#one day I'll write these two being brotherly and happy
silenzahra · 3 months
Happy Easter, dear friends 🥰💐
Hope you're all having an amazing Sunday 🥰✨
Holy Week has not been easy for me this year, and I wanted to personally thank @itsavee4117 @bberetd @vulpixfairy1985 @peaches2217 @keakruiser @pepperycar @kelbreyworshipper @roscolate @supergay-64 and the Anon from this ask for all the love and support you've showed me in these hard days. You're all so kind and amazing 🥰 You all live in my heart rent-free, just like Mario and Luigi 🫂💖
Some personal stuff under the cut, so it's totally fine if you don't wanna read it 🥰 Happy Easter again and thank you so much! I love you! 🫂💖
Both family members that were sick at the beginning of the Holy Week, my auntie (and godmother) and my dad's uncle, are now resting and with God. On the one hand I feel happy that they're not suffering anymore, since they were both fighting cancer, and that they've reunited with their relatives (my auntie specifically had said many times she wanted to reunite with her parents, my grandparents, who passed in 2018).
On the other hand though... I still have a grieving process ahead of me. I've obviously cried for both of them, but you know, even if I did... I feel like I'm still at the start. Still in denial. And it's impossible to know when I'll move on to the next stage, but in the meantime, I really feel like I need to be back on here. Maybe not entirely, maybe not with the same frequency as before, but this site has become an important part of my life and I miss it here.
You all have become an important part of my life and I miss you, dear friends 💖💖💖
I'm still not completely ready to fangirl again. I wanna properly enjoy your content as it deserves, so please excuse me if I don't go and catch up just yet. And if you've written something or plan to post a new story soon, rest assured that I'll read it when I'm feeling better. Again, to properly enjoy it. I'll be more than happy if you continue to tag me so I can go and easily find your stories once I'm ready. Hope you understand 🙏💖
As for my own writing... Tomorrow's April 1st, which means the beginning of Camp NaNoWriMo, a writing challenge that encourages you to write daily by setting your own goals (it's different from NaNoWriMo, which takes place in November and encourages you to write 1667 words per day in order to write a 50k words novel during the month). I totally intended to participate so as to try and work on as many fics as possible during April.
But in the state I am right now, I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. My creativity is simply gone right now. I just don't feel like writing stories at the moment, and I truly miss it, but my mind simply won't cooperate. And I'm obviously not going to force anything. I don't know when I'll get back to writing, but it's not going to be this week, unfortunately. Sorry to keep you waiting for new content 🙏💖
Also, I would like to fangirl over Princess Peach Showtime, as this game has truly meant my salvation during these hard days. I'm actually close to beat it, so, again, once I'm ready to fangirl, expect a post (or two) with my impressions 🥰 Spoiler: I love it 🤭🩷
As for the following days, I think I'll try and go find some beautiful art to cheer me up, especially the brothers. I would like to thank Kea again for their lovely post full of wholesome gifs, for it's really helped me feel better. I would certainly LOVE to see more of these. Would anyone like to send me some more cute brotherly gifs to lift my spirits, please? Mario and Luigi always brighten my soul, so I would really appreciate it 🫂💖
Again, dear friends, thank you so much for being there for me. You're all incredible and kind and sweet and I love you so so much 🥰 You can obviously count on me too whenever you're going through hard times. You've been there for me, so you bet I'm gonna be here for you 🫂💖
Hope I can slowly but surely catch up during next week. Love you all 🫂💖💖💖
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artist-issues · 5 months
can i ask what you like about harry potter since it's your first time reading it? i was obsessed with those books as a kid, and i always like to hear what first time readers think of the series. do you have a favorite character? a favorite book so far? i'd love to hear your thoughts!
I only just finished the Prisoner of Azkaban and it was my favorite so far! I really like it so far. Dumbledore was my favorite character because I like how he knows what Harry and his friends are up to, and he orchestrates events so that they are able to set things right. Then it was Neville Longbottom, after the poor kid stood up to Harry and Ron and Hermione when they were breaking the rules.
But then I encountered a very kind Dark Arts teacher, after the previous two horrible Dark Arts teachers, and like the first thing he did was be kind to Neville Longbottom. And everyone who's kind to Neville Longbottom makes me instantly happy. And then the more I learned about him and compared how HE was behaving to other Professors who catch Harry in the act of doing something dangerous, the more I decided Professor Lupin is my favorite character. I also like the brotherly relationships that make characters have in the series. You don't see that too often anymore. Nowadays, close male characters are either gay or not that close.
We'll see if he remains my favorite!
The thing I don't like about the books is how, other than Dumbledore, there seems to be a pattern of adults being wrong, and unable to do the things that the kids do to save the day. And the kids keep having to break rules and endanger themselves and lie, and then the narrative rewards all of that. There's quite a lot of "we can't trust the adults, we know better than them" in the actions of the characters.
But that's why I like Neville, who wins the house cup for Gryffindor after the first book's events just by doing the right thing and obeying the rules with the information he had, even when it was hard and his only friends were telling him to shut up and leave them alone. And that's why I like Dumbledore, who so far kind of stands in as a "higher power" who knows everything and orchestrates events so that the kids work everything out (though he obviously still has a lot of humanizing moments too.)
