frangipanilove · 1 year
Sacré Cœur; Two Hearts, Two Records and "One One Recording Studio"
In TWDDD 1x3 Paris Sera Toujours Paris we saw Daryl admiring the view from Isabelle's appartment. He commented on how it sure was better than the view from his old house. And I agree, the Sacré-Cœur/Sacred Heart Basilica truly is a sight to behold.
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Daryl seemed to be particularly taken by the view, in a way we don't often get to see him, and as a very obvious heart reference, it naturally it brought my mind to Beth's double heart/button necklace. I talked about the symbolism around Button the Horse from season 5 in this post, how it's ultimately Sirius symbolism.
However, the Sacré-Cœur Basilica was not the only reason episode 1x3 made me think of her necklace...
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...because there was also this:
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...which I'll get back to, but first things first.
Daryl loved the view of the Sacred Heart Basilica.
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"It sure beats the view from my old house"
A "view" is a "vista". "Vista" means "view". We remember a different kind of "vista" from 4x12 Still:
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Pine Vista Country Club from 4x12 Still.
Daryl' spent the majority of episode 1x3 talking about getting home. It was all about getting to a radio (Sirius symbolism) so he could get home (North Star symbolism). And the Sacré-Cœur/Sacred Heart Basilica made him think of the "vista" of his old house, which weren't nearly as nice...
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...but at least Beth was there, with her trademark double hearts/button necklace.
My primary method of tracking symbolism in TWDU is through etymology, which means the history of words. Sometimes, when tptb use a symbol that might seem random at first, a search on the etymology of the word often helps clear things up. Etymology can tell you the root word of a particular symbol, and you'll often find that two seemingly unrelated symbols in reality are one and the same.
When Beth, in 5x4 Slabtown, found Dr. Trevvit's ID card and realised he was an onchologist from Saint Ignatius Hospital, it was all symbolism. Sirius symbolism to be precise, because the word Sirius is derived from Greek “Seirios” and means "glowing/scorching".
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And you know this was no coincidence because of his speciality onchology, which means he likely dealt with radiation therapy. "Radio" and "radiation" are Sirius references.
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So Beth finding his ID card from Saint Ignatius is pure Sirius symbolism. And keep this in mind until later, when I'll explain how this all relates to the symbolism around records.
Because we also saw Beth talk about records in Slabtown. I've talked a lot about Noah's t-shirt. It has the stylized heron on it, an obvious reference to the Blue Heron painting from 4x12 Still. It also has he words "one one recording studio" written on it. Obviously we know Beth was all about music, she even commented on how long it had been since she'd heard a record.
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So to have "records" as general music references around Beth makes a whole lot of sense.
But we often see records in other settings as well, and we saw no less than TWO records in TWDDD 1x3. I mentioned one of them in this post from a few days ago, the record by the tombstone of Jim Morrison.
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but there was also this one:
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...wich we saw in the mysterious and frustrating detour to Angers, where we were treated to a spectacular yet disturbing Orchestra of the Dead, and a slightly mad conductor. Musical references en masse, but it wasn't necessarily clear how tptb wanted us to interpret it.
So, we had two records. Or "one one", as you could also say (in that one plus one equals two).
I've checked the etymology (or the history/origin) of the word "record".
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The word "record", as in the "recording studio" on Noah's t-shirt, or like the two records we saw in TWDDD 1x3, ultimately derives from the Latin word for "heart", or "cor/cord". I would call them synonymous symbols in this context.
So when we saw TWO records in the episode, on a symbolical level you could say we saw TWO hearts.
Or, you could say we saw "one one" heart...?
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The etymology of the word "record" isn't the only reason this episode made me think of Beth's necklace. Right before the scene with Daryl admiring the Sacred Heart Basilica, we saw Isabelle grab an old photo of Laurent's mother Lily. She said "Laurent has never seen her face", the implication being that she wanted something for Laurent to remember his mother by.
As you can see from the etymology screenshot above, the words "heart" and "remember" are connected through etymology. The Latin word for "heart" is "cor/cord", and it evolved through "recordari", which means "remember", to the word "record" that we use today. Tptb had Beth say "I can't remember the last time I heard a record" in Slabtown. "Record" and "remember" are both linked through etymology, and the Latin word for "heart" is at the core of it. Tptb wanted us to know that.
Now take a look at Lily's hands...
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...heart-hands, while standing under the Eiffell Tower on her 16th birthday.
Then, fast forward to present day, 12 years into the apocolypse. Young Laurent finds himself at a sexy underground nightclub with Daryl and a nun, and he notices the necklace around singer (another musical reference) Anna Valery's neck.
He tells her the story about his mother celebrating her birthday at the Eiffel Tower. She gifts him her necklace, saying it's something to remember his mother by.
