You’ll die in a blink of an eye! 
You- He is the biggest enemy for our kingdom! The greatest fear of the king! He killed the queen! The only one able to turn this man back to normal or kill him, is you! 
Uncle-... *get closer* I would never dare to be face to face with this demon. Never! Is possible to kill or cure, but only with a flower that’s impossible to reach! 
You- A flower! In the highest cold mountains!
Uncle- Guarded by a great dragon! *annoyed* A dragon of fire! A such a powerful fire that would NEVER freeze in that mountain! Hotter than hell! Burns as lava! 
You-...*take a deep breath* Fine! I don’t need to convince you anyway.
Uncle- What?
You- *Make a spell that makes you disappear in a smoke* 
Uncle- No no! Y/n! COME BACK! *inhales* I should never have taught spells to this girl…! 
*at your uncles library* 
You- *walk to a specific shelf picking up a thin notebook between the books* If you won’t do it, I’ll do it! *you open up the notebook and grab a book about myths and other one about the kingdom history* I’ve been preparing that for him for years! And he says “no”?! Idiot! *open the book of myths in a page of Onryo* “A guarding evil spirit from the Darkest Forest…” blah blah… here! Invocation! “Set two red candles in the ground in the middle of the darkest spot of a forest, light it up and place a red fire flower between, walk two steps back and hold an incense, light it up and speak the spell”. Right! I’m ready.
*you put everything in a backpack and walk to the window, open up and with no hesitation, you jump. Lucky you that has a tree in front, so you hold in the stem and go to the ground, then, your adventure starts, while your uncle, try to look for you a hour later* 
Uncle- *open the door of your room*  Y/n can we talk for a…? Y/n? *sighs and close the door going to the library open up* Y/n are you here? *see the open window* What? *the rest of the room looks totally normal, but he thought in the worse* Aw shit! *Close the door running out of the house* Y/n!! Y/N! Oh no…! 
*in the middle of the walk, you were reading the book about Onryo again* 
You- Why did they make up so many different stories for him? *sighs* I hope Brig is right about that one. Darkest place of the forest… *look around* Maybe, south? No… Too close to the cannibal tribes. *look back* Maybe East, but my uncle can detect me easily *look forward* It may have some cave around here.
*The first rule is to find the darkest place of the forest to make the invocation work, to avoid attention if someone is close, if there’s more than one person in the invocation ritual, the Onryo won’t appear, if insists, he will kill everyone with no excitation in a blink of an eye. After about two hours walking, around evening, you spot a deep cave with the entry covered with a curtain of leaves* 
You- Yes! *you smile running tired to the cave, getting closer, you felt a something cold in your spine* Creepy… *swallow dry and slowly entering the cave* Fine… the candles. 
*you pick up the candles in your backpack placed in the ground as the rules say, the flower that was safely stored in a glass jar, you place it between the red candles. Light up the candles in stand up now holding the incenses* All right… *take a deep breath lighting up, closing your eyes and starting the spell* 
“Homo damnatus in gehennam aeternam.
Malus spiritus surge e sepulchro tuo.
Ostende faciem tuam in mundo, ostende cornua tua et fortitudinem tuam.
Magne Onryo, invitum te invoco, pro viribus verborum meorum, sepulcrum tuum aperio.”
*Nothing happened, you open one eye and see everything quiet* 
You- What? *you grab the book open up in the right page* The latin spell didn’t work…! Of course! He’s a japanese spirit! *you slap your own forehead* Dammit! I’ll try to translate…? *take a deep breath closing your eyes again, but suddenly you smell something burning* ?! 
*You open your eyes and see the flower between the candles burning without touching anything, you step away a little scared and see two fine lines of fire coming from the candles touch each other making the flower turn into a bigger fire that makes you step away a little more. The fire started to grow bigger every second, like a huge campfire, the light was so strong that it made you put the book in front of your face and close your eyes, than… everything stops*
You- …? *you heard a growl making you keep the book in front of your face, now, scared and shaking* Oh shit…! It worked! Oh shit shit shit…! 
Onryo- Who dares to invoke me?! *you hear others growls, but not coming from him* How dare?! 
You- *slowly and shaking putting the book down* I…! I did! *you gasp seeing this blue demon figure looking to you*
Onryo- *tilt his head* You… *two creatures similar to dragons, skeletons dragons, appear behind him growling to you* A foolish woman…? *walk towards you* Where should I start? From the legs? They look taste *chuckles* Should I smash your head and eat your brains? *stay face to face* Take your pretty eyes off? *you felt his claws caressing your arms* Fresh… *the dragons wrap you around making you gasp and panic* Shhh shhh… *he hold you face* You know the consequences. 
