#once-ler x warden
moonlight-1108 · 2 months
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The English version is below ;)).
Hace tiempo dije que había creado una historia del Warden-ler en un cómic(llegue a hacer 30 cap)el cual tiene una calidad de lógica...dudosa xdd,pero jamás aclare de que trataban estos cap y bueno,me voy a dedicar a resumir esos caps:
Aún que por ahora solo les resumiré unos cuantos,para no aburrirlos ;)).
Por cierto el cómic se llamaba "Congratulations! You are a recluse"
Cap 1: The beginning
Se supone que en este cap,Warden y Once-ler se conocen,por qué?bueno,estos se conocen ya que Warden estaba viviendo su vida "normal"como alcaide de Superjail y bueno que mejor que te caiga un periódico en la cara,anunciándote la gran fama de Once-ler y que mejor que decirle a Jailbot que te traiga al sujeto,por capricho...Warden,tenemos qué hablar?XDD
El cap es corto y desde aquí vemos que Moon-light estaba corta de ideas,lo siento.
Cap 2: Please return me to my home.
En este cap Once-ler conoce a Warden,después de que Jailbot lo haya traído de manera violenta,como siempre...al menos no tan violenta xd bueno,es obvió que está molesto por ser básicamente secuestrado violentamente por un robot,de un hombre de traje morado.Lo conoce y evidentemente intenta huir de ahí,el joven estaba asustado y solamente quería huir de a como sea,y quién no?el lugar estaba repleto de violencia,sangre y demás cosas que asustarían a una persona normal.
Warden no entiende el por que quiere huir de ahí,así que intenta empatizar con él.Once-ler le suplica que le devuelva a su hogar,platicar un rato con él,Warden intenta ver el por que y le pide a Once-ler que le enseñe su mundo con la pregunta¿En serio es tan bueno?
Once-ler confundido,intenta utilizar esto para ver si puede librarse de él y volver a casa,así que acepta.Warden intenta ver esto como unas vacaciones,feliz,utiliza sus poderes y abre un portal hacía Thneed-ville(Mire a la fecha no sé ni yo,como sabía donde estaba Thneed-ville xdd)llevando a esos 2 y a Jailbot al mundo de el Lorax,hogar de Once-ler.
Cap 3: I'm sorry, I fooled you…
Después de ir a Thneed-ville,Once-ler se encarga de distraer en múltiples veces a Warden y que por fin se pueda escapar.Esté logra entretenerlo en el bosque,al menos lo que queda de esté por culpa de su fabrica.Logrando hacer que se entretenga con todo lo que hay alrededor y por fin!de una logra escapar,corriendo sin parar,no viendo atrás y escondiéndose entre un conjunto de árboles.
Creyendo que ya se había escapado,intenta volver a su fabrica,aún con miedo de algo que lo vigila o lo persigue.Logra volver de manera tranquila y todo parece ir bien,incluso llega la noche ,y nada realmente parece ir mal...cosa que asusta a Once-ler ya que esté creé lo mismo¿Por qué todo está tan bien?¿No se supone que ese loco me estaba persiguiendo?Once-ler aún con esto intenta ir a la cama,siguiendo con esas dudas en su cabeza,incluso llegándose a sentir mal por haber dejado al tipo así pero ignoro esto.
Aún con el traje puesto y sentándose en la cama,pensando en que sucederá y intentando ignorarlo pero....no todo te puede salir bien Once-ler!
Once-ler escucho esto y de inmediato se asusta al no saber que paso,y intenta alejarse de algo de lo que no está seguro todavía que es pero lo intenta.Esté es sujetado de los brazos fuertemente,aterrado de eso,volteando a ver a lo que lo sujeto y viendo a un Warden completamente enojado ,y con ganas de tomar venganza de lo que le hicieron.Warden sin querer escuchar sobre lo que decía el joven,le ordena a Jailbot que los lleve de vuelta a Superjail,el robot hace caso a su dueño y los lleva de nuevo.
Cap 4:Congratulations! You are a recluse.
Después de llevarlos a Superjail,Warden decide encerrar a Once-ler,como nuevo prisionero de Superjail.Está decisión aterra a Once-ler,quien ruega por que no se le deje ahí pero Warden ya está muy molesto por lo que le hizo como para querer escuchar sus suplicas y solamente le dice:"Felicidades!eres un recluso.
Once-ler no intenta más y acepta su destino como prisionero de esa terrible prisión,con un alcaide que lo odia y ciertamente aún se siente mal por haberle echo eso pero aún toma su postura de codicioso,engreído que no le importa nada y simplemente actúa como si esa decisión por parte del director,no le importara.
Warden,oh Warden evidentemente está enojado por todo lo que le hizo el joven,él solo quería ser su amigo y esté lo dejo solo, junto con Jailbot en el bosque...sin despedirse.Lo engaño y eso ya es motivó para que le tome odio al joven.
Después de eso Warden intenta tomar las cosas como lo haría él,contra un tipo que le hizo algo malo...dejar de decirle amigo y no tomándolo en cuenta xdd.
Cap 5:You forgive me?
Ok,ok como lo sugiere el titulo,en este cap Once-ler intenta entre comillas "pedirle perdón" a Warden.Aunque esto es más bien porque quiere ver si Warden le perdona,se hacen amigos y de alguna manera considera el liberarlo.
Warden no es un tipo que permanezca enojado con alguien durante mucho tiempo,excepto si se trata de Jared xdd así que simplemente finge indigna por lo que Once-ler le hizo a esté y trata de hacerse el interesante para que Once-ler intente seguir con esto de pedirle perdón,al final lo hace,pero no es tonto y trata de ir despacio con eso de hacerse amigo de Once-ler y no volver a caer en sus trampas para escaparse.