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Laurent's mother won't be coming back. She died giving birth to him, reanimated and was subsequently put down. The symbolism we see around her however, it still applies.
As @angelthefirst1 explained last year, the Eiffel Tower was a radio tower, meaning it is Sirius symbolism. Daryl mentioned the word "radio" in every second sentence in the episode (also Sirius symbolism). He was all about getting "home", via the "north" (North Star symbolism).
And the tower had had its tip knocked off by a helicopter. A possible reference to Beth at Grady. Took a hit to the top, but still standing?
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There was a "star" reference in the scene at the cemetary... (Sirius and North Star symbolism)
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And lastly, remember the reference to Saint Ignatius from Slabtown? How it's a Sirius reference because it means "to ignite", as in "set on fire"? And how it is related to the "record" symbolism?
Here's from TWD 11x24 RIP
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Princess hooked a massive bomb up to a RECORD PLAYER. Once the record stopped playing, the fuse ignited and then...
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...there was fire...
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That's Sirius symbolism.
(thanks for the screenshots @wdway)
(Also, apparently we’ve got an episode called Deux Amours/Two Loves coming up 👀)
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Going in the onchology ward half depressed makes me always improve my humour because I meet people and listening to their stories always help me reconsidering my situation
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pius2017 · 4 years
Share 2 nursing concepts that are used in professional practice that has piqued your interest.
Share 2 nursing concepts that are used in professional practice that has piqued your interest.
Review any 2 of the following articles then share your thoughts on integrating theory into your professional practice (An Onchology nurse that infuse Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy) . Share 2 nursing concepts that are used in professional practice that has piqued your interest. Support your answer with 3 references not including your text book.  
View On WordPress
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ostricacida · 7 years
Thanks to my baes @la-paritalienne and @loveisalaserquest17 ❤️
1. Nicknames? — La', Lau, Laure', Lauretta, Lauraco’, Lalie (courtesy of @loveisalaserquest17 )
2. Gender? — Female
3. Star Sign? — Cancer
4. Height? — 1.60m
5. Time? — 03.45 am
6. Birthday? — July 16th
7. Favourite bands? — One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Kodaline, Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, Fitz And The Tantrums, The Leisure Society, Kings of Leon, Mumford & Sons, M83, Foster The People, Two Doors Cinema Club, The Neighbourhood, The Raveonettes, Sonic Youth.
8. Favourite solo artists? — Me boys, Florence Welch, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Daughter, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Frank Turner, Future, Kanye West, Lykke Li, Ruelle, Sia, Susanne Sundfør, The Weeknd, Yuna.
9. Song stuck in my head? — Fino All'imbrunire - Negramaro
10. Last movie you watched? — Star Wars - Episode IV: A new hope, I’m doing a Star Wars marathon with my brother before the next episode is out
11. Last show you watched? — Shameless (US)
12. When did you create your blog? — September 2014
13. What do I post? — I’m 1D trash but mostly Larry trash
14. Last thing I googled? — The English title of Star Wars’ episode IV
15. Do you have any other blogs? — A side blog where I fangirl over Captive Prince, The Foxhole Court and Skam
16. Do you get asks? — Yeah I kinda do 😌
17. Why did you choose your url? — My freshmen year of uni I was studying midwifery (I changed my studies after that year) and while I was an intern in the Onchology/Neurology/Geriatric ward, the resident nurses used to call me “ostricacida” because they said that all the midwives (ostetriche in italian) working in that hospital were bitter (acide) and bitchy 24/7. So they basically made up a name mixing the two Italian words for midwife and bitter. Even though I started another undergrad when I created my blog, I still had amazing memories of my year working in that hospital and that’s why I chose that url.
18. Following? — 190
19. Followers? — Imma say it even though I’m a tiny blog but I don’t fucking care, I’m around 2k.
20. Favourite colours? — Blue and red
21. Average hours of sleep? — I either sleep 4 hours or ten, there’s no inbetween
22. Lucky number? 5
23. Instruments? — In another life I played the drums
24. What am I wearing? — blue jeans, black chelsea boots, a white sweater, black coat and a black beanie
25. How many blankets do I sleep with? — A duvet and two blankets on top
26. Dream job? — I’ll be a postgrad student in marketing management in a few months so really, anything related to my degree
27. Dream vacation? — Backpacking in Asia
28. Favourite food? Pizza and pasta al forno con la besciamella
29. Nationality? — Italian
30. Favourite song? — It’s impossibile to have one, lately though I haven’t stopped listening to All This And Heaven Too by Florence and The Machines.