So far I think the characters with the most depth are the ones she's not writing about that much. Like Lupin and Black and Pettigrew and James Potter. But I've heard the series "grows up with its readers," so maybe Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, all those main characters will have more depth as I keep reading.
I think the way she sets up her climaxes are really good. Like how a tiny detail, like a regular colorful description of how ragged Scavbers the rat looks includes the fact that he's missing a toe, just in passing, fits so perfectly in with the big reveal that Peter Pettigrew is also missing a finger later on. But in the moment, her foreshadowing doesn't look like foreshadowing; it just looks like color added to the story.
My least favorite thing, also, is that I'll keep expecting one of the main trio to have an emotional or character-revealing response to something, and then sometimes they just...don't. Like Hermione doesn't really react one way or another to the prejudice against mudbloods in Chamber of Secrets. Even if her character is one that doesn't mind what bullies say, or she's so logical that she doesn't give a silly thing like prejudice a second thought...the perspective of Harry could've noticed that. He could've made an observation about it, so that we would know that's definitely the kind of girl she is. Or, she could've freaked out about it, or gradually shown embarrassment or self consciousness about it. But she doesn't really do anything noticeable in response to this major plot point. So it feels more like there's no intentional depth to her character.
Which I know is probably not true, because she's out work into characters like Dumbledore and Snape, so I know Rowling can write characters with depth. I don't know.
Anyway, those are my thoughts! I've seen no movies and interacted with the "fandom" zip, zero, not at all.
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
19, 18, 20, 25, 30, 12, 6, 17 for you’re Onward ask game. :)
* Quick FYI * gonna go in numerical order for this...
6. favorite background/minor character?
answer coming in next onward ask game post!
12. where in the onward world would you like to travel to?
next stop...ANYWHERE!! lol the whole United Realms needs traveling and exploring! but first and foremost: New Mushroomton! Just take me there first and let the quest begin! 🛣
17. top 5 fanfics you’ve read?
TOP 5?! oh no…there’s no way…I can’t do that. I refuse. I love all onward fanfics I read! 🤩
but from what I’ve read and re-read recently, I liked Corn Children by OceanHeart23, it’s pretty creepy but also very heartwarming and hilarious! read it and you’ll see...
I also really enjoyed I May Not Be Dad (But I Am Still Here) by PurelyAnime, who said in their notes for it that they were thinking about writing more for onward but so far this is their only story, but it’s a great one! a good mix of fluffy and angsty! 
other than that, my other favorite onward fics I’ve read that I still love to this day I talk about in these asks: ask 1 and ask 2 📖
18. if you write fanfic, what’s your personal favorite fanfic you’ve written?
hope you all don’t mind the obvious answer being If You Trust Me cause that’s the only onward fanfic I’ve ever written! but it’s also still without a doubt my best one! ✨✨✨
it’s my personal favorite for a lot of reasons: i spent a lot of time on it (a year and a half!) making sure it was just the story I wanted it to be, it contains a majority of things I’d love to see an onward continuation explore, and I wrote the whole thing during covid and out of my undying love for this movie, its characters, and its world!
and let me say right now that if it ends up being the only onward thing I ever write, if I don’t write anything else, I am perfectly happy with that! 😊 being 33 chapters long, it’s practically novel-length and that’s enough to fit hundreds of one-shots! 
so yeah…for the onward fandom, I think it’s safe at this point to call it my magnum opus ✍️
19. favorite type of onward fanart?
I love it all! it’s why I share pieces of it every Friday! 😉 but my most favorite type of onward fan art might have to be ones where Ian and Barley show off their amazing brotherly bond! here are some examples of that 🖌
20. what’s your personal favorite fanart you’ve drawn?
that’s a great question! I know I definitely write a lot more than I draw, but I do like to draw! I’d say my personal favorite fanart I’ve drawn might have to be my poster/book cover for IYTM (which you can find in my IYTM masterpost)
It took between a month or two to make, and that involved picking the right colors, drawing all the characters and drawing them accurately, deciding which font to use, among other things...and I really love how it came out after all that work! It captures great excitement and gives you some clues on what you’ll run into when you read this story! 👀
25. do you own onward merch? have you created your own?
absolutely! I’ve got a great collection of things! and yes! even things I’ve created myself!
but that's all I'll say about it for now... 😏
30. if you could, would you add to or change something about the film?
answer coming in next onward ask game post!
from mel’s onward ask game ✨
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briceterry04 · 6 months
Happy New Year everybody!
Welcome to 2024... My most ambitious year ever. If you guys don't know, I have a Wattpad account, and I make different series of stories. Like my own series, Brice Talks, The Wrath Of Weird Ass Marketing, and my reviews on something I seen or read or watched. I love writing stories on Wattpad... And SUCK while doing it. All of them are hand made and not by Artificial Intelligence, because I'm not a lazy fuck who sits around eating boogers while playing Fortnite with no underwear on. I got more in the pipeline this year. I have to have Big Motivation Energy to do all of these... Here are all of the things to expect from me this year, from the new Brice Talks I published yesterday in order for the last part to be published at 12am:
First off with my Wattpad account:
On September, 5th, 2024, I have a new story in the works dedicated to 20 years of my life because I'll be 20 years old in 2024.
TWOWAM will be continuing.
Brice Talks will also be continuing, with one in the works right now.
A new original series is going to be arriving.
The dream journal is still being updated. So expect a new dream or a few.