Básicamente este cap trata de Warden siendo amigo de Once-ler y Once-ler intentando usar sus trucos para volver a escaparse,intentando convencer a Warden de que eso será lo mejor.
Bien,hasta acá les resumí esos cap,no quería hacer esto tan largo...aunque creó que lo hice XDD espero les haya gustado el resumen de los cap y esperen otra actualización para saber los demás caps.
A while ago I said that I had created a Warden-ler story in a comic (I did 30 chapters) that has a quality of logic… dubious xdd, but I never clarified what those chapters were about and well, this I'm going to dedicate myself to summarize those chapters:
Although for now I will only summarize a few, so as not to bore you ;)).
By the way, the comic was called "Congratulations! You're a Recluse."
Chapter 1: The beginning
In this chapter the Warden and Once-ler are supposed to know each other, why? Well, they've known each other since Warden was living his "normal" life as warden of Superjail and well, it would be better if a newspaper fell in their faces, announcing the Once-ler's great fame and what better way to tell Jailbot. . I have to bring it up to you, on a whim… Warden, do we have something to talk about?
The chapter is short and from here we see that Moon-light was lacking ideas, sorry.
Cap 2: Please return me to my house.
In this chapter Once-ler meets Warden, after Jailbot has brought him in in a violent way, as always… at least not so violent xd well, it is obvious that he is upset about being basically violently kidnapped by a robot, in a man in a purple suit. He knows him and evidently tries to escape from there, the young man was scared and just wanted to escape by any means possible, and who wouldn't? The place was full of violence, blood and other things that would scare a normal person.
Warden doesn't understand why he wants to run away from there, so he tries to empathize with him. Once-ler begs him to return him to his home, talk to him for a while, Warden tries to see why and asks Once-ler to I showed him his world with the question: Is he really that good?
Once-ler confused, tries to use this to see if he can get rid of him and return home, so he accepts. Warden tries to see this as a vacation, happy, he uses his powers and opens a portal to Thneed-ville (Look at the date I don't even know, how I knew where Thneed-ville was xdd) taking those 2 and Jailbot to the world of the Lorax, home of Once-ler.
Cap 3: I'm sorry, I fooled you…
After going to Thneed-ville, Once-ler is responsible for distracting Warden multiple times so that he can finally escape. Esté manages to entertain him in the forest, at least what remains of it because of his factory. Managing to do so Let him entertain himself with everything around him and finally he manages to escape, running without stopping, not looking back and hiding between a group of trees.
Believing that he had already escaped, he tries to return to his factory, still afraid of something that is watching him or chasing him. He manages to return calmly and everything seems to be going well, even night comes, and nothing really seems to go wrong… something that scares Once-ler since he is creating the same thing. Why is everything so good? Isn't that crazy man supposed to be chasing me? Once-ler still tries to go to bed with this, still with those doubts in his mind. head, even feeling bad for having left the guy like this but I ignore this.
Even with the suit on and sitting on the bed, thinking about what will happen and trying to ignore it but…not everything can turn out well Once-ler!
Once-ler heard this and immediately gets scared because he doesn't know what happened, and tries to get away from something he's still not sure what it is, but he tries. He is held by his arms tightly, terrified of that, turning to look at him. which he held him and seeing a Warden completely angry, and wanting to take revenge for what they did to him. Warden, not wanting to listen to what the young man was saying, orders Jailbot to take them back to Superjail, the robot does case their owner and takes them back.
Cap 4:Congratulations! You are a recluse.
After taking them to Superjail, Warden decides to lock up Once-ler, as the new prisoner of Superjail. This decision terrifies Once-ler, who begs not to be left there but Warden is already too upset by what he did to him to wanting to listen to his pleas and only tells him:"Congratulations! you are a recluse.
Once-ler doesn't try anymore and accepts his fate as a prisoner of that terrible prison, with a warden who hates him and certainly still feels bad for having done that to him but he still takes his stance of being a greedy, conceited man who doesn't care about anything and just acts. as if that decision on the part of the director did not matter to him.
Warden, oh Warden is obviously angry about everything the young man did to him, he just wanted to be his friend and he left him alone, along with Jailbot in the forest… without saying goodbye. He deceived him and that is already the motivation for him to take hatred of the young man.
After that Warden tries to take things as he would, against a guy who did something bad to him…stop calling him friend and not taking it into account xdd.
Cap 5:You forgive me?
Ok, ok as the title suggests, in this chapter Once-ler tries to "ask for forgiveness" from Warden. Although this is more because he wants to see if Warden forgives him, they become friends and somehow considers freeing him.
Warden isn't a guy who stays mad at someone for long, except if it's Jared XD This thing about asking for forgiveness, in the end he does it, but he is not stupid and tries to go slowly with the idea of ​​becoming friends with Once-ler and not falling into his traps to escape again.
Basically this chapter is about Warden being friends with Once-ler and Once-ler trying to use his tricks to escape again, trying to convince Warden that this will be the best thing.
Well, up to this point I summarized those chapters, I didn't want to make this so long… although I thought I did XDD I hope you liked the summary of the chapters and wait for another update to know the other chapters.
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Happy Holidays people!
I thought this illustration looked kind of winter-vibes with the bloom and them sharing the thneed, even if it wasn’t originally intended to be like that, so felt it was fitting to post now. Also, an updated profile icon for the blog!
