#one million sad guys in a trench coat
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telestoapologist · 1 year ago
#its name is the wetness andnit is just so big and moist and sad
just started destiny 2. why does the main villain look like this
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foundnthestars · 24 days ago
YOU BANISHED TGEM TO THE GAMBLING DINENSION??? SJAJSHDJKDBJGJGJSGJDGJD IM GONNA SCREAM. ohhh my GOD!!! This chapter is so GOOD. The announcement 'lucky number 11' foreshadowing that it's lottocron nine... I'm gonna explode into a million pieces. Dipper and the wormhole gun having matching breakdowns this chapter was also great!! Poor Dip feels so bad... It's not your fault king say it louder!
Also. Describe these two to me in as much detail as possible I want to draw them
thank you SO much! these beginning chapters (i say even though i've written nearly 100k words at this point) have been soooo dialogue-heavy because these two still have so much left unsaid — which is fine! — but i really wanted to get them to a point where they can just bond and fuck around with knots and look at the stars together.
it took nearly 100k words, but war is over, and dipper's well on his way to confronting some of the Big Stuff that has had him isolating himself from stan. his realization that, "oh, shit, i actually don't blame stan as much as i do myself," hit fast and it hit hard. because, up until this point, dip hasn't really wanted to pay attention to any other feelings besides anger. anger is easy! but anger is often just sadness and grief wearing a disguise, and that mask doesn't always last.
HAHA, yeah, i had way too much fun peppering luck innuendos into the chapter and into the chapter announcement. thanks for noticing!! there are a fair amount of other moments that foreshadow events to come, but those are more subtle for sure, and probably only obvious to myself.
yup, dipper and the wormhole gun both had their moments. this kid literally was one more bad thing away from completely losing his shit, so it made sense to me that he'd just unravel. they've had absolutely abysmal luck with electronics recently but, yeah, guys, someone probably should've realized that they'd need to fuel that thing sooner or later.
ALSO, yes!! it's not dipper's fault!!! i'd have thrown myself at that button too! the whole thing was INCREDIBLY suspicious.
okay, wow, the fact that you want to draw something for this makes me so incredibly happy so i will try my best to deliver. i mentioned before that an event coming soon is going to change someone's appearance (pretty significantly), but here's how they look now!!
scruffy beard (pretty short and stubbly, nothing CRAZY)
not yet a mullet-haver, but somewhere...close. he hates it. just picture something more scraggly and scruffy than what he has in canon. pretty similar to ford's in NWHS.
black trench coat, probably fairly worn in at this point. many pockets. dark-colored clothes overall. black pants. boots.
sluggishly healing cuts on his forearms from having to cut off their binds in the car when they'd been kidnapped (not really super important but i'm trying to be detailed HAHA)
dark gray facial covering pooled around his neck like a scarf or around his face depending on where they're at.
hair has definitely grown. it's slightly longer than usual and curly like in canon.
he doesn't have a mirror, his hat, or the patience to make sure his birthmark is covered up at all times — so it's more prone to peaking out through his hair.
sometimes has a jacket, sometimes not. up to your discretion!
black boots, dark-colored clothes, mainly. long sleeves and pants.
still sort of bruised from their initial trip through the portal. honestly they're both kind of beat up.
also backpack!
there's probably stuff im forgetting, but if you have questions lmk! honestly if you do decide to draw them imma lose my shit either way. i've never had someone draw fanart for one of my fics TwT
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crispy0nion · 1 year ago
Honestly one thing about lightfall that I'm still mad about is the utter lack of context about the veil. Like what is that thing. Why did it pick a million sad guys in a trench coat as it's spokesperson. Why and how does it make us hear The Voices™. Why is it shaped like a tuber. Can i put it in my soup
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soupsopsoap · 5 months ago
My hero academia season one episode 13 yay lets go
intro 3784565704801597328463579905738569865865056435640564760816788096135048650984650934865093486509486509346509165089346509486509348650948650983465098465089346508934659806340589634098564893659034865908465983465908346590861098649856983465908614395683490564390563498563485495649856/3 stars. love it.
op, back to these three. Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Kaminari. Looks like I was right, you have in fact completely incapacitated one of your teammates in a dangerous situation. Good going guys.
Oh good, Yaoyorozu fixed her costume. That's a good use of your quirk right now. Oh man, what if we had some sort of costume designed to not blow up in the middle of the fight. Wouldn't that be something.
Well, all might is dead. So sad.
Oh sure, Midoriya. Why not. Go break more bones. Good plan. Good plan buddy. Why do they animate you like that.
Oh good, back up. Why does he have a gun. I am very concerned.
Well, heres my thought on these guys. Left to right. Guy on the far left. What. Next is the magical girl I like. Very magical. That guy needs a shirt. She. Is wearing an outfit. For sure. Very large bird man? Why not. This guy has a gun. Why. Did they let him do that. After that is a fellow with a very trench coat. And then that guy with the googles. Thats a Lego brick. Thats a very large rat. And this man also needs a shirt. Yep, seems about right.
Yay Thirteen! I love Thirteen. They should make Thirteen President Of The World.
Oh Red, you are so funny. Please get a shirt.
Cementoss, Quirk: Cement. No. That doesn't mean anything. You cant just say stuff. Ahhh.
Oh, the villains have a nice jukebox there. And misty has a pretty spiffy suit. Also are we just going to let this guy bleed out? Is there no villain union to make sure he gets his health care? He was shot four times. Stop talking to him.
OH BOY DO I GET TO HEAR WHAT EVERYONE WAS DOING??? Ojiro was on his own using "hit and run tactics." Yay, very smart tail boy. Ten million points. Hagakure was with cyborg boy. What was she doing? She was with cyborg guy. Im not sure he knew that. Where were you sparkly? He wants someone to ask him so bad... What. Buddy? You were so obsessed with having someone ask where you were why won't you tell them? This is very magical girl vibes, he must have left for his magical girl transformation.
Well, all their teachers are dead. So sad. Guess they need a new one. Mayhaps even one with a valid teaching license? bye
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telestoapologist · 1 year ago
hey if it's ok i reversed that first gif for when ur friend says some audacious shit
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need someone to make a gif of the witness's face when Calus tells them he lost the Mast
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missinghan · 4 years ago
falling for the first time ⤖ bang chan
❖ genre : hogwarts au; fluff
❖ word count : 2,1k.
❖ warning : explicit language
❖ summary : your plan of putting all effort into avoiding bang chan as much as possible has been going smoothly for almost seven years until he asks you for a dance at the Yule Ball. or alternatively, your families hate each other but wait...has he always had those golden flecks in his eyes?
❖ author’s note : here’s the song they’re dancing to 🖤
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The once cold ballroom has waited for eons it seems, for a real heart to beat a new rhythm into the matter that made it. 
Meanwhile, you too have been waiting (for two-ish hours) in the corner with your cup of root beer abandoned at a table for your dance partner. You’re currently half-clutching your dress and half-panicking because Chan wouldn’t miss an event as extravagant as the Yule Ball. He’s not the type to be sour over little things either just because he didn’t win the Triwizard Tournament. Or perhaps someone else just happened to ask him? 
A blood-curdling shriek bursts your eardrums. 
Jeongin gives you a nudge with his elbow from behind. “Grilled scream-cheese?” he asks with a mouthful of gluten and carbs, a plate of a sandwich with a (literally) screaming slice of cheese slapped in the middle. 
“No, my appetite is ruined,” you say, pushing it away slightly and heaving an audible sigh. 
The Ravenclaw boy makes an alarming noise—something similar to ‘uh-oh’ and swallows the big bite from before as fast as he can. “Where’s Chan?”
You only shrug, “Don’t know. Don’t care.” If only you could do that with the train of thoughts that have been going in and out of your ears for the past a hundred and twenty minutes. 
“Y/N, you look troubled,” he purses his lips, frowning at you. 
“I’m not,” you voice in denial, trying your best not to come off as snappy. No, you will not give up your facade that easily. You won’t leave Chan’s ego nor Jeongin to rest without a fight by saying that you actually want to dance with the heathen!
“Yeah right, let me-“
“Don’t. What if he’s already asked someone else?” You momentarily shudder at how sad you sound. The root beer shouldn’t have hit you this hard. “I mean look at him, he’s Bang Chan. I’m pretty sure those girls from Beauxbatons have been eyeing him up and down since the Tournament.” 
Jeongin lets out a huff of laughter in disbelief. “Are you even hearing yourself right now?”
“One of you guys could have asked me. Or I should have paid Jisung to be my partner yesterday. I just, I don’t know, what am I saying? I’m confused.”
Your friend is officially done with your bullshit so he decides for himself that he will now set down his food to make your first and last Yule Ball arguably unforgettable. “Honestly? I can lie and say I would dance with you if you weren’t so full of pride. But truth is, none of us asked you to dance because we all know how badly Chan wants this opportunity. Wake the fuck up! He’s been planning this since forever. I’ll go look for him, wait here,” he points a finger at you before running off, leaving your heartbeat pause awkwardly like a broken record. 
The ballroom feels significantly colder now. 
“Miss Y/N?”
Ah, perfect timing. What’s another way to phrase ‘being an absolute idiot at a ball’? Oh right, it’s ‘talking to your professor five minutes before the first dance while your friends are socializing left and right’. 
“Yes, Headmistress McGonagall?”
Your professor peers around when she realizes that you’re all alone. “Are you and Mister Bang ready?”
“R-ready?” Suddenly, you feel out of place. 
“Well, of course. It’s only traditional that the three champions start the first dance!”
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Only the celestial bodies above can know how melancholy you are. But you’re met with a sky without stars tonight. 
With your head on your elbows, lips pressed into a straight line, your gaze falls from the endless canvas of darkness to the hustle and bustle of students leaving the Great Hall to head back to their designated dormitories. A sigh. You definitely don’t need to know what they’re going to do for the after-party. Ryujin used to show you an article on this peculiar machine called ‘a laptop’ that the more you sigh, the faster you age. If Chan keeps doing shit like this to you, you’re gonna be all old and wrinkly by the time he comes here. 
If he is going to show up at all that is. 
The moment you peel your eyes away from the overcrowded main gate, a broad figure is shuffling himself through his drunk Quidditch teammates, sloppy couples, and burnt out professors. He dashes through the empty hallways to reach the spiral staircase, skipping three steps at a time, risking the chances of falling on his face just to get to you. 
Pulling himself to a halt at the last step, Chan sees you all curled up against the balcony railings and feels a pang of guilt wash over his innards like a wave. You’re pulling your legs toward your chest, defeated eyes gazing into the space ahead while your hair falls to your face messily. Like you’ve gone through the depths of the Fourth Dimension, struggling through dark matters and a rite of divinity at the end of the line. All for him. 
You’re beautiful. 
And the amount of affection that’s piling upon his rib cage? Astronomical. 
Your gaze is averted away; even with a slight scowl, sloppy clothes and messed up hair, you still flare radiance. He thinks that if a meteor shower is happening right now, you can still outshine it. “You came,” you mention. 
For once, Chan finds himself at a loss for words. “Y-Yeah,” he manages to swallow. Yeah? What the fuck, Chan? Is that all you’ve got to say? 
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N. Yeji accidentally mistook one of Minho’s potions for her allergy medicine so I gotta take care of that before coming,” he scratches his forearm awkwardly, head hung low with guilt. “I didn’t know it would take that long…”
“Oh.” Wow, jealous stinks. This isn’t pre-school, you’d better snap out of it. “Let’s head back. I wanna check on her before passing out.” 
“She’s fine now, sleeps like death. Chaeryeong is there too, you know, just in case.” Chan feels perplexed as he tries to coax anything but the ‘head back’ option from you. 
You tilt your head. “And...?”
“I’m afraid you owe me something?” A slow smile begins to outstretch upon his facial muscles, deepening the dimples on either side of his cheeks that you adore the most. “A dance, I believe,” he makes a thinking face while striding toward you. 
Coldly, you stand up to dust your dress. “I don’t want to.” You’re not having it, he can tell. But does Bang Chan ever give up? 
“A bet is a bet, Y/N.”