You- Please…! I have a proposal! For you! *the dragons squeeze you more* Hm…!! 
Onryo- You want to make a proposal to a demon? *chuckles moving his face to you neck and smelling* Hmmm… such a good smell of meat… 
You- Please! *squeezing more* Hm! I know your true story! I…! *gasp*
Onryo- *chuckles and whispers with his demonic voice in you ear* Out of air? No one knows the truth, no one cares… *Look in your eyes* Liar…! 
*The dragons squeeze you until you roll your eyes almost fainting*
Onryo- Good girl… *laughs stepping away*
You- *gasp* A witch…! She…! Knew you!! 
Onryo-... A witch? *walk fast back to you and grab your neck making the dragons letting you go* What witch?! Do you know her?! 
You- *gasp* That witch you told her your true story! 
Onryo- Hmm… *let you go make you fall in your knees catching some breath* I remember that witch, I told her my story.
You- You’re a human… you’re cursed by your own family... killed your own brother…
Onryo- I DIDN’T KILL MY BROTHER! *He voice echoed like hell* I would never dare to kill him! I…! *he growls* Give a good reason to not kill you! 
You- I have the cure! *you stand up* I can bring you back! 
Onryo- *chuckles* You? A little girl? What are you?
You- Daughter of witches! I know about the cure, I know what can bring you back! 
Onryo- And why do you want to help me? Reckless girl! 
You- You’ve been killing innocent people for blood! 
Onryo- Oh, is that so? Want to be a hero? *laughs* 
You- Do you want to be hunted forever?
Onryo- I’m feared by everyone! *walk towards you* I’ma god! I’m powerful! 
You- And lonely! We hate you, Onryo! You’re a demon! 
Onryo- Demon? *chuckles* You think I care about being lonely and hated? I love that! 
You- Right… So you actually killed your brother in cold bloo-! *he grab your neck* Is that what everyone thinks about you! 
Onryo- Talk about my brother again and I will break your neck! 
You- So you gonna have to break everyones neck! *smile* Don’t you wanna prove to them that you’re the victim here?! 
Onryo- Victim? *he chills but still holds your neck* I’m the victim…
You- My…neck! So listen to me! You come with me to get the flowers that can bring you back! All right? You become human again and we go hunt that stupid witch! 
Onryo- And kill my father… *laughs and bring you close to him* So you’re going to make an deal with the devil! 
You- What?!
Onryo- I have my conditions… You'll be loyal to me, no lies! No betray! And you will obey me…! Only me!
You- And that's my condition…you'll protect me! *he growls* Yes! That's the deal!
Onryo- You're a witch! You have a lot of power in your veins! 
You- I…! *gasp* I'm not that strong yet! *he immediately let you go laughing out loud* 
Onryo- Daughter of witches?! No power?! Liar! 
You- It's a deal?! Or not?! 
*He look at you for a few seconds and chuckles*
Onryo- All right, human… is a deal with the devil *smirk*
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 months
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Part Two
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
The results are in.
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Your path has been altered. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. Don't mind me accidentally voting on the poll myself, I tapped on the option while scrolling fhdjkalh So the results are actually even more in the favor of playing video games :)
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on April 12th at 12:00pm PST. Part Three will be up the next day, April 13th, at the same time.
“Yeah, I’m sure the food situation is fine,” Chase says. “I want to check out the consoles that Jack’s been keeping from us.”
“Hell yeah!” Jackie grins.
Schneep rolls his eyes. “Fine. But if there is no food in the kitchen you will have to drive back to town.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” That was the price of being the only friend with a driver’s license. “Look, if something’s up, I’ll stop what I’m doing and head down there. But I doubt it is.” Chase leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “C’mon, let’s go check it out.”
Jackie whoops and hurries to the staircase. Chase follows at a slower pace with Schneep trailing behind him.
Marvin and JJ are already downstairs, sitting on the sofa closest to the window. “Can’t believe it’s already getting dark,” Marvin mutters. “Love the fall, hate the lack of daylight.”
“Ah, Marvin, JJ,” Schneep says. “It is getting close to dinner time. What would you like to eat? There is no guarantee Jack will have stocked the food, but I will ask anyway.”
“You already know my list of foods I like,” Marvin says, shrugging.
I’m fine with whatever you want to make, JJ says. It sounds like we may have limited options.
“We may. I have not checked yet.”