The Mario movie review is starting to be written.
And coming soon is a less disgusting, less filled to the brim with incestery version of "How I met Blizzie". Now called "How I met Blizzaria" which will be matching with the Mockumentary I made in 2022 that I posted this year, and of course, my ultimate goal is making that story more approachable and not Disgusting along with an apology for making that story and the other stories that I made, they had really disgusting and controversial material, because incest is absolutely not okay.
On my Facebook account:
I will post random stuff about personal life updates, memes and nostalgia. But, of course I will be doing Live streams of me reacting to things of playing games for all of the people who mostly enjoy my Live Streams of how they turn into utter insanity.
The frog suit only run of Mario 3 is almost complete and we will be back to that in the middle of January or February (probably right in time for Valentine's Day). I've been saving up the P-wings for three notoriously infamous levels of Mario 3.
And I will be reacting to the Sanders Sides season finale parts 1-4 on a live stream when those come out... Hopefully.
On my Tumblr account:
I'm gonna do what I normally do on tumblr... What are those things you may ask? Two things.
Number 1: A bunch of shit no one cares about.
And Number 2: Sanders Sides Incorrect Quotes and other Sanders Sides related content.
I know that's what people wanna see, so I'll gladly except it.
Will I be doing incorrect quotes on Roman and Remus' brotherly rivalry? Yep!
Am I gonna do Logicality incorrect quotes? Yep!
Am I gonna do Princxiety incorrect quotes? Yep!
Am I gonna do more Demus incorrect quotes? Yep!
Am I gonna do Roman and Patton incorrect quotes? YEP!
Am I gonna do I incorrect quotes with all the sides, Including Thomas? YEP!!
Am I gonna do incorrect quotes for the orange side when they get revealed in the season finale? YEP!!!
Am I gonna do RemRom incorrect quotes?
Why would you even say that?
But I'll do all the other ships! All of them!
And of course. I'm gonna be doing fun things on Reddit like posting nostalgia of things I love in the 2000s, or things that scared me as a kid. And I'm gonna find great pictures and make great funny comments on Pinterest.
This might not be a success overnight and it might not be at all, I'm the only one working on these stories, I don't have anyone to do the artwork yet for all of these series including one that will be revealed soon. but I learned to overcome anxiety, so lets hope I can accomplish everything. Now, I'm gonna be taking a little break. I will be back in either January or February on all my platforms, so follow them to see something new:
Facebook: Brice Terry
Pinterest: Brice_Terry04
Reddit: Brice_Terry04
Wattpad: Brice_Terry04
Be back soon!
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verduresapiens · 3 years
Answers and Questions
“You know... I’ve been meaning to ask. How the hell did you and Simon get into contact?” Hershel asked from where he stood in his kitchen, puttering away making a pot of stew. “If he’s as ruthlessly paranoid as you infer, then it seems rather difficult that either of you could have stumbled onto the other by chance.” Randall - standing nearby, too interested in watching his friend cook to sit down - chuckled softly, looking amused in a mildly irritated kind of way.
“He found me because he’s paranoid, not in spite of it. I was looking up as much about you as I could - which to be fair, really wasn’t much - and about magic, curses, Targent, and the Azran too, just in case, and he... got defensive.” Randall paused, then looked over at Hershel. “Mind you, this was a good few years after you were... taken, though. But Simon must’ve noticed my digging around and got scared. So, Simon did as Simon does best. Hunted me down and aggressively questioned me. He can be really scary if he puts his mind to it. It worked out in the end though - we started working together and now, here we are~!” Not to mention, Hershel thought to himself, Simon would also have been a man that lost his wife and child, and presumably found out not long after that his brother, too, had vanished thanks to Targent.
No wonder this iteration was so much more paranoid than the others. Not only had Targent tracked him down and ruined his life, but despite all he’d done to get his brother as far away from them as he could manage, they’d tracked down and shattered his brother anyway. Of course the man would grab violently onto any potential lead he found. Frankly it was amazing Simon didn’t just kill Randall. Those early days of the two communicating must have been absolutely wild. Though it did make him wonder where Raymond was...
“Does Simon believe the whole... magic, thing? I can’t image that after what happened to me, you’d be too keen on showing off that accursed little carving.” Randall shuddered at his friends question, making a disgusted noise.
“Not entirely - no offence, Hersh, but there’s no way in hell I’d follow you down that rabbit hole. I haven’t said much of anything to Simon about magic beyond what he asks for, he gets too worked about about the logic of it. Starts trying to figure out if it’s just really advanced technology like the Azran stuff. He did ask me once to show off it’s effects, though.” Randall said, his almost eternal cheer finally dying a bit. “Was real stubborn about it. Too stubborn - this was when we were still iffy about each other. I got mad, snapped at him. Didn’t contact him for weeks, or respond to anything he sent. He didn’t react well to that, but... I apologized. Never did show him how it worked. Simon probably figured it was a sore spot.” Hershel could imagine.
If there was one thing Descole hated, it was losing control. Simon was probably similar - Randall flying off the handle and getting so angry he’d ignore Simon completely? It was no wonder the man would react poorly - but also Hershel wasn’t surprised at the idea Simon would catch on it was a sensitive topic.
