#one of my all time fav shinji moments.
frida--y · 2 years
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“Nobody’s better off dead.”
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Aaaa this looks super fun!! I was tagged by @whump-captain and I'm def down to pick apart my taste in stuff. c:
In returnnnnn I think I'll tag @friendlylocalwhumper @comfy-whumpee @that-one-thespian and @brinkofdiscovery!! Also like if anyone else wants to do it just go ahead, I'm not your parent, I can't ground you or anything.
1. Favorite whump trope(s)?
Okay so right now the things eating my brain alive are hypothermia, self-sacrifice, and like...the moment someone finds the whumpee, if that makes sense? I love a good Finding And Realization from a rescuer.
2. Least favorite whump trope(s)?
Reallyyyyy really not a fan of pet whump, for many reasons. I have my own story that features it, but that's because I know where I'm going with it and can avoid all the stuff I hate about it. Also betrayal? I dunno, I've been betrayed enough IRL, it just makes me too sad. :(
3. Top 3 whump scenes and why?
OKAY SO. Hear me out. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers!
The main ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Space/Sky. They're just so sad and heart-wrenching. You've just saved the world and you know that you're about to disappear from existence and leave your very best friend behind, who thinks that all the danger is past. You accepted this mission knowing it would be your very last adventure, ever, but they have no clue. As you two are walking back to the Pokemon who will ferry you back to all your other friends and family and the life you've built together, you start to disappear. And your best friend turns around and notices. There's way more to the ending that twists that knife deeper, and that's ALL stuff you know will absolutely be happening as you choose to play that mission, but it's so well written and it's worth playing through the game to get to experience the whole thing yourself. It still hits pretty hard even if you go in knowing, I'll be honest.
In His Dark Materials, there is an arc where the two main characters go through a HORRIFICALLY scary gauntlet. I'm not going to say what that is because people I love need to watch the series with me, but at the very end, they escape. One character cuts through reality into a new dimension, and they step from this bleak hellscape into a beautiful, picturesque grassland at night. The stars are bright and plentiful, the wind is warm and soft, and both characters just collapse together in awe and exhaustion, not even able to find a suitable place to sleep because they haven't gotten any real rest since that gauntlet started. It was just very well described in the books, the prose was gorgeous, and I don't know how many times I reread that scene when I was little.
I also REALLY loved Kaworu's scene where he takes the destruction collar off of Shinji in the Evangelion Rebuild movies. I dunno, it's touching and sad, and the look of horror on Shinji's face when he sees the one person who's been so nice to him easily shoulder that burden is really good. There's just something about that sort of devotion to someone that kills me.
4. Top 3 characters to whump and why?
c:< Right now my mage and dragon duo, Mariano and Bastian, are taking up so much room in my brain, but I also love whumping my good sweet reaper Will and @that-one-thespian's and @brinkofdiscovery's characters. Collabs are just such favs!
5. Favorite fandom for whump (show, series, etc)?
Pokemon, and Arknights! Pokemon is fun to just do whatever in, because sure, send your ocs on the late adventures they never got to have as kids, it'll be a good mix of fun and whimsy and angst and pain. TONS of shit you can do in Pokemon AUs. And Arknights just has such an interesting, terrifying world to play in, and gives you an excuse to make your OCs have little animal ears and tails.
6. Do you prefer written or watchable whump?
Written! I like to reread the particularly tasty bits, it just feels right.
7. Do you also like hurt/comfort?
I'll just let my blog title do the talking here:
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But for real, it's always been my fav genre of fic, and my fav scenes in anything are USUALLY hurt/comfort!
8. What do you think the difference between hurt/comfort and whump is?
I think h/c is the more widely known term, and whump is newer, but the biggest difference that I can think of is that whump doesn't always have comfort. Sort of a "not all rectangles are squares, but every square is a rectangle" scenario.
9. How would you explain whump to someone who’s not familiar with it?
Oh I've literally said "Okay, so you know the juicy bits in a story? Where someone gets hurt, or is in danger, or something bad happens? That's whump." Gets the vibe across, doesn't over-complicate it, and doesn't sound defensive.
10. Is there any old whump you particularly enjoy? (say, pre 2000?)
I mean I DO love Pokemon, and the first season was just FULL of good child-friendly angst and whump that almost always has a happy ending. I think "Snow Way Out" was my fav (and counts, it was released in the US in December of 1999) because Ash tried so hard to keep his team warm when they were trapped in a blizzard but then THEY decided to help keep HIM warm. Super cute scene, absolutely flipped a switch in my little five-year-old brain.
