#once again please forgive my lack of creative design. i am trying my best
queervocasongtourn · 4 months
Here I will place all information regarding past brackets and rounds!
Round 1
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Ladies First vs Summer Idol
Alluring Secret Black Vow vs Alice in N.Y.
Lie vs I (愛)
secret vs Q&I
Reincarnated Girl and Reincarnated Boy vs The Thought to Tell
I am a broken umbrella vs girlfriend in blue
Heart Democracy vs Unsightly Creatures
Games vs Let's Be Honest
You Whom I Loved vs Milk Tea
Shoujo Rei vs Villain
Shama vs Zero Talking
Yowai Hito vs Bird of Pride
God Mistook My Gender vs Piercing the Viscera
Passenger Seat Road Movie vs Kissing Fish
Pixel Pixies vs B-Babylon
Genetic Menace vs Yaki, Soba ni...
Round 1
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Wooden Girl ~Thousand Year Wiegenlied~ vs Daughter of White
Bunmei Kaika Girl vs Amore
Jekyll & Hyde vs Step For A Crescent
Girl Eraser vs World's End Dancehall
Girlfriend vs To Ganymede and Back
Aijou Rettousei vs Pajamy
Collared vs Caffè Latte
Would You Try vs Love in Secret
Himeyuri Enbukyo vs Star Light
Reunion vs Fireflies Never Came
Reverse Rainbow vs Promise
KOISURU⭐︎BEAM vs Liz no Naishin Kakumei
Suimenka vs Miseen
Gender vs I don't wanna be a girl
Lower One's Eyes vs IDSMILE
thinking city vs The Witch of the Geo-Science Room
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ablogcalledrevenge · 5 years
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Potential (A General Hux x Reader Insert Multi-Chapter Fic, Rated M)
Chapter One
You’re not allowed to meet him; when he comes to the estate to visit your father and brother. Maybe it’s because your family thinks he’s only here to discuss a new position in the First Order for your brother, or maybe it’s because, and you know this is a petty thought, your mother is trying to marry off your sister and you’re prettier than her by a long shot. Granted it isn’t that your sister isn’t pretty, she is, or that she isn’t friendly and sociable and everything an officer’s wife should be. But if your parents think General Hux of the First Order is going to marry your older sister and be content with that, they’re more foolish than you thought.
Honestly, the fact that they think General Hux is just here to discuss a job opening is more than eye opening to their naivety. The First Order is reeling after the destruction of Starkiller; he’s here to beg for funds and nothing more. Perhaps he will have to give your brother a job and marry your sister to get the money and that thought is full of wicked glee. 
You have no reason to dislike the General, technically as a person under the rule of the First Order you should deify him, but you can’t help yourself. There’s something hard about him, so cold and distasteful. He’s so obviously power hungry and so clearly an idiot in the ways he goes about getting it. You won’t deny he’s intelligent and cunning, but he lacks finesse. He doesn’t have quite the right amount of charm to get what he wants. He’s too eager and too military but… 
But there was potential there. He could be great, he could rule them all. He just needed the right person to help him and you knew exactly who that should be.
You could crash their meeting, come striding in and sit yourself down in one of your prettier outfits and steal the attention but subtlety will be the better option here. So you wait, you wait until their meeting is over and General Hux makes his way towards the guest room he’s staying in. There’s a piece of artwork by his room and you stand there looking at it and waiting for him. If you happen to be in a very beautiful gown, then that’s just a coincidence. The pale blue dress is one of your favorites and it’s off the shoulder design accentuates your neck and collarbones and chest while dozens of sewn on flowers add pops of pastel color. Certainly better than the ugly drab thing your sister preferred, trying to instill a feeling of modesty that you knew she didn’t have. Overall the look was just right; nothing too extravagant or risque but enough to hopefully cause a second look.