“It’s a damn good thing you don’t want to follow me - bloody curse has me unable to feel full.” Randall had the decency to look horrified before Hershel preemptively cut him off. “I’m more than used to it, and a fairly strict eating schedule has me fully in control of my rampant hunger issues. Well...” He continued, grinning lopsidedly as he continued messing with his pot of stew, “‘in control’ in that I never went out unwillingly.” Mostly. There were probably a few bits. Little might’ve done something, he never did learn all what she’d done when she controlled him.
“God, Hersh I - I swear. I swear if I’d known everything that would happen I’d have shattered it the day I saw it.” The grin fell from Hershel’s face with a sigh, replaced with a tired glance in Randall’s direction.
“Honestly, had I the chance, I’d do the same. I wouldn’t go back to being normal now, but... given the chance to change the past? Erase any of it from happening? A tempting thing.” It would cause a grand amount of different trauma, but... none of it would be torture. None of it would be a child locked in a cell and starved for days just so his captors could learn how his affliction worked.
One day he’d get revenge. One day. If the timeline tried to follow it’s path, he’d meet up with his old man eventually, and when that day happened he’d say ‘to hell with the rules’ and pretend Lucy Baker and everyone else just didn’t exist... Just him and his madman of a gene donor.
“...Glaring awful hard there, Hersh. You alright?” Hershel snapped out of his thoughts at Randall’s nervous-but-concerned tone. Glanced over at the man, whose expression was just as nervous-but-concerned as his voice had been.
“I - I’m fine. Got lost in thought for a second. Bad thoughts, you don’t need to hear them, trust me.” Randall sighed quietly, gave Hershel an expression that said he didn’t at all think Hershel was ‘fine’ - but didn’t press.
“You really need to find a therapist one of these days...” Randall said in return, wandering off as he did so. Hershel just kind of... sighed to himself. Continuing to cook. He knew damn well he needed ‘help’. But not right now. He was fine. He’d got this far on his own, he’d get the rest of the way there too.
Doing otherwise would feel like cheating.
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lez-1vy · 2 years
❥ Bonten's Holy Trinity with a S/o Who always looks unbothered.
Little note: I'm Finally Back after a few months (?) :'D, I'm still nervous about Writing but I'll try my best! I'm sorry if the Characters I do Act Ooc :'), here's a Post to Apologize for the hold up<3
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Ran Haitani
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Ran is Mostly sometimes Concerned if You actually Show emotions other than being unbothered, But he's happy with whatever emotions you have, [P.s Rindou Likes having you around both of you just make fun of Ran] One day He's at Home with Rindou. They are both having some brotherly talk that Until You came in with an Angered face, Holding his Baton.
"Woah woah,There Angel. What's wrong?" The older Haitani Asked,You Looked at him, "You ate My Chocolate." Is all you answered and Ran remembered he did ate some chocolate, He thought It was Rindou's. "Oop- and I'm out, Bye Aniki." The younger Haitani said and walked out.
When The Younger Haitani went out, Leaving his brother in your mercy. You,Who is about to Hit your Boyfriend with his Own Weapon Just paused seeing his Amused expression. "What?" You asked, "You showed Emotion My Princess! and don't worry I'll buy you more chocolate <3" He said Hugging you.
Other than that,He noted to himself Not to piss you off or make you mad. So When Rindou came back,Ran told him everything as His younger brother laughed his ass off.
Rindou Haitani
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Rindou is Unbothered himself so He dosen't mind you being Unbothered or anything really,All he knows is that He loves you very much no matter what,or anything.Ran his older brother is just impressed on how His little brother got a Girlfriend before him,But He approves, Seeing how Happy his little brother is [He sees you as a Little Sister too.]
One day At Bonten's Meeting room,A maid saw Rindou and Just started flirting with him as Ran Just prayed to the lords that the maid will make it out alive if you saw this. The Executives looked at the maid and Rindou with a unsure look. Rindou who had enough of her bullshit,was about to Tell her to fuck off until the meeting entrance doors opened. "The hell is going on?"
Everyone and the Maid looked at the person who entered and Ran just looked away and whistled, While Mikey and Kakucho Just coughed snapping Rindou out of his trace, "Babe- This isn't what it Looks like-" He was cutt off by you Slapping the Flirty ass maid, Sanzu's loud 'Ooohh Shit' Can be heard,The girl ran off crying.
"remind me not to piss Rindou's girl ever again." Kokonoi said seeing your Face decorated with Veins and a Rare angry expression,as Rindou Just try to calm you down by holding you on his lap.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
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We all kno this druggie will Show you off to The Executives, Bragging on how He got the best girl,while the Haitani Brothers Just Snickered at him when you Scold your Boyfriend with an Unbothered Look, Mikey was impressed on how His Number Two got a girlfriend, since He knows Sanzu can get alot of girls with just one smirk but He approved.
"So, L/n-san, I wanna ask on how You met this druggie?" Rindou Suddenly asked as That caught Everyone's attention since They were questioning themselves on how you guys met. "We met a Bar,I was helping my Friend over a break up she had." You said as Sanzu decided to slide in, "Annd~ I approached her and-" "Started flirting. He asked for my number even if I kept saying no." You cutt off your boyfriend,who pouted.
"Well shit,I couldn't know My brother Could be that desperate" Takeomi laughed while The other executives [Minus Mikey who just silently Chuckled] Laughed at Sanzu, "Atleast I got a Girlfriend Before y'all shits Can!" He yelled at His Brother, "Yeah yeah Whatever Mister Druggie." Rindou Snickered.