11. Why do you think you like whump?
My half-joking answer: It's because I didn't get enough attention and care shown to me when I was a child, so now it's my characters' problem.
My half serious answer: I dunno, it's fun! I've always been an "intense stories" sort of person, even when my friends and I were playing with stuffed animals and Barbies, so I haven't really thought too hard about it. I like horror too. maybe I'm just drawn to that sort of controlled intensity.
12. When did you realize you liked whump?
I learned the word at 22-ish, but like I said, Pokemon definitely flipped some switch in me when I was five!
13. Favorite posts with whump (gifsets, picspams, etc)
Hmm, lately I've been really digging the prompts by @warmblanketwhump and @whumpster-dumpster! I don't really do gifsets or pics, because I like to browse in my downtime at work, but I can always appreciate more ideas. c:
14. Are you “out” to people in real life?
Oh yeah, I'm of the mindset that if I don't make it weird, it won't feel weird to the people I tell. I'm not gonna show my boss or anything, but my BF and friends know. Plus, with how I explain it, it just feels like most people would see the draw, especially with how much I openly like horror.
15. How did you find the whump community?
I was so, so bored at work, and running out of things to look at, and I remembered seeing the term "whump" somewhere before. So I slapped it in the search bar and started poking around!
16. Any unusual mediums you like for whump (plays, music, vlogs, etc)?
Ooo music definitely, if I can find a good inspiring song for a character or piece I'm writing then I'm SUCH a happy camper.
17. Any meta about whump you’ve been dying to share?
I think that personally a lot of people would feel much more secure in their love of whump if they took a page from how furries handle things. Just...be a little harmlessly, unabashedly weird. It IS a little weird to be so fixated on fictional suffering, and that's FINE. Who cares! Just accept that everyone is a little weird and enjoy it!
There are some dangerous weirdos here, sure but like, that's just the internet babes, relax, there are worse things you can do than stab your friend's OC for the 20th time so that your OC can patch them up with intense homoerotic undertones.
18. Whump fic(s) you’d love to see?
👉👈If any of my beautiful sweet wonderful friends or mutuals wants to collab with me like how I'm doing with @that-one-thespian I wouldn't say no--
19. Whump you’re looking forward to? (Maybe something teased or something you haven’t seen yet?)
I literally cannot wait to see how Arknights rips my heart out next. There's a really cool event story coming up for one of my fav factions that features my favorite dragon woman and her ex wife and I. Will lose my mind. When I can read it. I want to know EVERYTHING about this group and we've only gotten TEASERS and the EVENT WAS DELAYED DUE TO GLOBAL'S SCHEDULING--
20. Top 3 favorite whump fics?
Oh no I can't PICK why do I have to PICK??
If I HAVE to, this one just destroyed me when @that-one-thespian wrote it. I had dreams during the writing process where I'd get half awake from excitement because I dreamed that I'd gotten a notification for it. It's the second part in a little series we're collabing on, and I love seeing the team's whole dynamic in action! (Also Archer calling Mariano firecracker is just. Very cute. Very cute and powerful.)
Scott @friendlylocalwhumper is also just one of my fav writers too, and he doesn't delve into super graphic gore often BUT god I go feral when he does. This drabble is absolutely fantastic. Maxon is so scary, and Quinn is so sure of themself, and that can only lead to terrible terrible things. His prose is just nice to read! I devoured this one before bed the MOMENT it was written.
Also @brinkofdiscovery has FANTASTIC characters and imagery when he writes. It's been such a pleasure developing our lores together and seeing where we intersect and diverge with it all, but god I'm in love with how he describes his Death's domain in this piece. The red light, the salt, it's so good. Also Tyler is so fascinating as a character, I wanna study him under a microscope until he tries to kill about it.
21. Tropes you think are overdone?
I...cannot stand pet whumpees? And spineless whumpees. It's just something I can't do, I don't find them interesting and they just lose my attention really quickly. But that's why I don't really follow a lot of blogs who write those things!
22. Tropes you think we could use more of?
I want more bitey whumpees, give me whumpees who are just a little insane, a little batshit. I want them to go stupid and crazy and suffer the consequences after winning. I think that's what draws me to Mariano! He's so calm and even-keeled but also so, so willing to just throw himself into wildly dangerous scenarios and fight like he's going to die. He makes calculated risks, and is generally good at that math, but sometimes said math includes "will I need to burn myself alive to survive this?" and he just doesn't mention it.