“Hey, do you guys want to check out the PS5 with me and Chase?” Jackie asks.
“Uh, sure, I’ll watch whatever you guys do,” Marvin says.
JJ stands up. I’d rather help Henrik in the kitchen, if you don’t mind.
“Aw, I thought we were making so much progress teaching you the ways of the future!” Chase pretends to look sad.
JJ chuckles. I may join later, don’t worry.
He and Schneep headed into the kitchen while Chase, Jackie and Marvin started setting up the console and checking out what games were on it. “Jesus, does he have every Resident Evil game on here?” Chase mutters. “He does! There’s no way he’s played them all, though, since he straight-up forgot about this cabin until recently.”
“Oo! Oo! Spider-Man!” Jackie says excitedly. “Let’s play that!”
“We should choose something multiple people can play,” Marvin points out.
“Yeah, well, doesn’t look like he has a lot of those,” Chase says. “Look, Monopoly. You want to play Monopoly?”
Marvin makes a face.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Good news, everyone!” Schneep reappears in the archway leading to the kitchen. “Everything is full of food. I don’t think we are eager to cook, but JJ found some frozen pizzas in the freezer.”
“Hell yeah,” Jackie says. “How many? What toppings?”
“Well it looks like there is one for each of us, as there are five, one for each of our preferences.”
“Oh cool, I don’t have to pick off toppings!” Marvin says excitedly. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
“The oven is not big enough for all at once, so who can wait?”
“Uh, I’m not that hungry,” Chase says. “And I doubt that Jackie will want to eat right away, since he went straight for the PS5.”
“Hey! ...Well, that’s fair,” Jackie admits.
“Three is fine,” Schneep says, and turns around, going back into the kitchen.
“Sooo what are we playing?” Jackie asks.
“I saw Grand Theft Auto back there, let’s choose that,” Marvin suggests. “It’s always fun to watch even if you’re not playing.”
“Sounds good to me,” Chase says, selecting the game.
They play for about ten minutes, with Chase having primary control while Jackie and Marvin tell him what to do and occasionally try to grab the controller from him. Chase is just about ready to tell the other two to take their turn, if they’re so focused on playing, when—
The screen and lights in the room go dark.
“Aw, what?” Chase presses buttons on the controller as if that can fix it. “Did the power go out?”
Marvin groans. “We were tempting fate earlier when we said we won’t have to go down into the basement.”
Schneep and JJ run into the living room. Did everything go out? JJ asks.
“Looks like it.” Jackie punches his fist. “God damn it! Well, at least we didn’t get far.”
“Jack said the fuse box was in the basement, right?” Marvin recalls. “Schneep, you still have the house keys. Can they open the basement door?”
“I am sure they... oh.” Schneep digs around in his pocket. Then his other one. “Where did they..?”
JJ walks over to a table by the entrance and picks up the keys from there. He looks at Schneep with a raised eyebrow. You didn’t remember where you put them?
“W-well, I am sure one of those can open the basement,” Schneep stammers, embarrassed. “I will, ah, keep an eye on the... the food.” And he disappears back into the kitchen.
Jackie sighs. “Okay then. One of us should stay up here and keep an eye on things. Get everything set back up the moment the power comes on. Chase, are you okay with doing that? You were figuring out the controls faster than I was.”
“Sure, I don’t mind,” Chase agrees. “So who’s going downstairs, then?”
Jackie, Marvin, and JJ all look at each other.
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the-fandom-therapist · 8 months
(@ultimateplaylistmaker you are to blame for this.
I planned to do the OTHERS parts of the alicorn!Kokichi AU, not this!
Anyway, here's alicorn Kokichi in the infection AU, my version which is heavily inspired by the asks I send lmao)
Death is weird.
You don't feel anything. Actually, thank fuck because if he have to stay eternally in the state of agony he was in before dying, he would considering it hell.
Not like he wouldn't have deserve it. But still.
Anyhow, at some point when he was drifting in... limbo he guesses, he felt a pull towards... somewhere.
His soul was called somewhere and he doesn't even know where. Or why. Or even by who!
He felt himself falling, and blacked out at the moment of impact.
When he woke up, he immediatly noticed something was off.
First of all, the desolated wasteland (no, not this one! Fuck off Monokuma!) was a pretty good indicator that something is very wrong.
Second of all, when he bolted to get at the closest thing that could be used as a shelter, he found out that he was unable to get on his two feet. He could only walk on all four-
Wait, wait wait, hold up a SECOND.
He lift his hand.
This is not a hand.
He's a fucking horse now? What the fuck?