Chan’s hand fishes inside the pocket of his trench coat to take out his wand. His hand delicately gives it a swift flick; once, and twice followed by a low mumble from his lips. Immediately, light pulses from the tip of the wand before shooting upward, disintegrating into a million bits as though a starry night is embracing the both of you. He does the same action again to cast a different spell. Music laces through every fiber of air without effort, like honey being poured into your ears. 
“It’s just one bet,” he pouts with a hand fully extended toward you. 
You should have realized how good Chan looks tonight. A black dress shirt that’s buttoned below appropriate, matching trench coat, silver accessories lining his fingers and ears with naturally tousled hair from running here. He looks so gorgeous that it almost suffocates you, that it almost makes you want to hiss ‘fucking unfair’ out loud. 
Enchanted by his poise and grace, your body reacts without the consent of your mind. You seize up when you unknowingly place your hand on top of his, the touch sending electricity down your spine. A simple response has become all too complicated for your brain to process. 
You grow breathless the moment he grabs you by the waist and pulls you flush against him. “Yeah, a bet so you’ll leave me alone,” you remark sarcastically to ease your nerves. 
“Look, it’s not my fault that the Goblet of Fire chose me to participate in the Tournament,” Chan chuckles lowly, eyes crinkling into crescent moon shapes while he sways you to the soft melody. Dots of light continue to float around weightlessly, reflecting the golden flecks in his eyes. He’s ethereal in the worst way—the way that isn’t healthy for your heart. 
But you soon slap on another scowl when you realize he just reminded you of why you’re even here in the first place. If only you weren’t so salty about Slytherin winning your team over at the final Quidditch match before the holiday occurs. Let’s just say you weren’t exactly in the best mind state after getting your ass kicked in your favorite sport. 
And Chan wasted no time to slip in between the line of comical humor and your ultimate torment. Which results in—if you get to attend the Triwizard Tournament, he will leave you alone for the rest of your life; but if he is the chosen one, he gets a dance with you at the Yule Ball. 
It’s really not all that bad if you think twice about it. Dancing with Bang Chan, the Slytherin’s Quidditch team captain, the student with perfect academics and conduct for six years straight, and now one of the Triwizard Tournament champions this year. 
Music threads through the atmosphere and lifts away gravity. You can’t count how many times you have stepped on his toes due to nervousness because you’re too much of a coward to look him in the eye. But he’s the only thing you can seem to focus on right now. 
“Besides, don’t you think this is a good opportunity to get rid of the tension between us?” Chan asks honestly, and this causes you to perk up. 
Lights are twinkling with every step as Chan spins you around gently, your dress billowing out prettily as your heels click against the cold concrete. After that, he swiftly pulls you back into his arms and you exhale in relief like you were meant to be there all this time. 
“Don’t act dumb, you’re terrible at it. I know the only reason why you’ve been avoiding me since first year was because of our families’ stupid grudge. ”
Your eyes are cast downward, sadness glinting in your round pupils. “Either way, my parents wouldn’t like to see me talking to you. And look at what we’re doing. It’s going to be catastrophic if they find out.”
“Well, they can’t just magically appear now, can they?” Chan leans a little closer to lock his eyes with yours. 
And you break it seconds later because you’re an absolute coward for a Gryffindor. “We’re attending a magic school. Anything is possible.”
“Did they even tell you what the actual problem was in the first place?” he huffs out in faint annoyance. 
You shake your head. “I don’t think they’d even remember.”
“Then would you stop giving me that look as if I just shooed your owl way every time I said ‘hi’ on my way to class? Have you ever thought about my feelings? About us being civil for once? Like friends? Or even more so?”
“We’re not our parents, Y/N.”
Your heart becomes all erratic at his words. It’s nothing like those fully-fledged, tear-jerking nor cheesyass confessions that you’ve gawked at one too many times, but it makes your heart flutter and stirs up those cliché butterflies inside your stomach. This can’t be compared to the Yule Ball—it’s even better than that. Because it feels as though you and Chan are the only presences that graze the surface of this land. There’s no one to judge, no fingers to point, no gossip spreading like wildfire. 
It’s perfect. Almost. 
“Us...it’s not- it can’t happen. It’s not supposed to happen. It’s not possible, Chan.”
Wordlessly, he stops, moves both of your hands to his shoulders, and wraps his arms around your torso. The sound of your heartbeat against his is so in sync they just drown out the music completely. Time is frozen in place, leaving you to hang on the edge with him, hanging onto this single moment as thin as the red string of fate. You’re waiting for him to do something, say something. 
Just then, Chan cracks a wry smile and pulls you closer by the nape of your neck, resting his forehead comfortably on yours. “We’re attending a magic school. Anything is possible.”
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avengers-age-of-fanfics · 4 years ago
just for you, honeybee (5/?)
pairing: steve rogers x reader (platonic), bucky barnes x reader
warnings: grief, sadness, CA:TFA
words: 2,074
authors note: I am so sorry for posting this late, been a crazy few days! anywho, part 5! slowly working our way into The Avengers & The Winter Soldier. not sure how i'll write the avengers yet but i'll figure something out! thank u for being patient!
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Your whole body felt so heavy.
Everything hurt and even with your soft breathing, it was as if all the muscles in your body were screaming at you to stop. Sounds of people cheering were heard but you tried to tune it out, your brain barely able to comprehend why your body hurt so much.
After telling yourself to try to at least open your eyes, you did, and it was so bright. Your eyes fluttered closed once more as you groaned at the light, trying to adjust. Listening to the sound once more, you heard a specific tune – Harry James’ Maria Elena – play on a radio.
You groaned, opening your eyes again as the song continued, hearing Harry’s voice, “Maria Elena, you’re the answer to a prayer…”
God, James loved this song.
Becoming used to the light, you tensed your toes, your legs, your arms, all the way up to your teeth, then untensing. It felt weird, being alive. Wait…were you alive? Maybe?
Before you decided to lay in your cot any longer, you sat up, glancing at your clothes – a plain, white t-shirt with an Eagle in the middle, along with some nice fitting tan pants and some shoes. ‘Odd,’ you thought to yourself, ‘definitely don’t remember changing clothes.’
The room you laid in was relatively plain, nothing was out of the ordinary as Maria Elena continued to play on repeat. “Okay,” you said aloud, “that’s a bit weird.”
With a grumble, you placed your feet on the ground as you held your head in your hands, “ugh, Steve, where the hell are you? ‘Could really use one of Howard’s hangover cures.”
Before you could talk any more nonsense to yourself, the door opened, revealing a beautiful young woman dressed in a nurse’s outfit, “good morning.” She took a quick glance at her watch, “or should I say afternoon.
You eyed her suspiciously as one of your favorite songs quickly grew to be very annoying, “where am I? Where is Steve?”
She seemed a bit nervous as she answered you, “you’re in a recovery room in New York City. Captain Rogers is right beside you, the next room over. He has been informed that you’ve woken up.”
Harry James’ “All or Nothing At All” came on the radio and you felt the urge to roll your eyes, “where am I really?”
The woman chuckled, “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
Your eyes narrowed, “the songs. Listen, any person with a stable head on their shoulders loves Harry James, but there is no way in hell Blue Ribbon Town is playin’ his songs all the damn time. Now, where am I – and tell Steve I want him here.”
The ‘nurse’ – well, you didn’t know if you could call her that cause you seemingly caught her bluff – grew worried as you stood up, the bed creaking below you, “just tell me where I am and where Steve is and I’ll-“
You stilled for a moment, recognizing the sounds of two people arguing, and of course, Steve’s voice. He sounded agitated and on edge, but at least you knew he was safe. Now, you just wanted to get the hell out of here. The woman, nurse, whoever she was, grabbed a walkie-talkie and began talking into it, but you paid no mind to her.
The door opened behind her, revealing a man, you guessed an Agent, in a suit, “who the hell are you? I want to get out of this room.”
The man held out his hands, “Agent Y/N, my name is Phil Coulson, we work with S.H.I.E.L.D. There’s no need to stress, you are alright and safe.”
You squinted your eyes at him, “well, Agent Coulson, I’m sure you can tell why I am even remotely hesitant to trust you, so with all due respect, I’m breaking out of here.”
And with that, you sprinted towards the wall opposite you, ramming shoulder first and knocking it down, revealing bright lights and metal flooring – almost like they were keeping something on the inside.
An alarm sounded above you as you stopped in a hallway, people looking at your figure before gasping. “All agents, code 13” echoed above you as you dragged yourself along, unable to take a second and look. You cursed Steve for leaving you alone, for not hearing you fighting with that woman and Coulson guy. Shoving some men down onto the floor, you continued to run until you pushed open the doors, the outside becoming cold very quickly.
You spun in a circle, trying to take in everything around you as you ran into oncoming traffic, the sounds of horns blaring causing more confusion than anything. Running seemed to be the only thing you knew how to do, the rain drizzling down upon you, doing nothing to slow your speed. The more you ran, the more you realized how unfamiliar everything looked. Neon signs, tall buildings, cars you’ve never seen before – if that woman was telling the truth, when the hell did everything change?
You slowed to a stop, huge moving-picture signs changed above you and the unfamiliarity was daunting. You needed someone’s hand to grab, to hold onto something, so you reached towards your chest, holding tightly onto Bucky’s dog tags.
Black cars pulled in front of you and from behind you, a tall, sort-of menacing man stood before you, “at ease, Agent.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as Steve stepped out of the backseat of the car, looking uneasy; the man continued, hands at the side of his black trench coat and eyepatch adding more questions as to who this man was, “look, I’m sorry about that little show back there, but…we thought it best to break it to you slowly.”
Your grip on Bucky’s dog tags tightened as your breathing quickened, “Steve? Break what?”
The somewhat terrifying man took a breath, “you’ve been asleep, L/N. For almost 70 years – same with your friend Captain here.”
Your heart ached and it hurt to breathe all of a sudden. Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to steady your breathing, looking around at everything around you. Steve stepped forward, hands quickly grabbing yours even as you tried to move away, “honeybee, I know it’s a lot to take in but you gotta breathe. You got this, you got this…”
You nodded, trying to listen as ringing took over your ears.
Steve turned, trying to catch his breath as the man in front of you looked to you both, “you going to be okay?”
Steve nodded, “she’ll be okay, she’s fine.
The man looked to you, “Miss L/N?”
You tried to steady your breathing, “I need…where is…”
The man held out his hands, “we’ll answer all of your questions, starting with who I am – my name is Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. We’ve been taking care of you both since your discovery and anything you need, you let us know. Now, can we get you situated?”
Steve continued to look confused as you glared at Fury, “how do I know I can trust you?”
Fury gestured to the world surrounding you, “you see anyone else trying to make friends, Miss L/N?”
You grumbled, “y/n is fine, really…Cap, what’s going on?”
Steve gripped your hands, “you can trust him, y/n, I promise. He’ll make sense of everything, he’s a good guy.”
With a glare, you looked towards the Director, “where…where would I be headed with you?”
Nick Fury leaned back on the balls of his feet, “Washington D.C, Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D, HQ, specifically.”
With a glance to Steve, you knew that broken look too well – a place to rest, to fully digest this news, would be nice. It seems he has somewhat fit in with this new world that you now have to adjust to. You turned to Fury, “I’ll go with you. But will I be staying there permanently?”
Fury shrugged, “you are in charge of your own life. Once we get you settled, you’re free to do what you wish.”
Steve nodded towards you as he recognized your hesitance – you can trust Nick Fury. You’ll be in charge of your own life once you become accustomed to this new world.
The trip to Washington D.C. was not too troublesome, but coming to terms with what era you were living in sure was. You and Steve were silent the entire ride, making sense of what had happened during your final mission. Once you arrived, Nick Fury had no qualms about telling you what had happened; you had completed the mission, saving millions of lives, and you had won the war.
But it just did not feel right.
You knew why; you shouldn’t be here. At this point, you and Bucky, your Jamie, should be in your late 80s, kids, and grandkids living their lives to the fullest. Yet here you were, living in an unknown world without your James, and the worst part – you had no idea if his body was recovered, if he had a funeral, if Becca had something for him.
That was what the first few months of your new life consisted of: doing research on these high-tech computers about Bucky, Rebecca, catching up on the history you missed out on. Unconsciously, you found yourself researching ‘Colonel Chester Phillips’ and found that your broody Colonel lived the rest of his life to the fullest, becoming one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. – you just knew that man was meant for greatness. Next, ‘Howard Stark’ added to your search and your heart ached.