23. Favorite sites/archives for consuming whump? (question by @dammittmarie )
Tumblr! I don't really go on other sites.
24. Have your whump preferences changed recently? If so, why? (question by @fyeahvulnerablemen​)
It honestly fluctuates with my mood! But literally everything does, so that's just normal. Lately I've just been super into environmental whump! It really brings the "in the end, he's still just a human being"-ness of Mariano out, and I love that. c:<
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List of hyperfixations. Bold kinda changed my life in a way tbh.
Fairly OddParents (2nd-4th grade. Unfortunately changed my life. Without FOP I won't be into animation, I won't be an Online person, and I probably won't be a communist bisexual. Damn you Butch Hartman)
Gravity Falls (4th/5th grade... I loved the show! It is still amazing! But not as brainrotting as the next one...)
Invader Zim (4th/5th grade. Henny I watched 3gp of Dark Harvest, Game Slave 2, and the Tak episode DAILY I was on the TRENCHES with IZ)
Rugrats/All Grown Up (5th grade? Idk I'm including this because Chuckie looks like my crush. I was dumb)
Emperor's New Groove (5th/6th grade. I thought Kuzco was hot.)
Monster Inc/University (6th/7th grade. Just kinda love Randall xx I still have a shittily printed M. Inc card of him)
Gorillaz (7th grade. Baby it's been 9 years)
LoveLive! (8th grade. I'm a purist... I only loved u's u_u SIF was soooo fun u guys I'm sad the game is gone :( I had so many URs)
Undertale (8th grade. Tbh I wasn't really on the fandom because they scared me but I did manipulate my friends into playing it...... hehehe.... even created a local LINE fanpage for sometime..... tho it is not popular at all...)
Tintin (9th grade. Oh I often forgot I fixated on this. It was very brief but Haddock is still such a good kid friendly Murdoc I tell ya. Also I kinda borrowed my friend's Tintin book and hasn't returned it because we lost communication :( I'm so sorry...)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (10th grade. Saw clip of Asuka episode 22 breakdown and it changed the trajectory of my life)
Motorcity (10th grade. YOO MONKE BAND ARTSTYLE. Also good show in general <3 I am still working on the retrospective guys...)
The Simpsons (11th grade. I liked Smithers : ) got to the fandom when I quit G-fandom over some drama that I was not involved in... yeah there was a lot of infighting during Humanz hiatus. Then Humility arrived and like magnet I am pulled again by 2D's booty shorts... the quitting was like, 2 months max LMAO)
Madoka Magica (2nd year college. Boy, these lesbians literally rearranged my brain chemistry)
Better Call Saul (2nd/3rd year college? Mike Ehrmantraut my meow meow <3 amazing show obviously!! Still debating if it's bold-worthy LIKE BCS is my fav live action show of all time but was it brainrotting enough,,,)
Persona 3 Portable (3rd year college. I am a FEMC truthers sorry... why would I choose the hetero MC (he did not have gay moment with Ryoji in the game, probs will change in Reload but meh... no gay Shinji and Aki I doubt) when you can have intimate moments with the girlies as a lesbian... also Shinji <3 lord his social link destroyed me)
Disco Elysium (4th year college. Oh my God. Have you seen the state of this Tumblr. This game ruined my LIFE I hate you Kim Kitsuragi)
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waaty · 4 years
ok so i beat omori last night (got/saw all endings except for anything hikikomori route exclusive since i didn’t do that) so i’m gonna talk about it a little! feel free to chat with me about it though i recommend not reading this if you haven’t beaten the game since yes it will ruin it for you!!!!
seriously though i think the twist was what kinda made the game so if you’re still reading this and haven’t beaten it stop reading!!!!!
ok so in general i liked the game! i really enjoyed the main story about sunny and his friends. him dealing with mari’s death was compelling and even if it’s a little unbelievable, i enjoyed the Big Twist, especially with how things like black space started hinting toward it. black space in general was one of my fav parts of the game and i really enjoyed how it showed sunny’s perhaps conflicting feelings about basil, like sunny DOES like basil and clearly basil thinks very highly of sunny, but basil keeps on dying in black space perhaps because sunny also resents him? maybe because basil represents the truth and sunny is desperately trying to avoid that truth.