As usual since everyone pretty much already did it I’m gonna tag the last 10 people I see in my notifications: @watchyourattitude @allthefreakingtime @zapboobear @yourgoldenview @no-antidote-for-this-curse @deepindeniall @hoodedlouis @imaginationmakesusinfinity @solounabarca and @raggi96 💕
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vodkastinger · 7 years
What is your take on Hillary's supposed boob job as a medical school student? They look bigger and perhaps perkier and firmer. So hot.
So, first of all let me start with a different kind of answer: no, she wouldn’t do it because of her personality. Let’s remember she was pretty pissed about having to change herself when she wrote to Diane Blair:
“I know how to compromise, I have compromised. I gave up my name, got contact lenses. But I’m not going to try to present to be someone that I’m not.”
Given that HRC has spoken against body shaming and actresses being pressured into losing weight in that video with Amber Tamblyn and America Ferrera, I don’t think it would be in her character at all. Besides, as long as Bill loves her (and we know he isn’t really fussy about her appearance, since he never asked her to change for him that way), I think that she just doesn’t care, because she has a pretty good relationship with her body.
Now, to the medical part. You know how I always say I am not qualified and all because I’m only a student? This time too, take all those caveats, but you actually are in luck because I did scrub in mastoplasties! They were onchological operations (ie reconstructions after tumors OR prevenctive mastectomies for women with a BRCA1 mutation, the same kind Angelina Jolie had). I’ve yet to study how these kind of operations for purely aesthetic purposes are made, because the difference between augmentation and reconstuction is that I don’t believe they take of the actual original breast tissue during augmenttion, as thet do in reconstruction, so it’s way quicker an operation compared to the onchologic procedure.
That said, let’s delve into Vodka’s archives so you can see how far my obsession with hillary’s boobs documental evidence can get us.
exhibit 1: young hillary
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I think we can agree that her breasts are super cute, but not gigantic, and that’s definitely ok, becuse they compliment her slight frame. Also, you’ll notice that your perception of the size changes very much based on how much of her waist you can see (her waist is so tiny, that the comparison works very well in her favour, wheras they seem a bit smaller when she wears loose fitting clothes, like it happens on all of us. I have an Italian 3C [i don’t know what it is in other sizing, but it’s big enough but not too big] and some days when I want to be left quiet I just put on a hoodie and do the “disappearing boob trick”, aka you’d say I have none, when they are nicely full irl)
exhibit2: Hillary demonstrating this technique
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exhibit 3: changes during the years
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I think that, like many women, her breasts tend to follow her weight fluctuations (breasts are mostly fat. Nicely shaped, nicely trapped fat). Here you can see her right after Chelsea’s birth (very full, thanks to baby fat and actually doing their job as glands) and during Bill’s Congressional bid (right around the time of the commission on Nixon’s impeachement), when, as per Bill’s recollection, she had lost a big amount of weight due to her taxing schedule
exhibit 3: braless? Hillary (on the left)
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aka don’t ask me how I got this. So, you can notice they have a certain size, but are not super sized. Very natural. Now, if we compare them to pics at other times during the years till this day, I believe they have stayed pretty consistent (although one of the great few miracles of menopause is adding a bit in that area, since it’s fat, after all)
In conclusion, I think the perception of her beast size depends a lot on
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how many layers she’s wearing
if she’s wearing a frilly shirt under a jacket, the frills add volume (left pic)
if she had a cinched waist (aka you realize her breasts are bigger than what you’d think)
if she’s wearing padding of sorts (and I am so sorry, but that beautiful dress for Chelsea’s reharsal dinner had padding) (right pic)
whaterver else there might be
so in conclusion: no boob job.
Now for the more exciting alternative… mastopexy! (which is a technique I also saw irl and on which I am definitely more sold than a boob job, should I ever want to get something done in that area). It is basically a lifting for boobs: I’m just going to link the wikipedia article, because I think the image in there speaks for itself (but it has naked boobs, so no posting on here). The explanation in there is pretty clear too and I really think there’s no way to tell if she had that done without seeing a braless pic.
From my perspective, I think she has so much self confidence and she has better stuff to do than going in and do useless operations (especially since Bill has clearly cited her aversion to hospitals in general, since she’s always been very healthy), so imo, it’s a resounding no.
Love your boobies as they are, ladies!
(If anyone has some self confidence issues, I’d say to go and take a look at some body positive Tumblrs that post submissions of other users about their insecutiries and you will probably see that there’s somebody who’s very well loved by family, friends and/or their significant others, who looks just like you :)
PLEASE PLEASE… DO NOT REBLOG THIS, I wanted to answer this anon thoroughly, but I prefer not to be known as the “hillary boobs” blog. THANK YOU.
Also, the matter is closed for me. I indulged this because I wanted to give an opinion on the matter based on my experience, so please don’t ask follow up anons if it's something not really new or important and if you can answer the question yourself with a little bit of research.
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