The sad truth is that you were never important, never truly needed. The spare of a spare and not even a boy to bring in glory. Your parents cared very little for you but still regarded you closely and warily. You could be useful to them someday and therefore you were always watched. They could tell you had ideas but they would be shocked if they knew the extent. You were smart and you had ambitions and it was obvious the way the galaxy was forming. You wanted power and you wanted to be heard and looking at it from an objective standpoint, Hux was the best way to do that. It would be unpleasant to get him to like you, let alone trust you, but you could pull a long con. You could mold him, help him realize his true brilliance, help him get all the factions under control. Starkiller was a setback, you won’t deny it but he was clever and with you behind him, everything you ever wanted would soon be served to you on a platter. With your plans and creativity, you could probably be in charge. Kick out Snoke and Hux and even Kylo Ren and just rule it all. But that was risky, cocky, and far too ambitious for someone like you, coming from nothing. You needed a foothold and that was where Hux came in. He would be very useful if you could just get him underneath you. You also despised wasting things with good skills and connections. Besides, better him the target than you.
You hear him coming before he actually appears, the quick step of his shoes against the stone floors followed by the clank of Stormtrooper armour. He brought bodyguards with him, though he won’t need them here. The only danger to him is your mother’s clear and desperate attempts at matchmaking. He sounds closer and you quickly school your features into ones of pensive thought and admiration like you’re so caught up in the painting you don’t even hear the stomps coming down the hallway.
He turns the corner and you hear the moment he sees you. After what you assume is a moment of composure, he stops and clears his throat. You pretend to startle and turn towards him, hand clutching at your chest. Your eyes widen a little in surprise. 
“Oh forgive me General. I was just lost in my own little world right there. I didn’t mean to stand in the middle of the hallway like that,” You apologize. He nods his head in understanding though his face remains impassive. You’ve got to at least give credit where credit is due. He is extremely handsome. There’s a sharpness to his features that you like, that you’ve always liked if you’re being honest, and his eyes are unfairly green. Finally face to face you can see that he’s taller and broader than you and while he isn’t muscular, there’s a leanness to him that suggests some form of exercise. 
“It’s quite alright. It’s a beautiful piece, I can understand why you would get distracted by it.” He finally says, his voice soft, softer than you thought it could go. Is the General a secret art lover?
“It’s one of my favorites. I always love coming here to look at it.” You say, completely truthful. He could be lying, wanting to seem polite and get you out of the way but a small part of you hopes he isn’t. It will only help your plan if you have things in common.
“You’re (Y/N), yes? Your mother mentioned she had another daughter. Why didn’t you join us during lunch?” He asked, his gaze becoming one of shrewd assessment. You feel your face heat, completely unplanned.
“I am. I wasn’t invited. You’re not supposed to know but I think Mother wants to set you up with my older sister. She’s afraid that having me there would be a distraction.”
He walks past you then and opens the door to his room, standing there with a raised eyebrow. Glancing at the Stormtroopers you realize he wants to continue the conversation but is aware that it might turn into something that requires more privacy. You quickly walk into his room, hiding your smirk as you do so. He’s so sweetly going along with your plan, you’d thank him if it wouldn’t give you away.
He follows you in and closes the door before striding to the small liquor cabinet your father keeps stocked for guests. He pours himself a whiskey, offering you a glass which you decline. You have to play this carefully and you don’t want alcohol to impair you. You also prefer wine over harder spirits. Taking a sip with a pleased hum, he sits down and relaxes. Well maybe not relaxes, he’s too tightly wound to do that but he does recline in the chair and you suppose that’s enough for him.
“I found your sister, and your entire family, to be pleasant and welcoming. Why would you be a distraction?” He finally asks, his tone full of disdainful curiosity. He’s goading you, he wants you to snap and reveal something he can use and… 
A flash of heat runs through you and settles somewhere around your pelvis. General Hux is planning on using you just as much as you’re planning on using him.
“Because I’m better than her.” You say, your eyes flinty and words proud. He smiles at you then, slow and sharklike and you’re positive your answering smile matches his perfectly. 
“I think she was right to be afraid.”
You have to tread carefully here, you’re both playing a game and you want to win. You can’t admit your plan outright but you do need to gauge his interest. He takes another sip of whiskey, his eyes never leaving yours. The setting sun comes through the window and everything gets a touch darker. Neither of you calls out to raise the lights and the hazy quality of the room feels appropriate.