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0heartsie0 · 3 months
Of course, all of my inspo to roleplay them came from the great The-Once-Ler-In-Superjail blog YOU HAVE ME INVESTED
If you are interested please message me or comment under this! I’m always looking for new people to roleplay with so even if you come across this 6 months later I will still respond LOLL
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Ok listen... I know... I KNOW that I said and promised that I'm gonna draw Caine x Pomni fanart but... I JUST CAN'T! I mean I'm just not able to draw them now 'cause first, I don't have much time (fucking music school) and second, I completely lost the inspiration to draw them because I don't know how to draw them and when I start, something goes wrong and I don't want to continue. I would also like to remind you that my blog is mainly devoted to my dhmis fankidS and so far I have only shown you one of the seven that are in my au. Also, for a very VERY long time I have been wondering when I will finally draw my two adopted dads (Once-ler and Warden) I'm sorry, but I really can't draw Pomni and Caine right now and I'd rather have someone else draw them in Fizzy and Ozzie outfits, like for example @starquarck 'cause I really like their drawings and I'm curious how their Pomni n Caine would look like in Fizzarozzie cosplays 🤩 ok now I'm going to take a break...
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schnuffel-danny · 11 months
Same anon who asked the Once-ler x Warden ask. You are so real for having shipped it. It's so silly and funny.
I remember there was like a whole comic?? maybe it was an ask-blog actually... about Once-ler in Superjail lol
people went all out for that ship
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ghostimez · 6 years
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Wardenler oh how it’s been so long My first gay and crossover ship oh how I missed you so much
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nutsandbees-moved · 7 years
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SUH i made this hella gay art for my equally hella gay new fanfic, maybe check it out here yo https://www.wattpad.com/story/104532906-it%27s-like-magic
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metalsonicreblog · 4 years
Everyday I try to live but then I remember people still ship once-ler x warden
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minero-tan · 6 years
For the fandom thing, W X -typical
W - 5 different characters from 5 different shows (in no particular order) :-The Warden-The Once-ler- Camp camp Daniel-Shinsou hitoshi- Konoha Kokonose X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms (I won't add my crack otp that is warden x Once-ler) :-Haruka kokonose x Takane enomoto- Camp Camp Daniel x Camp Camp David- (Markiplier Verse!) Google x bing (fresh new otp which I have discovered just a few hours ago)
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masapanshit · 7 years
les digo un secreto?
Warden x Once-ler son mi outipi.
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moonlight-1108 · 1 month
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Chicos!estoy trabajando en hacer el 1 capitulo de mi historia Warden-ler,espero les guste cuando lo traiga aquí ;)). No sé precisamente cuando lo sacaré,pero esperó sea pronto.
De hecho estoy haciendo la portada…esperó salga bien :,,D.
Guys! I'm working on making the 1st chapter of my Warden-ler story, I hope you like it when I bring it here ;)). I don't know exactly when I'll release it, but I hope it's soon.
In fact I'm doing the cover...I hope it turns out well :,,D.
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Where can I read all the chapters of the comic? I'm new in tumblr and I don't understand how everything works here, but I love Once-ler x Warden SO much
Here's the archive LINK!
I've now also included the link to the main page on the app version. I'm not sure how to make a hyper link to it, but the url is there at least.
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I hate backgrounds, but I tried making one- Hope it's alright
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((Oh my GOD! This is so cute! Thank you so much! Awww, I love it. And those colours are beautiful, and that background is lovely I really like it- very dance in the Truffula forest. I love it, thank you so much for thix <3 ))
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((Just some sweet sketches of Bunny Warden, plus with his boyfriend who happens to have a soft spot in his heart for fluffy woodland creatures.))
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((New merch design for the Wardler fusion some people wanted! For notebooks, stickers, pillows, mugs, all sorts. 
Will be available soon for purchase! :)
art (c) Wiggy ))
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((Wow so it’s been 9 months since I posted my last chapter. So many things have changed and I’ve done so much, yet I’m still here trying to make Once-ler comics even if it’s just an inch a week :) These latest chapters have also been a bit of a slug, but soon the drama will start to pick up and things will get a lot more interesting for Oncie and Warden. Anyway, here’s the next one!)
Warden: *Walking through Superjail with Jared, irritated and watching him like a tired lizard. He's annoyed at being dragged away from his boyfriend, obviously, but since he IS in the middle of a work day he's a little more amicable about that than he might otherwise be.* This has better be worth it, Jared.
*Elsewhere, as the Outer Worlds start to push in on Superjail's own pocket dimension, fissures are cracking across the ground and fire, weird yetis and scrawny little demons with pitchforks are spreading out from the gaps. There is chaos, but it's nothing they haven't seen a million times before so the Warden isn't making any sort of haste.*
Jared: *Skitters behind him, holding a clipboard with a list of all areas of Superjail that have started to implode in on themselves due to this disturbance. He flicks through the sheets of paper.* A- actually Sir, you're the only one who can fix it! Superjail is just disintegrating in places! We tried getting Jailbot to pull it back together, but it's happening too frequently for him to keep up. *A hole suddenly opens up in front of him and he jumps as a geyser explodes. He jumps back.* AAGH! Y- You see what I mean?!
Warden: *He sighs and flourishes his hand towards the geyser and it stitches itself back together again. He has the air of someone who can't imagine why nobody else can do something so simple.* Fine, fine. *He mutters to himself.* I have to do everything around here.
Jared: *Breathes a sigh of relief and wipes his sweaty forehead with the back of his arm. He still steps around the patch where the geyser came from just in case he falls through anyway.* Thanks. *He goes through the list of places to resolve, still more flustered and sweaty than usual, because he can't get the gross image of The Warden and The Once-ler, fawning over each other in the bed after he'd just walked in on it, out of his head. He clears his throat and hopes to evaporate the discomfort hanging around them after that event, which he knows only he is feeling.* Soooo... Uuuh... You and the Once-ler, huh?... When did that happen?
