#one movie I saw had Sanzang with a huge back tattoo that was the suntras so that it was a last line of defense from demons trying to eat hi
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
I don't know how to explain this but the versions of JTTW feels weird when the Tang Monk has the power to defend himself right, and whole reason he argues with Sun Wukong is he want to stay a pacifist and hes powerless when dealing with monsters on the journey
I kinda like the different interpretations!! Personally, I think that there are some versions that make it really exciting having Sanzang as a fighter or at least can defend himself as it changes the dynamics of the group a bit, just enough to make it where the audience can see the same character but with slightly altered roles!
I know that it goes against the OG narrative but I think it kinda leans more into that kinda area of 'what ifs' where the reason Sanzang has Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing isn't that he needs protection but rather he generally wants to help them on their redemption. I know that's never every take when it comes to a fighting Sazang trope but I think it adds another layer of having new dynamics without taking away Sanzang's core elements of wanting to help others and being compassionate. I don't think having a character that can defend himself takes away his values of valuing life. If done well I think that it can be interesting to see someone that doesn't like violence still have the view that they understand certain circumstances cannot be avoided. Like Sanzang doesn't want Wukong to kill but he also never tells them to fight either, just to show mercy on their enemies and never go overboard, especially when they are far weaker them the overpowered yaoguai.
Of course, they aren't accurate but that is the fun of re-marks like that, and I think if done well can still have Sanzang's core traits of seeing good in everyone while having a more playful twist of dynamics in a media.
.....I'm mostly talking about Westward 西行纪 BUT I JUST LOVE THE CRAZINESS OF IT ALL! I'm not here for power structures, I'm here for character-driven narratives.
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This Sanzang BENCH PRESSES demons, everyone else is just there for show. HE ALREADY GOT WARPED AROUND HIS FISTS HE READY.
What I'm trying to say it, I think if done right, it could be a really fun concept to play with but understandable if they just make him just a fighter and not a monk. A good "What if he was a Warrior Monk" but don't just make him a fighter.
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