“You’re a very smart man General,” You start, sitting down in a chair opposite him. Your posture is relaxed but the vibroblade you have strapped to your thigh is cool against your skin. You don’t want to use it, but you’re not afraid to. 
“I’ve been told that, yes.” He responds slowly, trying to piece out what you’re getting at. His gaze is calculating and you enjoy it, you’re surprised to realize, you enjoy playing in this match with him.
“And yet, here you are. Begging for handouts and scraps after your failure.” You say harshly. His grip on the crystal glass of whiskey tightens and his mouth thins. You notice his other hand curls into a fist and if he hadn’t been wearing gloves, his nails would probably be digging into the skin.
“If this is your way to get into my good graces, you’re sadly mistaken.” His voice is ice.
“It isn’t. Though I doubt you have good graces to even get.” At that, the ice melts away a little and he smirks again. Raises his glass to you in a mockery of a toast.
“I’ve been told that as well.”
You watch him in silence for a while, both of you thinking and plotting. Does he understand what you want from him? What does he want from you? The anticipation is filling up the room, soon your hands might start to sweat. 
“I don’t think you need to give my brother a job or marry my sister to get money. You’ll get it from the older families easily enough. Just play to their vanity and the glory of the old Empire. You’ll soon have enough funds to build another weapon, hopefully less wasteful and idiotic than Starkiller.”
He looks incensed again and sets his glass down roughly on the table next to his chair. “Starkiller was not idiotic! It was my greatest military achievement to date!”
“Yes, and it only fired once before being destroyed by an old smuggler and an ex-Stormtrooper!” You shoot back, finger pointing in his direction. He snarls but doesn’t respond back.
“I would think knowing the history of the two Death Stars that failed so horrifically, you’d figure that creating a death ray in giant orb would be a bad idea.” You say, on a roll now. You’re saying more than you should but his pinched, red face is making you angry. Your mother would be shocked at your condescending tone but he needed to hear this. He needed to be brought down a peg and you enjoyed the mental visual of him on his knees before you. Then you could raise him up.
“Not to mention the complete waste of life. Five planets General? Surely one would’ve been enough. But now you’ve lost all that extra labour and possible soldiers and trade routes! You can’t rule over people that don’t exist.” He sits up suddenly then, as if hit by a blaster bolt. So much for not revealing your plan right away. This was only part one but you could have been a bit subtler. At least you weren’t yelling, suddenly aware of the Stormtroopers outside the door.
“What a very interesting thing to say. Why should I care about ruling over anyone? Supreme Leader Snoke controls the First Order. My focus is on my troops with their missions and conquests.” He drawls, leaning back once again in his chair and giving you a suspicious smile. He has a spark of hunger in his eyes and it thrills you to see it. It’s not a lustful or possessive hunger but one of pure greed. The look of a starving animal who just found it’s dinner limping in the forest. Your anger leaves you and in it’s place: the heady rush of excitement. 
“I think”, you say slowly, rising up from your chair to stalk over to his. General Hux tilts his head to the side, looking at the way your dress sweeps along your legs. “I think we could be very good friends General.”
Feeling very bold and perhaps stupid, you get into his lap and straddle him. His only reaction is a quick intake of breath through his nose. 
Then he looks up at you, the smile gone from his face but his eyes still so bright and sharp. His hand comes up to clutch at your waist and his grip is bordering on painful. You hold your breath, your heart beating so fast you’re sure he can hear it.
“I think we can do much better than that.”
Chapter Two Coming Soon...
Tagging: @livy1391, @babbushka, @girl-next-door-writes, @renaissance-mama Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
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rathwald · 6 years
Creative Diplomacy
Short writing: Loyician and his allies are diplomatically threatened/offered to join the efforts of the military, and he does not appreciate the approach.