Warden: *He has zero concern about being walked in on - Jared's opinion means jack shit to him, and he's done far worse in front of the man without batting an eyelid. As they continue across the grounds of Superjail, he steps around small cracks in the earth before they appear, and steps over little running critters without even looking at them. All these minor issue stitch up and go back to normal as he walks past.* Hm?  *He looks down at him, waving a hand idly because he's talking to Jared and only ever half pays attention to him.* Oh, it's been a couple of months now. Honestly, Jared, you ought to take a better interest in the lives of your coworkers! *But then,suddenly, in one smooth movement he picks up Jared's head, spins him around, then drops him back down again without worrying about whether he lands comfortably. He lights up and starts to gesture far more rapidly.* Isn't he wonderful? And such an asset to the team! It's so good to have another competent, capable guy around here to help pick up the slack! And such a handsome one! With assets!
Jared: *Stops in his tracks.* Months?! H-how?! *Clears his throat before continuing, to make sure he hasn't triggered a snap out of his boss. The Warden? Firstly, lasting in whatever he might call a 'relationship' for a few months? And secondly, doing so without screaming it from the roof tops? Has the world gotten madder than it already is? As he walks behind him, he rolls his eyes to the mention of showing an interest in the personal lives of coworkers. Mumbling.* Actually, Sir, as self-appointed HR director, it's inappropriate to- AAGH! *Before he can finish, he's suddenly spun around and freaks out a bit until he's dropped, it's a good thing too, else the Warden might have picked up on that statement and turned it on him for asking questions.* Yeah, he's certainly... *Lets out a hoarse grumpy groan.* He has a nice suit I guess... *He tries not to cringe at the way the Warden says the Once-ler has 'assets', unsure of whether that's an innuendo or not, because he's certain that a man as wealthy as the Once-ler has an extortionate amount in financial assets, but he's also certain of how racy the Warden is. Mutters to himself.* Gross. *Clears his throat.* So, does that mean you're uuh-... *Winces* You know?... I guess I never- never pegged you f- *He goes nauseously pink and chokes on his words, both because he hates the phrasing and because he changes his mind. He thinks about Alice, and all hundreds of vibrating devices he's accidentally discovered around Superjail.* Well, maybe it makes sense actually. *Clears his throat.* So, a few months, huh? Why'd I not hear you say anything about it before?
Warden: *He seems totally ignorant to everything Jared is going through. Of course, he's a mysterious man with a private life - great work-life balance, and an enigma to his employees. He hears the word 'peg', but he wouldn't have reacted if Jared had swiftly moved on. But since he stammers to a stop, he smirks broadly, mischievously, and lifts an eyebrow.*
Warden: *But then he's distracted and he leaps straight into the next question. His cane appears in his hand and he gestures wildly with his arm, offended.* Because I'm a professional, Jared! I don't just go telling you everything about my personal life! Besides... *He clasps his hands under his throat, his cane left floating in the air. His eyes turn into big, beating hearts.* He's too good to share with anyone else! I didn't want anyone else butting their noses in.
Jared: *Raises an eyebrow when the Warden says that he's too professional to reveal anything about his 'relationship', or whatever it is. He doubts he'd be saying that about Alice or the Hunter... To think someone as smartly dressed as The Once-ler has lower standards than Alice and the Hunter...* Riiiight... *He squints. Thinking back to when he asked the Once-ler if he was trying to take over Superjail, he thinks he likes the guy, especially after he fought for him to have a vacation, but he still isn't sure if he trusts him. What if he'd just managed to make the Warden smitten over him and he's secretly pulling his strings? Does he believe the Once-ler when he says that he plans to stay here and help? Does he believe him when he says that he loves his boss? Maybe it seemed a little sweet at first but really, someone as intelligent as the Once-ler with someone as awful as the Warden? What exactly is there to love? He know he's not crazy for doubting it, someone has to, they don't want another Stingray incident again.* I hate to... *Clears his throat.* Cast judgement or anything but... You don't think he's, I dunno... Are you sure he's in this for the long run? You don't think he has ulterior motives?
Warden: *He blinks, his stride not faltering as they approach the screaming on the horizon - they're approaching the chaos that's threatening to burst through from the ground. He is completely unbothered by that, but he looks to Jared with wide, aghast but still benign eyes. Jared knows when his anger is real and when it's just the hot air escaping.* What?! Of course he is! *He throws his hands in the air, those heart eyes shattering to reveal his normal eyes beneath.* That's what he said! Why would you- How would- These aspersions! You're just jealous!
Warden: *He doesn't like this. He doesn't think Oncie would ever leave, or have ulterior motives except... well, the Warden himself is very leave-able and the Once-ler does have a lot of ulterior motives. He's a smart man.*
Warden: *He looks sidelong at Jared, now that little bit more dangerous.* Has he said anything to you?
Jared: *Still hides behind his clipboard and jumps back slightly even if he knows the Warden isn't truly angry at him. He doesn't have chance to get anymore words in until the Warden directs that more dangerous question at him. His voice screeches, afraid of him.* NO! Well- Ah- N- Nothing other than what you yelled at us earlier for. He- when we were talking that time, he said that he wanted to stay here. *He taps his chin.* He didn't say much, just that he's not up to anything and that the rest isn't my concern because I 'wouldnt get it'. *Makes quotations with his fingers.* And then summed it up by saying something like 'He likes me enough to give me my freedom, I like him enough to stay regardless.' *He skitters after him with his hand raised holding a pencil, to get his attention.* B- but! You never know what someone's really up to!