Howard, your Howie Stark, was murdered.
They had known it was murder, or some kind of setup, once the feds realized much of his equipment was stolen from his car. Howard and his beautiful wife Maria were murdered.
You cried that night.
The next day, you brought yourself to visit Colonel Phillips’ grave and laid a bouquet of flowers on his grave; you knew he’d call you ridiculous, that he didn’t need any flowers, but you did it anyway. Shockingly, Howard and Maria’s gravesite weren’t too far and you had laid flowers on their graves as well.
Steve hadn’t joined you.
You weren’t upset with him, no, just…you weren’t sure. You wished he came along, but he figured giving you space was what you needed when in reality, you needed him – you needed your Steve Rogers from Brooklyn. At least when you two went down, Peggy was still alive; your James wasn’t. A part of you hated Steve for that, but it also grieved with him.
Nothing more was done of your research on Jamie; you’d seen the same thing about him over and over, yet you knew all that was said. However, you loved seeing moving pictures of him and Steve, ones you hadn’t seen before that day. He was just as beautiful as the day he left you for war. His smile made your heart race and his nose scrunch, his eyes squinting during his smile…he was breathtaking.
Reaching below the collar of your shirt, you grasped the dog tags around your neck, thankful S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn’t taken them off. Laying a kiss on them, you let them go, hitting your chest before your fingers met the keyboard: “Grover, Newspaper vendor, Brooklyn.”
That man had continued selling newspapers until his final years and right away, you saw an article titled, “LOCAL NEWS VENDOR SHARES PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA’S PARTNER, Y/N L/N, AFTER LOSS OF CONTACT.” Of course, that old man had to talk about you.
Reading the article, you realized this was right after Steve and you crashed; you felt Grover’s grief and pain through his words. “That kid was a pain in my side, but y/n l/n is – was, one of the lights in my life. She was like the daughter I’ve always wanted an’ while I wish she coulda stayed here, she always told me she needed ta’ do somethin’ with her life,” Grover had said, the author keeping his Brooklyn accent. “Her relationship with James Barnes meant so much to that girl and if there was any way she’d avenge his death, she’d be doin’ it, and I know she did,” he said, “and even though I gotta live the rest of my life without that girl, I know I couldn’t have kept her from doin’ what she thought was best. I love her and…I’ll miss her.”
Visiting his grave was the most emotionally draining day since you’ve been back.
honeybee taglist: @clownerlyluv
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sritzthefirefly · 4 years ago
The Not-so French Mistake
Pairing: Slight Dean x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. Any and all comments on this are appreciated. I’m sorry for any grammatical errors that I might have made. This is my first fanfiction (as a one-shot, I've written a few earlier in poetry form) so please go easy on me.
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“You are going to die.”, he states nonchalantly, as if three men entering your house and telling you that you are going to die is an everyday occurrence.
“I…WHAT?!”, I shout, my eyes round as saucers.
Well, today was a seemingly normal day. Until the seemingly normal day wasn’t as seemingly normal as I thought it would be.
                                2 hours earlier
“Hey, I’ll be leaving now”, my best friend said as she packed the small handbag she always carried around with her.
“Don’t forget the pickle jar and then come back 15 minutes later telling me you forgot the one thing I reminded you about”, I shouted to her from the top of the stairs.
She turned around to pick up the jar from the centre table when her eyes landed on me and she whistled. I pulled the drawstrings of my silk dressing gown tighter as I walked down the stairs.
“Ooooh, would you look at that, someone’s looking good. So, are you going to sleep after I’m gone, or are you going to have some company tonight?”
“I…..I just can’t……not so soon after...ummm……I know I’m stupid but I just wanted to feel good about myself”
She closed the few steps between us and hugged me tightly.
“Hey, you know he’s an asshole. His words don’t count, ok? No guy has the right to make you feel bad about yourself”, she said, pulling away.
“But he…….”
“No missy, you listen here, he’s an idiot who doesn’t deserve you. He should feel lucky he’s not in town or I would’ve kicked him so hard in the balls that impregnating a woman would’ve been a foreign concept to him.”
I gave her a small smile.
“Thanks for hyping me up, love. I’m now going to have ice cream and cry my heart out to sad rom-coms.”
“Bitch, you hate rom-coms. You’re just going to binge-watch Supernatural and you’re not telling me that because you won’t admit that you’re obsessed with the show”.
“Okay, okay whatever……Aren’t you getting late for your train?”
 She looked at her watch.
 “Oh shit! Bye, see you later.” she said as she ran out of the door, slamming it behind her. I sighed to myself and walked over to the TV, switching it on.
“Self-care time for me now!”, I said to myself, as I opened the fridge to get my favorite ice-cream when suddenly, the doorbell rings. I immediately turned my head towards the centre table and sure enough, the pickle jar was there.
Shaking my head, I picked up her precious jar and walked over to the door, pulling it open.
“I knew you……..”, I stopped short when I saw who was standing outside.
There, standing on my porch were, none other than, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.
And then I woke up.
Yeah, if only it happened that way.
I knew I was looking like an absolute fool in front of them, opening and closing my mouth like a fish, my eyes wide and my breath short as I stood there, taking in the two handsome men adorning my doorstep. They were dressed in their Sam and Dean outfits -plaid, over layers of plaid- it seemed like a scene straight out of a set.
“Hi! You’re Y/N right?”, Jared said in his usual husky voice while Jensen stood beside him, strangely staring at me with something akin to awe in his eyes.
“W…what? I…uh…yeah…I…I am Y/N”, I somehow managed to choke out.
“You’re awesome”, Jensen Ackles breathed out with a sigh with literal heart-eyes in my direction. He cleared his throat and blinked twice and then seemed to step out of his reverie. He gave me a small smile and looked me up and down with a small smirk and I blushed furiously. Wait, was Jensen Ackles checking me out?!
Okay, so there were either of these two things going on- either I was dreaming or I had completely lost my mind. But since I had already pinched myself and well, that damn pinch did hurt, so the situation pretty much tilted towards the latter side. I mean, Jensen Ackles knows me and he thinks I am awesome?!
“Yep, definitely not a fan”, Jared whispers somewhat sarcastically to Jensen to which he replies under his breath with a “Shut up, Sammy!”
I would have paid more attention to what Jensen said had I not had my whole focus on Jared’s last words.
“Ummm…..excuse me? No offense but I’m standing right here and you can rest assured that I am 100% a fan, of both of you. If you don’t believe me, ask me anything about Supernatural.”, I say, crossing my hands across my chest.
“Wha-Supernatural? Like the book Supernatural? You have that here too?”, Jensen asks seemingly surprised.
Alright, is this a game for their show? I thought to myself, utterly confused and dazed. They seem to know my name and well, address too and that can be the only logical explanation as to why Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are here, on my doorstep. But I couldn’t see any cameras nearby. Maybe they were hidden? Maybe I was meant to be taken by surprise? Oh shit, did I just challenge them right now? Was this being filmed? My mind rushed with a million things- ‘Oh god, I must be looking so stupid right now, acting like a blobfish instead of doing anything!’
I opened my mouth to say something, anything at all, when Jared cut through. 
“Ummm I’m sorry, Y/N, but it’s not really a good idea to be standing outside and talking. I promise we’ll explain everything. Can we please come inside and talk?”
“I….uh…..yeah sure. Come inside please.”, I was about to ask what their deal was but changed my mind when I saw Jensen nervously looking around and then back at me, pleadingly. 
I closed the door behind me as they settled on the plush red sofa. I walked across the room and sat on the chair facing them.
“Y/N”, Jared started. “There’s no easy way to say this but I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. Like, from Supernatural.”
“Ummm…. I’m aware? Despite your contrary belief, I told you I was a fan.”, I said, confused.
“You’re our fan?!”, Jensen asked, somewhat stunned. “Haha sweetheart, am I living my dream!”, he added, his emerald eyes twinkling.
I stared at him through my eyelashes.
“Hold up, quick question, are you a Dean girl or Sam girl?”
“Dean, not now…..”, Jared sighed.
“Dean girl!”, I blurted out, immediately blushing deeply. Jensen’s entire face lit up and I hurriedly added, “No offense to Jared here.”
“Jared? You mean Jared Pada-whatshisname?”, Jensen asked incredulously.
“Padalecki, Dean”
“Son of a bitch! Fake us lives in the same universe as her!”
I started laughing and the both of them turned towards me quizzically.
“Ummm what is this? Some spin-off of The French Mistake?”, I asked.
“The French what?”, Jared looked at me, his eyebrow raised.
“That’s not important right now. Y/N, I know, it’s hard to believe us right now, but we are not your TV actors-we are not Jensen and Jared. I am the actual Dean Winchester and he is my brother, Sam Winchester. The trickster, the archangel Gabriel, owed us a favor and he let us travel into your universe.... Sweetheart please, you have to believe me. I umm uh, I have been a-”
I stood straight up from my chair, angrily.
“I’m sorry but what kind of prank is this? Going to people’s houses and-”, I started angrily when suddenly the entire room got spontaneously flooded with an immensely bright light.
“Cover your eyes!”, a deep, somewhat robotic voice filled the air and I immediately did so to lessen the risk of my precious peepers being completely burned out by an unknown source of dazzling light in my seemingly normal house in the middle of a seemingly normal (absolutely weird) day.
Slowly, the light faded.
And there stood Misha Collins-
No, that could not possibly be Misha. Unless Misha had suddenly evolved to be able to exhibit bioluminescence or had sprouted long black wings from the back of his trench coat or had learned to hover like a bee in mid-air. No, definitely not Misha. 
That means, this must…this must be-
“Holy mother of God”, I gasped out.
“I….am….not….the….I am the son of God”, he said, walking across the room to sit beside Jar-no, no......Sam.
Holy shit! CASTIEL?! That means that all this time, Jens- Dean, had not been lying. I collapsed on my chair, my mind, not being able to form a single coherent thought. Dean leaped up from the sofa and rushed to my side.
“Darling….darling, look for yourself, that-”
“He is Castiel.”, I said, boring into Dean’s green eyes, they brought me comfort. “I believe you…… Dean.”
A look passed between Sam and Dean and Dean immediately held my hand and squeezed my palm as an act of reassurance as he beamed at me.
Sam got up from his chair and smiled at me, “Thanks to Cas here, you believe us. At last. I thought you were two seconds away from throwing us out.”
I snorted. A really ugly snort through my nose. In front of three delicious-looking men, especially Dean, who was somehow still looking at me like I was God’s gift to mankind. Hah, no wonder I was single.
I cleared my throat to relieve the awkwardness and continued,
“Well, in my defense, you guys were acting real creepy.”
Yeah sure, not even in my wildest dreams would I actually throw Jensen and Jared out of my house, no matter how creepy they act, but they didn’t need to know that.
“But how…why……..”, I started asking the questions bothering me.
“Umm well, yeah, about that…”, Dean started, gulping.
Castiel walked over and looked at me with downcast eyes.
“You are going to die.”, he stated nonchalantly, as if three men entering into your house and telling you that you are going to die is an everyday occurrence.
“I…WHAT?!”, I shouted, my eyes wide.
“CAS!”, Sam and Dean both exclaim at him at the same time.
“She was asking.…..”
“No Cas, not like that!”, Sam tells him prickly.
“Please tell me what the hell is going on! Why….How am I going to die? What’s happening?!”, I say, hiding my face with my hair.
“Darling, promise me you won’t freak out.”, Dean says, staring straight into my soul. “You are a character from a book in our universe. My favourite book. And trust me, this...you…. I am a huge fan of you. Have been, since I was a child. Now you see, few months ago, we stumbled into your universe when Gabriel pranked us. And then I saw you. I met you. The real you....just….perfect….And I just wanted to.....I mean..... I came back...I came back because…..”
“I know everything. I know how the book ends and I have come back here to save you, darling.”