A meeting of diplomacy, and yet there were no diplomats- only six people surrounding a table in a small room of some overly-decorated, neutral tavern that was the best they could find. The food was notoriously phenomenal at this particular location and it would have made the greatest Pandaren chef melt, however no appropriate amount of cheesy bread sticks would have lightened up the mood between the two parties, even if they were complementary. Specifically having requested that they remain undisturbed in their side-room, this meeting was all about business, first.
“I may lack the honeyed words of the real diplomat, but I am not going to apologize for that. There is a reason I am here in his stead. I suggest you reconsider your position, reconsider mine, and choose your words carefully.” Mildly humble words of negotiation laced with a sharp threat were spoken by such a stern looking man. Bright silver armor polished with such care and decorated with cloth that was Stormwind Blue showed that he was of great importance, or he at least wanted to dress the part.  “It’s a lot more generous than most would give you... in my opinion. Forgiveness is valuable and rare, nowadays. But in joining our alliance, we are willing to given that commodity to even you, Rathwald.” His stone-faced expression showed that he was abysmally dissatisfied with having to play ambassador on the behalf of a cowardly diplomat, but he was not meeting the most harmless of individuals. For more extra security, the captain even had two of his men behind him with their arms on the hilts of their swords. It was a display of both strength and a warning for the other party to behave themselves when addressing this man. 
Across the table, Loyician’s fingers impatient tapped the surface while he waited for this display of bravado to end, but it was painfully lasting. He sighed. “Captain, don’t insult us with your false display of compassion. This offer is anything but generous, and coming to us with your words backed by swords is hardly diplomatic... and very unoriginal.” His face may have been mostly concealed underneath a hood, but his his mouth, with its signature light burn scars was exposed and visibly tightened as he attempted to hold back words he would have regretted. “You’re going to threaten us... aren’t you?”
“Again-- consider your position. People who have done less than you have been executed.” The captain began to diligently examine the intricate design of the plate armor on his hand. 
Tense silence again.
Standing behind Loyician, the Houndmaster, Hannelore, clenched her fist and looked down at her mage ally with no words coming out of her mouth despite opening it to speak. How ironic to try to chastise the regularly snide mage for staying silent and only then to find herself also speechless. Two large red hounds sat by her side, emanating deep growls when they were sensing their master’s discomfort. They waited patiently, anticipating the command to kill these vile soldiers from her red lips. The third man on their side, a silent vrykul-level of a human, Bayer, was not expected to be an exception to the quietness. He rarely spoke at all, anyways-- a trait that Loyician found very agreeable.
Their silence was his impending victory; the captain broke professional composure in favor of smugness and now leaned on the table. “So, do you accept the offer? You can read the terms yourself-- just to be sure.” He slid over a piece of paper, written upon it clearly were the exact circumstances of which the absent diplomat specified. “Regardless of our differences in the past with the Scarlets, there is no doubt that the Alliance could use your skills. We’ve worked together before, we shared common enemies. We share more again.” “Enemy of my enemy, and all that, is only because you’re desperate. If you weren’t, you would still be trying to kill us, or something-- which I’m assume you’re very willing to do.” The hooded mage spoke with scorn in his tone. His hand shakily reached out and dragged the paper across the table inwards and slowly lifted to read it with his own eyes. ��Even so, forgive us for being skeptical, but this offer is a pathetic deal that has even worse conditions to go along with it.” He slapped the paper onto the table with his finger running under several specific lines. “For us doing the favor of helping you-- joining you-- we must denounce all previous beliefs and alliances...” He began to speak with extra articulation, “AND take blame for all the bloodshed that was shared between us.”  The mage’s hand twitched. “This is not a request for our help. It’s a demand for our atonement.” “And you’ll be welcomed with your crimes forgiven once you redeem yourselves. Who is doing who a favor?” the captain added. He gave a long stare at the three ‘mercenaries’, the Scarlet remnants, across from him, then glanced at his two men. He closed his eyes. “To be honest, it’s a lot better than you deserve.” The mage visibly tensed up. “Alright. I see. If that is the case, allow me a moment for some creative diplomacy…” He grabbed a quill and began to scribble onto the paper for a few seconds. Across the room, hands moved away from their hilts, seeing the mage prepare his conciliatory acceptance. After the scratching sound of the quill finished, Loyician slid the paper back to the captain. “There is my answer to you.”