Warden: *Takes a deep breath of relief, filling his lungs with an inflated chest.* Aah, that's a relief! Why the Hell would you go and say a thing like that, Jared? Trying to get in between two lovers like that? THIS is why I never told you! *That's not true - the reason he never told Jared is due to a multitude of reasons; at the beginning, Oncie's firm boundaries stopped him from going too psycho with the celebrations, he was so excited that he didn't want to say anything in case Oncie then left and he had to shamefully admit that he was gone, and he just didn't want to let anyone else into his new, shiny, wonderful world. Besides, there have been so many dramas that he hasn't even had the chance to have a staff meeting about it.*
Warden: Trust me. *He folds his arms and looks snooty, then steps up to the edge of the massacre currently going on. Huge cracks in the earth belch flames, strange ghoulies fly around eating inmates and penguins waddle back and forth sliding into the kneecaps of the prisoners and tripping them up. He rolls his eyes and claps his hands, making the first of the fissures sheepishly close up. He twirls a finger in an annoyed gesture at a few of the ghouls and they wrap things up, grabbing some prisoners and diving back into the flaming chasms before they close.* I know what I'm doing. Not even the extremely handsome, extremely intelligent Once-ler could pull the wool over my eyes.
Jared: *Groans when he's dismissed for his concerns, and rolls his eyes when the Warden says the Once-ler couldn't pull the wool over his eyes. A lot of people have been able to, even if it didn't last forever, maybe they were just missing the right amount of cunning. Does he know what he's doing? Does he ever when someone a little more interesting than the standard staff comes along? Because he went pretty crazy when he found out the Once-ler left that one time. If he knew what he was doing then maybe he wouldn't be bottoming. He winces with something between a cringe and a smirk, both amusing and grossing himself out. Eugh... He sees the Warden neatening up the area and fixing the destruction.* Oh, good one sir! *Pointing another chasm out.* There's another one! *Not that he needs being shown, the happenings of this jail is inscribed into the inside of the Wardens brain.*
Jared: *He huffs.* Maybe he isn't up to anything but... I dunno, he's just been weirdly useful, what with the vacation and stuff, *Now he's just musing to himself out loud, because if Jared can prove a conspiracy as to why the Once-ler is surpassing his own status in Superjail, then it means he doesn't have to admit that he falls short.* He said something about secrets, that getting your birth name was on his 'to-do' list, and then like magic all of a sudden he has it! It's like he can get away with anything! *Sounds more exasperated than angry, although he is a little jealous also. He folds his arms, clutching his clip board in his hand, and audibly grumbles to himself.* I wouldn't be surprised if he only did it to get a secret lead on the betting. Actin' so coy at the mention of it like he didn't know what I was talking about. Yeaaah, suuuuuurree, like you've never seen a dollar bill before, Mister Once-ler.
Warden: Of course he seems 'weirdly useful' to you, Jared, *he says, tiredly, as he tidies up the chaos, getting bored of conducting it all and so just folding his arms and facing Jared as things continue getting better behind him. The flourishes help direct the will of his subconscious, but they're unnecessary.* When you're functionally useless, everything above the bare minimum is 'weirdly useful'. *He looks like he's chewing on a wasp, tapping his foot rapidly as Jared muses out loud. He hates hearing Oncie disparaged, but since Jared hasn't out-and-out insulted him yet, he hasn't got anything to get really mad over. He flaps a hand, eyes shutting and brows furrowing in annoyance. * Who cares what he's said about secrets - don't you have anything better to do than gossi-! Wait. *Suddenly his soft voice becomes venomous.* What was that?
Warden: *He didn't know there was a betting pool. He knows gambling happens, he's mentioned Jared's gambling before, but... that's kind of a step too far. They can't make betting pools about him. If they have a secret betting pool about him, especially about something as sensitive and personal as his real name, that means they don't respect him. They didn't even ask him if he'd wanted to join in... And Oncie knew about it?*
Jared: *Pouts, looking grumpy and also tired when the Warden calls him 'functionally useless'. He is not 'functionally useless'! He does his jobs damn well, even if some people seem to think the New Guy can do it better. He looks like he's chewing a wasp too, and together they walk like two very irritably, pissed off middle-aged men.* Uh-!
Jared: *That venomous tone makes him hide behind his clipboard again, moustache peeking out either side.* Tha- What-? *Starts to sweat. Shit, why did he mention that?* Oh-! *Laughs awkwardly.* Oh, that was nothing! And don't worry! Nobody knows what it is b- because it all got taken down before anyone could find out...I don't even know how it happened! One moment it was there, the next moment it was gone, but... *Glances down, sounding disappointed and groans.* Yeah... Nobody made any money that day. *It was a great idea though, he hopes they find more stuff to bet on the Warden with. Maybe they should bet on how long his relationship with the Once-ler will last... he'll be generous and say at most another month.*
Warden: Wha- Bu- *He looks heartbroken and confused, not in the truly vulnerable, gentle way that Oncie might see, but in a childish, bewildered sort of way. The pain is the same, but he doesn't have quite the same aura of reality around him. He's not a hurt friend, but a buffoon of a king realising that his downtrodden subjects don't like him very much.* Who in the Hell authorised that?! *As he yells, throwing his hands in the air, the penguins disperse and a few more of the larger fissues stitch back together again. But at the same time, an angry hawk swoops down and takes one of the prisoners away right as he reaches the crest of his gesture.* And why the Hell am I the last to know?? *His fists swing back down, going into one of his usual childish tantrums with pacing and flailing fists.* This is my jail! I will not have betting pools about me happening behind my back! Wh- *Then he sounds a little more whiny, not addressing Jared but some vague sense of fate.* Why didn't Oncie tell me??
Jared: *Can tell this tone isn't as dangerous as the previous one so doesn't bother bringing the clipboard up a third time. He brushes off the comments about the gambling pools because there's no way he ripping down all the great Warden bets they got going if he can help it. He pauses, raises an eyebrow and winces. 'Oncie'? That's the first time he's heard that. He snorts. Weird.* I dunno, Sir. *He shrugs.* Maybe he didn't think you'd be able to handle it.