At his Penthouse,He immediately Just Hugged you, Wanting his Daily Affection after What happend earlier as You just let out a Small smile,of course Sanzu did not miss that. "Babe!! YOU SMILED!! SMILE AGAIN." He yelled as he pulled out his phone,You Smiled again,He took a pic "My Queen so Beautiful now cuddles!" "Alright alright, Cmere-"
And That Photo Became his Home screen,He couldn't delete it even after you said He should Delete it, One time He Left his Phone unlocked and Rindou decided to peak and his eyes widened like Saucers as Ran looked concerned and decided to peak as well. and That how The Haitani Brothers kept on Teasing him for being a simp. He couldn't be more any prouder.
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❥ I hope you all love this! Again, I'm sorry if The characters I do is out of character,I couldn't get their Character right But I'll try and make them accurate!!😭🙏, But I do hope you guys like this, Again! You guys can request and I'll try and do them when I can since I'm getting busy since my Mom is here,I hope you all understand 😊💞 and Reblogs are appreciated!! 💞❤️
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zmayadw · 3 years
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LAST UPDATED: November 23'
‼️ Please, do not repost here, or on any other social media/sites! All of my work/stories are posted explicitly only here on Tumblr, so if you happen to come across any of it somewhere else, I kindly ask to alert me about it! Reblogs are totally fine and always much appreciated!💚‼️
ADDITIONAL INFO: If by chance you are interested in either Final Fantasy 7/AC, House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen in specific 🤭) or Good Omens you can check some of my writings about those on my side blog (@mishmosh-chaos) 😊💚
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CALL OF THE RAVEN ✅ FINISHED ✅ ‼️⚠️ contains adult content, swearing, occasional violence and/or mention of it ⚠️‼️
A little note: This story is the first thing I have ever written and I was very nervous about posting it! I'm well aware it is full of (awful) mistakes as English is not my main language and I haven't used it in writing for a very long time prior to this story, and one day I'm sure I will find the time to try and correct it all 😊 Till then, to whoever might read it, I hope you will still enjoy it despite those mistakes 💚
'GOODBYE', BUT NOT 'THE END' - ✅finished✅
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HIDE WITH ME? Jake x MC ▫️fluff/sweet
JUST YOU AND ME Jake x MC ▫️fluff/sweet▫️ continuance to 'HIDE WITH ME?'
TOGETHER Jake x MC ▫️angst ❗contains episode 8 spoiler ❗
BEAUTIFUL DREAM Jake x MC + Jessy for the need of the story ▫️mix of angst/fluff/humor
DEVIL'S BARGAIN Jake +a made up character and MC appearing towards the end ▫️mostly angst/some fluff
ALWAYS AND FOREVER Jake x MC ▫️fluff/romance/little angst
I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN, MY LOVE Jake ▫️angst/dark ❗not a happy ending❗️
TO SLEEP AT LAST Jake x MC ▫️ mix of angst/fluff/romance
THE END IS NEAR Jake / MC / mention of others ▫️angst/fluff-sweet❗contains episode 9 spoiler❗
STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT Phil x Mc ▫️fluff/sweet
'TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY...RIGHT? 🎄 Christmas 2021' Special 🎄Jake x MC
PROMISE OF A FOOL IN LOVE Jake / GN!MC / Alan Bloomgate ‼️contains episode 10 spoilers ‼️
SOMEONE HAS TO FEED THE FISHES Oneshot about heartbroken Jessy after the end of ep. 10
FOOLISH FEARS Jake x Fem!Mc ▫️mix of hurt/comfort/fluff/humor
TOTAL RECALL Jake x Fem!Mc ▫️❗️slightly mature content ❗️
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IN THE NIGHT OF A NEW MOON ▫️a short ficlet/my interpretation of the story of 'The legend of the MWAF'
A STORY FOR GRANDKID(S) ONE DAY ▫️Just a short '"i'm sad/nervous/excited/scared about Duskwood's last episode being released" nonsence 😉
Jake x Nymos ▫️short imagine on Jake and Nymos's brotherly rivalry ( If you're new here and you are confused now, it was just a fandoms moment of coming up with crazy idea about Nymos being Jake's brother instead of a program 🤭) ▫️Also, check under the reblog section in comments for a continuance to the original post! 😉
Jake x Mc ▫️a short fluffy chat 😊
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FUN, GAMES AND...SKULL? ▫️ request by heymisssing ▫️Jake x Mc ▫️Fluff / Humor
INFATUATED CHASE ▫️request by pennyl4n3 ▫️Fem!Mc x Jake ▫️mix of angst/hurt/comfort
SLEEPLESS IN DUSKWOOD ▫️request by Anon(s) ▫️Phil x Jake (aka Jail) ▫️fluff/humor/teasing ▫️
HOME ▫️request by justubi ▫️Jake x Fem!Mc ▫️mix of hurt/comfort/fluff
FOCUS ON MY VOICE ▫️request by dwkfan▫️Jake x Fem!Mc ▫️comfort/fluff
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Middle Brother (rdr2 headcanons)
i want to write but the gremlins in my mind are fighting... well, fluff and thot gremlin are while angst gremlin is kinda dead rn which i think yall are happy to know...