speaking of “the truth”, after beating game i looked online like on reddit so see what other people thought about the ending. apparently most people think that sunny accidentally pushed mari down the stairs, then he and basil brought her to a bed, and then later they hung her up together. tbh i’m kind of surprised they got that much information since the photos were so blurry! honestly i came away thinking that sunny intentionally pushed mari down the stairs and after she fell it looked like he was choking her to death???? wow that’s super dark maybe i really misunderstood. honestly if that was the case i would probably want more information why sunny wanted to kill mari so much in that moment but tbh i was getting huge evangelion vibes and hey if shinji wants to choke asuka who am i to ask why?
i am still finding myself a bit wanting with the whole thing though. i really wanted to see more about basil and honestly i want to know what’s up with the CATS... there are so many cats in the game, mewo is suspiciously missing except for that fucked up black space sequence? did sunny kill mewo???? why isn’t this brought up????? and with basil, idk, it seems like he has other issues than just helping sunny in that moment that i would like to see more of. i want to see more of sunny and basil’s relationship! like tbh that last fight with basil he was being kiiiinda yandere ngl. sunny also left basil in the bathroom while he was consumed with his something on day 2 like a huge jerk too. plus omori doesn’t seem to care for basil in the dreamworld much, though he also doesn’t seem to hate him either... idk! there’s a lot more i want to see wrt that.
i am interested in the hikikomori route but honestly i spent nearly 70 hours playing this game (NOT ALL ACTIVELY... but it is not a short game) and the pacing is rough at times. idk about anyone else but i was super frustrated in the beginning of the game where basil disappears before everyone’s eyes and they’re like “huh did he wander off?” and they go searching in a garbage dump for mixtapes... why would basil be in the sky, in a garbage dump, under water, in a castle? i understand now that maybe the game was trying to suggest that sunny was trying to forget about basil but as a player it just felt like the game was throwing all these sidequests at me that i don’t care about. how much screentime sweetheart got was also weird, like she has no point but to be obnoxious? she doesn’t represent anyone important in sunny’s life, she’s just based on the candy shop owner... idk, while i respect the concept, i really wish these parts were shorter and we got hints of basil more often instead of sweetheart drama.
in general it was a good game though! there’s a lot of cool little details and if you have any theories or comments please hmu. :O
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I HEARD HUSBANDS AS DADS AND CAME AS FAST AS I COULD. How would your fav persona boys be as fathers? I'm eager to know!
since you were so prompt in the ask box I pushed this to the front of the queue, it’s,,,, not bc I was excited or anything,, lmao
Hello I stand by my idea of house husband Shinji. Despite his gruff nature, he’s fantastic with kids of all ages; he’s incredibly in-tune with what the babies may want or need, especially if he’s a stay-at-home father. He’ll never admit it openly, but he just loves having a baby in his arms— while he’s doing the housework, he’s always carrying at least one of the kids, bouncing them on his hip and humming quietly. They’re all so squishy. . .
As the kids get older, Shinjiro definitely worries about them developing Personas of their own. He knows that the Dark Hour has been taken care of, but he still doesn’t have the most positive associations with Persona in general— and if his kids develop them, then that means Adventure, and he’s not sure his heart can take any more of that now that he’s got a family. But if his kids do end up with them, he just sighs in resignation and commits himself to training with them; he’s not going to let his children go into anything unprepared, ever.
Shinjiro’s a pretty low-energy man, and because of that, he adores the little moments with the kids. He adores when they all pile into his lap and start begging him for a bedtime story; he melts when they follow him through the kitchen, watching intently as he prepares dinner, clearly not understanding a word he says. He never thought he’d live to have a family, so absolutely everything that they experience together means the world to him.
Unsurprisingly, Yosuke’s a bit of a mess— he didn’t put much planning into the concept of fatherhood, so he’s not the most prepared. However, he’s an adaptable man, and at least has a bit of experience with wrangling Teddie and Nanako, so that counts, right—? It takes him awhile to adjust to having kids; as much as he loves them, Yosuke doesn’t want to be a stay-at-home parent, although he doesn’t mind if that’s what you want.
Yosuke moved around a lot when he was young, and that definitely impacted him negatively. Because of that, as soon as he knows you’re expecting, he starts planning for permanence. Whether it’s in Inaba or back in the city, he looks for a place with plenty of employment opportunities, so that hopefully you never have to move for a job; he also does his best to choose a house that’s either already big enough, or one that can be upgraded easily, so that your little family doesn’t have to worry about outgrowing your home.