Warden: *He doesn't even notice that he called the Once-ler 'Oncie'. He barely registers Jared as a human (or, he doesn't really see him as one at all) so he doesn't have any sort of filter for little things like that. Not when he's emotional.* What?! *He sounds horrified, rounding on Jared again with wide eyes. He registered that snort but hasn't reacted... only absorbed it as a reason to be angrier.*
Warden: *He snarls and claws his hands as the background chaos continues to stitch itself back to normal again. Can't handle it?! I can handle it! *Then his eyes wobble with emotion - nothing serious, because only Oncie has ever seen these things get serious. But it's still a warning sign.* Did - did he say something? What did he say?
Jared: *Pauses, feeling himself sweat again, now realising how upset the Warden is. He hadn't realised how far he'd gone before it was too late, he should start trying to calm him down, not that it'll likely make a difference. Don't tell him, he can't handle it.* O- oh! Nothing! Just that everything is great! *He points behind himself towards the opposide corridor and takes a step back.* A- anyway, I got some accounts to do-
Warden: *His eyes light with fire, literally erupting a small plume of fire, then fading back down again.* Jared! *He grabs him and picks him up, not with any sort of true, violent threat, but like he's picking up a stuffed animal to yell at it.* What the Hell did he say to you?! Don't you hold out on me, man!! *He might not be so upset, but Jared has managed to perfectly time things to make him feel uncertain and insecure.*
Jared: *Screams at the fire and then squirms a bit on his hold. The heat makes him sweat even more and his eyes are wild with panic. His legs kick like he's trying to get down.* I can't remember! Something about how you freaked out when he left without telling you, you couldn't handle it! *He goes limp and gives up, his voice even more hoarse.* I'm just saying, maybe that's why he didn't tell you... I mean... He's like, what, half your age? But, like you said, he's a 'competent, capable guy', you can't deny you're more like a ... big kid.
Warden: *He goes rigid, his hands clamping but also easier to wriggle out of now that they're solid. His stomach drops straight through the floor as Jared just tells him everything he's been worrying about.* Wh- B- *He suddenly stamps his foot. Everything stitches itself together all at once, the moment he decides he no longer cares about pretending to fix it.* I am not! It's called having an imagination, Jared!
Warden: *He can feel himself freaking out, and on the surface it looks like his usual overemotional, toddler-tantrum self. However, there's some real panic inside of him as he wonders... if Oncie did say that, does that mean it's all going wrong? How long has he thought these things? He had no idea.* We're both grown men, and I won't listen to you standing here slandering either of us! *He folds his arms and turns away, bristling with anger. Then his lower lip quivers. Fuck this. Fuck Jared. Fuck the cell-block.*
Warden: *Sounding deeply hurt and upset, his last word is spoken quietly, wth a childish sort of venom.* Whatever. *He waves his hand and vanishes in a flicker of flame. This leaves Jared in the middle of the prison, to find his own way back.*
Jared: *Doesn't have time to respond to anything the Warden says, and doesn't even know what he'd say to make it better. Shit, he hopes he hasn't fucked too much up He sweats. Nah, it's fine, the Warden gets himself worked up into tantrums like this all the time, but as he swallows and horror hits his stomach, he sure as hell hopes that him and the Once-ler aren't going to get into some couples argument and break up. That'd be awful, Superjail would explode, and it'd all be his fault! Immediately he tries to back-peddle.* Sir! I'm sure he didn't mean- AH! *He's suddenly interrupted with fire, realises he's stuck in the middle of a half-collapsing cell-block, and decides he needs to get the fuck out of it fast before prisoners start running free.*
Warden: *Slumped over the bar, nursing a pint of ale and looking quite glum. He’s feeling very beside himself at the moment. He’s drinking his sorrows away as he agonizes over the thought that Oncie might not respect him. And that he think he’s old and unattractive and all sorts of other things. Then he gets mad at himself for being so oversensitive (just like his father used to say). It’s a vicious circle, and now that Jared’s on vacation (for some reason he immediately booked the time off and skedaddled) he doesn’t even have an underling to force to listen to his problems. It’s just him and one of the Doctor’s weird chained, mutant inmates manning the bar. He’s been slightly avoiding Oncie, but nothing too noticeable.*
Once-ler: *He makes his way down to the bar, doing much better after his hangover and feeling quite pleased with himself as he tries to find his boyfriend. Maybe the Warden’s ego is rubbing off on him, because he builds an even stronger will the more he stays with him- not that the Once-ler’s own ego needs biggering at all. He smiles when he sees the Warden in the bar, and doesn’t notice he’s upset at first, he just assumes he’s a little tipsy, so he goes over to him and grins* Good evening, gorgeous~
Warden: *When he’s been drinking he’s more at the mercy of his powers, and when he hears Oncie talk he jumps with a yelp, fumbles for his glass- which spills everywhere- and immediately magics himself down to about six inches high. He lands in the spilled alcohol and tipsily stands up- now on the bar- before gingerly lifting the end of one of his coattails.* Maaaan….
Once-ler: *Gasps and steps back a little, bringing his hands over his mouth.* Urrh *He hasn’t seen this before and he giggles at him.* Heeey, what happened to you?~ *Leans over and smiles at him, then pulls him out of the alcohol by grabbing the back of his suit, placing him gently back down on a dry area of the bar.*
Warden: *He staggers a little when he’s put down again, drinking having affected his balance, but soon rights himself. He looks completely deflated and sad, and at the question he shuffles around and squats down on the bar, facing away from him. He’s hugging his knees.* Oh… nothing… *Doesn’t know whether he wants attention for his current problem or not. Would Oncie respect the strong, silent type or a guy who can talk about his feelings? He doesn’t know, and he’s too dizzy to sort it out.*
Once-ler: *Instantly detects that something is very very wrong and his face saddens. He feels his stomach drop as he gets that horrible feeling of seeing someone you care about looking depressed.* H- heey… *He crouches down, holds onto the edge of the bar and peers closer at him.* Wardy, what’s wrong? What happened?