...Hell is fucking weird.
Like, he would get getting thrown into a wasteland as a punishement. Makes sense. But as a horse? Okay DICE associate him 24/7 with the animal because of his name, but that's still strange.
Oh wait. He's not just a horse, he's a freaking unicorn apparently, because when he tried to put a han-hoof on his head, he got resistance.
Yep. A horn. So unicorn he is apparently. Great.
He's not in a regular wasteland, he's in a magical wasteland. He's going to see fucking pegasus next?
Nevermind, he's just going to see HIMSELF fully next! He was lucky(?) to stumble upon a shattered mirror.
Apparently he got the full treatement of magical horse. Because he's both a unicorn and a pegasus now.
Also his... well, fur? Is entierely white. His mane is the same color as his hairs, which make sense he suppose. Also thank fuck he kept his scarf. Otherwise he'd throw a fit. (Would that change anything? No. Does he care? Also no.)
He got more or less the same haircut too. His eyes are the same colors as well, so there that.
...Why the fuck does he got a tattoo on his thigh though.
A tattoo of... A purple snake -cobra apparently- with dripping fangs and a dice in its mouth. With a crown. And warped around a weird staff.
Actually it looks pretty cool, but he never wanted that thanks.
...So what does he do now?
First of all, he need to find something to eat. And water too. Because considering the state of the buildings around, he's going to bet that water isn't running anymore.
Next, a place to sleep that isn't in plain sight. If he could get a shelter from the elements, it'd be great!
Then maybe he could-
His thoughts stopped when he heard a groan.
Oops, seems like he's not alone here!
Now, the one-million question. Is it a friend or foe? In a situation like this, it's best to assume they're a fo-
He doesn't know how, he doesn't know why, but when the other guy -horse really- charged at him, with obvious hostile intentions, he got blasted away by...
Purple energy?
Oh wait, he is technically a unicorn... He can do magic? Sick! Though he'll probably need to learn more about how to use it. But, more importantly...
That looks to be a very damn sick horse!
Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!
...Oh wait.
Sick looking, stumbling around, trying to attack...
Ah shit, he got himself into a damn zombie apocalypse didn't he?
...That is NOT his day.
Alright. After a week or so, Kokichi successfully got a few infos.
First of all: this world is different from his. Everyone here is a horse. Or rather, pony since they call themselves that.
Everyone either have wings, or a horn, or neither. But he have yet to see one who have both, just like him.
Weird. But he suppose it's a question of chance and genes. Rare ones could create both maybe?
He learned that this outbreak had been going on for a little less than a month. Nobody knows where their rulers (princesses apparently) went, or if they were infected or not.
He learned how to use magic, albeit only for rough spells. Just burst of energy to send the infected away from him long enough to run away, or cut things -more like explode them...- to barricade a place.
He's been trying to learn how to fly too; apparently those infected, even if they were pegasi, didn't had the cognitive connections to know how to fly now. And even if they did, they were rare and slow. So it's a great way to get away!
The only downside is to do it in a desert area, because he have a tendency to still fall rather often. And he's veeeeery far from the steady flights he saw other survivors do.
He tried to approach a group of survivors once but... Seeing them shooting another pony not infected on sight with magic cut rather efficently that idea. He's going solo here. (Even though he would benefit GREATLY from having a source of informations about this world!)
And, well he's doing pretty good for himself all things considered. Living in the streets before is great experience for the apocalypse, what do you know! Even when you're a pony.
He stayed on his own for a good week after that. Until...
He was walking on the border of a road going to... somewhere, when he saw it.
A pony. Lying on the ground, whimpering.
He still had a lot of colors, but there was a clear bite mark on his leg. Kokichi grimaced.
That pony was probably travelling with a group, got bitten and left to die. Man, even in Ponyland people can be assholes.
He approach the guy cautiously. The bite looked fresh, and infected only start to lose their minds at the second stage, after a week or two if the notes he found in an abandoned hospital were to be believed, but he wasn't going to risk it.
Upon hearing hooves on the pavement, the pony looked in his direction pleadingly.
"H-Help... Please..."
Now Kokichi is a leader of evil, but he's not a heartless bastard. Besides, he does need info about this world...
"Well I'm not against it friend! But I don't know how. Can that nasty thing be stopped?"
A weak nod.
Ah. Aoutch. Okay.
He grimaced.
"Alright then. No promise though! I'm pretty new to the "magic" stuff."
That's going to be gorey. Just great... But it's not like they have another choice.