The captain lifted the paper, slightly turned it to the side, then forwards and backwards. “Is this...? This is just a scribble of a pig.”
“Yes,” the mage commented. “Yes it is.” he quickly stood up from his chair and lifted his hands in front of him, glowing with arcane energies.
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Returning to their headquarters, the two footmen hastily entered the front doors, a large swine in tow behind them.
The diplomat took a few steps back when he noticed the farm animal walking about.  “W-what is this? What’s going on?”  The pig seemed to squeal in an angry response and one of the men slammed a second note from Loyician into the hands of the diplomat.
‘Say ‘please’ next time.’
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whatsapp status
It’s So Lonely When You Don’t Even Know Yourself.
Good Friends Are Hard To Find, Difficult To Leave, Impossible To Forget.
A style is a way to say who u are without speaking.
Don’t Be Angry With People Who Don’t Have The Capacity To Change.
Anger Is My Power So Don’t Make Me Angry.
You’ve Got To Be Willing To Lose Everythings To Gain Yourself.
I Feel So Far Away From The One I Wish To Hold In My Arms.
A beautiful girl with gorgeous EYES, a hidden world of HURT & LIES.
Don’t Wish For It. Work For It.  whatsapp status
There Is No Elevator To Success. You Have To Take Stairs.
Living Alone Makes It Harder To Find Someone To Blame.
Sometimes It’S Better To Be Alone. Nobody Can Hurt You In Life!
If I Delete Your Number, You’Re Basically Deleted For My Life.
It Takes Two Special People, To Make A Loving Pair. There’S A Joy Just Being Around You, A Feeling I Love To Share.   whatsapp status
If You Feel Hollow, Let Me Be The One, Who Fills You Up With Love. Let Me Free The Butterflies Within. Just Open Your Heart, And Let Me In.
Pain Will Show Up. You Ca Either Run From It Or Grow From It.
Since You’ve Been Around I Smile A Lot More Than I Use To.
My Love Doesn’T Sleep, It Keeps On Looking For You With Its Eyes Open.
Anger Is Nothing Than An Outward Expression Of Hurt, Fear & Frustration.
Happiness Is Falling Asleep Next To You And Waking Up Thinking I’M Still In My Dreams.
If You Are Afraid Of Being Lonely. Don’t Try To Be Right.
A Friend Is Someone Who Can See The Truth And Pain In You Even When You Are Fooling Everyone Else
Hard Work Doesn’T Guarantee Success But Improves Its Chances.
All Angry Persons Are To Be Treated, By The Prudent, As Children.
Excellence Is Not Being Best: It Is Doing Your Best.
It’s So Lonely When You Don’t Even Know Yourself.
Tough Times Don’T Last: Tough People Do.
An Angry Man Opens His Mouth And Shuts His Eyes.
We Met For A Reason, Either You’Re A Blessing Or A Lesson.
Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do.   whatsapp status
People say I have a dirty mind, But I’m saying its just creative! !!
I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
Silence Is The Best Way To React While Angry.
Don’t Judge Someone Just Because They Sin Differently Than You.
Live Out Of Your Imagination, Not Your History.
Sometimes I Feel Like I Am Completely In The Dark.
When someone says: u are UGLY TELL them oh sorry I was trying to look like you!!
Sorry heart, but I am listening to my brain this time. I know better.
Falling Down Is How We Grow, Staying Down Is How We Die.
I Would Rather Walk With A Friend In The Dark, Than Alone In The Light.
When Everything Is Lonely I Can Be My Best Friend.
Everyone Says You Only Fall In Love Once, But That’S Not True. Every Time I Hear Your Voice I Fall In Love All Over Again.
Hating Me Won’T Make You Pretty.   whatsapp status
Love Is Of All Passions The Strongest, For It Attacks Simultaneously The Head, The Heart, And The Senses.
Love Is Knowing That Someone Is Always Be There For You.