Warden: *Drawing sad little circles with his finger on the bar, and runs it through a spare drop of beer that’s fallen on the surface. He sadly laps at his finger and shuffles around a little so that Oncie can’t see his face.* Just feeling… I dunno… *Flops sidewards onto the bar with a dull thunk sound. He’s like a drunk butterfly. His voice is pouting, but this time it’s not because he’s feeling a shallow, childish emotion. More that he’s trying to hide how truly disturbed he is by faking shallowness.* I’m attractive.
Once-ler: *His voice is a little shakey* Huh? Of course you are. What are you talking about. Why are you acting like this? *Pokes him a few times with his finger, starting to feel a little desperate. He’s never seen the Warden like this. Its awful. What in the world happened between him leaving his bedroom earlier and getting to the bar this evening?* What’s happened?
Warden: *Rolls over so that he’s lying along the bar, and his tiny hands hold on to Oncie’s finger for support to stop the room from spinning.* I’m acting like this because I’m drunk *His voice is slurred* And because yoouuuu don’t r- *Hiccups and covers his mouth apologetically* respect me. *Rolls back over again, letting go of Oncie’s finger to half talk to himself* And why should you? I’m such a deadweight…
Once-ler: *He bites onto his fingers and squeaks in panic* What? Of course I do! *pinches the Wardens suit and drags him away from the bar, then drops him on his own hand.* Wh- why wouldn’t I?! *looks back at him, his big shiny eyes looking worried.*
Warden: *Wobbles a little in Oncie’s hold, but sits in his palm and looks up at him. His weight is warm and light, his hands just able to be felt resting against the other man’s skin. He’s a bit damp from landing in that puddle earlier.* I don’t know… *He seems dazed, gazing up at Oncie but not really seeing him properly. He’s a bit too drunk, and Oncie’s very big.* You tell me… And I’m not old! *Raises up his finger floppily* I’m just… aging. *Looks honestly scared for a moment, shocked by his own mortality, and half-heartedly attempts to struggle up. He doesn’t know what he’d do once he does stand, but it seemed right to move.*
Once-ler: No- no! Of course not. You’re not even aging, c'mon. *Chuckles a little awkwardly and brings his hand closer to his face, his eyes looking very big.*
Warden: *Wobbles on his feet, flailing a little like a little bird flapping its wings* Ex-exactly! I’m the pinnacle of youth! Still practically a kid! I’m not- *hiccups again. he looks very miserable and even a little frightened. Being drunk is bringing all sorts of feelings to the surface* I’m not old! *Falls a little and grabs onto Oncie’s thumb, supporting himself by grasping it.*
Once-ler: *Looks at him sadly and strokes the Wardens back with his finger.*
Warden: *Looks up at him with the biggest puppy-dog face imaginable, feeling small and old and ugly and pathetic. Maybe drinking was a bad idea, because he wouldn’t be quite so melodramatic if he were sober. He feels incredibly delicate against Oncie’s finger, bony and yielding.*
Once-ler: *His face drops, his stomach has completely plummeted and he really cant stand to look at that agonised face anymore. So he turns his face from him and looks at the ground in bitter shame. He feels completely sick to have upset he person he loves so much.* I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it. *Shakes his head dramatically and tightens his hand around the Warden very slightly.*
Warden: *Squeaks slightly when he feels that hand twitch, woozily looking around and clinging more to his thumb. He doesn’t consciously think Oncie’s going to squish him, but it’s an automatic response and he feels very vulnerable like this.* Why… why’re you sorry? *Still slurring, clumsily stroking his thumb with a floppy, tiny hand.* You’re fiiiine. Just fine. *Flops against his thumb, slightly dislodging his glasses and squishing he cheek. He looks a little like a hamster like that, with his gapped teeth adding to the effect.*
Once-ler: Because I made you upset by saying mean things. *Dares to look at his face and then strokes his back with his thumb again, treating him like a little mouse.* C'mon, be happy, this is so unlike you. Why would it get to you anyway? *He doesn’t really know how to handle this. Usually he’s very good at fixing things, especially by just talking and especially when he’s making the Warden feel better.  But this time he had no warning and, now that he’s more human, the warden is having more complex emotions than just an ego punch.*
Warden: Because I have crow’s feet and-and sometimes my joints hurt when I get out of bed and every year the inmates seem to look younger and younger and *slurring and rambling and looking like he’s completely losing it, slowly sliding down Oncies thumb to sprawl out along his palm* you’re thin and have smooth skin while everything I have is starting to wear out and loosen up! *Whimpers pathetically, looking down and to the side, rather than up at Oncie* I don’t want to be old… I’m not supposed to be!