Alright then. Let's try to pour magic over an imaginary garrot and try to squeeze and-
And the wound actually closed. The bite wasn't here anymore, and the unicorn already looked better, colors because as vibrant as they were before getting bitten.
Okay so that's a thing apparently? He can heal?
...Cool. He never tried to heal the infected before and now he feel kinda bad. But hey, he wasn't going to risk getting bitten himself trying to help them!
The unicorn immediatly got up and looked at itself with a shocked expression.
Then he looked at Kokichi and...
And kneeled? What the-
"I didn't realized! Oh my Lord please forgive me! Of course it make sense that a powerful alicorn such as yourself would be able to cure this horror!"
"Uh... Excuse me?"
"I owe you! I owe you my life! Order and I obey my prince!"
Hold up! Pause! What is happening?! Why is this unicorn worshipping him all of a sudden? Okay, he cured him, and it's not something ponies can do yet, but why is he treating like royalty?
...Oh no.
He said "alicorn", which is probably how they call ponies who have both wings and horn. And he heard ponies talking about their princesses before...
Ah fuck, having both is a status here, isn't it. Goddamnit.
"H-Hey now. Get up! I'm not the prince of anyone. I just arrived in this world and I have no idea what's going on!"
That didn't helped. If anything, it made things worse.
"You're a godsent then! No, no surely you must be a god to be able to travel worlds as easily as that!"
Things are getting out of hand really quickly right now.
"Okay, no, I'm not a prince, or a god, I'm just some guy! I just learned I can heal that infection thing, you're literally the only pers-pony that I help since I got here!"
"Am I? Oh my Lord, it's an honor! Please, let me travel with you! I swear on my life I will be loyal until death claim me for good!"
...That guy isn't listening to him is he?
"I'm telling you, I'm not a-!"
They both stopped. Infected coming from the town Kokichi just left were starting to head towards them.
"We gotta go." he hissed, starting to scan the surroundings for a safe way.
"But of course my Lord! Allow me!"
Before Kokichi could even sputter a word about the "I am not a god stop that" they got warped by indigo looking magic, and suddenly they were in a complete new place.
"...Where are we?"
"This is the farthest point I know my Lord. the unicorn said apologically. My magic isn't strong enough to go further."
"Stop calling me that."
He looked around. That was probably supposed to be a makeshift shed, made in urgency when the outbreak happened. Thankfully it was empty now.
"O...kay. Moving on. Err, what's your name?"
"I am Frost Blade my Lord! I was a mere ice sculptor before the outbreak and your arrival!"
"Stop calling me that."
That name sounded cheesy as fuck. But he gotta "blend in" and hopefully get this pony's ideas about a god out of his head. A name out of this world -literally- would only fuel his delirium.
Now to find a name... Oh wait.
That pony also had a thigh tattoo. Being of an ice pick and a chisel...
He's going to bet that everyone's name here is going to be related to that tattoo.
Oh well. You know what?
He just got out of a killing game by dying, only to wake up in a zombie apocalypse except that everyone's a pony. And there's magic.
Unlucky but in an unbelievable way...
"Call me Snake Eyes."
"Of course my Lord!"
...It's going to be long.
At least he gain something from this whole mess.
Yes, reminding the other unicorn that he's NOT a god on a daily basis is annoying, but at least he got magic lessons out of this.
Frost Blade have been more than happy to help out.
So now Kokichi can teleport. Go him! And pick things up with magic.
Also, he's able to cut things more precisely. Having an ice sculptor is actually useful in a case like this.
They travel to what might have been night in a normal world. Apparently, the princesses he heard about earlier were responsible for rising the sun and the moon. All they know is that one day, the sun rose never to go down again.
Nobody knows what happened to the two princesses.
"But of course, the two sisters are nothing compared to you my Lord! You're the only one that can fight off this horror, while they surely have succumb to it!"
Kokichi REALLY hope that he'll never run into them. With that idiot loudly claiming what can only be insult to royalty, they'd end up in prison for sure.
He hadn't tried to heal more infected. The ones they encountered were all too far gone for his beginner level healing.
Until he ran into a group, that apparently just got out of a confrontation with a hoard of infected.
Of the five ponies here -two earth ponies, two unicorns and one pegasus- three had clear bite marks. Fresh too.
Obviously Frost Blade was about to go rambling to them about his healing ability, but he stopped him. He had better plan
"Hey there!" he said with a smile.
Everyone looked at him with a mix of confusion, shock and distrust. Which, yeah fair.
"You seemed to be a in a bit of a situation. What about a deal! Your pegasus friend teaches me how to fly and I heal your nasty bite marks. Sounds good?"