Best Friend Is Someone Who Loves You When You Forget To Love Yourself.
Sometimes I Look At You And Wonder How You Can Be So Cute All The Time.
To Be A Best Friend Doesn’T Take Much, A Shoulder, An Ear, Some Understanding, And Not Even Have To Say A Word To Make You Laugh Or Smile
I’m not changed it’s just I grew up and u should try too.
Good Friends Will Share The Umbrella. Best Friends Will Steal It And Yell: Run Loser Run!
Enjoy These Moments Now, Because They Don’t Last Forever.
Your Voice For Me Is Better Than All My Favorite Songs.
You Do Most Adorable Things Without Realizing.
Nobody Makes You Angry. You Decide To Use Anger As A Response.
Never Let The Things You Want Make You Forget The Things You Have.
A Woman With A Voice Is By Definition, A Strong Woman.
I Have No Special Talents. I Am Only Passionately Curious.
When You Feel Like Quitting Think About Why You Started.
I love to cry in the rain because that’s the only time no one can hear the pain.
Every Accomplishment Starts With The Decision To Try.
I Like To Be Alone. But I Would Rather Be Alone With You.
I’M The Person Everyone Replaces After A While.
A Hundred Hearts Would Be Too Few To Carry All My Love For You.
Sometimes I Get To The Point Of Frustration, That I Just Become Silent.
Sometimes It’S Ok To Be Selfish.
You’re The Best Thing I Never Knew Needed.
Life Is Change. Growth Is Optional. Choose Wisely.
Leave Our Boundaries Alone. Let Us Solve Our Own Problems.
U Can’t Switch Off Ur Feelings Just Because Other Person Did
And Then I Think That May Be I Was Designed To Be Alone.
The Soul That Sees Beauty May Sometimes Walk Alone.
Don’t Walk Behind Me; I May Not Lead. Don’t Walk In Front Of Me; I May Not Follow. Just Walk Beside Me And Be My Friend.
If You’Re Your Authentic Self, You Have No No Competition.
It’s Better To Be Unhappy Alone Than Unhappy With Someone.
If You Wake Me Up & I Don’T Get Angry, You Must Be Pretty Special.
Only A True Best Friend Can Protect You From Your Immortal Enemies.
If Someone Is Angry With You And You Laugh At Them, You Win.
Control Your ” Anger “. It Is Just One Letter Away From “D” Anger.
Chemistry Is You Touching My Mind And It Setting My Body On Fire.
The Quite You Become, The More You Can Hear.
I Love Listening To Lies When I Know The Truth.
Falling In Love With You Is The Second Best Thing In The World. Finding You Is The First.
It isn’t the bad memories that make you sad, but the best ones that you can’t bring it back.
Life Could Be Wonderful If People Would Leave You Alone.
The Way To Love Anything Is To Realize That It May Be Lost.
It Costs $0.00 To Be Decent Human Being.
Anger Is Never Without A Reason, Butt Seldom With A Good One.
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness.
Love Is When You Look Into Someone’s Eye And See Everything You Ever Need.
I’M That Fool Who Lied To Me That You’ll Never Leave Me.
It’s Easier To Say You’re Mad Than To Admit You’Re Hurt.
The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.
I’d Rather Be Happy And Alone Than With You And Miserable.
I don’t regret my past. I just regret the time I have wasted with the wrong people.
Don’t Compare Your Beginning To Someone Else’S Middle.
I Forgive But Don’t Forget, Because I Never Want To Be Hurt The Same Way Twice.
Falling In Love Is Only Half Of I Want, Staying In Love With You For Till Forever Is The Other.
I Am If I Changed, But You Changed Too.
I Am Like Being Single. I’M Always There When I Need Me.
When You Feel Like You’re Fighting Alone In Life That’S When You Should Be Fighting The Hardest!
It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All.
Tell Me & I Forget, Teach Me & May Remember. Involve Me & U Learn.
Fall In Love With The Process And The Results Will Come.
Be Happy. Be Bright. Be Happy.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. !!
Everyone Says U Fall In Love Only Ones, But I Fall Daily With The Same Person.