He’s a pretty fun dad. When the kids are babies, he loves bouncing them and swinging them around; as they get older, he definitely roughhouses, although he’s always careful. Yosuke’s kids are definitely pretty high-energy, so it’s not uncommon for you to have to keep them on leashes— but then they figure out how to unclip their little harnesses, and suddenly they’re off, with Yosuke hot on their heels. He always catches up pretty quickly, swooping them into his arms, tickling them to make ‘em laugh— but inside he’s reeling at how easily the little things learned to start scheming.
Ren can roll with anything thrown at him, so whether you two were planning to have children or not, he adjusts incredibly quickly. He’s the type to want parenting to be fair for you both, so once it becomes clear that your children are settling into a natural routine— how long they sleep, how much they eat and when— he wants to sit down and really discuss your entire life situation once more. He doesn’t want either of you resenting the other because the kids may have preferences, or work schedules interfere with your family time— but he also doesn’t want the kids to negatively impact you, especially if you’re still working.
Admittedly, he’s not the best with babies, but of course he still puts in as much effort as he can. Not a super fan of all the cleaning that has to be done, but definitely loves holding the squishy little things in his lap and reading to them, tracing their chubby little fingers over the ridges in a picture book. It’s when the kids are a bit older that he can really shine— he’s amazing at connecting with people, so as soon as the kids can speak, he’s able to reason with them at their own level. This comes in handy during the teenage years and definitely prevents a lot of grief.
While he won’t mention it, the fact that his own parents pawned him off in his time of need struck a chord with him and continues resonating through his adulthood. Because of that, he makes it an active decision to spend as much family time together as possible, be it a cliche family game night or training his children if they develop Personas. He wants the entire family to know that, if you ever need him, he’ll be there for you forever.
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elbiotipo · 5 years
NOW we’re talking
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching| might watch | currently watching| dropped| hated it | meh| a positive okay| liked it| liked it a lot!| loved it| a favorite
don’t watch period| drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes| give it a go, could be your thing| 5 star recommendation
I( mean if anyone is watching Evangelion they should know that things get dark and crazy VERY FAST by the middle episodes so if that’s not your thing you should avoid it). There are also a lot of uncomfortable typical anime stuff.
fav characters: Shinji, despite all. (the manga version is a lot better). I also think Fuyutsuki is underrated.least fav characters: Gendo. But that’s to be expected. At least the guy earns his hatred.fav relationship: I liked Shinji/Rei despite, well, you know. They make for a better couple than Shinji/Asuka at least. Honorable mention to Shinji/Kaworu.fav moment: The whole Ramiel arc, from Misato planning the assault, to Rei smiling at the end. The episode with the NERV HQ blackout was funny too.headcanons/theories: OH YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH TIME I SPENT LOOKING INTO THEORIES AND LORE one thing I always thought is that all the references to Christianity aren’t as “random” as the creators say. There is quite a lot of imagery that makes sense in context…unpopular opinion: Shinji happens to bitch the perfect amount for someone in his situation.how’d you find it: when I was a teen and I knew nothing of anime my older cousin said to me “che loco you should watch Evangelion it’s a cool show about giant robots”. I did and I haven’t been the same since.random thoughts: I’ve read the manga lately, and it’s a very nice, if different experience, although it unfortunately sidelines some characters like Asuka. Reading the End of Evangelion in manga form is almost… coherent (just kidding it’s still a fucking trip but you understand it a little bit more). Beware Evil Kaworu though.
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otto-von-stirlitz · 6 years
Wicdiv #42 - spoiler thoughts
Holy shit, i love making these, yet i slowly realize, how little of these posts (and issues) I have left. The clock is ticking...
wow, big ass kudos for McKelvie for drawing Minerva’s facial expressions. To make them less and less *sneakily* Ananke-y is a feat.
Valentine has 17 missed calls from Mum, it is soooo realistic (especially if you-know-what happened), loved that small detail.
Absolutely loved the black pages titles this issue, loved them so much i cant even express. And the first one made me think of Discworld’s The Truth. The Truth Shall Make Ye Free -> The Truth Shall Make Ye Fred -> The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret, sir Terry was one-of-a-kind.
There is something very speaking about the original Artist/Creator (Woden) crafting (a hope for the) future to outlast them all, and the hope/future being captured in the 1920s and then used by the old one against the newer generations to come.
Also enjoyed what Joe had to say about Laura - she’s not manipulating, she is using her high emotional intelligence! Also to quote Sir Terry once again, evil starts when you start using people as things, and Ananke definitely did (in the worlds of Woden’s creation to Baal, “[she] made you her creature”). And maybe this is where exacly the difference between manipulation and using your skills lies.