Tagging -  @thatmotleygirl @msmarvelouswinchester @athenapotter @mvdeanw​ @bts-spnlvr12​ @holylulusworld @jensengirl83
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telestoapologist · 10 months ago
"it was all a ruse you pathetic little ant, for you see WE, the witness, were the mastermind the entire time! (flashing through all the collective events of destiny 2) every single thing that's happened to you over the past seven years was orchestrated by US and our INSANE MIND. it only cost us 750 THOUSAND dollars and CENTURIES of planning, just to lead you RIGHT HERE into the palms of our hands… to make one simple request. we were just wondering if you wanted HANG OUT with us and smoke weed and fill our bellies with DIET SODA and play Burnout Revenge for the P ESH TWOOO"
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my buddy needed a picture of The Witness from Destiny as Mr. Landlord so I volunteered my services
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telestoapologist · 10 months ago
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"that's a little version of us, lightbearer. we want you to have it :)"
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dragonrajafanfiction · 4 years ago
Genji Heavy Industries (Part 1) Preparations
The MC doesn’t play a major role here, because there’s not much role to play. But she has a lot to say and lots of THOUGHTS.
The book is funny and I’ve kept the humor of the original novel. I also like that the MC here has a genuine sense of humor that makes her likeable and relatable to the rest of the boys.
There are several luxurious private rooms on the third floor of the Takamagahara for private party guests, and the spending amount is, of course, much higher than the card seats on the first floor. A guest can't go to the third floor without throwing a few million yen a night. 
The music inside the room where Chu Zihang and Caesar were hosting was deafening. You knock loudly to be heard.
"Little Sister, is that you? Don't come in!" Lu Mingfei yelled from inside. He sounds breathless, panting. In fact, when you press your ear to the door, all you hear is his heavy breathing and grunting from physical exertion. Your heart beats faster and your cheeks flush as your imagination runs wild with what must be happening. You back away from the door. You've been up to your ears in man-meat for hours so it wasn't a stretch to conjure images of Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei embracing passionately. Poor Nono. Surely Caesar wouldn't be unfaithful to her, right? You bring your fist to your lips and your heart squeezes in sympathy. 
The door swings open and Caesar appears. He's stripped down to his underwear. Your eyes snap to the gentle curve of Caesar’s crotch, which, in your alcohol-addled mind, seemed to bulge out to enormous proportions!
 He grabs your arm and drags you inside, slamming the door behind you.
Women were lying side by side on the floor, their dresses in disarray. Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang are breaking a sweat to drag all the bodies around. 
“What do you need me to do?” You stammer and glance away. Were you going to end up on the floor too?
“Just wait until we’re finished. How was your time downstairs? You seem a little tipsy. How much did you drink?” Caesar picked up a woman and settled her gently back on the couch.
“I’m not sure. I think someone kept refilling my cup.” You twine your fingers. You can't turn around and look at him in his skivvies. Nono would probably laugh at you and the rest of the girls in the Student Union might resort to mob violence!
Lu Mingfei hissed. “What? That’s awful! Someone should do something about that! Those brutes didn’t do anything to you, did they?”
You shake your head. The room tilts and you try to hide it and the fact that youre suddenly breathless. “No, nothing like that. They were just… um… Are those women drugged?” You change the subject as the memories of the physical proximity of Diamond's and Chance's lips to yours, Calypso’s unopened rose and Armani’s lustful glare spring back to mind and combine with Caesar's sudden full frontal to create a sexual kaleidoscope you couldn’t handle.
"Strong sleeping pills plus strong alcohol. They have to sleep at least until tomorrow morning." Caesar shook a small pill bottle.
“Isn’t that a little dangerous? Sounds like a great way to make them sleep forever!” You recalled heroin and vodka was strictly forbidden because combined someone could easily commit suicide.
“I made sure it was alright.” Chu Zihang said, straightening a girl’s skirt. "We have about eight hours between now and tomorrow morning, enough time to get to and from Genji Heavy Industries. We ordered enough champagne before we came in so that no waiter would come in to check on us during that time. And these women were so drunk before they arrived, they won't remember what happened tonight." 
 He straightened his back and moved to the next. “By the way, did you give out any Star-flower tickets? I would have watched but, as you can see, I had to work.”
“No… no tickets.”
“Little Sister’s purity is as strong as Fort Knox! I’m so happy!” Lu Mingfei sighed with relief. “Don't worry, we’ll be out of here before anything happens!”
“That’s a good strategy in any case. You don’t want to show your favor to anyone in the first episode…” Chu Zihang gave a sage nod and moved to the next lady.
Lu Mingfei bristled. “What kind of lewd advice are you giving, Senior Brother?”
“So what’s the plan for the Genji Building?” You ask. You calm down and feel tired and tense, but seeing them working so hard despite having one of the busiest nights at Takamagahara was inspiring. The couches looked soft and inviting but you wouldn’t look weak in front of them so you continue to stand and try to look energetic.
"Uncover the skeletons in Hydra’s closet. And while we’re there, blow shit up." Caesar lit a cigar, the firelight illuminating the colored makeup on his face. 
"There are 15 pounds of C4 explosives in the equipment box, is that enough?" Chu Zihang took out a packet of Play-Doh-like stuff from the box. 
You recognize the packets. They’re dark green and can be arbitrarily pinched into any shape. They are easy to carry and easy to use. As the world's worst terrorists, according to Hydra, C4 plastic explosives would fit your needs. 
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing with explosives out? We are turning into the kind of people on the wanted list step by step!" Lu Mingfei exclaimed. 
"We are wanted by the police department for smuggling nuclear fuel, terrorist attacks and raping young girls. As long as we don't do that last thing, we're not on the wanted list yet." Caesar fastened the leather sheath of the Dictator on the outside of his thigh, the Desert Eagle in the holsters on both ribs, and the eight magazines filled with Frigga bullets on the side of his waist, "It won’t be that bad. Chu and I are just going to blow up Kaguya's storage core. Kaguya is the first line of defense for the Hydra Clan. We blow it up and Hydra will go blind. Norma can take advantage of the opportunity to regain control of the network within Japan." 
“Caesar?” You ask.
“Yes, hun?”
“Am I also wanted for raping girls?” You give a dry smile.
He shoots you a genuine grin and snorts.
"Do not rush to change clothes, we have to leave some evidence." Chu Zihang said. 
"Almost forgot." Caesar took off his weapons and re-dressed in the slim purple suit, "Good thing I didn't take off my makeup." 
Chu Zihang fished out a cell phone from a guest's bag and handed it to you. “Here, take our picture.”
“Got it.” You say.
Caesar sat down on the sofa, dragged a woman to his side and pressed her to his body. He stuffed a microphone in her hand, and took a microphone himself, as if he was singing. 
Then Chu Zihang sat in the middle of the guests wearing a conical hat singing birthday songs, and Lu Mingfei pretended to accompany guests drinking and playing craps. Chu Zihang and Caesar pantomimed topless arm wrestling.
For each photo, Chu Zihang and Caesar adjust the phone time, so that the guests will wake up and, after checking their phones, they’ll think they spent an unforgettable night with the beautiful boys! But, unfortunately, they can't remember any details because they drank too much and can only imagine. Looking at the phones, you’re filled with a sad sort of regret that the boys actually didn’t have fun like this.
Lu Mingfei is full of panic, "If these photos leak out our reputation is finished! But we didn't do anything at all!" 
"MC, help me check the fuses on this C4.”
You scurry over without hesitation. Caesar leans in close to you. “You know about this too, huh? First shooting, now explosives…?” He says with a grin.
“I can hotwire a car… or I used to be able to. Not sure if I can do it with the newer models. I can’t fly a plane though.” You look up at him. “I’ll be the cutest little terrorist right?”
“Are you hearing anything I’m saying?!” Mingfei whines. 
“Are you sad because you didn’t do anything, but you now have a bad reputation?" Caesar looks bored. "Then do you want me and Chu Zihang to go out and wait for you for a while, so you can earn your bad rep?" 
"Bullshit! From now on I'm going to fight alongside you guys every step of the way! You guys aren’t going to leave me to take the blame alone!"
Caesar hands you a bundle of clothing. “Here. Put these on and get ready to go.” 
You take them and quickly duck behind the couches, pulling your dress over your head and slipping out of your heels. You unfold a skintight black bodysuit that fits you near perfectly and a trench coat with the splendid Ukiyo-E on the lining, made to look like they are from the Japanese Executive Department.
“Here. Don’t use them all at once.” Caesar draped a belt with a pistol holster and pouches of ammunition over the couch. Your heart warms at the side of this deadly weaponry more than the rose of Calypso. You were finally being trusted with a gun. 
When you step back around, you're fully equipped. Your tired haze is gone and your mind is only on the mission again.
Chu Zihang put his sword on his back, slipped into a black trench coat and screwed a black baseball cap on his head. Caesar is also in a black trench coat and was covering his face in dark makeup to conceal his fair skin.
"Isn’t it a little too risky? We can barely speak Japanese. How are we going to impersonate the Executive Board? People just have to ask us something complicated and we'll be exposed!" Lu Mingfei said. 
“I know it’s hard but you could try keeping your mouth shut…” You grumble, screwing on the belt. Just putting on these dangerous weapons brought you away from the Takamagahara summer of love to the cold winter of Siberia.
"MC, be nice…” Caesar chided. 
“Of course we can't break in. Genji Heavy Industries is a heavily fortified building, as tight as the Japanese Self Defense Force headquarters. Caesar and I spent a few days researching. It is a general office building from the first floor to the twentieth floor, and above the twentieth floor is the office area used by the Hydra. Access is by access card, and there are security guards patrolling. Those security guards are all armed. Even wearing the clothes of the Executive Board, an unfamiliar face may be questioned. Not to mention, that without the help of Norma, I cannot make access cards." Chu Zihang spread out a hand-drawn map, "The only possibility is to sneak in from the sewers and enter the so-called 'inner district'. There is no access control system in the inner district." 
You remembered that they had taken the elevator down below ground when you visited the Genji Heavy Industries and you saw the huge sewer system in Tokyo. The submarine dock of the Iwarui Institute was located in a giant twelve-meter diameter pipe. 
“Shouldn't the inner district have a tighter security network than outside?" Lu Mingfei looked completely unsure. 
You’re not confident either. Looking at the map, with only one way in and one way out, you get the sense that the moment something goes wrong, you’re going to be trapped inside with the enemy. The pipe was deep and led to the ocean. Given the volcanic activity down there, if you had an opportunity to use your soul skill you might be able to open an alternate tunnel like a lava tube to escape or even block this pipe with lava on the way out. The problem is your Soul Skill is not instantaneous.
"No one knows what the security system in the inner zone is, but at least we can avoid the people coming and going by going through the inner zone passage." The map Chu Zihang drew by hand was a map of the sewer system in Shinjuku district. His finger moved along the spider web of sewer pipes, "There's a sewer right below Takamagahara. We'll follow it east, bypass under the Shinjuku subway station, and shortly after entering the main channel, we'll see Genji Heavy Industries. Total length is two kilometers." 
"It’s like we’re just going to wing it right? But come on, This isn’t some My Little Pony Ride. Genji Heavy Industries is like a rushing river, we'll be up a creek if we make one misstep." 
"How can we know if we don't try? If we get caught, we’ll kill our way out." Caesar said gently.
"Hey! Of course you two Robocops can easily kill out! Have you considered that there are still civilized and weak students in the team?”
“Mingfei,” You say softly. He looks over at you, genuinely frightened. "You think I'm weak? Who has the biggest body count for this mission?"
“Little Sister, how can you smile in such a situation. Have you lost your mind? You of all people should be on my side…”
“Don’t you remember what I did in the streets of Chizuru?”
Mingfei frowned, recalling how you killed over and over. “But it’s not right for you to be doing things like that.” 
Chu Zihang confirms your assumption. “Her Soul Skill is the first one that I’ve witnessed that is truly S-Grade.” Chu Zihang rolled up the map. “Her control of it is impressive. Her ability to misshape the earth will help us find a way out by creating a new tunnel underground if necessary, and we have scouted several promising escape routes. Not only that, Royal Fire could take down the Internet Cafe’s wooden structure, but it wouldn’t be able to shift the Genji Heavy Industries building. But her ability is likely to do it. Right, MC?”
You nod gravely.
“If it comes to that, we can threaten the entire building. They were extra proud of that building and probably wouldn't want to lose it in a tragic earthquake..” Caesar smirks.
“I still don’t like it.” 
"Then you'd better stay and take care of the girls. Watching over a dozen unclothed and sleeping women alone in a room late at night is a job for a frail scholar, right?" Caesar shrugged.