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Love Never Crossed My Mind Until The Day I Met You.
Anger Is A Condition In Which The Tongue Works Faster Than The Mind.
I Wanna Be The One Your “Ex” Will Hate, Your Mom Dad Will Love, And The One You’Ll Never Forget.
Don’T Afraid Of Being Outnumbered. Eagles Fly Alone. Pigeons Flock Together.
I don’t understand why life keeps trying to teach me lessons I don’t want to learn.
Always Stand For What Is Right, Even If You Are Standing Alone.
Stop Trying To Fit In, When You Were Born To Stand Out.
It’s Far Better To Be Alone Than To Be In Bad Company.
The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get.
Friendship Doubles Your Joy And Divides Your Sorrow.
They Judge Me Before That Even Know Me. That’S Why I’M Better Off Alone.
Losers Quit When They Fail. Winners Fail Until They Succeed.
What Is A Best Friend? A Single Soul In Two Bodies.
I Am Trying To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely.
A Lie is a Lie, no matter how big or how small.
Focus! Otherwise, You Will Find Life Becomes A Blue.
Hurt Me With Truth But Please Never Comfort With Lies.
If You Speak Alone All The Times You Will Always Be Right.
I’M In My Bed, You’Re In Your Bed. One Of Us Is In The Wrong Place.
A Good Friend Is Hard To Find, Hard To Lose, And Impossible To Forget
You Blocked Me On Facebook & Noe You’Re Going To Die.
When I’M Shouting, Your Fine. It’S When I Go Silent You Need To Worried.
Best Friends Are There For You Even If You Refuse To Talk To Them. Because They Know, Deep Down, The Silence Is Killing You.
I Promise To Never Let You Feel Alone In This World.
It’s Better To Be Alone Than To Be In Bad Company.
Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fears.
Love Is Like A Rubber Band Held At Both Ends By Two People When One Leaves It Hurts The Other.
Anger Is One Letter Short Of Danger.
When It Rains Look For Rainbows. When It’S Dark Look For Stars.
When U Are Angry, Ur-Text Speed Increases By A Ridiculous Amount.
The Best Way To Get A Woman’S Heart Is To Give Her Yours.
I Never Feel Alone Because Loneliness Is Always With Me.
Before you judge me make sure that you’re perfect.. ??
Sell The Problems You Solve, Not The Product.
If The Plan Doesn’T Work, Change The Plan But Never The Goal.
Let Me Love You If Not For The Rest Of Your Life Then For The Rest Of Mine.
Wanna Hug Yuh Soo Tight…That Even Air Couldn’T Fill The Space Between Us.
People Won’T Have Time For You If You Are Always Angry Or Complaining.
Nice Friendship Is Like The Breathing Air, You Will Never See It But You Will Always Feel Its Presence.
Losers Quite When They’Re Tired. Winners Quit When They’Ve Won.
Friends Are Like Stars, They Come And Go, But The Ones That Stay Are The Ones That Glow
You’re better off being alone than being with someone who makes you feel like you’re alone.
Virginity is not dignity, It is just lack of opportunity.
I don’t have an attitude!! I have a personality U can’t handle!!!
It Takes A Lot Of Guts, Doesn’T Let People Get To You. Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else. !!
I Never Dreamed About Success. I Work For It.
I’M So Lonely That I Don’t Want To Be With Myself Anymore.
Just Because You’Re Angry, Doesn’T Mean You Have The Right To Be Cruel.
My Attitude Will Always Be Based On How You Treat Me.
It Takes Millions of People To Make The World, But Mine Is Completed With 1 And Its You.
Motivational Is What Gets You Started. Habit Is What Keeps You Going.
When I See You, I Just Smile & Say ” My Day Is Perfect “.
God Gives His Hardest Battles To His Toughest Soldiers.
Some people R just so FAKE that if u look properly at the back of their neck, you’ll find a tag saying “MADE IN CHINA”
Making Mistakes Is Better Than Faking Perfections.
All Relationships Have One Law. Never Make The One You love Feel Alone, Especially When You’re There.