but anyways, here's some brotherly headcanons on this beautiful fucking game known as rdr2 with these beautiful boahs and [Name]
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• i already established [Name] would be the middle brother with Arthur being the oldest for a year or two and John being youngest of fours years soooo (here it is if ya havent read the first)
• lets get some angsty stuff because angst gremlin isnt actually dead... yet (i think thot gremlin might kill 'em but i think yall would be happy with that)
• anyways
• when John had left the gang for about a year, Arthur and [Name] were affected by it
• the whole gang actually
• but Arthur and [Name] kinda took the blow hard
• especially how they had been with John for years and protected and taught that greasy dumbass everything he knew
• Arthur was the angered one
• Arthur's temper was really bad those few weeks of John's departure
• no one can calm him down as he always blew a fuse when someone just even mention John's name
• [Name] was the one who worried a lot and was lowkey depressed
• [Name] lost someone who he had seen as a little brother
• John didn't even said good bye to them?
• Dutch and Hosea tried everything to go back to his usual sarcastic self
• everyone tried but never worked
• it was very hard for the Van Der Linde gang for a few weeks of John leaving
• sure, they both worried for John despite that bitter and angered feeling they have
• they still cared for their little bro
• but they also felt betrayed by John leaving
• so when John came back-- one word: chaos
• it so happens that Arthur was the one who was guarding the entrance of the camp
• Arthur was not happy to see John
• he almost shot the younger man as he threatened John to leave
• Arthur's warning shot had attracted the others attention
• making them knew that John was back and they welcomed John
• it was no surprised that Arthur and [Name] came up to him in fury and tried to belittle John
• it was a surprise though when [Name] was the one who punched John on the face
• not Arthur, but [Name]
• Bill and Javier had to hold [Name] back when he wanted to tackle and beat John up while Dutch commanded him to calm down
• when Arthur and [Name] (who Javier still holding his arm just in case he'll decked the shit outta John again) heard that Dutch welcomed John again, they protested
• Arthur was against the idea of John being welcomed back by Dutch like John didn't just ditched them for a year
• [Name] was silently fuming and agreeing with Arthur
• but no one listened to their complaints and protest as there was a party to welcome John back
• the party went on as John was in the campfire surrounded by the others while Arthur and [Name] was far away from them
• John wanted to approach the two older men but Hosea had stopped him
• "give them time, son"
• John wanted to protest but remembering Arthur's glare and [Name]'s furious look at him earlier, he agreeded
• the next day, John tried to talk to his older brothers
• it was hard
• Arthur always insults him and leaves when he tries to talk to him
• and [Name] always goes into the next direction when John comes and pretends he doesn't see or hear John
• John was annoyed by it
• "why won't they just talk to me?!?"
• John often asked himself
• "you left for a year. didn't tell anyone and they took it hard, John"
• Hosea had explained as the older man had seen how Arthur and [Name] reacts to John's approach
• "just give them time... they missed you but you know how stubborn they are"
• skip to a few weeks
• Arthur's and [Name]'s attitude to John haven't change
• they were still pissed and angry about him leaving
• John tried to get into their good graces but the two really were stubborn
• John done chores in the camp, helped out as much as he can to prove that Arthur and [Name] could trust him again
• but it seems like the two just wont give him another chance
• it honestly was a sad sight to see
• John tried his best but Arthur and [Name] just wont acknowledge his efforts
• those were the moment John realized how much he hurted his older brothers
• John thought be could never get that old days they had again
• but John was stubborn as his brothers too
• he wont give up
• John took their attitudes as motivation
• one day, they were low on food and John offered to hunt
• was a mistake
• John should realized he always gets in trouble with nature
• John did caught some prey for Pearson to cook
• about five rabbits or so which is good enough for now
• when John was putting the rabbits corpse on his horse, he heard growling
• John Marston knew he was in trouble
• in camp, [Name] and Arthur were the first too knew of John's disappearance
• sure, they were still mad with the greasy ass bitch but even what John did, he was still their little brother
• [Name] asked where John was and when he had heard John went out hunting few hours ago, he and Arthur immediately knew there was something wrong with John still not being back
• [Name] had urged Arthur to saddle up as they were going to track the "golden boy"
• Arthur almost didnt want to come if it wasnt for [Name] giving him a pleading look
• Arthur sighed and had went with [Name] to track their greasy little brother
• after awhile, they found John's hunting spot
• how did they knew? John's horse laying dead with scratches and bite marks on its body
• [Name] dismounted his horse as he inspected the dead horse's body
• "fuck... goddamn it Marston"
• [Name] and Arthur looked at each other and knew that John wouldnt be far behind
• aswell as danger
• Arthur pulled out his shotgun while [Name] took out his pistol
• the two were high alert on the danger
• they began to track John again on foot as they knew the forest was dense for their horses
• [Name] did the tracking as Arthur looked around just in case the things that killed off John's horse will appear and jump onto them
• after tracking for awhile, they had heard screaming
• they immediately knew who was screaming as they ran to find John
• they did found their dumb greasy little brother
• John was up on the tree with some bruises while there are four wolves beneath the tree
• [Name] immediately saw John's gun on the ground which he cursed John for it as he and Arthur held up their guns to shoot the wolves
• they killed the wolves and John looked so fucking happy
• "i though i'll be stuck in this tree for days"
• [Name] merely rolled his eyes as he approached the tree John was and took out his knife to skin out the wolves they shot. wanting the wolves pelt to craft some stuff despite it being poor
• "yeah, well, would've done us good if ya got eaten"
• Arthur grunted as John went down the tree and hissed at his bruises
• [Name], being finished with skinning the wolves and having the pelt had grabbed John's gun on the ground and shove it at John's chest
• "next time, don't leave yer gun on the ground"
• [Name] said as he went to Arthur, carrying the wolf pelt
• John looked at both his older brothers and bit his bottom lip
• he knew they were still mad but he was happy that they actually cared enough to save him and not be wolf food like his horse
• "th... thank you..."