Obviously they were wary. Who wouldn't? But Frost Blade was back in action, singing his praises with such conviction that they gave in. After all, what did they had to lose?
Kokichi grinned. Now he could get to fly at least. Not that there was a particular urge, they weren't getting spotted often and could use magic to defend themselves... But fuck it, he got wings so why not! Flying sounded cool.
But he kept his end of the bargain of course. Couldn't get a lesson if the guy was infected!
So he poured magic in the bite wounds and prayed it'll work. And... surprisingly, it did!
It left him really tired, but it worked! And everyone was looking at him flabbergasted. Asides from Blade Frost of course. Who looked really smug actually!
"See? What did I told you ponies? He's a god of health!"
"Will you stop that! I'm not a god!"
"But you're an alicorn." pointed out one of the earth ponies.
"Yeah so? I'm not from this world! I can't even fly yet."
"That's because you're new. I'll teach you, as a payement. It won't be hard..."
"Yeah, and we're following you my Lord!" added one of the unicorn.
Goddamnit, them too? This is going to become a cult at this point and he does NOT like it.
"Stop calling me that I have a name! And it's Snake Eyes thank you. I'm not a god!"
"Hard to believe that when you healed the infection that took our princesses away!"
...They're starting to find arguments, it's becoming a bit scary.
They found more infected after that. And things were always the same.
He healed them if they were early stages, or made everyone run away if they were late stages. The one he healed kneel before him and swore undying loyalty -WILL THEY STOP THAT- and join him while treating him like a deity.
After a month or so of travelling and gathering ponies, he ended up with at least fifty damn horses treating him like a god!
And it's really fucking creepy. He had to stop them giving him daily sacrifices too, they were going way too far!
The problem he had was simple: he need them to stop treating him like a damn god, but also he needed to be able to lead them. Because if he lose authority, he'd have fifty very angry ponies against him, and even with a pretty good hold on magic, he have zero chance.
However, things changed when two ponies arrived, seeking his help.
Word had travelled fast about his ability to heal the infection, and he unfortunately had to turn away those with a too advanced state because he couldn't heal that yet.
Oh he'd give it a shot of course! But if he failed, he'll just say he can't heal it and the infected have to be put down. (You'd think that witnessing their so-called "god" failing at something would wake them up, but NO SIR! They'd twist the story saying that his magic can tell who had been a good pony or not, and if it didn't worked you weren't virtuous enough. Wow. Just, wow.)
(He'd apologize personally for their behavior in secret way too many times to count.)
But here it wasn't the same thing.
"You can heal the infection right? she'd say. So heal my sister!"
Kokichi ignored the crack of her voice, and rather stared at the filly hiding behind her sister's hooves.
That's. a. child. A filly. Whatever. IT'S A KID!
He can't turned down a child! No matter if her state was way more advanced than what he heal usually.
He have to. He can't fail a little girl.
"I'll do it." he said softly, gesturing to the girl to step forwards.
"Sweetie Belle. her sister said. Come on now. He can heal you. It's going to be okay. You're going to feel better."
The filly took some hesitant steps forwards. There's definitely a hunger in her eyes and he doesn't like it.
She have the beginning of fangs coming out of her mouth, and her colors are already fading.
She's going to go through the second stage very soon if he doesn't do something quickly.
"Where did you got bit?" he asked, because it's way easier if he can directly pour magic inside the source of the infection.
She's shaking, but she lift her left hoof which have a bandage.
"Yikes! Must have hurt a lot. Bunch of meanies those infected I swear! he pouted. But it's gonna be okay! I'm gonna take care of that."
"Barbarians. added her sister, nodding. A true lack of etiquette!"
Hey, he sees that she's also trying to get the kid at ease. That's a good sister! He likes her already.
"Someone gotta teach them some manners!" he said, before putting his horn on the bandage, mumbling a soft apology at the wince.
Then he concentrate.
He can see the infection going through her veins, eating bit by bit the vital liquid. He can see it agglomerate around the stomache, which explain the hunger in her eyes...
Alright. Showtime now, he can't let a kid die.
He close his eyes and focus his magic on the immediate surroundings of the wound. It immediatly start to destroy the virus, bit by bit. He pours more. She need more magic.
The infection had started to spray already, so he needs to reach further.
More magic.
The infection disappear from her legs' blood vessels.
More magic.
It disappear from her stomache.
No more in her throat.
No more in the blood vessels anywhere else now.