"Am I such an unkind and unrighteous person? Can I watch you two go into the dragon's den and wait here by myself? Don't answer that. Just give me a gun!" Lu Mingfei was once again bold and firm, though he gave an owlish glance at the women.
"Very well! We in the Student Council never back down from a fight!" Caesar drew out a heavy Beretta 92FS and threw it to Lu Mingfei, "I”ve been waiting to give this to you. Thirteen-round magazine, the first nine rounds are Frigga anesthesia ammunition. The back four rounds are specially designed to deal with dragons. Mercury core, blunt armor-piercing ammunition. Don't use that kind of bullets against humans or hybrids. Although mercury is not that deadly to humans, it’s troublesome after contamination, and the armor-breaking warheads will leave penetrating wounds on ordinary bodies.”
"Will there be any dragons in the Genji Heavy Industry?" Lu Mingfei thrust his gun into his back waist, "I say just load them all up with Frigga tranquilizer rounds." 
“MC was the last witness to Lenin's last voyage when a dragon embryo was sunk in a Japanese trench. They tried to kill her once before to hide what happened that day. The Japanese Hydra  leader speaks with the same Russian Accent as the MC and then turns on the Academy as soon as he thinks we’re dead at the bottom of the sea? And then tries their hardest to capture us in Chizuru? And now tries to pin us down in Japan…”
Caesar looks down at you. “MC… you were invited on this mission for a reason. I intend to find out why. I think they’re after you… more than they are after us.”
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years ago
I was challenged with writing a happy story with Roman Godfrey which was very challenging for me but I think I did it....
Wynter had just finished her dance rehearsal and was walking home. Like her mother before her, She had been dancing all her life.
Her mother had been a world renowned dancer, adored by millions and admired by all who saw her perform. Most would say she was the most gifted dancer ever to live. Her grace and precision was nothing short of perfection. The fact that she made it look as natural as walking down the street was no small feat either. Effortless grace.
Unfortunately, nearly a decade ago, she was returning to her hotel overseas, late after a performance, and the heavy rain caused her limo to hydroplane right into a wall, leaving no survivors.
Now, at age 23, Wynter was carrying on her mother's legacy, following in her footsteps. People had been so devastated to lose her mother, that they all turned to Wynter, to fill that space she’d left behind. Not wanting to think on how alone she was in the world, and just suffering a huge heartbreak at the hands of her first love,she threw herself into touring around the world. It was a hectic fast paced life, and she had missed out on a lot of milestones. One day she woke up and realized it’d been ten years since she’d seen her room in Hemlock Grove.
She got up and she called her manager and informed him she was returning home. She was taking a break. She committed to rehearsing dances for future events, while home, But mainly her focus was just relaxing. Attempting to carry on a normal existence that so many people take for granted. Going to the grocery store, reading a book under a tree, going for an afternoon swim, or taking a stroll through a park.
She currently was regretting not checking the weather before deciding to walk home by cutting through Hemlocks sprawling park. She probably should’ve paid attention to what time it was too, but she was having difficulty getting this certain routine down. Unlike her mother she had to work very hard to look so effortless. 
It was starting to rain, but she was over half way there. It was the fastest way home, and as she looked at her watch and saw it was close to midnight, she cursed herself for being so careless. A woman walking through A park late at night was not the smartest decision, add rain to the equation and it could very well end in disaster.
She had nearly forgotten how quickly rain could set upon you in her old hometown.It had started off light, but now was a downpour, Making it difficult to see, so all she could do was take shelter until the weather cleared up a bit. She walked towards a picnic table with a roof over it, Overlooking the small lake.
Then She saw him. Its not like he was hard to notice. He had always stood out, and intrigued her.
Anyone else who saw him would have avoided him, not only because the time and him being a single male, standing in the rain like a crazy person, but also because he had a terrible reputation. He was known for being harsh, cruel and unkind to all who crossed his path. He had a terrible temper, and no patience. At least that was what everyone told her, since she had returned.
But she didn’t remember him like that. She remembered a sweet Beautiful boy, With sad eyes and a shy smile. He was a heartbreaker tho. she had first-hand experience with that part of him. They’d been just kids then, when she made her silly confession at this very place, before her mother died and she had to go away.
They say you can spot your loved one in a crowd instantly. Did that mean that her childhood silly confession of love, for this troubled man wasn’t so silly? she never failed to spot him right away, no matter where they were.
It was quickly turning into a storm. She watched him, standing by himself, not caring if he got wet. Did he care? You could never tell with him.
He wasn't wearing a trench coat. What made him choose not to wear one? What made him come out into the rain this late?
He always worked. He worked everyday. Never once since she’d been back and seen him around, had she seen him smile. That's what happens when you run a company all by yourself she supposed. When you have no one to love you, or go home to.
He seemed different somehow. She couldn’t put her finger on it , but there was almost an other worldly quality to him. It was probably just his beauty, he was almost too beautiful. He often looked like he was straight out of a magazine, with his designer clothes and expensive suits. His perfect angular features, and impressive height.
She was a bit surprised though, that he was wearing a white suit. Everyone knows that White is the worst color to wear when it rained. He's Smarter than most people. So why did he choose to come out here, wearing white? The color you can see through?
She ran her eyes over his form, and couldn’t help but ask herself if he was always that buff. She never noticed. Death and heartbreak makes one not notice things that should be obvious.
Wynter took a deep breath, and started walking towards him, away from shelter. She didn't know what compelled her to do so. He was just so... alluring. Tall, dark, and handsome. And dangerous.
As Wynter got closer, she could tell he became aware of someone else's presence. Slowly, he turned around. He looked irritated at first, but as soon as he recognized it was her, his face morphed into one of longing. Like he wanted her. Just like she had always wanted him.
They stared at each other. She was pleased he wasn’t being mean to her, but had no idea what to say. It’d been so long. True to his reputation, he grew impatient and spoke first.
"Wynter. I never thought you’d speak to me again. Not after -"
Wynter didnt let him finish. Some things were better left unsaid. "Let's not remember the past. It brings too much pain. Dont you agree, Roman?" He looked her over like she was hiding something and then turned his attention back to the lake before speaking,
“Do you remember this spot, Wynter? It's the place I first kissed you.”
Wynter chuckled remembering his clumsy attempt shortly before her mother passed.
She’d always been sent here to stay with her Aunt while her mother toured the world. When school was out she travelled with her mother, or they’d return to their mansion not far from Romans on the off season. Olivia liked her mother, so she was allowed to play with Roman from time to time.
“You broke my heart on this spot too. Saying you couldn’t ever love me. How you never would love me". Wynter glared over at him, waiting on a response. She shivered. He was cold, no reaction or anything and as the time stretched on, she grew Furious at him. He really was just like everyone said. Cold and cruel. What was she doing here? Why was she out here in the middle of the night getting drenched in the rain with the one guy that always got to her. Why did she do this to herself? Was she a masochist? Suddenly she saw a flash of him kissing her right there, and she pushed it down, shivering again. He still had such an effect on her. Thinking Wynter was cold, Roman walked over to her and embraced her.
He remembered. He remembered everything that happened between them. How her face always lit up when she saw him. How she never listened to the other kids and refused to ditch him. How she’d gotten a black eye, fighting some girls that were saying disgusting yet totally true things they did with him and she had refused to believe it. How she was and still is the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. How he lied to her. How he hurt the one person willing to love him. All these years, he regretted that day.
The following day, her Mother had died and she had to fly to Europe to deal with everything with her aunt. He tried to reach her with no luck, and had a full blown panic attack over the whole thing. finally, he had been able to reach her aunt. What he wasn’t prepared for, was the tongue lashing he received, and the promise that she would do everything in her power to protect Wynter from him.
He honestly couldn’t blame her. He was a piece of shit and any parental figure should try to keep their daughters safe from him. He knew what he was. He was an asshole, but he was also very self aware.
Now looking at his lost little ballerina, he felt like a fool. He had all the money in the world, a huge corporation, a rotating selection of the most Beautiful woman in the world, and not once since she had left had he felt so happy and content as he did standing there in the rain by her side.
He loved her. He always did. He never stopped loving her.
Who would have thought they would meet again at the same spot they parted ways? He wasn't going to let this chance, this woman, slip by him again. Turning to her, he could see She was crying now. He wasn’t the best at consoling people, but he knew something that might work. The only thing he had wanted to do for years.
He slowly tilted her head up, looking into her eyes, as if asking for permission and He kissed her. Immediately, She kissed him back. Never had they thought this would happen again. It was so full of emotion, it was heartbreaking and overwhelming. Pure, desperate need. Longing.
They stayed there, making out in the rain for an unknown amount of time. Both too scared to give the other a chance to escape, or realize what they were doing, and remember that they shouldn’t.
“Wynter?” He whispered.
“Yes Roman?” She whispered back, pulling back a bit to see his eyes.
“Please don’t leave me again. I’m so sorry I hurt you. You’re the only woman, that I don’t deserve, but you’re also the only one I want.” He stated sincerely.
She couldn’t help but smirk at the arrogant bastard. She didn’t know that you could sound conceited, when you begged, until now. She was bursting with emotion. This was everything she ever wanted, but she knew better. Roman Godfrey was dangerous. Did she care so little for her own Self-preservation? Was he worth the risk?
Fuck yes he was.
She smiled a bright smile up at him and nodded. “Only if you give me a piggy back ride, all the way home.” Without even Flinching or hesitating, Roman agreed and smiled the first real smile, she had seen him have since they were kids.
She squealed with delight, and hopped on, knowing that they were going to both be ok.
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thelasthatter · 5 years ago
It’s raining. It’s always raining. I stared out the window from my usual seat in the café. It used to be cold I think, for a while, but I don’t feel that anymore. I don’t feel anything anymore. They say people will get used to anything given time. I suppose there’s truth in that. Maybe I will even get used to the loneliness in time. But time is… hard here. The only count I can really keep is in my head. And that’s no good. Memory is not really your friend in here. I see all the other people going on about their life, clueless about what’s really happening here in their city. I envy their ignorance. I wish I could forget what I know. Hell, I wish I was dead. Even tried it a few times. Dying. But it’s just like going to sleep. I just wake back up, right here in my seat in the small, cold café.
Ah… the girl in the red raincoat walking the dog. She must either love that dog or hate it to take it on a walk in this weather. I think I’ve even talked to her about it a couple of times but I don’t remember anymore. I’ve talked to anyone who’ll listen to me. Even to those who won’t. It’s not like I’m short on time. I’ve made friends, enemies, lovers; and everything in between. They don’t remember anything after the reset. They just keep doing what they’re doing. And me? I sit and wait in my cold little seat.
Wait. Did the red girl just cross the road? She’s not supposed to do that. She’s supposed to turn right from that street corner and keep walking. That’s new. Nothing’s ever new unless I make it so. What does this mean? I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. Like the first time I kissed a girl. Sarah, her name was. Funny how I remember that, after all this time.
The people must think I’m crazy, the way I ran out of the café. But this is nothing compared to the time I played Pacman right here in the city center using a container carrier and buildings. I must’ve probably hurt a few people but they just spring right back up to their designated role soon as the clock hits 11.38 so I don’t really worry.
I get up to the crossing and stare at the red raincoat walking away from me. Nothing else seems to be different. Why did she cross the road? What’s there on the other side? Maybe I should ask her. But what if that screws up whatever has happened? Or is going to happen? I would have felt exasperated once upon a time with the questions but these excite me. They’re new questions. New thoughts. I don’t think I’ve had a new thought in a while.
I walk after her, increasing my pace but not as much to alarm anyone. The rain has caused a lot of runners, and people walking in a hurry, but trying to keep their class. Hurry walkers, I call them. They think running is beneath them. Something a child would do. But aren’t we all children at the end? What’s so adult about being able to feed yourself? We just change our perspective a bit and think we’re all high and mighty. Then how must God feel like, being as old as he is? If there is a God.
She takes the next left turn and keeps walking. Joanne! That’s her name. and she lives right here on the building next to the 7-11. I remember the time I talked with her. I think she slapped me when I asked her if I can sleep with her. That must’ve been in the early days. I tried that with almost every girl I met. Back when I enjoyed being stuck in here. 