Oh Mimir. I 100% understand still having feels and caring for your (family) abuser. This is so sad, i hope the gang later takes their time to spend more time with him and giving him the good attention he deserves.
Woden was awful, but i still feel sad about his death, because it was truly damn cruel. And how will Beth and the gang act when they realize what they did?
“And I am oh so bored of men like you” - bet this line had at least 200 years of thinking about, developing, and waiting for The Proper Moment. Oh, Ananke...
There is so much Feelings in Inanna’s face when he sees Baal, it kills me. It kills my little (arguably Bananna) heart/
“I wish I’d been better sooner” has the same energy as Laura’s “why didn’t I get my shit together quicker?” We all feel this, and we all have to learn, that, to use a title of my fav Rebuild movie, You Can (Not) Redo (yep its also a lesson Shinji learns in the movie holyshitholyshit laura baph kawoshin paralels or just kaworu baph parale)
“Snivelling goth pisscloud”. So much happens for all the characters, but Cass is still undeniably THE Fave.
The last pages... i knew what was going to happen from the first panel, yet i felt so much emotional pain, there iis so much to unpack in basically every sentence, so much. Also, how to read this. Nergal sure hates himself. Does he only decide that Dio is more worthy of living? Or does he realize that (since “im the only underworld god left”*) it is him who has to sacrifice to bring Dio back? Did he think of using the underworld power for Dio for long? Did he decide to do a selfless act for the most selfless god, who was already killed by the selflessness? Either way, he really feels something towards Dio.
And Dio loves him, as #16 Videogames told us, im in baphonysus tears.
*Technically speaking not true, as Lucifer is an underworld god too, and isn’t Dio as well now? I theorize that Lucifer may sacrifice herself in the grand finale, and i got a feeling that what if its for Laura’s sister? hmmmmm, just a gut feeling.
I guess that’s it for today, see you next two months! In the meantime, asks, messages, comments and other forms of Wicdiv talking are DEEPLY envouraged and appreciated!
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ROSIE <3 how have you been?
so i noticed that you wanted to talk about persona!! hmm, who are your top three favorite characters from 3 and 5 and why?
in any case, take care!!
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EVE!! I'm doing good, but I'm even BETTER now since you're here \^°^/ how about you though? I hope life is treating you well <3
Man.. my favorite characters... can I just say all of them CSKDJDJ I love them all so much that it's hard to discern my top favs, but I know they exist XD
For Persona 5 I absolutely, positively, adore Ryuji, Futaba, and Sojiro. Akiren and Maruki might be crying in the corner but don't mind them /lh
1. Ryuji
Ryuji has been my favorite since the original release of p5 and he has held that spot through royal! Reasonings.. he's precious and is bestie material 😌 also I feel like I can trust him with anything-
2. Futaba
Futaba is a character I heavily relate to, but she also never fails to bring a smile to my face. I see her as a little sister and will protect her with my life :3
3. Sojiro
BEST DAD- cough- he's seriously the best though and a comfort character if I've ever seen one. At this point if the parental figure in persona games aren't a comfort character for me, then something is terribly wrong and you should call the police /j I also view Dojima in persona 4 as a comfort character and I blame Sojiro for this trend! Not that I mind- I actually have a "Characters I want as a Dad" list and those two are on there.
Persona 3! Gosh, this game is my everything.. p5 might've introduced me to this series, but p3 is the one that truly captured my heart(even though it was the second to last persona game I played). It was the first persona game to make me full on sob MULTIPLE TIMES, like I swear 🙄 /lh
My favorites for it though... hm, I'd have to say Makoto(our doorkun), Shinjiro, and Bebe. Although Fuuka, Hitoshi, and Ryoji are extremely close to throwing everyone out of the top positions XD
1. Makoto
I deeply admire him. For his efforts and what he stood for. In a way he brings me comfort, but not like a comfort character. Tbh it's hard to explain, but he makes it feel like everything's okay- somehow differently than a comfort character. I suppose like the hushing of a mother to her crying baby? But also he does some really funny things LMAO
2. Shinjiro
Comfort character. That's all /j
Shinji is a character that wiggled his way into my heart with no problem, which could be seen as painful. If you know, you know. He makes me feel safe in general and man his character.. the way they wrote him and his story is amazing! I wish he was on our team longer, but I don't regret spending a large portion of my yen on him. My strongest teammate... I'll see you again on my second playthrough! [Read: tenth playthrough]
3. Bebe
The French transfer student who adores Japan's culture. HE ALSO CAPTURED MY HEART IN RECORD TIME- he's my everything and I max his social link without fail everytime. I saw him in the hallway on the first day of school and listened to his conversation with the history teacher and.. I knew from that moment onward that I was going to TALK TO HIM SO DAMN HARD *desk slam* UGH- seeing him is a serotonin boost istg!