He didn't noticed he started to shake. He's breathing a bit heavy too. Fuck, that's probably scaring the girl. He opened his eyes and grinned at her.
"Hey, ever tried to play tag with a sickness? It's hard! he pouted. Its cheating too. But I'm gonna win, don't worry!"
Now though, he only need to completely destroy the last remnants of it that had reached her brain. Not enough for her to lose herself completely, thank fuck.
He's tired. That was way more magic than he ever used before. But he need to use more.
The filly won't survive otherwise, and he's not going to let that happen. Her sister doesn't deserve that either.
So he pours more. More, and more, and more magic until he can't feel any traces of the damn infection in her system.
He check several times that she's really, truly double-sure healed, and he opened his eyes again, and look at the two sisters.
"Ko-Snake Eyes: one, dumb disease: zero!"
Then he promptly collapse under everyone's shocked and worried expression -for the sisters at least-
And he's grateful for that. He missed his errr... followers, errupting in cheers and stoomping their hooves on the ground like kids, and the bullshit chants about hil getting more and more powers.
God that's embarassing.
He woke up on the makeshift bed his "followers" made him. Their base is temporary, always had been, but now that they're numerous they can afford to stay a month or two more than before since someone's always on patrol.
But right now, that's not what's on his mind.
Right now he need to make sure the little girl's okay. He checked, but he was exhausted and he could have missed a spot! He can't afford that.
So he take the time to get his bearings back again, and go where the newcomers are usually put until they can find more rooms to put them. And as expected, the two sisters were there.
She looks way better. No hunger in her eyes, it's good. The bite mark also disappeared.
"Howdy! he answered back. How are you doing?"
"We should be the one asking you that! You collapsed!"
"Pshhhh I wanted to say hi to the floor, nothing serious!"
He used his magic just so he can make sure there's no traces of infection... And yeah. It's all gone. Thank fuck.
"Just wanted to check, noooooooo virus left, thanks for choosing our services!" he said, making a small bow.
"Thank you. the big sister said. We owe you. she frown. But we won't treat you like a deity!"
...Holy shit.
"Halleluja somepony with common sense! he said, grinning wildy. Can you be one of my advisor, to keep the other idiots in line?"
She blinked, apparently not expecting that.
"Um... I suppose? My name is Rarity, and this is Sweetie Belle." she said, putting a hoof on her sister's head.
"Snake Eyes, but you already knew that. he smiled. I'm so glad to finally find someone with a logical brain! Maybe you'll be able to convince those guys that I'm NOT a god thank you."
She really looked confused and he couldn't really blame her. Generally, the leader of a cult is someone who's consenting to be, you know, the object of a cult.
"I can try. But if you couldn't..."
"Still worth a shot! Anyway..."
He explained to them that they're searching for a safe place to settle for good. And once it's done... Well, it's done. But thankfully Rarity had another idea.
"Once we settle, it would be a good idea to look for the others... she mumbled, before adding. My friends. The bearer of the Elements of Harmony."
"...The what now."
She looked at him with a confused gaze.
"You don't know what it is?"
"Listen, I got thrust into this world only after the infection started, I have no idea what you're talking about."
She looked a bit uncredulous, but she still explained.
And wow.
"...Aaaaand what are magical artefacts supposed to do in a zombie apocalypse?"
"Ideally, find the root of the problem, and getting rid of it. she sighed. Create a massive cure too..."
"Sounds a bit utopic to me but alright! he shrugged. Not that we have many things to do outside of finding a permanent safe zone... But you said we have to find your friends first right?"
"Yes... And it's going to be a bit tedious. I don't even know where they ended up, or if they aren't infected themselves..."
"Hm. Well it's still better to stay in a bunker without a purpose! So I'm all for that plan. Also I guess I need to become better at curing that damn infection too..."
They left it at that.
Rarity was a very skilled seamstress, so she made clothes like armors to protect the ponies on patrol from bites.
She even redesign the usual cloak and mask (his scarf) he wore when they were on the move. Now he straight up looks like a plague doctor. Except that instead of a bird mask, it's a snake one. And the cloak looks more like his old, DICE's one. Dark purple, just like it. And- fuck it. He also asked her to sew DICE's logo on his cloak. Because despite this whole "apocalypse" mess, he still miss them damn it.
And one day, when they were staying at an abandoned factory, one of the pony on patrol came back and yelled.
Well, that promises to be interesting.
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dearmizumi · 4 months
Okay so I was discussing this with one of my friends earlier and I wanna ask... Have any of y'all like— Actually ACTUALLY wondered how these "Revert AU's” would work? Specifically with the Murder Time Trio n all...
