#once he made it known that magic being used on him without forewarning and oppertunity to give consent was a big no
biterflies · 1 year
the wizard in my dnd campaign turned another players character into a frog for one reason or another using polymorph (not that serious, has happened before and is an on going joke, all players think its funny and dont mind) but my new character percivil who has talked with the party maybe three or four times previous to this interaction and decides to lecture the wizard about usage of magic on allies and getting consent to use magic on allies and kinda just consent in general. the rogue then pops up like "careful he might turn you into a frog" (joke from the player cause as i said, ongoing joke) and percivil responds "better to be a frog then not stand against injustice" and like. hes so knightly and noble and heroic which is how he is supposed to be being a yknow, knight and all. but he has also been a official knight for like a few months at best. he is a rookie knight he was a squire like last year he is brand new and yet he is talking to the wizard who is like really really powerful ( dont want to get into naming feats because we would be here all day but like. he SOLO'D a DRAGON once) like this because he has such a code regarding this. and also he is DEEPLY uncomfortable about the wizards simulacrum because the idea of a magical duplicate of someone freaks him out deeply but when the simulacrum asked for him to protect it after hearing something (it is the wizards FORTH simulacrum and is afraid of meeting its horrible demise like the previous ones because the wizard likes to give the simulacrums personalitys) he protected it without a thought and the only damage he took that entire combat was from jumping infront of hits meant for the simulacrum (another knight from his order was able to jump in front of hits and take the damage himself if he was close enough to the person the hit was meant for so we translated that to percy as a thing all knights can do) because he so deeply knightly that he will even protect things that unsettle him and are by definition not actually real (its made of snow. its a duplicate of a person and as it says in the text of the spell NOT REAL) because he is doesnt actually understand what a simulacrum is and also because he is of the belief that if someone asks for protection you protect them and even if you do not like someone it does not exempt them from this. and hes just so KNIGHTLY and GOOD and i LOVE HIM.
#his rants about proper consent to the wizard hit so hard considering he is in a forced engagement#and a forced engagment to a MAGE no less#she is literally a noble who has connections in the tower of high sorcery where mages go to LEARN magic#and she used her noble blood and connections to force him to get engaged to her#without a choice on his part#and yet he is so in his idea of chivalry that he doesnt think he can speak ill of his fiancee#because that would be disrespecting of his spouse and he is firmly against that#nevermind the fact that he DIDNT WANT TO BE HER SPOUSE IN THE FIRST PLACE#and if he saw someone else in his position he would speak and argue and cajole on their behalf until his throat was raw and red from overus#and yet#he refuses to complain because he is of the impression there is some sort of duty he has to her#point being percivil is in a DEEPLY unhealthy relationship where his consent is never asked before ANYTHING#and even better is that out party wizard actually DOES respect it#once he made it known that magic being used on him without forewarning and oppertunity to give consent was a big no#the party wizard made a point to ASK him and make him aware before hand#point being percy is going on this adventure and when he comes back he should hopefully be able to escape his horrible relationship#because he will realize that his situation is still just as wrong when it happens to him as it is when it happens to others#and wth that realization will be able to seek help or find a way to escape it by himself now that he has realized that he does#infact#need to leave this situation#dnd#my dnd characters
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