Anger Tears Me Up Inside…My Own…Or Anyone Else’S.
The Best Mirror Is An Old Friend.
I’M Honestly Probably Going To Be Alone For The Rest Of My Life.
It’s Just A Chapter In Your Life, Turn The Page And Move On.
Sometimes I’M Not Angry. I’M Hurt And There’S A Big Diff.
Love is when you look into someone’s eyes and see everything you ever need.
Don’t Be Scared To Walk Alone. Don’t Be Scared To Like It.
You Can Push Them Away, But People Who Really Love You Will Always Choose To Stay.
Sometimes, you have to smile to hide your fears and laugh to hide your tears.
A Quick Temper Will Make A Fool Of You Soon Enough.
A True Friend Is That One Which Takes Your Hand But Touches Your Heart.
Sometimes The Biggest Smile Contains The Most Pain.
You Didn’T Come This Far To Only Come This Far.
Push Yourself, Because No One Else Is Going To Do It For You.
Yes I Am Smiling But You Are Not The Reason Anymore.
Pretending to be happy when you’re in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a person.
Life Goes On: Who Can Not Be On Time – Remains Alone.
Even The Nicest People Have Their Limits.
Some People Need To Open Their Small Minds Instead Of Their Big Mouths.
Don’T Ruin A Good Today By Thinking About A Bad Yester. Let It Go.
You Call It Being Alone. I Call It Enjoying My Own Company.
I Smile Like An Idiot When I’M Talking To You. Doesn’t Matter If It’S A Person Or Through Text Or Anything Else. I Just Smile Because It’S You.
Never Go To Bed Angry, Stay Awake And Plot Your Revenge.
When People Get Angry With Him, I Remind Them That He’S Kid.
A Fresh Start Requites Nothing But A Spirit To Fight From Failures.
The Greatest Pain That Comes From Love, Is Loving Someone Who Is Not Here.
If You Want To Be Strong Learn How To Fight Alone.
Self-Care Is Not Selfish. You Cannot Server From An Entry Vessel.
Whatever Is Begun In Anger Ends In Shame.
Don’t Make So Many Promises When You Can’t Even Keep One.
I Hate The Moments When Suddenly My Anger Turns Into Tears.
Sometimes It’s Better To Be Alone, Nobody Can Hurt You.
Sometimes, I Think Too Much And Then Make Myself Sad.
The Best Way To Stay Close To Someone Is By Being Just Friend. Nothing More And Nothing Less.
I’m not a virgin, my life fucks me every day.
A Single Rose Can Be My Garden… A Single Friend, My World.
I Wish I Could Ignore You, The Way You Ignore Me.
Wake Up With Determination. Go To Bed With Satisfaction.
Never Depends On Others Too Much Because Someday You Will Have To Walk Alone.
Don’t Make Me Angry And Change Your Status.
I Hope Karma Slaps You In The Face Before I Do.
Hello Darkness! My Old Friend. I Have To Talk With You Again.
You Should Make A Woman Angry If You Wish Her To Love.
Sometimes, The Biggest Smile Contains The Most Pain.
A Friend Is Someone Who Knows All About You And Still Loves You.
Don’t Let Me Go Because of I’M Tired Of Feeling Alone.
Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In & Day Out.
If You Want To Be Strong Learn How To Fight Alone.
Good People Bring Out The Good In Other People.
I Am Not In A Bad Mood, Everyone Is Just Annoying.
Tell The Truth, Or Eventually, Someone Will Tell It For You.
People Change. Things Go Wrong. Shit Happens. But Life Goes On.
Always Do Small Things With Great Love.
Save water drink beer.
Always Believe That Somethings Wonderful Is About To Happen.
If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun.!!!
I Don’t Want To Lose This Feeling. If I Could Choose A Place To Die, It Would Be In Your Arms.
Meeting You Was Fate, Becoming Your Friend Was A Choice, But Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control.
Friendship… Is Not Something You Learn In School. But If You Haven’T Learned The Meaning Of Friendship, You Really Haven’T Learned Anything.
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