Once-ler: *Is completely panicking now, he doesn’t know what to do or what to say. He usually does! but this is so different coming from the Warden, and it’s happens to suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, that he’s being no help at all.* No! Don’t say that, you’re gorgeous! You’re not old and you don’t look it. *Can’t think of anything smart or good to say so all he can do it humour him.*
Warden: *Looks up at him with a tormented look. If he were sober, shallow compliments would be all he needed but drunk it all falls on deaf ears. His lower lip wobbles and then he disappears in a cloud of purple smoke. His weight suddenly disappears from Oncie’s hand and it’s apparent that he has teleported away.*
Once-ler: *Gasps in horror and squeaks as he bites onto his fingers.* OH NO! Nngh! *Starts smacking his head with his hands in punishment of being an idiot* Oh god, oh man! Aaarrgh. *He dashes out of Superbar, to check all the places he thinks he may have disappeared to.*
Warden: *He’s full sized again and mostly sobered up now, having gone to bed early. He’s still just buzzed enough to be introspective though, and to avoid the inevitable cringing at how stupid he acted. His mind is in throes of panic that he’s losing his handsomeness and that his aging is going to be inevitable and only get worse from here on out. He’s cuddled up under the sheets in his usual dressing gown and old-fashioned pajamas, the top of the blanket pulled tight around him as he curls up away from the door. His eyes are open, but looking down and half-closed. Sleepy but too miserable to actually sleep.*
Once-ler: *He comes into the room and silently closes the door, but it’s obvious he’s just entered. He takes a look at the lump in the covers that is the Warden and doesn’t say anything, he just takes his tie off and sits on the end of the bed as he thinks whether he’s allowing himself to get into it or not.*
Warden: *Looks up slightly, slowly, and sees him there. He’s not mad at him at all, but he feels too ugly to be seen by Oncie. He draws the covers up a little more to hide his face, but doesn’t dismiss him.* … Hey buddy. You, ah, you okay? *His voice has the usual emotive lilt, but it still seems flat.*
Once-ler: *Sighs sadly and then pulls the covers up to get into bed with him.* Mh-hm. *He feels too ashamed of himself to really say much to the Warden, but after a while of lying there he rolls over to him and slots himself flush against the Wardens body. He fits perfectly behind him. His arms slide under the Wardens arms and wrap around his stomach and his face pushes into the back of the Wardens neck.*
Warden: *Tightens up in surprise, having assumed that Oncie wouldn’t want to touch him. He has a habit of winding himself up beyond all reason. After a moment he relaxes and tilts his head slightly to look over his shoulder. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with his body- it’s all in his head. He’s a little unexercised with perhaps a little extra cuddle around his middle, but other than that he’s a lithe, skinny slip of a human being with a good bone structure and perfectly attractive features. Any signs of aging only make him look sweet and slightly, misleadingly, harmless.* You want something? *Assumes he’s there because he needs a favour or something- certainly not to snuggle. Who’d want to snuggle with an old crone like him?*
Once-ler: *Nods into his neck and kisses it.* I want you. *His grip around him becomes much tighter and he rubs his cheek against the Wardens neck then nuzzles it with his face. He sighs onto him, his exhale warm on his neck and his hair is soft on his skin. He adores everything about the Warden, especially everything physical, and he hates that the Warden thinks he finds him unattractive.*
Warden: *His stomach buzzes in a little kick of happiness at that, and he shuts his eyes with a smile as he curls more into Oncie’s body.* Why would you want old damaged goods like me? *Sounding much happier already. His great and mighty mood swings mean that he can never stay upset for too long. He still sounds quite vulnerable though, still reeling from the punch to his ego.*
Once-ler: Oh shush. There’s nothing damaged about your goods. Now be good and go to sleep, would you? *Kisses up his neck gently, its not sexual, its just a sweet gesture that he wants to be close to him* It's bed time, sweety.
Warden: *Wrinkles his nose with a pout* Worn out, whatever you want to call it. And nooo *kicks his legs a little childishly* I’m not tired. *He’s exhausted. Alcohol and misery can make anyone tired, but in someone as highly-strung as the Warden it’s practically a guranteed sleeping pill.*
Once-ler: Ssshhhhh *Places his hand on one of the Wardens thighs and purrs into his ear* Go to sleeeep. You’re tired. And everything will be better in the morning, I promise. *Brings his arms up and hugs the Warden again, he knows the Warden finds it uncomfortable to open up and he’d rather not give him the stress of worrying about doing that tonight. He just wants to remind him that he’s adored.*
Warden: Pfffbtt. Fine. But only because it’s you. *Looks grumpy, but he has to stifle a yawn. He shuffles down in bed like a burrowing animal before flipping over to hug up close to Oncie, arms curling around his middle. He looks stern and possessive, figuring that even if Oncie could do better he’s certainly not allowed to. He tucks his head under Oncie’s chin with a slightly more smug smile.*
Once-ler: *Smiles back that he’s gotten what he wanted and pulls the Warden into a warm and loving embrace, very protective over him when he’s being so glum. He rests his chin on the Warden's head and sighs tiredly while rubbing the Wardens back with his hand* I love you.
Warden: *Makes a pleased noise, nuzzling into him. Then something rises up in his throat before he can stop it.* I lo…. *Clears his throat with a frown, his nose against Oncie’s collar bone and lips brushing against him with he talks.* I- Ngh… *Whenever he comes close to saying that phrase his whole body seizes and he gets gripped with worry. It makes him feel too vulnerable and still has this childish little fear that Oncie will laugh in his face and dump him if he says it. He knows it’s not true, but it’s a fear that’s so ingrained that he can’t rise above the instinct.* Goodnight, Oncie~ *Gives up, and he relaxes back again.*
Once-ler: *His heart can now be felt thumping in his chest and his hands are gripped tightly on the Warden. His eyes were closed and relaxed before but now they’re wide open in bewilderment. His hopes had just sky-rocketed the moment he heard that first word. He’s been waiting so long for it, but then it stops, and his stomach drops. He was close. Not that close, but he managed to start the sentence, and Once-ler really can’t believe it. Yeah it’s upsetting that he didn’t get to finish it, disappointing, BUT WHO CARES?! It’s a START, isn’t it?! And it’s still undeniable just by the fact he attempted to speak it. There’s no way he’ll be able to sleep tonight after that.* G- good night.. *He whispers.*
Warden: *Is oblivious to the effect his attempt has had on Oncie, falling asleep in his arms and already half-dreaming.* Mmm… *Pats his head lightly before his body grows heavy and limp. His arms folds back to between their chests and he smiles dopily. He’s asleep in moments.*
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