Thank you for sending me an ask, Eve! I had a lot of fun answering and am looking forward to writing your request \^°^/ Take care ♡
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number1mongrel · 7 years
fate/stay night duh
*mario voice* here we go!
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation (it’s a bit niche, I’d recommend most people watch the fate zero anime before anything else (I’m assuming this is in general and not you alistair))
fav characters: Gil obviously! though admittedly fsn is when he’s at his worst. Also like all the main cast lol.least fav characters: Shinji and Zouken, nough saidfav relationship: always torn between shirou x rin and shirou x sakura?? like I know the latter has better development but the former is also really cute??? also gil x kirei. and the father/daughter relationship of heracles and illyafav moment: does the entirety of heaven’s feel count?headcanons/theories: in archer’s timeline rin’s servant was still archer. it was an endless time loop but he wanted to try to end it anyway. the only reason it did presumably end was that our shirou was the only one to fall in loveunpopular opinion: probably not that unpopular but THE VN IS TOO DAMN LONG FUCK YOU NASU WE GOT IT AFTER YOU SAID IT ONCE STOP EXPLAINING THE SAME THING FOR TWENTY MINUTES. also in general I like the English voices for the ubw anime? Zero’s were better but they were still pretty good (except rin)how’d you find it: my friend invited me to a binge party of the first half of fate zero. I loved it and almost more importantly fell in love with gil instantly.random thoughts: why is it that two out of the three routes are named after actual things in that route like unlimited blade works is archer’s noble phantasm and heaven’s feel is the third magic but what is fate? why is the series named this? was it just a random english word? answer me nasu! 
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
Your fave and your latest fave /o/
Let’s start with my fav. And since I’m a horrible narcisist, I’ll use a character of mine, my Yuki !
What I like about them : honestly and very modestly, Yuki is adorable. She’s tiny, she’s cute, with huge eyes and tiny feet, and she’s a ballerina to boot ! No really, she’s an adorable little thing, all cuddly and affectionnate once you get her to trust you (but it’s very, very hard). But under that, she’s tough as nails when the need comes, and she will kick your ass. And when rightly poked and prodded, she says the funniest things.
What I dislike about them : do I dislike something about her ? Maybe, but that’s about me. Even when I planned for her to have the worst backstory ever, sometimes I tend to do it too much, and she turns into a poor little wittle woobie without any redeaming quality.
Favourite moment : probably that part where she demonstrates for the first time to anyone that she’s not just an itty-bitty ballerina and a meek, tiny thing, but a competent dancer, serious and hardworking, and an athlete who can kick someone across the room without any effort (and she’s way more flexible than people give her credit for). It makes some people feel all weird and bothered~
Least favourite moment : when I had her get her Achille’s tendons cut by her asshole of a sister. Poor Yuki didn’t deserve that at all…
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more : I’m the one exploring it so really, I’m not leaving one stone unturned ! But I’m quite curious about a lot of things about her, including her youth, before she was ostracized by her family.
An interesting AU for this character : okay we’ve seen so many AU for her, but let’s start with the latest latest one ! That post-apocalyptic word with Rie and Rei as the librarians. Yuki probably has to fend off for herself, and it’s very hard for a tiny Yuki to survive in a world without laws or anything. The library is her haven, where no one can hurt her because those two librarians are terrifying and assisted by strong persons who kick a lot of asses. She spends lots of time there, more and more, until she just… doesn’t live. Rie and Rei let her stay around because she goes to great lengths to help them and make herself as useful and irreplacable as she can, taking care of the books and cooking for everyone. It’s very nice, because she’s not in danger anymore, and they even like her !
A crossover : with Fantastic Beasts. Imagine Yuki (and all the Puppy Pack) meeting Newt and his puppy pack in New Orleans, probably hunting whatever creature is around. Shinji is elated because new people, Newt just wonders who are all those weirdos, Shizuka wants to see all the creatures, Credence gets lots of hot chocolate, Menthe wants the kittens, Tina wants them to calm down a little, Rose feeds everybody, Jacob feeds everybody, Queenie feeds everybody, Kisuke wants all the beasts, and Yuki communicates with Credence by meeps and awkward glances.  Everybody is happy, has fun, drinks alcohol and tea and coffee and chocolate, and everything is perfect. And the Niffler steals all the spoons.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship) : AGA so many ! It’s hard to choose ! Let’s start with the last one and go from there : Yuki and Misha are totally adorable in the tol / smol, strong / delicate, protective / caring department. They are simply adorable and need to be protected and shipped and cuddled and everything.