• John had said as he walked behind Arthur and [Name]
• "whatever. now hurry up, before more of those wolves come up from the smell of blood"
• Arthur and [Name] lead John back to where they left off their horses and helped John up to sit on the back of [Name]'s horse while [Name] placed his pelt on Arthur's horse
• when [Name] and Arthur mounted on their horses and ride, it was quiet
• John wanted to say something but bit back his words as he didnt know what to really say
• [Name] lead away as Arthur was behind them, just in case some wolves follow them as they rode off the forest to go to the dirt road
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Hey cutie!! All your WIPs sound so so amazing 😭😭 Can you tell me more about "Of puppy eyes and potatoes", "One day I'll fly away" and "Til the morning comes"?? Thanks!!! YOU'RE INCREDIBLE!!!!! <33 p.s. those 5+1 fics sound so awesome!!
 AAAAAAAH thank you so much!! ilu
Ok SO “Of puppy eyes and potatoes.”
Honestly I have no clue where I got the idea for this one, it just popped into my head out of nowhere one day. I actually have it pretty much finished, there are just a few little parts that I don’t love and I wanna fix. Also the genre is just not my forte, I’m better at like whump and angst than fluff and humor. BUT essentially it’s a one-shot where Loki runs into Peter who’s just come home from patrol with a bullet in his leg. Cue Loki having to kinda patch him up and they both have to avoid Tony’s suspicion. Here’s a snippet:
Peter sits there on a chair, left leg crossed over the right one, frozen in the act of pulling his suit off of his foot. The window is letting in a breeze behind him and it’s clear he’s just come in from patrolling as Spider-Man.
They’re both paused, Peter looking like a deer in the headlights, and Loki’s eyes drop to what is automatically drawing his attention - the boy’s leg, dripping with blood.
Loki’s eyebrows raise as he meets Peter’s eyes again, having half a mind to call Stark then and there - he doesn’t care what they say, that man is most definitely the boy’s father, adopted or surrogate or whatever.
Peter seems to read his intentions on his face and immediately his hands shoot up, tensed, as if with the gesture he can bind Loki in place. “Don’t tell Mister Stark!”
So yeah, this is out of my comfort zone and idk if I did Loki’s voice right at all and I feel like it needs more of something -humor maybe- to be a good story.
“One Day I’ll Fly Away”: Oosh ok so I wasn’t positive if I should put this on here bc I actually haven’t written anything except a couple attempts at a beginning. But I do have several specific parts pretty well planned out. Basically I heard the song “One Day I’ll Fly Away” from Moulin Rouge, saw the clip, and made up my own story to go along, knowing absolutely nothing about the film lol, so don’t judge. It’s sorta got a reverse-Greatest Showman feel? Peter is an orphan who was taken in by Norman Osborn as a child and, y’know, injected with spider DNA. Osborn works with the circus and trained Peter to become the Amazing Spider-Man, the main attraction for Osborn’s show. Peter’s a teenager now and longs to get away (Osborn calls him his son but is abusive and everything), and when Tony comes to see the show they connect. I’m trying to figure out how and why exactly they connect, if it might possibly be a platonic soulmates au, but I’d rather that not be the focus of the story. That whole relationship development part is what I’m really stuck on. But I’ve got other scenes detailed with their meeting and then when Peter makes the choice to leave and be adopted by Tony, the pushback from Osborn and other members of the circus, etc.
So I love the idea and the plans I have, I just don’t know how to write it lol.
“Til the morning comes” Ok I really love my whole idea for this one but I got stuck actually writing after a chapter or two. Harley and Peter get kidnapped together, Harley taken just because he was with Peter. This is after Endgame (but not compliant ofc), Tony introduced them to each other and they’re attending MIT together. No slash fyi, I just really like a soft brotherly relationship. :) Their captors experiment on Peter but mostly leave Harley alone, and Harley tries to patch Peter up and help him when he comes back from whatever experiments *cough*torture*cough* they’ve done. Your basic torture fic except I’m trying out Harley being the caretaker instead of Tony. :) Don’t feel like I’m explaining it great, but I love what I have planned for the ending, I just needta get there.
I don’t feel like I have a great snippet as an example of the fic in general, but here’s a bit I’ve written anyway:
Harley swears, sitting up slowly and rubbing at his face. He gazes around the cell in much the same manner Peter had. “Ah, I see we’ve got the luxury suite. Working toilet and everything.”
“Well I haven’t tested it yet, so… I’m not sure how working,” Peter admits.
Harley smirks lightly before his face solemnifies a little. “What happened? Last I remember, we were walking to the Landau, and then…”
“Tranquilizer darts,” Peter supplies. “They got you with one and you were out.”