She went inside. Why did she do that? She always walks around for half an hour before going back in. Funny how everything I know about the girl comes back out once I remembered her name. Like unravelling a ball of string, easy once I have an end of it.
Maybe it’s not what she crossed the road for. Maybe it’s what she crossed the road to avoid! I turn around and run as fast as possible back to my café. I like to think of it as my café. It’s where I get placed in every time it resets so might as well call it mine. 
The rain has gotten worse now. I can see the large billboard showing the famous guy with the famous watch. The clock in it says the time’s 5 minutes past 6. As hard as I think the guy’s name doesn’t come to my mind. That happens, I think, when you really want to remember something. Like I said, memory’s not really your friend. 
There it is. A shapeless heap on the corner of the sidewalk. I can’t really blame the red girl for turning away. It looks almost like a dead body. Even if it is a dead body, it’s new. It’s exciting. That’s more than enough to make me run to it like a hyena to a carcass.
The heap is a body. It’s covered up in so many rags but I think it’s a child. I can feel a small frame when I touch it. I remove the rags as fast as I can without harming whoever’s in it. It’s not a child, I can see when I discover the head that goes with the body, but a woman. A young woman who seems to be in her mid-twenties. And the head is still attached. And she is alive.
I carry her over to my café, wrapped in my trench coat, since under all the rags the only thing she was wearing was a couple of knee high socks. I don’t know what to make of it. She wasn’t dressed in the rags. She was wrapped in them. I know she’s not from around here since I personally know everyone around here. I may not remember their names or their stories but I remember them. And who the hell would walk around in this weather dressed in just socks?  
I ordered us coffee, since the girl seems to be fine now. Awake. She just woke up when I walked inside the café. Another thing to think about. How exciting. I keep the best things I can think about aside so I can savor them. I never used to do that. Saving the best for last of anything. Now, I understand the concept.
She’s petite and thin. Her black hair’s wet and glued to her head. She has dark circles under her eyes. And she’s pale. Very pale. She matches the weather quite nicely. The rain’s almost a thunderstorm now, which means it must be past 6.15.
The girl turned her dark eyes toward me. She’s quite beautiful, I suppose. But it wasn’t her beauty that struck me. She looked utterly lost. That’s new too. I almost laughed out loud. So many new things happening.
I wanted to ask her so many things but the time here has taught me patience really is a virtue. I’ve had a million chances to do everything and usually the fastest and easiest way to do anything involved waiting. The thing with time and people is neither one of them likes to be rushed. 
But too much waiting, I cannot do. Who knows if this would happen the next day too? What if it’s a one time thing? The thought scared me beyond anything I’ve felt in a long time. 
Before I could say anything she spoke up. Her voice was beautiful, almost angelic. I’ve always preferred instrumental music, I think, before this. But my tastes have changed over time. But nothing I’ve ever heard was as beautiful as her voice when she asked who I was.
I gave her my name. Not that it meant anything. And asked hers. It did not surprise me to discover she did not remember it. I asked her what she did remember and the answer was once again not much. She remembered the rain. That was all she could remember. That was all I can remember too now. I haven’t seen the sun since the resets started. They say you shouldn’t take things for granted.
I took her to my apartment, which wasn’t far from the café. The jukebox played time after time when we left the building, under an umbrella I requisitioned from the rack near the door. Which meant it was past 8. We had their vegetable burger before leaving. I was a vegetarian when I first entered this café but I’ve eaten every item in their menu since then. But then again technically this was the first meal I’ve had since coming in so, maybe I still was. 
The rain was louder than ever, beating down in the low ceiling, when we walked in to my apartment. I say apartment but it was the attic to the extremely old town house I shared with other tenants. I only had one bed but owned a comfy couch, which I most of the times use to sleep in. I have a warning in the back of my head that I would get a stiff neck if I slept in the couch, but that’s from the olden times when I used to wake up where I fell asleep, not in my cold café seat.
The girl was surprisingly calm, coming into a stranger’s bedroom. I could see in her eyes that she was agitated, but not about me. She trusted me. That’s new too. I’ve heard people I say that I have a face that can be trusted, but they all usually followed the You can’t judge a book by its cover rule.
I offered the girl one of my t-shirts and my bed, which she accepted silently. I wanted to talk with her before the reset happened but then again what would be the point? Whatever I say, she would forget by tomorrow. If she doesn’t, it would mean I would have all the time in the world, hell, all the time in universe, to tell her anything I want. 
I heard the loud thunder that always rattles the whole building. It must be just after 10. One and a half more hours before the reset. I looked at the girl’s eyes and knew that she was not going to be up for very long. I guess the rain does that to everyone. Oh how I miss the silence.
I took the couch and kept my head on its arm rest. I never knew what started the reset or how to stop it. It was now a fact of life. I welcomed any change, anything was better than this. Or so I thought. But what if it’s not? What if there’s something worse? I couldn’t think of it but I couldn’t think of this before it happened either. Maybe the girl was a harbinger. She changed the routine. She disrupted the pattern. Maybe it was all for the best if she was gone before this reset. It wouldn’t be hard. She was frail. Just had to hold the pillow on her face for a few minutes and it would be over.
I got up walked over to her. She was asleep, her face turned away. Just had to pull the pillow from under her head. I touched the pillow, thinking of doing just that, and she turned over, facing me. She was still asleep but her face was a mask of sadness. I felt my heart breaking just looking at the sad smile. It was as if she knew things. She has seen things. A single tear traced a path from her eye to the pillow. I couldn’t take it. I knelt right there and wept.
It was morning when I woke up. The skylight showed a bright morning with very little clouds. I could see the sun and it was much more than I could remember. I reached over and touched the small face that was staring at me with bright eyes. “I remember my name now” she said in her angelic voice. “It’s Rain”
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years ago
The Daughter (Chapter 6)
Warnings - Death, mentions of suicide
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“Shinwon, Y/N, Oh my God!”
Sorn ran up to Y/N, falling into her arms as Shinwon gave a hug to Wooseok, Bubba holding his shotgun, looking around the area.
“What happened?” Y/N held her friend, Sorn’s hair matted with blood and dirt, Wooseok speaking up.
“We were all downtown, me, Sorn, Jinho, Seungyeon, Yujin and Hui. All of a sudden, this guy came out and started swinging a scythe at us!”
“A scyhte?” Bubba remarked, “no one here has a scythe.”
“He-he-he had on a mouth mask, a tre-trench coat covering his body, Hui got his arm cut and we just bolted,” Sorn stuttered, Y/N comforting her, her father and Shinwon with sympathetic looks on their face, “we all we-went in different directions!”
“Where was the last time you saw them, any of them?” Y/N asked the stunned pairing, Sorn shaking her head while Wooseok was lucid enough to get words out.
“Last we saw anyone, we ran into a body cut in half on the street. He was wearing a red and green striped shirt,” a crash and howl shocked the small group, Y/N clinging to Shinwon’s arm, Bubba aiming his shotgun in the direction of the noise. 
“Let’s get back to the house before anything else happens tonight.”
“Dad, what about the others?” Y/N questioned her father, Bubba shaking his head in disapproval and regret.
“Not right now. I know how this looks to them and I know how this looks to the town.”
The group were walking to Bubba and Y/N’s house, Sorn still in shock while Wooseok walked behind her, Shinwon and Y/N walking together as Bubba kept behind them, keeping his shotgun in an upright position.
“I know.”
“Do you know who Wooseok was talking about?” Shinwon referenced the sweater his member described, “like was he a friend or she a friend?”
“By the sounds of it, it was either Freddy Kruger or his son, Byeongkwan. Either way, it’s not normal for this town to have a murder in it.”
“Even with all the hor-”
“Yes, even with all the horror movie characters,” Y/N sighed.
“Is something wrong?”
“Nope. I’m fine.”
“Y/N, I may have only known you for a little bit now, but I can tell when people are lying,” Shinwon stopped in front of her, the other three walking ahead, Bubba giving a confused look to the pair.
Y/N crossed her arms across her chest, her facial expression looking very pissed, “I understand you’re a wimp, but do you really have to throw the fact that this town isn’t filled by normal people or idols like you?”
“Y/N, I’m sor-”
“Do you really think I’m that fucking stupid that I don’t know what you’re thinking. My dad was right when he said he knows what this looks like to you guys,” Y/N tore into Shinwon, “you and your friends, with the exception of Sorn, will accuse my father, my town, my neighbors because they just happen to be viewed in a bad light in a movie.”
Shinwon stood in silence, Sorn, Wooseok and Bubba stopping to watch the one-sided argument.
“Jason drowned because some camp counselors wanted to get their dicks sucked and their pussies ate. Michael Myers came from an abusive household where his stepfather was a fucking cunt, my dad was manipulated by his family into killing and took most of the blame, Laura Burns was bullied to the point of suicide and only went after those who wronged her. Shall I continue?”
Y/N was yelling at the idol, Shinwon holding back tears, Bubba pulling him away from the angry Y/N. Sorn tried to calm Y/N down, angry tears rolling down her face as she continued on with her rant.
“Jennifer was kidnapped and possessed by a demon because some druggy rockstars wanted fame and fortune and the demon counts as taking it up your ass as losing your virginity. Samara was thrown in a well by the woman she thought of as her mother because of the exact reason I’m screaming at you right now! You have no idea what the hell this town fucking goes through. You’ve been here for not even a day and all you’ve done is assume that everything here is out to kill you!”
Bubba walked over to his upset daughter, holding her to his chest as she sobbed, Sorn glaring at Shinwon and mouthing to Wooseok to take him away.
“I thought you were different,” Y/N blubbered out, the two tall boys walking ahead to a bench, just out of earshot, Shinwon’s eyes going to Y/N, the guilt eating away at him.
“Shinwon, what are you thinking about?” Wooseok patted his back, the older boy trying not to let the tears fall.
“That I pissed off a really cute girl who did nothing but tried to make me feel better when I was a douchebag wimp,” Shinwon held his head in his hands, an angry sigh escaping his lips.
“Y/N, it’s okay, Shinwon’s just a dumbass,” Sorn hugged Y/N, rubbing her back in a similar way Wooseok did to Shinwon, “I can tell you he means no harm.”
“I know he doesn’t, but really?” Y/N wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her coat, “Me and my dad have been nothing but nice to him, and he still says shit like that?”
“Honey, he’s just a stupid boy,” Bubba patted the top of Y’N’s head, “It’s what we do. But I can tell that he thinks you’re cute, so maybe just try talking it out. Now, let’s go home and get some sleep.”
Y/N, Bubba and Sorn caught up to Wooseok and Shinwon, the two sharing a look. Shinwon went to take Y/N’s hand, Y/N shaking her head with a sad smile.
Y/N nodded, “Later.”
Walking up to the house, they’ve noticed a crowd had gathered outside of the house, Freddy Kruger understandably upset as he held his son’s body, the crowd demanding the outsiders come out for a chat, a talk, a moment.
“We just want to see who those weasels are!” Jason Voorhees shouted, his young daughter hiding behind his leg.
“They’re outsiders! Stop hiding them!” Ash shrieked, waving his chainsaw in the air, “we know they’re in there!”
Bubba saw someone throw a bottle, Aubrey the III covering herself as the glass shattered on her head, “Hey! Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
The crowd turned, seeing the group, Bubba walking over to his favorite plant, whimpering as she rubbed the bump. Y/N and Shinwon helped Sorn and Wooseok to the front porch, Y/N unlocking the door to let them in.
“Those outsiders are the reason his son is dead!” Hellraiser pointed to the body, a slit throat, “Freddy found his son on his porch!”
“If his throat was slit and Byeongkwan was found on the porch, someone had to have moved him,” Y/N pointed out, trying to keep the crowd from rioting moreso than they already have, “I can tell you it wasn’t them!”
The crowd kept shouting at Y/N until a boom shook all of them, most of them falling to the floor, Shinwon covering Y/N in his arms. The town hall was a ball of flames, the townmembers shrieking as some of them jumped into action, running to the fire department in an attempt to calm the fire down. A car driving by threw a box at the front porch, the neatly wrapped gift landing in the yard. Y/N pulled away from Shinwon, walking up to the unknown item and opening it to a note and a check for five million dollars.
Sell the town or we will take it by force.