Other ships? I didn’t cite Tomoyo-dono just because I love those two idiots so much. They are dorky and in love and protective of each other and lovely and represent the 11th division which makes every captain go “o.o” and Yuki’s family go “è.é”. And they are so good to each other. Then Kenpachi and Bahorel (and Shishido) (and Hiyori) (and probably others) who reproduce my favourite trope of the grumpy, strong, punching, aggressive character falling for the tiny, fragile person (who’s totally head over heels for them) and getting such a “PROTECTIVE” vibe that they would eat anyone alive to help the tiny person. And then there’s Shinji. Who’s neither grumpy nor fight-crazy, and a total troll, but who gets the same “PROTECT THE TINY PERSON” urge. And then drive them crazy.
BROTP : with Shizuka and Menthe. Yuki would be totally lost without those two idiots helping and supporting her in any stupid idea or street fight ever. And then they go out for tea / chocolate / whatever.NOTP : any violent character. Tiny Yuki doesn’t need violence in her life, just hugs and cuddles.
An assortment of headcanons! - according to Yuki, Misha is the best thing to exist since green tea. And even then, it’s a draw. Misha is everything she ever dreamt when she was little and wanted to be a Disney Princess : he’s tall, handsome, strong, protective, gallant, gentle, supportive, and very cuddly. Perfect, except that he doesn’t sing random love songs, but maybe that would be a bad idea. Beside that, perfect.- her favourite hot drink is a perfectly made matcha seijo no shiro. Since it’s super expensive, she rarely indulges into it, and when she does, she does her best to enjoy every sip !- she has a black light snowflake tattooed on her left wrist, so her parents can identify her body should something happen to her. She doesn’t like it very much, but she doesn’t pay it much attention.- she would never sell you for a corn chip.- she loves to dress Tomoyo-dono up and turn her into a pretty, pretty princess. And then go and run around in princess-y clothes and do very unladylike things like eating with their fingers and climb things you’re not supposed to climb.- she likes Dr Who a lot. She hasn’t seen many episodes, but it’s a favourite of her. She wants to knit herself some fandom stuff, but yarn is expensive, so she puts a ball or two aside when she can.- she doesn’t really have a comfort food, because she doesn’t eat much, and sometimes, it’s a fight just to get something down. Anxiety and depression are bitches walking hand in hand.- when she’s on her own, Yuki sleeps all curled up like a little ball. Now that she has a huge shark boyfriend to sleep with, she just lays half on him like a big sharky pillow.
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pretzelgotze · 7 years
I was tagged by @chocabel.  Thank youuuuu <3
1. What’s your favourite book of all time and why?
Can’t ever choose one. I can tell you that every so often I’ll pick up one of the Harry Potter books and reread it, so there’s that. But I’ll never limit myself to one fav.
2. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
The answer to that will vary depending on my mood. Right now I[ll probably try to find the Sense8 creators to see what they have plans for s3.
3. What’s your favourite travel memory?
DORTMUND DORTMUND DORTMUND DORTMUUUUUUND. 2016, BVB vs Wolfsburg, 5-1, Marco scored, Shinji scored, Auba scored twice. Even Adrian scored. ALL MY FAVS PLAYED. NO ONE WAS INJURED. Legit my greatest memory, I still have tears in my eyes everytime I was the videos we took at the stadium.
4. Rum or whiskey?
5. The most important thing on your bucket list?
Watching Liverpool play at Anfield.
6. What have you done in your life that you are really proud of?
I don’t know if I really make myself proud. Maybe work promotions?
7. If you want, post your favourite photograph (nature)
This requires too much effort right now so I’ll skip :)
8. Do you keep the mail you get or do you throw it away after some time?
Well, most of the mail I get is stuff I ordered online, so definitely keep.
9. What’s your favourite football moment so far?
Eurocup 2012 final. I don’t think anything will top that for me.
10. What is your first memory of your fave footballer?
2005. Fetus Fernando Torres with a terrible mohawk scoring like nobody’s business.
11. What do you do when you are really happygiddyexcited?
Probably some kind of expletive.
This was fun. Thank you bb.
I love the questions so I’m gonna use the same and tagging anyone who wants to do it.
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