“Dang. Tranqs. That’s actually… pretty awesome.”
Peter laughs and shakes his head. “You sound just like Ned.”
Harley grins at him. “Did they tranq you too?”
“Yeah. Took four to put me down.”
“Stupid superpowers,” Harley mutters.
What do you think? Thanks so much for asking and hope you don’t mind how long this is lol! I’m always happy to provide even more details if you’d like but I didn’t wanna make this way too long. :)
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empressxmachina · 3 years
Inquiries on WIPs, lore, and what to do with both
I hope y'all are well! I didn't expect to make a journal today, but here I am! I do hope I get some answers because I do have some thoughts and questions.
word wall under the cut
First off, I've done a lot of proofreading and re-outlining lately.
How I keep coming up with ideas, I don't know. Why I can never sit down and write prose except for when I'm meant to be doing something else is even more unknown. But at least I'm thinking, I guess. I like what I'm pondering.  I have done some intensive writing, though.
I made a manip that's been done and in the queue for months, and I liked it so much that I've made a whole novella (novel?) idea for it. If I do it right, then I hope to get about twelve (12) parts from it - they're all now planned - of which I've completed seven. I'm closer to eight (8) than not, so that's good, right?
Since the pic is done and so is its relative part in the story, should I just release it/them, or should I wait until it's all done?
I've even made a Wattpad/book cover for it; that's how much I like what I'm doing.
Regarding Welcome Home, Sasha, specifically, it's been plotted for months, too. But I'm having some issues with writing an expository soliloquy, aka the explanation of what the fuck happened to Earth.
The actual information is cut-and-dry, but I don't know how to best frame it. I find Ki to be an analytical person - sensible for a scientist, I suppose - but with a flourish. Putting his brotherly, almost fatherly love of Sasha on top complicates things further since he wouldn't want to break his heart... and the answer will definitely bruise at the very least.
Luckily though, how he'll react and everything after that is as straightforward as an apocalypse can be. Will I ever write it, though?
I technically have three (3) or four (4) continuations to long fics, but I don't know why I'm not releasing them. I want to, yet I don't? Is this my mediocre perfectionism in action? Is this normal?
Syntrophy has changed in my head, like, four times, regarding the relationship between the two MCs. Their separate stories have maintained but not how they connect to each other.
I wish I was kidding. There's so much I've deleted.
I've been adding excerpts to my manips and making visuals to go with stories. Read more about that in the next section.
Secondly, I've been conceptualizing visuals like mad!
Ideas just keep coming, and they don't stop coming.
The queue is probably at peak fullness, which is cool. I was hoping I wouldn't have to widen time between posting stuff because as much as popularity doesn't affect whether I make something, I wouldn't want y'all to just forget about me. You know?
I know some people don't even have a schedule or set up expectations, so I might just say "Fuck it," and leave submission dates to RNG. It hasn't been a problem, but I don't want pressure from time restraints to become a problem. We'll see.
Like the unnamed, new fic way above, some of my ready works are images from tales not-yet-released. I've done that before numerous times, but one in particular literally happens in what would be the literal next part to post, and I'm not done with writing it, yet, at least to where I'd like it to be.
Should I post the pic anyway, despite context being right behind a corner? I kind of want to, but I've already been putting it off so much...
I just really need to get motivated and focus using Pomodoro or something. Maybe I'd knock everything out if I did.
My most recent completion from literally this morning might just be my favorite in all my years of manip-making.
Meanwhile, the one finished right before it might be the worst thing I've ever made, and its excerpt just makes it worse. I enjoyed it thoroughly, though, which makes me question myself as I'm seeing patterns...
I want to draw/paint again. I've done stuff for IRL projects but not size content.
I need inspiration to just sit down and pen for hours or days.
Would y'all mind me doing sketches again? That'd be quicker.
Lastly, the real reason why I chose to make a journal:
I'm really considering putting expanded, not-yet-seen lore for my stories on my blog site (on WordPress), and I feel like I've pondered this before.
As repeatedly mentioned, I have too many ideas but not even drive to collect them all into something worthwhile. But I'd like to get them out there somehow so others can indulge in my babies as much as I do. Some creators have blogs just for certain stories and their characters, settings, etc. that I adore, and I want to feel that in a way, too. However, most people don't have ten (10) or more stories at once that they equally love. Fuck, I need to edit my blog with more pages for more things I've conjured but isn't there, yet.
I feel that by doing so on my site,
People who do want to know how a plot of a tale will go, because I write as quickly as molasses runs yet have an outline for everything, can know.
It'll be organized as I see fit but my own control (unless WordPress does something drastic).
In addition, the data wouldn't be directly attached to the works on other sites like here, either, in case ideas change or people are averse to spoilers and want to stay away.
Reading all this over, couldn't I put the same data/lore in DA journals, Tumblr posts, etc., too, adding tags or titles to mark what's what? Couldn't I also put the works themselves that are here or even the damn music list on my site, too? Should I?
Am I overthinking this? I think I'm overthinking this.
That's it, I think.
Does any of this make sense? Please let me know your thoughts on anything but mostly the blog stuff if you can.
(I've also put this on DA if you'd prefer to respond there.)
Stay safe, and Happy Equinox! I'm glad I'll see flowers blooming again soon.
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