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lilypad-make · 6 years ago
BNHA Fanfic Recs
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*wearing shades and trench coat* Do you want to read bnha fanfictions ? *opens coat* I have plenty.
Shouto leaves his window open every night, waiting for Touya to come home.
And then he gets back from training camp.
Class 1-A has a competition to see who can confuse the villains the most. 
This fic is filled with memes and references and hilarious to read !
Partway through Shouto Todoroki's first year in UA, Endeavor is outed as a domestic abuser and Shouto is taken in by the Midoriya family. This series of oneshots follows Shouto's experiences following his arrival in a home with people who aren't out to hurt him. 
Hisashi Midoriya has gone through a lot, as you can probably imagine most heroes have. The difference is that nobody actually knows who The Flame Team’s leader actually is. But that doesn’t mean the stress is on sometimes. For a while, things are peaceful. Then the world decided ‘hey, why not fuck Hisashi over?’ and suddenly his world was flipped upside down. His son had a quirk, and was attending UA— and all of a sudden he’s got one of the biggest investigations he’s ever worked on courtesy of the league of villains.
Natsou and Shouto bonding ! It’s really good fic to read. 
All Might and Izuku badly cover things up and Shoto gets validation for his secret love child theory.
Another Natsou and Shouto bonding fanfic , where things get a little heated up . 
Five times somebody from 1-a hugs todoroki and the one time he hugs them first
During a clash with a world renowned villain duo, Izuku becomes overridden with guilt. He knows why, and he knows how to clear his head and take away the burden.
It's time they learned the truth.
Basically a reveal fanfic about One For All . 
"The guy living below me has a really loud alarm clock that always wakes me up at the crack of dawn." --------- It's five in the morning and Ochako may be wearing her old, faded, kind of inappropriately short pajamas, but this time it's the last straw. She's going downstairs and she's giving this jerk a piece of her mind........ Except that he's actually really friendly and sweet and Oh No He's Hot.  
It’s a Quirkless!Au where superpowers doesn’t exist. It’s hilarious and fluffy read !
Here was the thing about having the man you’ve secretly desired for most of your life in your home: it was so weird that Inko found herself reeling.
In which Inko serves coffee, protects her son and stands her ground against the most powerful person in the world.
Then she restarts her career as an artist, because if there is one thing that seeing All Might bow to you teaches you it is that you are unstoppable.
An Inko- centric fanfic , which we honestly needed. I LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH !
Another fanfic inspired by the previous one  .IT’S REALLY GOOD !
A morning commute goes horribly wrong, and Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou (plus multiple background OCs) get thrown into an alternate reality where quirks don't exist. With no idea how to get home, they will have to count on the world they left behind to find them, somehow. Until then, they will have to keep themselves from becoming pawns in a game with no winners.
When Midoriya Izuku is taken from his mother, all clues lead to All Might himself getting involved in the case. When the child is rescued after four months, he and his mother need to be put under witness protection to avoid the villain who took Izuku to retaliate against them, even while in jail; he's just THAT powerful.
But when it turns out the villain in question has a very especific reason to go after the Midoriyas, it becomes a personal matter for the Symbol of Peace to make sure they are as safe as they can be, in the most secure place in Japan: UA Hero Academy.
A family emergency calls Midoriya Hisashi and his youngest son back to Japan. Soon after, Izuku is dragged into his brother's problems and has to find a way to dig them both out. Meanwhile, Aizawa, Class 1-A, and all the other teachers can only watch from a distance. There’s only so much they can say or do to cheer up a boy grieving the death of his mother. Little do they know the cause of Izuku’s sadness is much more sinister.
It’s a fanfic where Izuku and Todoroki are fusions, not with each other , but separate.  
 His mother had given birth to twins - both of them frail - but the doctors did not expect them to live long. For the twins were pale and sickly, too thin and too small, to survive. But there was a solution to this problem. And they were very lucky that this solution was even available to them. For you see, Inko was a special human. It wasn't as if she wasn't human, nor was she incredibly rare - but there was something about her that distinguished her from others. Inko was part of the 40% of the population with the ability to fuse with other people. And she had passed this trait down to her twins. So the twins were to be fused - while it was commonly done so by dancing, the doctors were able to find a way to make the babies become one, to become a strong, healthy boy with curly green hair, a million freckles on his cheeks, and bright round eyes, not as bright as the girl's, but still brighter than the boy's. Not as round as the girl's, but still rounder than the boy's. He was perfect. Inko had named him Izuku.
Class 1-A has always wondered what Midoriya's quirk is.
One day in the dorms, they get their answer.
Omegas who haven't presented deal with their premature heat in different ways.
Midoriya Izuku bakes for people he loves.
Satan is a little piece of shit and he likes Bakugou Katsuki. Nobody is really surprised. ( Tokoyami gets a pet) 
After the big battle between All for One and All Might, Class 1-A moves into the dorms. What is Izuku to do when he starts having nightmares about his childhood best friend being taken again, or worse, killed? There's only one person that can help him when his friends' attempts fail. Will he finally stop trying to win and instead rescue?
SPOILERS  for season 4 ! What would have happened if Izuku got younger instead
*vanishes in smoke *
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marauders70s · 6 years ago
So I just watched Crimes of Grindelwald and I have a huge rant list.
Spoilers (obviously). 
Also, I did not like hardly any of it, so I’m sorry. Don’t pick a fight with me after reading a post entitled rant list and then be upset that they are all rants.
- wow AMERICA yeah jo we know what you think of us. it’s obvious in our de-tonguing geneva-convention violating (i know it’s not around in 1927 okay) inhumane treatment of not just grindelwald but apparently all the prisoners and animals we keep in cages (i know our prison system is inherently terrible i’m very aware) but to transport him like a paralyzed stroke victim drooling to a thestral carriage on a Dark And Stormy Night really just is lazy writing on why we should dislike aurors without giving anyone a plot, dialogue, or exposition
- this guy who has been posing as Grindelwald....since the beginning? since when? they cut out his tongue?? but then? it’s just forked? there’s magic? like? could they grow the tongue back?? they can regrow bones in harry’s arm but okay
- this thestral carriage chase scene is really CGI explosion heavy turned actioned film and mostly consisted of me being like what. what. WHAT. wait what. wait who is that. what. why wouldn’t he just disapparate. what happens to these thestrals. okay. what. grindelwald can just dissolve wands since when can people do that why didn’t voldemort do that why didn’t harry do that this presents problems
- okay look david yates and co. you had this incredible opportunity to create an entire wardrobe of WIZARD FASHION in THREE COUNTRIES, most notably the fashion capitol of the world and what did you do you put every single person in trench coats and random muggle garb. Also, not even cool wizard hats. No. Just muggle bowlers and mobster hats.
- Does Newt have a job. If so, what is it? How can he pay for this lovely house with magical modifications? Don’t you have to get a contractor to put that in? Did he do it himself? How does he pay Sad Girl In Love With Protagonist tm? Does he pay her? How did they meet? Why do we never see her again?
- For a movie entitled ‘Fantastic Beasts’ we really gloss over looking at any of the in-house beasts, learning anything about them, or doing anything except a CGI palooza.
- Wow Queenie and Jacob are here ‘hope you don’t mind we let ourselves in’ ah yes rude american trope again. who on earth would do that. also this entire time jacob acts like a goon and newt is like let’s take the enchantment off and i’m like hi that’s hella nonconsensual you’re basically raping and kidnapping him and jacob is somehow okay with this. newt is somehow okay with this. 
- ‘please don’t read my mind’ um dude you’re talking AT her??? 
- movie glosses over how jacob got his memories back with a throwaway line of unbelievable dialogue. If obliviate only worked on bad memories, Hermione Granger really needs to go to family counseling with her parents. 
- mysterious postcard is exposition over really dumb journalism error that could have been easily fixed within seconds by sending an owl because owls don’t need addresses, something queenie conveniently forgets by not knowing how to find her sister
- queenie is a Dumb American for cheap laughs by letting a woman say something in french, laughing, and saying she doesn’t understand anything only for the droll French woman to repeat it in the exact monosyllabic voice. Apparently everyone entering/leaving a country needs to register a visa or something, which is conveniently circumvented by going through a muggle port? It’s unclear. Queenie herself does not seem to have registered.
- French Ministry of Magic is gorgeous. Has a cool roots to iron elevator. It is also probably improperly named as they put ‘American Ministry of Magic’ despite America not having ministries or ministers outside of some serious religious stuff. They put all this effort into creating MACUSA but didn’t use it.
- Is it just me or does the MoM change the interior every time I see it.
- Queenie is devastated she can’t find her sister in a city of millions despite having magic, a means of communication that is foolproof, and enough money to find a hotel and wait to meet up. Queenie is overwhelmed that other people think in their native language. Instead of finding this helpful for tuning out a crowded city (like she does on the daily in New York), she somehow finds it overwhelming even looking for Newt/Jacob. 
- Random woman is Silence In Queenie’s Head. I literally never learned who she was except Hard Bitch Kills Toddler. Or why Queenie can’t hear her thoughts. (Plot twist she’s Bella Swan).
- Toddler didn’t get his own little casket in the French mourning cart. Nice of Grindelwald to give a supposedly muggle family a funeral cart when he could have transfigured their bodies into armchairs or something. (Muggle supposed after he makes the remark about a ‘thorough cleaning.’)
- No one in Paris uses French in spellcasting. Spells are still English-based. 
- Dumbledore is a dramatic bitch for gloves and rooftops. It’s a very specific brand of Gay. 
- Don’t kill me but I don’t...hate? Jude Law as Dumbledore. He was still kind. But he wasn’t auburn and that was dumb. 
- Unclear why Jacob and Queenie have to live in shame and secret when they could move to another country especially when Jacob loves bread and would like Paris. This seems to be Queenie’s motivator which is thin as hell and I didn’t follow her ‘logic’ at all. LAZY WRITING.
- Queenie immediately doesn’t disapparate upon seeing Grindelwald. Queenie somehow gets into this rhetoric. Later Queenie does not get disgusted with apropos wizard-Hitler being like ‘they are lesser beings’ and she, who wants to marry one, is like ‘yeah they totally are because I’m basically Jacob’s mom.’ 
- Grindelwald, in addition to being played by Johnny Depp, is albino, has one mutilated eye with a bad color contact clearly visible in multiple scenes, and is British when it is specifically stated he went to Durmstrang and was expelled for Dark Magic (at Durmstrang, which is noted for its Dark Arts program). As an allusion to wizard-Hitler, I always inferred that Grindelwald was German or Austrian. 
- Wow Paris street magic carnival gave me LIFE and WOW and MAGIC feels. I loved the ducking through the barrier. 
- Weird freakshow circus gets blown apart but Newt only manages to catch one creature that is helpfully foreshadowed it can leap Paris in a single bound. It is a Chinese creature when no mention of Chinese magic, Chinese handlers, or any sort of Asian magic is referred to (except in the cringe-worthy case of the ‘South Asian blood curse of Nagini’ which is a whole other can of worms). In all likelihood, as China is one of the oldest civilizations, their magic and dragon worship would be more paramount. China cat’s serious Great Beast’s weakness is a cat toy. 
- Why is Nicholas Flamel....like that. Sure he’s like 600 years old but (a) is Jacob literally breaking his hand what the hell, (b) as much money and life as you could want does that mean he has to be like 100 years old forever that sucks that’s not even worth being immortal. (c) Where’s his wife. (d) When he goes to battle I thought he’d drink some elixir and be young again but...no.
- Nagini has no purpose in this movie other than to be snake slave and love interest and run around in a circus outfit with tits out bra off. She did not do a single useful thing.
- Wait I’m sorry WHAT you can like...fuck house elves now?? There are half-elves? How....you know what no thanks I don’t want to know.
- Credence, despite the last movie setting up an obscurial as like a suicide bomb, can relatively control mega destruction now and get back into his body fairly easily. No one even wonders why this lacemakers roof apartment exploded.
- Are he and Nagini in love? Are they escaped carnival freak bros? Why isn’t Nagini heading for the hills? She literally has no personality of her own at all.
- Paris is suspiciously white in this film. Especially for the 20s art renaissance. 