"What's a Revert AU? What's it like?" Well if you ask me, I sorta assume it's when the AT/AU returns back to normal (or at least, the closest it can get to regular Undertale), where the bad things that made that specific universe how it is gets fixed due to specific scenarios or events that happened.
I kinda wanna ramble about a Something New Revert timeline rn but I'll yap a bit first hbsjsbdns
If we follow the canon, then realistically there is no way in hell a Revert AU would be possible for Horrortale UNLESS some big miracle happens. There would need to be a very specific line of fortunate events seeing as— well... How messed up everything is.
Dusttale on the other hand would be a lot more possible if we assume the player finally decides to give up. It would be a long process, but it's honestly possible. Murder would've already fallen into the routine of killing everyone before the player catches up, but imagine... Waiting in the corridor or hiding somewhere so that you can ambush the player, but they just— never arrive. And when you try to check where they are, they're simply at the beginning of the game, laying there, doing nothing. Yeah, sure, Murds would definitely kill them the first few times this happens but wouldn't he at least be a little bit intrigued by this change of behavior?
OKAY UHM MOVING ON... I'll rant about a Revert Dusttale au later but what about Something New? What about Killer? How would that work? How would Killer handle it? Well, lemme tell you this pal. I genuinely do believe that this is possible.
If we follow the canon events of the timeline, then I'm sure you'll know that by the end of it, Killer would get interrupted and kidnapped by Nightmare either way whether he'd like it or not, and even if Nm didn't interrupt, then Killer would've already deleted himself from his AT longgggg ago. BUT, what about that timeline where Color saves Killer, taking him away from Nm's grasp? The Revert timeline could always start from there.
Imagine being Killer's Papyrus, still searching for your brother for probably years ever since he disappeared on the day he says goodbye? Imagine finding him again, returned but different, in a way. But you couldn't care less. He's still alive even after all these years and you genuinely couldn't care about finding out where'd he'd been this entire time that you can't help but embrace him in your arms, choked sobs escaping from the both of you as you ignored the stares and gazes from everyone around you. And honestly, none of them probably cared because they're equally as happy as you are. "Sans" was finally back.
Color likely helped (and accompanied) Killer to return to his timeline, despite his hesitation.
Killer would definitely have a difficult time adapting to this new life. And oh boy— Papyrus couldn't be more concerned for him ESPECIALLY with all the trauma he's endured for all these years😭
Imagine Papyrus getting him a bottle of ketchup, maybe even multiple of them as a treat for Killer because he thinks he deserves it, only for Killer to just... Back away, visibly trembling from just the sight of the bottle alone. Imagine cooking him spaghetti, wanting to show how much you've improved your cooking skills and trying to get your brother to at least eat something, only for him to just stare at it, breathing heavily as his entire body trembles from even just the smell. He looked like he was about to puke, and ultimately you decided to go with something simple for him instead, like a bowl of warm soup.
Imagine having to feed him yourself because his fingers won't stop shaking every time he picks up the spoon. You listened as he kept mumbling apologies when you grabbed a handkerchief to wipe the spilled contents. You notice how he seems to be out of touch with reality when you bring up the spoon towards his mouth, having to wait a second or two before he finally accepts the food.
Imagine having to bring your brother to your bedroom instead of his because he kept refusing to go to his own, to the point where he was begging not to. And when you do let him sleep in your bed with you, you keep waking up due to him having nightmares or having a breakdown in the middle of the night. But you don't mind comforting him, sitting with him as you let him cry on your chest, as long as you're able to help him in some way.
And oh boy, I haven't even started on how the others would react to Killer.
Like how Grillby would notice how Killer rarely ever visits. And even if he did, he would either not eat at all or order literally anything BUT his usual. Undyne, Alphys and the other would literally notice how Killer became extremely clingy to Papyrus, rarely ever seeing them separated (which is pretty understandable considering how long they haven't seen each other for...). Imagine how off putting it is going for an entire day without hearing a pun, and whenever he finally does make one, you can't help but feel a little glad.
Color definitely visits Killer on a daily basis to check on him and accompany him for a while. The others would definitely question how they knew each other or where Color came from, and the two would just brush it off like it always has been like that. Although they definitely don't mind letting Color stay for a bit since he and Killer are close. (And because he's the closest to a therapist that they can afford right now)
How would they react to the existence of Killer's other stages though? And how would the underground change ever since Killer's absence?
Will be discussed next time I feel like ranting!! Cya later folks because I am thirsty and need to eat
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