lez-1vy · 1 year
Your sister, who always had everything she wanted, isn happy that Ayato married you instead.
So, she snuck into yours and Ayato's bedroom to seduce him, only to get a front-row seat of him fucking you senseless.
When I saw this I instantly had to write it 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
You were getting your brain fucked out by your husband, Ayato and he was damn fucking you without any restraints. The most awkward thing is that your sister— came in when he was holding you in a nelson position— your knees pressed against your slightly bouncing breasts, his arms hooked under your knees— giving a perfect view of your sopping cunt that was enveloping his cock.
You were already fucked out, drooling, tongue lolling, and eyes rolled back— just because of his girthy cock that was drilling itself into your womb.
Your sister stood in shock. She was planning to seduce your husband so he can focus on her— but now she has front row seats of him hammering his cock into your tight and dripping pussy.
Your sister was shocked, hearing the lewd squelching sounds your cum-filled pussy makes and seeing the lewd cockdrunk look on your face made her fuel with anger and embarrassment.
Ayato just snickered and continue to fuck you senselessly, filling you up with his cum even though some were dripping down out of your pussy. He found it amusing how your sister came in right when you both are having fun time together.
"Now, now..how about we make sure our little guest here gets a show of a life time?"
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lez-1vy · 2 years
❥ Bonten's Holy Trinity with a S/o Who always looks unbothered.
Little note: I'm Finally Back after a few months (?) :'D, I'm still nervous about Writing but I'll try my best! I'm sorry if the Characters I do Act Ooc :'), here's a Post to Apologize for the hold up<3
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Ran Haitani
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Ran is Mostly sometimes Concerned if You actually Show emotions other than being unbothered, But he's happy with whatever emotions you have, [P.s Rindou Likes having you around both of you just make fun of Ran] One day He's at Home with Rindou. They are both having some brotherly talk that Until You came in with an Angered face, Holding his Baton.
"Woah woah,There Angel. What's wrong?" The older Haitani Asked,You Looked at him, "You ate My Chocolate." Is all you answered and Ran remembered he did ate some chocolate, He thought It was Rindou's. "Oop- and I'm out, Bye Aniki." The younger Haitani said and walked out.
When The Younger Haitani went out, Leaving his brother in your mercy. You,Who is about to Hit your Boyfriend with his Own Weapon Just paused seeing his Amused expression. "What?" You asked, "You showed Emotion My Princess! and don't worry I'll buy you more chocolate <3" He said Hugging you.
Other than that,He noted to himself Not to piss you off or make you mad. So When Rindou came back,Ran told him everything as His younger brother laughed his ass off.
Rindou Haitani
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Rindou is Unbothered himself so He dosen't mind you being Unbothered or anything really,All he knows is that He loves you very much no matter what,or anything.Ran his older brother is just impressed on how His little brother got a Girlfriend before him,But He approves, Seeing how Happy his little brother is [He sees you as a Little Sister too.]
One day At Bonten's Meeting room,A maid saw Rindou and Just started flirting with him as Ran Just prayed to the lords that the maid will make it out alive if you saw this. The Executives looked at the maid and Rindou with a unsure look. Rindou who had enough of her bullshit,was about to Tell her to fuck off until the meeting entrance doors opened. "The hell is going on?"
Everyone and the Maid looked at the person who entered and Ran just looked away and whistled, While Mikey and Kakucho Just coughed snapping Rindou out of his trace, "Babe- This isn't what it Looks like-" He was cutt off by you Slapping the Flirty ass maid, Sanzu's loud 'Ooohh Shit' Can be heard,The girl ran off crying.
"remind me not to piss Rindou's girl ever again." Kokonoi said seeing your Face decorated with Veins and a Rare angry expression,as Rindou Just try to calm you down by holding you on his lap.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
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We all kno this druggie will Show you off to The Executives, Bragging on how He got the best girl,while the Haitani Brothers Just Snickered at him when you Scold your Boyfriend with an Unbothered Look, Mikey was impressed on how His Number Two got a girlfriend, since He knows Sanzu can get alot of girls with just one smirk but He approved.
"So, L/n-san, I wanna ask on how You met this druggie?" Rindou Suddenly asked as That caught Everyone's attention since They were questioning themselves on how you guys met. "We met a Bar,I was helping my Friend over a break up she had." You said as Sanzu decided to slide in, "Annd~ I approached her and-" "Started flirting. He asked for my number even if I kept saying no." You cutt off your boyfriend,who pouted.
"Well shit,I couldn't know My brother Could be that desperate" Takeomi laughed while The other executives [Minus Mikey who just silently Chuckled] Laughed at Sanzu, "Atleast I got a Girlfriend Before y'all shits Can!" He yelled at His Brother, "Yeah yeah Whatever Mister Druggie." Rindou Snickered.
At his Penthouse,He immediately Just Hugged you, Wanting his Daily Affection after What happend earlier as You just let out a Small smile,of course Sanzu did not miss that. "Babe!! YOU SMILED!! SMILE AGAIN." He yelled as he pulled out his phone,You Smiled again,He took a pic "My Queen so Beautiful now cuddles!" "Alright alright, Cmere-"
And That Photo Became his Home screen,He couldn't delete it even after you said He should Delete it, One time He Left his Phone unlocked and Rindou decided to peak and his eyes widened like Saucers as Ran looked concerned and decided to peak as well. and That how The Haitani Brothers kept on Teasing him for being a simp. He couldn't be more any prouder.
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❥ I hope you all love this! Again, I'm sorry if The characters I do is out of character,I couldn't get their Character right But I'll try and make them accurate!!😭🙏, But I do hope you guys like this, Again! You guys can request and I'll try and do them when I can since I'm getting busy since my Mom is here,I hope you all understand 😊💞 and Reblogs are appreciated!! ����❤️
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