- I don’t know why Credence falls into Orphan Must Know Parentage Trope because it’s really overused and boring. And frankly the superfluity of ravens was really beating me over the head. Credence can like...do anything. He could get some money and go to a wand shop. He could just...disappear. I don’t know why he has to be so easy to track.
- By the way who is this weirdo tracking him for Grindelwald/the ministry. It’s very unclear. I never got his name. It’s probably one of the many death eater names they throw in to make sure you know these families great-grandparents are also running around being evil instead of, you know, regular people doing it. So he could be Travers. I guess. LAZY WRITING. 
= Now is a special segment on Hogwarts = 
- The layout of Hogwarts changes every time I see it. Why are the classrooms always different. Why would the wood still have carvings. Why is there a bridge over this lake which is different than the covered bridge leading towards the Forest that Harry and Lupin have a Serious Chat on. 
- YOU CANNOT APPARATE IN HOGWARTS GROUNDS. And don’t you try to tell me Dumbledore instituted that because it’s directly stated in Bathilda Bagshot’s Hogwarts, A History as being a longstanding charm with muggle repelling. 
- Everyone apparates onto the bridge and walks through the castle without anyone bothering them into the correct classroom right away?? Like did they get a copy of the teaching schedule? Did Peeves show them?
- Dumbledore did NOT teach DADA. Dumbledore taught transfiguration. He was still teaching Transfiguration when Tom Riddle went to school. So if Dumbledore is teaching Transfiguration, Minerva McGonagall would not be at Hogwarts because she taught transfiguration after Dumbledore. Pretty sure mcgonagall was too young in 1927 to be a professor. LAZY WRITING. 
- Just looked it up. Pottermore (official JK writing, btw) states that Minerva McGonagall was born in 1934. So she’s officially negative 7 years old and a professor. That’s GOT to be a record. Poor Rowan Khanna will never beat preconception tenure.
- Despite me being ecstatic to hear/see a young McGonagall, the camera never held still long enough for me to see a young McGonagall. Any far away shots only demonstrated despite this being 1920s, she was still dressing in the 1890s. McGonagall, despite the obvious laughs it was going for, would never use magic against a student.
- Haha this dumb neanderthal student is Grandpa McClaggen. 
- Dumbledore, being known for wearing really flamboyant robes, dresses in conservative three piece suit. 
- Why would you not go home for the holidays when you have to take care of a baby raven you can just put it in a box or your pocket for christ’s sake you’re carrying like 6 niffler babies at one time but you never even show them again
- Will say that young Newt’s casting is A++
- WHY ARE THE UNIFORMS NAVY BLUE. WHY DO THEY WEAR RED TARTAN SKIRTS. WHY DO THEY HAVE PHD EMBELLISHMENTS ON ACADEMIC REGALIA? Why do they have colored hoods when the original films (and books to boot) say all black robes. Why are these robes not even proper wizarding robes but just like...cambridge robes. 
- To be honest this boggart lesson is like?? insane?? how did it last for 70 years it’s honestly so unethical and cruel. I’ve ALWAYS thought this even reading it for the first time in POA I was like “people’s worst fears are spiders and mummies?” like my greatest fear even at 12 was people I love dying. The fact that Newt is more scared of a desk than Theseus dying is weird.
- “I don’t want to talk about my boggart” Leta LeStrange means there was an Incident where Dumbledore realized that some students don’t have Great Home Lives and yet persists in this lesson for the next 70 years knowing that multiple kids are going to have their parents abusing them as their greatest fear. 
- Corvus, as a name, just means Raven. How stupid. “Is your house crest a raven?” “Yes. Also my brother. Like if you were named Badger McHufflepuff.” “Oh don’t worry my name is just Lizard Lizard.” “Cool."
- No background or even hints at future background (e.g. they haven’t written it yet) on why Leta gets with Theseus even after the first film where he has a picture of Leta in his suitcase. 
- Theseus and Newt have no screen time interaction. They do not behave like brothers. They have no flashbacks. Even young Newt never interacts with his brother. There is no realism here that Newt says they have a complicated relationship or is annoyed by his brother. This exposition is just lazy writing with nothing on screen to back it up. 
- So you’re telling me Dumbledore had the mirror of erised for SEVENTY YEARS and yells at harry for looking in it for three nights. How did Dumbledore not go mad? Where did he get it? I feel like 70 years is a long time to have it. 
- I guess when you think about it yeah being 40 in the 1920s does put you on the mark to be 110 when Harry meets you but fuck the books did NOT explain HOW OLD Dumbledore was to me I always thought he was like hale and sprightly 70s/80s
- Okay so you’re looking in the mirror and going to just BRAZENLY FLOUT CANON and say his deepest desire looking in the mirror is to relive the memory of the blood oath? That’s exposition. That’s a memory. That’s a pensieve not a mirror. Your greatest desire has ALWAYS BEEN saving Ariana. And even if it was loving Grindelwald this is your GREATEST DESIRE like being together not reliving a blood oath just for the sake of audience explanation. LAZY WRITING. 
------ Back to other rants
- Most of this movie was me squinting being like ‘what’s the plot??’ and if there was a whiff of plot (”we all have to find credence’s birth records!”) most of it was me being confused “why does this matter?” “how did they all get there?”
- The confession of Newt trying to talk to Tina in the records room was painful. Not cute. Not even funny. Just so painful. It was like secondhand embarrassment but like...pity embarrassment. 
- I don’t know why Grindelwald has a map of a Parisian cemetery. I don’t know why he had to give it to Credence except as a big reveal. I don’t remember how Queenie got there. I genuinely DO NOT understand how Jacob got there much less passed through to the secret wizard place as a muggle. 
- No idea why the records lady was attacking them when Leta checked in twice (once as Tina). NO CLUE why they were the worst animated cats of all time or why they became multiple cats or even why when taken out of the French records they became even worse animated ‘real’ cats when they could have just used real cats. The entire chase scene was baffling and unnecessary. The records lady was not an agent of Grindelwald so no idea what’s up with her bee in the bonnet sorry for wrecking all your shit bye.
- I saw this movie less than an hour ago. I’m still confused how Leta, Newt, and Tina all teamed up or why they were cool teaming up or what. 
- This mausoleum has a Greek hellenistic statue of a man reclining for no apparent reason and these shelves are supposed to bear ashes right so why are you putting a dumb pop up book there. Why would Grindelwald’s agent remove the record in drag as an old lady? It was weirdly unnecessary. 
- Yosef’s exposition on how a white man literally imperiused and raped his mother was like WOW NO ONE IS GONNA EVEN TOUCH THAT???? and then for her to die in childbirth it’s like...my dudes wizards have cured so many diseases muggles haven’t you know they’re up there inventing the c-section with Julius Caesar and accio’ing babies out of utero like ‘gimme that catcher’s mitt she’s fully dilated.’ This whole “oh it was the 1900s” nonsense does NOT apply to magic. LAZY WRITING. 
- I immediately forgot what happened to Corvus’ mom. but whatever right? she’s just a disposable woman! this movie does NOT care about consent! much less women! haha they’re just flowers!
- ‘I killed my brother’ yeah i mean we saw that coming she was REALLY SURE he was dead. But I was 90% sure it was going to be a child accident like dropping him down the stairs or shaking him too hard to get him to stop crying and then swapping him with a live baby but no? so i don’t know i feel like you didn’t really kill him.
- this steamer going down is confusing. is it a muggle ship? if it’s a muggle ship than is Credence swapped a baby with...a muggle born wizard? Are their other wizarding families on the ship? If so then why did they drown? you can all magic out of there? your lifeboat wouldn’t go down? why even take a steamer ship to america? you can...apparate or portkey or floo or fly like this titanic nonsense makes NO SENSE. And if Papa LeStrange hates muggles so much why put his only children on an all muggle ship with a half elf (again why) who can’t do magic to protect them
- Finding Credence’s identity REALLY doesn’t need to revolve around the LeStrange’s sordid past. Steamer ships keep passenger logs. So. We really should leave the mausoleum now to go find that. 
- Yosef took an unbreakable vow to kill this white baby and it’s dead so is he released? He was released like...20 years ago. Why does he continue to hang out with these people? Your endless vengeance has rested? No need to team up with the sister you never knew? apparently (their family dynamic was also poorly/not explained). 
- Why is this mausoleum an underground amphitheater. Literally why it makes no sense. Is it supposed to bring up the first David Yates film OotP? I don’t know. It also has a lot of blue fire and people rapturing the fuck out of there (literally when did apparating involve staring up at the sky and blasting off in rocket smoke). Also in re this movie how can you be tracked after apparating (Newt/Dumbledore’s tail). 
- So if you touch this curtain do you automatically teleport to this amphitheater. Also what if you touched it by accident and were like OH SHIT HOW DO I GET OUT. Like wow this guy wasn’t kidding when he said there’s no wizard that can match him magically. This is like Charles Xavier Magneto Level 1 Mutant Power kind of shit. Not even Voldemort could do that. Big Power Too Big trope. Again. How did Jacob even GET there. 
- Johnny Depp wears leather pants. Costume department, get your act together.
- Grindelwald, continuing to be British, shows clips of the Great War, approx 1914-1918. While the tanks and biplanes were appropriate, there were also lines (assumingly?) to concentration camps and the nuclear bomb of Hiroshima, which wouldn’t take place until 1945. So is Grindelwald also a prophet? Is he a seer? They kept referencing this book of poems and prophecy but without letting us see it? it went along with my general ‘I’m getting the gist of this but not really the why because it doesn’t make sense.’ And then Grindelwald rumor mongers and uses fear tactics when one of the police aurors straight up KILLS A WOMAN like wow can we cool it with use of force/police brutality is this guy going to get written up or is he fire now? 
- Ethnically ambiguous Grindelwald supporter (only person of color) gets immediately incinerated for not being 100% sure of his side. When Credence feels the same way, he gets a couple of gifts. 
- Look, I didn’t start this way but I stan Leta LeStrange. She was honestly one of the only people and the only woman in this film with a personality. 
- Queenie stands still as weak, silly, expositional, dumb American. For those of you about to be like ‘She’s spying on Grindelwald! She’s the greatest legilimens that ever lived!’ I just want to beg you to reconsider because if you’re right and if the writers get wind of that you know they’re going to have her like teach little Tom Riddle something just BECAUSE everything has to connect. 
- Poor Jacob he seems okay with being stranded in another country. Is his bakery okay? Do his friends know he isn’t dead? He is super super super brave throughout this movie despite his main comedic strength in the other movie being nervous. But this time he’s like meh firefights and large monsters.
- Credence I understand going over. Nagini continues to not be a character and did not go with Newt and Crew. 
- Wasn’t even sad for Theseus because again, Theseus had little to no character development except being a Whipping Boy to authority. Theseus and Leta never interacted in any meaningful way. Their relationship didn’t even seem real. I wasn’t even sad.
- I feel like Leta isn’t dead though because who the fuck else is carrying this LeStrange line to give birth to Rabastan and Rodolphus. 
- At this point everyone apparates AGAIN to Hogwarts. This time I guess a ghost went and alerted Dumbledore because he’s waiting. But yeah like come on in for tea Newt but fuck all those kids they can wait here. 
- What is this plot?? Is there a plot?? What is going on??
- Who gives someone a wand like this hi I hid it up my sleeve touch me my boy I long for your touch.
- This is a phoenix, not a Raven. Newt is a sad ordinary bird but you’re a bright beautiful phoenix. Apparently phoenixes can grow up in ONE DAY. Foreshadowing Dumbledore is foreshadowing. LAZY WRITING this is so stupid. The books would have been EXPLICIT about a fourth child. 
- Maybe he’s a cousin. Close relative, perhaps? *Pleakley voice*
“He hasn’t got a brother?” 
Dobby shook his head. 
Literally where I’m at right now. 
- ABRUPT ENDING IS ABRUPT I didn’t even realize this was the end of the film because the score, cinematography, and writing did NOT cue me that this was winding down. I literally was like ‘how long does this last’ and then it was like DAVID YATES. Okayyyyyyy. 
- Anyway my sum feeling upon the lights going on was: what the fuck. was there a plot. there were so many loopholes. i was confused about many things almost the whole time because nothing was fleshed out and if they threw enough CGI at me I’d be patched up. 
Final rating: It matches up pretty well to the middle film of The Hobbit trilogy. 
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